June 2012 Complete - Readlyn Community Library
June 2012 Complete - Readlyn Community Library
Readlyn Chronicle Volume 5 No 5 Composed by the Readlyn Community Club Published by Vanguard Publishing Co, Sumner, IA , May 30, 2012 Thank You Burton Burton and Ellen Thies RTC Communications presented Burton Thies with a clock on April 9th, 2012, for his years of service as a board member and President of the Board. Burton officially announced that he would not seek re-election as a board member for RTC Communications at the annual meeting. Burton served on the board since 1964. RTC Communications Annual Meeting RTC Communications held its annual meeting Saturday, April 21, 2012, 1 p.m., 121 Main St., Readlyn, Iowa, with 16 shareholders present. The meeting was called to order by President Thies. The Third Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were reviewed, voted, and passed. Todd Kuethe and Janet Huebner were voted in as board members for a three year term. The financials were reviewed and the manager's report was given. The Board thanked Burton Thies for his years of dedication and service as a board member and President of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. RTC Communications 105th Anniversary Celebration The celebration was held Wednesday, April 11, 2012, from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. @ our office, 121 Main Street, Readlyn, Iowa. The hamburgers were barbequed by the Bremer County Beef Producers, and the rest of the meal was catered in by Sunrise Catering, Readlyn. Wapsie Valley FFA was on hand to help serve the meal along with malts, and they helped clean-up. RTC Communications served 500 customers that evening; the anniversary gift given to each family was a Rada carving knife. We feel the celebration was a success and appreciate all who attended. Read All About It Library News School News Grump Days Schedule Grump Candidates Golf Information 5 K and Half Marathon Entry Miss Readlyn Candidates Grump Cup Softball Wapsie FFA News Home of Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 13 Pages 14 and 15 GRUMP DAYS 2012: “Grumps Gone Green!” Community Calendar Are you up to the challenge, 857 Friendly People of Readlyn and our One Old Grump!? The 23rd Annual Grump Days festival is coming up fast and the challenge is to have fun! Well, the challenge is also to save money and help the environment by conserving energy, which is fun too! From Friday, June 15 to Sunday, June 17 (Fathers’ Day) the one big happy family of Friendly People will gather to celebrate our collective good fortune to reside in a town with but One Old Grump. This year’s theme – “GRUMPS GONE GREEN!” – isn’t about Kermit the Frog, Shrek, The Incredible Hulk, or The Green Lantern, though you might see these characters in the Parade! No, this year’s theme borrows from The City of Readlyn’s participation in a “Community Energy Challenge” which was the feature of a previous Readlyn Chronicle article. If you check out Grump Days you are sure to encounter good tips for how you can help reduce your household’s energy usage, save money, and save the earth! In between Friday’s Grumpsters Readlyn Open and Sunday’s Community Church Service there will be a little bit of something for everyone. Friday’s events: The Gumpsters (8am shotgun, A tradition unlike any other…), 6th-12th grade bean bag tourney (2-6pm), Beer Tent (opens 4pm: $5 2-day wristband fee helps cover costs: tent, restrooms, music, insurance, security, etc. – the RCC thanks you for your SUPPORT & UNDERSTANDING!), Food Stands (5pm), Buck Creek Band (4:30-6:30), Readlyn Savings Bank’s Ice Cream in the Park (FREE, 4:30-7:30), The 5th Annual RSB Grump Cup Softball Tourney (5pmmidnight: Fire Departments, First Responders, and Police Officers from Readlyn, Fairbank, Denver, and Janesville), Balloon Man (5-8pm), Crowning of Grump XXIII & 2012 Miss Readlyn (6:30pm), Pepper Tourney, FFA Pedal Pull, and Turtle Races (7pm, after Crowning), Bar Flyz Band (8:30-12:30), FIREWORKS (10pm), Grump Cup Championship Game (11pm). Saturday’s events: 5th Annual Leistikow Family Fun Run 5K and Half-Marathon (6:30 & 7:30am), Boy Scouts Pancake Breakfast (7-9:30am), PARADE (10:30am), KIDS IN THE PARK ($5 wristbands, after parade, 11:30-2:30pm), Balloon Man (11:30-3pm), Beer Tent (after parade), Schafskopt Tourney, 19 and up Bags Tourney, Turtle Races (1pm), Bingo (1:303:30pm), Bed Races (2:30pm), Lawn Mower Polo (3pm), Magician Eric Michaels (4pm), Milk & Honey Band (8:30pm-12:30), FFA Late Night Breakfast (11pm). Sunday: Community Church Service (10am) HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Readlyn Days became “Grump Days” in 1990. Like the previous 22 Grumps, this year’s Grump candidates, vying to be Grump XXIII, were nominated and then voted by a secret ballot at the annual Community Club Dinner. It is a great honor just to be nominated. Really, they’re all Grumps but just the lucky One Old Grump is announced at Friday’s ceremony, and will represent our community of Friendly People for one year until the torch is passed to the next Grump. Also on Friday, Miss Readlyn for 2012 is announced. Miss Readlyn candidates are residents of the Readlyn area that will be seniors at Wapsie Valley in the fall. Local businesses sponsor the candidates and judges choose the winner. Miss Readlyn will be a candidate for Bremer County Fair Queen and sponsored by the Readlyn Community Club. 857 Friendly People and June 4 Readlyn Blood Drive 3:15 - 5:30 p.m. St. Paul’s Church June 5 Primary Election Day 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. June 5 VFW Meeting 7:30 p.m. Readlyn Library June 10 Queen Interviews and Banquet 3:30 interviews; 5:30 banquet Center Inn Grump Committee and Volunteer Picnic 4:00 p.m. June 12 V FW Auxiliary Meeting 7:30 p.m. Readlyn Library June 15-17 Grump Days June 20 Senior Citizens Noon, Center Inn June 27 Merry Elders Noon Center Inn **Novel Knitters meet each Monday, 6-7:00 p.m., at the Readlyn Library. **Story Hour at the Library 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The Crowning of The Grump and Miss Readlyn, the parade, the FFA Pedal Pull, The Grumpsters, Grump Cup, Bed Races, Leistikow Family Fun Run, Kids Carnival, food, games, and music have become Grump Days traditions. But, thanks to contributions from people in the community, there are again many fun things to do this year. The Bean Bag Tournaments are back for the third time. David & Ruth Wittenberg are organizing the Turtle Races for the second year (THEY NEED TURTLES, PLEASE CALL THEM IF YOU HAVE TURTLES!!!), Nick & Megan Kuker are tweaking last year’s Lawn Mower Races and doing Mower Polo this year! Also this year Jill & Dean Schwickerath are adding a Half Marathon to be run on the bike trail! Also, new this year are free golf cart rides for people with mobility issues. Please check the schedule for all event details and sign-up times for special events. There will be lots to do, so don’t be grumpy and “Hulk out”, be happy and “GO GREEN!” Readlyn Grump Days is organized by the Readlyn Community Club and all of the events are the result of individual volunteers and sponsors working together to make Readlyn’s little festival something very unique and special every year. Indeed, much of the behind-thescenes, hard work that goes into Grump Days is “thankless” so don’t hesitate to say “thanks!” to all the volunteers and patronize local business sponsors. (Special thanks to Lavern Brase for allowing the fireworks display from his property! And to everyone who donates their cans – you make it possible!) If you are willing and able to help, please don’t hesitate to ask what you can do: set-up tables, serve beer, supervise the Kid’s Carnival, etc. Everyone is encouraged to get involved in all the activities that Grump Days has to offer; but most importantly, HAVE FUN! READLYN COMMUNITY CLUB: Be Friendly, Get Involved, Have Fun, Make a Difference One Old Grump Page 2 Mayor’s Desk Grump’s Grumblings Miss Readlyn Comments By: Dan Wedemeier By: Carlene Werner By: Hallee Wiersma Hi Everyone! As I am writing my article, May is half over. I received two May baskets on the first. When I was a young girl, baskets were hung on the door handles of friends and neighbors. In school we danced around the “May Pole.” Mother’s Day was first observed in 1914 to honor mothers on the second Sunday in May. Memorial Day was first observed in 1868 on May 30th; this year it’s on the 28th. As for June, the important days: June 14th is Flag Day and Father’s Day is on the 3rd Sunday; send him a card or call him if he is still living. Several months ago, I said I would tell you what I remember about the east side of Main Street with Dr. Osnes’ home where Lorraine Macken lives. The building that Keith Fettkether remodeled, which really added to the looks of Main Street, is next to it. On the north side was a grocery store owned by Victor Happel that had a soda fountain with 3 or 4 stools in the front of the store. On the south side we played basketball for a while. Upstairs was a skating rink. We also had dances and plays or programs on the stage. This was during the late 1930’s. The next building, I think, was the Post Office and also a tavern for a short while run by Clarence Freitag. Otto and Lydia Schiek lived in the apartment above it. Otto worked for the railroad. It was followed by the Barber Shop where Herb Wittenburg was the barber. During noon hours men played cards in his shop. His wife Malinda was a hair dresser, both in his shop. They also lived in the home connected to the barber shop. Esther Wittenburg now lives in the home. A beauty shop in the basement had several different operators running it including Marva Schuldt, Joan Pence, Ruby Huebner and Pam Knoploh, etc. In the next block was a home that I don’t know anything about. After that was the building where Marvelous Image is. During the thirties and before this, the building was a clothing shop which sold fabrics, threads, etc., run by a Mrs. Klemp. The next place was Dr. Berryhill’s office, and then the City Hall, where the city clerk, Lois Buhr, works. I don’t know about the Gossman home, but just to the south of them had been the Dickman Lumber Yard. It was taken down in the early 40’s, and Dan and Laura Buhr built their home on that lot. At our last council meeting we worked on several ordinances. Two of them had their final readings and will go in effect immediately. One