FBLA-PBL Regions


FBLA-PBL Regions
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Conference Information
FBLA-PBL Dress Code
FBLA-PBL Code of Conduct
State Meetings At-A-Glance
Hotel Map
Keynote Speakers
MarketPlace Location/Hours
Blue Jeans for Babies Dance
FBLA-Middle Level Program
My Schedule
Future Conferences23
Use #NFLC15SC on
Twitter for a chance
to see your posts on
screen before the
general sessions.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
The 2015 National Fall Leadership Conferences
(NFLCs) are designed to help you CONNECT
in the coming year! The board of directors,
national officers, and national staff welcome
you to this year’s NFLCs. You have demonstrated your commitment to
leadership excellence by being here this weekend. Maximize your investment by
participating in as many workshops and other activities as you can.
Conference staff will be available in Meeting Room 3 on Friday and Saturday
during regular conference hours.
Conference badges must be worn to all conference activities, including the
Blue Jeans for Babies Dance. Requests for replacement badges may be made at
the registration desk or in conference headquarters. There is a $5 charge for all
replacement name badges. This fee must be paid in full onsite.
If traveling by taxi, ask for the fare before departure. Keep change handy
for bellmen and doormen tips and similar situations. Generally, a 15% tip is
appropriate for servers and cab drivers for good service.
Chaperones should enforce dress code and curfews, ensure that students attend
conference activities, and follow common safety practices.
Members with disabilities add an important dimension to the organization.
FBLA‑PBL is committed to working with these members to ensure that they
receive maximum benefit from the conference activities. Contact a representative
of the national staff if you have particular needs or requirements.
Delegates at FBLA‑PBL conferences are expected to follow the published curfew
times. This requirement is designed both to protect individual delegates and to
respect other guests in the hotels we are using for our meetings. Hotel security
will enforce the published curfews, which are to be interpreted as being the time
by which members should be in their own rooms and quiet for the night.
• noisemakers (horns, clappers, etc.) are not allowed at the general sessions
• hats, including novelty hats, are prohibited by the FBLA-PBL dress code
• selfie sticks, cameras, cell phones, and posters/signs are not allowed on stage
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
FBLA-PBL members and advisers should develop an awareness of the
image one’s appearance projects. The purpose of the dress code is to
uphold the professional image of the association and its members and to
prepare students for the business world. Appropriate attire is required for
all attendees—advisers, members, and guests—at all sessions, meetings,
workshops, and other activities unless otherwise stated in the conference
program. Conference name badges are part of this dress code and must
be worn for all conference functions. For safety reasons, do not wear name
badges when touring.
Professional attire acceptable for official
FBLA-PBL activities includes:
Business suit with blouse
Business pantsuit
with blouse
Skirt or dress slacks with
blouse or sweater
Business dress
Capris or gauchos with
coordinating jacket/suit,
worn below the knee
Dress shoes
Business suit with collared
dress shirt and necktie
Sport coat, dress slacks,
collared shirt, and necktie
Dress slacks, collared shirt,
and necktie
Banded collar shirt may
be worn only if sport coat
or business suit is worn
Dress shoes and socks
Jewelry in visible body piercing, other than ears; denim or chambray fabric clothing of any kind,
overalls, shorts, skorts, stretch or stirrup pants, exercise or bike shorts; backless, see-through,
tight‑fitting, spaghetti straps, strapless, extremely short, or low-cut blouses/tops/dresses/skirts;
T-shirts, Lycra™, spandex, midriff tops, tank tops, bathing suits; sandals, athletic shoes, industrial
work shoes, hiking boots, bare feet, or over-the-knee boots; athletic wear, including sneakers; hats or
flannel fabric clothing; bolo ties; visible foundation garments.
CLARIFICATION—Many women’s two-piece suits currently are designed so that they do not require a blouse.
Therefore, this will be accepted. In addition, sling-back shoes, open-toe shoes, and sleeveless dresses are accepted.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
FBLA‑PBL members have an excellent reputation. Your conduct at every
FBLA‑PBL function should make a positive contribution to extending
that reputation. Listed here are rules of conduct for FBLA-PBL national
conferences. All delegates are expected to:
1. Behave in a courteous and respectful manner, refraining from
language and actions that might bring discredit upon themselves,
their school, other delegates, advisers, or upon FBLA‑PBL.
