Unifor Local 1119 Supports the BCTF on Strike!


Unifor Local 1119 Supports the BCTF on Strike!
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Unifor 1119
Port Mellon,
Volume 22 Issue 2
Summer 2014
Special points of
Thank you to retirees
Rights At Work
BCFerries petition
Inside this issue:
President’s Letter
Chief SS Report/
JOHSC Report
The Bruce Report
Committee List
Unifor Local 1119 Supports the BCTF on Strike!
From The Floor
SCLC Report
Shop Stewards List
Message from The Nat’
Your Donations at work
Message from Gert
The Zimmerman Report
Time Office Info
Labour Council Info
Special Message
An Assault On Teachers,
An Assault On All
Andrew Appleton
The teachers strike is undoubtedly the hottest topic of
debate in BC this summer. Even for unionized workers,
it’s hard to understand how the two sides can’t reach
some kind of agreement.
Page 2
Editor’s note: I would like to introduce a blue hat into
the Guardian newsroom… please help me welcome
Richard Sauve as your newest co-editor!
Hello everyone, that time of the year has come where
it's hot, so on a safety note, make sure to drink lots ofwater and take the time to do the job safely.
A lot is happening over the summer, and we hope some
of you will get involved. If you're interested in any of
May I offer some food for thought?
the following, please do contact me by email or phone
to find out more.1st Labour Day Picnic planning meetAs pulp and paper workers, we consider the wages we
ing July 10, evening. Bill 377 and c-525 are stalled at
earn to be (almost) fair for the work we do– producing
senate and seem to be going nowhere, the conservatives
ingredients to make white, soft toilet paper (white gold) seem to be backing off - good news and hoping to stay
and newspapers (grey gold). An important contribution that way.
to society, no doubt.
SCLC main focuses coming up are the municiple elections, and Labour Day Picnic. Fairness works campaign
Lets rewind 15 years…
will be at the picnic.Locals of the Sunshine Coast, Presidents meeting is on July 9. Education day for bullying
Now, I would never consider myself to have been a
& harrasment, and, together fairness works,
model student in my formative years. However, I will
is on July 19. Free courses (Same caliber training we
always remember the teachers who gave me a shot at
pay for when we send people to Harrison Winter
realizing my full potential– even as my friends and I
School training), without the costs. Except for personal
were smoking weed in the bushes at lunch in high
time and commitment to learn from these courses.
school, trying our best to be life long McJob employees. See info page. Otherwise, starting in september, we'll
be getting geared up for the federal election.
The fact is, teachers have a life-lasting impact on us.
Ongoing issues that we're taking very seriously is the
teacher strike and the BCFerries battle.
It is with a debt of gratitude that I look back and think
about Mr. Pugleise, who insisted I apply for a BCIT
That's all we have for now. Summer has come, I hope
scholarship– even though I could have cared less about you're all able to enjoy it. On a side note, I want to
post-secondary (shmost shmecondary) school.
thank the union for all that they do for us.
And for Mrs. Voros, who constantly pushed me to do
It's an ongoing battle, and it's tough. Their patience and
my best on the volleyball court, and on the track.
limits are being tested, but they're pulling through it all.
Thank you for all who promote safety on site, and for
We all have these memories. Not just memories- but
keeping this place running for the future.
actual, physical evidence- that teachers are worth more
than their weight in gold when it comes to guidance and In Solidarity,
encouragement to become good people.
Richard (SCLC Sergeant at Arms)
So when you think about how much we get paid for the
work we do, stop and think about your favorite teachers.
They helped form us as people, as a community and as
society in whole. Don’t they deserve a little more?
Show your support by giving a big HONK when you
drive by their picket lines, and give back to the people
who helped make you the person you are today♦
Your Guardian Newsroom Staff
Andrew Appleton,
Richard Sauve,
Page 3
President’s Report
By Don Rheaume
So much has happened
since the last guardian I don’t know where to start; it’s a very
busy time for your executive officers. The “stick in the eye”
approach to industrial relations has kept your local in a constant state of litigation on one level or another. Being on a
war footing with your employer is a huge waste of time and
money that must come to an end sooner rather than later. Our
national Rep. Bruce Snow has been trying to help us find
some resolves in this difficult situation, and has started to
come to our 4th stage and standing committee meetings.
I’m hopeful that someone in authority within this company
will start to work with us to resolve the extensive list of
grievances, as the current state is unacceptable to the local.
Until then we will continue to defend the collective agreement and our members who get caught up in this “stick in the
eye” approach. I know it’s been painful for our local to have
to bear the costs for taking on the company on so many
fronts, but rolling over on these issues is not an option for
your executive and standing committee, and I ask everyone
for your patience in dealing with these guys.
