February 2015 - Temple Sinai


February 2015 - Temple Sinai
d’var sinai
February 2015
Imagine Sinai : Our Journey, Our Home, Our Future.
In May 1968, under the leadership of
Rabbi Richard Lehrman, 145 families
signed on as charter members of
the New Northside Congregation
and established a foundation for the
remarkable synagogue that today is
Temple Sinai. In our nearly 50 years as
a community, Temple Sinai has evolved
into an outstanding congregation, over
1300 families strong, led by our three
gifted, caring, and dynamic rabbis.
Temple Sinai has become one of the
largest and most vibrant synagogues in
Atlanta, also recognized nationally as a
leader in the Reform Movement.
Pictured above: The Imagine Sinai Committee (l - r) Dr. Mark Cohen, Dennis Bates,
Tamara Schwartz, David Rubinger, Marcia Nuffer, Ted Blum, Rabbi Ron Segal, Brad
Marcus, Lindsey Vicente (staff liaison), Warren Zindler, Scott Zucker, David Mann.
Not pictured: Jeanine Belsky
In 2018, Temple Sinai will proudly celebrate our 50th anniversary. As we look toward this milestone, our Board of
Trustees, with full support of clergy and staff, has elected to embark on a strategic visioning process called Imagine
Sinai to help us shape and inform the future of our community. As part of this discovery process, a dedicated
committee of 12 Sinai members, guided by a talented outside strategic planning consultant, is performing an indepth investigation of data and trends: within our congregation, in the greater Atlanta Jewish community, and in the
national Reform Movement. Throughout the month of January, we have been conducting interviews with a number
of congregants to gather information and perspectives from the various unique demographic groups within our Sinai
family. Toward the same end, we are hosting a Parlor Meeting that is open to the congregation on Friday, January 30
immediately following Shabbat services. If you are unable to attend January’s Parlor Meeting and would like to be
interviewed, please contact Scott Zucker at president@templesinaiatlanta.org. We would love to have you join the
conversation. As well, watch for additional details and opportunities to learn more about the Imagine Sinai visioning
process in the coming months.
Our most recent rebranding as “Temple Sinai: Your Journey, Your Home” is such an appropriate tagline as it relates to
our Imagine Sinai endeavor. As we continue our work and discovery through Imagine Sinai, we are blessed with the
wonderful and unique opportunity to ask the essential questions: where has our 50-year journey brought us? Who are
we today? And finally, where will the next 50 years take us?
We look forward to Imagining Sinai together with you. From strength to strength, and on behalf of the Imagine Sinai Committee,
Ted BlumScott Zucker
Imagine Sinai Chair Temple Sinai Board President
D’var Sinai | Shevat/Adar 5775
Temple Sinai Staff
To reach our staff via email, please use
first initial last name @templesinaiatlanta.org.
Ex: rsegal@templesinaiatlanta.org
Spiritual Leadership
Ronald M. Segal
Bradley G. Levenberg
Elana E. Perry
Philip N. Kranz, Emeritus
Interim Cantorial Soloist
Rabbi Ellen Nemhauser
Executive Assistant to Rabbis
Rachel DeLine
Administrative & Programming Staff
Executive Director
Jack J. Feldman
Facilities/Event Director
Lillie Janko
Director of Operations
Shelly Dresdner
Program Director
Judy Thomas
Communications Director
Kathy Powell
Development Director
Lindsey Vicente
Errol Atlan
Member Services Coordinator
Simone Kallett
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Jordan Adonailo
Administrative Assistant
Linda Tiller
Facilities Manager
Andre Parker
Your Journey. Your Home.
Education Staff
Director of Education
Marisa Kaiser
Religious School Director
Caren Feingold
Religious School Administrative Assistant
Jenny Mopper
Interim Youth & Teen Director
Anna Roberto
B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator
Elise Halpern
Librarian, PNK Learning Center
Adelle Salmenson
Early Childhood Education Director
Carol Epstein
Preschool Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Adams
Board of Trustees
Scott Zucker | president@templesinaiatlanta.org
D’var Sinai
Published by Temple Sinai
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
P: 404.252.3073; F: 404.252.8570
Be sure to visit our website to
register for upcoming events.
D’var Sinai Submissions
should be emailed to communications@templesinaiatlanta.
org. The deadline for the March issue is January 26. The
deadline for the April issue is February 25. Thank you!
Advertise with Us
The D’var Sinai has a circulation of approximately 1500
households and is published 11 times per year. Our
advertising rates are very competitive. Please email
communications@templesinaiatlanta.org for information.
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Tweet us @TempleSinaiATL and let us
know what you’d like us to be tweeting.
Visit www.twitter.com/TempleSinaiATL.
Did you know...
Sinai JAAM
Temple Sinai has a
committee dedicated
to making our Temple
accessible to everyone
February 2015
regardless of ability?
HINENI -- which means
“here I am,” is Temple
Sinai’s accessibility committee. The committee members
ensure that we are welcoming and accessible to all who
wish to participate. Read more about Jewish Accessibility
Awareness Month at Temple Sinai on page 21.
For more information, please contact our
Hineni Concierge, Ina Enoch, at ina.enoch@gmail.com or
Jan Jay, at janjayrd@yahoo.com.
“There are many scholars and professionals, rabbis and educators and
Jewish professionals who will tell you about how you can save your kids
to Judaism. In an age of competing values and compelling alternatives
to Jewish programming and practice, our collective belief is that ‘more
is more’ – more Jewish experiences, be they Israel or camp or NFTY or
SCRUFFY, will lead to our kids having more Judaism in their identities.
But they are all wrong.
The key to making Judaism an integral part of the identity of our kids is one word: relationships.
It’s all about relationships. Judaism is rooted in relationship, and from our earliest years we
teach our kids that they have a responsibility to each other. They have a responsibility to
worship with each other, to be present for each other, to mourn their defeats together and to
celebrate the sweetness of life arm in arm.”
This was the beginning of the letter we sent to our high-school students, inviting them to
participate in the NFTY National Convention, held in conjunction with BBYO International
Convention in Atlanta February 13-17. This singular gathering of thousands of Jewish teens
from around the world in our own backyard has the potential to both inspire our kids and
channel that inspiration into the next step of their Jewish journey through the formation
of new relationships with each other. NFTY National Convention will highlight amazing
programming, incredible music and learning, and all the fun and excitement that comes
along with mass gatherings of engaged kids.
We are delighted to report that 34 of our high school students are participating this year.
Additionally, Marisa Kaiser, our Director of Education, has been tasked by the national body
to run one of the tracks that teens can select for participation, and Marisa and I have been
selected to run a program at the URJ Youth Summit, held for adults in conjunction with the
NFTY National Convention. Additionally, I am delighted that I have been able to serve on the
Steering Committee for this historic convention. Truly, Temple Sinai is proudly and strongly
represented… to say nothing of the teens serving as participants and in leadership capacity
for the concurrent BBYO convention.
Special Themed
Shabbat Services
Friday, February 6
Rock Shabbat, 6:30 pm
Friday, February 20
Shabbat Service with
Artist in Residence
Noah Aronson
(see bottom of page),
6:30 pm
Worship & Rabbi Message
From My Perspective | Rabbi Brad Levenberg
Tot Shabbat
(see page 11), 6:30 pm
Friday, February 27
Accessibility Awareness
“Shabbat in the Dark”
Service (see page 21),
6:30 pm
Friday, March 6
Rock Shabbat Service,
6:30 pm
Friday, March 13
Shabbat Service
featuring Jazz music,
6:30 pm
Artist in Residence: Noah Aronson
Friday, February 20
6:30 pm, Shabbat Services
We are honored to have energetic and soulful composer/performer
Noah Aronson with us on Friday, February 20 for Shabbat Services.
While studying Piano and Jazz Composition at Berklee College of Music, Noah
simultaneously held the position of Composer-in-Residence at Temple Beth
Elohim in Wellesley, Massachusetts; teaching and composing a wide-array of
new liturgical works. Noah’s latest project ‘Left Side of the Page’ sets to music
some of the poetic selections from the Mishkan Tefilah Prayer Book. He had the distinct honor of presenting music
from this project at the 2013 URJ Biennial as he led a community of over 5000 people in Shabbat prayer. Noah’s
music is now sung in progressive communities worldwide and has been included as part of the cantorial curriculum
at the Hebrew Union College Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
I hope you join me in applauding these efforts… and celebrating the strength of our Temple
Sinai Teen program and the efforts of the many volunteers who have made this happen. Kol
ha Kavod... a job VERY well done!
