news magazine - Danish Society
news magazine - Danish Society
NEWS MAGAZINE THE DANISH SOCIETY (INC) P. O. BOX 12 279 - PENROSE 1642 6 Rockridge Ave., Penrose, Auckland. Ph 580 3103 facebook/danishsociety Bank A/C: ASB 12 3036 067 1539 00 SUBSCRIPTIONS (2014 Financial Year – 1st Oct 2014- 30 Sept 2015) Member: Senior rate: (65 & over) Youth rate: (18 to 25) Children under 18 Family discount: Contact phone numbers The Danish House Valhalla, Leigh Committee Other Addresses ROYAL DANISH CONSULATE GENERAL PO Box 38-446, Howick, Auckland 2145 537 3099 THE TRADE COMMISSION OF DENMARK PO Box 2154, Auckland 1 379 3119 Fax 307 5207 THE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 Harris Rd (PO Box 85-014) Mt Wellington 579 4490 DANISH CHURCH NEW ZEALAND INC. Pastor Anja Grønne Mathiassen 03 464 0218 RATES FOR VALHALLA There is a $5 pp per night Development Levy on all members and guests overs 2 years of age Peak MembersGuests Adults$20 $35 Children$10 $25 Off-Peak Adults$12 $30 Children$6 $20 Whole house daily rate Off-peak $120 Peak rate $300 Christmas season $330 Functions $330 Off-peak = Mid-week only excluding Christmas season and school holidays Peak = All school holidays, Christmas season and all weekends. Christmas season = Christmas Eve to the end of Anniversary weekend. The house can only be hired for 7 days at any one time. Call the Booking Officer: Christine Futterup, 19 Mossford Green, Pohurehure, Papakura P: 299 6985 E: 2 REGULAR EVENTS 580 3103 022 322 6194 PRESIDENT: Antony Barrett 444 0939 Email: VICE-PRESIDENT: Marion Stewart 480 8282 Email: TREASURER: Christine Futterup 299 6985 Email: 480 9883 SECRETARY: Pam Logan Email: COMMITTEE MEMBERS 021 0229 6802 Anna Gilderdale 478 7016 Helle Gilderdale 630 8722 Annette Jorna 021 062 7333 Palle Olsen Roselle Rasmussen 971 0248 EDITOR “NEWS MAGAZINE” 480 8282 John Stewart 88c Coronation Road, Hillcrest, North Shore 0627 E-mail: MEMBERSHIP 971 0248 Roselle Rasmussen E-mail: WEBMASTER: Kurt Marquart Email: MAILOUT Helle Scott 521 2844 $65 per member $55 per member $10 per member Free Less $30 per couple DANISH HOUSE CRAFT GROUP An Open House is held on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm meet on the second Thursday of every month COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOLKDANCERS are held on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm meet at 7.30pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month VALHALLA WORKING BEES WEDNESDAY MORNING GROUP Working bees are usually held on the weekend of the second Saturday of the month. Meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 10.30am FILM EVENINGS CARDPLAYERS are held on the third Friday of the month at 7.30pm meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month - 11am to 3pm QUICK CHECK CALENDAR September Wed 2nd Card Players Sat 5th Spring Dinner Sun 6th Open House & Church Service Tues 8th Folk Dancing Thurs 10th Craft Group Sat 12th Valhalla Working Bee Mon 14th Committee Meeting Wed 16th Card Players Fri 18th Film Evening Sat 19th Under 30s - Nordic Night Tues 22nd Folk Dancing Wed 23rd Wednesday Morning Group Wed 30th Card Players October Sat 3rd Children’s Movie & Dinner Sun 4th Open House Wed 7th Card Players Thurs 8th Craft Group Sat 10th Valhalla Working Bee Mon 12th Committee Meeting Tues 13th Folk Dancing Weds 14th ULC Folk Music Trio to be confirmed Fri 16th Film Evening Sun 18th Over 60s Luncheon Wed 21st Card Players Tues 27th Folk Dancing Wed 28th Wednesday Morning Group Danish Lessons Danish House Hall Hire Rates with Connie Kristensen in her Tiny House at Earthsong EcoNeighbour Village in Ranui. Saturday mornings – also available evenings during the week (except Thursday). For more information call Connie Kristensen Members rates for hiring the hall for the whole day at the Danish House, Penrose. Sunday to Friday inclusive $120 Saturday:$180 Half a day is a third less. Funerals – no charge. The bond is $150.00 per booking. 0274 757 565 Call the Booking Officer: Antony Barrett, Phone 444 0939 Committee Contacts & Convenors for Working Groups Committee Contact Working Group Cultural Card Players Children and Youth Events Films Folk dancing Library/Videos Society history Welfare (Cards & Flowers) Convenor Phone Oluf Basse 534 2798 Anna Gilderdale 02102296802 Helle Gilderdale 478 7016 email: Kurt Marquart 476 0245 Finn Nielsen 625 5533 Helle Gilderdale 478 7016 Karen Yates 524 6016 Vibeke Courtney 576 3150 Danish House Anna Gilderdale 02102296802 Antony Barrett 444 0939 Kurt/Antony 022 476 0245/444 0939 Bar Bookings Maintenance Members Membership Roselle Rasmussen 971 0248 email: Communication Editor Webmaster John Stewart 480 8282 Kurt Marquart email: Valhalla Christine Futterup Palle Olsen Bookings Working Bees 299 6985 021 062 7333 Be part of the club in 2015-2016! Time to think about renewing your membership (or joining us!) Invoices will be posted by the end of this month. Please remember to update your contact details with or speak to a committee member. 3 4 5 6 7 8