30 October - Rosehill College


30 October - Rosehill College
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa
Term 4 Week 4 – It’s best
to finish strongly.
Week 4 is our week of Academic Prizegivings.
Year 12 students who achieved one ‘First in
Class’ award were presented with these last
Congratulations to all those students who received awards at our Arts Awards on
Tuesday evening and Sports Awards on Thursday evening. The Arts Awards showcased
the amazing talents of our students in Kapa Haka, art, speech and debating,
dance, drama, choral and instrumental music. The Sports Awards highlighted the
outstanding performances of teams and individuals in a very wide range of sports,
from the traditional netball and rugby to karate, equestrian and ice hockey. Students participating in cocurricular activities pursue personal excellence beyond the classroom, and the skills they gain through
managing themselves and undertaking regular practice enhance their academic work. Thank you to our
guest speaker at the Sports Awards, David Neithe, a mental performance coach who has worked with
Lydia Ko, among others. His advice to students included having belief in yourself and high expectations.
The Year 11 Prizegiving is on Wednesday
at 11.30a.m. The Prizegiving for Year 12
students with more than one award and for
all Year 13 awards is on Wednesday at 7p.m.
In assemblies this week, I have been clear that fireworks are not be brought to school or let off at
school. We need to ensure the safety of students, staff and property.
Sue Blakely, Principal
But the year is not over – because there are
important standards to achieve and credits
to gain in the external examinations.
Year 13 Leavers' Ceremony
Friday 4 December 6 pm-7:30 pm
NCEA External Examinations start Friday
Week 4.
Junior Examinations start Week 5 12
In the examination:
Read, understand and note
the instructions.
Look through the papers
and know what has to be
Work out how much time
can be spent on each part.
Do the easiest questions
first leaving the harder ones
until the brain has warmed
Leave time to go over at the
end to check that everything
has been done.
Guy Fawkes
Our Leavers’ Ceremony celebrates students who have completed Year 13. The ceremony finishes at
7.30pm so that families can plan their own personal celebrations. The tickets are $15 per person and
cover the provision of light refreshments. Payment is to be made to the Cashier. We have extended
ticket sales to Friday 6 November. Tickets will be issued closer to the event. Dress code is smart.
The last Arts Committee House competition of
the year was held last Friday. Each house had 30
minutes to create a Halloween themed costume
made out of newspaper and modeled by their Head
of House.
The top three houses were:
1st - Manutaki
2nd - Kahurangi
3rd - Atawhai
Well done to all who participated!
Next week contains
Guy Fawkes Day – 5
November - and that
means that fireworks Fireworks
will be on sale. Under
are fireworks to be
brought to school, be in your possession
at school or set off at school or on the
way to or from school. Any such incident
will be treated very seriously with stand
down or even suspension a possible
30 October 2015
Issue No. 34
Dates to Remember
Monday 2 November
Year 13 Students receive reports and
leave - Period 3
Year 12 Students receive reports and
leave - Period 4
Wednesday 4 November
Year 11 Prizegiving - 11.30am
Year 11 Students receive reports and
leave - Period 4
Year 12 & 13 Prizegiving - 7.00pm
Friday 6 November
NZQA and Scholarship Exams start
Monday 9 November
Staff Only day
Sporting Supreme Awards
Winner Courtney Church - Taekwon Do
Winner Felipe Aguirre Landshoeft - Ice Hockey
Thursday 12 November
to Tuesday 17 November
In two weeks Year 9 and 10 students will be starting their examinations.
Closer to the time each student will be given a personalised timetable.
Below is the timing of the school day during the Junior exam period.
Winner Madison Murray & Kathryn Butcher - Rowing
Winner Caitlin Lucie-Smith - Swimming
A full list and photos from the evening will appear in next
weeks newsletter
Arts & Cultural Supreme
Drama School Scholarship Alicia Collins
Kapa Haka Female Performers of the Year Huia Upward-Simeon & Ashleigh-Jaide Gurnick-Wairoa
Kapa Haka Male Performers of the Year Darryl Hemopo & Brockson Brown
Outstanding Dance Performer Award Jennika Charlton
Outstanding Drama Performer Award Kat Poharama
Cathy Gilmour Memorial Award Kat Poharama
Artist of the Year Stella Choi
Musicians of the Year Jacquelyn Grace & Calla Wu Zheng
A full list of award winners and photos can be
found on page three
Unitec School of Dance
Congratulations to Joshua Eliu for being accepted
into the prestige Unitec School of Dance for a three
year degree! Over 200 people around the country
auditioned for the school with only 25 places.
Together we provide an
environment for
personal excellence
Rosehill College
Gateway Programme
Applications for 2016
Applications for next year are invited for our school Gateway Programme
if you are returning in 2016 as a Year 12 or 13 Student. If you are not
familiar with the Gateway Programme it is a Tertiary Education Commission
(TEC) funded programme designed to strengthen the pathways for senior
students (Y12/13) with the transition from school into the workplace.
The Programme Coordinator finds students work experience in a variety
of careers in the community, with particular focus on students who are
looking at transitioning into either a trade or directly into employment after
leaving school. The programme delivers Gateway students additional work
related courses and training with NCEA credits to help them toward their
chosen goals. In some situations work placements may lead on to either
employment or apprenticeship opportunities. Gateway has limited places
so if you would like to be considered, pick up an application from Mrs Dyer
in the Gateway Office at the back of the School Library or click this shortcut
to be taken to the form: Application Form.