Secretary’s Message | Milton Crane
Coming into this
world in 1930
gives me license
to refer to my
and reflect on
why my journey
makes me so
appreciative of Temple Sinai today.
My journey started in Stoughton,
Massachusetts, 18 miles from
Boston. My congregation, Ahavath
Torah, was Orthodox with separate
seating in order to accommodate all
the Jewish families in town, and all
46 had to stand and be counted in
order to support this. On the evening
of Kol Nidre every family head was
required to stand and announce his
pledge to Jewish charities and the
synagogue…and I always felt the
pressure and embarrassment for
my father…and others…who had to
commit in public.
Your Journey. Your Home.
The lessons for my Bar Mitzvah
started at age 10, consisting of
three 1 hour sessions weekly with
Rabbi Gerson at his kitchen table,
sipping hot tea with a sugar cube
in his mouth while I learned to read
Hebrew. I was a good student only
because I could read fast, but never
felt challenged.
My Bar Mitzvah in 1943 was
overshadowed by World War II and
my 18 year old brother leaving for
the service the following Tuesday.
After my Bar Mitzvah I recall every
Saturday at 8 AM a knock on my door
with Mr. Lipsky pleading, “Milton,
we need 1 more for a minyan; come
to shul!” And I usually obeyed,
always finding more than 10 already
there. My father would often be
asked to close his store in order to
make a minyan…and he usually did.
I attended school at the University
of Massachusetts, where I was
exposed to a large, eclectic group of
Jewish people and I loved it. I was
involved with a Jewish fraternity and
a Hillel, later becoming president of
both…and meeting my wife, Evelyn
at Hillel orientation in 1948. A
summer Hillel leadership camp in
NY was a memorable experience.
My Jewish journey continued to
Atlanta in 1956. While we started
at Ahavath Achim, we eventually
joined neighboring Shearith Israel
where Evelyn became President
of Sisterhood. Shortly thereafter,
some friends were involved with the
creation of Temple Sinai. Familiar
with their vision we decided to
join two years after its birth, a wise
We felt at home well before there
was a permanent home. It was all
appealing: a small group meeting in
various churches, envisioning a cap
of 400 families; more traditional/
Please join us at the inaugural event for
MACOM – the Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah
Sponsored by Temple Sinai
An Evening with Anita Diamant
“Reimagining Ritual for the Modern Age”
Sunday, Februrary 22, 7:00 pm
The Temple, 1589 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30309
FREE to the Community
Questions? Contact Rabbi Elana Perry
at eperry@templesinaiatlanta.org.
Reform Judaism; fair share dues
structure; no plaquing; culture of
diversity; interfaith activities; and of
course the inspirational leadership
of Rabbi Richard Lehrman.
My eldest daughter’s wedding
in May, 1979 was the first in our
new building, performed by Rabbi
Lehrman in his wheelchair just 4
months before his death.
Unfortunately we lived 17 miles
from Sinai so our involvement
was limited until we downsized
and moved to Sandy Springs after
retirement in 2005. And then my
journey reached a destination.
I found my home. With new found
time and easier access to TS, I was
able to become more involved with
social action, fine arts, interfaith
activities…and joining the Atidaynu
leadership program was a major
enlightening moment for me. How
blessed we are to have a clergy and
staff which operates so smoothly…
professionalism and dedication of
our future leaders.
At this late stage of my journey I
am so thankful that I have had the
pleasure of serving on the Board
of Trustees, and now as Secretary,
of Temple Sinai…that very special
place where I always feel at home.
Temple Sinai Goes to Cuba
October 1 - October 6, 2015
Cuba brings to mind familiar images of cigars
and old cars, Che and Fidel, sugar cane
and coffee. Led by Rabbi Brad Levenberg &
Susanne Katz from Temple Sinai and Miriam
Saul from Other Cuban Journeys, the trip will
explore Jewish Cuba with a special emphasis
on the arts. Contact Rabbi Brad Levenberg,
blevenberg@templesinaiatlanta.org, to
reserve your space.
We’re feelin’ lucky because we have support
from these wonderful Sinai family members!
Many thanks to our Sponsors!
 Ace of Spades 
Candy and Steve Berman
Viki and Paul Freeman
Joy and Alan Greenberg
Shirley Leaderman
Melanie and Allan Nelkin
Gina and Sam Shapiro
Robyn and Martin Tanenbaum
 King of Hearts 
Karen and David Balser
Brooke and Randy Baras
Sharon and Michael Corenblum
Jodie and Steven Jackson
Ellen and Raphael Levine
Rita and Bill Loventhal
Judy and Arnie Rubenstein
Jacquie and Harvey Sacks
Lynn and Jan Saperstein
Tamara and Marc Schwartz
Jill and Rabbi Ron Segal
Tracy and Craig Seligman
Melanie and Scott Zucker
 Queen of Diamonds 
Formal invitations will be
mailed at the end of
February and will include
the regular and young
adult ticket prices for
general admission.
Anonymous (2)
Susan and Jon Barry
Sari and Olen Earl
Ina and Harold Enoch
Sharon and Howard Fagin
Nicole and Jack Feldman
Robin and Darrin Friedrich
Cindy and Jeff Hopkins
Marisa and Michael Kaiser
Susanne and Philip Karlick
Candace and Jeff Kerker
Debbie and Doug Kuniansky
Rebecca and Rabbi Brad Levenberg
Simone and Kevin Levingston
Tara and David Mann
Robin and Adam Mayer
Andi and Gordie Morse
Karen and Andy Much
Marcia and Kevin Nuffer
Rabbi Elana and Craig Perry
Debbie and Richard Pinsky
Barbara and Marty Pollock
Lynn and Lewis Redd
Penina and Bruce Richards
Linda and Jerry Richman
Johanna and David Skid
Pat and Charlie Stark
Arlene and David Taylor
Nora and Wayne Taylor
Laura and Larry Weiner
Angie and Danny Wildstein
Stacy and Kevin Wolff
Ellyse and Warren Zindler
 Jack of Clubs 
Temple Sinai Preschool PTO
Lindsey and Karlo Vicente
Sponsors as of 1.15.15
Please join your friends above in sponsoring and supporting A Night in Monte Carlo to raise the much needed dollars that directly support
and sustain all the things that we love about Temple Sinai: our congregation, our community, Our Journey, and Our Home -- the place where
we go for inspiration, spirituality, and connection; where social action is encouraged; where lifelong learning is cultivated and nurtured;
where a large congregation feels like a small one; where people take care of each other; and where we experience and celebrate life’s most
important moments.
Your sponsorship pledge by February 13, 2015 ensures that your name is listed on our Night in Monte Carlo invitation. Reserve your
sponsorship online at www.templesinaiatlanta.org or by contacting Lindsey Vicente at 404.252.3073 or lvicente@templesinaiatlanta.org.
Your pledge may be paid by check, credit card, or stock transfer by April 15, 2015.
Adult Education
Mark your calendars
Adult Ed Mini-Series with Dr. Mark Bauman
Ambiguous Encounters: Jews in the 19th Century South
Wednesday evenings
March 11, 18, 25, 7:30 pm
March 11 - The Origins of Reform Judaism in
America: Congregation Building and Change through
March 18 - Southern Jewish Interaction with Others:
The Spectrum from Acceptance to Toleration to Overt
March 25 - Jews and African American: Ambiguous
Dr. Mark K. Bauman, a retired professor of history
at Atlanta Metropolitan College, is the author of
biographies of Southern Methodist Bishop Warren A.
Candler (recipient of the Jesse Lee Prize) and Rabbi
Harry H. Epstein, as well as American Jewish Chronology,
and about fifty scholarly articles. He is the editor of
Quiet Voices: Southern Rabbis and Civil Rights; Dixie
Diaspora: An Anthology on Southern Jewish History;
and three special issues of American Jewish History.
He serves as founding and current editor of Southern
Jewish History.
Sinai Film Series: Defiance
Sunday, March 15, 7:00 pm
Your Journey. Your Home.
