New tS IC TS ructure New tS IC TS ructure


New tS IC TS ructure New tS IC TS ructure
ru ct ur
ingnan College ITSC Newsletter is published by the
Information Technology Services Centre of Lingnan
College, Hong Kong. Distribution is free to staff and
students. Additional copies can be obtained from the Information
Technology Services Centre upon request. Online version
can be accessed through Internet at
~wwwcsc. Any comments, suggestions or contributions are
welcomed and should be e-mailed to
Issue No.1
October 1998
Kläre Ng
Rachelle Suen
Rachelle Suen
Rachelle Suen
Graphics Designer
Amy Yan
Message from the Editor
Message from the Editor
Message from the Director
@ New ITSC Structure
Announcements and Notices
@ Fax Facility On The Desktop
@ Developments in AASG
@ OA Training Schedule
(Nov - Dec 1998)
@ Frequently Asked Questions
@ Hostel Network Registered User
@ User Support Forums
@ Office 97: The New Outlook 97
and Internet Features
@ Upgrading New Email Client with
Eudora Pro
Mac Place
@ Introducing Macintosh
Support Team
Kläre Ng (
elcome back and warm greetings to new comers
to Lingnan College. A lot of changes have been
made during the summer holidays, especially with
us, we’re now called Information Technology Services Centre
The MIU and the technical section of the former ETDC have
merged with the CSC to become the ITSC. The one-stopshopping concept is working. A summary of the merge is
provided by the ITSC Director, which can be found on page
2 of this issue. Articles such as Eudora Pro, Office 97, and
the Internet Station are highlights of this issue.
Everyone is busy at the start of the College term but we want
to make time to meet with old acquaintances and mingle with
new ones during our open house, which is to be held in midNovember. I hope you, as our readers, will enjoy this new
edition of the ITSC Newsletter.
Users’ comments and suggestions are welcomed, either verbally
or written via email, fax, letter or memo. Until next time,
enjoy your reading.
Internet Station
@ Net Dictionary
@ 56K Modems
@ The Intranet
@ Captain Internet
@ PC/Internet - Clinic
@ Free Internet Scoops
Message from the Director
Alan Y.S. Ho (
New ITSC Structure
elcome to this first issue of the ITSC’s
Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)
was created as a result of the integration of information
technology functions/units, viz. the Computer Services
Centre (CSC), the Management Information Unit
(MIU) and the technical section of the Educational
Technology & Development Centre (ETDC) at Lingnan
College. It was a conscious effort of the College
Management and one of the IT strategic plans to
integrate the IT functions to achieve efficiency, cost
saving and to provide one-stop-shopping for IT
It is impossible for any organisation to hire enough
personnel to provide personal service, especially at
peak period - the first few weeks at the beginning of
a term, therefore, we appreciate users’ patience and
tolerance. After the peak period, personal touch
may be resumed. One exception is Internet speed
which we cannot guarantee as it is shared by users
in eight tertiary institutions. Its speed will vary
depending on usage.
We, the ITSC, will strive for continuous improvement
and to do more than what is necessary to fulfil the
Service Pledge. Please help us serve you better by
giving us constructive comments.
Have a nice and productive term.
Just like any other changes, it will take some time
for the new ITSC to settle in and therefore users are
requested to help us improve by reporting any
irregularities in services. Comments on our services
can be made to the User Support Manager on extension
8397 or email address
Since the implementation of the new user support
structure with dedicated teams of staff serving separate
groups of users, we have received quite a number
of positive comments. Team members are now
closer to the users, they know your needs better and
thus respond faster. However, as they all serve you
on site, they will not always be at their desks to
answer your phone calls. You are requested to leave
them voice mails on their phones or messages at the
general office so that they can call you back as soon
as they finish their tasks in hand. In case of emergency,
you may call the team leaders for help. In order to
shorten response time, beepers have been issued to
the user support officers.
and Notices
Fax Facility on the Desktop
Kläre Ng (
TSC has been investigating whether it is feasible
to have fax services on the desktop. We have
chosen a few users to try this service. Their
comments were positive: easy to set up and use;
friendly and manageable; convenient and quick. It
is ideal for users who need to fax documents to more
than one location. This fax service has a queuing
system which will re-dial fax numbers a few times
should the first attempt fail. However, the system
does have limitations such as inability to handle
incoming faxes, and there are only limited licenses.
