Innovations-Compendium - Construction Skill Development Council


Innovations-Compendium - Construction Skill Development Council
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Innovations For
Skills Compendium
1.0 Message from Chairman – Mr. S. Ramadorai
............................................................ 2
2.0. Message from MD/CEO, NSDC – Mr. Dilip M. Chenoy
............................................................ 3
3.0. Executive Summary
............................................................ 4
Overview – Innovation for Skills Compendium
............................................................ 4
Innovation Categories
................................................................ 4
4.0. Introducing and Evaluating Innovators
4.1. Innovations – Sourcing & Financing
............................................................ 6
................................................................ 6
Springboard Financial Services
................................................................ 7
Mobile Harvest
................................................................ 8
Gram Vaani
................................................................ 9
4.2. Innovations – Training-to-Certification
............................................................ 10
................................................................ 10
Tata Consultancy Services – Ignite
................................................................ 11
Taco e-Learning (Tata Autocomp)
................................................................ 12
................................................................ 13
................................................................ 14
................................................................ 15
Institute of Productivity, UK
................................................................ 16
Air Jaldi
................................................................ 17
IFC Business Edge
................................................................ 18
4.3. Innovations –Placement & Linkages
............................................................ 19
Baba Jobs
................................................................ 19
................................................................ 20
Human Data Solutions
................................................................ 21
Saral Rozgar - Tech Mahindra
................................................................ 22
Flexing it
................................................................ 23
Oyster Connect
................................................................ 24
4.4. Innovations – Post Placement and Engagement
5.0. Annexures
............................................................ 5
............................................................ 25
Awaaz De
................................................................ 25
................................................................ 26
............................................................ 27
The Age of Asian Innovation has begun and India is well poised to lead the way in
leading these efforts. Our 'less is more' approach is being recognized by many,
leading to reverse innovation solutions being adopted by the developed world. With
a heterogeneous mix of people, languages and culture, innovators in India also have
an opportunity to develop products, services and solutions to a diverse pool of
At the National Skill Development Corporation, we create, fund and enable an
ecosystem that promotes vocational skills as a means to higher productivity for the industry, upward mobility
and lifelong learning for the emerging workforce. NSDC's work pans 21 sectors, including formal and informal
sectors. The diversity of this portfolio offers any innovator an opportunity for scale and sustainable growth in
the years to come.
In line with our efforts to promote innovations that add value to the evolving skilling ecosystem, NSDC has
earmarked a special fund to promote such innovations in these sectors. For those innovators who would like to
partner with NSDC's training partners, our team has come with the first edition of the Innovation for Skills
compendium highlighting over 20 innovations from across the country. This will be an on-going effort.
I hope you find this easy-to-use reference guide useful and adopt some of them in your organization. I also
welcome you to submit innovative practices within your organization to our team so we can together develop
an innovation culture in the years to come.
S Ramadorai
Adviser to the PM in the Prime Minister's National Skill Development Council
Chairman – National Skill Development Corporation
Introduction to the Skills Compendium
NSDC's Innovation for Skills Compendium is a first of its kind effort to highlight and
present innovations that have the potential to add value to the vocational skilling
ecosystem in the country. Innovators have been crowd sourced through different
networks, internal references and feedback from NSDC Training Partners. All
submissions are voluntary
The objective of this effort is to recognize the need for innovations across different
activities in the value chain, from sourcing candidates to financing to market linkages and post-training
engagement. Over 20 Innovations have been profiled in this compendium, addressing many of these areas, and
we have tried to make it actionable. Almost all innovators we have profiled believe that the skilling ecosystem
will evolve significantly in the coming years, and that NSDC Partners are best placed to lead and benefit from
these changes
Role of Skills Innovation Champion
We do recognize many of you have found innovative ways to address challenges in your own organization,
either through new methods of delivery, strong internal assessment, dynamic courseware, or use of Trainers as
Counselors. NSDC is keen to profile these in the subsequent compendium so there is recognition of your work,
and also help propagate best practices in the ecosystem
We also propose each organization that recognizes an innovation that can add value, to identify an internal
champion to steer the innovation piece. This Skills Innovation Champion could be anybody in your organization,
the technology person, the finance person, the center manager, master trainer or even senior leadership. This
would ensure that any additional effort is best managed with a time-bound and outcome-based mechanism
Role of NSDC Innovation Team
At NSDC, we will continue to compile and share these innovations, and would request your support in these
efforts. To begin with, we have developed a quick diagnostic tool that will help assess your organization's
innovation effectiveness based on your internal priorities. The Compendium is structured to address any
perceived gaps you may recognize from this effort, and would like to engage going forward. Contact details of
these innovators are provided along with a one-page profile of their work
Please do mail your suggestions, feedback or innovations you want to be highlighted in the next compendium
Dilip M Chenoy
National Skill Development Corporation
Innovations for Skills Compendium
3.1. Overview – Innovation for Skills Compendium
The National Skill Development Corporation (‘NSDC’), operating under the National Skill Development Agency
(NSDA), has a primary mandate of enhancing, supporting and coordinating private sector initiatives for Skill
Development. It aims to promote Skill Development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for-profit vocational
institutions. Presently, NSDC has 40+ active partners and aims to have 75+ partners active by the end of 2013-14
Number of
to be
10 Lakh
in FY
of people
of people
25 States
3 UT's
As of April 2013
In the effort to meet the incremental demands in vocational skills, evaluate past efforts and generate new ideas,
NSDC under the Innovation and Engagement unit will look at sustainable ideas that can add value to the vocational
skilling ecosystem. Also, NSDC gets frequent requests from many innovators to facilitate work with the Partners
network. With the means of this handbook, NSDC takes the opportunity to introduce some of these innovations for
the Partners network to leverage upon
3.2. Innovation Categories
In this compendium, NSDC has profiled over 20 innovations along with a simple diagnostic test to identify the focus
area(s). The four major areas identified in this compendium are as follows:
Sourcing &
Placement &
The compendium is structured as an easy-to-use reference guide with a one-page note on each of the innovations,
along with contact details. The compendium will be a running list of innovations that will be updated periodically.