Mark your calendars! Come
watch the movie, Defiance, free
of charge with your friends,
enjoy popcorn & candy, AND a
discussion moderated by the
daughter of Tuvia Bielsky, the
real person behind Daniel Craig’s
character in the movie.
92nd St Y
Sunday, February 25
7:30 pm
America and Israel: The Way Forward
Come to Temple Sinai to watch & discuss this
program from the 92nd St Y in New York City.
Join Dalia Rabin, the former Israeli Deputy
Minister of Defense and current chairperson
of the Yitzhak Rabin Center, and Ambassador
Dennis Ross, who played a leading role in
shaping US involvement in the Middle East
peace process, for an enlightening discussion on
the future of Israel. Dalia Rabin is the Chair of
the Yitzhak Rabin Center, the national institute
dedicated to ensuring the legacy of the late
Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Yitzhak
Rabin. Aaron David Miller is vice president for
New Initiatives and a distinguished scholar at
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars. Ethan Bronner is the deputy national
editor of The New York Times and the paper’s
former Jerusalem bureau chief.
Business Professionals’
Lunch n’ Learn
Wednesday, February 18
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Offices of Greenberg Traurig, LLP
(Terminus 200 Building,
3333 Piedmont Rd, Suite 2500)
Professionals in the Buckhead and surrounding
areas are invited to join Rabbi Segal for a
monthly lunch n’ learn, where we will explore
and discuss compelling and relevant texts from
Jewish tradition. Upcoming dates: March 11.
Lunch will be available for $5. Please RSVP to
Rachel DeLine, rdeline@templesinaiatlanta.org.
Save the dates for our upcoming
Endowed Lecture series this spring!
Sinai Book Club
Sponsored by the Sam Chyatte Memorial Endowment
Fund, this year’s Chyatte Lecture on May 3 at 10:00 am
will feature Dr. Smitha Bhandari, “ADHD -Are we over
treating or under treating?”
The next meeting of the Sinai Book Club will
be Tuesday March 3 discussing the book, A
Replacement Life by Boris Fishman.
Sponsored by the Michael Alembik Memorial Endowment
Fund, this year’s Alembik Lecture on May 6 at 7:30 pm will
focus on End of Life Issues, featuring Dr. Paul Wolpe.
In this tender, provocative, and often hilarious
novel, a failed journalist is asked to do the
unthinkable: forge Holocaust-restitution claims
for old Russian Jews in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Tuesday, March 3, 7:30 pm
Women of Temple Sinai: Sisterhood/Neshamot
Change in date!
Women’s Retreat:
Fall 2015
Thursday, February 5
Temple Sinai
Please come at 6:30 pm for a light dinner and to socialize. Need a later
start? Join us at 7:15 pm for the program.
Tracing back to 5,000 to 10,000 B.C.E., Hinduism is the world’s oldest
known religion and, with more than 1 billion followers, is estimated
to be the world’s third largest religion. Want to learn more about this
ancient religion and its practice today? Please join Rabbi Perry and the women of Temple
Sinai as we welcome guest speakers Gillian Renault and Uma Majmudar to our February
Rosh Chodesh event. They will provide a brief overview of Hinduism, the only world
religion not based on the teachings of an individual spiritual leader, will speak about the
scriptural and cultural aspects of women in the faith, and answer questions we may have.
RSVP on the Temple Sinai website or by calling the Temple Sinai office. Have questions?
Email roshchodesh@templesinaiatlanta.org.
The date of the
retreat has been
changed from April
18- 19, 2015 to the
Fall of 2015. We are
excited by our retreat
co-chairs Dr. Janet
Lefkowitz and Lori
Zwecker’s energy
and creativity and
look forward to an
overnight of great
programming for
women. Details to
Sisterhood/Neshamot & Brotherhood
Hinduism: An Introduction and Understanding
from a Women’s Perspective
Upcoming Temple Sinai Brotherhood Events
Adopt a Week of Family Promise
Sunday, February 22 - Sunday, March 1
Brotherhood is excited to host
Georgia Attorney General
Sam Olens for our February
Brotherhood Brunch at Temple
Free to Brotherhood members.
$10 for all others. Open to the
full Sinai community.
Dinner and Conversation with Rabbi Segal
Men & Spirituality... an Oxymoron?
Sunday, March 1
7:00 pm
At the home of Dr. Jerry Richman
We are excited to have a catered dinner and Rabbi discussion hosted by
Jerry Richman at his home in Vinings. Our quest speaker, Rabbi Segal, will
lead an interesting, funny and thought provoking conversation titled: Men
& Spirituality…an Oxymoron? This event will be free to all Brotherhood
members and $20 for non-members. Please RSVP online by Monday,
February 23.
Pictured above: Sandy Springs
Chief of Police Ken DeSimone
addresses attendees at last month’s
Brotherhood Range Day.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood have committed to sponsoring an entire
week of Family Promise. We hope our members will step up and fill all the
spots needed to provide a warm and inviting experience for the families
who will be staying at Temple Sinai the week of Feb 22 through March 1.
Volunteers from the Brotherhood and Sisterhood are asked to sign up to do
everything from helping in the move in/move out process, providing snacks
and nightly meals, and most important to serving as overnight hosts at the
temple each night. If you are not familiar with Family Promise and how
important it is, please check out the www.familypromisenfd.org website to
find out more. It is a rewarding and direct way of helping others in need.
Volunteers can register via the Family Promise SignUp Genius link that will
be emailed to all Brotherhood and Sisterhood members. All family members
are welcome to participate. If you have any questions, please contact
Brotherhood Brunch with
GA Attorney General Sam Olens
Sunday, February 1
9:30 am Brunch
10:00 am Program
Adult Programs
Temple Sinai Super Bowl XLIX Party
Sunday, February 1
5:30 pm
Co-sponsored by Brotherhood and Sisterhood, this year’s Super Bowl Party is going to be AWESOME! We can
always count on good commercials, good food and good friends to make it a fun evening.
New this year, Sisterhood is organizing mah jong and scrabble tables for women (in the meeting room).
$8 per person, includes food, drinks and fun. You can RSVP online or through the Sinai office.
SBA Welcomes Coach Bill Curry
Tuesday, February 10
7:30 am – 9:00 am
Temple Sinai
Join our February Sinai Business Alliance monthly
meeting as we welcome Coach Bill Curry to Sinai. The
meeting will begin at 7:30 am with networking before
and after Coach Curry’s speech at 8:00 am.
$8 in advance, $13 at the door.
Please register online at www.templesinaiatlanta.org.
Coach Curry is a native of College Park and coached at Georgia Tech,
Georgia State, University of Alabama, and the University of Kentucky.
He played football at Georgia Tech (1962–1964) and then played for ten
seasons in the National Football League with four different teams: the
Green Bay Packers (1965–1966), the Baltimore Colts (1967–1972), the
Houston Oilers (1973), and the Los Angeles Rams (1974).
New to SBA? The mission of the Sinai Business Alliance is to support
congregants’ efforts to develop and grow their businesses by encouraging
networking, collaboration, and sharing of experience. Connect with other
Temple Sinai members and enhance your own professional growth and
development. In addition, mentoring is available for people who are new
to the job market, as well as for those changing careers.
Your Journey. Your Home.
Questions? Please contact Judy Thomas at 404.252.3073, ext. 330.
Sinai Retirees at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
The Outrageous Sophie Tucker
Wednesday, February 18
1:45 pm
Lefont Theaters Sandy Springs
Join Temple Sinai Retirees at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
Wednesday, February 18, 1:45 pm Lefont Sandy Springs.
Join us for a walk down memory lane when we see The Outrageous
Sophie Tucker, a documentary about the “Last of the Red Hot Mamas”
and her 60-year career which spanned vaudeville of the Roaring Twenties
through radio, television, theater and movies. From scrapbooks to early
recordings, this documentary is full of fun as we revisit the oversized
personality of Sophie Tucker. Tickets are $9 each and non-refundable.
For questions or to make reservations, please contact Judy Thomas at
404.252.3073, ext. 330.
February Gallery Tour
Thursday, February 19
Noon for lunch, 2:00 pm tour
Andrea Steinman is still on the move!
