October 7_ 2012 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
October 7_ 2012 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
1316 N. A CACIA A VE F ULLERTON , CA 92831-1202 OCTOBER 7, 2012 IN 27TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME; DO NOT PREVENT THEM, FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE. ~ MARK 10:14 Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is a welcoming family dedicated to proclaiming the gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, educating, serving, and providing opportunity for all to enrich their faith. Our vision is “...to live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation and community.” MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm 12:45pm Deaf Community Mass Saturday: 8:00am 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION First Saturday of the Month - Immediately following 8am Mass. RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30pm to 4:30pm BAPTISM ~ celebrated the 2nd Sunday at 2:30pm. Please phone the Parish Office either before or shortly after the birth of the child to schedule a baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before setting a date for the wedding.. PARISH OFFICE 1318 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-879-1965 FAX: 714-526-6673 WEBSITE: http://www.stjulianacatholiccommunity.org/ EMAIL: info@stjulianachurch.org OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri. 9:00am to 12:00 Noon SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 FAX: 714-871-8465 PASTOR Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. DEACON Bill Schlater - (retired) PHONE: 714-992-1388 DEACON Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 DEACON Chuck Doidge PHONE: 714-879-1965 Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essen!al Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and suppor!ng the other with the communal celebra!on of Sunday Eucharist at the center. LEADERSHIP EVANGELIZATION Pastor Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Parochial Vicar Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Deacon Deacon Deacon Bill Schlater - re!red Gerhard Stadel Chuck Doidge 714-992-1388 714-870-5714 714-879-1965 Pastoral Council School Principal Director of Faith! Forma!on Facility Manager! Bob Die"erle! bobdiver3@gmail.com Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Michael McHenry! 714-525-2208 714-871-2829 714-879-1965! mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Mark Augus!n! 714-261-5167! mark.augus!n@stjulianachurch.org Business Manager Parish Secretary Safe Environment STEWARDSHIP Advancement &! Karen Powell Susan Lazuka Vicki Delaney 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 Rick Price 714-871-4514 David Hoferer 714-961-2845 Stewardship Stewardship LITURGY 714-879-1965 714-525-8958 Deaf Community Environment! Altar Care Eucharis!c Ministers Parish O#ce Bob Cardinali Don Stelluto Nancy Lopez Catherine Haydon ! Mariana Meurer Deacon Gerhard Stadel Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 Music Director! Organist! Spirit Group Ushers Todd Helm! Claudia Kellogg! Donna Fairrington Alberta Saran 714-528-4690! 714-349-3774! 714-998-0853 714-992-6566 Altar Servers 714-547-0824 714-879-1965! 714-870-7524 714-870-5714 SERVICE Bereavement Corazon Italian Catholic Fed. Knights of Columbus Michele Tanaka Doug & Jean Knudson Joyce French Brian Burley 714-992-1630 714-992-2905 714-992-6628 714-738-8036 Respect Life Barbara Legas Claire McKellogg Doris Chiare"a 714-870-4214! 714-526-4096 714-526-6856 Spiritual Partners In Care St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-879-8721 Shawn Graham! Deacon Gerhard Stadel Catholics Come Home Communica!ons! Constant Contact! Website ! Voca!ons Glenn Casterline! Jan Young jyoung@stjulianaschool.org John McElligo" Welcoming &! Belonging/Outreach Kathy Gleeson WORD (Faith Forma!on) Adult Educa!on Michael McHenry! 714-572-8232! 714-870-5714 ! 714-792-0972! 