June 2013 - Germania of Poughkeepsie
June 2013 - Germania of Poughkeepsie
Page 1 of 14 GERMANIA NEWSLETTER ` Germania of Poughkeepsie, Inc. 37 Old DeGarmo Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12603-2062 Phone (845) 471-0609 Fax (845) 471-0720 www.GermaniaPok.com June 2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Carol Ann Fischer 876-2592 VP: Melissa Wagner 635-8852 Secretary: Evelyn Blatz 632-1555 Treasurer: Sherwood Kreig 229- 8208 Financial Secretary: Michael Reichert 635-1065 DAUGHTER CLUBS and COMMITTEES Singers President: Pat Kemmerer 454-8192 Soccer Club President: Joe Ulrich 380-7925 Germania Almrausch President: Christine Pattantyús 452-6219 Membership Co-Chairpersons: Sylvia Reuter 914-882-0200 Maria Bruhmuller 516-470-2158 Newsletter Editor: Karen Rose (845)471-7442 or editor@germaniapok.com Building & Grounds: Chris Blatz 702-7383 House: Gerhard Stoetzel 914-474-5956 Bar: Bill Reuter 914-882-0307 25-Week Club: Marilyn Luhmann 914-489-2561 UPCOMING EVENTS Jun 07 Biergarten 6:30pm, Joe Unger Jun 14 Soccer Club Golf Tournament Jun 15 Annual Meeting/Election 7:30 Jun 21Biergarten 6:30pm, Joe Unger Jun 28 Dinner 5pm, Roasted Chicken Jul 12 Fifties Sock Hop, 7-11pm Jul 20 25 Week Club Party, 6pm Jul 28 Indoor barbecue, 1-6pm Aug 09 Dinner 5pm Aug 16 Biergarten 6:30pm, Joe Unger SEE FULL CALENDAR WITHIN WE ARE NOW SERVING With the next newsletter not coming out until August, it is not too early to give you the Oktoberfest details and ask that you please save the dates, and spread the word to everyone you know so we can make it our best year yet!! And of course, this huge festival and important annual fundraiser for Germania cannot be done without over 100 volunteers each year, so please consider taking a work shift or two and mark the commitment on your calendar!! The Volunteer Sign-Up Book should be available at the clubhouse in July. OKTOBERFEST Germania Festival Grounds 51 Old DeGarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 “Willkommen!” Friday, September 6th Doors Open 5PM The Schwarzenegger Connection 6-10 Saturday, September 7th Doors Open 11AM Mountain Brauhaus Band 12-4pm Spitze! (7-piece band) 5-10pm Sunday, September 8th Doors Open Noon The Mountain Tops 1-6pm German Food, Munich's finest Beer, Baked Goods, Bavarian Pretzels, Live Music, Schuhplattler Dancers, Singers, Vendors, Entertainment and Piñata for the kids, Raffles… Gemütlichkeit! $6 daily admission (Kids 12 and under Free) www.GermaniaOktoberfest.com Page 2 of 14 Dear members, April flowers were blooming at our annual Frühlingsgala, as over 90 elegantly dressed guests danced the night away, to the wonderful music of the Norbert Ludwig Orchestra. As usual, our gourmets delighted in feasting on the delectable meal presented by our CIA Dean Emeritus, Fritz Sonnenschmidt, Pâtissier Helmut Loibl, CTI BOCES Chef Dan Tierney, and the BOCES Gala Team. If you were unable to attend, why not consider giving yourself the pleasure of attending next year? Because we are concerned for your safety, as well as your enjoyment, I am delighted to tell you that an AED (automated external defibrillator) has been purchased and will be installed shortly. Training in its use will be made available to all interested members. Watch your newsletter for the announcement. It's great to greet our returning snowbirds at our Wednesday lunches, Friday Night Dinners, and the Biergartens. Now we hope you eagerly awaited for the inauguration of our First Annual Maifest. I know it was pleasurable for all who attended. We plan to build on this event next year, just as our Oktoberfest has grown over the past 6 years. Thank you to all the volunteers, without whose help it could not have succeeded. The Germania Singers' "Roses for Mother's Day" Spring Concert delighted our members and guests, as always. The Kinderchor enchanted the audience, singing many of their old favorites, and including many new songs as well. It is sad to think that this may be their last performance, as after many years of dedication, Frau Helga Baker has reluctantly given up her baton. We are hoping that someone will step