Research and Innovation in Alsace
Research and Innovation in Alsace
Research and Innovation in Alsace Overview and Perspectives of a Region at the Heart of Europe 12 December 2011 Research and Innovation in Alsace Overview and Perspectives of a Region at the Heart of Europe In the same framework where the European Union is facing economic downturn and crisis while preparing its own future, for their 32nd edition of the Alsace Europe Observatory, the Bureau Alsace and its partners have chosen to focus on Research and Innovation in Alsace and within the European Union. With the support of Joseph Daul (MEP and President of the EEP) and the presence of Catherine Trautmann (MEP and Vice-President of the Urban Community of Strasbourg) as well as of Michèle Striffler (MEP and Municipal Councillor for European Affairs, Mulhouse City Council), the 2011 edition of the Observatory aims at presenting the Alsatian experience and know-how in the field of Research and Innovation. Our project initiators will illustrate the Alsatian dynamism in these fields as well as the stakeholders' capacity to mobilize all opportunities that are offered by the European programs. This is also possible thanks to the unceasing targeted support of the Europe Alsace Network (Réseau Europe Alsace - REA) and of the communities involved. Jack Metthey, Director at the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission (DG RTD), will speak of the future European programs to support Research and Innovation: “Horizon 2020”. The Alsatian stakeholders will then discover the evolutions proposed by the European Union in order to enhance the European territories' competitiveness in an unceasingly changing world. The 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory's aim is then to set up a momentum for exchange and reflection in order to prepare the Alsace region to the manifold challenges to come and to ensure its future as Region of Innovation. Jean-Marie Sander 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory President of the Alsace Europe Observatory Thanks Drafting ARI Alsace (namely Jean-Jacques Bernardini and Charlotte Bonnerot) Bureau Alsace (namely Katharina Robohm and Cedric Virciglio) CCI de Région Alsace (namely Isabelle Gouriou) Région Alsace – DIRES (namely Coralie Bajas-Schaefer, Severine Anquetil, Christophe Sagnier) 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory The drafting of this document has been made possible with the active participation of the Europe Alsace Network's members, which have dedicated their precious time to read, correct and feed it. Our thanks go also to the Alsace Region, which ensures the publication work. Editorial……………………………………………………………………………. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory 1. Global vision of research and innovation in Alsace …………………………….…………………. 2. Scientific excellence ……………………………………………...………………………………… 3. Innovation drivers………….……………………………………………………………………….. 4. Cross-border positioning…………………...………………………………………………………. 3 6 8 10 11 The Alsatian RDI features………….……………………………………………… 13 Alsace anticipates future: from the Regional Innovation Strategy to the « Smart Specialisation Strategy » 14 1. The EU programmes to support research and innovation projects: the Alsatian participation…… 2. The Alsatian participation’s drivers……..………………………………………………………… 3. Alsace and Horizon 2020……………………………………………………………………….... 15 18 18 ABC Europe (CIP - Pro-Inno) …………………………………………………………………………. Altheras (Eureka/Eurostars) ………………………………………………………………………….. CATS (FP7 - Coopération: Transport) ………………………………………………………………… CEOP-AEGIS (FP7) …………………………………………………………………………………… EcoTransFlux (LIFE+)…………………………………………………………………………………... ICE (FP7) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Isis (FEDER) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Latexdred (FP7 - ERA-NET Lead-Era) ………………………………………………………………... NUTRINET (INTERREG IV A) …………………………………………………………………………... OptiMIR (INTERREG IV B ENO) ………………………………………………………………………. RETS (INTERREG IV C) ………………………………………………………………………………... SAFER (FP7 - Coopération: Espace) ………………………………………………………………….. SAFE-T (FP7 - Cooperation JTI-IMI) ………………………………………………………………….. S_Life (FP7 – RoK) …………………………………………………………………………………… Sterilis (CIP - Eco-Innovation) …………………………………………………………………………. Tracecard (Eureka/Eurostars) ………………………………………………………………………… 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 With two universities, 250 laboratories and over 2,000 researchers, Alsace is one of the first French scientific poles. Within the globalization and EU enlargement framework, the challenge is now to make emerge or to enhance structured competence clusters around some excellence channels that are organized as a network including education and training, research and business. Adrien Zeller, President of Alsace's Regional Council in 2007, was already aware that: “Innovation has become the heart of our development policy. Our role is simple: to make the Alsatian scientific potential a driver for economy.” With a surface of 8,280 sq km1, Alsace is the smallest French region2 and, at the same time, one of the most dense and urban region of the Hexagon. Alsace only covers 1.5% of the French territory but its population represents 3% of the French population. At the border of Germany and Switzerland, Alsace geographically, historically and very much economically too belongs to the Rhenan area. The whole region still has a strong industrial vocation: this sector produces over 20% of the regional added value. Industrial activities are diversified: cars, food and agriculture, mechanics and chemistry. Further more, Alsace is one of the richest regions in terms of GDP per inhabitant (4th of the national ranking). 1. Global vision of research and innovation in Alsace A public research and particularly active small and medium enterprises (SME) Alsace is one of the French regions where public research and SME are particularly active. Research is much more developed in the public sector than the national average. Moreover, private research is more often developed within the SME than in the other French regions. Investments in Research and Development In 2008, Alsace was 10th in the national ranking of French Regions, with 874 millions euros of gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD), that is to say 2.2% of the national expenditure. The domestic expenditure for research and development represents 1.6 % of the Alsatian GDP. Notwithstanding the progressive growth of investments in research and development since 1992, this level is still lower than the threshold of 3% of the regional GDP, as the EU recommends for 2010 in the framework of the Lisbon strategy. Nevertheless, Alsace gets closer to the national average (2.1 % of GDP) and the gap vis-à-vis metropolitan France has been divided per three in fifteen years. Moreover, the objectives in terms of public expenditures foreseen by the Lisbon strategy are almost reached. Graph 1: Features of the gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) in Alsace (2008) 50% 1 2 40% 30% 20% Alsace 10% French average 0% GERDA SME contribution to (administrations) private GERD The Alsace's public authorities fund 43% of the domestic expenditure for research and development (33% of the national average), enterprises fund 57% of it. The big regional enterprises with at least 1,000 employees represent 50% of the Alsatian private expenditure for research and development. Metropolitan France EU/Member States Global growth and employment strategy for the 2000-2010 period, adopted in Lisbon in 2000 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory Research and development, source of innovation, is a key factor for growth and employment on the medium term. Because of its strong link to the local specific profile, private research uses over 90% of its available funding for industrial projects. The public research, which is relatively well represented, is basically oriented towards fundamental research. Chemistry and life sciences are two strong innovation poles for the region. The SME represent about 30% of the Alsatian expenditure, namely 18 % at national level. Universities and the national center of scientific research (CNRS) are the main bodies of the region's public research: they use 93 % of the available resources and employ 92% of the employees. Graphique 2: R&D in Alsace 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% Between 2004 and 2008, the DIRD has grown by 23.7 %. This evolution is higher than the corresponding national average (+ 16.4 %). 5% Alsace Frecnh average 0% GERD growth Growth number researchers (1992-2007) Growth Employment innovation (2004-2007) The Research and Development staff With 2,079 teachers-researchers in 2009-2010, Alsace represents 3.7 % of the national workforce (11th of the national ranking) and with 248 foreign teachers-researchers (12%), Alsace is the second French region (excluding Ile-de-France) after only Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Research and Development stakeholders The activities that are related to higher education and research are spread over the two pluridisciplinary universities of Strasbourg and of Upper Alsace. The Strasbourg site hosts 80% of the students as well as 80% of teachers-researchers and researchers. Unique merging example of three institutes (Louis Pasteur, Marc Bloch and Robert Schuman), the Strasbourg University is today the most important pluridisciplinary university in France as to the number of hosted students (over 42,000) and staff. Alsace has also 10 Engineering Schools in the framework of the AlsaceTech network, the National University Library of Strasbourg and the National Business School. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory In fifteen years time, the number of researchers in Alsace has doubled (+4.8 % per year), just as at national level. Between 2000 and 2007, the progress has even accelerated with +5,5 %. Unceasing efforts are made in R&D and innovation and the regional employment rate in the field is also growing: over three years (2004-2007), it has grown by 13% (6,5 % in France). In the field of research, major bodies such as CNRS, INSERM and INRA are very much present on the territory. Alsace has also a Thematic Network for Advanced Research, the Centre International pour la Recherche aux Frontières de la Chimie. As to innovation, five competitiveness clusters including one having a world vocation and several competence clusters are operating in a big variety of fields such as vineyards and wine, materials, nanosciences and textile. The sectors of the Alsatian excellence The Alsatian research is dominated by world-known chemistry and fundamental biology. Physics is strong in traditional fields such as magnetism, polymers, physical chemistry but also laser technologies. Alsace regroups excellent strengths in astronomyastrophysics and geophysics, environmental sciences with two observatories (Strasbourg Astronomy Observatory as well as the internationally recognized Geo-sciences School and Observatory, as the number of its international (66.8 %) and European (40.6%) co-publications show. Strasbourg has the only national school for geophysics. In the field of public administration, ENA, INET (Institute for Territorial Studies), the Euro-Institute and the Strasbourg University constitute the Public Administration European Pole and are given the local communities' as well as the State's support. Alsace, third CNRS' regional pole The number of employees and its laboratories' budget make Alsace the third regional pole of the National Scientific Research Center (CNRS): 54 laboratories, 10 research clusterings or federations, 500 people and over 90 millions euros of annual budget. Alsatian success for the Investissements d’Avenir Programme: Alsace, 1st Health campus excluding Ile-de-France Via the Investments for the Future Programme (Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir - PIA) and related tenders for thematic and competitive projects, that had been launched by the French government in 2010, all public research stakeholders have been given the opportunity to benefit from major national fundings for supporting scientific excellence and innovation. In Alsace, the research stakeholders, namely in the fields of Health and Life Sciences, have considerably relied on this opportunity. Results : many Alsatian projects have been granted the tenders' funding. These successes confirm the recognition of Alsace's scientific excellence at national, European and international level, as well as its capacity to generate research-based economic development. Consequently, Alsace is going to rely on unprecedented long-term fundings that are very constructive for its territory. This makes Alsace the first French Campus for Health (excluding Ile-de-France). The Alsatian Excellence initiative relies on the various winners' projects to set a coherent framework in line with its ambition. This initiative offers a new environment, a true excellence and creativity ecosystem, to enhance the Strasbourg site's attractiveness to the best international students and researchers. This perspective will enhance its competitive position as a campus of the 21st century. Results Besides the CNRS, Alsace has three public research bodies. The seat of INSERM, the regional National Institute for Health and Medical Research managing authority is in Strasbourg and operates for the whole French Eastern regions area (that are Alsace, Bourgogne, Lorraine, France-Compté, ChampagneArdenne) This body consists of twelve research units in Strasbourg (95 researchers and about hundred engineers, technicians or administrative employees) that are mostly associated to the Strasbourg University. The National Agronomic Research Institute (INRA) has a center in Colmar, a research mixed unit with the Strasbourg University. The CEMAGREF Institute, now IRSTEA (National Institute for Research in Sciences and Technologies of Environment and Technologies) is associated to the ENGEES (Ecole Nationale du Genie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement) in Strasbourg, National School for Water Engineering and Environment in Strasbourg). of project tenders for “Investissement d’Avenir” 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory 2. Scientific Excellence The University of Strasbourg, university of excellence Within the Investissements d’Avenir Programme and related tenders for thematic and competitive projects with the highest number of rewarded projects at national level. Five Equipments of excellence, eight Excellence Laboratories, four national infrastructures in the fields of biology and health, one University Hospital with the IRCAD and the University Hospitals, a company for accelerating technological transfer, the installation-school EASE with the Alsace Biovalley pole and, eventually, the Excellence Initiative. This process further confirms this University’s European excellence role, its international openness and its collaboration with its German colleagues of the upper Rhenan area (Fribourg and Karlsruhe)., that had been launched by the French government in 2010, the Strasbourg University is one of the first three winners of the Initiative d'excellence. This University confirms its scientific excellence. The Upper Alsace University : scientific quality The Upper Alsace University (Université de HauteAlsace - UHA) seats between Mulhouse and Colmar, regroups 8,000 students, 500 teachers and researchers as well as 450 administrative employees. The UHA has a long partnership tradition with the local industrial tissue for research and training. In particular, it develops tight links with the competitiveness poles in Alsace; it is also known for its scientific quality in the fields of materials' chemistry, engineering and risk sciences. Jules Hoffmann, specialist of insects' immunity, is one of the three 2011 Nobel prize winners for his work on immunology. He has also been rewarded with the CNRS golden medal, which is one of the most prestigious scientific recognitions in France. In the 1970s, within the CNRS Molecular and Cellular Biology Institute (Strasbourg), Jules Hoffmann has created the laboratory for the insects’ immunity response and related development. He was Director of this Institute from 1994 to 2006. The doctoral formation In 2011, the region comprises eleven doctoral schools among which five in the human and social sciences and six in the exact and life sciences. Scientific publications In 2008, Alsace is 9th in the national ranking as to scientific publications as it produces 3.4 % of them. Alsace is particularly present in chemistry (6.5 % of national publications, 3rd in the national ranking) and in fundamental biology (4.6 % of national publications, 5th of the national ranking). The excellence indicators Within the Shanghai 2011 ranking3 , the Strasbourg University is the first French University in the field of chemistry and is 14th in the world ranking. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory Alsace, cradle of Nobel prizes: Jean-Marie Lehn and Jules Hoffmann, the two last winners In 1987, Jean-Marie Lehn, initiator of the supra molecular chemistry and two American colleagues of him, are awarded the Nobel Prize because of their works on molecular recognition. Jean-Marie Lehn was a Professor at the College de France and Director of the laboratory at the Supra molecular science and Engineering Institute; he has always refused to work in other countries as he considered the local working conditions as being excellent; further more, he was also very glad to make his career in a region at the cross-point of Europe. 3 Ranking of the most important world universities, set by the JiaoTong University's researchers (Shangai, China) Alsace has been awarded 22 scholarships by the Research European Council (2007-2011): eleven have been given to biology, medicine and health, seven to chemistry and respectively one to each of the following domains: human and social sciences, mathematics, IT sciences and technologies, physics. In 2009, this region has been awarded a global amount of 22.3 millions euros funding of the National Research Agency (ANR), that is to say 3.5% of the whole national sum (8th in ranking). The non thematic programs represent over 50% of the received funding. Further more, the Biology-Health field represents 19.4 % of the regional funding. The scientific visibility of Alsace is much bigger than the national average. All in all, in 2008 Alsace is the first French region with a 1.33 impact index. In the framework of the Investissements d’Avenir program, launched by the State, the first success has been obtained by the Strasbourg University and its scientific partners. This makes Alsace one of the financially strongest supported regions by the State for the enhancement of its attractiveness and international development. Alsace has then become, thanks to this programme, the first French “Health Campus” (excluding Ile-de-France). 3. Innovation drivers In terms of economic activities, Alsace is very much industrialized, especially as to middle technology, strong growth of the service sector and the territorial development of all fields and, above all, the creation of competitiveness and business clusters. End 2007, 2,440 institutes in the potentially innovating fields (industry and service sector) were employing 25,500 employees. The « innovating » institutes represent 2.3% of the involved ones at the level of metropolitan France (4.1 % of the potentially innovating institutes have grown by 15% since 2004 in the region)4 Five competitiveness clusters The competitiveness clusters5 with a world vocation Alsace Biovalley's mission is to federate and support public and private stakeholders of the health and life sciences field in their development and growth process. This cluster is focused on two themes: “From gene to drug” and “Imaging and medical and surgical robotics”. As from 2005, 2,200 direct and indirect jobs have been created the public/private collaboration in the research field have grown by over 60%, 63 collaborative project in the research and development projects have been labeled, 45 enterprises have been created and five new university courses have been integrated in the Strasbourg University academic offer. The Vehicule du Futur Cluster including FrancheComte is a competitiveness cluster whose locally available competencies and missions are organised around four themes: mobility services, infrastructures and communication, energies and propulsion as well as design, materials and vehicles' life-cycle. 80 R&D projects are labeled by this cluster have been funded as from their setting up in 2005. The competitiveness cluster Fibres including Lorraine and Alsace involve both eco-materials as well as fibrous materials and their improvement. As from their setting up, 119 collaborative projects have been labeled by this cluster, among which 57 have been financially funded; 1 start-up has been created, too. 5 4 Insee Alsace, Figures for Alsace, « Research and Development, Innovation », January 2011 On the same territory it regroups enterprises, higher education institutes and public or private research bodies that are genuinely willing and able to work in synergy to set up economic development projects for innovation » (Financial Law of 2005). 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory In terms of scientific excellence, Alsace has 27 IUF (Institut universitaire de France) winners, among which 13 in exact sciences, 3 in life sciences and 11 in literature, human and social sciences. The new national water Hydreos cluster has been labelised in 2010 (including Alsace-Lorraine) and deals with the quality of continental waters related to population health and ecosystems. The new national Alsace Energivie cluster has also been labelised in 2010 and regroups various stakeholders working in the fields of energy efficiency and renewables in Alsace. The aim is to develop positive energy solutions for buildings to produce more energy than the one they use. A range of specific tools for innovation At any stage, innovation meets its supporting body. Founded in 2005, the Conectus Alsace network puts together the Alsatian Universities' structures via the development of partnerships including public research and industrial stakeholders. The six regional centers for innovation and technological 6 transfer (the first ones have been created in 1980) are at the turning point between research and enterprises. The common objective is to help SME to find technological solutions to come to new products. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory The Carnot MICA Institute (Materials Institute Carnot Alsace) focuses on a specific theme in the functional materials domain and is organized around eight research units, six CRITTs and one technical and industrial center (Institut Francais du Textile et de l’Habillement – IFTH). It is then one of the best partners to be able to satisfy industrial needs and sectorial challenges. 6 Aérial, Cetim-Cermat, CRITT matériaux Alsace, Holo 3, Irepa Laser, RITTMO Agro Environnement The SEMIA regional incubator entails various projects of different domains, including biotechnologies and health, ITC, chemistry, engineering, service sector. As from its creation in 2000, 104 projects have been incubated, which has led to the creation of about 85 enterprises and over 500 highly qualified jobs. Alsace's regional Agency for Innovation (ARI Alsace) is the public expert of innovation in Alsace, starting point and partner of innovative enterprises. ARI guides enterprises that want to innovate, provide them a customized follow-up and coordinates the public bodies' aid actions that are focused on innovation. Patent application As to technological production, Alsace covers 3.9 % of the national demands (322 applications in 2008) and is the fifth French region in 2008 with a 13% progress compared to the 2003 levels (231 applications). In 2008, the patent applications have principally involved two domains: chemistrymaterials and pharmacy bio-technologies. 4. Cross-border positioning At the border between Germany and Switzerland, from a geographic, historical and mostly also economic perspective, Alsace belongs to the Rhenan region. An active person over the ten which live in Alsace works in Germany or in Switzerland. 10% of the tradable field works for the enterprises with Swiss and German capitals that operate in Alsace. Installations coming from USA or Benelux are also numerous. Cross-border cooperation of Alsatian universities The Strasbourg and Upper-Alsace Universities are members of the EUCOR network (Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities) and from there they cooperate with the Karlsruhe and Freiburg (Germany) as well as the Basel Universities (Switzerland). It is considered as the most experienced and structured French network and offers mobility options to 100,000 students within its suitable hosting structures. The Sciences Offensive The cross-border engagement for competitiveness clusters Alsace is part of the Tri-national Metropolitan Region of the Upper Rhine (RMT) which includes the most performing European regions thanks to the wide variety of scientific stakeholders, researchers and innovating enterprises and to its strong R&D developments. Just as universities and research centres can do, competitiveness clusters in Alsace exploit their geographical positioning as it is genuinely favourable for the creation of a cooperation beyond the national borders. So, the Vehicule du Futur cluster aims at creating a cross-border mobility cluster, Alsace BioValley is already the French coordinator of the trinational BioValley cluster; Energivie is a part of the Network on Energy of the Trinational Metropolitan Region of the Upper Rhine - TRION. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory A unique initiative in Europe has been launched in October 2011 within the RMT, the so called Sciences Offensive. This innovative devise has received the support of the territorial cooperation programme INTERREG IV Upper Rhine and of the German Lander Baden-Württemberg, RhinelandPalatinate as well as of Alsace. It aims at funding and supporting cross-border high-profile research projects and offers a global funding perspective of 15 millions euros. … its assets … images Chemistry The Alsace's R&D drivers 3rd CNRS regional cluster The Strasbourg University is the first French university that has been awarded one of the three French excellence initiatives programmes (PIA). A varied training and excellence offer on the pluridisciplinary Strasbourg site with its international vocation. Medical robotics Biology The Alsatian universities are members of the Upper Rhine universities confederation (EUCOR). AlsaceTech, a dynamic network including 10 geophysics engineering schools, the only national school in this domain. The National and University Library of Strasbourg (BNUS) and ENA. … its results Figures on the R&D in Alsace Rate over the national rate National ranking Population (2008): 1 837 100 inhabitants 3,0 % 13th GDP (2009, provisional) : 50 700 millions € 2,7 % 12th Registred students in the higher education (2009-2010): 67 600 3% 11th Staff in the research field (2008, ETP) : 9 240 2,4 % 10th 2,3 % 10th 3% 10th 1,8 % 10th 2,9 % 9th 3,4 % 9th Technological production (patent application, 2008) 3,9 % 5th Student with final Master (2009) : 3,334 3,4 % 10th PhD (2009) : 334 2,8 % 11th Gross domestic expenditure on reserarch and development - GERD (2008) : 874 millions € 2,2 % 10th 2,7 % 1,9 % 8th 12th Researchers (2008, ETP): 5 200 Researchers in the public research: 2 8400 (among which 1,160 – 40 % - are linked to public research bodies) Researchers in enterprises: 2 370 Teachers-researchers and researchers working in A research units over 1,960: 1 258 Scientific production (excluding SHS, 2008) 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory - - GERDA : 375 millions € GERDE : 499 millions € The scientific excellence is recognized at international level namely in the fields of chemistry, nano-sciences and materials (RTRA), Biology and Life sciences, which can rely on the CNRS excellence laboratories, INSERM, the Strasbourg University, the Haute Alsace University and INRA. Alsace is one of the key actors of the Tri-national Metropolitan Region of the Upper Rhine, the strategic area for new collaborative opportunities between research and economy. Five competitive clusters federate academic actors and enterprises, with the support of communities and the State. …images Vehicle of the futur Materials Collaboration Lazer In the framework of the Regional Innovation Strategy (SRI), voted at the Alsatian Regional Council plenary meeting on December 4th 2009, the Region has set the framework of its intervention in the innovation domain. For the decades ahead, this strategy proposes to make the initiatives evolve in order to extend in contents and duration a set of the actions launched in 2004. These initiatives will entail an even stronger will to accelerate the movement, to mobilize energies and talents as well as a regional dynamics to support innovation. This is, on this point, a true breakpoint. to pave the way to a wide spread of the innovation culture within the business world and society. 2. To be an open and very attractive region, at the heart of the Rhenan area as well as at the heart of Europe, proposing a territorial dynamics, development capacities, a favorable economic, scientific and cultural environmental. 3. To establish sectorial priorities in order to become a region of reference on some emerging markets that are growing very fast. In the framework of this process, the Region aims at making the regional innovation system more performing and at formalizing more strongly the regional strategy, in a better coherence with the territory's expectations and needs. To this purpose, the strategy relies on four drivers and proposes to act starting from three regional “convergences” that are: Green Economy, Health and Well-being, Humanism and societal questions. This further nurtures the development of the initiatives that has been observed in Alsace. What is at stake for Alsace The Smart Specialisation Strategy On the base of the core values to build its own future (innovation, knowledge, openness, sustainable development, health and humanism), as well as on more traditional values (know-how, production, cultural identity, lifestyle), this strategy proposes three challenges and aims for Alsace : The operational framework of the regional innovation strategy has paved the way to the definition of strategic choices as from 2010. These choices anticipate what Alsace's smart specialisation strategy (S3) will be like. The S3 initiative has been proposed by the European Union in order to concentrate the resources and give the various regions the possibility to make their own way while enhancing their strong points and the sectors that provide them a competitive advantage. 