Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province
Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province
1316 N. A CACIA A VE F ULLERTON , CA 92831-1202 OCTOBER 21, 2012 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THROUGH HIS SUFFERING, MY SERVANT SHALL JUSTIFY MANY. ~ ISAIAH 53:11B Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is a welcoming family dedicated to proclaiming the gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, educating, serving, and providing opportunity for all to enrich their faith. Our vision is “...to live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation and community.” MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm 12:45pm Deaf Community Mass Saturday: 8:00am 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION First Saturday of the Month - Immediately following 8am Mass. RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30pm to 4:30pm BAPTISM ~ celebrated the 2nd Sunday at 2:30pm. Please phone the Parish Office either before or shortly after the birth of the child to schedule a baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before setting a date for the wedding.. PARISH OFFICE 1318 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-879-1965 FAX: 714-526-6673 WEBSITE: http://www.stjulianacatholiccommunity.org/ EMAIL: info@stjulianachurch.org OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri. 9:00am to 12:00 Noon SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 FAX: 714-871-8465 PASTOR Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. DEACON Bill Schlater - (retired) PHONE: 714-992-1388 DEACON Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 DEACON Chuck Doidge PHONE: 714-879-1965 Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essen!al Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and suppor!ng the other with the communal celebra!on of Sunday Eucharist at the center. LEADERSHIP EVANGELIZATION Pastor Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Parochial Vicar Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Deacon Deacon Deacon Bill Schlater - re!red Gerhard Stadel Chuck Doidge 714-992-1388 714-870-5714 714-879-1965 Pastoral Council School Principal Director of Faith! Forma!on Facility Manager! Bob Die"erle! bobdiver3@gmail.com Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Michael McHenry! 714-525-2208 714-871-2829 714-879-1965! mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Mark Augus!n! 714-261-5167! mark.augus!n@stjulianachurch.org Business Manager Parish Secretary Safe Environment STEWARDSHIP Advancement &! Karen Powell Susan Lazuka Vicki Delaney 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 Rick Price 714-871-4514 David Hoferer 714-961-2845 Stewardship Stewardship LITURGY 714-879-1965 714-525-8958 Deaf Community Environment! Altar Care Eucharis!c Ministers Parish O#ce Bob Cardinali Don Stelluto Nancy Lopez Catherine Haydon ! Mariana Meurer Deacon Gerhard Stadel Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 Music Director! Organist! Spirit Group Ushers Todd Helm! Claudia Kellogg! Donna Fairrington Alberta Saran 714-528-4690! 714-349-3774! 714-998-0853 714-992-6566 Altar Servers 714-547-0824 714-879-1965! 714-870-7524 714-870-5714 SERVICE Bereavement Corazon Italian Catholic Fed. Knights of Columbus Michele Tanaka Doug & Jean Knudson Joyce French Brian Burley 714-992-1630 714-992-2905 714-992-6628 714-738-8036 Respect Life Barbara Legas Claire McKellogg Doris Chiare"a 714-870-4214! 714-526-4096 714-526-6856 Spiritual Partners In Care St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-879-8721 Shawn Graham! Deacon Gerhard Stadel Catholics Come Home Communica!ons! Constant Contact! Website ! Voca!ons Glenn Casterline! Jan Young jyoung@stjulianaschool.org John McElligo" Welcoming &! Belonging/Outreach Kathy Gleeson WORD (Faith Forma!on) Adult Educa!on Michael McHenry! 714-572-8232! 714-870-5714 ! 714-792-0972! 