714-879-1965 714-871-7182 714-680-0683 714-879-1965! mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Bap!sm Judy Allen 714-773-0812 Children’s Liturgy Donna Reinbold 714-772-6234 Conrma!on/HSYM Kerry & Maura Condon! hsym@stjulianachurch.org 714-680-7736 Sco" Kambak 714-870-5908 RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Jr. High Youth Ministry! Grades 7-8 RCIA (Rite of Chris!an! Ini!a!on of Adults) School of Religious! Educa!on Grades 1-8 St. Juliana School! School Parent Club Sunday School 9 a.m. mike.mchenry@stjulianachurch.org Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal! Megan Shank megan_shank@hotmail.com Julianna Tapia jtapia@stjulianaschool.org COMMUNITY 714-871-2829! 714-330-9182 714-345-4901 BSA Religious Emblems Exercise Class Fall Fes!val Mary’s Journey Tomas Franceschi Bernade"e Gilwee John & Maureen Kohaut Nina Viscon! 714-287-2926 714-680-5439 Men’s Retreat Terry Reinbold 714-772-6234 Eileen Shannon! Mary Gin Chaille Fr. Mark Aaron Riomalos 714-871-0456! 714-526-4926 714-353-5001 NAIM Support Group (Widows / Widowers) Newman Club! (College Students) Prayer Chain 714-713-5295 714-572-4152 Chaplain riomalos13@yahoo.com csufnewman@gmail.com www.newman-csuf.com Rita Semple! Maggie Armstrong 714-879-1492! 714-871-8055 maggiekona@sbcglobal.net Small Chris!an Communi!es Y.L.I. Catholic Women Barbara Die"erle Debbie Shimaoka 714-525-2208 714-441-0446 October 7, 2012 ~ FROM THE PASTOR ~ Well, it’s over! What a weekend! What a festival! It was hot and sweaty. Some discomfort but no complaints. The booths opened on time and everyone took their turn. Lots of laughter and a good amount of hustle and bustle. Money exchanged and goods delivered with a smile. Wide eyes of patrons enjoying the look, smell and taste of hardy, not finger food. Booth captains, committee members, clean-up crew, drink dispensers, ticket sellers, capital campaign chairmen, raffle personnel, musicians, carnival workers, book venders, “Sneakerz” the clown, face painters and of course patrons from Fullerton and environs pleased to be here. Our little ones were in high spirits and tickled pink for having survived the Zipper and Shock Drop. Only sporadic stomach upsets and occasional “sick as a dog” throw up. There were those who came to work early and stayed late. Some were beyond the usual age to lift heavy boxes, cooking pots and pans and food items. Some came directly from work, had little sleep, needed to find time for commitments but stayed the course no matter what. There were limpers, jumpers, sitters, standees, and a few sleepers. But most of all there were committers, sacrificers, zealots, and lovers. Well, it’s over for another year. All is well. Now for the wrapup, financial report, and plans for next year. Thank you St. Juliana! You did well!! This Friday, October 11, 2012 we begin the Year of Faith commemorating the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The year closes on November 24, 2013, the feast of Christ the King. Enclosed with this bulletin is a brochure designed to help us understand this Year and ways to celebrate it. Some suggestions you will read include the following: 1) Memorize the Nicene Creed (or least parts of it); 2) Take time for daily prayer; 3) Worship wholeheartedly at Mass; 4) Study the teachings of the Church; 5) Serve the poor and marginalized. I would be very pleased if ALL parish organizations plan some way of honoring this Year of Faith. I ask those in leadership to begin discussing how best to observe the five-fold suggestions printed in the brochure or adapt them to their specific ministry. Plans are in place to represent the Catholicism Series previously shown during Lent. St. Jerome who lived from 342-420 is best known for his revision of the Latin texts of books of the Bible. After completing this task, he translated the Bible into Latin. His work, known at the Vulgate was adopted by the Church as the official version. As we celebrate this Year of Faith the words of St. Jerome help us to appreciate the great love he had for the Bible and his desire that we all know and live the Word of God. St. Jerome writes: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. There are very many hidden meanings in the Bible. It is our part to seek, God’s to grant what we ask, ours to make a beginning, God’s to bring it to completion, ours to offer what we can, God’s