for your Pharma-Biotech project
for your Pharma-Biotech project
for your Pharma-Biotech project Benefits of the Alsace Region for your project... Come and join us! • • • • • • • • • A unique ecosystem for Pharma-Biotech companies A dynamic and innovative business environment A world-renowned research and training base Easy access to the European markets An international region by its very nature State-of-the-art infrastructure Real estate solutions adapted to your needs An outstanding quality of life The best of France, in the heart of Europe and much more... Access Business & Tourism Development Agency Alsace, a winning location Alsace Your gateway to the European Pharmaceutical and Biotech market! for your project Outstanding skills in 6 fields: Welcome to Alsace, in the heart of the wellknown Franco-German-Swiss BioValley! In this trinational area you will find a concentration of highly talented Pharma and Biotech leaders, research and training centers, all within a radius of 145 km. Neurosciences Drug Discovery Structural biology Diagnostics More than 40% of the global pharmaceutical leaders are based Chemistry Oncology here, benefiting from an outstanding trinational ecosystem open to Europe and the rest of the world: Key players in the Pharma-Biotech sector, ranging from the Big Pharmas to state-of-the-art start-ups as well as renowned CROs and CMOs. Numerous foreign companies established here for their R&D, clinical trials, manufacturing, their head offices and/or the marketing of their products or services. A tri-national Pharma-Biotech hub A closer look at the Pharma Biotech industry International excellence: 600 Life Sciences companies, including Europe Market: €100 billion 25,000 companies, 95% of which are SMEs Lilly’s largest manufacturing site is based in Alsace. Internationally scientific experts. renowned numerous top-level technology platforms Excellent infrastructure, and a significant network of teaching hospitals to carry out your clinical trials. Alsace is among the larger scientific hubs in France and it ranks first in chemistry. The presence of the European Pharmacopoeia and the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg. World Sources : Eucomed, BPI France A culture of excellence Europe’s third most competitive country for R&D, France is the As leading European nation when it comes to R&D investments in the biotechs and is in third place for patent registration in this field. Some 80% of the workforce in the French pharmaceutical industry is concentrated in companies which are members of competitive clusters. (source LEEM/IMS) A fast changing market In 2020, the world market for the pharma industry should reach $1.3 trillion. In 2014, Europe accounted for 23% France : The most attractive R&D Tax Credit in Europe! of the global market. France ranks first for corporate taxation relating to R & D activities. The tax credit (source IMS) amounts to 30 % of annual R & D expenses. The credit basis considers all R & D expenses (salaries, payroll taxes, depreciation, patents, etc ...) The cost of subcontracting to French or European public organizations is accounted for at 200%. 50, 000 employees in the Life Sciences 5 out of 10 pharma world leaders Alsace, in addition to being a business and scientific hub… is an international and vibrant region which has always attracted new talent : Alsace, the North-Eastern region of France bordering Germany and Switzerland: a favorite choice for foreign companies and individuals seeking a dynamic and welcoming their activities on the European continent. location for With its long standing multi-cultural and multilingual assets, Alsace is the first international region in France, with the seat of the European Parliament, Council of Europe and other international organizations, as well as with a large foreign community of professionals and students. 9 Prizes (Nobel, Lasker, Leibnitz…) 15,000 scientists 3 universities listed in the world’s top 100 (Shanghai Ranking – 2014) Source : Alsace BioValley, Eurométropole With two European airports in Alsace, offering more than 100 direct regular flights and three international hubs within 2.5 hours, Alsace offers full access to Europe and the world. It is also at the crossroads of major European road and rail connections, including two High Speed TGV lines. Strasbourg : 1h46mn from Paris (4/16). An exceptional quality of life with an outstanding concentration of historic and cultural sites, diversity of lively cities and quaint villages, beautiful mountains allowing multiple outdoor activities, the best white wine in the world … and the highest concentration of Michelin-starred restaurants! © Istock France The second-largest European market after Germany 350 Pharma-Biotech companies Source: Business France 2 3 Highly concentrated R&D and innovation Real Estate solutions adapted to your needs Scientific excellence: 3 Nobel Prizes: Martin Karplus, chimie (2013) - Jules Hoffmann, physiologie - médecine (2011) - Jean-Marie Lehn, chimie (1987) 1 Kavli Prize: Thomas Ebbesen, nanosciences (2014) 3 CNRS Gold Medals 1 Fields Medal 27 European Research Council (ERC) With business and innovation parks, business incubators and more, Alsace has the infrastructure to help you make your setting up and expansion project a success. Internationally Neurex One of the largest European networks for research in the neuroscience field. 