714-879-1965 714-871-7182 714-680-0683 714-879-1965! mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Bap!sm Judy Allen 714-773-0812 Children’s Liturgy Donna Reinbold 714-772-6234 Conrma!on/HSYM Kerry & Maura Condon! hsym@stjulianachurch.org 714-680-7736 Sco" Kambak 714-870-5908 RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Jr. High Youth Ministry! Grades 7-8 RCIA (Rite of Chris!an! Ini!a!on of Adults) School of Religious! Educa!on Grades 1-8 St. Juliana School! School Parent Club Sunday School 9 a.m. mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal! Megan Shank megan_shank@hotmail.com Julianna Tapia jtapia@stjulianaschool.org COMMUNITY 714-871-2829! 714-330-9182 714-345-4901 BSA Religious Emblems Exercise Class Fall Fes!val Mary’s Journey Tomas Franceschi Bernade"e Gilwee John & Maureen Kohaut Nina Viscon! 714-287-2926 714-680-5439 Men’s Retreat Terry Reinbold 714-772-6234 Eileen Shannon! Mary Gin Chaille Fr. Mark Aaron Riomalos 714-871-0456! 714-526-4926 714-353-5001 NAIM Support Group (Widows / Widowers) Newman Club! (College Students) Prayer Chain 714-713-5295 714-572-4152 Chaplain riomalos13@yahoo.com csufnewman@gmail.com www.newman-csuf.com Rita Semple! Maggie Armstrong 714-879-1492! 714-871-8055 maggiekona@sbcglobal.net Small Chris!an Communi!es Y.L.I. Catholic Women Barbara Die"erle Debbie Shimaoka 714-525-2208 714-441-0446 ~ FROM THE PASTOR ~ I am writing a second column to you on the eve of my pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes. I am back now as you read this but I won’t be able to share with you my experience until it actually happens. So when I get my photos developed and have actually experienced the pilgrimage I’ll be eager to share everything with you. I remember an incident about 15 years ago while I was pastor of St. Domitilla parish in Hillside, Illinois when the parish was planning an outdoor Memorial Day Mass and picnic. I had to write two columns because the bulletin company needed them ahead of time due to a shortened work week. So, I sat down and wrote the second column for the Sunday after the Mass and picnic. It actually hadn’t happened yet. I was sure that the outdoor Mass would be well attended and the choir beautiful. I was confident that the picnic would be fun for the children and adults. We had a barbecue planned, a beer garden, and games for the kids and a surprise visit by the local fire department and Cook County Forest Preserves Mounted Police. The fire department was scheduled to hose down the kids and the Mounted Police were to show off their wellgroomed and trained horses. So I wrote in my “ahead of time” pastor’s column how wonderful the Mass and picnic was. How much fun everyone had and how good the barbecue was. I was so confident that this would happen that I just went on and on believing that everyone would know how appreciative and grateful I was for their participation. The only problem was the Mass and picnic never happened. It had to be cancelled because of rain. My “ahead of time” bulletin was already printed. It was too late to change my “waxing” on about how wonderful everything was. It certainly caused some confusion in the minds of the parishioners who were reading it. If the rain didn’t cause the cancellation, everything I wrote ahead of time would have been pretty much true. Everyone would have agreed it was a wonderful experience. So as I write this “ahead of time” bulletin, I won’t write about what I believe will happened until it actually happens. When I write to you next Sunday, it will be the facts. We are rapidly approaching the Presidential election. No doubt we all have concerns about the many issues that face our American way of life. For the past few weeks I have encouraged you to visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website: www.FaithfulCitizenship.org. There you will find resources on how to be faithful to Catholic teaching and American citizenship. I have also shared with you excerpts from the Bishops’ document: Faithful Citizenship: the Challenge of Forming Consciences. Here is the third in a six part series: “The dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Direct attacks on innocent persons are never morally acceptable, at any stage or in any condition. Catholic teaching about the dignity of life calls us to oppose torture, unjust war, and the use of the death penalty; to prevent genocide and attacks against noncombatants; to oppose racism; and to overcome poverty and suffering. Nations are called to protect the