to the 2012 Annual Report
to the 2012 Annual Report
We Value Our Donors and their commitment to You Can Save Lives by Partnering with The Joseph changing the lives of the world’s poorest Assignment Global Initiative. You can children and their families. Your personal provide life-giving resources and opportunities contribution goes directly into the field to for children and families who are struggling to impact lives. As a valued partner, we provide overcome poverty. Your financial commitment each donor with documented proof that your ensures project has been completed and has improved implemented that provide long-lasting results. the lives of people around the world. that sustainable initiatives are We work in remote villages and provide sustainable solutions for holistic community transformation from the effects of extreme poverty. Putting Your Dollars to Work The Joseph Assignment Method Before and after pictures of projects Picture of Luster projects/well Picture of check donation Donation is matched to the need The donor responds with a donation The need is communicated Our in-country team is mobilized 100% of the need is met by 100% of your donation 100% of your donations directly supports all initiatives. All U.S. staff volunteer their time to The Joseph Assignment. Just because people are born into poverty, does not mean they are destined to a life of poverty. Contents The JA Method........................................................... 2 From Our Founder...................................................... 4 Vision, Mission, Beliefs.............................................. 5 Gauging Our Success.................................................. 6 Outcomes 2011.......................................................... 7 Core Areas of Service ................................................. 8 Countries We Impact............................................... 10 Corporate Sponsorship Program.............................. 11 Special Focus: Education......................................... 12 Financial Statements................................................ 14 Donors...................................................................... 19 3 dies every erty. A child ov s: p er l n a rt ob a gl P r of lt Those Dea as a direct resu sic healthcare. y ba a d d to n a d r, ie d te el n ects for ter, food, sh 21,000 childre nd future prosp ess to clean wa a cc a on of ti ca ck u la ed to lack access to 4 seconds due erished regions ov p im in e iv who surv address s our ability to living. ct t a en p ec im d y a el g n rs ki able dve ma of you, we are ic instability a se om u ca on ec be l s, a es ob el g gl roviding erty. Neverth The continuin opment, and p caused by pov el s d ev ee d n s n es a n si m u lture/microbu advances in the profound h nue to utilize areas of agricu ti e n ic co rv e se W r . ou re e ca h ed commuto continu tion, and healt for self-sustain ca s u el ed od r, m te e a bl w si pov on access to clean ct extremely im nmentally resp a ro p vi im en to d il es u bu n y to , South itiative conti green technolog temala, India ent Global In a m u n G ig , ss so A a F h p a se impoverished iberia, Burkin nities. The Jo g the needs of iti, Ghana, L in a ic H rv in se s o ls on a gi e erished re Leone, whil 2012, Sierra of s a d n a , a ic Afr tes. t to allocating the United Sta its commitmen s in ta in a communities in m world’s ve the lives of the Global Initiati t to en in m y n tl ig ec ss ir A d ; ive The Joseph e mission field the thirsty rece th y, to it s os on er n ti u ge ib r contr red for, Through you 100% of your and families. are housed, ca n n re re d d il il ch ch e ed bl h a aned/vulner most impoveris y are fed; orph gr n u h e th r, te clean wa ignment The Joseph Ass cation. u of ed ts ed en d m vi ve ro ie p and fight against continued ach impact in the reason for the d e n a th is ch a t re or p p ed nd Please Your su e hope of expa ildren’s lives. th ch r s fo ve d sa n a t , or p ve p artGlobal Initiati ossible! Your su her potential p p ot ll a to t it ou ke g a in m . You and by reach global poverty ugh donations, ro th t or p p su l Initiative. king continue your ignment Globa ss A h p se her, we are ma Jo et e h og T T s. of er lf h a h ot ners on be u in serving artner with yo p to ed or on h I am greatly to come! the best is yet d n A . er tt be the world Felder Dr. Alexis L. nteer dent and Volu si re P , er d n ou F d remembered your prayer an God has heard 10 Acts :31-32 e poor. your gifts to th 4 Built On a Solid Foundation When you start with a solid foundation, the pieces come together and stay together. Vision Statement The Joseph Assignment Global Initiative is a global humanitarian organization that transforms the lives of the world’s poorest children and their families through sustainable initiatives. Mission Statement Our mission is to impact the lives of the world’s poorest children and their families by addressing their educational, economic and physical needs through collaborative initiatives which leverage resources necessary to stimulate systemic development. Foundational Beliefs Every human being deserves to live in a safe and clean home, to become economically self-sufficient, and to have access to quality healthcare and clean water. Just because people are born into poverty, does not mean they are destined to a life of poverty. Compassion must be followed by action that cultivates change and promotes holistic living. Through collaborative initiatives, we can leverage the resources necessary to stimulate educational and economic opportunities for the poor. We remain accountable to our supporters and committed to operating with integrity, transparency and compassion. We are committed to employing green technology and ecosystem preservation methods throughout our community development blueprint. 5 Gauging Our Success What is success? Organizations use a variety of metrics for evaluation. Since the beginning of The Joseph Assignment Global Initiative, we’ve focused on helping one community at a time. We gauge our success primarily by the number of people we impact through our Core Areas of Service. We advance initiatives that most effectively address maximal number of children and families who live in communities of extreme poverty. 