In Verbindung - Germania of Poughkeepsie
In Verbindung - Germania of Poughkeepsie
In Verbindung Official Publication of Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein 37 Old DeGarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 Editor: Karen L. Rose / Vol. 10, No. 2, May 2011 GREETINGS FROM OUR PRESIDENT: A sunny spring hello to all Trachtlers and friends! (Can you tell the sun just made an appearance at 5 PM after several days of gray skies, rain and drizzle?) For me, it’s a sign that our rehearsals will not need to be cancelled due to snow or ice! The club’s dance engagements are just around the corner, beginning with the Kinderfest the first weekend in June. We all know that time flies when you’re having fun and Schuhplatteln is certainly fun! I am looking forward to wonderful camaraderie and renewing of friendships throughout the dance season. Hope to see many of you then. Christine Pattantyús, 1. Vorstand (April 20, 2011) HALO! GRÜß GOTT! FROM THE EDITOR Do any of our Almrausch members and families remember our Hunter Mountain dancing days at the German Alps Festival when it was held for two weeks long, and we used to line up on stage for the opening ceremony and sing that “Halo! Grüβ Gott!” song to the audience? What memories. Anyhow, on behalf of our Verein, we hope everyone had a blessed Easter holiday. It’s hard to believe it’s already Spring and yet as I write this we seem to have gone from cold and rainy directly into 80˚ and humid. And as summer approaches I can tell you that we have registered 12 children and 13 adults from Germania Almrausch SV for the 18th Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest being held on Saturday, June 4th! Our Kindergruppe looks forward to Kinderfest each year and this year it is being hosted by our Patenverein, Edelweiss-Passaic, at Germania Park on Conger Street in Dover, NJ. You can learn more about it at or email If any of our readers would like to join our group at the festival and cheer on our Kinder when they perform their Ehrentanz, then please contact Dave at I am currently planning my first vacation trip to Germany this coming July for a Heller family reunion! Many of my friends know that me and my cousin Kathie (her grandfather and my grandmother were siblings) hosted a family reunion at the Germania Recreation Grounds in 2007, which was a dream of my mother’s that never materialized during her lifetime in spite of her efforts to organize one. Kathie and I have put a lot of work into our family tree, documenting seven generations so far! My ancestors are from the village of Rüdenau am Mein (in Hessen), and beyond seven generations we know we have roots in the village of Poppenhausen! Four of nine children born to Veronika and August Heller, including my grandmother Emma Heller, immigrated to Poughkeepsie, New York. And so, here I am, one of over 100 Hellers of the same family line residing in the United States, and I represent the third generation of Hellers in my immediate family at Germania and my daughter Rachael represents the fourth! Herman, August and Willi Heller were all members of the Germania Singing Society, and their sister, my grandmother, Emma was a member of the Germania Frauenverein (long ago only men of German descent could join Germania); my mother Jo-Ann was a member of Germania and “signed me up” in the Germania Almrausch Kindergruppe in 1978. Many Germania members will remember Herman Heller (Herman, Erika and Pete’s father) as he was known to love a party and be humorous and entertaining. So, it’s very exciting for me to be making my first trip to “the fatherland” and to meet my distant cousins for the first time! I look forward to sharing my experiences and pictures with you in a future news issue. In closing, on behalf of our Verein, we hope to see you at this year’s Oktoberfest celebrations starting with the Germania Oktoberfest on September 9, 10 and 11! Tschüs! GERMANIA BIERGARTEN is a great gathering place on a Friday night. Doors open 6:30pm, á la carte menu served until 10pm includes goulash soup, brats, potato salad, potato pancakes, Bavarian style soft pretzels and more. Be our guest for a cold German beer at the bar and enjoy the accordion music of Joe Unger. Check the calendar for dates. QUOTABLE QUOTES “I’ll drink to anything.” On two guys interested in the same girl at McLean’s: “If you had a stronger bladder he wouldn’t have taken your place.” “I think Diane’s drunk; her boobs are hanging out and she’s holding the table up.” Super Bowl Sunday: “We went from New Moon to Glee, am I gay now?” “Yaris!” Mark to Robb’s comment that her next husband will have a better driving record: “Here I am Karen.” Watching New Moon: “He doesn’t have the facial hair I have.” “You Das Leben ist zu Kurz, um don’t have the body like he does Sweetie.” “All roads lead to McLean’s.” Deutsch zu lernen. “I don’t need a mike, I’m loud enough.” Jon’s subtle way of moving the Germania meeting along: “Are you done?” Life is too short to learn German. At Biergarten: “Hey! I match the tablecloths out there.” “Is this