2. Obey all local, state, and federal laws.
3. Avoid conduct not conducive to an educational conference.
Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting
the businesslike atmosphere, association with nonconference
individuals, or activities that endanger self or others (running in the
general sessions, standing on chairs, using laser pointers during
workshops, bodysurfing at dances, etc.)
4. Keep your advisers informed of your activities and whereabouts at all
times. Accidents, injuries, and illnesses must be reported to the local
or state advisers immediately.
5. Avoid alcoholic beverages (for those under 21 years of age) and
controlled or illegal substances of any form. These items must not be
used or possessed at any time, or under any circumstances. Use or
possession of such substances may subject the delegate to criminal
6. Act as guests of the hotel and conference center. Participants must
obey the rules of these facilities. The facilities have the right to
ask a member or members to leave. Do not throw anything out of
windows or over balconies. Do not run down hallways. Noise should
be kept at a reasonable volume, especially in the hotels.
Remember there are other guests in the hotels who have rights as well. Trash
(this includes pizza boxes, bottles, cans, etc.) must be placed in the proper
receptacles and not left on guest room or meeting room floors. Individuals
or chapters responsible for damages to any property or furnishings will
be responsible for its repair or replacement. Local and state advisers are
responsible for the supervision of delegate conduct.
Disregarding or Violating the Code of Conduct
Delegates who disregard or violate this code will be subject to disciplinary
action, including, but not limited to, forfeiture of privileges to attend further
events, confinement to your hotel room, dismissal from the conference, and
being sent home at your own expense. Parents and/or guardians will be
notified and FBLA‑PBL reserves the right to notify law enforcement officials.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
If your state is not listed, no state meeting is scheduled for the conference.
Friday, November 13
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Kentucky FBLA State Meeting
5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
North Carolina FBLA State Meeting
Meeting Room 10/11
8:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
North Carolina PBL State Meeting
Meeting Room 12/13
7:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Virginia FBLA-PBL State Meeting
Meeting Room 10/11
Ballroom C2
Visit the Professional Division (PD) booth
in the Grand Stairway Foyer to have your
résumé critiqued in a one‑on‑one session
with PD members.
Friday, November 13
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 14 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Patty Hendrickson
Opening Session
Patty Hendrickson is a booked and busy professional speaker and
author who believes with a little “woo hoo” everything is easier to
do. Her programs about leadership, engagement, and motivation
are always high-energy and interactive. Patty has an MBA and
earned the designation of Certified Speaking Professional given to
less than 600 people in the world. She is also a proud former FBLA
and PBL member!
Alex Sheen
Closing Session
Alex Sheen is the founder of because I said I would, the international
social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment
of humanity through promises made and kept. Sparked by the
loss of his father, Alex began sending promise cards to anyone
who requested them at no cost. Since his father’s passing on
September 4, 2012, because I said I would has sent over 2.3M
promise cards to over 150 countries. Alex’s commitment to the
betterment of humanity has inspired millions around the world.
The story of his promises have been shared virally throughout
social media and international news.
Room: Meeting Room 1
Friday, November 13
Saturday, November 14
11:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Visit the MarketPlace for your official FBLA‑PBL
merchandise. From key chains ... to bow ties ... to phone
cases ... we have it all!
Get your conference T-shirt for only $20!
Blue Jeans for Babies Dance
This fun event is scheduled for Saturday at 9:00 p.m.
All members and advisers are encouraged to participate
and contribute to the March of Dimes.
Bring your $5 donation and get ready to have
a great time!
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
The FBLA-Middle Level Program is
being held exclusively at #NFLC15SC.
FBLA‑Middle Level members attend NFLC
sessions on Friday, then have specialized
workshops on Saturday. Check out these
unique workshops designed especially for
FBLA‑Middle Level members and advisers!
Saturday, November 14
9:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m.
Meeting Room 12/13
Leaders! Leaders! Positive Leaders!
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
FBLA-Middle Level members will participate in activities to
promote leadership skills.
10:00 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Cooperation & Collaboration
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
Communicating in order to work as a team will be the
workshop’s focus.
