Current Sunday Bulletin - Rideau Park United Church


Current Sunday Bulletin - Rideau Park United Church
Welcome to
Rideau Park United Church
Annual Meeting Sunday, February 15, 2015
10.00 a.m. Service
Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer
requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for pre-schoolers is
available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel
each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able.
After the service, you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall.
Annual Meeting Sunday, February 15, 2015
Coming Together as God’s People
Prelude on Columba
Healy Willan
Lighting of Chancel Candles: 2 Corinthians 4: 6
“It is God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the
light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
*Call to Worship:
One: We stand at the door of God’s House,
looking back and looking forward.
We stand at the door of our lives,
wondering what we’ll find when we open it wide.
We stand at the door of this moment,
knowing that God is here, knowing that God is with us - always. No matter what.
We are not alone!
God is always up to something. Alleluiah!
*Processional Hymn: 104 VU
We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding
Abbot’s Leigh
*Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU)
Song for Reflection: 71MV When the Wind of Winter Blows
Ruth Duck
Listening For God’s Presence and Voice
A Time for all God’s Children
*Hymn: 145 MV
Draw the Circle Wide
Gordon Light
(Following the hymn, the children are invited to go to their Sunday School classes.)
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6
The Lord is my Light
Iain Macpherson
Scripture Reading: Mark 9: 2-10
Reader: Bob Roden
Reflection on 2014
*Hymn: 176 MV
F. Allisten
Steve Clifton
Three Things I Promise
Brian Wren
Offering Ourselves in Service
Offertory Response: 541 VU
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures high and low;
Give thanks to God in love made known,
Creator, Word and Spirit, One!
Lighting the Candle of Remembrance
Holy is the True Light
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern
The Life and Work of the Church
*Hymn: 651 VU
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
CWM Rhondda
*Commissioning and Benediction
Toccata & Fugue
Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility, especially with this winter weather. Parking in
the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the
need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side or in the back parking lot off Woodcrest. Thank you.
Rideau Park News
2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9
(613) 733-3156
Annual Meeting Sunday, February 15, 2015
Upcoming Worship Events
Sun., Feb 15
Meditative Service
3:00 p.m.
Wed. Feb 18
Ash Wednesday Service
Sun., Feb 22
Lent 1 Services- Communion
Annual Congregational Meeting, is happening TODAY at 11:15 a.m. (following the one service). You
are invited to join us for the Congregational Meeting in Beecroft Hall at 11:15 a.m. Coffee, tea and a
light lunch will be served. You will be able to hear about and provide your views on the life and work
of the congregation. Among the items to be highlighted and discussed are:
The 2014 financial results, the 2015 budget; the Long Term Financial Plan; RPUC amendments to the
Constitution; Summary of goal setting exercise; Fall Congregational Meeting summary; Next steps,
working committee report on the service of alcohol, and an RPUC slideshow by Glen Rivard. We look
forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Meditative Service: TODAY at 3:00 p.m. All are invited to attend “a gentle service of communion,
scripture, song , silence and sharing.” An opportunity to join with others to reflect on God’s word to
you and God’s presence in your life.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
starting at 5:30 -7:30p.m. This supper is being organized as a fund raiser by
the Rideau Park Scouts, who will also be doing the cooking. The Scouts will
be selling tickets today after the church service. Tickets will be $8.00/adults
and $5.00/children. (Also available at the office).
Lenten Book Study: This year we will be studying the book, “The Wisdom Jesus” ,
written by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault. Dr. Bourgeault is a modern day mystic, Episcopal priest,
writer, and internationally known retreat leader. If you put aside what you think you know about
Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something remarkable happens: Jesus
emerges as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness. Cynthia Bourgeault is a masterful guide
to Jesus’ vision and to the traditional contemplative practices you can use to experience the heart of
his teachings for yourself. We will begin our Lenten series on Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m. in
Beecroft Hall. Our tradition is to have a potluck breakfast followed by discussion. If you would like to
join us, please write your name on the signup sheet on the Sunday School counter and we will
purchase a book for you. We'd love to have you join us. The cost for the book is approximately
Followers Feast and Fellowship: On Wednesday nights in Lent , at 6:00 p.m. you are invited to come
and share a potluck meal in our Parlour. After dinner, we will stay at the dinner table, and have an
informal time of discussion based on a passage of Scripture. We used this format for midweek
services in the summer and it was great experience. All are welcome to join in. This Wednesday is
Ash Wednesday and so we will have a chapel service too, with Communion and ashes, at 7:30pm.