cord up to code?” “Who’s code?” “What do you know about code?” Faith to Carol Meyer after she emptied her basket: “The newwww pretzel Frau.” (sales, not eating them) “Where were you Gábor?” On Jon’s care package: “I rubbed my ___ on your food. –Horst” On Karen & Faith singing: “Thank God they dance.” On dieting: “I was born 10 pounds, does that count?” On his daughter’s new boyfriend: “I’m going to have to bring out the mime shotgun.” Faith watching Irish step dancing: “Ok Karen. We need to do something neat now.” Melissa about George: “He’s the right height for MANY things.” Jon to Rachael at the bar: “Hey, do you come here often?” “No! But YOU do.” Fire Pit for Flag Retirement Almost Ready – by Diane Meck (Auerhahn SV, Oley, PA) Josh Meck had started the process of his Eagle Scout project in June 2010. He received approval to build a flag retirement fire pit for the VFW Post 7155 in Trappe, PA. This project is neither easy nor inexpensive. Before Josh could start on the actual labor of the project, funds needed to be raised. What better way to receive donations that to have the acknowledgment of the donors be part of the project. Josh sold engraved pavers as part of the 10’ x 12’ flag retirement area. He received enormous support from his fellow Schuhplattlers! In all, he sold close to 80 pavers with more expected as the project is being completed. At the time of this writing, the project is almost complete and is expected to be used for the first time on May 21, 2011. May 21 is Armed Forces Day. The special activities of this day are the Josh’s Boy Scout Troop accompanies the members of the VFW, visiting several area cemeteries, replacing the old flags on the grave sites and then returns to the VFW to perform a flag retirement ceremony. This will be the first time that the VFW will have a proper location to retire the flag while honoring our servicemen and veterans. Germania Almrausch is proud to have supported this project and cannot wait to see the finished fire pit! Thanks Josh! IMPORTANT NOTICE: Our readers that receive the newsletter via postal service received their last issue in January due to expense of photocopies and postage. If you know someone that may be interested in In Verbindung, please ask them to request being added to our mailing list by emailing No computer? Public libraries often host beginner workshops and have computers with free internet access for your use. Also, fellow Trachters, please forward this issue of In Verbindung to the other members of your Verein. Thanks, Karen JAEGERBALL 2011 On Friday February 4th, Karen, Robb, Rachael, GJ and Mark loaded the minivan with their clothes, Tract and hotel room snacks and headed North to Montreal. After check in at Le Cantile Suites they headed to their annual gathering place, McLean’s on Peel Street, for drinks and dinner. The beer comes in a very tall carafe that sits on a base and is poured by a spout called a Giraffe. The men order the famous McLean’s burger aka a heart stopper on a bun, big burger topped with cream cheese and bacon. Ben Meck celebrates his 18th birthday while in Montreal. Saturday is site seeing, shopping or being lazy day in the city. Of course the day starts with breakfast at Eggspectation where we love all the food, the bread and jam, the fresh squeezed orange juice and the smoothies. Rachael gets the Honey Blue. The annual Jaegerball was hosted by SG Alpenland Montreal on Saturday February 5, 2011. The hospitality of the host Verein is great; we love this group of people and enjoy making this trip each year. The band was great, the beer was flowing, the dance floor was always full, and the snow held out until about 9pm. Rachael and GJ were joined by Karl Bauer from SG Alpenland and our life member Pam Capelli from Texas to perform the Reit Im Winkl as our Ehrentanz, and it was great! Rachael was in silk shawl and apron and hat for the first time so it was very important for Robb and Karen to see her dance, and she did great. GJ also danced with a mixed Verein of Auerhahn and Alpenland Tanzer members, and that too was a great performance. It’s always amazing that friends can gather in the hallway, run through a dance and for some for the first time, and then march onto the floor together and pull it off as if they had been dancing together for years. For both Ehrentanze, Eric Morison from Ottawa played accordion and we appreciate it. Sunday after breakfast, (yup, Eggspectation again) was more site seeing, shopping or being lazy and then to Kathy and Gary’s house for Super Bowl Party. It was a nice gathering of the members of the host group, Germania Almrausch and the Meck Family of Auerhahn. Light snow again for the ride home but overall the weather was tame compared to the series of storms we had been getting in the Hudson Valley. Monday we checked out, ate breakfast at another restaurant we like, Mike’s, and then hit the road to go home. It was a great weekend and we hope that more Trachtlers can join us for Jaegerball 2012. Thanks again SG Alpenland for a great time and we wish you continued success. Pictures: Pam Capelli & Karl Bauer and GJ Doedee & Rachael Rose performing Germania Almrausch’s Ehrentanz; Diane Meck and GJ; Rachael dancing with SG Alpenland Kindergruppe; Pam; Eric & Josh Meck, Karen Rose & Mark Delaney; Karen signing Robb’s lederhosen flap PERSONAL TIDBITS AND PLATTLER NEWS Germania Almrausch expresses its sympathy to member EVELYN WUYTACK who lost her father, OTTO F. WIESLER, formerly of Prattsville and Ridgewood, Queens. He died on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at the age of 86. Born in Germany on January 21, 1925, he was the son of Karl and Grete Wiesler. He was employed as a tool and die maker for Frisby in Freeport and was a member of the German Engineers Club. Otto was predeceased by his wife, Lieselotte “Lottie” Prepens, who died on January 31, 2003. He is survived by his daughter, Evelyn Wuytack, and her husband Claude of Hopewell Junction, N.Y., and his grandsons, Gregory and Jason Wuytack. Wow! Happy 75th Birthday GENE SCHLAG! Gene, Gene, the dancing machine; mean Stumpf Fiddle player; and his all famous E-I-E-I-E-I-O! Happy 85th Birthday GRETE LICIS whose son Norman recently said her secret to longevity is she works hard and parties hard afterward. We love both of these “old time” members of Germania Almrausch. Happy Birthday May babies: MARIE SULTANA, 8th, HEDY PARSLOW, 12th, SABINE DOEDEE, 15th, FRITZ SULTANA, 20th Is there an Almrausch member, past or present, or friend of Almrausch having a birthday? Send them a birthday wish by submitting a greeting to Poughkeepsie Journal featured an article on March 30th about a Wappingers Falls man that is touring the world as a production manager for one of the hottest bands in rock, Grammy winner for Album of the Year for ‘The Suburbs’, Arcade Fire… and that Poughkeepsie High School graduate that oversees the technical side of Arcade Fire’s live stage show is STEVE GORDON. The lengthy article is an interesting read, so check it out online. Steve’s parents, Jim & Bobbie, are members of Germania and Steve is a past member of the Germania Almrausch Kindergruppe. Congratulations Steve on your continued success. We extend our deepest sympathy to Sonya Rotter of SG Alpenland Montreal on the passing of her father Josef. Fans enjoyed the Jets and Steelers game at Michaels Restaurant and Sports Cafe in Fishkill on Sunday, January 23, 2011. This picture with members Robb Rose and Mike Reichert was captured by the Poughkeepsie Journal for their Pub Crawl section. Each year thousands of people plunge into winter waters (Polar Plunge) to show their support for Special Olympics and raise money for the cause. Mahoney’s Irish Pub and Restaurant in Poughkeepsie hosted the 2011 Fishkill Polar Plunge Ice Breaker Party on Friday, February 25th to benefit Special Olympics NY Hudson Valley Region. There was music, raffles, appetizers and fun and excitement, and who could be found in the thick of it having a great time was Germania Kindergruppe member ZACHARY HILDENBRAND with his parents TERRY and RAECYNE! So that’s why he missed dance practice that night! In Memory of Edward C.W. Berger (1931 - 2011) Edward Charles William Berger, a resident of Orange City, Florida, died on March 23, 2011 at age 79. Born May 13, 1931 in Brooklyn, NY, he was the son of the late Edward Berger and Else Emilie Hoyer-Berger. Ed attended schools in Brooklyn, Mount Vernon, Irvington and Hyde Park, NY. As a member of the US Navy, he was an electrician aboard the U.S.S. Alsea, ATF 97; he also organized the ship's reunions. He later attended Buffalo State Teachers College and Hudson Valley Tech. in Albany. Mr. Berger was employed by Daystrom Electric Corporation and also IBM, for 25 years in the electronics and engineering departments. He was one of the eight founding members of the Germania Almrausch Schuhplattler Verein as recorded at the dance club’s first official meeting in January 1970. He was also a member of the Germania Singing Society of Poughkeepsie, the German American Society of Casselberry, Florida and of the American Legion and VFW. Ed became a Bavarian yodeler and loved being a German entertainer doing the Schnitzelbank as Professor Kleine Teufel in the New York Catskills. In Florida, he was a singer with the Katzenjammer Jungs and performed with the Schneebrunzer Kapelle with the von Knoblauch Orchestra. Ed enjoyed playing his harmonica, accordion, cowbells and the teufelsgeige and most of all, making people laugh. He had a love for animals and his hobbies included HO trains, photography, camping and skiing. He is survived by his daughter, Joanna Fuchs and son-in-law Patrick of Hyde Park; cousins, Rolf Bobrink Sr. and wife, Urzel, of Lilienthal, Germany, and Rolf Bobrink Jr. and wife, Sabine, of Grasberg, Germany; former wife, Anna Marie Berger of Hyde Park; and close childhood friends, Doris Wheeler of Conyers, Georgia, and her sister, Marilyn Luhmann and husband, Charles, of Rosendale, NY. Memorial visitation was held April 15, 2011 at Sweet's Funeral Home in Hyde Park. Burial with military honors followed in the family plot in Union