september 2013 - Kosair Shrine Temple
september 2013 - Kosair Shrine Temple
LXXXX • NUMBER 8 • SEPTEMBER 2013 VOLUME LXXXVII • VOLUME NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2011 will ask that you get those petitions in now so that we can welcome more new Nobles and their Ladies into the best Shrine Temple in Shrinedom, and without a doubt, the greatest Philanthropy on earth! Illustrious Sir Bob Maxwell Greetings to all, In June, we welcomed a number of new Nobles and their Ladies. I trust that they will get involved and enjoy their membership at Kosair as much as I and my Lady do. We have a number of things to offer them and without a doubt, I know that the Nobility will make them feel welcome and at home. Our next Ceremonial will be November 9th. I A number of events have taken place since my last message. I would like to report that your entire Divan and their Ladies, as a group, participated in all the events at the Imperial Session held in Indianapolis, IN. We enjoyed the Public Opening, the Ladies enjoyed the luncheon, the men enjoyed the Membership Luncheon, we thoroughly enjoyed the Imperial’s evening, and attended the Public Relations and Pageantry for the newly installed Imperial Potentate, Imp. Sir John Cinotto, Murat Shrine. A big thank you to Noble Perry Adams and his Lady Cheryl for manning the hospitality room. Everyone enjoyed being able to get together. The Parade was a little damp, but then the entire week proved to be quite rainy, but it did not dampen the spirit of the Kosair Nobility and their Ladies. We had a number of Nobles and Ladies from Kosair attend, and I know if I tried to name all of them, I would leave someone out so I will just say “thank you” for your support. On July 6th, the Divan Ladies, assisted by two Past First Ladies, Carol Sewell and Brenda Reiss, held a Baby Shower for Angel Miles, Continued on pg.2 Important Notice Stated Meeting Kosair Shriners, A.A.O.N.M.S. Friday, Stated Meeting, September 13, 2013 7:30 p.m. (EDT) at Kosair Temple 812 S. Second St., Louisville, Ky. 2013 dues card is necessary for admission. WEAR YOUR FEZ and PROPER ATTIRE; YOU ARE a NOBLE of KOSAIR. Yours in the Faith, Bob Maxwell, Potentate Attest: Eddie Chrisman, PP, Recorder Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Lady Jan Hiebert, Grand High Priestess, LOSNA from Wichita, KS visits Kosair Children’s Hospital during her official visit to Egypt Court in July. Touring Continued on pg.3 Help Kosair Kids with memorial gifts to help Kosair Charities! PO Box 37370; Louisville, KY 40233-7370! Remember a loved one or Shrine Brother and insure Kosair’s ability to carry on our tradition of care for children. For more information call 502-637-7696 or visit KOSAIR KOLUMS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY KOSAIR TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. 812 S. SECOND ST., LOUISVILLE, KY 40203-2210 PUBLISHER BOB MAXWELL, POTENTATE PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT FOR AUGUST PHONE (502) 585-5412 KOSAIR SHRINERS FAX (502) 583-4096 ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST RANDY COE, PP, Editor (502) 637-7696 (502) 749-6841 fax 1503 Sylvan Way, Louisville, KY 40205-2407 Kosair on the web: Darrell G. Waddell -; All submissions must have the approval of the Potentate or his designee as well as the respective Unit or Club officer(s)/Director. KOSAIR ELECTIVE DIVAN – 2013 Potentate................Bob Maxwell........502-428-6066 Chief Rabban.........Shawn Warren........459-1440 Asst. Rabban.........JR Riggs.................608-4667 HP&P......................Steve Hueston........592-9121 Oriental Guide.......Gary Morgan..........744-8941 Treasurer...............John Wilder............361-7854 Recorder................Eddie Chrisman, PP...253-0473 KOSAIR APPOINTIVE DIVAN – 2013 1st Ceremonial Master.........James “Billy” Ryan 2nd Ceremonial Master....................... Dan Cline Director...................................Spark Wiggington Marshal.........................................Roger Dabney Captain of the Guard................... Richard Weiss Outer Guard................................... Matt Rodgers Inner Guard............................. John “JR” Wilson cont. from pg.1 our bartender. Many Ladies of Kosair attended, and I understand that Angel was so excited, she was shaking. On July 12th at the Friday Night Dinner, Maddie Tally, an 8 year old, the daughter of Noble Clint and Kerry Tally, granddaughter of Charlene Tally and the late Noble Robert Tally, presented the Potentate and Ill. Sir Eddie Chrisman, PP, Secretary for Kosair Charities, with money collected from a Lemonade Stand that she set-up and operated so that she could help the kids. When the Nobility and their Ladies in attendance heard her story, the money flowed freely, and she collected more than she ever expected. As it is often said, it takes everyone working together to make something successful, and this little girl helped to make my year as your Potentate a success by her willingness to give of herself so that others could have a normal life. This is the second time your Potentate has received money from a child for the children in the hospital. The first was at the Beans ‘n Jeans when the Etheridges’ grandsons made their presentation. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had the heart of a child? July 19th found many at the Temple in their pajamas. What a party! If you missed it, you missed a great time. The food was good and so was the music. I even surprised my Lady as it was her birthday so, as they say, the party was on! Thank you to everyone who participated. Orator.......................................... Randy Coe, PP THE NEXT KOSAIR KOLUMS DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, August 25, 2013 FOR THE OCTOBER ISSUE Deadlines are subject to change. Notices will be sent as early as possible. 2 The next two days found your Divan in attendance at the Sam Swope Road Rally events. The Divan Ladies helped with the registration, then helped serving the lunch at the Temple. What a great day we had. The rain held off and the bikers had a great ride. I do not have the final total raised for Kosair Charities, but I know it was over $140,000.00. A big thank you to Ill. Sir David Owen, PP and his entire committee for a job well done. A big round of applause for the Noble who makes it all possible – Noble Sam Swope! The end of July found your Divan attending the Lexington Shrine Hospital Board of Governor’s weekend. This is where we are brought up-to-date on what is taking place in the Imperial Shrine Hospitals. Big things and changes are on the horizon. Each year the Ladies of the various Divans that support the Lexington Hospital put together baskets for a raffle that benefits the children in the hospital. Kosair is very proud of our Divan Ladies. I do believe they had the biggest and the best basket! Great job Ladies! August 2nd and 3rd found some of your Divan members attending the Potentate’s Ball in Knoxville, TN. Kerbela Shrine always makes everyone feel welcome. SESA was held in Huntsville, AL this year. Your Divan attended and enjoyed the festivities. SASA will be held in Myrtle Beach, SC. A beach front hotel, sand and water, dolphins swimming in plain view, a hospitality room and especially good friends make for a wonderful trip! Sorry you missed it all? Well, make plans to attend these events next year. On August 26th, approximately 42 Nobles and Ladies departed for the Alaska Cruise. I will report more on this later. As I have stated time and again, one of the hardest things to do as Potentate is to write this article, as it must be in before many of the events have actually taken place. The weekend of September 6th and 7th will find your Divan and their Ladies attending the Rizpah Potentate’s Ball in Madisonville, KY. What a wonderful relationship Kosair has with its sister Temples not only in Kentucky, but throughout the entire Shrine organization. cont. on pg.3 Kosair Kolums cont. from pg.2 The Kosair Family Picnic will be held September 14th, Noon – 5 P.M. at the Tri-County Shrine Club Picnic area; the Greeters will be grilling Big Daddy Pork Chops and hot dogs for the kids; Mid-Life Crisis will be playing from 1 P.M. – 4 P.M. for your pleasure. You don’t want to miss this one. In order to have enough food, I will ask that you call the office and let them know how many will be attending no later than August 31st. I am looking forward to sharing the day with the Kosair Family. cont. from pg.1 the hospital with her were Ladies Marsha Maxwell, 1st Lady of Kosair, Grand Recorder, PGHP; Vivian Wall, HP; Mary Wolf, PHP; and Sandy McCaslin, 1stCL. October 11th and 12th will find us at the Holiday Inn Hurstbourne Lane for the Kosair Potentate’s Ball. Dust off those dancing shoes and get out those ball gowns! The band will be the Monarch’s. The cost will be $100 per couple or $50 single. Contact the front office for details and reservations by October 1st. What about our new home? Well the new Temple is progressing slowly, but things are moving along. All of the cylinders have been removed, and we are waiting on the design and plans for the actual floor space. Once this has been completed, the next item on the agenda will be to take bids for the actual construction. Remember, nothing worth doing is accomplished overnight so let’s take the time needed to do it right and have a Temple to be proud of instead of saying, “we should have done” this or that. I will close for now but it’s not the end. There’s more to come in the next few months. Remember, you get out of something, exactly what you put into it. Join us for the Friday Night Dinners, the various events that are planned for your pleasure and at your request, and be an active member not just a card-carrying couch potato! Yours in the Faith of the Shrine, Bob Maxwell Potentate 3 Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. in the Yoshi room at Kosair Temple Chapter Dad B. Shawn Warren 995-8293 4 Kosair Kolums The “Rite” Stuff WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? The month of August Louisville Scottish Rite goes dark. We took the month off for a breather from the last 12 months of reunions, Stated Meetings, Family night Dinners and all of the other meetings that take place at the Temple. A time to reflect, “WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR SCOTTISH RITE”? Brothers there are numerous areas at the RITE where you can become a member of the Scottish Rite Guard. Beginning with the RECEPTION COMMITTEE where you meet and greet Brothers as they enter the Temple. The SCOTTISH RITE CHOIR. Louisville Scottish Rite is the only valley in the Orient of Kentucky that has live music and a choir. If you like to sing, this is the place for you. There is the STAGE CREW, who sets up the auditorium for each of the degrees during the reunions. The ROBING