Our mission is to demonstrate God`s love by caring


Our mission is to demonstrate God`s love by caring
November 2012  Volume 63  Issue 11
ear Friends,
Over the course of the past several weeks, I’ve been
meeting with our Board of Directors, other ministry
leaders, our staff, and several of its individual
members for the purpose of maximizing the gifts
our current staff brings to the ministry of St.
Andrew and of identifying future staffing needs in
order to advance our mission in the future.
Andrew said, “We have found the Messiah.” John 1:41
Our mission is to demonstrate God’s love
by caring for all people and helping them
to know and follow Jesus.
Check out our new, improved website at
In This Issue …
Rent-A-Teen!! Get help with those pesky jobs! Nov 10 & 24
Benefit Dinner/Concert for Malaria Cure – Nov 14
Model Train Show & Fair – Nov 10/11
22nd Annual Hearts & Holly Craft Fair – Nov 17
Pre-Advent Party – Nov 18
Thanksgiving Eve Worship – Nov 21
Annual Christmas Toy Collection Begins!
November Food Collection to Help the Needy
Plus much, much more!
While we’ve carved nothing in stone just yet, I can
report to you that some degree of staff restructuring
appears to be in order. As our conversation ripens
more, I’ll be sharing the specifics of the adjustments
we’ve been talking about. And though I hope it
goes without saying, let me nevertheless say again
how thankful I am for our entire staff and for the
tremendous honor of serving with them as we seek
to encourage your ministries as the members of our
The other message that came through loud and clear
is that the time has come for St. Andrew to seek a
full-time associate pastor to join our staff. To that
end, our Board of Directors is ready to authorize a
process which will begin that search process in 2013.
Many of you haven’t been with our congregation
long enough to remember that when I first arrived at
St. Andrew, our congregation was served by three
full-time pastors. Though we are larger than we
were in those days, we transitioned over the years to
a staff of one full-time pastor (me), two part-time
pastors (Pastors Mordhorst and Carlson), and
several other non-ordained ministers who bless and
strengthen our ministry every day. But given our
post-relocation growth and the expanding vision for
an even greater impact for Christ in the BaltimoreWashington area, the consensus of our leaders and
staff is that it is once again time to call another fulltime ordained pastor. To that end, our leaders will
be preparing a mission and ministry budget for 2013
that, with your approval, will fund such a position
for part of next year even though our search could
take us well past 2013 depending on a number of
For now, I offer this “heads-up” primarily for your
prayers. On the evening of November 11 we will
gather for a Members’ Meeting where we’ll be
talking in greater detail about the changes we see
afoot, as well as about the progress on our current
building effort and the new
ministries we envision once it’s
completed early next year.
Finally, allow me to use these
thoughts as just a few sources of
thanksgiving that will be motivating
my praise to God this month. The
blessings with which our
community of faith has been
showered are countless as are the
opportunities for glorifying God in
our future ministry. I give thanks
for all of them and for all the ways they flow into this world
through the members of our church staff along with sisters and
brothers like you who love the Lord and His mission at St.
A Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you!
With love, in Christ,
Pastor Hricko
St. Andrew Members’ Meeting
Sunday, November 11
in the Great Room
Potluck Supper at 5pm
Bring a main dish, salad, or dessert to feed your family
and a few more! Home-cooked or store-bought …
if you like it, we will too!
Church Staff
Mark A. Hricko, Pastor
Robert L. Mordhorst, Assistant Pastor
Jotham Johann Jhang, Missionary Pastor
Kenneth G. Carlson, Visitation Pastor
Greg Twombley, Director of Ministries
Barbara Wahlbrink, Minister of Outreach & Discipleship
Riki Schoppert, Minister of Youth
Lia Mai Puskar, Preschool Director
Marianne Lohr, Director of Children’s Ministries
Marilee Tollefson, Faith Community Nurse
Rosemary Wasser, Director of Music & Bell Choir
Kathy Gomez, Youth Choir Director
Greg Twombley, Praise Team Leader
Riki Schoppert, Praise Team
Jennifer Twombley, Praise Team
Marilyn Candler, Worship Musician
Wendy Linstrom, Office Manager
Debbie Snyder, Office Assistant
Bruce Poese, Media Ministry
Kathy Brungardt, Creative Services
Anne Harpster, Bookkeeper
Ange Lorenz, Bookkeeper
Paul Rognlie, Property Maintenance
Luis Escobar, Property Maintenance
Khiem Hua, Childcare
Phuong Chau, Childcare
2012 Board of Directors
Deb Poese, Chair, 301-946-4709
Sandy Nee Jackson, Vice Chair, 301-249-5906
Michael Arsenault, 301-445-6858
Ken Austin, 301-754-2711
Kimberly Gay Armour, 301-570-5335
Stacey Grove, 301-460-2242
Tad Meyer, 301-776-7894
Dan Shaltanis, 301-806-8375
Cecilia Taramona, 301-570-5086
Auxiliary Organizations
Members’ Meeting at 6pm
Come for an update on …
 Lower Level Finishing and Furnishings
 Parking Expansion
 Staffing Plans for the Future ... and more!
