Germania News - Germania of Poughkeepsie


Germania News - Germania of Poughkeepsie
Germania of Poughkeepsie, Inc.
37 Old DeGarmo Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(845) 471-0609
Germania News
Well, welcome to 2009. I hope that this New Year finds each of you
healthy, and secure despite the uncertain economic climate we are
President: Jon J. Wagner (845) experiencing. Germania, due to your hard work and dedication,
finished out 2008 “in the black”.
Board of Directors
We will certainly need to watch our finances very carefully this year.
Participation in our events is ever increasing. Frankly I am not
surprised. Germania provides gourmet food, first class entertainment,
Secretary: Ed Blatz (845) 632- dancing and a great night out with friends at an extremely reasonable
Vice President: Carol Ann
Fischer (845) 876-2592
Treasurer: Sherwood Kreig
(845) 229-8208
Financial Secretary : Michael
Reichert (845) 635-1065
Upcoming Events:
February 21: German Heritage
Day Poughkeepsie Galleria
March 1: Movie at the
March 6: Friday Dinner
Thanks to our volunteers, you are likely to see a few new events this
year. They are sure to be a great time and will provide additional
revenue to the Club. One such event is a Sunday Dinner. Please watch
your mail, the new Web Site and our fliers for announcements.
During a special Board meeting, Jim Gordon resigned his position as
General Administrator. We all look forward to continuing our work
with Jim and Bobbie as active volunteers, and frequent participants at
Germania events. Volunteers are already “stepping up” to make sure
daily administrative functions are carried out.
March 14 :International
Dinner: St Patrick's Party
The Audit Committee charged with the task of reviewing the
outstanding bills submitted by Jim Gordon has met, and set up some
guidelines for their review. The committee will be using background
documents to cross check the claims. Once all of those documents have
been collected from their sources, the committee anticipates
completing their review by the end of April.
April 5: Movie at the
Oktoberfest planning is well under way. The band lineup is almost set,
and is sure to have you dusting off your dancing shoes. Please save the
dates! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday September 11, 12, 13 2009.
Plan to work a shift or two and then plan to party. Talk to members
who worked at the event last year. I am sure that they will tell you
working is as fun as attending (You get fed and a couple beers for your
trouble too)
Thanks again for all you do for Germania. I hope to see you around the
March 20: Friday Dinner
March 29: Spring Concert &
International Dinner: France
April 3: Friday Dinner,
April 10: Good Friday
Service, First Lutheran Church
April 17: Friday Dinner
May 2:Fruhling's Gala
May 16: 159th Membership
May 22: Friday Dinner
May 31: 25-Week Club Party
Jon Wagner, President
Germania Soccer Club News
The Germania soccer club held its annual elections in January. Joe Ulrich replaced Guenther Henrich as the soccer club president.
Guenther remains on the board as a trustee along with newly elected trustees Bill Kapongiannis and Matt Vigianno. The soccer club is
excited about the upcoming year and has begun to plan events for 2009. More information on these events will be posted on the web
site as they are scheduled.
We will also begin to post our over 30 and over 40 schedules on the Germania web site when they become available.
We are finishing up the indoor soccer season now. Germania teams came in first in the both the over 30A and over 30B indoor sessions
held at the Net in Lagrange. Congratulations to these teams!
Joe Ulrich
Please note:
If Arlington Schools are closed due to bad weather, all events scheduled for that day will be canceled. This includes Friday Night
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I have completed the new Germania web site; it is up and running. Please be sure to check it out at our new address:
The site will be improved, changed and added to often. It is a work in progress. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the
site. If you happen to have any Germania videos, please upload them to “You Tube”. Once uploaded, they can be easily added to our web
site for all to enjoy in the context of our site. Please E-Mail me if you have uploaded a video at;
I would like to add to the Presidential biographies, so if you are a Germania history buff please feel free to help out. You can E Mail me
content for the site including the biographies to me at;
Each member of the Board, as well as members who are serving in key roles, have been given dedicated E Mail addresses to streamline
communication. In general the E-Mail addresses are made up of the member's first initial and last name (no spaces)
We are setting up mailing lists and you will have the ability to sign up for E-Mail notification of our events. (See the event page)
Our events are listed on the main calendar, and I am posting our fliers as they become available.