COME TO A PLAY: Ni Wewe Tu and Caribbean Voices present: “Sammy Dead”, Saturday, February
21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. here at RPUC in Beecroft Hall. Written and Directed by: Fay Jarrett and Lorna
Townsend. Tickets: Adults $20 or $25 at the door; children 12 and under $10. TICKETS ARE
AVAILABLE THROUGH THE RIDEAU PARK OFFICE! More information about this and other events can
be found on the web site:
Joyful Noise Choir: This year the Joyful Noise Choir, directed by Ian Bevell, have a fantastic
opportunity to sing the National Anthem at an Ottawa 67’s game on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at
2:00 p.m. Tickets are $18 each and can be purchased from the Allo Family.
Harmony Club for Seniors (60+): will meet on Wednesday, February 25, from 11:00 a.m. until noon,
when lunch will be served by volunteers, (cost is $6.00). This is a time for meeting others for good
conversation. From 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Cathy Hollands will present : “From the National Gallery
and Beyond – How Volunteering at the National Gallery Opens One’s eyes.” Please spread the word
that presentations are open to all, without charge or prior notice. For anyone who is not yet a
member to join us for lunch, registration is required by February 18. Please call Marg Nelson.
Do plan to join us again on March 25, 2015.
Reminder to all that the John Bell event happening at Kanata United Church, February 27 and 28,
2015 is just two weeks away. If you are interested in attending this event, please go to our website
at: and register online, or print off the mail-in registration form. Further details about
this event can be found on our website, or call the church office at 613-592-5834.
Hey Fellas - The Pastoral Care Committee Needs YOU! The Pastoral Care Committee (PCC) is actively
recruiting new members and we are especially hoping to add some males from the congregation to
our committee! Here’s the reason: We currently have 14 PCC members (including Doug Robinson –
yeah) and an ever-growing Pastoral Care List of between 50-58 people, whom we visit, and almost a
third are elderly males. Our PCC ladies have no problem with that, but it would be a bonus for some
of our elderly gents to receive a male PCC visitor! Not to mention, that we would welcome getting
back to more of a mix on the committee, as we always had in years past. The visiting can be done on
your own schedule and there is no prescribed frequency. Some PCC members have the availability to
make a monthly visit, while others do their visits less frequently. Our Pastoral Care minister also
makes the rounds, so there is always a back-up. Please talk to us if you are interested in participating
in PCC or just want to know more about our work. Contact either Doug Robinson or Christel Kurz.
Please Note: There are still some Elders’ packages waiting for pick-up, on the Duty Officer’s desk
outside the Administrative Assistant’s office. Thank you!
Tom Sherwood gives a series of six presentations based on his “Listening to The Echo” research: over
700 statements from young adults across Canada discussing religion, spirituality, God, god and gods,
as part of “Learning in Retirement at Carleton University,” April 22 to May 27. Many young adults
identify as SBNR – Spiritual But Not Religious. Tom brings their voices into the presentations, as they
talk about their religious upbringing (including the United Church), religion in general, environmental
concerns, attitudes toward gender and sexuality issues, and their personal spiritualties. Wednesdays
from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For further information and to register: OR http://
Once again, Brian, Doreen, Steve and Marilyn thank the congregation for their support of the roast
pork and scalloped potato dinner on January 30th. As we have said before, these dinners do not
take place without a lot of help, and again you came through. To the lemon meringue pie makers a
very sincere thank you! We had enough pies to serve everyone. Even though we combined the two
sittings into one, we still made $1,200.00. Our next dinner is the turkey dinner on Friday, April 24,
5:00 and 6:30pm sittings. Mark you calendars. We hope to see you there.