Join her this month at Cibo e Beve
restaurant at noon at Belle Isle Square
(4969 Roswell Road Atlanta 30342).
Lunch is dutch. Following lunch, visit
the Chastain Art Center Gallery (135
West Wieuca Road, NW, 30342) to
see sculptures of Michael Murell.
The tour is free. If you are interested
in attending, please contact Andy
Steinman at andysteinman@yahoo.
Sinai’s ROMEO Club
Tuesday, February 17
1:00 pm
Dantanna’s Tavern
6649 Roswell Rd Unit 30
If you haven’t had the opportunity
to meet with our ROMEO (Retired
Old Men Eating Out) members, it is
still not too late. These fun loving,
bright retired men have been meeting
monthly at various restaurants in the
Sandy Springs area. Their goals are:
first, no women allowed and secondly,
to eat their way up and down Roswell
Road. Just because you may have
missed our first few meetings doesn’t
mean you still can’t join up. About
20 men attend each month and it
is a great way to meet other Sinai
members and have fun. The February
gathering is at Dantanna’s Tavern.
To make reservations or to find out
more, please contact Charlie Stark at
Youth & Teen Events
We’ve added another Club 345 event that we’re
excited for you to get excited about! We’ll head to
Chamberlain’s Chocolate Factory to make our own
chocolates and learn more about the chocolate making
process. It promises to be an incredible, fun evening
with your friends you definitely won’t want to miss!
Can’t wait to see you all there.
We need your help!
Grades 6-8 are hosting NFTY-SAR Hatikvah Kallah
March 20-22, 2015
One of the highlights of NFTY kallot is the hospitality
of the host congregation. A great way to show Temple
Sinai’s hospitality is by hosting convention participants.
Participants will stay at your house Friday & Saturday
night. They will have breakfast and dinner with you
on Saturday. Whether you have your own teens
participating in the kallah or you are an empty nester,
every house is PERFECT for hosting participants.
If you are interested in opening your house to kallah
participants, please fill out the form on our website.
Save the Dates
Pictured at
right: Sunday
School teachers
Jess Scheer
(3rd), Lindsay
Pace (K),
Anna Roberto
(Interim Youth &
Teen Director),
and Michelle
Debowsky (K), do a team-building activity as part of our
Religious School Teacher In-service on Sunday, January 4,
2015. In-service facilitators were Marisa Kaiser, Robyn
Faintich, and Rabbi Ellen Nemhauser. It was a wonderful,
energetic, and community-building morning and a great
way to start the second semester of Religious School!
Religious School Special Events
6th Grade – Three Session Family
Workshop on the Holocaust
In Partnership with the Breman Museum
• Sunday, February 1 – at the Breman Museum
(bus transportation provided for those who want it)
• Sunday, February 8 – at Temple Sinai with
Breman Museum facilitators and a Holocaust
• Sunday, February 22 – at Temple Sinai with
Breman Museum facilitators and a Holocaust
Your support and participation in all three sessions
will help pass on the legacy and lessons of the
Holocaust to the next generation.
Shabbat Family Experience for K-2 Grades
Friday, February 6
5:30 pm: Family Shabbat Dinner
6:30 pm: Rock Shabbat Service
7:30 pm: Fun Shabbat Oneg
Experience Shabbat together as a family! Build
community with your friends, clergy, and staff. Please
RSVP on our website.
Social Action Sunday
Sunday, February 22
12:15 - 2:00 pm
We’ll be doing projects that benefit families staying at
the Ronald McDonald House. February’s Social Action
Sunday is sponsored by the Youth & Family Committee
which represents Sinai’s K-6 families so come out and
support your peer group. Please RSVP on our website.
See page 17 for more details.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
2nd-4th Grade Day Retreat to Camp Coleman
Sunday, April 12
5th & 6th Grade Charleston Trip
April 17-19
Pictured above: In December, eight Sinai teens
participated in our Alternative Winter Break to New
Orleans. Over the course of the trip, the teens
worked for 25 hours in the community, building
homes, landscaping, and in a food bank. They
also had plenty of fun exploring New Orleans and
spending time together!
Youth & Education Programs
Exciting New Event for 3rd-5th Graders (Club 345)!
Saturday, February 28
Purim at Temple Sinai
Family Purim Celebration
Sunday, March 1
10:15 am Family Megillah Reading, Sanctuary
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Carnival, Everywhere
*Regular Religious School at 9:30 am, followed
by the Family Megillah reading. Students will be
dismissed to parents at 11:00 am to join the carnival.
Hamantaschen! Bouncies! Cookie Walk!
Kiddie Games! Games for older kids! DJ Steve Bond!
Costume Parade! Face Painting!
Admission: $8 for each child & FREE for children 2 and under.
Lunch tickets available separately.
Purchase admission & food tickets online in advance
at www.templesinaiatlanta.org to avoid the lines.
Purim Carnival Volunteers Needed! Go
to our website to sign up for a 45 minute
shift. Seated jobs available. It’s simple,
fun, and we need your help!
Our cookie walk needs cookies! Please
bake or bring cookies pre-bagged in
sandwich bags anytime beginning
Monday, February 23.
Look to Stacey Stoddard & the Karen Cannon Realtors
team to be your guide. We are selling homes
& our clients are getting top dollar!
Over 90% of our business is referral-based,
a direct result of our exceptional service
Your Journey. Your Home.
Over $35 Million in Sales in 2014 85 homes sold with
over 10 homes sold prior to listing
2014 average days on market was 26 days
with an average of 98% of list price
Call Stacey Today!
She will put her expertise to work for you!
For additional information, please contact
our Purim Carnival Chair, Lisa Goldstein, at
celebrations@templesinaiatlanta.org or Judy
Thomas at the Sinai office, 404. 252.3073.
Stacey Stoddard
(404) 422-5669
Stay Social With Us!
Tuesday, February 3
7:00 - 8:30 pm, Temple Sinai
Join us for an Early Childhood Education
(ECE) meeting open to all who are
interested in participating and planning
ECE related events and activities.
Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP to
Tot Shabbat
Friday, February 20, 6:30 pm
Join us for our monthly
family-friendly service designed for
children 0-5 years old, with snacks and a
craft after the service.
Daddy & Me
Save the date!
Pizza & Ice Cream
Saturday, March 21, 11:00 am
Hearth Pizza & Baskin Robbins
Please RSVP to daddyme@
Tuesday, February 24
10:00 - 11:30 am
Led by our Director of Early Childhood
Education, Carol Epstein, and hosted
by our Chairs, Liann Baron and Jen
Freeman, this program is perfect for
mothers and babies 0 - 12 months old.
Through music, songs and play, the
class is a “first-step” in preparing your
child for preschool.
If you have any questions, please
contact Carol at 404.255.6200, ext.
357 or mommyme@
for the 2015/16 school year for children 12 months through
Kindergarten. For more information or to schedule a
private tour, please contact Carol Epstein, Director of Early
Childhood Education at 404.255.6200 Ext. 357 or cepstein@
templesinaiatlanta.org. Registration forms are available on our
website, www.templesinaiatlanta.org.
Mazel tov to the Temple Sinai Preschool on hosting
the Preschool Kallah for area Jewish preschool
professionals this month!
Preschool Program & Scholarship Fund
If you would like to make a donation to the Temple Sinai
Preschool, your tax-deductible donations will help with
scholarships, security and any other areas of financial
need. Donate easily online at www.templesinaiatlanta.
org by clicking on the “Tributes & Contributions” button
on the top left and selecting “Preschool” in the “Special
Funds” dropdown. Please contact Carol Epstein for more
information on how you can sponsor a preschool child or
Why should big kids have all the fun?
Temple Sinai’s 3rd Annual Tot Mitzvah Party:
Princesses and Pirates
Saturday, February 28
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Dinner, dancing, crafts, and more... all the fun your kids can
Join us for a royal affair that’s bound to be a blast!
Come meet other families with young children the same age as
yours! (5 and under)
This event is open to the community! $10 per family includes a
light dinner, DJ and dancing, activities, and more. Register online
on the Sinai website.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
Mommy & Me
Preschool registration is now open
Early Childhood Education & Temple Sinai Preschool
Save the Date
Open Early Childhood Education
Our Sinai Family
The listings below are December’s Sinai Family Updates.