Please check by the web site often to stay current about Germania news.
Jon Wagner, President
This season of Sunday Afternoon at the Movies is slowly coming
to an end. It is held on the First Sunday of the month at 1 PM at
Germania Hall and presents movies in German, sometimes with
English subtitles.
The Germania Men and Ladies Singers would like to thank
everyone for their comments and compliments following the
Weinachtsmasse. Over 140 people attended. Special thanks go to
Herman Brill and Christine Ulrich who kindly consented to
participate in the reading at the last minute. Also a special thanks
to Helga Baker for her work with the Kinderchor. They sounded
like angels! Thank you to Theresia Kizina and the ladies of the
1st Lutheran Church for the delicious home-baked cookies, tea
and coffee following the service. The Church and Germania have
worked together for several years now, resulting in an ever
increasing friendship.
The fee is $5.00 Per person and includes coffee and cake or a
snack. Movies have been most generously donated by Helmut
Loibl. Helga Nowak-Razey and I have also contributed. Movies
shown have included:
“Das Dreimäderlhaus, Das Leben Anderer, Ungarische
Rhapsodie, Mädchenjahre einer Königin, die Fledermaus and Die
On March 1st “The Harmonists” are on the program, a GermanAustrian co-production. This movie in German with English
subtitles is about the famous men's' group that became an
overnight success in the late 1920's, and is still considered by
many the Best ever. If time allows we will also show a video
“Discovering Germany.” Our final program until the fall will be
Millöcker's operetta “ Der Bettelstudent” on April 5th at 1 PM.
Please call me ahead (preferably on Friday or before) so I can
plan for the coffee and cake at (845) 454-6572. Just leave a
message if no-one is home. Thank you and we hope to see you at
Germania' “Sunday Afternoon at the Movies”and join the fun.
Helga Baker
Check out AOL Radio on the web at There is also a link to this
site on the “links” page at the Germania Web site
You can set up a simple “radio” on your computer which can
include two German music channels. The German channels are
found in the “World Music” section
Jon Wagner, President
The Singers extend get well wishes to Hans Steuer for a speedy
recovery after his surgery.
The Singers and Kinderchor will be performing at German
Heritage Day at the Poughkeepsie Galleria on February 21st at 12
noon, 1:30 and 3:00. He hope to see you there.
Upcoming dates: Sunday, March 29th will be our Spring Concert
combined with the International Dinner (France). There will be a
Good Friday service at the 1st Lutheran Church at 3 PM on April
Janett Frank & Ed Blatz wish to thank all members and nonmembers who supported our 2nd annual blood drive to double the
amount of contributors from last year.
Please mark your calendar for the 2nd annual Germania
Oktoberfest being held Friday-Sunday, September 11, 12 & 13,
2009. We are working on lining up a variety of musical
entertainment and vendors. If you or someone you know would
like to be a vendor at our festival please contact Karen Rose
at845/471-7442 or You can also check out
our new website and click on the
Oktoberfest button which will lead you to the vendor registration
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The Schuhplattler group welcomes new members Evelyn Wuytack and Horst Shaffner! We also have Thomas Mercer attending our
rehearsals. We welcome new members of all ages, associate and dance members, and we have a Kindergruppe. We have started our 2009
rehearsals and are working hard to prepare for another busy Oktoberfest season. If you would like our rehearsal schedule, please call
Vorplattler Dave Yearack at845/452-6360 . Germania Almrausch wants our associate member Bruno Groetschel to know our thoughts
are with him; get well soon. Wishes for a speedy recovery also go out to George Hupe. In closing, we hope to see the Germania
members and their family and friends at the Galleria Mall on February 21st; the first show time is 12 Noon. Until then, enjoy the
remainder of the winter season.