6 Outcomes for 2012 Impact To Date Thanks to supporters like you, 2012 was a great year in spite of our continued economic crises. By sending 100% of your donations to our local partners on the ground who implement our initiatives, we were able to change the lives of more than 21,800 individuals living in extreme poverty. THANK YOU! The Joseph Assignment Global Initiative is a global humanitarian organization that brings sustainable initiatives (clean water, food/ agriculture, education/adult literacy, healthcare and wellness, economic development, and shelter) to people living in developing nations. 100% of your donations directly fund all initiatives. Individuals served per country Overview 10,910 Ghana 600Haiti 7 500 12Countries India 550Liberia 400 South Africa 4,300Sudan 50 Corporate/organization partners 1,376 Individual partners Individuals served 4,550USA 600 Individuals served through Core Areas of Service 7,900 Clean Water Wells 510 Education/Adult Literacy (built schools and provided supplies for village schools) 7,100 Healthcare/Wellness 3,200 Orphans/Vulnerable Children 100 Shelter People served through Shelter Initiatives 24,390 People served through Education Initiatives Food/Agriculture (farming/school lunch program) 3,000 Years of Success 42,500 Children served through Orphans and Vulnerable Children Initiatives 43,700 People served through Clean Water Initiatives 62,225 People served through Food/ Agriculture Initiatives 88,900 People served through Healthcare/Wellness Initiatives 264,315 People served through The Joseph Assignment Global Initiatives’ approach 7 Core Areas of Service Finding the right pieces and putting them together! k. drin . o t er ases t e a s i r. dd few nk. esa anwate r-relate rtodri v a h ate cle ot ate don fromun uetow dirtyw e l eop ds ect . 5,d n onp 5secon reage tocoll er vices clea i l l i n s e o b y f 1 n h a e n 1 r w nd clea y1. sever y ndieb ever yd nitatio e l t r a a e a e a fe w ie s • N childd childr lkmile quates ted e fresh for sa a n n e i a e d o d t A m a vi illi • nw ka onta We pro desper c .3m enofte plelac 2 g e n r • ki ce. ar peo hild drin e surfa s that • C billion m o .6 e fr elow th munitie • 2 b d di er t a an W Cle l hou 00 feet s in com s e 1 ll on No r is only ging we g e wat r by di er. t e wat ing wa k drin iprox p a ia Ind need. n I . in ca Afri ren are a r ha ild b-Sa able ch u S in lner live 00 vu yday. n e ed e r 0 r , W d e . l 0 . i v s y rica ,00 ch Se dail ese need ned ost 40 yAID sinAf e a c h a f p b ie ns ss th ildren. a 0or and alm haned casualt e h 0 r 0 p d , t or ely ad able ch 100 rphans areorp nwar a , 3 h t 5 a i o air borativ vulner ring 0,000 hildren llcivil p e s g e g d a ,40 sta tic an colla ns and of 00c s a r a • A tely 12 ted6,0 forhalf c d the ow we ’s orph ma stima ount f o h ss rld ne acc rene tions on the wo a • A ildren w h ra or ea ng • C e th d corpo iding f livi s d i e a s r n ov ovi rk to duals a t by pr mpr o i w d i c n We indiv clay fea mpa d i a n s e a n n t h m. nu uca make a ' roo stthatc ngi i 0 v 1 i d l 'x mo an are e10 ousin ple n o o e r and hare dange onp n s i l e l e i l d m g b p wo peo pooran n1 ivin . f l y a o l 2 h d y 1 t i en ar rap ore er y s. 5to burd re sanit ore • M ndition elters, lityisv e m o tim ead co ostsh alqua the iding m iseases. spr s r e e m u c s t d ov du sea • In estruc e re . By pr nicable sdi n w h a T , e • ool mu es. ons gm diti end sch of com hom housin n o c att spread oor ing • P e e liv m to sa n rpha O ble a r e uln V d n n dre Chil ter l e h S prov ling the imize th m i e in ab As w ren, en can m e d chil itions w d con 8 Food Secu • M aln than utritio nis ha • M ore lf of al acont ribu than l de ev a t • E er y day 900m ths wo ingfac rldw ver y tor ; 30 illio inm hun day,a 0 milli npeop ide. ore on a lego • C ger-re lmost re c 16, late hild t o h b to 1 renwh d cause 000ch ildren. edhun ildre s. 60 d oar gr y ndi em ays a e o l n from f ou We t 36 ourishe prov 5 d suf day tise, ide f s ea n ch y erillne sust and gui ecessar ssu e ar. y re aina dan p sou ce se bi rity lf-d lity to rce and etermin , incre local fa s, techn a r e thei i r fa d qual sed yie mers. W cal exp mili l eri d t ef y of s es. life and in ocus on c for the reasing farm ers Edu catio • 1 n 3 Hea 4 nev million • G er bee child re n i • C rlsarem to sch nbetw o hild een ol. or the they renare elikely ages tog mo are of7 reli o not w to1 k i a t e h t l tend yto out Prov 8ha s i b ve c ng s cho eforced hooling wom iding qu o l e t a . i h nto com n off t lity ed chil anboy he s ing u d s. c lab a t chil orif d la reets a tion is t n b h lth C • M are easl orer s. d pr e even key to ke ting chil eping y dren o from ung be- • M e ore s,mala ria, t han ve a • 1 ntable d 30mil nddia rr -in-4 li i • D chi seases. onchil heaare ldre dren iar t are hreeof HIV rhealdi nwho n d otim theb seas /AID esk iebefo mun igges S. illfi t ized Prop vet reage5 aga killerso ime , e d r inst i sas n spre trea fchildr ma eofwa ad o utrition e tabl t n e y rand f chi eor n. ldre related thei commu and h prenin r fa e the disease mili nicable althcar s dev es. and e elop . trea save l i ngw i tabl orld e di ves and as seas si 9 g es a nd t nifican tl heir effec y redu ce ts on chil the dren Countries We Impact United States, Guatemala, Haiti, Brazil, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Somalia, South Africa, India, China 10 Corporate Sponsorship Program With a helping hand, we can do so much more, and we will reach much further. We appreciate ou r Partners and th ank you for sending a strong message of corp orate social responsibility to your customers, investors, and employees. Companies from ever ywhere are discovering the enormous benefits of developing dyna mic ongoing relationships with The Joseph Assignment Glo bal Initiative. Companies part icipate in variou s ways to help end hunger and extreme poverty for children and families arou nd the world. This past year the stock marke t fluctuated wildly and th e world’s finan ci al situation remained unstab le. Yet despite the troubled economic climat e, our generous donors gave sacrificially. Thank you for jo ining The Joseph Assignment Global Initiative on this great jour ney. k n a Th You. 11 SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS URGENT ALERT SPECIAL fOCUS: Education ECONOMIC GROWTH Literacy means greater job