Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in
Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in
Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland - a country in transition PhD thesis Inger Katrine Dahl-Petersen Centre for Health Research in Greenland December 2013 PhD thesis National Institute of Public health, Faculty of Health Science University of Southern Denmark Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland - a country in transition Inger Katrine Dahl-Petersen Centre for Health Research in Greenland December, 2013 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Preface Preface This thesis is based on data from the Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland, which aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the health effects of the transition from a traditional lifestyle to a modern, industrialized life. The study was conducted as a collaboration between the Centre for Health Research in Greenland at the National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Steno Diabetes Center and the Department of Health in Greenland. Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation was the main source of funding for the study. The PhD was funded by Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation and the University of Southern Denmark. The data collection was carried out between 2005 and 2010. Both as a research assistant and during the PhD study at the Centre of Health Research in Greenland, I was lucky to be a part of the data collection team. Participation in the data collection allowed me to travel all over Greenland and gave me valuable insights in the study methods and procedures. It also left me with many fond and valuable memories and stories from the participants and of the peaceful, but at times challenging, nature. I wish to thank my supervisors Peter Bjerregaard, Marit Eika Jørgensen and Søren Brage for sharing their great insight and experience in the world of epidemiology and population health, and for the inspiring and stimulating discussions and talks about health among the population in Greenland, which have kept me motivated since my first stay in Greenland in 2004 and throughout the progress of my PhD. Thanks should also be given to the employees at Steno Diabetes Center, especially Anne-Louise Schmidt Hansen for providing me many Thursdays in a friendly and academically inspiring atmosphere, to Stefanie Mayle and Kate Westgate from the PA Tech team at the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge for expert assistance in processing combined sensor data, and Andreas W. Hansen for his valuable contribution as a co-author of one of the papers in this thesis. I have had the privilege of working with great colleagues and friends at the National Institute of Public Health, and I am grateful for the support they have given me. Especially, I want to thank my colleagues and friends at the Centre for Health Research in Greenland: Cecilia, Christina, Susanne, Ingelise, Charlotte, Anni and Nina for creating a supportive atmosphere with room for inspiring discussions and fun times also when things were busy, and especially to Susanne and Cecilia for help with the graphical layout and Vibeke and Majken for help with the English grammar. Above all, I owe my thanks to every single man and woman who participated in the Inuit Health Transition study in Greenland. Finally, I wish to thank my good friends and family for their patience and encouragement and especially Peter and Frida for dragging me out into the (wild) nature. Inger Katrine Dahl-Petersen, December 2012. "Tab for alt ikke lysten til at gå. Jeg går mig hver dag det daglige velbefindende til og går fra enhver sygdom; Jeg har gået mig mine bedste tanker til og jeg kender ingen tanke så tung, at man jo ikke kan gå fra den." Søren Kierkegaard Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Papers This thesis is based on the following papers: Paper l: Dahl-Petersen IK, Hansen AW, Bjerregaard P, Jørgensen ME, Brage S. Validation of the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire in the Arctic - measures of physical activity in Greenland; Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2013: 45(4): 728-736A. Paper ll: Dahl-Petersen IK, Jørgensen ME, Bjerregaard P. Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition; Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 39: 678–686. Paper lll: Dahl-Petersen IK, Bjerregaard P, Brage S, Jørgensen ME. Physical activity energy expenditure is associated with 2-h insulin independently of obesity among Inuit in Greenland; Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2013; article in press. /ŶĐůƵĚĞĚŝŶƚŚŝƐƚŚĞƐŝƐŝŶƐƵďŵŝƚƚĞĚĨŽƌŵ͘ Academic supervisors: Professor Peter Bjerregaard MD. National Institute of Public Health, Centre for Health Research in Greenland, University of Southern Denmark. Marit Eika Jørgensen, PhD, MD. Steno Diabetes Centre, Gentofte Denmark. Søren Brage, PhD. MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Abbreviations IHT 2005–2010 The Inuit Health in Transition study 2005–2010 PA Physical Activity PAEE Physical Activity Energy Expenditure MET Metabolic Equivalence HR Heart Rate Acc Accelerometer Acc and HR Combined Accelerometry and Heart Rate monitoring IPAQ-L International Physical Activity Questionnaire, long version BMI Body Mass Index WC Waist Circumference MVPA Moderate and Vigorous intensity Physical Activity LPA Light intensity Physical Activity OGTT Oral Glucose Tolerance Test IGT Impaired Glucose Tolerance IFG Impaired Fasting Glucose CI Confidence Interval OR Odds Ratio SE Standard Error SD Standard Deviation Abbreviations Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Table of contents Table of contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Aims of the thesis .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Background ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 The concept of physical activity and key definitions ..................................................................................... 8 The impact of physical activity on public health ........................................................................................... 9 The physical activity transition in populations undergoing rapid transition – what is the problem?........... 9 Differences in living conditions as a marker of the PA transition and type 2 diabetes............................... 11 Measurements of population-based physical activity in a non-Western context ...................................... 11 Material and methods ..................................................................................................................................... 14 The Inuit Health in Transition Study ............................................................................................................ 14 Places of data collection and procedures.................................................................................................... 14 Population sample ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Ethical considerations.................................................................................................................................. 18 Outcome measures and exposures ................................................................................................................. 20 Measures of physical activity ...................................................................................................................... 20 Measures of glucose metabolism ................................................................................................................ 22 Anthropometric measures .......................................................................................................................... 23 Sociodemographic variables ........................................................................................................................ 23 Social transition ........................................................................................................................................... 23 Confounders ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Data analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Summary of main results................................................................................................................................. 26 Is the International Physical Activity Questionnaire valid to use in an arctic population? ......................... 26 Is there an association between physical activity patterns and social transition in Greenland? ............... 28 Is physical activity energy expenditure associated with glucose metabolism in Greenland? .................... 29 Intensities of daily life PA – an overview ..................................................................................................... 30 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 4 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Table of contents Main findings ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Is measuring physical activity by questionnaire a feasible method in Greenland? .................................... 33 What characterizes the physical activity transition in Greenland? ............................................................. 36 Physical activity and glucose metabolism in Greenland - what is the evidence? ....................................... 38 Methodological considerations ................................................................................................................... 39 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 44 Implications for public health in Greenland ................................................................................................ 45 Implication for future research ................................................................................................................... 45 Summary.......................................................................................................................................................... 48 Dansk resuméͬ'ƌƆŶůĂŶĚƐŬƌĞƐƵŵĠ................................................................................................................. 50 Reference list ................................................................................................................................................... 5ϰ Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 6ϰ Publications ..................................................................................................................................................... 8ϰ 5 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Introduction Introduction Since the 1940s, indigenous populations in the Arctic, including Inuit in Greenland have undergone rapid cultural, economic and social changes accompanied by a modernization of lifestyle. Parallel to these changes, Greenland has experienced a major health transition with substantial increases in chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (1;2). Recent studies in Greenland have shown a prevalence of type 2 diabetes at 7-10% among adult Inuit (2). Among the main causes, changes in habitual physical activity (PA) have been suggested (2). This PhD thesis focuses on PA in relation to the social transition within the country of Greenland and the impact on glucose metabolism. The traditional lifestyle in Greenland was characterized by physically demanding activities, such as subsistence hunting and fishing, berry picking, kayaking, dog sledging and transportation of water to the household. Today, these activities are still widespread all over Greenland, but more often as a leisure activity in the larger towns. Sedentary occupations have become more prevalent and mechanization of equipment, such as motorized boats, cars, snow mobiles, washing machines and computers, has resulted in a less physically challenging daily life. Sedentary leisure pursuits (e.g. TV and computer use) have become increasingly available, but also common modern leisure-time activities, such as football, skiing, biking and fitness training, have become popular all over Greenland, although there are large regional differences in the availability of such facilities. A population-based survey among adult Inuit in Greenland in 1993-1994 showed that a high level of PA during leisure time was more common in villages than in towns. The proportion of physically inactive individuals increased by age, and men were more physically active compared with women. In total, 22% of the population was physically inactive in leisure time during summer and winter (3). Information on PA across the Arctic is limited, and the use of different measures and measurement tools for PA complicates comparisons of PA patterns. Overall, the PA level is found to be lower among women than men, and to decrease by age, but the knowledge of how living conditions, income and educational level affect PA patterns is lacking (4-9). Only one prospective study has investigated how rapid cultural, economic and social changes have influenced PA patterns among indigenous populations in the Arctic (10). Since the level of adaptation to a westernized lifestyle still varies markedly within the population of Greenland, the opportunity to study the PA transition in relation to the social transition is obvious. Such studies can provide information to public health interventions with the aim of improving health in populations going through a similar process of social transition. This thesis is based on investigations carried out to contribute with novel information on PA patterns in an arctic population, and the central research question was: What characterizes the PA transition within the adult Inuit population in Greenland and how is PA associated with glucose metabolism. Aims of the thesis The overall aim of this PhD thesis was to evaluate PA patterns in an arctic population undergoing rapid social transition and to add to the epidemiological evidence of how PA relates to glucose metabolism in an 6 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Introduction Inuit population in Greenland. Moreover, the thesis aimed to study the feasibility of a questionnaire-based measure of PA at a population-based level in Greenland by comparing questionnaire-based information with objectively measured PA. Three investigations formed the basis of the thesis. The aim of paper I was to validate the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L) against accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (Acc and HR) in the Inuit population of Greenland. The aim of paper II was to study the PA transition among Inuit in Greenland by examining differences in PA patterns in relation to the social transition. The aim of paper III was to analyze the association between objectively measured PA and glucose metabolism in Inuit in Greenland. 7 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Background Background The concept of physical activity and key definitions Physical activity (PA) may be defined as: “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that result in energy expenditure” (11). As an interpretational framework it is important to distinguish between exercise and PA. Exercise is a subcategory of PA and includes sports activities that are planned, structured and repetitive in order to maintain or improve physical fitness, overall health and well-being, and often these activities are performed at vigorous intensity. Besides exercise, PA comprises activities of daily life involving any bodily movement as well as activities such as active transportation (walking and biking), household activities, and occupational PA. These activities are normally unstructured activities, performed at varying levels of intensity. The focus of this PhD thesis is on the habitual PA during daily life. PA can be categorized into domains of daily life: leisure time, household and gardening, occupation and transportation, and comprises four different subdimensions: frequency, duration, intensity and type (12). The thesis will focus on all four dimensions and domains of PA. Frequency relates to how often or how many bouts of PA are performed e.g. daily, weekly or monthly. Duration refers to time spent on PA, most often described in minutes or hours of PA. Intensity refers to how much effort is required to perform the specific activity, e.g. rate of energy expenditure per unit of time. The intensity can be expressed relatively in percent of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), as resting metabolic rate (RMR) or as absolute intensity, most often expressed in MET (Metabolic Equivalent Task), with 1 MET corresponding to a standard value for the resting metabolic rate; 3.5 mL O2·kg-1·min-1 (13;14). PA can be divided into light, moderate and vigorous intensity according to the rate of energy expenditure. Moreover, energy expenditure of specific types of PA can be quantified. Widely accepted is the use of the Compendium of physical activities now presenting 821 MET values for specific activities of daily life (13-15). Figure 1 illustrates the continuum of PA and the corresponding rate of energy expenditure in MET. The type of PA refers to the specific PA behaviour, such as running or walking, or the classification of an activity into aerobic or anaerobic. Duration and frequency can be multiplied providing total amount of time spent on PA. These durations can be multiplied with the intensity of each activity type or category (activityi) and added up across activities (∑Durationi x frequencyi x intensityi); this sum is referred to as the total PA energy expenditure, expressed for example in MET-hrs per week, kcal per week, or kJ/kg/day (16). 8 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 0.9-1.0 MET Sleep 1.0 - 1.5 MET 1.5 - 3.0 MET Sedentary Light intensity 3.0 - 6.0 MET >6 MET Moderate intensity Vigorous intensity Background Figure 1. Overview of the continuum of PA and the energy expenditure corresponding to the specific activities (14). The impact of physical activity on public health Worldwide, it has been estimated that physical inactivity causes 6-7% of the burden of disease from major non-communicable diseases like coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and 9% of premature mortality (17). Inactivity is concluded to be a risk factor similar to that of smoking or obesity (17). Since the study of London transport workers in 1953 showed that the physically active conductors on double-deckers were at lower risk of coronary heart disease compared with the sedentary drivers (18), the number of studies on PA and health has substantially increased, and the evidence has been summarised in several consensus documents (19-21). Evidence from a recently published prospective cohort study showed that individuals who performed as little as 15 minutes a day or 90 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise had a 14% reduced risk of all-cause mortality and a 3-year longer life expectancy compared with inactive individuals in all age groups, for both men and women and for those with cardiovascular disease risks (22). A positive dose response effect of total PA on health has also been documented (23;24). A metaanalysis concluded that some PA is better than none, and that additional health benefits occur with more PA (25). Studies have identified a great potential in increasing the level of PA, particularly among the most inactive individuals (22); however, whether there is a specific threshold for the effect of PA energy expenditure (PAEE) on health and how specific intensities influence health still need further clarification. This information can be used in recommendations for PA. In Greenland, the current National recommendation is one hour of daily PA for both adults and children, however, without specifying the recommended level of intensity (26). The physical activity transition in populations undergoing rapid transition – what is the problem? In Greenland, social changes started to evolve rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century when cod fishing was replacing the traditional hunting of sea mammals as the main livelihood of the Inuit, and cod were sold for cash (27). After World War 2, Greenland went through rapid cultural, economic and social changes characterized by population movement from small villages to larger towns, changes in living conditions and increased availability of formal education (1;27;28). These changes were accompanied by a more modernized lifestyle, especially in the larger towns. Parallel to these changes, Greenland experienced a major health transition with a gradual reduction in the prevalence of tuberculosis and acute infectious diseases, paralleled by a substantial increase in chronic lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity, and increasing prevalence of mental health problems, such as youth suicides, and alcohol problems (1;2;29). In this regard, the history of Greenland shares similar traits with the epidemiological transition 9 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Background among populations undergoing rapid social, cultural and economic changes in other parts of the world (3032). In the framework of the epidemiological transition, the physical transition explains how rapid changes in PA have occurred in parallel with the increasing prevalence of obesity and other chronic diseases (33). According to Katzmarzyk and colleagues “the physical activity transition seeks to explain the potential effects of changes in PA on health and life expectancy in countries experiencing rapid economic development” (33). The consequences of the PA transition are relevant for all populations, but may be more marked in populations experiencing rapid social change, such as Inuit in Greenland. Little is known about how PA has changed in relation to the agrarian, industrial and technological breakthrough. Among indigenous populations in the Arctic, a cross-sectional comparison among the Yakut of Siberia found that total energy expenditure (TEE) adjusted for body mass was correlated with participation in subsistence activities, such as hunting and fishing. Individuals with a traditional lifestyle reflecting participation in subsistence tasks had higher energy expenditure than individuals with a more modern lifestyle, indicating a decrease in PA with modernization (34). Contrary, a study among Hadza hunter-gathers in Tanzania presented similar daily energy expenditure as their Western counterparts and suggested the energy expenditure to be independent of cultural differences (35). The impact of the transition from a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more Western lifestyle on physical fitness levels has only been exemplified in one prospective study a 20-year study in an Inuit community in the Northwest Territories, which showed a temporally decreasing level of fitness along with rapid acculturation and an increasing sedentary lifestyle (10;36). Physical activity and glucose metabolism among indigenous populations in the Arctic Worldwide, the prevalence of diabetes is expected to increase from 4.0 to 5.4% (35% increase) between 1995 and 2025, with a proportionally greater increase in developing countries and a considerable excess of diabetes in urban areas by 2025 (37). Physical inactivity is a strong and well-known risk factor for type 2 diabetes (38-43). The potential of PA in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is also well established in several larger intervention studies (44-47). Most of the evidence on PA and metabolic risk is based on studies in Western populations, and only a few studies have investigated the association among indigenous populations in the Arctic. One study showed a positive effect of PA on fasting insulin concentrations in a subarctic native Canadian population (48). Another study demonstrated an association of PA with the prevalence of Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and diabetes in Greenland (2), and a study among Yup’ik Eskimos and Athabaskan Indians in Alaska showed that a moderate and high level of PA were associated with a lower prevalence of glucose intolerance compared to a reference group with a low level of PA (49). In Greenland, physical inactivity due to a decrease in subsistence hunting and fishing activities was suggested to explain, that Westernization was found to increase the metabolic risk for men only (50). Contrary, another study in Greenland found a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes and glucose intolerance in rural areas compared with towns despite a higher level of PA in rural areas (66). These studies are all based on self-reported PA, and only a few studies (51-56), all conducted in non-Arctic populations, have reported on objectively measured free-living PA and its association with glucose metabolism. Information 10 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Background from such studies is important as a part of the prevention of further increases in type 2 diabetes in this population. Differences in living conditions as a marker of the PA transition and type 2 diabetes To examine differences in PA patterns in relation to epidemiological transition changes or modernization, most research has used an urban-rural dichotomy as a model, mainly since longitudinal PA data are almost non-existent. A review of studies in developing countries summarized that both men and women living in urban areas were more likely to be inactive compared with those living in rural areas (57). Studies in populations undergoing transition have found that urban living is associated with lower PA and higher prevalence of pre-stages of- and type 2 diabetes (52;58-63) and research in developing countries and countries undergoing rapid transition has shown that the risk of impaired glucose metabolism increases with urbanization (64;65). This is contrary to Greenland, where a population-based study showed higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes and glucose intolerance in rural areas compared with towns (66). In addition to current residence, a study found that both lifetime exposure to an urban environment and recent migration history influenced the association between obesity and diabetes (67). Overall, there are considerable differences in the definition and measurements of urbanity, modernization and social change, and in a review investigating how urbanization has been measured, it was emphasized that measures of urbanization as a process are needed to obtain more detailed information on changes in urbanicity and impact on health (68). Detailed information about the disease patterns of indigenous peoples in the North has only during the last generation become available, and, therefore, the health impact of social change can only be studied at the ecological level. In a recent study among Inuit in Greenland, we examined the secular differences in the health outcomes between two population-based surveys among adult Inuit in Greenland in 1993-1994 (N =1,580) and 2005-2009 (N=2,834). Furthermore, we defined and ranked six subgroups; from participants at a presumed early stage of social transition (more traditional) to those at a later stage (more modern), defined from current and childhood residence in a village or town, family job type, and education. We compared the distribution of socioeconomic, behavioral, and clinical/biochemical risk factors for cardiovascular disease among these groups, using data from the Inuit Health in Transition Greenland Survey 2005-2009, with the secular trends found from the two surveys. We found that in the absence of longitudinal data, cross-sectional data could be used, although with caution, to mirror social change for selected analyses of cardiovascular risk (69). This grouping was used in paper II as a proxy for changes in PA patterns along with the social transition. Measurements of population-based physical activity in a non-Western context Using adequate measures of PA is fundamental in the assessment of PA, whether the purpose is to measure time trends, associations with health outcomes or to evaluate interventions to promote PA. When interpreting the results on PA one must take the quality of the measurement tools into consideration (70). Properties, such as validity, reliability and responsiveness, are not always assessed or they have been 11 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Background studied differently, which makes it difficult to rate one questionnaire better than the other (70;71). Further, the diversity of questionnaires available are substantial due to the fact that different questionnaires have been developed for different purposes (e.g. surveillance, activity group categorization, etiology). The population-based studies of PA worldwide are still mainly based on self-reported information obtained through interviews or self-administered questionnaires. However, most questionnaires have been developed for use in non-indigenous populations, and the reliability and validity are far from always examined in the specific cultural setting where the questionnaire is used. The International PA Questionnaire was developed to measure PA in different cultural settings and has been widely used worldwide (72). The questionnaire exists in a short (IPAQ-S) and a long (IPAQ-L) form and as interviewer- or self-administered. The short form is recommended for national monitoring (7 items), whereas the long version is more comprehensive (27 items) and assesses time spent at different intensities of PA within four domains of daily life: transportation, work, leisure time, and domestic activities (73). The IPAQ has been translated, adapted, used and validated in several populations, including populations undergoing transition (74-77). Craig and colleagues found in a 12-country evaluation that the IPAQ was as reliable and valid as other questionnaires. However, the questionnaire showed different validity used in different populations (78), which underlines the need to assess the measurement properties in the specific target population. The gold standard for measuring PA energy expenditure (PAEE) is a combination of doubly labelled water (DLW) and measurement of resting metabolic rate; however, this method is not feasible to use in population-based surveys and does not provide information on duration, domains and intensity (79).The advancing technological possibilities have resulted in increasing possibilities to use device-based measures on a large study population (80). Most common is the use of different kinds of accelerometers, pedometers and heart rate monitors. Accelerometers (uni- or tri-axial) provide measures of biomechanical intensity, duration and frequency, and has been shown to provide greater precision when compared to self-reporting of the total amount of PA and energy expenditure spent on specific activities (81) but also present limitations regarding information on certain activities, such as upper-arm activities, kayaking, weightlifting and cycling as well as high-intensity PA, and provide no information about the domain in which the activity is performed (82;83). Heart rate monitoring can be used as an objective measure of energy expenditure based on the premise that heart rate and oxygen consumption are linearly related (84;85). However, heart rate is easily influenced by factors such as medicine, temperature and fitness, and is most suitable for measuring activities at high intensity(84). The combination of accelerometry and heart rate monitoring has been shown, in most cases, to provide a more precise and accurate estimation of the energy expenditure for PA among both adults and children, compared with each of the methods used alone, and this method has been validated in a non-Western context (86-88). However, the method also presents methodological challenges, such as wear-time issues and cost. Figure 2 presents an overview of different methods and the inverse relationship between validity and feasibility (Søren Brage, personal communication). 12 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Background Measuring Physical Activity – Levels of Sophistication Room Calorimetry Precision Doubly Labeled Water Indirect Calorimetry Heart Rate Movement sensors Self-report Ease of Assessment Figure 2. Overview of different methods and the inverse relationship between validity and feasibility. Søren Brage, personal communication. 13 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Material and methods The Inuit Health in Transition Study The present PhD thesis is based on data from the Inuit Health in Transition Greenland Survey 2005-2010, which is a part of an international collaboration across the Arctic including Inuit in Greenland, Canada (Nunavik and Nunavut) and Alaska. The Inuit Health in Transition Study (IHIT) was designed as a longitudinal cohort study with the purpose of studying the interaction between the environment and genetic factors on the health and disease pattern of the Inuit in the regions of Greenland, Canada and Alaska. Thus, the project in Greenland is part of an international study with data collection in several villages and towns in all three countries. The project aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the health effects of the transition from a traditional lifestyle to a modern, industrialized life, which takes place in most present-day developing countries. One of the specific aims of the study was to assess risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This PhD thesis is based on the initial cross-sectional data. A follow-up has been scheduled in 2014 for both Nunavik and Greenland. Places of data collection and procedures Figure 3. Map of Greenland with study communities, names of the towns included. Inuit Health in Transition Greenland Survey 2005-2010. Greenland – or Kalaallit Nunaat in Greenlandic - is the world’s largest island and a country in the Arctic with a population of about 57,000, of whom 90% are ethnic Greenlanders (Inuit). Genetically, Greenlanders are 14 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Inuit (Eskimos) with a mixture of mainly Danish genes, and are genetically and culturally closely related to the Inuit/Iñupiat in Canada and Alaska and, somewhat more distantly, to the Yupiit of Alaska and Siberia. Only 18% of the total area of the island is free of ice. Greenland’s 80 communities are all located on the coast and are divided into towns (with population ranging between 469 and 15,469) and villages (with population ranging from less than 10 to about 550) with no connecting roads. The data collection took place from 2005 to 2010, both during summer and winter time. For logistical reasons it was not possible to distribute the data collection in the specific communities throughout the year. With the exception of Upernavik, Tasiilaq and Qaanaaq, the towns were visited by public transport (flight) and the villages were visited on three expeditions by a chartered boat (m/s Kisaq) (figure 3). Data was collected by a team of local persons responsible for the recruitment of participants, a supervisor, one or two laboratory technicians, 2-4 interviewers, and two clinical assistants. The participants were informed about the investigation by a personal letter, and after the arrival of the team they were contacted by the person responsible for recruitment. The participants were asked to show up fasting (i.e. at least 8 hours without eating or drinking), they were informed about the investigation and signed an informed consent. The participants went through a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test, interview, filled in a questionnaire, went through various clinical tests and were provided with the Actiheart device (combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor). The interviews were conducted in both Greenlandic and Danish according to the choice of the participant. After 2 hours, another blood sample was drawn. At the end of the session, participants were informed about the results of the investigation. When the Actiheart device was returned, a compensation of DKK 200 was paid to each participant. Population sample Participants for the Inuit Health in Transition Greenland Survey were selected as a stratified random sample of adults aged 18 years and older and born in Greenland or Denmark. Greenland was divided into strata based on geography (Southwest coast; Central West coast; Northwest coast; East Greenland; North Greenland) and community size (towns with ≥ 2000 inhabitants; towns with < 2000 inhabitants; and villages). From each of these strata one or more towns and 2-3 villages were selected for the study as being representative of the stratum with regard to living conditions. A random sample was drawn from the central population register to obtain around 300 participants from each town; this number represents the practical limit for a research team during a 4-6 week visit. Villages were chosen at random in the strata, and in the selected villages all adults were invited to participate. We collected data in 9 towns and 13 villages in Greenland. At the study location, the invited participants were contacted by telephone, person-to-person or contacted by asking their neighbor of their whereabouts. The final sample was revised to exclude participants no longer living in the community, pregnant women and deceased persons. Ethnicity as Greenlander or Dane was determined at enrolment, based on the primary language of the participant and self-identification. The current PhD thesis focuses on Greenlanders only. According to community size, the participation was 61.4% in Nuuk (the capital), 65.1% in other large towns, 69.9% in small towns and 68.5% 15 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition in the villages (p<0.001). Participation rates also varied by age and sex. Women were more likely than men to participate, and particularly young men were under-represented. The reasons for non-participation can be seen in the flow chart (figure 4). 16 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition The Inuit Health in Transition – Greenland Survey 2005-2010 N=6,016 Stratified random sample of adult inhabitants in Greenland (18+) born in Greenland (‘Greenland Inuit’) or Denmark (‘Danes’). Drawn from the central population register. N=1,005 Reduction of initial sample: Moved (746); Not in study base* (144); Pregnant (60); Deceased (55) *) e.g. unknown in the community, in prison, irrelevant ethnicity N=356 N=5,011 Revised sample Exclusion of ethnic Danes N=4,655 Revised sample ‘Greenland Inuit’ N=1,553 Non-participation: Doesn´t want to participate (803); Illness or disability (115); Hunting, fishing or in mine camp (97); Out of town for other reasons (24); No contact* (514) *) e.g. Interviewers gave up after 2-3 attempts to get in touch N=3,102 Participants participating in the health survey. The study surveyed 9.2% of the adult, Greenland born population. N=6 Missing information N=79 Mistakes in values or items N=2,053 (66.2%) Participants with ACC AND HR monitoring N=166 Participants with step test. Included in sample N=58 Participants excluded before data analyses due to poor quality of both ACC and HR N=1,995 (64.3%) Participants with information on ACC AND HR - revised N=2,079** Participants in paper II. N=95 Flagged observations,* Included in the analysis N=97 Exclusion of participants if ACC AND HR<24 hours N=1,898 (61.2%) Participants with information on ACC AND HR - revised N=353 Exclusion of participants if ACC AND HR<48 hours N=1,545 (49.8%) Participants with information on ACC AND HR revised N=3,017** Participants available for analyses of physical activity. Data processing are described in appendix III and paper I N=47 Flagged observations,* Included in the analysis * Recordings were flagged for the reason of a poor HR or acceleration signal, absence of data during sleep (required for estimation of SHR, which is used in activity intensity calculations), heart disease or calibration errors. Another branch model or heart flex model were suggested for some of the flagged records. Flagged observations are included in the analyses (See Appendix III for further details). ** In Paper II, the participants with more than 6,720 minutes of weekly reported time spent on total PA were excluded, according to IPAQ guidelines. In Paper I we have used a scaling of these observations instead. Figure 4. Overview of the study sample and drop-outs. 17 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Ethical considerations The study was approved by the Ethical Review Committee for Greenland. Participants were informed about the study objectives and the data collection procedures orally and in writing, and accordingly gave their written informed consent. 18 Material and methods Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 19 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Outcome measures and exposures Measures of physical activity The International Physical activity Questionnaire – long version In this PhD thesis information on PA was collected using a modified version of the intervieweradministrated seven-day International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (long version) (IPAQ-L). Participants were asked to report time spent on PA in the previous seven days: how often (number of days per week) and for how long (average duration per day). Questions were asked separately for vigorous intensity, moderate intensity and walking in the four domains: work, transportation, domestic and leisure time. Participants were also asked to report number of days and time spent sitting during the week and in the weekend. The original English version of the PA questionnaire was translated into Greenlandic and back-translated by two interpreters bilingual in Danish and Greenlandic and familiar with Greenlandic living conditions. The questions were adjusted to arctic living conditions by replacing some of the activity examples with culturally relevant examples based on a pilot study comparing IPAQ-L and a short questionnaire with combined Acc and HR in Greenland. In the domestic domain we combined the two questions concerning moderate intensity (outdoor and indoor activity) into one; gardening is non-existent in arctic living conditions, and common activities such as getting fishing equipment ready take place both inside and outside the house. Data were initially scored according to guidelines from the IPAQ group (89). Some exceptions were made, as described in detail in paper I. An overview is also provided in appendix IV. PA energy expenditure was calculated by multiplying time reported (minutes/week) by the net metabolic cost of each activity, which was expressed in metabolic equivalents (METs). The net metabolic cost of each activity was assigned according to the PA Compendium’s gross MET values (13), subtracted by 1 MET to account for resting metabolic rate (RMR). An estimate of total daily sedentary time was calculated from time spent sitting, such as TV and computer use and reading. In paper I we added 8 hours as presumed time spent sleeping (sleep information not included in IPAQ-L) (Appendix 1, the Greenlandic version of IPAQ-L). 20 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 70. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities in your home? (for instance heavy lifting, shovelling snow, digging, fetching water) BBBBBGD\VSHUZHHN 'LGQRWGRYLJRURXVSK\VLFDODFWLYLW\DWKRPH →JRWRTXHVW 71. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing vigorous physical activities in your home? BBBBBKRXUVSHUGD\ BBBBBPLQXWHVSHUGD\ Figure 5. Example of question in IPAQ-L. Vigorous PA in the domestic domain. PA examples adapted to Greenlandic living conditions. Combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring As a part of the clinical health examination we issued a combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor (ACC and HR) (Actiheart®, CamNtech Ltd, Cambridge, UK) to a subgroup of the participants all over Greenland (n=2053). The monitor was set up to measure acceleration and heart rate at 30-second intervals and attached to the participant’s chest by two standard ECG electrodes (MXC55 MediMax UK)(figure 6). The participants were told to leave the monitor on for 24 hours a day, also for sleep and showering. A subgroup of participants conducted an individual calibration test (8-minute step test). Step tests were used to define a population-specific calibration equation of the heart rate-activity energy expenditure relationship. Due to study logistics (travel distances, weather conditions and the data collection time schedule), only limited time was available at each study location, especially for data collection in villages. Together with a finite stock of monitors, this explains why not all participants were given a monitor, and why the length of recordings from some participants was of shorter duration. A detailed description of data processing and sample is available in paper I and appendix III. Caloric intensity of PA was estimated by combining the acceleration-based estimate of intensity (90) with the heart rate-based estimate from the population-specific equation in a branched equation modelling framework (91). Briefly, this method predominantly uses the accelerometer estimate during low levels of heart rate and movement, and the heart rate estimate when both heart rate and acceleration levels are high, with equal weighting for other conditions (appendix III for details on branched equation). Resulting time series of activity intensity (in J/min/kg) were summarised into total PAEE (in kJ/kg/day) and time spent at different intensity levels (sedentary as <1.5MET, moderate as 3-6MET, and vigorous as >6MET). We included individuals with >48 hrs of monitor wear data. 21 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Figure 6. The placement of a combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor. We validated the interviewer-administered long form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L) modified and adapted to arctic living conditions (paper l) and utilized it for analyses of patterns of PA in relation to social transition in paper II. The combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor was applied in a subsample of the participants. In paper I this method has been used as a criterion measure for validation, and in an addition to paper II as a descriptive outcome measure across transition categories, and in paper III as exposure in an etiological analysis of the association with precursors of type 2 diabetes. Interview with main interviewers We conducted individually based interviews with the main interviewers about their experiences of interviewing about PA and how the questions were interpreted by the participants. Moreover, preliminary results were presented and possible explanations were highlighted by the interviewers. The answers from the interviewers were used in paper I and as background knowledge on how the concept of PA, including intensities and domains, is being interpreted in Greenland. Measures of glucose metabolism After a minimum of 8 hours of fasting, participants underwent a standardized 2-hours oral glucose tolerance test (75 g), except for those with known type 2 diabetes at the time of health examination. Fasting and 2hr blood samples were taken. Plasma glucose was measured fasting, plasma was separated and frozen at –20°C and transported to one central laboratory for measurement of plasma glucose. Serum insulin was analyzed with a flouroimmunoassay technique. The inter assay precision CV was 6%. Non fasting participants (self-reported) or participants with known type 2 diabetes were not included in the further analysis involving glucose and insulin parameters. Glucose tolerance; impaired fating glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes were classified according to WHO criteria (table 1). 22 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Table 1. WHO diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycemia (World Health Organization 1999). WHO Diagnostic Criteria IFG Fasting plasma glucose from 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/l and 2h plasma glucose <7.8 mmol/l IGT Fasting plasma glucose <7.0 mmol/l and 2h plasma glucose ≥7.8 mmol/l and <11.1 mmol/l Fasting plasma glucose ≥7.0 mmol/l or 2h plasma glucose ≥11.1 mmol/l Diabetes Anthropometric measures Height (nearest 0.1 cm) and weight (nearest 0.1 kg) were measured with the participants wearing underwear. BMI was calculated as weight/height2 (kg/m2). Waist circumference was measured midway between the rib cage and the iliac crest, hip circumference at its maximum on the standing participant. Weight was measured on a standard electronic clinical scale. Bioimpedance and calculation of fat percentage were performed on a leg-to-leg Tanita TBF-300MA. Based on a single reading, fat percentage was calculated by the internal algoritm of the device, which is based on height, weight, sex, impedance and age; body type was set to “standard”. Sociodemographic variables From the interviewer-administrated questionnaire, residence at age 10 was obtained and recoded into residence in village or town. Job type was determined from questions about job title of participant and spouse. Formal education was determined from questions about highest school education attained and further vocational or academic education and recoded as primary school/high school only, short vocational education (less than three years), and longer vocational/academic education. Place of residence was divided into the capital of Nuuk, villages and towns. Social transition Individuals were divided into six groups defined from occupation type, education, and place of residence (present and 10 years old). This variable is used in paper II as a proxy for secular changes: A. hunters and fishermen in villages; B. other inhabitants of villages; C. blue-collar migrants (inhabitants of towns, with no vocational education, having lived in villages at age 10); D. other blue-collar participants (inhabitants of towns, with no vocational education, having lived in towns at age 10); E. intermediate (inhabitants of towns, with short vocational education); F. professionals (inhabitants of towns, with longer vocational or academic education). 23 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition In order not to misclassify participants who had not yet finished their education and to minimize the proportion of participants outside the workforce, analyses only included those aged 25-64 years. Confounders In papers I and II, we stratified the analyses by sex, age group and place of residence. In analyses of the association between PAEE and glucose metabolism outcomes (paper III), information on smoking habits, family history of diabetes, sex, age, BMI, waist circumference (WC) and fat percentage was included in regression analyses to address the issue of confounding and mediating by these variables. Data analysis The analyses were performed in STATA 10-12 and SPSS 18. Paper I The association between questionnaire- and monitor-based PA estimates was examined by the nonparametric Spearman rank correlation coefficient (ρ). Level of agreement was examined by modified BlandAltman plots (Bland and Altman ) (92). Bland and Altman recommend graphical presentations (plots) for method comparison, so that the error structure can be explored throughout the range of the variable of interest. We used a modification of the classic Bland-Altman plot by plotting the difference between the measurements (IPAQ-L minus Acc and HR) against the objective estimate; with lines indicating the median difference (median bias) and 95% limits of agreement (2.5 and 97.5 centiles of the difference). Median instead of mean and centiles of the difference instead of 1.96SD of the difference were used due to the non-normal distribution of data (non-parametric). Moreover, we chose to plot the difference against the absolute measure of PA by accelerometry and heart rate monitoring, because we considered this monitorbased measurement as a more accurate and precise representation of the true underlying exposure, compared with the questionnaire data. The differences of the medians were analysed by a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Sensitivity analyses were performed including only participants with ≥72 hours Acc and HR of valid monitoring data. Paper II Time spent on PA was presented in median hours per day with interquartile ranges for each domain of PA as well as for total PA. Differences in time spent on PA across social transition groups were tested using a multiple linear regression model with time spent on PA as dependent variable. A square root transformation of time spent on PA was applied in order to approximate a normal distribution of the variable. The analyses were stratified on sex and adjusted by age. A test for linear trend in PA across the six transition groups was applied adjusted for age (Likelihood-ratio; STATA version 10). Moreover the proportion of participants that did not report any time spent on PA in the specific domains of PA was presented. Time spent on moderate and vigorous intensity PA was analyzed. No transformation was applied for time spent on sedentary activity. 24 Outcome measures and exposures Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Paper III Associations between PAEE and glucose outcomes were analyzed in multiple linear regression models. Potential confounders and mediators were chosen a priori: age, sex, WC, family history of diabetes and smoking were included stepwise. Three models were presented; model A: no adjustments; model B: age and sex adjustments and model C: further adjustments by WC. Interaction terms were included, and models with and without interaction were compared using a log likelihood ratio test. The variable PAEE2 was included to test and adjust for nonlinearity. The distribution of outcome variables was graphically viewed before analysis (qqplot), and a model control was performed to test if the variance of the residuals was normally distributed. Accordingly, fasting and 2-hour insulin concentrations were logarithm transformed before analysis and back-transformed and reported as percentage decrease or increase. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes were classified (dichotomized). Logistic regression models were utilized to compare individuals with diabetes versus individuals with Normal Glucose Tolerance (NGT), individuals with IGT versus NGT+IFG and individuals with IFG versus NGT. 25 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Summary of main results Is the International Physical Activity Questionnaire valid to use in an arctic population? This validation study is based on PA data from IPAQ-L and Acc and HR monitoring (n=1508 adult Inuit). Questionnaire-based PAEE was moderately correlated with accelerometry and heart rate monitored PAEE (r=0.20–0.35, p<0.01). The agreement analysis showed that the median difference for the level of PAEE measured by the two methods was small and indicated a moderate agreement between the two methods; however, 95% limits of agreement were wide. This pattern was similar for subgroup analyses of sex, place of residence (Nuuk, town, village) and age groups. A weak correlation was found for questionnaire-based time spent at different intensities of PA (moderate and vigorous) and sedentary time versus Acc and HR monitoring (r=0.11–0.31). The agreement plots showed that time spent at moderate intensity PA was substantially over-reported by IPAQ-L when walking was included as a moderate intensity activity (>1.5hrs/day, p<0.001); however, the agreement was substantially better when excluding walking (figure 7). Table 2. PA characteristics. Self-reported (IPAQ-L) and objectively measured PA (Acc and HR) presented as daily physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). Inuit in Greenland, n=1508. Total PAEE P value (kJ/day/kg) Sex Men n=659 Self-report 51.7 23.6-97.0 0.2 Objective measure 56.6 40.3-75.5 Women n=849 Self-report 47.3 24.9-76.9 0.002 Objective measure 45.7 34.2-60.1 Place of residence Nuuk n=323 Self-report 45.9 24.2-80.9 0.3 Objective measure 50.9 36.6-64.1 Towns n=906 Self-report 48.4 23.6-85.0 0.06 Objective measure 49.6 36.2-67.8 Villages n=279 Self-report 50.0 30.0-86.3 0.02 Objective measure 49.4 36.8-66.2 26 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Total PAEE (kJ/day/kg) Table 2 (continue) Age groups 18–44 years n=829 Self-report P value 57.7 33.2-92.3 57.8 44.6-75.2 Self-report 47.5 23.3-85.7 Objective measure 47.2 34.3-60.1 Self-report 31.6 15.3-57.7 Objective measure 34.3 22.5-47.5 Objective measure 0.04 45–54 years n=349 0.02 55+ years n=330 Women (moderate intensity, walking not included) -10 -10 IPAQ-(Acc+HR) -5 0 5 IPAQ-(Acc+HR) -5 0 5 10 10 Men (moderate intensity, walking not included) 0.6 0 2 4 6 Hours per day 8 0 Men (moderate intensity, walking included) 2 4 Hours per day 6 8 -5 -5 IPAQ-(Acc+HR) 0 5 10 IPAQ-(Acc+HR) 0 5 10 15 15 Women (moderate intensity, walking included) 0 2 4 6 Hours per day 8 0 2 4 Hours per day 6 8 Figure 7. Median difference between self-reported and objectively measured time spent at moderate intensity PA (IPAQ-Acc and HR) plotted against (Acc and HR) stratified on sex (presented with and without walking included). The lines represent median and 2.5 and 97.5 centiles. Inuit in Greenland, n=1508. 27 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Is there an association between physical activity patterns and social transition in Greenland? Based on data from IPAQ-L (n=2079 adult Inuit), we found that total age-adjusted hours spent on PA were significantly higher among hunters and fishermen living in villages compared with wage earners with long vocational or academic education living in towns (men p<0.001; women p=0.002); however, no significant linear trend in relation to social transition was shown. For men and women in the latest stage of social transition, men spent significantly less time on occupational PA and women significantly less time on domestic PA compared with men and women with the most traditional lifestyle and a linear negative trend was found in the level of PA by stage of social transition for men (p=0.01) and for women (p=0.06). Significantly less time was spent on PA during transportation for men and women in the latest stage of social transition compared with the earliest stage (men p=0.02, women p=0.01). No significant differences were found for time spent on leisure time PA in relation to social transition. The average time used on sedentary behavior increased along the stages of social transition (p<0.001). In preliminary unpublished analyses, we examined the distribution of time spent at different intensities of PA and total PAEE in relation to the six transition groups based on data from Acc and HR monitoring. The results are presented in table 3 and table 4. Overall the results indicated a linear trend for decreasing PAEE with stages of social transition for men, but not for women. No significant linear trend was identified for time spent at different intensities of PA, although a borderline significant trend was found for decreasing time spent at vigorous intensity PA for men only (p=0.08). Table 3. Total PAEE and daily hours spent at different intensities of PA across transition groups. Results based on Acc and HR monitoring (men). Unpublished and preliminary analyses. Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland. Men N=512 Total daily PAEE MVPA Moderate PA Vigorous PA Light PA kJ/kg/day (>3METs) (3–6METs) (>6 METs) (1.5–3 METs) Median hours Median hours Median hours Median hours Median (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) A Hunters/fishermen 69.1 (42.8-77.9) 2.4 (1.3-3.0) 2.1 (1.1-2.5) 0.1 (0.04-0.4) 7.3 (6.1-8.8) B Other villagers 56.6 (47.5-75.8) 2.2 (1.2-3.2) 1.9 (1.2-2.7) 0.1 (0.01-0.3) 6.8 (5.6-8.1) C Blue-collar migrants 56.1 (39.9-67.4) 1.9 (1.1-3.0) 1.7 (1.1-2.8) 0.09 (0.01-0.3) 6.7 (4.9-7.5) D Other blue-collar 58.0 (45.1-75.4) 1.95 (1.3-3.1) 1.8 (1.2-2.8) 0.1 (0.04-0.3) 7.8 (5.5-8.2) E Intermediate 56.0 (39.8-71.3) 1.9 (1.1-3.1) 1.9 (1.0-2.7) 0.07 (0.01-0.2) 7.0 (5.5-8.0) F Professionals 52.5 (38.8-62.1) 1.6 (1.2-2.5) 1.5 (1.2-2.5) 0.1 (0.02-0.28) 6.4 (5.0-7.8) P=0.046 P=0.3 P=0.3 P=0.08 P=0.2 Trend age-adjusted 28 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Table 4. Total PAEE and daily hours spent at different intensities of PA across transition groups. Results based on Acc and HR monitoring (women). Unpublished and preliminary analyses. Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland. Women N=690 Total daily PAEE MVPA Moderate PA Vigorous PA Light PA kJ/kg/day (>3METs) (3–6METs) (>6 METs) (1.5–3 METs) Median hours Median hours Median hours Median hours Median (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) A Hunters/fishermen 46.9 (38.1-55.5) 1.4 (1.0-2.1) 1.4 (0.98-1.99) 0.04 (0.007-0.1) 6.8 (6.0-8.3) B Other villagers 46.4 (34.9-62.9) 1.7 (0.8-2.7) 1.5 (0.8-2.6) 0.06 (0-0.2) 6.7 (5.3-7.9) C Blue-collar migrants 46.4 (34.9-56.5) 1.4 (0.8-2.2) 1.3 (0.7-2.0) 0.04 (0-0.1) 6.6 (5.5-7.8) D Other blue-collar 43.3 (32.4-59.1) 1.4 (0.8-2.3) 1.3 (0.8-2.1) 0.04 (0.003-0.1) 6.3 (5.1-7.8) E Intermediate 47.1 (37.2-59.6) 1.6 (1.1-2.4) 1.5 (1.1-2.3) 0.05 (0.01-0.16) 6.9 (5.5-8.1) F Professionals 43.0 (34.1-56-6) 1.6 (0.98-2.4) 1.5 (0.95-2.2) 0.06 (0.007-0.2) 6.0 (5.0-7.6) P=0.6 P=0.5 P=0.5 P=0.4 P=0.3 Trend age-adjusted Is physical activity energy expenditure associated with glucose metabolism in Greenland? This is the first study to report on associations between objectively measured PAEE and glucose metabolism among Inuit. Associations between PAEE and fasting insulin, 2-hour insulin, fasting glucose, fat mass, BMI and waist circumference (WC) were found for 1,545 adult Inuit presenting valid data from Acc +HR monitoring (≥48 hours of wear-time). After adjustments for age and sex, only the association with fasting and 2-hour insulin remained significant. Further adjustment for waist circumference revealed that only the association between PAEE and 2-hour insulin was independent of WC. An increase in PAEE, in particular for those participants with the lowest level of PAEE (<35 kJ/kg/day), was associated with a lower 2-hour insulin concentration, indicating a dose-response relation of the amount of PAEE as seen in figure 8; on average, fasting and 2-hour insulin levels were 3% and 9% lower for every 10kJ/kg/day difference in PAEE. This difference could be achieved with an extra hour of gentle walking each day. 29 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Fasting Insulin 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2-h insulin Pmol/l 6,4 2-h glucose 6,2 6 5,8 5,6 5,4 5,2 kJ/kg/day 28 Fasting glucose mmol/l BMI kg/m2 27 26 25 24 23 kJ/kg/day kJ/kg/day 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 WC CM kJ/kg/day Figure 8. Age- and sex-adjusted means of fasting glucose, 2-hour glucose, fasting insulin and 2-hour insulin, BMI and waist circumference across deciles of PAEE. Inuit in Greenland (n=1545). Intensities of daily life PA – an overview Table 5 provides an overview of the Acc and HR measurements and demonstrates that light intensity PA (<3METs) contributed to a substantial part of the daily life PA. In contrast, a very limited amount of time was spent at vigorous intensity PA, but the relative contribution to total PAEE was substantial. Table 5. Absolute median number of hours spent at different intensities of PA (24 hours) and the contribution of different intensities of PA for total PAEE. Preliminary and unpublished analysis. Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland. Hr/day IQR % of total PAEE IQR Light intensity (1.5–3 METs) 6.8 5.3-8.1 52.6 42.6–61.1 Moderate intensity (3–6METs) 1.8 1.1-2.7 33.9 26.3–41.9 Vigorous intensity (>6 METs) 0.1 0.02-0.3 4.3 0.8–11.4 14.9 13.0-17.1 4.0 2.1–6.4 Light intensity (1.5–3 METs) 6.5 5.3-7.9 55.8 47.7–64.3 Moderate intensity (3–6METs) 1.5 0.9-2.2 31.4 23.1–39.2 Vigorous intensity (>6 METs) 0.1 0.007-0.2 2.5 0.2–6.8 Sedentary time (<1.5 METs) 15.7 13.7-17.4 5.1 2.7–7.9 Men (n=568) Sedentary time (<1.5METs) Women (n=770) Values include all epochs (day and night). Intensity is defined as multiples of RMR, estimated by age, sex, height, and weight (93). 30 Summary of main results Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 31 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion Discussion The overall aim of this PhD thesis was to study PA patterns in an arctic population undergoing rapid social transition and to add to the epidemiological evidence of how PA relates to glucose metabolism in an Inuit population in Greenland. Moreover, the thesis aimed to study the feasibility of a questionnaire-based measure of PA at a population-based level in Greenland. Main findings • The IPAQ-L modified to arctic living conditions and interpreted with truncation of extreme outliers is a moderately valid measure for overall physical activity at population level, but not valid to measure different intensities of PA and sedentary activity when compared with accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (Acc and HR). In particular, moderate intensity is substantially over-reported if walking is included in the measure. However, the questionnaire provides important complementary information on domain-specific PA, which is specifically of interest in populations undergoing rapid social changes, such as Greenland. • When using residence, education and occupational status to rank the population into six subgroups as a proxy for different stages of social transition, we found that PA patterns differed between transition groups, and we were to some extent able to identify changes in PA patterns in relation to the social transition. Less time was spent on occupational, domestic (women only) and transportation-related PA and more time was spent on sedentary activity among the group of participants in towns, with longer vocational or academic education (more modern lifestyle) compared with hunters and fishermen in villages (more traditional lifestyle). No difference was found for time spent on leisure time PA across transition groups. The overall time spent on PA did not decrease linearly. However, preliminary analyses based on Acc and HR monitoring show that physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) decreased across the transition groups for men, but not for women. The transition groups only work as a proxy for longitudinal information; hence, changes must be interpreted with caution. • A strong association was found between objectively measured PAEE and BMI and waist circumference. PAEE and 2-hour insulin only was shown to be associated independently of abdominal obesity. Age, sex and weight were confounding factors for the association between PAEE and fasting glucose, 2-hour glucose and fasting insulin. The results indicate a positive doseresponse relation and it is suggested that increasing PAEE, in particular for those participants with the lowest level of PAEE (<35 kJ/kg/day), is associated with a lower 2-hour insulin concentration. Our results suggest that both obesity and low levels of PAEE may be important contributing risk factors for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Inuit in Greenland. Nevertheless, the study also points out the importance of examining factors other than lifestyle, i.e. genetic or early-life factors, which could play a role in the development of impaired glucose metabolism. 32 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion Is measuring physical activity by questionnaire a feasible method in Greenland? A valid measure of PA is of great importance for the future monitoring of PA in Greenland. The finding of a moderate agreement between the modified version of IPAQ-L and Acc and HR monitoring in the measure of total PAEE is contrary to several other studies where overestimation of PA by IPAQ has been shown, especially at high levels of PA, a bias for which social desirability has been suggested as a plausible explanation (94-97). The attention from the media on the positive health impact of PA may have been less marked in Greenland compared with more westernized countries, and thus the risk of social desirability bias may be somewhat lower in our study. Moreover we found the IPAQ-L to be valid for use in both towns and villages in Greenland. This is contrary to previous studies demonstrating IPAQ to be less valid in rural areas (57;75;78). According to the interviewers in our study the use of face-to-face interviews undertaken by Greenlandic interviewers most likely have diminished potential interpretational differences between towns and villages in relation to the wide differences in living conditions, climatic differences and dialects across Greenland. Likewise, a status report on the assessment of PA found the use of interviewers to increase the validity of the responses compared with self-reporting (12). Furthermore the adapted examples of PA might have made the reporting of PA easier to report adequately. Asking for domains of PA makes the IPAQ-L a rather long and time-consuming questionnaire compared with other PA questionnaires. However, our results show that the domain-specific information of PA was highly valuable in Greenland to identify domain-specific differences in PA patterns along with the social transition. Moreover, substantial information from occupational and domestic PA would have been missing if we had measured PA during leisure time only and would have resulted in a substantial lower overall level of PA. Similarly to most other studies, the IPAQ-L substantially overestimated moderate intensity PA in our study. Time spent walking was included in all four domains in the questionnaire, which might have increased the risk of reporting the same walking activity twice. Ekelund and colleagues found that walking is difficult to accurately quantify (98), and studies have shown large errors when assessing simple activities such as walking (13;99). When excluding walking from the analyses we found a substantially better agreement between IPAQ-L and Acc and HR monitoring. According to guidelines from the IPAQ group (89), walking is set to moderate intensity and is assigned the MET value of 3.3 METs. In the compendium of PA by Ainsworth et al, various intensities of walking corresponding to different MET values are listed (2.3 to 3.6METs)(14). One could argue that a slow pace of walking corresponds to light intensity and not moderate intensity. Moreover, qualitative information from the interviewers in our study revealed that occupational activities, such as teaching or working in a shop, were sometimes misinterpreted as walking activity instead of light intensity PA. Walking is very common in Greenland due to an infrastructure with a limited number of roads and cars, as well as small residential areas; therefore, walking might contribute to a substantial misclassification of overall moderate intensity. In addition, the IPAQ, as well as most other questionnaires, does not include questions about light intensity activities which may result in participants classifying light intensity PA as moderate intensity PA. Acc and HR monitoring revealed that light intensity PA contributes to a substantial part of daily life PA. Such error will therefore clearly result in substantial overestimation of moderate intensity PA. 33 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion Previous research has shown that in particular activities of light and moderate PA are difficult to recall because these activities often include unstructured activities in contrast to vigorous intensity PA, which includes more structured activities like sports (12;70;99). However, in Greenland we found that questionnaire-based vigorous intensity PA also showed low validity. According to the interviewers, one possible explanation could be that vigorous intensity was sometimes interpreted as psychological demanding instead of physiological demanding despite of the adapted PA examples. Likewise, a study based on cognitive interviews demonstrated that in some cultural settings intensity level was frequently interpreted as emotional or psychological intensity rather than the level of physical effort (100). The IPAQ-L did not measure light intensity PA and showed low validity for the measure of sedentary behavior in our study. Along with the increasing availability of sedentary and light intensity pursuits, the relative importance of specific levels of intensity on health has been the subject of much current research. Both light intensity PA and sedentary behavior have been related to decreased metabolic health, but the evidence is still limited and conflicting (53;54;56;101-105). Moreover, it is emphasized that differential measurement uncertainty between intensities of PA challenges the interpretation of their relative importance (106). The IPAQ-L only allows reporting of PA for a minimum duration of 10 minutes. However, as populations are getting more sedentary it could be argued that questionnaires also must take into account short bouts of PA (<10 min) and low intensity PA to avoid the risk of “floor effects”. In statistics, it means that data cannot present a value lower than some particular number, which could hinder the ability to differentiate between low levels of PA (107). This effect might be present in our study. The evidence for a minimum duration of activity to induce health benefits is limited, as is the effect of accumulated versus continuous bouts of exercise. A study by Eriksen et al showed that 3x10 minutes had a greater impact on glycemic control than one bout of 30 minutes (108), whereas a review of empirical studies was not able to make firm conclusions on the effect of continuous versus accumulated exercise on health (109). In the IPAQ-L, PA is reported from the previous 7 days. The climate in Greenland includes substantial seasonal differences, which could potentially influence the PA level reported and provide differences in PA results relating to when data is collected. In our study, we collected data both in winter and summer time, although villages were only visited during summer time. Further information on seasonal variation would be valuable to include in future measurements of PA in an arctic population. Although, a study of seasonal differences in the level of fitness in an Inuit population found that despite substantial seasonal differences in hunting patterns, fitness remained at a high level throughout the year, with no indication of differences between summer and winter. Similar results were found for Inuit living more permanently in settlements (110). Overall, we find the modified version of the IPAQ-L to provide important domain-specific information and valid to use in an arctic population to provide an estimate for overall PAEE at population level, but not to distinguish between intensities of PA and sedentary behavior. Furthermore, IPAQ-L does not provide a measure of light intensity PA. In relation to feasibility, we find the questionnaire-based method to have a low participant burden and to minimize reactivity (an individually changing behaviour due to being 34 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion measured). However, in principle self-reported PA is perceived as a relatively low cost method and therefore often used in population-based studies, but in an arctic context like Greenland, the use of trained bilingual interviewers and a need for a Danish and Greenlandic version of the questionnaire culturally adapted and modified to arctic living conditions, made the questionnaire method rather costly. Moreover, IPAQ-L is very comprehensive and therefore a time-consuming questionnaire, in particular if used for surveillance purpose. Larger-scale studies have started to combine self-reported measures with device-based measures. In Greenland, the use of combined heart rate and movement monitoring provided us with a unique opportunity to obtain supplemental information on objectively measured PA and intensity level. Although we did not validate the method in Greenland, we obtained comprehensive practical experience of the use of a relatively new method under arctic living conditions and the subsequent data processing (appendix III). We found that both methods contributed with important knowledge on the different dimensions of PA in Greenland. Table 6 presents an overview of what is found to be the main advantages and disadvantages using the two methods in Greenland. Table 6. An overview of main advantages and disadvantages of using the interviewer-administered IPAQ-L and Acc and HR monitoring in Greenland. IPAQ-L Advantages ››Domain and activity-specific information ››Information on sedentary time and intensities ››Limited reactivity ››Relative high feasibility e.g. logistic and low participant burden ››Culturally adaptable to arctic living conditions ››Valid measure for overall PAEE (both villages and towns) Disadvantages ››Risk of systematic and non-systematic bias (recall Bias, social desirability bias) ››Limited validity for measuring intensity and sedentary behavior ››Data processing issues, outliers ››Context and cultural-dependent ››Costly (interviewer-administered, language) and time-consuming ››No measure of light intensity PA 35 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion Acc and HR monitoring Advantages ››Information of total amount, frequency, duration and individual patterns of physical activity ››Avoiding bias seen by self-report, such as recall bias ››More accurate and precise estimation of individually based PAEE than self-report ››Not prone to recall bias, social desirability bias Disadvantages ››High participant burden, risk of reactivity ››Resource demanding due to logistic and cost ››Complex data managing, and processing of sensor noise for HR ››Limited information of context and type of PA ››Practical issues (wear time, administration and placement) What characterizes the physical activity transition in Greenland? Most of the research on changes in chronic diseases and risk factors in populations undergoing rapid transition has focused on urbanicity (nature of urban environments) measured by a simple dichotomized measure (urban versus rural). The use of an urban-rural dichotomy has been criticized for ignoring the heterogeneity of environments within urban and rural areas and for inability to detect changes over time because rural areas themselves are being modernized (111;112). Modernization in Greenland has resulted in increased mechanization of hunting and fishing activities both in villages and towns. Likewise sedentary service-oriented occupations and sedentary pursuits, such as computer use and TV viewing during leisure time, have not only increased in availability in towns but also in the most remote villages, and walking activity is still very common in both towns and villages. The modernization of both urban and rural areas results in a less clear distinction between urban and rural (Champion and Hugo, 2004), and important differences in the process of urbanization or modernization might be overlooked using this simple variable. In Greenland, various definitions of Westernization have been used. One study defined the degree of Westernization by language and current place of residence (50). Another study used parents’ place of birth and occupation, residence during childhood, knowledge of Greenlandic and Danish and school education to divide the population into a group of Greenlanders with a predominantly traditional childhood and a group with a more Westernized childhood (3). In order to obtain more detailed information on the ongoing modernization process in Greenland, we used the participant’s current place of residence and childhood residence combined with formal education and family job type as a proxy for secular changes in PA patterns (69). The various definitions of urbanization and modernization also complicate the comparison of the physical activity transition and its consequences between populations and within populations over time. However, most studies worldwide agree that occupational PA has decreased with modernization (52;57;59;60;113), similarly to what we found in our study in Greenland. We showed that for men this decrease was mostly explained by the difference in occupational PA between hunters and fishermen in villages and participants with longer vocational or academic education living in a town. This is most likely explained by more sedentary occupational activities available when higher educational status. In our study, 36 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion the decrease in transportation-related PA found both for women and men, is most likely explained by the limited possibility for mechanized transport in villages compared with larger towns in Greenland. Furthermore, we found a substantial difference in household PA for women along with the social transition, which for some part might be explained by increasing mechanization of household chores and water facilities, and less time available at home especially among the group of professionals in towns compared with villages. Men spent relatively less time on household PA compared with women across all groups of the transition variable, which might be an expression of social norms rather than a consequence of social transition. In accordance with other populations undergoing transition we found no differences in participation in leisure-time PA in relation to social transition (59;60). This finding is contrary to the upward tendencies found in time-trend studies in Western populations, although only a few exist (113;114). One explanation could be a greater focus on health-enhancing PA, such as weight control and well-being, more time eligible for leisure-time pursuits in Western populations or the question of availability of activities suitable for leisure-time pursuits. Another explanation could be that traditional activities, such as hunting and fishing are being misclassified as occupational activities even though they have increasingly gained status as a leisure activity in Greenland because of the potential overlap of these activities in this cultural context. The supplemental information from Acc and HR monitoring in our study revealed additional important information on gender differences in relation to social transition. The energy expenditure spent on PA decreased linearly by stages of social transition for men. This decrease seems to be partly explained by decreasing time spent on moderate-to vigorous intensity PA. For women, the overall PAEE and time spent on different intensities of PA was not significantly different. The results indicate that PA patterns have changed as a result of the social transition both for men and women, but had an impact on total PAEE for men only. This finding is in line with a previous study in Greenland that showed an association between Westernization and metabolic risk for men only (50). Knowledge of differences in PA patterns in relation to the modernization process in Greenland can help to differentiate and target the promotion of PA. We also did the analyses of PA patterns comparing villages and towns as an expression of the traditional urban-rural distinction and found only small differences in PA patterns, which might indicate that more detailed information is obtained using the social transition variable. The transition variable was developed specifically for Greenland and should not be applied to other populations in the Arctic without further examination. Moreover, data are cross-sectional and, therefore, changes in PA can only be seen as a proxy for longitudinal changes. Research has been done to develop more detailed measures for urbanization. One study used residence and occupation to measure urbanization (115). Another study developed an urbanization index score on the basis on ten measures both at individual level and area level: population size, population density, access to markets, transportation, communication possibilities, economic factors, housing quality, education, sanitation and health (116). Dahly et Adair constructed a multivariable scale of urbanicity using community level data: population size, population density, communication possibilities, transportation, educational facilities, health services and markets. The scale was shown to be able to detect differences in 37 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion urbanicity between communities and across time (111). It would be valuable to examine if some of these variables, such as ownership of different assets, economic factors as level of income and access to communication and transportation facilities could provide more insight in the process of modernization in Greenland. Physical activity and glucose metabolism in Greenland - what is the evidence? The inverse association between PAEE and 2-hour insulin independent of abdominal obesity found in our study is in line with findings from other populations undergoing rapid social transition (48;52;117). The indicated dose-response relation between the volume of PAEE and 2-hour insulin, in particular for those participants with the lowest level of PAEE, corresponds well with research suggesting a positive doseresponse effect of total PA on health (23;24) and that even small increases in PA among the most physically inactive is shown to be beneficial for health (22). However, the results must be confirmed in future prospective studies. Contrary to most previous research, we were not able to identify an association between PAEE and 2-hour plasma glucose and IGT when measurements of abdominal fat were included in the analysis (48;51;118;119). However, not all studies have included body composition measures as potential confounding or mediating factors. Research examining the patho-physiology and aetiology of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) showed that IGT was predominantly related to physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and short stature (120). Although, we adjusted our analysis for factors known to be related to both PA and glucose metabolism outcomes, such as age, sex, smoking and family history of type 2 diabetes, residual confounding might be present. For example, diet, early life factors or genetic disposition not captured by family history, which we were not able to adjust for, could play a significant role in our population. A study found fasting glucose to be a marker of beta-cell dysfunction and hepatic glucose production rather than peripheral insulin resistance, and predominantly related to genetic factors, smoking and male sex which could be a plausible explanation for our findings for PAEE and fasting glucose (120). Insufficient physical activity may contribute to impaired glucose tolerance through a pathway including alterations in obesity and fat distribution. Our regression analysis showed that abdominal fat was significantly associated with glucose and insulin concentrations and that PAEE was inversely associated with BMI, waist circumference and fat percentage. It is suggested that overweight or obesity have a significant role in explaining differences in 2-hour insulin and fasting insulin in our study population. A study of Rana et al. demonstrated that obesity and physical inactivity contributed to the development of type 2 diabetes independently; however, the magnitude of risk contributed by obesity was much greater than the lack of PA (121). The evidence of the relative influence of obesity and physical inactivity on the risk of developing diabetes is however still sparse and conflicting. A Finish study found that increasing PA was associated with a significantly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, especially among obese patients (122). Contrary, Weinstein and colleagues concluded that PA had relatively small effects on diabetes in overweight and obese patients (123). Our results suggest that both obesity and low levels of PAEE may be important contributing risk factors for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Inuit in Greenland. Nevertheless, the study 38 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion also points out the importance of examining other factors, than just those related to current lifestyle, such as genetic or early life factors, which could play a role in the development of impaired glucose metabolism in this indigenous population. Findings in this thesis can be incorporated in public health strategies in the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Greenland. However, the cross-sectional design does not allow us to draw conclusions about the direction of associations or any strong inference on causality. Methodological considerations Strengths Some strength of the three studies should be put forward. The validation study is based on a large study sample (n=1508) encompassing all fractions of the population, which is contrary to most validation studies based on a small number of participants. Such a sampling strategy for validation increases the probability that all possible interpretations and lifestyles are included, and forces one to think about how to deal with outliers without introducing too much selection bias (paper I). The social transition variable provided us with the possibility to obtain a proxy for the physical activity transition when longitudinal data were not available (paper II). The association between PAEE and glucose metabolism has mostly been studied by the use of self-reported measures. We used an objective measure for PAEE. Furthermore, the measures of glucose tolerance and insulin concentrations were based on blood samples instead of self-reported measures of type 2 diabetes (paper III). However, the three studies also present several potential limitations, of which the main are discussed in the following. Selection Bias The Inuit Health in Greenland study demonstrated a participation rate of 66.7%, which is high compared with population-based surveys in general (124), and especially for this setting where data collection is challenged by infrastructure and weather conditions. Moreover, the study surveyed a large proportion of the adult, Greenland born population (9.2%). However, we have very limited information on the non‐ participants, and therefore the risk of selection bias cannot be ruled out; some potential differences between participants and non-participants should be emphasized in relation to the existence of possible selection bias. The variation in participation rates across the country and between villages, towns and the capital and the stratification procedure of the random sample means that the study sample includes proportionately more participants from some regions despite their small percentage of the total population. Because of logistic challenges it would be almost impossible and costly to base this population survey on a non-stratified sample. The non-random distribution of non-participants could introduce bias for the precision of countrywide estimates. There are several potential explanations for non-participating in the study. The rather long duration of the health examination, including both clinical and questionnaire measurements, could be an explanation for the higher proportion of non-participants from the larger towns compared with villages due to a more busy daily life. This scenario is underlined by a higher proportion of participants in Nuuk indicating lack of time as the reason for not wanting to participate (17% of the non-participants compared with 2% in the rest of the 39 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion communities). We suspect that socially exposed persons, alcohol abusers and persons who frequently go in and out of jobs and the unemployed likewise are over-represented among the non-participants. It was the impression of the interviewers that there was a distinct downward social trend from the beginning to the end of data collection in a town. In some towns it could be demonstrated that during the first week of the study in a particular community 10% of those who had made an appointment did not show up, while during the last week of the study as many as 26% failed to show up. Analyses of register-based income showed that the personal income of participants was higher than among non-participants, which confirms this possible social selection. However, we find it unlikely that this selection would have affected the association between PA and glucose metabolism. There is a potential risk that hunters and fishermen are underrepresented in this study due to longer periods of time being away from home and therefore not being present at the health examination. It is difficult to evaluate the effect of such selection; however, as shown in paper II this group is most physically active, and therefore such a selection could bias the population estimate of PA. We know that persons with serious illness or disability are overrepresented among the non-participants; this bias might play a role for the ability to generalize the estimates of median PA to the population as a whole (106). However, we find it unlikely that this bias would have affected the validity of the association between physical activity and glucose metabolism within this population. The participants differed from non-participants by age and sex. Women more often participated than men, and particularly young men were under-represented. A lower proportion of young participants will most likely be accompanied by a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes but also of a lower level of PA. Since our sample did include some young participants, it is unlikely that this bias will alter the age- and sex-adjusted association between PA and glucose metabolism in this thesis. Papers I and III are based on a reduced subsample (n=1545) due to a limited number of participants with accelerometry and heart rate monitoring. The subsample was selected from all over Greenland, and only small differences were found between the subsample and the total study sample (further details in appendix III). The odds for being monitored by ACC and HR did not differ significantly between sexes, was slightly lower only for age groups above 70 years and 40-44 years old and for participants living in a town, but was higher for participants living in Nuuk. Overall, we have no reason to believe that the association between PAEE and diabetes should be prone to substantial selection bias. Information bias and validity of the physical activity measurements Misclassification in relation to the level and dimension of physical activity is likely when using self-reported methods. Social desirability is a plausible explanation for misclassification due to over-reporting of PA by self-report (12). The moderate agreement between the two methods for overall PAEE may imply that the risk of non-differential misclassification due to social desirability bias may be somewhat lower in our study. Physical activity is a multidimensional behaviour and therefore most likely prone to recall bias. Structured 40 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion activities, such as type of exercise, have been shown to be easier to recall compared with activities like walking and other moderate-intensity activities, which are seldom structured (12). This could explain the highly overestimated level of moderate intensity and walking in paper I (non-differential misclassification). The IPAQ asks about PA in the previous 7 days. Studies have shown that this time limit is easier to remember compared with monthly averages (70), and it therefore lowers the risk of recall bias in our study. Individual characteristics, such as level of fitness, could possibly play a role in the perception of intensity, e.g. individuals with a higher level of fitness may perceive moderate (3-6 METs) and vigorous activity (>6 METs) differently compared to those who are more sedentary, providing a potential differential misclassification of self-reported PA. The use of device-based measures of PA in paper III avoids issues of recall bias (88;125). However, contrary to the estimates from the IPAQ-L calculated as the average of the previous 7 days (no information on sleeping hours, but 8 hours were estimated for sleep), the estimation of physical activity energy expenditure from ACC and HR monitoring was based on individual recordings from 48 hours to 5 full days mostly representing both week and weekend days. Rennie et al. estimated that 3 days of recording yielded a validity coefficient of 0.85 for the assessment of energy expenditure in a European sample (126). In our study, only 858 of the participants had more than 3 days of wear data, but our sensitivity analyses showed similar results when applying this stricter inclusion criterion. Ideally, more days of objective recording would have been preferable to capture variations in PA during the week, but logistics made this unfeasible. As a consequence of the administration of the two instruments they did not refer to the same time period. The monitor was given to the participants on the day they were interviewed about their PA in the preceding 7 days. However, the short interval between the periods is unlikely to have introduced substantial bias in the results, and one may even consider the present results to reflect more truly the convergent validity of these instruments to assess habitual physical activity. In the interpretation of validity it is crucial which reference method is chosen as criterion measure. The ACC and HR monitoring in this study has shown itself to be valid compared with DLW in a non-Western context (86)). Another crucial factor is whether the two methods measure different aspects of PA. The IPAQ asks for PA of moderate or vigorous intensity for a minimum of ten minutes, and no information on sleep is available, whereas the device-based method provides estimates of PA for 24 hours including all PA intensities. This provides a potential bias in the estimates of especially different intensities of PA during an average day estimated by IPAQ-L. 41 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Discussion Confounding The multiple linear regressions between PAEE and glucose metabolism in paper III were adjusted for potential confounders/mediators identified a priori based on identification from previous research of risk factors for type 2 diabetes and biological plausibility: sex, age, smoking, family history of diabetes and waist circumference. Still, there is a risk of residual confounding, or confounding due to unmeasured covariates, which could skew the association between PAEE and glucose metabolism in our population, such as diet, early life factors or genetic disposition not captured by family history, which we were not able to adjust for. Contrarily, also a potential risk of over-adjustment is present if considering waist circumference as a confounder and not a mediator for the association between PAEE and glucose metabolism. In paper II differences in time spent on physical activity across social transition were analyzed in linear regression model with time spent on PA as dependent variable. The analyses were age adjusted and stratified by sex. Causal relationship The cross-sectional design of the study did not allow us to make conclusions about the direction of associations or any strong inference on causality. There is a potential risk of reversed causality if participants with type 2 diabetes have a lower level of PA due to type 2 diabetes-specific complications. We tried to minimize this by excluding participants with known diabetes from the analyses. 42 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 43 Discussion Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Conclusion Conclusion The beneficial effects of physical activity (PA) on glucose metabolism are well-established in Western populations. The knowledge is, however, much more limited when it comes to populations undergoing rapid social transition, such as Inuit in Greenland. It has been suggested that decreasing PA is an important contributing risk factor for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes in this population. The work presented in this thesis shows that physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) is associated with 2-hour postload insulin independent of abdominal obesity. A dose-response relation indicates a statistically significant beneficial effect of increasing PAEE, in particular for those participants with the lowest levels of PAEE. However, age, sex and waist circumference were confounding factors for the association between PAEE and fasting glucose, 2-hour glucose and fasting insulin. PAEE was strongly associated with BMI and abdominal obesity. Our results suggest that both obesity and low levels of PAEE may be important contributing risk factors for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Inuit in Greenland. Nevertheless, the study also points out that other factors, such as genetic predisposition and early lifefactors, must play a role for the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Greenland. Due to the cross-sectional data in this thesis, causality cannot be established and the association should be further investigated in prospective studies. The physical activity patterns in Greenland have changed markedly along with the social transition. By grouping the population into stages of social transition we were able to identify information of PA patterns along with the modernization process. A lower level of occupational, domestic and transportation-related PA was found among professionals in towns (most modern lifestyle) compared with hunters and fishermen in villages (most traditional lifestyle). Nonetheless, no difference in leisure time PA was found as a result of the social transition. Leisure time PA could be an important domain for the promotion of PA in order to prevent decreasing levels of overall PA along with the ongoing social transition. Despite the difference in PA patterns, the overall PAEE decreased by stages of social transition for men only, this is most likely explained by decreasing time spent at moderate to vigorous intensity PA. However, due to the cross-sectional design of the study, changes can only be seen as a proxy for longitudinal changes. Surveillance of changes in PA is of great importance due to the increasing metabolic disorders reported in Greenland. We find the modified interviewer-administered IPAQ-L as a valid method to measure overall PAEE but it cannot be used to differentiate between intensities of PA. Furthermore, the method is feasible to use in Greenland but the interviewer-administered version, which seemed to be important to prevent cultural barriers in the interpretation of the questions made the questionnaire-based measurement of PA relatively costly and time consuming. Furthermore the lack of information on light intensity PA, shown to be contributing to a large part of daily life PA, must be considered if this measurement tool is to be used. In Greenland, the use of combined heart rate and movement monitoring provided a unique opportunity to obtain supplemental information on objectively measured PA and intensity level and is feasible to use in an arctic setting, although the method is still costly, and logistically as well as technically demanding. 44 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Conclusion Implications for public health in Greenland The promotion of a physically active lifestyle in Greenland played a central role in the public health program Inuuneritta 2007-2012. Our findings underline the need to continuously include PA in prevention and promotion strategies, such as the Inuuneritta 2013-2016, in order to maintain and promote a physically active lifestyle in relation to the ongoing process of modernization. The suggested dose-response relation of physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) on a precursor for type 2 diabetes, with benefits for those with the lowest level of PAEE in particular, is an important public health message in the future prevention of type 2 diabetes. The difference in PA patterns in relation to the process of modernization indicates the necessity of targeting the promotion of PA to specific population groups, age-groups and gender. Our results suggest that inhabitants in towns with a longer vocational or academic education are one important group. The domain-specific information on PA in our study points at leisure time as an important domain to promote PA in order to maintain or increase PA. Furthermore our findings suggest a need to focus on reducing time spent on sedentary behaviors. Evidence for negative health consequences of prolonged sitting, such as increased metabolic risk has increased (104;105;127) and even small breaks in the sedentary time have shown beneficial effects on metabolic risk (128). However, controversies still exist whether to include quantitative recommendations or just advise against reducing sedentary behaviors in national recommendations for PA. Systematic surveillance of PA and sedentary behavior should be carried out in order to monitor time trends and changes in PA patterns along with the social, cultural and economic changes in Greenland. This surveillance should be based on valid methods and comparable measurements. Our findings, illustrate that the combination of a self-reported and a device-based method provides several advantages, such as measurements of domain-specific PA with great importance for providing a valid measurement of the overall PAEE and time spent at different intensities of PA. Implication for future research The association between objectively measured PA and glucose metabolism has not been investigated before in an Inuit population and only rarely in other populations. The association must be examined in a prospective design to explore whether the dose-response relation can be confirmed. Furthermore the association between social transition, PA patterns and metabolic risk should be further investigated with the use of objective measures for PA. The contribution of insufficient PA to impaired glucose metabolism through a pathway including alterations in obesity and fat distribution should also be investigated further using data from the Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland. Data from the Inuit Health in Transition study in Greenland 2005-10 provides the opportunity to study this association in future studies and knowledge about these associations is of great importance for evidence-based-guidelines for PA. The influence of various levels of intensity (light to vigorous intensity) and domains of PA on glucose metabolism was not investigated in this study. In a future perspective the domain-specific information can 45 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Conclusion be used to study the association between leisure time PA and metabolic health. E.g., a study in a Danish population, found opposing effects of occupational and leisure-time physical activity on global health (129). It has been suggested that a large part of the effect of PA in decreasing insulin resistance is short lived and therefore the effect may last only a few days (130;131). In order to learn more about the underlying mechanism for the association between PA and glucose metabolism in Greenland, the consistency of an individual´s PA could be further assessed by measuring PA more frequently (132). In order to reduce misclassification of PA by self-report, future studies with a qualitative approach should be carried out examining the concepts of physical activity and different intensities of PA. Such an approach would contribute to further knowledge of the interpretation of physical activity in an arctic setting and also contribute to the further development of appropriate activity examples in questionnaires. Further research is still needed to increase knowledge on suitable methods to measure PA. The rapid technological development in device-based measurements means that device-based methods are becoming better to integrate context-specific information on PA by using methods, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS) and integrated cameras in the monitoring programs (133). These methods might provide valuable information on patterns of PA, and should be investigated for future use in populations-based studies in the Arctic. Overall there is a lack of knowledge on what motivates or hinders populations in the Arctic to be physically active (134). There is a need for more intervention studies to form the basis for successful PA promotion strategies. Environmental and policy interventions are based on ecological models of behavior and have shown to have a potential to affect the entire population. Cross-sectional data indicate that environmental and policy variables are associated with physical activity behaviors of young people and adults (135). Sallis and colleagues concluded that PA in the different domains of daily life, such as occupation and transport are associated with different environmental factors (136). The influence of environmental and policy factors on PA in Greenland is a subject that deserves much greater exploration and considerations. Furthermore, there is a lack of large-scale studies with comparable data on PA to study the physical activity transition and implications for type 2 diabetes among indigenous populations in the Arctic. Collaborative work should be established in order to develop comparable and standardized measurements as well as survey procedures for cross-country comparisons of PA among indigenous populations in the Arctic. Comparisons of prospective data across populations would provide knowledge on successful intervention and prevention strategies. Already existing data on combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring among Alaska natives are promising in order to increase the knowledge about PA in the Arctic. Overall, measuring PA in different contexts can help us to clarify how economic and social conditions, as well as the environmental and cultural context within the specific country and across countries play a role for the physical activity transition. 46 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 47 Conclusion Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Summary Summary Since the 1940s indigenous populations in the Arctic, including Greenland, have undergone rapid cultural, economic and social changes characterized by a shift from a traditional lifestyle to a more westernized lifestyle, especially in the larger towns. This process has resulted in a less physically demanding lifestyle with changes from subsistence hunting and fishing to sedentary occupational activity and increased mechanization of society. Parallel to these changes a decrease in infectious diseases and an increase in lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes has been observed. Changes in physical activity patterns are suggested to be an important contributor to the rise in chronic lifestyle diseases. However, little is known about physical activity in arctic populations and how physical activity is related to social and cultural changes in society, the so-called physical activity transition. The main objective of this thesis was to examine the physical activity transition and the relation to glucose metabolism in an arctic population undergoing rapid social transition. Moreover the aim was to study the feasibility of a questionnaire-based measurement of PA at a population-based level in Greenland. The overall objective was divided into three specific research objectives: to validate a modified version of the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire against accelerometry and heart rate monitoring in an arctic population (Paper I). to study physical activity pattern in relation to the social transition among Inuit in Greenland (Paper II). to analyze the objectively measured association between physical activity energy expenditure and glucose metabolism in Greenland (Paper III). This thesis is based on data from the Inuit Health in Transition Study (IHT) in Greenland collected in 20052010. Data are collected from 9 towns and 13 villages in different parts of Greenland and comprise clinical examinations, and an interviewer- and self-administered questionnaire. The overall participation rate was 64.9%. In total 3102 adult Inuit, aged 18 years and above, were interviewed. The International physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ-long version) was used to obtain data on physical activity (PA) and a subgroup of participants was monitored by combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (n=1995). In the first paper, we found that the IPAQ-L adapted to arctic living conditions in Greenland showed a moderate level of agreement with combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring for total Physical Activity Energy Expenditure (PAEE) at population level, but was less valid to measure different intensities of PA and sedentary behavior. Validity did not differ markedly between rural and urban communities. In the second paper, we identified changes in physical activity patterns in relation to the social transition evaluated as differences between groups of social change defined by residence, occupation and education. Men in the latest stage of the social transition spent less time on occupational PA and women less time on 48 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Summary domestic PA, compared with men and women in the earliest stage of the social transition. A similar pattern was found for physical activity in the transportation domain and sitting time for men and women. No differences were found for leisure time PA. The overall time spent on PA was not found to decrease; however physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) decreased for men only. Due to cross-sectional data, changes must be interpreted with caution. In the third paper, we revealed that only the association between objectively measured PAEE and 2-h insulin was independent of obesity. Age, sex and waist circumference were confounding factors for the association between PAEE and fasting glucose, 2 hour glucose and fasting insulin. The results underline a need to examine additional potential risk factors in the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Greenland. This thesis underlines the importance of a continuous monitoring of changes in physical activity in relation to the economic, cultural, and social changes in Greenland. The use of combined heart rate and movement monitoring provides a unique opportunity to obtain supplemental information on objectively measured PA and intensity level and is feasible to use in an arctic setting. From a public health perspective it is important to promote PA during leisure time and reduce sedentary behavior to maintain a physically active lifestyle thereby reducing the development of type 2 diabetes in Greenland. 49 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Dansk resumé Dansk resumé Siden 1940´erne har oprindelige folk i Arktis, herunder Grønland, gennemgået en hurtig kulturel, økonomisk og social forandring karakteriseret ved et skift fra en traditionel livstil til en mere vestlig moderne livstil. Forandringen har især fundet sted i de større byer. Ændringen fra et selvforsørgende fanger og fisker samfund til et samfund, der i højere grad er præget af stillesiddende aktiviteter har medført en mindre fysisk krævende livstil. Sideløbende med disse forandringer er der fundet en høj forekomst af livstilsrelaterede kroniske sygdomme som type 2 diabetes. En ændring i det fysiske aktivitets mønster anses for at bidrage væsentligt til stigningen i de kroniske livstilssygdomme. Der eksisterer kun sparsom viden om fysisk aktivitet og om hvordan fysisk aktivitet relaterer sig til de sociale, økonomiske og kulturelle forandringer, også kaldet den fysiske aktivitets transition. Det overordnede formål med afhandlingen var at undersøge den fysisk aktivitets transition og sammenhængen mellem fysisk aktivitet og glukose metabolisme blandt et repræsentativt udsnit af inuit i Grønland. Endvidere var formålet at undersøge anvendeligheden af et spørgeskema til at måle fysisk aktivitet i en arktisk kontekst. Afhandlingen havde tre delformål: At validere the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire tilpasset arktiske levevilkår sammenholdt med kombineret accelerometri og hjerterytme måling (artikel I). At undersøge det fysiske aktivitetsmønster i relation til den sociale transition i Grønland (artikel II). At analysere associationen mellem fysisk aktivitet og glucose metabolisme i Grønland målt ved en objektiv metode (artikel III). Afhandlingen er baseret på data fra Befolkningsundersøgelsen i Grønland (Inuit Health in Transition Study) indsamlet i perioden 2005-2010. Data er indsamlet i 9 byer og 13 bygder i forskellige dele af Grønland og omfattede kliniske undersøgelser, et interviewerbaseret spørgeskema samt et selvudfyldt spørgeskema. I alt blev 3102 voksne Inuit (>18 år) interviewet. Den overordnede deltagerprocent var 64.9%. En modificeret udgave af The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L) blev brugt til at indsamle data omkring fysisk aktivitet. Endvidere indgik målinger af kombineret accelerometri og hjerterytme (Actiheart®) fra en subgruppe af deltagerne (n=1995). Afhandlingen viser, at IPAQ-L er anvendeligt til at måle det totale energiforbrug brugt på fysisk aktivitet på befolkningsniveau både blandt by- og bygdebefolkningen i Grønland, men ikke til at differentiere mellem tid brugt på forskellige intensiteter af fysisk aktivitet og stillesiddende adfærd. Spørgeskemaet giver vigtig information omkring det fysiske aktivitetsmønster og afhandlingen viser, at mønstret har ændret sig i takt med den sociale transition i Grønland målt ud fra en gruppering af bopæl, erhverv og uddannelse. Mænd med længerevarende uddannelse og bosiddende i en by var mindst fysisk 50 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Dansk resumé aktive i deres arbejde og kvinder tilsvarende mindst fysisk aktive i hjemmet sammenlignet med mænd og kvinder med en mere traditionel livsstil med bopæl i en bygd. Et tilsvarende mønster blev fundet for den transportrelaterede fysiske aktivitet og for stillesiddende aktivitet både for mænd og kvinder. Der var ingen forskel at finde for fysisk aktivitet i fritiden. Den overordnede tid brugt på fysisk aktivitet ændrede sig ikke i takt med den sociale transition, hvorimod foreløbige analyser viste, at det samlede energiforbrug brugt på fysisk aktivitet faldt for mænd. Studiets tværsnitsdesign betyder at ændringer i fysisk aktivitetsmønster må fortolkes med forsigtighed. Afhandlingen viser endvidere en sammenhæng mellem energiforbruget forbrugt på fysisk aktivitet og insulin koncentrationen to timer efter efter en oral glukose tolerance test uafhængig af abdominal fedme. Denne sammenhæng kunne ikke genfindes for faste glukose, 2 timers glucose, faste insulin og type 2 diabetes. Resultaterner tyder på, at fysisk aktivetet har en betydning for type 2 diabetes, men at der er behov for at undersøge yderligere risikofaktorer der kan have betydning for udviklingen af type 2 diabetes i Grønland. Denne afhandling understreger betydningen af fortsat at måle udviklingen i fysisk aktivitet i Grønland i takt med den økonomiske, kulturelle og sociale transition. Kombinationen af spørgeskemadata og data fra en kombineret accelerometer og hjerterytme monitor gav værdifuld information om forskellige dimensioner af fysisk aktivitet og var anvendelig i en arktisk kontekst. I et folkesundhedsperspektiv er det væsentligt at fremme fysisk aktivitet i fritiden og reducere stillesiddende adfærd i forhold til at bibeholde en fysisk aktiv livsstil og for at bidrage til forebyggelsen af type 2 diabetes i Grønland. 51 Grønlandsk resumé Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Grønlandsk resumé Kalaallisut eqikkaaneq Issittumi nunap inoqqaavi, tassungalu ilanngullugu Kalaallit Nunaat, 1940-kunnili kulturikkutaningaasaqarnikkut- inuiaqatigiinnilu inooriaatsimikkut atugaat, sukkasuumik allanngoriartorsimapput, tamannalu ilisarnaatigisimavaa inooriaatsikkut mutiusumik, nunani kippasissuni assingusumik inooriaaseqalersimaneq. Illoqarfinni annerusuni inooriaatsikkut allanngorneq annertuneq pisimavoq. Inuiaqatigiit piniartutut aalisartutullu imminut napatissimasuniit, ullumikkut issianerulluni suliaqartalernerup nassatarisimava, timimik minnerusumik atuinermik inooriaaseqalersimaneq. Allanngornerit taakku saniatigut anigorsinnaanngisanik nappaatinik, soorlu inooriaatsimut attuumassutilimmik sukkorneq annertuumik nassaarfiusimavoq. Timimik atuisarnerup allanngorsimanera, inooriaatsimut attuumassutilinnut nappaatit amerlisimanerannut peqqutaaqataasorineqarpoq. Timip atortarnerannut, qanorlu inuiaqatigiinni inooriaatsikkut- aningaasaqarnikkut- kulturikkullu imminnut attuumassuteqarnersut ilisimasagut annikipput, tamanna aamma timip atortarneranut atatillugu allanngoriartorneranik (transition) taaneqartartoq. Ilisimatuutut allaatigisap matuma anguniagaa pingaarneq tassaasimavoq, Kalaallit Nunaani kalaallit akornanni, timip atortarnerata allanngorsimanera, saniatigullu timip atortarnera, timimi sukku suliarineqartarneranut atatillugu qanoq sunniuteqarnersoq. Taassumalu saniatigut immersugassaq tunngavigalugu apeqqutit issittumi naleqqunnersut paasiniarlugit. Ilisimatuutut allaatigisaq pingasunik siunertaqarpoq. Timip atortarnerannut immersugassaq tunngavigalugu apeqqutit, the long Physikal Activity Questionaire, issittumi inooriaatsimut atorsinnaaneri, timillu atortarnerannut uummatillu tillernerannut uuttuut ataqatigiitsillugit naliliiffiginssaat (allakkiaq I) Kalaallit Nunaanni timip atortarnera inuiaqatigiinni inooriaatsimut atatillugu allanngorsimaneranut misissuineq (allakkiaq ll) Kalaallit Nunaanni timip atortarnera, timimi sukku suliarineqartarnerannut qanoq sunniuteqarnersoq (allakkiaq lll) Ilisimatuuttut allaaserisaq 2005 – 2010-mi Kalaallit Nunaanni innuttaasunik misissuinermit paasissutissanit tunngaveqarpoq (Inuit Health in Transition Study). Paasissutissat illoqarfinni 9-ni nunaqarfinnilu 13-ni tunngaveqarput, tassanilu timikkut misissuinerit, apersuinermi immersugassat, namminerlu apeqqutit akisassat, katillugulu kalaallinit inersimasunit (>18 ukiullit) 3102-t peqataaffigineqarsimalluni. Nuna tamakkerlugu peqataasut 64,9%-iupput. Apersuinermik immersugassaq naleqqussagaq, The International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ-L) timip atortarnerannut paasissutissanik katersuinermi atorneqarpoq. 52 Grønlandsk resumé Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Saniatigut misissuinermi peqataasut ilaannut (n= 1995) timip atortarnerannut uummatillu tillernerannut uuttuut atorneqarsimalluni. Ilisimatuutut allaatigisap innutaasunut illoqarfinni nunaqarfinnilu najugalinnut IPAQ-L tamakkiisumik, timip atortarnerannut nukinik atuinermi uuttuutissatut atorneqarsinnaasoq takutippaa, kisiannili timi atorneranut- issiallunilu suliaqarnermut piffissamik atukkamik immikkoortitsinermi atorneqarsinnaanani. Apersuinermi immersugassaq pingaarutilinnik timimik atuisarnermut takussutissanut paasissutissiivoq, ilisimatuutullu allaatigisap Kalaallit Nunaanni sumiissuseq- inuutissarsiut ilinniagaqarnerlu aallaavigalugit inuiaqatigiinni inooriaaseq allanngorsimanera ilutigalugu timimik atueriaaseq allanngorsimasoq takutippaa. Angutit sivisunerusumik ilinniagallit illoqarfimmilu najugallit, suliffimmini timimik atuinnginnerupput, arnat taamatulli angerlarsimaffimmini timimik atuinnginnerullutik, arnanut angutillu nunaqarfinni najugalinnut ileqqutoqqat malinnerullugit inooriaasilinnut sanilliullugit. Tamanna aamma angallassinermut atatillugu timimik atuisarnermut issiaanernerusumillu suliaqarnermut arnat angutillu akornanni takussaavoq. Suliffiup avataatigut timimik atuisarnermut atatillugu immikkooruteqanngilaq. Tamakkiisumik timip atortarneranut piffissaq atugaq, inuiaqatigiinni inooriaatsip allanngorsimanera aallaavigalugu allanngoriartunngilaq, illuatungaanili misissuinerit siulliit timimik atuinermi nukinik atuineq angutit akornanni apparsimasoq takutippaat. Misissuinerup ilusilersornera pissutigalugu timimik atuisarneq allanngorsimaneranut naliliinissaq mianersortumik pissaaq. Saniatigut ilisimatuuttut allaaserisap timip atornerannut atatillugu, nukinik atuineq insulin aammi kimittussusaa, sukkornermut misissuinermut atatillugu sukkutorsimanerup nalunaaqutaq marluk kingunerini, naakkut orsoqassusermut atuumassuteqanngitsoq. Tamannalu assigisaanik sukkornermut misissuinermut atatillugu sukkutorsimanerup kingorna akusiuinikkut ((faste glucose, 2 timers glucose, faste insulin type 2 diabetes-ilu) takussaasimanani. Misissuinerup inerneri timip atortarnera inooriaatsimut tunngasumik sukkornermut attuumassuteqarsinnaasoq takutippaa, kisiannili sukkornermut pilersitsisartut allat aamma Kalaallit Nunaanni misissorneqarnissaat pisariaqarpoq. Ilisimatuut allaaserisap matuma timip atortarnera, qanoq ineriartornera Kalaallit Nunaanni aningaasaqarnerup- kulturikkut- inuiaqatigiinnilu inooriaatsip allanngoriartornera ilutigalugu, uuttortarneqarnissaa pingaaruteqarnera naqissuserpaa. Apersuinermi immersugassat, timip atortarnerinut assigiinngitsunut, uummatillu tillernerannut uuttuut pingaarutilinnik paasissutissanik pissarsiffiuvoq, issittumilu atorneqarsinnaallutik. 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Tænk kun på aktiviteter som du udfører mindst 10 minutter ad gangen? (Hård fysisk aktivitet er aktivitet, som er meget fysisk anstrengende, og hvor du øger din vejrtrækning meget; f.eks. tunge løft, gravearbejde, tungt byggearbejde, trappegang) 59. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på hård fysisk aktivitet? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 60. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du udført moderat fysisk aktivitet som på dit arbejde? (Moderat aktivitet er mindre anstrengende og øger vejrtrækningen i nogen grad; f.eks. mindre løft) BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHKnUGWI\VLVNDUEHMGH →JnWLOVSP MD QHM →JnWLOVSP BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHPRGHUDWI\VLVNDUEHMGH →JnWLOVSP 61. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på moderat fysisk aktivitet? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 62. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du gået mindst 10 min. ad gangen på dit arbejde? Medregn ikke gang til og fra arbejde 63. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at gå på dit arbejde? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHJnHQGHDUEHMGH →JnWLOVSP De næste spørgsmål handler om transport fra sted til sted 64. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du kørt i bil, bus eller snescooter? 65. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at transportere dig med bil, bus eller snescooter? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 66. BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHN¡UWPHGELOEXVHOOHUVQHVFRRWHU →JnWLOVSP I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du cyklet mindst 10 min. ad gangen for at komme fra sted til sted? BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHF\NOHW →JnWLOVSP 67. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at cykle fra sted til sted? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 68. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du gået mindst 10 min. ad gangen fra sted til sted? 69. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at gå fra sted til sted? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHJnHWIUDVWHGWLOVWHG →JnWLOVSP De næste spørgsmål handler om arbejde i og omkring hjemmet f.eks. husarbejde, reparationer, vedligeholdelse og pasning af børn og familie. Tænk kun på fysisk aktivitet som du udfører mindst 10 minutter ad gangen 70. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du udført hård fysisk aktivitet i hjemmet? (f.eks. tunge løft, skovle sne, gravearbejde, hente vand) BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHXGI¡UWWXQJWI\VLVNDUEHMGHLKMHPPHW →JnWLOVSP 71. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at udføre hårdt fysisk arbejde i hjemmet? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 72. Hvor mange dage har du udført moderat fysisk aktivitet i hjemmet? (f.eks. reparationer i hjemmet, reparation af udstyr, rengøring og tøjvask, pleje af børn eller gamle) 73. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på moderat aktivitet i hjemmet? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHXGI¡UWPRGHUDWI\VLVNDNWLYLWHW →JnWLOVSP De næste spørgsmål handler om motion, sport og anden fysisk aktivitet i fritiden. Medregn ikke aktiviteter, som du allerede har beskrevet i de foregående afsnit 74. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du gået mindst 10 min. ad gangen i fritiden? 75. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på at gå i fritiden? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ KDULNNHJnHWLIULWLGHQ →JnWLOVSP 76. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor mange dage har du udført hård fysisk aktivitet i fritiden? (f.eks. aerobics, løb, kampsport, fodbold, skiløb) BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ LQJHQKnUGI\VLVNDNWLYLWHWLIULWLGHQ →JnWLOVSP 77. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på hård fysisk aktivitet i fritiden? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 78. Hvor mange dage har du udført moderat fysisk aktivitet i fritiden? (f.eks. cykling i lavt tempo, svømning i lavt tempo, vandreture) 79. Hvor lang tid brugte du i gennemsnit om dagen på moderat fysisk aktivitet i fritiden? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ BBBBBGDJHRPXJHQ LQJHQPRGHUDWDNWLYLWHWLIULWLGHQ →JnWLOVSP De sidste spørgsmål handler om den tid, du sidder stille på arbejdet og i fritiden (f.eks. sidde ved et skrivebord, besøge venner, læse, computer og TV) Medregn ikke bilkørsel o.l. 80. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor meget tid har du brugt på stillesiddende aktiviteter på hverdage? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ 81. I løbet af de sidste 7 dage, hvor meget tid har du brugt på stillesiddende aktiviteter om dagen i weekenden? BBBBBWLPHURPGDJHQ BBBBBPLQXWWHURPGDJHQ Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Appendix II Appendix II – greenlandic questionnaire /EQU 0 UNDWIUDEORGSU¡YH VHGGHONO EHVLQGKHU ,QWHUYLHZHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'DWR 6WDUWSnLQWHUYLHZBBBBBBBBBBB 6OXWSnLQWHUYLHZBBBBBBBBBBB ϳϬ Apeqqutit tulliit ulluni kingullerni piffissami qanoq sivisutigisumik timinnik atuisimanernut tunngassuteqarput. Immikkoortoq siulleq sulinernut tunngassuteqarpoq, tassani inuussutissarsiutigalugu aallaaniarneq aalisarnelu ilanngullugit, angerlarsimaffimmili suliat ilanngunnagit 57. Massakkut angerlarsimaffiup avataani suliffeqarpit? 58. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit suliffinni oqimaatsunik suliaqartarpit? Suliat 10 minuttinit sivisunerusumik suliarineqartut kisiisa eqqarsaatigikkit? (Suliat oqimaatsut annertuumik nukissorfiusut, anerterinerulernernillu kinguneqartut; soorlu oqimaatsunik kivitsinerit, assaanerit, sanaartornermi oqimaatsunik suliaqarneq, tummeqqatigoornerit) VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB RTLPDDWVXQLNVXOLDTDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW 59. Ulluni taakkunani piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq agguaqatigiissillugu oqimaatsunik suliaqarlutit atorsimaviuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB DDS QDDPLN →DSHTTQXXJLW 60. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit oqimaakannersunik suliffinni suliaqartarsimavit? (Oqimaakannersunik sulineq ilungersunannginnerusuuvoq, anerterinerunermillu annikinnerusumik kinguneqartarluni; soorlu kivitsinerit annikinnerusut) VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB RTLPDDNDQQHUVXQLNVXOLDTDUWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW 61. Ulluni taakkunani suliffinni agguaqatigiissillugu qanoq sivisutigisumik oqimaakannersunik suliaqartarpit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 62. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit sulinerni minnerpaamik minuttini 10-ni pisuttarpit? Suliartornermi soraarnermilu pisuttarnerit ilanngunneqassanngillat 63. Ulluni taakkunani sulinernut atatillugu agguaqatigiissillugu qanoq sivisutigisumik pisuttarpit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB VXOLQLQQLSLVXWWDULDTDUWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW Apeqqutit tulliuttut piffimmit piffimmut angallanermut tunngapput 64. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit biilit busit snescooterilluunniit atorlugit ingerlasimavit? 65. VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB ELLOLWEXVLWVQHVFRRWHULOOXXQQLWDWRUOXJLWLQJHUODQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW Ulluni taakkunani qanoq agguaqatigiissillugu sivisutigisumik biilit, busit snescooterilluunniit atorlugit angallanneqartarpit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 66. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit piffimmit piffimmut ingerlanernut atatillugu minnerpaamik minuttsini 10-ni sivisussusilimmi cykelertarpit? 67. Ulluni taakkunani piffimmit piffimmut cykilernerni agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 68. VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB F\NHOLQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit piffimmit piffimmut minnerpaamik minuttini 10-ni pisuttarsimavit? VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB SLIILPPLWSLIILPPXWSLVXWWDULDTDUWDUVLPDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW 69. Ulluni taakkunani piffimmit piffimmut pisunnerni agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB Apeqqutit tulliuttut angerlarsimaffimmi eqqaanilu soorlu angerlarsimaffimmut tunngasunik suliaqarnernut, iluarsaassinernut, aserfallatsaaliuinernut meeqqanillu ilaquttanillu paarsinernut tunngassuteqarput. Suliat 10 minuttinit sivisunerusumik suliarineqartut kisiisa eqqarsaatigikkit 70. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit angerlarsimaffinni oqimaatsunik suliaqartarpit? (soorlu oqimaatsunik kivitsinerit, apummik nivannerit, assaanerit, imertartornerit) 71. Ulluni taakkunani angerlarsimaffimmi agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq oqimaatsunik suliaqarlutit atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 72. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit angerlarsimaffinni oqimaakannersunik suliaqartarsimavit? (soorlu angerlarsimaffimmi iluarsaassinernut, atortunik iluarsaassinerni, eqqiaanerni atisanik errorsinerni, meeqqanik utoqqarnillu paaqqutarinninermi) VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB RTLPDDNDQQHUVXQLNVXOLDTDUWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW 73. VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB DQJHUODUVLPDIILPPLRTLPDDWVXQLNVXOLDTDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW Ulluni taakkunani angerlarsimaffinni oqimaakernersunik suliaqarlutit agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB Apeqqutit tulliuttut sunngiffimmi timigissarnermut, timersornermut timiluunniit atorlugu sammisaqarnermut tunngassuteqarput. Immikkoortuni siuliini suliat ilannguteriikkatit matumani ilanngutissanngilatit 74. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit sunngiffinni minnerpaamik minuttini 10-ni pisuttarsimavit? 75. Ulluni taakkunani sunngiffinni agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq pisuttarsimavit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 76. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni ullut qassit sunngiffinni oqimaatsunik sammisaqartarsimavit? (soorlu aerobics,arpanneq, imminut illersorluni timersuutinik sammisaqarneq, arsarneq, sisorarneq) VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB VXQQJLIILQQLSLVXWWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB VXQQJLIILQQLRTLPDDWVXQLNVXOLDTDUWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW 77. Ulluni taakkunani sunngiffinni oqimaatsunik sammisaqarlutit agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 78. Ulluni qanoq amerlatigisuni sunngiffinni oqimaakannersunik sammisaqartarsimvit? (soorlu sukkavallaanngitsumik cykilerneq, kingaatsumik nalunneq, pisuttuarneq) 79. VDSDDWLSDNXQQHUDQXWXOOXWBBBBB VXQQJLIILQQLRTLPDDNDQQHUVXQLNVXOLDTDUWDQQJLODQJD →DSHTTQXXJLW Ulluni taakkunani sunngiffinni oqimaakannersunik sammisaqarlutit agguaqatigiissillugu piffissaq qanoq sivisutigisoq atortarpiuk? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB Apeqqutit tulliuttut sulinerni sunngiffinnilu issiasarnernut piffissamut atortakkannut tunngassuteqarput (Soorlu allaffimmi issianerit, ikinngutinut pulaarnerit, atuarneq, qarasaasiarsoqneq TV-lu). Biilernerit assigisaallu ilanngunneqassanngillat 80. Ullut kinguliit arfineq marluk ingerlaneranni piffissaq qanoq sivisutigsoq ingillutit ulluinnarni suliaqartarsimavit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB 81. Ulluni arfineq marlunni kingullerni sapaatit akunnerisa naanerini ullormut piffissami qanoq sivisutigisumi ingillutit suliaqartarsimavit? XOORUPXWQDOXQDDTXWWDSDNXQQHULBBBBB XOORUPXWPLQXWWLWBBBBB Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Appendix III Appendix III – Overview of Accelerometry and heart rate monitoring For a description of procedures in the data collection is referred to paper I. A limited number of monitors was available for the study and therefore randomly assigned to a subgroup of participants at each study location. No monitors were given to participants in villages in Avanersuaq because of the limited time available at the study location (1-2 days). Moreover, we did not include recordings from the pilot study because the participants were not randomly assigned and were not included in the master sample. Data from the monitors were manually trimmed to indicate the end of each participant’s recording. The value of the first night of sleeping heart rate (SHR) was excluded. Based on the lowest HR, a 10% deviation was accepted as variation in SHR for the following nights. A mean SHR was calculated for every participant. The quality of the recordings based on the interpretation by the researcher was divided into 5 levels and reported on a log sheet. The ID number, sex, age, height and weight were validated with the master database and revised manually in the database. Moreover, it was noted if the participant suffered from heart disease or received medication that could influence the heart rate (beta-blockers). It was noted if the monitor was not given to a participant. An example could be that the participant was leaving the town for several days. On the log sheet it was noted if the calibration factor of the monitor was outside of the prescribed ranges. Data were cleaned according to written guidelines and with support from the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge, UK. A revised log sheet was provided by MRC including further changes to data, i.e. change of accelerometer calibration factors, which can get corrupted, but can be recovered by cross-referencing to other records obtained with the same monitor. Step test data were available from 166 participants from two towns (Aasiiaat and Qasianguit). To keep the duration of the health examination reasonable for the participant (maximum 2.5 hours) it was decided to skip the test in the following health examinations. The step test data were used to calculate a group calibration model specific for this population. Individual calibration means available information on heart rate response to a known workload at the individual level. HR can be influenced by several factors, such as age, sex, training state, stroke volume and mental stress among others (137;138). It has been shown that some of these limitations can be overcome by individual calibration. However, in a paper by Brage et al it was suggested, that a group calibration model was reasonable to use at population level, although it would have a larger random error (90). The limitations of Accelerometry are mainly biomechanical, i.e. the accelerometry-PAI relation is different for different activities. Heart rate data were pre-processed using robust Gaussian Process Regression for inference of latent heart rate trace, as described elsewhere (139). The combination of prolonged time periods of large heart rate uncertainty accompanied by no acceleration was used to classify all measured time points as wear or nonwear. Caloric intensity of PA was estimated by combining the acceleration-based estimate of intensity (90) with the heart rate-based estimate from the population-specific equation (see above) in a branched equation 7ϴ Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Appendix III modelling framework (90;91). If available, step-calibrated HR was used instead of the group-calibrated HR estimate. Briefly, the branched equation modelling method predominantly uses the accelerometer estimate during low levels of heart rate and movement estimate and the heart rate estimate when both heart rate and acceleration levels are high, with equal weighting for other conditions. Resulting time series of activity intensity (in J/min/kg) were summarised into total PAEE (in kJ/kg/day) and time spent on different intensity levels (sedentary as <1.5MET, moderate as 3-6MET, and vigorous as >6MET), whilst minimizing diurnal bias from potentially unbalanced data accumulated over the day. This weighting technique ensures equal representation of all the hours of the day and minimizes the impact of records containing for example 3 nights and 2 days’ worth of data. Intensity categories were defined using multiples of RMR as derived using the Oxford equations using age, sex, height, and weight (93). Branched equation modelling of simultaneous accelerometry and heart rate monitoring has been shown to improve estimates of directly measured PAEE. Brage et al, 2004 suggest that individual calibration may be less necessary when branched modelling is employed (91). After data cleaning, 2,053 recordings from Inuit were available for analysis, corresponding to 63.5% of the total study population. Data were merged with the master database. Four recordings figured only in the AH database and were deleted from further analysis due to the following: One recording was stated with an ID number not identified in the master database and it was not possible to identify the correct ID number from the information on weight, height and CPR number, one recording was from a test person and should not be included in the analysis, two participants were examined twice in two different places and the first record of each participant was deleted. One recording was recommended by the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge to be deleted due to a very poor signal. Furthermore, 57 recordings were considered missing because no, or almost no, data were available from the monitor, and therefore data processing was not possible. This might be explained by the participant removing the monitor shortly after it was handed over, poor acceleration signal or noisy HR data. It could be that the monitors were susceptible to interferences from electrical appliances or other sources of static current or that the electrodes were in poor contact with the skin. One recording had missing information on weight. Recordings were flagged by the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge for the reason of a poor HR or acceleration signal, SHR estimation problems (no valid data during nights), heart disease or calibration errors. Comments were made to use another estimation model for some of the flagged records. The analyses include flagged recordings unless otherwise stated (see flowchart for cleaning process, table l). If for some reason the combined Acc and HR estimate was deemed invalid, for example due to excessive amounts of noise on the HR channel, the single-measure estimates of PAEE were used to impute such missing values. These were scaled to minimize bias, and scaling factors were derived based on the sample with valid data for both channels. Similarly, a flex HR estimate (84;90) was used if only heart rate data was valid (corrupt and unrecoverable acceleration signal). 7ϵ Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Appendix III A wear time of less than twenty-four hours was presented for 4.8% of the valid AH data. A wear time of more than 48 hours was presented for about 77% of the valid data. In villages 11% did not wear the monitor for more than 24 hours compared with 5% in Nuuk and 2% in towns. Table l. Proportional differences and odds ratios for participants with and without Acc and HR monitoring > 48 hours. Characteristics Sample without ACC and Sample with ACC and HR OR(CI95%) HR recordings>48 hours (n=1049) (n=1546) Sex Men 44.4 43.5 1 Women 55.6 56.5 1.04(0.89;1.2) Nuuk 5.7 21.4 1 Town 76.1 59.8 0.2(0.20.3) Village 18.2 18.8 0.3(0.2;0.4) 18-24 9.9 10.5 1 25-29 7.8 7.8 0.9(0.6;1.4) 30-34 7.7 7.1 0.9(0.6;1.3) 35-39 9.3 10.7 1.1(0.8:1.5) 40-44 11.6 18.9 1.5(1.1;2.1) 45-49 13.2 12.8 0.9(0.7;1.3) 50-54 10.5 10.4 0.9(0.7;1.3) 55-59 7.7 7.6 0.9(0.6;1.3) 60-64 6.8 5.7 0.8(0.5;1.2) 65-69 5.3 4.3 0.8(0.5;1.2) 10.1 4.3 0.4(0.3;0.6) Place of residence Age (years) >70 ϴϬ Appendix III Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Table II. Overview of start day of the week presented for total ACC and HR sample and ACC and HR>48 hours. Frequency Percent Frequency Total sample Percent >48 hrs of PA data Start day of the week Monday 309 15.5 246 15.9 Tuesday 346 17.3 277 17.9 Wednesday 354 17.7 260 16.8 Thursday 292 14.6 218 14.1 Friday 287 14.4 232 15.0 Saturday 243 12.2 193 12.5 Sunday 164 8.2 119 7.7 1995 1945 Table III. Overview of wear time combined week day and weekend day presented for total ACC and HR sample and ACC and HR>48 hours. Wear time N % Wear time weekend and week – total ACC and HR sample 1172 58.7 Wear time weekend and week day ≥48 hours 1032 66.8 Table IV. Overview of wear time presented for total ACC and HR sample and ACC and HR>48 hours. Mean Median Range IQR Wear time overall, hours (n=1995) 66 70.6 (2-136) IQR (49-75.9) Wear time overall, hours (n=1945) 75 72.7 (48-136) IQR (48-90.0) ϴϭ Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Appendix IV Appendix IV – Overview of IPAQ data processing Domain Variabel Limit Iht57 Work Transport Iht58 Iht59 0-7 Iht60 Iht61 0-7 Iht62 Iht63 0-7 IHT64 IHT65 0-7 Iht66 Iht67 0-7 Iht68 IHT69 0-7 Iht70 0-7 Iht71 0-7 Iht72 Iht73 0-7 Iht74 Iht75 0-7 Iht76 Iht77 0-7 0-59 Iht78 Iht79 0-7 Iht80 Sitting-time Iht81 Mets (minus BMR) Yes/no Domestic Leisure-time ”Value” Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily Days Minutes and hours daily daily Days Minutes and hours a day Days Minutes and hours a day Days Minutes and Hours a day Days Minutes and hours a day Minutes and hours a day Minutes and hours a day Activity Comments Occupational activity outside home . 8.0 (7.0) Vigorous 4.0 (3.0) Moderate 3.3 (2.3) Walking 0.0 Sitting/standing 6.0 (5.0) Biking 3.3 (2.3) Walking Hunting and fishing activities not mentioned in activity examples. Adapted by adding snowmobile. Adapted by adding fetching water and snow shoveling 5.5 (4.5) Vigorous 4.0 (3.0) Moderate 3.3 (2.3) Walking 8.0 (7.0) Vigorous 4.0 (3.0) Moderate 0.0 Sitting week and weekend day Moderate intensity outside and inside is combined into one; Moderate garden activity excluded. Gardening is nonexistent and common activities such as getting fishing equipment ready are done both inside and outside the house. Activity examples differ from the Danish version by including care taking and reparation of equipment. More activity examples added in the Greenlandic version, such as skiing Activity such as hiking is added We have used the scoring protocol by IPAQ: Specific rules of truncation and scaling have been added to deal with outliers. 8Ϯ Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition 8ϯ Appendix IV Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Publications 8ϰ Publications Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Paper I PAPER I Validation of the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire in the Arctic - measures of physical activity in Greenland Dahl-Petersen IK Hansen AW Bjerregaard P Jørgensen ME Brage S Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2013: 45(4): 728-736A Validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in the Arctic INGER KATRINE DAHL-PETERSEN1, ANDREAS WOLFF HANSEN1, PETER BJERREGAARD1, MARIT EIKA JKRGENSEN2, and SKREN BRAGE3 1 National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Copenhagen, DENMARK; 2Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, DENMARK; and 3MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM ABSTRACT EPIDEMIOLOGY DAHL-PETERSEN, I. K., A. W. HANSEN, P. BJERREGAARD, M. E. JKRGENSEN, and S. BRAGE. Validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in the Arctic. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 728–736, 2013. Purpose: Information about physical activity (PA) in Greenland is limited, partly because of a lack of validated instruments in countries with non-Western living conditions. We modified the long form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L) to arctic living conditions. The aim of the study was to compare IPAQ-L estimates with combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (ACC + HR) in a populationbased study of adult Inuit in Greenland. Methods: Cross-sectional data were collected by face-to-face interview and ACC + HR monitoring among Inuit (18 yr and above) in Greenland during 2005–2010 (n = 1508). PA energy expenditure (PAEE) and time spent sedentary and on PA at moderate and vigorous intensity were derived from IPAQ-L and ACC + HR. Estimates were compared using Bland–Altman agreement analysis and Spearman correlations stratified by sex, place of residence (capital, towns, and villages), and age groups. Results: Questionnaire-based PAEE was moderately correlated with objectively measured PAEE (r = 0.20–0.35, P G 0.01). Self-reported time spent at moderate- and vigorous-intensity PA and time spent sedentary were weakly correlated with the objective measure (r = 0.11–0.31). Agreement analyses showed relatively small median differences for all measures of PA; however, time spent at moderate-intensity PA was substantially overreported by IPAQ-L when including walking (91.5 hIdj1, P G 0.001) but not when excluding walking. Conclusions: The IPAQ-L adapted to arctic living conditions in Greenland had a moderate level of agreement with combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring for total PAEE at population level, but it was less valid to measure different intensities of PA and sedentary activity. Validity did not differ markedly between rural and urban communities. Key Words: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT, SELF-REPORT, ACCELEROMETRY, HEART RATE, INUIT, INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS I nuit in Greenland have experienced a substantial increase in chronic lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes along with the rapid cultural and social transition over the last 50 yr (5,22). Differences are found in physical activity (PA) patterns, suggesting a less physically active lifestyle in relation to the social change (13). Knowledge about the level of PA still remains limited mainly because of lack of validated instruments to assess everyday life PA in countries with non-Western living conditions as in Greenland. A need for further research in different cultural settings has been suggested (11). Measurement of PA by questionnaire is still the most commonly used method at population level because it is inexpensive, is feasible to use in large populations, and can provide information on PA patterns. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) is a questionnaire developed for measuring PA in different cultural settings and is the most frequently used (34). It exists in a short (IPAQ-S) and a long (IPAQ-L) form. The short form is recommended for national monitoring (seven items), whereas the long version is more comprehensive (27 items) and assesses time spent at different intensities of PA within four domains of daily life: transportation, work, leisure time, and domestic activities (16). Both forms have been tested for reliability and validity in adult populations in various countries against accelerometers (7,11,17–19,24) and have shown fair to moderate validity, although lower in rural areas (23). To our knowledge, only the short form has been used in the Arctic and found to be significantly correlated to body fat and waist circumference among Liyiyiuch, a Cree community in Canada (14). We planned to modify IPAQ-L to arctic living conditions in Greenland and to compare its main PA variables with objective estimates from combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (ACC + HR). Estimates of PA energy expenditure (PAEE) from ACC + HR compare favorably to doubly labeled water (DLW) estimates of PAEE in free-living adults in urban and rural population samples (2) and also provide valid estimates of PA intensity (12,32,33). The aim of the study was to assess the validity of IPAQ-L against combined accelerometry and Address for correspondence: Inger Katrine Dahl-Petersen, MSPH National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Kster Farimagsgade 5A,2, DK 1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark; E-mail: Submitted for publication August 2012. Accepted for publication October 2012. 0195-9131/13/4504-0728/0 MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ Copyright Ó 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31827a6b40 728 Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. heart rate monitoring in both rural and urban communities in a country undergoing rapid social transition. METHODS MEASURE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREENLAND Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 729 EPIDEMIOLOGY Study population. Data for this population-based, crosssectional study were collected in Greenland during 2005– 2010. The total population of Greenland is 57,000, of which 90% are Inuit. Twenty-two communities, the capital (Nuuk, pop = 16,181), eight smaller towns (pop = 469–5571), and 13 villages (pop = 7–513) (25% of all communities) were selected as study areas being representative of each region in Greenland. Nuuk represents the most Westernized living conditions compared with smaller towns and villages. From capital and towns, random population samples were drawn from the central population register. From villages, all adults were invited to participate. Pregnant women, individuals not born in Greenland or Denmark, and individuals who had moved out of the study area at the time of the study were excluded from the population sample. We confined the study to Inuit as defined by the participant and the interviewer based on language and self-perceived ethnicity at the time of enrolment in the health examination. In total, 2874 adult Inuit age 18 yr and older participated in a clinical examination and were interviewed. A detailed description of the methods is available elsewhere (4). The study was approved by the ethical review committee for Greenland. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Procedures of health examination. At the day of the health examination, face-to-face interviews were conducted by trained native Greenlandic-speaking interviewers in the language chosen by the participant (Greenlandic or Danish). Information on sociodemographic factors and lifestyle, including PA in the form of IPAQ-L, was obtained during the interview. Height (nearest 0.1 cm) and weight (nearest 0.1 kg) were measured. Self-reported PA. Information on PA was collected using a modification of the interviewer-administered IPAQ-L. Participants indicated time spent on PA in the previous 7 d: how often (the number of days per week) and for how long (the average duration per day) separately for vigorous intensity, moderate intensity, and walking in the four domains (work, transportation, domestic, and leisure time). The original English version of the PA questionnaire was translated into Greenlandic and back-translated by two translators bilingual in Danish and Greenlandic and familiar with Greenlandic living conditions. The questions were adjusted to arctic living conditions by replacing some of the activity examples by culturally relevant examples. In the domestic domain, we combined the two questions concerning moderate intensity (outside and inside activity) into one; gardening is nonexistent in arctic living conditions, and common activities such as getting fishing equipment ready are done both inside and outside the house. We also did a brief interview with five of the main interviewers about their experience with interpretation of the questions. Combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring. A combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor (ACC + HR) (ActiheartÒ; CamNtech Ltd, Cambridge, UK), described in technical detail elsewhere (8), was provided to a subgroup of the participants (n = 2055). The monitor was set up to measure acceleration and heart rate in 30-s intervals and attached to the participant_s chest by two standard ECG electrodes (MXC55; MediMax, Edison, NJ). The participant was instructed to wear the monitor for 24 hIdj1 for at least 2 d and preferably 4 d from the day of the health examination. Because of study logistics, only a limited time was available at each study location, especially for data collection in villages. Together with a finite stock of monitors, this explains why not all participants were given a monitor and why the length of recordings from some participants was shorter. A subgroup of participants (n = 135) conducted an individual calibration test (8-min step test) as described previously (10). The step tests were used to define a population-specific calibration equation of the heart rate–activity energy expenditure relationship. IPAQ-L data processing. Data on PA from the modified IPAQ-L were initially scored according to guidelines from the IPAQ group (16). All participants who reported days (frequency) but not time (duration) of PA or vice versa were treated as missing. Total daily PA of more than 960 min (16 h) was scaled linearly (sedentary time not included). In each domain, minutes spent on PA at moderate and vigorous intensity and walking for more than 180 minIdj1 (at each activity) were truncated to 180 min. Reported time spent on PA between 0 and 10 min was accepted even though the questionnaire was restricted to activity of at least 10-min duration. In a review of Murphy et al. (27), most of the studies did not find alterations between accumulated and continuous patterns of exercise, and it was concluded that further research was required to determine whether even shorter bouts (G10 min) could provide a health benefit. Time spent at moderate- and vigorous-intensity PA and walking and total time spent in each domain were calculated. PAEE on each activity was calculated by multiplying time reported (minIwkj1) by the net metabolic cost of each activity, which was expressed in METs. Net metabolic cost of each activity was assigned according to the physical activity compendium_s gross MET values (1), subtracted by 1 MET to account for resting metabolic rate (RMR). An estimate of total daily sedentary time was calculated from time spent sitting (including activities, such as TV and computer use and reading), to which we added 8 h as presumed time spent sleeping (not included in IPAQ-L). Time spent at moderate-intensity activity was analyzed with and without the inclusion of walking. Accelerometry and heart rate data processing. Data from ACC + HR monitoring were manually trimmed to indicate the end of each participant_s recording, after which heart rate data were preprocessed using robust Gaussian process regression for inference of latent heart rate trace as described elsewhere (31). The combination of prolonged periods of large heart rate uncertainty (disturbances in heart rate signal mostly TABLE 1. Characteristics of the study population, Inuit in Greenland, n = 1508. Age (yr) Body mass index (kgImj2) Place of residence (%) Nuuk,a n = 323 Smaller towns, n = 906 Villages, n = 279 Age groups (%) 18–44 yr, n = 829 45–54 yr, n = 349 55 yr and older, n = 330 Job status (%) White collar, n = 158 Skilled, n = 279 Blue collar, n = 444 Hunters and fishermen, n = 76 Students, n = 75 Unemployed and others, n = 285 Men (n = 659) Women (n = 849) P Value 44.8 T 14.2 25.8 T 4.6 43.1 T 13.8 26.5 T 5.5 0.02 0.02 19.9 63.4 16.7 22.6 57.5 19.9 0.06 50.7 24.4 24.9 58.3 22.1 19.6 G0.01 12.0 20.6 31.6 11.3 4.8 19.9 12.0 21.7 35.3 1.6 6.4 23.0 G0.01 Values are mean SD unless otherwise noted. P values for sex comparison by chi-square test for categorical data and t-test for continuous data. The capital of Greenland. EPIDEMIOLOGY a related to the wear of the monitor and eventually interference by cloth or electrode detachment) accompanied by no acceleration was used to classify all measured time points as wear or nonwear. We included individuals with 948 h of monitor wear data. Caloric intensity of PA was estimated by combining the acceleration-based estimate of intensity (10) with the heart rate-based estimate from the populationspecific equation (see previous discussions) in a branched equation modeling framework (9). Briefly, this method predominantly uses the accelerometer estimate during low levels of heart rate and movement and the heart rate estimate when both heart rate and acceleration levels are high, with equal weighting for other conditions. Resulting time series of activity intensity (JIminj1Ikgj1) were summarized into total PAEE (kJIkgj1Idj1) and time spent at different intensity levels (sedentary as G1.5 MET, moderate as 3–6 MET, and vigorous as 96 MET) while minimizing diurnal bias from potentially unbalanced data accumulated over the day. Intensity categories were defined using multiples of 1 MET as derived using the Oxford equations for resting metabolic rate (21). Statistical methods. Descriptive characteristics of the study sample are presented as means with SDs for normally distributed continuous variables and medians with interquartile ranges for nonnormal distributed variables. Results are stratified by sex, age groups, and place of residence. Differences between men and women were tested by t-test for continuous data and chi-square test for categorical data. The linear association between self-reported and objective activity estimates was examined by the nonparametric Spearman rank correlation coefficient (Q). Level of agreement was examined by modified Bland–Altman plots (6). Median difference between the measurements (IPAQ-L minus ACC + HR) was plotted against the objective estimate, with lines indicating the median difference (median bias) and 95% limits of agreement (2.5 and 97.5 centiles) (nonparametric data). The differences of the medians were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Sensitivity analyses 730 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine were performed including only participants with ACC + HR monitoring of Q72 h. Gaussian process regression of heart rate was performed in JAVA using a MySQL database, and all other analyses were carried out in STATA version 11. RESULTS The study population consisted of 2874 Inuit adults. After data processing, valid data from the IPAQ-L were obtained from 2798 participants (97.4%), of whom 1999 (71.4%) had worn an ACC + HR monitor. After excluding recordings with insufficient valid PA data (G48 h), 1508 participants with complete data from both IPAQ-L and ACC + HR were available for analysis. The proportion of men and women that was monitored by ACC + HR for more than 48 h did not differ from those not monitored (men, 44% vs 45%; women, 56% vs 55%; P = 0.6); however, a smaller proportion of participants from villages and towns was monitored by ACC + HR (Nuuk, 21% vs 8%; towns, 61% vs 70%; villages, 18% vs 23%; P G 0.001). Moreover, a smaller proportion of participants age 70 yr or older was monitored by ACC + HR, compared with those not monitored (4% vs 11%, P G 0.001). The characteristics of the study population are displayed in Table 1. Men (range, 18–84 yr old) were slightly older than women (range, 18–85 yr old), and women had higher body mass index (26.5 kgImj2) than men (25.8 kgImj2) (P = 0.02). One fifth of the participants lived in the capital, Nuuk, and more than half in other towns. The median PAEE estimated by the IPAQ-L was almost similar compared with the median estimate from ACC + HR for all subgroups, although significant differences were found for women, for the participants in villages, and in the age group of 45–54 yr (Table 2). Self-reported PAEE (kJIdj1Ikgj1) was moderately, although significantly, correlated with objectively measured PAEE in analyses stratified by sex, age groups, and place of residence (r = 0.20–0.35, P G 0.001) Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 24.2–80.9 36.6–64.1 23.6–85.0 36.2–67.8 30.0–86.3 36.8–66.2 33.2–92.3 44.6–75.2 23.3–85.7 34.3–60.1 45.9 50.9 48.4 49.6 50.0 49.4 57.7 57.8 47.5 47.2 15.3–57.7 22.5–47.5 24.9–76.9 34.2–60.1 47.3 45.7 31.6 34.3 23.6–97.0 40.3–75.5 51.7 56.6 Total PAEE (kJIdj1Ikgj1) 0.6 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.3 0.002 0.2 P Value 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.8 0.1–2.3 0.4–1.6 0.4–2.7 0.9–2.2 0.6–3.1 1.2–2.9 0.6–3.1 0.9–2.5 0.3–3.0 0.9–2.5 0.5–2.6 1.0–2.4 0.5–3.0 0.9–2.2 0.3–3.0 1.1–2.7 Moderate Intensity (3–6 METs) (hIdj1) 0.1 0.2 0.01 0.002 0.01 0.009 0.002 G0.001 P Value 2.8 1.0 3.8 1.5 4.2 1.9 3.7 1.6 3.9 1.6 3.8 1.6 3.9 1.4 3.7 1.8 1.4–4.8 0.4–1.6 1.7–6.1 0.9–2.2 2.4–6.6 1.2–2.9 2.0–6.1 0.9–2.5 1.9–6.1 0.9–2.5 1.9–6.1 1.0–2.4 2.0–6.2 0.9–2.2 1.8–6.0 1.1–2.7 Moderate Intensity (walking included, 3–6 METs) (hIdj1) 0.0 4.7 0.0 3.6 4.3 4.4 2.9 7.5 0.0 3.0 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 0.0 0.3 0.0 2.9 G0.001 G0.001 7.1 6.2 G0.001 P Value 0.0–0.0 0.0–2.9 0.0–34.3 0.2–9.4 0.0–51.4 2.1–19.3 0.0–60.0 0.3–12.7 0.0–34.3 0.4–12.9 0.0–30.0 0.8–14.6 0.0–12.9 0.2–9.9 0.0–68.6 0.9–18.9 Vigorous Intensity (96 METs) (minIdj1) 0.007 0.002 G0.001 G0.001 0.2 0.3 0.05 G0.001 P Value 11.0 17.4 11.9 15.7 11.6 14.6 10.5 15.3 11.4 15.5 12.9 15.6 11.3 15.8 11.9 14.9 9.8–12.9 15.7–19.4 10.3–13.9 13.9–17.6 10–13.9 12.6–16.4 9.7–11.9 13.3–17.3 10.0–13.5 13.3–17.4 11.2–15.0 13.6–17.4 10–13.2 13.8–17.5 10.0–14.0 13.0–17.2 Sedentary Activity (G1.5 METs) (hIdj1) G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 P Value Self-reported (IPAQ-L) and objectively measured (ACC + HR) PA presented as daily PAEE and time spent on PA at moderate-intensity (with and without walking included), vigorous-intensity, and sedentary activity stratified by sex, place of residence, and age groups. Inuit in Greenland, n = 1508. All values are presented in median and interquartile range. P value: Wilcoxon rank test for difference between medians of the two methods. a The capital of Greenland. Sex Men, n = 659 Self-report Objective measure Women, n = 849 Self-report Objective measure Place of residence Nuuk,a n = 323 Self-report Objective measure Towns, n = 906 Self-report Objective measure Villages, n = 279 Self-report Objective measure Age groups 18–44 yr, n = 829 Self-report Objective measure 45–54 yr, n = 349 Self-report Objective measure 55 yr and older, n = 330 Self-report Objective measure TABLE 2. PA characteristics. EPIDEMIOLOGY MEASURE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREENLAND 731 TABLE 3. Spearman correlation coefficients (Q) between self-reported PA (IPAQ-L) and objectively measured PA (ACC + HR). Total PAEE (kJIdj1Ikgj1) Sex Men, n = 659 Women, n = 849 Place of residence Nuuk,a n = 323 Smaller towns = 906 Village, n = 279 Age groups 18–44 yr, n = 829 45–54 yr, n = 349 55 yr and older, n = 330 Moderate Intensity (3–6 METs) (hIdj1) Moderate Intensity (walking included, 3–6 METs) (hIdj1) Vigorous Intensity (96 METs) (minIdj1) Sedentary Activity (G1.5 METs) (hIdj1) Q P Value Q P Value Q P Value Q P Value Q P Value 0.33 0.28 G0.001 G0.001 0.25 0.19 G0.001 G0.001 0.26 0.24 G0.001 G0.001 0.27 0.17 G0.001 G0.001 j0.01 0.06 0.8 0.1 0.35 0.30 0.29 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 0.15 0.20 0.26 0.01 G0.001 G0.001 0.25 0.22 0.26 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 0.27 0.23 0.26 G0.001 G0.001 G0.001 j0.1 0.001 0.13 0.3 0.97 0.03 0.23 0.20 0.33 G0.001 0.0002 G0.001 0.13 0.16 0.23 0.002 0.003 G0.001 0.15 0.17 0.31 G0.001 0.002 G0.001 0.19 0.11 0.21 G0.001 0.04 0.001 0.05 0.02 0.09 0.2 0.7 0.1 Results are stratified by sex, place of residence, and age groups. Inuit in Greenland, n = 1508. The capital of Greenland. a tions across strata of sex, age groups, and residence, however, were similar, with a tendency toward higher correlations when walking was included (Table 3). Figure 2 illustrates MPA including walking. The median bias was large, and the 95% limits of agreement indicated high individual variability for both men and women in the different subgroups. The asymmetry of the 95% limits of agreement around the median bias highlights the substantial overestimation of MPA by selfreport. The same pattern was found for all subgroups (data not shown). In contrast, time spent at moderate-intensity PA without walking included was only slightly overestimated by EPIDEMIOLOGY (Table 3). The level of agreement between the two methods for measuring PAEE stratified by sex and residence is illustrated in Figure 1. The median bias for PAEE was small and indicated a fair agreement between the two methods at population level; however, large individual differences in PAEE were found (Table 2). The same tendencies were found for all subgroups (data not shown). Self-reported time spent on PA at moderate intensity (MPA) was significantly lower than objectively assessed MPA when walking was not included in the estimation but was significantly higher when walking was included (Table 2); correla- FIGURE 1—Self-reported and objectively measured PAEE by sex and residence. Median difference between self-reported PAEE and objectively measured PAEE (IPAQ-L–ACC + HR) plotted against (ACC + HR) stratified on sex and place of residence. The lines represent median and 2.5 and 97.5 centiles. Inuit in Greenland, n = 1508. 732 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. FIGURE 2—Self-reported and objectively measured moderate-intensity PA by sex and residence. Median difference between self-reported and objectively measured time spent at moderate intensity PA (IPAQ-L–ACC + HR) plotted against (ACC + HR) stratified on sex and place of residence (walking included). The lines represent median and 2.5 and 97.5 centiles. Inuit in Greenland, n = 1508. MEASURE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREENLAND We repeated the analysis for the subgroup of participants who wore the ACC + HR monitor for Q72 h and found similar results (data not shown). DISCUSSION We found moderate validity for questionnaire-based overall PAEE and weak to moderate validity for different intensities of PA and sedentary time compared with ACC + HR monitoring stratified by sex, age groups, and residence. The Bland–Altman plots showed relatively small median differences for all variables of PA; however, the individual variability in PA measures was high. Studies testing the validity of the IPAQ-L questionnaire against different criterion measures have shown different levels of correlation. Craig et al. (11) validated IPAQ-L in 12 different cultural settings with accelerometry and found a rank correlation of around 0.30 for overall PA, although this varied greatly between study sites, from j0.27 to 0.61. Similarly, a study examining the Chinese version of IPAQ-L reported a correlation of 0.35 for overall PA against accelerometry (25). Only one study has validated the long form of IPAQ-L using DLW, which is considered as the gold standard for total energy expenditure during free living and found a correlation of 0.38 (26). Taken together, these previous validation results are more or less in line with our correlation coefficients for overall PA (0.20–0.35). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 733 EPIDEMIOLOGY IPAQ-L for women and for participants in villages and slightly underestimated for the rest of the subgroups. For all subgroups, a significant difference between median time spent on moderate-intensity PA measured by IPAQ-L and ACC + HR was found except for participants age 45 yr and older (Table 2). Light-intensity PA is not included in IPAQ-L, so estimates areonly available from ACC + HR data. More than 50% of the population spent 6 h daily or more on lightintensity PA (1.5–3 METs), which made up 54.4% (interquartile range, 44.9–62.8) of total PAEE (data not shown). The median duration of vigorous-intensity PA measured by IPAQ-L and ACC + HR monitoring differed significantly for all subgroups except for women and for participants living in Nuuk and in towns (Table 2). Men reported more time spent at vigorous-intensity PA and women reported less vigorous PA as compared with ACC + HR measurements. Time spent on PA at vigorous intensity estimated from IPAQ-L was significantly correlated with the ACC + HR measurement in all subgroups, but the correlation was generally weak (r = 0.11–0.27, P G 0.05) (Table 3). Both IPAQ-L and ACC + HR showed that more than 50% of the population spent less than 10 min daily at vigorous-intensity PA. A poor and nonsignificant correlation was found for sedentary activity measured by self-report and ACC + HR for all subgroups, and the median differed significantly for all subgroups (Tables 2 and 3). Sedentary behavior was highly underestimated by the questions in IPAQ-L, even after adding 8 h of presumed time spent sleeping. EPIDEMIOLOGY We found that self-reported PA at different intensities was more weakly correlated with ACC + HR estimates than overall PA. The findings from other studies are not clear (7,18); however, two studies among non-European populations (19,28) have shown comparably low correlations as in our study for moderate and vigorous-intensity PA. It is suggested that cultural differences may affect the interpretation of the intensity of the activity. Median self-reported time spent at vigorous-intensity PA was found to be substantially higher (more than fourfold) compared with objective estimates among participants living in villages. Accordingly, we stratified the analysis by job status and found that hunters and fishermen substantially overreported vigorous-intensity PA (median: IPAQ-L, 34 minIdj1, vs ACC + HR, 8 minIdj1). Traditional activities, such as hunting and fishing, may be more difficult to recall and classify into moderate or vigorous intensity because these activities do not have a regular time schedule and vary in intensity. According to the interviewers in our study, traditional activities such as hunting and fishing could be misinterpreted as a vigorous-intensity activity because of its psychological exhausting and time-consuming character and because of demanding climate conditions. Going hunting is generally considered to be physically demanding; however, hunting often includes periods with waiting time. Despite the substantial overreporting of time spent at moderate-intensity PA (walking included) by IPAQ-L, the Bland–Altman plots showed only small median bias for overall PAEE measured by self-report and ACC + HR monitoring, which suggests that IPAQ-L is a valid measure for overall PAEE at the group level; however, it is less valid when measuring different intensities of PA. Light-intensity PA was only measured by ACC + HR monitoring but contributed substantially to daily PA. Our findings are contrary to other studies that have demonstrated that PAEE on the group level is overestimated by IPAQ-L, a bias for which social desirability has been suggested as a plausible explanation (7,18). The attention from the media on the positive health effect of PA might have been less marked in Greenland compared with more Westernized countries, and thus, the risk of social desirability bias may be somewhat lower. Moderate intensity with and without walking. We found that IPAQ-L substantially overestimated moderateintensity PA when walking was included as a moderateintensity PA. Ekelund et al. (15) found in a study of IPAQ-S that walking might be difficult to accurately quantify. In IPAQ-L, walking activity is asked for in all domains of the questionnaire, which might increase the risk of reporting the same walking activity twice. According to guidelines from the IPAQ group, walking is defined as moderate-intensity PA and assigned the MET value of 3.3 METs; however, in the compendium of Ainsworth et al. is listed various intensities of walking corresponding to different MET values (2.0 to 8.0 METs) (1). One could argue that a slow pace of walking corresponds to light intensity and not moderate- 734 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine intensity PA. Moreover, the IPAQ-L does not ask for lightintensity activities, which may result in participants classifying light-intensity PA as moderate-intensity PA. A qualitative interview with the interviewers in our study pointed out the difficulties in estimating total time spent on moderateintensity PA and that standing activity, such as teaching or working in a shop, was sometimes misinterpreted as walking activity; this may add to explain the high amount of moderateintensity activity reported in our study. Accordingly, we did the analyses of moderate-intensity activity with and without walking and walking considered as a light-intensity activity (data not shown) and found a substantially higher level of agreement between the two methods when walking was not included as MPA. Sedentary time. Knowledge about the health risks of sedentary behavior is increasing (20,35). The question about sitting in IPAQ-L has demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability and has been used to compare the prevalence of sitting time in an international study in 20 countries (3,11). We added 8 h of presumed sleeping time to sedentary time estimated from IPAQ-L and compared it with time spent on activity of less than 1.5 MET from the day-and-night ACC + HR recordings. We found a substantial underestimation of sedentary behavior by IPAQ-L, which could be explained by the fact that frequent activities such as standing and lying (and sleep) are estimated by ACC + HR monitoring as sedentary activity (G1.5 METs), whereas even though the question of sitting time in the IPAQ-L includes some aspects of lying, it may not capture all sedentary activities in daily life. Moreover, we estimated time spent sleeping to 8 h in the IPAQ-L processing, and individual variations in sleeping time could be another explanation. Study population. The present study is a populationbased study including a representative sample of Inuit in Greenland. For logistic reasons, not all participants were given a monitor or fulfilled the criteria of ACC + HR monitoring for 48 h or more (65.4%). Nevertheless, we found only small differences in age, sex, and residence between our smaller study sample and the entire study population, which imply that the results of this study are applicaple to the population of Greenland. In the present study, we did not find significant differences in validity between rural and urban communities, defined by living in a village, a town, or in Nuuk. However, traditional rural activities such as hunting and fishing might influence the interpretation of the different intensities of PA. Strengths and limitations. The gold standard for measuring PAEE in free-living individuals is the DLW method, combined with a measure of RMR. However, this method is expensive and cannot provide information about the intensity, frequency, and patterns of PA. Studies in nonWestern countries have shown that it is particularly important to monitor both HR and movement in the estimation of PAEE in rural populations because of a higher number of activities that cannot be fully measured by a classic uniaxial accelerometer, such as digging and heavy lifting, which are activities comparable with traditional activities in Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Rennie and Wareham (29) estimated that 3 d of recording yielded a validity coefficient at 0.85 for the assessment of energy expenditure. In our study, that was the case for 810 (56.3%) of the participants. Ideally, 7 d of objective recording would have been preferable to capture variations in PA during the week, but this was not feasible. However, our sensitivity analyses that included only participants with more than 72 h of recording showed very similiar results as the primary analyses, which suggests that the law of diminishing returns may govern these behavioral data. Although objectively measured PA is considered a more valid measure of PA, the IPAQ-L has the advantage of measuring domains of daily life PA, which are important, particularly in non-European countries where being physically active at work and at home is more common compared with leisure time PA. The domains in the IPAQ-L provide the opportunity to track changes in PA patterns along with social changes, e.g., whether decreasing occupational PA is compensated by an increase in leisure time PA, not necessarily changing the total amount of PA; therefore, objective and subjective measures complement each other. CONCLUSIONS The long version of IPAQ modified to arctic living conditions is a valid measure for overall PAEE among adult Inuit in Greenland at population level; it is, however, less valid to measure different intensities of PA and sedentary activities. Time spent at moderate-intensity PA was substantially overreported by IPAQ-L when walking was included in this category. The validity did not differ significantly between rural and urban communities. Using IPAQ-L at the individual level will be subject to a high degree of uncertainty. Studies on how culture, social norms, and language affect the interpretation of PA questions are important to improve the validity of the IPAQ-L in non-Western countries. This study was funded by the Karen Elise Jensen Foundation, Denmark. The authors are grateful to the participants and the participating communities. The authors would also like to thank Kate Westgate and Stefanie Mayle at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom, for assistance in data processing. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by the American College of Sports Medicine. REFERENCES 1. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD, et al. 2011 Compendium of Physical Activities: a second update of codes and MET values. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011;43(8):1575–81. 2. Assah FK, Ekelund U, Brage S, Wright A, Mbanya JC, Wareham NJ. Accuracy and validity of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for the measurement of free-living physical activity energy expenditure in adults in Cameroon. Int J Epidemiol. 2011;40(1):112–20. 3. Bauman A, Ainsworth BE, Sallis JF, et al. The descriptive epidemiology of sitting a 20-country comparison using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Am J Prev Med. 2011; 41(2):228–35. MEASURE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREENLAND 4. Bjerregaard P. Inuit health in transition. Greenland survey 2005–2009. Population sample and survey methods. In: National Institute of Public Health. 2009 (cited 19 October 2012):1–13 Available from: greenland_methods_5_002.pdf. 5. Bjerregaard P, Young TK, Dewailly E, Ebbesson SO. Indigenous health in the Arctic: an overview of the circumpolar Inuit population. Scand J Public Health. 2004;32(5):390–5. 6. Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet. 1986; 327(8476):307–10. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 735 EPIDEMIOLOGY Greenland. We therefore consider the use of combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring for estimating PAEE in this study as a strength (2,8,12), although the lack of dynamic individual calibration in everybody is a potential weakness (10). A status report on the assessment of PA by self-report finds the use of an interviewer-administrated questionnaire to increase the validity of the responses (30). According to the interviewers in our study, some participants found the interpretation of moderate and vigorousintensity PA difficult. Furthermore, because of the wide differences in living conditions, climatic differences, and dialects across the country, the interviewers had to pay particular attention to the choice of words and the examples given of different activities. Therefore, the use of face-toface interviews undertaken by Greenlandic interviewers bilingual in Danish and Greenlandic is a strength in this study. An important observation in the translation of the questionnaire into Greenlandic was that no word exists for PA. PA is translated to ‘‘use of the body’’ and that may, in a higher degree, refer to sports activities instead of activities of daily living. However, we did not find this misclassification likely because we would have assumed a substantial degree of underreporting. Our study has some potential limitations. First, we did not conduct any repeated administrations of IPAQ-L because of logistical reasons in this comprehensive data collection process. Knowledge about reliability is an important metric of any instrument, and it is recommended that future research on measurements of PA in the Arctic include a test–retest element. Second, the administration of the two instruments meant that they did not refer to the same period. The monitor was given to the participants on the day they were interviewed about their PA in the preceding 7 d. However, the short interval between the periods is unlikely to have introduced substantial bias in the results, and one may even consider the present results to reflect more truly the convergent validity of these instruments to assess habitual PA. Third, the estimates from the IPAQ-L were calculated as the average of the previous 7 d (no information on sleeping hours but 8 h were estimated for sleep), whereas estimates from the ACC + HR monitor were calculated as an average of 2–5 d including nights. ACC + HR monitoring from both week and weekend day were obtained from 965 (67%) of the participants. EPIDEMIOLOGY 7. Boon RM, Hamlin MJ, Steel GD, Ross JJ. Validation of the New Zealand Physical Activity Questionnaire (NZPAQ-LF) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-LF) with Accelerometry. Br J Sports Med. 2010;44(10):741–6. 8. Brage S, Brage N, Franks PW, Ekelund U, Wareham NJ. Reliability and validity of the combined heart rate and movement sensor Actiheart. 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Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Paper II PAPER II Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition Dahl-Petersen IK Jørgensen ME Bjerregaard P Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 39: 678–6 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Physical activity patterns in Greenland : A country in transition Inger K Dahl-Petersen, Marit E Jørgensen and Peter Bjerregaard Scand J Public Health published online 22 September 2011 DOI: 10.1177/1403494811420486 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: Additional services and information for Scandinavian Journal of Public Health can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: >> Version of Record - Sep 22, 2011 What is This? Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 0: 1–9 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition INGER K. DAHL-PETERSEN1, MARIT E. JØRGENSEN2 & PETER BJERREGAARD1 1 Centre for Health Research in Greenland, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, and 2 Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Denmark Abstract Aims: To examine differences in physical activity patterns among Inuit in Greenland in relation to social transition. The Inuit in Greenland are an indigenous population in the circumpolar north who are experiencing rapid social transition. Methods: Physical activity patterns were assessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long version). The population was divided into six groups according to different stages of social change, measured on the basis of education, current residence and occupation. Data were collected in a country-wide cross-sectional population survey among adult Inuit in Greenland from 2005 to 2009. Results: Men with long vocational or academic education living in towns (latest stage of social change) spent significantly less time on occupational physical activity (p ¼ 0.001) compared with hunters and fishermen in villages (earliest stage of social change) (trend test p ¼ 0.01). Women in the latest stage of change spent significantly less time on domestic physical activity (p < 0.001) (trend test p ¼ 0.06) compared with women in the earliest stage of social change. This was also found for physical activity during transportation (p ¼ 0.02 and p ¼ 0.01 for men and women, respectively). No significant difference was found for leisuretime physical activity. Men and women in the latest stage of social change spent more time on sedentary activity (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Differences in physical activity patterns among Inuit in Greenland included decreasing time spent on domestic and occupational physical activity and increasing time spent on sedentary activities along with social change. Knowledge of changes in physical activity patterns in relation to social transition is important in prevention of obesity, type 2 diabetes and lifestyle diseases. Key Words: Cardiovascular risk, gender, physical activity, social change, social transition Background Indigenous populations in the circumpolar north have experienced a rapid cultural and social transition that has changed many aspects of everyday life. Furthermore, a decrease in infectious diseases and an increase in lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, has been observed [1,2] similar to the experience of developing populations throughout the world [3]. Changes in physical activity patterns could be an important contributor to this rise in chronic lifestyle diseases. Changes in physical activity patterns in relation to social transition have been coined as the physical activity transition [4]. The consequences of the physical activity transition are relevant for all populations in Europe and North America but might be more marked in populations experiencing rapid social changes, such as indigenous populations in the circumpolar north. A study among the Yakut of Siberia showed that individuals with more traditional lifestyles had higher energy expenditure than individuals with more modern lifestyles [5]. A temporally decreasing level of fitness along with an increasing sedentary lifestyle was found among Inuit in Canada [6]. Although a reduction over time in fitness was found among populations in the circumpolar north, very few studies have examined the physical activity transition in terms of differences in physical activity patterns. In order to examine the physical activity transition in a population going through rapid transition we used a population-based study among Inuit in Greenland. In Greenland profound and rapid Correspondence: Inger K. Dahl-Petersen, Centre for Health Research in Greenland, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. E-mail: (Accepted 25 July 2011) ß 2011 the Nordic Societies of Public Health DOI: 10.1177/1403494811420486 Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) 2 [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] I. K. Dahl-Petersen et al. changes in the social structure have occurred over the last 50 years, resulting in a shift from a traditional lifestyle to a more Westernized lifestyle, especially in the large towns. This process has included economic, social and cultural changes, such as changes from subsistence hunting and fishing to wage earning, population movement from small villages to larger towns, and increased availability of formal education accompanied by changes in lifestyle [7]. These changes are similar to those observed in other indigenous populations in the circumpolar north [7]. Within the population of Greenland there are still large differences in socioeconomic status and living conditions between the small villages and the larger towns. Inuit in Greenland are therefore considered an ideal population for investigating the physical activity transition. In order to examine the differences in physical activity patterns, most research worldwide has used an urban-rural dichotomy based on residence. Comparing 51 countries, mainly developing countries, Guthold et al. found that both men and women living in urban areas were more likely to be inactive compared with those living in rural areas [8]. Other studies have shown that urban people were characterized by a reduced intensity of occupational activity as a result of modernization [9,10]. The use of an urban/rural dichotomy has been criticized for ignoring the heterogeneity of environments within urban and rural areas [11] and an inability to detect changes in urbanicity over time [12]. To examine the physical activity patterns in relation to the physical activity transition we used residence, education and occupation status to rank the Inuit population in our cross-sectional study into six sub-groups as a proxy for different stages of social change. The aim of the study was to study the physical activity transition among Inuit in Greenland as differences in physical activity patterns in relation to level of social change. Information about the physical activity transition in Greenland could be useful for indigenous populations in the circumpolar north. Methods Study population The data for this population-based cross-sectional study was collected in Greenland from 2005 to 2009. The total population of Greenland is 57,000 of which 90% are Inuit. During 2005 and 2009 a total of 2,834 adult Inuit aged 18 years and above were interviewed. Eight towns (population ranging from 1,150– 14,700) and 10 villages (population ranging from 100–425) in Greenland (25% of all communities) were selected as study areas to represent different community sizes and geographical locations. From these 18 communities a random population sample was drawn from the central population register. Pregnant women, individuals not born in Greenland or Denmark, and individuals who had moved out of the study area, were excluded from the population sample. We furthermore confined the study to Inuit as defined by the participant and the interviewer at the time of enrolment. A detailed description of the methods is available elsewhere [13]. Interview and clinical measurements An interviewer administered questionnaire was developed in the Danish language, translated into Greenlandic and translated back into Danish. Information on socio-demographic factors and lifestyle, including physical activity, was obtained from the questionnaire. Participants were interviewed face to face by trained native Greenlandic speaking interviewers and the interviews were conducted in the language of choice of the participant. Physical activity Information on physical activity was collected using a modified version of the long version of the seven-day International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [14]. IPAQ assesses four domains of physical activity in daily life (work, transportation, domestic and leisure time) and time spent sitting down. Participants were asked to indicate time spent on physical activity in the last seven days; how often (the number of days per week) and for how long (the average duration in minutes) divided into vigorous intensity, moderate intensity and walking for the four domains separately. The original English version of the questionnaire was translated into Greenlandic and back-translated in accordance with the guidelines from the IPAQ group [15]. The questionnaire was adjusted to Greenlandic living conditions by replacing the activity examples with culturally appropriate examples in accordance with guidelines given by the IPAQ group. Furthermore, one question about gardening was excluded because this question was not relevant under Arctic conditions. In a small study (n ¼ 79) in one Greenlandic town, the adapted version of IPAQ was validated against a combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor (Actiheart) showing validity comparable with other population studies. Spearman correlation coefficient for activity Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition energy expenditure (AEE) was 0.50 (data not published). Transition variable Six levels of social transition were defined from family occupation type, education, and place of residence including A) hunters and fishermen in villages; B) inhabitants of villages who were not hunters or fishermen; C) wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns but having lived in villages at age 10; D) wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns and having also lived in towns at age 10; E) wage earners with short vocational education, living in towns irrespective of childhood residence; and F) wage earners with long vocational or academic education, living in towns. In a Greenland context the largest community in each of the 17 districts is by definition a town while the rest are villages. The population of towns ranges from 485 to 15,000 and the population of villages from less than 50 to around 450. In the towns are located the school, health centre, church, main shops and administration of the district. Because full educational achievement cannot be expected before the mid-20s and the proportion of participants with an active working life is rapidly reduced after the mid60s, we chose to analyze only those aged 25–64 years. The term ‘‘social change’’– from an earlier to a later stage, was chosen to refer to the process studied and included elements of urbanization, modernization and westernization. 3 Data analysis The analyses were performed separately for men and women. Data on physical activity are presented in hours per day for each domain and only for participants reporting physical activity. A square root transformation was applied to time spent on physical activity in the different domains in order to approximate a normal distribution. Time used on physical activity is presented as median hours/day with interquartile ranges for each domain of physical activity as well as for total physical activity. The results for sedentary behaviour are shown for men and women together and a 2.5% to 97.5% range is presented. The proportion reporting no physical activity is presented separately. Comparison of physical activity patterns of individuals in an earlier to a later stage of social change were carried out. Differences in physical activity patterns in each group of the transition variable were tested using a multiple linear regression model with the transformed physical activity variable as the dependent variable adjusted for age. p values are presented for differences in physical activity patterns between the individuals/group in the latest stage of social change (F) compared with the group/individuals in the earliest stage of change (A). A test for linear trend of differences in physical activity patterns in relation to the groups of transition (Likelihood-ratio; STATA version 10) was performed, adjusted for age. The study was ethically approved by the ethical review committee for Greenland. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Data processing Data on physical activity were collected from 2,831 Inuit participants. All participants who reported days (frequency) but not time (duration) of physical activity or vice versa were treated as missing, n ¼ 65 (2.3%). According to the IPAQ scoring protocol [15], 132 (4.8%) participants reporting more than 960 minutes (16 hours) of physical activity a day were excluded from the final analysis. In each domain minutes spent on physical activity at moderate and vigorous intensity activity and walking for more than 180 minutes a day at each activity was truncated to 180 minutes. If the participant reported time spent on physical activity between 0 and 10 minutes the answers were not truncated to 0. In total, 555 (21.0%) participants were excluded because they were younger than 25 or older than 64 years of age, resulting in a total of 2,079 participants. Thirty-three participants (1.6%) could not be placed in any of the transition groups due to missing information on education, residency or occupational status. Results Sample characteristics The study provides information on physical activity patterns from 2,079 Inuit participants aged 25–64 years old. The participant rate was 68% for Inuit. Table I shows the characteristics of the study population separately for men and women. No differences were found between the proportion of men and women categorized in the different social transition groups. Mean age for the women was found to be slightly lower compared with men. Physical activity in different domains of daily life in relation to social change Table II presents time used on physical activity in the four physical activity domains stratified by the six transition groups. The level of total physical activity Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) 4 [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] I. K. Dahl-Petersen et al. Table I. Characteristics of the study sample. Age 25–64 years. Greenland, 2005–2009. Men Age (years) mean (SD) Place of residence Nuuk Town Village Transition groups A Hunters/fishermen B Other villagers C Blue collar migrants D Other blue collar E Intermediate F Professionals No physical activity reported Women n % n % p value* 887 44.6 (10.4) 1,192 43.6 (10.0) 0.03 0.2 132 531 224 14.9 59.9 25.3 214 697 281 18.0 58.5 23.6 65 159 74 198 286 93 13 7.4 18.2 8.5 22.6 32.7 10.6 1.5 81 200 132 283 336 139 8 6.9 17.1 11.3 24.2 28.7 11.9 0.7 0.14 % was presented unless otherwise noted. Differences in gender were tested by Chi-square test for categorical data, t-test for normally distributed data. *indicates difference between men and women. decreased along the social transition categories, but not significantly (trend test: men p ¼ 0.075; women p ¼ 0.2). Total hours spent on physical activity were significantly higher among hunting and fishing families living in a village (group A) compared with wage earners with long vocational or academic education, living in towns (group F), adjusted for age (men p < 0.001; women p ¼ 0.002). A significant test for trend was found for decreasing occupational physical activity by social change among men (p ¼ 0.01), but is most likely explained by the significant difference in median hours spent on physical activity between group A and F. Women in the latest stage of social change were found to spend significantly less time on domestic physical activity (p < 0.001) compared with those in the earliest stage of social change. For the transportation domain no significant trend was found. However a significantly less amount of physical activity was found for men and women in the latest stage of social change compared with the earliest stage (men p ¼ 0.02; women p ¼ 0.01) Contrary to what was expected, no significant difference was found for leisuretime physical activity between the most modern group (group F) compared with the most traditional (group A). And no significant trend was seen across the social transition groups for men and women. Table II also shows the proportion of participants reporting no physical activity, separately by domain and stratified by groups of social transition. For physical activity at work there was a clear pattern that a smaller proportion of hunters and fishermen (group A) reported no physical activity compared with professionals (group F). For leisuretime activity the pattern was contrary, with a greater proportion of individuals in the most traditional group reporting no physical activity compared with the most Westernized group. The questionnaire provided information on time used on both moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity. Moderate intensity physical activity includes activities such as child care and cleaning, while shovelling snow and heavy lifting are activities of vigorous intensity. A consistent pattern was found that the group of wage earners who had a long vocational or academic education and who lived in towns (group F) used less time on moderately intensive activities compared with hunters and fishermen in villages (group A) (men and women p < 0.001), however no significant trend was found across the whole spectrum of social change (Figure 1). This pattern was also found for vigorous physical activity (men and women p ¼ 0.02). For all groups less time was used on vigorous intensity activity compared with moderate intensity activity. The results suggest that less time spent on physical activity at work or at home in the group with long vocational or academic education and living in a town is associated with more sedentary behaviour and not compensated by a higher level of physical activity in the other domains. The time spent on sedentary activity was markedly higher among wage earners with long vocational or academic education, living in towns (group F) compared with hunting and fishing families living in a village (group A) for both men and women adjusted for age (p < 0.001) (data for men and women shown together) (Figure 2). Half of the Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 3.0 (0.4–3.2) 2.5 (1.3–3.4) 3.2 (2.1–5.0) 3.0 (1.7–4.4) 2.9 (0.6–3.3) 1.6 (0.7–3.0) 0.33 <0.001 4.5 (2.8–6.7) 4.4 (2.9–6.0) 4.3 (2.2–7.0) 4.0 (2.2–6.6) 4.3 (2.3–6.6) 3.4 (1.9–4.9) 0.002 0.2 0.02 (24.5) (17.0) (8.9) (13.8) (20.9) (25.6) No PA reported n ¼ 154 (%) <0.001 (5.6) (8.6) (9.3) (12.9) (14.6) (35.6) No PA reported n ¼ 92 (%) 0.73 1.0 (0.6–1.5) 0.8 (0.4–1.4) 0.9 (0.4–1.4) 0.9 (0.3–1.6) 0.7 (0.3–1.6) 0.6 (0.4–1.3) 0.07 Daily PA n ¼ 898 Median hours (IQR) 0.002 (41.5) (25.2) (24.3) (19.2) (19.6) (17.2) No PA reported n ¼ 195 (%) <0.001 (35.8) (28.5) (31.1) (20.8) (18.5) (18.0) No PA reported n ¼ 273 (%) Leisuretime domain 0.81 1.1 (0.5–1.9) 1.1 (0.4–2.0) 0.7 (0.4–1.9) 0.7 (0.3–2.0) 1.0 (0.4–1.7) 0.9 (0.4–1.7) 0.22 Daily PA n ¼ 680 Median hours (IQR) 0.06 2.0 (1.1–3.0) 2.0 (1.0–3.0) 1.1 (0.6–2.0) 1.0 (0.5–2.0) 1.0 (0.5–2.0) 0.7 (0.3–1.3) <0.001 Daily PA n ¼ 1,050 Median hours (IQR) Domestic domain 0.26 0.8 (0.3–1.7) 1.0 (0.4–2.0) 0.5 (0.2–1.2) 0.5 (0.2–1.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.5 (0.2–1.1) 0.07 Daily PA n ¼ 679 Median hours (IQR) 0.002 (2.5) (8.0) (8.3) (16.6) (9.5) (9.4) No PA reported n ¼ 121 (%) 0.6 (24.6) (17.6) (24.3) (23.7) (24.1) (19.4) No PA reported n ¼ 196 (%) Domestic domain 0.27 1.0 (0.3–1.0) 1.0 (0.4–2) 0.6 (0.3–1.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.01 Daily PA n ¼ 1041 Median hours (IQR) 0.08 (18.5) (14.5) (7.6) (11.0) (9.2) (10.1) No PA reported n ¼ 130 (%) 0.4 (20.0) (19.5) (12.2) (12.6) (17.5) (14.0) No PA reported n ¼ 141 (%) Transportation domain 0.16 1.0 (0.2–2.0) 0.9 (0.3–2.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.6 (0.3–1.5) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.5 (0.3–1.0) 0.017 Daily PA n ¼ 734 Median hours (IQR) Transportation domain Time presented in median hours/day with interquartile range. p values for group F relative to group A (hunters and fishermen) derived from linear regression on transformed data. Analysis adjusted for age. ** Likelihood-ratio test for trend adjusted for age. ***Only participants reporting occupational activity outside the home. **** Chi-square test. A: Hunters and fishermen in villages; B: Inhabitants of villages who were not hunters or fishermen; C: Wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns but having lived in villages at age 10; D: Wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns and having lived in towns also at age10; E: Wage earners with short vocational education, living in towns; and F: Wage earners with long vocational or academic education, living in towns. A Hunter/fishermen B Other villagers C Blue collar migrants D Other blue collar E Intermediate F Professionals p values for group F relative to group A* Test for trend** p values**** Daily PA n ¼ 670 Median hours (IQR) Work domain*** 0.01 0.075 Total daily PA n ¼ 1,171 Median hours (IQR) 3.1 (1.5–4.3) 3.3 (1.5–5.1) 3.3 (1.7–5.6) 3.0 (1.3–5.3) 3.0 (0.9–5.3) 1.0 (0.3–3.0) 0.001 Daily PA n ¼ 541 Median hours (IQR) 5.0 (2.6–6.7) 4.2 (2.5–6.7) 4.7 (2.1–6.9) 4.2 (2.3–6.6) 4.1 (1.9–6.3) 2.6 (1.2–4.3) <0.001 Total daily PA n ¼ 875 Median hours (IQR) Leisuretime domain [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) Transition groups (women) A Hunter/fishermen B Other villagers C Blue collar migrants D Other blue collar E Intermediate F Professionals p values for group F relative to group A* Test for trend** p values**** Transition groups (men) Work domain*** Table II. Daily hours spent on physical activity (PA) in total and separately in the four domains of daily life and proportion of participants reporting no physical activity stratified by groups of social transition. Results from the PA analysis were only presented for those participants reporting PA within each domain. Greenland, 2005–2009. XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition 5 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) 6 [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] I. K. Dahl-Petersen et al. Hours of moderate and vigorous intensity activity 8 6 4 * * ** 2 ** 0 Hunters/fishermen Professionals Hunters/fishermen Men Professionals Women Moderate intensity activity Vigorous intensity activity Figure 1. Time presented in median hours/day with interquartile range and 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles. Only data from participants reporting physical activity are presented. *p < 0.001 for group F relative to group A derived from linear regression on transformed data and adjusted for age; **p ¼ 0.02 for men and women for group F relative to group A derived from linear regression on transformed data and adjusted for age. Likelihood- ratio test for trend adjusted for age only significant for vigorous activity for women p ¼ 0.02. Moderate activity, men n ¼ 777 and women n ¼ 1,087, vigorous activity, men n ¼ 496 and women n ¼ 393. men and women in the most modern group were found to spend more than five hours a day on sedentary activity compared with those in the most traditional group spending three hours a day. Discussion By stratifying the population into transition groups we were to some extent able to evaluate how physical activity patterns change when society is changing. The stratification of the population provided us with the possibility not only to study the differences between town and village (urban vs rural) but the differences in educational level and occupation status, which are known to have implications for physical activity [16]. The stratification into six population groups is only a proxy for longitudinal information and hence there remains the question to what extent it represents true temporal changes in physical activity patterns. In any case its use in other populations and with other cardiovascular risk factors must be done with caution. A further study of its plausibility and usefulness in the study of behavioural risk factors for cardiovascular disease among the Inuit is underway. The decrease in total physical activity by social change was mostly explained by less time used on physical activity in the occupational domain for men and in the domestic domain for women. Moreover a greater proportion of men in the latest stage of social change were reporting no physical activity at work compared with men in the early stage of social change. This is most likely a result of differences in type of work, from the traditional physically demanding work, such as hunting and fishing, to servicebased and sedentary occupations. Also the increase of labour-saving household goods and improved sanitation facilities could have contributed to a lower amount of physical activity in the domestic domain for women in the latest state of social change. Increasing time spent on sedentary activities, such as watching television, is seen in many Western countries. But some research teams in Western countries have identified an increase in leisuretime physical activity [17] and an upward trend in sports participation over time [18]. However studies of temporal trends in physical activity are sparse. In our study we found more time used on sedentary activity among individuals in the late stages of social change, but no indication of increased physical activity during leisure time to compensate for less physical activity at work and for domestic chores and more sedentary Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] Physical activity patterns in Greenland: A country in transition 7 Daily hours of sedentary activity 15 * 10 5 0 A.Hunters/ fishermen B. Other villagers C. Blue collar migrants D. Other blue collar E Intermediate F. Professionals Figure 2. Sedentary time presented in median hours with interquartile range and 2.5% and 97.5% percentile and stratified by groups of social transition (men and women). Only data from participants reporting sedentary activity are presented. Greenland 2005–2009. p value group F relative to group A: p < 0.001. Test for trend p ¼ 0.01. n ¼ 1,996. A: Hunters and fishermen in villages; B: Inhabitants of villages who were not hunters or fishermen; C: Wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns but having lived in villages at age 10; D: Wage earners with no vocational education, currently living in towns and having lived in towns also at age 10; E: Wage earners with short vocational education, living in towns and F: Wage earners with long vocational or academic education, living in towns. behaviour. However, the proportion of individuals reporting no physical activity in their leisure time was smaller among individuals in the most Westernized group compared with individuals in the most traditional group. The tradition for promoting leisuretime physical activity might not yet be that well-established compared with Western countries, although activities for promoting physical activity in the larger towns of Greenland have increased. Most large towns have a number of sports facilities and activities and an enormous potential for being outside and other outdoor activities. However, it is likely that time is spent on watching television or DVDs and on a computer rather than using these facilities. A study of trends in physical activity of Greenlandic schoolchildren showed that about one-quarter of the children were heavy television watchers, spending four hours a day or more [19]. In Greenland there are no roads connecting the towns and villages, but nevertheless there has been an increase in the number of cars, buses, taxis and snow mobiles in the larger towns over the last 40 years, which may explain our finding of a less physically active way of transportation among the most Westernized individuals. Access to motorized transportation has been found to be associated with low levels of physical activity [20]. In our study we used a questionnaire measuring physical activity in four domains of daily life. This differs from the majority of other questionnaires that only evaluate leisuretime physical activity. We found that for all groups relatively less time was spent on physical activity in leisure time compared with time spent on physical activity in the occupational and domestic domains. That is consistent with studies of physical activity in developing countries, which have shown that leisure time in general is the domain with the lowest activity level because people’s lifestyles do not give them the time and the physical capacity for leisuretime activities. The international physical activity questionnaire used in this study was developed to be used in different cultural settings [8] and has been widely used and tested for reliability and validity in several countries [21–23]; However, IPAQ and self-reported methods in general also have some limitations. Studies have found both over- and underestimation of physical activity using the long form of IPAQ compared with other measurement methods [22,24,25]. A study among Inuit in Nunavut found very high levels of physical activity using the short form of IPAQ and suggested an additional need for validation of the questionnaire for the Inuit population [26]. Therefore we chose not to evaluate whether the population met the national recommendations for physical activity or to compare the activity level with other countries. Even though IPAQ is a questionnaire designed to measure physical activity in different cultural settings, some degree of misclassification of activity is likely. In particular traditional Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 XML Template (2011) K:/SJP/SJP 420486.3d [6.9.2011–1:26pm] (SJP) 8 [1–9] [PREPRINTER stage] I. K. Dahl-Petersen et al. activities such as hunting and fishing could potentially be difficult to classify according to domains and intensity. However, we tried to minimize this misclassification by using trained Greenlandic interviewers instead of using a self-administered questionnaire and by adapting the activity examples to Greenlandic living conditions. A Swedish study used a qualitative approach in order to examine the concepts of physical activity and exercise and different intensity modifiers as used in IPAQ and found that the interpretation of physical activity was dependent on differences in people’s experiences [27]. Such an approach could contribute to knowledge of the interpretation of physical activity in a cultural setting such as Greenland and also contribute to the development of appropriate activity examples in questionnaires measuring activity as IPAQ to reduce potential misclassification of activity. In order to gain as much information on physical activity as possible and to prevent overlooking important differences in physical activity patterns in relation to social transition among indigenous populations it is recommended that all four domains of physical activity should be examined. In addition a number of studies have indicated domain-specific health effects worth further examination in populations undergoing rapid transition [28]. Our results suggest that Westernization of a country means more time spent on sedentary activity. Sedentary activity and watching television proved to be independent risk factors for metabolic health [29,30] and we suggest that not only physical activity transition is studied but also changes in sedentary activity in countries in the circumpolar north. Conclusion In this study we found differences in the level of occupational and domestic physical activity, physical activity during transportation and time spent on sedentary activity in relation to social transition among Inuit in Greenland. Greenland is an example of an indigenous population in the circumpolar north undergoing rapid transition. Differences in physical activity patterns across the social transition groups may be interpreted as reflecting temporal changes in physical activity. As a part of the prevention of chronic lifestyle diseases it is suggested that the promotion of physical activity during leisure time and transportation should be intensified and that sedentary behaviour should be reduced. Knowledge of changes in physical activity patterns along with social transition can be useful in other indigenous populations in the circumpolar north going though rapid social transition. Funding The work was supported by Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation. 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Downloaded from at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek on October 12, 2011 Physical activity pattern and its relation to glucose metabolism in Greenland – a country in transition Paper III PAPER III Physical activity energy expenditure is associated with 2-h insulin independently of obesity among Inuit in Greenland Dahl-Petersen IK Bjerregaard P Brage S Jørgensen ME Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2013; article in press Included in this thesis in submitted form Title: Physical Activity Energy Expenditure is associated with 2-hour Insulin independently of obesity among Inuit in Greenland Running title: Physical Activity and metabolic health in the Arctic Authors: MSPH IK Dahl-Petersen1, Prof P Bjerregaard 1, PhD S Brage 2, PhD ME Jørgensen 3 1 National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark 2 MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, United Kingdom 3 Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Denmark Corresponding author: Inger Katrine Dahl-Petersen, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Address: University of Southern Denmark Øster Farimagsgade 5A,2 DK 1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark tlf:+45 65507777, fax: E-mail: This study was funded by Karen Elise Jensen´s foundation, NunaFonden, Danish Medical Research Council, and Greenland Medical Research Council. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. Word count abstract: 249, Word count main text: 2981, Tables:4, Figures:1 references:30 1 Aims: Indigenous populations throughout the Arctic are experiencing a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The role of physical activity in relation to glucose metabolism in Arctic populations is not well studied. We examined the association between objectively measured physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) and glucose metabolism in a population-based study of adult Inuit in Greenland. Methods: Cross-sectional data were collected by combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring (ACC+HR) among Inuit (18+years) in Greenland during 2005–2010 (n=1545). PAEE was calculated and the associations with fasting glucose, 2-h glucose, fasting insulin, 2-h insulin concentrations and body composition were analysed by linear regression. Results: An inverse association between PAEE and fasting insulin, 2-h insulin, 2-h glucose, fat percentage, BMI and Waist Circumference (WC) was found after adjustments by age and sex. Only the association between PAEE and 2-h insulin remained significant after adjustment by WC (p=0.01), most pronounced at low levels of PAEE indicating a threshold around 35-40 kJ/kg/day. No overall linear trend was found for fasting glucose and 2-h glucose. Conclusions: This population-based study found that PAEE was associated with 2-h insulin independently of weight in an inverse dose response relation. Insufficient physical activity may contribute to impaired glucose tolerance through a pathway including alterations in obesity and fat distribution. Both obesity and low levels of PAEE may be important contributing risk factors for the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Inuit in Greenland, but additional risk factors should be examined in this indigenous population. 2 Introduction Indigenous populations throughout the Arctic have experienced rapid social, economic and cultural changes over the past decades (1). Parallel to this, a substantial rise in prevalence of obesity and type 2 DM similar to the characteristics of the epidemiologic transition in developing countries has been seen (2-4). Research in developing countries and countries undergoing rapid transition has shown that the risk of impaired glucose metabolism increases with urbanization (5;6). Physical inactivity has been found to contribute to this risk (7;8). Research among Arctic populations has shown that physical activity is higher among individuals with a traditional lifestyle compared with individuals with modern lifestyles (9;10) and a study in an isolated subarctic Native Canadian populations showed that both physical activity and fitness were independently associated with fasting insulin concentrations (11);. In Greenland, a higher prevalence of type 2 DM and glucose intolerance was found in rural areas compared with towns and among people with a traditional dietary pattern, despite a higher physical activity level in these groups (12), Jeppesen et al, personal communication). Relative beta cell dysfunction rather than insulin resistance has been shown to be associated with type 2 DM in this population. However, knowledge about PA and glucose metabolism among indigenous populations in the Arctic is limited. Moreover, only few studies (7;13-15), all conducted in non-Arctic populations, have reported on objectively measured freeliving PA and its association with glucose metabolism. In order to design appropriate prevention strategies in the Arctic it is important to obtain more knowledge about the population-specific association between PA and various glucose metabolism outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the association between objectively measured physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) and glucose metabolism outcomes in a population-based study of adult Inuit in Greenland. 3 Methods Study population Data are from the Inuit Health in Transition study (16). In brief, data was collected as part of a countrywide cross-sectional health survey in Greenland. The total population of Greenland is 57,000 of whom 90% are ethnic Greenlanders (Inuit). Genetically, Greenlanders are Inuit with a mixture of European, mainly Scandinavian genes. They are genetically and culturally related to the Inuit in Canada and Alaska and the Yupiit of Alaska and Siberia. Greenland’s 80 communities are all located on the coast and are divided into towns ( population between 469 and 15,469) and villages ( population from less than 10 to about 550). Participants were selected as a stratified random sample. Greenland was divided into strata based on geography (South-West coast; CentralWest coast; North-West coast; East Greenland; North Greenland) and community size (towns with ≥ 2000 inhabitants; towns with < 2000 inhabitants; and villages). From each of these strata one or more towns and at least two villages were selected for the study as representative of the stratum with regard to living conditions. A random sample was drawn from the population register to obtain around 300 participants from each town. Villages were chosen at random in the strata and all adults in selected villages were invited to participate. Information on adults aged 18 years and older, born in Greenland or Denmark, was collected during 2005-2010 in 9 towns and 13 villages. Ethnicity as Greenlander or Dane was determined at enrolment based on the primary language of the participant and self-identification. The current study focuses on Greenlanders only. Data was collected using clinical procedures, sampling of biological media and questionnaires. Questionnaires were developed in Danish, translated into Greenlandic, back-translated and revised where necessary. Interview and self-administered questionnaires gave information about socio-demographic factors, self-reported health, and lifestyles including diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use. The 4 study was approved by the ethical review committee for Greenland. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Anthropometric measurements Height (nearest 0.1cm) and weight (nearest 0.1 kg) were measured with the participants wearing light clothing and no shoes. BMI was calculated as weight/height2 (kg/m2). Waist circumference was measured midway between the rib cage and the iliac crest, hip circumference at its maximum on the standing participant. Weight was measured on a standard electronic clinical scale. Bioimpedance and calculation of fat percentage was performed on a leg-to-leg Tanita TBF-300MA. Based on a single reading, fat percent was calculated by the internal algoritm of the device, which is based on height, weight, sex, impedance and age; body type was set as standard. Metabolic measures After a minimum of 8 hours of fasting, participants underwent a standardized 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (75 g) except for those with known diabetes at the time of health examination. Plasma glucose was measured fasting, spun at 20 °C, 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. Plasma was separated, frozen at –20°C and transported to one laboratory for measurement of plasma glucose. Fasting and 2-hours insulin were allowed to stand for >30 minutes and <1.5 hour before centrifugation at 20 °C, 3000 rpm for 10 minutes and stored frozen at -20ºC. Non-fasting participants or participants with known diabetes were not included in the further analysis involving glucose and insulin parameters. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 DM were classified according to WHO criteria (WHO 1999). 5 Combined accelerometry and heart rate monitoring A combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor (ACC+HR) (Actiheart®, CamNtech Ltd, Papworth, UK), described in technical detail elsewhere (17), was provided to a subgroup of the participants (n=2055). The monitor was set up to measure acceleration and heart rate in 30-seconds intervals and attached to the participant´s chest by two standard ECG electrodes (MXC55 MediMax, UK). The participants wore the monitor 24 hours a day up to 5 days from the day of the health examination. Due to study logistics, only a limited time was available at each study location, especially for data collection in villages. Together with a finite stock of monitors, this explains why not all participants were given a monitor and why the length of recordings from some participants was shorter. A subgroup of participants (n=135) conducted an individual calibration test (8-minute step test) as described previously (18). The step tests were used to define a population-specific calibration equation of the heart rate – activity energy expenditure relationship. Caloric intensity of PA was estimated by combining the acceleration-based estimate of intensity (18) with the heart rate-based estimate from the population-specific equation in a branched equation modelling framework (19). Briefly, this method predominantly uses the accelerometer estimate during low levels of heart rate and movement and the heart rate estimate when both heart rate and acceleration levels are high, with equal weighting for other conditions. Resulting time-series of activity intensity (in J/min/kg) were summarised into total physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) in kJ/kg/day, whilst minimising diurnal bias from potentially unbalanced data accumulated over hours of the day. Intensity categories were defined using multiples of 1 MET (Metabolic Equivalent Task) as derived using the Oxford equations for resting metabolic rate (20). 6 Statistical methods Descriptive characteristics of the study sample are presented as means and SD or proportions, stratified by sex and demographic and clinical variables by quartiles of PAEE (age and sex-adjusted means (SE)). Linear trends across PAEE quartiles were assessed by linear regression adjusted by age and sex. Association between deciles of PAEE and health outcomes are presented graphically (age- and sex adjusted means). Associations between PAEE and health outcomes were examined by multiple linear regression models (A–C). Interaction was tested. A test for non-linearity was applied by adding PAEE2 to the regression model. Outcome variables with a skewed distribution were logtransformed for the analysis and presented as percent increase or decrease in outcome. Logistic regression analyses were applied to examine the association between PAEE and impaired fasting glucose (IFG), (IFG vs. normal glucose tolerance (NGT)); impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), (IGT vs. IFG and NGT), and Diabetes (Diabetes vs. IGT, IFG and NGT). Gaussian Process regression of heart rate was performed in JAVA using a MySQL database, and all other analyses were carried out in STATA version 12. Results Data on PA were obtained from 2055 Inuit participants. After excluding recordings with insufficient valid PA data (<48 hours), 1545 participants with complete data from ACC+HR monitoring were available for analysis. The characteristics of the study population are presented in table 1. Mean age was 43.8 years and 22.5% of the participants were classified as obese (BMI>30) and 7.5% with type 2 DM. A fifth of the participants lived in the capital, Nuuk, and more than half in other towns. Median PAEE (IQR) was higher among men (56.4, IQR:40.5;75.3) compared with women (45.7, IQR:34.2;60.7). 7 Table 2 presents socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population stratified by quartiles of PAEE. Almost twice as many men were highly physically active compared with women (Q4: 34.2% and 18.0% for men and women) and a larger proportion of women were in the lowest quartile of PAEE compared with men (Q1: 29.4% and 19.2% for men and women). A significant negative linear trend across quartiles of PAEE was found for BMI, waist circumference and fat percentage. A larger proportion of men in the lowest quartile of PAEE (Q1) was classified with IGT compared with the most physically active (Q4) (8.7% vs. 1.5%, p=0.04). For women, this pattern was found for IFG with 18.6% in the lowest quartile (Q1) compared with 6.9% in quartile 4 (p=0.001). The largest proportion of women and men with type 2 DM were found in the group with the lowest level of PAEE (Q1). Fasting and 2-h concentrations of insulin and glucose across deciles of PAEE are displayed in Figure 1. Inverse associations were found for fasting insulin and 2-h insulin concentrations, the latter being the strongest relationship (p=0.01), most pronounced at low levels of PAEE. The results indicated a threshold around 35-40 kJ/kg/day. No overall linear trend was found for fasting glucose and 2-h glucose; however a step-wise decrease was seen for 2-h glucose at the lowest level of PAEE indicating a threshold effect around 30-35 kJ/kg/day. Inverse associations were also found for BMI and waist circumference as shown in Figure 1 (p<0.01), and similar trend was found for fat percentage (data not shown). In Table 3, unadjusted (Model A) and age- and sex adjusted (Model B) linear regression analysis showed that PAEE was strongly and significantly inversely associated with both BMI, waist circumference and fat percentage. For every 10kJ/kg/day increase in PAEE, WC and fat percentage decreased with 1cm and 0.6% respectively and BMI with 0.3. A significant inverse association between PAEE and fasting glucose, 2-h glucose, fasting insulin and 2-h insulin was found in the crude model (Model A). After adjustments for age and sex (model B) the association remained 8 unchanged for insulin measures and 2-h glucose but became insignificant for fasting glucose. Further adjustments for waist circumference showed that only 2-h insulin remained significantly negatively associated with PAEE (p=0.01) (Model C). Waist circumference was strongly associated with all glucose measures in the regression analysis (data not shown). Further adjustments for smoking and family history of type 2 DM did not materially change these associations. No interactions between sex, WC and PAEE were found. Table 4 presents associations between PAEE and Diabetes, IGT and IFG. Inverse associations between PAEE and non-normal glucose tolerance states were found; however when analyses were adjusted by age, sex and WC, the associations were no longer significant and a positive association between PAEE and IFG was found. Lastly, we conducted sensitivity analyses to ascertain the impact of restricting our analyses to participants providing at least 72 hrs of valid PA data. Except for the association between PAEE and IFG which remained insignificant after adjustments for WC the results were very similar and therefore not presented. Discussion Studies in populations undergoing rapid social transition have demonstrated an inverse association between physical activity and insulin resistance independently of weight (7;11;21). A study found that PA was negatively associated with insulin concentrations both among Pima Indians who tended to be overweight and in Mauritians who were leaner and suggested a beneficial role of PA not influenced by body composition (21). This finding is in accordance with our study. Since studies have shown that both fasting and post-load insulin concentrations are correlated with measures of insulin resistance from the insulin clamp our findings suggest an inverse association between PAEE and insulin resistance in our population (22;23). Contrary to most previous research we were not able to identify an association between PAEE and 2-h plasma glucose and IGT when measures of 9 body composition were included in the analysis (11;13;24;25). However the evidence from the literature is not clear and not all studies have included body composition measures as potential confounding or mediating factors. Research examining the patho-physiology and aetiology of impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) showed that Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) was predominantly related to physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and short stature (26). Although, we adjusted our analysis for factors known to be related to both PA and glucose metabolism outcomes, such as smoking and family history of type 2 DM, residual confounding might be present. For example, diet, early life factors or genetic disposition not captured by family history, which we were not able to adjust for, could play a significant role in the development of type 2 DM in our population. Our regression analysis showed that waist circumference was associated with glucose and insulin and that PAEE was inversely associated with all measures of overweight and obesity. It is suggested that overweight or obesity have a significant role in explaining differences in 2-h insulin and fasting insulin in our study population. This conclusion is in accordance with a study of Rana et al. demonstrating that obesity and physical inactivity independently contributed to the development of type 2 DM; however, the magnitude of risk contributed by obesity was much greater than the lack of PA (27), although relative importance of exposures measured with different degree of precision must be interpreted with great caution (28). In our study adjustments by age and sex eliminated the inverse association between PAEE and fasting glucose, a result supported by several previous studies (13;24). In a study examining different pathophysiologic mechanisms of impaired fasting glucose and impaired postprandial glucose tolerance it was concluded, that fasting glucose was a marker of beta cell dysfunction and hepatic glucose production rather than peripheral insulin resistance, and predominantly related to genetic factors, smoking and male sex (26), which could be a plausible explanation for our findings as well. 10 Our results showed that an increase in PAEE, in particular for those participants with the lowest level of PAEE were associated with a lower 2-h insulin concentration, which indicates a doseresponse relation of the volume of PAEE; on average fasting and 2-h insulin levels were 3% and 9% lower for every 10kJ/kg/day difference in PAEE. This difference could be achieved with an extra hour of gentle walking each day. Moreover, a potential threshold for PAEE was found around 35 kJ/kg/day; however, further examination of a threshold for the association between PAEE and glucose metabolism is warranted since the cross-sectional observational design of our study does not allow firm conclusions on causality. Let alone the significance of this threshold seemingly dividing this sample into insulin sensitive and insulin resistant participants. This is the first study to report on associations between objectively measured PAEE and glucose metabolism among Inuit. It has been shown to be particularly important to monitor both HR and movement in the estimation of PAEE in rural populations due to a higher number of activities that cannot be fully measured by motion sensing alone. Moreover the use of monitor-based measures of PA avoids issues of recall bias and is therefore considered a strength in this study (17;29). For logistic reasons, not all participants were objectively monitored for 48 hours or more but this subsample still represents the largest study conducted to date in this population. Moreover, participants included in the subsample differed only very little in age, sex and residence compared to the entire study population, which implies that the results of this present analysis applies to the population of Greenland. Measures of glucose tolerance and insulin concentrations in our population-based sample were based on blood samples, which is a strength compared with selfreported measures of type 2 DM. The study also has limitations. The cross-sectional design did not allow us to make conclusions about the direction of associations or any strong inference on causality; however, several intervention studies have shown the importance of physical activity in the prevention of type 2 DM 11 and obesity. The PAEE estimation is based on individual recordings from 48 hours to 5 full days. Rennie et al. estimated that 3 days of recording yielded a validity coefficient at 0.85 for the assessment of energy expenditure in a European sample (30). In our study, only 858 of the participants had more than 3 days of wear data, but our sensitivity analyses showed similar results when applying this stricter inclusion criteria. Ideally, more days of objective recording would have been preferable to capture variations in PA during the week but logistics made this unfeasible. We found that PAEE was associated with 2-h insulin independently of weight and an inverse dose response relation. No such association was found for fasting glucose, 2-h glucose or fasting insulin. Insufficient physical activity may contribute to impaired glucose tolerance through a pathway including alterations in obesity and fat distribution. Our results suggest that both obesity and low levels of PAEE may be important contributing risk factors for the increasing prevalence of type 2 DM among Inuit in Greenland. Nevertheless the study also points out the importance of examining other factors than just those related to current lifestyle, such as genetic or early life factors, which could play a role in the development of impaired glucose metabolism in this indigenous population. The results of this study can be incorporated in strategies in order to prevent the rising prevalence of type 2 DM and obesity among indigenous populations in the Arctic. Author Contributions: IDP wrote the manuscript; IDP,PB, SB and MEJ designed the study; and IDP, SB and MEJ were responsible for data management and analysis, IDP, PB, SB and MEJ helped to draft the manuscript. All authors interpreted the data and contributed to the final manuscript. IDP is responsible for the contents of the article. 12 Acknowledgement This study was funded by Karen Elise Jensen´s foundation, Denmark, NunaFonden, Danish Medical Research Council, and Greenland Medical Research Council. The authors are grateful to the participants and the participating communities. The authors would also like to thank Kate Westgate and Stefanie Mayle at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom for assistance in data processing. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 13 Reference List (1) Bjerregaard P, Young TK, Dewailly E, Ebbesson SO. Indigenous health in the Arctic: an overview of the circumpolar Inuit population. Scand J Public Health 2004;32(5):390-5. (2) Galloway T, Blackett H, Chatwood S, Jeppesen C, Kandola K, Linton J, et al. Obesity studies in the circumpolar Inuit: a scoping review. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012;71:18698. (3) Jørgensen ME, Bjerregaard P, Borch-Johnsen K. 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Men Women (n=672) (n=873) 44.9 ±14.1 43.0 ±13.8 Age (years) Anthropometric measures BMI (kg/m2) 25.8 ±4.6 26.5 ±5.5 Waist circumference (cm) 92.9±12.9 90.8±13.6 Fat percentage (%) 22.0±7.9 33.0±9.1 Metabolic parameters Fasting glucose (mmol/l) * 5.8±0.8 5.6±0.7 2-h glucose (mmol/l)* 5.5±2.4 6.1±2.2 Fasting insulin (pmol/l)* 33.0 (22.0;50.0) 41.0 (29.0;59.0) 2-h insulin (pmol/l)* 66.5 (30.0;140.0) 148.0 (79.0;251.0) IGT n(%) 22 (3.5) 64 (7.8) IFG n(%) 99 (15.9) 82 (10.0) Diabetes n(%) 55 (8.8) 53 (6.4) 10 (1.6) 15 (1.8) Known diabetes n (%) 59 (8.8) 94 (11.0) Family history with diabetes n (%) 442 (65.9) 602 (69.1) Smoking n (%) 75.1± 17.7 75.0±18.0 Wear time (min) 59.9±27.6 48.6±21.2 Physical Energy Expenditure (kJ/kg/day) Values are mean ±SD or median (IQR) unless otherwise noted. * Based on fasting participants and participants not diagnosed with diabetes. 17 Table 2 Clinical and metabolic characteristics by quartiles of Physical Activity Energy Expenditure (PAEE) among adult Inuit in Greenland. Quartiles of PAEE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 P value 28.3 ±0.6 43.7 ±0.5 56.9 ±0.5 85.0 ±0.6 <.001 PAEE (kj/kg/day) Sex 129(19.2) 127(18.9) 186(27.7) 230(34.2) <.001 Men n(%) 257(29.4) 259(29.7) 200(22.9) 157(18.0) Women n(%) 54.5±0.6 45.2 ±0.6 40.7 ±0.6 34.9 ±0.6 <.001 Age (years) 27.5 ±0.3 26.0 ±0.3 26.1 ±0.3 25.0 ± 0.3 <.001 BMI(kg/m2) 95.5 ±0.7 91.6 ±0.7 91.7 ±0.7 88.2 ± 0.7 <.001 WC (cm) <.001 Fat percentage (%) 30.4 ±0.5 28.1 ±0.4 28.3 ±0.4 26.1 ±0.5 IGT* 8(8.5) 5(4.7) 6(4.0) 3(1.5) 0.04 Men n(%) 23(11.5) 21(9.4) 10(5.8) 10(7.1) 0.2 Women n(%) IFG* 21(24.4) 16(15.7) 29(20.0) 33(17.0) 0.4 Men n(%) 33(18.6) 30(14.8) 10(6.1) 9(6.9) 0.001 Women n(%) Diabetes* 16(13.5) 9(7.6) 11(6.7) 9(4.3) 0.02 Men n(%) 21(8.7) 8(3.3) 7(3.8) 2(1.4) 0.004 Women n(%) Data are age and sex-adjusted means (SE) or n(%) not adjusted. P values for linear trend across quartiles of PAEE (linear regression) or for differences between groups (CHI2 test). * Analysis based on fasting participants and participants not diagnosed with diabetes. 18 Table 3. Linear associations of objectively measured PAEE (per 10kJ/kg/day) with BMI, Waist circumference (WC), fat percentage, fasting glucose (F-glucose), 2-h glucose, fasting insulin (F-insulin) and 2-h insulin adjusted by potential confounders (Model A–C). Inuit in Greenland. Model A Model B Model C PAEE (10kJ/kg/day) BMI (kg/m2) WC (cm) Fat percentage F-glucose (mmol/l) β 95% CI P β 95% CI P -0.4 -1.1 -1.4 -0.1 -0.5 to -0.3 -1.4 to -0.9 -1.6 to -1.2 -0.2 to 0.09 -0.7 to -0.4 -3.0 to -0.1 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 -0.3 -1.0 -0.6 -0.03 -0.4 to -0.2 -1.3 to -0.7 -0.8 to -0.4 -0.08 to 0.02 <.001 <.001 <.001 0.18 β 95% CI P -0.06 to 0.69 0.01 0.04 -0.5 -0.2 -0.3 to -0.02 0.2 2-h glucose mmol/l) <.001 0.03 -0.1 -0.3 to 0.06 -1.0* -7.0 to 0.6 0.1 F-insulin (pmol/l)* 0.02 -7.0* -10.0 to -2.0 0.003 3.0* -24.4 to - <.001 - -19.0 to -5.0 <.001 -16.0 to - 0.01 2-h insulin (pmol/l)* 18.0* 8.0 12.0* 9.0* 2.0 Model A: No adjustments; Model B: adjusted by age and sex. Model C: adjusted by age, sex and Waist Circumference. PAEE2 included. *Percentage decrease in insulin concentrations derived from back transformation. No interaction was found for the variables sex and WC. Analysis based on fasting participants and participants not diagnosed with diabetes. 19 Table 4. Logistic regression associations of objectively measured Physical Activity Energy Expenditure (PAEE) (per 10kJ/kg/day) with Diabetes, Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) adjusted by potential confounders (Model A-C). Inuit in Greenland. Model A Model B Model C PAEE (10kJ/kg/day) OR 95% CI P 0.826 0.742 to 0.919 <.001 OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P 0.875 to 0.835 0.998 0.884 to 0.979 1.114 1.128 0.915 0.853 to 0.981 0.013 1.078 0.992 to 0.076 1.098 1.009 to 0.030 IFG 1.171 1.195 0.787 0.703 to 0.881 <.001 0.975 0.859 to 0.701 1.014 0.892 to 0.829 Diabetes 1.107 1.153 Model A: No adjustments; Model B: adjusted by age and sex. Model C: adjusted by age, sex and Waist Circumference. Analysis based on fasting participants and participants not diagnosed with diabetes. IGT Fasting Insulin 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2-h insulin Pmol/l 6,4 mmol/l Fasting glucose 2-h glucose 6,2 6 5,8 5,6 5,4 5,2 kJ/kg/day 28 0.987 BMI kg/m2 27 26 25 24 23 kJ/kg/day kJ/kg/day 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 CM WC kJ/kg/day Figure legend: Figure 1.Age- and sex adjusted means of insulin and glucose (fasting glucose, 2-h glucose, fasting insulin and 2-h insulin) and waist circumference (WC) and BMI across deciles of PAEE. Inuit in Greenland. 20 ISSN: 1601-7765 ISBN: 978-87-7899-256-7 ISBN: 978-87-7899-257-4