right to life by seeking effective ways to combat evil and terror without resorting to armed conflicts except as a last resort, always seeking first to resolve disputes by peaceful means. We revere the lives of all human beings as children of God.” Christine Pohl, professor of Christian ethics at Asbury Theological Seminary, has been studying healthy parishes for her new book, Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us. Pohl says that parishes that grow and flourish as October 21, 2012 communities share four “practices: 1) Expressing gratitude. Grateful congregations pay attention to the goodness, beauty and grace around them and readily find opportunities to express gratitude and celebrate the gifts we have received; 2) Keeping promises. Healthy congregations understand the pain of betrayal and realize the hurt everyone experiences when institutions and organizations do not live up to their promises. Such congregations respond to church failures immediately with patience, confession, correction, forgiveness, and accountability; 3) Living truthfully. Effective communities operate as transparently as possible. Churches take on hard issues honestly and directly, with clarity and focus; 4) Offering hospitality. The practice of hospitality is important not only for strangers and other vulnerable persons; it is also crucial for the life of the congregation itself. Hospitality is a means of grace for hosts as well as guests….often the best gift we can give another person is our time and attention. Our Boy’s Football and Girl’s Volleyball season is in full swing. This Mon., Oct. 22nd our Girl’s “A” volleyball team plays St. Francis of Assisi in the Parish Center at 3:45pm. The Girl’s “B” team plays Thurs., Oct. 25th against St. Joseph, Placentia at 3:45pm. The “A” and “B” Boy’s Football teams have no home games. The Boy’s “A” team plays in two tournaments at Servite on Oct. 21 & 22 and at St. Angela on Oct. 22nd at 3:45pm. The Boy’s “B” team plays against Our Lady of Guadalupe at OLG on Mon., Oct. 22nd at 3:45pm and against St. Angela at St. Angela on Thurs., Oct. 25th at 3:45pm. Everyone is welcome to cheer our athletes on to victory. My gratitude to our coaches and team parents (see page six for a listing of names). After school sports rely on hard working, dedicated coaches and parents volunteering their time and talents to our children. You are greatly appreciated. The Diocese of Orange Office of the Bishop has informed us that during the coming months, every parishioner will be given an opportunity to learn more about the exciting plans for the future of our Diocese of Orange. We have much to look forward to as these plans include the beginning of the Year of Faith, the installation of our fourth Bishop of Orange in December, and the launch of our first Diocesan-wide capital campaign in 2013. To help us prepare and improve communications in all 62 parishes and centers, the Diocese of Orange is working in partnership with every pastor and the Orange Catholic Foundation to compile a mailing list of all Orange County parishioners. The mailing list will be used to inform parishioners about the For Christ Forever Capital Campaign, the Year of Faith activities planned in 2013, and other important matters in our Diocese. The mailing list will be used specifically for communications sent on behalf of the Bishop of Orange by the Orange Catholic Foundation and/or the Bishop’s office and will not be shared or used for other purposes. Please be advised that address information from our parish register will be sent to the Diocese of Orange on October 30, 2012. Parishioners who prefer to have their address withheld from the Diocesan mailing list should notify our Parish Office by October 29, 2012. The parish number is (714)-879-1965. The very popular Public Television motivational speaker and psychologist, Dr. Wayne Dyer gave his viewers this advice: “If you want to be a voice for peace in the world, begin by making peace a permanent condition of your own life. Your higher self knows the way, and all it takes is awareness and a determination to listen to the calling of love, forgiveness, and kindness as you move through your days.” In the Joy of Our