Community News - Community Organization of Meadview
Community News - Community Organization of Meadview
SPONSORED BY THE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION OF MEADVIEW SERVING MEADVIEW AND LAKE MEAD CITY Community News Online at < > Adrienne O’Keeffe-Editor Jonathan Kiser--Assistant Editor SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 GRAND CANYON WESTERN RANCH On Monday September 14, the crew at Grand Canyon Western Ranch rolled out the red carpet for members of the Meadview Area Chamber of Commerce and the Dolan Springs Chamber and other guests to join together in an unprecedented mixer. In spite of threatening monsoon storms in the area, we packed the house and were treated to a wonderful barbeque rib dinner. We were entertained by Cowboy Dave who sang during dinner and later by the fireside. Grand Canyon Western Ranch is on the site of the historical Diamond Bar Ranch once owned by Tap Duncan. The western ranch offers several tour packages or they can accommodate you in an overnight stay in the cabins or “glamping” tents. The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and they offer Meadview residents a 25% discount on meals. Our drive from downtown Meadview took approximately 20 minutes and we were treated to beautiful views along the way. When you go, take time to stop at the Joshua Tree Kiosk installed by our Friends of the Joshua Tree Forest earlier this year. The kiosk is located on the right side shortly after turning onto Diamond Bar Road. For more information on Grand Canyon Western Ranch, go to the website: . REVIEW OF LMRFD BOARD MEETING 9-21-2015 Seventy-six were in attendance including Supervisor Jean Bishop and NACFD Board member Patty Lewis. Administrator John Flynn began the meeting stating information packets about the consolidation and the financial papers of the past years were available for pick up or the info would be on the Web page for LMRFD. He stated the debt owed by LMRFD had been cleared up and the district has been out of the red for the past couple months. He reported the cost of running the district is approximately $62,000 a month. Fire Chief Pat Moore stated that the older brush truck had some motor problems that continues to be worked on. He also stated heart monitors which go straight to KRMC have been provided to personnel. Someone asked if there were any volunteers? Moore stated that of the 90 at the 9-12 meeting in Dolan, no one had volunteered to take the classes. When asked if anyone had volunteered to be on the Fire Board, he answered that none had volunteered. When the audience was asked today, five put up their hands. Board members must deal with financial/budget and policy and state law now states that the Board members are responsible for any misuse of property tax monies. A candidate for the Board must undergo 6 hours of training. Volunteers for fire personnel must take the drug tests, background checks and physical tests that paid firefighters must take. The question was asked if the old Grapevine Mesa Fire District could pull away from LMRFD and then consolidate with NACFD. Flynn stated that the process was a long, legal undertaking and if it did go through, all the equipment, rolling equipment, turnouts, supplies and the station itself, would go to LMRFD. A question was asked how was the tax money divided? Moore explained that LMRFD, including Meadview, now and in the future, would use the tax money raised in those communities to run the area where the money comes from. Not buying supplies in bulk, having to pay a new Chief, Battalion Chiefs, FF/EMT’s and Paramedics and paying for the cost of an election to seat a 5 member Board would put LMRFD back in debt and the county CANNOT bail us out. A copy of the minutes of this meeting will be included in the October 9 issue of the Community News. OCTOBER 1 COM MEETING We will have two speakers at the October 1 COM meeting. Denver Steinmetz, owner of the Joshua Tree Ostrich Ranch will give a presentation about the fascinating ostriches residing on the ranch. Our 2nd speaker will be Robert Bravo, General Manager of Grand Canyon Western Ranch. He will give us an overview of happenings at the ranch under new ownership. Refreshments will be served at 9:45 am and the meeting will start at 10:00 am. Hope to see you there!!! IMPORTANT DATES AND COMING EVENTS