November 30, 2014 - St. Mary`s Riverside Parish
November 30, 2014 - St. Mary`s Riverside Parish
The Bell Mission Statement We, the people of St. Mary Parish because of our baptismal promises and compelled by our Catholic Identity, seek to be an example of God’s presence by worship, education, and service to our neighbors with sensitivity to those most in need of God’s love. From the Pastor’s Desk! November 30, 2014 Thank you for ending the draft! Through your generosity we will be warm this winter with our new windows and doors. They have been ordered! Thanks to everyone that helped support our efforts. Amount collected $67,825.00!! Leo and Arlene Augustinas Marge Bell Theresa Bialas Jane and Bill Birmingham Karen and Jorge Blackaller Sallie and Mark Boge Michele Boyce John Brown Sandra Buckley Burda Family Mary Louise Burns Pattie Cheop Lori Christensen Laverne Cichon Susan and Everett Conner Patrick Conran Julie Cooney Pat and Carol Creadon Michael and Michelle Cronin Christine Crook Cuevas Family Michael and Ewa Cwik Robert and Sandra De Dera Jean and James Dewinski Adele DiNatale James and Anne Diombala Kenneth and Marcia Diubek Anthony and Jane Dolezal Casimir and Annabelle Downs Marguerite Durkin Kay Ehrhorn Christopher Enger Susan and Emilio Escobedo Bill and Jennifer Fangmann Bob and Judy Finn John and Kathy Flaherty Christine and John Flasza Maddalena and Michael Flight Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flood Michael and Karen Foley John and Eileen Frega Andrew Gattuso James and Elizabeth Gomorczak Cynthia and James Gonya Joseph and Virginia Gozdziak Lucas and Elizabeth Greyerbiehl Teresa Hall Walter Hanley Judy Hannon Dr. Edwin J. Harris Marilyn Havlik Mike and Nicole Hayes Camille Ingrassia David Jones Ernest and Mary Kaminski Lucille Kawczynski Bob and Julia Keehn William and Paulette Kernan Knights of Columbus Elizabeth Kos Janet and Jerome Kosik Joshua Kowal Paul and Susan Kucera John J. Kurland Joan Labak Marjorie Lewe Anthony and Charlotte Lindauer Christopher and Maria Lombardo Edward and Patricia Look Tina Lubrano Bob and Peggy Lyons Margaret MacNeill Patricia Madai Magee Family Michael and Bridget Mahoney Colleen Manika Michael and Rita Mann Fr. Thomas May Mary and Michael McGillicuddy Rosanne McGovern Maureen and William McGowan Mary McMahon Jack C. McVickers Claire Meilinger William and Christine Milleker Guy and Kathleen Moore John J. Motycka James and Marie Murray Magdalena Murzanski Salvatore Muscarello Guadalupe and Reynaldo Navarro Bernadine Nawara Marjorie Nowak John and Susie O'Brien Kevin and Gloria O'Connor Richard and Margaret O'Keefe Barb J. O'Meara Anthony and Leslie Onesto Kathleen Petrak Russell and Lorelei Phillip David and Michaele Pokraka Prangle Family Lawrence C. Prazak Mary Proteau Riverside Jr. Women's Charity Dalia Rocotello Eileen and Joe Rose Mary M. Ryan Elizabeth Sayban Dan and Susan Schoen Ryan Schultz Norbert and Sharon Schwartz John and Judy Scully Sandra Shelley Thomas Shields Carol Silhavy Barbara Silvestri Scott and Holly Simmons Margaret Sipiora Marie and Thomas Sloan Gary Smith Family Sharmayne Stach Alice Stake Peter and Mary Stanga Barbara Stankus Tiffany Storandt Dolores Tedesco John and Pat Trakselis Anthony and Patricia Valosek Trey and Jeanne VanDyke Gregory and Candy Vazquez Donna and Joseph Veverka Mary Anne and Bruno Walke Susan Wawzenski Jack and Joan Wiaduck Carina Willems Angeline Wrobel John and Linda Zanieski Julija and Vladas Zukauskas Fr. Tom and Fr. Kris Monday, December 8th, is the feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be held at 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m. (All School Mass in the Parish Center) and 7:00 p.m. Please note the time change (from 7:30 to 7:00) for the evening Mass. FIRST SATURDAY PROMISES Our Lady of Fatima asked Sr. Lucia to promulgate devotion to her