January - First Baptist Church Topeka
January - First Baptist Church Topeka
The Star January 2014 The Star January January2014 2014 Volume Volume52, 52,Iss. Iss.11 First Baptist Church 3033 SW MacVicar Ave. Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811 785.267.0380 | www.fbctopeka.org | email@fbctopeka.org Page 1 Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor Corey Fields, Associate Pastor Joe Greemore, Interim Associate Pastor Robyn Aeschliman, Director of Faith Forest Joe Barnes, Building Superintendent Will Kubie, Organist/Pianist Rick Kready, Director of Chancel Choir Pam DeFries, Chancel Choir Pianist Boopesh Kumar, CCLC Director Steve Martin, Custodian Kay Renyer, Day Care Director Verlee Sanneman, Office Manager FBC Foundation’s Annual & Saturday, February 1 5:30 p.m. Gym Musical Concert by Kansas Youth Chorale This event is open to the public, invite your friends to join us. The cost is $12.50 per person, $6 per child (age 6-11). We need lots of unique items for the Silent Auction. Tickets may be purchased from any Foundation trustee. If you have an item to donate, contact Karen Stryker, 272-4140. Here are some gift basket ideas: Cards for All Occasions Basket: Content Ideas---Card organizer, address book, pens, stamps, cards (i.e., thank you, sympathy, congratulations, new baby, happy birthday, seasonal, new home, retirement, wedding, anniversary, just because, encouragement, etc…) Art Basket: Content Ideas—crayons, paints, construction paper, play dough, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, paint brushes, finger paints, finger paint paper, glitter, markers, scissors, stickers Coffee & Tea Basket: Content Ideas—flavored coffees, coffee mugs, creamers, carafe, flavored teas, tea strainer, creamers, biscotti Mexican Fiesta Basket: Content Ideas—chips, salsa, margarita mix, margarita glasses, rim salt, tortilla holder, salsa/chip bowl, chili pepper towel, Mexican or chili pepper tablecloth Baby Basket/Diaper Bag: Content Ideas---onesies, receiving blankets, pacifiers, bottles, bottle cleaner, wipes, diapers, diaper cream, burp rags, baby toys, grooming kit, safety set (i.e., outlet plugs, cabinet locks), sippy cups, books, booties, lullaby CD, Purell, baby lotion I Love Books Basket: Content Ideas--- favorite children’s books, book characters, book marks, gift certificate to Barnes & Noble Scrapbooking Basket: Content Ideas---paper, photo splits, corner rounders, ribbon, embellishments, embellishment tools, photo organizing case, album, pages, page protectors, pens, stickers, scissors Page 2 January 2014 The Star The Fixer-Upper By Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor Mike and I recently bought a new house, well, let me rephrase that, we bought a different house. It is not new, built in 1939, it is a real fixer-upper! It is obvious it was once a beautiful house that has fallen into disrepair. Mike is great at fixing things. He has over the years remodeled numerous homes and helped each house to have a new life. As we deep clean, cut back brush, rake several years of leaves, trace and repair wiring, guttering, roofing, windows and more, it reminded me that we are all fixer-uppers, and that God is always at work in our lives to make us new! We have torn out four rooms of old carpet to reveal the hardwood floors underneath. At first glance the floors seem unredeemable with staples, stains, even some splotches of paint. I look at them and think they are past salvaging. Mike, however, looks at the floors and says, “They are solid. They just need sanded down and refinished.” Hmmm, it is all in the point of view. Isn’t it wonderful that even when others look at us and give up on us, God never gives up? The apostle Paul writes in Second Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” How will God help you to be a new creation in 2014? Are there old habits that need cleaned out? Attitudes that need adjusted? Relationships that need repaired? Rough edges that needed sanded down and polished? The New Year will bring a whole new opportunity to allow God to transform us into his faithful and obedient disciples who have new life, new light, new peace, and new opportunities to be the creation He intends us to be. It might take three years to get the house in shape (our other house took three years) but it will be worth it all in the end because the house will be given new life and will once again fulfill its purpose. Our prayer for you in 2014 is that you “Therefore, if anyone will allow the is in Christ, the new Master Carpenter to work in your creation has come: The life and help old has gone, the new is repair the defects. May you truly here!” shine in 2014. Finance Update: Our financial books will close on December 31. Any contributions for this year must be in the office or postmarked by or on December 31, 2013. At the end of November our year-todate deficit was $2,626.49. Please prayerfully consider how you can help to eliminate the deficit by December 31. — 2013 Year-to-Date Finance Report — Receipts (Offerings/Tithes) ................ $ 475,750.27 Expenses ........................................... 478,376.76 Deficit.............................................. ($ 2,626.49) December 21-January 2—Cheryl Henson, 338-2161 January 4-5 — Corey Fields, 379-3852 January 11-12 — Cheryl Henson, 338-2161 January 18-19 — Joe Greemore, 303-856-5489 January 25-26 — Corey Fields, 379-3852 Please make note of Pastor Corey’s new cell phone number. For pastoral needs during the week, please call the church office, The Star January 2014 Please remember in your prayers. . . Beverly Axmann (Fred & Katie Loseke’s daughter); Cindi Bramlage’s father; Sally Burgess; Kaitlin Chanay; Ann Cousins; Grayson Iwrin (Allan & Joyce Robinson’s great nephew); Brad Johnson; Mary Johnson, John Koger; Calvin Kopp; Evelyn Leesman; Michaela Lira (Ken & Rita Nichol’s granddaughter); Greg McLaren; Sandy Milligan; Vivian Pitts; Jo Richardson; Ray Robinson; Bob & Helen Satzler; Laura Semler; Mardine Wilson; those who are homebound, and their caregivers. BackSnack with Harvesters Another semester of school will begin in just a couple of weeks and we are in need of volunteers to help with the BackSnack program. We need volunteers to pick up the backpacks from the school, fill the backpacks with pre-packaged food (see photo), and deliver the backpacks. This is done on a weekly basis. On a typical week, the backpacks are picked up at McClure on Monday by a volunteer, filled on Wednesday by another volunteer, and delivered on Thursday by yet another volunteer. Whitson doesn’t use backpacks, we use plastic grocery sacks for them. The food is prepackaged and assembled in a clear plastic bag which then goes in either a backpack or plastic grocery sack. The food is intended for one child for one weekend. Extra food is added when the children are out of school longer than a normal weekend. Volunteers can help just once a week or once a month. This year we are helping 55 children at McClure and Whitson Elementary Schools. If you wish to participate in this exciting local mission opportunity, contact Verlee in the church office, 267-0380. We want to thank those that have helped this past semester. They include: Kris Chanay, Margean Cress, Doug Jacobs, Joan Kerchner, Boopesh Kumar, Jean Lamb, Carolyn Lillie, and Fred & Katie Loseke. Page 3 News from White Cross Each year our White Cross receives a request in support of one of the Home Missions. This year our request was for support of the Wichita Community Church in Anadarko, Ok. A few items were requested for Christmas (2 cars, 2 games and a Bible). Other items requested were a quilt, clothing for all ages, schools supplies, football, kickball, paper products and craft supplies. Many thanks to Margean Cress for delivering the items to Anadarko. White Cross meets at 9:00 a.m. in Room 207 on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except December. Any lady is invited to join them. Theresa Hodges, right, and Margean Cress are going over the list of items and supplies to be delivered to Wichita Community Church in Anadarko. If you wish to sponsor altar flowers during 2014 for a special birthday or anniversary, or in remembrance of a loved one, please contact the church office, 267-0380. The cost is $40.00. After worship service, the cut flower bouquet is divided into 2 or 3 smaller bouquets and delivered to a member in the hospital or those on our homebound list. During December the altar flowers are poinsettias for the sanctuary. Page 4 January 2014 American Baptists respond to Colorado flooding In response to the Colorado flooding, American Baptist Churches USA released $10,000 in One Great Hour of Sharing disaster relief funds through American Baptist Home Mission Societies to American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains. Causing injuries, fatalities and billions of dollars in property damage, the flooding was a result of heavy rain that fell in the region Sept. 9-15. “The flooding in Colorado affected many people— not only those who have been publicized but many downstream,” says the Rev. Dr. Steve Van Ostran, executive minister of American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains. “Having worked with several disasters, I am keenly aware that one of the best ways to give to disaster relief is the One Grout Hour of Sharing offering because we work through established and trusted partners who are already in the community.” I want to thank the church for the lovely poinsettia and Christmas card. I also thank Joan Kerchner for bringing them to me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. — Charlotte Gallaway I would like to thank the church for my pretty poinsettia. It is staying so fresh looking. I really enjoyed the visit with Joan Kerchner. — Evelyn Leesman I want to thank Pastors Cheryl and Corey for their hospital visits. And, also to Winnie Davis and Sharon Harry for delivering a bouquet of the altar flowers and our many church friends for their cards and prayers. May God Bless us all. — Marie Boaz We thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity for remembering us at Christmas with a staff love gift. We are blessed to be working with you and for God at First Baptist. — Pastor Cheryl, Pastor Corey, Joe Barnes, Steve Martin, Will Kubie, and Verlee Sanneman The Star The Footsteps of Paul Dear Friends, Imagine retracing the steps of the Apostle Paul and experiencing a glimpse of his missionary journeys. Travel to Macedonia where Paul was called to go in a dream; see where Paul opened the Gospel to “outsiders” and observed the eagerness of the believers to study the Word. Journey to Corinth and Athens, where Paul preached to a curious crowd and told them about the “Unknown God” they needed to meet. Travel to Ephesus to see where the Apostle to the Gentiles labored for three years, giving birth to the Ephesian church. This is a 13 day journey, aboard the Norwegian Jade of the Norwegian cruise line. Our travel dates are November 10 through 22, 2014. You are invited to join me and Dr. John Williams, Executive Minister, on a ABC Central Region sponsored Biblelands cruise of a life time. Travel with friends and fellow pilgrims on a journey of discovery and faith. We will act as your hosts as we join with others touring with Educational Opportunities and retrace the steps of Paul as he carried the Gospel to the world. Sincerely, Dr. Joe Kutter Former Senior Pastor of FBC-Topeka Brochures are available in the church office and library. The Star January 2014 Page 5 Handbells were refurbished. Mortgage Freedom Day—Sept. 29. Remodeling and painting the youth room. Grand piano in the sanctuary was refurbished. Pack 143 now meets at First Baptist. Performance of the African Children’s Choir. Page 6 January 2014 The Star New Interim Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Greemore will be our interim associate pastor of children, youth, and small group ministries for six months, beginning January 1, 2014. Many of you might recall him being here last year on December 30 when he sang “Joseph’s Song” to his new son for special music and later he preached. We welcome Rev. Joe and his family to FBC-Topeka. Associate Pastor of Children, Youth, and Small Group Ministries Job description: The Associate Pastor will provide discipleship opportunities for the entire congregation with special focus in the areas of children, youth, and small groups under the direction of the senior pastor. Specific Duties: 1. Oversee children’s, youth, small group programming through mentoring, equipping, and sustaining the lay leaders. This includes, but is not limited to, Faith Forest, Youth Sunday School, Wednesday and Sunday night activities, and Children’s Church. 2. Coordinate retreats and special spiritual formation experiences of prayer, witnessing, and service for all ages. 3. Challenge and coach people into intentionally living as disciples of Jesus, and to equip the laity to utilize their spiritual gifts through matching volunteers with their spiritual gifts. 4. Personally follow up with visitors and prospects with children and youth, as well as overseeing the process by which they receive communication from the church. 5. Serve as the pastoral liaison and attend monthly meetings to the following Board of Ministries areas: a. Children and Youth Education b. Adult Education c. Evangelism 6. Attend weekly staff meetings. 7. Attend monthly Board of Ministries meetings. 8. Assist with the Upward sports program. 9. Assist with the Connexion service and attend planning meetings. 10. In cooperation with the Senior Pastor, the Board of Ministries, and other professional staff, the Associate Pastor will lead and shepherd the congregation to spiritual growth through the ministries of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care. These may be accomplished through the following: a. Preparing and delivering Biblical sermons. b. Teaching and interpreting the Bible in formal and informal settings. c. Maintaining loving and supportive personal contact with families especially those with children and youth. d. Providing pastoral care and counseling as the need arises, including bereavement, relationship counseling, spiritual direction, and visitation with the sick and needy. e. Providing leadership in important ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, dedications, etc… Updated December 2013 January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 New Year's Day 8 am - 5 pm Day Care (Monday-Friday) 5 8:30 am Worship 7 6 5 pm Badminton, gym 9:15 am Faith Forest 11 am Senior Walking 12 Noon Fellowship Lunch 9:30 am ConneXion 1 pm Prayer Group 10:45 am Traditional 5:30 pm Staff Relations 4 pm Youth Bible Study 6 pm Cub Scouts 3 13 8 1-3 pm Pickleball, gym 4 pm Care 5 pm Badminton 9 6 pm Upward Practice 7 pm Chancel Choir Saturday 4 10:30 a.m. Upward Referee mtg. 8 am ROMEOS Day Care & Office Closed 7 pm Chancel Choir 6:45 am Men's Breakfast 9:30 am Adult Sun. School Friday 10 11 8 am-12 Noon Upward BB & Cheerleading, gym 8 am ROMEOS 5 pm Badminton 6 pm Upward Practice 12 18 13 14 15 8:30 am Worship 5 pm Badminton, gym 6:45 am Men's Breakfast 9:30 am Esther Shaffer, F. H. 9:15 am Faith Forest 7 pm Roseberry Circle 11 am Senior Walking 1-3 pm Pickleball, gym 6 pm Upward Practice 7 pm Chancel Choir 9:30 am ConneXion 12 Noon Fellowship Lunch 9:30 am Adult Sun. School 1 pm Prayer Group 10:45 am Traditional 5:30 pm Ministry Team mtgs. 4 pm Youth Bible Study 6 pm Upward Practice 5:15 pm Living & Active 21 16 22 17 8 1 7 pm Topeka JUMP Board 19 20 21 22 9 am White Cross 8:30 am Worship Martin Luther King Holiday 6:45 am Men's Breakfast 9:15 am Faith Forest Office closed. 11 am Senior Walking, gym 1-3 pm Pickleball, gym 9:30 am ConneXion 2 pm Jane Circle, Parlor 12 Noon Fellowship Lunch 7 pm Board of Ministries 9:30 am Adult Sun. School 5 pm Badminton, gym 1 pm Prayer Group 10:45 am Traditional Noon Nicaragu Mission Trip Fund'g Lunch 6 pm Cub Scouts 29 22 24 8 1 25 23 6 pm Upward Practice 8 am ROMEOS 7 pm Chancel Choir 5 pm Badminton, gym 4 pm Youth Bible Study 26 8:30 am Worship 27 28 9:15 am Faith Forest 5:30 pm Adult Ed 9:30 am ConneXion 6 pm Children & Youth Ed 9:30 am Adult Sun. School 10:45 am Traditional 4 pm Youth Bible Study 5:15 pm Living & Active 29 30 31 5 pm Badminton, gym 5 pm Badminton 25 8 am-12 Noon Upward BB & Cheerleading, gym 6 pm Upward Practice 7 pm Foundation 19 13 22 18 8 1 Mid-Winter Conference in Hesston, Kansas 8 am-12 Noon Upward BB & Cheerleading, gym 8 am ROMEOS 1 pm Cub ScoutsPinewood Derby 5 pm Badminton, gym First Baptist Church The FIRST BAPTIST STAR (USPS: 194-960) is published monthly for $25.00 per year by the First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave., Topeka, KS 66611-1811. Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, Kansas. 3033 SW MacVicar Ave. Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811 785.267.0380 785.267.9148 www.fbctopeka.org email@fbctopeka.org Periodicals Postage Paid at Topeka, Kansas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The First Baptist Star, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave., Topeka, KS 66611-1811 Note: Dated Material Enclosed 5th Sunday—Sunday, December 29 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Sunday School (Children and Adults will attend their respective class.) Combined Worship, sanctuary Harold & Crystal Wolgast will be reading stories of our favorite carols. Are you ready for some basketball? The Upward basketball games will begin January 11 at 8 a.m. in our gym. If you have never attended a game before, we encourage you to do it this year. You will be amazed to see the young families that are sitting in the stands in our gym watching their son or daughter play basketball or lead cheers. Pastor Corey is still looking for scorekeepers and referees. If interested, please contact the church office. Looking Ahead On March 30, Rev. Dr. David Schirer will speak at the combined Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. in the gym. Schirer is the director of Cross Wind Camp and Conference Center in Hesston, Kansas. Wednesday Family Night Returns Wednesday Family Night will return in March and April, and will be held for 8 weeks. Like last fall, different groups will plan and serve the meal and it will be freewill offering. If your family, small group, or Sunday School class would like to prepare one of the meals, contact the church office. The first meal will be on March 5, which also happens to be Ash Wednesday. Following the meal we will have our Ash Wednesday service in the chapel. On March 12, Kevin Cook will talk about his faith and his job. Besides being an accomplished attorney in Topeka, he also serves as one of newly elected county commissioners. Adult Education committee is working to complete the programming schedule. From your staff: Pastor Cheryl, Pastor Corey, Joe, Steve, Kay, Will, and Verlee.
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