This service cannot be installed on every desktop as
a result.
If users do need to send a document to multiple
recipients, they can request for this facility to be
installed on one of the PCs in their unit. Users can
request this by calling their respective ITSC user
support team members.
Developments in
Administrative Applications
Systems Group (AASG)
Eva Chan (
Supplementary questions for the Course and
Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire
Starting from the first term 1998-99, a databank of
over 200 questions provided by the Teaching &
Learning Centre will be made available through the
Intranet for selection of a maximum of 10 “personalized”
questions under the “Extra Questions” section in the
Course & Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire. The
Faculty Dean/School Director can decide whether
to use a standard set of questions across the whole
Faculty/School, or different sets of questions for
different departments or even for individual teachers.
Demonstration sessions on the use of the Intranet
access is scheduled for mid-November 1998.
Student Enquiry System
At present, the Registry, the Student Affairs Office,
the Counselling and Career Unit and Faculty/School
Offices or Departmental Offices have access to
information such as student particulars and email
addresses through the network. Starting from the
first term 1998-99, this service will be extended to
Hostel Wardens.
Office Automation (OA)
Training Schedule (Nov Dec 1998)
Queenie Chan(
Course Title
14:15 - 16:45 Accessing the World
through the Internet
14:00 - 17:00 Chinese Windows 95 Client
14:00 - 17:00 Windows 95 Client Model
25, 2 / 12*
14:30 - 16:30 Microsoft Word 7.0 Fundamental
9, 16*
14:30 - 16:30 Microsoft Excel 7.0 Fundamental
23, 30*
14:30 - 16:30 Microsoft PowerPoint Fundamental
* 2 sessions for all MS Office fundamental courses
Enrolment will be conducted by email later this month.
From this term onwards, two sessions will be conducted
for all fundamental courses for Microsoft Office. Each
session will last for two hours to allow more hands-on
experience. All applicants are required to take both
Frequently Asked Questions
The ITSC is preparing an on-line FAQ for its users to
browse. The address will be announced later in the term.
In the meantime, ITSC supporting staff will be happy to
help users with their IT queries.
Hostel Network
Registered Users Statistics
Statistics show that more students are connecting
onto the campus network and surfing the Internet
from their own rooms. Hopefully more students will
use their room connections as it provides quicker
response in terms of access time. Help is available
for hostel users at the mobile PC clinic. Locations
and opening hours are as follows:Duration: 28 th September - 23 rd October, 1998
Every Monday & Wednesday
20:00 - 22:00
Every Tuesday & Thursday
20:00 - 22:00
Hostel Network Registration 1997/98
Every Monday & Wednesday
20:00 - 22:00
Student from
Every Tuesday & Friday
20:00 - 22:00
Every Wednesday & Friday
20:00 - 22:00
Every Monday & Thursday
20:00 - 22:00
Desmond Ho (
Wai-Man Cheung (
Arts Faculty
Business Faculty
Social Sciences Faculty
No. of Registered Users
Hostel staff
(wardens, tutors, campus management) :
Number of users in
Hostel A
Hostel B
Hostel C
Hostel D
Hostel E
Hostel F
Total number of registered users :
Students who plan to bring their own PCs to the
hostel can contact the ISCA ( Information Systems
and Computer Association) for network card purchase
and support. For further information, please refer
to the adverstisement at the end of the Newsletter.