forward, willing to fill her shoes. The sold out crowd enjoyed the delicious dinner of Chicken Paprikash. It was another wonderful evening to remember. Remember to attend the annual meeting and election of officers and trustees on June 15th, at 7:30 pm. Please consider running for an available position, and joining committees. The bartenders would love to welcome more members to help, as would the kitchen staff and volunteer servers. The building and grounds committee is always looking for members who are willing to use their expertise in these areas. We are thankful for all the enthusiastic volunteering you have already done. For example, you may have noticed how sparkling fresh the clubhouse walls look, thanks to the efforts of Peter Licis and his son. Watch for more upgrades in the next few months. Enjoy the rest of the spring and summer months. We hope to see you at the clubhouse or at the pavilion often. Sincerely, Carol Ann Fischer, President ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS & TRUSTEES SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 @ 7:30PM (Arrive at 7pm to say hello to your friends and grab a drink from the bar) Members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting to hear the club financial reports and annual budget, and learn about what is happening at Germania, important changes, things that challenge our future, upcoming and past events and other news. MEMBERS INTERESTED IN A POSITION ON THE BOARD SHOULD CONTACT NOMINATING CHAIRPERSON ROBB ROSE AT 917-214-5552 Page 3 of 14 GERMANIA MEN & LADIES SINGERS On February 22nd the Singers made a sauerbraten Friday night dinner for Germania. Ulrike Engelhardt, with Margarethe Killmer’s help, learned to prepare this meal. The lady Singers assisted in the kitchen and served. It was a very successful meal. On Sunday, May 5th the Singers held their Annual Spring Concert, Roses for Mother's Day, under Director George Calabrese. A selection of songs dedicated to our Mutter, Grand Mutter and the Blessed Mother were sung. The men chorus sang Schwarze Rose, Rosemarie and dedicated it to Rosemarie, Helmut’s wife, and he presented her with the dark rose. Solos were sung during the concert by Helga Baker and Helga Nowak-Razey. George and Elizabeth Calabrese played a selection of music on the violin in reference to roses. The day was beautiful. It was well attended. Katherine Ulrich played the piano and our Director gave each lady Singer a red rose. Eight members of the Kingston Maennerchor and Damenchor including NYS Saengerbund President Herman Koemel joined us. Margarethe Killmer, Monica Jorgensen and George Englehardt prepared a delicious meal of chicken paprika; everyone was pleased. Barbara Troan, under the supervision of Helmet Loibl, made the Crème Brulee dessert. Joe Unger provided the dancing music. Helga Baker will give her report on the Kinderchor Concert. The Singers thanked Philip Franzen-Nicholson for being our music editor. Helen Schimpf broke her collarbone and could not play the piano for the children, Katherine Ulrich stepped in. There are DVD’s and CD’s available from the Spring Concert for sale. Cost is $5. Contact Philip at 845-724-3209. In March, the Singers expressed their sympathy to Fred and Nancy Steimer on the passing of her mother who lived in Florida. Thinking of You cards were sent to Cal Baker and Hugo Fueglein. Thank you Singers for the beautiful flower arrangement you presented to me at our last meeting. We will return to singing in late August. See you at the Germania Oktoberfest! -Pat Kemmerer Page 4 of 14 THE HALL WAS FILLED WITH GREEN AND GOOD CHEER Many thanks to all who attended the St. Patrick's Day Party which was held on March 9th. A great evening of fun and Shamrock infused Gemutlichkeit was had by all, with over $2200 of net event proceeds being turned back to the Club. In addition, Bar receipts of $1200 were generated. There were 120 excellent Corned Beef and Cabbage dinners served under the leadership of Chef Margarethe Killmer, with assistance in the kitchen by Rob Rose, Mike Reichert, Gary Schonmann, and Peggy Ren. Servers were John