NSDC also actively funds innovative products and services through a focused Innovation Fund, as part of its mandate
to enable the ecosystem
Innovations for Skills Compendium
NSDC looks at innovations that can particularly add value to Partners work in a mutually beneficial way, thus making
it sustainable and scalable. The various functional area under each innovation category are listed below
Sourcing &
• Awareness & Lead Generation
• Counseling & Conversion
• Student Financing (Loans)
Training to • Master Training Programs • Training of Trainers
• Content Generation • Product Innovations
Certification • Content Delivery • Assessment & Certification
Placement & • Industry Linkages
• Job Portals
• Entrepreneurship Programs & Funding
Post Placement • Housing & Transportation
• Alumni Connect
• Continuous Learning
While all innovations can add value at an organization-level, there are specific constituents that will benefit most
from such interventions. Based on our feedback from the Partners and other stakeholders, the target segment is
across the organization
Target Segment
A list of innovations is provided in Annexure 1
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.1. Innovations – Sourcing & Financing
4.1.1. Milaap
Company Milaap Social Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Type of Innovation Student Financing and Industry Linkages
Innovation Area Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for Skill Development. An enabler to the Skill Development
architecture with financial solutions for Trainees
Area of Intervention Building lending programs to make quality Skill Development programs affordable
to financial weaker students
Innovation Brief
Milaap is creating a new asset-class of loans specialized for Skill Development; this includes devising loan
structures and processes adapted to the needs of trainees. Milaap is working with Trainers, across sectors and
geographies, to deliver such affordable and sustainable loan programs. Our vision is to create a scalable
architecture that can integrate the formal financial system into lending for Skill Development
Working Partners Talent Sprint Education Services, GRAS Academy, Edulight Careers, Edubridge Learning, MedSkills
Working Case Study
We have partnered with Talent Sprint Education Services to provide loans for graduate students who opted for
courses in software. Such students are placed with highly reputed Indian and muti-national IT firms. These loans
are offered for high-end courses which approximately cost Rs. 25,000 – 35,000
We also work with Edubridge learning for entry level courses in retail management, targeted towards students
with matriculation or even lower qualification. Such courses are offered at Rs. 2500 – Rs. 4000
Therefore, we are working across sectors and course types to create sustainable loan programs for a wide variety
of students with diverse qualifications
Millap’s initiative of providing financial support for Skill Development training has enabled rural youth to take the
courses and support the NSDC’s cause
Pricing Model Milaap offers interest rates comparable with those offered by Banks
Geographical Spread Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Delhi – NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra
NSDC Funded Yes
Contact Information
Mayukh Choudhary, +91 8884209888
Other Information
We manage a crowd-funding platform which allows individuals across the world to lend to our
borrowers. This way we have been able to create a unique model of accessing social funds for Skill Development,
and therefore make affordable loans to students
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.1.2. Springboard Financial Services
Company Springboard Financial Services
Type of Innovation Student Financing
Innovation Area Student loans – affordability of training
Area of Intervention Enrolment / coverage of students
Innovation Brief
Springboard ensures every student is able to get trained by partnering with the training institute to offer a
placement linked training loan
Working Partners Pratham, IL&FS Skills, Future Sharp, Indiaskills, Pipal Tree, TVS Training, amongst others
Working Case Study
Springboard has partnered with training institutes across different sectors and geographies over the past 18
months, built a technology platform that allows us to originate and disburse loans within a matter of hours and
processes suited the target segment who are extended loans
Springboard has substantially increased the enrolment figures of partner institutes by ensuring every student is
able to get trained, reduced the hassles related to getting a loan for students and helped bridge the supply gap for
trained manpower for employers
Pricing Model Interest cost on quantum of loan; zero processing/pre-payment charges
Geographical Spread Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, MP, AP, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Mihir Sheth, 9821119981
Other Information
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.1.3. Mobile Harvest
Company Mobile Harvest Solutions Private Limited
Type of Innovation Content Delivery
Innovation Area Training-to-Certification
Area of Intervention Content & Delivery
Innovation Brief
Mobile Harvest provide applications which can run on mobile devices (android phones and tablets) which provide
organizations an opportunity to do capacity building of their workforce or students using audio visual content
remotely and users also gets points for accessing the content through inbuilt gamification
Working Partners M4ID from Finland for family planning service on top of our platform
Working Case Study
Tested the platform in Mahboob Nagar district for UN Women, Andhra Pradesh with elected women
representatives. Resulting in very active participation of users on gender issues
Ease of content delivery
Organizations can track content uptake on real time basis through a web based dashboard, and also get
analytics on users, to identify “key influencers” on the ground
Organizations can get feedback and audio based questions on the content, which helps them improve the
Pricing Model INR 100/user/month for an organization up to 1000 users above which we offer custom pricing
Geographical Spread India
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Sachin Gaur, +91 99999 79349
Other Information
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.1.4. Gram Vaani
