Readlyn Chronicle - Readlyn Community Library
Readlyn Chronicle - Readlyn Community Library
Readlyn Chronicle Volume 2 No 4 Composed by the Repdlyn Community May 5: Readlyn Spring Clean-up Days VFW,7:30 p.m., Readlyn Telephone Co. 7i Daisies,6:30-7:30 p.m., Readlyn Litrrary 9i FULL MOON tact residents for this cut-over. MOTHERS'DAY are going to he doing any type of digging in your yird, ditch or field, please call IOWA ONE CALI, @ l-800_ 292-8989 OR 8 | | for locates of cable and fibei If you choose to dig without notif,ing IOWA ONE CALL, you are responsible for any repairs and can also be fined. This is a state law. l0: I Shtron Huck, General Manager reviewed the past year and gave m update of the FTTp prcject for the City of Readlyn" RTC staff has cut-over 6l residents onto the fiber for telephone and intemet and will continue to con- Early Out Movie, l:30 p.m. Readlyn Community Library l: 12: CALL BEFORE YOU DIC Infant & Toddler Massage Class, Readlyn Community Library Webelos, 7:00, Angie Fritz's home - IT'S THE LAW - If vou Story Hour, l0:00 a.m., Readlyn Library VFW Auxiliary, T:30 p.m., Readlyn Lib. BURNING DITCHES * This is the time of year when buming ditches begins. please do not bum close to De_ 14: Ilrownies,6:30-7:.10 p.m., Readlyn Lib. WVIIS Class Night. T:30 p.m. destals ay l5: Senalor Hcckroth,2:45 p.m., MultiPurpose Room, Readlyn Lib, ay 17: Boy Scout Crossover Ceremony, 6:30 p.m., St. Matthews MaylS; - if you damage the pedestal or cable you are responsible for the repairs. Be mindfut that this can be service effecting to many customers. Thank you. We have had many questions regarding high definition television. There is a big misconception regarding televi_ sion stations and high definition television and purchasing a television capable of high definition. Not all stations are broadcast in HD and cunently our cable system is standard definition. An analog tv cannot receive an HD picture even with a purchased convenor box. Even with l)EADLINE-READLYNCHRONTCLE May l9: Spring Concert. T:00 p.rn,, K-6. WVHS May 20: Senior Citizens, I l:30 a.m,, Center lnn May 2l: Daisies, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Readlyn Mzy 242 WVHS Commencement, l:00 p.m. 12,2009, DTV Transition will not affect our cablevision and no changes are needed on your part. Any questions, please call our office. May 25: MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Day Observance in Readlyn Pepper Tournament Results Graveside Services, 9:00 a.m. ZionlSt. Paul Cemetery Parade, l0:30, followed by Program Readlyn Elem., address by Rev. Sterle Potluck Dinner, Noon for the community, Readlyn Library May 27: Readlyn Chronicle delivered in Yellow Shopper Merry Elders, Noon, Readlyn Library May 28: Brownis,6:30-7:30 p.m., Readlyn Lib. Attention potential Miss Readlyn candidates! . On Saturday, April 4, we had nine tables participate in the Pepper toumament. There was tie for l" place with a score of I 9 | . Winners were partners Ron Brunscheon and Jason Huebner and partners Herb Clemons and Dale Ott who split l" and 2"d prize. R.J and Corlyn Freitag won 3'd place with a score .of 190, and Jerry and Bonnie Winenburg finished 4ih with a score of l8l. The oeanut prize also was a tie with a score of 78. -Hanier Risse, Carrie Bisbee. and Dawn and Hailey Bergmin divided the peanuts. This was the last toumament until fall. We want to thank everyone for coming. lt's been a lot of ftrn. Haye a nice summer and we'll see you back soon. Joan Motthirc and Grace Kuethe Miss Readlyn Candidates A very impodant part of the Grump Days celebration each year is the crowning of Miss Readlyn. All girls who are Readlyn residents and who will be a senior in high *hool next year are eligible to run for Miss Readlyn. Please contact Karla Joerger at either 279-3331 or if interested. If you are a business who would be like to sponsor a Miss Readlyn cmdidate, please also contact Karla Joerger, Home other content providers, HD programming is an additional cost and you do have to have a HD television. l.he June Library Mother's Day Buffet The third annual Mother's Day Buffet is planned for May lOs, from l0 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the main room of the Center lnn. Plan on atending and enjoy prime Rib along with 3 other meats, 3 types of potato, 3 hot vegetables, several salads. fresh fruits and brakfast items also. or 857 Friendl Peo le and IA April 2g"2}0g Catch the Spirit The Readlyn Telephone Company held it's Annual Meeting on Saturday, April lg6, 2009, at I p.m. at l2l Main St., Readlyn, Iowa, with 12 shareholders present. Janet Huebner, Todd Kuethe, md Burton Thies were re_ elected to the boad of directors for a three-yer term. Story Hour, l0:fi1 a.m., Readlyn Library CLS Spring Musical,'Go, Co Jonah!' 7:00 p.m. CLS Gym-2681 Quail Ave 6. Published by Vanguard Publishing Co, Sumner, Readlyn Telephone Co Annual Meeting ommunity Calendar: May 4,5,6: Club The 3'd Annual Megan Keopke "Catch the Spirit" 5K fun rurlwalk will be held Wednesday, May 6 at 4:30 pm. This event, in memory of Megm Koepke, is the finale of a day filled with character awareness and community service for the sddents at the Waverly-Shell Rock Junior High. The public is invited to participate in this fun event to raise funds for one of Megan's favorite charities, the Heart Connecfion Chlldren's Oncologlt Camp. Megn, the daughter of Rick and Rhonda Koepke, fought her battfe for 8 t/z lears before passing away in February 20007. Entry foms may be domloaded from the following site: www.wsr.k I Eiltries postmilked after Aprif 22 may not receive a T-shirt. Entry fee is $10.00 and there will be BBQ pork and concession following the run/walk. All money raised will go to support "The Heart Connection Summer Oncology Camp." The Perennial Planters The Readlyn Beautification Committee has a new name: The Perennial Plantero. We hope it will be easy to remember and it is also a statement about what we do. Many of you have been watching for signs of spring in the three flower beds along the bike trail. you have to look closely because the cold spring has delayed many spring blossoms. We planted lots of tulips last fall and they are just peaking through. The new iris plmtings look nice and green. It looks as ifthe rabbits lunched on several of our larger bushes. The trees that were olanted last year look especially healthy: setting buds nicely. We have a Flowering Crab to plant this spring. It would be great to have a grouping ofthese for spring color in the park. We could use a Weeping Willow tree for that wet spot there too. All donations oftrees, shrubs, and flowers would be most welcome. The ash tree disease is now across the Mississippi in Wisconsin. This disease will destroy all ash trees like the Dutch Elm disease destroyed ow majestic elms. Ohio md lndiana have lost 20 to 30 million ash trees. There are several mature ash trees in our city park. We need to begin planting some new trees to take their place. Several people have mentioned helping with our projects. We have fun while we work. Our first meetins will be May 2 in the park gaebo at 9:00 A.M. Join us in-planning our projects for this season. For more information phone Jackie Clemen (279-3514) or Bonnie Erickson (279-3935\. Memorial Day Observance Memorial Day will be observed beginning with a graveside service at the Zionlst.Paul Cemetery at 9:00 a.m. A parade will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Main Street. Padicipants