opportunities and stronger national economic development. No country has achieved continuous growth with less than a 40% adult literacy rate. HIGHER WAGES For every year of additional education, boys will earn 10% higher wages, while girls will earn 25% higher wages. GENDER EQUALITY Provides opportunities for increased wages for women to support their families. Promotes fewer child marriages and lessens child slave labor. IMPROVED HEALTH Educated youth are 57% less likely to contract HIV. We haven’t been able to adequately address the increased urgency for eradicating childhood illiteracy in Liberia. Our goal is to provide a much needed school facility, educational supplies, student curriculum, and training for educators. The economic downturn resulting in lower contributions substantially reduced our ability to impact the lives of thousands of students who are called to be Liberia’s future leaders. The challenges Liberia faces present a looming threat to its economic and societal future. This is an urgent call for help! Please help us to help those who are forgotten. ll fail m a s t uden ssion exa finds t s a i e Liber sity admi inister says sahndidate c r ion m t a single n exam. unive o ducat o at n missi ia’s e t Liber believe th versity ad hetes t d i e o l dt s un ria, rsfai it har this year’ leave ty of Libe l o o d 0sch versi passe 25,00 the Uni ities. y l r id a o s Ne and d y ion t un univer s s i m s m r d ersit husia for a two stated ent lish, a univ e f k c o a one Eng nts l stude c grasp of e h war i T l civil a bas BBC. a t e v u r a ab not h told the g from l n a i i r c e fi v of eco ago. ia is r Liber d a decade ) article nde entire 78 w ie that e v ’( 38435 ered hatt ms s ‘Drea ica-2 ld-afr /wor /news . /ww http:/ With your help, The Joseph Assignment Global Initiative is committed to constructing two schools, implementing a school feeding program, and ensuring that teachers are prepared to provide the best curriculum for their students. Together we can make the difference and impact the lives of over 1,100 children living in Liberia. 12 The latest edition of the Global Education Digest reveals the urgent need to address the high number of children repeating grades and leaving school before completing primary or lower secondary education. New data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) show that about 32.2 million primary pupils were held back a grade in 2010, and 31.2 million dropped out of school and may never return. Facts On Education ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 56 million people aged 15 to 24 have not even completed primary school and 22 million teenagers are out of secondary school. 33 million primary school-aged children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not go to school. 18 million of these children are girls. Young people living in rural areas with no schooling are two and a half times more likely to earn just $1.25 per day (less than those who have completed secondary education). In Sub-Saharan Africa, only two-thirds of children who start primary school reach the final grade. For every 10 children who start school in Sub-Saharan Africa 4 drop out due to an increasingly rise of poverty and wide-spread compounding disadvantages. Our donors’ interests always come first. Our experience shows that if we serve our donors well, the lives of the people they seek to transform will follow. 13 SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS SPECIAL fOCUS “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -NelsonMandela THE JOSEPH ASSIGNMENT GLOBAL INITIATIVE Combined Financial Statements December 31, 2012 and 2011 14 15 16 17 18 Thanks to each of our donors! Every single dollar you donate, is put to use where it counts—in the field. All of our U.S. staff members volunteer 100% of their time, so your gifts can stretch around the world. My Gift COUNTS! Giving is easy. Our work is essential. Cash, Check or Credit Card Donations are a Great Gift Your immediate gift of cash or check is greatly needed and appreciated. You can use the enclosed envelope to make an end-of-the-year gift of cash or check that can be applied as a tax deduction to your 2013 taxes. Or, if you would rather make a gift by credit card, please call 866.LIVE.010 to speak with me or a member of our team, or visit us online at Tax Incentives for IRA Giving Extended through 2013 A tax law passed in 2010 reinstated the option allowing people 70½ and older to make tax-free transfers of up to $100,000 from their IRA through December 2013, provided that the money is transferred directly to a qualified charitable organization from the IRA. If this applies to you, please check with your financial advisor about the best ways to take advantage of this giving opportunity and how state and federal tax laws may affect your plans. Make a Gift of Stock by Wire Transfer A gift of stock can support the lifesaving work of The Joseph Assignment while lessening your tax burden. Whether the stock has increased or declined in value, you may be able to enjoy significant tax benefits by making a gift of stock to The Joseph Assignment before December 31, 2013. If the gift of stock has appreciated in value: • You can avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value. • You can deduct the amount of charitable income tax that is equal to the full fair market value of the stock upon transfer. You can easily donate the stock by simply providing your broker or financial advisor with the Joseph Assignment office number: 815.806.3591 or 866.LIVE.010. It is best to sell the assets first and then donate the proceeds to The Joseph Assignment. That way, you may be able to claim both a loss deduction from the sales and the charitable deduction on your taxes. Thank You I know you are passionate about the needs of those living in extreme poverty throughout the world. I hope I have provided you with some useful ways to support our lifesaving initiatives while also providing tax savings at the end of the year for your personal use. Remember to donate before December 31, 2013 to take full advantage of tax benefits this year. We appreciate all that you have done to help us carry out our mission. You are always welcome to visit our work in any of the countries we serve, so you can see firsthand how your generosity is making a