A m a r illo C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e


A m a r illo C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Members Receive:
A Chamber Membership Directory (listing
businesses and individuals contact information for
the more than 1,800 members).
Listing in the Chamber Membership
Directory (business name & contact information
in both alphabetical order as well as by business
type in more than 12,000 printed copies produced
annually in December).
Chamber Website Listing (business name &
contact information listed on the Chamber website
in both alphabetical order as well as searchable by
business type).
Social Media Promotion (link to online directory listing is shared on the Amarillo Chamber facebook and twitter).
Monthly eNewsletter Listing (business name,
contact information and business description listed
and hyperlinked to your website and emailed to
over 2,000 contacts within 30 days of joining).
Optional Ribbon Cutting or Ground
Breaking Ceremony (with members of the
Chamber Staff & RoundUp Club to celebrate your
milestone event at your business location. The
ceremony will also be promoted with a photo on
the Chamber Facebook, Twitter & Instagram profiles, as well as featured in the Chamber eNewsletter and in an upcoming issue of the Amarillo Globe
-News Our Town section. A 30-second video of
the ceremony will be stored on our homepage
GoCast for 30 days. Ceremonies are listed on the
Chamber Week’s Sneak Peek page of our website
as well as listed on the Chamber calendar).
Members Have Opportunities* To:
Participate in BusinessConnection; our annual business tradeshow that hosts more than 350 exhibitor
booths attended by thousands of people (held annually in May).
Sponsor and play in the annual Amarillo Chamber
Open Golf Tournament (held annually in July).
Notifications about Chamber Events or
News (sent via email).
Participate in other networking settings, events and
educational seminars throughout the year.
Assurance (councils and committees of the
Chamber are staying abreast of the issues that affect your business locally, statewide and nationally).
Promote your business by advertising in our newsletters, directories, city map or as a Business of the
Detailed Information (the Chamber is helping
Amarillo businesses grow and prosper, and results
can be found in the Goals & Objectives brochure).
Advertise your business on the Chamber website.
Chamber Minute Radio Mention (on air the
Monday following their join date during the Chamber Minute radio segment on Fun 99.7 at 2:30pm.
Members having Ribbon Cutting or Ground Breaking ceremonies are also mentioned in upcoming
events on air).
Serve on Chamber committees or volunteer at
Chamber events.
Promote your business by sponsoring events.
Event sponsors may be listed in newsletters, media,
website, programs, or banners hung at event locations.
* Opportunities may have additional fees
associated with participation.
Our Mission Statement
The purpose of the Chamber is to be a leader for the improvement of the economy of Amarillo. The
Chamber’s aim in supplying this leadership is to improve all segments of the area economy by stimulating
not only economic expansion, but also growth and improvement in the cultural, social, educational,
environmental, and governmental services in the region. The Chamber’s emphasis will be on actions by
the Chamber’s voluntary members to accomplish specific results. Programs will be designed to
implement short term as well as long term plans and actions. The Chamber’s philosophy is to produce
results in the improvement of the area economy and the quality of life by providing a platform for
volunteer leadership to carry out specific programs and projects to build a better Amarillo.
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce was established in May of 1926 to be the leader for the improvement of the economy of Amarillo. Our aim in supplying this leadership is to improve all segments of the area
economy by stimulating not only economic expansion, but also growth and improvement in cultural, social,
educational, environmental, and governmental services in the region. Our emphasis will be on action by our
voluntary business members to accomplish specific results. Programs will be designed to implement short
term as well as long term plans and actions. Our philosophy is to produce results in the improvement of the
area economy and the quality of life by providing a platform for volunteer leadership to carry out specific
programs and projects to build a better Amarillo.
Some people think we gather statistics; others believe we print brochures. Many of you know we
assist with business retention and expansion. People involved in tourism know that we answer inquiries and advertise our city. All of these beliefs are right to an extent, but even saying that the
Chamber does all those things reflects only a portion of the work of the Chamber. Consequently,
we welcome the question. We want you to understand the mission of the Amarillo Chamber of
We tend to think that the function of the Chamber is to serve as a catalyst – a vehicle that brings all
the parts together – in order for business people to work together in a coordinated effort for the
common goals of the community.
