new meeting location
new meeting location
December, 2005 • Volume 1 Issue 10 KMC News Sponsored by Hal’s Harley-Davidson (262) 860-2060 Chapter #5603 OFFICERS DIRECTOR SHARON OTTOW (262) 594-5522 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR JACK BARTLEY (414) 543-5678 SECRETARY ROBIN BUTZKE (414) 329-1783 TREASURER DAVE GILLILAND WORK: (262) 363-4873 BOARD MEMBERS KATHY BUTENHOFF (414) 425-7184 DENISE FEEST (262) 796-0428 CLARK SKELTON (262) 408-2502 JIM BUNCE (262) 392-9887 TIM SCHUMACHER (262) 544-0896 HEAD ROAD CAPTAIN HOWARD WURGLER (414) 351-2566 Meeting – 1st Wednesday of the Month 7:00 p.m. Panos Char House 20290 W. Bluemound Road • Brookfield Join us for social hour before the meeting starting from 6:00-7:00, and afterwards about 8:00-? MEMBERSHIP COORD. MARY SCHINGECK (414) 427-0220 MARY.SCHINGECK@ERWAGNER.COM ASSISTANT: JIM FIALA (414) 933-5281 LAURIE CARNAL (WELCOME WAGON) BRUNCH COORD. MARY HECKMAN (262) 244-1202 mheckman@WI.RR.COM ASST. - CARL GANAS (414) 425-5636 ASST. - KARLENE BOHRMAN (262) 782-3503 BIKER DOWN CARL & MARYLIN GANAS (414) 425-5636 PHOTOGRAPHY COORD. DON PAULAS (414) 427-0724 H (414) 870-9052 C WEB PAGE COORD. DAN MERKEL (262) 538-1895 MDA COORDINATOR ROY THIEDE (414) 333-1651 OR AT HAL’S DRY RIDERS CLARK SKELTON (262) 408-2502 ASST. HEAD ROAD CAPTAIN BOB STERR (262) 547-1296 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY MIKE & MARY CULL (262) 968-4945 LOH OFFICER GRETCHEN MAY (262) 255-5867 ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR JEFF KOENEN (262) 514-4761 howlinrose@TDS.NET ASST. LOH OFFICER JULIE HENRY (262) 785-9081 HAL’S KIRK TOPEL (262) 860-2060 HISTORIAN/ YEARBOOK EDITOR ROXANNE RICK (414) 342-8416 SAFETY OFFICERS DEWEY HEMBA (262) 367-4873 MIKE NOLAN (262) 523-9020 NEWSLETTER CONTACT LISA LE (262) 860-2060 CHAPTER H0TLINE (414) 299-0699 DENISE FEEST (262) 796-0428 tafdafnaf@AOL.COM NEW MEETING LOCATION Calling all members! We have a NEW meeting location. Next month’s meeting will be held at PANOS CHAR HOUSE located at 20290 W BLUEMOUND ROAD in BROOKFIELD (right on the corner of Bluemound & Barker Rd). The meeting will take place in the lower level of their banquet facility. Social hour is still at 6pm, followed by the meeting at 7pm. If The Worst Happens Are you an Associate Member of HOG? Have you ever wondered what would happen to your membership if your spouse were to pass away or become disabled and you no longer owned a Harley? Would you have to leave the HOG Family? Heaven forbid that would ever happen, but if it did, your HOG membership is one less thing to worry about. When renewal time comes around, all you would have to do is to have a Regular Member of HOG sponsor you. Any Regular Member can sponsor you even if they already have an Associate Member (such as their spouse) connected with their membership. So, even if the worst happens, you’re still a member of the HOG Family. -Dewey KMC’s Warm Hearts Spread Holiday Cheer Last Month, Sharon & Howie Presented A Check For $1,000 On Behalf Of KMC To The New Berlin Food Pantry. We have definitely helped support the efforts to bring items for those in need this holiday season. Thank you for your support. LOH News Who Do You Know Likes World Famous Ribs? We hope everyone enjoyed making a beaded snowflake at the November LOH meeting. The gift-wrapping dates at Hal’s are full. Check out the KMC web page if you don’t remember the day & time you signed up for. If you need to cancel and can’t find your own replacement please call Gretchen @ 262-255-5867. The ladies at the store are too busy to handle finding replacements. We will be having our LOH gift exchange @ The Butler Inn 12400 W Hampton in Butler right off of Hwy 41 on the corner of 124th Street & Hampton Avenue. We will be taking names & $10 deposit for dinner. You will also need to bring a $10 gift for the exchange. Please put your name on your gift so the recipient will know whom it is from. There will be a sign up sheet at Hal’s. We will need to get everyone signed up by the December Chapter meeting so I can give the restaurant a head count. At this time we would like to announce the new LOH Officer for 2006/07 will be Victoria Kordus. The Assistant LOH Officer will be Sue Bieger. So ladies come out to the meetings and show your support. Remember you don’t have to ride your own bike to come to an LOH meeting. It has been an interesting ride, and hopefully there will be plenty more to follow!!! -Gretchen & Julie DECEMBER 18th BRUNCH SAZ’S STATE HOUSE 5539 W. STATE STREET MILWAUKEE, WI. COST: $ 16.86 TIME: 11:00 a.m. I am issuing you guys and gals a double dog challenge! Saz’s has the absolute best ribs ever and I challenge you to come on down and see who can eat the most! If you don’t like barbeque ribs (I have heard a rumor that some people don’t), there are plenty of other delicious foods. Each year after leaving Saz’s I don’t have to eat until the next day because I am so full. Come down and see for yourselves! They also have a truly great bar there. The bartender is fantastic and can make you any drink you can think up. Afterwards you can head on up to the mall and visit Santa, give him your list, and have your photo taken. So come on and eat with us! We will be waiting for you. Hugs and Kisses, -Brunchkin Old Man Winter’s Knocking At The Door! ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Are you ready for Old Man Winter? Well, ready or not, here he comes! Here’s a list of a few items/ideas to avoid car trouble or help if you have weather-related problems: Get your battery checked and replace it if it’s weak. Make sure your spare tire is fully inflated. Keep your gas tank at least half full. Make sure your antifreeze is fresh and get the hoses checked. Keep your windshield washer fluid full. Slow down and increase your following distance when the roads are snowy. Make sure the following items are in your car in case of emergency: ● Jumper cables ● Small snow shovel ● Flashlight with fresh batteries ● Cell phone ● Kitty litter for traction ● First aid kit (should be in the car year-round) ● Flares or reflector ● Blanket ● Warm hat ● Warm mittens ● Warm boots Good luck this winter & stay safe. -Dewey 2 Veteran’s Day Parade 11/5/05 membership for 2006 on or before our January 4th meeting, Hal’s will reimburse you your $20 in the form of a credit on your Hal’s Rewards Plus account. 2. Second, if you are a paid KMC member for the year 2005, and you open a Hal’s Rewards Plus member account before the January 4th meeting we will set up your account with the highest level of reward payout on everything you buy in 2006. Which includes discounted products, labor and bike purchases. All dollars spent that were previously excluded by the old discount program. For those of you who have already taken advantage of this you are benefiting from the 10% discount (on non-discounted items) as well as a 5%-10% Rewards rebate through the end of the year. 3. Third, if you were a KMC chapter member before August 1st and bought a new or used bike from Hal’s or Wisconsin H-D since August 1st we will credit you 5% of the purchase price on your Hal’s Rewards Plus account. This is a great program for all our customers but in particular the KMC members. In every case where we have analyzed previous member purchase activity, this program pays out more and it credits you if you do business at Wisconsin H-D, or Hal’s Speed Shop too. Please give it a look and certainly grab me with any questions you may have as we go along. Hope this helps. Happy Holidays! -Kirk Rewards Plus Confusion? Hi everyone. Perhaps the best time to introduce a new loyalty program was not while I was on my honeymoon so I totally understand if there is a bit of confusion out there. Here is hoping I don’t make it worse. Every active KMC chapter member currently has a 10% discount benefit as a part of their chapter membership with Hal’s. That discount is on merchandise NOT already discounted and does not apply to labor or bike purchases. That benefit, remains intact through the end of the calendar year and will NOT be renewed with the start of chapter membership in January 2006. The discount benefit has been replaced by a loyalty program that I feel once you understand how it works is much more beneficial. In terms of buying for less, this program is better than anything we have ever offered. Because it involves change, and I know how difficult that can be, the dealership has extended some risk free incentives for you to give it a chance and try it out. 1. First, if you are a member who only belongs to the chapter for the discount, you are really missing out on a wealth of benefits. A small sampling of these benefits include this newsletter, events, rides, great personal experiences and life long relationships to name just a few. I want you to stay connected with KMC and feel the benefit of membership when you are involved with the chapter experience. If you renew your 2nd Shifters 3 Meetings are the Thursdays after the regular Chapter meetings. 