The Ministry and Personnel Committee have received a note from Rev. Ted Colwell extending his
and Molly's sincere and heartfelt thanks to the congregation for the gifts presented to them on
February 1st. They have enjoyed the flowers and look forward to attending something at the
National Arts Centre, possibly with family members. Rev. Colwell also extended thanks for the
"privilege" of working with the folk at Rideau Park during Georgina's absence.
50+ Exercise Group: Please join us each Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-10:00 a.m., for an hour of
gentle, yet thorough exercise and movement for men and women. A fee of $40 is payable at the first
class for the January—February session. Plan to stay fit as the New Year progresses. For more
information call Mary Harris.
UCW Easter MEMORIAL LILIES – On Easter Sunday the Sanctuary is filled with fragrant Easter lilies.
All of these lilies are placed there in remembrance of a loved one. Anyone wishing to place an Easter
lily in the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday morning, in memory of a loved one, is asked to call Mary Harris
or Marcia Gosse. After Easter worship members of the UCW and friends deliver all the lilies to over
80 members of our congregation who are on our Pastoral Care list. Cheques should be made payable
to Rideau Park UCW and given to Mary or Marcia. The deadline to order a lily is SUNDAY, March 22. If
you are able to help deliver lilies on Easter Sunday, please call Mabel Bannerman. It would be most
Reminder: Please note that the 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. (and 10:00 a.m. when there is only one)
services at Rideau Park , are live-streamed on our web site: on Sunday mornings
only. Good to know if you’re stuck at home due to illness, or bad weather, or out of town!
IMPORTANT: Announcements for RPNews MUST be emailed to: or
brought to the office no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesdays before the Sunday services,
PLEASE! Thank you.
Activities Calendar: February 15—February 21
Spring Musical Rehearsal
10:30am Brackenridge
Congregational Meeting
11:15am Beecroft
Meditative Worship
3:00pm Sanctuary
Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Parlour
Cross Stitch
9:30am Parlour
9:30am Bee. Balcony
12:30pm Parlour
Oasis (AA)
8:00pm Brackenridge
50+ Fitness
9:00am Beecroft
Pastoral Care
1:30pm Brackenridge
Pancake Supper
5:30pm Beecroft
7:30pm Parlour
Bible Explorations
9:30am Parlour
Followers Feast
6:00pm Parlour
Ash Wednesday Service
7:30pm Sanctuary
50+ Fitness
9:00am Beecroft
9:30am Parlour
1:00pm Parlour
Hear Say for Families
5:45pm Parlour
6:15pm B-9
6:15pm B-12
6:15pm B-13
NoteAble Sound Chimes
6:15pm Sanctuary
Joyful Noise
6:45pm B-12
Grace Notes
6:45pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:30pm Sanctuary
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Feb 15
Susan & Colin Townsend
Tony & Sharon Bernard
Joan Gold
Feb 22
Hope Ross-Papezik
Bob & Margo Roden
Robert and Bernice Rennie
Sunday Duty Officers
Feb 15
10:00 am
Nancy McPherson
Feb 22
Janet Buske-Wischer
Joanne Rodgers
Counting Volunteers
Feb 17
Feb 23
Susan Vaughan
Brian Hamilton
Ann Ketcheson
Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm
Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340
Visit our website:
Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or
*FAMILY DAY: Just a heads-up that the OFFICE will be CLOSED on MONDAY, FBRUARY 16, 2015.*
Elizabeth Bryce—Minister
Steve Clifton—Minister
Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister
Ian Bevell—Music Director
Debi Brown—Administrator
Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant
Paul Sorg—Custodian
Church Staff: 613-733-3156
ext 224
ext 225
ext 226
ext 223
Mon, Wed-Fri
ext 228
ext 229
Mon, Wed-Fri
ext 229