Immaculate Heart through reparation and reception of the Eucharist. Her promise was “I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the First Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.” December 6th is the next First Saturday. The Rosary is recited along with Fatima prayers after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. Please join us. November 23, 2014 Yumiko, child of Jonathan and Elizabeth Braley Riley and Carson, children of Philip and Nicole Cavaliere Advent Retreat December 14-16… Every year our Holy Mother the Church invites us to make our way back to Bethlehem. And when we arrive, what is it that we see there? Nothing but “three poor people who love one another,” as the poet Paul Claudel said, but three poor people who “will change the face of the earth.” There is great wisdom in the Church’s setting aside as holy that month of expectation that is the liturgical season of Advent. For, like the Holy Family, we too are poor. Yet, we are poor in the very way that they were rich, and rich in the way that they were poor. This is why we sorely need Advent as an annual occasion to listen to the prophet Isaiah, to marvel at the Annunciation, the Visitation, and the birth of Saint John the Baptist, to enter more deeply into the meaning of those two great songs of faith that frame the Church’s daily prayer, the Benedictus and the Magnificat, and to join Saint Joseph and the Blessed Virgin in silent adoration of the incarnate Son of God. Our Advent Retreat will be a great preparation and help for just such an Advent journey of contemplation. Known to us all, we will welcome Fr. Bob Lombardo. He will lead us into the mystery of God’s incarnation and spiritual transformation into Christ at all the Sunday masses of that weekend and through the consecutive three evenings. Schedule: Sunday, December 14 - 7:00 p.m. - “The Eucharist and Priesthood” Monday, December 15 - 7:00 p.m. - “Healing and Reconciliation” Tuesday, December 16 - 7:00 p.m. - Closing Mass: “Go Out and Make Disciples” Mission of Our Lady of the Angels Christmas Party Saturday, December 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The Mission serves one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. Its purpose is to assist the materially poor and share our Catholic faith. YOU CAN HELP with their Christmas Party by donating food, or by helping in person on December 13. The Christmas party will include a prayer service, lunch, and gifts for people in the community. Please call Michael Flight at 708-476-5585 for more information. Food items needed: Premade sandwiches, chips, cookies or other desserts, punch mix and hot chocolate mix. Thank you for your help! Please join us for an All School Mass on Monday, December 8, 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Center The Faculty invites parishioners and parents to attend this Holy Day Celebration. All are welcome. The St. Mary Garden Ministry is accepting donations to upgrade our garden. Donations will go toward an Eagle Scout project including building fences and a trellis for beans. Donations will be accepted by Jack Lennon, Eagle Scout candidate, after all the masses this weekend (Nov. 29 and 30). Thank you for your support of this important ministry. Questions? Contact Jack Lennon at 708-447-9243 or ST. AGATHA GIFT WRAP The Boy Scouts of St. Mary are hosting their annual St. Agatha Gift Drive to help needy families. The “Giving Tree” is located in the narthex. Parishioners are asked to select a name or names of gift recipients, note the log with name and phone number and purchase the items listed. Return the UNWRAPPED gift with a gift box and the tag included on Saturday, December 13 in the Parish Center Lobby Between the hours of Noon and 5:00 p.m. Tags will be available while supplies last. If any parishioner would like to give but is unable to obtain a tag, please feel free to bring a gift to the Parish Center on the 13th. Provide information as to what would be the appropriate age, gender, size, etc. We will make sure your gift is included. The scouts will wrap and deliver the gifts to St. Agatha Parish the next morning. Anyone interested in helping to wrap is welcome to join us. Donations of wrapping paper and/or ribbon are also appreciated. Questions? Contact Bill Gawne at 708-790-0667. NOTE: Please do not bring the gifts to the Rectory. Thank you! Note - The St. Nicholas Day Toy Drive for the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels replaces the Catholic Charities hats, scarves and gloves collection of previous years. REMINDER ~ Please help spread Christmas Cheer to the soldiers by bringing your food items, toiletries, and "things for fun" to fill the stockings to KuratkoNosek Funeral Home on Des Plaines Avenue in North Riverside by December 1st. If you have any questions, please call Judy Finn at 447-3877. ST. MARY MEN’S CLUB SENIOR DINNER Wednesday, December 10th 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room Due to the success of our dinners and growing attendance, we will be accepting “donations” in any amount. Questions can be directed to Dan Schoen at 312-320-7324 or e-mail to Domestic Violence – There Is Help! Help For Abused Women ♦ Begin to believe that you are not alone and that help is available for you and your children. ♦ Talk in confidence to someone you trust: a relative, friend, parish priest, deacon, religious sister or brother, or lay minister. ♦ If you choose to stay in the situation, at least for now, set up a plan of action to ensure your safety. This includes hiding a car key, personal documents, and some money in a safe place and locating somewhere to go in an emergency. ♦ Find out about resources in your area that offer help to battered women and their children. The phone book lists numbers to call in your local area. Your diocesan Catholic Charities office or family life office can help. Catholic Charities often has qualified counselors on staff and can provide emergency assistance and other kinds of help. ♦ The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides crisis intervention and referrals to local service providers. Call 800‐799‐SAFE (7233) or 800‐787‐3224 (TTY). E‐mail assistance is available at Help For Men Who Abuse ♦ Admit that the abuse is your problem, not your partner's, and have the manly courage to seek help. Begin to believe that you can change your behavior if you choose to do so. ♦ Be willing to reach out for help. Talk to someone you trust who can help you evaluate the situation. Contact Catholic Chari‐ ties or other church or community agencies for the name of a program for abusers. ♦ Keep in mind that the Church is available to help you. Part of the mission Jesus entrusted to us is to offer healing when it is needed. ♦ Find alternative ways to act when you become frustrated or angry. Talk to other men who have overcome abusive behavior. Find out what they did and how they did it. If you are in an abusive relationship, help is available to you. If you would like to talk to a priest, please call the rectory at (708) 447-1020. For 24 hour help, call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233) The Holy Name Society of Mater Christi Parish in North Riverside held their annual Turkey Shoot on Sunday, November 23rd. We thank you for your support of this event and hope that it made your Thanksgiving happier. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Stewardship of Treasure Sunday Collections 11/16/2014 - $13,517.61 Thank you for your generosity. The Respect Life Committee will sponsor their annual Christmas Wreath sale THIS weekend after all the masses. Balsam wreaths, mixed noble fir wreaths and forest elegance wreaths will be available, along with door swags, mini pine trees, holly plants, and basket centerpieces. Proceeds benefit The Women’s Centers. Altar Servers’ Schedule for the Weekend of Dec. 6/7 Saturday, December 6 8:15 a.m. Gabby Gallowey & Abigail Schueller 5:00 p.m. Francesca, Isabella & Michael Urtis Sunday, December 7 7:00 a.m. Patrick & John Paul Hanley, Maddie Shalvis 8:30 a.m. Emily Burda, Sophie Prangle, Emma Tucek 10:00 a.m. Kate Shereck, Grace Acosta, Alexa Cavaliere 11:30 a.m. Kira Luna, Callie Federow, Celia Chorzempa 5:00 p.m. Kelsey Cochara, Michelle Saganich, Brandon Beltran December 2014 Sun Mon 1 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 1st & 2nd Gr. (ORL) 3:30 Sports (PC) 6-7:30 pm GS Mtg. 5th Gr. (ORL) Tue 2 3-4:30 GS (ORL) 4:30-6:00 pm GS Mtg. 3rd Gr. (ORL) 3:30 Sports (PC) 7:00 Baptism Prep Mtg. (RLR) 6:45/7:30 Deanery Mtg. (OR/ORL) Wed 3 Thu 4 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 7th Gr. (ORL) 3-4:30 pm 4th Gr. Cub Scouts (OR) 3:30 Sports (PC) 6:30-9:30 pm KofC Mtg (OR/CH) 8:45 am Eucharistic Adoration 1:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry (Rec) 3:30 Divine Mercy 3:30-6:30 Sports (PC) 6:30 Pack Night (OR) 7:00 RCIA Mtg. (RLR) RE Off 7 8:00-1:00 Service Outreach Toy Collection (PCL) 10:00 RE Class & Children’s Lit of Word 2:00 Sports (PC) 3-7:00 pm Teen Peer Ministry (OR) 7:00 - 9:00 pm Bible Study (OR) 8 HOLY DAY 9:30 am All School Mass - Immaculate Conception (PC) 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 1st & 2nd Gr. (ORL) 6:30 pm School Advisory Bd Mtg (LIB) 6:30 RE Class Fr. Lombardo to Preach During Masses 6:30 RE Class Children’s Lit of Word 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 1st & 2nd Gr. (ORL) No Sports (PC) 1:00 Baptisms 2:00 Sports (PC) 3:30 Sports (PC) 5-9 pm SPRED (ORL/EC/OR) No Sports (PC) 15 10:00 RE Class & 3:15-4:30 pm Tiger Cubs - 1st Gr. Mtg. (OR) 7:00 pm RE Mass (CH) 14 St. Agatha Gift Wrap until 1:00 pm (PC/PCL) 9 16 3-4:30 GS (ORL) 3:30 Sports (PC) (5:00 & 6:00 games) 4:30-6:00 pm GS Mtg. 3rd Gr. (ORL) 7:00 PIE Mtg. (OR) 7:00 pm ADVENT RETREAT (CH) 7:00 pm ADVENT RETREAT (CH) (Reconciliation) 7:00 pm ADVENT RETREAT (CH) 21 22 23 RE Off Children’s Liturgy of the Word Christmas Break (No School) RE Off No Sports (PC) 28 No Sports (PC) No Sports (PC) 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 4th Gr. (ORL) 3:30-4:30 Cub Scout Bears (OR) 3:30 Sports (PC) 29 30 3:30 Sports (PC) 3:30 Sports (PC) 7:00 Boy Scouts (OR) 2:30-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 6th & Kindergarten (ORL) 3:00 pm Holiday Boutique (PC/PCL) 9:00 & 11:00 First Reconciliation (CH) 1-4:30 Sports (PC) 4:45-6:00 Cry Rm (OR) 4:30-6:30 Toy Collection (PCL) No Sports (PC) 6:30-10:00 Sports (PC) 12 13 8:15 First Friday 2:30-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 6th & Kindergarten (ORL) 3:30 Sports (PC) 11:00 am St. Agatha Gift Wrap (PC/PCL) 4:45-6:00 Cry Rm (OR) 5-7 pm Senior Dinner 7:00 RCIA Mtg. (RLR) 17 18 19 20 3-4:30 pm 4th Gr. Cub Scouts (OR) 6:30 Lessons and Carols Concert (PC) 2:30-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 6th & Kindergarten (ORL) 4:45-6:00 Cry Rm (OR) 3:30 Sports (PC) 7:00 Boy Scouts (OR) ~ Court of Honor ~ No Sports (PC) No Sports (PC) 3-4:30 pm GS Mtg. 7th Gr. (ORL) 3:30 Divine Mercy and Adoration 6-7:00 pm Market Day Pick up (PCL) 6:30-7:30 pm Boy Scout Wolves (ORL) 7:00 RCIA Mtg. (RLR) 24 25 No Sports (PC) CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS Masses 3:00 pm CH & PC 5:00 pm PC only 10:00 pm CH No 7:00 am Mass 8:00 am CH 10:00 am CH 11:30 am CH No 5:00 pm Mass 31 3:30 Sports (PC) 2:00 Sports (PC) 5:00 pm Mass RE Off 3:30 Divine Mercy and Adoration 6 8:15 First Friday 4-5:00 Senior Sages (CH) NEW YEAR’S EVE 3:30 Sports (PC) 11 5 Sat 7-9:00 GS Troop Leader Mtg. (ORL) No Sports (PC) RE Off 1:00 Baptisms 10 Fri OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE (OR/CH) 26 5:00 Mass Fr. Lombardo to Preach 27 9-5 Sports (PC) 3:30 Sports (PC) 4:45-6:00 Cry Rm (OR) BAPTISM OF INFANTS Second and fourth Sundays of the month. Register for Parent Preparation Session by calling the Rectory at 447-1020 Monday, December 1 8:15 a.m. Good Health for David Wrobel Tuesday, December 2 8:15 a.m. James O’Brien Wednesday, December 3 - St. Francis Xavier, Priest 8:15 a.m. Marilyn Nesper (The Lindauers) Thursday, December 4 8:15 a.m. The People of St. Mary Parish MARRIAGE PREPARATION This process begins with an interview with a Pastoral Staff member. No date for the ceremony can be reserved until this interview is completed. For more information, call the Rectory at 447-1020. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. in the Church Friday, December 5 8:15 a.m. Marie Ryan (Joan Willems) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Saturday, December 6 - St. Nicholas, Bishop 8:15 a.m. The People of St. Mary Parish 5:00 p.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Krzysztof Swierczynski Robert Burke Sunday, December 7 - SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:00 a.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Thomas May The Buckley Family 8:30 a.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Thomas May Bishop Timothy Lyne 10:00 a.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Robert Banzin William Hanna 11:30 a.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Krzysztof Swierczynski Karin Beissert (Callanan Family) 5:00 p.m. - Celebrant: Fr. Krzysztof Swierczynski Neal McMahon Week of November 30 We pray for the sick and their caregivers especially, Matthew Prod, Myra Hurst, Muriel Wachter, Mark Stratman, Cecilia Straka, Annmarie LeRose, Henry Kotarba, Angelina Urtis, Phyllis Scharner, Mike Murray Jr., Dolores Esposito, Don Kaleta, Freda Murphy, Peter Steinke, Pat Murray, Henry Shoffer, Ethan Tkalec, Marytherese Healy, Marty Stratman, Jane Martinis, Sharmayne Stach, John Cicioro, Ben Brennan and Cardinal George. We pray for all those who have died. May they rest in Peace. Thursdays - 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Church. On the Thursday before First Friday, Eucharistic Adoration begins at 8:45 a.m. and continues throughout the day and night until the 8:15 a.m. Mass on Friday. SORROWFUL MOTHER NOVENA Fridays at 12:30 p.m. in the Narthex Please join us to pray for Peace. Home or Hospital Visitation and Anointing Calls If you would like a priest, deacon or minister of care to visit, or if you wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Parishioners and friends of the parish can sign-up for the email blast on the parish website: Knights of Columbus For information go to: or contact Mel Tomeczko at 708-442-2573 / Grand Knight Bishop Ketteler Council 1628 H I T Z E M A N F U N E R A L H O M E LT D . “ W E A R E AV A I L A B L E T O M E E T A L L T H E N E E D S O F S T. M A R Y ’ S P A R I S H ” F A M I LY O W N E D G E N E RATION S OF AND O P E R ATE D F O R O V E R 111 Y EA R S • E STA B LI S H E D 1904 D IG N I FI E D S E RVIC E • P R E -N E E D I N S U RANC E AN D P R E -N E E D I N S U RANC E PAYM E NT P LAN S AVAI LAB LE 9445 W. 31st St. • Brookfield, I L 60513 • 708-485-2000 • TUES.-SAT. 11 AM-8 PM SUN. 11 AM-7 PM CLOSED MONDAY DAHME MECHANICAL Serving the Community Since 1948 3422 S. HARLEM, RIVERSIDE PH. 442-0434 • 447-9890 Plumbing • Heating Air Conditioning I have been a realtor 9 years with ERA Team Feinstein. During this time, I have also added the accreditations of Broker Associate, ABR, CNC, GRI and SFR. A Realtor you can trust to get the job done! MARYLOU SCALA FRESH THINKING HEALTHY EATING Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Agency 860.399.1785 Travel of AOS-USA STANGA FAMILY TEAM FEINSTEIN LLC $15.00 OFF Your Next Service Call 708-447-7023 Sal’s Powerwashing Progressive Complete Health Strong Dependable Gutter Protection Exclusive Rhino Distributor FREE GUTTER CLEANING WITH INSTALLATION Fully Insured and Bonded Service and Installation Whole House Generators Gutter Cleaning & Installation “Not just Fitness, Wellness” Get Started For Free • Personal Trainer • Affordable Rates Boot Camps in Berwyn! Ages 15 to 65 yrs. Cell: 815-343-8212 1 hr. Weekly Classes Circuit Style 8 Exercises 1 min. each BROKER ASSOCIATE Call for Appointment I work in and am well versed in most Chicago 708-485-0766 Western Suburbs, I was born and raised in Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Riverside, IL. I now live in Oakbrook where I raised my only Pitas, Salads & Smoothies child Lucia. As an Experienced and Knowledgeable Realtor in Cater • Carry Out • Dine In Chicago and Surrounding Suburbs, I am well skilled as a Open at 10am • 7 Days Seller/Buyer Agent. I am known as the “Realtor You Can Put 9200 Ogden Ave., Brookfield Your Trust In.” What I bring to Real Estate is Dedication, Lunch Specials Every Day! 708-255-5731 Knowledge, Availability, and a Stellar Reputation. My clients Margaritas $3.99 come first. MY goal is a satisfied Seller/Buyer. I am the Realtor NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER that works with today’s technology and market in this year 2014. Mon-Thurs $1.00 OFF Any Pita LIMIT 2 MEXICAN RESTAURANT Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 HINSDALE OFFICE: Office Phone: (630) 522-2086 Office Fax: (630) 325-6866 Cell Phone: (630) 915-3373 Home Fax: (630) 574-0839 Banquet Hall Available! 708-788-2002 4109 S. Harlem • Stickney, IL 60402 Featuring the finest TONY’S cuisine using only the Breakfast Cafe & Family Restaurant at a great price! Furnace & A/C Repair or Replacement freshest ingredients Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open 24 Hours! 7 Days! Senior Menu Daily • Beer • Wine 25 to 40 Party Room 9414 W. Ogden Avenue 708.387.0155 Brookfield Drains Rodded - Repaired Family Owned Since 1887 Water Leaks - Toilets Water Heaters Flooding Problems Fixed 6260 W. 159th Street Oak Forest 708-447-1919 Battery Backup & More 24/7 Emergency Service We Honor Senior Citizen Discounts License #055-043503 RIVERSIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS BRIAN D. KURATKO KEN KURATKO, CFSP, CSA • Certified Funeral Celebrant “Your family funeral directors” Located In: Conboy-Westchester Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, Alternative Services, Pre-Planning Options Funeral Home, Inc. 10501 W. Cermak Rd.,Westchester 708-609-5585 or 708-FUNERAL 589900 St Mary Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 I V I N S / M O R AV E C E K F U N E R A L H O M E Practice Limited to Endodontic Our Family Serving Your Family DAVID MORAVECEK, DIRECTOR 80 E. Burlington, Riverside 447-2261 w w w. i v i n s f h . c o m Therapy and Dental Implants Raymond F. Munaretto, DDS BLASE P. BROWN D.D.S. M.S. “Everyone Loves A Gentle Dentist” Hours By Appointment 708-447-5092 Phone: 447-3200 4212 S. Joliet Av., Lyons Assisted Living & Nursing Care Parishioner PLUMBING & TJ REMODELING (708) 456-7787 7234 W. North Ave. in Elmwood Park 3116 Oak Park Avenue in Berwyn 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208 in LaGrange 708-447-0123 20 Years Experience COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE Cyril Friend III FRIEND Your ad INVESTMENT GROUP GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS 12 E. Quincy St. Riverside 780.442.9234 Riverside Garage SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount Tune Ups, Brakes & Front End Specialists 447-7221 Lic.# PL187568 Home Improvements Maintenance Repairs Parishioners Discount Hablamos Español Visit us @ could be in this space! • Meals • Personal Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Errands 630.323.7231 State Licensed Michael & Mary Doepke, RN 18 East Avenue, Riverside Jeri Coffey D.D.S. General Dentistry for Adults and Children We Welcome New Patients 24 Woodside Rd. • 442-0115 Woodlawn Funeral Home & Memorial Park Pre Planning For All Your Funeral & Cemetery Needs Western Suburbs Newest Facility • Serving All Cemeteries 7750 W. Cermak • Forest Park • 708-442-8500 Frank J. Zefran, Funeral Director and Manager John W. Isaacson, Funeral Director Parishioner Phillip L. Dalcamo – Peter Kennedy Funeral Directors GENERAL DENTISTRY Family Operated for 91 Years Weddings • Parties Sympathy Needs Nationwide Service 630.719.5200 Lorelei & Russ Phillip Parishioners & Riverside Residents 589900 St Mary Church (A) Frank R. Orland, D.D.S. Carla P. Orland, D.D.S. Gina F. Orland, D.M.D. Shannon S. Shannon, D.D.S. 21 N. Delaplaine Rd. Riverside, IL 60546 708-447-2100 Parishioners • TENTS, TABLES & CHAIRS NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 • INFLATABLES All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation • PHOTO BOOTH Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure • DJ SERVICES Video Sewer & Locating Service • PORTABLE RESTROOMS Lic. # 14636 Lic.# 055-024301 9100 W. Plainfield Rd., Suite C MaryBeth Demitro Brookfield, IL 60513 708-255-1100 Owner/Agent/Parishioner FARMERS INSURANCE • Auto • Home • Life • Business • Health 9128 W. Ogden • Brookfield 708-485-8130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Mary Church 126 Herrick Road † Riverside, IL 60546 Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas P. May, Pastor Rev. Krzysztof Swierczynski, Associate Pastor Rev Leon R. Wagner, Pastor Emeritus Sr. Margaret Sannasardo, BVM, Pastoral Associate Barbara Rasinski, Principal Barb Slipek, Director of Religious Education Celina Zalas, Business Manager Michael Silhavy, Music Director Bob and Kate Boharic, Deacon Couple Support Staff Carina Willems, Receptionist Christine Flasza, Communications Alice Kowalski, R.E. Assistant Judi Vrablik, School Staff Assistant Cathy Carone, School Staff Assistant Simon Mireles, Maintenance Eduardo Mijangos, Maintenance Masses Monday through Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Anticipated Mass Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Parish Office Parish Office Telephone: 708-447-1020 Parish Office Fax: 708-447-3309 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon E-Mail: School 97 Herrick Road Telephone: 708-442-5747 School Fax: 708-442-0125 E-mail: Religious Education Telephone: 708-447-6812 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. E-mail: Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Pastoral Council Trey VanDyke, Chairperson Michele Boyce, Parish Life Rep. Michelle Brown, Parish Life Rep. Terry Coffey, Spiritual Life Rep. Maureen Colvin, Human Concerns Rep. Christine Crook, Spiritual Life Rep. Bill Fangmann, Education Rep. Maddalena Flight, Religious Education Rep. Dave Jacobs, At Large Rep. Adrian Mendoza, Religious Education Rep. Mary Jo Miller, Education Rep. Dan Murphy, At Large Rep. Linda Radtke, Human Concerns Rep. Finance Committee Jack Wilk, Chair Jane Birmingham Terrance Farmer Cindy Gonya David Navarro Larry Zielonka School Advisory Board Scott Schafer, President Peg Donnelly Liz Durkin Debbie Durrer Frank Gazzolo Tom Lang Bob Lyons Kelly Navarro Michael O’Connor Rebecca Wood Parish Counselor Sue Schemper - 708-567-5300 Websites Parish Website: School Website: Garden Club Websites: Men’s Club Website: THE BELL is a weekly publication of St. Mary Church in Riverside, Illinois. Items for publication must be in the Rectory by E-Mail two weeks before the publication. The bulletin can be found on the parish website. If you would like a bulletin mailed to you, please contact the rectory at 708-447-1020.
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