Get “real-time” updates on our Sinai Family every
Thursday evening in the weekly “From Shabbat to
Shabbat” e-blast.
Welcome New Members
Jordan Adonailo
Julie & Levi Kaplan
Avi & Talia
Mazel Tov to…
To more accurately reflect the
scope of travel services we
offer, we’re changing our name!
Charlotte Horowitz on her 75th birthday.
Ilse Reiner on her 85th birthday.
Dayna and Jeremy Royal on the birth of their son,
Jonah Ashton.
Condolences to…
Lainie Bardack on the death of her father, Perry
Alterman. Condolences also to Julie Stifel, cousin.
Bill Cabot and Tony Cabot on the death of their
mother, Irena Cabot.
Marcia Epstein on the death of her husband, Jacob
Epstein. Condolences also to Ben Epstein and
Daniel Epstein, sons.
Nancy Hirsch on the death of her sister, Diane Gup.
Debbie Levin on the death of her sister-in-law,
Eleanor Blass. Condolences also to Julie Royal,
Your Journey. Your Home.
Laurie Satinoff on the death of her grandmother,
Heika “Helen” Kranner.
Maurice Shemper on the death of his wife, Barbara
Shemper. Condolences also to sons Brad Wolff,
Mike Wolff, Kevin Wolff and Jeffrey Wolff.
Charles Stark on the death of his cousin, Sigmund
Bruce Taffel on the death of his brother, Dean
770.952.8300 • 800.326.4971
tcava.com • OPEN 7 DAYS
February 2015 | Shevat & Adar 5775
Pictured at left: Smiling
families who attended our
Mutli-generational Shabbat,
celebrating multiple generations
of Sinai members.
9 am - Sinai Singers
9:30 am Brotherhood
Brunch; Sinai
T’micha; Sunday
School; STEP; Torah
Tots; 6th Grade
Family Holocaust
Unit, Ritual Cmte
Open Mtg
7 am - Traditional
4:45 pm - Hebrew
7 pm - Teen Lounge
9 am - Adult B’nei
Mitzvah Class
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Rosh
6:30 pm - Rock
Shabbat Service
10 am - Melton Class
4:45 pm - Hebrew
7pm - Open ECE
7 am - Traditional
9:30 am - STEP;
Religious School;
PreK (Rel. Sch.);
6th Grade Family
Holocaust Unit
6:30 pm - Hiddur
Mitzvah Project
10 am - Melton Class
16 Preschool
7 am - Traditional
7:30 am - Sinai
Business Alliance
and Temple Sinai
office Closed
17 Preschool
10 am - Melton Class
1 pm - ROMEO Club
4:45 pm - Hebrew
9:30 am - STEP;
Religious School;
Torah Tots; 6th
Grade Holocaust
Unit & Parent
12:15 pm - Social
Action Sunday
4:45 pm - Hebrew
9 am - Adult B’nei
Mitzvah Class
6:30 pm - Shabbat
7 am - Traditional
7 am - Traditional
12 pm - Buckhead
Professionals Lunch
n’ Learn (Away)
10 am - Shabbat
10:30 am - Bar
Mitzvah Ceremony
7 pm - Sinai Night
at the AJFF (Away)
1:45 pm - Retirees
4:45 pm - Hebrew
10 am - Shabbat
10:30 am - B’nei
Mitzvah Ceremony
21 Terumah
9 am - Adult B’nei
Mitzvah Class
6:15 pm - GRUFFY
10 am - Shabbat
12 pm - February
Gallery Tour
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
10:30 am - Bar
Mitzvah Ceremony
28 Tetzaveh
4:45 pm - Hebrew
7:30 pm - 92nd
Street Y
9 am - Adult B’nei
Mitzvah Class
6:30 pm - “Shabbat
in the Dark” Service
7 am - Traditional
6:15 pm - Sinai
Night at the
Habima Theatre
Family Promise at Temple Sinai February 22 - February 28.
9 am - Torah Study
6:30 pm - Shabbat
Service with Artist
in Residence Noah
Aronson; Tot
4:45 pm - Hebrew
9 am - Torah Study
7 am - Traditional
10 am - Melton Class;
Mommy & Me
14 Mishpatim
12:30 pm - L’atid
7 pm - MACOM: An
Evening with Anita
Diamant (Away)
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
1:30 pm - Book Talk
with Rabbi Kranz
7 am - Traditional
9 am - Sinai Singers
9 am - Torah Study
8th Grade Visitors from Washington, DC
7 Yitro
7:30 pm - TSPS
Gone Country
5 pm - Super Bowl
9 am - MAP; Sinai
5:30 pm - Shabbat
Family Experience
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
5:30 pm - Bat
Mitzvah ceremony
7 pm - SCRUFFY
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
10:30 am - Bat
Mitzvah Ceremony
4 pm - 3rd Annual
Tot Mitzvah Party
6:15 pm - Club 345
Philip N. Kranz Learning Center
Learning Center News | Mary Baron
Hopefully, you will have the chance to attend the 15th
annual Atlanta Jewish Film Festival this month. With 60
films being shown, it is hard to see all the great films!
Luckily, the Rabbi Philip N. Kranz Learning Center has
many great DVDs, including many of the films shown at
the film festival in previous years. Come in and check
out some of the more recent additions to the collection.
Off White Lies. Libby, an introverted teenager is
sent to live with her father, Shaul, after many years
of living apart. Unfortunately Shaul is a homeless,
immature eccentric who comes up with a scheme to
obtain housing – they pose as refugees from Israel’s
north which was bombarded during the second
Lebanon war. They are taken in by a well to do family
in Jerusalem, but Libby finds it difficult to maintain the
The Jewish Cardinal. This documentary tells the story
of Jean Marie Lustiger who was the son of Polish
Jewish parents. He converted to Catholicism at a
young age and later joined the priesthood. Even as
he rose through the ranks of the church he celebrated
his cultural identity as a Jew. His background became
invaluable when a group of Carmelite nuns started
building a convent within the walls of Auschwitz and
Cardinal Lustiger became a mediator between the
Catholic and Jewish communities.
Your Journey. Your Home.
Hitler’s Children. Although Hitler had no children,
several of his close associates did. This documentary
introduces us to some of those descendants and
examines what it must be like to bear the burden of
a name like Goering or Himmler which is associated
with terror and genocide.
The Singing Blacksmith. This 2013 Atlanta Jewish
Film Festival selection was produced in 1938 and
was directed by Edgar G. Ulmer. Moishe Oysher, the
renowned cantor and star of Yiddish radio gives a
dynamic performance as shtetl blacksmith who must
resist temptation to become a mensch.
When Jews Were Funny. This documentary tells the
history of Jewish comedy from the early days of the
Borscht Belt to present day. With interviews and
clips of comics like Shecky Greene, Howie Mandel,
David Brenner, Judy Gold, Marc Maron and others,
the film explores the influence of ethnicity in the
entertainment industry and ultimately, what it means
to be Jewish.
Book Talks with Rabbi Kranz
Join us for these monthly Thursday afternoon
presentations with Rabbi Kranz at the PNK
Learning Center.
Thursday, February 12, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
“Blind Date with a Book”
Thursday, March 12, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
“How to Read a Jewish Book”
Happy Birthday to the following
Birthday Book Program honorees:
Katherine Wetstone, Elliott Wetstone, David
Strauss, Ian Belinfante, Zoe Halpern Brown
Library Guild
Thank you to the following members for
renewing their membership to the
Library Guild:
Jo Jones, Bonnie & Jordan Greenbaum, Elise
& Scott Halpern, Frank Joseph, Nancy Wells
For more information about the Learning Center
and its programs, please call Librarian Adelle
Salmenson at 404.252.3073 ext. 320.
Samantha Benjamin, daughter of
Jeanne Harvey and Jim Benjamin
Samantha spent her summer as a
volounteer at The Art Barn, where she
helped younger children complete art
projects and farm chores in the Barn’s
summer camp.
Max Drucker, son of Laura and
Michael Drucker
After his father went to Ethiopia on a
service trip, Max was inspired to collect
books for children 5-14 and sent them
to a learning center in Addis Ababa to
help teach reading and writing skills.