11:00 a.m.–11:45 a.m. Volunteer! Help Out! What Can You Do?
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
FBLA-Middle Level members will create a public service
announcement to promote participation.
1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
FBLA-ML! Get Involved!!
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
Earn recognition for you and your chapter by documenting
your activities.
2:30 p.m.–3:15 p.m.
Knowing and Doing
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
FBLA-Middle Level members will create a game
demonstrating leadership, cooperation, volunteering, or
FBLA information.
3:30 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
Play the Game
Audrey Keys, FBLA Adviser (Ebenezer/Hillcrest Middle Schools)
FBLA-Middle Level members will play the games that were
created earlier.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Friday, November 13
11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Conference Headquarters
Meeting Room 3
11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Registration
Grand Stairway Foyer
11:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. MarketPlace
Meeting Room 1
1:00 p.m.–1:45 p.m.
College 101: How to Jump-Start Success
Ballroom C1
Jocelyn Paonita Pearson, Best-Selling Author, Founder (The Scholarship System)
From SAVING money by studying abroad to involvements
and internships, Jocelyn has done it. This workshop will
cover how YOU can easily succeed in college.
(FBLA Members)
SPARK: Ignite Your Chapter’s Involvement
Ballroom C2
Virginia Phi Beta Lambda State Officers
Let’s spark your chapter’s involvement in FBLA. In this fun,
interactive workshop, you’ll learn and share strategies to
help make your chapter connect to success!
(FBLA Members)
Branding: Gaining the Competitive Edge
Ballroom C3
Shea Tighe, National Director of School Engagement (STEM Premier)
Want to show off, find scholarships, internships, and be
contacted directly by colleges and companies? Learn how
to set yourself apart.
(FBLA Members)
Lobbying for Your Cause
Meeting Room 6/7
Travis London, PBL National Secretary
Leaders must be able to form professional relationships.
This workshop will teach PBL members how to
communicate with public officials to advocate for their
(PBL Members)
Empowered to Lead, Inspired to Serve!
Meeting Room 8/9
Debby Dodge, Lead2Feed Grant Manager (Lift a Life Foundation)
Lead2Feed is a free leadership program teaching middle
and high school students a proven process to become
passionate, service-minded leaders. Come learn more:
Prizes! FUN!
(FBLA Advisers)
Parliamentary Procedure
Meeting Room 10/11
Elizabeth Alvarez, PBL National Parliamentarian
Learn the basics of parliamentary procedure and how you
can use it to run an effective chapter meeting!
(FBLA-PBL Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Friday, November 13
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Professional Division Résumé Review
Grand Stairway Foyer
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Be Your Own CEO
Ballroom C1
Robert Bloch, Director - BYOBiz (Build Your Own Business) Entrepreneurship Program
(Champlain College)
Offers useful advice to young people on how to start their
entrepreneurial journey based on personal entrepreneurial
experience and years advising hundreds of young
(FBLA Members)
Networking Your Way to Success
Ballroom C2
Chiara Leipold, Associate Director, University Relations & Campus Recruiting (KPMG LLP)
As easy as 1-2-3! Join us for a dynamic session where you
will learn the three critical steps to networking your way to
(FBLA Members)
Branding: Gaining the Competitive Edge
Ballroom C3
Shea Tighe, National Director of School Engagement (STEM Premier)
Want to show off, find scholarships, internships, and be
contacted directly by colleges and companies? Learn how
to set yourself apart.
(FBLA Members)
Campaigning in Action
Meeting Room 6/7
Glenn Gilyot, Former PBL Southern Region Vice President
Learn fun, innovative tips for running for office at the local,
state, or national level.
(PBL Members)
Lasting Impressions
Meeting Room 10/11
José Espinel, FBLA National President
Your online presence lives on forever. Learn how to take
advantage of this permanence by reflecting the best
version of you through social media.
(FBLA Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Friday, November 13
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Workshops
Be Your Own CEO
Ballroom C1
Robert Bloch, Director - BYOBiz (Build Your Own Business) Entrepreneurship Program
(Champlain College)
Offers useful advice to young people on how to start their
entrepreneurial journey based on personal entrepreneurial
experience and years advising hundreds of young
(FBLA Members)
Networking Your Way to Success
Ballroom C2
Chiara Leipold, Associate Director, University Relations & Campus Recruiting (KPMG LLP)
As easy as 1-2-3! Join us for a dynamic session where you
will learn the three critical steps to networking your way to
(FBLA Members)
Crypto for the Curious
Ballroom C3
Grace Ramstad, FBLA Western Region Vice President
Want to send messages others can’t understand?