September 23 October 1 October 3 October 20 Fall Equinox — Official start of Autumn COM Meeting—MCA Auditorium 10:00 am Oktoberfest—Canyon’s End and Mead view Time (See ad on page 3) Quail Meeting—MCA Auditorium 10:00 am IN THIS ISSUE... Open Letter from Boathouse Café Panther Talk: Mt. Tipton News Library News Meadview Connection/Church News Quail News Page 2 Page 2 Page 7 Page 8 Page 8 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 2 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Dear Folks of Meadview, We’ve been open for a month now, and I wanted to send out a big thanks to everyone for all the support and kind words. Thank you to the crew of the VFW; you guys are great. Thank you Meadview Hardware! Thanks to all you real estate guys (whose companies I still get mixed up ). Thank you Fisherman’s Landing & crew! Thanks Tads, Meadview RV Park, Gas N Grub, River Runner’s Shuttle, the Family Dollar crew and, of course, the after-church gangs. Big thanks to Mags and Jer of Grand Wash Water Co. (love you guys!) Couldn’t have opened the doors without my angels, Mike and Marge of M & M Construction. THANKS!!! And a special thanks to my awesome team: DJ, Moody, Terri and Riki!!! And it goes without saying, thanks to everyone for coming in to eat! Opening a restaurant is a big undertaking, but doing it in a small, remote town is a whole other animal. The challenges seen to be endless: high cost of utilities, a small workforce, remote logistics, limited food delivery options, a huge seasonal fluctuation etc. Couple that with a small kitchen, the ever increasing cost of food and a discerning and diverse clientele and you have your hands full. The range of expectations from first-time customers has been all over the place; from formal dining to $1 value menu to 10 page glossy menus with hundreds of options all the way to sushi. While we’d love to have a full wait staff, bus boys, food runners, dishwashers, a menu rivaling all the restaurants of Kingman combined and a line out the door to support it all, the reality is Meadview is not quite that (yet ) For now, we’ll shoot for simple, reliable and good, and see what the future brings. Due to the ever-increasing costs of doing business coupled with a slow economy, the fastest growing segment in the restaurant industry is fast-casual: order at the counter with extended menu items cooked fresh to order. The BBQ joints of Kansas City and Po Boy shacks of New Orleans have always used this model to stay in business and provide value to their customers in the slow times. Ken’s used to do a fine job of it as well, if I remember right. It seems about everywhere I eat in Henderson and Kingman is fastcasual these days: Aloha Hawaiian BBQ, Rubio’s Tacos, Wahoo’s, Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, Rednecks BBQ etc. Using this model prices are 25-35% lower than full-service restaurants and the food is still high quality. And, of course, we’re happy to bring your food out to your table, refill your drinks and all that friendly stuff. Again, a huge thanks to everyone for supporting our small little café while we work out the kinks and continue to expand our menu and service. Thank You!! The Boathouse Café & Grille PANTHER TALK: MT. TIPTON SCHOOL NEWS Engineering and Math at Mt. Tipton Enrich students from grades 3-6 were challenged with a math and engineering project last week. As the picture shows, students used small blocks, popsicle sticks, glue, clear hose, syringes and glue to construct moving mechanical arms. We like to call them, Battle Bots. Utilizing hydraulics using clear hose and syringes, students brought their engineered arms (made out of popsicle sticks and blocks) to life. Students in groups of threes worked together to design and construct a Battle Bot. Students learned important math and engineering concepts along with the art of learning how to work and compromise in a group. Great job students; battle on. First Major Mt. Tipton Event - A Success! The 1st Annual Mt. Tipton Reading Extravaganza and the Grand Opening of Panther Kingdom (the new student store) were a huge success. Visits from Mr. Roger Jacks (Superintendent of Schools, Kingman Unified School District) and Mohave County Supervisor Jean Bishop kicked off our first major event of the year. Students, staff and members of the community had a great