1. To be an active entrepreneurial and innovative region, using the businesses' innovation assets, investing on human resources' qualification and their R&D capacities. The aim is Graph 3: The three « convergences » of Alsatian Regional Innovation Strategy 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory The Regional Innovation Strategy 1. The EU programmes to support research and innovation projects: the Alsatian participation The European programmes to support research and innovation provide Alsatian enterprises and laboratories a funding for their innovative projects. These funds equally offer the possibility to develop their scientific and technical collaborations at European level, namely to start or to strengthen commercial cooperation with other European stakeholders. It is according to the project positioning on the innovation chain that a programme will be chosen to support it. Graph 4: The European programmes to support research and innovation The Alsatian participation in the RDI programmes 2002-2006 The transition between two European financial planning periods for research and innovation in 2007 (from the 6th to the 7th Framework Programme) has paved the way to the analysis of the Alsatian laboratories and enterprises' contribution to the Framework programme but also to the EUREKA intergovernmental initiative that was in the past the other main funding source for the enterprises involved in the European research programmes. Between 2002 and 2006, more than 200 projects have been funded in Alsace both by the European Commission (FP6) or by the national financiers in the framework of the intergovernmental EUREKA initiative. The EU or intergovernmental contribution cover 90 millions euros, among which 90% have funded public research laboratories. 22 Alsatian enterprises have joined 30 different projects for a total EU contribution of about 8.5 millions euros. Among these enterprises, 80% are SME in EU terms8. Many of them have participated to more than two different projects with a record number of (three) participations to the FP6 for a SME of the Colmar region. The ERDF7 features in Alsace 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory Alsace is the only French Region which is managing authority of ERDF projects (objective “Competitiveness and Employment”). Thanks to this feature, an operational programme has been designed in order to react and anticipate the territory's specific expectations and needs. The projects that have been selected in the framework of the “Innovation and Business in the European area” segment 1 and a part of the second segment that is to develop territorial attractiveness and economic competitiveness have funded so far 143 project for a total amount of 69 millions euros, with a ERDF contribution of 18.75 millions euros. 7 European Regional Development Fund Only two enterprises (not SME) have coordinated a project in the reference period of 2002-2006. The most covered themes are: health and well-being (42%), green economy (energy, environment and sustainable transports - 32 %). 8 The European definition of SME entails three categories: micro enterprise (less than 10 employees / turnover or balance sheet ≤ 2 millions euros), small enterprise (less than 50 employees / turnover or balance sheet ≤ 10 millions euros) and medium enterprise (less than 250 employees / turnover ≤ 50 millions euros / balance sheet ≤ 43 millions euros). The big enterprises go beyond the above-mentioned thresholds. The participation of public research laboratories Graph: Alsatian enterprises per themes Health 12% ITC 8% 42% 15% Materials Environment 15% Transports 8% Energy Alsace participation to the 2007-2013 RDI programmes Thanks to new European programmes as from 2007 (CIP and FP7) but also the enhancement of the programmes that are partially funded by the European Commission (ERA-NET9), namely new funding programmes for a specific business target (EUROSTARS), the Alsatian laboratories and enterprises have been proposed to address the issue of innovation funding via partnerships and cross-border actions. Alsace participation to ERA-NETs Alsace is one of the rare French Regions that participates to several ERA-NETs. Thanks to these instruments, RDI regional or national funding programmes can be shared. In the framework of the European programmes in the field of innovation, since 2007 the Alsatian laboratories participate to over 150 projects, which represent over 80 millions euros of direct funding. Main funding from FP7: The Framework Programme represents more than 90% of this global figure. The remaining 10% is mostly represented by INTERREG funding and alike, especially in Section A (cross-border collaboration in the Upper Rhine area, covering Alsace, BadenWürttemberg, a part of Rhineland-Palatinate and five Northern-Western Swiss Cantons10 . The Strasbourg University is the first university beyond that is granted scholarships from the European Research Council (ERC), which are funded under the People section of the FP7. 18 scholarships have been awarded between 2007 and 2010 in the fields of physical and engineering sciences (8), life sciences (5), human and social sciences (5). The importance of cross-border co-operation. The INTERREG programmes aim at enhancing cooperation both in the Upper Rhine area (IVA) as well as in the North-West European area, the alpine area and, more generally, with all European regions (Section C of the INTERREG programmes). Alsace is then financier partner of LEAD ERA, which supports industrial research projects on six lead markets the European Commission has identified in 2007: green building, renewable energies, protection textiles, recycling, e-health, bio-sources products. The Europe Department of the Strasbourg University and CNRS Partnership and Enhancement Department provide their administrative and technical support to the Alsatian laboratories to set mount their projects among the numerous European programmes. 9 According to the ERA-NET programmes, the countries /regions can launch joint tenders in the field of research, development and innovation with international forms of collaboration. The programmes cover a variety of scientific and technological domains. 10 Aargovia, Basle-Town, Basle-Country, Jura, Soleure 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory Since 2009 Alsace is also partner of CROSSTEXNET (technical textile) and since 2001 of EUROTRANSBIO (development of bio technologies in the domains of health, industry, food and agriculture and environment).. The participation of enterprises As from 2007 more and more enterprises participate (between 2002 and 2011, from 22 to 40 (almost 100% growth) enterprises present 46 projects, which means a European or national cofunding of over 18 millions euros. Most of the participants are first-time participants (i.e. enterprises that have never participated to a European programme before). This fact shows that European fundings are not reserved to the same enterprises always. Moreover, more and more Alsatian enterprises coordinate such projects. Complementary funds Graph 6: Project per type of programme FP7 7% CIP 15% Life+ 48% 7% Eureka/Eurostars JTI IMI 17% ERA-NET Eurogia+ 2% 4% Graph 7: Project per theme Health and wellbeing 13% 48% 39% Complementarity of European funds in the innovation domain is not a new issue. The European programming since 2007 has introduced major steps forward. Innovating enterprises can now be funded by articulating various funding programmes according to the maturity phase of the projects. Green economy Information technologies The participation of the Alsatian enterprises to the European programmes present the following features: The two leading below-described projects for the economic development of Alsace show the complementary efficient use of European funds. RHENOVIA Pharma (company based in Mulhouse) has used FD7 fundings to acquire research equipments and is partner of two European projects. One research project has been funded under the Cooperation Section of the FP7 (SELFMEM project) and one has been supported in the framework of the EUROSTARS programme (see ALTHERAS sheet). Out of these two projects, the first one is more focused on fundamental research whereas the second one on applied research. Both of them will give this company the chance to develop medical devices and one of the targeted application will contribute to fight against Alzheimer disease. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory The wide variety of targeted programmes including bilateral or trilateral industrial collaborations on applied research projects (i.e. ERANET and EUROSTAR projects), Joint Technology Initiatives11 such as the Innovative Medicine Initiative as well as the FP7 projects, mostly in its Cooperation section. The targeted themes by the Alsatian industrial participants are basically health, sustainable development (energy, transports, environment) and the ICT related ones. This distribution is perfectly in line with the Regional Innovation Strategy. 11 The JTIs are public-private partnerships that put in place at European level in order to address the strategic sectors where research and innovation are essential to the European competitiveness. The 7th FPRD support (and this is a new element) multinational research activities at large scale and regroup public and private partners in order to fix common highly societal objectives and to reach them. Patch : Rhenovia’s new therapeutic transdermic system Europe, driver of development for Alsace's territory and competitiveness clusters The European funds for supporting research and innovation are beneficial to the competitive clusters, too as they strengthen their collaboration with other European clusters. For example: the ABC Europe (CIP) and Biovalley trinational (INTERREG IV A) for the Alsace Biovalley cluster, the Regions of Knowledge (FP7) S-Life project for the Vehicule du Futur project (see individual project sheet). Such funds equally pave the way to other projects that are led or that are joined by the competitiveness clusters' members (s. sheet for the ICE project). These results originate from a tight collaboration with the Alsatian institutional partners (Bureau Alsace, Alsace Region, Enterprise Europe Network (CCIR Alsace), Mission Europe of the ARI Alsace,…). 2. The Alsatian participation’s drivers In order to better support the Alsatian enterprises that aim at getting a financial support for their European innovating projects, “Mission Europe” (ARI Alsace) has been activated in 2007 by the Alsace Region, the State (DRIRE has become DIRECCTE) and the European Union (ERDF). The Enterprise Europe Network is the result of the 2008 merge of Euro Info Centres with Innovation Relay Centers (hosted by the CCIR Alsace) and has been given the task to inform about and promote European programmes. The creation of the Europe Alsace Network, coordinated by ARI Alsace, has structured the common action of Alsatian RDI stakeholders by fostering their participation to various EU programmes. This network entails fourteen Alsatian partners: ARI Alsace, Enterprise Europe Network (CCI de Région Alsace), territorial communities, State (DIRECCTE, DRRT), Bureau Alsace, economic development agencies (Alsace International, ADEC), Alsatian Universities (UDS, UHA), CNRS and OSEO Alsace. More recently, via the Eurosynergies project, Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne Ardenne have organized Infodays throughout their regions in order to train the ones that deal with and manage European programmes (structural funds and sectorial programmes) and provide to any potential operator basic information on the existing funding possibilities and to guide them about the existing pertinent interlocutors. The Alsatian institutional stakeholders' strategy aims at spreading to most enterprises and laboratories information that is indispensable to mount competitive funding applications. This awareness-raising and support strategy namely consists of: - - Thematic Infodays animated by REA in partnership with the national contact points and the European Commission. Design of a “project mode”, by identifying the territory's project potential assets and the corresponding European most adequate programmes. In this framework, no programme nor instrument is privileged. This pragmatic approach offers the territory and its stakeholders a rich variety of opportunities to address their own needs. 3. Alsace and Horizon 2020 A major change is to be expected in the framework of the European support to research, development and innovation. For next programming period (2014-2020), the European Commission has set a unique device to simplify and make its support to research and development more efficient: “Horizon 2020”. The new European RDI framework: “Horizon 2020” The main objective is to cover the whole innovation chain of fundamental research up to the transfer of innovating products and services on the market in order to maximize the impact of the European funding. In fact, “Horizon 2020” will entail in one single strategic framework programmes that were previously managed with different rules: the framework programme for research and development (F), the “Innovation” section of the competitiveness and innovation framework 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory STERITECH, SME based in the region, has developed innovative water and energy saving equipments to sterilize food. The relevant research has been funded by the OSEO and ERDF funds, which have then allowed the wide spread of the developed technology. The CIP Eco-Innovation programme will then allow to build and test the first industrial equipment. programme (CIP) as well as the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). Horizon 2020 entails three major thematic axes: - - “Excellent science” to support scientific excellence, “Societal challenges” to tackle the society's challenges (demographic change, climate change, ...), “Industrial Leadership” to enhance the industrial preponderance in the European competitive context. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory This combination of programmes under “Horizon 2020 “ will then reduce the number of working modalities and funding instruments and bring together the eligibility rules, book-keeping, reporting and audit processing of the European projects. Consequently, SME will namely have an easier access to the European funding for their research, development and innovation actions. Alsace's position Alsace supports the approach of a unique, rationalized and simplified programme for research, development and innovation so as to fund innovating project including laboratories, centers for the technological transfer, SME and big enterprises. A joint strategic framework is then replacing a programmes rationale so as to cover the whole innovation chain; between the various instruments some « bridges » will then be created according to the development stage and maturity of the project. Alsace supports the regions' key role in the research, development and innovation domains and underlines the tremendous leverage effect of the various programmes for territorial development and competitiveness. In this time of crisis, “Horizon 2020” must provide the EU the tools to tackle new challenges (internationalization of enterprises, territorial dimension of research) so as to allow Europe and its territories to enhance their competitiveness and ensure its citizens' well-being. 