July-August, 2016 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
July-August, 2016 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
July–August 2016 Nissan–Av 5776 Temple Sinai Summer Picnics for members and guests FREE at the home of Judy & Larry Wiener 3981 N. 32 Terrace • (Lakes of Emerald Hills) • Hollywood Sundays, June 26 & Sept. 18 12 noon till 4 p.m. We want to get to know you better (and vice versa!) It’s a Kosher Barbecue with all the trimmings lots of veggie stuff too! Something for everyone! • Splash with your kids in the pool • Sit on the patio and relax • Stay cool inside socializing or watching sports Super vis Playro ed o for Yo m ung Kids Bring your smile, a towel and your appetite! RSVP to Judy at 9549620762 or Temple at 9549870026 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 1400 North 46 Avenue • Hollywood, Florida 33021 Temple Office: 954.987.0026 • Fax: 954.987.2731 School Office: 954.987.1694 • www.SinaiHollywood.org Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and The Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TBA Early Childhood Education Director . . . . . .Donna Anton Religious School Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Kaye Membership Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elissa Goldberg Financial Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marcie Greenberg President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miriam Rube Immediate Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Larry Marks Vice President Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shammai Taplin Vice President Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheri Rothschild Vice President Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leah Parker Vice President Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jarod Anton Vice President Programming . . . . . . . . . . . .Hillary Josephs Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marty Gerber Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evan Plotka House Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Patron Sisterhood Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joan Lefkowitz Hazak Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Schwartz ECEPA President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lindsay Anidjar Legacy and Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Mal Golden Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Weiss Stokley The Bulletin is published by Temple Sinai of Hollywood every other month throughout the year Please Join Our Daily Minyan Services Monday–Thursday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:15 a.m. Friday Evening Shabbat *7:00 p.m. Saturday Shabbat 9:30 a.m./time varies p.m. Sunday & National Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. *Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:00 p.m. each Friday evening in the Zinn Chapel followed by an Oneg. *KISS (Kids In Shabbat Service) : will resume in the Fall. The schedule may vary so please check with the Temple office. Birthday or Anniversary approaching? We would be delighted to have you sponsor a Friday evening Oneg. Please call the Temple office for details CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES July - August 2016 Times underlined indicate holidays July 1 July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 7:58 7:58 7:56 7:53 7:50 August 5 August 12 August 19 August 26 7:45 7:40 7:34 7:27 Our mission is to enrich our vibrant, inclusive, egalitarian, Conservative congregation through education, worship, charity and social interaction, celebrate diversity, and support each person in their pursuit of Jewish learning, values and spirituality. Member Member Board B oard Certified Certified Pediatric Pediatric Dentist Dentist www.browardpediatricdentists.com www.browardpediatricdentists.com Comprehensive dental care e for for infants, infants, Comprehensive and preventive preventive den tal car children, childr en, adolescents adolescents and those with special needs needs. Call make Call to to mak e an appointment appointment today. today. Hollywood H ollywood Office Office Suite 4420 Sheridan Sheridan Street, Street, Suit eE Hollywood, H ollywood, FL 33021 3302 954-962-8311 Pembroke Office ffice P embroke Pines Pines O e 300 12301 Taft Taf a t Street, Street, Suit SSuite Pembroke P embroke Pines, Pines, FL 33026 954-435-5900 2 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Over the last few weeks there have been some significant developments that we want to be sure are called to your attention. First, the Israeli government and Prime Minister Netanyahu have been unwilling to implement their own publicly announced agreement with Masorti, Reform, and the Jewish Federations of North America with regard to the Kotel and proper treatment of and respect for non-Orthodox Jews. Our representatives have agreed to afford the government a brief additional period of time for implementation, but patience is wearing thin. Second, forces in the Knesset seem to be making progress in an effort to overturn a Supreme Court decision assuring access to publicly funded mikvaot for non-Orthodox converts and women wishing to use a mikveh without the intrusive inspection of a stranger. If things could get worse, on Tuesday morning, they did. An extreme group, aided by police protection and led by Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (a position paid by taxpayer money) arrived at the Robinson's Arch area of the Kotel. This is an area which for more than 15 years has been specifically set aside for use by Masorti and others who wish to have egalitarian prayer. Amar's group set up a mechitza to separate men and women and proceeded to daven. This was, of course, less a statement of piety than an effort to deliberately provoke. We have always maintained that all Jews have a legal right to daven as they wish at the main northern Kotel plaza. On Thursday, Masorti will have egalitarian davening there, with prayers to be led by Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker. With the government seemingly unwilling to fulfill its pledges, we are reasserting our legal rights. As caring and devoted Diaspora Jews who love Israel very much, we must also be Jews who stand up for what is right. Rabbi Robert Slosberg Chair David H. Lissy Interim Executive Director This is from today, Thursday, June 16: About an hour ago, the first mixed (men and women) prayers at the Western Wall Plaza in 16 years were concluded. Some 500 people from the Conservative and Reform movements, students from the Hannaton pre-army educational program, and various individuals who happened to be present, participated in the afternoon prayers. Close by a small gathering of Haredim (zealously Orthodox) rioted as they sought to put a stop to the davening. The disturbance began with pushing and even devolved into sexual harassment aimed at some of the young women who participated in the service. Despite the disturbances the prayers went forward, concluding with the singing of HaTikva. It is important to point out that the police failed to offer protection or make arrests. Yizhar Hess, director of the Masorti Movement in Israel said: 500 Israeli men and women showed Israel’s Prime Minister that there is more than one way to be a Jew. To our surprise, the police were nowhere to be seen allowing Haredi thugs to disturb the prayers and to sexually harass some of the young women. Until such time that the Kotel Agreement is implemented what occurred today will become the new Minhag HaMakom (custom of the place), mixed prayers in the public plaza. Our mission is to enrich our vibrant, inclusive, egalitarian, Conservative congregation through education, worship, charity and social interaction, celebrate diversity, and support each person in their pursuit of Jewish learning, values and spirituality. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 3 KASSELMAN SCHOOL NEWS Donna Anton, Director 2016 PRE-K GRADS QUESTION: What has fortythree children, five teachers, seventyfive flowers, tons of pictures, twenty-five dozen cookies, over three hundred guests, and a lifetime of memories? 4 Temple Sinai of Hollywood ANSWER: It’s our Kasselman School 2016 Pre-K graduation. This wonderful evening in early June was a celebration of both an ending and a new beginning. The students have been given a terrific education at our Kasselman School. Now it’s on to kindergarten and beyond. These children are ready for success. Good Luck to our alumni! Donna Come to Minyan, You'll Like It And We Need You BAR MITZVAH Jacob Latorre Reuben Latorre Reuben August 20, 2016 Jacob Jacob: “In the beginning of my Torah portion it says you shall love. But in my brother's portion it says you shall know. They both have similar beginnings and they have the same melody. However, to know and to love are very different. To know your G-d is to acknowledge and feel that He is there watching. To love your G-d is to treat Him respectfully, to hold Him close, and to never hurt Him. In my Torah portion, it tells of rewards that are given to you if you do both: "and houses full of all good things that you did not fill, and hewn cisterns that you did not hew, vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant, and you will eat and be satisfied." It also tells you to be cautious if you did not do either. "Beware lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. All of these show that you should love and never forget your G-d, but I believe that to love is more powerful. Being a bar mitzvah to me means that I will finally be considered an adult and I will be closer to G-d. Reuben: “I would like to start out by defining and describing the words bar mitzvah. A mitzvah is a commandment or a religious duty and Bar/Bat/B'Nai relates to the subject of the commandment boy/girl/children. The bar mitzvah is a time when a young Jewish child becomes an adult and now is responsible for any sins he commits and the performance of any positive commandments. In the beginning of our haftarah it states, “console, console my people, says your G-d." To console means to comfort in a time of grief. The fact that this is stated twice makes it stand out as if it is an obligation, that is knowingly difficult to follow. To me, my Bar Mitzvah means a time where I do a lot of growing up and taking a leadership role in my Religious life. And finally, I get to sit at the adult table.” WELCOME TO TEMPLE SINAI HAPPY TO HAVE YOU WITH US! Delphine and Ron Rechtman with children Adina, Liora and Noam Stephen Ernstein Welcome back! Parents: Miriam Rube and Rafael Latorre Grandparents: Rabbi Milton and Bernice Rube Josephina and Arsenio (z'l) Latorre School: Miami Lakes Middle School Cambridge Academy; Grade: entering 8th Hobbies/ Interests/Awards: Reuben: saxaphone; engineering Jacob: art and reading Mitzvah Project: There will be two buckets (green and blue) placed by the caterers office. Reuben will be collecting kosher, non-perishable food items to be assembled and donated to the food pantry. Jacob will be collecting non-toxic art supplies and books to be assembled and donated to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Dollar Store coloring books, books, crafts, crosswords, puzzles, crayons, markers and other items are all welcome. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 5 SISTERHOOD NEWS You might be wondering where your Sisterhood has been lately. Well, we’ve been preparing for the fall. With my term as president ending recently, our search committee started to prepare a slate of new officers. Realizing how demanding the job as president is for one person, we came up with a different way to handle the role for the next term. We will have a presidium of six past sisJoah Lefkowitz, Pres. terhood presidents handling the responsibilities. The six women are: Shari Balmuth, Lois Edelstein, Joan Lefkowitz, Paula Platt, Cheri Rothschild, and Judy Wiener. Looking at the strengths and time constraints of the individuals, the committee made us each responsible for a different part of the job description. Come the fall, you will hear what we each are handling; and I know you will be happy with how it works. As you see your team of leaders or presidium in action, I think you will see we seem to add up to more than the whole! I know summer is not even half way over; however I want to let you know we have some exciting plans for the fall. With the High Holy Days starting in October, we will be able to have our first program in September. We’ll have our fun get together with a very, very twisted program! Right now, it’s being kept under wraps; so when we roll it out it will be just perfect for us! No giving it away right now, please!!! There will be the Member Brunch after the Holidays and many more events to share with your sisters. For now kick back, enjoy your vacation plans, time with the family, and get ready to be part of the best sisterhood year ever! SAVE THE DATE! Saturday Night December 3rd Temple Sinai Gala honoring The Hon. Ron and Cheri Rothschild Joan Lefkowitz The Sisterhood Judaica Shop has what you need! Beautiful Graduation, Wedding and Hostess Gifts Come check out our great prices! • Rosenthal Wedding Glass Items • Chanukah Items • Shabbat Tableware • Unique Yahrtzeit Candle Holders • Hostess Gifts • and so much more! Sisterhood MembersECE & Religious School Parents Gift Shop is in the hallway near the Rabbi’s Office 6 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Get 10% OFF Davening at the Dohany on the Danube “Davening at the Dohany on the Danube” was the theme of this year’s Travel Night program sponsored by Sylvia Berman of Post Haste Travel and Cheri Rothschild. For the past 6 years Sylvia and Cheri have coordinated an evening of world travel focusing on one region or country. This year’s theme was Budapest, Hungary. Highlighting the evening was an enlightening presentation by Rabbi Arnie Samlan, Director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education. “What do Tony Curtis, ZsaZsa Gabor, Chaim Weitzman, Harry Houdini, and Elie Wiesel have in common? They all are Jews with Hungarian roots.” In addition to Barbara Streisand singing “AveinuMalkanu” at the Dohany Street Synagogue, guests of the evening were treated to travel slides, stories and the most amazing Hungarian food and drink. Thank you to Ravit and Eden Catering for providing Hungarian goulash, stuffed cabbage and apple strudel complimented by wine and Slivovitz Hungarian liquor. The evening ended with a drawing which included items known for their Hungarian roots- paprika, wine and a Rubik’s Cube. Then Sylvia announced next year’s program which will feature Jewish Italy. Watch for an announcement next spring! Hosts Cheri and Sylvia Rabbi Arnold Samlan Temple Sinai of Hollywood 7 SOCIAL ACTION SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE For one: How hot it is EVERY Father's Day, when we feed the hungry in Hollywood through the Sinai Share-a-Meal program. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you who gave up some of your Father's Day time to do this mitzvah. (You know it means commandment, right?) It does not mean a good deed, although a lot of the commandments are doing good work. Because Bridge Prep was in cleaning mode last Sunday, we set up shop in the Cocktail Room in the Synagogue and got the work done in no time at all thanks to all the wonderful workers who came with their eggs and their smiles. We welcomed Cub Scout Pack #18 back for an encore and they were most helpful. Here's who else made it happen: The Bardunias Family: Paul, Helena, Arianna and Ben; regulars Lois and Mark Nonkin; the Seth Adelman Family: Yaakov, Talia, Susan, Arielle, Caitlin and Kirsten; the Heby family: Shira, Orel and Yael; Miriam Rube with Jacob and Reuben; Don and Linda Levine; Paula Greene; Noah and Nancy Weizman; the Garber family: Jon and Annie with Shira and Natan; Rachel Shonfield and Kerry Sisselman with their son Zev; Fred Hochsztein with daughter A.J.