A healthy business community must have an aggressive advocate to represent its interests. The
Chamber works with our members and others groups to keep Amarillo’s economic conditions at a
level where business people are willing to invest their resources here in hopes of making a profit.
The profitable operations of business allow all other benefits to occur. Only by succeeding in this
goal can we provide employment opportunities and produce the wealth to finance government, civic, educational, cultural, and charitable concerns that our community needs every day. Through the
profitable operations of business, other business people are influenced to contribute their hardearned money and invest in business here in Amarillo.
So you are probably asking yourself, “who does all this?” The Chamber has a very small staff and
the correct response is that we serve as a facilitator to help “you do it.” You, the Chamber members, and the business and professional individuals who care enough about Amarillo to support the
Chamber with a membership, are the ones who “do it.”
You are the Chamber of Commerce. You provide the ideas; you provide the drive and the goals.
Without you, we wouldn’t have the funds and the voluntary resources that keep the Chamber successfully serving as a catalyst to make things happen for the good of the community. Without you
and your membership, who would do all the things the Chamber does?
We wish that every citizen had the confidence that they could make a difference in our city; that
every individual believed they could speak and be heard regarding the laws we pass, the quality of
our education, and the extent of our city’s services. We like to think the Chamber members do
have that confidence. Perhaps the members have never testified before the Legislature, or attended
a school board meeting or conferred with a mayor…but through their membership and their communications with the Chamber, they do. We listen to our membership and we work as a catalyst to
meet our members’ needs.
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Annual Investment
$175 + $5 per full time employee
Business & Professional membership includes listing of the business/organization name, address, phone
and website in the printed and online directories. Online directory listing also includes a 25-word description of the business and a hyperlink to the business website as well as the option to include links to
business social media sites. The business member may also be included in up to three(3) business categories. Any individual or business entity or association, however organized, having an interest in the
purposes and objectives of the Chamber, may become a member by making written application as provided by the Board of Directors and paying the requisite membership investment. Membership is on a
non-partisan, non-sectarian, nonracial, and non-political basis.
Annual Investment
Associate membership is an option for any individual person whose employer is a current member and
they wish to gain additional exposure by being listed as a representative. An example of associate membership includes individual realtors, agents or sales representatives being listed under their parent company's membership. For instance, if XYZ Realtor Company holds a business membership (Type A),
then Jane Doe can join as an associate member and be listed as XYZ Realtor Company, Jane Doe Individual Agent. Those associate members will be able to list their own 25 word description, personal
phone number or information, and link to their own individual website and have their own listing in the
printed directory. Anyone wishing to become an associate member who's parent company is a current
member may complete an application and pay the membership investment as approved by the Board.
Annual Investment
Individual membership is an option for any person who wants to receive information and correspondence from the Chamber and be included in Chamber events. Individual membership does not include a
business name or business description or website. Examples of individual members include former employees of a Chamber member business or a retired person who wishes to stay involved in the community. Persons wishing to become an individual member may complete an application and pay the membership investment as approved by the Board.
Annual Investment
Any non-profit organization with a classified 501c3 status may become an associate member by making
application and paying the membership investment as approved by the Board.
Annual Investment
Any Business / Professional Member may have a second business location become an associate member
by making application and paying the membership investment as approved by the Board.