I want to thank some very key people who are retiring or
about to retire from our local as many of you know Gert
Leslie and Corrinne Powers are leaving us although they
have agreed to help out whenever they can. It will take years
for new health and welfare members to get up to the same
leave as these two are, so they will be missed very much.
Allan Reid and Roger Gaboury have also left us, what can I
say about these two, they have bargained mutable contracts
and served on many committees and without their efforts we
would have a very different contract and local. I can’t thanks
them enough and I press upon the membership the need to
become involved in YOUR local get the training and represent your Brothers and Sisters as the old guard won’t be
around to do it forever.
Great West life booklet review as the current booklets have
some errors in it, and need to be changed. As always, the
advice is always the same- “go through the union side of the
committee” whenever you have a question about your benefits they are here to represent your interests not the company’s.
The political action is heating up on a number of fronts with
your local labour council doing lots, and your locals committee gearing up to take on the Harper government in
2015.The national’s ‘rights at work” campaign is taking off
with locals right across the country engaging their membership on the issues that are important to you, your family’s,
and our community’s. Andrew Appleton, and myself will be
coming around to control rooms to roll this out once we get
the membership cards from the national, and I look forward
to hearing from you.
I have never seen the labour movement and its allies mobilize against a government like I’m seeing now, many unions, labour councils, the CLC, students, seniors, the Ed
Broadbent institution, provincial councils, etc. etc. The Harper government has declared war on unions so it’s time to
push back and with your help we will do just that.
The skilled trade’s committee participation has been put off
until after the summer when we can get a spokesperson up
to a general meeting to explain the program better.
On the Safety front we are still getting hurt and our lost time
accidents are way too high. We have another shut coming in
July and although it won’t be as big as the last one the potential for injury is still very high, so please look after each
other and keep your safety awareness up at all times. The
JOHSC will be out as much as possible on the floor to answer questions and help anyway they can.
There will be adviser training for the Discrimination and
Harassment policy on July 22-23, so if you are interested in
being a adviser please let me know.
Its shaping up to be a busy summer for all of us on standing
committee, but I will be away from July 21-Aug.11th so
please get a hold of Brother Noel Collins if you have a urgent matter. We will also be meeting over the summer to
redo the bylaws for early fall, we have met but were not
able to finish them before the summer.
The Health and Welfare committee is still dealing with the
In Solidarity, Don Rheaume
Page 4
A Fond Farewell
Well, at the end of this month I will be retired. At this
point it seems very unreal, although I sure am looking
forward to not hearing that 5 a.m. alarm!
Have you ever sat just before the end of the day, musing, I know there is something that I need to do? Now
what was it? Usually there are a couple of triggers but
they’re at the wrong moment. You say “oh yeah I’ve
got to do that later,” and then you’re off on another
track. Well tonight it’s popped into my mind and even
thought I’m a little groggy it’s time to put pen to paper,
actually fingers to keys.
Anyway, I want to thank all of you for the very nice
evening at the Legion on June 5, and all your kind
words. In spite of all the attendant frustrations and
head-banging, I really did enjoy all my years serving
on your union executive and all the new experiences
and opportunities that gave me.
Things like the uplifting experiences of attending the
Winter School at Harrison and being part of the huge
CEP National Convention, not to mention the chance
to travel to a few Canadian cities I would never otherwise have seen. Things like all the training (thank you
again) I received knowledge that made me able to defend you in compensation cases when you were injured and help you when you needed accommodation.
It's rather fun pretending to be a lawyer - hey, I actually have my name on an official arbitration file as
"counsel for the union"!
I know that I leave here a better person for all of it and
ready for the next big phase of my life. I know that I
will miss you, the people I worked with for many, or
just a few, years. I expect I will even think of you now
and then, fondly.
In Solidarity, Gert Leslie
I want to thank the apprentices for another successful
maintenance get together. I really enjoyed the evening.
A lot of effort went into making the evening a success
and I’m not sure who all did what but those involved
deserve a hardy round of applause.
Special thanks go out to Craig Beerling and Sarah
Rooney for the use of their home. You have a wonderful place. I hope that there wasn’t too much of a mess to
clean up the next day.
The burgers, dogs, and salads were great and there was
no shortage of food. In addition, the deep fried turkey
was outstanding. The bar was manned all night and I
know that Aron Reid and his wife were there to the end
dishing out libation and friendly bar chit chat. Although
I was unsuccessful in the door prize draw I still want to
forward my compliments. Someone took the time to go
to some local businesses to get those prizes.
I’ll make sure to thank those businesses as well. I could
go on and on. However, I don’t want to get mushy and
teary eyed. Let’s just end this with a great big “THANK
Al Zimmerman
P.S. That last trigger was Andrew Appletons last call
for Guardian articles. Thanks Andrew.
Page 5
The Sunshine Coast Labour Council urges you to fill out the form below, and deliver it to
Richard Sauve, Rob Hood, or Shauna Gourlay. It will be sent to Premier Clark along with
thousands of others, telling her how Ferry cuts have hurt families across Coastal BC.
Page 6
JOHSC Report
Chief Shop Steward Report
First off I want to send a huge thank you to everyone
who helped get brother Rudnisky his job back. The
whole thing was unnecessary and should never have
come to that. If not for the memberships willingness to
put our money where our mouth is we wouldn't be able
to fight the employers bullying and unjust treatment.
Your officers are on complete lock down while at work.
The company is making it almost impossible to conduct
union business. Our union security is under attack but
we are fighting back. Standing committee is not functioning very well and we have lots of issues. This is because nothing gets resolved on the floor. We negotiate
letters of understanding and when it gets rejected the
company attempts to implement them anyway.
As most of you can see our safety stats are not looking
good. Some would say it's a random thing and others
that we are heading for something very serious. Regardless, it is concerning. The committee is focused on
completing our initiatives. We are successful with some
and way behind schedule with others. We do have a
schedule for the year to be out and about meeting with
the crews and discussing issues.
A couple of barbeques are coming up and we had a
great safety equipment vendors day. I thought the preshut meet and greet was well received. Themes of the
month have been developed and we encourage everyone to use them. The Safety Stewards/ Supervisors
group have received a 1 day training course on "New to
the role" and it went well. We will be adding to the
content and more sessions will be coming up. I need to
Long standing agreements are being arbitrarily and ille- thank the Safety Stewards for stepping up as it can be a
gally cancelled. Don is drafting up some agreements for
thankless job. Without you things would be a lot worse.
Standing committee in the hope of avoiding arbitration
and/ or use of the LRB companies attention. It takes
Our investigation training has hit a roadblock as we
money to fight for our rights. The sooner the employer have to redo the entire training content do to copyright
understands that we will do whatever it takes to defend issues with Taproot that weren't a problem with that
our members the sooner we can sit down as partners and company last year. The FRCA process is not working.
put our efforts into making this place safe and profitable
Everyone is behind on their investigations and we have
for all of us. I remain optimistic.
been told that overtime is not to be used for doing inAs of now I have 2 grievances to advance and Dave
Gibson has 2. Thanks to Dave's help we have been able
to tread water.
A small group of us are meeting with a facilitator to
update the Joint investigation program and come up
with solutions regarding our inability to have timely
Thanks for your patience and support. Your executive is
and effective investigations. Our other major programs
doing the best that we can under the circumstances. If
need to be audited but we first need to fix the time and
we stick together then we will be successful.
resources issues so we can get it done. Hopefully we
can turn our safety direction around. In the meantime
look out for each other.
In solidarity- Rob Giroux
Chief Shop Steward
Rob Giroux, JOHSC co-chair
Page 7
Page 8
Boxers Thank Union
With the the long term support from Unifor Local 1119, the Sunshine Coast Boxing Club was able to host their
second "War On The Shore" amateur boxing event Saturday April 26th in Gibsons.
Boxers from as far away as Kelowna and Kamloops were on the card along with lower mainland fighters and a
number from the Sunshine coast.
1119 President Don Rheaume was invited into the ring to represent out union, and our MLA Nic Simons presented the medals to the contestants in the main event.
Club founder Rick Shannon noted that Local 1119 was the SCBC's first sponsor five years ago and the club continues to offer recreational and competitive boxing much due to the generosity of our union and other generous
For information on the SCBC call head coach Randy Hollett at 604-989-5180
Submitted by Rick Shannon
Page 9
Hello from the Time Office!
Local 1119 Donates $500 To Gibsons Elementary School Playground Fund
I just wanted to let everyone know that if you had extra
tax being taken off prior to 2012 – you may want to fill
out a new TD1 form.
A motion was passed to donate to the playground
fund at the new GES. The donation gets our locals
decal permanently posted on the “donation tree’, upon the completion of construction.
At the end of 2012 all extra tax taken off was set to Zero. There was only one email that was distributed at the
time and not everyone knew of the change.
If you have any questions any of us in the timeoffice
would be happy to answer.
In solidarity,
The playground committee wishes to thank everyone
for their generous donation.
You can see our union crest on the fundraising thermometer as you go down School hill.
Page 10
Thank You
Don Rheaume
I want to thank some very key people who recently retired or about to retire from our local.
As many of you know Gert Leslie and Corrinne Powers
are leaving us, although they have agreed to help out
whenever they can.
It will take years for new health and welfare members to
get up to the same leave as these two are, so they will be
missed very much. Allan Reid and Roger Gaboury have
also left us, what can I say about this two, they have
bargained multiple contracts and served on many committees- and without their efforts we would have a very
different contract and local.
mobilize against a government like I’m seeing now,
many unions, labour councils, the CLC, students, seniors, the Ed Broadbent institution, provincial councils,
etc. etc. The Harper government has declared war on
unions so it’s time to push back and with your help we
will do just that.
The skilled trade’s committee participation has been
put off until after the summer when we can get a
spokesperson up to a general meeting to explain the
program better.
I can’t thank them enough and I press upon the membership the need to become involved in YOUR local!
Get the training and represent your Brothers and Sisters
as the old guard won’t be around to do it forever.
There will be adviser training for the Discrimination and
Harassment policy on July 22-23, so if you are interested in being a adviser please let me know.
The Health and Welfare committee is still dealing with
the Great West life booklet review as the current booklets have some errs in it and need to be changed, as always the advice is always the same “go through the union side of the committee”. Whenever you have a question about your benefits they are here to represent your
interests not the company’s.
The political action is heating up on a number of fronts
with your local labour council doing lots, and your locals committee gearing up to take on the Harper government in 2015.
The National’s ‘rights at work” campaign is taking off
with locals right across the country engaging their membership on the issues that are important to you, your
family’s, and our community’s. Andrew Appleton, and
myself will be coming around to control rooms to roll
this out once we get the membership cards from the national, and I look forward to hearing from you.
I have never seen the labour movement and its allies
Health and Welfare recommends against this practice.
Submitted by Dale Murray
Page 11
The Bruce Report
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It’s been a while since my last letter; coincidentally it’s
been a while since our last Guardian; thank you Andrew
for getting it out to us.
Things on the Trustee side of the Local move along
fairly slowly and relatively uneventful. The three amigos met at the hall last week and brought the books up
to date to the end of 2013, I am happy to say that there
were no odd all expense paid trips to Powell River, Costa Rica, or any other anomalies to report, things balanced to the dime. Thanks Deb your hard work makes
our work so much easier.
June 4th and June 16th we held some Shop Steward
training at the hall, and managed to train 14 of our stewards in two separate one day courses. I really appreciate
all the time these new Stewards have already put into
the Local and want to thank them for stepping up. If
you remember to throw some appreciation their way (a
simple Thank You) I’m sure it would be well received.
We have some real talent in these people. I believe Rob
Giroux aka. “The Chief” and Dave “Lil Chief” Gibson
have a few more vacancies that need to be filled, they
can easily be contacted; all their info is posted on the
executive list in the Guardian. Other than that, the odd
booking for our hall seems to sum up what a Trustee is
all about lately.
On a different stage, strange things continue to happen
down at Howe Sound Pulp and Paper; we survived another annual shut/ start up. I have been here 23 years
and I don’t think any two start ups have been the same.
We never stop learning and our Mill is determined to
remind us of that ongoing. This start up we saw the Digester “Burp” in a fashion never seen by anyone in Operations and “maybe” only one or two in management/
contract management. The facts are not all in but there
are some pretty strong assumptions as to what hap-
pened. We are continuing our investigation into the
event as one of our most senior members has been disciplined.
We are seeing quite an increase in our membership
joining the ranks of the retired. We will miss the experience and expertise these members brought to the table and hopefully the resource can be taped into before they walk out the gate for the last time; something we have not done too well in the past. The hours
of operating knowledge and skill sets may take years
to recover if opportunity missed.
Moving forward and staying focused, for years we
have been asking for a Train the Trainer position, now
it appears the employer has seen the light, the Paper
machine has had a Trainer for some time and is enjoying successes, while the Pulp Machine has recently
had one of our Machine Tenders put into the role of
Trainer, the digester now has posted for a Temporary
position of Trainer while the Power and Recovery has
submitted a proposal to the purse strings for Trainers
in that area. Better late than never and it’s never too
We will definitely be in a better position with these
additions. It’s up to us to help make these positions
successful and up to the employer to give us the resources to be successful.
See you at the next general
In Solidarity,
Bruce McNevin
Page 12
The Sunshine Coast Labour Council is pleased to announce that through the Canadian
Labour Congress – Pacific Region, we will be holding to courses on Saturday July 19, 2014,
9:30 to 4:00 pm. The location is the KIN Hall in Dougall Park (516 Gower Point Rd, Gibsons).
Course descriptions:
Bullying and Harassment
Responsibility for bullying in the workplace is shared between workers, the employer, and the union. This course will explore different approaches and tools to address bullying in the workplace
including grievances through the collective agreement, JOSH committees, and BC's WorkSafe legislation.
Reconnecting with union members and reintroducing unions to the Canadian public, in the end, is
much more than fending off the latest attacks from the usual suspects. It's about building a stronger labour movement. together FAIRNESS WORKS will help get workers talking about what they
get from having a union at work. This course is for executive members, stewards, and activists. It
will focus on member engagement strategies, mapping, and community building that will create a
stronger, more connected membership base.
To register for either course, please go to:
Please confirm your attendance with Sister Vivian Dufresne Wood via email at:
vdufresnewood@clc-ctc.ca or by phone: 604-430-6766.
Page 13
* Denotes Committee Chairperson
Wage Delegates:
Health & Welfare/
*Noel Collins*
*Don Rheaume*
*Don Rheaume*
*Grant Gill*
Bruce McNevin
Jurgen Hubel
Noel Collins
Gert Leslie
Rob Giroux
Bruce McNevin
Bruce McNevin
Deb Collins
Don Rheaume
Dave Strom
Dave Strom
Lance Lacey
Dave Strom
Noel Collins
Jurgen Hubel
Corrinne Powers (alt)
Roger Gaboury (alt)
Roger Gaboury (alt)
Gerry Sauve (alt)
Labour Council:
Job Evaluation:
Political Action:
*Ed Smit*
*Rob Hood*
*Jurgen Hubel*
*Andrew Appleton*
*Claude Charleton*
Dave Beauchesne
Joan Molidegei
Deb Collins
Don Rheaume
John Law
Shauna Gourlay
Noel Collins
Allan Reid
Dan Byers
Dave Randall
Pat Momer
Shauna Gourlay
(alt) Rob Humphries
Richard Sauve
Bruce McClymont
Unity Committee:
*Dan Schmidt*
Rob Humphries
*Dave Strom*
Craig Beerling
*Dave Strom*
Jim Hawkins
*Dan Schmidt*
Danielle Heguy
*Corrinne Powers*
Al Zimmerman
Shauna Gourlay
Dave Strom
Rob Humphries
Deb Collins
Bruce McNevin
Pat Momer
Dan Byers
Dan Schmidt
Phil Gibb
Bruce McClymont
Rob Humphries
Ester Carey
(alt) Roger Gaboury
Terry Duffy
Safety: JOHSC
Stu Frizzell
Deb Collins
Social & Rec:
* Dan Schmidt*
*Andrew Appleton*
*Krista Cantarutti*
*Gert Leslie*
*Catherine Murphy*
Pat Momer
Roger Gaboury
Shane Stolz
Dave Sanford
Rob Giroux
Rob Humphries
Pat Momer (Web)
Deb Collins
Jonathan Cargo
Andrew Appleton
Discrimination & Harassment Co-Chairs:
*Don Rheaume*
*Gerry Sauve*
Discrimination & Harassment Advisors:
Corrinne Powers
Gerry Sauve
Pat Momer
Rob Humphries
Shauna Gourlay
Christine Borley
Dan Schmidt
Page 14
2014 Shop Stewards List
Dave Gibson
Asset care
Craig Beerling
Dan Schmidt
Russ Rempel
Rob Humphries
Welding, machinists, building
Pager 403
Pager 2268
Melanie Gibb
Richard Fortier
Janet Shorthouse
Nikki Nestman
604- 886- 3543
604- 886- 3373
604- 886- 3864
Karl Messner
Mike Allan
Bob Gower
Newsprint- C crew
Newsprint- D- crew
Newsprint- B crew
604- 741- 3075
604- 989- 3500
Pager 226
Mike Macklam
Ron Clairmont
Andrew Appleton
Newsprint- A- crew
TMP- C- crew
TMP- D- crew
Pulping- D-crew
Pulping- B- crew
Christine Borley
Debbie Collins
Bruce McClymont
Graeme Hillman
Danielle Heguy
Marina Pierce
Pulping- C- crew
Pulping- A- crew
Bob Byrne
Brian Tomada
P & R- A crew
P & R- B crew
P & R- C crew
P & R- D crew
H- 604- 885- 3314 c- 604- 7407428
Pager- 845 Local 2243
Pager - 777
604- 885- 2813
604- 741- 7468
Local 2764
604- 886- 9569
604- 885- 7475
604- 989- 4164, local 2411
604- 740- 7338
Local 2382
Local 2443
Local 2365