December 2014 - Middlebury Community Schools
December 2014 - Middlebury Community Schools
The mission of Middlebury Elementary School, in cooperation with family and community, is to develop compassionate, productive, responsible citizens and life long learners Educating Everyone Involves Everyone December 2014 News from Mr. Miller, Our Principal: Middlebury Elementary is beginning it’s annual food pantry collection this year on December 1st. We will be collecting canned and other nonperishable food items from December 1st thru the 17th. The entire school will then walk down to the food pantry as a service project on the morning of December 19th. If you are able to donate canned and non-perishable items, we ask that your child bring the items with them to school starting on December 1st. Items can be placed by the windows in the cafeteria or on tables near the gym. Please also make sure that you check the expiration dates of the items you are donating as the food pantry cannot except items that have expired. We appreciate your help with this project and think it is a great way to be able to help others during the holiday season. Let’s help everyone have a happy holiday! What’s New From the Counselor? Guidance Lessons Kindergarten will be learning more about our feelings. We will practice recognizing facial expressions and body language. 1st and 2nd grade will be discussing anger management, and reviewing strategies to calm down. 3rd grade will be introduced to Anger Mountain. Please look for a picture of your child’s Anger Mountain to come home and have them hang it up somewhere they can see and refer to it regularly. I truly hope your holiday season is filled with joy, laughter, and time spent with your family! Any questions or concerns, please contact me anytime. Eric Lemmon, School Counselor or 522-5371 Second Grade Music Program Thursday, December 11th @ 6:30 (students arrive at 6:15 and go to their classroom) December Calendar Old Hoosier Give Back 4 After School Activity 2:15—3:15 For 2nd & 3rd 4 Boys and Girls Club Closed 5 2nd Grade Music Program @ 6:30 11 Market Day Pick Up 15 PTO Meeting @ 6:30 15 Food Pantry Walk 19 Christmas Parties 19 Christmas Vacation NO SCHOOL December 22nd— January 5th Classes Resume January 6th!!! PTO AUCTION/ CARNIVAL January 31, 2015 Mark you calendars for this fun day for the whole family! School Closing or Delay Information SCHOOL DELAY INFORMATION: If it becomes necessary to delay the opening of school due to inclement weather, the following procedures will be followed: Bus routes will begin one or two hours later than usual, and should pick up children on the route one or two hours later than usual. Joint school and special education students will also be transported on the delayed schedule. SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION: In case school is canceled because of road or weather conditions during the winter or because of emergency situations at any time, the information will be reported to the following: Radio Stations: Television Stations: WBTU - FM 93.0 WSBT-AM 960 WNDU - TV 16 WNDU - AM 1490 WRBR - FM 103.9 WSBT - TV 22 WNDU– FM 92.9 (U93) WFRN - FM 104.7 WSJV - TV 28 Closing information will also be available on our website, and an automated phone call will be sent home. If classes need to be dismissed during the school day because of road and weather conditions, or other emergencies, the information will be reported to the same stations. Parents should make arrangements for children to get into the house, or go to another safe place, in case no adults are home in such a situation. TRANSPORTATION REMINDERS IF THERE ARE “LAST MINUTE” URGENT TRANSPORTATION MESSAGES WHICH NEED TO BE GIVEN TO YOUR STUDENT, PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE BY 1:45 TO GUARANTEE DELIVERY OF THAT MESSAGE. WE PREFER A WRITTEN NOTE FOR TRANSPORTATION CHANGES. SENDING THAT NOTE WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL HELPS EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THE CHANGES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. LOST AND FOUND If your child is missing an article of clothing, please have him/her check the school’s “Lost and Found”. Any unclaimed items left before Christmas vacation will be given to Goodwill for needy families. CHANGE IN PERTINENT INFORMATION IF THERE HAS BEEN A CHANGE IN TELEPHONE NUMBERS (HOME OR CELL), ADDRESS, PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT, OR WORK PHONE NUMBERS, PLEASE LET THE SCHOOL OFFICE KNOW OF THESE CHANGES. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO BE KEPT UP TO DATE SO WE MAY REACH A PARENT WHEN NECESSARY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Concerned About Your Child’s Speech? (or other developmental areas?) In Elkhart County, speech therapy and other special services are available for children ages birth through five at no cost to families. If you are looking for assistance, please call one of the resources noted below: Birth to 3: First Steps of Elkhart County (574) 293-2813 or 1-866-725-2398 Ages 3 through 5: Elkhart County Special Education Cooperative (574) 533-3151 FACEBOOK Become a friend of MES on facebook!! Look for Middlebury Elementary School. 2– Hour Delay Days Classes begin 2 hours later than usual on 2-hour delay days regardless of Wednesday delay start. On a 2-hour delay we will start at 9:45 no matter if it is a Wednesday delay or not. News from our Librarian, Mrs. Ball: The Book with No Pictures was the BIG hit in the library this month!! As part of her Read Across Michiana, Cindi Clawson visited MES on November 5th and shared this book with all of our students. So many students wanted to check the book out, Mr. Miller now choses a random student name from a jar!! If your student is lucky enough to bring this book home, Yeah!! But please return it the next day so another student can have a chance to enjoy reading it. We also celebrated Veteran’s Day in the library. Mr. Doeden, Mr. Cook, Mr. Weaver and Mr. Rathka spoke to all third grade classes. These veterans made a wonderful presentation about the history of our American Flag and about a table set aside at the American Legion Post for all service personnel listed as POW or MIA. We are so thankful for their service to our country and for visiting us. Market Day News MES wants to give everyone who participated in our Annual Pie Fundraiser a big thank you! We raised $518 dollars for our school this year. Our top sellers this year are: 1st place, Bekah Collins in Mrs. Dickey’s class, 2nd place, Catelyn Meyers in Mrs. Henley’s class, 3rd place, Byron Yoder in Mrs. Mast’s class, 4th place is Logan Wodtkey in Mrs. Engle’s class, and in 5th place was Brayden Summers in Mrs. Shuler’s class. They each will receive a special prize for all their efforts . Every student that sold at least 1 pie will receive a pop-up monster toy. For every 3 pies each student sold they will receive a scented pencil. Congratulations to all of you and your families. Market day orders will be due by Thursday, December 11th and December pick up will be on the 15th at 6:20. Middlebury Public Library Activities: Tuesday, December 2 at 4:00 p.m. for K thru Grade 5. The book is “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson. There will be a book discussion and activities. Register at the Children’s Desk to pick up a special copy of the book. Junior Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Looking for teen book lovers (ages 13 -18) & struggling readers (grades K-5). Supervised sessions offered on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:45 to 5:15 p.m. A child meets once a week with a teenager to read and do a small activity. Contact Kelsey to register. Here is a holiday craft for you to do with your children during winter break. Popsicle Snowmen After School Activity We will be having our first of two after school activities on December 4th. We do two of these each year one for the Kindergarten and 1st graders and one for the 2nd and 3rd graders. The after school activity is usually some sort of craft along with a snack. The Supplies: 8 Popsicle sticks Black buttons Black & white paint Permanent pens, black & silver Glue Orange paper in the shape of odd shaped triangle Glue the Popsicle sticks together like picture below children really enjoy this time to hang out with their friends and do a fun activity together. Save the Date!! Auction & Carnival Saturday, January 31st Raffle tickets are coming home soon! Please contact the school or PTO if you have an item or a service you could donate to the auction! Paint the top black and the bottom white. Let it dry. Add the buttons & paper, draw a mouth. They are done. We are also looking for volunteers: contact the school or PTO if you would like to help in any way. This is the major PTO fundraiser for the year. All of the proceeds go directly back to our students! Upcoming Events: December 4th December 15th - Old Hoosier Give Back - Market Day Pick Up - After School Activity 2:15-3:15 pm 2nd and 3rd Graders Only 6:20pm - PTO Meeting 6:30 pm When you attend the PTO meetings, you are entered into a drawing for a gift card from a local business. Congratulations to Joy Miller, last month’s winner.