pbl district i vice president - Florida FBLA-PBL


pbl district i vice president - Florida FBLA-PBL
3 Important Dates
4 PBL Welcome Message
5 FBLA Welcome Message
6 PBL State Officer Boardroom
7 State Fall Leadership Conference
8 PBL State Leadership Conference
9 FBLA Competitive Events: ML
11 Communication
Florida FBLA-PBL Foundation
FBLA March of Dimes
PBL Chapter Involvement
15 Chapter Articles
16 2010 Fall - Pictures
22 Upcoming Conferences
January 1
Postmark deadline for intent letters and resumes to run for national office
January 22-23
FBLA-PBL Board of Directors Meeting, TBA
January 30
Receipt deadline for articles for the spring issue of Florida Communicator
January 31
FBLA deadline for 2nd semester dues to be eligible for district/state competition
Tallahassee Trip for State FBLA and PBL Officers
February 6-12
February 15
PBL State/National dues postmark deadline to be eligible for State Competition
February 15
PBL postmark deadline for State Conference registration/hotel reservations
February 15
Postmark deadline for PBL chapter reports, website, digital video, etc.
March 10-13
PBL State Leadership Conference, Wyndham Westshore, Tampa, FL
March 21
FBLA postmark deadline for State Conference registration
March 21
FBLA postmark deadline for State Conference hotel reservations
March 21
Postmark deadline for FBLA chapter reports, website, digital video, etc.
April 25-28
FBLA State Leadership Conference, Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL
May 14
June 23-26
PBL National Leadership Conference, Orlando, FL
June 28-July 1
FBLA National Leadership Conference, Orlando, FL
Send your articles for the Spring Edition of the Florida Communicator by January 30, 2011.
FBLA chapters send your articles and pictures to FBLA State Reporter, Brooke Allie at fblarep@floridafbla-pbl.com.
PBL chapters send your articles and picture to PBL State Secretary, Ivan Gil at pblsec@floridafbla-pbl.com
Hasn’t 2010 gone by so quickly?
I can honestly and personally say that it feels like it was just yesterday when I met
most of you at the State Leadership Conference in March. This year has gone by,
but that doesn’t mean that the excitement and greatness of PBL is over. 2011 is right
around the corner and we, as a family, will finish the year strong.
This past semester, I have had the opportunity to communicate, meet, assist, and
work with you all to improve your local chapters. Know that the focus of this year’s
State Officer Team is to build the local chapters because YOU are all the foundation
of the organization. We have had the opportunity to bring and implement new
recognition and membership programs to benefit your chapter management efforts.
Aside from that, Florida PBL has worked closely in conjunction with the National
Office to provide members and chapters the opportunity to acquire resources and
information via the PBL State Officer Boardroom. For the first time ever, access has
been granted to all local chapters. This is an accomplishment worth stating!
PBL State President
Overall, this first half of the year has been truly exemplary due to members’
participation and dedication to the organization. Your State Officer Team and I are
very proud of each and every one of you. Your progress and success will continue
to be the ultimate spark to our electrifying leadership. Chapters and members,
don’t forget the great programs and recognitions that will assist your chapters next
semester as we get ready for the 2011 State Leadership Conference in March. In
brief, remember these programs:
•CMAP Challenge!
•Membership Madness and Mania
•Professional Division
•State Officer Boardroom
•March of Dimes Involvement
•Local chapter activities
•Adopt a Chapter
Continue moving forward Florida PBL, and feel the “electricity”!
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
As we head into 2011, it seems like the months are flashing by with the blink of an
eye. Membership is closing and it is now time for your chapter to begin business
development programs and hit the books for district competition. We had an
amazing turnout for both the Fall Activity Day and Fall Leadership Conference,
both of these events are meant to heighten member’s excitement as we head to
districts and states.
I am elated to say that we have reached over (need to find out the number from Mrs.
Jones) members as of December 2010. With this, we feel that Florida FBLA is on the
track to success and know that each and everyone of you will strive to be the best
state chapter within the FBLA nation.
As you know, Florida FBLA strongly believes in rewarding those who work diligently
and attentively at improving their business professional skills so there is an
opportunity for everyone to be a winner. Scholarships are offered at the state
and national level for seniors who plan on pursuing a college degree. For more
information please visit the state and/or national site.