time wandering from room to room listening to teachers (dressed in character) read colorful excerpts from their favorite stories. It was a magical evening. During the reading event, the new Panther Kingdom Student Store opened its doors for the first time. Using the election process, students named the student store and were eager to spend their earned Panther Bucks in the new store. Students earn Panther Bucks for achievement, attendance, attitude, and citizenship. Panther Bucks are a positive educational and reinforcement tool in building a child’s character. If you are interested in donating to Panther Kingdom, simply drop off your slightly used clothing or new toys to the front desk at Mt. Tipton School. Until next time, be safe and read a good book. COMMUNITY NEWS Page 3 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 NFL SEASON ON US Join Us for Large Screen, Full Audio Enjoyment of Professional Football All Season All Day Sunday, Monday and Thursday Nights "Your Choice" 8 Slice Pizza with Pitcher of Beer Only $11.00 290 Pueblo ˖ Meadview, AZ (928) 564-2100 FALL LITTER CONTROL CLEAN UP COM will be picking up litter on their assigned section of Meadview Boulevard on October 7. We will meet in the MCA parking lot at 8:00 to sign in and pick up vests, bags and grabbers. Responsibility for doing this pick-up is not just for the COM Board, but for all residents of Meadview, Show your pride for the community and come out and help with this task. Well seasoned and split Colorado oak & pine firewood ---------A FULL cord mixed—$300 1/2, 1/4 cords also available --------- Call Lorne or Terry 928 218-1359 (cell) 928 564-2370 (home delivery available FOR SALE 2005 Travel Trailer “ALJO” Model 225 LT 2 Door Model Includes Patty-o-room Newer: tires, batteries, mattress AZ title $5,500.00 (928) 564-2115 WELCOME FALL!!! September 23 is the date of the Fall Equinox which is the official start of Autumn. This is the time of year when we can at last open our doors and windows and turn off a/c units and coolers. We find ourselves bragging about lower electric bills and become more active in outdoor activities. However, we also need to be aware that cooler daytime temps will bring snakes out during the day. They are more aggressive at this time as they are seeking their final meal prior to going into hibernation. Watch where you walk and put your hands and don’t be a victim to a snake bite MIKE NIESL NORTHSIDE ELECTRIC NEW ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL REPAIR SERVING ARIZONA Since 1976 SERVING MEADVIEW Since 1991 FREE ESTIMATES (602) 803-2949 COMMERCIAL—ROC #70475 RESIDENTIAL—ROC #42911 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 4 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Come join the Meadview Area Chamber of Commerce, Canyon's End Motel & Restaurant and Meadview Time to celebrate our annual Oktoberfest Saturday, October 3, 2015, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm At Canyon's End Motel on Pierce Ferry Road 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Live Band and Plenty of Shade featuring G-Wizz 12:00 noon Bar-B-Que Lunch with Traditional Brats and Beer and Smoked Pulled Pork with all the trimmings Crafters and Vendors for Lots of Local Shopping Raffles Throughout the Day with Flat Screen TV & More Petting Zoo, Log Cutting Contests, Dunk Tank, Horse Shoes and Ring Toss See you there! A great day of Food and Fun! For more information, please contact the Meadview Area Chamber of Commerce (928) 564-2425 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 5 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 6 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 HOURS 12 PM-6:30 PM - MON-SAT 330 E. MEADVIEW BLVD LAKE MEAD PLAZA 928-715-3656 Now Renting: Mad Max — Furious 7 — Age of Adeline — Love & Mercy — Aloha — Big Game Water Diviner — Freedom — Insurgent — Hot Pursuit —Wild Horses — Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel — Run All Night — Last Nights & 1000’S MORE COMMUNITY NEWS Published every other Friday Fees for ads: 1" ad, $1.50/issue or $18.00/13 issues (6 months); 2" ad; $2.50/ issue, $30.00/13 issues; 3" ad, $3.50/ issue, $42.00/13 issues; 4" ad, $4.50/ issue, $54.00/13 issues; Business card ad, $3.00; 1/4 Page: $5.00/issue, $60/13 issues; Half Page: $10/issue, $120/13 issues (6 months). Full