Faith, Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M., Pastor Page Four PARISH CALENDAR Sun., Oct. 21 Mon., Oct. 22 Tues., Oct. 23 Wed., Oct. 24 Thurs., Oct. 25 Fri., Oct. 26 Sat., Oct. 27 Sun., Oct. 28 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Coffee & Donuts (Faith Formation Hosts) 10:30am Deaf Community (Rm 1) HSYM-Teen Mass Social (PC) 4:30pm 6pm HSYM (Rm 1-2) 10am SCC (Rm 1-2) 6:15pm Zumba Class (PC) Dave Ramsey Seminar (Rm 1) 7pm 7:30pm RCIA (Rm 3) 6pm Boy Scouts (Rm 3) 7pm Rosary & Benediction 7:30pm SCC (Rm 3) 8:30am Stretchersize Class (Rm 1) 6pm Faith Night (Rm 1-2) 6pm Faith Formation Parent Night (Rm 1-2) 7pm Spirit Group (Church) 7pm Secular Servite Mtg (Rm 3) 6pm Choir Set-up (Rm 4) 6pm Newman Club (NC) 7pm Youth Band (Church) 7pm Spirit Group (Chapel) 7:30pm Choir (Rm 4) School Vision Screening (Rm 1) 8am 3pm Divine Mercy/ Stations Set-up for JHYM Dance (PC) 3pm 5pm Trunk-or-Treat 6:15pm Zumba Class (Rm 1-2) JHYM Halloween Dance (PC) 7pm 4pm Set-up for ICF Dinner (PC) 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Coffee & Donuts (K of C Hosts) 10:30am Deaf Community (Rm 1-2) Noon Set-up for ICF Dinner (PC) 1pm HSYM-UNIFY (Rm 1-2) 6pm ICF Golf Dinner (PC) 6:15pm HSYM Leaders Only (Rm 1) ALTAR SERVER INFO All altar servers are invited to attend the 9am or 11am Mass next Sunday, Oct. 28th in celebration of their service to our parish community. We look forward to seeing you at one of these Masses! EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Our parish is in urgent need of additional Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers at all the Masses, especially for the SATURDAY 5:00pm, SUNDAY 7:30am, and SUNDAY 5:00pm MASSES. This spiritual ministry witnesses the Real Presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice by assisting the priest in bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God at Mass. We urge you to consider joining this ministry of service. Training will be provided. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 714-879-1965 or Deacon Gerhard Stadel at 714-870-5714. ALTAR CARE - October 26, 2012 Peggy Bonello Betty Pierce Toni Irving Fran Wernke MASSES FOR THE WEEK Mon., Oct. 22 6:30am Kathleen Evans † Tue., Oct. 23 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am James Molitor † Billy Davis † Wed., Oct. 24 6:30am 8:00am Thur., Oct. 25 6:30am 8:00am Fri., Oct. 26 6:30am 8:00am Sat., Oct. 27 8:00am 5:00pm Sun., Oct. 28 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm For health of Fr. Pat Donovan, O.S.M. Maggy Armstrong Julian Haydon Rose Prebeg † Anthony Ugolini † In Thanksgiving Maddox Beinlich Sheila Morgan Fr. Carl Feil, O.S.M. Parishioners Servite Vocations Fr. Don Duplessis, O.S.M. Florido & Remedios Basallo † PRAYER REQUESTS PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO ARE ILL: Fr. Carl Feil, O.S.M., Sarah Giusa, Nedra Mosey, Fr. Don Duplessis, O.S.M., Jeannie Correll, Steve Arambula, Charlene Alfaro, Dr. Tom McLaughlin, Joseph Molitor, Molly Halewijn, Denny Freeman, Carmel Greene, Anna Mae Weber, Catherine Taylor, Hilda Safarik, Joe Castellano, Jeffrey White, Lorraine Bell, Patty Tilman, Joe Slater, Travis Ricardo, Jeff Wilson, Lynne Cassel, John Mulhollam, Anthony Haynes, Fr. Tom Power, Linda Popenhagen, Martina Martinez, Anna Mae Weber, Therese McWeeney, Norma Hostert, John & Lisa DeMaio, Marilyn DeFrancesca, Boyd Hazlett, Bob Williamson, Darlene Glass, Christopher Pollard, Dorothy Iiams, Maryellen Ramirez, Sean Smith, Michael Frost, Eliott Marthell, Eloise Sherard, Tony Visconti, Patty Melchar Marchak, Ralph Kehoe, Gerald Gannon, Tom Catone, Elvira Sandoval-Pineda, Ed, Anne & Susan Holler, Shirley Wentworth, Eleanor Santiago, Dorothy Smeltz, Nancy Crice, Frank Legas, Robert Maclean, Linda Pleitz, Dick Chenoweth, Vera Lopez, Lance Johannes, Guadalupe Diaz, Peter Browne, Mitsura Matsuba, Bob Kovich, Terry O’Connell, Harold Tarabachia, Mary Giacalone, Fernando Chavez, Kristen Pandy, Ed McFadden, Jack Purdy, Joe Slater, Mary Beth Wachter, Sharon Boike, Christine Schlueter, Elena Alonso, Joan LaCrotte, Leo Prediger, Dennis Murphy, Rose Hutcheson, Michael Stark, Terri Duffin, Dolly Esqueda, Stewart Semple, Cathy Adamson, Wanda Schulz, Mary Licata, Sheila