Department of Music Programs 1990 - 1991
Department of Music Programs 1990 - 1991
Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Programs Music 1991 Department of Music Programs 1990 - 1991 Department of Music Olivet Nazarene University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Fine Arts Commons, and the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Department of Music, "Department of Music Programs 1990 - 1991" (1991). Programs. Book 24. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact Olivet Naz<arene University D epartm ent of Music Programs 1990-1991 O livet N azarene University Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Telephone 815-939-5011 O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y D e p a rtm e n t o f M u sic p res e n ts F R E S H M E N H O N O R S R E C IT A L T h e r e Is a B alm in G ile a d arr. G e o r g e S h irle y D am on S p u rg e o n , te n o r N a o m i M e lle n d o rf, piano F a n ta s ia in D m in o r ........... S. R a c h m a n in o ff J e n n ife r C la rk , p ian o C o n c e r to fo r T r o m b o n e N. R im s k y -K o rs a k o v K e llie J o h n s o n , b a rito n e H e a th e r J o h n s o n , p ian o S a b b e n C r u d e le ...A n to n io C a ld a ra K im G u yn n , sop ra n o T o n y B e llo m y , p ian o S o n a ta #5 in F M a jo r fo r V io lin & P ia n o .................... L. van B e e th o v e n A ll e g r o J o d i G o b le , v io lin E rik C h altan t, p ian o F a n ta s ie -lm p ro m p tu in C# m in o r, op. 66. ................................................................... F. C h o p in D on n a S au tter, p ian o C o n c e r t E tu d e in F .......................................F e d o ro w R ich a rd H a rriso n , s a x o p h o n e S u re th e S h in in g N ig h t ................... S am u el B a rb e r M a ry A tk in s o n , sop ra n o H e a th e r J o h n so n , p ian o C o n c e rtin o , op. 26................C arl M aria v o n W e b e r K y le S m ith , c la r in e t H e a th e r J o h n so n , piano P o lic h in e lle in F# m in o r, o p . 3, no. 4............................... S. R a c h m a n in o ff R a c h e l W a lters, p ian o Tin- (u u h i ru e is k in d ly re q u e s te d to re /ru in fro m In k in g p u n l i v s o r r e e o n lin g th is p ro g r a m . Com ing; E ven ts O ct. 4, 1990 G u est R ecita l R on a ld W itzk e, b ariton e G e ra ld A n d erso n , p ian o Oct. 11, 1990 A rtis t/ L e ctu re S eries W illia m H eiles, piano Oct. 25, 1990 C h o ra l U n ion C o n ce rt R E Q U IE M . R otter M A G N IF IC A T , Hurl, Oct. 26, 1990 S ta ge Band C o n cert Oct. 30, 1990 S e n io r R ecita l N e a l W o o d ru ff, te n o r S e p te m b e r 13, 1990 7:30 p.m . K r e s g e A u d ito riu m O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y D epartm ent o f Music presents R onald Witzke, Baritone W illiam J ew ell C olleg e Guest R ecitalist G erald Anderson, Pian o O livet N azaren e U n iversity M usic fo r aw h ile Oedipus Si, tra i ceppi Berenice.... Even chained and tortured, My faith is invincible. Nor will death extinguish my l>elief. D ichterliebe Op. 48 Im wunderschonen Monat Mai Aus meinen Trancn spriessen Die Rose, die Lilie Wenn ich in deine Augen seh’ Ich will meine Seele tauchen Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome Ich grolle nicht Und w'ussten’s die Blumen Das ist ein 1'loten und Geigen Hor’ ich das Liedchen klingen Ein Jungling liebt ein Madchen Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen Ich hab im Traum geweineL Allnachtlich im Traume Aus alten Marchen Die alten, bosen Lieder Interm ission .H. P u rcell ,G. Handel R. Schumann Don Quichotte a D ulcinee (Morund).........................M. Ravel Chanson rom anesque Chanson epique Chanson a boire T o J u lia (H errick) The Bracelet The Maiden Blush To Daisies The Night Piece Julia’s Hair Cherry Ripe R oger Q uilter Ronald Witzke was horn and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. He graduated from Southern Nazarene University in 1978 with a degree in music education. After teaching in the Austin, Texas public schools for several years, Mr. Witzke earned a Master of Music degree from the University of Texas at Austin. During this time he also served as Minister o f Music at the Grace Church o f the Nazarene in Austin. Mr. Witzke joined the music faculty o f William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri, in 1984. His current teaching responsibilities at Jewell include private voice, vocal pedagogy, and opera workshop. He also performs leading roles with the Kansas City Community Opera, "Don Giovanni" in Don Giovanni. "Germont" in La Traviata , the "Count" in Le nozze di Figaro, and "Sharpless" in Madam Butterfly. He has been a participant in the International Festival of the Art Sone. and a finalist in the National Onera Association annual voice competition. Mr. Witzke is frequently featured as an oratorio soloist and in recitals across the Midwest. He sings baritone with the Dean Wilder Singers. Ronald currently lives in Liberty, Missouri, with his wife Jan, and two children; Aaron, age 5, and Michaela, age 2. 7:30 p.m. October 4, 1990 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center Your cooperation in not recording, taking pictures or videotaping the performance is gratefully acknowledged. O LIV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IVE R SITY Artist-Lecture Series W illiam Heiles Pianist Piano M u sic o f Chopin «J» *»> *1* df «!* *T* 4* 4* 'I ' 4* *T* 4* *T* 4* *i* •*» 4; P r e lu d e in C # M in o r, Op. 45 B a rc a ro lle , O p. 60 Sonata in B -fla t M inor, Op. 35 G rave; Doppio Movimento Scherzo M arche Funebre Finale: Presto In term ission A n d an te S p ian ato an d G ra n d e Polonaise, O p . 22 F iv e M a z u rk a s Op. Op. Op. Op. Op. 56, 59, 50, 63, 24, No. No. No. No. No. 2 2 3 2 4 P o lo n a ise in A -fla t M ajo r, O p. 53 7:30 p.m. O cto be r 11, 1990 K re sg e A u d ito riu m O LIVET N AZAR ENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents O LIVET UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA H arlo w Hopkins, Conductor John Reiniche, Bass Soloist program La Perichole................................... .............................Rudolph Goehr Paraphrase on Offenbach's Operetta Adagio and Allegro, Op. 6, No. 6... Arcangelo C orelli Toy Symphony............................... Jason Timm, Trumpet Jessica Bullock, Rattle Archil Shah, Triangle & Quail ....................Franz Joseph Haydn Jennie Fennel, Cuckoo, Joel Newsham, Drum Sara Lillienthal, Nightingale L ’ Arlesienne Suite No. 1 Prelude Minuetto Carillon L ’Arlesienne Suite No. 2 Georges Bizet Georges Bizet Pastorale Interm ezzo Menuel Farandole See the Raging Flames Arise (Joshua)............ George Frideric Handel Deh Vieni Alla Finestra (Don Giouanni) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Toreador Song (Carmen).................................................. Georges Bizet John Reiniche, Bass The Sound o f Music........... Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II arr. Robert Russell Bennett ORCHESTRA PER SO N N E L FLU TE JuLie WiLlard Sara Jerred OBOE Dianna Horton E die Nash R obert Folsom C L A R IN E T P h illip K yle Smith Lynn Schmidt B A SS O O N Frances Sm et-M ehrer R achel W alters SAXO PH O NE Richard Harrison HORN J u lie W ilhelm K erri A lb e r H eath er Johnson Todd M cClellan TRUM PET A n d rew Smith E ric Johnson N eal W oodru ff TROM BONE Todd Fitzpatrick Darin Brown Tom Nothstine 7:30 p.m. O ctober 20, 1990 K resge Auditorium T IM P A N I Jonna A llen P E R C U S S IO N Sam antha C lark M elody Matson V IO L IN I K aren G odw in * Nathan D egn er J od i Goble J a y m ie D ew itt K ath leen Dudley V IO L IN II R eb ecca S ch aefer M aria B arw egan M artha H enrikson S h irley Blankenship C a rol L is a C u rry M ary B lair Sam M iles V IO L A T on y Bellom y K alin da Jones M a rga ret Booth CELLO D avid Richmond G lenn Brown A n d rea Cam pc S T R IN G BASS A m y S ch re ffle r J ack Dudley D ’ W ayn e Leatherland ‘ C on certm istress O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y Department o f Music presents C HO RAL U N IO N with O L IV E T U N IV E R S IT Y O R C H E STR A Magnificat in D (B W V 243).................................. J.S. Bach T o r i T re m a in e , S op ra n o A le x A n d e rs o n , T e n o r M a ry A tk in s o n , M ezzo -S op ra n o N a th a n D e g n e r, Bass B a rb a ra L o h rb a c h , A lto J o e N ob le, C o n d u c to r Requiem ......................................................................J oh n J a n ic e Stice A lle n , S o p ra n o N e a l W ood ru ff, S tu d e n t C o n d u c to r L a rse n F in e A r ts C e n te r K res g e A u d ito riu m O cto b er 25, 1990 7:30 p.m . R u tter Program M A G N IF IC A T IN D (B W V 243) J.S. Bach f o r s o li, 5 p a r t ch o ru s a n d o rch e s tra F ir s t p e rfo rm e d C h ris tm a s day, 1723, in L e ip z ig , G e rm a n y 1. M a g n ific a t....................................................................... C h o ru s 2. E t e x u lta vit s p iritu s .m eus.....................M ezzo -so p ran o s o lo 3. Q u ia re sp e x it...................................................... S o p ra n o s o lo 4. O m nes g e n e ra tio n e s ..................................................... C h oru s 5. Q u ia fecit m ih i m a g n a .............................................. Bass s o lo 6. E t m is e ric o rd ia .................................D u et fo r alto and te n o r 7. F e c it p o ten tia m ..............................................................C h oru s 8. D eposu it p oten tes ..................................................T e n o r s o lo 9. E su rien tes im p le v it b o n is ........................................A lt o s o lo 10. S uscepit Is ra e l...T rio fo r S o p ra n o I, S o p ra n o II, and A lt o 11. S icu t locutus e s t..................................................- ........C h oru s 12. G lo ria P a tr i.................................................................... C h oru s R EQ UIEM John Rutter F ir s t p e r fo r m e d O cto b e r 13, 1985 a t L o ver's L a n e U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h D a lla s , Texas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R equ iem a e te rn a m ..........................................................C h o ru s O u t o f the D eep ................................................................ C h o ru s P ie Jesu S opran o solo and C h o ru s Sanctus.............................................................................. C h o ru s A gn u s D ei.......................................................................... C h o ru s T h e Lord is M y S h e p h e rd .............................................. C h o ru s L u x aetern a. S opran o solo and C h o ru s C H O R A L U N IO N Sopran o I J a cq u elin e Alford K im b e rly Bean N ic o le Beathard* K im C herry Lanna C onner H a rriett Fiedler K im Guynn C in d y Langdon D ebra M cClure A la n a Rishel H eath er Spicer J u lie Strahl D arlen e Strope T o r i T rem a in e* T r ic ia W etters* S opran o II M ary A tkin son* Sarah Bennett J e n n ife r Clark K aren D augherty* T a ra Doengcs K e lli Fletcher Steph an ie Hanner T am m y M cCoy S h eila Oppenhuis K im Read M arcy Reinhart R achael W alters* Alto Beth Abraham * Pam Adams Beth Bimber Sally Brown Tracy Frym an* K ellie Hannah Naomi M ellen d o rf Catherine Passm ore Dawn P erry Julie P erry RaJeanda Reed Tw ila Rossm anith* Donna Sautter Allison Smith Suzi Walthall Lesley Yuill Bass David Bartley R ichard Bushey E rik C h alfan t* W esley C lark B rent Cunningham Nathan D egn er* Todd F itzpatrick Brad Foster B illy Huddleston T ro y Johnson Jack M cCasland Faron N iles Brian P a rk e r Jam es R ex Lan ce T u rn er John V olkm ann S tanley W in eb erg Tenor A lex A nderson* Jason Eaton Rich Harrison Chris H ow ie Trent Ice Patrick Lake Brad Lee Damon Spurgeon Steve T in g ley G eorge W o lff* •m em bers o f the semi-chorus Y o u r cooperation in not recording, takin g pictures o r vid eotap in g the perform ance is gra tefu lly acknow ledged. O RCHESTRA Piano Tim oth y Nelson A nthony B ellom y Flute J u lie W illard Sarah Jerred Oboe/English Horn Dianna Horton R ob ert Folsom Bassoon Frances Sm et-M ehrer Horn J u lie W ilhelm K erri A ld e r T ru m p et Dan M oore A n d re w Smith E ric V. Johnson Tim nani/Glockensniel Sam antha C lark V iolin Jodi G oble R ebecca S ch aefer Jaym ie D ew itt C arol Lisa Curry V io la A n th on y Bellom y C ello G lenn Brown S h irlee M cG uire S trin g Bass A m y S ch reffler C O M IN G E V E N TS O ctober 30 7:30 p.m. Saturday S E N IO R R E C IT A L Neal W oodruff, tenor N ovem b er 13 Tuesday 7:30 p.m. S TU D E N T R E C IT A L N ovem b er 30 F riday M ESSIAH 7:30 