Another delicious international dinner was held on January 25th. In spite of the fact that we did not sell every seat, Germania realized a
profit of $1,046 with 79 paid guests. Accordionist Ed Hendela played a variety of Scandinavian music as well as some American and
German favorites upon request. Our raffle featured a variety of imported items and two homebaked pound cakes. The ceiling was
decorated with an international flag banner and the walls displayed the flags of the five Scandivanian countries. John Jorgensen
entertained the guests with a presentation that gave us some interesting facts about the Nordic countries and he delighted us with several
jokes. The Taste of Europe Committee is Monica Jorgensen, Margarethe Killmer, Karen Rose, Gloria Hupe (who could not attend) and
GJ Doedee; and we thank them for their planning and hard work and donations that they make from time to time toward the dinners. We
also wish to thank the following volunteers who helped make the dinner a great success: Jennifer Jorgensen (menu brochure for the
tables), Horst Shaffner and Melissa Wagner (bar), Stan Elmendorf and Jon Wagner (kitchen), Karen Beyer, Jen Reichert and Heather
Blatz (wait staff), Erin Wagner, John Jorgensen, and Lore and Karlheinz Schoenfeld (set up). Thanks also to those that remained at the
end of the day and helped clean up the hall. We hope to see you at our next dinner: Ireland... the St. Patrick's Day Party being held
Saturday night, March 14th!
17th Annual Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest
This traveling children's Schuhplattler festival is coming to the Hudson Valley on Saturday, June 5, 2010. Germania Almrausch
Schuhplattler Verein and Germania of Poughkeepsie will host it. We anticipate attendance by more than 200 children and their families!
Now that year 2009 has arrived, we need to start planning.
WHAT IS KINDERFEST? The first Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest was held in 1994 by
Auerhahn Schuhplattler Vereine (Oley, PA) and was originated so that the youth
dance groups of area Vereine (Kindergruppen) could be given an opportunity to get
to know one another and share Schuhplattler dances and music with one another. By
1996, guidelines for a traveling Kinderfest were set and three main regions were
established: Southern Region - Philadelphia and Delaware; Central Region - midPennsylvania (Berks and Lancaster Counties); and Northern Region - Northern New
Jersey and New York. The rules of Kinderfest have been simple: Vereine along the
East Coast take turns hosting the festival which is always the 1st weekend of June;
the fest opens with a parade of the children proudly showing off their Tracht
(clothing) and holding a sign identifying their group; participants are given a free
lunch, “goodie” bag and/or commemorative pin; entertain the kids with music, crafts
and carnival style games; and stop all activities during dance performances.
Basically create a fun filled day for children that is inexpensive for families. The Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest has grown to include over 15
different participating Vereine and close to 200 children from 5 different states.
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: Marketing and promotional items for children's
welcome bags, food and drink donations for the children's lunch, vendors, children's
entertainers, raffle gifts, event sponsors and program book sponsors. If you are
interested in ways you can help us contact 845/471-7442 or 845/452-6360 or
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December 31st, found many members and their guests wondering
if our Party would be cancelled or not, due to the snowy weather.
The Board made the decision to go ahead, as chef, member, Darcy
Sala and her staff from BOCES were preparing the meal and Grete
& Margarete were busy working on the hors d'oeuvre's. The
evening turned out to be a wonderful affair, beginning with the
decorations, the table set-ups, the delicious hors d'oeuvres, the
exceptionally wonderful Prime Rib Dinner and special dessert that
followed, and a Viennese Table prepared by Grete & Bruno at
Midnight. Music by Joe Unger provided all with wonderful
background music throughout the night, for our dancing and
listening pleasure. Our sincere thanks go to all of the above who
helped to make this such a memorable evening, especially to our
Bartenders, Melissa and President Jon, who served all so well, and
the decorating/cleanup committee and set up committee and our
three lady waitresses. All in all a wonderful time was had by all,
and THEY wish to thank Carol Ann Fischer and Monica Jorgensen
along with their husbands, Eddie and John who made this a night
to remember.