32nd Alsace Europe Observatory ABC Europe New and efficient services promoting more worldclass biotech clusters in the EU Altheras The alchemy of a success CATS City Alternative Transport System CEOP-AEGIS The Earth observation for water source management in Asia EcoTransFlux Induction to Performance ICE The Cold success Isis New tools for mini-invasive surgery Latexdred From nature to industrial applications NUTRINET Rhine food for health OptiMIR New tools for a more sustainable dairy sector RETS Renewable Energies Transfer System SAFER Emergency response SAFE-T Predict potential toxicity of drugs candidates S_Life European Synergies and Cooperation for Sustainable vehicle along the Life-Cycle Sterilis Moderate consumption in sterilisation Tracecard Straight forward driving CIP - Pro-Inno 22 Eureka/Eurostars FP7 (Coopération: Transport) FP7 (Cooperation: Environment) 24 26 28 LIFE+ FP7 ERDF FP7 (ERA-NET Lead-Era) INTERREG IV A INTERREG IV B ENO INTERREG IV C FP7 (Coopération: Space) FP7 (Cooperation JTI-IMI) FP7 - RoK 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 CIP - Eco-Innovation Eureka/Eurostars 50 52 ABC Europe New and efficient services promoting more world-class biotech clusters in the EU THE PROJECT ABC Europe has been launched in the framework of the 2007-2013 Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) of the European Commission and it is embedded in the new European World Class Clusters policy. This programme aims at transforming the competition rationale between European regions in a cooperation rationale between clusters at continental level. The objectives Bioentrepreneur Boot Camp: Nov. 2011, Stockholm The ABC Europe consortium aims at developing and improving the services for SME: - To enhance partnerships between active communities in the biotechnology field - To boost cross-border cooperation - To create more performing support services, by enhancing the links between research, enterprises and financiers - To widen the cooperation between bioclusters in Europe and the world The implementation The ABC Europe project is basically structured on six working groups: 1) Tools to support the SMEs internationalization 2) Clusters services for SMEs 3) Cross-border partnerships between clusters on one side and enterprises on the other side 4) Aids for the SMEs internationalization 5) Common use of the research capacities 6) Development of a promotional programme for Bioclusters More details at: The Consortium The competitiveness cluster Alsace Biovalley is partner of the ABC Europe project, which involves twelve of the most important European bioclusters for biotechnologies for health. The Milan Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture is the project's coordinator. The budget The ABC Europe project has been launched at the end of 2009 and disposes of a 3.51 millions euros budget for a three years period. Of the above-mentioned total sum, 2.72 millions euros are covered by the European Union. The Alsatian partner: ALSACE BIOVALLEY Alsace BioValley, French cluster for life sciences and health, gathers in Alsace all stakeholders - enterprises, research laboratories, hospitals, universities - of the Life Sciences and Health domain. Further more, Alsace Biovalley is one of the three world class “health” competitiveness clusters, officially labeled by the French State in 2005 to support excellence innovation in France. EUROPE INNOVA Europe INNOVA is an European CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) initiative that aims at creating partnerships platforms between European professional stakeholders of the innovation domain. With this instrument, the European Commission supports the detailed analysis and mapping of sectorial innovation and aims at identifying the sector barriers and opportunities for innovation. Supported actions Europe INNOVA has been launched in 2006 and supports eight actions: Innovation analysis: - to analyse sectorial innovation to analyse European clusters to analyse eco-innovation Innovation Management: To support SME in their innovation management by providing them a self-assessment tool. Promotion of new tools and services: The ENTREPRISE EUROPE NETWORK - a strong support The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a European network for providing information about the European funding opportunities. It helps identifying partners or technologies for enterprises' projects and help them better understanding and integrating the European directives (REACH, …). In Alsace, the EEN is led by the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In order to support Alsace Biovalley in the development and improvement of services to SME – that are key for the ABC Europe project – the EEN has offered the cluster to have access to some services that are specifically aimed to the competitiveness clusters, among which: - To make a better use of the partnerships results and actions of Europe INNOVA. European Platforms of Innovation: - Platform for competitive clusters Platform for services Platform for eco-innovation Who can apply ? Innovation agencies and public or private bodies that support innovation and are interested in a partnership that is willing to create new types of support to innovation at European level - - Leaflets Innov’Alert: The possibility to download thematic promotional material (information on the technological opportunities, European rules, European funding, events, etc.) from the online portal of Alsace Biovalley Technological demand and supply: The creation of a direct link in the « Search for partners » menu to the EEN site. Integration of service supply of EEN in the global supply of Alsace Biovalley More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 ALTHERAS The alchemy of a success THE PROJECT In 2007, Rhenovia Pharma's intended to develop its project of a patch for the Alzheimer disease treatment. Nevertheless, the whole technical necessary capacity was not at its disposal. Further more, complementary fundings were indispensable to this enterprise. The objectives Patch : Rhenovia’s new therapeutic transdermal patch “Our newest innovation is the creation of a transdermic patch that can deliver medications via a micro-PC in the thickness of a patch that is not bigger than a credit card. Drugs are then released by a PC programme that manages luminous flashes in the patch inner surface. Such flashes act over as nanoparticles that, on their turn, will provide the active principles to the specific useful point.” The implementation In this framework, the ALTHERAS project consortium has developed and showed a first version of the effective transdermic patch. Its partners have specifically demonstrated their capacities to engineer a complex medical device based on various disciplines such as photonics, chemistry or membranes physics. This project would have not been possible without the strong interaction between the two partners of the project. The consortium The consortium of the ALTHERAS project consists of the Alsatian SME Rhenovia Pharma and the Swiss SME Portmann Instruments. These two enterprises are also involved in the German research Centre of the Friburg Region (the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) as external contractor. The consortium consists of three regions that altogether constitute the Tri-national Metropolitan Upper Rhine Region. Therefore, they constitute an interesting example of cross-border cooperation in the health domain. The budget The total budget for the project amounts to 913,070 euros. RHENOVIA Pharma, as “Eurostars” SME, is funded by 40% of the project's eligible costs. The Alsatian partner: RHENOVIA PHARMA More details at : Rhenovia Pharma has been created in 2006 and presently employs 20 people. The Alsatian enterprise brings real innovation, even a revolution in the approach of biology and physiology. Its specific feature is related to the introduction of digital approach for understanding complex biologic or pathologic phenomenon. ARI ALSACE and ENTREPRISE EUROPE NETWORK – Rhenovia partners EUROSTARS™ The Eureka-Eurostars programme aims at supporting high-tech SMEs that have a strong growth potential thanks to the European partnership projects. The selected projects are funded by the European Commission and by the States where the partners are based. The Regional Agency for Innovation (Agence Regionale de l'Innovation Alsace - ARI Alsace) is Alsace’s public innovation expert, starting point and partner for enterprises and their innovation projects. The Regional Agency helps enterprises to structure their projects, guide and facilitate their access to the regional, national and European public aid tools. Thanks to its Europe mission, ARI Alsace support local enterprises and help them integrating Europe in their development strategy. The projects' maximum duration is 36 months; they must involve at least two distinct entities of at least two of the 33 Eurostars™ members and finally realise a product, process or service that can be commercialised in the two following years after their finalisation. The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a European network that provides information on the European funding opportunities. It helps identifying partners or technologies for the enterprises' projects and helps them better understanding and integrating the European directives (REACH, …). In Alsace, EEN works under the umbrella of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Alsace Region. When can I apply? Three key elements The call for projects is always open with two deadlines per year. 1/ First of all, ARI Alsace and EEN assistance for choosing the European programme to be selected. Such precious help has led to the choice of Eurostars™, a programme that was new at that time, sufficiently simple and allowing small consortia. Which projects are involved ? Who can apply? Any SME according to the EU definition (maximum 250 employees) that invests at least 10% of its expenditure into R&D or that employs at least 10% of its staff to R&D. Further more, the enterprises has to cover at least 50% of the total cost of the project. There is no theme imposed. 2/ Then, the drafting of the project at the level of European consortium: a quite complex step, simplified thanks to the ARI Alsace support. 3/ Finally, throughout the process, ARI Alsace has facilitated contacts, managed relationships with the Swiss and German authorities and organised meetings that have considerably helped at the various steps. More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 CATS City Alternative Transport System THE PROJECT L’objectif du projet The CATS project aims at developing and experiencing a new city transport system based on a new generation of vehicles, in order to generate a more effective and clean mobility. The major innovation is a single type of vehicle for two different types of use: individual use or collective transport. This new transport service aims then at filling the gap between public transport means and private vehicles. It is founded on two principles: 1/ The “self service” concept, with small and clean city vehicles for short renting. 2/ A flexible shuttles service, with a convoy of variable length that is driven by a professional driver. This service would be available at fixed hours, along a fixed line, permanently or for specific purposes. The implementation The CATS project is focussed on the analysis of mobility needs, a local demonstration of the impact of such a system in three European cities: Strasbourg, Ploeisti and Formello. This is a short term demonstration of the CRISTAL project, which aims at developing a complete dualmode electric transport system network in order to meet the different mobility demands. The consortium The CATS project is carried out by a consortium of ten partners from five European countries: France : Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg, Europe Recherche Transport, Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, Lohr Industrie (Coordinator) Israel: Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Italy: Agenzia regionale per la mobilita del Lazio, Centro di Ricerca di La Sapienza sul Trasporto e la Logistica Rumania: Ploiesti city hall Swtzerland: Ecole polytechnique de Lausanne, GEAJM Vallotton and T. Chanard Architects-Town planners FSU SA The budget The project disposes of a 3.8 millions euros budget, whereby 2.97 millions euros are funded by the EU. The impact on environment, especially in terms of CO2 emissions, as well as the demand the systems addresses, are also assessed. More details at: 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development The 7th European Framework Programme for Research and Development is a unique framework to plan actions over several years. It disposes of over 50 billions euros for the 20072013 period. The ordinary refunding rate for research and development activities is 50%. For some legal entities, this rate can go up to 75%. Who can apply ? The participants range is very wide: groups of researchers, SMEs, associations, public bodies, researchers, students, etc. regardless the country where these are based, with privileged conditions of the EU's Member States. What are the pertinent projects? FP7 is based on five elements, the so-called "specific programmes": - - - The “Cooperation” programme aims to stimulate cooperation and improve links between industry and research within a transnational framework (consortia comprising enterprises and university laboratories) The “Ideas" programme is intended to enhance the exploratory research in Europe The "People" programme is intended to encourage mobility and improve the career prospects of researchers The “Capacities” programme is intended to enhance research capacities Europe needs The programme on nuclear research The Alsatian partner: COMMUNAUTE URBAINE (Strasbourg City Community) DE STRASBOURG As a creative metropolis, Strasbourg creates the favourable conditions for its economic development by supporting research and innovation on its territory as well as the creation of new sectors and related activities. This is the Eco 2020 Strategy's objective, which is a true guideline for Strasbourg in this domain. Strasbourg has chosen 4 potential poles on growth markets, for which the metropolis owns key assets: - medical technologies and new therapies, creative activities, international higher service sector innovative and multimodal mobilities BUREAU ALSACE - a strong support Via its network and contacts in Brussels, the Bureau Alsace has contributed to the mounting of the CATS. More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 CEOP-AEGIS The Earth observation for water source management in Asia THE PROJECT CEOP-AEGIS is an international collaborative project in the environment field in the framework of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development (specific programme “Cooperation”), financed on the topic “Improving observing systems for water resource management”. Its coordination is carried out by the Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Image, de l'Informatique et de la Teledetection (Laboratory of Imaging Sciences, Informatics and Remote Sensing, LSIIT ) of the Strasbourg University and the CNRS. The objectives With a 2.5 millions sqkm surface and 4,700 m height, the Tibetan plateau plays an essential role in the Asian climate and water operational system. The most important rivers originate form there and the changes on this environment have a considerable impact on the water source of these catchments areas. The CEOPAEGIS project aims at promoting the uses of Earth observation satellite technologies to put in place a follow-up system for the plateau's hydrology. The consortium The PROJECT gathers fifteen research institutions and three SMEs. Ten partners are based in Europe and eight in Asia. The consortium also gathers over 125 researchers and engineers and contributes to various research and dissemination activities. The budget The project disposes of a 4.5 millions euros budget. The European Commission contributes with 3.4 millions euros, namely 11 % for SMEs and 36 % for the Asian partners. The Alsatian partner: The STRASBOURG UNIVERSITY The implementation The implementation of temporal series of observations, algorithms and models, as well as the technology transfer to the neighbouring countries' water agencies provide the decision-makers and local populations innovative tools to manage the resource, anticipate the drought periods or rainfalls and then improve food, personal and material safety. More details at: The University of Strasbourg, unique example of three institutes merged together, is presently the French pluridisciplinary University with the highest number of students and staff: 42,000 students (among which 20% form foreign countries) and 4,600 employees. The Strasbourg University’s world reputation is based on its research teams covering almost every major discipline. Geographically privileged, the Strasbourg University has a particular vocation to develop a strategic link to Europe. THE EUROPE CELL– a strong support Within the Research Directorate of the University, the Europe Cell aims at assisting and advising university and researchers in the various development phases of the project. 