If any parents or families of Rosehill College have a business that would
be a suitable workplace learning experience for a Rosehill Student please
contact the Gateway Coordinator, Mrs Dyer on 295 0661 ext 847 or email
Congratulations to the following students who were recipients at the Arts and Cultural Awards evening held on Tuesday 28 October
Emily Beever
Joan Bell
Hannah Bertram
Brockson Brown
Sara Buckton
Melissa Cadman
Melissa Cave
Jennika Charlton
Reese Child
Stella Choi
Annie Christensen
Kyle Cloete
Alicia Collins
Charleen Conradie
Cameron Cowper
Natasha Crawford
Jamie Crispe
Benjamin Culbert
Ashley Curtis
Achini De Silva
Drew Douglas
Maddison Earnest
Georgia Ellison
Megan Fell
Timothy Fern
Brittany Fitzpatrick
Charity Fomai Faoa
Leila Foster
Skye Fox
Fennella Fraser
Erica Fullerton
Lilly Geddes
Jacquelyn Grace
Max Grigg
Danica Griggs
Nadine Gronous
Ashleigh-Jaide Gurnick-Wairoa
Meg Hargraves
Stacey Harrison
Mhairi Hastings
Caelyn Haupini
Charlotte Heasman
Darryl Hemopo
Dylan Holmes
Awhina Hudson
Paige Hughes
Eden Jackson
Jo Jaipradit
Leyla Jamalli
Lucy Jevons
India Johnson
Natalie Jones
Joy Jung
Alyssa Keenan
Jessica Kelly
Georgia Kemp
Sunwoo Kim
Nathan Kruse
Morgan Lacey
Erica Lane
Sarah Lawson
Sylvana Leaf
Jack Letcher
Nuu Letele
Azalea Lewis-Milne
Shaun Lindesay
Neihana Lowe
Joshua Lowe
Caleb Lowndes
Raymond Luaui
Tipene Matene-Leo
Kaleb Mayall
Fa'anofo Meehan
Aaron Mejias
Blake Monk
Olivia Montgomery
Robert Moon
Kudakwashe Mukupe
James Mulholland
Liam Mullan
Haruka Nagaya
Elena Nascetti
Siobhan Neighbour
Caitlin O'Neill
Paige Owen
Kyla Parker
Stephanie Parker
Tom Parsons
Jessica Peart
Kat Poharama
Isaac Poharama
Reiden Purificacion
Carla Raine
Jaylenrose Rawiri
Tyla Remkes
Laura Rihari
Hunter Robertson
Callum Robinson
Jessica Robinson
Brittany Rose
Tyla Russek
Liam Shaw
Joseph Sherlaw-Mcgowan
Danielle Sherriff
Dwitee Sheth
Arnika Singh
Georgia Smyth
Amy Southon
Siri Sriamporn
Jessica Stratford
Mikayla Sundvick
Stephanie Tapp
Maria Tarrant
Kaitlin Te Rito
Rebekah Te Rito
Andrea Tejada
Te Atawhai Tereva
Robbie Thomson
Callum Thomson
Taylor Tinning
Maia Tipu
Courtney Tock
Tyrah Tokarahi
Danikah Upward-Simeon
Huia Upward-Simeon
Samara Visser
Kane Wadsworth
Ethan Waite
Nicole Watling
Sophie Williams
Mikaela Woodroffe
Calla Wu Zheng
Anqi Yang
Jimin Yu
Sports Awards
On Thursday night the Sports Department and Council held the annual
Sports Awards evening to celebrate the many achievements of our students
from 2015. It was a successful evening with a great turn out of students
and parents. A big thank you goes out to our major sponsor SAS Sport and
to all other contributing sponsors; we wouldn’t be able to host an evening
like this without their support. One of the main highlights of the evening
was an inspirational speech from David Niethe, sports psychologist, who
talked about being a successful athlete and the perfect equation on how
to get there. The night was finished off perfectly with the major award
winners being announced.
Congratulations to all of our students who received awards for 2015 and
special recognition goes to all of our nominees and major award winners.
Junior Sporting Excellence nominees;
Caitlin Lucie-Smith (Swimming)
Madison Murray (Rowing)
Brookelyn Varney (Athletics and Road Running)
Winner of Junior Sport Excellence: Caitlin Lucie-Smith
Team of the Year nominees;
Football 1st XI Boys
Rowing Madison Murray & Kathryn Butcher
Football 1st XI Girls
Hockey 1st XI Girls
Badminton A Grade
Winner of Team of the Year: Rowing Madison Murray & Kathryn Butcher
Sportsman of the Year nominees;
Felipe Aguirre Landshoeft (Ice Hockey)
Darryl Hemopo (Rugby League and Softball)
Zeon McNabb (AFL and Rugby)
Kelan Griggs (Karate)
Winner of Sportsman of the year: Felipe Aguirre Landshoeft
Sportswoman of the Year nominees;
Amelia Marlow (Hockey)
Courtney Church (Taekwon Do)
Alexa Kennedy (Trampoline)
Beky van Tiel (Equestrian)
Renee Faulkner (Equestrain Eventing)
Winner of Sportswoman of the Year: Courtney Church
Photos from the Maori
Awards Evening - 21 October 2015
Photos from the Police Open Day
18 October 2015