10:30am at Hal’s. Call Jim Pawlak (262) 782-9031 for more information. Kudos KMC! A Special Note The Season’s Changed Hey Denise and everyone, Just a quick note to say how PROUD I am of our chapter. Today is HALLOWEEN and we were able to totally BLESS all the children in this hospital with the remainder of the loot donated by the chapter back on 10/15!!! We had sooooo much stuff donated that we were able to pack it up and save it for today! We set up “trick or treating” down in the front lobby, dressed up in costume all the kids who were able and brought them downstairs for treats and toys! We also received a really cute 3-foot long “thank you Harley Riders” banner from the patients on one of the units... I will be bringing it to the chapter meeting this Wednesday! It is so nice to be a part of a Chapter that makes such a wonderful difference in the lives of my patients here at Children’s. Thanks a million! Love, -Linda Piekarski RN, Children’s Hospital KMC member since 1996 ❤ ❤ Sharon O. All The Little Things Made A Big Difference. We Love You! –KMC The winter months are upon us. Some have put their bikes away until spring, others are eternally hopeful to get a little more riding in. Along with the season change, so does the KMC. This will be the last “official” article I will be writing in the capacity of Activity Director. There have been many changes evolving in my non-motorcycle life, and I do not feel I can give the AD position the attention it requires. I have had a blast these last two years working with the KMC board members and you, the KMC family. I appreciate the help everyone has given to make our events successful. Without the help of the membership stepping up to give a hand, some of the events would have been unmanageable. I also really want to give a huge THANK YOU to my assistant, Dawn Koss. Without Dawn’s help this year I know I would not have survived. I also wish to thank our illustrious leader, Sharon, whose guidance over the past two years was very much appreciated. Again though, it is you-the KMC FAMILY who I really wish to thank for making these past couple of years fun as the Activity Director. -Jeff Koenen Chapter Hotline • 414-299-0699 FREE Service Seminars Just because the riding season is over, doesn’t mean you can’t keep enjoying your passion for motorcycling. FREE Service Seminars are back for the winter season at Hal’s. Get valuable information on a variety of topics taught by Hal’s professionally certified technicians. Mark your calendars now, call (262) 860-2060 and RSVP with Hal’s Service Department for your seminar spot(s) today-space is limited. We invite you to attend any or all of the Service Seminars listed below: Wednesday, Jan. 4th: Chrome Front End & Hand Controls 7-10pm - Learn how to properly install a chrome front end kit and handle bar controls. Saturday, Jan. 7th & 14th: “Women Only” Maintenance Seminars 9am-Noon & 1-4pm For ladies only, these seminars will cover maintenance and light troubleshooting. Wednesday, Jan. 18th: Reduced Effort Clutch Kit 7-10pm - This seminar will be on the new reduced effort clutch kit installation. It comes stock on all twin cam 2006 models, but can be installed on ’05 and earlier twin cam models. Saturday, Jan. 21st & 28th: Back by popular demand! Hal’s Winter Maintenance Seminar 9am-Noon & 1-4pm Saturday, Feb. 4th & 11th: Basic Fuel Injection Engine Tuning For EFI Bikes 9am-Noon & 1-4pm Learn about what you can do to change and enhance your motorcycle’s performance and why. Saturday, Feb. 18th: Hal’s Speed Shop Performance Seminar - please call our Speed Shop directly at 262-814-7282 for more details and to reserve a spot. Wednesday, Feb. 22nd: Rear Docking Hardware Installation 7-10pm - Learn about what the rear docking hardware kits can do for you. For demonstration purposes, the FX and FLHR series will be used. 4 Children’s Hospital Ride October 15, 2005 5 KMC Halloween Party 6 $9.1 million (55 homes) SOLD in 2004! Barb Kutz Member KMC-LOH-HOG Accredited Buyer Representative “Call me for the service YOU deserve!” Shorewest, REALTORS® 262/797-3515, ext. 116 EHO (262) 367-6080 FAX: (262) 367-8321 E-MAIL: LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS, INC. KEAN KEMNITZ President Proudly Supporting Kettle Moraine H.O.G. Chapter 3733 Nagawicka Road Hartland, WI 53029 We Find Answers. Construction Managers for Hal’s & Wisconsin Harley Davidson 700 North Water Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 400-D Genesee Street Delafield, WI 53018 M ILWAUKEE 414.276.5800 IN KMC CHARTER MEMBER Michael M. Berzowski Exceptional Food • Superior Service Your Ad Here Nicole Berard Proprietor The Historic Cobblestone Inn 122 E. Capitol Drive Hartland WI. 53209 262.367.8270 fax 262.367.8392 Party Room Available 7 DELAFIELD 262.646.5812 IN Kettle Moraine FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE CHAPTER - WISCONSIN PAID 1925 S. Moorland Road • New Berlin, WI 53151 WAUKESHA, WI PERMIT NO. 218 KMC Calendar Of Events December January 13: Men’s Night @ Hal’s 18: Un-Brunch, Saz’s 25: Merry Christmas 2: 4: 15: 18: The Dry Riders meet the first Monday of the month at 6:45pm at Hal’s. Get there before Hal’s locks the door at 7pm. This is not an “AA” meeting. This is a support group and friendly conversation. It’s a good thing. For more information, call Kirk at Hal’s or Clark at (262) 650-0861, Check out our website at Dry Rider’s Meeting, Hal’s, 6:45pm KMC Meeting, Panos, 7pm Un-Brunch TBA LOH Meeting TBA
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