Company Gram Vaani Community Media Pvt Ptd
Type of Innovation Lead Generation and Feedback
Innovation Area Post-training continued engagement and pre-training lead generation
Area of Intervention Feedback and outreach
Innovation Brief
Gram Vaani has two solutions for the skills development sector:
1. Our vAutomate suite of products provide voice-based applications accessible through regular phones, for
social enterprises to undertake feedback surveys, track guidance and support services, and send alerts and
reminders to their users
2. Our Mobile Vaani rural network that spans almost 9 states with a listenership of over 2 million people, can be
used to create interactive programs to make rural communities aware of skills development programs,
generate leads, and engage in placement services
Working Partners
Our services are generic to be useful to a wide range of partners who offer skills trainings to low-income
populations on aspects such as building and construction, healthcare services, furniture and furnishings, organized
retail, infrastructure, and logistics
Working Case Study
Leading social enterprise Shubham Housing Finance is using our vAutomate suite to run feedback surveys for
their 2,000+ borrowers
Financial inclusion startup Inventure is also using our vAutomate suite to longitudinally profile financial
expense and income trends of over 1,000 rural borrowers and create a credit score for them
In addition, several organizations working on mobile based services such as English learning on mobile, are
using our Mobile Vaani network to get lead referrals for potential customers from rural areas
Our solutions bring down the cost of manual engagement and marketing for skills development organizations, by
using appropriate technology to automate operations
• Our vAutomate survey solution reduces the cost of running surveys from Rs. 200 per person to under Rs. 20
per person
• Our lead generation services on Mobile Vaani reduce typical customer acquisition costs from Rs. 50 per
person to Rs. 5 per person
Pricing Model Per-min pricing for vAutomate, Per-impression and per-referral pricing for Mobile Vaani
Geographical Spread Our technical solutions can be rapidly deployed anywhere in the country using our
cloud-telephony infrastructure
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Ashish Tandon, 9811561047
Other Information
Gram Vaani is a social technology startup based out of IIT Delhi. Our solutions are being used by over 50
organizations in India, Africa, and Afghanistan. We have won several awards, including:
• Knight News Challenge in 2008
• Manthan Awards in 2009
• Economic Times Power of Ideas awards in 2010
• Rising Stars in Global Health award in 2012
• mBillionth South Asia Award in 2012
And were profiled as among the 10 most innovative Indian start-ups by Fast Company in 2011
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2. Innovations – Training-to-Certification
4.2.1. Liqvid
Company Liqvid e-Learning Services Private Limited
Type of Innovation Product Innovation and Content Delivery
Innovation Area Enhancing employability through improvement in spoken English and Soft skills
Area of Intervention For NSDC identified 15 sectors, we will work with the VTPs to enhance the employability
potential of their candidates
Innovation Brief
We are proposing three major innovations :
1. Sector specific –Bilingual content (15 Sectors, in 7 Indian languages); also called English for specific
ESP (English for Specific Purpose) is the technical term for Domain context English learning solution. This is now an
established field with proven outcomes in English language learning. In this methodology the entire content is
housed in the domain scenario. For e.g. if you are teaching English to a student of IT hardware background, all the
scenarios will be based on day to day IT hardware support issues.
2. Tablets based portable Communication & Softskills Lab
3. IVRS and SMS –Mobile based interview preparation program
These innovations will together address the five challenges mentioned below:
Limited sector specific content
Unaddressed infrastructure challenges - Inconsistent electricity and lack of classroom space
Lack of confidence to speak English in front of others
Lack of immediate and relevant feedback for learners
Lack of contextual user generated content
Working Partners NSDC Funded partners
Working Case Study
Institute Name
Number of students
Student Background
Product Name
Mode of Service
Total sessions
Duration per session
Level of Evaluation
IWSB – a Career Launcher initiative, Greater Noida
20 students
Predominantly from 2-3 tier cities
English Communications Skills
Tablets in a portable trolley (classroom focussed delivery)
30 Sessions
1.5 Hrs./ session
Evaluation based on “Learning Transfer” (Kirk Patrick Level 2 Evaluation)
The areas of intervention were - Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Fluency and Listening
The overall score moved from 5.22 to 7 i.e. 34.2 % jump in the overall scores
The bottom 7 students showed improvement of 50.9% in their scores
Even the top 7 students showed improvement of 16.5% in their scores
Pricing Model Learner Licensing
Geographical Spread Pan India
NSDC Funded Yes (signing formalities under progress)
Contact Information
Manish Upadhyay, +91 9811511550
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.2. Tata Consultancy Services – Ignite
Company Tata Consultancy Services – Ignite - Velu the Welder
Type of Innovation Product Innovation and Content Delivery
Innovation Area Skills acquisition through innovative methods of training
Area of Intervention Content & Delivery
Innovation Brief
Velu the Welder is an interactive technology platform that can be used to train youth in basic welding skills. The
product simulates the welding process through a rich visual interface, thus making learning an engaging
Working Partners NA
Working Case Study
The innovation is part of the nation-wide Skill Development initiative. Several pilot programs to use technology for
welding skills training with government and non-government entities are in the pipeline
Welding is a core skill with a huge demand. Learning this skill requires hundreds of hours of practice. The high
cost of electrodes, raw materials, industrial gases, and electricity makes it difficult, if not impossible, for a novice
welder to get the required hours of practice for development of employable skills.