Page: $20/issue, $240/13 issues (6 months). Back Page: $15/half page; $30/full page. Don’t forget to bring box tops displaying this logo to the Chamber office. They will used in a program to Need a new zipper/fixed, torn seam. support Mt. Tipton School. Alterations on dress/skirt, pants/ jeans, curtains. M&M Services Marcia Mays Repair/replace pockets in pants or Dedicated to serve Meadview jackets Tax Preparation and Notary Reasonable Rates 150 E. Haystack Dr. For all your sewing needs call: P. O. Box 86 Meadview, AZ 86444 (928) 564-2348 Teri Champine (928) 564-2574 Put ad with payment into the News drop box at the Post Office or mail to P.O. Box 31, Meadview, AZ 86444. Make checks payable to “COM” Community News reserves the right to edit or refuse ads or submissions. Sorry, no refunds for cancellations. The next issue date is 10-9-2015. Ads must be received by 4:00 p.m. on SATURDAY 10-3-2015. Contact us via email at Or by telephone: (928) 564-2187 MOTEL AND RESTAURANT New Menu – Clean Rooms Good Home Cooking! Restaurant Open Daily 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Serving Breakfast 8:00 am to 11:00 am Lunch and Dinner 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Closed Tuesday 28950 Pierce Ferry Rd 928-564-2525 KB Home Improvement Interior / Exterior Painting All Summer Long All aspects of home Improvement and repair; Carpentry, plumbing, Electrical, carpet stretching Flooring, roof repair. Local references, 30 yrs. Experience. Keith Burger 858-366-2875 Unlicensed HANDYMAN & WIFE CALL 928-310-6256 or 928-699-9394 Terry & Diana Koryta – Meadview Residents Since 7/2005 No job too small….we do hauling, tractor work, painting, electrical, plumbing, housesitting, Swamp coolers, and more. We are not AZ licensed contractors. 2015 MOHAVE COUNTY FAIR The 69th annual Mohave County Fair came to a close on Sunday, September 20. Meadview was well represented in exhibits in many categories. Kudos to all who participated and congratulations to the winners. We will have a feature story in the October 9 issue of the Community News complete with photos of all the winners. COMMUNITY NEWS Page 7 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 MEADVIEW LIBRARY HOURS LIBRARY NEWS The next Children’s Program, LEGO Day, will be Friday, September 25th at 9:00 A.M. at the Meadview Library. All you need is your imagination and creativity and the Mohave County Library will supply the blocks! Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 10:00 AM—3:00 PM The next book discussion will be on Oct. 16 at 10:00 A.M. Please note the time is at 10 and not 1 P.M. You can pick-up the book, The Outlaws of Sherwood, by Robin McKinley. This story is about Robin Hood who is accused of murder, goes into hiding, and decides to fight against the noblemen who insist (928) 564-2535 on raising taxes against the most needy. The Friends of the Meadview Library will have a yard sale, book sale and a Grand Opening of our new meeting room on Oct. 17th. The yard sale will start at 9:00 A.M. The dedication to the room will be in the afternoon. We will have a drawing for the Afghan quilt, two of Mary McBee’s older books and a decorative angel light. Tickets are on sale now during library hours. Notice: Friday Bingo is at 1:00 P.M. every week or you can still play Bingo on Tuesday night at 6:30 P.M. at the MCA. Everyone is welcome to play and help support the library. If you would like to be a volunteer caller for Bingo, please call Loretta Farrell at 564-2949. The online website for the library is: PROUD TO LIVE IN MEADVIEW This is the most giving community! On September 5 two DAR ladies went to the VFW in Meadview to enjoy an 'Ice Cream Social”. While having our sundaes one of the ladies of the Auxiliary came to say they had a check for DAR. How thoughtful as our season is just beginning. On our way out we met Maggie who said she had a big bag of toilet articles for DAR. These are great for boxes for Troops or homeless Vets. Brenda has some toiletries for us also. Then our friend Diana had several bags of hand made scarfs and lap-warmers for us, This is the 5th year Diana has donated them. Think of the warmth and comfort to many. Yes, I was proud as I gave my Meadview Report at the September 12th Dar Meeting. Thank you ALL in Meadview. Lucille Sunde CHIROPRACTOR Dawn Brannies, Designated