St. Andrew’s News
And take a peek at the building progress “down under” if you haven’t seen it lately!
St. Andrew News
Sunday School Superintendent:
Debbie Stowe, 301-933-8032
LWML President:
Nancy Kichak, 301-384-1933
Published monthly by
The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew
15300 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Phone: 301-384-4394  Fax: 301-384-4450
E-mail: office@mystandrew.org
Website: www.mystandrew.org
November 2012
All Saints’ Sunday
November 4
Thanksgiving Eve Worship
On Sunday, November 4,
at all three services, we
will have a special time of
remembrance for those
who have received their
victory in Christ during
this past year.
Wednesday, November 21
7:00 pm
Let’s Count Our Blessings
Give Thanks Together!
If you would like for your
loved one to be included,
please provide the church
office with their name,
dates of birth and death,
and a photo if desired
(electronic format if
possible – sent to
Common Ground
Wednesdays through November 7
All information is due no later than
Sunday, October 28.
Dinner at 6:00 pm
Informal Praise & Prayer at 6:30 pm
Group Time 6:40-7:40 pm
Closing at 7:45 pm
Contact Barbara Wahlbrink
in the church office with questions.
Daylight Savings Time ends
Sunday, November 4 (2:00 am)
Turn your clocks BACK
one hour!
See Sunday bulletins and website
for full course details and registration
Invite your friends!
It’s a great outreach opportunity!
St. Andrew News
November 2012
All Aboard!!
22nd Annual St. Andrew
Model Train Show & Fair
Hearts & Holly Craft Fair
Sat & Sun, November 10 & 11
Saturday, November 17, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9am-4pm / Sunday: 12noon– 4pm
Come see the Western Maryland Railway
in miniature running in the
St. Andrew Great Room!
Hand-made Treats & Treasures
Homemade Jams & Savories
Bake Sale
Quilts, Clothing, Table Linens & Textile Artwork
Christmas Ornaments & Decorative Pieces
Orders Taken for Custom Engraving
Santa’s Shoppe for Kids - Crafts & Gift Shopping
Gift Wrapping & Baskets
Visit “Grandma’s Attic” for Vintage Treasures Too!
Try to identify the real-life locations depicted in
each railroad scene!
The HO-Scale portable layout is courtesy of the
Western Maryland Railway Historical Society
Modular Group. Multiple trains will cover an area
approximately 72’ x 32’, plus ...
 White Elephant Table with train items for sale!
 Raffle of a complete 2’ x 4’ N-Scale train layout,
including power supply, locomotive and rolling
Lunch Served 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
 Hands-on play area for kids! Switching challenge
for adult “kids” who like to run trains!
Your Holiday Spirit Starts Here!
 Breakfast and lunch at Andy’s Café on Saturday!
 Railroad music by the St. Andrew AV team!
See Following Page For Ways You Can Help!
Suggested Door Donation:
$5 for Adults, Kids 12 & under FREE!
All proceeds to benefit
St. Andrew Firm Foundations Building Fund
Volunteers are needed!
Contact Roger Caldow at 301-774-2570 or
roger.caldow@verizon.net to donate your time or train
items for the White Elephant Table, or to express your
interest in model railroading/railroad history.
P.S. Wanna know about Pastor Hricko’s next building
project?? There’s some unusual construction going on at
Maryland Junction – a “little” church that just might have his
name on it! Come to the Train Show to check it out!
St. Andrew News
November 2012
Craft Fair Help Wanted - Donations Needed!
BASKET AND BAG DONATIONS: Baskets are always
Craft Fair on Wednesday, November 14 at 12:30, and to move
the displays after the Craft Fair
on Saturday, November 17 at
2:00 is requested by the Craft
Ministry Co-Chairs, JoAnn Aulick
(301-774-7519) and Marie
Jackson (301-871-3922). In
addition, help with customers
and sales is requested during
the Fair at the craft tables and also in Grandma’s Attic, which
is described below. Please contact the appropriate person to
volunteer your time that day.
welcomed for the Gift Basket station. This
year there is a shortage of paper and plastic
bags for customers to carry away their
treasures. **Bag donations are urgently
requested now.** Baskets and bags can be
left in the Craft Ministry box in the Coat
Room just off the Commons. St. Andrew
member shoppers, please bring your own
reusable bags for your purchases!
is gearing up for another year at the Craft Bazaar! Please be a
“good elf” and help us by cleaning your closets, de-cluttering
your storage nooks, and “re-gifting” your
new or very gently used items to stock our
shelves so kids can shop at very
reasonable prices for family and friends!
Place your donations in the marked box in
the Coat Room off the Commons as soon
as possible, to help us with planning. Elves
are also needed to help set up and run the
workshop this year, and we’re praying for some potential
“Head Elves” who might consider taking on leadership of this
fun and rewarding project next fall. There’s nothing like the
smile of a child who just found the perfect gift for that special
someone! Head Elf training included! To express interest,
offer help, or ask questions, please contact our current “Head
Elves” Janet Burton (janet.burton704@gmail.com) or Kay
Caviness (kaziec@aol.com).