Dues to the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce are normally deductible as an ordinary business expense. IRS
regulations exclude the deduction of that portion of the dues attributable to the Chamber’s engagement in state
or federal lobbying. It is estimated that the nondeductible portion of the dues is less than 10 percent each fiscal
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Business Name:
Business Location Address:
Mailing Address:
Email 1:
Email 2:
Website Address:
Is your company on Facebook Twitter? Profile Name/Address:
Federal ID #:
Business Category:
Firm Representatives:
Number of Full-Time Employees:
Membership Type:
A B C D
Membership Investment $
B= $100 Associate Membership
I will pay by:
Part-Time Employees:
Time at Present Location:
2nd Location (to Primary Location):
A=$175+ $5 per full-time employee (Business & Professional Membership)
C= $100 Non-Profit D= $100 Secondary Location
Check Attached
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card
Card Security Code: 4 digit # on front of AMEX
Name on Card:
or the last 3 #s on back of Visa/MC
Card Billing Address:
Credit Card Signature:
Please describe your business in two lines of information 25 words or less for the online directory and eNewsletter
(This information MUST be completed with the application form.)
As a service to you, the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce regularly publishes certain information from this application on its website at
www.amarillo-chamber.org. The information may also be included in directories and mailing and member lists sold or made available by
the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce. Although we have found the website, directories and lists to be useful marketing tools for our
member businesses, if you do not wish to have this information published, please check here.
 No, my business does not want this information published.
Membership Sales Coordinator:
Member Representative Signature:
Lindsey Arbeiter
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Gary Molberg, President
& CEO—Nov ‘97
Andrea McClintock, VP
Membership—Aug ‘04
Jason Harrison, VP Business
Dev. & Govt. Affairs—Jul ‘07
Dan Quandt, VP Convention &
Visitor Council—Oct ‘12
Becky Zenor, Director Quality
of Life & Arts—Jan ‘85
Penni Bentley, Senior
Communications Director—Jan ‘95
Lindsey Arbeiter, Membership Sales
Coordinator—Aug ‘12
Christy Bigler, Database
Administrator—Dec ‘96
Mary Garcia, Director of First
Impressions—Jan ‘01
Eric Miller, CVC Communications
Director—Aug ‘97
Mary Ramirez, CVC Executive
Assistant—May ‘05
Tina Brohlin, Convention Sales
Director—Apr ‘07
Emilea White, Convention
Sales Manager—Aug ’11
Ashley Gutierrez, Convention
Sales Manager—Mar ’16
Stephanie Andrews, Convention
Services Manager —Apr ‘13
Kashion Smith, Tourism
Director—Apr ‘13
Braley Hand, Visitor Info Center
Manager—Dec ‘13
Denise Rayford, Visitor Info Center
Service Counselor—Aug ‘12
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Brice Sheets
Jeff Mitchell
William Ware
Finance Chair
Gary Molberg
Chris Reed
Membership Council Chair
David Hemphill
Business Council Chair
Bob Murray
Governmental Affairs Council Chair
Penelope Davies
Quality of Life Council Chair
Tony Freeman
Convention & Visitor Council Chair
Leon Church
Agriculture Council Chair
Bill Jenkins
Past Chair
Paul Harpole
Mayor, City of Amarillo
Directors Retiring in 2016
Sherman Bass
Dusty Doyle
Directors Retiring in 2017
Randy Arceneaux
John Luciano
Directors Retiring in 2018
Carrie Irwin
Greg Meador
Greg Burgess
Jason Herrick
Mark Crawford
Nicole Shannon
Spanky Assiter
Michelle Reichert
Aaron Sage
Bryan Kauffman
Salvador Rivas
Sherry Kunka
Garry Rich
Toby Tucker
Shannon Massey
Joe Street
Appointed Director
Aaron Emerson
Permanent Directors
Buzz David
Raymond Gaitan
John Kritser
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Get Your Message Out
Monthly eNewsletter Schedule & Rates
The Chamber eNews newsletter is electronically
published by the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
and is provided free of charge to Chamber members
and available for download from our website.
Camera ready advertisements must be submitted in
pdf or jpg file format. Advertising companies must
be current members of the Amarillo Chamber of
Commerce or pay an additional $200 per ad insertion price.
Your ad can now be full color. As another added
bonus, your ad will be hyperlinked so our readers
can go directly to your own website. You can also
change your artwork monthly if you want to promote different special events or promotions
throughout the year.