Broker READY TO WRITE A CONTRACT FOR YOU ON THIS ONE Perfectly Priced Meadview Home that has all you're looking for! Corner Property, Immaculate Home, Arizona Rooms, Oversized Garage, Covered Deck, Patio and Views. All this for only $79,900.00 Always Ready to help you List and Sell! Jonathan Kiser, Manager (928) 564-2222 • 335 E. Pueblo Drive Do you need a Chiropractic Adjustment? Due to circumstances outside of our control, Dr. Wilkins will only be seeing patients in Kingman. Your continued treatment and patient records are available at Manzanita Chiropractic Center, 115 Tucker St., Kingman, AZ. Please call to schedule an appointment. Main Office: 928-753-6937 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 8 MEADVIEW CONNECTION LOCAL CHURCH NEWS Meadview Community Church “A Light at the Canyon’s End” 564-2411 Our regular scheduled services follows: Sunday: Sunday School at 9:45AM & Morning Worship at 10:45AM. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month Wednesday: Bible Study and Prayer Service at 6:30 PM. Friday: Choir practice at 6:00 PM. SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 MEADVIEW AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Brat Time.... Saturday, October 3....Join us for Oktoberfest at Canyon's End Motel & Restaurant and Meadview Time as we officially usher in the Fall Season. Along with traditional brats and beer, our Chamber will offer a family day of fun with lots of activities and musical entertainment. It all starts at 9:00 am and goes to 3:00 pm. Come celebrate the expanding business and shopping experience in Meadview. Pierce Ferry Road welcomes our visitors to Meadview daily and now it gets a chance to show it's stuff for a major Chamber Event. Our local Artisans Our upcoming activities are: will join other Vendors to display their goods most of the day. Many of them Joe & Jenny Murrell, District Representa- have given nice prizes to us for raffles along with some other grand prizes tive from Village Missions, will be here on from the Chamber, so come join the fun and be a winner. Sun. Sept. 27th. Following morning worship we will have a potluck dinner. Our businesses are putting together their display ads for the 2016 Telephone Women’s Bible Study starts on Wed., Oct. Directory and it is very important to remember the deadline of October 7 at 10:00 AM. The series of studies they 15. The new directory will be available for sale at the November Craft Shows will be exploring is: “How to Have a Mary at the MCA and Meadview Community Church. heart in a Martha world.” Church Bazaar. To help raise money for We welcome three new MACC Members this month, Joshua Tree Ostrich our capital fund drive we are having a sale Ranch, Boathouse Café and Grille and Grand Canyon Western of donated items of value on Fri. and Sat., Ranch. Thanks for making the decision to join and support our community of Oct. 9 & 10 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. businesses! The funds are going toward some needed improvements in our facility. Strictly Business Brian Wechsler, president of Village Mis- And a Whole Lot of Fun sions, will be here Sun., Oct. 25th. Jonathan Kiser Meadview Baptist Church QUAIL NEWS 564-2341 Pastor Dale Cell 480-688-1945 When the Quail Club met on September 15, they celebrated with a get acquainted Social and Potluck. The club members voted to have a fundraising bake sale on October 3rd (Oktoberfest) at Canyon’s End and Meadview please bring baked good for sale to Meadview Time by Looking for a place to worship? Look no Time. Club members, rd further. Whether you’re new or a long-time 9:00am on October 3 . resident, the Meadview Baptist Church Our next meeting will be held on October 20 at 10:00 am. The program will be family is waiting to welcome you. Sunday about “homeless veterans” and the speaker will be Justin Chavez. Please school starts at 9:45 a.m. and Sunday morn- come and join us. ing Worship is at 11:00 a.m. Carole Duran Mondays: Women’s Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. CHARITY BAZAAR The women are studying the “Fruits of the Spirit”. Meets in the Classroom Bldg. MEADVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Tuesdays: Cottage Prayer at 2:00 p.m. meets weekly. Prayer for both spiritual and physical needs. Call Ann Woods at 5642215. Wednesdays: Men’s Bible Study at 3:00 