ROOM where you help the cast of each of degrees get ready to go on stage to perform the degrees. If you like to cook, you can join the KITCHEN CREW who prepares all of the meals for our Family Night Dinners, dinners for the degrees and all of our luncheons. There is the Scottish Rite Guard who serves the meal at each of our dinners. will be served at 12 noon. There is no cost for the meal. Come on down and fellowship with your Brethren. On Thursday September 12th there is a FAMILY NIGHT dinner. Dinner will be served at 6:30p.m... We will retire to the auditorium for the presentation of service awards. As always there is no cost for the meal, just call the office 584-6185 and make reservations for you and your guest. There is free parking in the garage next door. September 27th and 28th will be our ROY LEE MONTFORT SR. 2 day Reunion. Opening ceremonies will start at 8:00a.m. Friday morning Sept 27th. If you have a candidate come and support him, if not come and support the cast of each degree. Make it two days of reunion and renewal. Renew old friendships, make new ones and renew your obligations to the RITE. Bill Meyer, 33°, Wise Master Louisville Chapter Rose Croix Thursday September 26th there is a Louisville Scottish Rite Stated Meeting. This is the last night to vote on petitions. GET THOSE PETITIONS IN. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m. DEGREE work, If you like to do Ritual work there is a place for you from silent craft, one liners, up to and including major speaking parts. THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU AT LOUISVILLE SCOTTISH RITE. Ask yourself “WHAT CAN I DO AT THE SCOTTISH RITE”? OK! Vacations over, Here are upcoming events for September Thursday, September 5th there will be a Fellowship luncheon. Lunch 5 Flowers for the Living JUNE MEMORIALS MRS. MILDRED ACKERMAN David and Susan Scholtz NOBLE DEWEY W. AMUNDSEN, JR. Christe and Randy Coe, P.P. Shirley Powell and Mary GARY ANDERSON Kathy Coe ROBERT ADAM BAXTER Anna F. Baxter MR. ERNEST BEELES Ben Pfeiffer BRADEN BLAIR Mary L. Lonneman MARY ELIZABETH BOONE Mrs. Margaret Boone LINDA FAYE BRIDGES Don Bridges Walter Bridges JACQUELYN BROCK Jean and Frank Killebrew ELBERT BROWN Peggy Wright ALICE MAY BRUNER Penny B. O’Bryan LOIS “BROWNIE” BRUNER Mary Goff TOMMY BRUNER Penny B. O’Bryan ELIZABETH MCHATTON BURN Martha Burn ERNEST LELAND BURRIS Ronnie Burris DONALD F. CHASSEE Robert and Ritamay Clampit LUTHER CHESSER Suzie Matus AUGUSTUS D. CHURCH Jim and Sharon Drury Gaynelle R. Kastanas Stevens Contractors, Inc. MARY LOU CLARK Eddie and Pat Chrisman MABEL COMBS David L. Owen CAROLYN J. COOPER Mr. William V. Howard NOBLE JAMES L. DAUGHERTY, JR. Christe and Randy Coe, P.P. John Thomas HENRY DENNIS James R. Ferguson, II MARY L. DONTA Kenneth Donta BOBBY DORRIS Brenda Dorris NANCY C. DRURY Eddie and Pat Chrisman LAYMON DURBIN Rita Durbin PAUL CHARLES EBERTSHAUSER Ron Hendricks MYRA LOU ENGLAND Montella Fults TIMOTHY E. FLOYD Gene and Sue Floyd EASTON GRIFFIN Patricia Adkins NOBLE FRANCIS “F. J.” HALCOMB Kosair Shriners RUSSELL HANCOCK Brenda Hancock MARTHA FORD HARPER Roger and Joan Nation 6 Bill and Julia Smith PATSY HARRIETT Charles Harriett KENNETH HARVEY Evelyn Harvey JULIA MAE HEILMAN Marvin and Janice Dittman Les and Pat Szewczyk MAURICE HOWARD Marlene Howard CHARLES L. JOHNSON Wayne and Mary Hill MICHAEL H. KNOPP Jean Latham WILLIAM LACEFIELD Gwen Page Moore ROBERT R. LANZ Sharon Stokley JARRELL LAYMAN Kosair Golf Club PAUL VERNON LUCAS Gayle K. Froelich ARNOLD MAYSE McEva Mayse MELVIN C. MOORE Gwen Page Moore JOE MORGAN Everett White ARTHUR MOUNT Jenell Mount CORY MOUNT Jenell Mount ALVIN NELSON Tilden R. Ellis GRACIE NEWELL Vicky Arnold Mary Day MR. BERT LEE NEWTON Cecilia Newton HERBERT NORRIS Angela Jewell DOROTHY M. ONNYBECKER Dougherty Wealth Management , LLC Nancy Hyslop NOBLE CARL D. PORTER Kosair Shriners NANCY R. PUGH Al and Naomi Feige WILLIAM CECIL PURCELL James R. Ferguson, II ILLUSTRIOUS SIR RICH RADERER Christe and Randy Coe, P.P. Dora and Frank Davis, P.P. FRANKIE REESE Mr. Ralph Reese EDDY SANDERS Larry and Liz Brady EILEEN SARVER Art Sarver BRIAN RAY SCOTT The Village of Hartwick CAMERON SHOULDERS Raye White ARLEE AND CARTER SHRADER Jim and Marilyn Shrader HARRY AND CARRIE SIMS AND TAMMY SIMS Betty Chambers WILMA SLAUGHTER Aubrey Slaughter BRET SMITH R Walllace Adams WILLIAM D. SPARKS Zelma B. Sparks LUKE MAYO STAMPER Pat Lee TABITHA BROOKE STEPHENS David and Jean Wilson ALICE ROSE SWEENEY Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R Ferree Bill and Joann Hildebrand Dayton, Mag, and Susan Merritt Jerry Mitchum Ann Price John and Jacqui Reynolds Robert and Dian Ruffra KENNETH E. THOMAS Emma W. Thomas NOBLE CHARLES D. THURSTON Kosair Shriners ERNEST O. WALKER Jim and Therese Beal John and Pati Walker MRS. MINNIE WALTER The Childress Family, Marie, John, David and Frances ADALYNN JEAN WEBBER Ben and Kay Armstrong LEO ELLIOTT AND RAY WEIKEL Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Weikel, Sr. CLIFFORD A. WHITTAKER Corrine Whittaker DORIS E. WILKINS Ernest O. Wilkins DOROTHY WILLIAMS James C. Rich GUY WILLIAMS, JR. Guy Williams, LLC EMILY CHRISTEEN YATES Mindy Yates IN HONOR OF ISIAH BARBOUR Robert Thompson, Jr. EDWARD BARNES Carolyn Garrett DOROTHY BOURNE Glenna Beasley LOGAN AND ABBY BROCK Mr. Estel C. Logsdon RONNIE, DANNY AND ROGER BURCHETT Audrey Burchett BRENDA CAROL Frances Sullivan WILLIAM CLARK Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wideman