difference. We are so grateful that you have chosen to partner with us to change the world—one child, family, and community at a time. Dr. Alexis L. Felder Founder, President and Volunteer 20 $10,000.00+ Dr. Gamilah Pierre Luster Products (Black Heritage Foundation) Drs. Trunell & Alexis Felder Susie McKay $9,999.00 - $4,000.00 Kevin Morris Ron & Dr. Diane Damper Rhonda McCullough Stronghold Christian Church Sellars & Sylvia Vines, Sr. $3,999.00 - $1,000.00 Joyce Allen Robert & Theresa Falconer Darryl & Joyce Goldman Dorothy Sanders Diana Kruel Yolanda Williams Corner Kerry & Dorene Hatcher Dorothy Anoina Geneva Barnes Terry Woodson Samuel & Bettye Kelly Jerome & Kimberly Jones Glinda Greer Ruth Ervin Denise Alexander Jean Brinkley Dr. Clarence Parks Joann Bates Larry & Robbie Craig Lasheena Fuller Rosilynn Sutton Charles Wennberg Iris Rodgers Stanley Nevels, Sr. Ingrid Boyd Quindora Thurmon Evelyn Owens Josefe Marie Verna Anthony Goldman Anthony Fletcher Eugene & Mattie Blackwell $999.00 - $500.00 Pauline Saunders Gregory & Deborah Powell Gregory & Mia Stokes Herman & Kimberly Miller Denise Moore Maxine Morgan Annette Rheams Stanton Helms Hugo & Georgia Davis George & Pauline Sutton Patti Deanes James & Dorothy Thomas William & Marquietta Beemon Lauren Johnson Anthony & Sonja Whitmore Delores Williams Rickie & Michelle Ringold John & Donna Hilton Rena Johnson Laura Miller Reynolds Angela Smith Amber Hill Benjamin & Johnnie Hughes Joyce Coleman Corrine Lyke Kirkland & Pamela Robertson Tiphany Pugh Granville & Mary Hill Dr. Gregory & Angela Smith Cathy Harris Sandra Warren Pamela Mills Bernadette Daniels Jimette Woods Johnny & Andrea Horton, Jr. Mildred Lockett Dolphine Coleman Ida Latham Reba Childs Paula Camp Carnell Travis Elaine Powell Gail Simington Helen Cheatham Philip & Regina Smith Verlda Brown Margaret Sherrell Cherish Salon and Spa Janet Floyd Joan Collaso Nicole Dotson Thaddeus & Toretta Gray Timeless Gifts Donald Scott Maxine Brooks Michael Keyes Ernestine Maxie Tammy O’Neal Eric Love Tequilla Liddell Juanita Thurman Bernice Parham Diane Kruel Diane Ragsdale Smith Dr. Jennifer Taylor Faye Caldwell Gwendolyn West James Thomas Jerrold & Sherita Martin Michael & Marcia Brewer New Life Community Church Planet Honda Robin Moore Shelia Bates Allen William & Dana Davis Ross Barry Draper Schmetta Morrow Willetta Wordlaw Anthony Boyd Beverly Rogers Carmen Danzy James & Jacqueline Ford Karyn Schmitt Maggie Hornsby Dr. Clark & Angela McClurkin, Jr. Willie Smith Brenda Johnson Bernadette Boone Hattie Knazze Robert & Sherry Gardner Curtis & Clarene Thomas Kevin Shelton Patricia Culbreath Burks Terry Reed Patsy Smith Michelle Horton Teela Pearson Teresa Woods Rhabi Baker Brenda Walden Cecilia Mims David & Sharon Ulmer Deborah Terrell Jonise Williams Mary Thomas Maxine Harris Brooks Norma Porter Randy & Brenda Lee Raymond Moody Roger & Vanetia King Tasha Robinson Joy Brutus Delores McClendon Louie Johns Samuel & Patricia Cory Andrew & Dorothy Howard Nikitta Foston Damario Walker Major & Sharon Armstead Mattie Martin Rosella Lewis Cheryl Washington Kimberly Bragg Marsha Grace Patricia Brewer Vernon & Dewan Roberts Belinda Chandler Darwin Yarborough $499.00 - $100.00 Lester & Darlene Daniels Traci Bowden Lillie Smith Kimberly Bonner Horace & Maxine Morgan Linda Pipkins Dr. Henry Moore Marlene McDonald Charlotte Glispie Demarco Dixon Elizabeth Ruffin Karen Miller Rosemary Moore George & Vivian Bragg Valerie Perkins Eugene & Vaunasha Boyd Paul & Jamella Goosby, Sr. Thomas & Jean Rollins Helms Kenneth & Angela Woolfolk Harris Brandon & Connie Senter Pamela Robertson Anthony & Carmella Boyd Carl & Cynthia Forn Dewan Roberts Francis & Erica Roberts Geneva Harris Jay Yancy Regenia Melton Velicia Huston Vickie Jackson Audrey Washington Daniel Judon, Jr. Joyce Richardson Gwendolyn Jones Tanzanikia Evans Vernon & Bonnie Cornelison Charles & Tanzy Clemons Larry & Neferteria Chatman Vanessa Clinton Ericca Legardy Henry Swan Willie & Mary Wilburne Karen Mylers Bell Carrie Thornton Regina Stevenson Fred Owens 21 Winfred Burns John Morris Brian & Karen Smith LaTonya Allen George & Sharon Mangum Jeffery & Dava Beckham Kathy Terrell Lionel Keyes Kenneth Osborne Floyd Smith, Sr. Avone Smith Jeanette Pickett Marsha Pennamon Dennis & Audrey Rounds Mattie Richards Willis Blanche Harewood Brenda Lee Carl Boyd Cedric & Leslie Matthews Darryl Hervy Diane Harris Sumlar George Tynes JeTaun Scott Keisha Greenwood Lisa Seaton Monisha Taylor Rhonda Sledge S. Bates Allen Terrance & Janice Johnson Vivia Armstrong Marie Valery Andrea & Johnny Horton Allyson Rush Gloria Gibson Lori Hartsfield Phillip Smith, Jr. Tina Milhouse Aquilla Parson Jones Oscar & Christine Hunter Chapel & Barbara Beckham Deborah Gant Florence Johnson Glorious Splendor Harold & Regina Stevenson Mattie Tyson Agber Dimah Brandon & Alicia Alston Donna Robinson Samara Byrd Bobbie Stokes Ernest & Ingrid Witherspoon Marilyn Bell Venus Johnson Oneal Pamela Phillips Darice Wright Alicia Bowens Barbara Hall Iris Rodgers Paula Argue Voies & Cathy Phillips Diane Daniels Gregory & Sandra Crowther Gwennetta Watson Julian & Carol Alexander Walter & Stephanie Anglin III Timothy & Shunita Rhodes, Sr. Zellesia Sherrod Crystal Wiley Kevin Martin Barbara Nettles Beverly Hood Cathy Reaves Chapel Beckham Deborah Jones Donald & Patricia Smith Geraldine Williams Shaw Janet Urquhart Latonya Watson Lee Walker Marcelia Williams Randy Ivey Samuel & Trasie Harston Stellamans Obaseki Steven & Jeannette Anderson Steven & Libby Wilson Valerie Wilson Arieana DeSadier Brenda Shelby John & Shalonda Redfield, Sr. Sheryl Baker Telvis Dixon Esther Hutchinson Keith & Joaquinn Williams Cheryl Henderson Kimberly Kelly Latonya Walker Opaline Williams Tallulah Warren Nia Stokes Robert & Angela Parnell Conrad & Adrienne Johnson Dennis Henry Angelique Little Claudia Bingham Jacqueline McCoy Jeff Curry Edward Carroll Julianne Boulware Lasaundra Gordon Lottie Sheppard Ronita Greene Elizabeth Strickland Eric Cotton Albert & Rhonda Sancho, Sr. Artremease Belton Carla Donaldson Bramelett Ceola Barnes Cleotha Elder Cynthia Stringfellow Eloise Turner Eric & Angela Cotton Gregory Ellison Helen Brown Jacqueline Young Jan Swan Jean Rollins Helms Joe Williams Lucy Archie Ouida Bennett Verdell & Michelle Williams Weight Watchers International, I Wilbert & Patricia Williams