July-August 2016 Scribe
July-August 2016 Scribe
Sivan - Av 5776 July - August 2016 Volume 28, No. 7 & 8 Temple Shir Shalom PRICIN G AFTE R JULY 1 5 CK A B W THROICING! PR ult ad 12) r e p $20 hild (5er c y 15 p 0 1 $ l by Ju TEMPLE $ per 25 adu lt SHIR SHALOM FOOD $30 at th doo e r FUN AND pm 0 0 : 7 FIREWORKS AUGUST 15 $ per 12 child 2016 Come Celebrate With Us! $18 at th doo e r The festival begins with an evening loaded with family fun, food tastings and games, and ends with a spectacular fireworks display! To tempt your palate, some of the area’s most popular restaurants will be on hand to help us celebrate. Buy your tickets online at www.shirshalom.org SERVICES JULY 1 8 15 22 29 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service Blessing of Teen Mission 2016 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 2 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 9 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 16 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 23 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 30 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service College Connection During their years in college or military service, Shir Shalom wants to make sure that we stay connected to our young adults so that they know that if they ever need anything, we’re here for them. We like to send them little gifts, holiday packages, emails, and invitations to meals and other Temple events. To make sure we can do this, we need your help. Please send the following information for your student or military personnel to shoresh@shirshalom.org so that we can be in touch: first name, last name, college/ branch of military, school mailing address, city, state, zip, email, cell phone number, expected month and year of graduation. SERVICES AUGUST 5 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 12 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 19 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Service 26 6:00pm Congregational Picnic* 7:30pm Service Under the Stars 9:00am Shabbat Minyan Service 9:30am Tish 6 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Kopel 13 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service 20 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Scheck 27 Sunday morning Minyan meets at 10:00am. * Please RSVP for dinners by 5:00pm the preceding Wednesday. What are you gonna do? Refocus. Renew. MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ Rabbi With high school and college graduations completed, so are the opportunities to sift through the commencement addresses shared and the platitudes extolled. I love these speeches. Quite possibly it’s the messages shared that set a tone for such an idyllic time of year. With long evenings, flowers in bloom, children enjoying camp, warm jackets and wool sweaters stored safely in our closets, and the sun shining brightly, so can our perspective adjust, refocus even. Interesting what theme this year seemed pervasive in many graduation remarks. The New York Times sifted through the best of them and found that from First Lady Michelle Obama to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan the recurring message was that times are tough but you actually can make it. Interesting reality check. But in reading many of these inspiring talks, what so many kept returning to was the blessing of time – so much that stood before them that truly anything was possible, but so much that it could be easy to let it slip by so quickly. And that’s just what time will do. Summer gives us that very same challenge, and yes, that very same blessing. How often are we overwhelmed at how quickly time has passed, another year has transpired. In the proverbial blink of our eyes, the calendar flips and suddenly we find ourselves looking at the new year. Judaism affords us the opportunity to pause and notice, to recognize that time is our gift, and we need to embrace it as such. On some level, the ancients understood human nature and tendency, that we so often squander this natural commodity and neglect the inherent