Cemetery of Hyde Park. In lieu of flowers, it was asked that memorial donations be made to Germania of Poughkeepsie, 37 Old Degarmo Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Congratulations to grandparents Frank and Hannelore Billowitz on the birth of their granddaughter IVY LORELEI born on Feb 21st, 2011 in North Carolina. The proud parents are Fellyn and Erika Silliman. Frank is the band leader of The Austrian Boys. Congratulations ANNY and JOE MUELLER… we heard the news that Johanne & Arthur and your granddaughter Sofia are expecting a baby in October! Grete’s Birthday Song Sung to the tune of Anton Aus Tirol - Written by Faith and Karen at Biergarten March 4, 2011 – sung by the Germania Almrausch “Off Keys” at Grete’s 85th Birthday party on March 27, 2011 I’m 85 I love to jive to the music at the club Fill it to the rim Drink it ‘til you grin Let’s have a-nother round I’m a spinner and a tease Since the early seventies My dirndl, a wonder of nature I’m the Queen For today I love to craft knit and crochet I love to cook Let’s have a schluck of a Jäger at the bar It’s time to celebrate Let’s eat some birthday cake ‘cause the birthday girl is great! German Heritage Day 2011 -by Gábor Pattantyús, 2011 Chairman of German Heritage Day I would like to thank the Almrausch dancers for the three shows at the Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall during the German Heritage Day in February. The attentive audience seemed to enjoy our performances and I hope it will attract new members to our club. Thanks to our bakers, Walter and Bruno, and their assistant, Thomas; in three days they produced 770 pieces of pastries (strudels, marzipan pretzels, babkas, stollens, bundt cakes, etc.). I would also like to mention that our Christmas gift to Germania, the acrylic pastry display cases, played a major role in selling the delicious bienenstich. It took less than four hours to sell 90 slices of bienenstich attractively displayed in the case. Once more, the Almrausch contributed to Germania an item that proved to be very beneficial for this event. (1) Gábor & Christine (2) Tori, Erik, Christian & Jared (3) Bruno “the Baker” OTHER THINGS WE HAVE BEEN UP TO Some of us attended the Germania Biergarten on February 18th where Robb once again had a few drinks to his birthday and Germania Almrausch did an impromptu performance of the Steire Figurin Tanz (the Figure Dance). It was a very relaxing and fun night. Members of Germania Almrausch volunteered at the Biergarten held on March 4th, and because our group was so small we really appreciate the Germania members that graciously volunteered to give us a hand. We had a lot of fun that evening. The Kindergruppe was invited back to Netherwood Elementary School for their annual spaghetti dinner on Friday March 11th and they performed three dances for the students and their families; and we saw Germania member Monica Jorgensen there whose grandchildren attend that school. We ended our portion of the evening’s entertainment with the Chicken Dance at the principal’s request and everyone had a good laugh and bit of fun. We would like bring attention to our members Gene Schlag, who just celebrated his 75th birthday and to Grete Licis who just celebrated her 85th birthday! (also mentioned in our “tidbits” section) Both of these people are amazing and they have each touched our lives in a special way. Gene can often be seen washing dishes at Germania, parking cars during Oktoberfest or playing his Stumpf Fiddle. Grete can always be found at the club hard at work cooking, baking cookies, cleaning and volunteering in any way she is needed. To both of you, again, Happy Birthday! This year’s dance rehearsals are underway and we invite you to come and watch, and we welcome you to join us. The Kindergruppe (Children’s group) practice at 7:30 followed by the adults at 8:30 on May 6, May 20, June 3 and June 17. Before you know it, the Oktoberfest season will be upon us. You can contact the dance group by calling 845-452-6219 or 845-452-6360 or emailing Calendar of Events as of April 1, 2011. Dates are subject to change. Please join us! New members are welcome- children, associate and dance memberships available! Please call Dave at 845-452-6360 to confirm rehearsal dates or to advise if you are unable to attend rehearsal. May 6 May 13 May 20 June 3 June 4 June 10 June 17 June 18 June 24 July 08 July 22 Sept 9, 10, 11 Oct 1, 2, 8, 9 Almrausch Rehearsal (Kinder 7:30, adults 8:30) Biergarten 6:30, J Unger Friday night dinner (Rouladen) - Almrausch Rehearsal (Kinder 7:30, adults 8:30) Almrausch Rehearsal (Kinder 7:30, adults 8:30) Kinderfest @ Germania Park, Conger St, Dover, NJ Biergarten 6:30, J Unger Friday night dinner - Almrausch Rehearsal (Kinder 7:30, adults 8:30) Germania Annual Meeting & Election: come support the Almrausch that serve on the Board Biergarten 6:30, J Unger Friday night dinner Friday night dinner OKTOBERFEST Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest MORE PICTURES FROM JAEGERBALL 2011
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