GRANDMA’S ATTIC is being organized and operated by Lory
Bruckner (301-946-0577) and Marilyn Miller (301-439-3040).
Either Lory or Marilyn will be accepting small donations
Sunday mornings in November, which they will be taking to
their homes and pricing. Large donations may be brought to
the church and placed in the Great Room on Sunday,
November 11, and also during that week. Jewelry, linens,
antiques, vintage clothing, dolls, glassware, fancy dishes,
Christmas decorations, hats, frames, purses – all in good
shape – are best sellers. Sales help is needed on the day of
the Fair.
THE BAKE TABLE will be organized and operated by Jeanette
Schuder (301-879-5950). See the flyer asking for donations
that will appear in the
church mail boxes in
early November.
Pies are particularly big
sellers, but then so are
cookies, cakes, breads,
cupcakes, candy and
As in the past, our 22nd Annual Craft Fair is a totally
volunteer event. All merchandise is donated and there are no
third party vendors. Proceeds this year go to the Firm
Foundations Building Fund, which makes possible added
parking space and completion of the lower level of the church
ENGRAVED GLASS ORNAMENTS will be available courtesy of
Jenny Muffler from her Just Write Studio.
THE GIFT BASKET TABLE, operated by Peggy Cleaveland, may
be an area where you can also offer help.
FLYERS AND POST CARDS advertising the Craft Fair will be
available for distribution to friends and co-workers.
HOME CRAFTERS: The Wednesday workers are already
putting prices on the merchandise and need your completed
projects immediately.
St. Andrew News
November 2012
We’re on a Mission from God!
Our High School Youth Group is going to the National Youth Gathering in
San Antonio, Texas. We need your help to get us there …
Help us by letting us help you!
November 10 & November 24
Do you have a “to do” list that just keeps getting longer?
What could you cross off that list if you had a team of young, strong teenagers for two
hours to do the heavy stuff? We’d like to help you find out!
A team of youth will help with those projects you’ve been putting off.
Rake leaves
Paint a room
Move furniture or stuff
Organize your garage/attic
Household Cleaning (and yes, we do WINDOWS!)
But we aren’t choosy. Be creative!
Reserve your two-hour slot now and we will descend upon your home like a
plague of locusts … very helpful locusts!
Your generous monetary donations are also very much appreciated.
St. Andrew News
Sign-up forms are available in the weekly Sunday bulletins, at the Information
Center in the Commons, by visiting www.mystandrew.org, or by contacting
Riki Schoppert at rikischoppert@gmail.com or 301-384-4394
with your date preference and the jobs needed done.
November 2012
Lutheran Malaria Initiative at St. Andrew
Malaria fact: Half of the world’s population is at risk for malaria; most malaria cases and deaths
occur in sub-Saharan Africa. For more information, check out www.lutheranmalaria.org.
The St. Andrew program to support the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) is underway! Through a
series of events over the next six months we seek to provide information about malaria, promote
awareness of its global impact, and provide support to help combat this disease.
Look for information about our LMI campaign in the monthly newsletters, weekly bulletins, and
around the Commons. Two major fundraising events are happening in November to support the LMI: the Music for Malaria Benefit
Concert & Dinner and the Wreath Sale.
To those who donated – thank you! If you would like to donate, write your check to LCSA and specify “Malaria Initiative” on the
memo line and envelope; or give electronically by specifying “Malaria Initiative” in the “Other” blank on the St. Andrew secure
payment page, accessible from our website, www.mystandrew.org.
Ideas and help are needed! To get involved, please contact Marissa Quebbeman at mlquebbeman@gmail.com.
Benefit Concert & Dinner
Order Your Christmas
Wreaths to Help!
Wednesday, November 14
K 22-inch wreaths decorated with pine cones and
hand-tied red bow provided by Creative Floral
K Cost: $25 each
K Ordering deadline: November 25
K Pick up date: December 2 (in
the Great Room)
K Payment Envelopes located
in the Commons (checks
Dinner at 6:00pm
Come taste a delicious
variety of African specialties,
prepared by “Chef Stan”
and friends!
$10 per person
Reservations required!
Make your reservations online today at
www.mystandrew.org or by using the form provided in
the Sunday bulletin or in the Commons.
payable to LCSA – “Wreath”
noted on memo line)
Concert at 7:30pm
K 100% of proceeds will go
directly to Lutheran Malaria Initiative
Traditional, Classical, Contemporary,
and Jazz – vocalists and instrumentalists – featuring
the St. Andrew Cantate Domino Choir, Praise Team,
and special guest artists!
Plus … African Dance presentation by
Elite Dance Studio!
Order forms available in the Commons or in your
church mailbox.
Questions? Please contact Wendy Linstrom in the
church office.
Offering will be taken with all proceeds benefiting
Lutheran Malaria Initiative!
Did you know that Creative Floral Designs will donate
$2 to our church for every floral order placed with
them? Call them at 240-450-0700 and mention the
code “Saint” next time you need a floral arrangement!
Mark Your Calendars & Invite Friends!
St. Andrew News
November 2012
Children’s Ministry News
What’s Happening at KidCentral?