blessing right before us. So we have Shabbat to pause and say, another week has passed and another week sits before me. What was good? What could I do more of? What has made me smile? How will I spend my days even more engaged next week? What will be the blessings waiting for me? What is it for which I hope? Rabbi Telushkin taught in his book Jewish Wisdom a reality that rings true for us all – and something so many might find themselves thinking. Occasionally, we might be given the gift of a few extra minutes or even more. But don’t catch yourself saying that you have some “time to kill,” for he teaches, “we don’t kill time. Time kills us.” Without a doubt, it sounds severe, but we know it to be true. Time is our gift. Our blessing. Now relish it and make it such. So what do you want to do in these two special months of summer? Complain that another week just evaporated? Or find another book to read that has been waiting. Spend some moments with a friend, a family member you haven’t been able to see due to the busyness of the year, enjoy an outdoor service on a Friday night, find the blessing in the simplicity of a sunset, a full moon, a singing bird. Whatever it is, know that it’s a gift you’ve been given. Your simple chance to refresh and to renew. From the desk of . . . ANDRE DOUVILLE Executive Director The beginning of our fiscal year is July 1 and, in the past month, everyone has received their dues statements from Temple. There are two incredibly important realities that we cannot stress enough. First, when we pay our dues promptly it helps tremendously. Our yearly budget is based on the expectation and understanding of these monies being paid, and when we are unsure of what to expect, it makes the daily running of Temple more of a challenge. Second, please know that we want to work with you if there is difficulty in paying your dues. We are a community, first and foremost. And our mission always must be that we take care of each other. How much the more so when there are needs that you have. Of course, that is exactly what our dues accomplish: they help us help people – from our programming to our children to our religious services to our lifelong learning opportunities. For those who already have contributed their dues, we thank you. For those who have decided to help even more by joining our Tzedakah Circle, our Chai donors, or Vatikim, know that you have made possible services to our families that might otherwise not been available. And if you would like to help more and be part of our Chai donors (those members that give above and beyond their regular dues amount), all you have to do is give me a call. Thanks to so many for your help and understanding, and for doing tzedakah in such a special and meaningful way. Please know how much it is appreciated by all of us at Temple. This past May we celebrated the eleventh anniversary of the Walk for Israel. Each year your temple, Shir Shalom, has hosted the Walk and, for the past four years, has also hosted the Run for Israel, a 5K Family Fun Run. We added another event this year: the Roll for Israel, a family bicycle ride through the tranquil streets of Oak Park and Huntington Woods. Each year the Walk has grown in popularity, culminating with over 40 cosponsors and corporate sponsors. Even with brief snow squalls and the threat of rain, close to two thousand people gathered to celebrate Israel. Senator Gary Peters and Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence were among the many dignitaries that joined us. It’s an amazing vision to see a line of people more than a mile long walking together to support Israel. I hope you can join us next year on Sunday, May 7, 2017, as we begin another decade. Food, Fun & Fireworks is around the corner. Our annual Food, Fun and Fireworks is Monday, August 15. It’s an event that you don’t want to miss! Local restaurants share their finest creations for you to sample. Each year we bring in new restaurants to complement the outstanding ones from years past. Come hungry and ready for fun! We have games, face painting, bouncies, train