To advertise, complete the reverse side of
this form and fax to 806.373.3909 or send
correspondence to Chamber Communications at the address listed. Contact Penni
Bentley for more information at
806.373.7800 or email:
Save when you buy one year of
advertising up front.
To advertise in a monthly eNewsletter, space must
be reserved by the 15th of the month prior to the
issue insertion, and artwork must be received by the
25th of the month prior to the issue insertion.
Be the Chamber Business of the Week!
Get your business more exposure! For a $100 donation to the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
you can get:
Your business banner displayed from the Chamber balcony for a week
Your business literature displayed in Chamber lobby for a week
Listed in all monthly and quarterly chamber publications as a Chamber Business of the Week
Promoted in the Chamber’s Week Sneak Peek email bulletin
Call 373-7800 or complete the information on the reverse side to reserve your week!
Electronic Newsletter Advertisement
Ad Sizes, Colors & Rates
Circle A,B,C or D next to the ad size you wish to purchase
and run in the Chamber eNewsletter.
Ad Size
Half Page (AorB)
(1/2 page yearly package buy 9 get 3 free*)
Quarter Page (CorD) $
I want to Advertise in the Monthly eNewsletter
(1/4 page yearly package buy 10 get 2 free*)
* To get the 12 issue discounted price, the
yearly fee paid must be paid in advance.
(1 Month: single issue price)
(1 Year: 12 Issues discounted price)
I want to be a Chamber Business of the Week
($100 / week)
Save when you buy the
entire year up front...get
either 2 or 3 insertions
I want more information on advertising in the
Chamber Directory
I want more information on advertising on the
City of Amarillo Map
I want more information on advertising in the
Amarillo Relocation Guide
I want more information on sponsoring special
Chamber events
I want more information on banner ads on the
Chamber’s website
To advertise, fax this completed form to:
A Chamber Representative will follow up with you for artwork instructions and billing information.
Event Key:
Council Chaired by: Chris Reed
Staff Liaisons: Andrea McClintock, Lindsey Arbeiter, Penni Bentley, Christy Bigler
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: As Needed
Welcoming and educating members that have joined the
Chamber within the previous 12 months on how to get
the most out of their membership.
Summer Celebration
Restaurants serving food and beverages. More than
2,500 people and 25 food service providers attend this
annual event on the Chamber grounds.
Committee Chaired by: Jack Light
Committee Chair Elect: Judy Whiteley
Staff Liaison: Andrea McClintock
Project Coordinator: Christy Bigler
Club Members: By Appointment Only
Club Meets: Monthly, 11:30 am
Description: This club is the "Official Greeters" of Amarillo. They conduct Ribbon Cuttings
and Ground Breaking Ceremonies for businesses in town. The Round-Up Club assists with
special events as needed.
Good Times Celebration ®
Barbecue Cook-Off
Cooking teams compete in amateur, professional, and
corporate divisions cooking ribs, brisket, or other
meats. More than 6,000 people and 100 cooking teams
attend this annual event on the Chamber grounds.
Annual Banquet
Recapping the events and achievements of the previous
year at the Chamber and welcomes the new Executive
Committee & Board of Directors. This event is held in
conjunction with the Business Excellence Awards.
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
New Member Blitz
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
As Needed
Ribbon Cuttings & Ground
Breaking Ceremonies
As Needed
Celebrating growth and milestones for new and expanding businesses and organizations with ribbon cutting or
ground breaking ceremonies with our Round-Up Club.
After Hours Networking Events
Chamber members may host networking events at their
business. In order to sponsor an after hours Chamber
event, a member must contact the Chamber to check
schedule availability and host responsibilities.