User Support Forums
Hostel Network Registration 1998/99, figures
as at 29th September, 1998
Student from
Arts Faculty
Business Faculty
Social Sciences Faculty
No. of Registered Users
Hostel staff
(wardens, tutors, campus management) :
Number of users in
Hostel A
Hostel B
Hostel C
Hostel D
Hostel E
Hostel F
Total number of registered users :
Kläre Ng (
These forums will provide better communication
between ITSC support teams and their respective
users in areas of user services. Invitation will be
issued via email to users. The following table shows
the time and venues for the forums:
Social Sciences Faculty 19/10/98 2pm
& Research Centres
TV Studio
Arts Faculty & School
of General Education
26/10/98 2pm
TV Studio
Administrative &
Services Units
TV Studio
Business Faculty
TV Studio
The New Outlook 97 and
Internet Features
Nathan Chung (
icrosoft Office 97 is the latest version of
the Microsoft’s office suite. The suite
includes Word 97, Excel 97, Access 97,
PowerPoint 97 and the new Outlook 97. The Outlook
97 and Internet features of the Office 97 are described
in the following paragraphs.
The New Outlook 97
The new Microsoft Outlook 97 is a desktop information
management programme that helps users organize
and share information, and communicate with others.
E-mail client sends and receives electronic messages
and documents. Users can check e-mails from different
e-mail systems e.g. Microsoft Mail or Internet Mail.
The Outlook 97’s Calendar helps you to keep track
of schedules and plan meetings with others. Users
can use Date Navigator to quickly find and show
information in the schedule, and use TaskPad to see
the day’s tasks so users can schedule time to work
on them. In addition, Contacts keeps your personal
and business contact information up-to-date and
easy to find. It stores person’s name, business and
home address, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses. Besides, Tasks organizes user’s
personal and business to-do list in one easy-tomanage place.
Internet Features
Office 97 extends desktop productivity to the Web.
Firstly, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
Access provide built-in support for viewing, creating
and saving files in HTML format. They also allow
users to insert hyperlinks i.e. Internet web address
into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access
Secondly, Office 97 provides support for accessing
FTP sites from within the Open and Save As dialog
boxes. Users can browse and download files directly
from the Internet to their desktops. For example,
click File-Open-Look-In of the Microsoft Word will
display the screen shown below. Users can now
browse FTP site without having to exit Microsoft
To conclude Office 97 suite brings full-featured
programmes together and provides users a handy
tool for their daily jobs. In the near future, you will
find more and more PCs at Lingnan installed with
Office 97.
Upgrading New Email Client
with Eudora Pro
Queenie Chan (
n the coming months, ITSC will upgrade the
email client for all staff from Eudora Light to
Eudora Pro. Eudora Pro is a full/enhanced
version of Eudora Light. It is a very robust email
client loaded with many features that users need,
including the ability to filter, re-direct, and forward
mail. What are the differences between Eudora
Light and Eudora Pro? What are the new features
of Eudora Pro? Let me introduce to you some major
features of Eudora Pro.
Eudora Light
Eudora Pro
User Interface
Left panel shows mailboxes while
right panel shows messages.
Similar, but shown in multiple-page format which consists
of mailbox list, file browser, stationery file list, signature files
and personal settings.
Spell Checks
Built-in dictionary for spell checks; and users can also use
customized dictionary.
Stylized Text
Allows stylized text capabilities: bold, italic, underline, font
type, size and color, indentation, bullet and numbering.
Support cut-and-paste formatted text from any word processor
such as MS Word.
None. Users need to install one more
copy of Eudora in a different directory
so as to get/send email from more
than one email address.
Supports multiple accounts in a simple way. Users just need
to add one more setting in Eudora. For example, a secretary
may need to check email for her boss. In the old days, she
needs to install one more Eudora client in her harddisk. She
has to quit her own Eudora and start the other one. But now
she only needs to add her other email address in her own
Eudora setting folder. When checking email, she only needs
to switch to her other email address and type the respective
Stationery /
Template Files
Users can create their own templates for outgoing messages
based on any old incoming or outgoing messages.
Address Book
Stores nicknames and email addresses.