Morgan, Anna-Lisa Armanino, Amanda Setto, Annette Carew, Rosanne Allen, Teresa Martorana, Alex Elias, Eleanor McCormack, Makenna Lee, Marti Silva, Joanne St. Pierre, Lavonne Schnabel, Lynn Kinnane, Mavis Wernke, David Hughes, Karen Delaney, Fran Skalla, Margie Babel, Ted Parks, Don Grabowski, Rex Brady, Ryan Scheller, Kathy Oviedo, Susan Apollo, Scott Barnes, Nancy Hermen, Jeanette Jenkins, Jeraldy Sanchez, Naomi Walton, Ronnie Babel, Donna Boudreau, Marie Suits, Judy Belville, Bud Obermeyer, Carol Molina, Sidney Lancaster, Jeannie Young, Dolores Beard, Steve Trujillo, Nancy Bradshaw, Judith Kay Atkerson, Leo Gilbert, Catherine MacLean, Suellen Stalford, Christine Odgaard, Ellen Lindsay, Frank Randol, Margaret Guiness, Sammy Camara, Joseph Lamonica, Alisa Howes, Joanne Knittle. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR BELOVED DEAD: Donna Boudreau, Grace Pickett, Rita Nelson, may their souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen Page Five KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Oct 16 Oct 31 Nov 1 Nov 6 6pm Pre-meeting Dinner 7pm Rosary 7:45pm General Business Meeting ****** Day of Adoration****** 7pm ODM ***** KC Fellowship *****After Rosary STEWARDSHIP APPRECIATION DINNER Fr. Frank and the Stewardship Core Team cordially invite you to…. In Honor of all the St. Juliana’s Stewards...it time to celebrate! How exciting! Returning by popular demand: Singer/Entertainer, Porter Singletary performing many of his standard classics! KNIGHTS FAMILY OF THE MONTH September, 2012 All volunteers, stewards and ministers of the church—join us! Saturday, November 3, 2012 Bob & Kim Kane Cocktails at 6:00pm Dinner at 7:00pm / Dancing to follow St. Juliana Parish Center Seating is limited! Respond Now! (see below) God bless all your good work! ICF GOLF TOURNAMENT 8 TH A NNUAL ICF G OLF T OURNAMENT ROYAL VISTA GOLF COURSE Registration forms are in this bulletin or now on our parish website. www.stjulianachurch.org … ...go to “News and Events” - click on “Show All” for this event. ~ RSVP by Oct. 26th ~ Put an RSVP in the collection basket, mail to the Parish Office, or email response to alberta.saran@att.net Full tables of 8 please call in your reservation to 714-992-6566 When: Sun., October 28, 2012 Relax with us Sunday afternoon for some fun, food and prizes. Tee Off at 12:30pm Shotgun Start ~ cost $90. Dinner after golf at St. Juliana Parish Center. Dinner Only $15 Contact Co-Chair Mike Maglione (714) 525-7221 or Co-Chair Jack Duffin (714) 529-3857 for details. Proceeds go to St. Juliana Parish Education. STEWARDSHIP RENEWAL WEEKEND Faith Talent BEREAVEMENT INFORMATION All Souls Mass - Fri., November 2nd - 7pm We invite all families, friends and relatives of those who were buried or commemorated from St. Juliana Church this past year to come to this Mass. There is also a Memory Basket, in the vestibule of the church, to add names of your beloved who died this past year and were not buried from our church. During this special Mass, a candle will be lit for all those buried from our church this year, and one candle will honor all those deceased buried from other churches. Join our families in prayer and celebration. SECOND COLLECTION INFORMATION OCT 20/21 ~ ST. JULIANA SCHOOL We graciously thank the parish for the continued support! OCT 27/28 ~ WORLD MISSION SUNDAY (Special collection) Pope Benedict XVI calls every Catholic in the world to celebrate our vocation to be missionary. It’s World Mission Sunday! As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions — gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, we are to pray for the Church’s worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the “Good News” of our Lord’s great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer financial help through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Time November 10th & 11th Take this opportunity to reconnect and grow in your faith. This is your invitation to become involved. ~Watch the bulletin for more details Treasure on this renewal weekend.