(glad to see you): Karen Benuer (please join us again): Steve and Paula Platt and Judy and Larry Wiener. Joining us at the site were old friends Ben and Eva Fireman and Andrew Wiener. Always glad to have you join us. Since it was Father's Day things were done a little differently. Tables were set with cloths and silverware and pretty centerpieces. We worked with St. Bartholomew's Church to make it a very nice total meal. Don Levine was successful in getting them quiet while he gave a most impressive short speech about what a special day it was and how much we have to be thankful for in the wake of Orlando and so many other horribly sad events across our country. Thank you to those who came to serve, and serve we did. We had plenty of hard boiled eggs and items for our grooming kits. The Cub Scouts got the kits finished in very short order. Shalom Judy Wiener, coordinator MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT SHARE A MEAL: SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016 · 11:30 AM / SCHOOL CAFETERIA Please bring dozen boiled eggs, in shell, in carton. And small toiletries and shampoos/soap/ lotions/tissue packs/razors/tooth brushes with tooth paste; combs; small deodorants, etc. YOU CAN ALSO DROP OFF GROOMING ITEMS AT THE TEMPLE OFFICE MON-THROUGH FRIDAY 8 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Honoring one of our own with a Lifetime Honorary Membership Dear Leora, Sinai ent from Temple em at st a ed iv ce probably re may be By now you have rstand that there de un e W . et ri ar es for H half of your for membership du y these dues on be pa to t an w t no might reasons why you our shul is very im of r be em m a as t keeping her emGrandmother bu ’s long-standing m et ri ar H & th ne ause of Ken e of their portant to us. Bec Sinai and becaus e pl em T at t en involvem ai over so bership with and ise, of Temple Sin rw he ot d an l ia nc ort, fina itremendous supp rs has voted unan no er ov G of rd oa emple Sinai B with many years, the T rary membership no ho e im et lif on Harriet is honmously to confer that come with th ns io at lig ob no here are at we will Temple Sinai. T Harriet to know th d an u yo t an w e w p but ort we can. orar y membershi services and supp r ve te ha w r he r e fo of Tembe here to provid the membership d an rs no er ov G Board of ank you On behalf of the d me, I want to th an na on D om fr rsonally e ple Sinai, and pe ble woman and w ka ar m re a is he for Harriet. S peofor all you’ve done us and to so many to ed ow sh e sh e friendship will never forget th ai. ple at Temple Sin Shabbat Shalom, Jared Dear Jared, I have shared the content of this message with my grandmother. She appreciates the honor, and wishes to thank you for this. It would be wonderful for her to hear directly from friends, members and lay leaders at Temple Sinai. She enjoys visitors and would love to stay in touch with the Temple Sinai community, even while she hasn't been able to attend services for a while. Thank you again, Leora Temple Sinai of Hollywood 9 YASHIR KOACH TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE PARSHIOT SUMMARY PROGRAM Dear Chaverim in Temple Sinai, Sixteen years ago, the Board of Governors unanimously approved a fabulous new program entitled “The Parshiot Summary Program” As of this date, it is with much gratification to tell you that with the publication of the summer Bulletin, 665 devoted and motivated Temple members have embraced the challenge of organizing and communicating a précis of the weekly Shabbat Parashah. This is remarkable. Extraordinary. And now for the names of those energetic and intellectually gifted presenters. These lay members collectively enhanced our knowledge of Torah, and provided a more explicit understanding of the parashiot contained in the five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. BOOK OF GENESIS (October 10, 2015 – December 25, 2015). The participants, in order of their summary include: Miriam Rube, Charles Maurice, Harry Silverman, Eva Goldstein, Lloyd and Lois Edelstein, Cheri Rothschild, Jared Anton, Paula Greene, Jack German, Aleeza Reisner, Rabbi Milton Rube, and Marty Gerber. BOOK OF EXODUS (January 2– March 12, 2016). The presenters for Exodus comprise: Professor Neil Reisner, Barry Faske, Paula Greene, Jackie Greenberg, Barry Faske, Ruby Kushner, Naomi Golden, Jared Anton, Professor Neil Reisner, and Marty Gerber. BOOK OF LEVITICUS (March 19 – June 11, 2016). The list of presenters consists of: Eva Goldstein, Joyce Robbins, Charles Maurice, Hugh Goldstein, Jacob and Reuven Latorre, Marty Gerber, Naomi Golden, Jared Anton, Harry Silverman, and Professor Neil Reisner. BOOK OF NUMBERS (June 18 – August 6, 2016). Here is the presenters list: Eric Mayer, Aaron Greenberg, Jordan Rosenberg, Dr. Laura Cohen Rosenthal, Joyce Robbins, Naomi Golden, and Marty Gerber. BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY (August 13 - October 15, 2016). A synopsis of the Sedra was offered by: Fred Hochsztein, Jackie Greenberg, Randee Eibeschitz, Michael Gold, Professor Neil Reisner, Marty Gerber, Charles Maurice, and Professor Mal Golden. Dr. Rabbi Gideon Goldenholz, President Miriam Rube, members of the Board of Governors, and your Temple Sinai family extend a hearty Yashir Koach to each individual for their magnificent presentations. Naomi joins me in offering our best wishes to each participant and their families. Professor Mal Golden, Ph.D. Coordinator of Parshiot Summary Program 10 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Israel Independence Day BBQ Temple Sinai of Hollywood 11 Yom Hashoah • May 5, 2016 Lorraine Glass's wonderful visual presentation of love and loss as she shared her family's journey following her parents' post -Holocaust footsteps through Romania was then followed by a Memorial Candle Lighting including survivors and next generation. Those lighting candles were: Mary Botknecht, Simone and Marc Dunn, Bernie Feldman, Hugh and Bruno Goldstein, Regina Greenspan with son Bernie and his wife, Carol, Fred Hochsztein, Saul Jakubowicz, Eric and Bernard Mayer, Aliza Shazar and Chaim Nahon, Larry Wiener, the Hon. Sharon Zeller and Bessie Zurawin. After the presentation, guests sat down with several survivors and families for Cookies and Conversation—round table discussions to learn more about their experiences during and following that tumultuous time in their life or growing up as a child of a survivor. This was a very moving and informative event. 