p.m. C o lle g e Church o f the Nazarene D ecem ber 1 Sunday M ESSIAH 6:00 p.m. C o lleg e Church o f the Nazarene D ecem ber 6 7:30 p.m. Thu rsday S TU D E N T R E C IT A L D ecem ber 14 Friday 7:30 p.m. SE N IO R R E C IT A L T racy Frym an, piano O L IV E T N A ZAR E N E U N IV ER SITY Department o f Music presents N E A L W O O D R U F F T enor Heather M. Johnson, piano Assisted by Carol L is a Curry, piano T ori Trem aine, soprano Eric Chalfant, piano W atch m an!............. A t the R iv er........... T he C am p Meeting. M r. W ood ru ff .Charles Ives .Charles Ives C h arles Ives F o u r Poem s by Em ily Dickenson..Vincent Persichetti T h e G rass O u t o f the M orn in g I ’m N obody W hen the H ills Do M iss Trem aine Poem e d ’un Jour. Rencontre Tou jo u rs A d ie u G a b rie l F a u re M r. W oodru ff Sonata in B M inor, L. 263.............. Dom enico Scarlatti Sonata in D M ajor, L. 465 Dom enico Scarlatti M iss Curry Zueignung, Heim kehr.. D i rigori arm ato ...... .Richard Strauss R ichard Strauss .Richard Strauss (D e r R o s e n k a v e lie r) M a re c h ia re ............... L 'u ltim a C anzone . M r. W ood ru ff .Paolo Tosti P a o lo Tosti This recital in being presented in partial fulfillm ent o f the requirem ents fo r the Bachelor o f Science Degree with concentration in Music Education. Mr. W oodruff was the 1990-91 recipient o f the W alter B. Larsen Aw ard For Musical Excellence and the Naomi Larsen Music Scholarship as w ell as the M erw in Noble Family Music Education Scholarship. Last month he was selected for membership in the Chicago Symphony Chorus. Y o u r cooperation in not tape recording o r taking pictures d u rin g the perform ance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. October 30, 1990 K resge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center ▲ Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President University Singers I Coll You To Praise 1990 Fall Tour John Reiniche, Conductor T h e program will b e selected from the follow ing repertoire: Exaltation .............................................................. Arr. Ron Huff He Gives Me J o y Reba Ram bo He's W o r th y ........................................................Sandra Crouch I Call You to P r a is e ...............................................John G. Elliott Praise to God, W hose Love Was Shown . . . Michael W. Smith and A m y Grant Sing and R ejoice........................................ David T. Clydesdale The 5 0 men and women in the group represent the full range of academ ic majors and interests at the University. Uniuersity Singers will present a concert of choral music designed to present a worship experience for every taste. A 14 m em ber handbell choir selected from within the group will also be participating with a variety of sacred and classic selections on the 4 octave bells. Conductor John Reiniche teaches voice in addition to directing The University Singers. He holds both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Music degrees in voice from Ball State University and is currently pursuing a doctorate in voice at Indiana University. Bloom ington. He also serves as Minister of Music in Manteno, Illinois. He and his wife. Debbie have one child. Heather. Itinerary Nov. 2, 1990 First Church of the Nazarene South Bend, Indiana Nov. 3, 1990 A.M. Chapm an Memorial Church of the Nazarene Vicksburg, Michigan NOV. 3, 1990 P.M. First Church of the Nazarene Kalamazoo, Michigan P erson n el AltO Maria Barwegan Lisa Brenner Jeannie Clark Allison Smith Lucynda Sipes Dianna Horton Kristina Foster N aom i Mellendorf Cynthia Anthony Haley Dillman Pam Litten Missy Rife Jeanine Smith Michelle Geurin Kristen Robbins Rachael Hirschman Sop ran o Kelly Allen Kim Bean Sarah Bennet Edie Nash Michelle W ebb Kim Beck Julie Colegrove Jill Hunsberger Cathy Passm ore Allana Rishel Kim TUylor Rachelle TUrner Rachel Walters Barbee Solom on Jolyne Strait Tfenor Martin Fenandez Phillip Elkins Mike Rhea Tom Weitzel Scott Johnson Darin Bishop Jamie Duerksen Bass David Bartley Dan Cam pbell James Rex Dan Robison Justin Spakey Tfoy E. Johnson Eric Kincheloe Ed Sim ons A ccom p an ists Michelle Geurin Jodi Goble Rachel Walters Officers President — Tdm Weitzel Treasurer — David Bartley Secretary — Rachel Walters Librarian — LuCynda Sipes Fund-raising — Cathy Passmore Chaplain — Dan Campbell A N ew Convocation/Athletic Center at Olivet for Conventions, Com m encem ents, Concerts, Sports, and Special Programs to serve People o f the Entire Olivet Region! Ph ase O n e , the A th letic S e rv ic e C enter for Outdoor Sports in Snowbarger Park, is com pleted and paid for. Phase T w o , the M aintenance Building near the WONU Radio "TOwer is com pleted and paid for. This m akes room for the major building betw een Chalfant and Birchard Halls. Ph ase T h r e e , the Convocation/Athletic Center, will provide seating for 4,000 to 5,000 for concerts and conventions, and m ore than 2,500 for sports like basketball. This beautiful building will enable Olivet to offer fitness and wellness program s for every student, faculty and staff m em b er as well as a m ore com plete recreational facility for both varsity and intramural sports. Hundreds o f Nazarene churches have m ade a specific com m itm ent to help "C om plete the Plan" for the Olivet cam pu s which w a s proposed in the 1960’s. T h e building will host the first concert, the first basket ball g a m e and the dedication service, H om ecom in g w eekend Nov. 9, to, it respectively. Olivet Nazarene University P.O. BOX 592 Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Phone (815) 939-5011 O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y Departm ent o f Music presents HOMECOMING RECITAL Jeau d ’eau.......................................................................... M aurice R avel G erald Anderson, piano T h ree Songs o f Isaiah .............................................................. Jim Lucas I Joy (A d a p ted fro m Isa ia h 12:2-6) II Faith (A da pted fro m Isaiah 55:6-11) III H ope (A d apted fro m Isaiah 60:1-3and Isaiah 60:18-19) Ruthm arie Eim er, soprano H arlow Hopkins, clarin et A lic e Edwards, piano B erceuse in Db, Op. 57 Fred eric Chopin A lic e Edwards, piano Deh v ie n i alia flnestra (D on G iova n n i)....W olfgang Am adeus M ozart See the ra gin g flam es (J os h u a )..................... G eorge F rid eric Handel John Reiniche, bass G erald Anderson, piano C on cert P ie c e #2 in d m inor, Opus 114..................F elix M endelssohn Presto Andante A lle gre tto grazioso M ichael Bankston, clarin et H arlow Hopkins, clarin et G erald Anderson, piano K res g e A u ditoriu m N o v em b e r 10, 1990 9:15 A.M. Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Concert Band “ Instruments of Praise” HARLOW HOPKINS, C on d u ctor Seventy-Fourth Season P r o g ra m T he Pastor IN VO C A TIO N Colas Breugnon O v e r t u r e ............................. D m itri Kabalevsky Third S u it e ............................................................ Robert E. Jager March Waltz Rondo Americans We .................................................... Henry Fillmore Overture on an Am erican Folk Hym n . Claude Thomas Smith (M y Shepherd W ill Supply M y N eed ) REMARKS R ejo u is s a n c e ........................................................ James Curnow Conducted by Neal W oodruff, Senior TESTIMONIES R iver J o rd a n ................................................. Maurice C. W h itn ey “ Git on Board” ...............................................Arr. by Paul Yoder OFFERTORY His Eye is on the S p a r r o w .......................... Charles Gabriel Julie Willard, Flute Heather Johnson, Piano Jericho (R e v is ite d ) W illiam Himes Narrated by Neal W oodruff, Senior BENED ICTIO N Th e Pastor Itin e ra ry Novem ber 17, 1990 7:00 p.m. First Church o f the Nazarene Logansport, Indiana Novem ber 18, 1990 10:35 a.m. First Church o f the Nazarene Kokom o, Indiana N ovem ber 18, 1990 6:00 p.m. First Church o f the Nazarene Indianapolis, Indiana P e rs o n n e l FLUTE TRUMPET Julie W illa r d ............... Kankakee, 1L An drew Smith Oak Harbor, WA Yoko K ashim ura.........Camby, IN Eric V. Johnson Ottawa, IL Ann D o r s e y ............... Watseka, IL Neal W o o d r u f f ...........Bourbonnais, IL D avid S p r ig g s ............. Lansing, MI Celeste Hardman . . . .Fortville, IN Susie G r a b le ............... Bourbonnais, IL Carol Lisa C u r r y .........Griggsville, IL Rhonda Sims ............. South Elgin, IL Todd N o th s tin e ...........Granger, IN M ichelle G e u r in .........Metamora, IL Joy W ilh e lm ............... Cincinnati, OH Lori C o a te s ................. Selma, IN H eidi L a n e ................. Somerset, K Y G regory T o l l e y ...........Brownsburg, IN Eric S. J o h n so n ...........Calesburg, IL K im K r o t h ................. Oneida, N Y HORN OBOE Heather M. Johnson . .O ttawa, IL Dianna H o r t o n ...........Port Huron, MI Raye Ann Jones Churubusco, IN K im berly B e a n ...........Evansville, IN CLARINET Julie W i lh e lm ............. Cincinnati, OH TFina G r a b le ............... Bourbonnais, IL Todd M cClellan C in dy J o h n s o n ...........Malden, IL Kerri A l d e r ................. Spencerport, N Y K yle S m ith ................. Oak Harbor, WA James R e x ....................Evansport, OH Olathe, KS Annette B a i l e y ...........M errillville, IN Pamela L a fe v o r ...........Sanford, MI TROMBONE Rachel R e x ..................Evansport, OH Todd Fitzpatrick Parma, MI Kristin G e l d h o f .........L ow ell, MI Darin Brow n N e w Castle, IN .. Tom Nothstine . Granger, IN Cincinnati, OH BASS CLARINET Beth Lloyd . . . . Chris H o w ie . . . M ichell Hecathorn , . .W oosung, IL Erin Murphy . . . Beardstown, IL Anne Raske ................Carmel, IN Fort Wayne, IN CONTRABASS CLARINET EUPHONIUM Douglas S n o o k ...........Saugus, MA Am i S im o n ................. Bourbonnais, IL K elli J o h n s o n ............. Ottawa, IL BASSOON Rachel W a lt e r s ...........M attoon, IL TUBA ALTO SAXOPHONE James W e it z e l............. Chesterton, IN Mark W r a y ................. Winchester, IN Richard Harrison . . . . S tilw ell, KS Lynette H olm gren . . .Cabery, IL Barry C r u z ................. Kendallville, IN Angela S ears............... Connersville, IN PERCUSSION Jonna A lle n ................. Somerset, K Y TENOR SAXOPHONE Samantha Clark Chad W a terb u ry.........W esterville, OH BARITONE SAXOPHONE Lance H i r n e r ............. M iddletow n , IN Kankakee, IL M elo d y M a tso n ...........Madison, W I Rajeanda R e e d ...........Mackey, IN Jennifer L a R u e ...........N e w Sharon, IA Stanley W ineberg . . . . Farmington, NM O fficers Angela Sears, Vice-President Lynette H olm gren, Secretary Darin Brow n, Treasurer Mark Wray, Historian Heather Johnson, Librarian Cindy Johnson, Publicity Lance Turner, Transportation Eric V. Johnson, Chaplain Neal W ood ru ff, Student Conductor James W eitzel, President A N ew Convocation/Athletic Center at Olivet for Conventions, Commencements, Concerts, Sports, and Special Programs to serve People o f the Entire O livet Region! Phase O ne, the Athletic Service Center for Outdoor Sports in Snowbarger Park, is completed and paid for. Phase Two, the Maintenance Building near the WONU Radio Tower is completed and paid for. This makes room for the major building between Chalfant and Birchard Halls. Phase Three, the Convocation/Athletic Center, will provide seating for 4,000 to 5,000 for concerts and conventions, and more than 2,500 for sports like basketball. This beautiful building will enable Olivet to offer fitness and wellness programs for every student, faculty and staff member as well as a more complete recreational facility for both varsity and intramural sports. Hundreds o f Nazarene churches have made a specific commit ment to help “ Complete the Plan” for the Olivet campus which was proposed in the 1960 s. The building hosted the first concert, basketball game and the dedication service, Homecoming weekend Nov. 9, 10, 11, 1990. Olivet Nazarene University P.O. Box 592 Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Phone (815) 939-5011 OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents C A N T E R B U R Y T R IO G e r a l d A n d e r s o n , p ia n o S h ir le y B la n k e n s h ip , v io lin H a r l o w H o p k in s , c la r in e t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Suite pour Violon, Clarinette et Piano........... Darius Milhaud O u vertu re D ivertissem en t J eu In tro d u ctio n et fina le Grand Rondeau, Opus 107, fu r Violine, A Klarinette und K lavier Franz Schubert In term ission Trio V II in Eb Major, K. 498 Wolfgang Am adeus Mozart A n d a n te M in u etto a n d T rio A lleg retto Kleines Konzert fu r Viola, Klarinette und K lav