p.m. Thursdays: Bible Study/Prayer Meeting at 5:00 p.m. Come to study the Bible with us. If we at Meadview Baptist can be of any assistance to you, please contact Pastor Dale on his cell phone 480-688-1945. FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 and 10 8:00 AM. TO 3:00 PM. Our goal is to raise $14,000 to replace the carpeting in the Fellowship Hall & Parsonage. Coffee & sweets will be available. COMMUNITY NEWS Page 9 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 MORE THAN JUST A BAR! Nightly Food Specials: Monday: Deep Fried Hot Dogs Only $2.00 Tuesday: Homemade Sloppy Joes with French Fries & Beer Draft/Soda Only $5.49 Wednesday: Chicken Wings Only 50 Cents Each Happy Hour Pricing for Ladies Thursday: Bar-B-Que Pork Sandwich with Cole Slaw & Beer Draft/Soda Only $5.49 Friday: Deep Fried Hot Dogs Only $2.00 Play Pool, Shuffleboard & Juke Box Every Night ATM & Convenience Store Available Always 290 Pueblo ˖ Meadview, AZ (928) 564-2100 Meadview Area Chamber of Commerce A New Concept for Fall at The Gift Gallery Our Artisans have grouped their own creations in special displays to provide you a new shopping experience. Come see how easy it is to see their individual works and styles and get to know all of our very talented creators. 330 Meadview Blvd, Suite D Meadview, AZ 86444 NOW HERE FRESHLY BAKED CINNAMON ROLLS Currently Open 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Mondays & Tuesdays 702-277-0617 COMMUNITY NEWS HIGH DESERT WATER BULK WATER Page 10 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 S O U T H C O V E RV RESORT AND MOTEL RV’S! - Large Pull-Thru Sites PHONE #: (928) 925-0777 COMPETIVELY PRICED WITH OTHER SUPPLIERS PIERCE FERRY ROAD AND CORMORANT TAD’S BOAT & RV STORAGE AUTO & MARINE SERVICE & REPAIR ASE CERTIFIED MECHANIC A/C - TUNE-UPS - BRAKES COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC 27070 Pierce Ferry Road Meadview, AZ 86444 1-928-564-2855 Owned by Donna Tadsen Full hook-ups - Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rates MOTEL - with TV and Air Conditioning Close to Meadview Business District 410 W. Diamond Creek Lane Meadview, AZ 86444 P. O. Box 36 (928) 564 - 2241 TERRI LOVE'S HOUSE CLEANING & MORE Will Clean Home or Car Organize / Rearrange Windows and Blinds Pet Friendly Own Supplies Local References Reliable, Trustworthy and Flexible 949-433-7080 12X12X40 12X14X45 24-Hour Coded Access Large Enclosed Bays Air/Water Available 25 W. Diamond Creek Meadview AZ 86444 (Corner of Sandy Point & Diamond Creek) Phone:928/727-3700 PRICES: $140 mo/$150 mo ANNUAL: $1400/$1500 ($117 mo) / ($125 mo) BLUE MOON PEST CONTROL LLC #5541 Out of Kingman, AZ is interested in doing your pest control. We will be coming to Meadview on the 1st Tuesday of each month. If you would like service please call our office at 928-692-9417 SNACKS AND FOOD 1 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 11 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 2016 Telephone Book If you wish to be added, removed or have corrections made, please complete this form. The completed form may be left at the Chamber Office/Gift Gallery. 2016 TELEPHONE BOOK UPDATES NEW _____ REMOVE ____ CORRECTION ____ (PLEASE SHOW HOW YOU WANT YOUR LISTING TO APPEAR) NAME ___________________________ ADDRESS ________________________ _________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS ________________ TELEPHONE # ____________________ Deadline for white page listings is November 7 Upcoming Events for 2015 October 31 Halloween Costume Party November 13 Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner December 12 Christmas Sweater Karaoke Party No Tank Rental Fee December 31 New Years Eve Band Party Call and ask about our new customer special Senior Discount Available Office: 928-323-2454 Email: 290 Pueblo ˖ Meadview, AZ (928) 564-2100 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 12 MOHAVE RANCHO LUMBER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Water & Septic Systems *GARAGES* *CARPORTS* *SHEDS* ROC #101886 *149886 *252802 *217244 14500 N. Pierce Ferry Rd. Dolan Springs, AZ (928) 767-3339 Fax (928) 767-6245 *Affordable *Convenient *Personable We've successfully treated auto/whiplash injuries, workman's compensation injuries, back pain, neck pain and headaches Dianne Haydon, DC Certified Acupuncturist (928) 757-2800 