will be the VFW Post 5661, the VFW Auxiliary, Wapsie Valley Marching Band, and the local Boy and Girl Scouts of America. Following the parade, a pngram will take place at the Elementary school gym. Featured speaker will be Reverend Roger Sterle, Pastor of St. Paul's and lmmanuel Churches. A mock graveside service will conclude the activities at the school. The community is invited to the Library meeting room following the service for a potluck dinner b€ginning at noon. One Old Grum Mayors Desk Miss Readlyn Comments Grumps Grumblings By: llerb Clemen By: Lou Fortsch As I write this column we have officially sprung into spring. We are obseruing the grass turning greener and fiowers starting to bloom. lt seems like it has been a very iong winter. We again need to address some issues in this article that affects everyone in Readlyn. The council has decided that we will have a recycling program in Readlyn and everyone should use this program. That means everyone must abide by the rules that affect this recycling program. We continue to have people putting Styrofoam in either the large green drop boxes out- side or in the containers inside the recycling center. There has also been garbage bags put in the boxes outside. This must stop. Citations will be issued to anyone that has violated these rules. The economy has also affected the value ofthe recyclable material that we must get rid of. Effective the May l'l our maierial that is being picked up, will have a pickup fee of$100 per occurrence. It also takes approximately l0 man hours loading the containers and seruicing this recycling center per month. These costs are presently absorbed by our general budget. Ifthis continues there will a charge to everyone in the community. This would amount to approximately $1.75 to $2"00 per month at our present costs. I have been optimistic that we may have a chance to get some State or Federal aid from the recent stimulus packages to improve our waste treatment facilities and to put in some tile lines for the sump pump discharge. As of this date we have not been successful in getting any help from the State or Federal govemment. This does not mean thal there is a moratorium on disconnecting your sump pump Ilom the sanitary sewer system. Those residents that have a stom water line adjacent to their property must get lheir system hooked up properly and as soon as possible. To give you some recent history ofthe amount ofsump pump discharge we compared Jan 09 with last month. January we pumped 2,494,000 gallons of llesh waler. During that same time we treated at our treated facility 2,140,000 gallons of waste water. Wlich is less than pumped? That is the way it should be. Last month we pumped 2,164,000 gallons of fiesh water and treated 4,826,000 gallons of waste water. This is over twice the amount of fiesh water pumped. Virtually all the excess water being treated last month came fionr sump pumps. Please get these units disconnected fiom the sanitary sewer lines. Other business: We took delivery of a new police car and a used dump truck this month. The new restroom that was planned in the 2010 budgel will probably be installed next spring. We decided to wait until the school construction is on the way and maybe take another look at the location again. We have ordered a new sign and it will be delivered around the June, July timeframe. Jusl a reminder that our cleanup days are Moy 4'', 5'', and 6'h. All Material that is to be picked up this year must be out on the street right ofway by 8:00 am on the 6'" of May. This material can include Styrofoam. A complete list of other material and costs for the appliances and etc will be fumished at city hall. Community Club ---Meeting Dates Zion Lutheran Church 7:00 p.m. June 1 0 August 1 3 October I December'!0 Annual Meeting January 30, 2010 Hello again all! A lot has happened since the last time I wrote an article, but I'll tryio give you all a quick ' rundown! April 4s" juniors and seniors at Wapsie had rhe welcometoanothereditionoftheGrumpsGrumblings and a big welcome to spring. lt is finally here! Goodbye to the snow. Although we need all ofthe seasons, this one the is much more pleasant. The beautiful flowers are night at the Heartlani Acies Event Center in beginning to grow, the grass is getting greener,,and the Independence. Our ..Night in Tinselrown" was a e.reat children are outside playing, so please remember to drive success. Most of the students from borh grades atteided salely when you drive through our little town. We want the event along with their dates. Students'traveled to the our little ones to be able to play safely' Speaking of little ones. I hope that you all had a event in style aniving in various trucks and cars. There was even an RV and a Hummer limo sittins in the oarkinp wonderful Easter this year. Mine was especially blessed lot! The students seemed to really enjoy ttr'e nigtrt. as foi because I was able to be with so many of my wonderful myself, I had a blast dancing and enioying tile tasr big family' Four new great-grandbabies came to share some " of their first Easter with me. lt was a wonderful lime. event befbre graduation. Readlyn also had a wonderful celebration for Easter with The Senior Count down has bee.un with tle lasr dav of school scheduled for May 22. iommencement uili be a very larB,e and.'egg"citing Easter egg, hunt in rhe park" May 24'h at t:00 at the WvHS gymnasium. Mosr of the Thanks for all that participated in hiding lhose eggs and thanks for all the parents and other family members who seniors are finalizing our collegellans. With Prom behind us. students at the Vallev are realll brought the little ones out to hunt the eggs. Enioy the beginning to look foruard to the summer aniall rhe fu'n weather and all the blessings that the l-ord has given us. Until next time' I will leave you with another inspirational that goes with it. Students are already planning rhines to do like camping trips; shopping e*crrriour," and "fou, q,uote: ".tpz?g shows whut God can do wilh u droh ond wheefing adu"; runy ur. a"lso gearing up for this dirty world'' Enjoy the spring and may God bless you. summer's Grump Days which will be here in a matter of . zf.L^_l- \Z^-- f^- s^* r hank You for opportunity to atrend this year's prom. We celebrale4 weeks. Serving It's hard for me to believe thal it's been almost a vear since | first wrote to all of you! I've had a great iime giving all ofyou a small glimpse into my life and the lives of other high school students, too. I wish the best of luck to this year's Miss Readlyn contestants. All girls who will be seniors next year and who live ;n the Readlyn district are eligible to compere. Any Readlln to run for Miss Readlyn should contact Karla Joerger (279-J331) for more area ladies who would like infomation. The best of luck ladies! In'our last issue ol the Chronicle. il was strggested thal cunent and past service ntcn and women should be recognized and thanked for their service. Although the list is most likely not complele. please remember the follorving list of individuals who havc ()r are currcntly serving our nalion. Curreni service tnembers are: LCDR Robert J. Phelps. Lieutenant Commander. US Navy Reserve; Lt. Ben-iarnin R. Hartman. Staff Instructor al VAQ-129 which is rhe Fleet Replacement Squadron tbr EQ-68 .iets: Scnior Master Chief Brad Albrecht. Cotnmand Master Chicl, As for the rest ofyou, I hope all ofyou are enjoying the awesome weather we've