rides and more for your little ones. Enjoy wonderful music while you gather outside at a table with your friends and family. Make sure to save room for the ice cream truck that is stocked with goodies before the big fireworks show. Bring a blanket or lounge chair and sit back and enjoy the spectacular fireworks show generously donated by Lili and Les Gold. It’s a night to remember and always a great time. Tickets are $25 per adult and $12 per child 5-12; children under 5 are free! Call the Temple office at 248-737-8700 to buy your tickets today or visit our website (www.shirshalom.org) where you can buy your tickets via PayPal. We can’t wait to see you; it’s a time-honored tradition at Temple you don’t want to miss! Shoresh SARAH ALLYN Associate Director Not to be insecure, but we aren’t feeling the love over here at SHORESH during these summer months. We know, we know, it’s not us—it’s you. You just have a lot going on. You’re not sure if you have time right now for a SHORESH relationship. Just for a moment, we are going to be the Jewish mother you already have and throw a little guilt your way. We’re here all summer. We’d love to see you or, at the very least, hear from you! Let’s get the nasty business of paperwork out of the way. Most of you—yes, probably you—owe us some paperwork. You should have received your SHORESH Registration Packet in the mail in June (unless you stopped by Early Registration. Special shout out to those of you who have already turned yours in!) All registration paperwork, preschool-12th grade, is due no later than August 1. After that date we are unable to honor friend requests. Machonikim applications for students in 7th-12th grade are also due by August 1. Please, please help us out by submitting your paperwork on time. Give us a call at 248-406-4255 if you have any questions. On to the fun stuff… We have a few summertime events not to be missed. Two by Two at the Zoo, our annual get-together at the Detroit Zoo is on Wednesday, August 17. This program is geared toward families with early childhood and early elementary age students but all are welcome. Look for more information and a link to RSVP in your inbox. Have you purchased your tickets for Food, Fun and Fireworks? I personally go for the food. Maybe you’re in it for the fireworks. Regardless, the ‘Fun’ is for all! Call Temple to purchase your tickets today and hold the date: Monday, August 15. Before I let you get back to your fun-filled summer schedule, I’d like to take a moment to highlight our Shir Shalom preschool, The Learning Center. Don’t skip over this paragraph just because you don’t have preschool age kids. What we’re doing with our early childhood program is so amazing, you need to know about it! Marsha Mitnick, our director, along with our amazing staff are currently running the best early learning program in the area. If you need proof, just check out their new website: www.shirshalompreschool.com. Make sure to click on the ‘Garden’ tab to see the wonder that is the TLC Garden (planted, cared-for and harvested by our children.) It’s truly amazing. Do your part to spread the word. If you know families with children 0-5, point them in our direction. They’ll thank you for it. Enjoy the rest of your summer. We’ll see you in (hopefully before) September! The Learning Center Marsha Mitnick Early Childhood Learning Director Ask any parent of young children if they expected the role of being a parent to be easy and my guess is the initial response might be: “Yes!” “Wait I mean NO!” or “”I had no idea!” In my mind I can’t think of a more stressful, serious, fulfilling, heartwarming, demanding, emotional, and loving job. All that job description and no manual to get you through it. Being a parent is the hardest job to be blessed with. In Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s new book, Nurture the Wow, she refers to Rabbi Heschel’s concept of radical amazement as the “WOW” about the world around us. This sense of amazement – as if seeing something for the first time, like a baby taking their first steps or