ordinance is regarding updating the universal building codes and the other is regarding the demolition of a building in the city limits. The other two ordinances that were read were regarding water and sewer rates. The first reading of these has passed, so it looks like they will go up in a couple months. If you have questions or concerns with any of these ordinances, please talk to a councilman or myself. Please don’t complain to our City Clerk because she is just following council actions. I assure all of you we are doing the best to keep costs down while still providing everyone with the best services possible. Jim and Barney have completed flushing fire hydrants which went well. To my knowledge, we heard no complaints about rust. The city has also completed the street repairs for this year. Reminder that summer is right around the corner so, please be a little more cautious while driving around town, with school getting out soon, more kids will be out and about. Remember Grump Days is coming up in June – Father’s Day weekend. You may have noticed green ribbons around street light poles. I have signed a proclamation declaring the month of May, Lyme Disease awareness month. That is what the green ribbons are for that you see on the light poles. Soon you will see purple ribbons on the light poles. Mary Lou Ungs will be putting up the purple ribbons in June, reminding all of us about The Bremer County Relay for Life that is coming up in June. Thanks for now, and have a safe summer. Dan Wedemeier, Mayor of Readlyn From the Editor I hope you all plan on attending the Grump Days celebration. The committee has really spent a lot of time getting ready for the weekend of June 15-17. As we put this issue of the Chronicle together, effort was put forth to do the best we could to include every activity during the weekend. Some individuals sent information to us, and some did not. Please look over the schedule and if you have questions there are people to call. What is your favorite event? Is it the Friday night Fireworks? How about the special music on Friday evening, or the ice cream sundaes furnished by the bank? Maybe it is the magician on Saturday afternoon. For those who like to play cards, try your luck at Pepper and Schafskopt. Everyone has the opportunity to get their exercise in on Saturday morning. Do the 5K walk/run or try the half marathon. I know better than to try that. Enjoy the parade, it will be long and have about everything in that you wish to see. I can’t wait to see that 1939 F-14 that has been restored along with all the other tractors. Of course, the exercise is needed so we can all eat well with the available food stands. Enter the bean bag tournament, participate in the bed races and dance the night away. Don’t stay out too late though, eat breakfast anytime after eleven, and make sure and attend the community worship service Sunday morning. It is wonderful to worship with the entire community and then remember it is Father’s Day. Have a wonderful weekend Charlie We invited some old friends to help celebrate my 40th birthday. My husband went out to buy a gift, and he saw some cute little music boxes. A blue one was playing “Happy Birthday.” Thinking they were all the same, he picked up a red one and asked the clerk to have it gift wrapped. When we sat down for dinner, he gave it to me, asked me to open it, and surprise ... out came the tune “The old gray mare, she ain’t what she used to be.” “Laughter is the best Medicine.” As ever, Your Grump, Carlene P.S. “Then let us, one and all, be contented with our lot, The June is here this morning and the sun is shining hot, Oh, let us fill our hearts up with the glory of the day, And banish every doubt and care and sorrow far away.” by James Whitcomb Riley Do Not Forget!!! When you see the committee members Tell Them “Thank You” Schoooool’s out for summer! Schoooool’s out forever! I can’t believe it; I graduated high school! I went to bed a senior in high school and woke up a college freshman! Where has the time gone?! Seems like just a few months ago I was starting my first day of high school at Wapsie Valley! Time sure does fly, and I’m not sure that I’m ready to grow up yet! This fall, I plan to attend Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo; area of study: I have no idea! I am interested in so many areas and I don’t know what to choose! I am hoping that by taking a wide variety of classes I will be able to narrow down my options and get a better feel for what type of career I might like to pursue. Now, just because school has ended doesn’t mean that my schedule has slowed down any! The day after school let out, Wapsie Valley’s State Track qualifiers (and manager!) headed down to Des Moines to compete in the Class 2A division of State Track. Each event did very well and several even managed to place! I have also started babysitting again and I love every minute of it! At the end of May, I was honored to be able to sing “God Bless America” at the Memorial Day service. It feels great to know that people enjoy listening to me sing just as much as I love singing! As my reign is nearing its end, I am milking every day I have left of being Miss Readlyn. Although I will miss being a part of many of the town’s festivities, I am very excited to see who will take over for the next year, and I’m sure she will do a great job! Like most teenage girls, I have been working on getting that nice summer glow and look forward to my last summer to be spent with my former classmates! I’m excited to start the next chapter of my life, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me. God Bless. Thank You Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all for attending my birthday celebration on Sunday the 29th of April. It was wonderful having so many of you attend and I want to thank you again for all the cards, gifts, and especially for your presence. Laura Buhr One More Item!!!!!! Please read the list of sponsors on page 8 Make it a point to tell them “Thank You” Page 3 Come and Dance with Us American Legion Hall June 12, 1:30 - 5:30 Fairbank, IA Russ Guyer Band Country, Polka and more Starlite Ballroom June 24, 1:30 - 5:30 Lawler, IA The Other Band Country, 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s Sponsored by the Heritage Dancers DILLON LAW OFFICE, PC Patrick B. Dillon 209 E 1st Street, Sumner patdillon@50674law.com (563) 578-1850 General practice including but not limited to: Agricultural Law Taxation & Tax Preparation Estate Planning Bankruptcy www.50674law.com Affordable Farm Fertilizer, Chemicals & More Jim Fettkether 319-822-2482 or 319-404-0064 (cell) A proud supporter of Iowa Corn & Soybean growers in Bremer Co. Wapsie Valley Class Reunion The 1982 Wapsie Valley Class Reunion will be held on Saturday, June 25th at the Center Inn in Readlyn After some class festivities, there will be a DJ playing from 8 to 12 p.m. with the public invited. If you have questions or need information, you may call Lisa Suhr at (319) 277-6252 or email her at tomdh@cfu.net. Page 4 Up from 66 last month to 68 now. Join us for updates and conversation. Welcome Our New Director You may notice a new face when you stop by the library. Amie Whiteside has joined our staff and began the training process on May 21st to become our new director. Harry and Amie live between Readlyn and Oran. Harry works for Steris (a medical company) in northeast Iowa installing, repairing, and maintaining hospital operating room equipment. He enjoys being outdoors, gardening, spending time with family, and taking things apart to fix and repair them. Harry and Amie have two daughters at home. Tiffany (6) enjoys splashing, coloring, reading, and taking things apart to figure out how they work. Stacy (5) enjoys coloring, twirling, giggling, and eating candy. They both attend the Readlyn Elementary School. Amie is excited to begin serving you! She likes visiting with people (and believes children are people too). She also enjoys scrapbooking, crafts, couponing, spending time with family, and reading the Bible. Their family is all looking forward to getting to know you, so please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself! Local Authors Reception and Book Signing Event Readlyn resident, Casey Gossman will also be available to discuss his book “A Fulfillment of a Dream,” which was highlighted in the March 28, 2012 issue of the Readlyn Chronicle. Copies of his book will be available for purchase and signing. The event offers attendees the opportunity to meet the authors and discuss their experiences and the process of writing books and becoming published. Refreshments will be provided. In Honor of Laura Buhr’s 100th Birthday “Hurry Up and Slow Down” by Layn Marlow from Larry & Carol Strottmann Thank You! Register, pick up your reading log, and begin to read, imagine and dream! Dream Big…READ! From the constellations to nocturnal animals to things that go bump in the night, come explore the night with us during our Summer Reading Program. We have amazing programs, contests, activities, and great weekly reading prizes throughout the month of June! Progams are available to children who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. th Princeton, IA author, Deborah Leistikow, will be at a book signing event at the Readlyn Library, Saturday June 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Her newly released book, "A Pocket Full of Posies; My Life With Cancer" will be available to purchase. As a two-time stage IV cancer survivor and stem-cell transplant recipient, her insightful story provides “how-to” and “what not to do” life lessons for patients, survivors, caregivers and anyone touched by cancer. Deborah was a 1973 graduate of Tripoli High School and 1996 graduate of the University of Iowa, School of Journalism which happened to be the same year she began her fight against Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Deborah's mother, Delores Leistikow will also be attending the event Everyone is welcome. "A Pocket Full of Posies; My Life With Cancer" is also available to borrow at the Readlyn Library and is for sale at Prairie Lights Books in downtown Iowa City or at the author's website: www.artisansgonegreen.com. Memorial Book Donations Calling all kids who have big dreams! Program Schedule Mon. June 4 10:30a.m.: Science Center of Iowa Dream like a Scientist! th Wed. June 13 9:30a.m.: Wake Up and Dream Big ~ The Magic of Kevin Horner Mon. June 18th 1:00 p.m.: Blank Park Zoo Nocturnal Animals th Wed. June 27 2:00 pm: Bremer County Conservationists New on One for the Money Joyful Noise Animals United: Adventure in Africa The Vow New Year’s Eve Memorial Cash Donations In Memory of Wilbert Hagenow Family and Friends In Memory of Dennis Sweet (Denise Lundber’s Father) Farmers Coop Co Readlyn-Shell Rock In Memory of Lorene Klemp Larry & Janet Ladage Rich & Carol Piene $100.