Meal Served
Reservations Required
By Invitation Only
Be a Sponsor
Awards Given
Educational Event
Free Event
Fee Charged
Event Key:
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
Council Chaired by: Bob Murray
Staff Liaison: Jason Harrison
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: Monthly-2nd Wednesday, 11:45 am
Description: The Governmental Affairs Council researches and identifies national and
state legislative issues affecting businesses in Amarillo and the surrounding area. The
council has final approval of legislative issues presented to them by Chamber members
for inclusion in the concerns presented to the Texas Legislature during each session. The
council prepares resolutions and position papers regarding national and state issues that
are presented to the Chamber Board of Directors for approval. The council strives to
increase community awareness of national and state legislative issues through special
programs and projects.
Panhandle Days in Austin
February (Odd Years)
Community leaders from Amarillo and the surrounding
area travel as a group to Austin to make calls on state
legislators and host events on the capitol grounds to
bring awareness of issues affecting our area to law makers.
DC Days in Washington
April (Even Years)
Community leaders from Amarillo and the surrounding
area travel as a group to Washington to make calls on
national legislators to bring awareness of issues affecting
our area to law makers.
Legislative Receptions & Town Hall
As Needed
BusinessConnection® Tradeshow
A business-to-business one-day networking event with
over 350 exhibit booths and thousands of attendees.
Exhibit space reserved on a first paid basis.
Council Chaired by: David Hemphill
Staff Liaison: Jason Harrison
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: Monthly-4th Tuesday, 11:45 am
Description: The Business Council develops, promotes and supports Amarillo and area
businesses through programs that assist or enable businesses to cope with a variety of issues,
such as financing, marketing, management, personnel, product development and business
expansion. The Business Council provides a forum for networking, a common meeting
ground for special interest groups, and an avenue for volunteer action for interested people.
Meal Served
Business Excellence Award Banquet
Recognizing the Top Twenty Under 40 award winners
and the Top Businesses of the Year. This event is held in
conjunction with the Chamber Annual Banquet.
Mega Market
Spring & Fall
A round-table event for businesses to make a two minute
face-to-face presentation about their company. Speeddating for businesses!
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Reservations Required
By Invitation Only
Be a Sponsor
Awards Given
Educational Event
Free Event
Fee Charged
Chamber Open Golf Tournament
Event Key:
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
The area’s largest one-day charity golf tournament.
Open to the first 256 paid entries and event sponsors.
Chamber members & businesses network and compete
for prizes & bragging rights during this 4 man-scramble
event. Entry fee includes green fees, carts, goodie bags,
lunch, dinner, snacks & beverages during the day.
Council Chaired by: Penelope Davies
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: Monthly—last Thursday, 12:00 noon
Committee Chaired by: Al Cunningham & Brice Sheets
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Committee Members: Open to Event Sponsors
Committee Meets: As Needed
Description: Plans and coordinates all aspects of the annual golf tournament, prizes, sponsors
and logistics.
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Project Committee Members: Open to Chamber Members
Committees Meet: As Projects Demand
Description: Encourages business involvement with education by co-sponsoring the Partners in
Education Program and Banquet, Future Ready Program, PRO Intern Program, and serving as a
No Limits No Excuses Community Partner.
Chamber Challenge Clay Shooting
Five-person teams compete in trap, skeet, wobble or
sporting clay events and games. Open to the first 35
paid teams and event sponsors. Chamber members &
businesses network and compete for prizes & bragging
rights. Entry fee includes practice rounds and dinner
Friday night, the event fees, breakfast and lunch and
beverages after the event is over on Saturday.
Partners in Education Banquet
Co-sponsor with AISD to encourage partnerships between
schools and businesses.
Committee Chaired by: Billy Krause
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Committee Members: Open to Chamber Members
Committee Meets: As needed.
Description: This committee coordinates an annual landscaping project.,
Civic Beautification Project
September - November
Committee arranges to landscape a non-profit
President: Randy Sharp
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Foundation Members: By Appointment Only
Foundation Meetings: as needed
Description: The goal of the foundation is to research and write grants to obtain funding for
Chamber programs in the area of the arts, education, beautification and the environment, youth
and sports, health and economic development. The foundation does not give money to nonprofit organizations.