Yakeeda Jones Jaunte’ Rodgers Alvin Howard Arnold & Angel Duncan Brenda Livingston Drummond Linda Bryant Linda Pipkins Maria Macon Mona Wiggs Oscar Thomas Geraldine Joyner Bivian & Rose Ramey, Sr. Darryl Scarbrough Diana Shute Lonnie McNeal Marjorie Young Ternita Alston Annie Coleman Webb George & Janice Gilmore Kenneth & Karlyn Nixon Angela Woolfolk Harris Anthony Todd Brian Smith Diane Sumlar Ferdie Smith Michael Kellogg Sharon Mangrum Wendell O’Neal, Jr. Doris Taylor Holly Brown Jeanette Frazier Lashawnda Marshall Lee & Denise Ingram Knighten Maurice & Deborah Nutall Raven Shelton Semoria Thomas James Saverson William Walker Audra Townsel Rufus Muldrow Burma Thomas Jackie Paytes Adrienne Saverson Aisha Cornelius Edwards Alune & Bonita Allen Annie Adams Betty Owens Carla Johnson Carletta Hill Claudette Hall Clay & Joan Jones Cynthia Brinkley Damkia Davis Derrick Poe Diana Calhoun Dr. Earnest Webb Durriyyah Kemp Earl Staples Eloise Skelton Ethel Mitchell Felicia Hull Floyd & Avone Smith Freddie Luster Gerald Mundy Iraetta Lacey James Liddell Janet Mingo Johnny Westbrook Joseph & Carolyn Williams, Jr. Kimberly Brewer Kimberly Hobson L Williams Larry Chapple, Sr. Latrice Patterson Laverne Taylor Leah Jennings Lillian Ball Marchelle Goens Meagan Stokes Ollie McCarroll Pam Love Rasheed & Ocea Jones II Reginald Pope Rose Jackson Roy Hickman Rufus Mumphry Ruth Moore S Drain Engineering of Illinois Inc. Sharon Jackson Shelia Benford Sherron Turner Spencer Leak Stephanie Drain Terry Woods Theodore Dixon II Theresa Matthews Vickie Hudson Couch Victor & Joyce Eaton WI Tech Marketing LLC Yvonne Hutcherson $99.00 - $60.00 Gerald Lampkin Deloris Warren Ashonta Rice Dr. Paul & Tanya Cartwright Gayle Mabry Joaudrey Miller Karlyn Nixon Pamela Jackson Christopher Jones Childs Construction Toteanna Bell Barbara Whittaker Alma Hilton Ashante Akiwood Bryan & Angelique Warner Gretchen Murray Catima Andrews Joyce Berry Willie & Nathanya Caldwell, Jr. Cyndee Harris Derek & Toya Stevenson Smith Erik Meeks Gladys Searcy Jacqueline Adams Mary Williams Michael Warren Mona Ash Christine Holley Claude & Marsha Grace Jessica Sparks Cheryl Rogers Paul & Vanessa Peoples Demietruis & Lynn Richardson Edward Scott Ellen Heard Fetima Davis Gail Battle Jacinta Gholston Jackie Barton James & Sheila Hatchett Kisha Houston Marilyn Reno Terry & Stephanie Gipson Carolyn Crooms Margaret Lewis Rochelle Hambrick Dori Lawrence Linda Mcneal Albert McEwen Carl & Christina Campbell Cheryl Shackleford Cheryl Smith Deborah Mason Dr. Linda Stone Gloria Skelton (Watts) Gwendolyn Graves Johnson Harriet Drummings Hiram McCrainey Jeraldine Harris Jerome Whitaker Jerrold Martin John & Carol Bullock, Sr. Joseph & Jeri Smith Linette Price Sobamowo Maryone Young Maurita Bivins 22 Michelle Alston Monica Edwards Pam Jackson Rochelle Mathews Shawn Govan Sherelle Moore Yve Williams Nellie Rice Climmie Easley Idora Pearson Craig & Rosilyn Martin Yvonne Hunter Albert & Margo Cusic Amir & Terica Bashara Carlesha Burres Cherryl Johnson Claudette Cameron Dr. Kay Ward McDuffie Eddie Crowder Jacqueline Daggett Jonathan Gordan Kaylah Willis Keiara Taylor Lauren Rounds Lolita Brumfield Lula Britton Mamie Smith Melquetta Hughes Michael & Sharon Carey Teronda Griffin Wendy Price William Branch Camesha Richardson Earvin & Johnnie Watkins Alicia & Milfred Moore Anita Brown Audrey Davis Christi Rogers Leonard Singleton Michael & Saintrea Robinson Susie Murray V’arthus & Susan Rowlett Amie Gross Atletrice Miller Sherry Carodine Alex & Regina Pope Anita Amos Annie Davis Anthony & Luckeyi Murry Christine Jones Denise Sprull Elenor Murril Esther Warren Gilbert Bentley, Jr. Glenda Timpton Gwendolyn Harris Iris Coleman Iyana Byers Jacqueline Paytes James Washington Jasmine Rice Jeanette Chapital Jeffery Sprikner Jewel Stewart Katrina Cottle Laura Domokos Lauren Daggett Margaret Brooks Matthew & Tracyce Young Miller Green Naoshi Cummings Sarah Turner Simone Withers Terence & Latonya Walker Valerie Roberts $59.00 - $1.00 Claudette McDonald Francine Winston Anita Goldsmith Juanita Harrison Alyce Buchanan Raymond Hill Betty Ash Blair Henderson Cory Scott Geneva Gordon Grace Elion Jamie Drayton Jessica Winley Laura Turner Mark & Rhonda Smith Maurice & Nikki Cagle Michael Price Ramona Hopkins Randy & Sherry Carodine Rose Mary Montgomery Sinatra Griffin Thomas & Sammie Stovall Sonji Yancy Barrett White James & Betty Wilson Dr. Cheryl Clemetson Mahdi Rose Robert & Jeanine Waters Thedora Duncan Maurice Evans Renee Thompson Tobin & Otilla Stokes Amie Brown Antone Lewis Barbara Banks Hayes Belinda Cannon Benjamin & Diane Clement Brenda Collins Brenda Little Brian & Ngina Armstrong Caretta Arnold Carlton & Michelle Beasley Carol Mitchell Catherine Hodges Cheryl Burns Cynthia Wilson Swiney Dawn Scarlett Deborah Green Dedra Morris Dennis & Dell McFarlane Diana Havard Diana Thompson Diann Bright Dr. Dianne Jamison Dr. Leonard Robinson Dr. Lolita Smith Edward Pack Ethel Smith Faustine Percival Gabrielle Loiseau George Turner Georgia Davis Greg & Sandra Barnes, Sr. Harold & Eve Hamilton Pinkston Herbert & Diane Jackson Isiah & Tiffany Todd Janice Smith Jennifer Clement Joe & Shilla Williams Julia Sandifer Karen Seals LaChanel Hemphill Lacleta Hicks LaToya Massonburg Laverne Walker Lawanda Williams Lawanna Brown Leslie Matthews Marta Bester Melvin & Diana Jefferson Michelle Range Michelle Ringold Myra Fletcher Nathan & Erica Mainor, Jr. Octavia Saffold Patrice Wilson Paul Stokes Paul Taylor Peggy Tumas Phyllis Adams Phyllis Luster Robert & Shawna Banks Rosetta Webb Samuel & Christy Stelle Sharmayne McKinley Shawnise Taylor Shirley Golladay Theodore Dixon III Theresa Luke Tiana Rice Trina Dollison Walter & Lore’ White Wanda Pearson Wendell Mosby William Shaw William Wilson Wister Coleman Raleshia Howard Natonya Wilson Shelia Hatchett Phoneraiser Gail Burks Aiyeupekben & Mary Odiase Barbara Mullins Beverly Walker Bobby & Machela Miller, Sr. Calvin Lomax, Jr Campbell Family Charles Lemon Daja Jackson Dana Davis Fisher Family Greg & Gail Burks Iris Sutton Jason & Mildoree Scott Karen Banks-Brown Linda Blackman Linda Parker Lydia Washington Pamela Thompson Hill Patricia Barnes Pauline Clardy Ronika Jones Tanzy Clemons Vern White Annette Whittington Christina Owens LaDora Randolph Velma Boulware Regina Smith Shirley Beale Charlotte Scott Davis Cora Phillips Gerald & Cynthia Stewart Joan Jones Victoria Vaugh Peoples Alonzo & Darlene Zuell, Jr. Andrew Madden Arlene Young Betty Brown Bobby Bell Bobby Miller Cassandra Smith Charles & JoAnn Lemon Christopher Watkins Curtis & Delicia Brown Darlene Daniels Derinda Thomas Dorothy Betts Ed Dixon Edward & Eleanor Murril Eugene & Karen Lawson Evelyn Pharms Floyd Murray Jerry & Sherita Gordon John & Shalonda Redfield Jordan June McCullough Kenneth Reaves Kim Ruffin Larry McCracklin Loren Johnson Mark Smith Okey Enyia Phyllis Ward Renard & Monique Thompkins Ronald Reid, Jr Samuel & Esther Warren Sandra Banger Sarah Hoover Sheena Harris Sherry Sanders Stephany Scott Tameka Johnson Tammie Sykes Tyrone Ivery Unrequica Thornton Venus Johnson Vivian Bragg Wendell Chandler William Obaseki Winston & Leah Langston Marc & Leslie Vines Reginald & Pamela Johnson, Sr. Dori Westbrook Eric & Shanteele Smith, Sr. Keeaire Williams Arnetta Pullin Courtney Glover Dina Walls Emmanuel Noisette Marlene Taylor Alice Craft Anna Tines Christian Mosley Eula Sherron Floyd Simpson Gail Payne Glory Jackson Janean Hazel Prentess Ridgeway Priscilla Dunmore Raquel Brown Sharronne Jones Timothy Rhodes William Store Allstate Giving Campaign Lynette Harris Ngozi Enyia Ternika Campbell Albert Burks Carol Banks Harvest Time Cake And Catering 23 Joaquinn Williams Madelene Hellens Michael & Unrequica Thornton Clarice Mency Melody Easterling Burnette Monica Purchase Shirley Hatch Lester Rodgers Neferteria Chatman Albert Brown Andrea Guinn Haney Antionette Hardy Waller Ashley Grier Beverly Moore Brenda Brown Davis Brenda Short Charlotte Smith Crystal Williams Darryle Pilate Debra Lawrence Delores Lee Duane & Barbara Lee, Sr. Elouise Griffin Ernest Brown Henderson & Cheran Martin Irene Stewart Itasca Waiters James Byrd John & Deborah Jefferson Joseph Gant Joseph Thomas Kim Ricks Latasha Jackson Lee Beard Leon Caldwell Mineola Hall Nicole Stringfellow Pamela Redmond Williams Phillip Price Phyllis Jones Ronald & Geraldine Marks Shandell Massey Tara Word Terry & Venessa Boykin Theresa Gibbs Tracy Stroud Tracy Vinson Valerie Harris Wanda Lockett William Bean Yvonne Southland Patricia Heath Yvonne Sutherland Mattie Taylor Derrick Davis, Jr. Alicia Peck Angela Blair Angeline Cruz Anita Alexander April Ruffin Aria Mines Barbara Scales Bernard Gordon Brian Broadwater Bridgette Page Bryan Coachman Candace Larkin Carmella Boyd Celestine Richardson Chad Lawson Charles & Wanda Pierce, Sr. Cheryl Coleman Chester & Lorrene Montgomery, Jr. Clark McClurkin Clyde Neal Connie Pugh Dana David Daray Jones Darcell Baugh Darlene Goins Darren Evans, Sr. DeAndrea Johnson Deidra Smith Dena Poppe Derrick Yates Dianne Dooley Jones Dominique Pilgrom Dr. Robyn Jackson Dwayne Liddell Dwight & Kimberly Price-Butler Elise Holland Elizabeth Davis Eric & Adrienne Barnes, Sr. Eric & Annette Bassette Esther Talley Geta Marberry Gloria Dooley Brazelton Gregory Clark Harvey Walden Howard & Angela Coleman Howard Watson Jacqueline Krolicki Jacqueline Walters Janet Hutchinson Bell Jennifer Beckham Jessica Soetan Jimia Stokes Joann Wright Johnetta Miller Jori Bell Jackson Julian Bond Kathy Beale Kaye Jackson Kayrene Mimms Kena Noland Kenneth & Andrea Davenport Hicks Kevin & Melonese Brookins Kimberly Taylor Kisha Rhyne Lajune Yancy Lawrence & Ferdie Smith Lennettro Taylor Hardison Levonia & Lewis Snead Linda McReynolds Lisa Evans Louise Robinson Loura Cooper Marquita Martin Mary Brown McDowell Porter, Sr. Michael & Brenda Johnson Monique Gipson Myrna Eashmon Pat King Pat Tatum Patricia Ford Reed Patricia King Patricia Steward Philllip & Tanika Price Rachel Itano Rafael & Vanette Rhodes Ralph Powell Randy Washington Rita Carlisle Robbyn Martin Robert & Cathy Reaves Robert & Constance Payne Robert Davis Robin Coleman Roderick & Johnnetta Miller Roger King Ronald & Yvonne Hudson Ronald Patton Ronkia Jones Rufus Platt Russell & Deborah Robinson Shaunita Rhodes Sheila Benford Shelly Martin Shilla Kelley Williams Soretta Patton Steven Barrett Tanesja Foscett Tim & Jocquette Sudduth Tuesday Cruse Valerie Van Hannon Vanessa Mootry Velma Cooksey Walter & Khalilah Young, Jr. Walter & Lore’ White William & Willie Merriweather Willie Mae Hallmon Yvonne Bailey Yvonne Burks Hudson Berdisteen Beasley Jessica Jackson JoAnn Rayburn Reuben Polk Samantha McCray Tennille Snodgrass Armanetta Love Dejuan & Jori Jackson, Sr. Del-Rita Crapps Janelle Charles Brian & Kim Cosey Diamond Jones Michael Wicks Valerie Parham Florence Cannon Adell Smith Adrianne Maphosa Agnes Kelly Alanda Riddle Albert & Bernice Byrd Alda Leavy Alejandro Young Alicia Gray Alicia Moore Alize Henderson Alletta Burroughs Alvin & Lynette Green Alvin Green, Jr. Andrea Davis Angel Mosco Angela Crawford Angela Simmons Ann Marie Blades Arleam Stewart Ashley Davis Barbara Holden Barbara Lee Barbara Summers Barbara Thompson Bernice Byrd Bernice Roberts Bertina Clark Brian Armstrong, Sr. Byrd Samara C.J. Jones Caleb Brutus Carole Loiseau Carolyn Camper Carolyn Woods Carrie Hendricks Cathey Black Cathy Vaxter Phillips Cattima Andrews Cecil & Betty Stovall Chanell Ross Charles Pierce Chester Belk Christian & DeVonya Egwunwoke Christie Foster Murray Christopher Akiwood Connie Ledbetter Connie Mosley Crystal Wheeler Daisy Richardson Dalya Bailey Darlene Coleman David Hale Debbie Hunter Deborah Owens Debra Addison Dedia Smith Dell McFarlane Delores Cooper Denise Beanland Denise Knighten Diana Dills Donna Emery Donna Offord Earica Johnson Edward & Janet Mattocks, Sr. Emma Drake Enid Robinson Eric & Christine King Eric Caldwell Eric Keyes Eric Leake Eric Rice Eric Thomas Erica Gibson Erica Ventress Ernest & Ana Washington Esmore & Stephanie Henriques Evelyn Hull Faith Seals Fawn Herring Fontaine Mainor Fred Bolton Frenchee Liddell G. Pearson Garry Carter Gary Walker Georgia Yeargin Geraldine Moody Geraldine Taylor Gloria Smith Grealdine Scurlock Greg Barnes Greg Pearson Gregory Turner Gwen Boulware Hazel Lee Helena Mathews Henry Packer Holly Wilson Caldwell Horace Flournoy James Coleman Janet Nash Janice Culbreath Jeff Morris Jennifer Turner Lee & Theresa Williams Joesph Thompson, Jr. John Hotchkiss John Ruffin Joretta Heard Joyce Godwin 24 Judy Hardieway Julius Phillips Kathleen Wilson Keecha McCalebb Kenneth & Iris Moore Kenneth Sibley Kevin & Raven Shelton Kevin & Reba Burks Kimberly Edwards Krystle Black Kyhia Givhan LaTonya Burnett LaToya Clark Lecretia Lyons Lenean Carter Lenora Snoddy Leon & Artremease Belton Caldwell Lesley Lake Leslie Buckner Linda Curtis Loretta Johnson Lydian Hoard Lynetta Meeks Lynette Wright Mahlow & Linda Mims Margaret Hass Marsha Hopkins Marshe Hamilton-Turner Marsinette Mead Marvin Cosby Mary Collins Johnson Mary Hankison Mary Odiase Michael & Sonji Woods Michael Brent Michael Holmes Michael Thompson Michelle Afenya Michelle Richardson Mioshe Willis Mona Hicks Monique Lane Morgan Jones Murray Lawrence Natasha Hall Nia Long Nicole Marx Nikita Tribett Otis Brown Ozzie Sutherland Pamela Love Peggy White Quandonda Carter Hudson Rai Flowers Ramon Honore Raymond & CarLetta Hill Reggie & Octavia Matthews Regina Collins Reniya Brown-Shareef Rhenya Price Rita McClendon Robert & Yvonne Bailey Robert Mullins Rochell kemp Romaine Thomas Ronald Sweatt Rosemary Harris Ruby Belk Sabine Mesadieu Salenea Goggins Samara Hicks Byrd Sandol Staples Shameco Moore Sharon Martin Sharon Ulmer Sherri Dixon Hill Shonita Alston Stacy Luster Summer Cole Susie Wilson Tammia Vance Tammie Prizzybela Tanya Washington Tarkeisha Brown Tatiana Keykendall Teresa Green Teresita Bentley Terrence & Ashley McGee Tiffany Morton Tiffany Webb Tina Hughes Burke Tracell Parker Tracey King Vanessa Clark Venice Cook Veronica Hunter Walter Johnson Warren Esther Willetta Crosier Yolanda Starks Zeline Ross Alma Dillons Chanelle Bonaparte Jayla McCarter Monica Ulmer Roan & Alice Stewart Anthony Montgomery Ettuan Gross Larry Childs LaSandra Slatton Marceline Cook Martina Martin Robin Hamilton Stacey James Vincent Kelly Darren Benton Ida Clayton Taj Horton Trudy Alston Zecoza Boatner Aiyeupekben Odias Arthur Burks Brenda Nave Brian & Lisa Lee Derrick Burks Diana Jefferson Dianna Russell Eldridge Coleman Eris Jackson Jaime Gill Jeannelle Mainor Jeremiah Lee Joseph & Ethel Armstrong Josiah Mckinney Juanita Beavers Keshia Mitchell Kettly Auguste Kilwana Jackson Latonya Longstreet Love Lawanda Eiland Lerince Allen Lyle Deransburg Malina Hayes Marcella Johns Minnie Taylor Morris & Phyllis Jones, Jr. Nedra Robinson Peggy Vinson Reginald Lee Renee Bibbs Valerie Richardson Valerie Winfield Verna Hayden Virgilio Boyce Aaron Caldwell Octavia Perkins Rianda Carodine Sherlyn Dunmore Zayia Stewart Andrea Barnett Arthellia Seals Christian Boyd Brandy Tillman Calvin Ferguson Elizabeth Johnson Jullia Yancy Keshia Nelson Melissa King Mildred Durr Tequila Jarett Tonya Brown Ashleigh Calloway Herman Lee Jaden White Malcom King Micah Sparks Mitchell Smith Perrena Chatman Stephie Phillips Theo & Joan Joyner Tracy Oray Adina Bates Adrian Morris Aidan Payne Allean McDuffie Amber Williams Angela Blades Gabriel Annie Coleman Annie Malone Anthony & Barbara Summerville Anthony Glispie Antonia Ruth Ashley Taylor Barbara McEwen Bernice Morton Bettie Jones Bettie Porter Brian Grimes Brian Tabron Calvin Jordan Carlee Hatchett Carol Harris Carol Jackson Carolyn Owens Cassandra Jennings Catherine Berry Catresa Wilson Charisma Smith Charisse Brown Cherrie Washington Cheryl Kennedy Christine Jimerson Claude Wiley, Sr. Clementine Eiland Clevon Russell Cornelius Roseborough Curtis Newton Cynthia Woodard D’Angelo Manning Darrell & Cora Phillips Deborah Holloway Debra Humble Deloise Joiner Deloris Macon Demetria Baker Denise Hughes Denise Wood Dennis Hollins Dennis Taylor & Mrs Gale Jon Desiree Johnson Umbra Detcie Mitchell DeYonna Lee Diana Echols Diana Robinson Dominique Taylor Donna Huntersmith Dwayne Jones Earlesia Moore Eddie Carey, Jr Edward Green, Jr. Effie Hampton Elaine Nelson Elisa Lawrence Ernest & Ella Bell Evera Ivy Francis Aganyo’ Franisco Fred Brown Gail Washington Geraldine Patterson Gina Williams Glana Reed Gwendolyn Smith Hannah Roberts Henry & Julia Sandifer Holmes Irma Davis Jacqilenetta Woods James & Floretta Vannoy Jeffrey Curry Jennifer Taylor Jeremiah Banks Jerylyn Brown Talley Jesse Cox Jewelean Williams Joe Grant Joey & Diane Conway John Gibson Johnetta Martin Johnita Walker Davis Johnny Henley Jordan Lee Juanita Hanson Julia Meredith Karen Johnson Karen Turner Karen White Keith Threatt Ken Spivey Kenyatta Marks Kerry Lofton Kimberly Dawson Kyla Bunch LaDonna Bean Larry Kelley LaShawn McCree Latoya Hunter Latoya Thomas Leah Miller Leal Smith Leon Wallace Leslie Woods Linda Harrell Lois Marshall Lynn Hardaway Marcella Fisher Marcus & Sylvia Roberson Marian Hunter Marie Noisette Marsha Newman 25 Mary Ann Brooks Mary Hart Mashood Adesunya Michael Williams Micheal Porter Michelle O’Kennard Minnie Dickerson Muriel Strong Mya Collins N Spells Natalie Glover Nedra Draper Nia Andrews Octavia Talbot Dacres Oscar Griffin II Pamela Hunt Patricia Stowers Pauline Hawkins Perry & Laurne Benson, Jr. Phillip Harris Phyllis Starks Quantaze & Tamekia Watts R. Harris Reese & Gloria Randolph Regina Broadway Ricky & Vanessa Kellogg Rita Taylor Nash Robert & Katrina Cottle, Jr. Roger Elion Ronald Triche Rosie Slaughter Sandra Corley Sandra Hampton Sandra Jackson Shannon Amoako Sharon & Annie Webb Sharon Jones Shirley Dillard Shirrena Houston Simone Gatlin Sonja Jones Sonji Woods Sonya Henderson Stephanie Griffin Superior Limousine Inc Susan Cherry Hernandez Suziet Mingo Thomas Bried III Tommy Carr Tracenda Stenhouse Tracy Humphrey Valerie Magee Valerie Winkfield Vanessa McCaskill Vanette Rhodes Vera Johnson Brooks Vince & Monique Whitehead Whitney McCoy Willie Lewis Willie Cavitt Willya Holmes Wilma Williams Yolanda Blumenberg Yolanda Mack Yolanda Taylor Tylese Ross Bryant Ulmer Camille Coleman DeAndre’ Jackson Diane Bennett Dylan Westbrook Chatman James Hardman Jason & Lauren Holland Jennifer Neal Michael Ingram Patricia Taylor Zellores Harrison Mariah Smith Bennett & Blessing Njodinizeh Dorothy Murray Jackie Coleman James Beard Marcus Leonard Richard Whoolar Roderick & La’Dweena Smith Shawana Banks Vanessa Coppage Deztiny Clemons Bobbi Jones Ehrevkah Martin Gregory Moore Jeneene James K. Lewis Mattie Warren Maurice Fritzgerald Mildred Taylor Precious Jones Sanders Ruby Okosi Sean Harper Shakira Nubern Shelia Davis Shelley Oliver Tre’ Butler United Strategists Angela Cole Caleb McClelland Caroline Christian Charlotte Miles Chimera Terry Christine Smith Demitrius Coates Diamond Ridgeway Dorothy Smith Eugenia Bradford Helen Morton Jaloni Shead Josephine Lewis Kiana Phillips Kimberly Ricks LaCacia Hutchison Laverne