12 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Lights out, sitting on the floor, with flashlights we will read the , y a d hauntingly beautiful and tragic Satur 3 1 Lamentations. It tells us about Augustdown destruction, exile repercusions and n Ends su t 14 vulnerability, and yet we end with Augus hopefulness. We will read about ruin resilience and redemption. We will find light in the darkness. Join us for a meaningful spiritual/historical experience on Tisha B’Av Saturday night August 13, 2016 at 8:00 pm as we read from the book of Lamentations. Tisha B'Av, the ninth of Av, is an annual fast day which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 500,000 Jews at Betar in 135 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century present-day Israel, Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. In addition to the basic five prohibitions, all pleasurable activity is forbidden. The Book of Lamentations which mourns the destruction of Jerusalem is read in the synagogue, followed by the kinnot, a series of liturgical dirges which lament the loss of the Temple and Jerusalem. As the day has become associated with remembrance of other major calamities which have befallen the Jewish people, some kinnot recall events such as the murder of the Ten Martyrs, the decimation of numerous medieval Jewish communities during the Crusades and the destruction of European Jewry in the Holocaust. Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz Confirmation Kabbalat Service wa held Friday evening May 27, 2016 Mazel Tov on your confirmation by Rabbi Gideon Goldenholz Adrianna Bardunias Simon Weizman Anastacia Gold Alexander Gold Jonathan and Emily Mayer Temple Sinai of Hollywood 13 Mazel Tov! DID YOU KNOW. . . JOAN AND PAUL LEFKOWITZ loved vacationing in St. Martin and came back to watch their son and family head to NY for a week. MAL AND NAOMI GOLDEN's granddaughter, ALLIE, graduated high school; granddaughter, SHAYNA, graduated middle school. Very proud grandparents! DR. LARRY AND MONICA MARKS' daughter, LIANA, will be graduating from the Posnack Jewish Day School, lower school. Mazel Tov! DR. BARRY ALTER will spend the summer in Jerusalem. He is on the board of the Jewish Agency for Israel and it's summer meeting will be in Paris. It will deal with all the issues of the French Jewish community. THE HON. RON AND CHERI ROTHSCHILD were just recognized for their Dedication of the new Posnack Jewish Community Center History Wall. Congratulations! BRAD MELTZER's latest thriller is out now, The House of Secrets. Great summer reading! On sale at Barnes and Nobel right now. If you would like to “brag” about your loved ones or have important honors or accomplishments to announce, please call your editor at 954-962-0762 or email her at judybug02@gmail.com. Only too happy to write about our Temple family! On May 29, 2016, in Abu Ghosh, Israel, SONDRA CLAIRE FELDMAN and ALON TURJEMAN were married. Sondra is the grand-daughter of Judy and Bernie Feldman. Sondra made aliyah 5 years ago and Alon is a Sabra. They will make their home in Jerusalem. Sondra is pictured here with her aunt, Cindy Feldman. We wish them much happiness! Tallit Memorial Fund We are purchasing new Tallitot in memory of the several young people who have recently passed away. The donation for each Tallit will be $36.00 minimum (more if you so desire). Please send your checks to Temple Sinai Thank you. Questions? Call Lloyd Edelstein, 954-981-4270 or the Temple office, 954-987-0026 14 Temple Sinai of Hollywood C O M M U N I T Y The First South Florida Holocaust Museum Phase 1 to open Summer 2016 303 N. Federal Highway, Dania Beach, Florida Watch for opening The Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc. (HDEC),a nonsectarian,nonprofit or ganization,has devoted itself over the past 36 years to documenting the authentic memory of the Holocaust and educating today's generation about the evils and dangers of hatred, bigotry, and bul lying.It has recorded more than 2,500 testimonies of Survivors, Liberators and Rescuers. Hallmark educational programs include Student Awareness Days (the last one of the school year will take place May 20), the Speakers Bureau, and the Teachers Institute. The first South Florida Holocaust Museum will be the first in North Amer ica to tell the story of the Holocaust in English and Spanish. It will feature our oral history collection; selections from our more than 6,000 documents, photographs, and other artifacts; our restored, authenticated Holocaust Railcar; a US Army Sherman Tank of the kind that liberated the camps; and a traveling exhibition gallery. We