HEATHER LYNN COLLINS Robert C. Colllins CHARLOTTE CONNALLY Brett and Patricia Connally DONNA Roberta Fiorito JACOB MILES EDGE Mike and Mary Pat Gray WESTON AND BEN EVERLEY Louva Everley MEGAN B. HAWKINS William L. Hawkins LINDA L. MCCARTY HAYDEN Elaine and Gene Glenn MARCELLA HAZEL Jack E. Woosley, Jr. KRISTY HOOKER Michelle Carpenter JAMES MATTOX JOHNSON Marjorie F. Davidson BEAU MICHAEL MCSHANE Tom and Karen McShane MILLER TRIPLETS Brenda Vancleave LINDA POWERS Nancy Tackett KYLE RILEY Patricia Crawley BROOKLYNN SEXTON Audrey Taylor DAN SNODGRASS Marie Barr BILL STRICKLAND Gayle K. Froelich PATRICIA WEBER Margie Higdon EMILY GRACE WOOD Virginia Buchanan RUTH WOODS Frances McCoy MRS. LINDA ALLEN (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners MRS. DORA DAVIS (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners DAVID DOMINE (SPEAKER FOR ORIENTAL CLUB) Ladies Oriental Club BRENDA FROELICH (BIRTHDAY) Jim and Carol Simpson MRS. ANNA MORRISON (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners NOBLE ART RADERER (BIRTHDAY) Eric Churchill Howard and Judy Hardin J. B. and Elaine Hitt Mr. and Mrs. David T. Holdaway Betsy L. Holton J Scott and Tricia Judy Newman/Hofmann David L. Owen Robert S. Silverthorn, Jr. Don and Penny Wilding MADELYN RADERER (BIRTHDAY) Frank and Dora Davis Don and Penny Wilding EMILEE GRACE TAYLOR AND PARENTS (BIRTHDAY) Terry and Susan Chinn JULY MEMORIALS MRS. JANE T. ATTIX Jane Humphreys Bob and Susan McLaughlin Bill and Helen Millhollan Roger and Sherry Pottlitzer Ed and Betty Schmidt ALBERT AND VIRGINIA BARRETT Charles A. Barrett GENE BEEBER Spike and Mary Ann Beeber WAYLON BLOOMER Teresa Almon VICTORIA J. CATINNA Jim and Carol Simpson AUGUSTUS D. CHURCH Chandler and Patricia Blewett JOSEPH D. FELLER, SR. Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc. NOBLE HARVEY L. GREEN Kosair Shriners ILA FAY GOMER Linda Sawyer VERLON GOSSER, P.P. Kosair Shriners Jo Barrett Christe and Randy Coe, P.P. Eric and Shannon Churchill Robert and Linda Churchill Cloverleaf Baptist Church Brandon and Kriste Cook Teresa Crawford Butch Dean Bill and Billie Foster Mary L. Goff Butch and Suzette Govoni Bob and Phyllis Herzfeld KFC Inc. James McKelvie National Pest Management Association Inc. Lisa Packard A.J. and Gaye Passafiume Geneive Philpott and Gaither (Buddy) Garrett Rueff and Associates Robert and Christine Schmalz Betty Sharer Roger and Barbara Smith William and Tonya Uselton Levi and Lori White Jack and Virginia Wilson MARY LEE GREENWOOD Gene and Nancy Paulin H. I. STROTH’S MOTHER Ken and Brenda Reiss NOBLE EARL HALE Kosair Shriners BENNY P. HAMLET Bill and Billie Foster NOBLE WILEY HANSFORD Kosair Shriners NOBLE MARTIN L. HEAD Kosair Shriners VANN AND CARLEEN HERRING Charles A. Barrett JAMES HUBER Gene and Nancy Paulin MRS. ADA LEE KANE Leela Bhupalam MRS. DOLORES E. KENNARD Mr. James C. Kennard, Sr. MILTON LAMM Sherman and Patty Heazlitt DONALD GENE LAWSON Phyllis S. Horstman Libby Sutton DEBORAH J. LUCKETT Chandler and Patricia Blewett ELSIE MARTIN Don Martin JOSEPH A. MCGRATH Marie A. Carnes WILEY MCKINNEY Rebecca Jewell SALLY JO MORRIS Mila and Billie Clapp and Family CATHERINE William and Patricia Muench GRACIE NEWELL Robert and Cora Jane Spiller HERBERT NORRIS Anonymous Donor Kathy Augustus Ricky Bailey and Wanda Kidd Jeremy Curtis Frank and Diane James Charles and Linda Krieg Ronald Krieg Serena L. Krieg Danny and Patty Meyer J. W. Mills Samuel Norris Mike Rhorer Joe and Sherry Seger Michele Sirles VICTOR PERKINS United Association UA Local Union Kosair Kolums 136 JACK PHILLIPS Anonymous Donor RAYMOND W. PRIOR Judy Prior CARLOS REYNOLDS Wanda Reynolds CLAYTON RUTLEDGE Shirley Carpenter ATLEE “CHILE” SANDAGE Sandy and Joann Brawand Kimberly Code Sandy Miller Glasford Jamco Apartments LLC Jump$tart Elaine P. Littler Mrs. Brenda Miller Senn’s Body & Paint Shop, Inc. Rick and Kathy Ueltachy Ann Webb SANDRA K. SMITH Billy Ray Smith ALICE ROSE SWEENEY Vicki Boles Charles Hunton Gerald L. Mattingly STUART E. THOMPSON Tom and Martha O’Bryan NOBLE JAMES KENNETH TIPTON, SR. Kosair Shriners Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Schanie GARNETT TOOHEY Christe and Randy Coe Bob and Phyllis Herzfeld Mrs. Betty Hydes and Family KATHY TURNER Wanda Reynolds MRS. MINNIE WALTER Thelma Goss Ruth Lane CAITLYN NICOLE WEST Sam and Gerri Peters IN HONOR OF LILY ANDERSON The Gerbino and Rees Families MRS. PAT BERRY (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners MRS. OLGA BOOHER (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners REBA BOOTH Aldeen A. Lancaster MICHELL BOWMAN Juanita Adkins Hill RILEY CARAMON Norma Lashbrook ANITA HAWKINS Lena F. Bragg MARCELLA HAZEL Jack E. Woosley, Jr. KRISTY HOOKER Michelle Carpenter GINNY BRUINGTON KELLY Ms. Bettyruth Bruington ELLA MICHELLE LINCOLN Allen Bowles MRS. MARSHA MAXWELL (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners ROGER AND THERESA MOREDOCK Pella Corporation Engineering HUNTER, JAXON, ADDIE, AND BRAYDON Shirley T. Young ART RADERER (BIRTHDAY) Don and Vickie Basham Donald Haag oneMD SARAH SHELBURNE Georgia B. Shelburne NANCY J. TRAYLOR Ellie Stiltner EMERSON KATE WALKER Sarah Taylor Baby Shower for an Angel On July 6th, the Divan Ladies, with the assistance of Past First Ladies Carol Sewell and Brenda Reiss, hosted a “Baby Shower” for Angel Miles, the Temple bartender. Angel received many gifts such as clothing, diapers, bibs, gift