“Prepare the Way!”
Pre-Advent Party
In this month’s KidCentral lessons, the children will learn the
following stories:
Get ready for the Holy Season ahead!
November 4
Joshua Becomes Leader of Israel
God had a plan for Israel and Joshua was the
instrument through which he was going to
accomplish that plan. Bible verse: God will
be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
November 11
Joshua sends spies to Jericho
God blessed Rahab for acting in faith and
hiding spies who were sent by Joshua to
Jericho to investigate how the Caananites
felt about the Israelites. Bible verse: God’s
mighty hand cares for you (adapted from 1
Peter 5:6-7)
November 18
The Israelites Cross the Jordan River
Seeming like a rerun of the Israelites’
crossing of the Red Sea 40 years earlier, the
story involves the Jordan River running at
flood stage and being dried up for the people
to cross. God wanted the people to fear Him
and to give him the worship and service he
deserved. Bible verse: God’s mighty hand
cares for you (adapted from 1 Peter 5:6-7)
November 25
No KidCentral – special Family Worship!
Regular KidCentral sessions will resume on
Sunday, December 2. On Sunday,
November 25 we will have a special
message for children during the 9:30 and
11:00 worship services. Special seasonal
activity packets will also be available.
Sunday, November 18
1:00-4:00 pm
Have Lunch at Andy’s
Stay for Advent Crafts
and Goodies!
Fun for the whole
To help us plan, please
register by November 11!
Sign up in the Commons
or call/email the office.
Donations will be accepted at the party to cover
cost of materials.
Wee Worship Volunteers Needed
Do you love children and want to play a significant role in
their faith development? Are you comfortable leading a
mixed-age group in singing and prayertime? Do you like to tell stories from the
Bible? Do you have an hour to spare once
a month? We’re in search of people to be
part of a Wee Worship Leadership Team.
Volunteers would lead Wee Worship once
every month or so, depending on the number of people
interested. In addition to some preparation time prior to
Sunday, your services would be required from 11 am until
noon on your assigned day. If you would like more
information or to submit your name, please call the church
office or email Marianne Lohr at mariannelcsa@verizon.net.
Children’s Christmas Program
KidCentral is looking ahead to the
children’s Christmas program
on December 16 during the
11am worship service.
Rehearsals begin mid-November
for children ages preK through
grade 6. If you miss the
paperwork coming home on a
Sunday, then watch your email
inbox for more information. We
will practice a few minutes during
the KidCentral “hour” each Sunday morning and then come
together for a special dress-rehearsal practice on Saturday,
December 15. Students in upper elementary grades can signup for speaking/reading parts by talking with their KidCentral
Vacation Bible School
Only 8 months until Vacation Bible School!! It
will be here before you know it! Contact
Marianne Lohr if you would like to be part of
the VBS pre-planning team. Call the church
office or email her at mariannelcsa@verizon.net.
St. Andrew News
November 2012
Health & Wellness
Preschool News
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you...”
Psalm 55:22
Perinatal Loss Support Group
When a family experiences the loss of a child
through miscarriage, infant death, or stillbirth,
the grief journey can be a lonely one. As the
holidays approach, feelings of isolation may be
particularly challenging. The support group is a
safe place to share feelings and receive comfort
from others who have experienced similar loss.
Thursdays, November 8-December 20 (except
Thanksgiving, Nov. 22) from 7-9pm in the St. Andrew Family Room.
To get more information or register, contact Jeanine McGrath, RN, CD
(DONA) at jeaninemcgrath@gmail.com or 240-481-3903. All welcome.
The crisp air and crunching leaves have been
warmly welcomed by the busy preschoolers!
November will bring forth preparations for our
annual Thanksgiving Feast, which will be held on
Monday, November 19.
The children, dressed as
Pilgrims and Indians, love
to gather to share their
delicious pre-Thanksgiving
meal together, and to thank
the Lord for their bounty
of blessings. It’s a time honored Preschool
tradition that is always a wonderful success.
Caring For Loved Ones
Our school is now 92% full, which means that we
still have a few openings in our 3’s class and our
2’s classes. Please spread the word! Someone you
know might be very blessed by our Preschool!
The St. Andrew Caring for Loved Ones Support Group resumes its
monthly meetings in November, so watch the bulletin and bulletin boards
for dates and location. Call the church office for more information.
Lia Mai Puskar
Preschool Director
Community Resources
November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – The Johns Hopkins
Memory and Alzheimer’s Treatment Center presents “Journey to Hope,”
a free conference for caregivers to learn about the diagnosis and
treatment of memory loss, and tips to manage Alzheimer’s disease and its
associated behaviors on Saturday, November 10, 8:30am-1pm at the Johns
Hopkins Bayview Campus. For more information, call 1-800-442-9160.