standing in the middle of a garden holding your breath as the butterfly lands on your arm – creates both a physical and emotional response. This sense of awe, or wow, or being present, is a constant state for the young child. Rabbi Ruttenberg brilliantly suggests in her book that kids are the masters at this state-of-mind and we as adults need to learn from them as we parent. My role as the director of The Learning Center has provided countless opportunities to be an active participant in this process of “WOW”. When parents come for a tour of The Learning Center and meet me for the first time it is important that I hear and see everything they are saying…and listen to what they are not saying. Ultimately, it is the parents in a child’s life that will foster the sense of awe or minimize it. For some parents it is intuitive, for most it is not. They may not even know what the “WOW” is or the questions to ask. If you are one of the latter, that is OK. If you would like to learn more, please come and ask me. Beginning in the fall I will be starting a new class. Some call it Parent Toddler. I call it Play and Stay. There is a uniqueness to this program. Parents and children will have the opportunity to play and engage in purposeful activities that address the young child’s development and their Jewish identity. Each session will run for six weeks. On the sixth week, Rabbi Moskowitz and I will meet with parents while your children play in the same room. Enrollment is open. The fee is $50.00 for six weeks. It is open to all. The first session begins Thursday, July 7th. For more information contact Marsha Mitnick at 248-406-4255 or marsha@shirshalom.org Visit our NEW website www.shirshalompreschool.com “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.” Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Call 248-406-4255 to set up a visit and enroll for the fall of 2016-2017. You don’t want to miss the incredible experience of Temple Shir Shalom’s Preschool: The Learning Center! B’nai Mitzvah! Ethan Jacob Kopel, son of Christine and Mark Kopel, will become a bar mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on August 13, 2016. He is the grandson of the late Joanne and the late Walter Winiarski and the late Thelma and the late Martin Kopel. Ethan is a student at Novi Middle School. He enjoys playing in chess tournaments, running track and cross country and spending time with his friends. Ethan enjoyed spending time with his tutor Mrs. Zacks and Cantor Penny because they made learning how to chant a fun experience. Ethan is looking forward to continuing his involvement in the Jewish community by volunteering at SHORESH so he can be a mentor to younger kids. Sarah Hammel Scheck, daughter of Melissa and Richard Scheck, will become a bat mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on August 27, 2016. She is the granddaughter of Leonard Scheck and the late Elizabeth Flapan and Christina and Paul Rakoczy. Sarah is a student at Larson Middle School. In her free time Sarah is an active ballet dancer. One of her most memorable Jewish experiences was teaching in the pre-kindergarten classroom at SHORESH this year. To Sarah, becoming a bat mitzvah means participating in the Jewish community by being involved in Tikkun Olam activities and celebrating holidays. Scribe Deadline IN ORDER TO INSURE PUBLICATION, all materials for the Scribe must be submitted to the office in Microsoft Word format (either on disk with one hard copy or as an e-mail attachment to scribe@shirshalom.org) by the 25th of the month preceding the month preceding publication. Dates to Remember FRIDAY EVENING SHABBAT SERVICES Kabbalat Shabbat Meditation Services, through August 19, at 6:30pm Shabbat Services, beginning August 26, at 7:30pm SATURDAY MORNING SHABBAT SERVICES 9:00am, through August 6 Beginning August 13, at 10:30am SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN SERVICES 10:00am TISH WITH THE RABBIS Saturday Mornings at 9:30am FAST OF TISHA B’AV Beginning Saturday, August 13 at Sunset FOOD, FUN & FIREWORKS Monday, August 15 at 7:00pm CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC Friday, August 26 at 6:00pm (Please RSVP by 5:00pm the preceding Wednesday.) SERVICE UNDER THE STARS Installation of the Board of Directors Friday, August 26 at 7:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PLAY AND STAY Thursdays, July 7 through August 11 10:00-11:30am at The Corners RSVP to Marsha Mitnick (248-406-4255 or marsha@shirshalom.org) BIM BOM BABY SHABBAT Friday, July 15, 10:00-11:30am at Meer Apartments Friday, August 19, 10:00-11:30am at Hechtman Apartments RSVP to Marsha Mitnick (248-406-4255 or marsha@shirshalom.org) DETROIT MACC-A-BABY Sunday, August 21 at 11:30am-1:00pm at The Corners RSVP to Marsha Mitnick (248-406-4255 or marsha@shirshalom.org) ATTITUDINAL HEALING Tuesdays at 6:30pm (no meeting 7/5) BOOK CLUB Tuesdays, July 5 and August 2 at 7:00pm FIRST DAY OF SHORESH Sunday, September 11 9:00am Tuesday, August 23 at 7:00pm Tuesday, September 27 at 7:00pm Saturday, September 24 at 9:30pm BROTHERHOOD HIGH HOLY DAYS 5777 Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30pm AA, ALANON SELICHOT SERVICE Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday, October 2 at Sunset Yom Kippur begins Tuesday, October 11 at Sunset Wednesdays at 8:00pm The office will be closed: Monday, July 4, for Independence Day Monday, September 5 for Labor Day Mentschenings MAZEL TOV Temple Shir Shalom wishes mazel tov to this year’s 33 graduates of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning of Metro Detroit. The Melton School, a project of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and sponsored locally by Federation’s Alliance for Jewish Education and the Jewish Community Center, is an innovative program in adult Jewish learning that explores Jewish ethics, history, values, traditions and current trends and dilemmas facing today’s Jewish community. Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning Temple Shir Shalom 2016 Graduates: Regina Colton Pamela Kornfeld Mara Moss Josi Ryke Richard Scheck Temple Shir Shalom will be hosting the Melton School beginning in September. To register for the upcoming Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning program in the fall, or for more information, call the Melton office at 248-205-2557 or email melton@jfmd.org. Mazel Tov to Isaac Mintz, son of Michelle and Eric Mintz, grandson of Gail and Sid Mintz and Myra and Dennis Potocsky, on his graduation from Hillel Hebrew Day School on June 8 with two major honors: the Tennis Team “Mentsch Award” and “The William Schumer Award For Excellence In Hebrew Language and Judaic Studies.” Isaac was also selected to play ice hockey for the Detroit Maccabi Team in Stamford, Connecticut, this August. Share your Naches! Please call the Temple office or e-mail scribe@shirshalom.org with your good news – we can’t print it unless if we know about it. Take Note! Volunteers: Friends of Shir Shalom Thank you to just a few of our volunteers over the past two months … Sunday Morning Minyan Leaders: Steve Chadwick, Ilysa Koltonow, Flo Paterni, music by David Hearshen. Shiva Corps: Joe Firestone, David Hearshen, Flo Paterni, Geri Zacks. Temple office helpers: Edie “Boo” Klein, Ilysa Koltonow, Lisa Zeldes. Shoresh Registration Volunteers: Neal Alpiner, Virginie Perov, Tobye Stein. I Am My Brother’s Keeper: On May 26 Temple Shir Shalom again brought dinner to “I Am My Brother’s Keeper Ministry” in Detroit. The dinner was sponsored by Temple Brotherhood, a Temple Fund and a generous donation from Laurel Manor Catering and Deli in Livonia, Great Harvest Bread Co. of Commerce, Diane Jacobs, Laura and Bob Levy, and Diane Silverstein. The wonderful volunteers who came down to serve dinner were Sallyjo Levine, Dean Randall, Cathy Pollen, Steve Chadwick, Annette Pines, Mindy Herman, Joan Diamond, Noreen Goode, Marilyn Madorsky, Betsy Appleton, Diane Silverstein, Mary Krasman and Michele Colton. At 6:00pm, when we typically serve dinner, there were more volunteers than guests, by 6:30pm we had a full house of 65 individuals, including 4 children. We had more