ier............. ..... Alfred Uhl A lle g ro con b rio Grave, m olto tra n qu illo V ivo Y o u r coopera tion in not tape recordin g o r ta k ing pictures d u rin g the p erform a n ce is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. Novem ber 27, 1990 K resge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center ^Messiah by G. F. Handel Olivet Nazarene University D epartm ent of M usic Fifty-fifth Annual Performances ^Messiah by George Friedrich Handel Joe Noble, Conductor Alice Edwards, Harpsichord Timothy Nelson, Organ * * * * * * * Soloists Friday, November 30, 1990 Deborah McClure .................................................................... Soprano Karen D au gh erty.....................................................................Contralto Neal Woodruff................................................................................. Tenor Eric Chalfant ......................................................................................Bass Sunday, December 2, 1990 Cynthia Larson........................................................................... Soprano Barbara Lohrbach.....................................................................Contralto John Pfautz........................................................................................Tenor John Reiniche......................................................................................Bass MESSIAH Chorus Choral Union, Joe Noble, Conductor Orpheus Choir, George Dunbar, Conductor University Singers, John Reiniche, Conductor Olivet University Orchestra, Harlow Hopkins, Conductor College Church of the Nazarene Bourbonnais, Illinois November 30, 1990, 7:30 PM December 2, 1990, 6:00 PM Program Invocation Overture Rec. (Tenor) Comfort ye my p e o p le ............................. Isaiah 40:1-3 A ir (Tenor) Ev'ry valley shall be exalted...........................Isaiah 40:4 Chorus And the Glory of the L ord Isaiah 40:5 Rec. (Bass) For behold, darkness.................................. Isaiah 40:2,3 Air (Bass) The people that walked in darkness ................ Isaiah 9:2 Chorus For unto us a child is born ......................................Isaiah 9:6 Pastoral Symphony Offertory Rec. (Soprano) There were shepherds a b id in g.................... Luke 2:8 And lo, the angel of the L o rd ...................... Luke 2:9 And the angel said unto t h e m ............. Luke 2:10-11 And suddenly............................................ Luke 2:13 Chorus Glory to G o d .......................................................... Luke 2:14 Rec. (Alto) Then Shall the eyes of the b lin d ................Isaiah 34:5-6 A ir (Alto and Soprano) He shall feed his flock Isaiah 40:11 Chorus Behold the Lamb of G o d John 1:29 Air (Alto) He was despised.. .(Sunday o n ly ).................. Isaiah 53:3 Chorus And with His stripes we are healed Isaiah 53:5 Chorus All we like sheep have gone astray Isaiah 53:6 Chorus Surely he hath borne our g r ie fs ...................... Isaiah 53:4-5 Rec. (Tenor) Thy rebuke hath broken his heart Psalm 69:20 Air (Tenor) Behold, and s e e ..................................Lamentations 1:12 Rec. (Tenor) He that dwelleth in H e a v e n ............... Psalm 2:4 A ir (Soprano) How beautiful are the feet. .(Sun. only) Romans 10:15 Rec. (Tenor) He that dwelleth in Heaven. .(Sun.o n ly ) Psalm 2:4 Air (Tenor) Thou shalt break th em .. (Sundayo n ly )..........Psalm 2:9 Chorus Hallelujah!..................................Revelation 19:6, 11:15, 19:16 Air (Soprano) I know that my Redeemer liv e th .............Job 19:25,26 Rec. (Bass) Behold, I tell you a mystery I Corinthians 15:51 Air (Bass) The trumpet shall sound Corinthians 15:52-53 Chorus Worthy is the lamb that was slain.. .A m en Rev. 5:12-13 These performances are dedicated to the memory of Alex Anderson, Andrea Green and Cindy Langdon. Orchestra Personnel Flute Horn Violin I Violin II Julie W illard Sarah Jerred Julie W ilhelm Kerri A ld er Oboe Trumpet Dianna H orton Edie Nash A n d re w Smith Eric Penrod Clarinet Timpani Karen G o d w in Concertmistress Nathan D egner Jodi G oble Jaymie DeWitt W ilson Barrett Shirley Blankenship P hillip K yle Smith Lynn Schm idt Jonna A lle n Rebecca Schaefer M aria Barwegan Kathleen Dudley M artha Henrikson Carol Lisa Curry M ary Blair Shari Ebert Sam M iles Bassoon Frances Sm et-M ehrer String Bass Viola A n th on y Bellom ey A m y Schreffler Kalinda Jones Jack D udley Jewell Grothaus D 'W ayne Leatherland Margaret Booth Cello D avid R ichm ond D avid Foreman G lenn Brown An d rea Cam pe Choral U nion Jacqueline A lford Tara Doenges Harriet Fiedler Tammy M cCoy Betsy Morrical Sheila Oppenhuis Christine Stemsen Dawn Perry Rajeanda Reed Donna Sautter Nancy W heeler Marcy Reinhart Sally Brown Jean Brunner Kellie Hannah Jean Keith Barbara Lohrbach A nn Nagel Colleta Nichols Julie Perry Chris H ow ie Paul W heeler Richard Harrison Trent Ice Patrick Lake Brad Lee Brad Lee Dean Lohrbach Richard Bushey Todd Fitzpatrick Jack McCausland Richard Mehrer Lance Turner Jamison W heeler Stanley Wineberg Lesley Yuill Stephen Young O rp h eu s C hoir Pamela Adams M ary Atkinson N icole Beathard N oelle Brown Kim Cherry Lanna Conner Karen Daugherty Tamara Frame Kim Guynn Stephanie Hanner K im Read Heather Spicer Jeanne Stafford Tricia Wetters Beth Abraham Beth Bimber Tracy Fryman Catherine Hancock Hannah Ruth Kellogg Angela Kirk Brenita Nicholas Linda Phillippe Marcy Reinhart Twila Rossmanith Tiffany Settlemoir Darlene Strope Tori Tremaine Suzi Walthall Carolee Wegner Dieunn Young Renee Ziegler David Brokaw John Colegrove Frank Dillinger Jason Eaton Brian Garvin Chad Jones Ethan Reedy Damon Spurgeon Steven Tingley George W olff N eal W oodruff Erik Chalfant Wesley Clark Alan Close Brent Cunningham Daniel Dillinger Jordan Duerksen Brad Foster Billy Huddleston Deron Matson Faron Niles James Pardew Brian Parker G len Sheets John Volkman U niversity Singers Kelly A llen K im Bean Sarah Bennet M ichelle Webb Kim Beck Julie Colegrove Jill Hunsberger Cathy Passmore Alana Rishel K im Taylor Rachelle Turner Rachel Walters Barbee Solom on Jolyne Strait Lisa Brenner Jeannie Clark Allison Smith Lucynda Sipes Kristina Foster N aom i M ellendorf Cynthia Anthony Haley Dillman Pamela Litten M issy Rife Jeanine Smith M ichelle Geurin Kristen Robbins Rachel Hirshman Martin Fernandez Phillip Elkins Michael Rhea Thomas Weitzel Scott Johnson Darin Bishop Jamie Duerksen David Bartley Daniel Campbell James Rex Daniel Robison Justin Spakey Troy E. Johnson Eric Kincheloe Edward Simons O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y D e p a rtm e n t o f M u s ic p re s e n ts S T U D E N T R E C IT A L Concerto in Eb M ajor............. Francesco A n ton io Rosetti Rom ance Julie Wilhelm., horn A m a rilli, mia bella............................ David Bartley, baritone Jennie Clark, piano G iulio Caccini V alse O ubliee No. 1...........................................Franz L is zt Carol Lisa Curry, piano H eiden roslein ............................................ Fran z Schubert T w ila Rossmanith, alto Beth Abraham , piano C on certino Op. 4............................. A lle g r o Maestoso Todd Fitzpatrick, trom bone Carol Lisa Curry, piano Ferdinand David T h e V agabond............................. Ralph Vaughan W illiam s (Songs o f T ra vel) W esley Clark, baritone Naom i M ellendorf, piano Sonata U5, Op.24.............................L u d w ig van Beethoven Rondo A lle g ro Ma Non Troppo Jodi Goble, violin Erik Chalfant, piano I have tw elve Oxen..........................................John Ireland Heather Spicer, soprano Tony Bellom v, piano M in strels..................................................... Claude Debussy Mary Atkinson, piano W h ere ’ere You W a lk ..................................G.F. Handel Lanna Conner, soprano T on y Bellom y, piano Turkish R on d o............... ............................W .A. M ozart M ich elle Geurin, piano R even ge! Tim otheus C ries....................... G.F. Handel Brian P ark er, baritone Ton y Bellom y, piano R idente la calm a........................................ W.A. M ozart Tam m y Frame, soprano R achel W alters, piano Duo I I I ................................................. G eorge Sydeman Slow ly-W ith E xpression Nathan Degner, violin Jodi Goble, violin D ie Beiden G ren a d iere Robert Schuman E rik Chalfant, baritone T on y Bellom y, piano C oncerto #4 in Eb M ajor............................W.A. M ozart Rom anza A lle g ro M oderato Todd M cClellan, horn T on y Bellom y, piano Old Song............................. Steve T in g ley, tenor J enn ie Smith, piano Douglas M oore 1m W alde................................A ld o lf Edward M arschner H ym n e........................ Christopher W illibald von Gluck W anderschaft............................................... Carl Z olln er Trom bone Sectional students Todd Fitzpatrick, Darin Brown Tom N othstine, Chris Howie, Erin Murphy 7:30 p.m. D ecem ber 6, 1990 K resge Auditorium O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y Departm e nt o f Music presents CO NCERT B AND CH APE L PROGRAM H arlow Hopkins, Conductor H Y M N #180 -- A n g e ls We H ave H eard on High O f F e s tiv e B ells and A n cien t K in gs . . . Charles Richard Spinney O v e rtu re on an E a rly A m erican Folk Hymn (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need).................Claude Thom as Smith N o e l F r a n c a is ..................................................... A rr. Jam es P loyh a r R e jo u is s a n c e .................................. . N e a l W ood ru ff, Conductor Jam es Curnow P ercu ssion A d e s te F i d e l i s A rr. Jam es P loyh a r J e ric h o (R e v is it e d ).................................................. N e a l W ood ru ff, N a rra to r 9:30 a.m. D e c e m b e r 13, 1990 C h alfan t H all W illiam Himes O LIVET NAZAR EN E UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents T R A C Y F R Y M A N , p ian o A s s is te d by K a r e n D a u g h e rty , s o p ra n o D e b b ie M c C lu re , s o p ra n o E r ik C h a lfa n t, accom p an ist Notturno, op. 54 #4.................................................E. Grieg Miss Fryman Let the Bright Seraphim (S am son ) ...................G.F. Handel Du bist die Ruh Franz Schubert Les Oiseaux ans la chamille Jacques Offenbach (Tales o f Hoffm an) Miss McClure SulP aria (M a rria ge o f F ig a r o ) ........................ W.A. Mozart Miss McClure and Miss Daugherty Sonata in C minor, op. 13................ Grave, Allegro molto e con brio Adagio cantabile Allegro Miss Fryman L. van Beethoven Una voce poco fa (B a rb e r o f Seville)..................G. Rossini Mon coeur s’ouvre a ta v o ix ................ Camille Saint-Saens (Sam son and D alila ) All That Gold..........................................Gian Carlo Menotti (A m a h l and the N ig h t Visitors) Miss Daugherty Sound the Trumpet............................................ H. Purcell Miss McClure and Miss Daugherty P relu d es, Book 1.............................. H ills o f A n a ca p ri M iss Frym an C. Debussy T h is recital is b ein g presented in partial fu lfillm en t o f th e requ irm en ts fo r the B ach elor o f Scien ce D egree w ith con cen tration in M usic Education. Y our cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures du rin g the performance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. D ecem b er 14, 1990 K re s g e A u ditoriu m OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Program INVOCATION...................... Pastor Scott Americans We Henry Fillmore Overture on an American Folk Hymn (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need)..... Claude T. Smith REMARKS Confitemini Domini ............ A. Constantini Vivace; Allegro Ding, Dong, Merrily on High...English Folksong Percussion Praise Medley....................Dana Evenson Brass Rejouissance.....................James Curnow Conducted by Neal Woodruff, Senior Under His Wings...... Ira Sankey/Wesley Hanson Woodwinds TESTIMONIES Irish Tune (He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw my Need)....................... Percy Grainger Power Medley..................... Dana Evenson Brass OFFERTORY His Eye is on the Sparrow..... Charles Gabriel Julie Willard, flute Heather Johnson, piano Jericho (Revisited)............. William Himes Narrated by Neal Woodruff BENEDICTION...................... Pastor Scott First Church of the Nazarene Lafayette, Indiana January 20, 1991 10:30 A.M. O LIV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R SITY Department o f Music presents HONORS R EC ITAL S a ra b a n d e from P o u r L e P i a n o Tony Bellom y, piano C lau d e D ebussy L e V io le t t e ......................................... A llessan d ro Scarletti G e o rg e W olff, tenor K im B ean, piano Si puo?...Si puo? (P a g li a c c i) R u ggie ro Leon cavallo E rik Chalfant, baritone T on y Bellom y, piano N o c tu rn e , Op. 72, N o. 1 F red e ric k C hopin C arol L isa C u rry , piano P e r la glo ria d ’a d o r a r u i .................... G iovanni Bononcini H eath er Spicer, so p ran o T ony Bellom y, piano T a b o r ’s L o v e S o n g .....................................D o u glas M oore (T h e B a lla d o f B a by D o e ) N ath an D egner, baritone T on y Bellom y, piano G n o m en reigen , C oncert e t u d e ........................F ran z Liszt E rik Chalfant, piano U n a voce poco f a .....................................Gioacchino Rossini (II Barbiere di Siviglia) Karen Daugherty, soprano Erik Chalfant, piano Prelud e, Op. 23, # 4 ............................. S erge Rachm aninoff Naom i M ellendorf, piano 7:30 p.m. Tuesday J an u ary 22, 1991 K re sg e Auditorium C O M IN G E V E N T S J an u ary 24, 1991 G U E S T R E C IT A L N ancy Emrick, soprano 7:30 pm J an u ary 29, 1991 S E N IO R R E C IT A L RaJeanda Reed, piano 7:30 pm Tw ila Rossmanith, voice J an u ary 31, 1991 V A R IE T Y SH O W 7:30 pm Concert Band & University Singers F e b ru a ry 1, 1991 V A R IE T Y SH O W 7:00 & 8:00 pm Concert Band & University Singers F eb ru a ry 4, 1991 * C A N C E L L E D * M icheal Bankston Recital F e b ru a ry 22, 1991 8:00 pm O R P H E U S C H O IR C O N C E R T Chalfant Hall A ll events are in Kresge Auditorium unless otherwise indicated. O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y D E P A R T M E N T O F M U S IC p resen ts G u e s t R ecital Nancy Emrick SOPRANO G e r a ld A n d e rs o n , p ia n o Handel Let the bright Seraphim (Samson) Eric Penrod, trumpet Debussy Quartre Chansons de jeunesse Pantomime Clair de lune Pierrot Apparition Massenet Recitative and Gavotte (Manon) Hoiby Lady of the Harbor Winter Song Always it’s spring Strauss, R. All mein Gedanken Breit uber mein Haupt Ich Schwebe Amor Bernstein Glitter and Be Gay (Candide) 7:30 pm T h u rsd a y J an u ary 24, 1991 K r e s g e A u ditoriu m C O M IN G E V E N T S J a n u a ry 29, 1991 S E N IO R R E C IT A L 7:30 p m R a Je a n d a R eed, p ia n o T w ila R ossm anith, voice J a n u a ry 31, 1991 V A R IE T Y SH O W 7:30 p m C o n c e rt B a n d & U niversity S in g ers F e b ru a ry 1, 1991 V A R IE T Y S H O W 7:00 & 8:00 p m C o n c e rt B a n d & U niversity S in g ers F e b ru a ry 4, 1991 * C A N C E L L E D * M ic h a e l B an kston R e c ita l F e b ru a ry 22, 1991 8:00 p m O R P H E U S C H O IR C O N C E R T C h a lfa n t H a ll A l l events a re in K resge A u d ito riu m unless oth erw ise in d ica ted . O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E UNIVER SITY Department of Music presents S E N IO R R E C IT A L R A J E A N D A R E E D P ia n o T W I L A M. R O S S M A N I T H A lto B eth A b r a h a m , p ian o Sure on this Sh inin g Night, Op. 13, No. 3 Du B ist die Ruh, Op. 59, No. 3 H eid en ro slein M iss Rossmanith Samuel Barber Franz Schubert Franz Schubert S ix V a ria tio n s on "N e l c o r piu non mi sento" Lu dw ig van Beethoven Miss Reed A m a rilli G iu lio Caceini O C essate di piagarm i Alessandro Scarlatti L a seia tem i m orire Claudio M on teverde T o g lie te m i la vita an cor Alessandro Scarlatti Miss Rossmanith Nocturne in E, Op. 62, No. 2 Im prom ptu in Ah, Op. 29 M iss Reed Frederic Chopin F rederic Chopin Th e Daises, Op. No. 1 Rom ance M andoline Miss Rossmanith Samuel Barber Claude Debussy Claude Debussy Concertino Prelu de Menuet Finale Jean Francaix Miss Reed This recital is b ein g presented in partial fu lfillm en t fo r the B ach elor o f Science and B ach elor o f Arts degrees in M usic Education. Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. January 29, 1991 K resge Auditorium Larsen Fine A rts C enter O LIVET N AZA R EN E UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents Commencement Concert Auditions Concerto in A minor, Op. 16........................Edvard G rie g A lle g ro molto moderato Tony Bellomy, piano H eather Johnson, accom panist Standchen Richard Strauss T a b o r’s A ria (B a lla d o f B aby D o e ) ........... D ouglas M oore Nathan D egner, baritone Jodi Goble, accompanist Rhapsody in B lu e .................................. G eo rge G ersh w in H eather Johnson, piano Tony Bellomy, accom panist Oh had I J u b a l’s lyre (J o s h u a ) G eo rge F. Handel A s w h en the dovefAc/s a n d G a la te a ).... G eorge F. Handel Tori Trem aine, soprano Rachel Walters, accompanist Se vuol ballarefLe N o zz e d i F ig a r o ).. W olfgan g A. M ozart Si pudl...Si puo? (P a g lia c c i) ............R uggiero Leoncavallo E rik Chalfant, baritone Tony Bellomy, accompanist Rom ance, Op. 11 Antonin D vo rak Nathan D egner, violin Jodi Goble, accompanist Ach, Ich fiihl’s ( T h e M a g ic F lu te ) Les oiseaux dans la charm ille W olfgan g A. M ozart Jacques O ffenbach (T h e T a les o f H o ffm a n ) D eborah M cClure, soprano Erik Chalfant, accompanist Deh vieni alia finestra (D o n G io v a n n i)... W olfgang A. M ozart Revenge! Tim otheus C ries!....................... George F. Handel (A le x a n d e r’s Feast) B rian Parker, baritone Tony Bellomy, accompanist L ’ultima canzone Paolo Tosti M arec h iare..............................................................Paolo Tosti N eal W ayne W oodruff, tenor H eather Johnson, accompanist s Concerto in G M in or...................................G eorge F. Handel G ra v e and A llegro D ian n a Horton, oboe Tony Bellomy, accompanist Concerto in A, M ajo r K. 488..................W olfgang A. M ozart A lle g ro assai Naom i M ellendorf, piano Carol Lisa Curry, accompanist U na furtiva lagrim a.................................. Gaetano Donizetti Hym n...........................................................Benjamin Britten (S eren a d e f o r ten or, h o rn a n d s trin g s) G eo rge Wolff, tenor Tony Bellomy, accompanist Mon co eu r s ’o u vre a t’a voix.................Cam ille Saint-Saens (S a m son a n d D e lila h ) Sum m ertim e (P o rg y a n d B ess) .................. G eorge G ershw in K aren Daugherty, soprano Erik Chalfant, accompanist 7:30 p.m. F ebruary 8, 1991 K resge Auditorium Larsen Fine A rts Center O L IV E T N A ZA R E N E UNIVER SITY Department of Music presents Jazz Uattii Eric Penrod, Director Errol Garner arr. Mark Taylor Misty Jay Beckenstein arr. John Higgins Morning Dance Harold Arlen arr. Brad Morey Over the Rainbow Mitch Farber El Dorado Kurt Weill arr. Mark Taylor Mack the Knife Benny Golson arr. Les Hooper Killer Joe Intermission Conrail Flyer Lady in the Black Dress Tongue 'N Groove Strike Up The Band D.D. Nelson arr. Billy May Chuck Sayre Jay Chattaway George Gershwin arr. Sammy Nestico Personnel Alto Saxophone Rich Harrison Andy Peckens Stilwell, Kansas Farwell, Michigan Tenor Saxophone Chad Waterbury Annette Bailey Fishers, Merrillville, Indiana Indiana Baritone Saxophone Lance Turner Middletown, Indiana Trumpets Eric V. Johnson David Scott Lori Coats Eric S. Johnson Greg Tolley Ottowa, Illinois Lafayette, Indiana Selma, Indiana Galesburg, Illinois Brownsburg, Indiana Trombones Chris Howie Dave Noble Beth Lloyd Scott McCowen Mark Wray Fort Wayne, Indiana Manteno, Illinois Cincinatti, Ohio New Lenox, Illinois Winchester, Indiana Piano Rod Loren Bass Patrick Lake Drums Matt Martin Kankakee, Stone Mountain, Illinois Georgia Grand Rapids, Michigan Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illin o is Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Concert Band “ Instruments of Praise” HARLOW HOPKINS, C o n d u cto r Seventy-Fourth Season P ro gram America the Beautiful.........................Samuel Ward/Carmen Dragon INVOCATION.................................................................... The Pastor American Overture for Band Joseph Willcox Jenkins Americans We* ............................ Henry Fillmore/Frederick Fennell Praise M ed ley * Dana Evenson Brass REMARKS Cindy Johnson Overture on an American Folk Hymn* ..................Claude T. Smith (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need) Under His W in gs* Ira Sankey/Wesley Hanson W oodwinds Rejouissance*............................................................. James Curnow Conducted by Neal W oodruff, Student Conductor TESTIMONIES Irish Tune* ................................................................Percy Grainger (He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw My Need) Git on Board ............................................................ Arr. Paul Yoder OFFERTORY Broken and Spilled Out .......................Words by Gloria Gaither, Music by Bill George Mary Atkinson, Soprano; Neal W oodruff, Tenor Jericho (R evisited)*.................................................... William Himes Neal W oodruff, Narrator BENEDICTION.................................................................. The Pastor 'Pieces included on the Concert Band's newest recording. Itin e ra ry March 1, 1991 7:00 p.m. First Church o f the Nazarene Port Huron, Michigan March 2, 1991 7:00 p.m. Warren Woods Church o f the Nazarene Warren Woods, Michigan March 3, 1991 10:50 a.m. March 3, 1991 6:00 p.m. Central Church o f the Nazarene Flint, Michigan South Church o f the Nazarene Lansing, Michigan March 16, 1991 7:00 p.m. First Church o f the Nazarene Peoria, Illinois March 17, 1991 10:45 a.m. Church o f the Nazarene Mundelein, Illinois March 17, 1991 6:00 p.m. College Church o f the Nazarene Bourbonnais, Illinois P e rs o n n e l FLUTE TRUMPET Yoko Kashimura . . . . Camby, IN Andrew S m it h Ann D o rs e y ................Watseka, IL Eric V. Johnson . . . . Ottawa, IL Celeste Hardman Oak Harbor, WA Neal W o o d r u ff Bourbonnais, IL Susie G r a b le ............. Bourbonnais, IL D avid S p riggs Lansing, MI Rhonda S im s............. South Elgin, IL Carol Lisa Curry . . . G riggsville, IL M ichelle Geurin . . . . Metamora, IL Joy W i l h e l m ............. Cincinnati, OH Todd Nothstine . . . . Granger, IN . . . F ortville, IN Lori C o a t s ................Selma, IN H eidi L a n e ................Somerset, K Y Eric S. Johnson . . . .Calesburg, IL Kim Kroth G regory T o lle y ............... Oneida, N Y Brownsburg, IN David S c o t t ............. Lafayette, IN OBOE Dianna H o r t o n HORN Port Huron, MI Heather M. Johnson CLARINET Ottawa, IL Raye Ann Jones . . . . Churubusco, IN Trina Grable . . Cindy Johnson . Bourbonnais, IL K im berly B e a n Evansville, IN . Malden, IL Julie W ilh e lm Cincinnati, OH Todd M cClellan . . . . Olathe, KS K yle Smith . . . . Oak Harbor, WA Annette Bailey . M errillville, IN Kerri A ld e r ................Spencerport, N Y Pamela Lafevor Rachel Rex . . . . Sanford, MI James R e x ..................Evansport, OH Kristin G e ld h o f . Evansport, OH . L ow ell, MI TROMBONE Mary Atkinson . Council Bluffs, IA Todd Fitzpatrick . . . . Parma, MI Rebecca Avram . Alger, MI Darin Brow n . . . . . . N e w Castle, IN Tom Nothstine . . . . . Granger, IN BASS CLARINET M ichell Hecathorn . . W oosung, IL CONTRABASS CLARINET Douglas S n o o k Saugus, MA EUPHONIUM Am i S im o n ................Bourbonnais, IL BASSOON Rachel Walters Beth L loyd . . . . . . . . Cincinnati, OH Chris H o w ie . . . . . . . Fort Wayne, IN Erin Murphy . . . . . Bcardstown, IL Mattoon, IL ALTO SAXOPHONE Richard Harrison . . . Stilw ell, KS Lynette H olm gren . . . Cabery, IL K elli J o h n s o n ........... Ottawa, IL TUBA James W e itz e l........... Chesterton, IN Mark W r a y ................W inchester, IN Bary Cruz ................K en dallville, IN Angela S e a rs ............. Connersville, IN TENOR SAXOPHONE Chad Waterbury . . . W esterville, OH BARITONE SAXOPHONE Lance Turner M iddletow n , IN PERCUSSION Jonna A l l e n ............. Somerset, K Y Samantha Clark . . . . Kankakee, IL M elody Matson . . . . Madison, W I Rajeanda R e e d .........Mackey, IN Jennifer L a R u e .........N e w Sharon, IA Patrick L a k e ............. Stone Mountain, GA O ffic e rs Angela Scars, Vice-President Lynette H olm gren, Secretary Darin Brown, Treasurer Mark Wray, Historian Heather Johnson, Librarian Cindy Johnson, Publicity Lance Turner, Transportation Eric V. Johnson, Chaplain Neal W ood ru ff, Student C onductor James W eitzel, President D E P A R T M E N T O F M U S IC O livet’s department o f music has been known throughout the country for many years as one with outstanding faculty, perform ing groups o f high quality, and a strong musicianship program. M a jo rs Majors in Church Music, Music Education, Performance in certain areas, and the combination Church Music/Christian Education are offered. Fiftythree students are currently majoring in music. A ccred itation The Department o f Music is a fully accredited member o f the National Association o f Schools o f Music. Facilities The Music (and Art) Department is housed in Larsen Fine Arts Center. The Center was dedicated in February, 1983, and was built at a cost o f $3 5 m illion. Included in the building are the 540-seat Kresge Auditorium, tw elve studios, instrumental and choral rehearsal rooms, three class rooms, tw enty-tw o practice rooms, a student lounge, a reception/seminar room, and the music office and w orkroom . A substantial record/tape collection is housed in the listening center located on the low er level o f Benner Learn ing Resource Center. W ith the addition o f new equipment purchased for Larsen Fine Arts Center, and subsequent purchases since 1983, musical instruments and equipment are now valued at over $350,000. N o n -m a jo r C lasses Non-music majors are free to take class or private vocal and instrumental lessons, music literature and history classes, music theory courses, and participate in any o f the vocal and instrumental ensembles. About 40 students are currently m inoring in music. Concerts Approxim ately 75 concerts are sponsored on and o f f campus annually by the music department. For inform ation about concerts or programs o f students, call the music o ffice at 815/939-5110, or write Dr. Harlow Hopkins, Chair, Department o f Music, Olivet Nazarene University, Box 6044, Kankakee, Illinois 60901. O L IV E T N A Z A R E N E U N IV E R S IT Y D e p a rtm en t o f M usic presents GUEST RECITAL R O B E R T HOLM, piano Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) English Suite No. 3 in G Minor Prelude Gavotte I Allemande Gavotte II Courante Gigue Sarabande Sonata in E-Flat Major, Op. 27 No. 1.Ludwig van Beethoven Adante-Allegro (1770-1827) Allegro molto vivace Adagio con espressione Allegro Sonate (1926)................................ Bela Bartok Allegro Moderato (1881-1945) Sostenuto e pesante Allegro molto Intermission Sonate in C Minor, K. 457 Allegro Adagio Molto Allegro Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) 'Mazeppa" (Etudes d 1execution transcendante) 7:30 p.m. .larch 2, 1991 Kresge Auditorium Franz Liszt (1811-1886) OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents SENIOR RECITAL S T E V E N T I N G L E Y , tenor Jennifer Clark, piano Assisted by Heather Spicer, soprano Brian Parker, baritone Tony Bellomy, piano La donna e mobile (Rigoletto)....... Guiseppe Verdi Tu lo sai.......................... Guiseppe Torelli Una furtiva lagrima ............. Gaetano Donizetti (L'Elisir d'amore) Mr. Tingley 0 Mio Babbino Caro.................. Giacomo Puccini (Gianni Schicchi) An die Musik, Op. 88, No. 4 ..........Franz Schubert Deh vieni, non tardar...... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Le Nozze di Figaro) Miss Spicer Zueignung........................... Richard Strauss Geheimes Franz Schubert Dies bildniss ist bezaubernd schon..... W.A. Mozart Beau Soir............................ Claude Debussy Mr. Tingley Ich grolle nicht.................... Robert Schumann Deh vieni alia finestra.... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se vuol ballare............. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mr. Parker Do not go my love Richard Hageman Siciliano.......................... Randall Thompson Old Song...............................Douglas Moore The Sussex Sailor Ernest Charles Mr. Tingley This recital is being presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree with concentration in Church Music. Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictues during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 P.M. March 5, 1991 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center A Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President University Singers I Call You To Praise 1991 Spring Tour John Reiniche, Conductor T h e p ro g ra m will b e s e le c te d from th e fo llo w in g repertoire: Exaltation.............................................................. Arr. Ron Huff He Gives Me Joy ................................................. Reba R am bo He's Worthy ......................................................Sandra Crouch 1Call You to Praise .............................................John G. Elliott The Lord is My L ig h t ...................................... Frances Allitsen Praise to God, W h ose Love Was Shown . . Michael W. Smith and A m y Grant Sing and R e jo ic e ...........................................David Clydesdale The 43 m en and w om en in the group represent the full range of academ ic majors and interests at the Uniuersity. University Singers will present a concert of choral music designed to present a worship experience for every taste. An ll m em ber handbell choir selected from within the group will also be participating with a variety of sacred and classic selections on the 4 octave bells. Conductor John Reiniche teaches voice in addition to directing The University Singers. He holds both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Music degrees in voice from Ball State University and is currently pursuing a doctorate in voice at Indiana Univer sity. Bloomington. He also serves as Minister of Music in Manteno. Illinois. He and his wife, Debbie have one child. Heather. Itinerary Mar. 8, 1991 Church of the Nazarene Middletown, Indiana March 9, 1991 South Side Church of the Nazarene Muncie, Indiana March 10, 1991 A.M. First Church o f the Nazarene Richmond, Indiana March 10, 1991 P.M. First Church o f the Nazarene Anderson, Indiana April 20, 1991 Westside Church o f the Nazarene Indianapolis, Indiana April 21, 1991 A.M. First Church o f the Nazarene Columbus, Indiana April 21, 1991 P.M. Westside Church o f the Nazarene Indianapolis, Indiana P erson n el *M embers of Handbells Sop ran o Kelly Allen Kim Bean Sarah Bennett Jennifer Clark Julie Colegrove Kellie Hannah * Jill Hunsberger Cathy Passm ore Allana Rishel ‘ Barbee Solom on Jolyne Strait Kim Taylor ‘ Rachelle Turner Rachel Walters Mischelle W ebb A lto Lisa Brenner Allison Smith Lucynda Sipes Dianna Horton Kristina Foster Naom i Mellendorf Haley Dillman Pam Litten Missy Rife Michelle Geurin Kristen Robbins Rachael Hirschman Bass David Bartley Dan Cam pbell James Rex Dan Robison Tfoy E. Johnson Ed Sim ons Tenor ‘ Charles Balog Darin Bishop Jamie Duerksen Martin Fernandez Scott Johnson A.J. Palm gren Mike Rhea Lance Turner Tom Weitzel Mark Wray H andbells Melissa A d am s Robin A d am s Bary Cruz Shiela Oppenhuis Brock Schroeder Ayako Uchiama Joy Wilhelm A ccom p an ists Michelle Geurin Jodi Goble Rachel Walters O fficers President — Tom Weitzel Treasurer — David Bartley Secretary — Rachel Walters Librarian — LuCynda Sipes Fund-raising — Cathy Passmore Chaplain — Dan Cam pbell D E P A R T M E N T O F M U S IC Olivet's deparim ent of m usic h a s been know n throughout the country for m any years a s one with outstanding faculty, perform ing groups of high quality, an d a strong m usicianship program. Majors Majors in Church Music, Music Education. Perform ance in certain areas, an d the com bination Church Music/Christian Education are offered. Fifty-three students are currently m ajoring in m usic. Accreditation T he Departm ent of Music is a fully accredited m em b er of the National Association of Schools of Music. Facilities T he Music (and Art) Department is housed in Larsen Fine Arts Center. The Center w as dedicated in February, 1983, an d w a s built at a cost of $3.5 million. Included in the building are the 540-seat Kresge Auditorium, twelve studios, instrum ental an d choral rehearsal room s, three class room s, twenty-two practice rooms, a student lounge, a reception/sem inar room, a n d the m usic office a n d workroom. A substantial record/tape collection is h o u sed in the listening center located on the lower level of Benner Learning Resource Center. With the addition of new equipm ent purchased for Larsen Fine Arts Center, a n d su b seq u en t purchases since 1983, m usical instrum ents and equipm ent are now valued at over $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 . Non-major Classes Non-music m ajors are free to take class or private vocal a n d instru m ental lessons, m usic literature a n d history classes, m usic theory courses, an d participate in any of the vocal an d instrumental ensem bles. About 4 0 students are currently minoring in music. Concerts Approximately 75 concerts are sp o n so red on and off c a m p u s annually by the m usic departm ent. For information about concerts or program s of students, call the m usic office at 815/939-5110, or write Dr. Harlow Hopkins, Chair, Departm ent of Music. Olivet N azarene University, Box 6 0 4 4 , Kankakee, Illinois 60901. ▲ Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Orpheus Choir 1990-1991 Fifty-ninth Y ear ‘ A Ministry in M usic ’ ’ D. G e o rg e Dunbar, C o n d u ctor Tony Bellomy, Accom panist Erik Chalfant, Assistant Accom panist P ro g ram se le c te d from: Hank B e e b e .....................................................In T hese Things We Live Jean B erg er...........................................................................................Alleluia Matt Brown ....................................................... Great Is Thy Faithfulness Rene C la u s e n .....................................................................T hank The Lord John Randall D e n n is Lift Thine Eyes Psalm 24 Rejoice. The Lord Is King L.L. F lem ing ............................................................................Give Me Jesus Dale G rotenhuis.............................. Blessed Be The Nam e Of The Lord Jester H airston In Dat Great Gettin' Up Momin' O.D. Hall, Jr My Faith Looks Up To T hee Mark H a y e s...................................Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven Rejoice And Sing Out His Praises Egil Hovland .....................................................The Glory Of The Father Peter C. L u tk in The Lord Bless You And Keep You Mary McDonald ...................................................Sing And Be Not Silent S am Pottle.......................................... Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind John Rutter T he Lord Bless You And Keep You W hen The Saints Go Marching In J.P. S w e e lin c k ..................................................... Oh Sing Ye To The Lord Mack W ilberg................................................................. I Saw Three Ships Ovid Y o u n g ....................................................................... I Will Serve Thee To God Be The Glory The Comforter Has Com e A cassette and/o r CD recording called REJOICE! is available featuring the m usic o f ONU alu m n u s John Randall Dennis, recorded this past January by Orpheus. A sk about it after the program . Itinerary 1990-1991 Novem ber it Nov. 30-D ec. 2 January 10-12 February 22 28 March 8 -1 0 April 6 19-21 May to H om ecom ing, ONU, A.M. College Church, P.M. Messiah, ONU Recording Sessions, ONU O rpheus Concert, Parent Weekend Chapel, ONU Chrisman, IL New Albany Eastside, New Albany, IN Seym our First. Seym our, IN, A.M. Tferre Haute First, Terre Haute, IN ONU Ladies Day Mt. Pleasant First. Mt. Pleasant, Ml Flint Central, Flint. MI Detroit First, Farmington Hills, Ml Jackson First, Jackson, Ml Baccalaureate, ONU O rp h e u s Choir, S p rin g 1991 S opran o Tfenor Pam Adam s. David Brokaw, Bourbonnais, IL Cincinnati, OH Mary Atkinson, Troy Comstock. Council Bluffs, IA Mishawaka, IN Nicole Beathard, Frank Dillinger, Mt. Sterling. OH Bourbonnais, IL Noelle Brown, Jason Eaton, Flint, MI Swartz Creek, Ml Kim Cherry, Chad Jones, Sterling, 1L Lubbock, TX Lanna Conner, Ethan Reedy, Cincinnati, OH Bourbonnais, IL Karen Daugherty, D am on Spurgeon, Muncie, IN Seymour, IN T am m y Frame, Steve Tingley, B irm ingham , AL Chrisman, IL Kim Guynn. George Wolff, Martinton, IL Warren, Ml Debbie McClure, Neal Woodruff, Warren, Ml Bourbonnais. IL Kim Read, Olathe, KS Heather Spicer, Celina, OH Jeanne Stafford, Alexandria. IN TTicia wetters, Bay City, Ml A lto Bass Beth A braham , Marion, OH Beth Bimber, Spiceland, IN Tracy Frym an, Midland, MI Cali Hancock, Springfield, IL Hannah Ruth Kellogg. Danville. IL Angela Kirk, Griggsville, IL Brenita Nicholas. Springfield, OH Linda Phillippe, Indianapolis, IN Marcy Reinhart. Chatham. IL TWila Rossmanith. De Motte, IN T iffany Settlemoir, Flint, Ml Darlene Strope, W heaton, IL TOri Tremaine, Carpinteria, CA Carolee Wegner, Fraser, Ml D ieunn Young, Marion. IA Thny Bellomy, Bourbonnais, IL Erik Chalfant, Bourbonnais, IL Wes Clark, w. Des Moines, IA A lan Close, Davison, Ml Brent C unningham . Sierra Madre, CA Nathan Degner, Oak Creek, Wl Daniel Dillinger, Bourbonnais, IL Jordan Duerksen, A pple Valley, m n Brad Foster, Spring Arbor, Ml B illy Huddleston, N orwood, O ff Deron Matson, M adison, WI Faron Niles, Bourbonnais, IL Jim Pardew, Greenfield, IN Brian Parker, Bourbonnais, IL Glen Sheets, St. Thom as. Ontario, Canada John