Do you have limited movement due to aging or disability, but know you
should be exercising? Try Chair Yoga at the Margaret Schweinhaut Senior
Center, 1000 Forest Glen Road in Silver Spring, just down from Holy
Cross Hospital, starting Thursday November 1-December 13 (no class
November 22), 10:30-11:30am. Enjoy yoga with the help of a chair! This
class is done while you are seated and standing using a chair to assist in
improving balance, strength and flexibility. The sessions also include
breathing exercises with guided relaxation. To register, call 301-754-8800
or visit holycrosshealth.org
We all know how emotionally traumatic the holidays can be for us after
losing a loved one. “Surviving the Holidays” is a grief workshop and a
time-through-sorrow to celebrate and honor treasured memories of your
loved one on Sunday, November 18, 3:30-6:30pm through the Adventist
Health Care system. To register and to find the location nearest you, call
1-800-542-5096 or visit adventisthealthcare.com. An eight week session
of weekly Bereavement Support Groups also begins Wednesday,
November 7 from 5:30-7pm at Holy Cross Resource Center, 9805
Dameron Center, Silver Spring. Sponsored by Holy Cross Home Care and
Hospice – all groups are free and open to anyone! Registration is required.
Call Eileen Jacobs or Fran Zamore, social workers and Bereavement
Program Coordinators, at 301-754-7742.
St. Andrew News
Give a Special Gift
Thank God for the Years!
To support the Firm Foundations Building Program,
you are invited and encouraged to remember your
blessings and “Thank God for the Years” of life,
marriage, baptism, work, or anything you celebrate
by making a donation of $1/year to the building fund
on or near the special date. Use this program to give
back on your own
special days as well as
to honor the
milestones of family
and friends!
You may make your
gift online at
(click “Firm
Foundations” graphic
on lower right side) or by enclosing your check
payable to LCSA in an envelope marked “FF Gift –
Thank God for the Years.” Include information
about the special occasion plus the honoree name
and address. We’ll send a card to let your loved one
know that you have made a donation in their honor,
and you will receive an acknowledgement for tax
reporting purposes. What better way to give back to
God for all He has given us!!
November 2012
Social Ministry News
Thanksgiving Food Collection
How to Join
St. Andrew
We are thankful! As you load your grocery cart for a
Thanksgiving feast, please add non-perishable items for less
fortunate families. We’ll collect food for Lutheran Mission
Society on Sundays, November 18 & 25 and Thanksgiving
Eve. If you are traveling Thanksgiving week-end, please
bring your food donations the Sunday before you leave. LMS
will distribute the food to their Compassion Center clients.
God called us to be part of His
family for a reason – it’s hard to
grow alone! Our St. Andrew
community will meet you where
you are, and walk beside you to a
closer relationship with God.
Monthly LMS Collection
Wondering how to unite with our
St. Andrew family? Follow these
easy steps …
Thrift Shop items collection for Lutheran Mission Society is November 25. This is the
final collection for 2012, due to the Christmas holidays. Mark your calendars for January
27 – the first collection in 2013!
Many Thanks!
Thank you and God bless each and every one of you...all who signed up to bring the many
needed items to make the CBS SHELTER WEEK a success; the cookers, the servers, the
suppliers of breakfast foods, bag lunches, and special items. St. Andrew parishioners did it
Christmas Cheer for Needy Children!
Beginning in early November, our Toys for Needy Children project begins for the
Linkages to Learning Program in the Montgomery County School System. Look for the
Special Ornaments in the Commons, which will have the
names and ages of children, and three things that they are
hoping to receive for Christmas. Each requested gift costs
$25 or less. Please come by the table in the Commons, and
help a child by choosing one of the Ornaments. Write your
name and contact information on the attached sheet, and
leave it in the designated box on the table. Then buy one,
two or three of the things on the child’s list. Wrap the
presents, put them in a large gift bag or a trash bag, tape
the Ornament tag to the outside of the bag with items circled that you bought, and
bring to the designated box in the coatroom by Sunday, December 9. This is a great
opportunity to help children and families who are less fortunate than us.
Another Opportunity to Help Needy Children
The Colesville Council of Community Congregations (C-4) hosts a preChristmas Toy Closet, at which parents with limited resources can
select toys for their children. What’s needed?
Toys: All types of new toys for children ages 12 and under, may be
brought to St Andrew and placed, unwrapped, in the C-4 box in the
coatroom, by December 9. (Yes, cash and checks are also accepted!
Mark your check “C-4 toys.”) Suggested items include: dolls,
preschool toys, stuffed animals, electronic games, musical instruments, arts & crafts,
athletic games, dress-up kits, nail kits, balls of all sorts, sports equipment and games,
trucks, and board games. Contact Revonda Mosher at 301-434-2672 or
rbmosher@comcast.net if you have questions about the Linkages or C-4 toy projects.
Volunteers: Do you enjoy getting to look at all kinds of toys? Help organize the toys on
Friday evening, December 14, 6-8pm. Or on Saturday, December 15, 8:30am-12:30pm,
you can help the parents select just the right gifts to bring out their children’s smiles.
Contact Carol Petzold, 301-871-7413 or carolpetzold@boo.net if interested.
St. Andrew News
 Worship with us regularly!
 Explore the ministry and
fellowship opportunities we
offer. Don’t be shy – ask
questions, join us at special
events, small groups and
meetings. Look for a
comfortable place to “plug-in.”