to finish what we cannot. So read often, and study as much as you can. Let sleep overtake you with a book in your hand. When your head nods, may it sink on a holy page. Our delight shall be to meditate on the way of the Lord day and night, to knock at his door when it is not open, to receive the bread of the Trinity, and, with our Lord going before us, to walk on the sacred journey to God. The month of October is the Month of the Rosary. Every morning, following the 8am Mass a faithful group of parishioners meet together in the chapel to recite the Rosary. Their weekly prayers help keep their faith alive and bless the parish with grace, compassion, peace, and forbearance. Why not join them. Come to Mass and stay for the Rosary. From time to time I plan on leading the Rosary following Mass for those who can stay. Next Sunday we will celebrate Respect Life Sunday at all the Masses. In place of the homily I have asked Keith Cotton from Birth Choice Clinics to speak at all the Masses. Keith was born and raised in San Diego and adopted as a baby. He is the father of three wonderful children: 20 year old daughter and an 18 year old son, both in college in Denver, Colorado and a 15 year daughter in the 10th grade of high school. Keith attended college in Minnesota and worked in law enforcement with the Department of Corrections. He became a Human Rights Enforcement Officer for the Minnesota Department of Human Rights division, working with the State’s Attorney General’s office. He met his biological parents and made the decision to move back to California to have a relationship with his biological father and siblings. Keith has been involved with Birth Choice since November 1, 2010. Our Knights of Columbus have some interesting projects before us. Why not support our Knights as they are so generous both to the parish and to the charitable programs they sponsor. The Knights are always looking for new members. The bulletin has more information. The new processional candles have arrived and will be used by our altar servers as soon as they are trained on how to carry them, where to place them and how to take care of them. At present one donor has donated $100. The candles are brass, pleasing to look at, and fully in keeping with the dignity of the Mass. The cost for two candles is $450 each. During the weeks preceding the general presidential election I would like to share with you excerpts from the Catholic Bishops’ document: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. The Bishops write: Building a world of respect for human life and dignity, where justice and peace prevail, requires more than just political commitment. Individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, and governments all have a role to play. Participation in political life in light of fundamental moral principles is an essential duty for every Catholic and all people of good will. As Catholics, we are led to raise questions for political life other than “Are you better off than you were two or four years ago?” Our focus is not on party affiliation, ideology, or economics. Rather, we focus on what protects or threatens human life and dignity. Catholic teaching challenges voters to consider the moral and ethical dimensions of public policy issues. Pilgrimages to holy places have been part of Catholic culture and spirituality for nearly two thousand years. Many of my friends, Servite colleagues, parishioners, and other acquaintances have been to the Holy Land and other Shrines throughout Eastern and Western Europe. It has always been my desire to travel as a pilgrim to Fatima and Lourdes. Thanks to a dear friend, parishioner and benefactor I will now have the opportunity to experience that dream. No one has ever offered me such an opportunity in the 46 years of priesthood. I’ll be leaving on Wednesday, October 10th for a nine day pilgrimage to Fatima in Portugal, Avila, Spain where St. Teresa lived and died in 1582, Loyola, the birthplace of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits, and then to Lourdes in France, the birthplace of St. Bernadette to whom Our Lady appeared in 1858 near the Grotto of Massabielle. I am not a veteran