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development 7th The Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7) is the main funding instrument for European research. It covers a seven years period (2007-2013) and disposes of a 50 billions euros budget, which confirms the EU's priority for the European research. This programme is a key instrument to meet Europe's employment and competitiveness needs and to make it become the first knowledge-based world economy. FP7 is based on five elements, the so-called "specific programmes": - The “Cooperation” programme aims to stimulate cooperation and improve links between industry and research within a transnational framework (consortia comprising enterprises and university laboratories) - The “Ideas" programme is intended to enhance the exploratory research in Europe - The "People" programme is intended to encourage mobility and improve the career prospects of researchers - The “Capacities“» programme is intended to enhance research capacities Europe needs - The programme on nuclear research Who can apply ? The participation to FP7 is open to a wide range of organisations and private people, with no geographic restriction. The Europe cell proposes the following services: Awareness-raising, information and training - Information and constant up-date on the state-of-the-art of the European and international research funding programmes Information meetings Training sessions - Assistance for mounting and follow-up of European projects - Analysis of the project and choice of adapted programme Interface with European financiers Aid to mounting, drawing, budget construction, projects negotiation Assistance for project management. Contact Sandrine Schott-Carrière Contact person for the Cellule Europe More details at: http://cordis.europa. eu/fp7/home_fr. Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 EcoTransFlux™ Induction to Performance THE PROJECT Specialised in the production of industrial induction heating equipment, the FIVES CELES company has been developing since 2008 a project which is a real turning point for this technology: EcoTransFlux™. Namely, it saves much more energy, with considerably lowered polluting emissions. Fives Celes Special Induction heating machines The objectives The consortium With induction, a material can be heated while electric flows are being created (Joule effect). To this purpose, it uses magnetic fields with lowered energy consumption and, first of all, releases less CO2 than the traditional channels (ovens, stoves). In the framework of this project, there is no foreign partner. The only participant is the Fives Celes company. As a matter of fact, Life+ is one of the rare European programmes for funding innovative projects whereby the eligibility is not subject to a minimum number of participating partners or countries. The EcoTransFlux™ aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of this now existing technology, its capacity to meet the steelworkers' constraints and to reduce the environmental impact of some of their activities. The budget The total budget amounts to 646,482 euros, among which 316,366 euros is of EU origin. The implementation The Alsatian partner: FIVES CELES The EcoTransFlux™ project deals with highly powerful transverse flux induction heating. It represents a major innovation as it remarquably improves traditional (longitudinal) induction performances, and particularly it allows to go beyond the surface treatment that creates polluting releases. The FIVES CELES company, SEVYLOR spin-off, has been created in 1967 to industrialise and commercialise a major technical innovation at that time : the periodic high or medium frequency generator. Since then, the company has unceasingly focussed its efforts on the development of new more and more performing power sources. More details at: m The FIVES CELES company presently belongs to the FIVES group and employs 93 people. Thanks to its over 40 years of know-how, FIVES CELES has today an international reputation in the field of induction heating equipments. L'ARI ALSACE – partner of FIVES CELES LIFE+ The European programme LIFE+ funds demonstration projects that contribute to the development and implementation of environmental policies and jurisprudence. The LIFE+ financial envelope amounts to over two billions euros for the 2007-2013 period. What are the pertinent projects? 1/ the projects of community interest that contribute to the development, implementation and updating of environment policies and jurisprudence in this field. 2/ the projects that are technically and financially coherent, feasible and cost-efficient. 3/ the projects that meet at least one of the following criteria: - - - - concern best practices or demonstration in the field of wild birds and habitats protection, present an innovative or demonstration character at EU level as to the environment policy's objectives, to consist in awareness-raising campaigns or trainings in the field of forest fires prevention, to deal with extended, harmonised, global and long-term surveillance of forest and environmental interactions. The Regional Agency for Innovation Agence Regionale de l'Innovation Alsace (ARI Alsace) is Alsace’s innovation public expert, starting point and partner for enterprises and their innovation projects. The Regional Agency helps enterprises to structure their projects, guide and facilitate their access to the regional, national and European public aid tools. Thanks to its Europe mission, ARI Alsace support local enterprises and help them integrating Europe in their development strategy. A support at any key step of the project It's while visiting FIVES CELES that an ARI Alsace project leader had this project idea. The project analysis, both in technical as well as in environmental terms, has rapidly led to the choice of a Life+ programme. (As a matter of fact, the technological level must prove to be sufficiently mature for the project to be approved). While preparing the project, ARI Alsace has closely worked with the enterprises so as to meet each requirement asked by the European Commission. By carefully reading the various proposal's versions FIVES CELES has been able to clearly and pedagogically explain the project's objectives, its technology rationale and also to quantify the project's environmental impact. To conclude, during the negotiation phase, ARI Alsace, following the European Commission's request, has put in contact FIVES CELES with the European Steel Technological Platform ESTEP, that is going to participate to the dissemination activities. Who can apply ? Enterprises, research centres and communities are eligible to the programme. Nevertheless, the project initiators need to prove their co-funding capacity. More details at : Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 ICE The Cold success THE PROJECT The magnetic cold principle is known since 1880. Nevertheless, it's from a different technology that airconditioning is going to be developed, that is to say the refrigerating gases. While searching for the “clean vehicle”, the car industry clearly looks for a technology that can provide air-conditioning at low energy consumption, with no greenhouse gas emission nor toxic fluids. The consortium The objectives The ICE project aims at developing a new airconditioning and a heat pump system based on the magneto-caloric heat pump. Another innovative aspect is the new air-conditioning design of the cabin and the micro-climate control, which can provide optimized heating and cooling production. The implementation ICE is a demonstration project which aims at equipping an electric bus with a reversible airconditioning. The major innovation is an electric compact heating pump which has been adapted to cars. As a matter of fact, this system lies on the magneto-caloric effect by using highly efficient magnetic materials. This allows a lower power generation according to the real needs and the adaptation of the system to the number of passengers. More details at: ICE is a French-Italian project under the leadership of FIAT (Italy) research centre. Its partners are: ALTRA Spa–IVECO (Italian company), INSA – Strasbourg France, the Polytechnical University of Valencia (Spain), the French company Behr France as well as the SME Cooltech Applications, where the ICE developed technology originates from. The budget The total budget amounts to 4.19 millions euros, whereby 2.83 millions are funded by FP7 (specific programme “Cooperation” – theme “Transport” –Green Cars Initiative). The Alsatian partner: COOLTECH APPLICATIONS Since beginning of year 2000s, science disposes of sufficiently powerful magnets to take over the works on magnetic cold. It's the Cooltech Applications, based in Holtzheim (Lower-Rhine region), that focuses again on this via the ICE project. Cooltech Applications is a SAS (simplified joint stock company) with 17 employees; it has been created in 2003 and has been awarded the special OSEO prize in the framework of the national competition for the setting up of enterprises in the innovative technologies field. Since 2008, Cooltech Applications has created its Weenter trademark that benefits from an international visibility. ARI ALSACE - Cooltech Applications’ partner 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7) is the main funding instrument for European research. It covers a seven years period (2007-2013) and disposes of a 50 billions euros budget, which confirms the EU's priority for the European research. This programme is a key instrument to meet Europe's employment and competitiveness needs and to make it become the first knowledge-based world economy. FP7 is based on five elements, the so-called "specific programmes": - The “Cooperation” programme aims to stimulate cooperation and improve links between industry and research within a transnational framework (consortia comprising enterprises and university laboratories) - The “Ideas" programme is intended to enhance the exploratory research in Europe - The "People" programme is intended to encourage mobility and improve the career prospects of researchers - The “Capacities“» programme is intended to enhance research capacities Europe needs - The programme on nuclear research Who can apply ? The participation to FP7 is open to a wide range of organisations and private people, with no geographic restriction. The Regional Agency for Innovation (Agence Regionale de l'Innovation Alsace - ARI Alsace) is Alsace’s public innovation expert, starting point and partner for enterprises and their innovation projects. The Regional Agency helps enterprises to structure their projects, guide and facilitate their access to the regional, national and European public aid tools. Thanks to its “Mission Europe”, ARI Alsace supports local enterprises and helps them integrating Europe in their development strategy. A strong support at any key step of the project By closely collaborating with the competitiveness cluster “Vehicule du Futur” (Alsace and Franche Comte), “Mission Europe” of ARI Alsace has assisted Cooltech Applications and its local partners in the framework of its first exchanges with the FIAT research centre. It is in this framework that the idea of a European project based on Cooltech Applications' technology has arisen. Constantly focussed on the EU programmes opportunities, ARI Alsace has identified the FP7 and, more specifically, the Green Cars Initiative (theme “Transport” of the specific programme “Cooperation”), which can co-fund such a research project led by European entrepreneurs as well as research centres. ARI Alsace has then assisted Cooltech Applications to define its project and to structure its content. To closely assist and support Alsatian SME, namely the ones that, just as COOLTECH, have access to European funding for the first time, is key to ensure their full benefit from the pivotal effects of the FP7. More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 ISIS New tools for mini-invasive surgery THE PROJECT Development of new instruments in the domain of laparoscopic surgery The introduction of a laparoscope equipped with a mini-camera in the patient abdomen, allowing a surgery with closed belly: this is the biggest change the surgery as a whole has ever known in the 20th century and has paved the way to the “mini-invasive” surgery. This technique reduces surgery traumatism, pain, nosocomial infection risks and, further more, meets a raising aesthetic demand of the patients wishing scarcely visible scars. The objectives The ISIS project aims at developing the laparoscopic surgery with a single incision via the principle of flexible tools that have been developed in the framework of the ANUBIS project. This offers excellent ergonomics and allows the necessary triangulation of an oriented surgery. The present (especially) American developments propose to use rigid or semi-rigid instruments of the laparoscopic surgery that are scarcely ergonomic and make operations very complex. The implementation THE ISIS project entails a training chapter that has been developed by IRCAD. The objective is to train surgeons to the new surgery techniques. More details at: The consortium ISIS is a collaborative project that regroups scientist of the Strasbourg University /National Research and Development Centre (CNRS) and IRCAD as well as two enterprises, namely the French branch of the Karl Storz company, as well as ProtoMed/Surgical Perspective, a company specialised in the mini-invasive surgery. The budget The total budget amounts to 3.1 millions euros, whereby 250,000€ are covered with ERDF funding. The project is also granted the FUI support, as well as the Alsace, PACA Region and OSEO contribution. The Alsatian partners: IRCAD, UNIVERSITY OF STRASBOURG – CNRS IRCAD (Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif; Research Institute for the Digestive stytem cancer) has been founded in 1994 within the Strasbourg University Hospitals. IRCAD comprises research laboratories in the cancer treatment domain as well as the Medical Robotis, a department for Informatics Research and Development as well as a centre for the formation in minimally invasive surgery. University of Strasbourg – CNRS : The world known excellence domains of the “Automatisms, Vision and Robotics” (AVR) team of the Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Image, de l’Informatique et de la Teledetection (LSIIT) are: commanding of robots b vision, remote manipulation as well as the design of innovative mechanisms. Further Alsatian partner: SURGICAL PERSPECTIVE Surgical Perspective is a ProtoMed's branch. In the surgery sector, it develops innovative mini-invasive medical devices. It sells retractors for this type of surgery. The Strasbourg branch has been created in the framework