FBLA State President
Best of luck to all those competing in district competition, if you were to ever need
any advice please feel to contact me at anglade_r22@yahoo.com
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
Hello Members and Advisers,
Here is a wonderful opportunity to help your chapter grow and become even
stronger. The State Officer Board Room is now open to all members. It has several
documents such as the National Officer’s Program of Work, recruitment and fund
raising ideas, and my favorite the chat room. This chat room allows you to talk to
other members and/or officers around the nation and discuss ways to improve each
other’s local chapter.
This is a great resource with an abundance of information for chapters to stay
informed. Below is the link and log in information:
Link: www.fbla-pbl.org/web/c/147/main_login.asp
User name: st8boardp
Password: pblsuccess
PBL District I Vice President
Keep Electrifying Leadership!
*Screenshots from PBL State Officer Boardroom
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
Once again it was that time of the year: the Florida FBLA-PBL State Fall Leadership
Conference! The conference was held on November 19-21, 2010 at the Hilton Palm
Beach Airport Hotel.
This conference was a great way for all divisions of the organization to network
starting from FBLA Middle Level going up to the Professional Division. The opening
session was truly one of a kind with keynote speaker, Suzie Humphreys motivating
everyone in the audience to seek opportunities and say “yes!” when they come
our way and then competition stroke up with the annual Battle of the Districts.
Congratulations to this year’s winner: FBLA District 25!
All the members had an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and
workshops throughout the entire conference. Immediately after the Opening Session,
members had the opportunity to participate in open events including Grammar,
Leadership, FBLA-PBL Facts, and Hospitality Management. On Saturday, members
enjoyed a variety of workshops, including Running for Office and March of Dimes, as
well as a mini-college fair in which students could ask questions of the participating
colleges and their respective PBL Chapters. Participating colleges included the
Florida State University, University of Florida, University of South Florida, Florida
International University, University of Central Florida, amongst others. College
seniors also had the opportunity to participate in an open forum to learn about
opportunities after FBLA.
PBL District II Vice President
To end the conference, members participated in the March of Dimes mini-Walk, in
which more than $90.00 were raised, and in the Foundation Volleyball Game.
Thanks for all of your support! All in all, the 2010 Florida FBLA-PBL State Fall
Leadership Conference was an ultimate success and it was all thanks to you, the
members. We can’t wait to see you at the 2011 State Leadership Conference!
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
You are about to embark on a journey. You can see the final destination in the
distance but must overcome the path to this place. What am I talking about? I am
talking about the State Leadership Conference, better known as the SLC ,which will
take place March 10-13 at the Wyndham Westshore in Tampa, Florida. Of course,
getting to this place will be no easy task. Only the best in your district will triumph,
and have the chance to show that they are the best in the state. But what does
one have to do to get to this wonderful place? Well, it all starts with your district
competition. Each of the five districts will hold competition between January and
February, where you will be put against the other schools in your district. Even though
these are smaller leadership conferences than the State Leadership Conference,
you should still take it seriously and study for the test and practice for the events.
Once you have been notified on how you did, you now have an understanding of
what you might do like at the SLC, but on a different level. Now you’re up against
the entire state of Florida. So remember members, study hard, practice a lot, do
well in your competition, and I look forward to seeing you at the SLC in March.
PBL District III Vice President
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
FBLA middle-level members have 15 different competitive events to choose from at
the state level. When choosing an event, read the competition guidelines on Florida
FBLA’s website. To practice, you may be able to find practice tests from similar FBLA
high school division tests online – for example, Business Math is similar to ML Business
Math, Word Processing I is similar to ML Keyboarding, Spreadsheet Applications
is similar to ML Spreadsheet... of course, the high school-level practice tests may
be much harder than middle-level tests, but practicing on an advanced level will
definitely give you an edge when the time comes to compete! Ask your advisers
as well if they have any resources or guidelines – they’re there to advise you. At
the national level, any middle-level member who attends the national conference
may choose to compete in an open event – topics covered range from FBLA facts,
to computer technology, business concepts, leadership, and internet safety (but the
open events vary from year to year).
FBLA Region III Vice President
FBLA high school members, break barriers with middle-level FBLA chapters in your
area! Partner with a feeder school to raise funds for the state service project, The
March of Dimes, or engage in local community service with middle-level students.
