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Rideau Park United Church Anniversary Sunday, October 23, 2016 10:00 a.m. service Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for preschoolers is available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able. After the service you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall. Anniversary Sunday, October 23, 2016 We Gather Together Prelude: “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee“ Touch of Brass arr. Cynthia Dobrinski Lighting of the Chancel Candles: Psalm 43: 3 : “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God.” Matthew 5: 16 *CALL TO WORSHIP: ONE : People of God, look around and see the faces of friends and strangers. ALL: People of God, look around and see all the images of God assembled here. ONE: Ancient scripture meets modern rhythms, hymns of tradition meet the refreshing Spirit of new life. ALL: In each one, God’s spirit shines for all to see. ONE: People of God, let us worship. *Processional Hymn: 240 VU Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven Lauda Anima (Praise My Soul) *Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU) *Hymn: 402 VU We Are One We Are One *Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU) Touch of Brass Violin: Iain Macpherson “Spirit Song” arr. Cynthia Dorinski A Time For All God’s Children Listening for God’s Word *Hymn: 154 MV Deep in Our Hearts Freed (Following the hymn, children are invited to go to their Sunday School classes.) Scripture Reading: Matthew 22: 34-40 Lay Reader: Carolyn Scollick Anthem: “Prayer of St. Francis” Sermon: “Love in a Time of Hate” Rev. Jenni Leslie I, the Lord of Sea and Sky Here I Am, Lord *Hymn: 509 VU, Togni Our Response Offering Offertory Music: Soloist: “How Great Thou Art” Yannik Gosselin arr. Walters *Offertory Response: 227VU, verse 3 For harvests of the Spirit, thanks be to God. For the good we all inherit, thanks be to God. For the wonders that astound us, for the truths that still confound us, most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God. Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern: The Life and Work of the Church *Hymn 331 VU The Church’s One Foundation Aurelia *Commissioning and Benediction Postlude: “Allegro Maestoso” Willan Rideau Park News 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9 (613) 733-3156 Upcoming Worship Events Sun Oct 23 Anniversary Sunday 10:00am Sun Oct 23 Meditative Service 3:00pm Sun Nov 6 Remembrance Sunday 10:00am Rev. Elizabeth is leading worship at Kitchissippi United Church today, freeing their minister, our guest speaker Rev. Jenni Leslie, to be with us this morning. Jenni served on our ministry team in 2005-2006 in a time of pastoral transition. It is wonderful to have her back with us this morning! Meditative Service: TODAY at 3:00 p.m. A gentle service of scripture, sing, discussion, communion and silence. All are welcome. If you are new to Rideau Park and would like to transfer your membership to our congregation, we plan to formally welcome newcomers in November. Please, if you are interested, contact the church office at 613-733-3156 ext. 229, or speak to a minister. Sunday, November 6, at 3:00pm - Our Hearts Remember: A meditative service of worship during which we remember, and celebrate, the lives of our loved ones and friends, who have passed away during the past year. A commemorative candle for each person, which may be taken home as a keepsake, will be lit during the service. Peace. Awareness. Mindfulness. Groundedness. Meditation is good for you: mind, body and spirit. A small group meets for silent meditation from 9:10 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Sundays, in a dedicated meditation space and everyone is welcome. It`s not hard to do; it’s as easy as breathing. Why not give it a try? And if you would like to know more about meditation in the Christian tradition you can visit: Churchpost articles are due to Marcia Gosse no later than 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 6. Submissions can be sent to Marcia Gosse or placed in the Churchpost mail slot at the church. The Christmas Treasurers Bazaar count down is quickly moving towards November 5. Below is the chart for the drop off times for all your donations. Activity Room Wed. Nov. 2: 1-5 PM and 6-8 PM Thurs. Nov. 3 : 9 AM - 5 PM and 6-8 PM Fri. Nov. 4 Sat. Nov. 5 9 AM - 8 PM 8-11 AM X X (before 10 AM) Baking Table items to sell at the bazaar C6 Baking squares to be used in the Tea Room C12 Book Alley Walkway Crafts of all Kinds B21 X Deli C6 X X Garden Centre B21 (1 – 2 PM only) X X Kitchen C12 X X Ladies’ Boutique B21 Jams & Preserves C6 Silent Auction (2 – 4 and 6 – 8) X X X X X X X X X X B20 X X X Toy Store B9 X X X General Store B12 X X X X Wednesday is basically for setting up of all the rooms, but there are a few places accepting donations. We’ll be ready and waiting on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to help you in with all your goodies. Thanks for your support. Harmony Club for Seniors (60+) will meet on Wednesday, October 26. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m.; annual membership fee is $4.00. Lunch (cost $6.00) will be served by volunteers at 12:00 p.m. From 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wayne Bennett will provide an overview, reflections and photos of his recent study trip to Honduras. Please spread the word that presentations are open to all, without charge or prior notice. For anyone who is not yet a member to join us for lunch, registration is required by Thursdays, October 20. For more information, please call Marg Nelson. Bible Explorations: On Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m., in the Parlour, please join us to explore the lectionary text for the coming Sunday worship service. Led weekly by the Minister preaching on the Sunday, participants engage in conversation about the meaning of texts for their daily living, adding to the Minister’s reflections about the text also. Fellowship Luncheon: November 20, 11:30 a.m. Menu: Shrimp, Chicken and Tasso Jambalaya, Canadian Cranberry and Wild Blueberry Fruit Cobbler, with ice cream and a beverage. Take out is available. Adults: $10.00 each, children 4-14 years old: $5.00 each. Tickets on sale in Beecroft today or from the office during the week. Gentle Yoga: “Relax After Work” Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. -OR- “Enlighten Your Mornings” Fridays, 9:00 a.m. Join one, or both, of our new Yoga classes depending on your schedule. Yoga enhances any other exercise routine as well as stretching and strengthening. Certified Yoga Instructor, Lynda Spalding, will lead beginner to advanced (male and female) students through gentle flow mat classes. Fees are $25.00 for 8 weeks (1 class per week) or $50.00 if taking 2 classes per week. Drop-in fee $5.00. For more info, call the church office at 613-733 -3156 ext. 229. Please note: Please bring your own Yoga mats to the Yoga classes. Thank you. Healing Pathway is at a new time. There will be two 1/2 hour healing sessions offered on Sunday mornings, one at 11:30 a.m. and one at 12:00 p.m. Healing Pathway is a 25 year old United Church program that develops the skills and gifts of healing hands within the Christian tradition, and fosters development of healing ministries in congregations and other communities. For further information or to make an appointment, send an email to or speak to Brian Neal or Steve Clifton. Facebook Page: Rideau Park has a Facebook group with more than 100 members. It’s a place to post information and to share insights and inspirations. If you are on Facebook, you can look up “Rideau Park United Church” and join in! Important Reminder: Announcements for RPNews MUST be emailed to:, or brought to the office, no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesdays before the Sunday services, please. Thank you. RPUC Annual Christmas Pageant 2016 Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, December 11th this year at our 10:00 a.m. service. All children and young people are invited to participate in this traditional telling of the birth of our Saviour. Sign-up for all speaking and non-speaking parts and behind-thescenes jobs will be held October 30th after services in the upper hallway. Information and rehearsal schedules can be found on the Sunday School counter (across from the Parlour upstairs). There are no auditions - everyone is welcome to participate. Rehearsals begin November 6th. For more information, please contact Andrea at 613-248-1283 or The United Churches of the Ottawa area are supporting the MultiFaith Housing Initiative Haven Project. Haven will provide 98 housing units for 300 people in the Longfields area of Barrhaven. The goal for the United Church support of the project is to raise $100,000; $14500 has been raised to date and RPUC has contributed to the project through our Foundation. If you would like to know more please visit Travelling Road Show, a Workshop for Treasurers, Trustees, Stewardship and Outreach Committees, hosted by the Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference Stewardship Committee. The event will be held on two dates in different locations: Saturday, October 22, 2016 at Christ United Church, 5 Casselman Street, Chesterville OR Saturday, November 19, 2016 at Emmanuel United Church, 691 Smyth Road, Ottawa. Both events will be open from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. To register email or phone 613-841-9291. For the photography buffs in our congregation: United Theological College, Montreal, has been hosting exhibitions of art with spiritual themes. The Galerie is happy to invite contributions from amateur artists at any phase of the exploration of their art, using photographic media and on the theme, “Let There Be Light”. We are particularly interested in photos that stimulate conversation and evoke deeper reflection from viewers. Please visit the College’s website, and share this information with those in your community who may be interested. Here is the website info: Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility. Parking in the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side. Thank you. Reminder: Please note that the services at Rideau Park are live-streamed on our web site: on Sunday mornings only, but then they are posted mid-week under "Webcast Service Archives” for your enjoyment. Activities Calendar: Oct 23- Oct 29 Sunday: Meditation 9:10am B-9 Anniversary Sunday Service 10:00am Sanctuary Healing Pathway 11:30am B-9 Meditative Worship 3:00pm Sanctuary Monday: Cross-stitch 9:30am Parlour Christmas Cheer 10:00am Bea Balcony Knitting 12:30pm Parlour Ringing Praise 6:30pm Sanctuary Touch of Brass 7:15pm Sanctuary Oasis (AA) 8:00pm Brackenridge Tuesday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Beecroft Pastoral Care 1:30pm Parlour Social Action 7:30pm Parlour La Bell Ensemble 7:15pm Sanctuary Wednesday: Bible Exploration 9:30am Parlour Harmony Club 1:00pm Parlour Gentle Yoga 5:30pm Beecroft Session 7:30pm Parlour Thursday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Beecroft Quilters 9:30am Parlour Euchre 1:00pm Parlour HearSay for Families 5:45pm Beecroft Kinderpraise 6:15pm B-9 Joyful Noise 2 6:15pm B-12 Cherubs 6:15pm B-9 Joyful Noise 6:45pm B-12 NoteAble Sound Chimes 6:15pm Sanctuary Grace Notes 6:45pm Sanctuary Chancel Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Friday: Morning Yoga 9:00am Beecroft Saturday: Elizabeth Bryce - Minister Steve Clifton - Minister Georgina Fitzgerald - Minister Andrew Ager - Organist Iain Macpherson - Music Ministry Coordinator Debi Brown - Administrator Debby Gerro - Administrative Assistant Paul Sorg - Custodian Coffee Hour Volunteers Oct 23 Karen Humphries & Rob Blake Julia Vargas & Eriana Oct 30 Bob & Margo Roden Robert & Bernice Rennie Nov 6 Mary Lynne & Jim Holton Lois Jensen Daryl & Garry Lindberg Sunday Duty Officers Oct 23 Myrna Belo Oct 30 Kate Whitridge Nov 6 Jennifer MacKinnon Counting Volunteers Oct 24 Garry Linberg Oct 31 Rod Hagglund Nov 7 Bob Roden Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340 Visit our website: Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or Church Staff: 613-733-3156 Mon-Thurs ext 224 Tues-Fri ext 225 Tues-Thurs ext 226 Thurs-Fri ext. 223 Wed-Thurs Mon, Wed-Fri Tues-Fri Mon, Wed-Fri Kathy McKinlay ext 301 ext 228 ext 229 ext 229
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