Besides storing email addresses, the street addresses, phone
and fax numbers can also be stored in the address book.
Signature Files
Support maximum two signatures
(standard and alternate).
Supports multiple signatures. Users can create as many as
they require.
Attachment Files
Users can send emails with attachment
files but cannot automatically re-direct
or forward the attachment with the
original message.
User can easily and automatically forward or redirect attachment
After introducing so many new and enhanced features
of the Eudora Pro, you may want to try this product.
You may also worry about your existing settings,
mailboxes, signatures or address books. Can Eudora
Pro retain these things after the upgrade? The
answer is YES. All the current settings, mailboxes,
signatures and address books in Eudora Light are
fully compatible with Eudora Pro. So, enjoy using
the new Eudora Pro!
New User Interface for Eudora Pro
Mac Place
Introducing Macintosh
Support Team
Desmond Ho (
he Macintosh Support Team has been in
service since September 1, 1998. The optimal
goal of the team is to ensure Macintosh
users can enjoy the same computer services as provided
to PC users. Here is the service scope of the team:
Network Connection support
for Mac
Network Printing
Remote Access Support
To source new Macintosh hardware/software/
technologies for Mac users.
To provide multimedia solutions/training for
Lingnan users.
Multimedia lab setup (iMac will be introduced
in AR220)
Conducting multimedia software training
for Lingnan users (both staff and students)
To provide prompt and quality support on Macintosh
To provide stable network
environment for Mac users.
Handling of Hardware failure and malfunction
The following are the Mac Support Team members:
Installing of new hardware (e.g. memory,
scanner, network card, printer, digital camera,
Supporting Common Mac Applications (e.g.
MS Office, Eudora email, Internet browsers,
Kenneth Wong
Software Application Support
Patrick Lam
Software Application Support
David Wong
Network Support
Timothy You
Network Support
Albert Kwan
Multimedia Support
Chi-cheung Yee
Hardware Support
Installing and upgrading of Operating
Standardizing of Mac client for Lingnan
users (to develop Mac client model)
Area of Responsibilites
Desmond Ho (Leader) Software & Development
Internet Station
Gurdit Gill(
elcome to the Internet Station. Internet
Station is a regular section in the ITSC
Newsletter. The main goal of the Internet
Station is to create a greater Internet awareness
within the Lingnan community.
It was called Mozilla when Netscape Corporation
first released its web browser. Most loyal Netscape
fans still call Netscape Mozilla. The name, Mozilla
comes from the Japanese character, Godzilla. To
find a hidden message from Mozilla (Netscape),
type this in the URL (web address) box,
Learn more about Mozilla at:
Net Dictionary
We all know that “SPAM” is a
famous brand of luncheon meat;
but did you know that unsolicited e-mails or
messages to newsgroups are also known as SPAM.
One reason why you may be a victim of a SPAM
attack is that you may have registered with a web site
and checked a box agreeing to receive postings
about particular products or interests.
E-Mail Bomb
This is the last thing you want to receive. If you have
recently attempted to check your e-mail and realised
that you cannot check it or that you keep on getting
the same nasty message, then you are a victim of an
e-mail bomb. An E-mail bomb is a flood of e-mails
that is sent from an anonymous site with the intention
of flooding the user’s e-mail box and thus rendering
it useless. An e-mail bomb can be sent by a dumb
user or by someone who is extremely proficient in
computer skills. The best thing you can do is to hope
that he or she will cool off after some time. If not,
you may have to change your e-mail address (rarely).
Remember all those Easter eggs that used to be
buried in the back garden? Did you know that there
are also Easter Eggs in software and web sites? An
Easter egg is an unexpected surprise, usually a message
from the creator. Since it is hidden deep inside, nonprogrammers call it Easter Eggs. To find all the
eggs, please visit
URL-minder is an application (robot) on the web
which automatically sends an e-mail to a user when
a particular web page has been changed. Simply
enter your e-mail address and the web address at the
following site and you will be informed via e-mail
when the site changes its contents.