Velu the Welder reduces the cost of training by 50% by allowing unlimited practice hours
Pricing Model NA
Geographical Spread Nation-wide
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Other Information
Innovations by TCS:
1. Weave - Weave is a powerful digital medium that connects traditional craft skills with contemporary designs.
An interactive design canvas helps create personalized fabric designs that can be seamlessly transferred to a
pattern template for artisans. Helps direct connects between the weaver community and designers. Design
improvements initiative to help Indian craft-workers connect to mainstream markets. Can also be a powerful
multimedia tool for youth
2. Community Engagement Platform - This is a collaborative problem solving & networking platform for nonprofit organizations and members of the civil society. This works on low-cost mobile devices and is designed
to be used by grassroots level workers. This is currently being field tested within our network of 700+ nonprofit organizations distributed across the country
3. SkillNet - SkillNet is an Employment Exchange for the informal sector. Apart from the job search functionality
that matches the right talent with appropriate opportunity, it allows job seekers to publish professional
portfolios that can be viewed on the Internet or as an app in a smartphone - SkillNet is an Employment
Exchange for the informal sector. Apart from the job search functionality that matches the right talent with
appropriate opportunity, it allows job seekers to publish professional portfolios that can be viewed on the
Internet or as an app in a smartphone
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.3. Taco e-learning (Tata Group Subsidary)
Company Tata Autocomp Systems Ltd- Supply Chain Management
Type of Innovation Content Delivery
Innovation Area Training-to-Certification – E- Learning
Area of Intervention Industry oriented Content & web based delivery method
Innovation Brief
Tata Autocomp E-Learning solution is a web-based, practical industry oriented knowledge delivery system which is
delivered through an engaging & interactive story based animated mode. It also provides mandatory online
assessment mechanism for checking the effectiveness of learning
Working Partners Internal experts for course development and international server for hosting
Working Case Study
Tata Autocomp E Learning solution has developed 3 modules in the manufacturing domain (Quality and Logistics
area of expertise) and is currently working on Sourcing, Maintenance and Manufacturing areas of expertise. More
modules under planning
Tata Autocomp E-Learning solution has reduced the learning cycle for new entrants to manufacturing industry,
lowered the cost of training and provided an opportunity to the industry for calibrating the skills of resources. It
has reduced the gaps between college education and industry needs. It will have indirect benefits of better
quality of products which may boost exports, raise morale of employees and increase customer satisfaction
Pricing Model Content delivered on web, Welcome kit, Certificate & ready reckoner sent by courier
Geographical Spread Global (on Internet)
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
1.Sudhir Gupta, 9922409532
2.Pankaj Narang, 9922939484
Other Information
Target group is Engineers with 0 to 7 years of experience in manufacturing industry and engineering and diploma
graduates aspiring for manufacturing sector. Program is currently in English language
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.4. Microspin
Company Microspin Machine Works Private Limited
Type of Innovation Product Innovation and Training of Trainers
Innovation Area Cotton Value chain
Area of Intervention Cotton Spinning
Innovation Brief Small scale spinning operation
Working Partners Cotton growers and weavers’ cooperatives
Working Case Study
Spinning unit installed at Buldhana Urban Credit Care Pvt Ltd to enable farmers in the forward integration into
textile value chain
The value addition from conversion of fibre to fabric can be enjoyed by the players themselves. This also helps to
set up other value chain players and create more skill up and employment oppurtunities
Pricing Model Cost of Machine, Stipend paid for Trainees
Geographical Spread Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra
NSDC Funded Yes
Contact Information
Revathi Kumar, 044 4266 9368, 9444398621
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.5. Raxa (Healthcare)
Company Raxa Health Information Services
Type of Innovation Product Innovation and Training of Trainers
Innovation Area Training-to-Certification
Area of Intervention Content & Delivery
Innovation Brief
Raxa is a mobile-based Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system for trainers to train healthcare providers
(compounders, quacks, pharmacists, doctors) and patients in an interactive way. It will also provide assessment
Working Partners Google, Bharti Airtel
Working Case Study
Raxa tied up with Jan Swasthya Sahyog in rural Chhatisgarh and now with Sir Gangaram Hospital's Dept of
Surgical Gastroenterology and the many others to deliver its software
Raxa has decimated the cost of record-keeping and retrieval, up skilled the users and improved the quality of
care between healthcare providers and patients
Pricing Model No. of content pieces delivered on tablet
Geographical Spread Delhi (NCR) at first, soon Global
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Dr Surajit Nundy, +91 11 26530142
Other Information
Check us out on, and!