 Participate in Faith Walk 101
Information & Membership
Seminar. Led by our Pastor
and other ministry leaders,
these sessions offer the
opportunity to explore the
Lutheran faith, learn more
about our St. Andrew
community, and get to know
others who are on the same
 If you wish to transfer your
membership from another
faith community, contact the
church office. We will be
pleased to assist by writing for
your transfer.
 If you are a new Christian,
speak with Pastor about
receiving the Sacrament of
Holy Baptism.
If you are searching for answers
about God, your faith, or our St.
Andrew community, contact the
church office at 301-384-4394 –
we’ll be happy to talk with you
to find the answers you seek.
November 2012
Treasurer’s Corner
It has been six months since
I assumed the role of your
Treasurer, and I must say I
nervously accepted the job
with the full knowledge that
I had some very big shoes to
fill. Dick Goetsch served
our congregation faithfully
as Treasurer for 11 years
and it’s not an
understatement when I say
that replacing him truly
takes an entire team of people! Our Finance Team is made up
of a dedicated group of fellow members that tirelessly track
the financial matters of our growing congregation. I can
assure you that this is a significant undertaking, and I’m very
pleased to report that we have made several big steps this
summer in continuing to improve our processes and financial
I thank each and every one of you for your contributions of
time, talent, and your financial resources. None of this would
have been possible without the generous financial gifts St.
Andrew has received, and I hope that each of you will
thoughtfully pray about ways your family can continue to
support our initiatives and responsibilities. Only by God’s
grace, and with your sacrificial gifts, can the good works of
our ministries continue and grow!
I will be reporting to you important milestones in our financial
position on a regular basis, and will provide more detailed
financial information to members of our Church family in
future correspondence. Please don’t hesitate to stop me in the
Commons on any Sunday to say hello, and feel free to inquire
about any financial question or concern you may have. The
financial stability we enjoy today is an incredible asset of our
congregation and one which has been earned over several
generations. I promise, as does our entire Finance Team, to
work hard to continue the outstanding conservative financial
stewardship of our Church finances.
First, earlier this summer we completed our first ever financial
statement reviewed by an independent accounting firm. This
project has been underway since 2011 and in late June we
received an unqualified report from the outside accountants
for our fiscal years 2011 and 2010. These financial reports are
an independent validation that the Finance Team, Staff and
Board have handled the Church’s financial resources in a
careful and conservative manner. We will continue to produce
independent annual financial statements and I look forward to
sharing more details regarding our congregation’s financial
position with you.
Bruce Winter, St. Andrew Treasurer
Meet St. Andrew’s New Treasurer!
Bruce Winter is President of
FSG Leasing, Inc., an
equipment financing company
he founded in 1991 to provide
commercial equipment loans
and leases nationwide. Bruce
received his B.S. in Finance
from the University of
Maryland, College Park and he
volunteers as guest lecturer and
competition judge at Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of
Business. Since 1996, Bruce has held numerous leadership
positions with the National Equipment Finance Association,
including four years as Treasurer. He served as Chair of the
Funding Team at St. Andrew prior to accepting the position of
Treasurer in April of this year
A top priority since taking over as Treasurer has been to
refinance our Church mortgage. We have been approved for a
new mortgage and expect to close on this carefully negotiated
loan within 30 days. Like many homeowners, thanks to the
record low interest rates available in today’s market, we will
enjoy a substantially lower fixed interest rate and minimal
costs to close the transaction. We sent formal “Requests for
Proposal” to eight lenders, and received positive feedback
from all of them. The faith the banking community showed
when reviewing the creditworthiness of our congregation is a
testimony to the historical conservative financial stewardship
demonstrated by our leaders for many years.
As we finish the build out of our Lower Level and the
expansion of our parking lot, we will have invested $13.5
million in our “new” Church home, and it is no small feat to
realize we have funded nearly 75% of this cost without debt
financing. Our new mortgage will be a $3.5 million, 25 year
loan, requiring a payment thousands of dollars less per month
than the original $3.86 million mortgage we obtained when we
opened in 2008. These savings will support the operations of
our newly expanded facilities and allow us to grow St.
Andrew ministries to serve many more in our community.
St. Andrew News
Bruce and his wife Sarita live in Silver Spring with their 13year-old daughter, Gavi. They have been members at St.
Andrew since 2006. Bruce enjoys traveling, cycling, scuba
diving and following the Maryland Terrapins basketball and
football teams.
November 2012
Young Christian Adults
Poinsettias for Christmas
College and Beyond!
Looking for friends who share your faith to walk with you
through the transitions and challenges of school,
work and the “real world”??
Young Adult
Bible Study Group
Let’s meet, eat and plan our first study
and activities to follow!
Sunday, November 11
at 12:30 pm
Christmas Poinsettias
will once again be
available for purchase
for those who would like
to help us decorate the
church altar this
Christmas. Plants will
be displayed through
Christmas morning, at
which time purchasers
can take them home.
