February 2015_draft
February 2015_draft
FEBRUARY 2015 www.countrytrailspto.org Country Trails PTO Mark Your Calendars! February: 7 Daddy/Daughter Hoedown 9 Restaurant Night 13 Classroom Valen ne Exchange 17 PTO Mee ng @ 4:00 pm Sunday, May 3, 2015 5K Run/Walk @ 8:00 am Kids’ 1 Mile Fun Run @ 9:00 am 20 Market Day Orders Due 24 BINGO Dona ons Due 24 Chris Fascione Story Teller Assembly 25 Market Day Pick‐Up 27 LAST DAY to Order Yearbook March: 13 Family BINGO Night 19 PTO Mee ng @ 6:30 pm 20 Labels for Educa on Contest Ends 25 Market Day Pick‐Up April: 14 PTO Mee ng @ 4:00 pm HAVE YOU REGISTERED? Please join us for our First Annual Ferocious 5K Run/Walk to help raise funds for our school and all D301 youth programs, school supplies, and equipment. Par cipants with family members a ending any D301 school will raise money for that school, as the Country Trails’ PTO will donate a por on of the registra on fee to each respec ve school’s PTO! Our 3.1 mile course will take you through the wild‐flower and tree‐lined winding paths and streets of the Highland Woods Subdivision. This course will offer some slight uphill challenges – not all that “ferocious” – in addi on to some downhill relief with plenty of flat sec ons! Whether you run or walk, we hope you will find it a peaceful and visually relaxing journey. This event is for all D301 families and the general public. Please invite your family, friends, neighbors and co‐workers— anyone who wants to enjoy the race! Not a runner or walker? You can s ll help! Visit our website to make a dona on or become a volunteer. It will be a great day to enjoy our school district community! 20 Spring Book Fair Begins 29 Market Day Pick‐Up The 5K Run/Walk will start at 8:00 am, followed by the 1 mile “Kids’ Fun Run” at 9:00 am. Go to our event website at www.ferocious5k.com for all the details! To learn more or if someone you know is interested in being a corporate sponsor of the 5K, please contact us at ctcougarspto@gmail.com or visit the event website. Be sure to register before 4/2 to save on your registra on fee! Page 2 Country Trails PTO Our Hands Around the World Event was Amazing! We thank all who par cipated and traveled the world at the Country Trails' Hands Around The World Event. It was a joy to see everyone sharing and receiving all the culture that we can find among the families within our school. This was a huge success because of all of YOU and the families and volunteers who put this together! Please see our detailed THANK YOU note later in this newsle er. If you missed this awesome experience, please check out the ar cle that was featured in the Courier on 1/28 at: www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/elgin‐courier‐news/chi‐ecn‐mul cultural‐tastes‐chi‐ecn‐country‐trails‐hands‐ around‐the‐world‐20150129‐story.html Page 3 Save the Date! Country Trails PTO Market Day: Market Day has a great new offer for customers that place an online order for February sale pick‐ups. Everyone that places an order on marketday.com — of any amount—will receive a promo onal code for $20 towards an online order at shu erfly.com/epromo. The code will be delivered to purchasing customers a er the February sale closes, via the email provided in account preferences. Monday, 2/9 is our next Family Restaurant Night. See the flier Now available at Market Day – fresh produce! Support the school in a a ached to healthy, new way with “farmer’s market fresh” quality produce with the convenience of ordering and picking up with your Market Day order. this newsle er! Also, February marks the beginning of the new Spring Frequent Buyer Program. To qualify for a free gi , customers must make two purchases of $40 between February and April, then place a third order of $40 in May to receive a Collapsible Bowl Set at their May sale pick‐up! Purchase amount is calculated a er applicable discounts/coupons and before tax. Box Tops for Education: Our next school‐wide contest will be in March. Keep clipping and be sure to let family members, neighbors and co‐workers know what those Box Tops mean for our school! If you have any ques ons, please contact Kelly Wulf at kellywulf625@hotmail.com. Keep Calm and Clip On! Find us on Facebook! Get PTO informa on and updates delivered in your newsfeed—be sure to send us a “friend” request! facebook.com/Ct.pto www.countrytrailspto.org Page 4 Country Trails PTO Congratula ons to $25 to Your Child for FREE! Raiden Madrigal (in Does your child have a savings account yet? There is s ll me to open a savings account! Elgin State Mrs. Barnard’s 2nd Bank (on the corner of Randall Rd. and Bowes Rd.) grade class)! He won is giving $25 to any child 18 or younger when they open a Jr. Savers' Club Account! Bring the flier a FREE 2014/15 a ached to this newsle er to the bank when you yearbook through the open their account. CT PTO will receive $15 for Order Early Raffle! every account opened! Your Time is Up to Order the 2014/15 CT Yearbook! Don't miss out on capturing las ng memories from this school year. Order your yearbook for just $18 per book by going to jostens.com or turning in a paper order form with your check to the Country Trails’ office. The ordering deadline is 2/27. Paper orders will be accepted un l 3:00 pm and online orders un l 11:59 pm. Please make your check payable to: CT PTO. Yearbook order forms can be found on the PTO Website under FORMS or in the main office of CT. We have also included one within this newsle er for your convenience. SORRY, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THE DEADLINE. Orders will be delivered to your child's classroom during the last week of school. Teachers will designate a day where your child can have their yearbook "autographed" by their friends. Classroom and Event Photos Needed! A en on Parents: Want to make sure your child's classroom has a GREAT yearbook page? Please submit any photos that you have taken throughout the year to the yearbook commi ee. There are 3 easy ways to upload your photos to our photo sharing site replayit.com.— 1.) from your desktop computer, 2.) from your smartphone or tablet, or 3.) by providing us a flash drive, SD card or disc of all your pictures and we will upload them for you. We will return your photo storage device the next day. Uploading instruc ons from a computer, smartphone or tablet can be found on the PTO Webpage under FORMS. Unfortunately we are unable to accept photos that are submi ed to us via links to other photo sharing sites (ie: smugmug, dropbox, shu erfly, etc). We can only use your photos if you have submi ed them via the ReplayIt website, a flashdrive, SDcard or disc. If you have any ques ons please contact Chris ne Zeinieh at czeinieh@gmail.com. The Importance of Savings: Got Cougar Pride!? Show your Cougar Pride! Country Trails magnets are s ll available to purchase. You may purchase one for $2, or two for $3. Order forms are on the PTO website or in the school office. Payment may be sent with your child and we’ll send your order home with them! A big thank you to everyone who participated in or traveled the world at Country Trails’ Hands Around The World!!! We thank the Country Trails’ PTO, Mr. King, Mrs. Bavaro, Mrs. Schramer, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Guarini, Mrs. Hughes, The Kindergarten Team, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Thayer, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5thGrade Teams and their students; and the CT custodial staff; Mr. Paul Roth, Mr. Dale Herrmann, and Mr. Jon Norman. We appreciate all your support and all your efforts to make this event a success! Thanks to the CHS Diversity Club for presenting the The Water Project and taking the time to share it with our families. A huge thank you to the CHS National Honor Society for arranging for 11 members to volunteer throughout the set-up, clean-up and day’s events!!! We thank Elgin’s Children’s Chorus for donating their time and sharing of their beautiful voices! We would like to thank the following families and their friends who generously offered their time and creativity to represent their cultures: China: Watwood, Dixon, & Neybert; Egypt: Abdalla; England: Watwood; France: Kerr; Germany: Schmidt; India: Patel, Shah, Amin, Seth, Patel, Vaidya; Ireland: Corcoran; Malaysia: Keck; Pakistan: Asim Siddiqui Family, Hamdani & Family, Siddiqui Family; Philippines: Valladares, Kajohnkittiyuth, Eldred & Rocero; Scotland: Daniels; South Africa: Hagan; Spain: Yanez; Uganda: Bonny Nuwagaba, Lungile Khanyil, Bonny Nuwasiima, and Seddy Kwerond. Thank you to all the families and staff members who came to travel with us!!!!! A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Mack and members of the Cougar Choir for their terrific performance!!!!! The following business made donations of material or time to help enhance our cultural experience! If you frequent these places of business, please thank them for their support of our school’s event! Little Panda Chinese Asian Restaurant, Elgin; Michael D. McKay, Edward Jones Investments; We thank Integrity School of Dance in Elgin; volunteers Karen Jasmine Oriental Mart in Glendale Heights; Burke, Carrie & We thank Pita Puff in Elgin; Jennaca Zaccaria, Maya and Nirali for Jaafer Sweets in Chicago; and Tracy Grote, their terrific Lina’s Filipino Market 120 Ridge Ave.,Ste 16-17 Bloomingdale. Theresa Hughes, performance of and Angel Indian Folk Hacker for taking Dances!!! pictures. We thank the dedicated Hands Around The World Team for all their hard work and dedication: Kim Pinnelli, Amy Penar, Lynda Hamilton, and Buffy Abraham Sincerely, Donna Watwood and Kelly McKay We need your help! Country Trail’s PTO’s Beach Bingo event is coming up on Friday, March 13th, from 6-8pm. Donations are coming in and we are starting to plan this year’s raffle baskets. We would love to hear what baskets you’d like a chance to win! Please complete the survey below and return it to the office by Wednesday, February 18th. Don’t forget—all students who turn in the requested $5 donation will be entered in the “golden ticket” raffle for a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD! If you have not yet done so, please send in your donation (with form below) by Tuesday, February 24th to be entered in the drawing. Checks should be made payable to Country Trails PTO. Watch for raffle ticket presale information coming home in March. And be sure to mark your calendars for an exciting night and your chance to win one of our fabulous baskets or prizes! Beach Bingo Donation Form Student’s Name: ________________________________________ Donation amount: $5 Class: _______________ Other ________ Amount Received __________ Office Use Only Cash _____ Check __________ By __________ What would you want to win? Please circle your top 5 basket theme choices: Disney Green Thumb Star Wars Furry Friends Lego Magic & Pranks Backyard Fun Lucky Lotto Spa Day Video Games Arts and Crafts Coffee Break Nerf Fun Movie Night Fun in the Kitchen Football Fanatic Chicago Sports Fast Food Frenzy Outer Space Dinosaurs Pizza Party Toys Galore Family Game Night Reading Fun Music Lover Other: __________________________ Enter For a Chance to N O I L L I M 1 WIN s p o T x o B s u Bon NT WIN PRIZES TA OR UP TO 10,000 INS HOOL C S ’S D IL H C R U O Y R O F ENTERING IS EASY! LOOK FOR SPECIALLY MARKED PACKAGES OF YOUR FAVORITE BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION ™ PRODUCTS AT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER IN JANUARY 2015. Enter the code found on your package at www.BTFE.com/BigMoney For Your Chance to WIN 1 Million Bonus Box Tops. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. OPEN ONLY TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STAT ES AND D.C. 18 YEARS AND OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Promotion ends 12/15/15. For Official Rules, alternate method of entry, prize descriptions and odds disclosuree, visit BTFE.com/BigMoney. Sponsor: General Mills Sales, Inc., One General Mills Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55440. ™ Start clipping Box Tops today to help your kid’s school. Every Box Tops clip is worth 10¢ and quickly adds up to money that can help your school buy what it needs. Simply look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them and give them to your school. For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and how much your school has earned to date, visit www.btfe.com. Thanks for your help! © General Mills. 1 Clip Box Tops. 2 Tape or glue Box Tops on this sheet. 3 Send completed sheet to your school. Don’t forget to check the expiration date. Teacher name: _______________________________________ Spring Labels for Education Contest Get ready! We are having our annual Spring Labels for Education Contest from February 20th-March 20th. In order for labels to apply for the contest, they must be cut out and placed in a labeled envelope with the student's name, grade, and teacher. The class that sends in the most labels will win a Smencil pencil. For a full list of participating products, visit: http://www.labelsforeducation.com/Portals/0/assets/pdf/Labels_for_Education%20_ Handout_2014.pdf. Elgin State Bank... CARES ABOUt C ou n t r y Tra i l s E l e m e n t ar y At Elgin State Bank, we’re not only committed to providing financial solutions for every stage of your life, we also support the vibrant communities that make its suburbs great places to live. We’re not just in your neighborhood, we’re part of it. That’s what Community Banking is all about. We develop customized solutions to fit your needs and pair them with the personal attention and service big banks can’t offer. To find out more, check out Elgin State Bank and the many financial services we have to offer! TOTAL ACCESS CHECKING1 • Unlimited FREE ATM transactions nationwide with direct deposit2 • Interest-bearing checking account with no minimum balance to maintain • FREE online banking, online bill pay and mobile banking3 • No monthly fee debit card and free first box of checks • FREE coin counting • .communityCapture™—deposit checks anytime, anywhere from your home computer or smartphone3 ACCOUNTS FOR ALL AGES, INCLUDING OUR JUNIOR SAVERS CLUB!4 OUR JUNIOR SAVERS CLUB ACCOUNT GIVES KIDS 18 AND YOUNGER EXTRA SAVINGS, HIGHER INTEREST RATES AND INVITATIONS TO FUN EVENTS AND CONTESTS ALL YEAR LONG! JOIN TODAY AND ENJOY... • FREE Junior Savers Club® events • No service charges and no minimum deposit to open • Earn interest on every dollar in a Junior Saver account • Great contests and giveaways throughout the year • Special treat on your birthday • ...and much more! ...AND LEARN HOW SAVING MONEY CAN BE FUN! 847-888-7950 | www.elginstatebank.com Also, receive $25 DEPOSITED INTO YOUR NEW JUNIOR SAVERS ACCOUNT WHEN YOU OPEN ONE TODAY!5 OPEN A NEW CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND ELGIN STATE BANK WILL DONATE $15 PER ACCOUNT TO Country Trails Elementary’S P.T.O.!6 Elgin State Bank is a branch of St. Charles Bank & Trust Company. 1. Minimum deposit to open is $100.00 and direct deposit of payroll, social security or pension must be established within 60 days or account will be changed to the Free Checking account and as a consequence, no ATM surcharge refunds will be provided. 2. The bank does not charge its customers a monthly card usage fee. No transaction charge at any ATM in the Money Pass or Sum surcharge - free networks. Other banks outside the network may impose ATM surcharges at their machines. Surcharge fees assessed by owners of other ATMs outside the network will be reimbursed. Reimbursement does not include the International Service fee charged by MasterCard for certain foreign transactions conducted outside the continental United States. 3. Use of Online Banking is required for access to Mobile Banking/Remote Deposit. Mobile/Internet connectivity is required. See your wireless service provider for fees related to text messaging. Remote Deposit requires an established Checking, Savings or Money Market deposit account for personal, family, or household purposes with the Bank for at least 30 days and has had no more than six overdraft occurrences within the past or current calendar year. See a personal banker for more details. 4. The Junior Savers Club is designed for Children and Young Adults through the age of 18. At account opening, child(ren) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and present a valid social security number(s). No minimum deposit required to open account. Transaction limitations may apply. 5. No minimum deposit required to open account and receive the $25 deposit bonus. The $25 deposit bonus will be credited at account opening. Deposit bonus is subject to IRS 1099 reporting. Fees may reduce earnings. 6. Donation to school PTO will be made by the bank, within 30 days of new account being opened. See a personal banker for eligible checking and savings accounts and disclosures. Offer good through 12/31/14. ©2014 Elgin State Bank Elgin State Bank... SE PREOCUPA POR C ou n t r y Tra i l s E l e m e n t ar y En Elgin State Bank, no sólo estamos comprometidos a proporcionarle soluciones financieras por cada etapa de su vida, sino que también apoyamos a las vibrantes comunidades que hacen de sus suburbios grandiosos lugares para vivir. No sólo estamos en su vecindario, también somos parte de él. De eso se trata la banca comunitaria. Desarrollamos soluciones personalizadas que se ajustan a sus necesidades y las juntamos con la atención personal y los servicios que los grandes bancos no pueden ofrecer. Para obtener más información, ¡visite Elgin State Bank y descubra los muchos servicios financieros que tenemos para ofrecerle! TOTAL ACCESS CHECKING1 • Transacciones ilimitadas y GRATIS en cajeros automáticos de todo el país con depósito directo2 • Cuenta de cheques que genera intereses sin saldo mínimo que mantener • Banca en línea, pago de facturas en línea y banca móvil GRATIS3 • Tarjeta de débito sin cuota mensual y la primera caja de cheques gratis • Conteo de monedas GRATIS • .communityCaptureTM—deposite cheques en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar desde su computadora personal o teléfono inteligente3 ¡CUENTAS PARA TODAS LAS EDADES, INCLUYENDO NUESTRO JUNIOR SAVERS CLUB! 4 NUESTRA CUENTA DE JUNIOR SAVERS CLUB LE DA A LOS ADOLESCENTES MENORES DE 18 AÑOS AHORROS ADICIONALES, TASAS DE INTERÉS MÁS ALTAS E INVITACIONES A EVENTOS Y CONCURSOS DIVERTIDOS A LO LARGO DEL AÑO! ÚNASE HOY Y DISFRUTE... • Eventos GRATUITOS de Junior Savers Club® • Grandes concursos y regalos durante todo el año • Sin cargos de mantenimiento y sin depósito mínimo de apertura • Un regalo especial en su cumpleaños • Gane interés por cada dólar que tenga en una cuenta de Junior Saver • ¡Y mucho más! ¡ABRA UNA CUENTA DE JUNIOR SAVERS CLUB® Y RECIBA UN DEPÓSITO DE $25!5 ¡Y APRENDA COMO AHORRAR DINERO PUEDE SER DIVERTIDO! 847-888-7950 | www.elginstatebank.com ¡ABRA UNA CUENTA NUEVA DE CHEQUES O AHORROS Y ELGIN STATE BANK DONARÁ $15 POR CADA CUENTA AL P.T.O. DE SU ESCUELA!6 Elgin State Bank es una sucursal de St. Charles Bank & Trust Company. 1. Depósito mínimo de apertura es de $100.00 y un depósito directo de nómina, seguro social o pensión deberá establecerse dentro de 60 días de lo contrario la cuenta se cambiará a una cuenta de cheques gratis y como consecuencia, no se proporcionará ningún reembolso por recargos en cajeros automáticos. 2. El banco no cobra a sus clientes una cuota mensual por el uso de la tarjeta. No hay cargo por transacción en redes libres de pago de cualquier cajero automático de Money Pass o Sum. Otros bancos fuera de la red pueden imponer recargos de cajero automático en sus máquinas. Las cuotas por cargos aplicados por los dueños de otros cajeros automáticos fuera de la red serán reembolsados. El reembolso no incluye la cuota por servicios de transacciones extranjeras fijadas por MasterCard en ciertas transacciones extranjeras realizadas fuera del continente de los Estados Unidos. 3. Se requiere el uso de banca en línea para el acceso a la banca móvil o depósito remoto. Conexión de Internet/móvil requerida. Consulte su proveedor de red inalámbrica sobre los costos relacionados con mensajes de texto. El depósito remoto requiere una cuenta de cheques, ahorros o mercado de dinero con depósito para propósitos personales, familiares o del hogar que haya sido establecida con el banco por al menos 30 días y que no tenga más de seis ocurrencias de sobregiros dentro del calendario pasado o presente. Consulte con su banquero personal para más detalles. 4. El Junior Savers Club esta diseñado para niños y adultos jóvenes menores de 18 años. Al abrir la cuenta, el niño debe ser acompañado por el padre o tutor y presentar un número de seguro social válido. No se requiere un depósito mínimo para abrir la cuenta. Pueden aplicar limitaciones en transacciones. 5. El Junior Savers Club esta diseñado para niños y adultos jóvenes menores de 18 años. Al abrir la cuenta, el niño debe ser acompañado por el padre o tutor y presentar un número de seguro social válido. No se requiere un depósito mínimo para abrir la cuenta y recibir el bono de depósito de $25. El bono de depósito de $25 será acreditado 90 días después de abrir la cuenta. El bono de depósito de $25 se reporta en una forma 1099 de IRS. 6. La donación al P.T.O. de la escuela será realizada por el banco, dentro de los 30 días de haber abierto la cuenta nueva. Consulte a su banquero personal para sus cuentas de cheques y ahorros elegibles y divulgaciones. Oferta válida hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2014. ©2014 Elgin State Bank ORDER BY 2/27/2015 Country Trails Elementary LAST CHANCE! Order your yearbook by February 27, 2015 for $18 per book. This is your last chance to have your yearbook personalized. Books will arrive in time for classmate "autographing" during the last week of school in your child's classroom. YEARBOOK $18.00 PERSONALIZE IT PACKAGE $23.00 SIGNATURE PACKAGE $31.00 Includes Yearbook and 1 Line of Personalization Circle your package. Includes Yearbook, 1 Line of Personalization, Color Autograph Section and 8 Multicolor Signing Markers P Must purchase Personalization to put your name on the cover. $3.00 Must purchase Personalization to add icons. Icon(s) ea. Donate a Yearbook $3.00 x QTY $18.00 Contact Contact N/A N/A N/A