Cryptography is writing or solving codes, used for cyber
security. Come if you have little (or no) experience.
(FBLA Members)
The Core Pillars of Entrepreneurship
Meeting Room 6/7
Candace Grace, PBL Southern Region Vice President
As an entrepreneur, every decision you make is critical. Find
out how to apply the core pillars of entrepreneurship to
your life to ensure success.
(PBL Members)
Empowered to Lead, Inspired to Serve!
Meeting Room 8/9
Debby Dodge, Lead2Feed Grant Manager (Lift a Life Foundation)
Lead2Feed is a free leadership program teaching middle
and high school students a proven process to become
passionate, service-minded leaders. Come learn more:
Prizes! FUN!
(FBLA Advisers)
Get Your College Paid for Without Debt
Meeting Room 10/11
Jocelyn Paonita Pearson, Best-Selling Author, Founder (The Scholarship System)
This workshop covers step-by-step becoming a competitive
applicant to winning scholarships and securing financial
aid. The process is applicable until students’ senior year in
(FBLA Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Friday, November 13
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Kentucky FBLA State Meeting
Ballroom C2
5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
North Carolina FBLA State Meeting
Meeting Room 10/11
7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Grand Stairway Foyer
7:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Virginia FBLA-PBL State Meeting
Meeting Room 10/11
7:30 p.m.–8:15 p.m.
State Officer Reception
(State officer ribbons are required to attend this event)
Meeting Room 6/7
8:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
North Carolina PBL State Meeting
Meeting Room 12/13
8:15 p.m.
Doors Open for Opening Session
Ballroom A–C4
9:00 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Opening Session
Ballroom A–C4
Keynote Speaker: Patty Hendrickson
(PBL Reserved Seating)
(FBLA-Middle Level Reserved Seating)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14
8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Exhibitors
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Grand Stairway Foyer
Meeting Room 1
Conference Headquarters
Meeting Room 3
8:00 a.m.–Noon
State Officer Track
(State officer ribbons are required to attend this series of workshops)
Ballroom A/B
9:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m.
How to Dress for Success
Ballroom C1
Andy Platko, Director Business Outreach (Men’s Wearhouse)
Get tips for interview preparation, writing your résumé,
and social networking. Learn how to make a positive first
impression and the appropriate interview and career
apparel for men and women. This program is available to
your chapters. (FBLA Members)
Copyright Craziness
Ballroom C2
Danielle Abernethy, Integration Specialist (Tech4Learning)
The rules of copyright can seem a little crazy. What is public
domain? Let’s break it down.
(FBLA Members)
“Woo Hoo” Always Makes It Easier To Do
Ballroom C3
Patty Hendrickson, Certified Speaking Professional (Hendrickson Leadership Group, Inc.)
Come find your magic—your “woo hoo”. This energizing
session is a motivational ambush celebrating your natural
gifts and your personal path to success!
(FBLA Members)
SPARK: Ignite Your Chapter’s Involvement
Meeting Room 6/7
Virginia Phi Beta Lambda State Officers
Let’s spark your chapter’s involvement in PBL. In this fun,
interactive workshop, you’ll learn and share strategies to
help make your chapter connect to success!
(PBL Members)
Adviser Forum
Meeting Room 8/9
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet representatives
from the board of directors and the National Awards
Program committee.
(FBLA–PBL Advisers)
Find a Career that Makes an IMPACT!
Meeting Room 10/11
Dr. Dawn Cadwallader, IMPACT Tour Director (LIFE University)
This inspirational and motivational workshop is an
introduction into the world of positive business and
entrepreneurship and the endless possibilities pursuable
for a dream career.
(FBLA Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14
10:00 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Workshops
How to Dress for Success
Ballroom C1
Andy Platko, Director Business Outreach (Men’s Wearhouse)
Get tips for interview preparation, writing your résumé,
and social networking. Learn how to make a positive first
impression and the appropriate interview and career
apparel for men and women. This program is available to
your chapters.