Love Leslie Lindsay Lester Williams Marcus Coleman Nicole Griffith Porchia White Ray Dagans Shekeba Bailey Lawrence Lucas Adriaan Brown Alethia Ingram Almarie Lloyd Andrea McGary Andrea Price Angela Blades Angela James Annie Cole Annie Miles Anthony Heard Anthony McDaniel Anthony Tolbert Arianna Chatman Arline Mcgraw Ashia Johnson Autum Staples Avery Richardson B. Griffin Barbara Carter Barbara Scott Belinda Hughes Benjamin Simington Berdia Moffett Bernita Lucas Bessie Doss Betty Jones Blanche Battle Blessing Hunter Brenda Spearman Carmen Crooms Chandler Johnson Charise Bonner Charles Echols Charles Perkins Cheryl Fleming Chris Choice Christopher Hawkins Clarence Carr Cleandress Murphy Cleotha Bates Clifton Mingo Colby Hill Fields Corliss Strong Cynthia Anderson Daneil Mattocks Darlene McCoy Darnell Brooks Darnley Mathorin Darren Beatty Daryl & Della York David Brown Deborah Sampson Delbert Coleman Della York Diane Bradley Diane Dotson Dina Green Rhea Dionne Rutherford Dollie Alexander Dominique Harvey Dooley Brazelton Dorothy Walker Dottie Gee Earnestine Jefferson Martin Edna Murray Erica Ringo Ernestyne Brown Etoyia Magee Fairy Harvey Freda Barney Frederick Young Gaderi Murwki Gailmarie Wooten Ward Imani Craig India Tribett Jacquelynn Smith James Coleman, Jr. James Mobley James Newsome Jamie Allen Jamilla Yancy Jason Gordan Jennifer Curry Johnny Woods Joseph Canino Joseph Dunmore Juanita Hill Kassaundra Hester Katherine Carey Keith Nelson Kenneth Motley Kenya Taylor-Jones Keshawn Jenkins Kevin Lyons Kristen Palmer Kristina Jones Kristopher Carter Kwame & Alise Johnson (Buford) LaDar & Erick Jones LaPortia Richardson LaShonda Shaw LaTonya Brown Lauren Buchanon Lawrence Cook Lenettro Taylor Louis Gooden Lula Hollins M. Brooks Marcelia Robinson Mario Hammons Marlana Payne Martha McCoy Melanie King Mildred Stalling Mya Cross Nancy Anthony Nicole Jackson Nicole Peralta Nora Felder Odella Larry Pamela Johnson Paris Scott Pat Ford Pat Mitchell Patricia Morrow Payton Head Pearl Freeman Peggy Strong Peralto Piper Taggart Regina Flournoy Renaldo & Sheree Haywood Reonna Harrison Robert Wilkerson Rochester Ronald & Marjorie Triche, Jr. Roy Ross Samantha Sanders Sandra Watkins Shanine Finnie Sharlean Getting Shawn Wilkins Shelia McCray Stewart Shevelle Freeman Shirley Green Shirley Pearson Simeon Dill Sylvester & LaTasha Samuels, Jr. Tamara Winston Moore Tameka Noble Tanya Benford Tenee Odufuwa Teranika Campbell Teresa Noble Tiffani Murphy Tiffiney Smith Tommie Norman Tondalayia Thomas Tony & Cassandra Montgomery Tony Day Trenae’ Fox Trevor & Roshaunda Price Valesta Ludlow Vanessa Mosley Vicki Derante Brooks Walter & Dorothea Davis William Martin Yolanda Eights Yvonne Davis Z. Gaither Amber Wright 26 Alicestine Bryson Brandon Scott Chiaedu Onyeizeh Chimera Brewer Daija McCoy Damaria Sutton Dennis Patrick Dominique Conn Eunique Gill Geraldine James Latisha Sanders Luci Ann Flenoy Lynda Middleton Maria Wofford Needra Williams Dildy Paiok Gardner Rachel Greenebaum Ramonica Milsap Ricardo Martin Shauna Whitaker Sherlyn Mines Victoria Walker Cidney Jones Ruth Whitehead Tatiyana Manteca Amir Johnson Ariel Duncan Bettye Cooper Carolyn White Charletta Maxwell Delilah Pothier Francisco Deloris Guthrie Devin Davis Dushawn Armstrong Elizabeth Frazier Eric Hunter Gwendolyn Stevenson Harvey Thomas Jalen Austin James & LaDalea Ferrell Jaquelin Anderson Jimmie Covington Jimmy Hill Jordan Ivory Josiah Fleming Jovan & Jennifer Tolbert Kandice Head Keyerra Burrell LaToya Randle Leshia Williams Margaret Martinez Melvin Wilson Morgan Livingston Norman Lyke Ola Mitchell Pamela Sykes Randy Porter Sanders Shalonda Sams Siobhan Turner Tempest Burt Val Amos Velma Burks Victor McElroy Willie Jenkins Stacy Burse, Jr Brittany Ingram Asha Abiade Ashley Burns Ashley Faust Ashley Hunter Barton Hudson Bonitha Baker Catheryn Lampkin Charles & Annteet Hawkins Chavers Group Chezney Rowlett Courtney Barnes Cynthia White Darlena York Dominic Wehington Dorissa Griffin Enjoli Sparks Eric Smith, Jr Etta Pruitt Smith Evelyn K. Gaberiel Summers Gaberielle Young Jada Laye Jared Miles Joe Sanders Johnny Dancy, Jr. Justin Lee Keith Haynes Kevin Harris Lakema Hickman Laura Wilson Lee & Ingrid McClain Lenora Rodriguez Miss Amber Cotton P. Sanders Pam Sanders Peyton Jackson Renee Brown Rhogynette Ellison Sekou Mingo Shalom Onyizeh Stacy Harris Stanley Bodley Tavaris Harris Taylor Swan Tennika Gilespie Thomas Hale Tlyer Tharpe Tyler Thomas Vivian Bailey Whitney Moore Whitney Walker Denise Talley Lacey Harold Norwood James Martinez Indya Washington Jourdan Canino Adelene Hampton Adrian Darden Ahmad Coleman Aiyendae Lagrana Albert Sancho Alexandria Walker Alicia Wansley Allen Caldwell Alyssa Coleman Amariah Scott Amber Whitsell Andrew Felder Anthony McElroy Asia Bracy Cross Azariah Love Bernita Echols Berry Ray Brianna Ingram Brianna Sullivan Briasia Bell Bry Dorsey Bryant Winfield Caitlin Robinson Chawn Wilson, Jr. Cortez Pothier Darrion Rogers Darrius Davis Dashawn Goldman Diana Hayes Eddie Crooms Evan Alexander Flossie Johnson Jacquelyn Hutchinson Jaden Houston Jared Lampkin Jatson Boyce Jeremiah Whitler Joron Vincent Joshua Hampton Joye Young Judia Bond Kami Hogan Kaydance Love Khari Smith Khari Stevenson Lauren Robinson LHenry Richie Malitha Brewer Marcus Scott Maxine Carter Mellody Weathers Michelle McKinney Myranda Scott Porsche McCoy Princess Onyeizeh Raigan Lydon Robert Hence Ronda Wells Roosevelt J. Rosemary Rice Sahar Clements Samantha Robinson Savannah Stewart Sheena Rogers Stacey McSwine Tai Roberson Tami Haynes Teryn Davis Tia Goldman Tiffany Browning Venus Cannon Verdia Allen 27 Victor Rounds Kristin Smith Kiera Ellis Amareya New Micah Nevels Oscar Griffin, Sr. Amoreya New Kamara Curtis Joy Nevels S. McSwine Khana Radcliff Miquela Thornton Fuller Nailah Humes USA Office 25 S. Central Avenue Matteson, IL 60443 USA Phone 815-806-3591 Fax 708-720-1348 Toll-free Phone 866-LIVE-010 Ghana Office No. E214/9 Tumu Avenue Kanda Post Office Road Kanda Estates Accra, Ghana (West Africa) Phone 024 561 840 Phone 024 790 110 Phone 023 324 2909 Phone 020 724 2906 Liberia Office Benson Street Monrovia, Liberia Phone 880-814-319 Sierra Leone Office Freetown, Sierra Leone Phone 866-LIVE-010 The Joseph Assignment goes beyond betterment. Our goal is sustained development. Thanks for your help. 2013-0089_120613-.5M