had latelyl Spring is here lo sray. SWFlant, Kings I think! Bay. GA: OS3Mikc [.eehey. Coast Guard, Portsmouth- VAi Sgt.Jason (iipper. Marines. Spfing Clean Up Days May 4-6 rhe City or Readryn wir be having Spring crean Yuma. AZ: Cpl. Shawn Gipper. Marines. Yunra. AZ: Sgt. James Sickles, Marines, Camp I'endelton. CA: Petty officer Ryan Peterson. l-emoore. cA: and othcrs. Those who have served in the past include Paul 'liedt. up Hll J#jl fill""T,Jlltiljl'"1:i:;J,"1frYr:;jl, Dayssoyoucangetridofall itemsnottakenwithregular Arlin poock. Arm1. K.rea (l()51-_lq5-1,: paul Olrrogge. earbaee. ALL items must be at the curb no later than 8am | | e Amy ( lC53-551: Virgil Marrhias. Army ( l955-57): -.., Wednesdav.May6'". Roger Wolft. Arm), (1S5.5-57)t Bob Deterding. Arnry (1955-57); Don Billhom, Army (1956-58). Cerrnany: No tree stumps, junk car parts, yard waste, tratteries, Charles Albrecht, Amy (1958-61), Korea; Tom Power, concrete, building materials, haardous material, paint, Amy, Vietnam (1966-1968); Trent Lockard. Air Force oil, solvents, insecticides, or peslicides will be accepted. (1982-84), Army National Guard (2005-present); John Joerger, Marines (1984-1988); James R. Wolffl Army, **Again this year. items must have paid stickers on them prior to pick up.*+ _ Below are the fees for removal of the followins items: Car Tire-S2 Major Fumiture-$6 Truck Tire- please call Mattress-56 Tractor Tire- please call Box Spring- $6 Appliance w/ Freon-$15 Carpet- $20/cu. yd (Refrigerator, Dehumidifier, etc.) Bathroom Fixtures-$6 All other Appliances-$ l0 TV-$ l5 Grills-$ l0 Computer-S l5 Vi€tnam (1963-67); Dan Baumgartner. Marines, ,South Pacific (1981-84);'lony llarks, Marines,National Guard Far East (1981-2007); Billy Pierce" Marines, (2003-07); Tim Masker, Navy, (1962-66); James Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Other items will be picked up flee ofcharge. l'ees for the above items must be paid lN ADVANCE ar City Hall. You wlll be given a paid sticker and receipt. **No item longer than l0 feet in length will be picked up. t*Pick up of all items is subject to the discretion of the of Readlyn. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS '*NO ** Calf City Hall @279-341I if you have any queslions. Cit-v Masker, Amy,4.,iational Cuard, (1994-2006); Tom Sickles, Arnry, Vietnam. (1966-69);Reinhart F'reitag, Jrt f]arlan J Happel; Oscar L Hiedeman; James Macken; Lloyd Nuss; Wesley R. Sauerbrei; Burton ll. Ihies: Eugene Thum; Carl E. Venzke; Colby Withers; and Ronald Wolff. Ifyou are in need ol'assistance, oontact a pastor your area, either in Readlyn. 'l'ripoli, Oran, or Denver. You may also contact: Bonnic Piehl @ 279-3608 Cell (563) 0r Kathv lleinemann @ 279-3680 380-ll4l Center Inn Readlyn Community Club April Meeting Hightights Nlonday - CIosed -l'uesday - 11:30 - 1:30, Wednesday 11:30 - 1:30,5 On April 16, the Readlyn Community Club met. The following items were discussed: . and approved. Treasurer's report was read 'l'hursclay and Committee reports were given. Clarification was asked regarding who, specifically, is on the 1:30, 5 - 8:30 Mane Event Wclcomes Shelly Freitag to l{cad\,n I lainuls (.olort/ I tilite.r l\nl.t lI llrirrg rrr tlris r.l & tcccir c \\:rlk irrs tl\'111.1 \\(l({)nrc (Jr to _z,_ta!t to plan lout upcoming landscapc prolcct. Landscape Creafions Iowa (319) 882-4486 h hrlrctlt S2.1,(l (rf call t(rr rttt lplloitlttrrcnt toclar' Cell # (319) 240-3502 'l I l, ,Lrr.: RUNNING FINE IN 2OO9 2"d ut Srl,'othcrs l)\ aPP()itltmcllt f19 \lrrrr Strcct l[qrc]! Ihe Club will donate ( alrls nltr llorrers trn a Sundal nrorning to thank thern litr the u\( (tl th( ir ha\ct!lcnt l'or rrur tncctittus. l:s4-d-lilfq&!f919i Oul-of:town residents have been \ ' rctlucsting papers. lt was decided that the Community Club will not take responsibility lbr mailing copies. Citizens arc encouraged to mail copies to their liiendsr'rclatives wanting the paper. Extra copies are $10.00 Jo1:ss Oltrogge t ears. he setlt tcl IIillcrest Honre 9l-5 \\'cst l'' St. Sunrne r. l,'\ 5067'l locatcd at the library. lune I l.) Class G WPrs Entry Fee Shirt included if registeted by May 29^'2009 A-fter May 29'n, entry fee $10, no shirt included "Olympic" Grump Medals to top 2 men and top 2 women in each of 7 classes, 32 medals in all. Bonus medals: To fastest 2 women and fastest 2 men. Class A-Ages 11 and under Class B - Ages 12 to 15 Class C - Ages 16 to 21 Class D - Ages 22 to 30 Class E - Ages 3l to 40 Class F - Ages 41 to 55 Ncxt Community Club meeting will be held on Wcdnesday, June l0 at 7:00 pm in the Zion Church basement. ( l-hrs is a change liom Annual Leistikow Famity 5K Fun Run Saturday, June 20' @ 7:30 a.m. Readlyn Park - Grump Days 2009 Call Angie Fnv @279-3412 or Brenda Fleineman @279-3906 if you have questions Fnqy Forms avaitable @ Readlyn Libtary or go on line @ and look at the bottom of the home Page undet "Featured News" to print form -l-hey have ire used at an1 I{eadlyn busincss. gcn('rotrsl)' allowed thc use of their lleld firr the !)1,n41!A!r Spring time! It's trme tor shrub trtmming and Tripoli, servc ribe-n-e sandrviches. potato salad. coleslaw and raspberry lemonade and collee fbr $7.00 per person. A hot dog meal rvith salads will be available ftrr 54.50 and a kids' hot dog/chip meal rvill be S1.50. New [Jusincss qiLt_Cenifiqate-19 Brascs': lt uas dccided to give I.a\ern []rase a gili cerliitcate in the arnount ofS50 to 1 phone: (319) S82-4701 Phone: l3tglaazr (gOO) 373,5231 Tolt Froe: (800) 373,523 'll Fax: (S19) 882-370 Ros. (563) Phone: (319) 279-3060 Srcrase tacilitv Repon: Andy Sexton completed a grant requcsting S10,000 tiom the Bremer County Foundation. Louie ]lartman completed the Readlyn Comnrunitl fjund grant. also requesling S10.000. G1q1np Dl1i-fuiAay-Ntglf eat lt was decided to llrrrvorks lirr several DONBUSHAW Trucks 578-8756 New & Us€d Cars & l luir (.un Pndut, Annual Dinner: lt was decided to increase the Community Club dues to $20 per person next year. participated this 2tg South Main St. TB|POL|. |OWA s0676 Call Rick at: menrbcr to donale prizes. . 11:30 Old Business: year. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes. Remernber, you do not need to be a community club DON BUSHAW CHEVROLET-BUICK ljorrd at thc lrirr Housc all thc time Rar hours are 4:(X) p.m. until closc Fundraising/Promolional committees in addition to the board members and asked for volunteers to help. One suggestion regarding promotion was to update a postcard from 100 years ago. We will attempt lo have something ready for Grump Days. The Grump Commitlee gave an update of the tentative schedule for this year's event. Kids' games will be charging 53.00 for a wristband" Dennis Gaul volunteered to organizs a baseball toumament for the older elementary grades. A group of lawnmower square dancers would like to perfom Friday night. All vendors will be charged $25 this year. This includes food, t-shirts" etc. Ea{qLECglIu!! About 230 kids 8:00 Friday 11:30- 1:30,5 - ft:30 5 - 8:30 Saturdav approved. o * (lhicken Buffet Secretary's report liom February 12, 2009, was read . F-l''"a-q' W Ncw [{ours 'l'he studcnts ol'Cl-S invite ever)olte lo.ioin us firr our spring nrtrsical" - Ages 56 +' Make checks payable for $10 entry fee to Leistikow Fun Run and mail to: Angie Fdtz PO Box 27 Readlyn, IA 50668 "Go. Co.lonah!" 