1,000 Franco-German-Swiss researchers I 100 research laboratories. * Shangaï Ranking 2015 L’ESBS - Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg : L’IEEPI The European Institute for Enterprise and Intellectual Property l'IEEPI proposes training in the strategic and offensive aspects of intellectual property rights, intended for companies in particular. SATT Conectus Alsace, entry point to Alsatian research for industrial R&D The first French tech transfer acceleration company, Conectus Alsace brings public lab innovations closer to market through investing in proof of concept and licensing. SATT Conectus also initiates and manages public-private research partnerships. 4 With its comprehensive and high performance training system, Alsace attracts 67,000 students at the Université de Strasbourg (listed among world’s top 100 universities*) and the Université de Haute Alsace/UHA. Alsace also benefits from a dense network of engineering schools covering many scientific fields : biomedical, mecatronics, biotechnology, chemistry, physics, polymers and materials, etc. One of the seven leading French centres devoted to cancer research. 1,400 researchers and clinicians I 400 research teams a scientific school with an international vision In partnership with the universities of Strasbourg, Basel and Karlsruhe, the ESBS proposes engineering and biotechnology training for French, German and Swiss students. The trilingual teaching focuses on genetic engineering, microbiology, bioinformatics, bio-manufacturing, and modelling, etc. Numerous Swiss and German R&D centres complete this impressive list and add further dynamism to this sector: FMI, Friederich Miescher Institut for Biomedical Research (Basel –Switzerland) - BioZentrum, focused on molecular and biomedical research and teaching (Basel–Switzerland) - ZBSA, Centre for the analysis of biological systems/(Freiburg – Germany) - Max Planck Institute for immunology and Epigenetics (Freiburg – Germany). © Istock L’ISIS Institute of Supramolecular Engineering and Science A multidisciplinary research institute in the physics/biology/ chemistry fields . 12 laboratories I 155 employees Le Cancéropole Grand-Est EASE - A training centre unique in its kind in Europe, devoted to production in clean room environments © Vialet Architecture L’IGBMC Institute of Genetics and of Molecular and Cellular Biology One of Europe’s most prestigious centres for biomedical research. 750 researchers I 47 research teams I 45 nationalities I 45,000 m2 of laboratories Outstanding training, suited to the requirements of health companies renowned Institutes Genetics, molecular and cellular biology, chemistry and the neurosciences are all areas of excellence developed by the institutes and laboratories in Alsace belonging to the CNRS (national centre for scientific research), the Inserm (national institute for health and medical research) and the universities, including: Discover for example, the Parc de la Mer Rouge in Mulhouse which focuses on high technology activities, including life sciences. The Strasbourg Innovation Park (170 hectare) is home to more than 50 key life science players, covering industry, research and training. It offers numerous services dedicated to the success of innovative businesses and state of the art real-estate such as the Bioparc facility. © Th. Suzan Located in the «Golden Triangle» for R&D between Baden-Wurtemberg (Germany) and Northwest Switzerland, Alsace boasts an impressive concentration of scientific skill. This cross border region has one of the highest densities of laboratories and researchers in Europe. Winners of scientific prizes, internationally renowned institutes and thematic experts apply their highly specialised skills there, enhancing the area’s reputation far beyond its borders. Alsace has 2 universities, 12 advanced graduate schools, 250 laboratories and more than 4,300 researchers in addition to a University Hospital and numerous specialised research institutes. EASE training center Based near Strasbourg, the EASE production/educational unit provides students undergoing basic training or interns with ongoing training in the various aspects of production in clean room environments, operating under real-life industrial conditions. 