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.6. Mettl
Company Mettl
Type of Innovation Assessments
Innovation Area Assessments
Area of Intervention Entry & Exit level Competency Mapping, Cloud & Mobile Based Assessment Solutions,
Remote Test Management
Innovation Brief
Training companies can greatly benefit using Mettl’s innovative assessment formats, using our technology to solve
logistic issues, standardize assessment processes, measure skills vs knowledge
Working Partners ASDC, Laqsh, NIIT, Pearson
Working Case Study
ASDC (Auto Skills Development Council) - They conduct online post training assessments on the Mettl platform.
These assessments are conducted pan India and different trainers across the country have the flexibility to create a
variety of tests
(Laqsh Job Skills Academy-NSDC Affiliate)- They use Mettl platform to conduct pre and post training assessments.
They are also using the Mettl platform to conduct an entrance test for their scholarship program
The Mettl platform has provided a lot of flexibility to the training companies and our technology, design formats
and robust platform have led to significant improvement in the overall quality of assessment process
Pricing Model Number of assessments (cloud/mobile based)
Geographical Spread Pan India
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Chaitanya Jha, 9990626115
Other Information
We can develop custom assessment solutions as well
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.7. Institute of Productivity - MDF Limited
Company Institute of Productivity (IoP)
Type of Innovation Content Delivery
Innovation Area Improving profit through improved productivity via Skill Development. The alignment of
productivity Skill Development to performance transition
Area of Intervention Diagnosis and Development
Innovation Brief
IoP works with a company to identify a series of performance levels from current to ‘operational excellence’. We
then help identify the characteristics of the workforce that would define each of those levels and the gaps
between current worker performance and these defined levels. We then design training and development
programmes based around practical Skill Development that bridges these gaps and enable to company to cross
each performance level in turn. This process is supported by our own software tool that assists in performance
measurement and ‘level definition’
Working Partners NOCN (a major UK accrediting/awarding body) plus one or more partners based in
India (to be determined)
Working Case Study
IoP has used this approach with a number of major companies in the UK – most recently with a major
food manufacturer/processor
Major improvements in productivity and profitability, with associated reductions in energy consumption
Major improvement in employee satisfaction
Pricing Model Consultancy fee plus training/accreditation fees for each training programme
Geographical Spread Based in Karnataka, headquartered in Bangalore
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Mie Dillon
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.8. Air Jaldi
Company AirJaldi Network Academy AirJaldi Research and Innovation
Type of Innovation Content Generation and Delivery
Innovation Area Practically-oriented training courses for rural broadband internet networks. Hands-on one
month training courses. Certificate. Network setups in certain cases
Area of Intervention Entry & Exit level Competency Mapping, Cloud & Mobile Based Assessment Solutions,
Remote Test Management
Innovation Brief
The AirJaldi Networking Academy delivers hands-on one month courses on the basics of wired and wireless
networking in rural areas, with the aim of enabling graduates to solve PC hardware and software issues, and set up
and maintain simple wired and wireless networks
The courses, based on AirJaldi’s own work in designing, building and operating rural broadband wireless networks,
consist of daily theory and practical lessons carried out over four weeks for about eight hours per day. We
presently offer two courses: Wireless 108 – a basic introductory course; and wireless 216 – a more advanced
course on wireless networking. Further courses focusing on rural applications are planned
Working Partners Tibetan Vocational Training Center, Selakui. Dalai Lama College, Bangalore
Working Case Study
The academy has been in operation since 2009 and has given courses in Himachal and Uttarakhand. In early 2014
we will begin offering courses in Karnataka
Many of our graduates have been able to find meaningful employment as system/network administrators in
small and medium enterprises in rural areas and with rural internet service providers
Pricing Model Course fees charged in order to partially cover the costs of delivering and delivering the courses
Geographical Spread HP, UK, Karnataka (as of 2014)
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Michael Ginguld, 981-604-5880
Other Information
For further information on courses and other academy activities please visit -
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.2.9. IFC Business Edge
Company International Finance Corporation
Type of Innovation Content Delivery
Innovation Area Content Delivery and Master-training
Area of Intervention Content Delivery and Training of Trainers
Innovation Brief IFC offers two innovations
(1) SME Capacity Building: Providing solutions to companies to enhance business performance and competitiveness. Business
Edge is IFC’s international range of management training products and services, designed for owners and managers of small
and medium-sized enterprises across five themes: Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Production and
Operations, Finance and Accounting, and Productivity Skills
IFC provides its Business Edge product range to local providers selected by IFC based on their track record in training and
