Because they`re not just trees, they`re home.
Because they`re not just trees, they`re home.
Libby, where are we supposed to go? If Mayor Libby Schaaf, the Oakland City Council, and the East Bay Regional Parks District have their way, forests spanning 2,059 acres of public lands and parks which provide habitat for multitudes of animals will be destroyed. Stands of trees which give our wild neighbors safety, shelter, shade, a place to nest and which create the ecosystem that produces their food supply will be decimated, leaving them nowhere to go and nothing to eat; while thousands of gallons of toxic herbicides made by Monsanto and Dow spread throughout targeted areas will poison them and contaminate their drinking water. Please help us speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Tell Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and the others NO CLEARCUTTING our forests. Because they’re not just trees, they’re home. oakland mayor libby schaaf to Clearcut & poison east Bay forests Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, the Oakland City Council and East Bay Regional Parks District Manager Robert Doyle have approved an environmentally catastrophic plan to clearcut over 400,000 carbon sequestering trees and spread an estimated 7,000 gallons of poisonous chemicals throughout East Bay public lands and parks. Costing nearly $6 million, this plan will radically transform the character and appearance of these lands by eliminating their forests, including those in 11 public parks (Redwood, Sibley, Huckleberry, Tilden, Wildcat Canyon, Lake Chabot, Miller-Knox Shoreline and others) so that they can be replaced by “grassland with islands of shrubs.” In order to prevent regrowth, clearcut sites will be repeatedly treated with toxic herbicides made by Monsanto and Dow; chemicals which are officially classified as “hazardous,” are toxic to wildlife, cause blood, liver and kidney damage in dogs, and have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, bladder cancer, and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. If you live in or near targeted areas, be aware that FEMA, the federal agency funding this deforestation, admits the plan will threaten human health and that some neighborhoods will suffer “significant alteration of community character” as the lush forests responsible for their beauty, idyllic setting and upon which property values depend will be intentionally destroyed. Deforestation Will inCreAse fire risk While claims of fire abatement are being used to justify this assault on our forests, this plan will actually increase the risk of fire. Healthy, moisture-rich trees are to be chopped down and turned into wood chips which will be spread around shadeless, clearcut hillsides at a depth of several feet, creating thick beds of highly combustible dried wood. Lush forests are to be replaced by brush - the exact environment in which the 1991 and 2008 fires began. Tragically, public officials have rejected alternative fire abatement protocols promoted by a local conservation group founded by survivors of the 1991 Firestorm, an approach which would abate fire risk while preserving our beautiful forests and the vital habitat they provide to our wild neighbors. A former Oakland firefighter and Chief of Fire Prevention at the Oakland Army base who served on an Oakland emergency preparedness task force stated that the plan is “land transformation disguised as a wildfire hazard mitigation plan. If it is implemented it will endanger firefighters and the general public; and it will be an outrageous waste of taxpayer money.” FEMA’s Environmental Impact Statement admitted that the clearcutting and chemical spreading will result in: “unavoidable adverse impacts … to vegetation, wildlife and habitats, protected species, soils, water quality, aesthetics, community character, human health and safety, recreation, and noise.” pleAse VoiCe Your opposition oAKlAnD mAYor liBBY sChAAf 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, 3rd Floor Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-3141 Annie CAmpBell-WAshington: (510) 238-7004 DAn KAlB: oAKlAnD CitY CounCil (510) 238-7001 ABel guillen: (510) 238-7002 noel gAllo: reBeCCA KAplAn: (510) 238-7008 (510) 238-7005 DesleY BrooKs: (510) 238-7006 lYnette giBson mCelhAneY: lArrY reiD: (510) 238-7003 (510) 238-7007