Special Opportunity for
B’nei Mitzvah Students
Hiddur Mitzvah Program with
Jewish Artist Gary Rosenthal
Monday, February 9, 6:30 pm
Temple Sinai
Join B’nei Mitzvah students around Atlanta to meet
and work with famous artist Gary Rosenthal. Create
you own beautiful Yad to keep and use at your own
Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, and make a Mezuzah to
be given away as tzedakah to senior residents.
January B’nei Mitzvah
Evan Altwarg, son of Elizabeth
Solomon and Richard Altwarg
Evan had previous volunteer
experience at the Atlanta Community
Food Bank, so he decided to spend
time working in their community
garden, cultivating fresh produce.
Open to all 6th & 7th graders who have not yet
become Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Pizza & dessert will be
served. Please register and prepay online by Friday,
February 6 on our website.
Alex Effron, son of Stephanie and Marc
Alex helped coach sports games and
practices for individuals with special
needs in the Blonder Family Department for Special Needs SOAR program.
Jason Rosenbloum, son of Debra and
Bobby Rosenbloum
For his Chesed project, Jason collected
food for the homeless and donated it
to the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
He plans to continue volunteering with
the organization after his Bar Mitzvah.
Olivia Sidman, daughter of Lauren and
Steve Sidman
Olivia teamed up with Mary Ella Rinzler
to design and create wrist corsages
from ribbon and flowers for the
residents of the Jewish Home. The
corsages were given as special gifts
throughout the year and Olivia was
even able to personally deliver some of them.
Pictured above: Last year’s Hiddur Mitzvah event
with artist Gary Rosenthal gathered B’nei Mitzvah
students from several Reform synagogues in the
area joined us to make yads for themselves and
mezzuzot for donation.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
Andrew Kaplan, son of Michelle and
Jay Kaplan
Drew volunteered with Family Promise for two years, during which time
he helped prepare and serve dinner,
assisted families in moving in and out
of Temple Sinai, and spent time getting
to know each of the families.
Social Action at Sinai
Join the Temple Sinai Striders to stomp out hunger!
2015 Hunger Walk/Run
Sunday, March 15 • Turner Field
Registration begins at 12:00 pm
Walk/Run begins at 2:00 pm
This is a HUGE annual event, in partnership with Jewish Federation
of Greater Atlanta and benefitting the Atlanta Community Food Bank,
to raise money to feed hope for the 1 in 5 people who face hunger in
our community. Join Temple Sinai, and co-chairs Shelly Satisky and Laila
Berland, in helping stomp out hunger!
How you can help:
WALK Take the next step against hunger by walking/running with us on
March 9.
Be a Sinai Strider!
DONATE on behalf of the entire team or a specific team member.
Every dollar helps!
To join the team or donate, visit our website, www.templesinaiatlanta.org,
or go to our Hunger Walk team page at www.tinyurl.com/TempleSinaiStriders.
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Did you know that our
Sinai Striders team
was (again!) the largest
Jewish Federation team
at last year’s Hunger
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Family Promise: A Home for the Holidays
Two Sinai teens, Mia
Schwartz and Haley
Joffre (and friend Maci
Benveniste) had fun
decorating our little
Christmas tree with
ornaments handmade
by a preschool class
at Mount Vernon
Presbyterian Church.
The girls (pictured at
right) had never decorated a Christmas tree before and
enjoyed adding tinsel as the finishing touch!
In anticipation of our families arriving for Christmas,
Barbara Snow made several baked goods and holiday
cookies for the families to enjoy during their visit with
We want to thank all of our volunteers that came in
during our December host week. With work and school
schedules on holiday, it can be very difficult to find the
time to volunteer. But we filled every spot and even
found volunteers when we had last minute schedule
changes! Thank you, we could not have provided such a
wonderful week for our Family Promise guests without
you. Our FP families felt Sinai’s warm embrace over the
Christmas holiday and were genuinely touched by all
the wonderful volunteers they came to know during the
week. Together, we provided our Family Promise guests
with a festive and loving Home for the Holidays!
February Social Action Sunday
Benefits Ronald McDonald House
Sunday, February 22
12:15 pm: Pizza lunch
12:30 - 2:00 pm: Social Action activities
All ages welcome!
Social Action Sunday is more popular
than ever! In December we made
1,000 sandwiches and snack bags
in 25 minutes and 340 scarves in 40
minutes (pictured at right). People
of all ages came out and it was not
only great fun but a lot of satisfaction
knowing that it would benefit the men and women of the
Atlanta Union Mission.
In February, co-chaired by Marci Suddeth and Amy
Rosen, we will focus on benefitting the Ronald
McDonald House.
Our activities include:
• Collecting coloring books, crayons, and new decks of
children’s playing cards to donate.
• Creating snack bags filled with granola bars, dried fruit,
crackers, hard candy, gum.
• Creating small fleece blankets for babies and children
• Creating paper flowers which can be brought to
patients as a room decoration or used to brighten up
Ronald McDonald house.
As you probably know the Ronald McDonald House hosts
families who have sick children at Scottish Rite/Egleston
Hospital. As an ongoing initiative, we continue to collect
soda pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House.
Last year they received more than $17,000 in recycled
pop tops. Bring those with you when you come to our
Social Action Sunday on February 22.
Please RSVP online so we can plan accordingly.
Questions? Contact Judy Thomas, 404.252.3073, ext. 330.
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
The families were treated to a festive Christmas Eve
feast by the Wolff and Richards families, complete with
roast turkey and stuffing. Stockings were made by the
same preschool class from Mount Vernon Presbyterian
Church and filled with gifts from Penina Richards, Robin
Mayer and Lara Tolchin. Caren Cohen and her children,
Jackson and Dylan, stopped by to bring gifts for all
the FP children. Jackson and Dylan had collected over
$300 in donations from their neighborhood friends to
purchase the gifts! Beth Salzman also brought holiday
gifts for the families.
Please note: We always collect soda/beer can tops to
benefit the Ronald McDonald House and hearing aids
and eyeglasses to benefit the Lion’s Club of Georgia.
Social Action at Sinai
In December, during the Christmas holiday, Temple
Sinai hosted three families (3 adults and 9 children)
from Family Promise. The holidays are truly one of the
most difficult times for homeless families to be without
a place to call home. Despite our temple being an
unusual place to celebrate Christmas, our Temple Sinai
Family Promise volunteers provided a great deal of
Christmas spirit and created a fun and festive temporary
home for our guest families during the holiday.
Throughout February, Temple Sinai will collect
Coloring Books/Crayons/Card Games
to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Scottish Rite/
Egelston and coincide with our Social Action Sunday
project (see information below).
Money placed in the Temple Sinai tzedakah boxes this
month will also go to the Ronald McDonald House.
Contributions | November 2014
Thank You For Your Generosity As We Ended Calendar Year 2014
Many thanks to all in our Sinai family who made year-end contributions to our Endowment and Special Funds. Because of your generosity, total contributions in December 2014 were $21,270 compared to December 2013 total
contributions of $14,900, an increase of over 42%. Your continued support of our Endowment and Special Funds
ensures that Temple Sinai remains financially healthy and vibrant, and helps us continue to go from strength to
strength. Please know how much we appreciate your support. And please don’t hesitate to let us know how we
can support you in the year ahead. We look forward to sharing a wonderful 2015 with everyone in our Sinai
Arlene & Bruce Turry
Programming Endowment
in honor of
Bruce Turry’s Birthday
in memory of
Ralph Turry
Richard Klaus
Wendy Sheron
Candy & Stephen Berman
Leadership Development
in memory of
Barbara Wolff Shemper
Jay Weinstein
Cantor Sid Gottler Music
in honor of
50th Wedding Anniversary
in memory of
Jay Weinstein
Macy Glenn
Chesed fund
in memory of
Joan Perlmutter
Cultural Arts Special Fund
in memory of
Irena Cabot
Jay Weinstein
Your Journey. Your Home.