56K Modems
The very first time when you go out and look for a
new modem, you will see ratings of 28.8k or 33.6k
or even 56k on the box.
These ratings are what we call “SPEED” and it tells
us how fast the modem is. A 28.8k modem can
transfer data at a speed of 28.8 kilobits per second
while a 33.6k modem can transfer at a much faster
rate of 33.6 kilobits per second.
speed (approximately 30kbs), the download speed
(the speed at which you can retrieve a file from the
Internet) will be around 42-46kbs.
What is a bit? This can be very confusing and the
best way to remember is to think of a floppy disk.
A floppy disk can store 1.44Mega bits of data i.e.
1440 kilobits.
The reason why this happens is 56k modems rely
heavily on modulation of digital to analogue signals.
When you request for a file from the Internet, your
modem modulates the digital signal (the request) to
an analogue signal (telephone wire signal) and this
is how we get the term MODEM (MOdulatorDEModulator). When the file is sent to you, no
modulation is done and thus you can get a faster
Let’s do some simple calculations and see why a
33.6k modem is faster than 28.8k modem.
If we have a file about the size of a floppy disk to
download from the Internet, the time to download
will be:
There is another thing you must be aware of when
you purchase a 56k modem and that is - 56k standard.
28.8k (28800 bits per second)
Time = 1440 000 = 50 seconds
There are two 56k modem standards and they are:
33.6k (33600 bits per second)
This adheres to the US Robotics Corporation 56k
modem specifications.
Time = 1440 000 = 43 seconds
That’s really fast!! Why do I have to wait so long
when I download a file of this size from the Internet?
Well, I forgot to tell you something - my calculations
were based on an ideal Internet model i.e. no traffic.
In the “Real World Internet”, we always have some
kind of traffic and therefore we can never achieve
optimum speed of 28.k or 33.6k and we must also
keep in mind the quality of the line, too. For these
reasons, our waiting time is prolonged.
What about 56k modem? This surely must be the
fastest modem available. Is it true? It is the fastest
modem in the world but there is a catch.
56k modem connected to ordinary Internet Service
Provider using a much slower speed i.e. 28.8k or
33.6k. Am I getting a bad deal? Well, not really.
For 56k modems you can only achieve the speed
during downloading but not uploading. In other
words, you will connect to a site with much lower
56k (x2)
K56 Flex
This adheres to the Rockwell Corporation 56k modem
At present, both corporations are fighting for the
56k standard.
Does this affect me? Yes, it certainly does. If you
purchase a modem which is a 56k (x2) and your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) supports only
k56flex, you will not be able to access the Internet.
Generally speaking, big Internet Service Providers
have both standards but you should always check
with your ISP before purchasing your modem.
What happens if my ISP does not support both 56k
standards? Well this is a classical case that may
happen to most users. What actually happens is that
your modem will still be connected to your ISP but
at a lower speed i.e. 33.6k.
Last but not the least, a 56k modem has an extra
feature - software upgrade. In the future, you do not
have to purchase a new modem if faster speeds are
achieved. You can simply upgrade your modem to
a faster speed by downloading a ‘firmware’ (software
that changes the properties of a hardware) from your
modem supplier. Make sure your modem can be
The Intranet
Have you noticed a new button “The Intranet” in
the Lingnan College home page? Do you know what
it can do for you? Nope. Well, no worries as you
have found the right corner.
The Intranet is a new phrase that has been popping
around in many magazines and seminars. I still
remember having heard about the Intranet sometime
back in 1996 at a Microsoft seminar in HK. At first,
I was quite surprised and was thinking that Microsoft
must have said something wrong but as the seminar
progressed, I learnt what the Intranet was and began
to appreciate its likely impact on the world in the
future. That was then and now after 2 years of
planning and design, many companies and Universities
have started rolling out their own versions of the
The Intranet which sounds like the Internet shares
common technologies with the Internet as both tend
to distribute information to its subscribers. Then
comes the big question - why do we need the Intranet
when the Internet can do the job? There is still a
subtle difference between the Internet and the Intranet.