Start a mentoring program for FBLA middle-level students – not only will you help
the students develop key leadership and business skills, as well as help them prepare
for competitive events, but you could be recruiting future FBLA members for your
high school club!
Visit the Florida FBLA Website for more details: www.floridafbla-pbl.com
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Career Membership Achievement Program, CMAP, is a program for members
that are interested in documenting their contributions to the organization, while
learning more about opportunities for the future.
If you participate in CMAP, you have the unique opportunity to record the completion
of activities in areas related to business, education, leadership, public relations,
and service. The focus of this program is to help members progress in areas of
“Education”, “Service”, and “Progress”, which are the core values seen on our Phi
Beta Lambda seal.
CMAP is divided into three levels, Director, Executive and President; each area
focuses on different actives and competency levels. Activities range from uploading
pictures of you participating at PBL events to writing a quick essay about a
particular experience or given topic. The best thing about CMAP, is that you can use
all your past accomplishments within PBL while completing the activities and levels.
So it could take 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 years; it just depends on how you want to
complete the award.
PBL District IV Vice President
Challenge your self this winter break and begin looking into the CMAP program.
Remember, CMAP closes March 1, 2011 at midnight, and will not reopen until the
next membership year (July 2011, specific launch date TBD), so take advantage of
this great opportunity today! Awards, pins and plaques will be presented to you
upon completion of Director, Executive and President level at your District, State
and National Leadership Conferences, respectively.
We wish you the best of luck and look forward to quality participation this year! If
you have questions or concerns, please contact the State Officer Team.
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
Dear members,
In order to ensure a successful year, this year communication is our number one
priority. There are many opportunities for you to stay involved and stay in touch.
Facebook – www.facebook.com/floridafblapbl
Twitter – www.twitter.com/floridafbla_pbl
State Officer Boardroom - www.fbla-pbl.org/web/c/147/main_login.asp
The Florida Communicator - Fall Edition, Winter Edition, and Spring Edition
PBL State Secretary
State Adviser monthly updates – sent to advisers
State Officer monthly update – to enroll send your respective district
officers a request.
State and National website – www.floridafbla-pbl.com & www.fbla-pbl.org
As you can see, there are many different avenues for communication. The
important part now, is to get enrolled and stay in touch.
Over 400 followers!
Over 900 fans!
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
Two weeks ago, I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat during the Fall
Leadership Conference’s annual Battle of the Districts. If you don’t not know about
the event, it entails different FBLA and PBL chapters going head to head on some
very tough trivia about our beloved organization. During one of the final rounds
of the competition, one particular question caught my eye: “What is the FBLA-PBL
Foundation?” I thought to myself, come on teams this one is easy! What I was most
surprised about was not the simplicity of the question, but that no one knew the
answer! Since that moment, I have taken it upon myself to inform more members
about all that this group does.
If I began to describe all that The Foundation does for us, I would not have enough
space in this issue. However, I’ll summarize it for you. The FBLA-PBL Foundation
was created to assist members and advisers by enhancing current programs and
partnerships. Over the last several years, the Foundation has sponsored countless
events, some of which include:
»» Annual trip for the FBLA-PBL state officer teams to Tallahassee to visit with our
state’s elected leaders
»» Cash prizes for our competitive events at the state leadership conferences
»» An opportunity for first and second year advisers to attend the Florida FBLAPBL Summit
»» Candidates for national office
»» The PBL Rob Kelleher Memorial Award for most outstanding member
»» An FBLA-PBL State Fall Leadership Conference at Walt Disney World
FBLA State Secretary
And the giving does not stop there! The Foundation also specializes in philanthropic
work for those members needing a little extra financial help. Student members are
offered the opportunity to apply for financial assistance so that they can attend their
corresponding district conferences, the State Fall Leadership Conference, or even
the pinnacle of the Florida FBLA-PBL experience- the State Leadership Conference.
If you are interested in learning more about this wonderful group of individuals or
would like to learn more about the financial assistance program, please contact Mrs.
Jody Jones at jodyajones@juno.com.