2139 Airway Ave Kingman, AZ 86409 Most Insurance Accepted Medicare Assignment Accepted SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 13 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS AA MEETINGS LINE DANCING MCA NEWS Held every Tuesday & Saturday at 7 pm Line Dancing Mondays at the MCA. BeginBody Conditioning in Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church, ners session is at 6:00 pm. End of Line 1035 W. Meadview Blvd. 928-715-4800 Dancers start at 7:00 pm. (MCA Members) Two hours of aerobic and step exercises. M, W, F at 8:00 a.m. 564-2513 AL-ANON Troubled by someone’s drinking? Call 564-3467 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Meets on the third Friday of odd numbered months at 10:00 am in the Library. 564-2535 BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Meets on the third Friday of even numbered months at 1:00 pm in the library 564-2535 Bingo Tuesday at 6:30 PM & Friday at 1:00 PM (no Friday bingo June, July and Aug.) Call 564-2949 for info COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION OF MEADVIEW (COM) Meets at 10:00 am on the first Thursday of each month at the MCA Sept-May. Presents monthly programs of general interest to the community and publishes the Community News. Please visit the COM Website: No membership required. 564-2213. D.A.R. The Daughters of the American Revolution meet the 2nd Saturday every month in the Kingman Regional Medical Center conference room near the cafeteria at 10:30 AM September through May. For information call Lucille at 564-2544. RED HATTERS The Desert Babes hold their gathering on the 3rd Thurs. of each month at 1:30 pm in the MCA Auditorium. 564-2574 (MCA Members) CRAFTERS’ SATURDAY MARKET 1st Saturday of each month. 9:00 AM AT OUR PLACE Coffee Will Be Served For more information call Ruth at 715-0095. MEADVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:45 am Sunday Worship, 11:00 am Thurs Bible Study & Prayer Mtg. 5:00pm 564-2341 MEADVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 10:45 am Bible Study Wed. 6:30 pm 564-2411 OUR LADY OF THE DESERT MISSION Pastor: Rev. Chauncey Winkler Saturday—4:00 pm English Sundays — 10:00 am Spanish (928) 855-2685 MEADVIEW QUAIL Meets on 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am at the MCA (except for June, July and Aug.) 564-2879 MEADVIEW PERSONAL COMPUTER USERS GROUP Meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at RED, WHITE AND BLUE QUILTERS 485 Badger Cove, 564-2519. OF MEADVIEW Meets 3rd and 4th Thursday at 9:00 am each month to make lap quilts for Wounded Warriors and Veterans and quilts for foster children through CPS. We meet in the building behind the Baptist Church. Call Linda Boyden 564-2579 or Suz Wood 564-2779 for info. MEADVIEW AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Sit and Be Fit Starts in October 10:15 am 564-2579 Crafty Ladies Tuesdays at 1 pm in the MCA classroom. For info, call Dorothy at 564-2309 MCA MEMBER MEETING 2nd Saturday of the month, 9:00 am at the MCA. All members urged to attend. Office Hours Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00 am-12 and 12:30-4:00 pm Closed Sun / Mon 564-2313 EXPLORERS and OVER-THE-HILL HIKERS Meets at the MCA at 6:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month. (except July and Aug.) 564-2213 (MCA Members) BINGO CALLERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed to call Bingo on Tuesday night at 6:30 pm and Friday afternoon at 1:00 pm. Please call Loretta at 564-2949. GRAPEVINE MESA FIRE Station #43 Firefighter training: 9:00 am - the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month MEADVIEW RIDGERIDERS Meet on the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am at the home of George and Paula Foster. with a ride following the meeting. Call (928) 716-2760 for more information NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month at “Our Place” at 1:00 pm. For information contact Skip at or call (720) 636-5627. If the information provided on your Meets on the second Tuesday of the month group listing changes, please send at 5:00 pm. Please call 564-2425.for location. Visit website for more information: an email to so the listing can be updated. COMMUNITY NEWS Page 14 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015
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