Congratulations to our President, Jon Wagner who was recently reelected to preside over the Dutchess County Supervisors and
Mayors Association. The members seek common solutions to
problems affecting each of their municipalities. The entire article
can be found in the Sunday, February 8th issue of the
Sunday January 11th, once again found many members facing snow
and the bitter cold to come to our 1st Schlachfest in our new
building. Carol Ann wishes to thank Margarete and her entire
kitchen staff for a wonderful dinner served to all who attended.
Under the guidance of Rony Kemmerer the presentation of the pig
was blessed by Father Mike, and paraded around the hall to the
music of Joe Unger's band, and followed by the tradtional lady
mourners. A Great Time was had by all those present, and we
believe that sufficient profit was made to purchase a defibrillator for
Germaniua. Special Thanks to Carol Ann and her volunteers.
It was with great sadness that we recently read in THE POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL of the death of our long term, honorary member
George Williams. Even though we hadn't seem him at Germania in recent years, he was well remembered by the members at 197 Church,
when George and the many salesman from Halstead Cadillac would end their day at Germania. You could always count on seeing dapper
George with a Manhattan in his hand. George had many repeat customers in Germania who bought their Cadillacs's and Oldsmobiles over
the years from him and the staff members of Halstead-Cadillac Olds. Up until they worked on Raymond Avenue, George could be seen
walking the streets in his Gentlemen's Hat and Camel Hair coat going or coming from the Deli on the corner of Raymond and
CollegeView Avenue. George was survived by one sister.
We were also saddened to learn of the death of Honorary Member, Rudy Turck's beloved wife, who recently died. Our sincere
condolence to you , Rudy.
Please keep the following members in your thoughts and prayers, either recovering from operations , hospitalizations and recent illness or
winter falls: Theresia Kizina, George Lakatos, Bruno Groetschel, George Hupe, Virginia (Ginny) Wagner and Albert Mack. Speedy
recovery is wished for you all. Special remembrance to Elizabeth Dorch, our oldest member who will be 95 on February 8th., and Oskar
Fink who turned 94 on January 25th.
Congratulations to John and Kathleen Borgoy on the recent engagement announcement of their son. It is also nice to see Kathy out and
about since her recent surgery.
GERMANIA OF POUGHKEEPSIE - Calendar of Events 2009
Calendar events, dates and times are subject to change: Call
Germania Hall 845/471-0609 or Karen Rose 845/471-7442
March 20, FridayDinner, 5-7PM
Grete's Chicken Schnitzel or
CLUBHOUSE IS OPEN Wednesdays through Fridays 7:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
February 21, Saturday
German Heritage Day Poughkeepsie
Galleria Mall- Center Court Bake Sale; Singing & Schuhplattler
Performances; 10AM - 5 PM VOLUNTEERS Call 452-6219
March 1, Sunday Movie at the Clubhouse 1PM Cake & Coffee,
Reservations 845/454-6572
March 6, Friday Dinner, 5-7PM
Breaded Fish Fillet
March 29, Sunday Spring Concert & International Dinner:
France Music: Edmond Holz - Food by Chef Darcy Sala
12 Noon - Reservations 845/454-8192
April 3, Friday Dinner, 5-7PM
Breaded Fish Fillet
Margarethe's Frikadellen or
April 5, Sunday Movie at the Clubhouse 1PM Cake & Coffee,
Reservations 845/454-6572
April 10, Friday Good Friday Service, First Lutheran Church3:00
PM, service followed by coffee & cookies
April 17, Friday Dinner, 5-7PM
(smoked pork loin chop)
Grete's Kassler Rippchen
Margarethe's Rouladen or
May 2, Saturday Fruhling's Gala Gourmet Dinner by Chefs Fritz
and Darcy Music: Norbert Ludwig Orchestra
March 14, Saturday International Dinner: St Patrick's Party, 5 PM Reserve early! Pre-Paid only. 845/454-8849
Corned Beef & Cabbage; Celtic Music 5-9PM by Ed Hendela;
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Reservations 845/834-2481
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