Volkm ann, Sullivan, MO Orpheus Officers, Spring S em ester Neal W oodruff, First Vice-President Ethan Reedy, Historian Karen Daugherty, Secretary Linda Phillippe, Secretary Tracy Frym an, Librarian Brian Parker, Chaplain Hannah Ruth Kellogg, Robarian Brent C unningham , Business Manager Th e Orpheus Choir Founded in 1932 by the late Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, the O rpheus Choir, a select ensem ble o f students from several majors, is beginning its seventh decade o f annual performances. M em bership this year co m e s from 12 states and one Canadian province. The Choir has appeared in concerts across the nation and in Mexico and Canada. They have performed twice at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., and tw ice at the United States A ir Fbrce A cadem y in Colorado. O rpheus w a s selected to sing at tw o national M usic Educators National Conference Conven tions in California, and also perform ed at the Illinois Music E ducation A ssocia tion Convention. During January, 1990, they com pleted their third successful tour o f the W ashington, D.C. area. Orpheus has represented Olivet at m a n y General Assem blies, and has par ticipated at Praise Gathering in Indianapolis, for over a dozen years. For the past fourteen years. Orpheus has sung arrangem ents by O vid Young, c o m m is s io n ed b y Dr. Leslie Parrott, at each Baccalaureate service. In M e m o r ia m Alex Anderson, 21 N orth Olmstead, Ohio Senior M usic Education Major C indy Langdon, 22 Davison, Michigan Senior Speech C om m . Major Andrea Green, 21 New Castle, Indiana Senior Psych ./Soc. Major Our annual trip to Praise Gathering in Indianapolis w a s cut short by the tragic highw ay accident near Lafayette, Indiana, on Novem ber 1, 1990. A s a result of the accident, Alex Anderson, President o f Orpheus Choir, Cindy Langdon, Second Vice-President o f Orpheus Choir, and Andrea Green, died. Matt W ing is still hospitalized. Other passengers in the van were Wes Clark, Nate Degner, Angela Kirk, Tori Tremaine, John Volkmann, Neal Woodruff, and Renee Ziegler. Except for 1981, Orpheus has participated in Praise Gathering since 1978. There has been a tremendous outpouring of prayer and support since the accident. The 10,000 people at Praise Gathering lifted their voices in prayer repeatedly during their three-day convention. Many other people, including hundreds of students from other colleges and universities, sent m essages o f sym pathy and support. The Memorial Service in Chalfant Hall on Tuesday, N ovem ber 6 included m em bers of Orpheus and Orpheus alumni singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Messiah. Bill and Gloria Gaither brought words of encouragem ent along with numerous hand-written notes from the Praise Gathering folk w h o also sent m on ey for the Orpheus Memorial Scholarship Fund. On behalf o f Orpheus Choir, I want to thank the ONU Administration, Student Body, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, friends and families o f Orpheus m em bers for their sup port and encouragem ent during these months. Dr. Harlow Hopkins, speaking on behalf o f the ONU faculty at the Memorial Service, described Alex, Cindy and Andrea like this: ‘ "Alex loved people and being with others. He w a s a gentle person. He liked to have fun and his fun-loving spirit w a s contagious. Cindy knew every one and she w as an encourager. She had a positive attitude and a radiance about her that w as special. Andrea seem ed to have put aw ay materialism and any thoughts other than serving others. She went to Chicago each w eek to teach a class o f inner-city children about Jesus. Musical talent and vocal ability were dedicated to Christ by these young people. They enjoyed singing with Orpheus and ministering to others through music. No finer tribute could be paid today than for each of us to exam ine our lives and decide that the time which remains betw een our next breath and our final breath will be spent with renewed zeal in the service of the greatest servant, Jesus Christ.” Alex, Cindy and Andrea are greatly missed. They gave so m uch to Orpheus, the campus, and to everyone w h o knew them. T h ey have gone on to a higher Praise Gathering. The Orpheus Memorial Scholarship Fund, now near ing $30,000.00, has been established through the ONU Foundation. Send gifts to Dr. Norman W. Bloom, Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, IL 60901. Matt Wing, w h o w as injured in the accident, con tinues to be treated at McClaren Hospital, Room 567, 401 S. Ballinger Hwy., Flint, Mi 58504. Matt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wing, and his sister Laura, have com m itted Matt’s recovery to God. T hey are in prayer daily with Matt. I encourage anyone to write to Matt and his family. S om e of the scripture that w as used at the Memorial Service reads: "Fear not, for I have redeem ed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sw eep over you.” (Isaiah 43:1-2) W e dedicate our ministry in music this sem ester to the m em ory of Alex, Cindy and Andrea. D.G. Dunbar, Conductor Orpheus Choir D E P A R T M E N T O F M USIC Olivet's departm ent of m usic h a s been known throughout the country for m any years a s one with outstanding faculty, perform ing groups of high quality, a n d a strong m usicianship program. Majors Majors in Church Music, Music Education, Perform ance in certain areas, and the com bination Church Music/Christian Education are offered. Fifty-three students are currently majoring in music. Accreditation The Department of Music is a fully accredited m em b er of the National Association of Schools of Music. Facilities The Music (and Art) Department is h oused in Larsen Fine Arts Center. The Center w a s dedicated in February, 1983, a n d w as built at a cost of $3.5 million. Included in the building are the 540-seat Kresge Auditorium, twelve studios, instrumental a n d choral rehearsal rooms, three class rooms, twenty-two practice rooms, a student lounge, a reception/sem inar room, a n d the m usic office an d workroom. A substantial record/tape collection is housed in the listening center located on the lower level of Benner Learning Resource Center. With the addition of new equipm ent purchased for Larsen Fine Arts Center, and su b seq u en t purchases since 1983, m usical instrum ents and equipm ent are now valued at over $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 . Non-major Classes Non-music m ajors are free to take class or private vocal and instru m ental lessons, m usic literature a n d history classes, m usic theory courses, a n d participate in any of the vocal an d instrumental ensem bles. About 4 0 students are currently minoring in music. Concerts Approximately 75 concerts are sponsored on an d off ca m p u s annually by the m usic departm ent. For information about concerts or program s of students, call the m usic office at 815/939-5110, or write Dr. Harlow Hopkins, Chair. Department of Music, Olivet Nazarene University, Box 6 0 4 4 , Kankakee, Illinois 60901. OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents BAND ENSEMBLES Sicilienne Gabriel Faure Flute Ensemble Julie Willard Yoko Kashimura Anne Dorsey Celeste Hardman Rhonda Sims Michelle Geurin Heidi Lane Kim Kroth .Darius Milhaud Scaramouche.............. Modere Vif Richard Harrison, alto saxophone Erik Chalfant, piano Pilgrims Chorus (Tannhauser) . .Richard Wagner a r r . Max Pottag F r i p p e r i e s ............ Lowell E. Shaw Finlandia - Theme Jan Sibelius arr. E.G. Homes Horn Ensemble Heather M. Johnson Raye Ann Jones Kimberly Bean Julie Wilhelm Todd McClellan Kerri Alder James Rex Stephen Moore Moderato ............... Jacques-Fereol Mazas A l l e g r e t t o ................................ Ozi Bassoon Duet Rachel Walters Frances Smet-Mehrer Canon in D ................... Johann Pachelbel arr. M. Boo Percussion Ensemble Jonna Allen Samantha Clark Melody Matson RaJeanda Reed Jennifer LaRue Patrick Lake Concerto in G Minor ........ George F. Handel Grave and Allegro Dianna Horton, oboe Tony Bellomy, piano Mosaics for percussion . . . .Elliot Del Borgo Percussion Ensemble Concerto for 7 Trumpets and Timpani........... Johann Ernst Altenberg Trumpet Ensemble Andrew Smith Eric V. Johnson David Spriggs Carol Lisa Curry Greg Tolley Eric S. Johnson William Gade, Timpani David Scott Instrumental Faculty Robert Folsom, oboe Stephen Moore, horn Eric Penrod, trumpet Michelle Lewis, flute Robert Snow, low brass Paul Germano, trombone William Gade, percussion Dennis Baldridge, trombone Frances Smet-Mehrer, bassoon Shirley Blankenship, violin, viola Harlow Hopkins, clarinet, saxophone 7:30 p.m. Tuesday March 12, 1991 Kresge Auditorium OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Gerald Anderson, Piano PROGRAM Symphony No. 8, "Unfinished" Allegero moderato Andante con moto Franz Schubert Concerto in C Major, K. 467, for Piano and Orchestra Allegro maestoso Wolfgang A. Mozart Andante Allegro vivace assai Gerald Anderson, Pianist Four Centuries Prelude and Hornpipe (XVII Century) Pavane and Tambourin (XVIII Century) Valse (XIX Century) Rhythm (XX Century) Friday, March 15, 1991 Kresge Auditorium 7:30 P.M. Eric Coates PERSONEL FLUTE Julie Willard Sara Jerred OBOE Dianna Horton Edie Nash CLARINET Phillip Kyle Smith Lynn Schmidt BASSOON Frances Smet-Mehrer Rachel Walters ALTO SAXOPHONE Lance Turner Richard Harrison TENOR SAXOPHONE Chad Waterbury HORN Julie Wilhelm Kerri Alder Heather Johnson Raye Anne Jones TRUMPET Andrew Smith Neal Woodruff David Spriggs TROMBONE Todd Fitzpatrick Darin Brown Chris Howie VIOLIN I Karen Godwin, Concertmistress Nathan Degner Jodi Goble Jaymie DeWitt Shirley Blankenship Wilson Barrett VIOLIN II Rebecca Schaefer Principal Maria Barwegan Carol Lisa Curry Mary Blair Martha Henrikson Kathleen Dudley Stacey Etzel VIOLA Tony Bellomy Kalinda Jones CELLO David Richmond David Forsman Glenn Brown STRING BASS Amy Schreffler TIMPANI Jonna Allen PERCUSSION Patrick Lake Jamie Duerksen SYNTHESIZER Kavin Sampson TioeM usic DramdProducuon Class Presents: T W O ONE ACT OPERAS 'Jlit'Tcicplione by JvUnotTL JLSLJLSLiL£LSL0-2Jlfi. Gianni Schuxhi by P u a m i y QQn 9 a yjL-aa-C a m itin c n n n n o n n m i ol-OAQOQCU.Qo qq qq Q&aa_£ Fridw/ and SaturdayyApril 12 #13 a rr: 3 opm. CKres^p Auditorium - Larsen FineArts Center THE TELEPHONE by Gian-Carlo Menotti In her apartment Lucy unwraps a present that Ben has just handed her. Ben, who is obviously smitten and shy says he will be leaving in a hour, but when he returns he hopes . . . The telephone interrupts what he is about to say. It is one of Lucy's girl friends with whom she has a lengthy, rambling conversation punctuated with many girlish giggles. During the phone call Ben begins to show his desperation. Finally the conversation is through and just as Ben once again tries to talk with Lucy there is another ring. Wrong number. For the next several minutes, Lucy receives or makes several phone calls with Ben trying ever more desperately to talk with her between the constant interruptions of the telephone. Finally during a very long call Ben leaves dejected and dismayed. Lucy barely notices he has left. But a moment later one corner of the stage lights up revealing Ben in a telephone booth. He dials Lucy's number, gets an answer, and finally proposes. Will she marry him? Of course! The opera closes with a telephone duet in which Ben promises never to forget her phone number. LUCY - Lanna Patrice Conner is a sophmore majoring in Business and minoring in Music. BEN - Brian Parker is a sophmore majoring in Music. G IA N N I S C H IC C H I by Giacomo Puccini In the opening of the opera, the wealthy Buoso Donati has just died, and a group of his relatives is surrounding his death bed. Presumably they are there to mourn but in reality their greed prompts them to search for the will. They find it and their worst fears are confirmed - they are not in the will. Schicchi, a shrewd and resourceful peasant is sent for by a young relative of the deceased, even though the rest of the "mourners" protest. Schicchi arrives at the house and contrives the plot of removing the body of old Buoso and he himself taking its place in the bed. He fools the doctor into believing he is Buoso and then listens to each relative's wishes regarding the will. He promises to dictate a new will and give them each their heart's desire. A notary is summoned and Schicchi dictates the new will leaving everything to himself! The relatives are furious, but nothing can be done because whoever helps falsify a will must be held accountable by law. The angry relatives steal whatever they can as Schicchi chases them out of the house. Only his daughter and her fiance remain to sing a happy duet. Finally as the opera ends, Schicchi addresses the audience in spoken words and asks whether the money could have served a better purpose. GIANNI SCHICCHI - Erik Chalfant is a junior and is pursuing a double major in Voice and Piano Performance. LAURETTA (his daughter) - Deborah McClure, senior, is a Music Education and Voice Performance major. a ZITA (Buoso's cousin) - Karen S. Daugherty is a junior majoring in Music Education. RINUCCIO (Zita's nephew) - George Wolff a sophmore is majoring in Voice Performance. GHERARDO (Buoso's nephew) - Billy Huddleston is a freshman majoring in Religion. NELLA (his wife) - Heather Spicer is a sophmore majoring in Voice Performance. GHERARDINO (their son) - Nick Shelton is an 11 year old who attends Manteno Junior High. BETTO DI SIGNA (brother-in-law of Buoso) Nathan F. Degner is a junior who is pursuing a Music Education degree. SIMONE (Buoso's cousin) - C. Wesley Clark, Jr. is a junior whose major is Music Education. MARCO (his son) - Neal Wayne Woodruff is a senior majoring in Music Education. LA CIESCA (his wife) - Mary Ella Atkinson is a freshman whose major is Music Education. SPINELLOCCIO (a doctor) - David Bartley is a junior majoring in Church Music/Christian Education. AMANTIO DI NICOLAO (a lawyer) - Brad Foster is a freshman pursuing a Psychology major. ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS MAKE-UP Carol Lisa Curry, Jackie Alford Lanna Connor, Julie Dingman, Kim Kroth STAGE CREW Todd Fitzpatrick, David Bartley Greg Bruner, Brad Foster, Kim Kroth Billy Huddleston, Damon Spurgeon Lance Turner, George Wolff TECHNICAL CREW Patrick Lake, Kim Guynn PROPERTIES MANAGER Tori Tremaine STUDENT REHEARSAL DIRECTOR Erik Chalfant PRACTICE ACCOMPANISTS Jody Goble Tony Bellomy, John Volkmann ART WORK Darlene Strope PROGRAMS, TICKETS, ADVERTISING Ruthmarie Eimer, Sheila Oppenhius PA T R O N S O F THE ARTS C. William and Twylah Ellwanger James and Alta Everett Harlow and Harriet Hopkins Lloyd and Thelma Mitten Timothy Nelson Joe M. Noble Reinhold S. Schuller Marla Kensey Stanton Robert and Patricia Wall Minnie Wills Anonymous This performance made possible by arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc. publisher and copyright owner, also Hedon Music, Inc. a Boosey and Hawkes Co. Sole Agent in the U.S. for G. Ricordi Co., Milan, Italy, publisher and copyright owner. Kankakee's Complete Music Store 1030 Kennedy Drive Kankakee, II (815) 9 3 5 -1 0 3 0 USIC VILLAGE ORCHESTRA P E R S O N N E L FLUTE Ann Dorsey Yoko Kashimura OBOE Diana Horton VIOLIN Martha Henrikson Art Stober Sue Groskreutz Shirley Blankenship Kathleen Dudley Rebecca Schaeffer CLARINET Harlow Hopkins Kyle Smith VIOLA Tony Bellomy BASSOON Frances Smet-Mehrer CELLO David Forsman HORN Heather Johnson Julie Wilhelm STRING BASS Jack Dudley Amy Schreffler TRUMPET Andrew Smith Eric S. Johnson TIMPANI Jonna Allen TROMBONE Todd Fitzpatrick PERCUSSION Melody Matson RaJeanda Reed Costumes supplied by Josie O'Kains Costumes, Inc. Joliet, Illinois pa After the performance, if you do not wish to keep you program, you may give it to an usher and we will recycle it for you. 4-1 ■s] -<J «] «1 ■<1 ■<] "C 3 ■s <3 ] JOHN RE1NICHE ’■C *3 P iano Tuning anil R epair P hone (8 1 5 ) 4 7 2 -3 4 0 2 Special rates f o r churches and schools ■<] a] *3 si ’ 4H 44 ENDS INSURANCE SERVICE All forms of insurance coverage I Ruth Ends * Richard Barrone 409 S. Main Street Bourbonnais 815 939-7163 I X > s © e © s o ^ o o o o © o s © o CELEBRATING • • • • • • • DELUXE FEAST SAUSAGE FEAST PEPPERONI FEAST VEGI FEAST EXTRAVAGANZZA FEAST M EATZZA FEAST PAN PIZZA FEAST OR ANY CUSTOM MADE PIZZA YOU W OULD UKEI s s < S N O N QQ. % -FR E E 30 M IN U T E D E LIV E R Y -1 0 M IN U T E P IC K -U P S E R V IC E -A SK A B O U T OUR PARTY DIS C O U N TS IT’S TIME FOR DOMINO’S PIZZA'.' Call Us! EAST KANKAKEE & AROMA PARK WEST KANKAKEE & BRADLEY 1735 EMAPLE 60 MEADOWVIEWCTR 939-4400 939-4000 (C L O S E D F O R L U N C H ) 400 PM - 1 AM SUN - THUR 400 PM - 2 AM FRI - SAT (O P E N 11 AM 11 AM NOON - FO R 1 AM 2 AM 1 AM D river C a rrie s M inim al A m ount of C ash L im ite d D e liv e r y A re a . BOURBONNAIS & QUAIL HOLLOW 100EJOHNCASEY LU N C H ) MON - THUR FRI - SAT SUN 939-6400 (O P E N 11 AM • 11 AM NOON - FOR 1 AM 2 AM > AM LU N C H ) M O N -T H U R FRI - SAT SUN JOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOCCCCOCC THE BOYS PR ODUCE M ARKET Educational Supplies for Teachers, Parents and Students Books for all ages LAURA'S FLOWERS & GIFTS (815) 935-5750 1015 N. Fifth Avenue Kankakee. IL 60901 5 o o o o o oo oo ococcoccccco oocccc Rt. 45 N., 648 N. Convent, Bourbonnai IL- k 5 7 5 S. Schuyler, Kankakee 1 5 1 5 W . C ourt, Kankakee 9 8 0 N. Kinzie, Bradley 4 4 8 S. M ain , Bourbonnais X M J L T t 670 lA West Broadway • THE POWER OF PIANO LESSONS Bradley, Illinois 6 0 9 1 5 X (815) 9 3 5 - 1 1 1 5 X OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music FACULTY RECITAL OVID YOUNG, piano HARLOW HOPKINS, clarinet Jin Zhang, violin Elizabeth Holzman, viola Shirley Blankenship, violin David Forsman, violoncello Adagio and Rondo Concertant in F (1816) for piano, violin, viola & ’cello Sonata No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 120 for clarinet & piano 1. Allegro amabile 3. Andante con moto 2. Allegro appassionato 4. Allegro Overture on Hebrew Themes, Op. 34 for piano, clarinet & string quartet Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Serge Prokofieff (1891-1953) INTERMISSION Papillons, Op. 2 Rhapsody in E-flat Minor, Op. 11, No. 4 Robert Schumann (1810-1854) Emo Von Dohnanyi (1877-1960) Chorale-Prelude, Jesu, Joy o f Man’s Desiring for piano & string quartet J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Three Noels Without Word (1987) for piano, clarinet & string quartet 1. Pat-a-Pan (France) 2. Good King Wenceslas (England) 3. Go Tell It On the Mountain (United States) Ovid Young (1940- ) 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, 1991 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. COMING EVENTS April 18, 1991 Debbie McClure, Soprano Senior Recital April 20, 1991 Western Wind Quintet Artist/Lecture Series Admission $5.00 or ONU I.D. April 23, 1991 Canterbury Trio Gerald Anderson, Shirley Blankenship, Harlow Hopkins April 27, 1991 Olivet Concert Band Spring Concert Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Timothy Salzman, Guest Conductor April 28, 1991 Cindy Romano, piano Guest Recital April 29, 1991 Stage Band Concert Warming House Admission $1.00 May 2, 1991 Student Recital College Church of the Nazarene May 6, 1991 Tori Tremaine, Mezzo-soprano Senior Recital May 9, 1991 Commencement Concert ONU Orchestra and selected student soloists OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents Senior Recital DEBORAH MCCLURE, Soprano Erik Chalfant, Piano A Simple Song Vocalise Tout est si beau Leonard Bernstein Sergi Rachmaninoff Sergi Rachmaninoff n Die Taubenpost Du bist die Ruh Auf dem Wasser zu singen Franz Schubert Franz Schubert Franz Schubert III W .A . Mozart Exsultate, jubilate Assisted by Chamber Ensemble IV Sound the Trumpet S’ull Aria (The Marriage o f Figaro) Assisted by Karen Daugherty Ach, ich Fuhl’s (The Magic Flute) O mio babbino caro (Gianni Schicchi) Je suis Titania (Mignon) Ilenry Purcell W .A . Mozart W .A . Mozart Giacomo Puccini Ambroise Thomas Your cooperation in not tape recording o r taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. Thursday A pril 18. 1991 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center CHAMBER ENSEMBLE VIOLIN I Nathan Degner VIOLIN II Jaymie DeWitt VIOLA Tony Bellomy CELLO David Richmond OBOE Dianna Horton Edie Nash HORN Heather Johnson Kerri Alder This recital is being presented in partial fulfillm ent o f the requirements f o r the Bachelor o f Arts degree with concentration in Performance. Olivet Nazarene University Larsen Fine Arts Center Kresge Auditorium Artist-Lecture Series presents WESTERN WIND QUINTET from Western Michigan University Christine Smith, Flute Robert Humiston, Oboe Bradley Wong, Clarinet Johnny Pherigo, Horn Sharron Trent, Bassoon * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Franz Danzi 1763-1826 Quintet in E-Flat M ajor Opus 67, Number 3 Larghetto - Allegro moderato Andante moderato Minuetto Allegro Allegretto Gyorgy Ligeti 1,. 1923 Sechs Bagatellen Allegro con spirito Rubato, Lamentoso Allegro grazioso Presto ruvido Adagio, Mesto (Bela Bartok in memoriam) Molto Vivace. Capriccioso intermission Samuel Barber 1910-1981 Summer Music Opus 31 Paul Hindemith 1895-1963 Kleine Kammermusik fur fiinfBlaser Opus 24, Number 2 Lustig Walzer Ruhig and einfach Schenelle Viertel Sehr lebhaft * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Saturday, April 20,1991 7:30 p.m. O LIV ET N A ZA R EN E UNIVERSITY D epartm ent o f Music presents C A N T E R B U R Y TRIO Shirley Blankenship, violin, viola Harlow Hopkins, clarinet H. Gerald Anderson, piano Trio Sonata No. 2 in G Major Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Largo Vivace Adagio Presto Trio for Oboe (C clarinet), viola and piano Charles Martin Loeffler (1861-1935) L ’Etang La Cornemuse Air & Variations for clarinet, violin and piano Phyllis Tate (1911- ) Air Variation I - Aubade Variation I I — Tempo D i Valse Variation II I — Serenade Variation I V — Tarantella Variation V — Fugal March (Finale) Larsen Fine Arts Center Kresge Auditorium April 23, 1991 7:30 P.M. Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. COM ING EV EN TS April 26, 1991 7 :3 0 p.m. Olivet Concert Band Spring Concert Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Timothy Salzman, Guest Conductor Kresge Auditorium April 28, 1991 3 :0 0 p.m. Cindy Rom ano, piano Guest Recital Kresge Auditorium April 29, 1991 7 :3 0 p.m. Stage Band Concert Warming House Grounds Admission $ 1 .00 May 2, 1991 7 :3 0 p.m. Student Recital College Church of the Nazarene May 6, 1991 7 :3 0 p.m. Tori Trem aine, Mezzo-soprano Senior Recital Kresge Auditorium May 9, 1991 7 :3 0 p.m. Commencement Concert ONU Orchestra and selected student soloists Kresge Auditorium Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, Illin o is Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Concert Band “ Instruments of Praise” TIMOTHY SALZMAN, Guest C o n d u ctor HARLOW HOPKINS, C on d u ctor Seventy-Fourth Season Program Am erica, the B e a u tifu l........................... Samuel Augustus Ward Arr. Carmen Dragon Am erican Overture for B a n d ........................Joseph W. Jenkins Am ericans W e * ......................................................Henry Fillmore Variations on ‘ Am erica” ..........................................Charles Ives Transcribed by W illiam Rhoads Irish Time from County D e r r y * ....................Percy A. Grainger Music fo r W inds and P ercu ssion ............... Elliot A. Del Borgo INTERMISSION (ten minutes) H om age to P e ro tin ................................................... Ron Nelson (M edieval Suite, M ovem ent II) Country G a r d e n s ...........................................Percy A. Grainger N o a h ....................................................................... Russ N ew bury * Works included on the Concert B and’s latest recording “Jericho (Revisited)”. Previous Guest Conductors 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 — — — — — — — — — John P. Paynter, Northwestern University John P. Paynter, Northwestern University Frederick C. Ebbs, Indiana University Mark H. Hindsley, University o f Illinois James Curnow, Conductor, Composer, Clinician Ray E. Cramer, Indiana University Thomas Dvorak, University o f W isconsin-M ilwaukee Stephen W. Pratt, Indiana University Mark S. Reilly, B ow lin g Green State University Tim Salzman is Associate M D irector o f the School o f Music at the University o f Washington in Seattle w here he conducts the W ind Ensemble and teaches students enrolled in the graduate w in d con ducting program. Under his direction the U W W ind Ensemble has per form ed at a number o f conventions including the Tim Salzman Northw est Music Educator’s Convention, the Washington Music Educator’s C onvention and the Western/Northwestern D ivision C onven tion o f the C ollege Band D irector’s National Association. Prior to this appointment he served as Director o f Bands at Montana State University w here he founded the MSU W ind Ensemble. From 1978 to 1983 he was band director in the Herscher, Illinois, public school system. During his tenure at Herscher the band program received several regional and national awards in solo/ensemble, concert and marching band com petition. Mr. Salzman holds degrees from W heaton C o l lege (Bachelor o f Music Education), and Northern Illinois University (Master o f Music in lo w brass perform ance), and has studied privately w ith A rnold Jacobs o f the Chicago Sym phony Orchestra. He has numerous publications fo r bands w ith the C. L. Barnhouse, Arranger’s Publications, Columbia Pictures