Kelly, Kathy Whalen, Eileen Sweeney, and Ed Kelley. A big shout out goes to Vinny for his usual wonderful performance handling the dishwashing and especially to Grete Licis, who helped manage cleanup after a long day of activity. MacCana did a masterful job of playing Irish tunes that had the audience clapping, dancing, and even performing a spontaneous high-kick routine! (No names will be mentioned, because what happens at Germania, STAYS at Germania!) The Irish Stepdancers were lead once again by Ashley and we all very much appreciated their skills and enthusiasm. Anneliese Kreig graciously helped run the raffle which generated $377. Peggy Ren kindly donated raffle prizes of Bailey's Irish Cream and wine. Finally, Peter Licis and Bill Reuter donated their time to bar tend. Their execution was flawless! Please mark your calendars for next year's event which will be held once again on a Saturday evening (March 8th, 2014) and feature the music of MacCana. ********** St. Pat's Hats ********** I extend my personal thanks to the committee which made this event happen. Many hours of planning, decorating, and hands-on work by Ed Kelley, Pat Kelley (chief decorator!), and Peggy Ren enabled the event to be a success. Thanks to one and all. Stephen Ren, Event Chairperson Editor's Note: I think I can safely add this note on behalf of everyone that attended... Thank YOU Steve for superb leadership, all your time and hard work, and a great opening speech and prayer before dinner! Page 5 of 14 FIRST MAIFEST HELD MAY 17th & 18th In an unofficial poll at the ticket booth, 79 festival attendees were asked "How did you hear about the Maifest?" and the results show us that (a) advertising in the Poughkeepsie Journal is a worthy investment and (b) word of mouth really does work! Some examples of "word of mouth" we were given include "someone told me about it when I was at the clubhouse", "my friend invited me" and "my [mom] is a member and told me about it". Imagine what we could learn if we put such an official poll into place at our events, and polled a majority of attendees rather than a small percentage of attendees? Look for the August Germania Newsletter for a post-Maifest news article and more pictures! Page 6 of 14 _________________________________________________________________________________________ SCHUHPLATTLER NEWS Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein We welcome our newest adult members Kevin & Heather Blatz and John & Marijo Weinzierl, and Kindergruppe member Erin Ricker! It was quiet during the winter months but now that Spring has arrived, dance rehearsals have resumed. We have rehearsals scheduled for June 14th and June 28th. If you are interested in observing or joining, please come, or check with our President Chris at 845-452-6219 on future dates. We welcome members of all ages, children and adults, associate and dance memberships, and accordion players too! We are thinking of Paula DeMarco, daughter of Almrausch Life Member Mark Delaney and past Germania bartender. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well wishes to Grete's sister, Erna Schneider, who resides in Germany. Almrausch Visits Edelweiss Westchester: Bavarian Club Edelweiss Westchester held their 80th Anniversary on April 27, 2013. It was a festive occasion. Music was provided by the Norbert Ludwig Orchestra. The cocktail buffet and dinner exceeded our expectations! The Kindergruppe, Volkstanzgruppe and the Schuhplattler dancers performed for the enthusiastic crowd. Our new members, Marijo and John Weinzierl, and Gábor and Christine Pattantyús were invited to participate in the Ehrentanz with Bayern Verein Newark. It was a wonderful opportunity to renew old friendships and greet those we have known for many years. We hope that we can remain in closer contact in the future. Our first group performance of the year was at Germania's 1st annual Maifest (below), and we had a good time. Page 7 of 14 GERMANIA BLUE & WHITE SOCCER CLUB A Three-peat? Over 30 team strong as ever The Germania Over 30, managed by Billy Kapogiannis and Matt Viggiano, team is still in the hunt