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
As most of us members know, our state and national project this year is the March
of Dimes, and as our state’s project it is key that we put time and dedication into
such a great organization. The trouble for some chapters though is, “How do I get
involved?.” Well question no longer. Luckily for you, the March of Dimes provides
many simple and rewarding ways for you and your chapter to get involved! If you
go to www.marchofdimes.com/volunteers/volunteers.html, there are plenty of ways
to get your chapter volunteering.
Some options are bigger events, which you can help out with, like the Signature
Chefs’ auctions, which are held across the nation. This event is a fun way to raise
money for the charity. Local chefs present their signature dishes in tasting form for
everyone to sample, all while a silent auction is being held. This event has raised
millions for the March of Dimes so find one near you and get involved!
FBLA State Reporter
Another option for your chapter, which can be done at school, is selling purple
bands for $1. You can order them off the March of Dimes website and sell them at
school during lunch. It is a simple way to help out the March of Dimes!
Last, but certainly not least, is the March for Babies. For those who have been
involved in March of Dimes over the years I’m sure you’ve attended one of these
walks. They are held in cities all over Florida and are a great way to get your
chapter to volunteer. The March for Babies brings together the community to walk
for one cause, and the families who benefit from this cause are always eager to
participate and tell their stories.
Overall, whatever your chapter is interested in doing, there is a way to volunteer and
contribute to our state’s project. So FBLA-PBL members, go out there, get involved
and use your leadership skills to pump up your community about saving babies!
For more information visit your local March of Dimes representative which you can
find on the March of Dimes website www.marchofdimes.com/.
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
As the semester comes to an end and a new one begins, it is important to focus on
chapter involvement. Chapter involvement can occur through social activities as a
chapter, chapter projects or assisting the executive board/chapter officers.
Over the break, social activities will help with membership retention. The members
will have something to look forward to for the new semester, and they will have the
opportunities to bond as a chapter.
Another way to promote chapter involvement is through the chapter projects for the
State Leadership conference. For the project, each chapter can form committees to
work on the projects. This will allow the members participate, promote team work
and have a sense of ownership toward their chapter
Finally, assisting the executive board/chapter officers in their responsibilities is a
great way to promote chapter involvement. Each chapter should encourage the
members who cannot make it to a specific committee meeting to ask their officers for
other tasks. With another way to participate, the member will feel more involved in
the chapter and that member will be less likely to leave.
PBL State Parliamentarian
Chapter involvement is a great way to retain members. With that involvement each
member will have the opportunity to gain the full experience of PBL. So as the
holidays approach let us take a step in developing each individual member through
chapter involvement.
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
Liberty Middle School Officers recently represented FBLA and Business Technology
at the annual Career & College Festival at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa.
Officers promoted FBLA and Business Technology by handing out flyers and talking
to middle school students about the benefits of joining FBLA and enrolling in Business
Technology related courses.
Building Hope. That is what Braddock FBLA members have been doing for the past
three months. With the help of the executive board officers, FBLA C.E.O. Grether
Barbon began a group known as Building Hope with the aim of raising both
awareness and assistance to the rapidly growing poverty and homeless cycle in
Miami. Through the process, over 300 pounds of used clothing have been collected
in the community to give to The Covenant House, a teen homeless shelter. In addition,
the students have been able to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity build sites near
Liberty City. We worked with a fantastic crew and with the help of all involved we
were able to prime the exterior of the entire house, roof included. It was messy,
hot and exhausting but everyone left pleased knowing that the house was one step
closer to having a deserving owner because of us. In addition, the members are
hard at work preparing goodie baskets for the proud recipients of new Habitat
for Humanity houses with decorations, cleaning products, and other household
essentials. These business leaders are one step closer to a brighter future and a
better community through all of their efforts.
The holidays are a time to celebrate and for kids it is all about the presents, but
unfortunately there are many families who cannot provide for their children during
this time. To aid them during these tough times, Phi Beta Lambda members from
Florida International University hosted a holiday party where new toys for kids of
all ages were collected. These toys will be delivered to Mercy Hospital where they
will be given to underprivileged families. This year’s toy drive marks the second
year in a row that PBL at FIU has donated toys to Mercy Hospital.
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
The Florida Communicator: Winter Edition
MARCH 10-13
PBL State Leadership Conference
Wyndham Westshore, Tampa, FL
APRIL 25-28
FBLA State Leadership Conference
Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL