Time for answers


Time for answers
■ 1()Nt •
For a good
4FCOPI 'Arai)
Clew, Shang,
Theng tica,
Yee, Ufa and
other wi•ZA
urging the
government Is
is Iiif their
promises made
ho, the peapie.
Time for answers
Selangor govt rapped for buying RM14.5mil trash compactors
stogy and pivots
lax YIP YOU Tali
HE Selangor MCA public
Complaints Bureau has questioned the transparency
behind the purchase of 50 trash
compactors by the Selangor government.
Bureau chief amok Theng Book
said no tender was called before
the RM14.5mil purchase was made,
adding that the initea a had received
complaints from suppliers who
*Gail have provided a better option
We were not given the chance.
"What's the necessity , to spend
soy touch taispayess' money to buy
the C01111351C1010 iiiiNn can you
appoint conuractots who are not
equipped with the basic tools? Me
these contracts Oven to ironies?"
he asked.
Hie said tine state government's
claimi that they had managed to
save between 25% and 30% front
waste collection service was numb-
"Six months have passed and
there's meshing. I went wattle dice to
on the status, only to be told
additional cost, so how can the
that t have to waif longer," *said.
dam, government say they have
Theag said it was not the first
saved money?" he asked adding
time they have heard similar comthat the trucks' specifications are
plaints but no one had come fororistiown as no tender was called.
ward- because they the not want to
He said the date was only trying
offend the authority.
to cower these flaws by offering a
"We are not sure where the rest
reduction in assessment for The amount spent is
of she money has gone. t am worlow-gust flat owners.
an additional ried that the stake may have
"'the state government has also
released it but the sum was not
promised a 20% reduction in the ant, so how can the
passed down to the recipients," he
lass general eleaion but even that state government
bas not materialised," he said at a
He said the bureau would file
say they have saved
press, confereoce yesterday.
claim at the Small Claims Court it
He highlighted that waste colla- 1111111eys
Mere was no response from the
tion in the sure had been unsaticstate in two weeks.
factolYilldging front the number of -.2%;:t1t 14ENG Fl)(!c
He also urged those affected tc
CUlliplaints received by the various
it was given VAA1,001,) in cash appcoach the complaints lwreat
them file thr
"tt is so serious that it has caused altar• asked to rake a photo with the that would help
PAP, banner at the pasty's Sri
thoodis in Kiang," he added
Press confer
backMeanwhile, it was also brought Keelbartgan office as the
ence were the buteais *Put!
up that a complainant from Sri gtouod
"libt" application form dates that chairman Kelvin Chong, depot)
Kembangan, Yee See lAreng, 47, NA
() Allan Lew Sin Kin
yet In receive the amount of the remainder of die sum will be and legal adviser Wank CAC
IttieS00 that he was promised released in 60 days.
"The amount spent is aneady an
under the SeLingar government's
Senior Citizen* Schnee.
Yee said he was given BM] ,000
after the demise of his mother in
September but had sot received
the balance of ild1,500 despite
two reminders.
Disabled-friendly feature in PJ
shortlisted for international award
WALK paths with tact tiles and
ramps built around certain parts
of Petaling Jaya aimed at creating
a barrier-free environment, has
been shortlisted as a semi-finalist
for the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and
Management (Capam) International Innovation Awards.
Out of the 120 submissions for
the award, PJ has been shortlisted
as one of the semi-finalists. Pi's
people friendly project — A Barrier
Free PJ: Lifting the Urban Disability
Stigma — has captured the hearts
of Capam judges. Forty countries
are taking part in the awards.
PJ mayor Datuk Mohamacl
Roslan Sakiman said the council
felt privileged to be selected as a
semi-finalist and the entry was
slotted under the Innovation in
Citizen Engagement and Dialogue
award category.
Capam president Paul Zahra
from Malta will present the award
in New Delhi, India, in September.
We find physical barriers still
preventing the disabled from participating and enjoying the benefits of living in the city.
Accessibie: The disablecririendly pavement along Jakan Gasing in P1
"Our efforts are being seen as
various parts of the city have been
redesigned to make it accessible,"
said RO5 tan.
Capam is an International
Innovations Awards that celebrates the spirit of innovation in
the public service by recognising
organisations that have made significant contributions to improving governance and services in the
public sector.
The award inspires and encour-
ages innovators to improve public
service governance, and the qual-
ity of life of residents and communities.
"11's barrier-free environment
project is the only entry from
Malaysia and it competes with
entries from established countries
and organisations. PJ has made
parks and public areas accessible
to the physically-challenged and
we fed that warrants our entry to
be shortlisted," said Roslan.
He added that PJ's ongoing
effort to create a harrier-free city
"is the right thing to do."
Meanwhile, PJ dry councillor
Lan": .................. za12..
and distinguished fellow of the
United States of America Hawaii
University Anthony Thanasayan
said he felt privileged and honoured by Capam's submission.
"Being a wheelchair-bound
person as a teenager living in PJ,
the neighbourhood was my greatest foe at one time. I was a virtual
prisoner in my home because of
the lack of thought given by the
municipal council then to me as a
resident with special needs.
"I could not get into 'Taman Jaya
park which is a few hundred
metres from my home because of
a locked gate and cobbled pavements," he said.
Thanasayan added that now it
was a different story.
"We have a special entrance for
wheelchairs initiated by me that
allow all handicapped people
through. We have the country's
first universal design pavement
that is also being made in poorer
areas of Pj.
"I think, it is an incredible success story that any local government can offer and continue to
help the disabled community.
"But now with the leadership of
Roslan all that is changing," he
MBPJ gets memo
RAs in Kelana Jaya want land status of PKNS field rectified
AVE the People's Field com-
mittee has handed over a
memorandum to the Petaling
Jaya City Council (MBPJ) over the
discrepancy in the Petaling Jaya
Local Plan Two (RTPJ2).
Committee chairman Datuk Zul
Mukhshar Md Shaari and secretary Esham Salam handed over
the memorandum signed by 12
residents' associations in Kelana
Jaya to the council's public relations officer Zainun Zakaria
In the memorandum, the residents have requested PJ mayor
Datuk Mohammad Roslan
Sakiman to lodge a police report
on the discrepancy found on two
versions of the RTPJ2, one by MBPJ
and the other by the Selangor
Town and Rural Planning
The MBPj version states that
the status of the PKNS field is
commercial while the planning
department has marked it as a
green lung.
Esham said the discrepancy was
clearly an act of falsifying a government document and as such
the culprits should be punished.
"The mayor should also lodge a
report with the Malaysian AntiCorruption Commission (MACC)
to ensure an investigation can be
carried out," added Esham.
They have also requested that
the Area Special Planning Draft
that was presented early this year
to be halted as the residents
believe that the discrepancy might
Do something: Zui (left) handing over the memorandum to Zainun.
re-occur in this document as well.
"We also want the PKNS Sports
Complex to be handed back to the
MBPJ to avoid land misuse," he
When asked about the Selangor
Appeals Board set up by the state
government to resolve the issue,
Zui Mukhshar said he did not see
the need for it.
According to Zul, the KTPj2 by
the Selangor Town and Rural
Planning Department clearly stated that it was a green lung and
there was no need for a decision
to be made by the board.
"We want an explanation and
we want answers. It is quite clear
that the plan is flawed.
"There should not be an inquiry
or hearing under the board unless
plans for RIPJ3 is under way.
"That means, the entire process
of hearing, objections and proposals will have to be done again,"
said Zul.
Also present at the handover of
the memorandum was Seri Setia
assemblyman Nik Nazmi Nik
Nik Nazmi said it was important to find the culprit behind the
discrepancy and the matter should
he handled by Selangor State
Committee on , Competency,
Accountability and Transparency
"1 believe that Selcat is still relevant in this investigation and if
there are any members who are
also on the PKNS board they should
step down during the investigation," said Nik Nazmi.
He added that Selcat had asked
him to present all the documents
on the issue since it first started.
Zainun said the memorandum
would be handed over to the
mayor who was at the Selangor
State Economic Planning Unit
Sales slow
at new
Airing out her
woes: Nasi
lemak seller
Subaidah (left)
said her
business was
limited to only
one container
of rice a day.
Behind her is
Traders tell of their predicamen i
after site relocation
only one a day.
thoxinyi@tliestar.corri.my "Because of this, I tried to reopen a stall m a coffee shop at the
old market m 5K 10.
The Subang Jaya Municipal
OME traders in the new pasar
rakyat in Jalan SK6/1, Seri Council (MPSJ) officers told me
Kembangan, lamented their they would withdraw his trading
business dropped significantly licence at the new market if she
after relocating to the new site, continued to do so.
Nasi lemak seller Subaidah
Hassan /brahirn, who operated a
Subairi, 34, said she previously sweet corn stall next to Subaidah,
could sell seven to eight contain- said sale was slow ever since he
ers of rice a day, but now it was moved here.
"Almost 95% of my sweet corn
was snapped up in the past but
now I could not even sell 30 packets a day," the 67-year-old said.
Opposite their stalls, Siew Tha,
75, said she could only make about
ftlle150 on the weekends and less
than g11420 on weekdays from selling vegetables.
Another trader in a shoplot near
the market, Liew Yoke Yoeng, 74,
shared the same predicament.
She added that she had to fork
out extra money for the toilet and
electricity. The bills were shared
ix traders in the same shoplot.
Seri Kembangan Federal Village
Security and Development
Committee (JKKKP) chairman Tang
Kim Loy urged the MPSJ to exempt
the traders from paying their
licence fees for six months:
"The business at the new market
is bad.
"People do not come here
because of the location is not stra-
tegic," he said.
The new market, which has 266
lots, opened in April after several
The objective of the move was to
relieve traffic congestion near the
old market and to legalise the
hawkers who have been trading at
the old market for years.
This issue made headlines a few
times in the past because some
vendors were against the reloca-
Four MPSJ councillors sworn in
One seat remains vacant at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council
OUR councillors were
sworn in on Wednesday
even though one seat remains vacant at the Subang Jaya
Municipal Council.
First-time councillor Michael
Noel Jalleh, 52, works for a nongovernmental religious body
called the Malaysian Christian
Association for Relief. He hoped
to tackle the social problems
among the youths in the rural and
urban areas.
"I am keen in tackling problems
faced by the youths and the urban
poor. Especially those living in
places such as the Enggang apartment in Bandar Kinrara," he said.
Councillor for the fourth time,
Cheah Sang Soon, 46, who owns
an engineering-related business
is once again all ready to serve the
Cheah served tvsidents Jiving
in the Bandar Kinrara area during
his past three terms. Om I* new
area of service is yet to be determined.
"I don't mind serving any area
of the community. I am willing to
contribute, he said.
Rajiv Rishyakaran, 31, is the
youngest councillor in the lineup. Re was appointed for the
third term and will be serving the
community at SS13 and SS16. Rajiv said his biggest challenge will
be related to the Light Rail Transit (LRT) developments in the
Councillor for the second term,
Loka Ng Sai Kai, 47, is appointed
under the non-governmental organisation seat.
He is the vice-president of Loka
Mitta Buddhist Fellowship
Malaysia. His area of service will
he Puchong and he hopes to
ion the needs of the disabled.
"My focus will be to address the
needs of the disabled and tackle
environmental issues."
All four oaunciliors took their
oath before MPSJ president Datuk ASINOW1 Kash' witnessing the swearing in of (from left) Michael Noel Jallek, Loka
Datuk Asmawi Kasbi.
Risleyakaran and Meal, Sang Soon. Pk by Hasriyasyah Sabudin
JUN 2012 •••
No permission, no Euro 2012 show,i
GET CONSENT FIRST: City Hail yet to receive applications
from clubs and pubs
MAU+ u, ,,:--^ ;,,
ANY food and beverage
outlets are expected to
cash in on the UEM European Football Otanipionship (Euro 2012)
which kicks off early tomorrow morning. However, till yesterday. City Hall
has yet to receive any application from
the operators to extend their operating
City Hall deputy director-general (socio-economy development) Datuk
Amin Nordin Abd Aziz said it was
mandatory for operators of outlets sen
log alcohol to get permission if they
plan to extend their operation hours.
"If the outlet intends to sell beer and
liquor during the extended hours, then
they need to apply for special permission," he said after visiting families who
lost their homes itt a fire in Segambut.
City Hall has warned that unless operators have approval,
clubs and pti:%
-0 Turn toPage2 their stipulated operating hours will be compounded.
Tarikh: ...... ..
Council to issue compounds
From Page
Amin said that if the permission was g.ranted by the
city council, the business operators would have to pay a
fee of R.M30 for each additional hour of operation.
"Once the committee approves the extension, the
business operators and the
police will be notified of the
extension. Those who are
caught operating beyond the
stipulated operating hours
will be compounded," he
However, A)11111 said, the
pubs and clubs did not have
to apply for special permission to extend their operation
hours if they ceased selling
alcohol after 3am.
He said only pubs and clubs
in the city are allowed to extend their operation hours.
Those in residential areas are
not allowed to do so.
As for mamak stalls and
restaurants, Amin said they
are not required to apply for
special permission to extend
their operation hours.
"They are allowed to open
till late but they must keep
the noise bevel low. We will
take action if we receive any
complaints from the public,"
he said.
Bangsar Business Council
president Ronnie Quay questioned the rationale of City
Hall imposing restrictions on
the food and beverage outlets.
"We have had live screenings of the World Cup, cricket
and rugby matches and we
never had to ask for permission.
"So, why should we do now.
This move will cause a lot of
hassle for business operators," he said.
Quay said the city council
should look into imposing
their restrictions on mamak
outlets that operate 24 hours.
"City Hall need to control the
crowd at the matnak stalls.
They are the ones that are
making all the noise,' he
Bangsar Baru Residents Association Datuk George
Joseph said the residents
have no qualms about the
pubs in Bangsar showcasing
the matches.
"Most of the food and beverage outlets in Bangsar are
located away from the residential areas As long as they
close their doors and don't
blast the sound then it should
be ok," he said.
Last week, Streets had quoted Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad
Fuad Ismail as saying that all
owners of clubs and pubs
would have to apply for special permission from City
Hall if they want to extend the
operation hours of their outlets during the -Euro 2012
matches which will be shown
at midnight and 2.45arn
Act on 'false plan, council tole
Committee wants
probe into Petaiing
Jaya Local Plan 2
coma Au
AVE the People's Field action
committee demanded Petal
ing Jaya City Council (1412lPJ)
to take action regarding tine falsification of the Pouring Jaya Local
Plan 2 (Pl1PX, documents yesterday.
The committee president Datuk Zul
Muktisar Med Shaarl said
WWI shomael lodge a
police impart on the
documents is •
mattet to maintain the
serious crime
catuthifs, credibility.
Ord the mayor
'Falsifying documents is a serious crime
shoulders the
and the mayor shoul Save 77re Public Football FC coo andvtee president iha4is Jail
&hoal frityklige
ing the urennoeeneiosn to Pet4
responsibility to
ders the nesponsibhity
JAN City CON4C11 public middens officer .1fainun Nokias* us S ye the Pop s Field action coma tee secretary saki* Nalaja 3
to lodge a police report
lockge a police
banks dn. Pit tu5rupirtwaron Stoppiab Saglassaran
on the misappropriaFeport:
ti o n,' Zul said after
to signatories, which Peoghuni Komlorninium Kelana
"The plan's:mould be stopped im- hearing regarding the status of the
i handing ewer a memwere Persatuan 1TPureta Kahan Jaya.
Molchaar Mit
mediately and the public stumed be PICNS Levi and sports complex in
orandum listing the
Demillk clan
rave the People's Field action, refunded for their purchase of the Kelana Jaya.
committee's demands
Penal-mai Kondo,- Committee secretary Esharn Salem draft as web."
Save the Nook's
Esharn questioned under which
to MBP.A public relaminium kelana, har said although /ARM had Mundt%
Field action
It was reported earlier that are provision of law was the hoard
tions officer lainun ZSSahabat Tasek made efforts to recover all the er- MBPJ doCIAgaaw showed the Se- convened and said there should be
committee pregidetta
Maria yesterday.
... . ...
Kelana Jaya, KRT roneous Win copies sold to the langor State Development Congo, no reason to contract a Public bear
In the memorandum,
teligkok Golf SSZ public, the dpcument had been
rationfeldhvbgazrt ing on the field as it was clearly
it also states that MIIPJ should Residents Association SSSAll Res- supplied to members of the city as a commercial and service dee gazetted
report the issue to the Malaysian idents Association Shang Villa council and could have been 400PE- while the Selangor Town and
He added that the committee
Anti-Corruption Commission Jar= 6S7/Is, Residents Associailice ed as the official reference.
Country Planning Department had had submitted documents regard(MACC) to allow an independent Liangkok Cod S.S7, Masjid Tenglna
Vsham explained that is Raman,- gazettecl the site as a recreational ing this issue to MACC earlier.
inirestigation of the matter.
Kelana Jaya Petra, Persatiran Pen- gars Kites Kawasan (special distinct area.
MACC investigations director
"This will avoid allegations of dadult Taman Kelana
Wan) draft bed been displayed to
On Werinesdaff. Merited be‘ao Datuk Mustafat All confirmed that
`covet-tilis . being made in She case Masud Maul Yaqin, Gahungan Pet- the public earlier this year whilst Tan
Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had the commission had received the
of an internal investigation."
salon Penducluk SS7 kelana Jaya the false PJliP2 was stilt in CiE- announced then the Selangor Ap- documents and were looking into
The memorandum had a C0113.1. of and Persaluan Pemiiik elan culaion.
peals Board will conduct a public the matter.
";;ii JittAltS FIMES
CUEPACS harap 4
lagi wakil dilanti
nPACS merayu kerajaz n
melantik empat lagi pemimp. n
tertingginya menyertai Suruhanjaya Khas Mengkaji Transformasi Perkhidmatan Awam
yang ditubuhkan bagi mengka
ji secara komprehensif dan holistik perkhidrnatan awam ni
Timbalan Presidennya, Azih
Muda, berkata pelantikan iebin
ramai anggota itu mampu
memberi idea yang baik dalant
memperkasakan sistem pet
khidrnatan awam.
"CUEPACS menyambut bail
penubuhan suruhanjaya in
dan berterima kasih di atas pe
lantikan Presiden CUEPACS.
Datuk Omar Osman sebagai sa.
lah seorang anggota suruhanjaya, bagaimanapun kami berharap sekurang-ktuangnya empat lagi pemimpin CUEPACS
dilantik," katanya semalam.
Minggu lalu, Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN), Tan Sri Mohd
Sidek Hassan mengumumkan
pelantikan bekas Ketua Hakim
Negara, Tun Zaki Azmi sebagai
pengerusi suruhanjaya itu serta diwakili enam anggota.
Mereka ialah bekas Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam,
Tan Sri Ismail Adam dan bekas
Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan
Sri Atimuddin Mohd Dom.