for the its third State Cup Championship. They are at the top of their league. Another cup WIN for the Germania Open team The open team, coached by Jay Myers and managed by Joe Simone, recently won the Steven Howansky EDSL cup final by beating Yonkers Portuguese 3-2. Congratulations to the Open team! Here is our current team records: Annual Soccer Club GOLF Tournament JUNE 14, 2013 The Soccer club will be having their annual golf tournament on June 14st this year. Contact any soccer club member to get more information about that golf tournament. CORRECTION: This event was previously reported as being on June 21. Champions League Final! May 25 Want to watch the best soccer in the world! Come to the club May 25 and watch the biggest game of the year. The Champions League final on Saturday, May 25. We’ll have two TVs set up to watch the game at the club. Join all the soccer fans for a great game and a great time. We’ll begin our annual raffle for a BIG SCREEN TV on that date as well so come by! ATTENTION LADIES: Why should only the men have fun?! Let's start a ladies soccer group! If you are interested, please call Helga at 845-797-7519 Page 8 of 14 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE NEWS A reminder to all our members: Membership Dues for 2013-2014 are due on or before July 1st. You may send your check to Germania at 37 Old Degarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 with attention to MEMBERSHIP or hand it to one of our board members when you come to the club for one of our events. New dues fees apply this year: Single Membership : $75 Couple Membership: $140.00 Honorary Members: $55.00 Life Members: $15.00 Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday! June: Otto Klassen, Jean Doneit, Maria Bruhmuller, Ronald Hering, Madeline Libolt, Almerindo Ciferri, Tammy Maier, Helga Nowak-Razey, Mark Woyner, Edgar Licis, Rev. Thomas Lutz, Alison Donway-Srinivasan, Barbara Troan, Bobbi Gordon, Ingrid Mazerat, Lisa McVey, Evelyn Blatz, Momir Guzijian, John Trott, George Wellwood, Stefan Utzmann, Darryl Bielski, Jeff McDonough, Jerry Van Duzer, Mike Killmer, George Calabrese, Gisela Chrisley, George Tebolt, Rob Wheeler, George Dianni and Anthony Palmer. July: Ryan Cornish, Karen Rose, Horst Schaffner, Ed Fikis, Fritz Lang, Dennis Zach, Brad Forrest, Paul Tetrualt, John Kuklis, Rudolph J. Meluson Jr., Ronald Hummel, Matthew Wagner, James Charkalis, HansHeinrich Franzen-Nicholson, George Gumbel, Jane Bernhard, Renate Grosshans, Katherine Ulrich, Henry G. Page Jr., Mark E. Delaney Sr., George Engelhardt, Franco Motika, Paul Gross, Douglas A. Jones, Ernst Schneider, Violet Curry, Bill Kapogiannis and Brian Wagner. Special Birthday Greetings to our members who turn 60 this year! Roger Bastian, Robert Constable, Stanley Elmendorf, Martin Heresniak, John Robert Hoffman, Mustafa Jamal, Thomas J. Mercer Jr., Anthony Palmer, Gary Schonmann and Arthur A. Scott III. OKTOBERFEST VOLUNTEERS We would easily have it covered if every member took just one shift! Unfortunately, only about 1/4 of the membership volunteers for the Oktoberfest, and those 100 members work multiple shifts, multiple days. Let's give those members a chance to enjoy the festival too and increase Oktoberfest volunteer participation this year to 250 members. Look for the sign up book at the clubhouse soon and help us with the club's biggest fundraiser! DESPERATELY SEEKING COOKS Without volunteer cooks, we would need to take a huge "bite" out of Germania's calendar of events and steady income. If you enjoy cooking, please help us! If you want to learn more about cooking for large parties, please let us teach you! Please call the club today at 845-471-0609 with your name & phone number and say "I am interested in cooking." VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT FRIDAY DINNERS & BIERGARTENS Meet fellow members while supporting your club. We can’t do it without you! Duties include set up, grilling, plating food, washing pots and cleaning kitchen, waiter/waitress and clean up. Take a look at the calendar and please call the club today at 845-471-0609 with your