Early Childhood Fund
in memory of
Anne Grenadier
Ellyse & Warren Zindler -Tech.
in honor of
Rabbi Mara Nathan’s
Installation as Senior
Rabbi of Temple Beth-El,
San Antonio, Texas
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Jay Weinstein
Pamela Christoferson
Family Promise
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Shemper
Jay Weinstein
Perry Alterman
Fred Ellman Culinary
in memory of
Peggy Ellman Greenbaum
Marjorie Weinstein
Gary Metzel Spirituality
in honor of
Warren Epstein’s 80th
General Endowment
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Wolff Shemper
George Stern
Irena Cabot
Jacob Epstein
Jay Weinstein
Max Cooper
Michael Weinstock
Morris Whitlock
George Robbins Enrichment
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Jay Weinstein
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Inge Robbins
Goldie V. Morris Music
Enrichment Endowment
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Benjamin Fagin
Louise Kopp Freedman
Harvey White Teen
in memory of
Dr. Jacob Epstein
Jan & Warren Epstein Cultural
Arts Endowment
in honor of
Warren Epstein’s 80th
in memory of
Arnold Lincove
Barbara Wolff Shemper
Florence Epstein
Irena Cabot
Jacob Epstein
Monte Epstein
Jeannette & Fred Nichols
Library Fund
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Jay Weinstein
Kesher Special Fund
in memory of
our parents
our beloved Aunt Barbara
Ada Cohen
Albert Cohen
Leon Underberg
Allan Falck
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Wolff Shemper
Beverly Schapiro’s Daughter,
Celia & Aaron Funk
Diane Guzy
Dora Triff
Edna Barkin
Ethel Glatt
Harriet Valsker Postman
Jacob Epstein
Jay Weinstein
Lilyan Bardack
Maxine L. Bauer
Perry Alterman
Philip Heintz
Ronald J Schoenberg
Shifra Slomianski
Sigmund Kadesh
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Ev Krane
Inge Robbins
Larry Hartstein
Michael Blonder
Kranz Institute for Jewish
Learning Endowment
in honor of
Rabbi Kranz
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Diane Gup
Irena Cabot
Jacob Epstein
Jay Weinstein
Joseph Troops
Louis Leitz
Loventhal Scholarship
in memory of
Jay Weinstein
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Bill Loventhal
Michael Alembik Memorial
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Bessie Skibell
Ethel Pearl
Jay Weinstein
Sylvia Cohn
Thank you for your
“The whole worth of a
benevolent deed lies in the
love that inspires it.”
-The Talmud
Contributions can be
made online using the
Tributes & Contributions
icon on the front page of
our website or by mail.
in memory of
Alex Shayewitz
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Wolff Shemper
Beatrice Rappaport
Florence Zuber
Harold Matison
Helene Horwitz
Ida Rubenstein
Irena Cabot
Jay Weinstein
Leonard Bragman
Louis Litzky
Pauline Kahn
Sandra Ginsberg
Saul Pearl
Ruth L. Levenson
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Emily Green
Philanthropic/Social Action
Special Fund
in honor of
Gail & Dennis’s Anniversary
in memory of
Barbara Wolff Shemper
David Ellis
Frenchie Stiller
Irena Cabot
Jay Weinstein
Seymour Hart
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Anna Apanowitz
Diane Guzy
Dr. Jacob Epstein
Embry Klineman
Helen Cohen
Irene Berkowitz
Jacob Epstein
Jay Weinstein
Jerome G. Denaburg
Julian Gross
My mother, Mollie
Peter Gross
Rabbi Levenberg Discretionary
in honor of
A Happy Chanukah
Becoming a Tennessee Squire
Hayden Sample’s Mardi Gras
Bat Mitzvah
Max Meyer’s Bar Mitzvah
The baby naming and
conversion of Sadie
The baby naming of Wesley
Leon Street
The baby naming of Justin and
Jaime Spizman’s Daughter
The Bris of Jake Mendel
in memory of
Alvin H. Goldstein
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Shemper
Jay Weinstein
Jeanne Weil
Lee Sinsheimer
Margaret Sharony
Rabbi Perry Discretionary
in honor of
A Happy Chanukah
Hayden Sample’s Mardi Gras
Bat Mitzvah
Max Meyer’s Bar Mitzvah
The Vow Renewal of Lawrence
& Suzanne Baker
The Wedding of Andrew &
Dana Posner
in memory of
Abe Steinberg
Jean Saunders
Paul Barry
Rabbi Richard Lehrman
Memorial Endowment
in memory of
Jay Weinstein
Rabbi Ron Segal Endowment
in honor of
An Amazing Wedding
in memory of
Barbara Wolf Shemper
Jacob Epstein
Jay Weinstein
Rabbi Segal Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of
Rabbi Segal and his
participation in the
marriage of Deborah
and Randy
in honor of
A Happy Chanukah
Caroline Schneider’s Bat
Hayden Sample’s Bat Mitzvah
Max Meyer’s Bar Mitzvah
Milt and Evelyn Crane
Rabbi Segal’s Presiding for Zoe
Brown’s Baby Naming
Rabbi Segal’s Wedding
The Bris Austin Kuniansky
The Vow Renewal of Lawrence
& Suzanne Baker
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Shemper
Diane Gup
Dorothy Goodman
Dr. Jacob Epstein
Frederica W. Kranskey
Guy Zoghby
Harry Alpert
Jay Weinstein
Morris Thompson
Nancy’s Mother, Irene
Perry Alterman
Rosa Horesh
Ruth & Alex Glazer
Tricia Haberman’s Sister
William Alterman
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Dale Schwartz
Marjorie Greenberg
Richman Spiritual Relationship
in memory of
Barbara Shemper
Jay Weinstein
Robert S. Janko Children’s
in memory of
Arthur Raphael
Eunice Janko
Second Helpings Special Fund
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Charlotte & Lou Kornbluh
Irena Cabot
Jay Weinstein
Lois Mexic
Mary Schiff
in memory of
Joan Weiner
Sophia & Irving Hite Kesher
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Barbara Shemper
Stanley & Shirley Cohen Bldg
& Grounds Endowment
in honor of
Ellen and Todd Cohen’s
Shirley and Stanley Cohen’s
in memory of
Alyce Kranz
Dr. Jacob Epstein
Eleanor Blass
Jay Weinstein
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah
Stanley Cohen
Susan & Jay Levitt Outreach
in memory of
Dean Taffel
Irwin Berger
Julianne Berger
Taylor & Greenberg Religious
School Scholarship
in honor of
David and Arlene Taylor
in memory of
Irena Cabot
Perry Alterman
Torah Learning Special Fund
in memory of
Charles Schwartz
in memory of
Jay Weinstein
Youth/Teen Program &
Scholarship Fund
in honor of
Natalie Wolff’s Bat Mitzvah
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
PNK Learning Center Special
in honor of
A Happy New Year
Matthew Cooper’s Bar
Our wonderful friend and
Preschool Fund
in honor of
Jackson Morgen Blitzer
Ms. Carol’s Awesome
Contributions | November 2014
Operating Enhancement
Special Fund
in honor of
Rita Loventhal’s
The birth of Julia Pace
In the Community
Grand Opening of Berman Commons on Sunday, March 8
We are so incredibly proud to share the news of the opening of the newest addition to the Jewish Home Life
Communities. Berman Commons, an assisted living and memory care facility is named in honor of our longtime Sinai
community members, Candy and Steve Berman and their family. Berman Commons is dedicated to Steve’s 40 years
of visionary leadership, tireless service, and generous support of the Breman Jewish Home and Jewish Home Life
Communities. The Grand Opening Celebration of Berman Commons is Sunday, March 8 from 2:30 - 4:30 pm onsite
at Berman Commons, 2026 Womack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338. This celebration is open to the community and will
include a tour of the nearly completed facility and a light nosh. For more information, please visit bermancommons.
org or call 404.410.1200.
From Harley Tabak, President and CEO of The Breman Jewish Home:
“Steve is a very unusual community leader. Few people are willing to give so
much of their volunteer time and financial support to one organization over such
a long period of time. And Steve has done this for a cause which many people find
unappealing – the frail, the elderly. His commitment is rooted in his Jewish values –
to honor our mothers and fathers. Steve is truly a mensch.”
Waste Less Food in 2015!
About 30 to 50 percent of all food
is wasted worldwide. According
to the website TriplePundit.
com that translates to 1.2 to
2 billion tons. Here in the U.S.
the average family tosses out
about $1,500 in edible food each year, while one in
six Americans struggles with food insecurity. That
means they lack access to a reliable source of food.
Your Journey. Your Home.
One way you can help is by spending around two
hours a month as a Second Helpings volunteer driver.