of this project in order to develop a new pull-apart system, which is adapted to the single incision surgery. EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Who can apply? Regional competitiveness programme 2007-2013 in Alsace The participation is widely open: regional stakeholders in the field of innovation, public or private structures, academic institutes, research institutes and related structures (CRITT, platforms,…), associations, enterprises, collectivises,… In Alsace, the regional competitiveness programme aims at renewing local economy by orienting it toward strong value added activities (research and innovation, high technologies) and to provide the region a sustainable development model. This programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) that supports the European regions' competitiveness improvement. The ERDF has a budget of 75,924.973 € for regional competitiveness, managed by the Alsace Region, programme management authority. What are the pertinent projects? The programme is based on four axis: - - Axis 1: Innovate and create business in the European space Axis 2: Develop the territories attractiveness and economic competitiveness Axis 3: Enhance the Alsatian environmental potential Axis 4: Enhance the Alsatian agglomerations attractiveness and cohesion with a focussed support to the areas in difficulty More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 LATEXDRED From nature to industrial applications THE PROJECT Engineering and sport-competition may not seem to have much in common but in both domains, engineers are using similar software applications to better understand just how water or air flow around a swimmer, plane or a vessel. Latexdred will aim at reproducing sharkskin pattern in order to reduce drag effects. The objectives Latexdred aims at reproducing sharkskin on a textile in order to reduce the drag effect. The implementation This texture is going to be realised on a specific textile (on purpose for this project), which will be used in the framework of water sport competitions. The femtosecond technologies can presently texture almost all materials with such a level of precision to be close to the micrometer. So, it is possible for plastics to be given the aspect of leather and for some surfaces to be textured in such a way to become hydrophobic and self-cleaning. Irepa Laser is the project coordinator and will be in charge of laser developments. In order to reproduce the “sharkskin” aspect, two approaches are possible: to directly reproduce the texture on the material or to produce a mould or drawing frame to “print” the features on the material. The consortium Coordinator: Irepa Laser (Alsace) Partners: University of Basque Countries, Universite de la Couronne, Tecnalia/AZTI, Seland, IFTH, Clipso. The budget The project disposes of a 1,882,990 euros budget whereby 1,090,540 euros are funded by various regional and national funding bodies. The Alsatian partner: IREPA LASER Irepa Laser (laser solutions designer in Alsace) is Technologic Resource Centre as well as a Laser Training Centre and a Research, Innovation and Transfer of Technologies Centre. Irepa Laser competences are focussed on the implementation of laser processes in the industrial field. More details at: L‘ARI ALSACE – a strong support ERA-NET : The ERA-NET scheme is a supporting mechanism of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development to promote cooperation and coordination of research activities at national or regional level (funding programmes are brought together). Several ERA-NET cover all scientific and technological disciplines. The ERA-NET scheme follows a bottom-up approach, which gives a considerable manoeuvre for the application. Who can apply? The participation to these actions is open to “planners” (normally ministries or regional authorities that define research programmes) or “programme managers” (sort of research advisors or other agencies that manage research programmes). LEAD ERA The Latexdred project has been co-funded in the framework of the ERA-NET LEAD-ERA the Alsace Region has been participating to since 2009. Its aim is to enhance the coordination of a series of crossborder programmes dedicated to research and innovation in key sectors of the European initiative in favour of growth markets. The Regional Agency for Innovation Agence Regionale de l'Innovation Alsace (ARI Alsace) is Alsace’s innovation public expert, starting point and partner for enterprises and their innovation projects. The Regional Agency helps enterprises to structure their projects, guide and facilitate their access to the regional, national and European public aid tools. Thanks to its Europe mission, ARI Alsace support local enterprises and help them integrating Europe in their development strategy. ARI ALSACE proposes a customised support - to identify the most adequate European funding for an innovative project, to identify European partners: enterprises, public partners, laboratories for the project implementation, to help preparing the application, namely to explain procedures and mediation with the French and European authorities. A strong support at any step of the project ARI Alsace has been associated by the Alsace Region to the launch and promotion of the first LEAD-ERA call for proposals to the enterprises. In the framework of a visit to IREPA Laser, the idea of a project on protection textiles have been recalled. ARI Alsace has helped IREPA laser, namely during the preparation phase of the funding request and for the search for partners to ensure the interface with other LEAD ERA partner regions. It has also provided the interface with the Alsace Region, funding body of the Alsatian partners. Finally, it has provided a critical review of the application. Six growth markets have been identified by the European Commission in 2007: E-health, protection textiles, eco-construction, recycling, bio-based products, renewables. More details at: on/about-era_en.html Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 NUTRHI.NET Rhine food for health THE PROJECT Apples, nuts, grapes - how many good things can bring those regional food products and other more to the consumer health? The cross-border research network aims at generating and developing new nutritional knowledge on regional food and sharing it with the consumers. The objectives The network aims at studying the specific features of the typical food products of the Upper Rhine region, determining the nutritional properties and spreading the results that are acquired among French and German consumers. The implemented research project takes into account the elements that cover both food production as well as its commercialisation and consumption. The implementation An important contribution to nutritional prevention to chronic disease (overweight and cancer) is given by the members of the Baden-Wurttemberg and Alsace regions. The communication measures are supported by innovative research approaches and are realised by pluridisciplinary working groups that comprise both specialised stakeholders (food transformation processes, nutrition, study of food behaviours) as well as regional food producers. The consortium is a pluridisciplinary network comprising nutrition scientists of the Upper Rhine region from the Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie, the University of Strasbourg, IRCAD, the Institut Technique Agro-Industriel Aerial and the Max Rubner Institute of Karlsruhe. Coordinator: University of Strasbourg. The budget More details at: The project disposes of a total 2.9 millions euros budget, whereby 1.45 millions euros in form of subsidies. The Alsatian partners: UNIVERSITY OF STRASBOURG - CNRS – AERIAL – IRCAD Pluridisciplinary Institute Hubert Curien (UMR 7178) Equipe de Chimie Analytique des Molecules BioActives (Camba) This laboratory is specialised in the development of new food and drugs analysis methods. Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177) Laboratory of Organic Synthetic Chemistry The research the laboratory has carried out concerns: preparative organic chemistry with the aim of coming up to the synthesis of biologically active molecules. AERIAL Aerial Institut Technique Agro-Industriel (ITAI) and Centre de Ressources Technologiques qualifie (CRT), has been created in 1985 and is active in the food and agriculture field, namely the multisectorial applications of irradiation techniques to lyophilisation for bioindustries. IRCAD/INSERM IRCAD (Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif) has been founded in 1994 within the Strasbourg University Hospitals. It consists of laboratories of research and digestive cancer treatment and medical robotics, a research and informatics development department as well as a training centre for mini-invasive surgery. INTERREG IV A Upper Rhine The "INTERREG IV A Upper Rhin" Programme supports the cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine region. It is developed in the framework of the "European territorial cooperation » section from ERDF and disposes of a 63.5 millions euros budget for the 2007-2013 period. The INTERREG IV programme aims at using crossborder potentials and bridging the border-based obstacles so as to make the Upper Rhine region an economically integrated region, which is socially strong and sustainable-development oriented. Who can apply? The participation is broadly open: public bodies, associations, etc., based in the Upper Rhine programming area. Which are the relevant projects? The programme is based on three sections: - - Priority A "To use in common the economic potential of the Upper Rhine region" Priority B "To make the Upper Rhine region become an integrated region in terms of training, employment and habitat" Priority C "To ensure a sustainable development of the Upper Rhine area" More details at: http:// Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 OPTIMIR New tools for a more sustainable dairy sector THE PROJECT OptiMIR is a cooperation project between Dairy Control and Research Centres from six European countries, which aims at improving the green and economic performances of dairy producers via new management tools. The objectives OptiMIR aims at optimising herd management as from dairy controls' data, in order to reduce production costs, facilitate the access of producers to competitive markets and improve their knowledge about the environmental impact. Besides the traditional milk analysis (fat content, proteins, lactose, urea), the infrared spectrum of the milk analysis will be enhanced as indicator of the cows' status. The dairy producer will then be provided all information of the cow pregnancy stage, mastitis risks, nutritutional unbalances, methane rejections, etc. The implementation Via a survey among the farmers, the partners identify the priority domains for the profitability management and the sustainability of their activity. On this base, they are going to develop the key spectral indicator that will be the base of new management tools. After five years, these instruments will be proposed in form of Internet application to the farmers that are registered to the Controle Laitier (Dairy Control). More details at: The consortium OptiMIR is the result of a partnership involving eleven control bodies, five research centres and universities specialised in animal sciences, as well as a milk analysis laboratory with six North-West European countries involved. The project is let by the Association Wallonne de l’Elevage (Vallonia's farming association). The budget OptiMIR disposes of a 7.4 millions euros budget, whereby 50% is funded by the European Union. The Alsatian partner: THE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF AGRICULTURE of ALSACE The Chamber of Agriculture is a professional institution that is legally given a consulting role to the public authorities. The Chamber consists of a professional assembly, which is elected by universal suffrage by all stakeholders in the agriculture sector. With its partners, the Chamber of agriculture initiates, coordinates and applies on spot agriculture and rural development programmes, which meet the society's needs. In the framework of the provided services, the regional Chamber of Agriculture of Alsace assists and supports all 600 milk farmers each month. INTERREG IV B ENO The INTERREG IV B NWE programme is a EU financial instrument (cohesion policy). It supports cross-border cooperation in NorthernWestern Europe (NEW), a cooperation zone comprising eight countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland and Switzerland. The programme has identified four action domains for the 2007-2013 period: innovation, environmental challenges, connectivity, strong and wealth communities promotion. Based on the success of the earlier period, the IVB ENO programme has started off with an envelope of 355 millions euros granted by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) ; half of it was already granted at the end of 2009. In order to support and help the project initiators, the programme proposes a complete structure: the Joint Technical Secretariat and the Contact Points Network present in each of the eight Member states support the project, from the development process to the implementation phase. Who can apply? A project must comprise partners of at least two countries, among which one must be situated within the Northern-Eastern European area. Each organisation that works in the area of territorial development can join the programme. More details at: / The BUREAU ALSACE and the ALSACE REGION Partners of the Lower Rhine Chamber of Agriculture The Bureau Alsace and the Alsace Region has been a strong support during the mounting phase of the OptiMIR project in the framework of the INTERREG IV B ENO programme for the Lower Rhine Chamber of Agriculture. Support at any key step The Brussels representation office of the Alsace Region has assisted the project development throughout all key phases. At first, it has supported the Lower Rhine Chamber of Agriculture during the mounting phase and contributes to the identification of the European programme's call for tenders as potential partners. After presenting the application, the Alsace Region has illustrated the project to the French Committee’s members of the INTERREG IV B ENO programme; this improves then the project's chances for success. With its presence at the presentation of the application, the Bureau has then also successfully helped to make the link with the national and regional contact points and pave the way to validate the project on the base of the assessment criteria. The project has been presented for the first time in October 2009. After a first rejection, it has been presented again and accepted in 2010. Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 RETS Renewable Energies Transfer System THE PROJECT The objectives The project (funded by INTERREG IVC) aims at providing suitable answers to the necessary adjustments of territorial communities, namely the ones with less than 25,000 inhabitants that process a strategy of energy mix and implement a renewablesbased policy. The renewables that have been analysed are: windenergy sector, photovoltaics, geothermics, biomass, wastes, water and sea-based renewable energy. The implementation RETS has been created for a three years period and has been launched in January 2010 to be concluded end of 2012 with a final conference in Strasbourg. The project's main activities are: the creation of collaboration tools on the good practices and the networking for the sake of research centres and existing renewable related services, as well as of a permanent technologic alert. Here's the working programme: - Drawing up and publication of 45 good practices and elaboration of a guide Exchange of experiences: six study visits Organisation of ten seminars Training to use collaboration instruments Alert System dedicated to renewables Drawing up and publication of 85 collaboration articles by two experts Spread of results: three international conferences, ten newsletters, website and wiki The consortium Twelve structures from nine Member States are partners of the project: Coordinator : ADEC (F) Partners : Pezenas (F), IHK ZETIS GmbH (D), Vecses (HU), Provincia di Varese (I), Sittard-Geleen (NL), Serta et Pinhel (PT), ICEMENERG (RO), ENERGAP (SI), University of Staffordshire and Eco Centre Wales (UK). RETS has set up privileged bonds with other initiatives: - The RENREN – Renewable Energy Regions Network (project funded by INTERREG IVC) - IMEDER - Institut Mediterranean des Energies Renouvelables (Mediterranean Institute for Renewable Energies) The budget 1.9 millions euros among which 1.5 millions euros funded by the ERDF. More details at: The Alsatian partner: ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DES ENTREPRISES ET DES COMPETENCES (ADEC) Supported by the General Concil of Bas-Rhin and based in the rural area of La Walck (Alsace of Nord), ADEC is an association working in the economic development field that has been labelled Technopole (Retis network), specialised in ICT, sustainable development and renewables. INTERREG IVC ADEC is the RETS project coordinator and puts its ICT competence at the disposal of the consortium. INTERREG IVC paves the way to cooperation on the whole EU territory with no proximity restriction. Contact Its final objective is to improve the regional development policies and instruments' effectiveness as well as the exchange of practices. Catherine Ledig / Alison Garnier-Rivers Site Web : E-Mail : Téléphone : +33 3 69 20 29 10 The programme deals with two priority themes: - Knowledge innovation and economy Environment and risk prevention The typical instruments for the exchange of experiences supported by INTERREG IVC are networking activities such as thematic workshops, conferences, studies and study visits. The project partners cooperate in order to identify and transfer good practices. Who can present a project? The BUREAU ALSACE and the EUROPE ALSACE NETWORK: A strong support The mounting of the project The programme principally heads to the communities that manage public policies at local and regional level. Under certain conditions, some para-public bodies can also join INTERREG IVC projects. The Bureau Alsace has provided a precious help in the setting up of the project partnership. Thanks to its contact with the Western Midlands (UK) in Brussels, ADEC has got in contact with the Staffordshire University, an unavoidable partner of RETS. The European cooperation is then enhanced. More details at: The project life The Reseau Europe Alsace benefits form regular reports form the RETS project activity via its participation of ADEC to its meetings. Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 Emergency Response : SERTIT – pillar of the SAFER project THE PROJECT Flooding in Pakistan and in Poland, fires in Greece, earthquakes in Haiti, tsunami in Japan – major disasters which make emergency teams in need of reliable quick description of locations and local situations. The SAFER service: Services and Applications For the Emergency Response, based on data provided by Earth observation satellites, aims at reacting to this urgency. It derives form the GMES programme (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), that is the European answer to the environmental challenges of the 21st century. The objectives SAFER's main goal is to establish a single European Centre to provide a very quick cartographic service to support emergency managers: civil security and NGOs. This project aims at qualifying and approving an infrastructure of specialised services according to the users' needs. The SAFER project represents the last step (2009-2011) before the implementation (as from 2012) of a permanent European emergency response service (Call for tenders of the Commission presently under processing and analysis). The implementation Responding to a user request, the SAFER Project is activated. The Earth satellites observation instruments are activated. On its turn, SERTIT keeps 24/24 hours a team of engineers in stand-by for emergency duties. It is organised to produce in less than six hours an impact map for the decision-makers to optimise the response organisation. Impact map for the earthquake in Haiti The consortium SAFER is an important European Project: it comprises 54 partners form 16 different countries. They are all specialised in the Earth observation and risk management. The operational production of quick cartography which is at the heart of the project is principally provided by two operators, ZKI-DLR (Zentrum für Satellitengestutzte Kriseninformation) and SERTIT. The budget 40 millions euros, whereby 27 millions euros from European funding. The Alsatian partner: SERTIT is a service provided by the University of Strasburg SERTIT is a center for technological transfer that is specialised in using satellite imaging to observe the Earth. Thanks to its experience, based on a ISO 9001 certified organisation, it can operate with quick deadlines. SERTIT puts the Space at the service of the Earth via its constant comparison of the users' needs and expectations with the growing potential offered by the special technologies and its last research and remote session results. More details at: Strong REGIONAL SUPPORT for SERTIT The today's challenge SERTIT is presently recognised in Europe and worldwide for its scientific and technical excellence built on Europe's support. As a matter of fact, SERTIT has been and is forefront partner in several European projects, the regional Alsatian stakeholders are persuaded that the recognition of this expertise needs to go beyond Alsace's borders and intend to facilitate its dissemination via focussed communication actions. SERTIT's activity is undoubtedly widely spread. The venues where it intervenes do witness this. Now SERTIT must benefit from this. In view of the planned launch of the European Centre for Urgency Response, the Bureau Alsace is namely working on making SERTIT and its activities be known so as to give the EU the chance to benefit from the SERTIT’s know-how and virtues in the rapid response crisis cartography. Where the SERTIT operates : A world spread SAFER, a project funded by FP7 Eligible projects for FP7 SAFER has been granted the funding of FP7, the main EU instrument to fund R&D in Europe over the 20072013 period. FP7 is based on five elements, the so-called "specific programmes": This is a unique framework with chances to plan actions over many years and disposes of 50 billions euros for the whole period. The ordinary refunding rate is of 50%. For some legal entities, this rate can go up to 75%. Who can apply? The participation is largely covered: groups of researchers, SMEs, associations, public bodies, researches, students, etc. regardless the country where they come from, with privileged conditions for EU Member States. More details at: / - The “Cooperation” programme aims to stimulate cooperation and improve links between industry and research within a transnational framework (consortia comprising enterprises and university laboratories) - The ”Ideas" programme is intended to enhance the exploratory research in Europe - The "People" programme is intended to encourage mobility and improve the career prospects of researchers - The “Capacities” programme is intended to enhance research capacities Europe needs - The programme on nuclear research Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 SAFE-T Predict potential toxicity of drugs candidate THE PROJECT SAFE-T is a European project, which is supported in the framework of the Joint Technology Initiative IMI (Innovative Medicine Initiative) in the field of health. The objectives The projects aims at providing sustainable solutions to the present problematic lack of sufficiently sensitive and specific clinical trials and checking human renal, hepatic and vascular lesions caused by drugs. This lack of clinical trials is a real obstacle for drugs development. As a consequence of that, some drugs, promising candidates with preclinical toxicity signs of unknown pertinence, cannot be comprised in any clinical process as there is no available sensitive test that allows detecting in due time the security signs of the patient before lesions arise. The implementation New tests based on biomarkers will contribute to check whether the drugs are sufficiently safe to be used within a clinical trial phase. As a consequence of that, the new safety biomarker will help identifying and managing secondary effects of drugs while reducing then also the risks related to the development of drugs and improving their safety management. The consortium The consortium consists of 20 members: FIRALIS SAS, Almirall, Amgen, Argutus Medical Limited, AstraZeneca, Barcelona Cardiovascular Research Center, Bayer Schering Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Charite Hospital, EDI GmbH, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie Salpetriere, Hoffmann La Roche, Interface Europe, NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tuebingen, Novartis Pharma, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis Research and Development, Tel-Aviv (Souraski) Medical Center. The budget This project will have a budget of 36 millions euros over 5 years, whereby 11 millions are covered by the EU via the JTI IMI. The Alsatian partner: FIRALIS SAS FIRALIS SAS is an Alsatian SME created by Dr Husseyin Firat in 2008 and based in Huningue. Its aim is to discover and enhance biomarkers to improve the quality of diagnosis for various diseases among which heart, renal or hepatic diseases. More details at: ARI Alsace – a strong support The “Mission Europe” of the ARI Alsace has been created in March 2007 with the aim of enhancing the participation of Alsatian enterprises (and namely SME) to the European programmes for research and innovation. IMI – INNOVATIVE MEDECINE INITIATIVE The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is one of the five public-private partnerships between the European Commission and the European industry. In the framework of the IMI, the pharmaceutical Industry (represented by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations and Industries- EFPIA]) is the genuine partner of the European Commission. IMI aims at supporting the process dealing with bottlenecks in the framework of research and development process so as to enhance competitiveness of the European drug industry. Who can apply? The selection process in this programme is structured in two steps. During the first step, the SME and research centres' consortia (10-12 in average) illustrate in about 10 pages how they intend to meet the specifications of the call for projects. The IMI independent experts select a preliminary proposal per theme and, secondly, the first consortium is going to merge with an industrial consortium in order to prepare the final proposal. In the framework of the first project proposals (selected in 2009 and 2010) European SME have been strongly represented. The preparatory phase The first meeting between ARI Alsace and the founder of the FIRALIS company took place in 2007. The European vocation of the scientific project leading to the creation of this enterprise has immediately been evident. The ARI “Mission Europe” has identified European programmes allowing this business' development projects be funded. So, in 2008, the IMI programme has been identified as forefront opportunity. The creation of a consortium has been very quick, namely thanks to Dr Firat's strong knowledge of the key academic and industrial stakeholders, founder of the FIRALIS society. The drawing phase The application had to be drawn up very quickly. For this reason, OSEO has granted a subsidy to Firalis (Aid to the European Technological Partnership) so as to ensure the support of a specialised consultant. “Mission Europe” has identified several consultants and has put them in contact with FIRALIS. While drawing up the first and second selection phase of the project, it has critically revised of the various project's version. To conclude, it has put the company in contact with other key stakeholders of the Health field in Alsace (Alsace Biovalley, regional incubator SEMIA) so as to help it to put in place the necessary human and financial resources to such a big and strong project. More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 S_Life European Synergies and Cooperation for Sustainable vehicle along the Life-Cycle THE PROJECT S_Life is a project for the promotion of vehicles recycling at European level. It relies on experimentation as well as innovation to facilitate car pieces recycling. The challenge The out-of-service car windscreen may be recycled but this requires a preventive dismantling process in order to separate the glass and the glue that constitute the triplex safety glass. This is what happens for many car pieces and these operations represent a cost that may jeopardize these materials' enhancement. The objectives The innovation project principally aims at identifying the key points of the vehicles dismantling procedure (technologies, equipments, partnerships to be created…). The experimentation project aims at optimising the vehicles' life cycle at four different levels: the vehicle engineering and construction, its use, its dismantling and enhancement. The implementation The S_Life project is active in the four following fields: - - - Eco-conception and promotion of the “3R” in the car sector (reduction, reutilisation, recycling) Support to eco-design of new vehicles Development of new methods for a better competitiveness at any level of the car value chain Technology transfer The consortium Leader Partner: Véhicule du Futur Partners: the German clusters Bayern Innovative and Automotive BW, the Italian cluster From Concept to Car, the Dutch cluster ARN, the Slovenian cluster GIZACS and a Belgian partner, Interface Europe. The budget 2.3 millions euros, funded by the EU. The Alsatian Partner: POLE VEHICULE DU FUTUR The Véhicule du Futur cluster is labelled Competitiveness Cluster since 2005; it facilitates the synergy between enterprises, schools and research in order to implement R&D projects for innovation. Its aim: to invent suitable solutions for vehicles and mobility options of the future in a sustainable development perspective for the sake of the territory. Its activity is implemented over two complementary dimensions: urban or peri-urban vehicle and mobile organisation. More details at : FP7 – Specific programme “Capacities”: REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE The “Regions of Knowledge” initiative aims at enhancing the European regions' research potential, by especially encouraging and supporting the development, throughout Europe of clusters which associate universities, research centres, enterprises and local authorities. The “Regions of Knowledge” programme is part of the FP7 specific programme “Capacities”. It disposes of a 126 millions euros budget for the 2007-2013 period. Various types of actions are funded: - - The analysis, development and implementation of research activities and programmes for the regional or cross-border competitiveness clusters; The assistance and support of regions with a less developed research profile; Initiatives to improve integration; Dissemination activities such as conferences, workshops, publications or online