willingness to serve the SME market. These training providers use the Business Edge products as a core in designing their own
innovative programs specially designed for SMEs. IFC certifies the training providers, builds their capacity and monitors their
performance, ensuring that consistent quality standards are upheld
(2) SME Trainer Capacity Building: IFC has partnered with the National Institute of Entrepreneurship & Small Business
Development (NIESBUD), an apex training body under the Ministry of MSME, to develop and implement an enhanced Trainer
Capacity Building program which aims to build the capacity of Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Trainers in India
IFC leverages its Business Edge Training of Trainers (ToT) methodology which is a unique value proposition.The methodology
includes a comprehensive and effective approach for equipping trainers with key facilitation skills which correlate with trainer
success. It has also established objective standards by which to evaluate the performance of Trainers in terms of the results
they have on trainees
IoP works with a company to identify a series of performance levels from current to ‘operational excellence’. We then help
identify the characteristics of the workforce that would define each of those levels and the gaps between current worker
performance and these defined levels. We then design training and development programmes based around practical Skill
Development that bridges these gaps and enable to company to cross each performance level in turn. This process is
supported by our own software tool that assists in performance measurement and ‘level definition’
Working Partners S Chand & Company (Management Company for Business Edge)
Working Case Study
Corporate Value Chain Training: Delivered Customer Care and Financial training to 60 Apollo Tyres Dealers to enhance the
productivity and efficiency of the SMEs and to increase loyalty in Apollo’s distribution network. Entrepreneurship Training: In
partnership with the Government of Gujarat 134 agri input entrepreneurs were trained in business planning, management skills,
communication and marketing skills. The training program included interactions with bankers, agri input companies and local
farmers for live feedback and linkages. Trainer Capacity Building: Through the NIESBUD Partnership so far 79 Trainers and 14
Assessors have been successfully trained. The program is being scaled up across the country
SMEs: SMEs that have been trained by Business Edge have seen improvements in business management skills, quality of
customer care, credit history, customer reach and business performance
Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs that have been trained by Business Edge have been equipped with business skills, business plans
and linkages to successfully establish their own businesses
Trainers: Trainers who have been trained through the IFC-NIESBUD Training of Trainers (ToT) have seen improved skills and
knowledge transfer from trainers to learners
Pricing Model
(1) Training Firms: Franchisee Fee to become Business Edge Training Partners (receive access to 51 Business
Modules across Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Production and Operations, Finance
and Accounting, Productivity Skills and Hotel Management) (2) Trainers: Participant Fee to attend IFC-NIESBUD ToTs
Geographical Spread Pan India
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Sarina Bolla, 011 - 4111 1000
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.3. Innovations – Placement & Linkages
4.3.1. Baba Jobs
Type of Innovation Job Portal
Innovation Area Digital job search
Area of Intervention Employment/ Placement
Innovation Brief connects employers and informal/ entry-level formal sector job seekers by leveraging mobile and
digital technology. Job seekers primarily interact with the company through their mobile phones. They use these
technologies to create profiles, search for better jobs, and receive premium updates about job opportunities. At
the same time, engages with employers through our call center and the web, encouraging them to
post job openings relevant to these sectors, and then digitizing those job posts so they are available to job seekers
via SMS, PC, and Mobile Web
Working Partners N/A
Working Case Study partners with NSDC training academy to enable all academy graduates to register on,
create interesting profiles, search and apply for jobs and also be showcased to interested employers who use
Babajob for their informal sector hiring. This will then be rolled out across all of training centres in major metros
Impact has reduced the cost and time for placement for training institutes by giving both the placement
counsellors and the graduating students digital tools to empower their job search.These digital tools are easily
accessed by anyone with a mobile phone. Additionally, the database of jobs that Babajob has created is updated
dynamically, and provides graduates the ability to choose between jobs on the basis of salary and location
Pricing Model Free registration and digital job search for vocational training graduates
Geographical Spread Major metros, starting with Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi-NCR
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Maya Chandrasekaran, +919845998600
Other Information
In partnering with vocational institutes, will create unique school home pages with special mentor
access. This will allow the placement counselor at the institutes to create profiles on behalf of graduating students,
apply for jobs on their behalf and follow up when an employer contacts a candidate. Babajob will also provide
training materials for the job seekers so that further down the line, they are empowered to search for jobs on
Babajob via the internet or mobile phone
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.3.2. Justrojgar
Company Justrojgar India Pvt. Ltd.