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 Mark Your Calendars Page 5 St. Matthew Lutheran Confirmation Six youth of St. Matthews Lutheran were confirmed on April 1st. They are from left to right: Jacob Boevers, Peyton Schares, Chelsie Mason, Pastor Randy Bruno, Gabby power, Jacob Harks, and Austin Mitchell Remember: Community Worship in the Park on June 17 10:00 a.m. with Community Choir Zion Lutheran Confirmation Seven youth of Zion Lutheran were confirmed on April 1st. They are pictured with their Pastor Randy Bruno. Front row (left to right): Bryce Ackerman, Jennifer Wiley, Marshall McElhose, Brandon Nading. Back row: Pastor Randy Bruno, Tim Warnke, Dylan Lampe, and Brandon Hyde Vacation Bible School St. Paul’s June 11 - 15 Readlyn Area Parish July 16 - 19 Helping Hands Clothing Closet 2029 Viking Ave (HWY V56), Sumner Hours: Tuesdays 9-11 a.m., Sunday 4-6 p.m. Brief Application Required Providing FREE Clothing to those in need His Hands Food Pantry 5002 Main Street, Oran Hours: Tuesdays 5-8 p.m., Fridays 9 a.m.-12 noon Brief Application Required Currently Serving Readlyn, Tripoli, Sumner, Fairbank, & Oran area residents Immanuel Lutheran Church 2683 Quail Avenue Readlyn, IA 50668 (319) 279-3977 Pastor Roger Sterle Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. St. Matthew Lutheran Church 2649 230th Street Readlyn, IA 50668 (319) 279-3758 Readlyn Area Parish Worship at Zion 9:00 a.m. May 27th through June 24th St. Paul Lutheran Church 120 West 4th Street Readlyn, IA 50668 (319) 279-3961 Pastor Roger Sterle Worship 8:30 a.m. Sunday School following Zion Lutheran Church 240 Elmer Avenue Readlyn, IA 50668 (319) 279-3643 Readlyn Area Parish Worship at Zion 9:00 a.m. May 27th through June 24th Details on page 13 Pearls of Wisdom By Pastor Roger Sterle: Serving St. Paul and Immanuel Lutheran The Ascension I would like to suggest that before you read this article, you take the time to read through Mark 16:14-20. Go ahead; I will wait while you read!!! Considering Christ’s Ascension is like staring at the sun: the more closely a person looks into it, the worse his eyes become and finally he cannot see anything at all. This work of Christ is for those who do not need to investigate but who simply want to believe with childlike faith what Scripture says about it. The more simply we regard the biblical description of this event, the more it strengthens our faith. The Scriptures do not say that the ascended Christ is confined like the saints. Instead, He fills everything. It does not tell us that He was received by the heavens but that He received heaven, even that He ascended far above the heavens where He sits “at the right hand of God.” The Bible conveys “the right hand of God” to refer to God’s omnipotence, omnipresence, dominion, eternality, and divine Majesty. St. Paul declares: “He raised [Christ] from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the Church, which Is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:20-232) When we consider Christ’s ascension according to the clear witness of Holy Scripture, we find a certain foundation for a joyful faith. He has not removed Himself from His Church. Instead, He is now, as God and Man, extending His grace, help and protection in all palaces. As Aaron wore on his breastplate the names of the tribes of Israel when he entered the Holy of Holies, so Christ, appearing as the true High Priest before God in heaven wears the names of all believers on His heart. There He prays without ceasing for His own, and He rules them, cares for them and protects them so that gates of hell cannot overpower them. “We thank Thee, Jesus dearest Friend, That Thou didst into heaven ascend. O blessed Savior, bid us live And strength to soul and body give. Hallelujah! Amen (The Lutheran Hymnal 223:1) Page 6 From Classroom Supplies to an iPad It all started with a bracelet purchased at a vendor show. Jacob Risse purchased two paracord bracelets and everything exploded from there. After showing off his purchase to a cousin, she mentioned she had some paracord if he would like to make one himself. With the third one in hand, he took it to Mr. Anderson and approached him about the idea of selling them for $2 a piece with the proceeds being used to buy miscellaneous classroom supplies or classroom books. After a short discussion, they settled on a price of $5. With a $100 donation from his parents, Jacob purchased his own cord and was open for Mr. Anderson and Jacob Risse business. After just a couple days, Jacob realized sales were going to be a lot higher than expected. With the money rolling in, he went to Mr. Anderson with the idea of raising enough money for an iPad. Mr. Anderson was delighted with the idea, but it took a couple days for Jacob to convince him that he didn’t want the iPad for himself. Sales continued and within 10 school days Jacob had enough funds to buy the iPad. Rumors were going around that the money was going to be matched. That was true as Aces, the technology business that supports Wapsie Valley, is graciously donating $500. Aces wanted to encourage the entrepreneurial and selfless spirit of Jacob, and to show how technology can enrich the educational experience. The money is still forthcoming. Jacob is coming up with new ideas for bracelets: Adding charms and beads, making necklaces, and getting new colors and styles. But there’s a problem. What is Jacob going to do with all the extra money? Where will it go? To who? So far the idea is to try to include all the teachers in the extra money somehow. Mr. Anderson is very thrilled with the new addition of the iPad to his classroom! There are so many possibilities for him to utilize it to benefit his students! “I am very proud of Jacob for being so resourceful and thinking of others first. He is a remarkable young man. He knew what kind of resource the iPad could be for a teacher and it will simply be a gift that keeps on giving every year. Thank you for inspiring others that you are never to young to do big things and truly make a difference.” –Mr. Anderson Readlyn Elementary 5th Graders show their enthusiasm If you want like to purchase a bracelet you can email Jacob at jtrisse@netins.net . Community Lutheran School Musical The Readlyn Elementary 5th graders and their teacher Mr. Anderson toured the Historical Museum on Wednesday May 16th This year’s Spring Musical at Community Lutheran School was a huge success. The students from grades kindergarten through 8th performed the Olympic-themed show: Hans Bronson’s Gold Medal Mission. The story follows European Olympic athlete Hans Bronson - played by Brandon Nading - as he learns there is more to life than simply winning gold medals. Through songs, Hans Bronson learns that Jesus Christ saved all people through His death on the cross and resurrection on Easter morning. Other notable moments in the show were Mayor Frank Lee - played by Christian Baumgartener - and his son, Frank Lee Jr. – played by Ben Heubner – also discovering the importance of learning about Jesus. The CLS students would like to thank all who came to watch and participate in their Olympic rally. To the right: All of the students participated in the event, the camera lens was not large enough Below: Sharon Huck, General Manager RTC Communications, Barry Fortch, CLS Board member, and Joe Craig, Iowa Network Services Iowa Network Services Charity Grant Iowa Network Services, Inc. is pleased to announce that Community Lutheran School is an award recipient of the Iowa Network Services Charity Grant Program. INS created this charity grant program to increase its service and support to the communities it serves and to help bring INS closer to its customers. INS presents this award in conjunction with RTC Communications. RTC Communications provides service to the area and supported the grant program application submitted by Community Lutheran School. Grant application forms are available from RTC Communications or from the INS website. An independent Charity Grant Committee will be responsible for evaluating the applications and establishing a dollar amount for each grant recipient. There are no restrictions as to the type of charity; however, the program must benefit and be made available to everyone in the community. Contact RTC Communications for more information. Page 7 Sumner farmer, lawyer writes clear guide to legal issues and farming A Bouquet of Daisies Looking for a smart and simple guide to sorting through the legal issues in regards to farming in Iowa? Look no further than Pat Dillon’s first book. by Pat Dillon is the everyday farmer’s perfect guide book to the many issues the Iowa farmer faces today. Pat has written the quick and easy guide to help sort through “the numerous laws and regulations that Iowa farmers have to operate under “ and to help with “the issues modern Iowa farm operators must be aware of to avoid increased legal hassles, fines, and fees.” Amazon.com offers the book for purchase describing it thusly: “Whether you are operating an Iowa farm, work with Iowa farmers, or you have family who operate an Iowa farm, the guide provides a quick easy reference to many of the issues that crop up in production agriculture.” Pat Dillon was born, raised and educated in Iowa and continues to reside there with his wife and three children. Pat, his brothers, and father operate a farm in northeast Iowa. He also practices law at this own law office in Sumner, Dillon Law, PC. For questions or to purchase a copy of the book, contact Pat Dillon at (563) 578-1850, through his Web site www.50674law.com or email book@506s74law.com. Dillon is also on Twitter @ dillonlaw or at www.facebook.com/dillonlawpc. CLS Scrap Metal Drive Hugh Success Row 1: Emma Thurm, Jayden Morse, Sydney Matthias; Row 2: Hannah Knight, Emily Heineman, Mady Knapp , Kaliya Lampe, Emma Jones, Leah Huebner, Kalvyn Rosengarten; Row 3: Pat Wehr, Bonnie Erickson; Lots of volunteers worked to collect and help with the