initiatives. Who can apply? The main participants to this type of project are clusters whose activities are focussed on innovationsbased economic development. The European Commission's wording is “triple helix”. The French competitiveness cluster is the archetype of this type of cluster (“pôle de compétitivité”), that gathers research bodies (public research centres, universities,…), enterprises (big enterprises, SMEs) and local or regional authorities. THE BUREAU ALSACE and ARI Alsace – a strong support This innovative project has been possible thanks to the joint effort of the Véhicule du Futur cluster, the Bureau Alsace and the Regional Agency of Innovation Alsace (ARI Alsace). The Bureau Alsace and ARI Alsace have raised the Pole Véhicule du Futur's awareness to the European “Regions of Knowledge” programme. A meeting with an officer of the European Commission (DG Research) has been organised in the Bureau Alsace offices in order to approve the eligibility of the project concerning the programme. The Bureau Alsace and ARI have supported the cluster throughout the procedure, namely by linking the key stakeholders in France, in Europe and in Brussels. By doing so, a link has been created between the Vehicule du Futur cluster and the National Contact Point “Transport” (FP7) as well as with a European specialised project management, which presently assists the project. More details at: regions-knowledge_en.html Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 STERILIS Moderate consumption in sterilisation THE PROJECT SerialTower STERILIS is a vertical ongoing sterilisation system for food and drink industry. The first ongoing system with backpressure engineered to pasteurise and sterilize any type of product with soft packaging It is a water and energy saving solution and its limited basal surface makes it an economic and environmental friendly solution. The objectives STERILIS is the first on-going system with counterpressure on the market. It is specifically conceived to pasteurise and sterilise any type of products with soft and fragile packaging, small quantities as well as bigger volumes. Its technology can enhance the system's productivity and save water (33 %), steam (23 %) and energy (15 %) compared to the traditional autoclaves, and perfectly keeps the food taste and organoleptic features as well as a total integrity of the most soft and fragile packagings. The implementation Three key points of the project: - - A quicker thermic, productive and economic treatment, more than any other existing solution An optmized heating phase in the least detail A quick and economic cooling phase More details at: The consortium repression conçu pour pasteuriser et stériliser tous type de produit sous emballage souple The project STERILIS has one single partner: STERITECH, Alsatian SME in the Saverne area. The budget The total budget amounts to 1.6 millions euros. The European contribution covers 50% of it. With the obtained funding the first industrial installation with the STERILIS technologies will be conceived and built. It also will be tested on an industrial base. The Alsatian partner: STERITECH Since its creation in 1988, STERITECH® has been working on smart solutions for the sterilisation and pasteurisation of food and pharmaceutical products. The systems proposed are of quality, space and energy saving and environment friendly. Steritech unceasingly innovates in order to keep up with the progress in the packaging field. Major stakeholders in the food and agriculture industry trust Steritech, such as Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, or Stockmeyer. In Saverne it employs 27 people. ARI ALSACE – partner of STERITECH The ECO-INNOVATION™ programme With a budget of 195 millions euros for the 20082013 period, the Eco-Innovation™ programme aims at developing green technologies in order to protect the environment while contributing to nurture competitiveness and growth. The programme aims at facilitating the first commercial application by funding the first really industrial project. Who can apply? First of all the SMEs but also any legal person of one of the 27 EU Member States or associated countries that have signed an agreement (i.e.: Israel, Turkey). What are the pertinent projects? The projects that are related to the first commercial application of ecologically innovating products, processes or practice in the recycling of building, food and agriculture, water and green economy development products. The programme can fund up to 50% of the project. When are the projects to be presented? The project call for tender is published every year, normally in April and the deadline for presenting your proposals is normally beginning of September. The Regional Agency for Innovation (Agence Regionale de l'Innovation Alsace - ARI Alsace) is Alsace’s public innovation expert, starting point and partner for enterprises and their innovation projects. The Regional Agency helps enterprises to structure their projects, guide and facilitate their access to the regional, national and European public aid tools. Thanks to its “Mission Europe”, ARI Alsace supports local enterprises and helps them integrating Europe in their development strategy. ARI Alsace proposes a customized approach to enterprises in order to: - - identify the most suitable European funding for their innovating project, identify European partners: entreprises, public partners, laboratories, to carry out the project, help to prepare the dossier namely to explain the procedures and support the mediation with the French and European authorities. A support at any step It's in the framework of one of the initial meetings with the STERITECH company that the STERILIS project has been recalled. The development stage of the project and need for the enterprise to be supported in order to spread the STERILIS technology in the food and agriculture industry was perfectly pertinent with the CIP's Eco-Innovation programme. In few weeks, the application has been set up with the ARI's support, which has put STERITECH in contact with EACI and organised with the project team a writing workshop and reads and critically revises the application. More details at: eco-innovation/ Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 TRACECARD Straight forward driving THE PROJECT Eye Tracking This helmet is associated to an oculometry software and visualises the follow up of the look's direction in the driver visual field. The quality of the driving education is important at two levels. Of course, you can easily think to road safety but also more and more to the “green driving”. The objectives The TRACECARD project aims at developing an embedded equipment to directly follow up the behaviour of a person while learning to drive. Therefore, driving schools can be proposed to go beyond the traditional teaching approach so as to comprise all the ITC inputs: software, embedded cameras and sensors that can record various driving situations. The implementation In order to develop such a system and to test its effectiveness, the following phases have been carried out: - - - To analyse how the driving lessons are presently given in France and Norway and to identify the functions to be developed in order to enhance their effectiveness. To develop an embedded system that integrates electronics, specific software and sensors such as, for example vision follow up. To ingrate them in the vehicle without disturbing the existing embedded electronics. The consortium The TRACECARD project comprises seven partners: For Norway: Driving Performance Solutions for the commercialisation of the developed systems, Traffic Pedagogic System, Trainer of driving teachers, and SINTEF, the biggest national research centre. For France: AEMO Automation (automatisms and industrial informatics), University of Haute Alsace, MOVeCOACH Technologies, and Process Alliance (coordinator of the project) The budget The total budget for the projects amounts to 1798 200 euros. The Alsatian enterprises are funded by 40% of their additional costs and the public laboratories are covered by 100% of their additional costs. The Alsatian Partner: MOVeCOACH MOVeCOACH Technologies is an enterprise with a French-Norwegian capital. Its two missions are: - More details at: to commercialise and distribute specific material and software for driving education to deliver services related to the sale, installation, maintenance, development of materials as well as the users' formation. ARI ALSACE -partner of MOVeCOACH The Regional Agency for Innovation in Alsace (ARI Alsace) is the public expert for innovation in Alsace, starting point and partner of enterprises for their innovation projects. Its mission consists in helping enterprises to structure their projects, to orient and facilitate their access to available public, regional, national and European tools and aids. EUREKA-EUROSTARS™ The EUREKA-Eurostars programme's vocation is to support high-tech SME with a strong growth potential with projects including European partners. The selected projects are funded by the European Commission and by the States where the partners are based. Who can apply? Any SME following the EU definition (maximum 250 employees) that invests at least 10% of its expenditure to R&D or that employs at least 10% of its personnel in R&D. The presenting enterprise must be able to cover at least 50% of the total cost of the project. There is no imposed theme to be developed. Quels sont les projets concernés ? Minimum duration: 36 months, minimum involvement of two different entities of two (of the 33) Eurostars™ and come to a final product, procedure or service that can be commercialised in the two following years (except for biotechnologies). When can a project to be presented? The call for projects is constantly open with two deadlines per year. Thanks to its “Mission Europe”, the ARI Alsace supports local enterprises to help them to get integrated in Europe while nurturing their development strategy. Support at any key step of the project The project rises from a meeting organised by the CEEI (Centre Europeen d’Entreprises et d’Innovation) in May 2007 between Bernard Groelly, project initiator in Alsace and the “Mission Europe” of ARI Alsace. The basic idea of the project has since then been developed and the partnerships' needs better precised. Bernard Groelly, today director of the MOVeCOACH Technologies company, has then analysed the role of “Mission Europe” of ARI Alsace: “First of all we have asked to ARI Alsace to approve our project. Then, since we are not legal experts, ARI Alsace has considerably helped us to draw the consortium agreement. Eventually, they were constantly in contact with the programme's decision makers in Paris as well as in Brussels, so as to ensure a fruitful dialogue”. In the framework of this project, the consortium agreements are very important: they must be available in order to prepare good working conditions of the intellectual property deriving from the project. More details at: Bureau Alsace Représentation auprès de l'Union européenne des collectivités territoriales et organismes consulaires alsaciens Avenue des Arts, 19 AD B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. : + 32 (0)2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 (0)2 217 66 12 llustrations Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3 Graph 4 Graph 5 Graph 6 Graph 7 Features of the gross domestic expenditure on Research and development (GERD) in Alsace (2008) R&D in Alsace The three « convergences » of Alsatian Regional Innovation Strategy The European programmes to support research and innovation Alsatian enterprises per theme Project per type of programme Project per theme 6 7 14 15 16 17 17 Literature STRATER diagnostic Alsace – Secondary schools – Research – Innovation (Ministry for superior education and research, Service for the strategic coordination and territories, April 2011) Information note – Secondary schools and Research: Research regional profiles in 2008 (Ministry for secondary schools and research, DGESIP/DGRI SIES, August 2011) Chiffres pour l’Alsace – Recherche et Développement, Innovation (INSEE Alsace, January 2011) Figures for Alsace – Competitiveness Poles in Alsace (INSEE Alsace, February 2011) Research, Development and Innovation in the French Regions – Working documents (GT Research and Innovation of French regional bureaux in Brussels, June 2009) Research – Alsace’s wealthy innovation (Alsace Region, December 2007) Photos credits Entreprise Lohr, Duppigheim (67) : _MG_3087.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region Moule à "Mini Koug" : _H2R3612.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Gros focus on a young pousse - CRITT RITMO : _MG_9609.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Laborantine in front a spectromètre de fluorescence X, CRITT Materias Alsace : _H2R2488 (1).tif : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Capsule : IMG_4747.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Dosage par colorimétrie IMG_6365.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Eprouvettes - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7136.jpg : © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Eprouvette during a laboratory experiment - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7120.jpg © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Pousse de vigne dans une éprouvette - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7114.jpg © BADIAS / Alsace Region - Jeunes pousses de vigne dans une éprouvette - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7100.jpg © BADIAS / Région Alsace - Expérience dans un laboratoire - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7089.jpg :© BADIAS / Alsace Region e - Expérience dans un laboratoire - Biopôle, Colmar (68) : IMG_7035.jpg :© BADIAS / Alsace Region - Laboratoire de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire de l'entreprise Faust, Illkirch (67) : FMFaust 045.jpg : © MAIGROT / Alsace Region - Entreprise Faust, Illkirch (67) : FMFaust - 008.jpg © MAIGROT / Alsace Region Building seen from outside CRITT AERIAL, Illkirch (67) : _PAR0061.jpg ; © PARENT / Alsace Region -Check after centrifugation, Illkirch (67) : FMIGBMC - 018.jpg © MAIGROT / Alsace Region - The Andlau village (67) : -1349731885.jpg © NAEGELEN / Alsace Region - Micromanipulation, injection of DNA in a labortory Transgène : 1349779728.jpg © LACOUMETTE / Alsace Region - Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg (67) : CLT50_00052D.jpg - © NOTOCAMPANELLA - Vignobles : AGR40_00049D.jpg ; © DUMOULIN / Alsace Region - Holo 3, Virtual reality platform – Photo credit Aérial – Photo credit CNRS. Photo credit Ircad. T he Bureau Alsace is the representation tool at the European institutions for the public communities and Alsatian consular bodies. This Office has been set up in Brussels since 1990 and gathers the Alsace Region, the Lower-Rhine and Upper-Rhine General Councils, the Urban Community of Strasbourg, the Joint Community of Mulhouse-South Alsace, City of Colmar, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Alsace, the Alsace Chamber of Craft, the Regional Chamber for Agriculture of Alsace. The Bureau Alsace has been the first French regional representation office in Brussels. It is original for two reasons: it is linked to the Association for the Promotion of Alsace (APA), namely a network of contacts and skills gathering the Alsatians of Belgium and it also entails the territorial and local communities as well as the Alsatian consular bodies. Bureau Alsace 19 A-D, Avenue des Arts B-1000 Bruxelles Tel : + 32 2 221 04 30 Fax : + 32 2 217 66 12
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