5 Alsace is home to many talented companies… Join over 600 Life Science Companies that have chosen the UpperRhine Valley to set up shop! Karlsruhe Catalent France SA FRANCE A unique environment to support our development High tech production enabled by research institutes and talents At the heart of the European Pharma network Innovating and creating the future in Alsace! CellProthera develops a technology to treat patients with acute myocardial infarct. It is based on autologous peripheral blood stem cells which allows the structural and functional regeneration of myocardial tissue. Novartis regularly invests in its Biotechnology Center based in Huningue, Alsace. A Contract Research Organization (CRO) specialized in pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies, Quintiles is present in Alsace at the Innovation Park in Illkirch. Deeply rooted in the Alsatian landscape, Cellprothera is nurtured by a wide regional network of scientific, financial and industrial partners. Indeed, it was created in 2008 based on research done in Mulhouse at the “Institut de Recherche en Hématologie et Transplantation” and benefits from regional public and private funding. Local industrial partners also support the design and production of CellProthera equipment. Professeur Philippe HENON President & CSO «These investments enable us to follow technological innovations and increase our production capacity. The Biotechnology Centre ensures the production of 5 biopharmaceuticals. A department of thirty experts supports the development and technical transfer of new production processes. Nearly 70 new jobs, mostly highly technical, have been created since 2010. Thanks to the dynamism of the region in our domain, we benefit from a network of experts and research institutes to assist us in our development.» Dirk Böhm Site Head Alcon S.A. Capsugel including : CellProthera Nicolas Schaltenbrand Country Manager France 0 6 An incubator to create your business more smoothly. SEMIA , the incubator of innovative companies in Alsace, helps project especially in the life science and health sector by providing human, financial and technical support. Mulhouse Daiichi Sankyo including : Novartis Pharma SAS Weleda SA Endress & Hauser Firalis Konstanz Basel SWITZERLAND Zurich Non-exhaustive map Alsace BioValley is a world-renowned health cluster enjoying established connections with American, Canadian, Japanese, German, Swiss and Belgian clusters. Its Pharma-Biotech experts will identify new growth, financing and innovation opportunities for your company. Access unique business solutions (collaborative R&D projects, tailored introductions to new partners and clients, financial engeneering, etc.) and take advantage of their established networks in the heart of Europe! Colmar Freiburg = Main company locations A successful health cluster to help your company grow! Strasbourg GERMANY “Our firm assists laboratories in the development and registration of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products (Management of Clinical Projects, Clinical Operations, Biometry, Medical Affairs and Quality). At the heart of a European network for the pharmaceutical industry, the site in Strasbourg benefits from a high-quality scientific and technological environment, thus contributing to the development of the bio-pharmaceutical sector in Alsace.” In Alsace: everything you need to innovate ! Stuttgart including : Boiron Lilly Quintiles Strasbourg Octapharma Sanofi R&D Transgene 11km Alsace has a world-class life science environment! To ensure the successful expansion of your business, a combination of key players cover the whole value chain for Pharma-Biotech. Discover our Pharma-Biotech companies online: you may well find your future clients, partners and suppliers here! 7 Access Alsace your premium partner The Alsace Business & Tourism Development Agency promotes the region’s industry, innovation, research & education, arts & culture, and tourism. It contributes to the region’s growth and global outreach by attracting companies, entrepreneurs, visitors, scientists, and students. Our team provides a wide range of free and fully confidential services to assist and inform interested foreign companies about doing business in Alsace. Our multilingual experts provide a step by step assistance to companies setting up and developing operations in Alsace. 5 steps to success Access Alsace adds value to your project STEP 1 PLANNING Optimize a European market strategy for your operation. We have been working for 60 years with international companies on these key planning elements. STEP 2 INFORMATION Finalize your business plan. We provide accurate information on costs, support, human resources, regulations, utilities, real estate, and suppliers, to help you build set-up options. STEP 4 INFRASTRUCTURE STEP 3 VALUE CHAIN Access to strategic networks, partners and providers. FrancoGerman tax adviser? English-speaking accountant? Pick’n’pack logistics provider? We will find them for you! Get your business up and running smoothly. We find land, buildings, offices, incubators; apply for public support programs; help expats find housing, work permits, education, ... Fast track your project. Creating the company; getting power, telecom, broadband, permits; hiring local staff; ... and much more, until your subsidiary is up and running Access Agence d’Attractivité de l’Alsace / Access Alsace • Château Kiener • 24 rue de Verdun F-68000 Colmar Tel : + 33 (0)3 89 29 81 00 - Fax. +33 (0) 89 29 81 01 • Business & Tourism Development Agency Document édité par l’Agence d’Attractivité de l’Alsace novembre 2015 STEP 5 IMPLEMENTATION
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