Newsletter - Germania of Poughkeepsie
Newsletter - Germania of Poughkeepsie
OCTOBER 2013 Newsletter EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Carol Ann Fischer 876-2592 VP: Melissa Wagner 635-8852 Secretary: Steve Ren 214-5664 Treasurer: Robb Rose 471-7442 Financial Secretary: Michael Reichert 635-1065 DAUGHTER CLUBS and COMMITTEES Singers President: Pat Kemmerer 454-8192 Soccer Club President: Joe Ulrich 380-7925 Germania Almrausch President: Christine Pattantyús 452-6219 Membership Co-Chairpersons: Sylvia Reuter 914-882-0200 Maria Bruhmuller 518-470-2158 Newsletter Editor: Karen Rose (845)471-7442 or Buildings & Grounds: Gerhard Stoetzel 914-474-5956 Bar: Bill Reuter 914-882-0307 25-Week Club: Marilyn Luhmann 914-489-2561 Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about holiday party reservations!!! And one thing Germania prides itself on, is holding parties for Germania's kids!!! Members Only!! No admission charge!! Snack or dessert items from moms, dads, grandparents, aunts or uncles are appreciated. KINDER HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY Sunday, October 27, 2013 (2:00 PM until 4:00 PM) Spooktacular games, food and costume contest with prizes! Reservations required ~ RSVP no later than October 20th Late reservations will not be accepted. Sorry! KINDER CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, December 14, 2013 (2:00 PM until 4:00 PM) UPCOMING EVENTS Oct 15 Membership Meeting 7:30pm Oct 18 Friday Night Dinner 5-7pm Oct 19 Disco Night 7-11pm 845-255-7616 Oct 27 Children’s Halloween Party, 1:30pm Nov 02 Schlachtfest 7pm 845-380-7925 Nov 08 Biergarten SEE FULL CALENDAR WITHIN Club Bar is Open 7 - 10 pm Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Wednesday Lunch 11:30 am - 1:30pm Refreshments, Crafts, Games and a special someone bearing gifts! Children 14 and under Reservations Required ~ RSVP no later than November 30th Late reservations will not be accepted. Sorry! Kinder Party Contact: Dina Fauci 845-206-1530 Need child's name, sex, age, and member name. Did you know you can support the annual children's parties by placing your loose change in the blue tin can we keep at the bar? Next time you stop in at Germania Hall, ask the bartender for the Children's Party Donation Can. Germania of Poughkeepsie, Inc., 37 Old DeGarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603-2062 Phone (845) 471-0609 Fax (845) 471-0720 Page 2 of 17 Dear Members, Greetings to all of you. I hope you have survived this summer, with its unique weather patterns. As I write this, it's been 4 days since our 6th Annual Oktoberfest, the first one that was rain free since we started. The ceremonial opening and parade of the Oktoberfest on Friday evening was attended by State Senator, Terry Gipson, and Steuben Parade Princess, Stephanie Kruger. In spite of the briskness of the evening temperature, everyone was primed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The blessing of the beer keg set the tone of honoring tradition in a spirit of gemuetlichkeit. As always, the success of our Oktoberfest was dependent on all of our dedicated volunteers, both members and non-members, many of whom worked double and triple shifts each day, as well as the days of food preparation, setting up and taking down. This year's cleanup was accomplished in record time, proving again the adage that many hands make light work. I thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for the support, effort and enthusiasm, that translates into Germania's gemuetlichkeit. Kudos to everyone on the Oktoberfest committee, for unswerving devotion to planning which has allowed each successive Oktoberfest to improve on the one before. Please enjoy the busy fall season, as you attend various German-American events throughout our region. Our own fall calendar is packed full of events which will satisfy everyone's desires for enjoyable activities for young and old, some of which are the annual Schlachtfest; the Kinder Halloween party; the Singers' Concert and dinner; the Christkindlmarkt; and our Biergartens and Friday Night Dinners. I look forward to seeing you at many of these upcoming activities. Bring your families and friends to enjoy our outstanding hospitality. Sincerely, Carol Ann Fischer, President The October TAX FUND RAFFLE has begun, but it's not too late to join the fun! Each ticket is a suggested $5.00 donation which helps pay Germania's property and/or school tax bill. Every member and friend of Germania received the tickets in the mail at the end of August (if you didn't, contact Georgia!) More tickets can be bought at Germania. There are 8 winners throughout the month of October. Watch your mailbox during October to see if you are a lucky winner! And don't give up if you didn't win this time - we have another Tax Raffle in March! Watch the next newsletter for a list of the winners and generous donors to the Fund. Submitted by Georgia Herring-Trott, Chair, Tax Fund Raffle committee The 164th Annual Membership Dinner Dance will be held on January 18, 2014. Germania will honor its 50 year LIFE members and 25 year HONORARY members during this very special occasion. Music will be provided by Norbert Ludwig. Other details regarding this event will be posted in our December newsletter. You may also call Sylvia Reuter at 914-882-0200 for more information. The Germania Singers Present Their Fall Concert: Wir wandern durch die Berge (We Are Hiking Through the Mountains) Sunday, November 10th, 2013 Doors open at 12 PM, Concert at 1 PM A Chicken Marsala Dinner will be served following the concert at a cost of $ 30 per person. Music is provided by Joe Unger, for your dancing and listening pleasure. Please send your registration along with your check to: Patricia Kemmerer, 173 Rothenburgh Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Name:__________________________________________ Amount $________________ Tel #_______________________________ Check #_______________ Page 4 of 17 OKTOBERFEST FUN FACTS Committee Members... Kegs tapped... Age of our oldest volunteer... Volunteers... Works shifts in the volunteer sign up book... Pounds of homemade potato salad made... Chairs rented... Schweinsteak fillets pounded and marinated... Paid guests that came through the admission gate... Brats consumed... How many cups of beer in those kegs? 12 43 87 (Kudos!) 174 (31 of which are not even members) 329 (hmmm, see the number of volunteers?) 450 600 900 2,081 2,400 4,515 ******************************************************************* The Germania Board hopes to be able to present an Oktoberfest report at the membership meeting on October 15, 2013, but if not all expense invoices are in, then on November 19th. The Oktoberfest Committee: Robb Rose, Erin & Dan Sommerville, Kevin Blatz, Carol Ann Fischer, Mike Reichert, Melissa Wagner, Dave Yearack, Karen Rose, Gerhard & Robin Stoetzel, Karen Beyer Many weeks of planning, countless volunteer hours, hard work the week of the festival... but it is a labor of love and a bond that unites us as friends. Anyone interested in joining the Oktoberfest-Maifest Committee should contact Melissa at (845)635-8852. Page 5 of 17 Once again, on July 20th, the 25 WEEK CLUB PARTY was a successful event for Germania. Thanks to all the volunteers who so graciously offered their time and assistance with this function. This affair helps to offset insurance expenses necessary to operate our clubhouse and the recreation grounds. The music, food and camaraderie were exceptional as usual. And a great time was had by all! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRAND PRIZE WINNERS: $500.00 $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 $ 50.00 John Kelly Frances Kalble John Arentsen Renate Grosshans Georgia Herring-Trott We welcome all members to purchase 25-Week Club tickets towards future parties; please call Marilyn Luhmann at 914-452-2561. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS HIGHLIGHTS This past July, Doug Jones, his brother Dennis and Gerhard Stoetzel refinished the wood floors at Germania Hall...a 10-hour project. Charlie Luhmann worked around the property where it fronts Old DeGarmo Road to clean up the weeds and overgrowth, and painted the picnic tables, in preparation of our Oktoberfest. It has been said before there are many volunteer gardeners and we do not always see them in action, but we would like to thank those we did see working this summer: Helmut Loibl, George Gumbel, Grete Licis, Kate Fleury, Resi Kizina and Sylvia Reuter. Soccer players Joshua Thomas and Mitch Green replaced the lights on the outside of the building. Gerhard Stoetzel oversaw the project of the clubhouse refrigerator repair that was needed because it was icing up...he needed to move all contents to pavilion kitchen, and then back again. Peter Licis is still painting! His recent project was painting the outside doors to the clubhouse. An upcoming grounds project will be pumping out the septic! Also, before we know it winter will be here, and we will need volunteers to shovel / snow blow the side walk. We thank Gerhard for overseeing the property in more ways that are even known, and the volunteers to help him!!! If you would like to offer a hand, contact Gerhard at (914)474-5956. De's Jewelers THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Your $60/year fee for advertisement or message supports Germania by reducing the newsletter postage and copy expense. Since 1946 Marshall's Mall - Poughkeepsie Plaza Dennis M. Fouhy Vice President 845.452.0026 Follow us on Facebook Call Katherine for details at 845-452-7503 Page 6 of 17 GERMANIA MEN & LADIES SINGERS PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR FALL CONCERT.... On Sunday, November 10, 2013 we will hold our Annual Fall Concert. Doors will open at 12 noon. The concert will begin at 1PM under the direction of George Calabrese and will be followed by a Chicken Marsala dinner and dancing. Music for your dancing pleasure will be provided by Joe Unger. Cost of ticket is $30.00 per person. If you have any questions regarding this event please call Pat Kemmerer at 845-454-8192. Looking forward, once again, to seeing you there. The singers will be participating at the coming events at the 1st Evangelical Lutheran Church: Annual Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 12th . Pork dinner begins at 6PM. Christmas Weihnachtsmesse, Sunday, December 15th at 2PM Please call the church for further information at 845-452-6050. The singers sent sympathy greetings to Mrs. Wolfgang (Helga) Vest from the Binghamton German Club in July upon hearing of the death of her husband of 55 years, Wolfgang. Both Helga and Wolfgang attended the Saengerfest’s held in Poughkeepsie in 1974 and 2012. They were so excited when the Binghamton Chorus took 1st Place in 2012. Wolfgang was very involved with the Binghamton Club. Singers on our sick list: Hugo Fueglein Hans Heinrich Franzen-Nicholson Phillip Franzen-Nicholson We wish you all well. Anyone interested in singing - do not need to know the language - just the joy of singing. Call Liz and George Calabrese at 452-2905. Singers performances at Germania Oktoberfest included beer hall sing-a-long songs and George on his violin. Page 7 of 17 SCHUHPLATTLER NEWS Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein The Gauverband Nordamerika's 24. Gaufest was hosted by Cleveland's Schuhplattler und Trachtenverein Bavaria at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio, June 20 to 23, 2013. This year Sabine, Janneke, Marijo and John had the honor of representing Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein. Over 65 clubs, or Vereine, including two from Bavaria and approximately 2000 Schuhplattlers from North America and Germany were present to join in the festivities! This year 14 Vereine competed in the Gruppen competition and 101 Couples in Einzel - in four age groups! Janneke Doedée represented Germania Almrausch by competing in the Einzelpreisplatteln 16-34 Age Group - a first for her and the Club! While Janneke and her partner, Phillip Loeschinger from GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm, did not place, they did do very well for their first time together and for an age group that saw 66 couples compete - the largest of any category! Way to go Janneke!!!! If you missed us at the Yulan Fire Department Oktoberfest, Town of Union Vale Oktoberfest at Tymor Park, or Hunter's first Oktoberfest weekend, then come see us at the Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest on October 13th (11:30 am - 5 pm) where you will find great music, vendors for all your holiday shopping needs, a variety of food vendors, the sky ride where you can take in the mountain's fall foliage and children's activities... and free admission! At Germania's Oktoberfest we welcomed our newest and youngest member of the Kindergruppe, Karl Brill, following his big sister around the dance floor with the happiest smile you ever did see. Too precious! We are proud of the entire Kindergruppe, who always steal the show from the adult group, and we feel fortunate that we have such a group to give us hope for a future. Not only did the Almrausch perform all three festival days, but we marched and formed a greenery arch for the opening ceremonies each day, and most of our members served as volunteers in various work areas. We look forward to attending our Patenverein's Oktoberfest (hosted by Edelweiss-Passaic) in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey on October 19, 2013. We are proud to have 19 members attending this year! Before you know it the Oktoberfest dance season will be over and November will be here. And that is when our group will head to Lancaster, PA for the Stiftungsfest celebration of Alpenrose SV on November 16, 2013. We hope all of "Germania's kids" have a fun filled Halloween, and all the Germania members and our family and friends have a blessed Thanksgiving. After the autumn leaves darken and the weather gets colder, and our Schuhplattler performances are behind us for this year, we will be looking forward to seeing everyone at the Germania Christmas party on December 7th!! Anyone interested in joining Germania Almrausch can call Christine Pattantyús at (845) 452-6219. Page 8 of 17 GERMANIA BLUE & WHITE SOCCER CLUB The Germania Soccer club is ready to start the 2013/2014 season. The Over 40, Over 30, and Open teams are practicing now. Team schedules will be posted near the bar. As of now we only have the Over 30 schedule to share. Date Time League Home Team Away Team 10/06/13 10/13/13 10/20/13 10/27/13 11/03/13 11/10/13 11/17/13 11/24/13 12/01/13 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Over 30 Germania Columbus day State Cup R1 Washingtonville Germania State Cup R2 Newburgh Germania Mahopac LaGrange State Cup R1 Germania Fishkill State Cup R2 Germania Somers Germania Some of the soccer guys at the Germania Oktoberfest... many thanks to all the players that worked at the festival! HEIMATSTUNDE MIT HELGA! The WHVW German Hour is every Sunday 2-3pm, streaming live on or tune in to 950 on AM radio. Submit music requests to Helga Nowak Razey at or 845-797-7519. Page 9 of 17 GOOD & WELFARE MEMBER NEWS Happy 58th wedding anniversary to SHERWOOD and ANNELIESE KRIEG!!! The September membership meeting ended with a surprise anniversary cake for the couple! It was also at that meeting that the Board announced Sherwood's resignation as Germania Treasurer, and he was given heartfelt thanks for all his years of service as Treasurer, and everyone has high regard for all he has done for the club. He will finish out this year as an appointed Trustee, filling the vacancy made by Robb Rose's appointment to Germania's new Treasurer. Congratulations to RICHARD SIEGMUND who entered four watercolor paintings at the Dutchess County Fair. He received three First Place Ribbons, each for a different sub-class, and one Second Place Ribbon with a “Chairman’s Choice” Ribbon also! KATARINA HERRING-TROTT, daughter of John Trott and Georgia Herring-Trott, graduated with honors from Arlington High School this past June 2013. She will be heading to the University at Albany, majoring in Japanese Studies, in the fall. Congratulations! Germania Almrausch Junior Member RACHAEL ROSE had the amazing opportunity to work with her Aunt Kathie as a summer intern at Brown University for one week during her vacation in Rhode Island. She learned a variety of clerical tasks. On her last day, her coworkers and the department boss gathered for a farewell party for her. She received a certificate showing completion of 15 hours as an administrative student intern signed by the Director of The Choices Program and the Dean of Continuing Education. She also received a citation from the Rhode Island House of Representatives with congratulations and recognition for outstanding performance. Way to go! Son of member Jane Bernhard and Virginia resident, GREG BERNHARD, was featured in the Sun Gazette to have been selected from among applicants to serve as ceremonial “burgermeister” (mayor) of the Vienna Oktoberfest celebration that was held October 5th. “I am ready for brats, strudel, beer and polka – [but] not too much polka,” Bernhard said when his appointment was announced. “There will be fun for all.” Sincere condolences to member Brad Forrest and family on the loss of Brad's brother Billy. WILLIAM J. FORREST, a lifelong resident of Poughkeepsie, passed away August 22, 2013. Billy was a highly respected carpenter who put his signature touch on everything he created, and had appreciation of the outdoors and everything mother nature had to offer. He is survived by one daughter Emily Forrest and grandson Shawn Patrick Sweeney III; his mother Ruth I. (Anders) Forrest; four sisters: Dawn Dolson, Brenda Pagano, Gail Forrest and Ruth Armstrong; brother and sister in-law, George and Marie Forrest; sister and brother in-law, Debbie and Sam Greco; brother and sister in-law, Brad and Debbie Forrest; sister and brother in-law, Barbara and Bill Germiller; brother and sister in-law, Glenn and Paula Forrest; and numerous nieces and nephews. Page 10 of 17 GOOD & WELFARE MEMBER NEWS CONTINUED Member Pete Heller and his wife Mickey vacationed this past July in the Los Angeles area, California. The purpose of the trip was the 2012-2013 Primetime EMMY Awards where his son CHRISTOPHER P. HELLER was nominated for Outstanding Multi-camera Picture Editing for a Comedy Series for his work on "Occupy Conan" for Conan (as in the Conan O'Brien show) on TBS. Pictured is Chris, Pete & Mickey at Warner Bros. Entertainment studios and Chris & his wife Lin at the EMMYs. Congratulations Chris on the nomination; we know your dad is very proud of you! HUBERT GILLNER will be celebrating his 80th birthday on November 2, 2013! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! SOME HISTORY FROM THE SINGERS The singers would like to say thank you to KATHERINE ULRICH, who is a 60 year member of Germania and the Men and Ladies’ Chorus. Katherine began playing the piano for Germania in the 1950’s when she played with the first children’s band and children’s chorus. Did you know that Katherine played piano for Julius Hochmuth, our former 40 year director? She would accompany Julius to concerts held in Kingston, Port Chester and Poughkeepsie. In addition, Katherine played the piano for over 400 voices at the 1974 Sängerfest held at Poughkeepsie High School. Katherine grew up in a family of singers, so she knows and understands music well. She accompanied the Children’s Chorus during the 60’s and 70’s. At that time, Germania had the largest Children’s Chorus in the Hudson Valley and beyond, conducted by Julius and assisted by Janett Frank and Pat Kemmerer. Later, when the Kinderchor was revived under the direction of Helga Baker, along with Carol and Susan Reichert, she would step in and play when called upon. As the pianist for the singers, it is a well paying job! JUST A SMILE AND A THANK YOU. With this in mind, the Singers would like to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU, KATHERINE!!! We would be lost without you. Page 11 of 17 MEET THE MEMBERS ERICH AND GAIL KLING... they joined Germania in December 2012. Erich is retired but at his last job he worked as a mechanical engineer for Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics in Tarrytown, NY. Gail is currently working at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics as a scientist. Her formal training qualifies her as a hospital laboratory medical technologist. Yes, Erich and Gail met at the Siemens facility, but that was back in the late 1960’s when the company was known as Technicon. They learned of the Germania organization through the Poughkeepsie Journal where there was a short article describing the 2012 Chriskindlmarkt and hoped to purchase some German made Christmas presents. They found the Chriskindlmarkt very enjoyable; they liked the clubhouse and the people they met. They became members the following week and attended the Christmas dinner party. The food was delicious! They attended the Weihnachtsmesse at the beautiful First Lutheran Church. Erich enjoys meeting other members at the Wednesday luncheons. When possible they both attend the Friday night Biergartens. Gail volunteered at the Oktoberfest. EDITOR'S NOTE: For quite some time I have wanted to start a new newsletter column called "Meet the Members"; I created this type of news for Germania Almrausch's 35th anniversary newsletter edition and featured it again in 2010. Our Germania membership chairperson Sylvia asked Erich and Gail if they would "write in" about how they heard about Germania. They did, and that has given me the opening to start a Meet the Members column. I welcome any member of Germania to contact me if you would like to write something about how you heard about Germania, when you joined and the events you've been attending and enjoying, if you have volunteered at any event or are volunteering for any future events, and any personal background fellow members may enjoy. And of course we always enjoy immigration stories, and favorite pastimes at Germania. Whether you are a new member or a longtime member, let's hear from you!!! We want to "meet" you and show you off to the membership. Send all submissions, and a picture of yourself, to I am also willing to "interview" you if you prefer. I also welcome suggestions on who we should feature in future newsletters. You can call me evenings and weekends at 845-471-7442. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday! Belated birthday greeting to Vince Kielbasa who celebrated in July and was overlooked in our August newsletter! OCTOBER: Monica Jorgensen, Erich Kling, Theresia Kizina, Helga Baker, Frieda Popp, Walter Becker, Gerhard Ulkrijs, Jim Gordon, Mark H. Delaney, John and Elinore Haverkamp, Werner Lackner, Paul Burkhardt, Mitch Greene, Erica Heller Mahar, Karoline Flick, Yvette Kari, Marie Lumb, Paul Blauth, Roger Donway, Manfred Karius, Conor Lander, Angelo Belmonte, Erin Sommerville, Christopher Mygan, Frank Urbanski, William Gorton, John and Gertrude Reifenberger, Thomas Morrison, Lawrence Pellerin, William Brownell, Jeffery Dezago, and Colin Hodge. NOVEMBER: John Jorgensen, Hubert Gillner, Hans Stuewer, Anneliese Ruh Kreig, Frances Kalble, Alfred Kuenzelmann, Ilse De La Puente, Robin Stoetzel, David Pastir, Mark Debald, Marguerite Schaedlich, Kevin Cooke, Blasius Wurfbaum, Mike Reichert, Bill Reuter, Ernst Sciame, Ben Murtha, Ken Maier, Wilfred Roehe, Dr. James Fisher, Hans Klein, Rudy Schaelchli, Daniel Cwik, Mustafa Jamal, John Spring, and Manfred Hochmuth. Page 12 of 17 BNA CUSTOM TRACHTENSCHMUCK! Company owner and jeweler ANGELO GIAIMO has been a member of Gemuetlichen Enzianer since 1976. His interest in Jewelry Manufacturing started in the early 90's after attending a trade show with his wife; as she checked out jewels and settings, he was intrigued by its design and manufacturing arts: (soldering, stone setting and polishing to name a few!). Over the next 20 years they made silver and gold jewelry and sold by word of mouth as a side business to his full time career as an Electrical and Computer Engineer. Upon retirement from IBM in 2009, he took the advice of several club members to make Trachtenschmuck here in the US. Upon examination of some of the imported schmuck he saw and repaired, he desired to make these items of higher quality, here in the USA. He attended jewelers school near Manhattan's diamond district. He is a member of the Manufacturing Jewelers and Suppliers of America, and registered the Jewelry Board of Trade. Visit his website at to see what Angelo can offer anyone that wishes to accessorize their German and Austrian Tracht; more pieces are being developed and Angelo is open to suggestions and special custom orders. In addition to the quality .925 sterling silver jewelry, he makes custom diamond and colored stone jewelry in gold and silver too. MEMBERS WHO MADE NEWS IN THE POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL by Janett Frank Thursday, April 25th in the Sports Section - in the article A FUN DAY ON THE WATER, hopefully you spotted Chris Blatz, along with members of the Aquatic Explorers Scuba Divers Club, near the Wappingers Creek preparing for the 43rd Annual Water Derby. Chris was previous chairman of our Building and Grounds Committee. Keep up the good work Chris, and sorry I didn’t get this in sooner. Sunday, June 16th front page of Mid-Hudson Section, UPTON LAKE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GRADUATES THREE, article continues onto next page where you will find a very nice picture of our current oldest Kinderchor member, Alyssa Tacinelli, in her graduation cap and gown. Alyssa is the daughter of members, Charles and Linda Tacinelli and granddaughter of Margo Berghofer. She is looking forward to pursuing a career as a horse massage therapist. Congratulations Alyssa and good luck in the future! Wednesday, June 19th in the Great Tastes! Section - look for a great picture of Fritz Sonnenschmidt, Culinary Dean Emeritus, Culinary Institute of America, along with a colorful picture of Serbian Reis Fleisch as presented by Fritz. Recipe was included in this article. Always nice to see you in the news, Fritz! Thursday, August 8th in the Sports Section - look for a wonderful picture of Katie Fauci and her sister, Stephanie Fauci as Hyde Park Junior League softball champions won the NYS District 17 championship. Both girls are daughters of Dina Fauci and grandchildren of Helga Baker. They were former members of the Kinderchor. Congratulations girls! Thursday, September 5th in the Sports Section - look for a great picture of long time member, Mark Delaney, as a member of the Royal Carting, Hudson Valley Senior Softball regular season and playoff division championship team, as they were awarded “KINGS OF SOFTBALL”. Way to go Mark! Germania Blue and White Soccer Club Celebrating “55” Years 1958 - 2013 President - Joseph Ulrich Vice President - Jeff Contelmo Treasurer - Mark Woyner Secretary - Scott Grimes ___________________________________ MOUNTAIN BRAUHAUS RESTAURANT Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 97 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 845-454-0340 Celebration of the Eucharist Weekdays 8AM vigil (Sat) 5:00PM Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM ___________________________________ GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH SCHUHPLATTLER VEREIN Traditional Bavarian Dancing Founded 1970 Poughkeepsie, NY Vorstand: Christine Pattantyús (845) 452-6219 ___________________________________ 7 Miles West of Thruway Exit 18 3123 Route 44/55 (at Jct. 299), Gardiner, NY 12525 (845)255-9766 • Closed Mon & Tues Sit long • Eat much • Laugh often ___________________________________ SHANGRI-LA TRAVEL, LLC Your Full Service Travel Consultant, Rita Frei/Owner Honeymoon & Group Specialist "WE'VE BEEN THERE" Tel: (845)229-8748 Fax: (845)229-8748 Email: ___________________________________ Come Home to Unconditional Love Sunday at 10 AM First Evangelical Lutheran Church 325 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845)452-6050 Lunch and Listen: 1st Wednesday 12 PM In Memoriam: Heidi The Clausen Family ___________________________________ 24 Hour Towing * Late Model Wrecks Bought & Sold MATT’S AUTO BODY 1930 Salt Point Turnpike, Salt Point, NY 12578 Bob Beckmann * Matt Lawlor * (845) 266-5450 ___________________________________ Germania Men & Ladies Singers and “Children’s Chorus” President - Patricia Kemmerer (845)454-8192 Adult Rehearsals 7:30 PM every Monday Kinderchor Rehearsals 10 AM every Saturday 1850-2013 * 163 Years Proudly Hosted the 2012 Sängerfest ___________________________________ LAW OFFICES OF Lorenzo l. Angelino 42 Catherine Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Tel (845) 845-214-1133 Fax (845) 454-5934 Page 15 of 17 GERMANIA OF POUGHKEEPSIE CALENDAR OF EVENTS CLUBHOUSE/BAR IS OPEN Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM WEDNESDAY LUNCH 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (Except Holiday, Bake Sale & Oktoberfest weeks) Have your next party at Germania! Rental Inquiries 845/471-0609 Make our website your Home page! Biergarten 6:30pm-10:00pm – music by Joe Unger Membership Meeting 7:30pm Friday Night Dinner 5-7pm Disco Night 7-11pm - reserve with Peter & Dori 845-255-7616 Children’s Halloween Party, 1:30pm, Reservations Required Oct 04 Oct 15 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 27 Schlachtfest 7pm-12midnight – music by Norbert Ludwig $ 30.00 Kassler Rippchen (smoked pork chop) dinner call Joe Ulrich at 845-380-7925 for details and reservations Nov 02 Nov 08 Nov 10 Nov 15 Nov 19 Biergarten 6:30pm – 10:00pm – music by Joe Unger Fall Concert Friday Night Dinner 5-7pm Rahmschnitzel (breaded pork cutlet & sour cream sauce) Membership Meeting 7:30pm Nov 22 Nov 23 Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market) 4pm-8pm Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market) 10am-4pm Dec 07 Dec 14 Dec 14 Germania Christmas Party - music by The Mountain Tops Children’s Christmas Party, Reservations Required Soccer Club Christmas Party Dec 15 Weihnachtsmesse, First Lutheran Church, 2pm Dec 31 New Year’s Eve Party – music by The Mountain Tops THERE IS NO MEMBERSHIP MEETING IN DECEMBER... ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!!! LOOK FOR A JAN- JUN 2014 CALENDAR IN THE DECEMBER NEWSLETTER ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALL EVENTS ARE RUN BY MEMBER VOLUNTEERS THESE EVENTS CANNOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT! Do you have a comment or suggestion about the Germania Oktoberfest? We welcome all members to take advantage of the OKTOBERFEST FEEDBACK BOX which can be found at the clubhouse... take a few moments to give us your thoughts. If you are interested in joining the OKTOBERFEST-MAIFEST COMMITTEE , PLEASE call Melissa Wagner at 845635-8852. Christkindlmarkt 2013 Germania 37 Old DeGarmo Road Poughkeepsie, NY Friday, November 22nd, 4 PM until 8 PM Saturday, November 23rd, 10 AM until 4 PM Enjoy Christmas German Style! German Baked Goods- Stollen, Strudel and Cookies, German Wurst, Herring Salad, Potato Salad and more… Vendors, Crafts, Ornaments, and Gifts. Enjoy Lunch or Dinner While Shopping for Christmas Presents Germania Christmas Party SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 2013 With decoration and gift shopping already starting in the stores, what better way to get into the Holiday Spirit than gathering with family, friends, and members at your club’s Christmas Party? Reserve your seat for this sell out event! Doors open at 6 PM, Dinner is served at 7 PM The Mountain Tops will provide music for your dancing, listening and singing along pleasure from 7:30 PM until 11:30 PM. Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, November 27th $ 30 per person for members $ 35 per person for non-members Roast Beef or Salmon Dinner served with Salad, Mashed Potatoes, and Beans, followed by Coffee or Tea and Dessert. Mail this coupon and your check payable to Germania to: Helga Nowak-Razey, 58 High Hill Road, Catskill, NY 12414. Tel 845-797-7519 We must receive your reservation by 11/27/2013 Name:___________________________________ Phone:_______________________ # Roast Beef ___ # Members @ $30 ___ # Salmon ___ # Non-Members @ $35 ___ Amount enclosed $________ IF POSSIBLE, I/we would like to sit with _________________________________________ Germania Christmas Party Reservation Coupon for December 7, 2013 Party
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