'r\/lltlN: Tuesday. May Mother's Day Brunch A liec rvill supper will Sunday May 10, 2009 Center Inn 'l irnc: 11): {){) (,rrnc rntl trrjol - 'il 7:00 be served lionr -5:30-6:30. Readlyn r.rn. rhru 2:{X) ;r Irarrtastic Mysterious Photo llrtrktnst IIcnrs The farm photo on page 3 ofthe last issue ofthe Chronicle has not been correctly identified. l'he photo will be available at the Library for anyone to take a closer Ilntrrch trtlr rrs!!! \\e rrc planrrrng to lrrlc l)rirrrt. llib along t'ith tlrrcc othcr l\[cats, 'l lrrcc t\ pcs ()f l\)tato. 'l lrrcc I Iot V<gctaltlcs, Sclcral Salacls, ancl Iircsh lrruil. I)lus 5 WtIERF.: Ct-S Gynr-268 I Quail Ar.e also. look at. Piices: Adults - $11.95 Children 1-16 yeats of age - $.60 pet year lfit is conectly identified, the prize will still be available. Grump Days... The Grump Days "Kids in the Park" Committee is selling ra{Tle tickets. Prizes include a Nintendo Wii, Lost Island Waterpark tickets, 2 bean bag sets, and 2 fleece blankets. Tickets are available at the Readlyn Bank, the Center lnn and the Readlyn Kwik Star. All proceeds go toward activities in the park on Saturday. June 20 The Community Club is looking for vendors for Grump Days for Saturday, June 20 There will be a $25.00 charge for all vendors- Please call Jaime McEfhose at 319-279-3135 ifvou are interested or need more details. Thank You! SPAHN & RosE Lumber co. - A Century of Building a Better Readlyn According to Bill Mauer's wrltings ( I 949) taken liom the Historical Society book "two lumberyards were started to supply the peopie with lumber to build homes. This was brought into the town by railroad trains. The owners of these were Coolgrove and Silvester, and Brookes. Later the Diekman brothers started a lumberyard." SPAHN & ROSE Lumber Company started in 1904 in Dubuque and in l9l3 opened a store in Readlyn. Along with lumber and millwork, the first SPAHN & ROSE Lumber Yard provided wood shingles, brick, lime, plaster, wood posls. babed wire, woven wire fence, coal, and nails in 100# kegs. Managers ofthe past include: Elmer Knief(1917-1941). Jim Samualson (1954), Rollis Kappmeyer (1958), Leland Sprague (early 1970's), Jerald Latwesen (1970's to 1987). Other managers included Amold Meyerhoff, Don Thorne, and Bamey LaRue, however those years were not documented. The cuneni manager is Dave Kirchoffwho started in 1987. The assistant manager is Dustin Chatfield. The rest of the S&R Team consists of drivers Lee Selck and Greg Lahman, and bookkeeper Linda Hupfeld. Today SPAHN & ROSE caries all the products needed for the "Do It Yourself' market as well as the large contractors, With cunent technology, they can provide customers with plan layouts for custom homes, remodel projects, steel buildings, and more. In addition to providing a variety oftools and materials for any building project lhe Readlyn SPAHN & ROSE offers customers a knowledgeable and experienced staff that always provides fast and friendly service. To help customers make the best choices for their particular project. S&R also features beautiful kitchen. door, and window displays. as well as other hardware and building supply samples. Free deliver - "one piece or a carload" - is still one of the wonderfully convenient services provided by S&R; especially given the high costs oftransponation. Other great services include: windou' and screen repair, saw blade sharpening, and tool repair. They also carry a variety of paints and can "color match" and custom mix your desired paint color. SPAHN & ROSE, in pannership with Do lt Best, now provides the convenience ofonline shopping. By going to, clicking Store Localor and S&R Readlyn. customers can select from over 65,000 items on-line. lf cusromers select "Ship to Store". purchases can be shipped directly io the Readlyn store with no delivery charge. Over the last century SPAHN & ROSE has literally helped build the town of Readlyn. With new facilities and technologies combined with a tradition of friendly service and expertise SPAHN & R.OSE will help Readlyn become an even befter place to live in rhe next I 00 years. Meet the SPAHN & ROSE Team: The Chronicle asked each m€mber for the S&R Team two questions. l) What do you like about working at S&R and 2) lf a magical genie gave you the day off what would you do? (Pictured left to right.) Slipry Rock Equistrian Center Slipry Rock Equestrian Center is located at 2624 Quail Avenue, Readlyn, Iowa. Kathy Finder will bring to Slipry Rock years ofriding experience as she has been riding horses for more than 40 years. She loves all breeds of horses and likes to hang out with "horse people." She has been in the show ring and on many trail rides throughout lowa. As most people are aware, SIipry Rock Equestrian Center is located at 2624 euail Avenue, Readlyn, Iowa where Leon and Bonnie Matthias operated s very successful Arabian horse faining and breeding facility. After Leon moved his business south to Norualk, Iowa, the facility sat empty for several years. Jennifer Sonne then resuscitated it back to life as a Paint/Quaner horse facility. Again, this location launched off another successful horse careqr, this time for Jennifer. Jennifer shortly outgrew her Readlyn location and is now one of the top Paint/Quarter horse trainers in the country, doing business from Pennsylvania. To continue, Jim Juhl, Jennifer Sonne's father took over the facility. Jim came to know a skilled young adult, Javier Mercado. Jim took over this same location, never being a sole proprietor before, and made his business into a very successful training and lesson facility, specializing in Quarter/Paint horse training. Jim's close friendship with Javier created a dual team effort from this small stable in Readlyn, Iowa. The atmosphere, along with a good working facility. gave Javier the jump start he needed to go to the Quarter Horse Congress and take a couple of Top Ten awards in 2007. Presently, Kathy Finder has taken over the operations of this once very successful training facility. Her roots and fond memories go back to this place when Leon and Bonnie Matthias operated their thriving Arabian business. She had two Arabians at the time, one had been injured severely at another Arabian training facility. Leon assisted in finding the expert veterinary care she needed to be brought back to health. Since Leon moved to Norwalk with his daughter-in- law, Kim, and his son, Lon, Kathy has continued to do business with them at their cunent location. She has a great deal ofrespect for the Matthias family and their collective horse skills. "Given that all my predecessors have launched successful careers from this location, I am now the next in line" I plan to change the atmosphere a little at Slipry Rock Equestrian Center," says Kathy. Slipry Rock welcomes all breeds of, horses, as well as all riding disciplines. Kathy hopes to be successful in making Slipry Rock Equestrian Center a fun and a leaming bam. What she considers successful is the "leaming joumey" a person takes with their horse. For some, this joumey may be to show iheir horse in a given discipline and achieve many wins. For others, thisjoumey may be to leam to ride and enjoy their horse either riding in an arena or on a trail. "Trail riding is my first love, although I do enjoy learning and growing in my riding skills and experiencing other disciplines," says Kathy. Dave Kirchoft Manager. with S&R since 1979 I like helping people plan & build their dreanr house, garage, building, deck, and more. Working right in town rvhere I live and see people I know every day. Depending on the time ofyear I would go fishing or hunting and camping. Dustin