Vocabulary Strategies Using Interactive Notebooks
Vocabulary Strategies Using Interactive Notebooks
Vocabulary Strategies Using Interactive Notebooks Compiled by Sally Creel K-5 Science Supervisor, Cobb County Schools Sally.creel@cobbk12.org *A complete list of idea sources is concluded at the end of this resource. f*"L{.?fu &ol" embn/o frymph la"uocPUP 0.rnpf.''bion i lls lrl J-a-dpole fnarn**l l.l -[ nStrnC-1- Aco"lo*ic. {*^t .6 Soerrce.p.8O Co*;s€i Definition:Writea definitionof the Sentenee:Writea sentenceusing the word. ,h*ri*"l"ly9+1""f hll anirv,als on Affl,, Anirno"l -i{l"o.rl o,- hdcbne. SynonymsiWrite synonyms of the Antonyms: Writeantonymsof the word. word.+ EXg*phss: € r. | I Verlebna-*e -J.rtSecfs S^ro.i ls Hollusks c { &"tl*n" ct L 5 o 6 B Context:Createanexample of wheretn" *orOffi Tn a- Scienc,cbok or A]on-0"lion bookohu *btpi Qidersor 6 5', : Drawa Rictuff thewo1d. Graphic Organizer: Developa ?. I F graphicorganizeraboutthe word. .-*ffqfts". p -O 6) t**: Synonyms: Word: i Other Forms of Word: llt d.Adl non-liuig Jll. i " sxfinctiofl 'eXlinQri shed dtfi dll. ex+i.$isL,en Antonyms: l.l- C"lrve, , ltvt$ ----+ Sentencein Text: I I I Sci*lisls !-o,*-l*t"di a-t'+*I*l d*f GnrrnGISSuch OS diros6lq q sf,Jy,5{hei.Ssl..i "r 6do"qe.aad onirnJs H**. grlt*l rr\o-.1 -lrrl 2ll ',d'),r"lcs OriginalSentencJ: [r1.q(r)o1cluapmcv:??.'C.og i[ u,e do nol \^sck r I t ' to pcorcctlL**. Meppng$ds Write the word. W Writean examplesentence using the word. So*. onir"sJsd"ue\op o-dapfa\ions {o ' tL..* e, he\o 'ho^osh Surviv rrreqJ\.ef in 6t' e,nviooo*enfE. IJ c a I > D- Definethe word. Ct Conqe- Oc Tell what the word is like. -Chq",qes or nndif;."li" i^ sh"Jodiusf-^Lf U g o * tO L,K" \,Je went S[,oc]s cnd ]-sl.,irfs i"r 1\"e- Survrrner+o krrp ouo \oodiesl*t ,rf o. [,a,bi]sin S, u$,icL'o-..Specie ,fs Cc^dilicn imoroves I 'l r r | Qelfinq1." \.o+ to rts UU i" t'e,\o-*ionsLip emJ\oo*n ,l ' -)' E s E P nJ o dAoo.iJ,cns Vo."L*L,"^{ LisL ' e$""l' : ('ein$of-{-e '$ni.fion .*silode I nnI e*+ecl Whichwordgges g c e o F og -ct $'*lion 1 F e tr 5' * Ic) (o Whichwordooes -SiZe witn ? {n$,}uJ. P WJ ra o r ; 6 6 o- F. 3 C./) e s F P Ctl tr ;ht s.P*rpll Li (.ul tc t\ * l T afY cjo,rn I Souffs:Ac"J*.rs Voc,ob.q i.r Ecierrce.p. rBG -ToPrC:Pk^nfs !=iuL, ' rnop\c, .seFoiurvr . diorr{t '$houb "S r (,OgilfOS . q$oss r O.,Sh . lo,.rer,d.n . &sp3n . pe*unio. So-lviq. $torpef . qgF bem- r e,v€fQf|€ef! . O,Shf . trre,oigJd . dog$ood . pioe r iFiS .8*{+"dll t&isq " *.r\iD t' . T$e,e, .olive . do-1 lily v) AnooJs ' o..Sfen 'diott\",rs ? o F t . CoSrnoS & . nA-*iq.td . pe'Fuhf ic' ' Sojvi c'-, +ar lft,g\ . (\nagla . O[i,le. ,dgwood r WeJ4Oee,n . pin8 '6;i).0 'osh E r rtt g" B"lbs p' -l . ? s .{"lip l V) .do$odiI - Tris I ? ts AI TS$**en+s Statement How CanYouFind Out? 1. All magnetshave2 poles. v agree _ disagree it depends _ on _ notsure My thoughts: T cq" F€rd c* hmk 6o ro$n& or E'va.s.a,r{l.or^-i}h }un er,&. 2. All metalsare attractedto magnets. _ disagree t/ "?agree ,t dependson _ not sure My tfroughts: acon* pict(up nnone! i il. *"U 3. Largermagnetsare strongerthan smallermagnets. v agree _ disagree _ it dependson -. not sure My thoughts: Srut i+. T co.n -l-"s+& t^r[role buncl^ u[ **lJs ond see urt"ic,,L ones Cr-oe aJ|n6.."*uJ, I T c.tn 1"s| lLe maqne,*S io *L *$n"+ cenhf,.o lE cl.n also do fEseorcJ. c,rl Bgs," ilirqs ore,alr*-.tssf* 6\eo. +1,'e Conn6u{n". +. Magnetismcan pass through metals. _ agree _ disagree - it dependson / notsure My thoughts: -t I can lookup *,r*oqnu{sm? o^d c^skrhy {.*!ur'anog,er L$o{ {o J den+I{no**t.J {1"i.isor,kio$. Soia,.* C,l. jfi* Assostnn*h ,Scr.xr,,c,: S"rl 1t"is. P.qq fu*\*vDi VocabularyDiagram ' People or Things . plon*s :F0u0 r .tlainQS {Y\Ocle , n u, I I Related Words ?'ol"$,b f@0ftrcre biotphere \rorr Pt*? aa sften,aff deco,.rOos0 Antonytns I- r bio =lil. de = dorrn =slep +od = ..'d)o[s can y. .t( h r og' k) .t E, 3p a OriglinalSentences N,[a]e"i"l {Lf rs h"&* &c*,pos"s ri'}f,,+" Hh d mic(nomenisms h.r^ i+Fl4 o0*g*,ic -I[rene\ J S*d"pS ,.' . boq U is brodeqmdable, be: co^lseYl is nnsde0,, p\*1" and decarys o${.r 14\Ddks. 1150053--4eading Strotegiesfor Science ? I E P 6* c^] * ri j .a! ? +: animalthat eats meat t | ; t tlt:' CONCEPT What is it like? a wolfbecauseit needs meatto live carnivore Examples and lllustrations on ani'naj{l*+ eolso,ly pl*k O. C.ourbeco.se Cqlrc,gpT _ h."biuon" &rce, itdi€ S,trtqi.* &r &Je,.e,$.go i{ o.,\ eols t's.i t1n (.-ru\- ffiru*rsxffKstrffi rs G. l-, uffiry#xrH*Ne -\ fu>-.. n -' T q'.' -4*r .4og, -]--ttt\\ I I I I I I .i d.1 4 ri. rfi 1'J ,t I ilr ji &"tce.'.Dino!fiKc\€d*bLs... p.sag tI ,.'*.+ ..'s: cY?) cra uqf? \'n? rl$rnpn? a.- f, K c ffi jJ Fb$ tr 3 -9 _{ -- o, )4 ort 5_ 0"s*qltfl # r? tr {} ry {F uollonpw2 *(, +, $t {'fH- Lfi.tt tr- 1"t"1 "L1loslo to tr*t sr +! lfmY .lsrP,""''-ryouv G* F) Sgfrtiqndun; v tr ??uotBTS \0 uI-TSI"ud tl I | | | | {.{# -l f9tl'o s"fl"Pl] q:Z To"K-:atosg ?S",ranlun n Jotsor., httJg-,o 9lcalqo Je.Ho prho f*"prd ilO doo.r\O.O s?l wlo'qt|ryN i I I lr fild$le. LrwetoPe l-*.-r I Cg-isrns Ctossifyir3 o Kingdo* Sp*.ie-S f*tis '*f*u$""ols, c';ifr':'.Jd rv,orty o+t€rt l"*ily Phylurn al I lvlarnnno-lia---- srvromrvrJs or +irey animak, dl*lnucss Cnden So,rc€.: bi'-h 7jiUc. [H"J"t€s.,: p. 330 Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Science http://estore.seppub.com/estore/ product/50129 Reading Strategies for Science http://estore.seppub.com/estore/ product/50053 Dinah Zike Foldables Book http://www.dinah.com/store.php?sort=New%20Produ cts