(FBLA Members)
Ballroom C2
Danielle Abernethy, Integration Specialist (Tech4Learning)
Learn the various ways you can powerfully say thanks for
free or a small cost to boost your program.
(FBLA Members)
Your Golden Ticket? Your Soft Skills!
Ballroom C3
Patty Hendrickson, Certified Speaking Professional (Hendrickson Leadership Group, Inc.)
This high-energy session shows the soft skills to make you
stand out personally and professionally. It’s leadership. It’s
communication. It’s your power!
(FBLA Members)
Well, Excuuuuuuse Me!
Meeting Room 6/7
Dan Hazlett, NC PBL State Adviser, Stanly Community College Chapter Adviser (NC PBL &
Stanly Community College)
Don’t let a communication blunder or a social faux pas cost
you a job or promotion. Review the “rules” for acceptable,
positive group behavior.
(PBL Members and Advisers)
H&R Block Budget Challenge® PF Simulation Meeting Room 8/9
Budget Challenge Team, Outreach (H&R Block Budget Challenge)
Students compete for $3 million in scholarships playing
H&R Block Budget Challenge®; immersing themselves as
recent college grads balancing bills, saving, and managing
unexpected events.
(FBLA Advisers)
International and Global Business
Meeting Room 10/11
Steve Farr, Vice President of Enrollment (Wesleyan College)
Gain valuable insight on doing business with an emphasis
on Asian and European culture.
(FBLA Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14
11:00 a.m.–11:45 a.m. Workshops
Get Professional!
Ballroom C1
Blake Reynolds, Professional Division National President
Join Professional Division (PD) and PBL national officers in a
dynamic panel discussion to learn more about the FBLAPBL PD.
(FBLA-PBL Members and Advisers)
Jeopardizing the Price of Sanity
Ballroom C2
Danielle Abernethy, Integration Specialist (Tech4Learning)
Test how Internet savvy you really are in this game-show
style session. Are you prepared to separate fact from fiction
and name the price?
(FBLA Members)
Tips for Effective Presentation Skills
Ballroom C3
Marina Marmut, Director, Operation Enterprise (American Management Association)
Deliver your content with power and passion. This practical
workshop will help you transform your ideas and visions
into influential presentations.
(FBLA Members)
You’re Hired!!
Meeting Room 6/7
Donnie Iorio, Fulfillment Manager (Amazon)
You’re going into the real world…looking for internships
and full-time, post-college jobs can be a stressful process.
Score a job that meets your potential.
(PBL Members)
Create Your Own FREE Stock Market Game Meeting Room 8/9
Mark Brookshire, President - CEO (Stock-Trak Inc. dba HowTheMarketWorks.com)
Create a FREE custom stock trading game for your class.
Students will learn about the stock market while managing
a virtual portfolio.
(FBLA-PBL Advisers)
International and Global Business
Meeting Room 10/11
Steve Farr, Vice President of Enrollment (Wesleyan College)
Gain valuable insight on doing business with an emphasis
on Asian and European culture.
(FBLA Members)
Flashback Photo Submission Deadline
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Professional Division Résumé Review
Email Address: flashback@pdcproductions.com
Subject Line: Charleston NFLC
Grand Stairway Foyer
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14
1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m. Workshops
Communication Across Cultures
Ballroom C1
Robin Chase, Business Development Manager (International Student Identity Card (ISIC))
Join world traveler and ISIC BDM Robin Chase as she shares
her insight on how travel can help you succeed in a global
(FBLA Members)
Be Your Best for Babies—March of Dimes
Ballroom C2
Diana Tran, National Youth Council Member (March of Dimes)
Learn how to help give all babies a fighting chance. Join
our national service partner, March of Dimes, to learn how
to make a difference!
(FBLA-PBL Members)
How to Shine in an Interview
Ballroom C3
Marina Marmut, Director, Operation Enterprise (American Management Association)
A few top techniques and skills for interviewing and
putting forth the best impression when you are competing
for that one coveted position or internship.
(FBLA Members)
App Smack Down
Meeting Room 6/7
Danielle Abernethy, Integration Specialist (Tech4Learning)
Bring your favorite app for social networking, productivity,
communication, organization, and more and see if it can
top all other apps for the win.
(PBL Members)
Using Standards-based Projects
Meeting Room 8/9
Brenda Clark, Director, Professional Development (MBA Research)
Use standards-based projects in a project-based learning
environment. Review provided sample project, steps for
design, and tips for implementing in a real classroom
(FBLA Advisers)
Ignite Your Inner Hero!
Meeting Room 10/11
South Carolina FBLA State Officer Team
Join the SC FBLA officers for an exciting, fun-filled session
to develop strong leadership skills, service, state leadership,
and more!
(FBLA Members)
1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Adviser Hospitality
sponsored by The Art Institutes
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Meeting Room 5
Saturday, November 14
2:30 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Workshops
Communication Across Cultures
Ballroom C1
Robin Chase, Business Development Manager (International Student Identity Card (ISIC))
Join world traveler and ISIC BDM Robin Chase as she shares
her insight on how travel can help you succeed in a global
(FBLA Members)
BAA, Yes I Can, No I Will Not!
Ballroom C2
Emily Gorrell, Raegan Bowers, Ryan Siegel, District 6 Officers (Otterville, MO FBLA)
BAA can be done and you do have time. Check out how
these sophomores achieved different levels their first year
and how you can, too.
(FBLA Members)
Tips for Effective Presentation Skills
Ballroom C3
Marina Marmut, Director, Operation Enterprise (American Management Association)
Deliver your content with power and passion. This practical
workshop will help you transform your ideas and visions
into influential presentations.
(FBLA Members)
Social Networking for the Future
Meeting Room 6/7
Danielle Abernethy, Integration Specialist (Tech4Learning)
Social networking can either help or hurt your future. Join
us in this session for tips and tricks to keep your future
secure while networking.
(PBL Members)
Getting Started with March of Dimes
Meeting Room 8/9
Diana Tran, National Youth Council Member (March of Dimes)
Advisers, are you interested in tools, resources, and
strategies to help energize your students in March of Dimes
activities? Come join us today!
(FBLA-PBL Advisers)
Where’d the Time Go?
Meeting Room 10/11
Donnie Iorio, Fulfillment Manager (Amazon)
There’s a lot of stuff to get done in a day…we’ll go over
some great time-management skills and techniques, and
have some fun.
(FBLA Members)
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14
3:30 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Workshops
PBL Bylaw Amendment Forum
Meeting Room 6/7
Travis London, PBL National Secretary
Chat with the PBL national officer team about this year’s
proposed bylaw amendment.
(PBL Members)
Change Your Attitude with Visualization
Meeting Room 8/9
Dr. Dawn Cadwallader, IMPACT Tour Director (LIFE University)
When used effectively, entrepreneurship and business skills
and positive affirmations and visualizations can IMPACT
your success. Learn some simple techniques to make good
luck happen for you!
(FBLA-PBL Advisers)
Where’d the Time Go?
Meeting Room 10/11
Donnie Iorio, Fulfillment Manager (Amazon)
There’s a lot of stuff to get done in a day…we’ll go over
some great time-management skills and techniques, and
have some fun.
(FBLA Members)
4:15 p.m.
Doors Open for Closing Session
Ballroom A–C4
5:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Closing Session
Keynote Speaker: Alex Sheen
(PBL Reserved Seating)
(FBLA-Middle Level Reserved Seating)
Ballroom A–C4
9:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. Blue Jeans for Babies Dance
Ballroom C1–4
Remember to bring your $5 donation, and get ready to have a great time!
Make plans to celebrate FBLA-PBL Week!
February 7–13, 2016
Monday: National Presidents’ Forum
Tuesday: Each One Reach One Day
Wednesday: Adviser Appreciation/Professional Attire Day
Thursday: Career Awareness Day
Friday: FBLA-PBL Spirit Day
Saturday: Community Service Day
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14 @ 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Grand Stairway Foyer
Denotes national sponsor
All That Glitters
Check out the latest in fashion jewelry and accessories.
American Management Association (AMA)—Operation Enterprise
Operation Enterprise is the AMA’s young adult leadership division, which offers
educational programs for high school and college students to prepare tomorrow’s
business leaders.