Chatfield, Assistant Manager, since 2008 I like working with my co-workers. Also the people in the community are fun to serve and talk to. I would sleep in, go golfing, tlren take a nap, wake up and take me tlancd out to dinner. Lind Hupfeld, Bookkeeper, since 2007 Meet new people. "Road+ripping" with Mike Lee Selck Driver. since 2000 The people I work with. Go fishingl Or Llunting! Greg Lahman. Driver, since 1994 Fanily conres first above thejob. When you need tinre oflyou can Take my uife out and enjoy the day. _eet it. Heather Rausch, Sugar Tree Morgan's. has teamed up with Kathy to offer her services. Heather is a talented rider in both Westem and English disciplines. l{eather grew up in a Morgan horse showing and breeding family. Please take time to meet Heather. Some of you may already know her as she delivers mail in the Readlyn area on Saturdays. Cive her "a wave" the next time you see her put mail in your mailbox. Heather is standing her Morgan Stallion R-Heart Stars'n Stripes at Slipry Rock Equestrian Center. Kathy says she is not one to get giddy over every handsome looking stud, but this guy, R-Heart Stars 'n Stripes, does demand attention. She will be breeding her Morgan mare lo this guy this spring and will have an awesome Morgan baby next year! To sum it up, Slipry Rock Equestrian Center is offering the following services: horse boarding, horse training (English or Western) and breaking, and riding lessons (English or Western). Amenities include indoor and outdoor riding arenas, heated bam with box stalls, tack storage area, tum-out lots, knowledgeable riding instructor and a happy, fun environment. Call Manager Kathy Finder at (319)240-3825 or Instructor Heather Rausch at (563) 379-6138. Heather Rausch with her Morgan Stallion "R-Heart Stars 'n Stripes" Helping Your Neighbors through the Readlyn Community Fund Just over ayeil ago, the Readlyn Community Fund (RCF) was established to improve the quality of life right here in the Readlyn community by making grants to support local non-profit organizations and projects. The RCF was established by a generous endowment gift from a local business, and through eamings ffom the endowment, the RCF awarded $ I 0,000 in grants to projects last June. The grants provided support for purchase of an automated blood pressure monitor for the First Responders, new tumout gear for the firemen, a comput€r desk and monitor for the library, math software for Community Lutheran School, a new scorebqard for the city athletic field, and an electronic welcome sign for the C ity of Readlyn. In June of this year, a second round of grmts will be awarded to prcjects and groups making applications this spring" ln addition to providing charitable gifts to the community, the foundation provides donors a way to give back to the community. People in the community already provide donations directly to community organizations, and it is not the intent of the RCF to compete with or supplant those charitable programs active in th€ community. What the RCF does offer is a way to provide a lasting contribution, a legacy, to the community. lndividuals, families, businesses and organizations may choose tg contribute to the RCF unrestricted fund, or create their own permanent charitable fund under the RCF. Donations'placed in an endowment fund generate eamings fiom which grants can be awarded annually to qualified community projects. Donations made to the RCF are tax deductible, and those made to pemanently endowed funds are eligible for the Endow Iowa 207o income tax credit. Gifts can be ofany size from $5 to $50, to $500, to millions ofdollars. No matter the size ofthe contribution it will make a difference in Readlyn. A gift to the RCF can have a lasting impact on the community - For good. For ever' To leam more about contributing to the RCF unrestricted fund, or establishing your own fund, call the Northeast lowa Community Foundation administrative oflice at (3 l9) 287-9106, or contact one of our RCF board members Janet Huebner, Bob Casterton, Troy Kuethe, Virgil Mathias, Brenda Meyer, or Aaron Sauerbrei. of Readlyn VFW Post 5661 and Ladies Auxiliary - Readlrn Communitr Fund Aftll.r. oarh. co,nduntry Fnlndilio. o( NE rA Readlyn V.F.W. Auxiliary Celebrates 60th Anniversary Our 60'h Anniversary was recognized by having a catered buffet supper at the Center lnn at 6p.m. on April l4'h,2009"'t'he tables were decorated with V.F.W. poppy arrangements and small flags. Twenty nine post and auxiliary members attended. Sister Connie Fleshner had made a beautiful sheet cake with the exact replica ofour V.F.W. emblem on top. On a small table by the entrance to the dining area a red roses and baby's breath arangement sat. Two very thhk historical notebooks dating back to our very beginning in I 949 accompanied the cake and flowers. We received a congratulatory ftamed plaque liom the Post, presenled by Post Conrmander, Charles Albrecht. Auxiliary President, Verdeen Pavelec presented Sister Doris Seydel with a corsage to honor her for winning the Slate V.F.W. Volunteer Award. 'lo congratulate her. her meal rvas provided. Verdeen also said the meal prayer and welcomed everyone. Patriotic music was played during the meal. after which Verdecn called a short meeting to order. lt was our regular meeting night and election of offlcers was timely. Seventeen nrenrbers anended the meeting which opened with the election of officers. Wilda Albrecht cast a motion. seconded by Norma Schroeder, to cast a unanimous ballot from the floor to reinstate all ofthe present ofTices except the secretary Doris Seydel. Doris had resigned earlier because of hearing problems and she had held the o{fice for at least 42 years, so she continued to serve "pro-tem" as no one would acceot a nomination. The 3'd District meeting will be held in Mason City on'April 256, and the State Convention will be held Jrne 27-29 in Cedar Rapids. Delegates will be: Kathy Thiele and Wilda Albrecht. Altemates will be: Ellen Staack and Darlene Peters. A congratulatory 60ih Anniversary note was received from the Stat€ Treasurer, Carolyn Oldenburg. A motion was nrade by Darlene and seconded by Wilda to send $2.00 to Wilma Tlrumau-Ficker towards a celebration for Leanne Lemley from lowa who will become a national oresident. Verdeen had already sent in our year-end reports and had received word that we were at 10076 ofmembershio. Both Ellen and Verdeen had received thank-you's liom Orlie Schweer's family for the nremorial; Orlie passed away on April 2nd in a Cedar Rapids Nursing Home and her funeral was held on April 7'" in lairbank. Six members attended. Noma reported that she had made 5 more lap robes lor the V.A. tlospital in Marslralltown. It was also reported that a congralulatory 60"'Anniversary note was rcceived from the State Treasurer, Carolyn C)ldenburg. C)elweiri's V.F. W. Auxiliary has recently dissolved from lack of members accepting elected offices and we have accepted 6 transfened members fiom them: Kathryn Macke, Jean Wells, Dorothy Huffmm, Ann Jans, Geraldine Crandell, and Noma Scharff. Mary "Peg" Lockard is the only lifetime charter member of our V.F.W. Auxiliary still living. We have two others members, Florence Luloff and Arlyce Heideman, who were initially charter members, but at one time they dropped out and were reinstated. Submitted by Doris Seydel Memorial Day Service May 25,2009 9:00 a.m. Graveside Services at St. Paul/Zion Cemetery 10:30 a.m. Parade with Wapsie Valley Marching Band Services at Readlyn Elementary School Star Spangled Banner.........Wapsie Valley Marching Band Pledge of Allegiance Prayer...............Pastor Roger Sterle St. Pauls/Immanuel Churches Welcome. .. ... ..... . Commander Charles Albrecht Memorial l)ay Address.. . .......Pastor Roger Sterle "Buddy Poppy"...........^...Verdeen Pavelec "Your Hut is Buming" & Stripes Folding Ceremony Readlyn VFW & Ladies Auxiliary Stars Musical Selection........Wapsie Valley Marching Band Mock graveside Services in front of the school. Thank you for coming. Everyone is invited to a potluck dinner l2:00 noort at the Readlyn Community Library Readlyn Easter Egg Hunt The town Easter egg hunt was held at the City park on pril I t at q:J0 rnr Satrrrday. n The weather was wonderful and people of all Ready, Set, [Iunt aees showed up to cithcr httnl lln sollle eggs rrr lo $rtch th(, kids hunt tllen up. Betbre thc srart ofthe hunt. the llaster Bunny ntade an appearance $ith a basket full of soodies lo slrarc. ln most aqe groups. kids were able to find two eggs cach. On each egp. rras a nrrntbr'r that had trr bc lrrafclted up with a list given out upon arrival at the park.'l'he prize wasn't inside the egg like nlost egq, Re.atllyn does bener than thal. You take the nunrbcred eq,.l to tie matclring residcnce or brrsiness tu rclric\e ,our niil* fhe conrrrrittee lrid 5{4 eggs tirr the lirur are .sti)ups t(} locate. l he conrnrunity shorved tremondous supporl. Filly businesses and individuals donated prizes frrr thc chiltlren! Please trke tinre ro enrol all ol: the Easter F..qg Hunt photos provided. Whether the prize was large or snrall. the children and adults seerned to be appreciative for whal they received fronr tuming in th€ir eggs. There rvere ntany smiles seen at the park and all around town after the e,ugs rvere found. Readlyn was alive wilh ire & Casey O'Donnell receive candy from the Easter Bunny lau-ghter and smiles. much did the Easter I n"r girr oul? Leah Thurm is i going to let her father Jeremy assist her FI$: .,1:.,t , ; [veryone is looking Sullivan Sandholm, son ofRenea & Gabe, and grandson of Pat & Arlo pipho, came from Minneapolis for this event Hannah llartman, daughter of Stacie & Tinr may need a little help also Dalton Weepie, son of Anna (Wehling) & Jarod doesn't seem to sure about this Levi Rice, son of Cara & Mike, and grand-son of Duke & Marion Schneider came from Ohio Easter Bunny hends out candy Reagan Barnes, daughter ofNate is ready to hunt eggs & Nicole The Community Shows its support try trading in the kid's eggs for prizes A large gathering ofchildren are ready Evan, Emree & f,lle Zars, grandtlaughters of Roger & Bonnie Zars, came from Cedar Falls picking up their prizes at the Center Inn Jack Bennett, grandson of Sharon Huck receives his prize from Kelly Devoe at Readlyn Vet Clinic Easlcr llunny mnking his annual appearance '-i{rii r :1.i; B t- : :i!J:,i: Easton Wheeler ((irandson of Dale Thurm) receives his prize at the Center Inn Beau Nienrann, Elsie fr{iemann's grandson, receives his prize from Ron Wolff of Wotfls Service The Easter 'Bunnv had helpers also, here Lavern Brase and Wes Sauerbrei take a break. Dallas Wittenburg, son of Darby & Erin receives His prize from Chris Boehme with son Brigg Nancy Kleitsch hands out prizes at Readlyn Savings Bank at Readlyn Mutual Keith & Ann from Fettkether LLC give prize to Grace Knipp, daugbter ofSteve & Lisa r Wapsie Valley FFA Goes for the Gold at State! The Wapsie Valley FFA Chapter embarked on an adventure of a lifetime as they State Oflicer Candidates: . Brenten Doese-ran for state president left for Des Moines Wednesday, April 15, 2009, for the State FFA Convention. The o Jon Doese-balloted for the office of Northeast District Vice Presidenl group took 36 students and 7 chaperones to State; 33 students were active in the Career Development Events or proficiencies, while the rest were either chosen for Chapter Awards included: . AmbassadorAwardfordonatingover$lO0OtothelowaFFAFoundation their Iowa Degree, introducing members on stage, serving as a state olficer or through tractor and raffle ticket sales at the lowa State Fair' running for the State Officer position. Wapsie had 8 different Career Developmem . Overall. top 5'n chapter in the state amongst over 230 chapters. Events participating in the state compptition. These included: o Community Development-Human Resources area overall winner Conduct of Meetings: Justin Kuethe, Mara Huebner, Dera Burreson, Aarika r WHO Public Relations Award recipienl for conducting an outstanding Food Wittenburg, Siena Cook, Halle Wiersma, Johnny Volker, Leah Galleger, and for America Program. Michael Gruetzmacher-3'd place;silver o lowa FFA Alumni SAE/Ag Ed Publicity Award for promoting the creed speaking: Mackaela Kane-silver Experience the Action: Michael corcoran, Briftnie, Gordon, cll,,"ply u"," association. rh. w:sp:'L Hanna Wiersma, Spencer Cindrich, Matt Johnson, Moritz Prechtel, and Jon MackenBailey Dobbs, Jared Kuethe, Garrett kalenske, and Cody Cripe s:l*in: l"tgold Treasurer's Book: Jued Kuethe-silver Secretary's Book Bailey Dobbs-ll'gold parliamentary procedure: Emily Kleitsch, Rachel Kleitsch, Alissa Wittenburg, Karsten Meyei, Kelsey watts, Jarld Joerger, and Tarissa Hagenow-l" gold pubric Speaking: Jamie Lestikow-r.,gord Display:TylerKane,BrittanyVanBrocklin,Rachel Greenhend Quiz: Cody Cripe-bronze Greenhand euiz: Garret Kalenske-silver pro$am. Jur:d Kuethe was in the massing of the flags ceremony in which he canied the FFA for wapsie Valley' flag ,"in;:nil:dn,?i"3'",Dni'ji;,.1i:'iil3:.::":"il:loilu'" '"oon"'' Brent Doese' KleitschandLandonKane-2ndgold Mr. Gregg Eschweier. High School Principal, was recognized on stage for his Greenhand euiz: cody Cripe and Garrett Kalenske-silver tean o Iowa Farmer Today Journalism Award: Sarah Doese Courtesy Corp: Geoffrey Stour Proficiencies which are based upon students' SAE Programs which are on. individualized programs that studentS keep records Ag Mechanics Service and Repair Proficiency: Kyle Leistikow . Hli:;i?ffi:""H:',".f:tr'l|!i:fffTn'" Allyssa Beierschmitt, coordinated and planned this workshop..These FFA members educated other FFA members about the Padners in Active Leaming Support Program that is a mentoring 2nd gold outstanding support by Brenten Doese. State Reporter from Wapsie Valley, while Mrs" Ellen Doese, wapsie Valley Advisor. was recognized on stage as well. The lowa FFA Association has 230 local chapters with over 12'000 FFA members' FFA is a national organization of more than 500,000 members preparing for leadership and careers in science, business and technologl ofagriculture. Local, state and national programs provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills leamed in the classroom. FFA's mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership' personal growth, and ctreer success through agricultural education. :iil"""l'il:,::il'.T,.J:J;H1T,'J:Ti"i:'.'#"s","1,.. o . o o o o Turf Grass Management Proficiency: Tyler Matthias-3'd gold Agricultural Education Proficiency: Bailey Dobbs-4th gold Swine Management Proficiency: Ashley Beierschmitr-3'o gold Diversified Livestock: Landon Kane-3'd gold Home and Community Development: Michael Corcoran-silver Landscape Management: Rachel Kleitsch-3'd gold State Music Participants State Band: Matt Johnson State Chorus: Spencer Cindrich and Brittnie Gordon o . Iowa Degree-which is highest degree the State FFA Association can bestow . Allyssa Beierschmitt . Bailey Dobbs . Matt Johnson o . o . o o Ben Schmilz Hanna Wiersma Jon Macken Landon Kane Jamie Leistikow Geoflrey Stout. Academic award for maintaining a 3.5 grade point over the past 4 years of high school: Jared Kuethe Jamie Leistikow received first place with her public speech on the importance of Career and Technical Education. She will be attending National Competition and representing lowa in this event. Brent Doese, 2008-2009 State Reporter, gave bis retiring remarks during The Wapsie Valley FFA Display received displays at the conference. 2oo overall. There were over 200 the final session. The Wapsie Valley Experience the Action Team received top honors and was named first place. They are the third team from the left. Shown are: Hanna Wiersma, Spencer Cindrich, Brittnie Gordon, Michael Corcoran, and Christopher Schmitt Bailey Dobbs, chapter secretary, received first place on tbe chapter secretary's book" The Wapsie Valley Parliamentary Procedure team placed first overall and will be representing Iowa at National Competition, Shown are: Karsten Meyer, Kelsey Watts, Tarissa Hagenow. Emily Kleitsch, Rachel Kleitsch, and Jored Joerger. Matt Johnson, right, received second in the Nursery proficiencv Character Counts The.Museum Visit May: Pillar of Caring On April l6 and l7 the Readlyn Elementary 5th and 6th grade students visited the Readlyn Museum. They eagerly Caring is one ofthe most important things we can do for othe6 to show them kindness and love. Carins comes fiom within in response to the love. compass-ion and kindness others have shown to us. Caring is the opposite of self-centeredness often shown by each of us as youngsters, but maturity brings a genuine willingness to asked qtrestions as they were told about the "good old days," including the old gravity fuel pump and the robbery at the filling station by two men with guns wearing bandanas, the Billy Club used by the town cop in years past (and, of course, the town cop who was nicknamed "comcob"), ice harvesting at Crane Creek and the Wapsie, the large fire of 1912, the old hospital, the pany-line telephone, the Victrola which was popular in one-room schools, the old barber chair, and several other artifacts of interest flom the past. Some of the students were really excited to find their g,randparents or other relatives among the Senior Class pictures that are on display. .i il':F ' trf ..ti '.ffiflP frr {'Y,:_: . do things for others. Caring comes in many foms. It makes us willing to help friends even when it is not convenient for us to do so. Ctring moves us to show a cheerful smile even when we are not feeling that good. Caring shows a willingness to forgive and forget ivhen others thoughtlessly offend us. Caring gives us empathy and understanding when others are going through difficult times. Ou caring for others will long be remembered beyond any ofour achjevemenls or possessions. It has been said that '7 person can get anylhing he wanls in ltfe tf he or she k willing to do enough for olhers." This statemenl is wonh testing. Ron Motthias, Director, Charqcter Counts WORDS of the WEEK May 4 Helpful -Do things for others! May ll Clreetful - Show the joy of livingl May l8 Undersnnding May 25 - Consider th€ feelings ofothers! Forgiving Don't hold a grudge! Wapsie Valley Hosted Donkey Basketball New rodeo stars were born during the wild and cra:ry "Dairyland Donkey Basketball Show" held at Wapsie Valley High School on Thursday, April 9"'" It rvas basketball plaied on real, live donkeys and it was wilder than a rodeo and funnier than a circus! lt was a thrill a minute, a spill a minute laughing as one never laughed before! Riders included employees of the Shell Rock Family Health Care in Shell Rook, Waverly-Shell Rock FFA members, Wapsie Valley Students. Fairbank Fireman, Readlyn Fireman, and a local celebrity team including such riders as teachers Gina Wiersma and Mrs. McConnelee, radio personalities Santini, Cory Ford, and Liz Brown, as well as KWWL personalities Danielle Wagner and Jennifer Hildreth. Theteam match up included: Waverly-Shell Rock FFA vs. Wapsie Students with Wapsie overpowering the Waverly-Shell Rock. Game two was between the Fairbank Fireman and the Readlyn Fireman with Fairbank prevailing. Game three saw a showdown between Shell Rock Family Health and the local celebrities. It was such a showdown that the teams arm wrestled for the winning post. Shell Rock Family Health came out on top! This fun-filled show was sponiored by the Wapsie Valley Ag 4 class and the Wapsie Valley FFA. Proceeds benefited the Ag 4 senior class with their trip to the Chicago Board ofTrade and for the FFA to help defray costs to their State FFA Convention respectively. The FFA and the Agricultural Education 4 class would like to thank all the spectators and riders for their strong support and willingness to help this Waverly Shell Rock students vs. Wapsie students, Wapsie students ended up to be the bett€r players on donkeys! event happen. FFA is a national organization of more than 500,000 members preparing for leadership and careers in science. business and technology of agriculture. Local, state and national programs provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills leamed in the classroom. FFA's mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultual education. The Readlyn and Fairbank Fireman fought it out with Fairbank winning in the end, Ms, McConnlee was a rider for the celebrity team. She is a study hall teacher at Wapsie Valley. ffiffiH , -,,t*-'jlr{ il[ :':'& ,lrri*J ". i:Ilt-r'r +s ;+::1i'. Free donkey rides were given fo the elementary students at intermission. { When a draw happens, the riders go to arm wrestling. Shell Rock Family Health Care prevailed! Exciting Things are Happening at Community Lutheran School! As the school board and staff plan for fulure years, we take into consideration the €vents fiom recent years, input from students, parents and staff, the latest research, test scores and various other sources of infomation. As we were gathering information this year, we were introduced to an option at Price Lab School in Cedar Falls thar interested us. The program Price Lab has been utilizing lor a number of years involves integrating preschool age children with their kindergarten students. All students come in the moming five days a week. The preschool aged children then leave beford lunchtime while the kindergarten students finish out the rest of the day. We liked this program lor many reasons. There is an easier transition to kindergarten for both students and parents and a better match ol curriculums for the 3 and 4-year- olds than for the K-l combination that we have been utilizing. lt could also be used as a transition year for students whose parents are not sure they are ready for kindergarten. After much discussion and research, the decision lnfantlToddler Massage Class Classified Ads An lnfant and Toddler l/assage presentation will be held Monday evening May I l'" at the Readlyn Community Library, sponsored by 1'ogether 4 Families. Mothers and fathers, as well as grandparents and caregivers are welcome to come to leam and practice massage techniques that will help relax and comfort their WANTED: NANNY Permanenvfull-time. Musr be available with flexible hours; mostly needed during week after school, nights, and till kids go ro school. Most weekend time not necessary" Room and boad + $$. Readlyr/Denver area. Call 3 I 