are also building a Hall of Remem brance, where people can sign up to have the names of their loved ones permanently inscribed on the walls. The permanent exhibition, which will tell the story from early stages of the Holocaust to Liberation, along with a library/media center and amphitheater, will be built out as we raise the money. We welcome you to participate in this landmark venture right here in our own community in whatever ways you can. To learn more please contact: Rositta E. Kenigsberg, President Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, 2031 Harrison St., Hollywood, FL 33020 P: 954.929.5690 ext 201• F: 954.929.5635 email: Rositta@hdec.org http://www.hdec Temple Sinai of Hollywood 15 This is true: This past Friday was the first day of summer break for my kids. My son says he wants to play. Me: "I have a job." Him: "But you're my Dad." THAT is the professional level of guilt that's being launched into the atmosphere of my house. And of course, it triggered a Lego session, but it also triggered an onslaught of me questioning: What is truly important in my life? Family and friends. Which leads me to you. On Tuesday, we launched my newest thriller, The House of Secrets. I love this book and can't wait to share it. But for 19 years now, I've known one thing: I wouldn't have a career if it weren't for you, our closest family and friends, who always pull for us. Have you heard it before? I know you have. But I will never stop saying it. It is a pillar of my life. A law. In a few hours, I'll jump on a plane to New York. And tomorrow, Cori will send you all the stuff we'd love for you to share on Facebook, etc. (God, we're getting old -- I still remember when you helped us share this by simply rearranging the shelves in the bookstore and moving us to the top shelf (special love for those who still do it)). Anyway, I'm so excited for you to read this book that I cooked up with award-winning author Tod Goldberg. He's a star and has become a dear friend. And this thriller is a true literary peanut butter cup. But today, it's just us...and just me saying thanks. If I could attach a hug, said hug would be attached. Love to you. B Minyan Needs You! Monthly Monday Movies You Need Minyan! August 8 7:00 pm Try it, you'll like it.! Snacks/Beverages available for purchase Sponsorships Welcome Reservations $2.00 / Walkins $3.00 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m.) 16 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Call the temple office to reserve your seat today - 954-987-0026 BABYSITTING AVAILABLE 1 child $5 / 2 or more children $10 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Escape the Florida Heat to Join Summer Midrasha for Several Weeks of Stimulating Adult Jewish Learning! Register Now for our July and August Classes! (Registrations must be received by July 6)* *REMINDER: Please Register as soon as possible! Without a minimum of 10 students per class, we will not be able to hold these sessions. Orloff CAJE is pleased to offer an exciting array of adult summer courses in July and early August. Mark your calendars now for Summer Midrasha...where great adult Jewish learning begins and never ends!! Dates: July 13, 20, 27 & August 3 • Time: Wednesday Mornings, 10:30 a.m. noon Location: Orloff CAJE in the Katz Building | 5890 S. Pine Island Road, Davie (on the same campus as the David Posnack JCC) Cost: $90 for the four week course or $25 per session Choose one from the following two courses: Integrating the Reality of Death into our Understanding of Life Jewish Short Stories Instructor: Rabbi Norman Lipson In this made for summer minicourse, partici pants will be reading and discussing 25+ classic and not yet classic short stories on Jewish themes, values and beliefs by famous and not yet famous authors and writers. Rabbi Lipson will be sharing some of his favorite stories gleaned from Yiddish, German, Hebrew and yes, even American literature. From Peretz to Raisin and from Maugham to Woody Allen and Franz Kafka, it's going to be an interesting and fun 4 weeks! Rabbi Norman S. Lipson was born in Oklahoma City and moved to Miami in 1955. Following graduation from the University of Miami, he entered Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati and was ordained in 1972. Rabbi Lipson has served on the national staff of the AntiDefamation League and as spiritual leader of con gregations in Mississippi, Texas, and Florida and was the Director of the Institute for Jewish Studies of the Central Agency for Jewish Education in Miami. In 1996, he be came founding Rabbi of Temple Dor Dorim in Weston. For additional information and to register, please call Judy Asuteen at 9546602074 or Instructor: Rabbi Akiva Mann Nearly all of us ask: So what happens after death? Where do I go? Do I get to meet my loved ones? What's the scenery like? Is the cli mate hot or cold or just perfect?! This course will outline the evolution of Jewish thought about death, immortality, the afterlife and resurrection. From Talmudic and Maimonidean approaches to Jewish mysticism and early Kabbalistic teach ings, a synthesis of ideas and thoughts will emerge enabling participants to approach the question: "what do I believe?" Discussion and provocative insights on this very personal, yet universal theme will assist students in grappling with and grasping a deeper understanding of life and death. (New material and discussion will highlight these sessions for those who may have participated previously.) Rabbi Akiva Mann has been a congregational rabbi for over twentyfive years and is currently the Director of the Institute of Jewish knowledge and Learning in Southern Florida. He lectures extensively on Jewish philosophy, ethics, and mysticism. He has been an instructor for Orloff CAJE for the past eight years. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 17 SINAI FAMILY MILESTONES July Birthdays August Birthdays 1 11 23 1 11 21 Jennifer Gerber Wendy Goldsmith Kyle Greenberg Dylan Horwitz Alicia Feinsmith Adam Weizman Scott Livingston Jakob Cohen Rafi Greenfield Bernard Feldman 12 22 12 24 Ruth Singer Rita Feldman Jacob Latorre Reuben Latorre Michael Rosenfeld Marc Rothschild Evan Glasser Debbie Horwitz Alex Olshansky Stephen Platt Heather White Sharon Burak Danielle Greenberg Rochelle Koenig Zev Shonfield 13 25 Rachel Ftaiha Rachel Mukamal Verna Moel 16 Rabbi Gideon Goldenholz Marisol Gonzalez Alisa Kanner 27 2 Carol Morgenstein 4 Dr. Howard Barron William Comess Guy Shlomi 5 Fang Davis Lois Edelstein Jack Hazan Morgan Plotka Herman Weingarten 6 Myrna Brown Michael Cohen Barry Greenberger Hope Levy Samantha Visnick 17 Brandice Corriveau Kevin Corriveau 18 26 Claudia Buhbut Cori Flam Lili Matalon 28 Gideon Grasiani Monica Marks Helen Weissman 19 29 Clara Dan Tina Koenig Rita Rosenberg Esther Baxter Kayla Goldstein Rafael Latorre 20 Beth Steinberg 31 10 Courtny Hopen Orit Olshansky 21 7 Julia Karten Melissa Walfish 9 Sofie Horowitz Ed Pickard Stan Shapiro 30 Randon Loeb Dr. Shimon Carmel Eric Finer Maxine Robbins Steve Weissman 4 Benjamin Wexler 5 Eva Goldstein Aaron Gonzalez Benjamin Gonzalez Shayna Greenberger Andrew Kerzer Kerry Sisselman Sharri Spatz Lisa Zucker 6 Natalie Koch 7 Marlene Aarons Esther Bejar Scott Zucker 8 Beryl Glansberg Nancy Stearn 9 Doree Benson Susan Miller Jaron Schmelzer 22 10 Nadav Carmel Diane Snyder July Anniversaries 2 3 Richard & Adrienne Carner Daniel & Jessica Sanchez 4 Daniel & Ruth Forman Adam Greenfield & Ellen Davis Marc & Patty Wexler 5 Gary & Tobie Bagliebter Leonardo & Andrea Wassermann Shelley Mandelbaum Sharon Nagar 15 23 Linda Maurice Dr. Stewart Shull Melly Travano 24 16 Marc Scherer Arik Maurice Linda Schreiber 25 Andrea Zeller 17 26 Andre Corriveau Benjamin Goldstein Gideon Greenberg Lila Greenberg Ellen Katcher Mr. Daniel Scherer Enid Apseloff Judy Feldman Rachel Snyder 18 Iris Bornstein Heather Greene Max Wechter 19 Steve Lande Madison Lynn Hon. Sharon Zeller 20 Gabriel Greenberg Max Wexler 27 Rachel Klein Karlene Lynch Debbie Morris Carly Schwarz Bessie Zurawin 28 Hannah Gerber 30 Richard Carner Daniel Greene Larry Korrub Aleeza Reisner 31 Michael Aversa Andrea Wassermann Susan Maliner-Colvin August Anniversaries 1 2 Regan & Julie Roisman 14 Albert & Enid Apseloff 2 Bob & Karen Kaye 3 Evan & Michelle Plotka Scott & Rita Rosenberg 4 Charles & Linda Maurice 5 Lawrence & Gwen Esbin 27 11 Arthur & Bonnie Cohen Paul & Helaina Bardunias Fred Hochsztein & Emily Harrison-Jolly 13 Jeffrey & Anita Rashbaum 14 Harry & Gayle Silverman 15 Jason & Julie Katz Louis & Carole Morningstar Jordan & Leslie Rosenberg 17 Michael & Sandy Aversa 18 Jeff Kerzer & Patricia Friedheim-Kerzer 20 Bruce & Debra Davis Mel & Nicki Grossman 26 Rodrigo & Catherine Funes The Temple would appreciate your letting us know of any mistakes or omissions of birthdays or anniversaries. Please call the office to have corrections made. 18 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 27 Marvin & Iris Bornstein WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS YOUR THOUGHTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS GENERAL FUND ECE FUND Gail Cohen.....................to Leon Weissberg & family, in memory of Victoria Weissberg Paula & Steve Platt.............to Alex & Ilisa Leibovich, in memory of your mother Malka Lina Carole & Louis Morningstar.............to Gene Glasser, best wishes for a speedy recovery SHARE-A-MEAL Susan & Richard Miller...........to Dr. Leon Weissberg & family in memory of your mother Victoria Weissberg Judy & Larry Wiener ..................to Cheri Rothschild, for the exceptional Hungarian Travel Program. This was one of the best ones yet! Judy & Larry Wiener ....................to Leon Weissberg, in memory of Victoria Weissberg, with deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother Judy & Larry Wiener ....................to Dale Greenberg, in memory of Alvin Greenberg, with deepest sympathy on the passing of your father Judy & Bernie Feldman .....................to Gene Glasser, for a complete & speedy recovery Judy & Bernie Feldman ...........to Dr. Leon Weissberg & family, in memory of his beloved mother Victoria Judy & Bernie Feldman ........to Elijah Jonathan Oran, Mazel tov on your Bar Mitzvah MINYAN FUND Selma Hopen & family ............to Charlotte & Myron Brodie, in memory of David YAHRZEIT/YIZKOR LISTINGS Judy & Larry Wiener ........................to Judi Feldman, in memory of Hannah Feldman, with deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother Jeffrey Rashbaum ................in loving memory of Yetta Rashbaum Judy & Larry Wiener.......................to Sylvia Berman, for the exceptional Hungarian Travel Program. This was one of the best ones yet! Samuel Kaplan ...........in loving memory of Buna Elka Kaplan David Fran ...............in loving memory of Sara Castiel Stephen & Paula Platt ....to