Available in both red and white in a variety of sizes:
Pixie (1 bloom for tabletop use) - $7:00
6-inch Pot (4-6 blooms) - $8.50
7-inch Pot (8-12 blooms) - $14.50
10-inch Pot (20-24 blooms) - $32.50
at the home of
Lindsey & Dave Heinemann
(just a couple of miles from LCSA)
RSVP (call/text) for directions & to help us plan for food.
Visit the Information Desk in the Commons to
purchase. Payment envelopes will be available.
Orders must be received no later than 12noon on
Friday, November 30.
Dave (301-741-2054) or Lindsey (717-433-2869)
All welcome! Bring friends and ideas!
New Website!
Attention Thrivent Members
Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 11 between services to
cast your ballot for officers of the Montgomery County Thrivent
Board. The Board’s chief task is to
distribute Care Abounds in
Community funds from Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans to local nonprofit causes. Several projects at our
church have benefited including our
St. Andrew Preschool and a local homeless shelter where we provide
meals for a week. Don’t miss the elections. For more information,
contact St. Andrew members and Thrivent Advocates, Nancy NobenTrauth and Carol Petzold.
We’ve been working for months on a brand new site
chock-full of information, photos, and latest news, all
in a sleek, easy-to-use format ... and the new site just
went live at www.mystandrew.org. Note: it’s
smartphone friendly, so
you can access it from
anywhere! Check it
out, and share with
friends! And please
give us your feedback so we can keep evolving and
enhancing it in the months ahead. Special thanks to St.
Andrew member Michael Grimes, whose generosity
and technical expertise have made the new site
Mission Trip to Moscow – Summer 2013
Two members of the Global Mission Team
are going on a Mission Trip to Moscow,
Russia for two weeks next summer, July
31-August 14, 2013. The trip will involve
teaching English at a summer camp,
developing friendships to share God’s love,
and experiencing the Russian culture.
If you are interested in being a part of this
wonderful opportunity, please email Olga &
David LaCour at davidlacour@verizon.net
or wwolgad@yahoo.com
St. Andrew News
for December issue:
Sunday, November 11
November 2012
Thanks Upon Thanks!
The Droege Report
Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,
Serving at St. Andrew as assistant pastor has been a joy from day
one and has been its own reward, so it was like icing on the cake
when you recognized the 10th anniversary of my service among
you on September 30. As I said on that day, St. Andrew is a very
special fellowship of God’s people, and I never cease to give thanks
for you, your gifted and dedicated pastor, and the remarkable staff
members and lay leaders I have been privileged to know and serve
with these past ten years. I thank you also for the generous and
thoughtful gifts that Lila and I will surely enjoy as they remind us
of you and your Christian love for us both. I look forward to serving
at St. Andrew as long as needed and God in His wisdom allows.
May God continue to bless us all.
Pastor Mordhorst
As far as the lower level is going I thought I would get a
firsthand look at where my money is going and asked
Paul Lobien to give me a tour. As we walked through
the space Paul told me that now that construction has
started there have been no surprise hurdles and
everything is on schedule and on budget. The
completion date is going to be in late January, which will
give Pastor Hricko the ability to schedule the grand
opening/blessing the same evening as the Super Bowl in
order to test the faith of the LCSA congregation. Those
who don’t attend the event will be posted on the “Ye of
Little Faith” bulletin board.
My thanks to all of you who have expressed concern about my
current medical condition. I appreciate all the prayers, cards and
support for continued healing. The power of prayer is awesome.
Blessings to all of you,
Carol Brown
Dear St. Andrew family,
It is hard to put into words the depth of our gratitude for your
prayers, gifts, encouragement, and so many other expressions of
love during our losses, restoration and waiting. Your love has
deeply touched our hearts and we tell people everywhere we go of
your generosity. We ask God to bless you in all aspects of your
lives. May you continue to be a witness to God’s love and mercy!
The space itself is about 70% complete and as one
church leader said “is not your father’s church
basement.” While it looks huge at the moment all space
will be utilized pretty quickly upon completion. There
are many highlights but the two most exciting areas are
the youth area (curved walls, flat screen TVs, lounge and
vibrant colors) and the Wellspring room (space for over
100 people to listen to presentations, Promethean boards
[ask your school age children if you don’t know what
these are], ability to send/receive video and data across
the world, etc.).
We love you and miss you,
Rod & Karen Bohlmann
A heartfelt Thank You to the members of St. Andrew for the
prayers and good wishes sent while I was recuperating from
surgery. It meant a great deal to me. God bless you.
I will give the inaugural talk at both locations. For the
Youth the title will be “Learn From Me: An Arrest
Record is Not All it is Cracked Up To Be” and for the
Wellspring room, “ I Think There are not a Lot of People
Here Because My Message is Too Powerful for Most
Maryanne Probus
Dear St. Andrew Family,
Thank you for your care, concern, cards, flowers and especially for
your prayers for my recovery. There were times that I could really
feel the hand of God supporting me in my healing from knee
surgery. Having your faith and prayers lifting me up has made a
difference. God bless each of you.
Carol Petzold
St. Andrew News
Pastor Hricko asked if I could write
about the upcoming elections under the
title: “How you should vote on
November 6 in order to get into heaven.”