name, phone number and date or dates you are available. Page 9 of 14 GOOD & WELFARE MEMBER NEWS (Contributed in a joint effort by your Membership Committee and Newsletter Editor) GET WELL WISHES to DARRYL BIELSKI'S MOTHER was hospitalized for a few days with a heart issue; TAMMY MAIER has undergone two surgeries this year and we wish her the best in her recovery; and to JANETT FRANK who is feeling under the weather lately. Deepest sympathy to Jennifer Reichert and her family on the passing of her father RAYMOND J. SCHUMACHER, 82, of Wyoming, NY, who died April 8, 2013. A resident of Wyoming County since 1973, he owned and operated Schum Acres Dairy Farm in Wyoming before retiring in 1995. He served his country honorably with the United States Army from 1954 to 1956. He was predeceased by his loving wife of 45 years, Carol Bennett Schumacher. Survivors include three sons: John (Debra) Schumacher of Naples, Joseph (Jackie) Schumacher of Cody, Wy., and Jerald (Jackie) Schumacher of Wyoming; two daughters, Joanne Schumacher of Warsaw and Jennifer (Michael) Reichert of Pleasant Valley, N.Y.; two sisters, a brother, 10 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The TD BANK FIVE BORO BIKE TOUR was held May 5, 2013 and Germania Almrausch members ROBB ROSE, GERTJAN DOEDEE, MIKE REICHERT, ALEX REICHERT and BEV ORSER were amongst over 30,000 other cyclists that biked through the five boroughs of New York City! A portion of the bike tour registration fee was donated to charity. Congratulations! Thoughts from Bev: Team Almrausch was on the move early that Sunday. It was a mad rush for the train at 4:32am NOT 4:42am! Who was checking that train schedule? When we arrived at Grand Central, we entertained ourselves by "people watching" as every train emptied more riders with their bikes. We waited by the kiosk for our 6th rider, Laura, a friend of Robb's who was coming in on another train. New York is strangely quiet in the early morning hours on a Sunday, but as we rode downtown toward the starting area, there were more and more cyclists converging from everywhere. The start was a mass of people, filling the street as far as you could see (if you're tall enough)! There were 32,000 cyclists on a rolling start, and it really was quite amazing (and very crowded). Big bikes, little bikes, tandem bikes, reclining bikes, bikes with strollers and pushing wheelchairs, any type of bicycle you can imagine was there - it was absolutely amazing. The sun was out and it warmed up into a perfectly beautiful blue-sky day as we rode north through Central Park to the top of Manhattan, then into the Bronx, and back over into Manhattan again for our first rest stop. Water, bananas, bagels and all sorts of other snacks everywhere! We continued down the FDR Drive on the east side, and then a trip over the Queensboro bridge brought us into Queens. We rode on through Queens and into Brooklyn, (who would ever think they would be riding a bike on the BQE)? The view was amazing from the massive Verrazano Bridge, and we finally found ourselves at the festival site in Staten Island. Finally, the cyclist only trip aboard the Staten Island Ferry brought us back to lower Manhattan. We still were not done! We rode up Sixth Avenue again (this time with traffic!), and arrived at that wonder in mid-town, the Hofbräuhaus. We were finally sitting down, relaxing and enjoying the evening, exhausted but also exhilarated. We proceeded to devour our Jägerschnitzel (with all the trimmings) and our ice cold beers. ALL FIVE Boroughs and about 50 miles for Team Almrausch! For a first timer, it was quite an experience. Who is coming with us next year? Our thoughts and prayers are with our friend CAL BAKER. Page 10 of 14 GOOD & WELFARE MEMBER NEWS CONTINUED Keith McArthur's son gave birth to a baby boy, LOGAN CHARLES MCARTHUR on May 8th. Congratulations to Junior Member ALEXANDRA REICHERT, daughter of Michael and Jennifer. Alexandra qualified for an Arlington High School academic honor key by maintaining an overall weighted average of 85 or better while at Arlington High School. She will attend An Honor Key Recognition