In 2014, our 300 active drivers distributed more
than 730,000 pounds of nutritious food. By getting
this food into the hands of those who need it—and
keeping it out of the trash—we’re helping to chip
away at the problem of food waste.
Other solutions:
•Grocery stores in southern California and Nevada
are turning organic food waste into energy to power
their stores.
•Restaurants including TGI Friday’s are scaling back
on excessive portions.
•Stores are selling “ugly” produce that might have
been rejected in the past.
•Individuals and organizations are composting,
turning perishable food into rich soil.
If you’d like to be part of the solution to hunger
and food waste right here at home, please contact
Second Helpings Program Coordinator Julie Elster at
adminsha@secondhelpings.info. If your organization
would like to donate food, we need you, too!
Yasher koach and many mazel
tovs to the Berman family on
this most special and sacred
honor. We are so proud
of you and look forward to
celebrating with you in March!
Pictured at right: Steve
and Candy at the Berman
Commons groundbreaking.
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Sinai Jewish Accessibility
Awareness Month Activities
February 2015
What a gift it is to imagine walking in another
person’s shoes, if only for a moment, to open your
eyes, your heart and your mind to someone else’s
perspective, challenges and opportunities. Friday,
February 27, 2015 will be Sinai’s third annual
“Shabbat in the Dark” service, a unique opportunity
for all of us to open our hearts and our minds to a
different way of experiencing the Sabbath at Sinai.
We invite you to attend and explore this special
experience, created by our clergy, to inspire, connect
and welcome all. Without light to see by, how do
you know what page to go to? How can you follow
the lines in the Sidur? How can you take your cues
from the people around you and the clergy on the
bima? Is this how someone who is sight-impaired
would experience the service? How would someone
in a wheelchair experience the parts of the service
entailing moving, rising or bowing? This unique
Shabbat experience is just one of the wonderful
opportunities that Temple Sinai has for all of us
during the month of February in celebration of
National Jewish (dis)Ability Awareness Month.
On behalf of the Hineini committee of Temple
Sinai we invite you to experience and celebrate
inclusivity, accessibility, and opening your
hearts and your minds to gain new insights and
perspectives that allows each of us to say Hineini,
here I am!
Thursday, February 26
6:15 pm Dinner, Followed by performance
Marcus Jewish Community Center
5342 Tilly Mill Rd, Atlanta, GA 30338
Join us for a special dinner for Sinai congregants at the
Marcus Jewish Community Center prior to the Habima
Theatre performance of Aladdin Jr. Tickets are availble
through Sinai for $18 each.
Accessibility Awareness Shabbat
Sinai’s Third Annual “Shabbat in the Dark”
Friday, February 27, 6:30 pm
Sensitivity Trainings
As part of this month’s activities, Sinai will host sensitivity
training for STEP students on February 1 and on February
17 for the Sinai Board of Trustees.
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templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
Temple Sinai and its leadership’s commitment to
inclusivity and accessibility for all is reflected in the
special Sinai Board training that will take place in
February. This commitment is also reflected in the
special exercises that the teen STEP students will do
in a sensitivity program. And on top of all of that,
Sinai provides a fun and exciting experience as we
go to the Theater on February 26 to see Aladdin,
Jr. and enjoy the amazing talents of the actors and
singers of Jerry’s Habima Theatre. Jerry’s Habima
Theatre is Georgia’s only theatrical company
directed and produced by professionals that
features actors with special needs.
Sinai at Habima Theatre: Disney’s Aladdin Jr.
February is Sinai Accessibility Awareness Month
Sinai JAAM
Your Journey. Your Home.
Sinai Email Communication
Are You Missing Your Temple Sinai Emails?
We understand that many of you no longer get
emails from Temple Sinai on a regular basis.
After doing a great deal of research into “why”,
we discovered two main causes – and fortunately
we have a solution for both! See below for the
1.UNSUBSCRIBE: Temple Sinai sends email
through a service called Constant Contact.
Within Constant Contact we use a variety of
email lists to ensure that we are sending relevant
and timely notifications to our congregants.
However, if you selected “Unsubscribe” from
the bottom of one of those emails, you were
removed from ALL mailing lists. Due to antispam laws, Constant Contact does not permit
us to add you back to an email list without
your permission. If you want to be added to
one or more Temple Sinai lists, go to www.
templesinaiatlanta.org and scroll down until you
see a box on the right hand side that says “Sign
up for our email newsletter”. This allows you to
add your email back into our system and select
your preferred email list(s).
ago, Gmail changed the display of their email
to separate promotional email from personal
(“primary”) email. The rules Gmail uses
automatically puts Temple Sinai emails in the
“Promotions” folder and out of view when
logged in to view your Gmail emails. GOOD
NEWS! We can tell you how to fix this…
• When in Gmail, go to the search box and
click on the small arrow in the far right side of
the box that displays “Show Search Options”
• In the “From” box, type in “@
templesinaiatlanta.org” (without the
quotation marks)
• At the bottom of the box, click “Create filter
with this search”
• At the bottom of the page, select the box
next to “Categorize as” and chose the category
• Select the “Create Filter” button
Should you have any questions, or if you would
like to come by the office to do this with one of
our staff members, please call Shelly Dresdner
at 404-252-3073, ext 322 or email sdresdner@
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A Vote for ARZA is a Vote for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Anat Hoffman is loud. You can ask her or you can ask the hundreds of Sinai members who met her when she was
our Activist in Residence a few years ago. Or you could ask the thousands of women who have participated in
Women of the Wall, a group working to ensure that women can pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and read
Torah, and don a tallis.
Israel is on a journey toward being more inclusive of women’s rights and gender equality. Much of that journey is
being shepherded by ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America. ARZA strives to create a world in which
gender equality is the rule- where men and women can pray, work and live together as equals deserving of the
same respect and honor.
Get Out the Vote for ARZA
She stands about four and a half feet tall but she is a giant. Rabbi Miri Gold earned the dual distinction of serving
as the first woman AND the first non-Orthodox rabbi to receive a paycheck from the State of Israel as a rabbi. The
result of much activism and a lengthy legal battle, this move is truly groundbreaking.
But ARZA can’t do it alone- we need YOUR help.
Visit ReformJews4Israel.org and we’ll help you cast
your vote for ARZA-Representing Reform Judaism in
the WZO elections. By voting ARZA in the 2015
World Zionist Organization, you’re taking the first
step in shaping an equal, egalitarian and secure
Israel for all. Voting ends April 30, 2015.
Spreading the word about the 2015 World Zionist
Organization elections will be critical to our success.
Share this page or email a link to
ReformJews4Israel.org to your family and friends so
they can learn more, vote, and help shape
tomorrow’s Israel today.
The 22nd Annual
Larry Bregman, M.D.,
Educational Conference
A conference for adults with developmental
disabilities, their families and their caregivers.
The Selig Center
1440 Spring Street NW | Atlanta, GA 30309
$18 online or $25 at the door.
Register online at www.bregman.org
A program of Developmental Disabilities Services - Tools for Independence,
a division of Jewish Family & Career Services
templesinaiatlanta.org | 404 . 252 . 3073
Saturday, Feb. 21 to Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
U.S. Postage
Atlanta, GA
Permit No. 283
Temple Sinai February Worship Schedule
Friday, February 6
6:30 pm
Rock Shabbat Service 
Saturday, February 7
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
Bar Mitzvah ceremony of Carter Rohn, son
of Steffi and Jake Rohn. 
Friday, February 13
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, February 14
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Max and Avi
Young, sons of Michelle and Richard
Young. 
Friday, February 20
6:30 pm
Tot Shabbat Service
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service with Artist in Residence
Noah Aronson. 
Saturday, February 21
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
Bar Mitzvah ceremony of Jared Brown,
son of Debra and Mark Brown. 
5:30 pm
Bat Mitzvah ceremony of Liliya Cooper,
daughter of Wendy and Sandy Cooper. 
Friday, February 27
6:30 pm
NJAAM Shabbat Service 
Saturday, February 28
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
Bat Mitzvah ceremony of Hayden Sample,
daughter of Alison and Greg Sample. 
Can’t make it to synagogue?
Look for the  icon indicating that the service will be streamed live.
Visit www.templesinaiatlanta.org to watch!