than enough food and it was so appreciated by all of our guests that we could join them for a Friday evening “Family Night”. We will be returning to I Am My Brother’s Keeper on July 28. If you would like to help contact Charlotte Milgrim at 248-669-3565 or bloodymercedes@aol.com Welcome our Newest Members Dorothy Brodie & Mitchell Abrams and family Kelly & Sam Frank and family Andrea & Brian Parel and family Tobye Stein & Neal Alpiner Lindsay & Jacob Gaberman Nicole & Jason Peltz and family Emily Goldstein Judie & Mort Plotnick Miriam Goldstein Gail & Stuart Raben and family Julie & Robert Greenfield and family Michele & Scott Rosenblum and family Joyce & Alan Kaczander and family Elisa & Jim Ross and family Yelena & Nathan Kerner and family Karen & Glenn Saltsman and family Shayna & Jeffrey Levin and family Tami & Danny Samson and family Tanja & Leo Lieberman and family Terri & Bruce Selik and family Melissa Blum & Shane Mally Stacey & Larry Shulman and family C.P. Roberts & Steven Merahn and family Wendy & Eric Slutzky and family Lori Davidson-Mertz & Steve Mertz and family Michelle & Larry Stern and family Danielle & Jacob Bass Joanne & Michael Bellet and family Avivah Bowen and family Susan Brody and family Rhonda & Morris Brown and family Kira Lesser & Tyler Carr Meredith & Jeremy Chupack and family Elyse & Robert Cohen and family Donna & Jack Costello and family Tracy & Brian Crane and family Liz & Rob DeRoven and family Lindsay & Ryan Dershem and family Renée Firestone and family Barbara Levinson & Carl Fischer Irene & Alexander Milshteyn and family Liana & Alex Spiegel and family Misty & Todd Trompeter and family Barbara Vinton and family Stacy & Brian Mingus and family Tarin & Robert Wine and family Mara & Andrew Moss and family Sheryl Wolberg Take Note! Come Celebrate Our 12th Anniversary of Food Fun and Fireworks Our FOOD FUN and FIREWORKS festival begins with an evening loaded with family fun, food tastings and games, and ends with a spectacular fireworks display! MONDAY, AUGUST 15 • 7:00pm 3999 Walnut Lake Road • West Bloomfield To tempt your palate, some of the area’s most popular restaurants will be on hand to help us celebrate. Get more BANG for your Buck! THROW BACK PRICING! $20 per adult • $10 per child (5-12) by July 15TH After July 15th: $25 per adult/$30 at the door $12 per child/$18 at the door Buy your tickets online! Visit our website at www.shirshalom.org Interested in sponsorship? Email us at FFF@shirshalom.org TEMPLE SHIR SHALOM FOOD FUN AND FIAUGUST REWORKS15 2016 Take Note! Take Note! The Learning Center Very Thoughtful People TZEDAKAH CIRCLE ($500 above dues) Susan & Larry Becker Geraldine & Herman Bennett Barbara & Jack Dorfman Patricia & Daniel Frank Millicent & Murray Hozman Linda & Thomas Klein Celia & George Leikin Sharon Meisel Marilyn & Joel Nosanchuk Louise Oram Marilyn & Sanford Schaefer Janet & Robert Sher Joyce & David Steinberg CHAI ($3,000 dues) VATIKIM (Senior dues plus) Paula Milgrom & James Barnett Wendy & Lloyd Doigan Pam & Rob Kornfeld Margo & Robert Lesser Scott Mazius Emily & Michael Reich Kate & Rick Smith Nancy & Neil Sosin Patti & Bruce Stein Terry & Jeffrey Wilner Marjorie & Steve Ziff Margi Bayer Maxine & Bob Carson Mandy & Joel Fisher Sara & Michael Frank Pola & Howard Friedman Barbara & Donald Janower Jackie & Larry Kraft Muriel & Bernard Moray Alice Brody & Ronald Ross Barbara & Jerome Sitner Yan & Robert Stewart Helen & Howard Topcik DOUBLE CHAI ($4,200 dues) Fran Bell Terri & Gary Cooper June Gurwin Jody Lipton & Geoff Kretchmer Debbie & Robert Lippitt Lisa & Joshua Sherbin Adult & Children Choir Fund In memory of: MOLLY HECHLER Joel, Michelle & Wallis Hechler Art Fishman Burning Bush Fund In memory of: FRANCES DAVIS RAYMOND KUDISCH Art Fishman Cantor Penny Steyer’s Discrectionary Fund In honor of: THE MARRIAGE OF OUR DAUGHTER CARLY Ilene & Terry Alpert MURRAY SLOMOVITZ’S 80TH BIRTHDAY SEYMOUR WEINSTEIN’S 80TH BIRTHDAY Linda Epstein Cantor Penny Steyer’s Discrectionary Fund THE CAST OF “SCHLEPPING TO THE 80’S” Larry D’Ascenzo In memory of: DAVID LEDERMAN Jan Pedersen