The Art Institutes
Turn your dream of living a creative life into a reality with The Art Institutes. We
offer guidance, focus, technology, and career services to achieve your creative
profession. Learn more at artinstitutes.edu.
Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM)
AMCM provides your chapters with the opportunity to build a real business with
recurring revenue. Give your students great business experience as they utilize
this phenomenal fundraising opportunity.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
We teach the “Business of Flight” and Space in the heart of Daytona Beach, FL:
finance/accounting, entrepreneurship, economics, and air/space transportation—
whatever your passion!
FBLA-PBL Professional Division
Learn about the Professional Division (PD). PD members give students preparing
for business careers the chance to work one-on-one with experienced leaders.
H&R Block Budget Challenge®
Students compete for $3 million in scholarships playing H&R Block Budget
Challenge®; immersing themselves as recent college grads balancing bills, saving,
and managing unexpected events.
Johnson & Wales University
JWU enrolls approximately 16,000 students at campuses in Providence, RI;
North Miami, FL; Denver, CO; and Charlotte, NC. Programs include arts and
sciences, business, culinary arts, education, nutrition, hospitality, and technology.
LIFE University
LIFE University has specialized undergraduate degrees; four graduate programs in
positive psychology, sports health science, clinical nutrition, and athletic training;
and a doctorate degree program in chiropractic.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Saturday, November 14 @ 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Grand Stairway Foyer
Denotes national sponsor
March of Dimes
March of Dimes is working to give every baby a fighting chance. For years,
moms and babies have benefited from its research, education, vaccines, and
MBA Research and Curriculum Center
Not-for-profit organization operated by a consortium of member state education
departments. Our mission is to support educators in the preparation of students
for careers in business.
Men’s Wearhouse
Men’s Wearhouse “How to Dress for Success” seminar covers the essentials of
preparing for an interview, selecting appropriate apparel, and avoiding common
interview mistakes. Niagara University College of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Niagara offered the world’s first bachelor’s degree in tourism. Global &
International program offering over 40 different abroad programs. Hotel, Tourism,
& Sport Management degrees providing 100% job placement.
Phi Beta Lambda
Find out about the postsecondary division of FBLA-PBL.
STEM Premier
Students can showcase their skills and abilities, discover scholarship
opportunities, and connect with colleges and companies.
The Scholarship System
Teaches high school and college students how to get college paid for without
taking on debt, offering workshops, online courses, and an Amazon best-selling
Yuda Bands
Leather and coconut bracelets that are made in Guatemala can be sold in your
school to assist students in Guatemala in attending high school.
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
Friday, November 13
1:00 p.m.–1:45 p.m.
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
9:00 p.m.–10:15 p.m.
Opening Session
Ballroom A–C4
Saturday, November 14
10:00 a.m.–10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m.
Flashback Submission Deadline
Email Address: flashback@pdcproductions.com
Subject Line: Charleston NFLC
1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
2:30 p.m.–3:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
5:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
Closing Session
Ballroom A–C4
9:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m.
Blue Jeans for Babies Dance
Ballroom C1–4
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
National Leadership
Leadership Conference
Conference (NLC)
Atlanta, GA
Anaheim, CA
Baltimore, MD
San Antonio, TX
PBL: June 24–27
PBL: June 24–27
PBL: June 23–26
PBL: June 24–27
FBLA: June 29–July 2
FBLA: June 29–July 2
FBLA: June 28–July 1
FBLA: June 29–July 2
Institute for Leaders (IFL)
Atlanta, GA
Anaheim, CA
Baltimore, MD
San Antonio, TX
PBL: June 23–24
PBL: June 23–24
PBL: June 22–23
PBL: June 23–24
FBLA: June 28–29
FBLA: June 28–29
FBLA: June 27–28
FBLA: June 28–29
2016 National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC)
Milwaukee, WI
November 4–5, 2016
Daytona Beach, FL
November 11–12, 2016
Dallas, TX
November 18–19, 2016
FBLA-PBL Regions
British Columbia, Canada
District of Columbia
Grand Cayman Islands
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Ontario, Canada
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
U.S. Virgin Islands
Mountain Plains
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota
North Central
#NFLC15SC • Charleston, SC
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia