Sunday, November 16, 2014 Youth and Young Adult Sunday


Sunday, November 16, 2014 Youth and Young Adult Sunday
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Youth and Young Adult Sunday
Rideau Park United Church
2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa K1H 7L9
Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer
requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for pre-schoolers is
available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel
each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able.
After the service, you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall.
November 16, 2014 - Youth and Young Adult Sunday
We Gather Together
Lighting of Chancel Candles: Psalm 4: 6-7
“Let the light of your face shine on us, O God. You have put gladness in my heart.”
Word of Welcome
*Call to Worship:
One: We are summoned here by our holy God,
Who calls us each by name, and gathers us together in the unity of Jesus Christ.
From classroom and kitchen and carpool,
We are called into God’s presence.
Younger and older and middle-aged, individuals and families, soft-spoken and
We are called to join in worship.
This house of worship is a place to pursue God’s vision for all people:
Unity and joy and faith expressed through different gifts. Let us worship God
*Processional Hymn:
“We Are Marching (Siyahamba)
We are marching in the light of God, we are marching in the light of God.
We are marching in the light of God, we are marching in the light of God
(the light of God)
We are marching, we are marching oh, we are marching in the light of God.
We are marching, we are marching oh, we are marching in the light of God.
2. We are living in the love of God…..
3. We are moving in the power of God….
*Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer
Gathering in Prayer (seated)
Hymn: 16 MV
“Come and Fill Our Hearts”
Hymn: 104 MV
“Know That God Is Good”
Taize Community
Mungu ni mwema
Listening For God’s Presence and Voice
Scripture: 805 VU
Scripture: Isaiah 40: 21-31
Psalm 90: Parts 1 and 3 (with refrain)
Brother James’ Air
Merina Shulist
arr. Gordon Jacob
Merina Shulist
“Operation Groundswell”
Ben Presley
Offering Ourselves In Service
Offertory Music:
“Wade in the Water”
Julia Brown
arr. Mark Hayes
*Offering Response: 541 VU:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures high and low;
Give thanks to God in love made known:
Creator, Word and Spirit, One.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern
The Life and Work of the Church
Walk in the Light (Please observe the PowerPoint for lyrics)
*Commissioning and Benediction
Toccata in 7
Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility, especially with winter coming. Parking in the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to
church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side or in
the back parking lot. Thank you.
Rideau Park News
2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9
(613) 733-3156
Youth and Young Adult Sunday, November 16, 2014
Upcoming Worship Events
Sunday, Nov. 23
Meditative Service
Sunday, Nov. 30
Advent 1
9:30am 11:15am
Sunday, Dec. 1
UCW Candlelight Service
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES: Once again this year, Rideau Park will be providing Christmas shoe
boxes to the residents of Harmony House and to the students at the Banff Avenue Community
House. These boxes are so enjoyed by their recipients, and both programs are grateful for our
continued support. Boxes will be distributed between services November 16th, 23rd, and 30th.
The completed shoe boxes are to be returned by Sunday December 7th.If you have any
questions, please contact Gretchen Conrad. Thank you for your support!
Fall Faith Exploration: “Speaking Christian “ on Monday evenings November 17 and 24 at 7:30
p.m. Do you sometimes have trouble expressing your faith or find yourself questioning how you hear
faith expressed? Marcus Borg covers such questions in his book. Copies available through the office
($15). Join the discussion Monday evenings or online at:
Fall Congregational Meeting, Wednesday, November 19, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.– Everyone is
welcome to a discussion of goal setting, budget priorities and hearing about the refugee
project. There will also be an opportunity for you to submit in writing questions or comments to
Council. Agendas will be available November 16 at the Sunday School counter.
Nov 23 at 3:00 p.m. – Meditative Service - All are welcome at this gentle service of scripture, prayer,
song, sharing and silence. An opportunity to join with others to reflect on God’s word to you and
God’s presence in your life.