scrap metal CLS would like to thank the Readlyn community for their support of our 2012 Scrap Metal Drive and Silent Auction. We collected over 56 tons of metal and over 100 appliances on Saturday, March 31, during our drive. On behalf of the CLS fundraising committee, we thank you for recycling your metal and benefiting the community and our school. We look forward to planning another drive in 2013. We would also like to thank the Readlyn businesses and individuals that donated items for our Spring Silent Auction. We greatly appreciate your generosity and support of our school. God Bless you all! Auxiliary Meeting The Auxiliary to the Wayne Teisinger VFW Post #5561 met at the library meeting room May 8 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting opened with a prayer by Delores Sauerbrei and The Pledge of Allegiance. The secretary and treasurer's reporst were read and accepted. The General Orders and chairman reports were read. The National President will visit Iowa May 15-17 in Des Moines. The State Convention will be in Des Moines June 14-17. The new National President, Leanne Lemley, will be in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for her homecoming celebration September 20-23. Officers were elected in April and installed in May: President Verdeen Pavelec, Vice President Delores Sauerbrei, Secretary Marrillee Tiedt and Treasurer Ellen Thies. The Memorial Day Cemetery Service will be at Immanuel Lutheran (Klinger). Parade will be at 10:30 with a program at the school. A potluck will be at noon at the Readlyn Library meeting room. Letters were read from Kathryn McDonald, Josie Jacobs, and Mary Mannega. A motion was made and seconded to send a love gift for the Auxiliary Convention . The meeting closed with prayer and was adjourned. Coffee and cake were served by Marrillee Tiedt. The ten Daisies pictured above helped enhance the main garden at the ball park. The Daisies divided into teams of diggers, waterers, weeders, and dead headers. Flowers were donated by the Readlyn Homemakers Club: Bonnie Erickson, Sharon Davis, Karen Boevers, Mary Lou Billhorn, and Pat Wehr helped guide the energetic Daisies as they whipped the garden into shape. Besides learning the names of flowers, distinguishing between plants and weeds, learning how to plant flowers, and dead heading, Bonnie added a bonus giving instructions on how to take care of sick flowers. The Daisy leader Susan Knapp and moms ~ Missy Knight, Carolyn Heineman, Mischa Matthias, Jess Lampe, Rachel Huebner, Shelia Rosengarten, and Jodi Morse ~ extended the Daisies’ gardening experience by sending each Daisy home with a pot of daisies so that they could apply their newly acquired green thumb lessons. Readlyn Garden Club Up-date You have probably noticed several new trees around town. Five arborvitaes have been planted near the tree honoring Carlene Werner on the corner of Ridge and Lobeck. This tree was awarded by the Sesquicentennial Committee in 1997 to thank Carlene for the work she did promoting this state-wide event. Once again Carlene is demonstrating her community commitment by generously donating money to buy a bench for this same area. This will become a new garden with a paver walkway to the bench and additional enhancements still in the planning stage. The family of Ruby and Wilbur Hagenow has provided memorial money to purchase the two autumn blaze maple trees recently planted at the ball park between the picnic table shelter and the volleyball court. The family also anticipates donating even more money to the Garden Club to enable them to add enrichment to the area mentioned above. The final tree, also an autumn blaze maple, was planted in Ben and Jacee Hogan’s yard. They were the high bidders at the Valentine Ball. Also, Jean Buenzow has donated two blue spruce and an additional pine to add to our gardens. As mentioned in another article in this paper, Readlyn Homemakers have donated flowers to add color to existing gardens. The Girl Scout Daisy Troop willingly assisted in planting these flowers. Weeding, dead-heading and adding mulch are on-going activities. Once the city finishes the sidewalk on the corner of Fourth and Lobeck, a seventh garden will become a reality. The Garden Club wishes to thank our generous donators and all of the people thanking us for our volunteer work. With the addition of two new gardens, we are once again asking for volunteers willing to help us. It is becoming a lot of work for the six current members. Again, please call Pat Wehr at 279-3001, if you are willing to assist us. Page 8 Bright ideas can lead to bright choices! Grump Days 2012 “Grumps Gone Green” June 15, 16, & 17 All events in the City Park unless otherwise stated. Bring lawn chairs to all events – seating limited. Free golf cart rides are available for those with mobility issues from Main Street or a Readlyn home. See hours and phone # listed below. Friday-----------06-15-12 8am – “Grumpsters” Readlyn Annual Golf Tournament – 4 person Best Shot Wapsie Ridge Golf Course – Reservations - 319-638-4653 Contact – Andy Sexton – 319-279-3321 1:30pm Sign Up for 6th grade-12th grade Bean Bag Tournament at the City Park 2:00-6:00pm Bean Bag Tournament for 6th grade – 12th grade students – Sponsored by Readlyn Area Parish Youth Group - 2-person teams, $10 per team, at the City Park 4:00pm -1:30am Beer Tent ($5.00 Wrist Bands for both days– Wrist Band required to have alcoholic drinks- must be 21- will be checking I.D.’s) No coolers or insulated cups. 4:30 – 8:30 Free golf cart rides are available for those with mobility issues. Carts will be at the City Park on Main Street or call 319-231-4577 for a ride from home. This service is free. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver. 4:30-6:30 Buck Creek Band (Bring lawn chairs.) 4:30-7:30 Ice Cream Sundaes – Readlyn Savings Bank (Gazebo) 5:00pm Vendors Food Stands Open 5:00pm 5th Annual Grump Cup Firemen’s Softball Tournament - Concession Stand Open 5:00-6:30 5K & Half Marathon - Packet pick-up in the City Park 6:00-7:00 Sign up for Turtle Races 5:00-8:00 Balloon Man - Darrel Anderson 7:00pm Pedal Pull - North of the Park - Wapsie Valley FFA 6:30pm Crowning of 2012 Readlyn Grump and 2012 Miss Readlyn (Bring lawn chairs.) 7:00pm Turtle Races following the Crownings (North of Park) 7:00pm Pepper Tournament (Gazebo) Questions - call Joan Matthias 279-3951 or Grace Kuethe 279-3675. 8:30-12:30 Dance at the main tent - “Bar Flyz” 10:00pm Fireworks - Shot off East of V49, Lavern Brase’s field Seating available on the east side of Zion Lutheran Church in the open lot. (Bring lawn chairs.) Free Will Donation for 2013 Fireworks Saturday--------06-16-12 6:30 & 7:30 5th Annual Leistikow Family 5K & Half Marathon. Registration is $20 for 5K and $35.00 for Half Marathon; forms online at www.runningwall.com/leistikow-family-5k. Deadline of June 1st for shirt guarantee. Contact Jill Schwickerath @ 279-3104. 7:00-9:30am Boy Scouts’ Pancake Breakfast 7:00-9:00am Free golf cart rides are available for those with mobility issues. Carts will be at the City Park on Main Street or call 319-231-4577 for a ride from your home. This service is free. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver. 10:30am Main Parade - Call Sylvia Casterton 279-3446 or Louie Hartman (319)239 -0533; Parade announced by Brian Meyer. 11:30-3:00pm Balloon Man – Darrel Anderson After Parade Food stands and Beer Tent open ($5.00 Wristband required to have alcoholic drinks must be 21 - will be checking I.D.’s) – Food available until late evening. After parade-2:30pm Kids in the Park ($5 wristbands are required) – Carnival games, Blow up toys, Kids craft projects, and sports competition After parade Sign up for Turtle Races and Bed Races 11:30-3:30pm Free golf cart rides are available for those with mobility issues. Carts will be at the City Park on Main Street or call 319 -231-4577 for a ride from your home. This service is free. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver. 12:30 pm Registration at the City Park for Bean Bag tournament, ages 19 and up 1:00pm Turtle Races -North of Park 1:00pm Registration for Rider Lawn Mower Polo @ Main Park 1:00pm Bean Bag tournament, ages 19 and up, sign up is the first 32 teams entered – double elimination – Top prize $100 - $20 per team entry 1:00pm Sharp Schafskopt Card Tournament –Main Tent ` Questions call Joan Matthias 279-3951 or Grace Kuethe 279- 3675 1:30-3:30pm Bingo for all Ages – Judy Leistikow/Marlys Deterding – Various prizes- No charge (North end of Main Tent) 2:30pm Bed Races – Main Street in front of library. Call Jason Franck (319) 961-5176. $20 entry fee 3:00pm Riding Lawn Mower Polo (East end of ball diamond park) 4:00pm Magician Eric Michaels-Gazebo (Remember your lawn chairs.) 8:30 – 12:30 Dance to Milk and Honey Band - Main Park – Beer Tent 11:00-??? Breakfast-Free Will Donation to Friends of the Wapsie Valley FFA (North end of Main Beer Tent) Sunday –06-17-12 2012 Sponsor List Dan & Connie Wedemeier DJ With a Beat-Nick Tobey Edgewood Feed Mill-Steve Paris 10:00 a.m. Community Church Service in Main Park with Readlyn Area Parish, Pastor Roger Sterle of St. Paul’s and Immanuel Lutheran Churches, and special music by Community Choir *Special Thanks to all of our generous sponsors who help make Grump Days possible! (Please see banners of sponsors @ Grump Days – located in the Park) FBFS-Jim Peters FBFS-David Matthias Foundation Realtors-Louie Hartman Herb & Jackie Clemen Readlyn Mutual Insurance JF Remodeling Readlyn Savings Bank Jeremy & Kim Brown (Do you want the business name?) Readlyn Vet Clinic Kaiser-Corson Funeral Home Ron & Judy Leistikow Kids in the Park Rudy’s Golf Carts Kurt Leistikow Law Sauerbrei Auto Repair Kwik Trip, Inc. Spahn & Rose Lumber L & L Ag-Kevin Leistikow Sunrise Catering Monsanto Seeds-Craig Boevers & Dave Wheeler Valentine Ball Precision Equip.