The Nottingham Classic Tour Nottingham Classic eNews Volume 2 issue 3 this newsletter is only available electronically March 11th 2008 NOTTINGHAM CLASSIC TOUR - flying high for 2008 Dates for your Diary : Plans continue, but I can confirm that the finish venue , Newark Air Museum will be special, we shall be enjoying a Hog Roast ( vegetarian options available) and we shall have our own marquee within the museum grounds for our socialising at the end. But the icing on the cake will be a flypast by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and the Lancaster Bomber , City of Lincoln. I had a letter from the RAF confirming that they have been ‘tasked’ to organise a flypast, so only the weather can prevent it happening. Don't forget also that there will be special awards for participants wearing a full set of year bars—that’s eight in all as we didn’t have them back in 1990. The entry list is open and well into double figures. You can download an entry form from the website and pay for your e nt r y se cu re l y o n l i ne You may of course still use the Royal Mail to safely deliver your entry. NATIONAL ‘DRIVE IT’ DAY April 20th 2008, half day run Wollaton Park. Pre-War Austin 7 Club - Half Day Run Wollaton Park 31st May 2008 Heritage School Tour of the Peak 15th June 2008 The 10th Nottingham Classic Tour Newstead Abbey will be one of the stopping points and the rest of the route is still to be confirmed. Breakfast will be provided at the Wollaton Hall start . Smiling start, 2007 Nottingham Classic Tour 10th August 2008 Sherwood 42 21st September 2008 This is our tenth event and we aim to make it memorable. JT Contact 01773 785927 Entry forms available soon, keep an eye on the website NORWICH UNION CLASSIC IS BACK IN TOWN After several years lay off the Norwich Union Classic Car Run is back in Nottingham. The organisers have asked me to co-ordinate the route from Nottingham to Silverstone on October 12th. The start venue is still to be confirmed and the route will visit two or three stops on the way to Silverstone so if you are planning to enter this years event, make sure you are entered on the Nottingham start, you know that the members of Carlton & District Motor Club will look after you and ensure all of your classic needs are met. Given our experience of running Nottingham as a Classic venue, chances are this will be one of the best starts the event The Nottingham Classic has ever had. More details to follow. Tour is supported by Millers Oils Ltd Important news about the sport relief mile inside NOTTINGHAM CLASSIC FACTOIDS .Unbeknown to us when we planned the assault on the 2007 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run in the CELER, the 2007 event was the fortieth anniversary of the cars first entry in 1967. It was entered by Mr Oliver Gray of Exeter after he bought the car and restored it from one of it’s earliest owners. Later that month the car came to Nottingham and was displayed at a motorshow held at the premises of Trumans Garage. Full entry for the Heritag e Community School Tour of the Peak. Tony Parkes & Noel Sabin, organisers of this ever popular event , report that the entry is now full and a place on the reserve list is the only option if you want a run. Just like the old road rally days. Nostalgia in a different way ! BAD NEWS , GOOD NEWS! the offside front mudguard flexing six inches front to back on tickover. Barry Hodson has carried out a further detailed inspection of the car and found that the original engine mounts are running out of line with the transmission mounts. This is revealed best at the clutch where it is possible to see an offset of around 3 mm. We recommended that the Council spend a little more cash to have the alignment re engineered which will improve further the reliability of the motor and prolong it’s serviceable life . We suspect that this alignment issue has been the cause of failures in the past. But when added to the engineering already carried out by Barry will prevent such failures in future, so to sacrifice the Sport Relief Mile for this engineering work was really no contest. It will off the road for around five weeks but should be well run in by ’ Drive It Day’. The bad news is we have had to retire the Celer from the Sport Relief Mile on 16th March without turning a wheel ! The good news is the reason why this decision was made. Recently, Brian, Andy and I met with Officers of Nottingham City Council to discuss the post London to Brighton report on the state of the Celer. We have already commented on how happy we were at the outcome of he restoration and the total reliability we had on the event, so much so that not a drop of fluid leaked and the car was capable of running the 63 miles straight back to London apart from that is, the acetylene required for the lights! The only concern was the serious vibrations at low revs which The National ‘Drive Day’ on April 20th will see Carlton & District Motor Club provide it’s first organised did see one or two bolts flying off the structure and offering as our contribution to this worthwhile effort. Up and down the country , owners of classic cars are being encouraged to just get in them and drive, whether on an organised event or not. Our free half day tour from Wollaton Park into Derbyshire, will not only give us the opportunity to dust off the cobwebs for the season ahead but will give us the opportunity to drive once more in a group on an organised route to a nice venue, Denby Pottery. We have been before but since our last full run to Denby, they have opened more retail space that offers their Pottery and Dartington Crystal products in atmospheric surroundings. So far the entry is very encouraging, so come and join us for next to nowt! The event is free to enter but we shall be asking for a contribution of £3 per car at the start just to cover photocopying costs and the cost of the permit. National Drive it day, Sunday 20th April 2008. Start & Finish Wollaton Park. Entry form is available from the website. After a year of nagging, at last an article from Brian! I am that fed up of reading John’s fantastic articles and of his constant nagging to write one of my own, I’ve finally succumbed to the pressure, so this is the story behind my recent find and purchase of a Triumph TR4. It may drag on so it is in two parts, so here goes, act 1 scene 1...................... Most Friday evenings, along with a group of friends, I go to a nice pub for a cavery meal, now, you know this thing about us smokers can’t have you non-smokers near us when we have a fag? Well that’s ‘cos you haven’t paid anything towards them, nothing to do with health but we normal people have to have special rooms where we can indulge our nicotine cravings in peace. Anyhow, off I go to the special room and there in the corner sat with a pint and a fag is what I can only describe as a tramp—I did say normal people use the special room didn’t I ? As I am halfway down my fag, the tramp gets up and shuffles toward the door to go for another pint. I see this same thing for weeks apart from the odd Friday when we go somewhere different. A couple of months passed and curiosity got the better of me and I ask one of the friendly waitresses ‘who the hell is that guy?’ ‘That’s Woodyard Dave’ came the reply ‘he is one of the richest men in ...............’ (place name omitted for legal reasons). OK, Woodyard Dave, sounds like a mass murderer to me, a bit like Chainsaw Bill perhaps. Maybe he is the richest guy in .................. Because he doesn't buy clothes? ‘ no, honest he owns the Wood Yard, he’s loaded!!’ Yeah so is my gun. I try the same question on her every week and I always get the same story. So the tramp is now known to my group of friends as Woodyard Dave. Me being me, I now want to to talk to him, why? Because I just like talking to people, ok he is loaded and he could be my tramp mate but I have a tall mate and a fat mate, why not a tramp mate ? So now we are three months into seeing Woodyard Dave and I tell the group that I am going to the special room to talk to Woodyard Dave, they reckon I can’t just go up to him and say hello Woodyard Dave, he might be called something else for a start. So I break the ice with a good line, ‘got a light mate?’ Woodyard Dave just gives me a couple of grunts and passes his fag lighter. Oh my God, Woodyard Dave doesn’t talk! My one and only tramp mate is a mute!!! I finish my fag and report back to the group, Woodyard Dave can’t talk. Howls of laughter, this could be better as a film rather than an article. Right, lets push on, I try again the following week bearing in mind we are now getting on for 4 months and this time I use the line ’ it’s not very warm tonight’ Reply—cough, cough, cough , good grief my tramp mate is about to die!! But after 10 minutes of coughing he said ‘and its (cough,cough, cough) going to get colder next week’. I run back to the group, he talks! He talks! I am happy now that I have my new tramp friend. But my dining friends come out with all the jokes. ....................cont’d Woodyard Dave? Now just before you start thinking how nasty I am, please believe me, it will help you understand this tale of aTR4. So, there’ s me and this tramp having a fag. His face is covered with a beard, he is wearing a woolly hat, some form of anorak and a pair of jeans with the crotch down to the knee and a pair of black work boots that share one old lace. Suppliers of enamel badges to the Nottingham Classic Tour Erewash Blinds have all of your window blind requirements. Conservatory blinds, roller blinds , venetian blinds, don’t wait until it is too hot in summer, contact them now on : ‘he will be putting you in his Will Bry!’ ‘bet he will be coming round to yours for dinner now Bry!’ and so on. The next week I go into the special room and sit with my mate, instantly he says hi yah and I reply hey up! And off we go, just a bit of small chat tells me this guy is not what he appears to be, for a start he speaks proper, not like what we do! No coughing this week either, I ask his name and he replies YOU’VE GOT IT, Dave!! Hi Dave I’m Brian ( if this wasn’t a car story I would be getting a little worried now! ......ed) By the following week we are regular chat buddies, I ask Dave, ‘do you call on your way home from work’ ‘yes’ ‘where do you work?’ ‘The Wood Yard on ....... Lane, I own it, its been in my family for years’ I can’t wait to rush back to my dining friends and confirm the details. Andy (co organiser with the Herald) says that everyone locally uses that woodyard, it has been there for years. No Dave!! I ask at the bar if Woodyard Dave has been in? ‘no not tonight, he was in the other night’. Oh no!! My new friend has left me, maybe he has met another smoker in another Special Room? What about my TR? be continued The 2008 range of NOTTINGHAM CLASSIC LEISURE CLOTHING NOW AVAILABLE TO BUY ON LINE AT WWW.NOTTINGHAMCLASSIC.CO.UK · Ladies and gents polo shirts · Gents short sleeved button down collar shirt · Fleece All at bargain prices ‘I found a crack in the steering wheel and took it off’ I never got round to doing it’ Lotus enthusiasts, visit WWW.KITLOTUS.COM Several more weeks passed and small talk with Dave in the Special Room became a regular theme of Friday nights at the carvery. Anyway, It’s the Friday before the Norwich Union Classic and I mention to Woodyard Dave that we are doing a classic car run the next day and suddenly, this tale takes a turn for the better. Dave remarks ‘I’ve got a classic car’ . You could have knocked me down with a feather, I was not expecting this. Instantly gathering my composure, I asked him what type? Do you use it? Its a TR4 1965 and it’s been in my garage for 10 years says Dave, I found a crack in the steering wheel and took it off and never got round to doing it but everything else is ok. I’m thinking, it must be a wreck but I report back to the group and they think he is winding me up. I spend all week imagining this TR4, how much would it be worth? I run past the wife ‘we don’t need anymore cars!’ But we could could get rid of her MGB GT and she could have the TR. I showed her a photo of a TR and she didn’t say it was ugly so that was a good start. I just need Woodyard Dave to a) let me see it and b) persuade him that he wants to sell it me, assuming it isn’t a basket case. For some reason we miss the following Friday at the carvery , but we were back the following week. ........... FANCY A BREAK WITH FANTASTIC VALUE AND THE COMFORTS OF HOME? JADELLAS THREE STAR GUEST HOUSE COLUMBUS RAVINE SCARBOROUGH IDEAL FOR YOUR TRIP TO DALBY OR OLIVERS MOUNT BED & BREAKFAST FROM £25 PER PERSON LICENCED BAR WWW.JADELLASHOTELSCARBOROUGH.CO.UK 01723 378811 The best small guest house in Yorkshire with a Derbyshire welcome from Jill & John I don’t know, we wait thirty years for an article about Lancia Fulvias and then just like the buses, two come along at once ! take it away Mick Worrall. JT my time to live the dream. For two years, I was a slave to it’s well being. It never let me down, never cost me a penny in repairs and always turned heads when I took it out. On the downside, I never drove it if there was a hint of rain, I would never park it where I couldn’t see it and I was forever listening for expensive noises from the V8. Was it worth it? You bet!! Eventually, the time came to sell the Ferrari and move to something different. I bought a Lancia Stratos replica and spent 9 very enjoyable months creating a group 4 ‘Olio Fiat’ replica. What an animal, powered by a V6 Alfa Romeo 3 litre in the back pumping out 230bhp and only weighing 840kg. It’s fair to say that ever since I learned to drive, I’ve been a petrol head. In my younger days, even though money was usually tight, I always tried to be involved with cars in some way. This led me to take up rallying as a navigator for the first time way back in 1972. Rallying has always been a passion of mine and at the time I got involved, the cars that always seemed to stand out were the ones from Italy. Lancia always seemed to have the knack of producing winning cars but, on top of that, they were always beautiful pieces of creative engineering. The Fulvia, way ahead of it’s time with the V4 twin cam, the iconic Stratos, probably one of the most beautiful cars ever to hit the road and even now, over thirty years later, still turning heads whenever they appear in public. Then the Lancia 037, another futuristic creation from the same team, pure genius. During the late eighties and into the early nineties, Marriage, family and starting my own business meant that I had to ‘hang up’ my maps for an indefinite period and as priorities changed, so did my perception of modern rallying. Whilst I still enjoy watching WRC, I’m afraid that dropping the original RAC Rally format of four days of virtually non stop action signalled the start of the demise in my passion for the sport. The FIA in their wisdom decided that it was better to shorten events and repeat the same stages again and again. Then, before we knew what was happening, every single venue and forest event became dominated by 4 wheel drive, turbocharged super cars. Gone were the screaming sideways Escorts, Sunbeams and Mantas to be replaced by overcomplicated, popping and banging, fire breathing road rockets. What was I to do now? I was approaching 50 and the ‘mid life’ crisis. I didn't have deep pockets, ability or inclination to attempt to get back into rallying so I thought it was about time to follow my dream to own an Italian classic car. What a dilemma I faced, what to choose, a Maserati, Ferrari or De Tomaso? I’ve always been a bit on the ambitious side so, with the approval of my dear wife Christine, I became the proud owner of a Ferrari 308 GTS. I suspect that we all have a bit of Thomas Magnum in us and this was I had many happy track days with it, even making an appearance on Sky TV with it but became aware if the growing profile of historic rallying. Now that sounds like my cup of tea. It was clear that in some quarters, the replica Stratos was frowned upon and not in keeping with tradition. I have to say that, while I am no purist, I have to agree . Classic cars are just that, old machines lovingly restored or maintained for the pleasure of driving. Nothing else for it then, if I wanted to follow this direction, the Stratos had to go. This has now given me a chance to go for something more appropriate and I have now acquired a classic Lancia Fulvia. After searching for a tidy solid car that wasn’t Concours, I came across a two owner car with 72 k on the clock, having been restored by Omnicron in The 10th Nottingham Classic Tour Sunday 10th August 2008 Where is your Classic Car article? Write it now! This means you! Price was right and the pictures looked good, so off The History of Car making in Nottingham —update we went to Brighton ( funny how the right car is never on the doorstep) I was pleased to find it was everything the owner had described and above all, a perfect car for me to prepare a historic rally car. (made in Nottingham) Deal done, I drove home and it never missed a beat. Within a week, the car had been de– bumpered and off we went ( my navigator and friend of many years Colin Poxson) to a Historic Rally Car Register ‘ newcomers’ event where we started to learn about regularity timing, the types of time schedules and the controls used etc. The Vapomobile You have read my ramblings so far regarding this other elusive Nottingham built vehicle and to date I have managed to find, with the help of others, that it did exist and was made by The Motor Construction Company of Canal Street Nottingham. I have even established that one of the Motor Construction Company employees, an apprentice named Mr Thomas from Aspley also helped assemble the Celers at the McGreggor cycle works in Following on from that I put an entry in for the Aspley and in 1904 when the Motor Construction Yorkshire 100 Historic Road Rally which was three Company failed, his apprenticeship was transferred to weeks away. In that time, I planned to upgrade the Humber at Beeston. seats, fit harnesses and a trip meter. That was A recent exchange of emails with Jeff Theobald of the really all that was needed to get the car ready. Steam Car Club of Great Britain as revealed an illustration. Believe it or not, with the help of my son Niki, a paint sprayer at Nottingham Porsche and also a petrol head, the transformation took just two weeks . Now to get some mileage I am hoping to do some of the classic car runs around Nottingham so I hope to meet a few new people on my travels. I am also planning to take it on the Historic Tour of Laon in France at the end of May and I will be out on the ‘drive it ‘ day at Wollaton (don’t forget the Nottingham Classic ......ed). I Look forward to seeing you soon so please come and say hello. It would be a breach of trade descriptions if I attempted to describe this vehicle as anything than what the captions says because it is just not glamorous but from the knowledge I have gained so far I would say that this the 12hp version. Both 8hp and 10 hp models were made but these could identified by having tiller steering. The British Steam Car Club have very kindly put an appeal out on their web site forum so hopefully some more information will reveal itself. I would like to acknowledge Jeff’s help and would recommend a visit to : UPDATE We have just returned from the Yorkshire 100, brilliant event with superb route around tight Yorkshire Lanes, we managed to bring the Fulvia home in third place overall behind an E Type and a Mini Cooper. Great social event, great bunch of people, everyone laughing and joking at the finish. Now isn’t that how sport should be? MW Nottingham Classic leisure wear is available to buy on line at www.nottinghamclassic WWW.STEAMCAR.NET In the next issue of Nottingham Classic Enews · Report from Race Retro · Report from the Lotus Festival · First part of ‘in the footsteps of legends’ · Updates on all that is happening Plus part two of ‘Woodyard Dave’ The Nottingham Classic eNews and the Nottingham Classic Logo is copyright of and published by John Thornhill, 3 Meadow Close, Eastwood, Nottingham .NG16 3DQ.
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issue2 - Nottingham Classic
the following weekend and it was of course the Lancia Fulvia of Harry Kalstrom/Gunnar Haggborn.
I had seen pictures of earlier competitive Lancia
models as I had been interested in the Monte Carlo