The Internet is regarded as an external entity i.e.
between you and the world while the Intranet is an
internal entity i.e. between you and the college (or
company). Information circulating at Lingnan may
be confidential or restricted only to staff and/or
students for viewing. In such case the Intranet can
best meet our needs.
The Intranet also provides us with a common area
where internal information can be accessed. We can
access information ranges from staff handbook,
policy documents, grade processing schemes to leave
The Intranet is no longer a dream at Lingnan College
and like all our sister universities, we have also
implemented it via our home page. That’s right in our home page. Remember when I said that the
Intranet and the Internet share the same technologies,
this is the shear beauty of the Intranet. The Intranet
can be accessed from Netscape, our preferred browser
or from Internet Explorer. You don’t have to install
any new software or re-configure your desktop.
If you are accessing our home page within the campus
or via remote dial-in, you should be able to get direct
entry to Lingnan’s Intranet. If you are neither a
Lingnan staff member nor a student, you won’t be
able to access the Intranet. Nor can you access the
Intranet from other ISPs such as HK Telecom’s
Netvigator, HK Star or Chevalier Net.
Once you have gained direct entry to the Intranet,
you will find some information which is marked
‘staff only’. If you are a staff member and would
like to gain access to that piece of information, you
will need to enter your Eudora login id (just the
name without the extension) and password during
the authentication stage.
Not all the Intranet sites are accessible by all staff
members. Some sites may be off-limits to some
particular staff and access for these sites can only
be granted by the webmaster of that department.
Should you require to place internal documents on
the Intranet, please contact the ITSC. We will do
our best to help you to get a Intranet recognition for
your department or faculty.
Captain Internet
PC/Internet - CLINIC
This section highlights some of the
coolest Internet sites around the world.
Folks, over the last 2 years, I have
gone through almost every PC
troubleshooting case and every piece
of ever-changing technology, especially
in the Internet, I have decided to rename
this section from ‘PC Clinic’ to ‘PC/Internet
Clinic’. In the future not only will this section deal
with PC problems but it will also deal with problems
relating to the Internet.
My Netscape
Do you want to have a customised web page that
will show you up-to-date weather data of your
favourite cities, latest world and sport news,
horoscope or a calculator? Subscribe to My
Netscape to experience the new frontiers of realtime information.
Planet Diary
This is the world and this is what is happening
to it right now.
Truly voted as one of the greatest e-zine (Slang
for Internet Magazine) site.
Don’t have the money to go to the famous Louvre
Museum in Paris? No problem, you can catch a
glimpse of all the paintings and other works of
art at the official Louvre web site. Visit this web
site to see the world’s arguably most famous
woman - La Joconde.
United Nation
Learn more about Human Rights, International
Law, peace treaties, etc., at the official UN site.
Time Magazine
Needs no introduction - the famous Time magazine.
About 3 months ago, the ITSC installed Norton
Anti-Virus software on my computer and I would
like to know if this software will detect new viruses
that are emerging on the Internet on a daily basis.
Do I need to get an updated version?
You don’t have to buy or install new version of
Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) software in order to make
it more effective against new viruses.
Norton Anti-Virus comes with a built-in utility called
“Live Update”. This utility helps you update the
programme by updating the virus definition file (A
file that keeps the list of all the detectable viruses
and the methods of killing them).
In order to run “Live Update”, you must first check
if your computer is connected to the Internet and
that you have a minimum of 10M storage space on
your C:\> drive. If you are connected to the Internet,
you can run this utility by double clicking on the
icon “Live Update”. After double clicking, NAV
will attempt to connect to the Internet and download
the required files from the NAV web site. Once the
download process has been completed, NAV will
install the new virus definition file and update the
virus list. You will see a pop-up message after the
installation process indicating that a number of new
viruses can now be detected.