Program in May along with other eligible recipients. Alexandra went to Disney World for her Class of 2013 Senior trip. She stayed right in the Disney Park and was able to park hop all weekend. In addition she attended a Pit Bull concert and Class of 2013 graduation party hosted at Universal Studios. She will be graduating June 22nd and is planning to attend SUNY Oneonta. Congratulations Alex on your accomplishments, and the scholarships you have earned, and you know we all wish you the best at College! KATHERINE ULRICH donated two new benches to Germania in honor of the memory of her husband JOSEPH ULRICH. They are located just outside the clubhouse bar exit, facing the soccer field, which is perfect for anyone who is at the clubhouse but wants to take some time to watch a soccer game or practice. Our condolences to member Keith McArthur on the passing of his mother REGINA HELEN "JEAN" MCARTHUR, a Beacon resident who died at age 82 on May 25, 2013. Happy 20th wedding anniversary ROBB & KAREN ROSE! The couple married in Jamaica on June 5, 1993 and held a reception at the Germania Pavilion upon their return. Thank you CAROL ANN FISHER & MELISSA WAGNER for you generous donations toward the Maifest advertising fee. Germania Heritage Project Book Proposal to be ready January 2014 Help Germania preserve the history of our club and members! We are looking for stories from our members about their family’s immigration experiences (you do not need to have come from Germany to be included in this opportunity). Please join the Germania Heritage Project so we can document the story of immigrants to America, their struggles and contributions, through the experiences of our members. If you have not already done so, contact Georgia Herring-Trott at (845)452-2911 or at herringtrott@aol.com to be included in the project or for more information. Page 11 of 14 EDITOR’S CORNER My friends at Germania and many of the "regulars" at the club know I have been dealing with chronic low back pain and sciatica, the issues of late being due to another herniated disc (my first being 15 years ago). So, it's not always easy to come home from work and then sit some more at my home computer to monitor the club related emails, download and organize the pictures I take at club events, and then put together this newsletter. The June issue is a bit later than I hoped it would be, and I just wish to thank you for your patience, and express my apology if any of the messages within are too late. Members wishing to RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER VIA EMAIL must log on to the club website, www.GermaniaPok.com, click the button that says “Newsletter”, and follow the two simple steps for “Email Me the Newsletter”. Step One provides our membership committee with your name, address and email address so you can be removed from the snail-mail list, and Step Two adds your email address to the distribution list. PLEASE help Germania reduce its expenses related to copying and mailing the newsletter. Get the news first and in beautiful color with clear photographs throughout by registering to receive the newsletter via email! Please find our Germania of Poughkeepsie page on FACEBOOK and “Like” us! When you are at the club, log onto Facebook and “Check In” so your friends know you are at Germania! Visit us on Facebook to see our events and photo gallery! PICTURES WANTED. Email them to Editor@GermaniaPok.com. Recent or old pictures are welcome. NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS are due no later than the 15th of January, March, May, July, September, and November. DER GEMUETLICHE TANZVEREIN Horst, Al & Linda ran this year's ballroom dancing classes on Thursday nights and the group held its last class on May 30th and its year end party on June 6th. Watch future issues of the Germania Newsletter for details from Der Gemuetliche Tanzverein on next year's classes. Please Patronize Our Advertisers THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Your $60/year fee for advertisement or message supports Germania by reducing the newsletter postage and copy expense. Call Katherine