cards, a high chair and a pack ‘n play, just to mention a few. The Greeterettes filled a basket to the brim with goodies for the new arrival. One thing is for sure, when Baby Abraham arrives, he will be a well-dressed little fellow! The dining room was decorated in blue with balloons, beautiful tablecloths and napkins all welcoming the new arrival in style. Sandwiches, fruit, pinwheels, chips, mints, nuts, punch and of course a cake were enjoyed by all. All enjoyed the games and everyone had a great time. Thank you Kosair Ladies; you are the very best!! Photos compliments of Sherry Gott. 7 Kosair contributes over $10 million annually to health care for children KOSAIR BOAT CLUB Mike Grant, Commodore Jim Szofer, Vice Commodore Guy Gray, Rear Commodore Henry Watson, Sr. Purser 8 Kosair Kolums relationships for current and future Masons and Shriners. This change does not affect other Shriners across the country, and the organization remains a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Shriners International’s primary focus continues to be its philanthropic mission to support Shriners Hospitals for Children, a world-renowned health care system with 22 facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Yours in the Faith, Alan “Al” W. Madsen Imperial Potentate Verlon Gosser, Past Potentate Arkansas Statement Imperial representatives of Shriners International voted to make a change to its articles of incorporation regarding membership at the 139th Imperial Session. The prerequisite requiring that members of Shriners International are first members of Freemasonry (Masons) in good standing has been amended to exclude the requirement for the state of Arkansas. This legislation was brought forth by the two Shrine temples in Arkansas following the Arkansas Grand Lodge edict last November that would no longer allow anyone to remain an Arkansas Mason AND an Arkansas Shriner. Shriners International has always had a Masonic prerequisite and regrets that the actions of the Arkansas Grand Lodge made the passage of this legislation necessary to preserve the existence of the two Shrine temples in Arkansas. Shriners International is committed to maintaining open lines of communication with the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to encourage amicable Unhearalded and unseen, the Black Camel, that dread messenger of death, invaded the sacred precincts of Kosair Shriners on June 14, 2013. His Rider through the vast desert of the Unknown, on the pilgrimage to that Unseen Temple where no pilgrim ere returned, was our beloved Verlon Gosser, Potentate of Kosair in 1977 and 1978. Verlon was a Noble universally liked and respected. He is now sadly missed and mourned by his many friends and family. Kind, ever willing, and honest in his friendships, he endeared himself to all who knew him. Farewell, Noble Verlon, may we all meet again at the bright Oasis, which will be as a sacred boon to the weary traveler seeking shelter under the protecting dome of God’s goodly Temple. Verlon was the owner and operator of Allpest Chemical Company, operating in four Kentucky cities. He loved his country and community, demonstrated by his active involvement: he served in the 2nd Marine Division, World War II, Asiatic Theater; he was a Past Potentate of Kosair Shrine Temple and a member of the Kosair Provost unit; a former board member of Kosair Charities; a charter member, Paul Harris Fellow and past president of South Louisville Rotary Club; a charter member and past president of the Sertoma Club; a member of Louisville #400 Masonic Lodge; a member of the Valley of Louisville Scottish Rite (33 degree); a charter member and past president of the Kentucky Pest Control Association; a volunteer deputy for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department; a past member of the Selective Service draft board; a past president of the Cloverleaf Neighborhood Association; and a member of Cloverleaf Baptist Church. 9 The “Rite” Stuff WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? The month of August Louisville Scottish Rite goes dark. We take the month off for a breather from the last 12 months of reunions, Stated Meetings, Family night Dinners and all of the other meetings that take place at the Temple. A time to reflect, “WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR SCOTTISH RITE”? Brothers there are numerous areas at the RITE where you can become a member of the Scottish Rite Guard. Beginning with the RECEPTION COMMITTEE where you meet and greet Brothers as they enter the Temple. The SCOTTISH RITE CHOIR. Louisville Scottish Rite is the only valley in the Orient of Kentucky that has live music and a choir. If you like to sing, this is the place for you. There is the STAGE CREW, who sets up the auditorium Knights Templar The 2013 Annual Grand Commander’s Golf Scramble to benefit the Knights Templar Eye Foundation on August 3 was a tremendous success. Brothers from throughout Kentucky enjoyed a wonderful day of fraternal golf at Wild Turkey Trace Golf Course near Lawrenceburg. for each of the degrees during the reunions. The ROBING ROOM where you help the cast of each of degrees get ready to go on stage to perform the degrees. If you like to cook, you can join the KITCHEN CREW who prepares all of the meals for our Family Night Dinners, dinners for the degrees and all of our luncheons. There is the Scottish Rite Guard who serves the meal at each of our dinners. DEGREE work, If you like to do Ritual work there is a place for you from silent craft, one liners, up to and including major speaking parts. THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU AT LOUISVILLE SCOTTISH RITE. Ask yourself “WHAT CAN I DO AT THE SCOTTISH RITE”? Thursday, September 5th there will be a Fellowship luncheon. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. There is no cost for the meal. Come on down and fellowship with your Brethren. On Thursday September 12th there is a FAMILY NIGHT dinner. Dinner will be served at 6:30p.m... We will retire to the auditorium for the presentation of service awards. As always there is no cost for the meal, just call the office 584-6185 and make reservations for you and your guest. There is free parking in the garage next door. Bill Meyer, 33°rd, degree, Wise Master Louisville Chapter Rose Croix Louisville Scottish Rite Here are upcoming dates to mark your calendar for: Jabez by the Order of DeMolay for Boys. In addition to providing adult leadership for the regular conclaves, Jack has devoted every other Saturday to work at the Suburban Lodge Social Club fish fry. Sir Knight Mark Elliott and his family provided good food and cold refreshments to help fuel the golfers. Pictured below are Sir Knights Bill Lile and J.B. Hitt, Jr.. Bill and J.B. visited every foursome to make sure they did not stay thirty while playing. It is with pleasure we congratulate Sir Knight Jack Boeschel upon being named Chapter Dad of the Year at the recent conclave at 10 Kosair Kolums 11 Ladies Oriental Club COMING SOON! - Carol Grant Our speaker for the June meeting was David Domine, who told us all about his new book “Old Louisville; Exuberant, Elegant and Alive”, a showcase of Old Louisville homes, however, he left us know that many of these Ladies Oriental Club homes in “Old Louisville”, house Style Show things from the past, like Ghosts. Saturday, October 19, 2013 It was a very interesting evening 11:30 a.m. discovering the “Spirits” that live and survive in the heart of KOSAIR TEMPLE BALLROOM WATCH YOUR MAIL Louisville. FOR TICKETS TO THE STYLE SHOW! The Bring and Buy Auction, was “Give thanks to God for all the good things you have, then you won’t have time to complain about the bad things!” -Barbara Johnson a huge success, bringing in over a $1,000, seems a lot of us took home “treasures” that someone else didn’t want. Oh, - the bargains we got and the fun we had. Our summer cake sale was held on August 30th and we had some real cool and refreshing desserts, for a hot evening. Mmmm…. Yummy………Good it was! The Club is still collecting the gift cards and items for the gift card basket, to be given away at the November meeting. Don’t forget to bring yours to the September meeting. Due to the Labor Day Holiday, our September meeting will be held on the second Monday in September, September 9th at Kosair Temple. Come and join us for dinner at 6:30 p.m., speaker to follow. This month’s speaker is Joan Conrad, wife of the Metro Louisville Chief of Police and a member of Kosair Charities Advisory Board. 12 Kosair Kolums 13 Kosair Greeters Unit By, Gordon E. Berry, PP The Greeter September Executive and Regular Business meetings will be on Monday the 9th. The Executive Committee Meeting will begin at 5:00 PM. Kosair Streeet Machines with Ladies The Regular Business Meeting will begin at 7:00 PM. A social hour by the Greeter Unit will begin at 6:00 P.M in the side dining room. Cocktails will be served in the Greeter Room. The Greeter Fall Dance will be on Saturday, September 28th; beginning at 7:00 P.M. The cost of the fall dance is $25.00 per couple. Door prizes are welcome. The band will be the Rob Brown Group. The dance is a BAL Award eligible event. The Greeter Safari was held on Saturday, July 13th all who attended, enjoyed a day of good food and fun. As we traveled after breakfast at Sunset Lodge to the Patton Museum, Antique car show, CorvetteMuseum, Gun Mountain and finally a fine dinner at Whistle Stop in Glendale, KY. Happy September Birthday to Greeter’s –Randy Coe on the 16th , Ted Burgin on the 17th , John Greene and Larry Keys on the 21st, Herb Johnson on the 30th. Greeterette Birthday for September: Clara Juergens on the 17th . During the month of September, Greeter membership anniversaries will be celebrated by, Kermit Gross his 29th and Mr. GREETER, Ted Burgin his 45th. Greeter Door Duty for September: September 6. 2013 Norbert Arrington September 13, 2013 - John Greene September 20. 2013 Darrell Layman September 27. 2013 - Tom Cissell 14 Kosair Kolums Have You Moved? Your Temple does not care if you move, when you move, or how you move but it certainly does care WHERE you move. Your address is never changed without instructions from you. Please notify the Recorder’s office each time you move. 15 PASSED WITHIN THE UNSEEN PORTALS THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER Nobles William B. Crider Walter Dubicki Verlon Gosser, PP Harvey L. Green Earl L. Hale Wiley N. Hansford Martin L. Head William J. McDermott Larry J. Petersen John W. Robinson J. Kenneth Tipton C. George Vande Stadt Created 03/17/12 07/10/82 05/28/66 04/25/81 03/02/06 12/08/73 11/23/02 11/26/56 06/12/99 11/27/63 11/24/48 11/28/81 Died 07/17/13 07/21/13 06/14/13 06/02/13 06/22/13 06/24/13 06/16/13 07/15/13 07/14/13 07/26/13 06/12/13 07/01/13 Call Kosair Temple About Advertising in Kosair Kolums (502) 585-5412 Lost in desert. Sanford J. Brewer; 