-Mike Heineman David & Ruth Wittenburg RTC Communications Wittenburg Truck Line Readlyn Chiropractic Clinic-Dr. Pratt Page 9 Which One Will Be The 23rd Grump? Harriet Risse You can find out about 6:30 p.m. on June 16, 2012 at the Readlyn City Park I was born and raised in Waterloo where I graduated from West High School in 1946. I worked part time at Rath Packing Company in the order writing department. After graduation I also worked at the Waterloo Savings Bank. I met Wilbur at a Halloween Roller Skating Party in October of 1946 and we were married in June of 1947. We farmed in the Dunkerton area for 3 years and then moved to Waterloo. In 1953 we bought a farm 1 mile east and 1 and ½ miles north where we farmed for 23 years. Wilbur also worked at Deere’s at this time. Our family consisted of 8 children, 6 boys, (2 deceased) and 2 girls, all graduates of Wapsie Valley. Yeah!! We moved to Readlyn in March of 1976, where I worked at the Office and the Center Inn for 17 years plus doing the Des Moines Register Route. I have also been a Stanley Home Products and Fuller Brush Representative for the past 23 years. I am a member of Zion Lutheran where I have served a couple of offices. I am very proud to be a resident of this community. Fred Bast Freddy has lived almost his entire life in Bremer County. He was raised near Denver where he attended Jefferson # 2 school and graduated from Denver High School. He began work at Rath Packing the day after his high school graduation with the intention of working there for one year and then farming. He farmed for a few years but stayed at Rath, working there for 32 years until they closed. He then worked for L A Becker Excavating. Freddy is a charter member of the PTOS tractor club and the Waterloo Sister City Association. He is also a member of St. Paul Lutheran church. He enjoys mowing his lawn, attending auctions and spending time with his children and grandchildren and his tractors. Travel has been a big enjoyment. He and his wife Sonja, who have been married for 53 plus years, have been blessed to have many opportunities to travel to various parts of the world. They have visited family in Germany numerous times. Their retirement gift was a trip to Australia and New Zealand. They have three children and five grandchildren. If elected he will try to be grumpy. Roland Schmidt I was born 2 miles east of Klinger. In 1941 I moved a half mile west of Klinger and attended Immanuel Lutheran School, and then graduated from Readlyn High School in 1951. After graduation I worked for the Farmers Co-op for 2 years. In 1953, I moved to Williamsburg and worked as a butter maker. After 3 years I bought a milk route and picked up milk from farmers in the Williamsburg area. At this time I met my wife, Virginia Northup who was working at a café. In 1958 we were married and lived in Sigourney until f1966. In 1966 we moved to Readlyn and I went back to work for the Readlyn Co-op, where I retired from in 1996. I am a member of St. Paul’s church in Readlyn. I have been on the school board, a deacon, a chairman and a collector. I have 4 children, Mark (Cynthia) Schmidt, Melinda (Dallas) Bergman all of Readlyn, Myron (Pam) Schmidt of Janesville and Marilyn (Rod) Osborn of Parkersburg. I have 11 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. My activities include volunteering at Allen Hospital two days a week, dancing, playing cards, riding my bike on the bike trail and watching the Cubs. I also enjoy going and watching my grandchildren and great grandchildren in all of their activities. What I like most about Readlyn is the small town atmosphere we have here. Pat Wehr My dear sister and I were raised in inner-city Minneapolis, MN, by a hard working, WWII veteran dad and the kindest mother ever. Although exposed to some really tough kids, most of my classmates turned out to be pretty fine people. In 1964 I graduated from North High and in 1968 I graduated with a teaching degree from Augsburg College. My first teaching job was in Robbinsdale, MN; 42 years later I retired from teaching at Waverly -Shell Rock Junior High School. While teaching at WSRJH, I presented staff development lessons, was a building representativ, served on various committees, reduced the amount of nonproficient readers, and initiated an interactive Word of the Day Competition. My volunteering included reading tutoring, organizing car washes to raise money for classmates with terminal illnesses, helping with the Megan Koepke races, and raking and snow shoveling for the elderly. (Wow! Now I'm one of them.) In 1977 while teaching in Waterloo, I was lucky enough to meet fellow teacher Steve Wehr. We married later that year; in October of 1978 our only child, A.J., was born. After he graduated from the University of Iowa, A.J. was hired by Honeywell in Albuquerque, NM, where he currently resides with his wife Holly and soon-to-be-big-brother Evan, who is 18 months old. When Steve and I moved to Readlyn in 1999, I substitute taught and was a graduate assistant for two years while working on my masters degree. That is when my passion for reading/literacy began. Besides teaching reading at Waverly-Shell Rock Junior High, I became a member and continue to be an active member of Bremer-Butler counties' Delta Kappa Gamma and am vice president of UNI's Alpha Upsilon Alpha; both are national organizations promoting literacy in the area and throughout the nation. I am also a volunteer for Wartburg's Community Builders class. In Readlyn I am a proud and active member of the Readlyn Garden Club. I have assisted judging Christmas lights and helped decorate for various events. I am a Homemaker, Book Club, and Novel Knitting participant. In conjunction with Wapsie Ridge Ladies' Golf Tournament this summer, a friend and I raised nearly $200 for Cedar Valley Hospice selling shoe charms and ankle bracelets showing support for cures for heart, cancer, and Lupus. Several of my stained glass pieces and scarves have been donated to various fund raisers. Probably my biggest volunteering moment was reading the desperation in Verdeen's voice as she told me how hard it was to get another woman to run for the Grump. The Legend of the Grump So Grump Days is a wonderful combination of tradition and innovation, with quirky events in between; but what are the origins of Grump Days? This is a question shrouded in mystery. Though this is the 23rd year of The Grump, the story goes back much further than 1990. There’s an old saying in Readlyn Town – and indeed its part of the Readlyn Chronicle Journalist Credo: “I don’t know what the truth may be, I tell the tale as told to me.” That said there is a tale, sometimes told in hushed tones in the dim nooks of the Center Inn. It is a story that goes back to the younger days of our nation and to the birth of Readlyn Town, circa 1904. An old-timer – a “rider of the rails” they called his kind – was wandering his Country. Some say he was a soldier of the Civil War, originally from Ohio perhaps, who was on Sherman’s March to the Sea (1864). Others say he was but a simple vagabond from who-knows-where. Anyway, the story goes The Old Grump was but a young man then when he jumped his first train. “He road them rails for 40 years,” goes one telling. From California to the New York Island, from the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters, our weary traveler saw nary every inch of America. Just about the time the railroad came to Readlyn this mysterious soul arrived town; by now the young man had grown old and grumpy. He walked the town with his hickory cane, his tired spirit impervious to the happy greetings and smiles of the 857 Friendly People who never did begrudge him his grumpiness. “Too bad for the reason,” they’d say, “but he’s our neighbor now,” and so they were all the friendlier to him. Nobody knew his name, nor did he tell it, so they just called him The Old Grump. “Good morning, Old Grump!” they’d say happily and sincerely, and “How’s The Old Grump this afternoon?” Also what the people didn’t know is why The Old Grump got off the train that day and decided to stay. The simple reason is that he loved Readlyn. Never before in his old life and in all the places he visited had people been so friendly to him. His face was frozen in a frown but inside he was happier than he had ever been. It took him a whole year but then one fine morning in mid-June a miraculous thing happened: The Old Grump smiled! And laughed! They say this sudden smile lit up the town like fireworks and his laughter burst like a marching band in a parade. Some say that he smiled and laughed at his first sight of a child riding a bicycle: a curious sight at the time. But others said it was just that it took a whole year of Friendliness for his heart to finally thaw out. And he lived in Readlyn happily ever after. The End. By: AG Sexton Page 10 5th Annual Leistikow Family 5K Fun Run/Walk & NEW Half Marathon 5th Annual Leistikow Family 5K & NEW Half Marathon Saturday, June 16th, 2012 Half Marathon Begins @ 6:30 AM 5K Begins at 7:30 AM (Parade to follow at 10:30 AM) 20 Miles North of the Cedar Valley in Readlyn, IA Name:_____________________________________________ Address ______________________________ City: ___________________________________ Course Details Both races will begin at the City Park in Readlyn near the Gazebo. The Half Marathon course will wind through the streets of Readlyn before continuing an "out and back" on the Grump Trail to Denver. There will be fluid stations at every mile once runners reach the trail. The course involves rolling hills and one hill/ravine around mile 6. The 5K course will be run on the city streets of Readlyn. The course is 100% flat. State: ___________________ Zip:________________ Phone: _____________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________ (E-mail will be used for updates and information regarding the 5K and 1/2 Marathon.) 