Ringing In Christmas: Start your Christmas season with a handbell and chimes concert at Rideau Park
on Sunday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome. Our annual "Ringing In Christmas" concert
features five handbell and chimes choirs: A Touch of Brass, Grace Notes, La Bell Ensemble, Note-Able
Sound and Ringing Praise. Freewill offering. Please call 613-733-3156, or check the website at for more information.
Harmony Club for Seniors will meet on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. From 11:00 a.m. until
noon, when a delicious lunch will be served (cost is $6.00), there is time for meeting others for
conversation. From 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., there will be a presentation by Margo and Bob Roden on
their cycling adventures in Vietnam. Please spread the word that presentations are open to all,
without charge or prior notice but, for anyone who is not yet a member to join us for lunch,
registration is required by Thursday, November 13. Please call Marg Nelson. Plan to join us again
on December 10, 2014.
Come to an Old Fashioned Roast Beef Dinner with all of the trimmings, that will be held at Rideau
Park on Friday, November 28 starting at 5:00p.m., with a second sitting at 6:30p.m. After the roast
beef, enjoy apple crisp for dessert! All are welcome. Proceeds will go to the work of the church.
Tickets are $18.00 for adults and $10.00 for children under 12. Children 5 years old and under eat
free. For information and tickets, please call 613-733-3156 ex 229, or come to the church office
(Monday-Friday 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.).
Adult Retreat : This fall’s Retreat takes on the theme of :”Mindfulness through the Hours”– praying
the Divine Office as a way to be mindful through the day. Sharon Sanderson will lead us through
traditional and contemporary times of prayer, as we spend the night of Friday, November 28 and
Saturday, November 29 at Galilee in Arnprior. The signup sheet for the retreat is on Steve’s door.
Please speak to Sharon or Steve for more information.
ADVENT HAPPENING - Sunday, November, 30th - Signup required! On Sunday, November 30th,
after the first service, we will again be making Gingerbread Houses as ADVENT HAPPENING marks the
beginning of the Christmas Season. A potluck lunch will follow. Surnames A-O bring
sandwiches and P-Z – bring desserts, please. An offering to cover the costs (approx.
$10) will be gladly accepted at the door. Please sign up on the red Children/Youth
Bulletin board today (outside Steve’s office) or email to
reserve your gingerbread house. Volunteers to make icing on Saturday, November
29th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. would be greatly appreciated. Please call Tara Lockhart to
The Christmas Pageant is coming! We will be having our 15th annual Christmas Pageant
on Sunday, December 14. All children and young people are invited to participate!
Notices and rehearsal schedules will be available on the Sunday School counter.
Anyone needing more information or wishing to volunteer can contact Andrea Laliberté.
CHURCHPOST: Don’t forget! Your copy of the November 2014 issue is available for pickup in the
foyer outside the Sanctuary!
Gifts with Vision - It is that time of year, already. Need a gift for someone who has all and more than
they need? Catalogues are available at the tables by the main doors of the sanctuary. For more
Group for Friends Volunteer Opportunity The Group for Friends is a group that provides social
activities for developmentally challenged young adults. It has been a part of our church’s outreach
program for almost 40 years. The Group was organized by Jamie Gosse in the 1970’s, continued in
the 1980’s by Georgina Fitzgerald, and has been under the co-ordination of Anne & Bill MacMillan
since 1989. Over the years many members of the congregation have volunteered with this Group,
including more recently, Elaine Rainboth, Alyce Dunnewold, Mary Lynne and Jim Holton and others.
At present we are looking for an additional volunteer to assist with the planning and organizing of
events for this Group. The Group is funded by ‘The Douglas Brown Memorial Fund’ started by
Denvil and Dorothy Brown in memory of their son Doug. He had volunteered with this Group and his
memory lives on as we see other young people in our congregation volunteering. One of our former
young volunteers has gone on to train as a worker with developmentally challenged young people.