Type of Innovation Job Portal
Innovation Area Hub-&-Spoke Model for low cost skills training delivery and placement and outsourcing
Area of Intervention Business Model (B2C + B2B)
Process (Offline + Online Integrated employability platform)
Technology (web-based solution viz. synchronized with mobile apps and SMS)
Sourcing, skills training, placement and outsourcing of the under-educated and under-skilled women
and youth at the BoP
Innovation Brief
Justrojgar is India’s first integrated employment exchange for the informal sector jobs offering market-aligned
skills training, placement and outsourcing of the under-educated and under-skilled women and youth at the BoP
through a hybrid business model of digital application integrated with its skill centres viz. Rojgar Academies based
in the cities and small towns through and through public-private partnerships
Working Partners NGO’s, Government, Corporate Sector and Delhi Police
Working Case Study
Justrojgar has trained and placed over 2000 under-educated and under-skilled youth and women at the BoP in
the last 32 months of its operation from its 3 Rojgar Academies in Delhi and will expand to 7 states in the next 3
Justrojgar innovations has reduced the cost of training and, trained and placed over 2000 under-educated and
under-skilled youth and women at the BoP in housekeeping and facility management services. The income of
the trained candidates has been increased by 40%. 33% of our candidates are become the sole bread-winner of
the family. The number of women candidates increased from 2% to 18% in the male dominated housekeeping
industry since last one year of our intervention
Pricing Model Free registration and digital job search for vocational training graduates
• Annual membership fee from employers/ corporates/ industries/ RWAs/ service providers for sharing
database and providing manpower w.r.t. informal sector jobs
• Onetime fee for sharing database with employers/ recruiters
• Monthly service charge to corporates/ industries/ RWAs for manpower outsourcing w.r.t. housekeeping,
facility management services and to households for domestic workers
• Placement fee from employers/ recruiters for providing candidates (Skilled and unskilled)
• Advertisement and classifieds at
• Revenue generated through fees from candidates for skills training
Geographical Spread Delhi (NCR)
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Ajaya Mohapatra, 011 46028268
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.3.3. Human Data Solutions
Company Human Data Systems Pvt. Ltd. (HDS)
Type of Innovation Job Portal
Innovation Area Placement & Recruitment. Free of Cost Placement Services for Skilled and Semi-Skilled Job Seekers
Area of Intervention Content & Delivery: Access to Information on available Job Opportunities
Innovation Brief
Human Data Systems provides an integrated web and call centre based platform to help employers and job seekers
connect with each other
Working Partners Directorate General of Resettlement, Department of Ex Servicemen
Working Case Study
HDS has tied up with the DGR to help provide ex-servicemen information on available jobs in and around
their location as per their trade and qualification
The HDS information platform helps job seekers find and search for relevant information on available job
opportunities in line with their aspirations. The impact is further magnified as job seekers are able to call the
HDS call centre for job search assistance
Pricing Model Services are free of cost for Job Seekers. Employers pay a nominal sum per transaction and can
choose from a range of cost effective services/subscriptions
Geographical Spread Pan India
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Aman Kumar, Mobile: +91-9818180295, Phone: +91-11-26536351
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.3.4. Saral Rozgar - Tech Mahindra
Company Saral Rozgar - Tech Mahindra
Type of Innovation Job Portal
Innovation Area Job creation – Blue collar / Semi white collar. Mobile VAS based employment solutions
Area of Intervention Placement / Self employment
Innovation Brief
Saral Rozgar is a mobile VAS based application which helps in reaching out to the millions of job seekers across
rural and urban markets and connects them with employers. It use an unique combination of IVR and OBD tools
with on ground support in job creation
Working Partners Tech Mahindra
Working Case Study
Saral Rozgar is working with the NYKS volunteers and other social organizations to reach out to the target job
seekers and connects them with the pool of registered job providers
Cost effective placement solutions for the NSDC partner companies and ability to create entry level jobs at the
vicinity covering SO-HO, SMEs and Households
Pricing Model Job seekers subscription fees, Job provider. Packs sold on quarterly / half yearly and yearly basis
Geographical Spread Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi (NCR), Rajasthan, Haryana, M.P, T.N, A.P, Karnataka, Orissa and Punjab
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Mayuk Dasgupta, Director B.D,
M – 9560003761, Email:
Other Information
Also provides candidate acquisition services for training partners and Tracking services as per standard guidelines
of various central / state govt. Funded Skill Development projects
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.3.5. Flexing it
Company Flexing It (
Type of Innovation Job Portal and Industry Linkages
Innovation Area Our platform provides an organised way for the demand and supply of short-term, flexible and
part-time skills to be made transparent and connect – this is a white space in India today
Area of Intervention Human Resources service delivery
Innovation Brief
Flexing It is an online platform that connects professionals and organisations for projects, consulting
assignments and other short-term, part-time and flexible work structures
Working Partners
150+ organisations are already using our platform
• Range from exciting start-ups, to PE/VC firms, to industry leaders and development and social enterprises
• Diverse spread of industries including professional services, education & training, banks/financial institutions,
healthcare, FMCG/retail, amongst others
Working Case Study
Some examples of projects /roles we have helped organisations find skills for include
• Consultants for short/defined durations
• Part-time/freelance faculty for content development or actual training and course delivery
• Market research support e.g., to understand new businesses/channels
• Part-time functional resources e.g., CFO’s , Marketing heads, HR heads
• Support to manage peak workload e.g., short-term recruiting support
• Remote-assignments e.g., content writing
Organisations have benefitted from the following
• Access to a large pool of qualified professionals who are looking for short-term, flexible assignments
• Ability to structure the assignments at the pace and intensity they need
• Direct access to a large number of qualified applicants within a short period of posting on our platform
• Power to retain a flexible cost structure while not compromising on quality
Pricing Model Propose to introduce a subscription model based on use. Expected launch later in
2013 – currently free to access
Geographical Spread Pan India with an urban focus; Established presence in the top 15 cities, still growing in others
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Ms. Chandrika Pasricha, +91 9811701902
Innovations for Skills Compendium
Company (by Oyster Learning)
Type of Innovation Industry Linkages
Innovation Area Industry Engagement
Area of Intervention Assessments
Innovation Brief is an online Industry-Academia Engagement Platform. It has over 3000 Industry Experts across
a large number of domains all over India. We work primarily with Higher Educational Institutes.