5K Run/Walk Pre-registration is $20 and guarantees a cotton t-shirt if received by June 1st. After June 1st, a cotton t-shirt is not guaranteed. Race Day registration is $20. NEW FOR 2012! Performance t-shirts will be optional for the 5K. Include an extra $5 if you would like to upgrade your cotton t-shirt to a short-sleeve performance shirt for the 5K. A FREE pancake breakfast will be served post-race to all registered runners by Boy Scout Troop 101 of Readlyn. Additional meals are free-will donation. We would like to thank them for their support and hope you can bring your family to share in a breakfast to support our young men. Half Marathon Run Pre-registration is $35 and guarantees a moisture-wicking performance t-shirt if received by June 1st. After June 1st, a performance shirt is not guaranteed. Race Day registration is $35. All early entries include a moisture-wicking Performance Shirt, no upgrade is necessary. A FREE pancake breakfast will be served pre or post-race to all registered runners by Boy Scout Troop 101 of Readlyn. Additional meals are free-will donation All Half Marathon finishers will receive a Finisher's Medal upon completion in less than 3 hours. After 3 hours, course support and formal timing will no longer be available. This averages a 13.44 minute mile. Awards Awards will be given for both males and females for 1st through 3rd place overall and 1st through 3rd place in each age division of the 5K. Overall male and female winners in the half Saturday marathon will receive an award, as well Packet pick up will be from 6:00 to 7:10 as a finishers medal to all who finish AM in the City Park. The Half Marathon will begin promptly at 6:30 and the 5K will the half marathon. begin at 7:30. Please arrive early enough to get into the staging area on time. Award Divisions Age groups: 13 & Under, 14-19, 20-29, Results 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 +. NEW Results will be posted to a bulletin board for 2012!! Clydesdale and Athena Diafter the runners finish. Results will also be visions: Clydesdales are men over 200 posted online at www.fitnesssports.com pounds and Athena are women over 150 pounds. If you choose to enter one of these classes, you will not be eligible for age group awards. Friday Packet pick up will be from 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the City Park. The Grumpsters Readlyn Open “A tradition unlike any other” 4-Person Best Shot Readlyn Grump Days ~ Friday, June 15, 2012 7:30 am Registration; 8:00 Shotgun Start Entry: $100/team, includes FFA lunch; Carts $25/per cart What Race are you entering? Which class would you like to compete in? (5K Only) 5K _____ Half Marathon _____ Age Division ___ Athena ___ Clydesdale ___ Age (as of June 16th, 2012): ____________________ Gender: M Amount included: 5k $20 __________ Half Marathon $35 __________ F T-Shirt Size (Please circle): YOUTH MED YOUTH LARGE Adult Small Adult Medium Large Adult X-Large Performance T-Shirt $5 __________ (Only an upgrade for the 5K participants) Total: __________ Adult 5K participants receive a cotton t-shirt with their registration. Half marathon runners receive a performance moisture-wicking t-shirt with their registration. If you are a 5K participant, would you like to upgrade to a performance moisture-wicking t-shirt for an extra $5? YES_____ NO______ The Leistikow Family Fun Run and Half Marathon involves running and walking activities which may include risks such as, but not limited to, falls, interaction with other participants, effects of weather, traffic and conditions of the road. In consideration of being allowed to participate in this event, I hereby expressly assume all risks, including personal injury and death, arising in any way out of my participation in the Leistikow Family 5K Fun Run/Walk and Half Marathon. It is my responsibility to dress appropriately. Although route maps, rest stops, refreshments, and other assistance may be made available during the event, I am solely responsible for my own health and safety. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and able to participate in this event and I agree to stop and request assistance if I experience any symptoms, such as, but not limited to dizziness, excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, pain or any other conditions which would make it difficult or unsafe to continue. I agree, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to not sue and to release, indemnify and hold harmless, the Leistikow family and all volunteers from the negligence of any of the above or from any cause. This release and indemnification agreement shall be broad and inclusive as is permitted by the state of Iowa. I have read and understand the terms of this agreement. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ ** Signature of parent or guardian required for ALL registrants under age 18. ** Checks can be made payable to Leistikow Family 5K and sent to Jill Schwickerath @ 2479 Quail Avenue, Readlyn, IA 50668 Questions? Email Jill at JSchwick@netins.net or call 319-939-3191 Sign-up at Wapsie Ridge: 319-638-4653 G.R.O. RULES: Shots: Best Shot Play from Whites & Ladies. One club length. No closer to the hole. Surface can’t change ~ i.e. Can't move your ball out of Rough, Sand, or Water! Putts: Upon reaching the green, the second putt is an Automatic Gimmee. Each member takes one roll at the hole. The Fringe is not the Green. Hole Prizes: Sponsored by Wapsie Ridge Golf Course, Readlyn Mutual Insurance, RTC Communications, Sauerbrei Auto Repair, Readlyn Veterinary Associates, Steege’s Meat Market, & Readlyn Savings Bank. Thank you! Please patronize your local businesses. Page 11 Four Fantastic Miss Readlyn Candidates Friday night, June 16, 5:30, at the City Park in Readlyn, one of these worthy candidates will be crowned Miss Readlyn for the 2012-2013 year. Each candidate is an FFA member and plans to continue her education after high school. Meet the candidates in alphabetical order: Kylee Price Parents: Kevin and Stacie Sponsor: Smoketown Shorthorns; John and Barb Rich Summer Plans: Kylee will be playing softball, babysitting, taking a youth group trip, and showing cows at the fair. Activities: She volunteers at the Waverly Hospital, clothing closet, and food bank. TAG, PALS, chorus, speech, youth group, softball, and wrestling manager are Readlyn activities. For fun she camps, fishes, and bikes with her family. Future Plans: Kylee plans to attend a four year school and then apply for medical school. Ten years from now she plans to be done with college and living wherever her job in the medical field takes her. Enjoying working with others and interacting with people of all ages, being a detail-oriented, hard worker committed to her jobs and using all of her resources will help her accomplish her goals. Gabriel Wittenburg Parents: Randy and Debbie Sponsor: Readlyn Veterinary Associates Summer Plans: Gabriel will be working at Readlyn Veterinary office, playing softball, babysitting, and spending time with her friends Activities: She is a National Honor Society and youth group member and plays golf and softball. Future Plans: Gabriel plans to attend a two year college, transfer to a four year college for prelaw, and possibly go to law school. In ten years Gabriel plans to have graduated from law school and practicing law in Iowa. Being a good listener and responsible, working efficiently, leading, and doing Heather Sommerfeldt Parents: Ken and Sherry Sponsor: Readlyn Savings Bank Summer Plans: Heather will be working at Wartburg College, going to Nashville, Tennessee, on a Luther League service project, and hanging out with friends. Activities: She is a Zion Lutheran Church Luther Leaguer and does projects such as: Community Day, Farm and Safety Day, Food for Hunger, and many other activities that allow her to give back. Future Plans: Heather plans to attend Hawkeye Community College or Wartburg College for physical therapy. Ten years from now she expects to have met her goal of completing college, joining the work force in her chosen career path, and hopefully starting a family. A positive attitude, good work ethic, willingness to help others and learn new things will help her reach her goals. Shelby Wittenburg Parents: Jeremy and Jennifer Sponsor: Grandparents Darrol and Joan Kohagen and Steve and Linda Wittenburg Summer Plans: Shelby will be babysitting, detasseling, riding horse, and training her dog for 4H. Activities: She is a member of 4H, Wapsie Valley High School Band, and Rough Riders Horse Club. Shelby goes to church at St. Paul’s and attends the youth program at Open Bible in Waverly. Riding horse, camping, tubing, fishing, and hanging out with friends and family are activities she also enjoys. Future Plans: Shelby would like to go to Hawkeye Community College for child development courses and work part-time. Ten years from now she plans to be working with special needs children or at a daycare in the Readlyn area. Good communication skills, patience, determination, and the will to succeed will help her attain her goals. Attention!!!. Don't forget to order your Grump Shirts. Last Order Date is June 1 Orders with payment can be dropped of at the Readlyn Public Library, Readlyn Farm Automation, or 138 W. 2nd St. or mailed to me at Box 187 Readlyn, Iowa 50668. Thank you. All items are dark green with lime green and white print. To the left is the back and to the right is the chest logo. 2012 Grump Days Please make checks payable to Mary Martha Circle and return to Marlys Deterding PO Box 187 Readlyn, IA 50668 For questions call Marlys at 319-279-3967 Page 12 50th Wedding Anniversary Jerry & Bonnie Wittenburg are observing their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Bonnie Poock and Jerry Wittenburg were married June 10, 1962, at Maxfield Lutheran Churn in Denver, Iowa. Mr. Wittenburg is retired from John Deere and Mrs. Wittneburg from Terex Crane. Their family includes Randy and Debbie Wittenburg of Readlyn, Rick and Rhonda Koepke of Waverly along with grandchildren Elliot and Gabby Wittenburg, Megan (deceased), Shannon and Natalie Koepke. Congratulations may be sent to P.O. Box 372, Readlyn, IA 50668. Congratulations and Happy Birthday Boevers Burton and Delores Boevers will be celebration their 80th Birthdays and 60th Wedding Anniversary with a family dinner at noon followed by an open house from 2-6 p.m. on June 3rd. It will be hosted by their family, Kathy (Roger Traetow, Craig Boevers, and Karen (Brent) Platte along with their 12 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. The event will be held at the farm of Brent and Karen Platte at 2366 220th St. Tripoli. (From Highway V43: 1 mile North of Knittel and 1 1/2 miles West. From the junction of highway 3 and 63: 1 mile North and 2 1/2 miles East). No Gifts Please Congratulations 2nd LT Bryce Meier 2LT Meier accepts the "Most Outstanding Senior Cadet at The University of Northern Iowa" from the Governor and LT Governor of Iowa and Iowa's Adjutant General at the Iowa State Capitol. L-R: LTC John Roadcap, MG Timothy Orr, 2LT Bryce Meier, Governor Terry Branstad, LT Governor Kim Reynolds. On Tuesday, April 10, at the State Capitol, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Bryce Meier ( Army ROTC, UNI) was presented with the Governor’s Award for outstanding ROTC Cadet with his mom and dad in attendance. Bryce Meier is the son of Nanci and Joe Meier of Waverly and grandson of RJ and Corlyn Frietag of Readlyn. He is a 2008 graduate of