traveler. This will be both a pilgrimage and an adventure of sorts. Let’s hope I don’t miss any of my connections. I will bring your intentions with me and pray at all the shrines with you in mind. In the Joy of Our Faith, Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M., Pastor Page Four PARISH CALENDAR 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sun., Oct. 7 Mon., Oct. 8 Tues., Oct. 9 Wed., Oct. 10 Thurs., Oct. 11 Fri., Oct. 12 Sat., Oct. 13 Sun., Oct. 14 Coffee & Donuts (SCC Hosts) HSYM Breakfast Burrito Sale 10:30am Deaf Community (Rm 1) 1pm Ministry Workshop (PC) 6pm HSYM (Rm 1 and PC) 10am SCC (Rm 1) 6pm Boy Scouts (Rm 3) 6:15pm Zumba Class (PC) Dave Ramsey Seminar (Rm 1) 7pm 7pm “All Hearts Afire” (Rm 4) 7:30pm RCIA (Rm 3) 7pm Rosary & Benediction 7pm Baptism Class 7:30pm SCC (Rm 3) 8:30am Stretchersize Class 6pm Faith Night 7pm Spirit Group (Church) 7pm SCC (Rm 4) 7:30pm JHYM (Rm 1-2) 6pm Newman Club (NC) 6pm Choir Set-up (Rm 4) 6:30pm Parent Club Social (PC) 7pm Parent Club Meeting (PC) 7pm Spirit Group (Chapel) 7pm Youth Band (Church) 7:30pm Choir (Rm 4) 3pm Divine Mercy/ Stations Set-up JHYM Retreat (Rm 1) 3pm 6pm JHYM Retreat Night (Rm 1) 6:15pm Zumba Class (PC) Gourmet Knights Dinner (PC) 6pm 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY Coffee & Donuts (ICF Hosts) 9am Knights Communion Breakfast 10:30am Deaf Community (Rm 1) 2:30pm Baptisms 6:15pm HSYM (Rm 1-2) YEAR OF FAITH Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed a Year of Faith October 12, 2012 - November 24, 2013. In this special year, believers around the world are called to renew their commitment to the faith that is “always the same, yet the source of ever new light.” Why the Focus of Faith?...What could be more important than our faith? It is the foundation of who we are as Catholic Christians and a gracious gift from God. Yet, in our contemporary world, we are increasingly vulnerable to secular movements that pull us away from our relationships with God. ...rediscover your faith this year! Be joy-filled witnesses to the risen Exerts from: The Year of Faith “Joy-Filled Witnesses to Christ” Lord in the world of today. ALTAR CARE - October 12, 2012 Claire Buckley Irene Luzano Barbara Legas Moyra Wilkins MASSES FOR THE WEEK Mon., Oct. 8 6:30am For health of Fr. Pat Donovan, O.S.M. Tue., Oct. 9 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am Vic Steinbergs † Rosario De Lao † Pedro Palencia † Wed., Oct. 10 6:30am 8:00am Thur., Oct. 11 6:30am 8:00am Fri., Oct. 12 6:30am 8:00am Sat., Oct. 13 8:00am 5:00pm Sun., Oct. 14 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Steven Arambula Zach Schwartz † Charlene Alfaro Louise Visconti † Servite Intentions Joseph Arambula Daniel Pelikan & Family Pompeyo Rosales † Parishioners Servite Intentions Martin Carr, Sr. † Servite Intentions PRAYER REQUESTS PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO ARE ILL AND IN NEED OF OUR LOVING SUPPORT IN THIS COMMUNITY, Steve Arambula, (nephew of Angie), Charlene Alfaro ( sisterin-law of Bob Knittle), Dr. Tom McLaughlin (father of Betsy Medlen),... and all the names listed in our Book of Healing. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR BELOVED DEAD: Ronald Fishbeck, may his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen MARRIAGE BANNS Please pray for the following couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony: Armond Tavianini & Joan Scheetz Date of Matrimony: October 13, 2012 Raymond Gomez & Sarah Key Date of Matrimony: October 20, 2012 THRIVING MARRIAGES RETREAT If you missed this at St. Juliana’s...here is another opportunity. Thriving Marriages is a mini-retreat to equip couples, of all ages, with a vision for Christian UNITY and the essential skills to achieve a THRIVING marriage! Sunday, October 14, 2012, 12:00noon – 3:30pm at Santa Clara de Assis Church Hall, 22005 Avenida de la Paz, Yorba Linda, CA. 92887, $20/couple, $10/person (walk-ins welcome & childcare offered – please reserve a spot.) For further information and to register, please contact: Sally Rodewald, DRE, at(714) 970-7885 or email her at sally@scdayl.org Page Five KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Oct 9 Oct 13 7pm 6pm October Fest, Kass Hall “Gourmet Knights” Dinner (see information below) Oct. 14 9am Corporate Communion (Mass) ~ Breakfast @ Elks Club Oct 16 6pm Pre-meeting Dinner 7pm Rosary 7:45pm General Business Meeting Oct 31 ****** Day of Adoration****** Nov 1 7pm ODM Nov 6 *** KC Fellowship ***After Rosary GOURMET KNIGHTS DINNER Join our Knights of Columbus, who will be displaying their culinary delights in the Parish Center, Next Saturday, Oct. 13th at 6pm. Cost $20 ~ all you can eat/drink...and dancing too! Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities. Pay at the door, or contact Brian Burley for info at 714-624-6348. R.C.I.A. RITE OF WELCOME This Sunday the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance are celebrated at the 9:00am Mass, as the first major ritual for our candidates and catechumens in our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process. After a period of discernment and prayer, the rite officially publicly welcomes six people from our community who have been inquiring and studying about our faith. In this ritual, a declaration of intention to continue their faith journey is made, and the Church community symbolically claims these men and women, for Christ, by signing them with the cross. Please joyfully welcome catechumens Sidney Ewing-Davis, Isaiah Ewing, Robert Davis, & Domingo Melendez as they prepare for their initiation into the Christian faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Also warmly greet candidates John Case & Samantha Gallo, one with us in Baptism, who now wish to complete their Christian initiation through the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. Please pray for our RCIA team, sponsors, candidates, & catechumens through their journey of faith this next year. ICF GOLF TOURNAMENT 8 TH A NNUAL ICF G OLF T OURNAMENT ROYAL VISTA GOLF COURSE Registration forms are in this bulletin or now on our parish website. www.stjulianachurch.org … ...go to “News and Events” - click on “Show All” for this event. When: Sun., October 28, 2012 Relax with us Sunday afternoon for some fun, food and prizes. Tee Off at 12:30pm Shotgun Start ~ cost $90. Dinner after golf at St. Juliana Parish Center. Dinner Only $15 Contact Co-Chair Mike Maglione (714) 525-7221 or Co-Chair Jack Duffin (714) 529-3857 for details. Proceeds go to St. Juliana Parish Education. 2012 FALL FESTIVAL ~ WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND! ~ …AND THE GRAND-PRIZE WINNERS ARE… t io $4,000 ~ Peter Joslin C on g r at ula $2,000 ~ Jesse Miner $1,000 ~ Maynard Kambak ns!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quilt - Bernadette Gilwee Stuffed Bear - Breda and Drew Martin Doll House - Katherine Grippi Collector Doll - Joan Steinbergs Collector Doll - Rick and Nancy Celio M ANY THANKS TO OUR PROUD SPONSORS ! C & L Refrigeration~The Cassell Family~Great Pacific Equipment Tony LiRocchi~McAulay & Wallace Mortuaries~The Hamar Family The Stump Family~The Burns Family Catholic Gift Shop~The Pleitez Family~Mike’s Heating & Air Conditioning The Cortes Family~mpm Mosey’s Production Machinists~The Kohaut Family The Thiede Family~Rancho Fullerton Mobile Home Estates K of C Insurance~Mike McGranahan~The James/Trujillo Family Donald Clem, DDS, Inc and Nelson Yen, DDS, MS, Inc~ Taste It! ~ The Heide Family The Bigley Family ~The Martin Carr Family~The Enke-Giacalone Family Dr. John and Mitzi Demman~The Benedicto Family~ Electrical Service Plus, Inc The Tang Family~Atcheson’s Express, LLC~Rick and Gale Price The Stapleton Family~West Coast Arborists, Inc Praetorian Advisors~The Irving Family~Tom’s Plumbing Service Knights of Columbus~Hawaiian Air Corporation~The Lauder Family Patrick and Frankie Sue Kelly~Ronaldand Denise Low~The Rasmussen Family All Pro Builders Inc.