There are approximately 6 events a year in the church including such activities as Pizza and Movie
nights, as well as craft and dance events. The Group currently has about 25 members with about 15
to 20 members usually attending events. The members and their families are extremely grateful to
have these events, and are thankful to have social events that are in such a secure and protected
place. We who have assisted with The Group, derive much joy and pleasure from what we do, and
highly recommend this as a very rewarding volunteer activity. Our next event is our Christmas Party
on November 29 and if anyone is interested in considering volunteering with this Group or coming to
observe one of our events please contact the Church office.
Children's Cards for Charity: It is time for another amazing annual tradition at Rideau Park. Prompted
by a picture of an African mother and child, Olivia Dolbec and her Mom began the “Children’s Cards
for Charity”, 12 years ago. Each year, we decide on a theme for the cards. We select a charity, and
invite the children to use their imagination and create a card masterpiece. We also learn about
Africa, and how families in Africa live. We are demonstrating to our children that, individually and
collectively, we can help families in need and make a difference. To date, the card campaign has
donated money through the United Church to Darfur, bought a water buffalo, dug a well, sponsored
an orphanage, bought farm equipment, and bought "Living Gifts" partnering with Ten Thousand
Villages. Last year the Izzy African Comfort Dolls were distributed. We would like to invite the
Sunday school children, of all ages, to join us this morning in Brackenridge Hall at 9:30 a.m. THIS
MORNING. This year’s theme is "God's Ark” in support of Vets Without Borders, specifically the
Goat Pass-On Project in Uganda.
Joyful Noise Choir: This year the Joyful Noise Choir, directed by Ian Bevell, have a fantastic
opportunity to sing the National Anthem at an Ottawa 67’s game on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at
2:00 p.m. Tickets are $18 each and can be purchased from the Allo Family.
Student Christian Movement - Senior Friends Gathering: Sunday November 16, 4:00-7:00 p.m.
St. Paul's-Eastern United Church, 473 Cumberland. Check for a map.
Enter at the corner of Cumberland and Daly or by the door off Daly at east end of building. Program:
Rick Garland, National Secretary of SCM, will speak about SCM Canada and the WSCF;
hear about SCM Ottawa and other student-related justice ministries. Supper will be provided. Please
RSVP to for numbers and dietary restrictions.
Activities Calendar: November 16- November 22
Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Parlour
Pageant Rehearsal
10:45am Brackenridge
9:30am B. Balcony
12:30pm Beecroft Hall
UCW Finance Meeting
1:00pm Parlour
Ringing Praise
6:30pm Sanctuary
Touch of Brass
7:15pm Sanctuary
“Speaking Christian“ Study
7:30pm Parlour
Oasis (AA)
8:00pm Brackenridge
50+ Fitness
9:00am Beecroft
7:30pm Parlour
La Bell Ensemble
7:15pm Sanctuary
Bible Explorations
9:30am Parlour
Harmony Club
11:00am Beecroft
Congregational Meeting
7:00pm Parlour
8:00pm Parlour
50+ Fitness
9:00am Beecroft
9:30am Parlour
1:00pm Parlour
Hear Say for Families
5:45pm Beecroft
6:15pm B-9
6:15pm B-12
6:15pm B-13
Joyful Noise
6:15pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:30pm Sanctuary
Nov. 16
Gretchen Conrad
Mark Shulist
Merina, Devin & Rigel Shulist
Nov 23
Norm & Rita Edwards
Daryl & Garry Lindberg
Sunday Duty Officers
Nov. 16
Judy Parè
Don & Lois Harper
Nov. 23
Shanti Inman
Marg Stinett
Counting Volunteers
Nov. 17
Bob Roden
Nov. 24
Ann Ketcheson
Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm
Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340
Playgroup meet most weekdays 9:30am B-12
Elizabeth Bryce—Minister
Steve Clifton—Minister
Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister
Ted Colwell—Interim Minister
Ian Bevell—Music Director
Debi Brown—Administrator
Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant
Paul Sorg—Custodian
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Visit our website:
Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or
Church Staff: 613-733-3156
ext 224
ext 225
ext 226
ext 229
ext 223
Mon, Wed-Fri
ext 228
ext 229
Mon, Wed-Fri
ext 229