3416 Imperator Lane; Louisville KY 40245 Travis A. Campbell; 840 Highland Ave NE; Norton VA 24273 Dale Clemons; PO Box 800; Pewee Valley KY 40056 Timothy Ellis; 1238 Coburg Rd; Greensburg KY 42743 John G. Hemmer Jr.; 2116 Buechel Bank Rd Apt 101; Louisville KY 40218 James H. Hines; 2048 W Maryland St Apt C; Evansville IN 47712 Thomas Oyler; 4225 Decatur Blvd Apt 1133; Las Vegas NV 89103 John B. Mills; 5600 Butternut, Apt 5608; Louisville KY 40218 Joseph T. Robertson; 3503 Moyers Ctr; Masonic Home KY 40041 Jerry L. Russell; 11635 Sonora Hardin Springs Rd; Eastview KY 42732-8719 Michael G. Woods; PO Box 58502; Louisville KY 40268 The 2013 Kosair Shrine Cash Calendars have arrived! You can help Kosair and perhaps yourself or someone you know. Our goal is to sell 2,000 Cash Calendars this year!!! BOB FRYE Cash Calendars are one way the operating funds for our Shrine are raised. Will you help by purchasing or selling a Cash Calendar? How about taking some calendars and selling or giving them to your friends, family, and associates? A Cash Calendar is a good holiday or birthday gift idea or stocking stuffer as it may be a gift that gives the entire year. Every day a person is eligible to win. The daily prizes range from $25.00 up to $100.00, with special days ranging from $250.00 up to $4000.00! The calendar includes there inspiring stories of Kosair Kids we have helped, pictures of nobles enjoying being Shrine Masons, and some fine images from Shrine antiquity. Stop by the Kosair Shrine office to pick up yours or get a stack of calendars to sell and help us reach our goal. You can also call the Kosair Shrine Office at 585-5412 to have one mailed out to you once we receive your calendar purchase. 16 Experience serving your real estate needs since 1972. 895-7777 957-1771 Kosair Kolums Caring for children year after year Members of the Kosair Charities 1000 Club recognize that treating children sometimes requires a multi-year commitment. Annual donations to Kosair Charities secure funding for pediatric-related programs and individual nancial support, so that no child’s medical need is left untreated. Donors who have pledged to provide Kosair Charities a minimum of $100 each year for 10 years are recognized as members of the 1000 Club. For more information about how you can help Kosair Kids as a member of the 1000 Club, please contact Eric Churchill at (502) 637-7696 or Memory Bricks The Kosair Shrine Center Memory Bricks are available and may be purchased for yourself in honor or memory of an individual loved one or ones, a family member, a Lodge, a Unit or a Club. What better way to honor the living or the memory of deceased loved ones than with a memory brick? These bricks are being placed around the “Silent Messenger” statue erected at the Second Street Corner of Kosair Shrine Center. These bricks make a unique gift for any occasion. What a wonderful gift for that person who has everything and is so hard to buy for! What a meaningful way to honor any loved one! You can view some of the bricks that have already been placed around the statue by going to the Kosair Shrine Temple site and then clicking on the navigation button on the left that is labeled “Kosair Shrine Memory Bricks.” For more information contact the Recorder’s Office on 502-585-5412 or visit our Memory Bricks webpage http://www.kosair. com/memorybricks.html. 17 Kosair Boat Club - By Mike Grant We spent a warm summer day in June, at Mike Linning’s on the river. We had our own private room overlooking the grounds and everyone enjoyed the fish, frog legs, scallops, shrimp and all the trimmings. (see picture) July was a very busy month for the Boat Club – it actually started out in June with the arrival of Santa at the kick-off party for “Christmas in July”. Then our ladies shopped for gifts for the children. On July 17th, thanks to Carol and Allan Sewell for allowing us to use the room, at Sewell Electronics, we had a potluck dinner of ham and all the sides and then put the toys together in bags for delivery to the children. On Saturday, July 20th, we met with Santa and took the toys to the kids at Kosair Children’s Hospital, for “Christmas in July”, if you missed this event – you missed a wonderful experience, as it was so rewarding to see the children smile as they greeted Santa and received their gifts. Such Joy!!!! Thanks go to all who helped put this big event together! Amendment of Temple Bylaws An amendment of the bylaws of Kosair Shrine Temple will voted on during the September 13, 2013 Stated Meeting beginning at 7:30 PM at Kosair Shrine Temple. Nobles are to wear their fez, dress like they are proud to have the privilege of being a Noble, and present their 2013 membership 18 On August 17th, we will be at the home of Loren and Lou Johnson for the First Mates Cookout. This event is where the wives of Boat Club members get royal treatment. Hubert Huffman, Eddie Chrisman and Frank Davis will be the Master grillers for this event. Thanks to Loren and Lou for letting us enjoy their hospitality. New event coming this year! event will be sponsored by the Boat Club, it will be held Down by the River at the Etheridge Camp all you will need to bring is your lawn chairs and your cooler. We will have “Boat Races”- no boats needed for this race, card games, kids games, cake walks, 50/50 pots and lots more. Come on down and have some fun!! (Everyone invited)No Boat needed - to join the Boat Club – just come, for fun