I told him that I would be happy to
especially since in Maryland there were
some hot button issues such as
immigration, gambling and civil
marriage rules on the ballot. However, I
also told him that it would not be proper to use this space
for anything other than updating the congregation
regarding the lower level project. That said, if you do
want my sage advice on the issues of the day, please feel
free to click on the link to my blog “I’m Right and You
are not a Missouri Synod Lutheran.”
After these kickoffs, the rooms will be turned over to the
intended groups along with the Creative Arts ministry
and the all-important Storage ministry. If you think
LCSA is a growing, vibrant, hustling/bustling
congregation now, wait for the start of 2013 and see what
a 40% increase in usable space will do.
Phil Droege, Unmotivational Speaker
November 2012
November 2012 Service Assistants Calendar
*Bob Rathbun, Grant Graeves, Tricia King, Mark Wallen
*Bruce Nesslage, Lois Blodgett, David Doermann, Lew Brode, Paul Lobien, Phil Haase, Klaus Strebel
*Shelly Hoffman, Moses Ammons, Lori Koch, David Van Norstrand
November 4
Karen Matthiesen
post 11
November 11
November 18
November 25
Bonnie French
Claudia Jacobson
Marie Jackson
Judy Downey
Kay Caviness
Karen Rosales
Lisa Tipton
Lory Bruckner, Rose Bruckner
Lory Bruckner, Rose Bruckner
Karen Hale, Trudy Wehking
Karen Hale, Trudy Wehking
Mary Ann Rydland
Janice Flug
Janice Flug
Joan Garey
Audrey Belsinger, Millie Forey - F
Linda Newcomer - F
Lina Rashid - F
Karen Rosales - F
Matt & Sarah Krueger - SC
Dave & Carol Doermann - SC
Audrey Belsinger, Millie Forrey - SC
Claudia Jacobson - SC
Paul & Arlene Buck - R
Linda Newcomer - R
Dave & Carol Doermann - R
Lynn & Judy Hollenbach - R
Bruce Brizendine & Denise Marshall
Sonia Sarreals
Sonia Sarreals
Michael & Tamara Arsenault
Dan & Jennifer Shaltanis
George Harris, William Wooden
Ken Austin, Lucie Austin
Carol & Walt Petzold
Luther Tollefson, Trish Baker
Carol Ames, Don Becker
Jonathan Moser, Jane Owen
Sandra Poyner, Margaret McConnell
*Deb & Ed Stowe, Roger Caldow, Eddie *Robie Hillhouse, Brian Nockleby, Walt
James, Helena Jacobs
Petzold, Leslie Hollowell, Evelyn Blaes
*Leslie Hollowell, Ken & Lucie Austin, Bill *Bruce Emmel, Walt Petzold, Lyndi Lahl,
Wyeth, Walt Petzold
Dan Shaltanis, Deb Stowe
*Trish Baker, Jim Solfronk, Marty Herrin, *Kathleen Strebel, Carol Ames, Bill &
Peggy Gorski, Claudia Jacobson, Karen Margot Golding, TBD, Tom Polansky,
Matthiesen, Vicky Aceto, TBD
Lina Rashid, Phil Droege
*Marty Herrin, Leslie Hollowell, Jeanette
Schuder, Marilee Tollefson, Sue
Zimmerman, Peggy Hayeslip, Don
Becker, Eldra Simmons
*Trish Baker, Marv Brown, Robie
Hillhouse, Sandi Goetsch, Jackie Lobien,
Karen Matthiesen, Ken Carlson, Carol
Irma Cuellar
Sandi Goetsch
Marilee Tollefson
*Marianne Lohr, Nancy Choudhry, Stu & *Stan Jackson, John Butler & Lisa
Barbara Richards, Angela Green, Carol Tipton, Jack Reinhart, Sandy Jackson,
Tamara Arsenault
*Jeff & Barbara Wahlbrink, Carol
*Mandy Wingo, Jim & Willie Farmer, Jeff
Witmer, Gary Fields, Lynn Harty, Mandy
Lohr, Jennifer Backus, Gloria Reyes
*Luther Tollefson, Pat Herrin, Jack
Reinhart, Beth Victor
*Marge Schwalm, Lucie Austin, Bill
Fristoe, Bob Helms
*Dennis Lahl, Patrick Hintz, Tim
Richmond, Wendy Scheible
*Jeff Wahlbrink, John Adam, Diane
McCoy, Carl Rose
Brittany Hayes, Ashley Rolf
Cameron Hyder, Matthew McVeigh
Daniel Jacobsen, Evan Menendez
Amy Moser, Carl Paulson
Ian Hidalgo, Ellie Hidalgo
Brendan Hughes, Ashley Rolf
Cooper Batchelder, Paige Nosal
Tia Puskar, Gabby Peitsch
Sue Smith
Karen Matthiesen, Claudia Jacobson
Carlos Garcia
Steve Berry
Janet Burton
Bruce Poese
Bruce Poese
Bruce Poese
Claudia Jacobson
If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find a substitute - contact the church office for info.
Please contact the church by Wednesday prior to scheduled date in order for names to be changed in bulletins. Thank you.