~Omni Western~The Steinbergs Family~ The Demman Family Berry Cool~The Maag Family~Ray Silva Painting~The Beverage Family Aquilina Gustaveson~Ralph and Patricia Riehl~The Roethe Family~ The Zacherl Family Reinbold Gallery Photography, Inc~Bob and Mary Ann Castongia~ Kevin and Janet Donnelly Sportclips~The Bibeau Family~The Pesci Family~The Bond Family~ The Dorsey Family Kevin & Tammy Smith & Family~ The Riffel Family~ The Staggs & Cross Families D & R Machine Shop~Lomeli’s ItalianRestaurant~Tom and Jeffrey Loftus The Alcarez Family~Wickett & Sons, LP~Del Taco~The Stachelek Family The Hitzeman Family~The Labreche Family~The Meurer & Reeder Families The Hines Family~Cantrell Photography~ The Rugienius Family~The Sigenfuse Family Maureen Flynn-Becerra~The Dunton Family~The Wilson Family~The Clay Family Gallagher Pediatric Therapy~McGinty, Knudtson & Black, CPAs~The Moore Family Wilson Enterprises Quality Automotive~Harold and Salma Bushala Hamud Pat Lenahan and Family~Kindergarten Rocks~ YLI Institute in honor of Helen Krom The Ersek Family~Evi Samsudin~Frank and Doris Chiaretta~ George and Jan Fontes~The Lillie Family~The Matthews Family ~Katherine Ozbirn~Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Weber~Pauline Tracy~ Real Dentistry~Dr. Hercules Joel Real~The Reid Family Page Six YOUTH FAITH FORMATION SCHOOL HAPPENINGS It’s Never Too Late to Register Has busyness of the new fall semes1ST - 8TH SRE ter gotten the best of you? If so, it is FAITH FORMATION never too late for you to enroll your children in our parish faith formation programs! All Children’s Faith Formation classes take place on Wednesday evenings 6:00pm to 7:15pm. First Communion Process Parents registering their children for First Communion are strongly encouraged to do so when the child is in first grade. If you would like to register, you can download the forms at www.sjfaith.org. If you have questions you can contact Mike McHenry in the parish office at 714-879-1965. SOME SPECIAL DATES AND FUNDRAISING EVENTS AstroCamp - 6th Grade Oct. 15th-18th. Please pray for our children preparing for camp. Parent’s Night Out (babysitting, while parents go out!) Sat., Oct 20th (6pm to 10pm) in the Parish Center. “Trunk or Treat” - Halloween Parade Fri., Oct 26th - time, TBD … in the Church parking lot. This Sunday! HIGH SCHOOL BREAKFAST BURRITOS Sun., October 7th ~ 7:30 & 9am Masses St. Juliana High School Youth Ministry Leader Team will be selling homemade breakfast burritos in the Parish Center for just $3.00! Please help support this growing ministry. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation / HSYM / “UNIFY” Next Meetings: Oct 7th ~ Yr 2 Confirmation at 6:15pm Oct 14th ~ Yr 1 Confirmation at 6:15pm Oct 21st ~ Teen Mass and Social at 4:30pm 7TH & 8TH GRADERS JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY Next Meeting: Wed., Oct 10th at 7:30pm - in the Parish Center Rm 1-2 October Activity: Annual JHYM Halloween Dance! Fri., Oct 26th at 7pm….you won’t want to miss it! (You must be a registered member of the St. Juliana JHYM to attend this event.) EDGE Junior High Retreat Fri., Oct 12th at 6pm. Rooms 1-2. Contact Faith Formation Director, Mike McHenry at the Parish Office (714) 879-1865 for information. M IDDLE S CHOOL Y OUTH M INISTRY Our EDGE night of the week is called, “Near and Far”. The goal of this Edge Night is to help the youth understand the Catholic Church’s teaching on solidarity and call them to action in living it out. The night focuses on love of neighbor and how Jesus Christ shows us not only the dignity of humanity, but also how to respond to the needs of those around us. EDGE is open to all middle school youth, grades 6-8. We meet in the Newman Center located in the parish school. Call Mike McHenry for more information, 714-879-1965. 19TH ANNUAL SCHOOL GOLF TOURNAMENT ALTA VISTA GOLF CLUB Monday, November 12, 2012 The success depends greatly on the generosity of donors and sponsors. Please consider being part of the tournament by donating goods, sponsoring a tee/green, or joining us to golf. Contact Co-Chair Robert Hanz (714) 390-7305 or Michael Mungaray (714) 272-0498 for details. S CHOOL NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY St. Juliana School in the Diocese of Orange, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. St. Juliana School in the Diocese of Orange does not discriminate on the basis of race, handicap, color, and national origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Likewise, St. Juliana School in the Diocese of Orange does not discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color and national origin. S AFE E NVIRONMENT U PDATE Please remember that adults, 18 and over, who work/volunteer with minor children at the Parish or School are required to complete all aspects of the threefold safe environment training before they begin ministering to our youth. Teenagers under the age of 18 who are volunteering in our Youth Ministries or School must complete the online Teen Safety course and sign the “Standard of Conduct” agreement prior to the start of service. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. For more details and instructions, please contact: Vicki Delaney at the Parish Office (714) 879-1965 WILLS & TRUST 2012- S EMINARS October 15th-20th~Orange Catholic Foundation Estate plans are some of the most important you will make. As disciples of Christ, we are grateful for the many gifts God has given and respond by nurturing these gifts and returning them with increase to the Lord. Seminar Admission is free! Call 888-543-5020 for reservation, or 714-282-3021 for information. www.oc-foundation.org READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gal 1:6-12; Lk 10:25-37 Gal 1:13-24; Lk 10:38-42 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Lk 11:1-4 Gal 3:1-5; Lk 11:5-13 Gal 3:7-14; Lk 11:15-26 Gal 3:22-29; Lk 11:27-28 Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 [17-27] Page Seven MARY’S JOURNEY ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIRE Families take Mary’s statue for a week and pray the rosary together each night. Saying the rosary and meditating on the mysteries allows us to become aware of the life of Jesus, as witnessed in the eyes of his Mother. October 6 Mila Vicaldo family 5pm Mass October 14 Rafael and Mary Valenzuela Family, 11am Mass October 21 Erick and Colleen Martinez Family, 9am Mass October 28 Eric and Laura Fredman, 9am Mass November 4 Drew and Breda Martin Family, 9am Mass If you are interested in signing-up for a week please contact Nina Visconti, 714-572-4152 or nvisconti@roadrunner.com Making a World of Difference Sun., Nov 4th 11:00am - 2:00pm at the Downtown Wilshire City Plaza. Come buy an alternative gift to benefit people in our community and all over the world, including: African Well Fund, Alzheimer’s Association of OC, Bread for the World, Caring Companions, CHOC, Church World Service, Corazon, Crittenton Services, FISH of Fullerton, Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Services, Global Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer International, Downtown Hot Meal Ministry, Loch Leven Christian Camp, Meals on Wheels of Fullerton, Third World Gifts and Handcrafts, World Vision, Susan G. Koman, Chapel on Wheels… Lunch & refreshments also available. We hope to see you there! Sponsors: First Christian Church, Fullerton First United Methodist Church, Fullerton CONSECRATION TO JESUS Blessings to our first group of “33 Days To Morning Glory”, Consecration to Jesus through Our Queen Mother Mary. The group will make their Consecration this Sunday, October 7th on the Feast of the Holy Rosary following the 9am Mass. The journey has exceeded our expectation in deepening our relationship with Jesus. We pray in gratitude "With you, O Immaculate Mother, we unite ourselves to perfect consecration of Jesus as He offers himself in the Spirit to the Father for the life of the world.” Amen. BLESSING OF THE WAVES Sunday, October 14, 2012 ~ 9 - 11am Huntington Beach Pier, North Side Join us for this 5th annual Blessing of the Waves. Do you want to learn more about your faith and meet other women for fellowship and support? WINGS begins Wed. October 10th @ 9:00am - 11am. All women are invited. Free childcare provided. Questions please contact Kate Domino @ (714) 970-0470 or Barbara Baldo (714)777-1825 “Professional Automotive Service” 1018 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, Calif. 95833 “Since 1954” 714-525-3239 20% Discount up to $100.00 off with this ad Call for Details! Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. CHRISTMAS CARD FAMILY PORTRAIT DAY! A family portrait session & 12 Christmas cards or 1 8x10 ...presented by Tri-School Theatre & Reinbold Gallery When: Sun., Oct 28th from 9am - 3pm (...get your Christmas Cards done early!) Where: Rosary High School - Assembly Hall Cost: $85 (pre-paid reservation) $95 (at the door) Additional cards $25 dozen. For reservations, call Tri-School Theatre (714) 774-7575 x 1155 PRAYER FOR MILITARY FAMILIES W.I.N.G.S - (WOMEN IN GOD’S SPIRIT) FOX SERVICE CENTER S le mi Please pray for the following members of St. Juliana’s presently serving in the military and for their families: Patrick Gilwee, Kasey Condon, Phillip P. Sanchez, Tai Le, Jason Romeo, Peter Chavez, Stephen Gapinski, Edward Gonzales, Robby Longpre, Christopher Simonds, Anthony Garcia, Brian Krause, Raul “Tito” Velazquez. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. (714) 400-7163 WHY IS IT? —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. 513906 St Juliana Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LIFE CENTER Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling 24 Hour Hotline Call 835-LIFE Confidential PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALIZING YOUR LIFE (714) 526-7773 Elizabeth Weinstein Parishioner FAMILY DENTISTRY Jane Skuben, DDS (714) 528-0600 Compassionate Senior Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Bathing/Dressing • No Minimum to 24-Hour Care • Personal Emergency Response System Bob Halpin, Kristen Halpin RN 714-815-7894 Crowns • Bridges • Dentures Root Canals • Oral Surgery 1690 N. Placentia Ave. @ Topaz Ln. Parishioner S.K. HOUSE CLEANING Houses Condos Mobile Homes Empty Places Wash Windows Shower/Bath Enclosures 19 Years Mirrors & Wardrobe Doors Experience Window Glass Repairs Screens Tabletop & Cabinet Glass CL#861398 Parishioner 310 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 528-1403 ● ● ● ● ● ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Law Offices of Kevin J. Hizon (Parishioner) • Business Disputes • Consumer Disputes • Contract Matters • Car/Motorcycle/ Bicycle Accidents • Slip/Fall Accidents • Landlord – Tenant • Defamation We Do Handyman Work like Windows & Carpets Special: 10% OFF First Service Call Mrs. Ramos for Home 714.572.2971 FREE ESTIMATES Cell 714.292.0055 Email: cucaramos23@yahoo.com LICENSE # 902465530 TAMMY’S CRUISES Cruise and Land Vacations $25 DONATED TO ST. JULIANA FOR EACH BOOKING* www.TammysCruises.com (714) 582-2837 Professional Services with Alacrity Tammy@TammysCruises.com (714 ) 372-2258 Seller of Travel #2034468-50 *Restrictions may apply 20 Years Experience Huntington Beach MIKE’S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installations 519 Vicky Lane • Placentia Mike Kramer • Lic. #652524 Parishioner 871-1847 (714) 577-5794 1907 N. Placentia Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 (NW corner Placentia & Bastanchury) * Low Radiation Digital X-rays * Michael H. Macalalad, DDS UCLA Magna Cum Laude Director, General Practice Residency - Rancho Los Amigos (Downey, CA) Jeffrey J. Stehly, D.D.S. CERTIFIED TAX PRACTITIONER Family Dental Care Exciting New Location! Same Great Care and Staff 1400 N. Harbor Blvd. Ste. 104 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 526-5001 (562) 691-3616 Member: American Dental Assoc. • Calif. Dental Assoc. • O. C. Dental Society PERSONAL ✸ BUSINESS ✸ RENTAL • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Cancellation of Debt • Corporate Compliance • Business Formations • Audits • Much More! MBR TAX SERVICES, INC., Myrnah B. Ramos, CTEC A118865 (714) 529-1034 — I SPEAK TAGALOG — Member National Association of Tax Professionals www.ocplumber.com 405 S. State College Blvd., #204 Brea, CA 92821 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers T. 714-577-9400 C. 714-267-9677 McAulay & Wallace Mortuaries Advanced Funeral Planning 525-4721 777-2692 Fullerton #FD190 Yorba Linda #FD1304 Family Owned & Operated Since 1911 Complete Funeral & Cremation Services ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Your Shield for Life Michael McGranahan, FICF (714) 680-5433 INSURANCE DEPT. Knight of Columbus Protect Your Family & Your Retirement michael.mcgranahan@kofc.org 513906 St Juliana Church (A) CA Lic# 0C80100 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805