Waverly-Shell Rock High School in Waverly. On Friday, May 4, he received his commission at UNI for the ROTC and graduated from UNI on Friday, May 5, with a degree in business management with an emphasis in administration and a minor in international business and military science. Wolf’s 50th Anniversary Family and friends are invited to gather June 3rd in honor of Jim and Carolyn Wolf's 50th Wedding Anniversary. A noon picnic will be hosted by their children at St. John's Church, Western Douglas, 1760 130th Street, Plainfield. Jim and Carolyn of rural Tripoli were married June 3, 1962 at Crane Creek Lutheran Church, rural Tripli. Children and grandchildren are Alan, Kelly, Dakoda and Clayton Wolf, Fairbank; Crystal, Bill, Jake, Taylor and Levi Petersen, Gladbrook, IA.; Shelley Wolf and Mark Brocka, Tripoli; Megan Brocka, Centreville, VA; Shari, Tim, Sophia, Savannah, Sierra, Sydnie, Saylor Davis, Tripoli; Janni and Dave Larson, Elgin, Ia. Cards may be sent to 1768 Oakland Avenue, Tripoli, IA 50676. ‘Best of the Class’ Joseph Kuhlmann, son of Nancy Lockard and Steve Kuhlmann from Wapsie Valley High School was honored as a member of the 2012 Best of the Class. Above, Joseph is joined with Mark Schnackenberg, Tara Thomas, Joseph, Ron Steele, and Rick Coleman. Valedictorians or top graduating seniors were once again honored by KWWL Television and Wartburg College on Saturday, April 28. The students took part in KWWL’s annual “Best of the Class” Celebration.” Best of the Class students were videotaped on the Wartburg campus for a series of public service announcements, which will air beginning May 14 on KWWL, Iowa’s News Channel. In its 28 years of recognizing academic excellence, KWWL’s Best of the Class has honored nearly 4,000 top graduating seniors. Best of the Class is a joint public service/ community relations effort that encourages academic excellence among high school students by honoring students who serve as role models in their communities. Page 13 5th Annual Readlyn Savings Bank Grump Cup SPONSORED BY "READLYN EMS" Readlyn EMS is having a CPR training class on June 10, 2012. The class is "free" for anyone wishing to learn CPR. Anyone wanting to be certified in Heartsaver CPR will need to pay a certification fee of $6.00. Certification in Healthcare Provider can also be provided with a certification fee of $6.00. The class will be taught by certified American Heart Instructors from the Readlyn EMS crew. The class will be held at the Readlyn Public Library from 1:00PM - 4:30PM. Pre registration is required so that we can provide the necessary handouts. You can register by calling; TOM POWER AT 279-3823 (H) OR 1-319-230-6761 ©. Take me out to the Grump Cup….The Grump Cup is a Grump Days’ softball tournament organized and sponsored by the Readlyn Savings Bank that pits local volunteer Fire Departments, Peace Officers, and First Responders against one another to compete for a chance at greatness. To the envy of the vanquished, the winners will hoist the Grump Cup and their town’s name shall be enshrined on the Grump Stump for all eternity so that future generations shall know of their victory. The purpose of the tournament is to have fun and bring our neighboring communities together with a little friendly competition. These organizations are such an integral part of our communities that it is only appropriate that our towns should be rooting them on in “The Quest for The Cup.” Where: Players: Friendly People Ballpark Fire Fighters, Peace Officers, First Responders, 2 non-Heroes/ringers are al- lowed Format: Modified* Double-Elimination, guaranteed 2 games, 6-inning games/1 hour max (*One Championship Game ~ no time limit) It's time to grab your friends and swing on over for amazing Bible stories, cool crafts, yummy snacks and rockin' songs! Where: St. Paul’s Church, 124 E. 4th Street, Readlyn Date: June 11-15 When: 9:30-11:30 Who: Any child who is 4 by September 15 through the completion of 4th grade Cost: $5.00 per child Registration Deadline: June 3, 2012 Forms available at the library and post office Return forms to Anna Weepie (822-7726) or Nicole Barnes (279-3026) Checks can be made payable to St. Paul's Church On Friday we will ALL be visiting the senior housing to share our songs with our friends there. Please feel free to join us on Friday at 11:00. Bring your grandparents, friends, aunts and uncles! Slow pitch, 6-12 arch, Batters start with 1-1 count 4 HR limit, Wood Bats When: Schedule ~ Friday, June 15th, 2012 5pmGAME 1: Readlyn vs. Denver 6pm GAME 2: Fairbank vs. Janesville 7pm GAME 3: Denver vs. Fair./Jane. 8pm GAME 4: Readlyn vs. Fair./Jane. 9pm GAME 5: Semi-Final (1W, 1L teams) 10pm FIREWORKS INTERMISSION 11pm GAME 6: Championship (*One-game) GRUMP CUP CHAMPIONS: I. 2007 Readlyn (no records) II. 2008 Fairbank def. Readlyn, 32-31 III. 2009 Janesville def. Fairbank, 14-11 na 2010 RAIN OUT IV. 2011 Fairbank def. Denver, 14-13 V. 2012 Will Denver get on the Stump? Support Readlyn Area Youth; Concession Stand Open! Come and root on your hometown heroes! Readlyn Area Parish Zion And St. Matthew’s Lutheran Lou Fortsch’s Grandson Receives Honor We are teaming up with Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps for Day Camp this summer! At Day Camp, kids will encounter a week packed with Christ-centered activities, games, arts and crafts, songs, skits, and Bible-based lessons. A team of Christ-centered, trained, and energetic staff from Ingham Okoboji will be leading the week’s festivities. The theme for the week is ALIVE: God’s Great Adventure! The week theme verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:10. It’s an adventure you won’t want to miss. Day Camp is for youth who will have completed kindergarten through fifth grade in 2011-2012. Day Camp runs Monday-Thursday. Day Camp participants get to bring their own sack meal every day; however, a snack and beverage will be provided. The week concludes with a Thursday Day Camp Celebration where Day Campers show all they’ve experienced as we celebrate Christ! We hope you join us for Day Camp! Register today! Dates: July 16-19 Time: 4/5 year old preschool 3- 5pm, K-5 3-8pm Location: Zion Lutheran Church, Readlyn Cost Per Child: $10 for preschoolers; $20 for day camp Registration July 16th 2:30-3:00 Contact Amy Sheppard with any questions-279-3574 Prince Harry and Colin Powell are in the center. To the left, with his hand on Prince Harry’s shoulder, is Mike Leehey, Lou Fortsch’s grandson and son of Julie and Tim Leehey. May 7, 2012, Operation Specialist First Class Petty Officer Mike Leehey was one of five Coast Guard members selected to attend the Atlantic Council Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C., where Prince Harry received an award for his humanitarian work with wounded soldiers. United Nations secretary Vanki-Moon and enlisted men and women of the U.S. military were also honored. All of the five U.S. service branches were represented at this special event. Notable speakers included Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger. This event was noteworthy enough to be featured in Peoples magazine. Page 14 Notice RTC Communications is a telecommunications provider who provides basic and enhanced services within its service territory. Basic services are offered at the following rates and charges: Monthly Service Charges Single party, voice grade residential service, including local usage $ 8.00 Federal Subscriber Line Charge – Single Line $ 6.50 Please join us at the Pepper Customers have access to long distance, directory assistance, and operator service providers of their choice, at rates established by those carriers. Tournament Toll Blocking is available at no charge for low income customers that qualify. Emergency 911 Services are provided and a surcharge is assessed at governmental rates in the park Low income individuals may be eligible for Lifeline telephone assistance programs which provide for discounts from the basic local service charges through specified governmental programs or if you meet income-based criterion currently defined as at or below 135 % of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Supporting documentation of program eligibility or proof of household income is required. You may only receive low-income assistance from one wireline or wireless telephone provider per household. If you have any questions regarding the company’s services or you want to apply for low income telephone assistance, application forms can be obtained from RTC Communications at 121 Main Street, Readlyn, IA or by calling (319)279-3375. Wapsie Valley FFA Goes For The Gold At State! By: Mara Huebner- chapter reporter The Wapsie Valley FFA Chapter embarked on an adventure of a lifetime to Ames on Sunday April 22nd, 2012 for the State FFA Convention. 43 students and 5 chaperones attended this event. 31 students were active in the Career Development Events or proficiencies, while the rest were either chosen for their Iowa Degree, participating in state band, or serving on the Courtesy Corp. Wapsie had 7 different Career Development Events participating in the state competition. These included: Public Speaking (Hallee Wiersma--Silver) Chapter Display (Christy Neil, Gabby Wittenburg, and Kylee Price--Gold) Ag Broadcasting (Jessica Erhardt—3rd Gold) Reporter’s Book (Mara Huebner—3rd Gold) Secretary’s Book (Abrah Meyer—3rd Gold) Treasurer’s Book (Jessica Erhardt—1st Gold Ag Sales (Michael Gruetzmacher—2nd Gold) Parliamentary Procedure (Sydney Cindrich, Brianna Cook, Alex Schmitz, Garett Hagenow, Adam Bodensteiner, Lauren Ambrosy, and Shereese Folsom—1st Gold and advancing to the National Competition) Greenhand Quiz (Jacob Watts—4th Gold, Kalee Leistikow--Silver) Team Ag Sales (Cody Cripe, Alana Platte, Chance Beierschmitt, Cody Kleitsch, Crystal Kleitsch, Nolan Schmidt—6th Gold) Proficiencies that are based upon student’s SAE Programs which are individualized programs that students keep records on. Ag Communications (Dera Burreson—2nd Gold) Turf Grass Management (Garett Hagenow—2nd Gold) Forestry Management (Leah Galleger—1st Gold and advancing to Nationals) Ag Education (Dani Gordon—1st Gold and advancing to Nationals) Wildlife Management (Makayla Dixon—3rd Place, Silver) Ag Mechanics (Cody Cripe—3rd Gold) Ag Services (Sarah Doese—3rd Gold) Home and Farmstead Improvement (Johnathan Volker—Participation) State Music Participants State Band (Garrett Kalenske) State Chorus (Marina Hilbert and Jacob Burke) during Grump Days Pepper Tournament Results Twenty-eight people participated in the Pepper Game on Saturday, April 7th at the Center Inn. Results were as follows: 1st place winners were Janice and Suzy Heineman with a score of 200. 