for details at 845-452-7503 Page 12 of 14 Erin & Melissa serve Rouladen 5/3/13: Karen Beyer, John & Georgia Trott & Mike Reichert at Maifest 5/17/13 George& Dave grillin', Ellen sells raffle tickets, Robin in kitchen, Gary & Peter at beer truck, Maifest 5/18/2013 Biergarten 6/7/2013: Germania Almrausch; Robin & Gerhard; Robb, GJ, Vinnie & Dave in kitchen; Melissa Wagner & Karen Beyer Germania Blue and White Soccer Club Celebrating “55” Years 1958 - 2013 President - Joseph Ulrich Vice President - Jeff Contelmo Treasurer - Mark Woyner Secretary - Scott Grimes www.wmgmillerfuneralhome.com vj.miller11@verizon.net ___________________________________ MOUNTAIN BRAUHAUS RESTAURANT Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 97 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 845-454-0340 Celebration of the Eucharist Weekdays 8AM vigil (Sat) 5:00PM Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM ___________________________________ GERMANIA ALMRAUSCH SCHUHPLATTLER VEREIN Traditional Bavarian Dancing Founded 1970 Poughkeepsie, NY Vorstand: Christine Pattantyús (845) 452-6219 ___________________________________ 7 Miles West of Thruway Exit 18 3123 Route 44/55 (at Jct. 299), Gardiner, NY 12525 (845)255-9766 • Closed Mon & Tues www.mountainbrauhaus.com Sit long • Eat much • Laugh often ___________________________________ SHANGRI-LA TRAVEL, LLC Your Full Service Travel Consultant, Rita Frei/Owner Honeymoon & Group Specialist "WE'VE BEEN THERE" Tel: (845)229-8748 Fax: (845)229-8748 Email: shangri-la_travel@juno.com www.shangri-latravel.net ___________________________________ Come Home to Unconditional Love Sunday at 10 AM First Evangelical Lutheran Church 325 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845)452-6050 Lunch and Listen: 1st Wednesday 12 PM In Memoriam: Heidi The Clausen Family ___________________________________ 24 Hour Towing * Late Model Wrecks Bought & Sold MATT’S AUTO BODY 1930 Salt Point Turnpike, Salt Point, NY 12578 Bob Beckmann * Matt Lawlor * (845) 266-5450 ___________________________________ Germania Men & Ladies Singers and “Children’s Chorus” President - Patricia Kemmerer (845)454-8192 Adult Rehearsals 7:30 PM every Monday Kinderchor Rehearsals 10 AM every Saturday 1850-2013 * 163 Years Proudly Hosted the 2012 Sängerfest ___________________________________ LAW OFFICES OF Lorenzo l. Angelino 42 Catherine Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Tel (845) 845-214-1133 Fax (845) 454-5934 www.AngelinoLaw.com LAngelino@AngelinoLaw.com Page 14 of 14 GERMANIA OF POUGHKEEPSIE CALENDAR OF EVENTS CLUBHOUSE/BAR IS OPEN Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM WEDNESDAY LUNCH 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (Except Holiday, Bake Sale & Oktoberfest weeks) Have your next party at Germania! Rental Inquiries 845/471-0609 Make our website your Home page! www.GermaniaPok.com Jun 07 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 21 Jun 28 Biergarten 6:30pm – 10:00pm – music by Joe Unger Soccer Club Golf Tournament (DATE CHANGE) Annual Meeting and Elections 7:30 pm (arrive at 7pm) Biergarten 6:30pm – 10:00pm – music by Joe Unger Friday Night Dinner 5pm-7pm (Roasted Chicken) Jul 12 Jul 20 Jul 28 Fifties Sock Hop, 7-11pm 25 Week Club Party, 6-11pm Indoor barbecue, 1-6pm THERE IS NO MEMBERSHIP MEETING IN JULY OR AUGUST... ENJOY THE SUMMER!!! Aug 09 Aug 16 Friday Night Dinner 5pm – 7pm Biergarten 6:30pm – 10:00pm – music by Joe Unger Sep 06 Sep 07 Sep 08 OKTOBERFEST OKTOBERFEST OKTOBERFEST Friday 5pm - 10pm Saturday 11am - 10pm Sunday Noon - 6pm www.GermaniaOktoberfest.com ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALL EVENTS ARE RUN BY MEMBER VOLUNTEERS - THESE EVENTS CANNOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT! HEIMATSTUNDE MIT HELGA! The WHVW German Hour is every Sunday 2-3pm, streaming live on whvw.net or listen at 950 AM on the radio. Submit music requests to Helga Nowak Razey at helgawhvw@aol.com or 845-797-7519. DON'T MISS THE NEXT BIERGARTEN Music by accordionist Joe Unger Good food; good friends; good times!
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