~ “Stewardship is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.” MORE FALL FESTIVAL THANKS! We would like to thank the following individuals and companies for their generous donations to our 2012 Fall Festival Opportunity Raffle and Booth Prizes: Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M., John and Bobby Byron, Clarence and Terri Thummel, Terry and Donna Reinbold, the Reinbold Gallery, Tim and Eileen Faley, McIlhenny Company, Cinema City Theatres, Vicki Delaney, Karen Powell, Rita Semple, Paul and Linda Bibeau, Sportclips, Top Class Gourmet Pizza, Linda Morgan, The Toll Roads, Bill Kummert, Tim and Rosa Heide, Taste It!, Elisa O’Donovan, Frank and Doris Chiaretta, Patricia Tillman, Carolyn Arnone, Melanie Kingston, Katherine Ozbirn, Mike Maglione, Roe Weatherspoon, Red Brick Pizza, Alicia’s Catering, US Foodworks, Brian Williams, e-foodie.com, The Cellar Restaurant, and Disneyland. Page Six YOUTH FAITH FORMATION IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO REGISTER Has busyness of the fall gotten the best of you? If so, it is never too late for you to enroll your children in our parish faith formation programs! All Children’s Faith Formation classes (grades 1-8) take place Wednesday evenings 6:00pm to 7:15pm. Contact Mike McHenry at 714-879-1965 to register. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY ...Confirmation / HSYM / “UNIFY”... Oct 21st ~ Teen Mass and Social at 4:30pm. UNIFY NIGHTS Open to everyone 9th grade and up to come socialize through fun, games, activities, and yummy food! Bring a friend to share in the fun and fellowship!! October 28th 1:00-4:30pm Bring a pumpkin to carve. JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY Annual JHYM Halloween Dance! Fri., Oct 26th at 7pm….you won’t want to miss it! (You must be a registered with St. Juliana JHYM .) Next Meeting: Wed., Nov 14th at 7:30pm ~ Rm 1-2 M IDDLE S CHOOL Y OUTH M INISTRY Our EDGE night of the week is called, “Needs and Wants” a night on materialism and greed. The goal of this Edge Night is to help the youth keep in perspective the things they want and desire in life. If they can recognize the difference between wanting and needing something, they can avoid falling into traps of greed and getting caught up in the materialism of the world. SCHOOL HAPPENINGS SOME SPECIAL DATES “Trunk or Treat” - Halloween Parade Fri., Oct 26th - 5:00pm … in the Church parking lot. FUN! FUN! FUN! Trunk FUNDRAISERS Eco-friendly bags. The St. Juliana 8th Grade class is trying to earn their way to Washington DC this April and need your help. Look for the tables in the Parish Center after Mass where our 8th graders are selling an array of Eco-friendly plastic bags & other accessories. All orders can be picked up at the Parish Center Nov. 11th. “Dine-in” fundraiser at Marie Calendar’s. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner at Marie Calendar’s at 126 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Placentia this Monday, October 22nd. 20% will be given back to the school. Holiday pie sale. Make your Thanksgiving easier! Pre-order Marie Calendar’s pies...Ppmpkin, apple, french apple, peach… $14 each. Order forms available at the school office or on the school website. Delivery to St. Juliana Parish Center Nov. 21st. Contact Juliana Tapia at jtapai@stjulianaschool.org for more details. (See flyer enclosed in this bulletin). 19TH ANNUAL SCHOOL GOLF TOURNAMENT ALTA VISTA GOLF CLUB Monday, November 12, 2012 The success depends greatly on the generosity of donors and sponsors. Please consider being part of the tournament by donating goods, sponsoring a tee/green, or joining us to golf. Contact Co-Chair Robert Hanz (714) 390-7305 or Michael Mungaray (714) 272-0498 for details. The Infancy Narratives of Jesus ~ Bible Study. This study focuses on the connection between the Old and New Testaments. Deepen your longing for the Messiah’s coming again and ask God to be Emmanuel, “God with us.” This is a 4 week study beginning November 6th ~ 7pm. St Juliana Church is committed to providing a quality Bible Study experience for adults. Participants in our Bible Study will increase knowledge of sacred scripture and learn to apply core biblical teachings to everyday life.. THANK YOU SCHOOL COACHES AND TEAM PARENTS We could not have after school sports without you! Thanks! Football A Team: Coaches: Mr. Edward Alcarez & John Demman Team Mom: Meredith