and fellowship. Mark your calendars for a new event this year – it is the Bean Soup and Hotdog Cookout!! This “See” you next month on the pages of the Kosair Kolumns! cards. The amendment is below. Current article: Article 5 5.2 Dues (a) Suspension for nonpayment. A member who is two years in arrears on his dues is suspended, pursuant to the procedure recited in the bylaw of Shriners International, unless this temple votes to remit his dues. The revision is: Article 5 5.2 Dues (a) Suspension for nonpayment. A member who is one year in arrears on his dues is suspended, pursuant to the procedure recited in the bylaws of Shriners International, unless this temple votes to remit his dues. Kosair Kolums Create a lasting legacy with a gift to Kosair Kids A charitable bequest represents your legacy of dedication to Kosair Charities that will have a long-lasting impact on the medical care of the children who need it most. A bequest is a smart and simple way to invest in the health and vitality of Kosair Kids. Contact Kosair Charities to learn how you can include a gift to help Kosair Kids in your will. OWEN FUNERAL HOMES © Monkey Business - Vice President of Development Chandler Blewett (502) 637-7696 or ROBIN PEARSON, BRIAN MYERS, SHERMAN SEGO ROBIN PEARSONBRIAN MYERS, Pearson’s ©2005 ©2007Norton NortonHealthcare Healthcare Funeral Directors Since 1848 149 Breckenridge Lane 502/896-0349 OWEN FUNERAL HOMES 2 1/2 Miles So. of Watterson X-Way 5317 Dixie Highway Louisville, Ky. 40216 447-2600 David Owen • Bill Longest Mark S. McNeil • Philip R. Simpson BILL RYAN SUNBELT RENTALS (502) 969-2724 Office (502) 968-1823 Fax Construction Equipment Rentals (502) 639-2945 Mobile 189*61*16651 Nextel 9318 Taylorsville Road Jeffersontown, KY 40299 266-9655 David Owen Kenneth W. Hardin, Sr. Kenneth W. Hardin, Jr. Sincere Service Family Owned Bobby Knipp JEFFERSONTOWN TRANSMISSION SERVICE 10610 Old Taylorsville Road - (502) 267-7561 Thank you, Kosair Charities! With medical treatment from Kosair Children’s Hospital and financial support from Kosair Charities, children who were once sick now have the opportunity to play, go to school and grow up healthy. 19 KOSAIR TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. 812 S SECOND ST LOUISVILLE KY 40203-2210 SUNDAY 1 8 GRANDPARENTS DAY 15 22 AUTUMN BEGINS 29 SUNDAY MONDAY 2 Arab Patrol Noon Ladies Oriental Club 6:30pm Top Hat Gun Club 6:30pm Communications 7:30 Provost 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 9 Hardhats 11:00am Greeters Exec. Meeting 5:00pm Greeters Unit Meeting 7:00pm Sand Bugs 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 16 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2013 3 Mark Twain SC 6:00pm Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm 10 4 Temple Closed after 4:30pm Temple Closed after 4:30pm 17 Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm Legion of Honor 7:30pm Golf Club 7:30pm 23 24 Directors Staff 7:30pm 11 Oldham Co. Shrine Club 7:00pm Finance Committee at Noon THURSDAY 5 Bullitt County Motor Corps 7:00 PM at BSC 32 Club Luncheon Noon Unit Director’s/Circus 6:30pm Flying Fezzes 7:30pm Funsters 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm Divan Meeting 5:30pm Street Machines 6:30pm Riasok Shrine Club 7:30pm Motor Corps 7:30 WEDNESDAY 12 House Committee at Noon 18 19 Dance Band 7:30pm 25 26 Leitchfield S.C. 7:00pm Brass Band 7:30pm Motor Corps 7:30pm MONDAY TUESDAY OCTOBER 2013 WEDNESDAY 2 THURSDAY 3 Directors Staff 7:30pm 13 20 27 20 SATURDAY 7 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Bake Sale Past Masters 7:30pm Boat Club 7:30pm 13 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm 14 OPEN CAR SHOW KOSAIR FAMILY PICNIC 20 21 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Nomads 7pm Bake Sale Pajama Party 27 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Yoshi Club 7pm Bake Sale 28 FALL FESTIVAL 30 1 6 6 STATED MEETING 7:30PM Transportation 10:30am Temple Closed after 4:30pm FRIDAY 7 Arab Patrol Noon Ladies Oriental Club 6:30pm Top Hat Gun Club 6:30pm Communications 7:30 Provost 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 14 Hardhats 11:00am Divan Meeting 5:30pm Greeters Exec. Meeting 5:00pm Greeters Unit Meeting 7:00pm Sand Bugs 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 21 8 Mark Twain SC 6:00pm PGold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm 15 9 Bullitt County Motor Corps 7:00 PM at BSC 16 32 Club Luncheon Noon Oldham Co. Shrine Club 7:00pm Finance Committee at Noon Temple Closed after 4:30pm Temple Closed after 4:30pm 22 Unit Director’s/Circus 6:30pm Flying Fezzes 7:30pm Funsters 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm Advisory Meeting 5:30pm Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm Legion of Honor 7:30pm Golf Club 7:30pm 28 29 Street Machines 6:30pm Riasok Shrine Club 7:30pm Motor Corps 7:30 Temple Closed after 4:30pm 23 Gun Club @TG&G 6:00pm Transportation 10:30am 30 10 House Committee at Noon 17 Dance Band 7:30pm 24 Membership Meeting Leitchfield S.C. 7:00pm Brass Band 7:30pm Motor Corps 7:30pm FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Bake Sale Past Masters 7:30pm Boat Club 7:30pm 11 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm 18 12 POTENTATE BALL- FORMAL 19 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Nomads 7pm Bake Sale 25 26 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Yoshi Club 7pm Bake Sale 31 HALLOWEEN Kosair Kolums