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Meal Served
Reservations Required
By Invitation Only
Be a Sponsor
Awards Given
Educational Event
Free Event
Fee Charged
Event Key:
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Ag Symposium & Appreciation Lunch
Council Chaired by: Leon Church
Staff Liaison: Jason Harrison
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: Quarterly-TBA
Description: The mission of the council is to increase the visibility of agriculture and awareness
of its importance to the Panhandle economy. This is done by supporting urban and rural water
conservation and education; involvement in the development of agriculture related issues; and
providing input on regulatory policies that affect agriculture.
Held in conjunction with the Amarillo Farm and Ranch
Show to show support for the ag industry in the panhandle region. Program centers on trends in agriculture and presents the annual Farmer of the Year
Council Chaired by: Tony Freeman
Staff Liaison: Dan Quandt
Project Coordinator: Mary Ramirez
Council Members: By Appointment Only
Council Meets: Monthly—4th Wednesday, 8:30 am
Texas Travel & Tourism Week
First Full Week of May
People are encouraged to act like tourists in their own
hometowns. If you are one of those who neglect local
sites until out-of-town guests arrive, now is your
chance to explore your local community.
Committee Chaired by: Stephanie Price
Staff Liaison: Dan Quandt
Project Coordinator: Mary Ramirez
Committee Members: By Appointment Only
Committee Meets: Monthly-2nd Wednesday, 9:30 am
Description: This committee serves as a consulting and advisory committee in order to help
determine the most effective advertising media for the promotion of conventions, events, tourism and the arts.
Committee Chaired by: Dr. Aaron Pan
Staff Liaisons: Dan Quandt, Eric Miller, Tina Brohlin, Emilea White, Kashion Smith, &
Stephanie Andrews
Project Coordinator: Mary Ramirez
Committee Members: Limited to those with specific interest in attracting and developing
conventions, events & tourism in Amarillo.
Committee Meets: Monthly-2nd Wednesday, 8:30 am
Description: This committee's objectives are to attract conventions and tourists to Amarillo
through a strong professional marketing program and to appraise the local area of the economic
and legislative benefits that conventions, events and tourism have through an ongoing conventionawareness program.
Golden Nail Awards Gala
Recognizing individuals, businesses and foundations for
their contributions to the fine arts.
Committee Chaired by: Kathy Sheldon
Staff Liaison: Becky Zenor
Project Coordinator: Mary Ramirez
Committee Members: By Appointment Only
Committee Meets: Monthly-1st Tuesday, 11:00 am
Description: This committee promotes the arts in Amarillo and the surrounding area through
projects such as Golden Nail Awards, the Convention & Visitor Council’s Website Calendar of
Events, Airport Art Program, Jazztober, and provides financial assistance to local non-profit arts
organizations to be used for marketing.
Commission Chair: Jimmy Lackey
Staff Liaison: Dan Quandt, Tina Brohlin, Emilea White, Eric Miller, Kashion Smith &
Stephanie Andrews
Project Coordinator: Mary Ramirez
Committee Meets: Quarterly - 2nd Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Bring a chair or blanket and picnic and enjoy FREE Jazz
concerts featuring local and area musicians taking place
on Tuesday evenings in the month of October on the
Chamber Grounds.
Description: The Amarillo Sports Commission concentrates on improving the area economy through sports. This is being accomplished by having sport facility owners meet with
event rights holders, discuss current issues and coordinate events to assist local sports
while also opening opportunities to bring in new events.
Meal Served
Reservations Required
By Invitation Only
Be a Sponsor
Awards Given
Educational Event
Free Event
Fee Charged
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Events Calendar
Monthly Meetings
February 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
1st Tues (11:00am)
CVC Arts Committee *
2nd Wed ( 8:30am)
2nd Wed ( 9:45am)
2nd Wed (11:45am)
CVC Convention & Tourism
CVC Communications
Governmental Affairs Council
4th Tues (11:45am)
Business Council
4th Wed ( 8:30 am)
CVC Advisory Board
4th Thur (12:00pm)
4th Thur (11:30am)
Quality of Life Council *
Round Up Club Lunch
Last Wed (11:30am)
Last Wed (12:00pm)
Executive Committee
Board of Directors (bi-monthly)
March 2016
Mega Market
April 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
Golden Nail Awards
Membership Blitz
DC Days in Washington
Partners in Education Banquet
May 2016
National Travel & Tourism Week (CVC)
* Meetings follow the school year calendar and meet during the
months from September through May.