9-290-50 I 3 for details. infants and toddlers. Research shows that Infant Massage has been beneficial in deepening the parent-child bond and more! illelps Relieve Discomfort flom Gas. Colic, and available for children ages one through school age. FT/PT accepted. Country home I mile NE ofReadlyn. SUMMER DAYCARE AVAILABLE: +Constipation *lmoroves Blood Circulation +Aids in Digestion *Enhanced Development ofthe Neruous System *Stimulates Neurological Development Call Dani Sauerbrei a12794068" NOTICE: Join Avon today! To buy or sell Avon, Contact Tonia Leisinger @ (319) 279-2867 . Just $ I 0 to start your own business. + | ncreases A lertness/Heightened Awareness *Reduces Stress I lomones FOR SALE: Avon Products * lmproves lmmune Function *-fhe Release ofOxytocin, the Nurturing Hormone Registration is required as the session must be limited to twenty panicipants. Please bring a doll or stuffed animal to practice the massage techniques. Please do nol bring your beautiful young ones. Refreshments will be served. Wanda Burden (3 | 9't 27 9-3 | 65 www JourAVON.Comlwburden LANDSCAPING: lt is springtime and that is time for shrub trimmrng and to plan your upcoming landscape project. Gall Rick at (319) 8824486 was made to include a pre-kindergarten/kindergarten classroom here at CLS. This addition to our school made a f'ew other positive changes possible. First, it allows for a choice in programming options for 4-year-old students. We will still otfer both the traditional 3-yeai-old prograrn and the tradilional 4-year-old program. In addition to the traditional progranrs, parents can choose to instead enroll their child in the prc-kindergarten/kindergarten classroom, which is tive mornings a week. Our classroom alignment for 2009- | 0 is as lbl lows: preK-K, grades l -2, grades 3-4, gradcs ,5-6. and grades 7-8. At CLS. wc individualize student instruction to meet each child's unique needs. Christian values and lessons arc taught every day to students^ Studenls are given the opportunit)- lo panake in many learning activities lhat add lo lheir educalional experience. Thcse include school nrusicals. sports. band, and field trips. Teachers also incorporate hands-on leaming experiences for students. We are excited about CLS and all the positive things that are happening. For more information about CLS. please contacl us at 279-i968 or enlail cls@netins.ner. I DILLON LAW OFFICE, PC General practice nrcluding but not lmted io Law Planning Agricultural lavc vour dlr-ing ccluiprncnt checked norv Estate Taxation & Tax Preparation Bankruptcy www, Bearings! Belts! Wiring! For a smooth fall haruest 5%o Di..orrnt on all parts r RSB -TakingGoodCqreofl-ou! l,..sncl one old Grurnp - Since 19041 You. hometo,u'n bank encourages \-ou to patronize the businesses & organizations that l fu nd r ou r schools & support vou r conl nlunih'. I Together rre can make Readl.r'n even better! I 1e77 l)ustol Roger Stcrle \[ orship |0:00.A.N|. it J'r' Strcct l{eadl_vn. lorra 50668 (,.1 l9) 279-3e61 Pastor Roger Sterle Worship 8:30 A.M. Zion Luthcran Church 240 Elrner Averrue Rcadll'n. Iotla 50668 r9) 179-1641 Pastr4 Rarrdal Bruno (-r \\'orship l0:00 A.M. http://geocities.corn/zionlutlreranorrl irre | "e-rtsB Irtlerrrct Banking frr the //" I ".'l' i ll.]! : \I, "{h"l\1111:!,r READLYN CHRONICLE St. Paul Lutheran Church We (s63) s78-18s0 (319) 279-3332 Qrrail z\rcrrue i lLcadly n. lt'u ir 50(168 I:() 107 S Railroad St., Sumner patdillon@506741aw com Readlyn Farm Automation lnrnranucl l,utheran ( hurch i le) ll()- Patrick B. Dillon SPPINo TS HEPE ;l6lil i1 Openings q - 2 7e -3 3 May lssue Deadline Change Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the deadline for The Readlvn Chronicle will be Monday, May 18. Items gladly accepted prior to the deadline! - 2, i ] I I | 1 I Classifieds Mac hinerv/Trsctor Rep sir Buildine & Rensirs Your advertising could be here. wish to advertise a GARAGE RA Machine 2504 230* sr (319)279-316r L&LAgRepair Schuldt Repair 2220 Reed Ave (319)279-3363 2261 Re€d Ave (3t9)27e-3s39 Avon Products Cosmetics Tonia Leisinger I l6 Clark St. (319) s04-2867 Kristi Marticoff Simple Lisa Oberle (3 t9) 279-3297 Rose C & B Sports Shop 2791 240'" Sr 4i0 E I't (3 5 Sauerbrei Auto 213 S Main St.. Tripoli (800) i73-523 l (i Platte's Sales & Equine Center 2624 Quail Ave Wendy Matrhias LMT | ilsW 0r 2 Sponsors of the Chronicle Shop (3 l 9) 240-3825 ( l'rS{ t'100) 6-ll{ : io Dusk to Dawn ( N Rarrnond l{d I te) tt:l-71-l_i Quality Distributors, Inc l()l t.i I () Inc. Attornevs & Realtors ,,1"1#i;:' Marvalous ,1f;,*,":, (3t9) 279-4018 Kurt R. Leistikow Dillon Law, P.C. 107 S Railroad St' Sumner, IA 50674 Ph: (563) 578- | 850 Attorney At Law Rickert& Leistikow p.c. Z Uni"".riw eu". iJ e ceaarrattsitesoet: r Fax:(563)578-1312 (3 l 9) 553-3400 Fax (3ie)553-3403 Louie Hartman FOUndatiOn Fumilv Needs Readlyn Co. Telephone l2t Main St' (319\27e-3375 Readlyn Savings Bank l4l Main St (319)279-332|. Kaiser-corson Funeral Home 205 Highland Ave Just Us Kids DaY Care 22t Main Sr Qt9)279-4033 ReadlYn ChiroPractic Leehey l7 Malonc Ave (-it9)179-t.i7l Gts)279-3871 Quarter Ave Storage ,,1::li-"rf,, Memben Wloo/CFS MLS Butler. Bremer. Board ofRealtors Food & Restaurants Sunrise Catering St. (319)279408e 226 Main & Firehouse Bar & Grill Center Inn St 209 Main (319t 279-3839 Readlyn Farnr Automation 4t8 E l'', Sr (3l9) 27s-,iiil Select Sires Norben Schnidt 2666 260"', Sr. (i | 9) 279-3i37 reg Matthias Realtors Richard Harms. (3t9)4ts-7349 (3t9t882-3223 Clinic 307 Maid St 279-3551 23 l0 euartJr Ave Glgl279-3436 (319) www.Kaf Joe Nooren j9 Oran Locker Oran, lA (319)638-6371 Bender's Foods 2oo s state sr., Denver Gl9)98/.-5341 Stine/LG Seeds 2765 270'h St. (3 | 9) 279-38 | | tr ("edar Wapsic Rd. Dunkcrlrrn (-i l9) 179-il(,5 I\{el'erhoff Tiling & Fixc. 17i7 tJuiril .'\vr {ilqllT()-i()li Steve llathc (i a rst/Crou s Secds i55 I Event & Gravel 62 Nlain S{ ) 179--.r Wittenburg Truck l,ine Locall Cell: (319) 601-0366 Davis Sand Innovative Ag Services I 136 Main St. (3 l 9) 279-40 | 8 Mane 407 Goodell Ave (l | 9) 27e-368 | -5 Sales Slipry Rock Massage Therapy G&R Construction (:ll9):79-,1-191 Service (i | 9) 279-39 l9) 6i8-4653 Wendyts Country Touch | (319) 638-7206 Ag Resources & Repair 2640 230* Sr | 9) 27e-l,ri6 Don Bushaw Chevrolet-Buick Fairbank (3 l9) 279-t3 (3 302 Main St 2652 Vine Ave, 104 Main St. Oran Burton Thies Construction Sr l9) 279-3307 (3t9\ 279-3474 3385 230'h St" Sumner Edgeton Hardware & Repair 12l w t" sr (3t9)279-3301 ?'toR Sales Wapsie Ridge Golf Course l9) 6i8-3040 & Lumber Co" Manatt's Inc. 2il W t'r St. Del's Auto Larrv Inc. Kuhlmann's Repair piA.lm. & Repair -"iirbi-ii+;rrs lonialuzaddeia\ Heartland Marine LLC (3 Spahn 427 E 4'n st (3 t9) 279-3521 Mary Kay Tastefully you mum of 3 lines. Please leave information and payment at the Readlyn Library by the next to last Wednesday of each month" Soecialtv Businesses (319) 279-3870 If SALE, FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, NOTICE, or SER VICES, you may do so. Cost for this service is $2.50 for a maxi li6{) 150"' \l t -i l() t ll9-.ili0r' adh n \ret. Association l6-i(; l.iorr' \r Re (-il9) l7e-ju67 Farmers Co-op (..i lli tr l'' sl l9) 179-_11e6 Precision Planting Mike lleincnrar 2919 270'r'St (319)279-3ri6 Monsanto Dekalb/Asgrow Dave Wheeler (3 | 9) 230- | 029 Insurance Services Readlyn Mutual Ins. Association 234 Main St (3 | 9) 279-3893 Farm Bureau Financial Services David C. Matrhias (3t9)27e-3s45 Jim Peters (888) 806-0499