I tried downloading both Netscape browser and
Eudora at home from the Lingnan’s FTP site and
my Windows 95 tells me that will take a minimum
of 30 minutes. Is there any way I can do it faster?
This is the easiest way. If you are a staff member,
why not come to the ITSC office, which is located
on the second floor of the Main Building and borrow
the ITSC video/CD. The ITSC video/CD does not
only contain the Centre’s introductory video clips,
but it also contains software such as Eudora and
Netscape for Windows 95.
I have recently subscribed to an ISP in HK and I
would like to set up accounts for both Lingnan
College and my ISP. Can I do this?
Yes, you can have more than one ISP setting in
Windows 95. If you have subscribed to another ISP
and would like to use the new ISP services without
altering the existing setting, you must create another
‘Connection’ icon. This is how it can be done.
In Windows 95, click on the ‘My Computer’ icon
on the desktop and then double click ‘Dial-Up
Networking’ folder. In ‘Dial-Up Networking’ folder,
click on the ‘Make New Connection’ icon. You
will now be asked to give the name for your ISP and
just type any name that best suits the ISP. Ignore
the modem selection and click ‘Next’. In the next
screen, type in the telephone number of your ISP
(Your ISP will provide you one. If you don’t have
it, contact your ISP). Don’t select the Area Code
(HK does not use area code anymore) and Country
Code. Click ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’.
You should now see an icon that corresponds to your
new ISP.
Right click and drag this icon onto your desktop.
Select ‘Create Shortcut here’ to create a short-cut
icon on the desktop. Repeat this for your Lingnan
College icon. You should now have two icons on
your desktop. Double click on either of these icons
to get connected to the Internet. You cannot connect
to the Internet using both icons at the same time
Free Internet Scoops
Real Name Plug-In
This is probably the greatest software tool that
emerged after ICQ (Read about ICQ in the last
issue). With Real Names, you no longer have to
remember the long winded web addresses that start
with www.???.??? All you have to know is the name
of the company and type it in your web browser's
URL box. Real Name will look for the web site for
you (by performing a look-up in its referencing
database). You can also customise or add other web
site in Real Name.
Real Name is free and can be downloaded at
Currently, only Windows 95 version is available.
Sorry Mac users.
Free Web Space
Don't have a web page? Need one? You can get
yourself free 5Mb of web space at either Tripod
( ) or AngelFire (http:// If you are really hungry, bag
both of them. And if you think 10Mb of space is still
not enough, go to FortuneCity to bag another 10Mb
of space (surely 20Mb will be more than enough).
Now to make things user friendly, you can subscribe
to Bounce-To at Bounce-To
will provide you with a life-time (that's what they
say) web address and re-direct the users to all those
long-winded URL's using one address i.e. You can also try
for re-direction services.
If you need a web e-mail for your web site, you can
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Faculty of Business:
First contact person
User Support Officer specialises in
Mr. Gurdit Gill
Web Development and Windows NT
% 8404 with Voice Message
Team Leader
Ms. Kläre Ng
% 8397
Faculty of Arts & School of General Education:
First contact person
User Support Officer specialises in
Ms. Queenie Chan
Chinese System, OA Applications & Training
% 8405 with Voice Message
Team Leader
Mr. Francis To
% 8395
Faculty of Social Sciences & Research Centres:
First contact person
User Support Officer specialises in
Ms. Amy Yan
Web Page Design and Web Applications
% 8401 with Voice Message
Team Leader
Mr. Rosiah Ho
% 8396
First contact person
User Support Officer specialises in
Mr. Desmond Ho
OA Applications & Macintosh Computer
% 8407 with Voice Message
Team Leader
Mr. Garry Luk
% 8413
Student Services:
Student Labs & Hostel
Administrative & Services Units:
First contact person
User Support Officer specialises in
Mr. Nathan Chung
OA Applications & Windows95
% 8402 with Voice Message
Team Leader
Ms. Eva Chan
% 8495