and Hal Leonard Publishing companies, and is on the staff o f new music reviews for the In s tru m e n ta lis t magazine. Mr. Salzman is a national artist/clinician for the Yamaha C orporation o f Am erica and has been a conductor, adjudicator or arranger for bands in o ver thirty states, Canada, England and Japan. t i Personnel FLUTE TRUMPET Julie W illa r d ............. Kankakee, IL Yoko Kashimura . , . .Camby, IN An drew S m it h Oak Harbor, WA Eric V. Johnson . . . . Ottawa, IL Ann D o rs e y............... Watseka, IL Neal W o o d r u ff......... Bourbonnais, IL Celeste Hardman . . , Fortville, IN D avid S priggs Susie G r a b le .............Bourbonnais, IL Rhonda Sim s............. South Elgin, IL Carol Lisa Curry . . . G riggsville, IL Todd Nothstine . . . .Granger, IN Lansing, MI M ich elle Geurin . . . . Metamora, IL Lori C o a t s ............... Selma, IN Joy W ilh e l m ............. Cincinnati, OH Eric S. Johnson . . . . Calesburg, IL H eidi L a n e ............... Somerset, K Y G regory T o lle y K im Kroth D avid S c o t t ............. Lafayette, IN ............... Oneida, N Y Brownsburg, IN OBOE HORN Dianna H o r t o n .........Port Huron, MI Heather M. Johnson . Ottawa, IL Raye Ann Jones . . . . Churubusco, IN CLARINET K im berly B e a n Evansville, IN Trina G r a b le ............. Bourbonnais, IL Julie W ilh e lm Cincinnati, OH C in dy J o h n s o n Todd M cClellan . . . . Olathe, KS Malden, IL K yle S m it h ............... Oak Harbor, WA Kerri A ld e r ................Spencerport, N Y James R e x ..................Evansport, OH Annette Bailey M errillville, IN Pamela L a fe v o r Sanford, MI Kristin G e ld h o f . . . . L ow ell, MI TROMBONE Mary A t k in s o n .........Council Bluffs, IA Rebecca A v r a m .........Alger, MI BASS CLARINET M ichell Hecathorn . .W oosung, IL Todd Fitzpatrick. . . . Parma, MI Darin B r o w n N e w Castle, IN Tom N o th s tin e Granger, IN Chris H o w ie ............. Fort Wayne, IN Erin Murphy Beardstown, IL CONTRABASS CLARINET EUPHONIUM Douglas S n o o k Am i S im o n ................Bourbonnais, IL Saugus, MA K elli J o h n s o n BASSOON Rachel Walters Mattoon, IL ALTO SAXOPHONE Richard Harrison . . .Stilw ell, KS Lynette H olm gren . . . Cabery, IL Angela S e a rs ..............Connersville, IN TENOR SAXOPHONE Chad Waterbury . . . . Westerville, OH BARITONE SAXOPHONE Lance 1\irner M iddletow n, IN Ottawa, IL TUBA James W e itz e l Chesterton, IN Mark W r a y ............... Winchester, IN Bary Cruz-Reyes . . . . K endallville, IN PERCUSSION Jonna A l l e n ............. Somerset, K Y Samantha Clark . . . . Kankakee, IL M elo d y Matson . . . .Madison, W I Rajeanda R e e d Mackey, IN Jennifer L a R u e N e w Sharon, IA Patrick L a k e ............. Stone Mountain, GA O fficers James W eitzel, President Angela Sears, Vice-President Lynette Holm gren, Secretary Darin Brown, Treasurer Eric V. Johnson, Chaplain Mark Wray, Historian Heather Johnson, Librarian Cindy Johnson, Publicity Lance Turner, Transportation Neal W oodru ff, Student Conductor Solo R ecital Cindy Romano, Piano Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, Book Two Sonata in C Major, K.330 J.S. Bach Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro Moderato Andante Cantabile Allegretto Sonata in A Minor, Op. 143 Franz Schubert Allegro Giusto Andante Allegro Vivace Three Intermezzi, Op. 117 Johannes Brahms Eb Major Bb Minor C # Minor Waltz in Ab Major, Op.69, No.1 Frederic Chopin Scherzo in C # Minor, Op.39 Cindy Romano is a student of Dr. Steven Roberson, Butler University. A p r il 2 0 ,1 9 9 1 3:00 PM Ro bertso n C h apel B u t l e r U n iv e r s it y A p r il 2 8,1 9 9 1 3:00 PM K r e s g e A u d it o r iu m O liv e t N a z a r e n e U n iv e r s it y OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents STUDENT RECITAL Prelude and Fugue in G Minor Johann Sebastian Bach Tony Bellomy, organ Nymphs and Shepherds Alana Rishel, soprano Rachel Walters, piano Faites-lui mes aueux (Faust) Jacqueline Alford, soprano Jennie Clark, piano W here’ ere You W alk Henry Purcell Charles Gounod George F. Handel Brad Foster, baritone Tony Bellomy, piano Fantaisie - Impromptu in Ctt minor, Op. 66 Rachel Walters, piano Frederick Chopin Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70 Todd McClellan, horn Tony Bellomy, piano Robert Schumann Toccata in E M inor Johann Pachelbel Naomi Mellendorf, organ Alma Del Core Antonio Caldara Rachelle Turner, soprano Rachel Walters, piano Going to Heaven! Aaron Copland M ary Ella Atkinson, soprano Gerald Anderson, piano Adagio and Tarantella Ernesto Cavallinl Trina Grable, clarinet Tony Bellomy, piano An Die Musik Franz Schubert Jeanne Stafford, soprano Rachel Walters, piano Orpheus With His Lute Bonnie Brewer, soprano Beth Abraham, piano W illiam Schuman Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano Improvisation Danse des Demons Plainte Espieglerie Richard Harrison, alto saxophone Rachel Walters, piano Paul Bonneau John Sacco That’s Life Troy Johnson, baritone Rachel Walters, piano George F. Handel Va godendo Tori Tremaine, mezzo-soprano Rachel Walters, piano Rhapsody in G minor, Op. 79, No. 2 Carol Lisa Curry, piano Johannes Brahms Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. 7:30 p.m. Thursday May 2, 1991 College Church o f the Nazarene OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music presents TORI ANN TREMAINE Mezzo-soprano Rachel Walters, piano Assisted by Neal Woodruff, Tenor Heather M. Johnson, accompanist Robert Holm, Piano Sing ye a joyful song I will lift mine eyes Va godendo Lascia ch’io pianga Antonin Dvorak Antonin Dvorak George F. Handel George F. Handel Miss Tremaine Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herz Dietrich Buxtehude Mr. Woodruff assisted by Julie Willard, flute Nathan Degner, violin Stacy Bloomquist, cello L ’amour est un oiseau rebelle (Habanera) Georges Bizet (Carmen) Je dis que rien ne m’epouvante (Carmen) Miss Tremaine Georges Bizet English Suite #3 Prelude Gavotte I Allemande Gavotte II Courante Sarabande Mr. Holm Johannes S. Bach Two Songs for Contralto and Piano Johannes Brahms with Viola, Op. 91 Gestillte Sehnsucht Geistliches Wiegenlied Miss Tremaine assisted by Tony Bellomy, viola This recital is being presented in partial fulfillment o f the Bachelor o f Science degree with concentration in Church Music. 7:30 p.m. May 6, 1991 Larsen Fine Arts Center Your cooperation in not tape recording or taking pictures during the performance is gratefully acknowledged. Olivet Nazarene University Department o f M usic The Seventy-Eighth Annual Commencement Concert Student Soloists and the University Orchestra Harlow Hopkins Conductor Seven-thirty P.M . May 9, 1991 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center PROGRAM Invocation Dr. Leslie Parrott President of the University Concerto in A minor for piano and Orchestra, Op. 16 Allegro molto moderato Tony Bellomy, piano Una furtiva lagrima (L ’Elisir d’Amore) Hymn (Serenade for tenor, horn and strings) George Wolff, tenor Ach, Ich fuhl’s (Die Zauberflote) Les oiseaux dans la charmille (Les Contes d ’Hoffman) Deborah McClure, soprano Marechiare L ’ ultima canzone Edvard Grieg Gaetano Donizetti Benjamin Britten Wolfgang A. Mozart Jacques Offenbach Paolo Tosti Paolo Tosti Orchestrated by Neal Woodruff *Neal Woodruff, tenor PRESENTATION OF THE 1991 W ALTER B. LARSEN AWARD FOR M USICAL EXCELLENCE Mon coeur s’ ouvre a t’ a voix (Samson et Dalila) Summertime (Porgy and Bess) Karen Daugherty, soprano Camille Saint-Saens George Gershwin Se vuol ballare (Le Nozze di Figaro) Si puo...Si puo? (Pagliacci) 4-Erik Chalfant, baritone Wolfgang A. Mozart Ruggiero Leoncavallo Rhapsody in Blue George Gershwin Heather Johnson, piano * Recipient o f the Walter B. Larsen Award fo r Musical Excellence, 1990 + Recipient o f the Walter B. Larsen Award fo r Musical Excellence, 1991 Collection plates are placed at the rear o f the auditorium so that you may assist with the substantial cost o f this program. Thank you for your generosity. Your cooperation in not taping or taking pictures during this program is greatly appreciated. O RCHESTRA PERSONEL FLUTE Sara Jerred Julie Willard* OBOE Dianna Horton* Edie Nash CLARINET Lynn Schmidt Kyle Smith* BASSOON Frances Smet-Mehrer HORN Kerri Alder Raye Ann Jones Todd McClellan Julie Wilhelm* TRUMPET Eric V. Johnson Andrew Smith* Neal Woodruff TUBA Mark Wray TIMPANI Jonna Allen PERCUSSION Patrick Lake VIOLIN I Karen Godwin, Concert Master Shirley Blankenship Nathan Degner Jaymie DeWitt Lolita Phelps VIOLIN I I Maria Barwegan Mary Blair Carol Lisa Curry Kathleen Dudley Stacey Etzel Rebecca Schaefer* Arthur Stober VIOLA Tony Bellomy* Jewell Grothaus Kalinda Jones Norman Shore CELLO Stacey Bloomquist Glenn Brown David Richmond* STRING BASS Jack Dudley SYNTHESIZER Rachel Walters •Principal DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC 1991-1992 SCHOLARSHIPS Marion Messenger Berry George Wolff James and Ruth Cassells Mary Atkinson Carol Lisa Curry Rachel Walters James V. and Louise Cook David Bartley Robert Hale/Dean Wilder Erik Chalfant Boyd and Libby Harshman Russel G. Hopkins Erik Chalfant Nathan Degner Karen Daugherty Heather Johnson Naomi Mellendorf Nathan Degner Naomi Larsen Erik Chalfant Stephen Nielson/Ovid Young Tony Bellomy Nathan Degner Merwyn Noble BACCALAUREATE DEGREES 1991 Tracy Fryman Deborah McClure Twila Rossmanith Stephen Tingley Tori Tremaine Neal Woodruff Music Education (Piano) Performance (Voice) Music Education (Voice) Church Music (Voice) Music Education (Voice) Music Education (Voice) OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of Music Faculty Harlow Hopkins, Professor of Music: Chairman, Division of Fine Arts and Department of Music B.S. Mus.Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University M. Mus.Ed. - American Conservatory of Music D. Mus. - Indiana University Graduate work - University of Illinois Woodwind instruments, instrumental conducting. Concert Band, University Orchestra H. Gerald B.S. B .M u s . M.Mus. D.M.A. Piano Anderson, Professor of Music Bethany Nazarene College - Texas Tech University - Texas Tech University - American Conservatory of Music D. George B.S. M.Mus. D.M.A. Choral Dunbar, Professor of Music Olivet Nazarene University - University of Illinois - University of Southern California conducting, voice, church music, Orpheus Choir Alice Edwards, Associate Professor of Music B.Mus. - University of Oklahoma M.Mus. - University of Michigan Additional graduate work taken beyond the Master's at the University of Michigan Piano Ruthmarie Eimer, Assistant Professor of Music B.S.Mus.Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University M. Mus.Ed. - University of Illinois Advanced Certificate in Music Education - University of Illinois Additional graduate work - Westminster Choir School, Princeton, New Jersey Elementary music methods, voice, student teaching Timothy Nelson, Professor of Music B.A. - Taylor University M.Mus. - University of Illinois D.Mus. - Northwestern University Associate Certificate - American Guild of Organists Organ and piano, music theory, instrumentation Joe Noble, Associate Professor of Music B.A. - Luther College M.A. - University of Iowa Has completed all requirements except dissertation for Ph.D. - University of Iowa Voice, secondary school music methods, student teaching, Choral Union. John Reiniche, Assistant Professor of Music B.S. - Ball State University M. Mus. - Ball State University Graduate work beyond Masters - Ball State University and Indiana University Voice, music drama class, University Singers, Handbell Choir Adjunct Faculty Dennis Baldridge B.S.Mus. Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University Trombone Shirley Blankenship B.M., Piano, University of Illinois M.M., Piano, Washington University, St. Louis M.M., Composition, University of Illinois D.M.A., Composition, University of Illinois Strings Robert Folsom B.S.Mus.Ed. - Roosevelt University M.S. - Northwestern Illinois University Oboe William Gade B.S. - Northwestern University Percussion Paul Germano B.S. Millikan University Trombone Irving Kranich, Assistant Professor of Music B.S. Mus. Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University M.Mus. - American Conservatory of Music Advanced Certificate in Music Education University of Illinois Elementary conducting Michelle Lewis B.Mus. - Roosevelt University Flute Stephen Moore B.S. Mus. Ed -Eeastern Illinois University B.B. - Eastern Illinois University M.A. - Eastern Illinois University French Horn Eric Penrod B.S.Mus.Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University Trumpet Robert Snow B.S.Mus.Ed. - Eastern Illinois University Low Brass Ovid Young B.S. Mus. Ed. - Olivet Nazarene University M.M. Roosevelt University D. Litt.
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