Quarterly Meetings
June 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
Summer Celebration
2nd Wed (2:00pm)
July 2016
Chamber Open Golf Tournament
As Needed Meetings
August 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
September 2016
Good Times Celebration® Barbecue Cook-Off
Chamber Challenge Clay Shooting Event
October 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
Annual Banquet & Business Excellence Awards
November 2016
Mega Market
December 2016
Chamber After Hours Free Networking
Ag Symposium & Appreciation Lunch
CVC Amarillo Sports Commission
Ag Council
Membership Council
Golf Committee
Education Projects
Golden Nail Committee
Ribbon Cuttings
Civic Beautification
Chamber Challenge Committee
Note: Meetings may be closed for committee or
council members only and/or require an RSVP.
806-373-7800 fax: 806-373-3909 chamber@amarillo-chamber.org www.Amarillo-Chamber.org
or PO Box 9480—Amarillo, Texas 79105
1000 South Polk—Amarillo, Texas 79101
Amarillo Chamber of Commerce
Membership Directory
$ 30.00
Amarillo Faces, Places and
Open Spaces
$ 39.95
$ 49.95
Membership Mailing List
via Email or CD
Top 20 Major Employer
$ 20.00
$ 50.00
A Pictorial Story of Amarillo
Why you should take advantage of a FREE Ribbon Cutting or
Groundbreaking ceremony for your business:
This is a FREE and FUN benefit for Chamber Members!
Your event is listed on our online calendar at Amarillo-Chamber.org.
The sooner you schedule it, the longer it appears online for others to see.
Your event is listed on our Week’s Sneak Peek webpage at
Amarillo-Chamber.org for up to 30-days prior to the event. We email the
page link to our 1700+ members (2,500+ email addresses) every Friday.
Again, the sooner you schedule it, the longer your business name,
address and contact information appears on the list and more people have
the opportunity to see it!
We tell radio listeners about your event during our Chamber Minute
radio segment on Fun 99.7, and repost the audio broadcast in a video
with your logo and graphics on our Facebook page, YouTube Channel, and
Week’s Sneak Peek page.
It gets people in your door. A number of our Round-Up Club Members
(the folks in the red blazers in photos) and Chamber staff members will
show up to meet you and learn about your business. Feel free to invite
your friends, family, customers, and VIPs. A great crowd is always fun.
We will post a 30-60 second video of your event in our GoCast Video
Gallery viewable on the Chamber’s homepage Amarillo-Chamber.org.
We will take your photo with the big scissors or some really shiny
Your photo, business name and address are posted on Amarillo
Chamber social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
the same day of your event for you to share, retweet and
Your photo, business name and address will appear in the
following month’s Chamber eNewsletter emailed to more than
2,500 member email addresses, and viewable online at
Your photo, business name, address and phone number will
appear in a future edition of the Amarillo Globe-News
Wednesday’s Our Town section (typically within 30 days).
Your photo will be emailed to you within 30 days for you to print,
frame, or share as you like, and it is stored permanently on our
Flickr.com/AmarilloChamber photo library.
Your photo and business name will be featured in the end of year
slideshow at the Chamber Annual Banquet & Business
Excellence Awards in October before a crowd of 500 people.
You don’t have to be a brand new member or new business to host an
event. We cut ribbons and break ground for grand openings, major
remodels, new locations, and major milestones (10, 20, 25 year
anniversaries and up). Maybe you joined long ago and just never
scheduled one, that’s okay...you still can! The added publicity you
receive by hosting a free ribbon cutting or ground breaking ceremony
makes your initial membership investment practically pay for itself!