Farrell Girl’s A Volleyball: Coaches: Brian Burley & Lainie Lazuka Team Mom: Terri Vaccher Boy’s B Football: Coaches: Frank Howard & Michael Helmick Team Mom: Inga Rugenius Girl’s B Volleyball: Coaches: Alison Castellano & Susie Brier Team Mom: Christine Hoferer Athletic Director: P.E. Teacher: Julianna Tapia Jeanne Gates IT’S “NUT” TIME AGAIN! GIRL SCOUT TROOP NEEDS HELP Y.L.I. will be having our annual NUT SALES after all the Masses the weekend of Nov. 3rd - 4th. Please come by the tables and check out the varieties of nuts. We have everything from our New Goodie, Goodie Trail Mix, toffee peanuts, (New) Peanut Brittle and coated Pretzels, to all our favorite Honey Toasted Pecans, and all your favorite Gift Packs for your up-coming holiday parties. If you would like to order but won’t be at these masses you can e-mail CorpusChristi188@yahoo.com and we can e-mail an order form or you can call Debbie Shimaoka at 714-4410446 to place your order. Cadette Troop 1343 is doing a collection for NewEyes, a non-profit organization that aims to bring sight to the needy in developing countries. However, NewEyes needs your help! They need you to donate eyeglasses, reading glasses, any glasses. Place your donations in the collection box in the vestibule. Thank you for your generous donations. ~ Cadette Troop 1343 EDGE is open to all middle school youth, grades 6-8. We meet in the Newman Center located in the parish school. Call Mike McHenry for more information, 714-879-1965. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Getting Ready for Advent! Page Seven MARY’S JOURNEY ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIRE Making a World of Difference Families take Mary’s statue for a week and pray the rosary together each night. Saying the rosary and meditating on the mysteries allows us to become aware of the life of Jesus, as witnessed in the eyes of his Mother. October 21 Erick and Colleen Martinez Family, 9am Mass October 28 Eric and Laura Fredman, 9am Mass November 4 Drew and Breda Martin Family, 9am Mass Sun., Nov 4th 11:00am - 2:00pm at the Downtown Wilshire City Plaza. Come buy an alternative gift to benefit people in our community and all over the world, including: African Well Fund, Alzheimer’s Association of OC, Bread for the World, Caring Companions, CHOC, Church World Service, Corazon, Crittenton Services, FISH of Fullerton, Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Services, Global Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer International, Downtown Hot Meal Ministry, Loch Leven Christian Camp, Meals on Wheels of Fullerton, Third World Gifts and Handcrafts, World Vision, Susan G. Koman, Chapel on Wheels… If you are interested in signing up for a week please contact Nina Visconti, 714-572-4152 or nvisconti@roadrunner.com Lunch & refreshments also available. We hope to see you there! Sponsors: First Christian Church, Fullerton First United Methodist Church, Fullerton ROSARY HIGH SCHOOL Cracked Crab Dinner Sat., Nov 3, 2012 ~ 6-10pm in the RHS Karcher Center ~ $50 per person. This beloved Rosary tradition features dinner and dancing as well as a silent auction benefitting participating teams and clubs at Rosary High School. The seafood feast includes allyou-can-eat crab, shrimp, brats, potatoes, salad, clam chowder, and a no-host bar. Keep up on your favorite college football games at the sports lounge. Community welcome, adults only please. Reservations available online at www.rosaryhs.org/ MAGNIFICAT DAY OF FAITH A Magnificat Day of Faith will be celebrated at the future Christ Cathedral (former Crystal Cathedral) on Nov. 3, 2012. Join in celebration of the beauty of our Catholic tradition in all its vibrant expressions. Speakers, music (both performed and sung together) as well as morning and evening prayers will compose this day which follows the opening of The Year of Faith. To register : www.magnificatday.com Please go online for fee schedules. FOX SERVICE CENTER “Professional Automotive Service” 1018 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, Calif. 95833 “Since 1954” 714-525-3239 20% Discount up to $100.00 off with this ad Call for Details! Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. S le mi CHRISTMAS CARD FAMILY PORTRAIT DAY! A family portrait session & 12 Christmas cards or 1 8x10 ...presented by Tri-School Theatre & Reinbold Gallery When: Sun., Oct 28th from 9am - 3pm (...get your Christmas Cards done early!) Where: Rosary High School - Assembly Hall Cost: $85 (pre-paid reservation) $95 (at the door) Additional cards $25 dozen. For reservations, call Tri-School Theatre (714) 774-7575 x 1155 PRAYER FOR MILITARY FAMILIES Please pray for the following members of St. Juliana’s presently serving in the military and for their families: Patrick Gilwee, Kasey Condon, Phillip P. Sanchez, Tai Le, Jason Romeo, Peter Chavez, Stephen Gapinski, Edward Gonzales, Robby Longpre, Christopher Simonds, Anthony Garcia, Brian Krause, Raul “Tito” Velazquez. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. (714) 400-7163 WHY IS IT? —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. 513906 St Juliana Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LIFE CENTER Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling 24 Hour Hotline Call 835-LIFE Confidential PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALIZING YOUR LIFE (714) 526-7773 Elizabeth Weinstein Parishioner FAMILY DENTISTRY Jane Skuben, DDS (714) 528-0600 Compassionate Senior Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Bathing/Dressing • No Minimum to 24-Hour Care • Personal Emergency Response System Bob Halpin, Kristen Halpin RN 714-815-7894 Crowns • Bridges • Dentures Root Canals • Oral Surgery 1690 N. Placentia Ave. @ Topaz Ln. Parishioner S.K. HOUSE CLEANING Houses Condos Mobile Homes Empty Places Wash Windows Shower/Bath Enclosures 19 Years Mirrors & Wardrobe Doors Experience Window Glass Repairs Screens Tabletop & Cabinet Glass CL#861398 Parishioner 310 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 528-1403 ● ● ● ● ● ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Law Offices of Kevin J. Hizon (Parishioner) • Business Disputes • Consumer Disputes • Contract Matters • Car/Motorcycle/ Bicycle Accidents • Slip/Fall Accidents • Landlord – Tenant • Defamation We Do Handyman Work like Windows & Carpets Special: 10% OFF First Service Call Mrs. Ramos for Home 714.572.2971 FREE ESTIMATES Cell 714.292.0055 Email: cucaramos23@yahoo.com LICENSE # 902465530 TAMMY’S CRUISES Cruise and Land Vacations $25 DONATED TO ST. JULIANA FOR EACH BOOKING* www.TammysCruises.com (714) 582-2837 Professional Services with Alacrity Tammy@TammysCruises.com (714 ) 372-2258 Seller of Travel #2034468-50 *Restrictions may apply 20 Years Experience Huntington Beach MIKE’S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installations 519 Vicky Lane • Placentia Mike Kramer • Lic. #652524 Parishioner 871-1847 (714) 577-5794 1907 N. Placentia Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 (NW corner Placentia & Bastanchury) * Low Radiation Digital X-rays * Michael H. Macalalad, DDS UCLA Magna Cum Laude Director, General Practice Residency - Rancho Los Amigos (Downey, CA) Jeffrey J. Stehly, D.D.S. CERTIFIED TAX PRACTITIONER Family Dental Care Exciting New Location! Same Great Care and Staff 1400 N. Harbor Blvd. Ste. 104 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 526-5001 (562) 691-3616 Member: American Dental Assoc. • Calif. Dental Assoc. • O. C. Dental Society PERSONAL ✸ BUSINESS ✸ RENTAL • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Cancellation of Debt • Corporate Compliance • Business Formations • Audits • Much More! MBR TAX SERVICES, INC., Myrnah B. Ramos, CTEC A118865 (714) 529-1034 — I SPEAK TAGALOG — Member National Association of Tax Professionals www.ocplumber.com 405 S. State College Blvd., #204 Brea, CA 92821 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers T. 714-577-9400 C. 714-267-9677 McAulay & Wallace Mortuaries Advanced Funeral Planning 525-4721 777-2692 Fullerton #FD190 Yorba Linda #FD1304 Family Owned & Operated Since 1911 Complete Funeral & Cremation Services ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Your Shield for Life Michael McGranahan, FICF (714) 680-5433 INSURANCE DEPT. Knight of Columbus Protect Your Family & Your Retirement michael.mcgranahan@kofc.org 513906 St Juliana Church (A) CA Lic# 0C80100 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805