Dale & Jackie Greenberg, in memory of Alvin Greenberg Dolores Adelstein ...............in loving memory of Belle Adelstein Elaine & Gene Glasser ..................to Lorraine Glass, in honor of Jeffrey’s engagement to Libbi Williams Freda & Israel Goldstein .............in loving memory of Bernard J. Borer Elaine & Gene Glasser .......to Donna & Jared Anton, Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. B. Goldstein .............in loving memory of our parents & others; Goldstein & Sobre Cheri Rothschild & Sylvia Berman........to Rabbi Arnie Samlan, thank you for speaking at our travel night It is with great sadness that Temple Sinai acknowledges the following individuals who have passed away since our last bulletin. We extend our deepest sympathy. Cheri & Ron Rothschild .................to Harry & Gayle Silverman, in honor of Harry’s retirement & Noam & Lauren’s wedding HANNAH FELDMAN Beloved mother of member Judi Feldman Gail Cohen....................................to Elissa Goldberg, Mazel tov on your upcoming marriage Gail Cohen.................to Harry Silverman in honor of your service to Temple Sinai & retirement ALEX PERL Beloved father of member Howard Perl ESTHER TAL Beloved sister of member Jack Pines EVELYN DAVIS Beloved grandmother of member Ellen Davis Greenfield BERNIE GILICK Beloved father of member Maureen Rash & grandfather of Juliette Rash Temple Sinai of Hollywood 19 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS YOUR THOUGHTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS Paula & Alan Goldberg ...............in loving memory of our parents, grandparents, Uncle Al & Aunt Brina Dr. Howard & Judee Barron........in loving memory of Morris Steckel Max Melamed ...................in loving memory of Louis Melamed,Doris Litrinoff, Clair Melamed, Barbara Bigott, Rose Meyer Harvey Edelstein.......in loving memory of Myrna Fox Judith Mittelberg ........................in loving memory of my husband Joel Mittelberg Allison Marks ..................in loving memory of Lowell Fisher, father Walter Becker .......................in loving memory of Ray Naculas Becker Herman Weingarten .......in loving memory of Tilly & Louis Weingarten Ron & Darlene Oklin..............in in loving memory of Anne Bertram Rose & Lillian& Morris Oklin Bruce Levine................................in loving memory of Dr. Albert H. Levine Jospeh .........................in memory of Moshe Edelstein & Ruth Edelstein Ruth Lackman ..........in loving memory of Jack Parker Judith Saxe...................................in loving memory of Rabbi David Shapiro Luis Travano .......in loving memory of Lucila Travano Susan Jaffee..................................in loving memory of my mother Lee Epstein Melly Travano ..............in loving memory of Leonidas Alva Perey Louis Raticoff....... in loving memory of Jerry Raticoff Calvin Rosenfeld ............... in loving memory of Jacob & Muriel Rosenfeld Carol Winter....................in loving memory of Estelle & Joseph Cedar Brian Bressman..........in loving memory of Stanley G. Bressman Verna Moel...............in loving memory of Allen Moel Robert & Robin Moel .................in loving memory of Allen Moel Sanford Osband........in loving memory of my mother, Gertrude Osband Cheri Rothschild ......in loving memory of my mother, Belle Maslov HAZAK is taking a break over the summer while our members travel to visit the grand-kids and other exotic places! Watch your email for a possible September date when our wonderful HAZAK Lunch and Program will return. 20 Temple Sinai of Hollywood ADOPT a Prayer Book Please take home a lovingly and gently used prayer book. These books are currently residing on a book shelf next to the Rabbi's office entrance. Free for Members of Temple Sinai SAVE THE DATE! Saturday Night, Dec. 3rd Temple Sinai Gala honoring The Hon. Ron and Cheri Rothschild Temple Sinai of Hollywood 21 22 Temple Sinai of Hollywood FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS We will make your dream event come true American Cuisine • Sephardic • Israeli • Latin • Bulcharian • Syrian • French • Italian Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Corporate Events Bris/Baby Namings & any other special event Exclusive & Affordable Menus Customized to Suit Every Occasion 954-922-3344 1400 N. 46th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33021 www.CateringEden.com Temple Sinai of Hollywood 23 DATES AT A GLANCE… (All Summer Services held in Chapel Friday Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm/Oneg Sat. Shabbat Services 9:30 am/kiddush) JUNE 26 Sinai Family Picnic at Wieners Bring your suit and a smile and COME! See front page, call to say you are coming JULY 4 6 11 26 INDEPENDENCE DAY Rosh Chodesh No Monthly Movie Monday Rabbi Gideon Goldenholz' Birthday! AUGUST 8 13 14 20 21 21 Monday Monthly Movie, 7:00 pm Movie TBA Erev Tisha B'Av Book of Lamentations read after Shabbat Tisha B'Av (Temple destroyed) Bar Mitzvah of Jacob and Reuben Latorre 9:30 am Shabbat Service/Kiddush Share-a-Meal, 11:30 in cafeteria ECE Meet and Greet Your Teacher, 10-11 am 1400 N. 46th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 954-987-0026 Office 954-987-1694 School 954-987-2731 Fax Visit us on the web at www.SinaiHollywood.org SAVE THE DATE! Saturday Night December 3rd Temple Sinai Gala honoring The Hon. Ron and Cheri Rothschild
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