Institute representatives as well as students can connect with these Industry Experts online. They can invite them
to campus to assess their students on Industry relevant skills or even carry out Industry based workshops
Working Partners WLCI, ITM Group of Institutes, JIMS, BIMTECH, Indira Group of Institutes
Working Case Study has been working with WLCI for the past 18 months providing them guest faculty for subjects
Retail , Digital Marketing, Corporate Finance, Costing, Financial Services, Research & Analytics, IT Skills, Financial
Accounting, Talent Acquisition, HRM etc.
We have serviced their campuses in Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Lucknow, Mumbai, Noida, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Pune, Nagpur, Goa
In the last 18 months itself, we have provided more than 75 Industry Experts to them
The impact of the tie-up with was visible in the following areas:
• Quality of industry faculty increased manifold
• Speed of getting visiting faculty was higher
• Backend support from staff improved reliability
• Reduction in cost of recruiting and managing faculty
• Ability to hire faculty across cities in India, including small towns
Pricing Model Number of Industry Mentors sourced
Geographical Spread Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
1.Rimy Oberoi, 9818216588
2.Juhee Garg, 9717088332
Innovations for Skills Compendium
4.4. Innovation - Post Placement and Engagement
4.4.1. Awaaz De
Company Awaaz De Infosystems Pvt Ltd
Type of Innovation Content Delivery
Innovation Area Pre-and Post-training
Area of Intervention Content & Delivery
Innovation Brief
Awaaz De works with simple phones, voice telephony and real world user behaviour to allow groups to receive,
send and share information using voice SMS. Analytics data is available online
Working Partners Development Support Centre, Galli Galli Sim Sim, Logistimo, others mentioned at
Working Case Study
Streams by Awaaz De allows educational initiatives to send voice messages to all parents of students in schools it
operates, or subgroups that they create. Parents receive messages as a phonecall, and can provide touchtone or
voice responses. Anyone who wants to hear an archive of messages can give a missed call to the group’s phone
number. The group and analytics are managed through a simple online interface
EI has been able to engage better with parents at several pilot schools and is now expanding the scope of
streams to cover more parents
Pricing Model Per minute of content served
Geographical Spread Current deployments in 6 languages in 8 States, field operations in Gujarat, MP and Bihar
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Bhaumik Shah, 07405 123455
Other Information
This year Awaaz De was awarded both the Grand Prize at the Sankalp Forum and the Action for India Growth Prize,
for innovations in process and technology implementation. We seek to work closely with implementation partners
to help improve information flow within the livelihoods sector
Innovations for Skills Compendium
Type of Innovation Post Placement and Engagement
Innovation Area Low budget accommodation across India
Area of Intervention Hospitality and Business
Innovation Brief can provide low cost budget accommodations across India
Working Partners Individuals
Working Case Study works with partners of NSDC to provide low cost accommodations across India for the
students that pass out of the education programs
Impact One point contact for all the budget accommodation needs of the NSDC partners
Pricing Model Pricing based on the required accommodations
Geographical Spread Across India
NSDC Funded No
Contact Information
Bookings Team, 01204001700
Other Information is a leading name in space of budget accommodation. We have over 7000 plus properties
over 450 cities we have pan India presence
Innovations for Skills Compendium
5.0. Annexures
Annexure 1: Contact Details of Innovators
Company Name
Area of Innovation
Gram Vaani
Sourcing and Financing
Awaaz de
Post Placement Engagement
Mobile Harvest
Sourcing and Financing
Human Data Solutions
Placement & Linkages
Sourcing & Financing
Springboard Financial Services
Sourcing & Financing
Raxa (Healthcare)
Placement & Linkages
Placement & Linkages
Saral Rozgar - Tech Mahindra
Placement & Linkages
TACO e-Learning
Placement & Linkages
TCS Ignite
IFC Business Edge
Oyster Connect
Placement and Linkages
My Guest House
Post Placement Engagement
Air Jaldi
Development Models
Digital Empowerment Foundation
Development Models
Development Models
Selco Incubation Center
Development Models
Innovations for Skills Compendium
5.0. Annexures
Annexure 2: Innovation Diagnostic Tool
Area of
Awareness & Lead Generation
Sourcing &
Counseling & Conversion
Student Financing (Loans)
Master Training Programs
Training of Trainers
Pages -
Content Generation
Product Innovations (SectorSpecific)
Content Delivery
Assessment & Certification
Industry Linkages
Placement &
Pages -
Job Portals
Entrepreneurship Programs
& Funding
Housing & Transportation
Alumni Connect
Continuous Learning
Contact Details
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