2nd place went to Matt Brunscheon and Joan Matthias with a score of 193. 3rd Place winners were R.J. and Corlyn Freitag with a score of 191. 4th Place went to Ty and Troy Kuethe with a score of 175. Peanuts went to Carol Heller and Dolores Ungs with a score of 97. This is the last Pepper Game until fall, it was a fun few months. See you back again in the fall. Enjoy the Summer. Joan and Grace Dera Burreson, Jessica Erhardt, Mara Huebner, Christy Neil, Hallee Wiersma, and Kelli Zuck —academic award for maintaining a 3.5 grade point over the past 4 years of high school Retiring State Officer: Sarah Doese, State Secretary Stine Scholarship for $500: Kelli Zuck Journalism Award: Mara Huebner (top 15 in the state) Receiving the Washington Leadership Conference Scholarship: Abrah Meyer-$900 Being selected for a state committee: Gabby Wittenburg for Auditing and Kelli Zuck for Public Relations Chapter Awards included: Top Chapter in Community Development Top Chapter in 1000+ for the Northeast District and 2nd in the State 5th highest chapter in Overall Chapter Ranking out of 219 chapters and advancing to the National Competition The Iowa FFA Association has 219 local chapters with over 12,000 FFA members. FFA is a national organization of more than 500,000 members preparing for leadership and careers in science, business and technology of agriculture. Local, state and national programs provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Courtesy Corp Ally Klein Katie Neil Lauren Ambrosy Cody Kleitsch Alana Platte Collin Dobbs Kalee Leistikow Taylor Spragg-Roth Shereese Folsom Morgan Meinecke Taylor Waldstein Garett Hagenow Abrah Meyer Jacob Watts Adam Joerger Iowa Degree—which is highest degree the State FFA Association can bestow Kelli Zuck Tricia Luick Kylee Price Brooke Miller Mackenzie Kane Kyle DeVoe Abrah Meyer Gabby Wittenburg Heather Sommerfeldt Christy Neil Makayla Dixon Clayton Jeanes Dani Gordon The Wapsie Valley FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team: Shereese Folsom, Adam Bodentsteiner, Lauren Ambrosy, Garret Hagenow, Brianna Cook, Adam Joerger, and Sydney Cindrich competed at the State Convention. They received 1st Place and will be competing at the National Competition next fall. Page 15 Wapsie Valley FFA Holds 35th Annual FFA Parent Member Banquet Gabby Wittenburg-Chapter Reporter Fun, excitement, recognition, and great food! These were all the feelings parents, members, and guests had while attending the Wapsie Valley FFA Parent-Member Banquet held on April 28th at the Wapsie Valley High School. During the banquet, the Wapsie FFA implemented their 2011-2012 theme: Reach for the Sky. Guests started the night with a social hour followed by an outstanding meal catered by the Fairbank Food Center. They grilled chicken and provided cheesy potatoes, corn, pasta salad, rolls, and cake. National Honor Society members Amanda Niebuhr and Jake Galleger served the dessert. Throughout the course of the evening, several members were instrumental in conducting the program and were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments throughout the year. Members were recognized in the areas of foundation, achievement, and star awards. Community members were recognized as well with distinguished service, blue and gold award, and the prestigious honorary award. The results of the evening are found below: At this year’s Wapsie Valley FFA banquet retired state secretary Sarah Doese gave com- This year’s star awards; Freshman Star: Kalee Leistikow, Sophomore Star: Adam Joerger, Junior Star: Abrah Meyer, Senior Star: Leah Galleger, and overall star: Abrah Meyer. IOWA DEGREE - for members receiving the third degree in the association: Kyle DeVoe, Makayla Dixon, Jessica Erhardt, Dani Gordon, Clayton Jeanes, Mackenzie Kane, Tricia Luick, Abrah Meyer, Brooke Miller, Christy Neil, Kylee Price, Heather Sommerfeldt, Gabby Wittenburg, and Kelli Zuck. AMERICAN DEGREE - for members who applied for their fourth degree only given by the national level. Allyssa Beierschmitt, Bailey Dobbs, Matthew Johnson, Landon Kane, Hanna Wiersma, Geoffrey Stout, Jon Macken, and Jamie Leistikow. FOUNDATION AWARDS: Agricultural Education - Mackenzie Kane Ag Mechanical Technical Systems - Cody Kleitsch and Nathan Westemeier Ag Sales - Will Gnewuch and Michael Gruetzmacher Ag Services - Brooke Miller, Alex Schmitz, and Heather Sommerfeldt Beef Production - Ethan Kleitsch and Jerrid Nuss Dairy Production - Adam Bodensteiner and Kelli Zuck Diversified Ag Award- Adam Joerger, Clayton Jeanes, Collin Dobbs, and Nolan Schmidt Diversified Crop Award - Mitchell Boevers and Cody Kleitsch Equine Production Award - Shelby Wittenburg Forestry Production - Hallee Wiersma Small Animal Production - Gabby Wittenburg Turf Grass Management - Abrah Meyer Initiated at the Wapsie Valley banquet were the new 2012-2013 officers. Alex Schmitz- Sentinel, Gabby Wittenburg- Reporter, Garett Hagenow- Treasurer, Brianna Cook- Secretary, Dani Gordon- Vice President, and Abrah Meyer- President Leah Galleger receives the Dekalb Award from Representative Dave Wheeler Community members were awarded for their services with the FFA. Receiving the Honorary Chapter FFA degree was Jill Schwickerath Receiving the Blue and Gold Award were; Mark Kleitsch and Tracy and Barb Gruetzmacher Page 8 Ag Resources Brownell Excavating Steve Brownell 2261 Yukon Ave., Sumner, IA 50674 Channel Bio Seeds Steve Rathe 2560 250th St. (319) 279-3806 Dusk to Dawn Sales Precision Planting Mike Heineman 2919 270th St. (319) 279-3136 Quality Distributors Inc. Brian Meyer 101 Main St. (319) 279-3555 8912 N Raymond Rd. (319) 822-7345 Readlyn Farm Automation Farmers Co-op 418 E. 1st St. (319) 279-3332 223 E. 1st St. (319) 279-3396 Farmers Savings Bank 103 3rd St. Frederika, IA 50631 (319) 275-4301 Fettkether Fertilizer Co. LLC 7634 N. Ordway Rd. Dunkerton, IA (888) 701-9961 or Cell (319) 404-0064 Innovative Ag Services 319 W 1st St. Oran (319) 638-7551 Liddle-Ebert Ltd. Farm Drainage 1196 Hilton Ave. Plainfield, IA 50666 Randy-Dee Liddle (319) 275-4528 (319) 231-5590 Monsanto Delkalb/Asgrow Dave Wheeler 8234 E. Marquis Rd. Dunkerton, IA 50626 (319) 230-1029 Mycogen Seeds Readlyn Vet. Association Auto Sales & Repair Del's Auto Repair Inc. Sauerbrei Auto Sales & Repair Marvalous Images Dreams Hair Studio 2308 Piedmont Ave. (319) 279-3785 2640 230th St. (319) 279-3436 136 Main St (319) 279-4018 224 Kalman Ave. (319) 279-4060 Larry Kuhlmann's Service & Repair Tripoli ChevroletBuick 430 E 1st St. (319) 279-3307 213 S Main St., Tripoli (319) 882-4701 (800) 373-5231 Building & Repairs 2636 230th St. (319) 279-3867 Burton Thies Construction Rock on Wheels 427 E 4th St. (319) 279-3521 Roger Wheeler (319) 404-0407 Randy Wheeler (319) 231-3859 Schutte Spraying Service Elton Schutte 211 E. Ridge St. (319) 279-3394 Edgeton Hardware & Repair 5104 Main St. Oran (319) 638-7206 Readlyn Heating & Cooling 226 Main St. (319) 279-3369 Stine/LG Seeds Greg Matthias 2765 270th St. (319) 279-3811 Wittenburg Truck Line Inc. 117 Malone Ave. (319) 279-3371 Clark & Associates 527 Park Lane, Waterloo (319) 233-8911 Dentist Rettig, Richard H 224 S. Main St., Tripoli (319) 332-3555 221 Main St. (319) 279-4033 Kaiser-Corson Funeral Home 205 Highland Ave. (319) 279-3551 Attorneys & Realtors Kurt R. Leistikow Dillon Law, P..C. Attorney At Law Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 553-3400 kurt@llollc.net Patrick B Dillon Attorney At Law 209 E 1st Street Sumner, IA 50674 (563) 578-1850 Fax: (563) 578-1312 Joe Leehey Broker Associate (319) 415-7349 joe@sulenticfischels.com 3510 Kimball Ave Waterloo, IA 50702 Tel: (319) 234-500 Fax: (319) 291-7000 www.sulenticfischels.com patdillon@50674law.com Foundation Realtors Louie Hartman, Agent Readlyn (319) 239-0533 Dick Harms, Broker (319) 882-3223 2010 Midway Ave., (319) 882-3399 Tripoli105 W. Main St., Denver (319) 984-5695 www.kaisercorson.com Insurance Services Readlyn Mutual Ins. Association Farm Bureau Financial Services 234 Main St. (319) 279-3893 David C. Matthias Machinery/Tractor Repair RA Machine L&L Ag Repair 2504 230th St 2220 Reed Ave (319) 279-3363 (319) 279-3161 Schuldt Repair 2261 Reed Ave (319) 279-3539 G & R Construction 407 Goodell Ave. PO Box 306 (319) 279-3681 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. Family Needs Precious Miracles Daycare Don Heineman 2779 250th St. (319) 279-3689 (319) 269-9551 Maurer & GammerdingerPage Heating & Air 121 W. 1st. St. (319) 279-3301 Spring Center Farm Pioneer-Dean Buhr 2034 Vintage Ave. Sumner, IA 50674 (563) 578-8104 (319) 240-2432 Hair & Beauty Readlyn Chiropractic Clinic Specialty Businesses Black Hawk Memorial Newy's Wireless Communications Kathleen Snelling U.S. Cellular Memorial Consultant 1760 Quebec Ave. Tripoli, IA 50676 (319) 882-4432 Jeff Neuendorf 240 S. State St., Denver (319) 240-7150 Pam's Machine Makeover 307 Main St. (319) 279-3877 Sewing Machine Maint., Readlyn Community Library Parts & Repair 313 1st St. SE Tripoli, IA 50676 (319) 882-3630 309 Main St. PO Box 249 (319) 279-3432 Readlyn Savings Bank Heartland Marine LLC 141 Main St. (319) 279-3321 3385 230th St., Sumner (319) 638-3040 RTC Communications Landscape Creations 121 Main St. (319) 279-3375 103 Maple Dr. Tripoli, IA 50676 (319) 882-4486 2310 Quarter Ave. (319) 882-3555 Mary Kay Cosmetics Bender’s Foods 200 S. State St. (319) 984-5341 Denver, Ia Center Inn & Fire House Bar & Grill 209 Main St. Box 141 (319) 279-3829 Oran Locker 5001 Main St. Oran (319) 638-6371 Sunrise Catering 226 Main St. (319) 279-4089 Lisa Oberle (319) 279-3297 lmoreadlyn@aol.com Rick Foelske Quarter Ave. Storage Food & Restaurants Tastefully Simple Kristi Marticoff 609 East View Dr. (319) 279-3870 (319) 240-1744 marticof@netins.net Wapsie Ridge Golf Course 2652 Vine Ave. Fairbank, IA 50629 (319) 638-4653 Wendy's Country Touch Massage Therapy Wendy Matthias LMT 136 Main St. (319) 279-4018 (319) 610-0366 Become a SPONSOR and have your business recognized on this page along with all of the current supporters! E-mail editorca01@netins.net or call Charlie at (319) 279-3228. You could also stop in at the Library.
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