To thank: CANTOR STEYER FOR AVI’S NAMING CEREMONY Elana & Daniel Schwartz To wish: TIFFANY GREEN A WARM GET WELL Sandee & Len Mege Emily Stillman Memorial Fund In memory of: ROSE DOBRUSIN RUTH RYSHEN Dr. Joseph & Linda Dobrusin Hyman & Esther Frank Family Assistance Fund In memory of: STEVEN J. BIEGEL Laurie, Sam, Jacob, & Madison Zeidman CECELIA ESTHER FRANK DR. BENJAMIN NEWMAN Sara & Michael Frank Jessica Foner Mazius Memorial Youth Fund In memory of: CAROLE MAZIUS Scott Mazius Jim Ginn Educational Art Fund In honor of: MARISE LEVY’S SPECIAL BIRTHDAY Sally Ginn In memory of: MARVIN SUCHER Sally Ginn Very Thoughtful People Lee C. Saperstein Passover Fund Mary & Henry Raiber Memorial Fund CEIL SAPERSTEIN Barbara Saperstein LEONARD SILK Beverly & Spencer Silk SHARON HOROWITZ MARTY ROSTKER Esther & Frank Rosner In memory of: Lewis Basic Needs Fund/ I Am My Brother’s Keeper In honor of: JAN BRODY& RICHARD GAUTREAU Elaine Miller Just because: CHARLOTTE MILGRIM Brotherhood of TSS Liliann & Ely Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund In memory of: DOROTHY HAWORTH MINDY HOPKINS DAVID KESNER ANGELINE KRAMER LYNNE STRACHAN’S AUNT LAWRENCE SABBATH Susan and David Lindow Liliann & Ely Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund To wish: ALLEN LIEBERMAN A SPEEDY RECOVERY Rae Peltz Lorraine & Al Rohan Fund In memory of: NORMAN STEEL Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Steel and Family Marla Zuppke Youth Fund In honor of: PHIL ELKUS’S 90TH BIRTHDAY Eleanor & Ken Zuppke In memory of: BRUCE MARKMAN Eleanor Zuppke In memory of: Michael Nosanchuk Education Fund In memory of: MARSHALL KATZ Laurie Nosanchuk Myers/Janower Scholarship Fund In memory of: JOSEPH BOOK Donald & Barbara Janower To thank: BARRY & ROCHELLE MEYER FOR INCLUDING US AT YOUR SEDER Marlene & Steven Myers Nathan Family Youth Fund To thank: THE TEMPLE STAFF FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK FOR AVI’S BRIS Elana & Daniel Schwartz Oreffice Social Action Fund In memory of: BERNICE CAPLAN LAZEROW Ms. Daine Silverstein Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund In honor of: OUR CHILDREN’S MARRIAGE Helene & Michael Mally and Karen & Steve Blum THE BIRTH OF AVI ISAIAH SCHWARTZ Sandy & Bill Pitler In memory of: SEYMOUR S. ELLMAN Eloise Ellman MORT MARGOLIS David Margolis To thank: RABBI DANIEL SCHWARTZ Mikki, Josh & Lainie Rubin Glenn and Melissa Scher Rabbi Dannel I. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund In memory of: SYLVIA PERLMAN Zina Kramer Rabbi Michael L. Moskowitz’s Discretionary Fund In honor of: THE MARRIAGE OF JULIE RUBIN & RICK KAY DR. JOHN MARX’S ACHIEVEMENT Arlene & Tony Payson In memory of: DAVID BECK ESTELLE GERMAN ELSIE BECK NORMAN GERMAN Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Beck NOAM CARMEN Maida & Jerry Zuckerman ELIOT FRIEDMAN PEARL FRIEDMAN Sheryl & Larry Cohen SARAH FRIEDMAN Morton & Patricia Friedman HARRY EMANUEL KRETCHMER Claire Kretchmer IRVING LIPTON Natalie Lipton Schwartz MORT MARGOLIS David Margolis ROBERT MOSKOWITZ Pam & Rob Kornfeld PHIL PARKER Jackie & Gary Sikora ANNA WOHLMAN Seymour Wohlman To thank: RABBI MOSKOWITZ FOR THE PURIM SCOTCH TASTING Jay Must RABBI MICHAEL MOSKOWITZ Mikki, Josh & Lainie Rubin Glenn and Melissa Scher RABBI MOSKOWITZ FOR AVI’S NAMING CEREMONY Elana & Daniel Schwartz Very Thoughtful People Rambam Tikkun Olam Fund Suzi Romanik Print Fund Temple Shir Shalom Building Fund THE TEMPLE STAFF FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK FOR AVI’S BRIS Elana & Daniel Schwartz ANDREW FOLTYN Paul & Leah Foltyn TODD KROLL FOR BEING A MENTSCH Anonymous Temple Shir Shalom Temple Shir Shalom Library Fund LOIS JAFFIE’S ANGELA HOSPICE NATIONAL VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Seymour N. & Pearl L. Manello NORMAN GALLANT Jeri & Tim Keer To thank: Sakwa Endowment Fund In memory of: LANCE ELLIOT TAINES Rebecca & Howard Emmer Sandra & Giorgio Sonninon Fund In memory of: SANDRA SONNINO GIORGIO SONNINO Roberta E. Sonnino Schwartz-Averbuch Youth Scholarship Fund In honor of: THE BIRTH OF AVI ISAIAH SCHWARTZ The Bush Family Gail & Sid Mintz Jay, Lucie & Lila Must THE BIRTHS OF JENNA ELYSE SCHWARTZ & AVI ISAIAH SCHWARTZ Carol, Rick, Devin & Jeremy Ellis Shirlee E. Sachs Library Fund In honor of: MISCHA SACHS’ 90TH BIRTHDAY The Saperstein Family In memory of: In honor of: In memory of: ROSE BARRON Diane & Ronald Barron FAY BIRCOLL MARY COLEMAN Patricia & Herbert Bircoll CELIA MARY BURROW ROSE ELLIS Bob & Gloria Ellis ZOLTON GLANTZ Anita Fishman HARRY MUST Natalie Lankin SIDNEY PETER PATTERSON Ruth Newman SHOSHANA RIVAL Eva & Jan Rival HARRY SHAPIRO Nancy & Michael Bank HAROLD TOBIN Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Beck LIA VAYNER MICHAEL VAYNER Natalie Perov To thank: In memory of: Temple Shir Shalom Music Fund In memory of: DR. PHILIP PARKER Ida Zack & Ed Alpert Temple Shir Shalom Personnel Fund In memory of: ROBERT GURWIN STEVE GURWIN MERYL SIEGAL HICKEY Fran Bell STEVEN D. GURWIN ROBERT C. GURWIN June Gurwin Ziff Family Memorial Wall Fund In memory of: KEN DUBRINSKY JEAN CUTLER ANDREA DUBRINSKY Mark Dubrinsky MARY GOODMAN CAROL RUENKBERG NORINNE SELESKO Marjie & Steve Ziff Scribe Deadline IN ORDER TO INSURE PUBLICATION, all materials for the Scribe must be submitted to the office in Microsoft Word format (either on disk with one hard copy or as an e-mail attachment to scribe@shirshalom.org) by the 25th of the month preceding the month preceding publication. In Remembrance We Regret with Sorrow the Passing of: Bernice Caplan Lazerow Mother of Wendy (Lloyd) Doigan Edith Fershtman Mother of Robert (Linda) Fershtman Morris Eisenberg Father of Andrea Eisenberg Randy Rubin Brother of Amy Weber Ethel Lynn Mother of Laurie (Michael) Banks Craig Saperstein Son of Barbara Saperstein Brother of Beverly Jacober-Silk (Spencer Silk) Brother of Carey Gerchak (Richard Levey) Sunday, June 26, at 10:00am … Friday, July 1, at 6:30pm and Saturday, July 2, at 9:00am Abraham Adelson Sue Alexander Benjamin Banks Louis Bellet *Esther Berkowitz Seymour Bernstein *Moe Bershad Alex Blackman Harold Bloch Joel Bodzin David Buckfire *Charles Cohen Marsha Diskin *Lois Finn Alexander Freund *Abe Friedman Lewis Garfinkel Edward Glick Bobbye Goldburg Maxine Goldburg Sylvia Guggenheim Edgar Hartman *Pearl Herold Dr. Sidney J. Hillenberg Lillian Hirsch Della Hirschbein *Earl Hordes Debra Jo Jacobs *Gerald Kanarek Ilene Karson Harry Kasmer Sandra Klein Freda Kline Stuart Lenhoff *Albert H. Lentzer Marilyn Lipman Matilda Lis Lois London Timothy Lunde Morris Lurie Bernard Margolis Isadore Mege Ella Meisner Michael Alan Meyers *Marlene Miller Marsha Moore Max Nyman Maxine Ordower *Judith Owens-Stern Gladys Paletz Leslie Mark Pines Gerald Pollack William Rosen *Samuel Rosenthal Joseph Roth Rhoda Schaefer Roth *Sam Rothfeder Fira Rozenberg Phyllis Schwartz *Rose Ginsburg Sherman Istir Shumshinov *Bernard Sloan Hyman Solomon Nic Sotelo Sydney Stern Beatrice Stillman Simon Umanskiy Shirley Witus Eva Yellen Gerald Zeidman Sunday, July 3, at 10:00am … Friday, July 8, at 6:30pm and Saturday, July 9, at 9:00am Molly Alpert Norman Baril Thelma Barnett Samuel Baum Zelda Blackman Evelyn Carpenter Gerald Carrick *Charles Cohen Nathan Coleman Meyer Ellis Seymour Faber Marcy Fealk Robert Fisher Harold Ira Gach Charlotte Gertner *Lisa Lyn Glass Sophie Goldman Sidney Gorman Benjamin Greenfield Rose Growick Lawrence Gundlach *Dr. Leo H. Harris Lorraine Herschelman Seymour Louis Heyman Abe Ingber Zeesh Kanarek *Gerald Marvin Kirschner Edyth Lampcov Minnie Leshman Hyman “Hy” Levine Arthur “Art” Link Harry M. Mandell Abraham Meadow Judith Carole Mendelson Dr. William H. Michaels Marshall Miller Merrill Miller Myrtle M. Otto Miriam Pickard Philip Pondo Bob Probert *Blanche Robinson Charles Rubin Robert “Bob” Ruskin Leslie Silver Rose Silver Fanny Stockler Harold Turner Sadie Weisman * Denotes a plaque on our Ziff Family Wall of Remembrance ** Denotes a plaque in our Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden In Remembrance Sunday, July 10, at 10:00am … Friday, July 15, at 6:30pm and Saturday, July 16, at 9:00am *Dr. Moris M. Becker Raymond Becker Lena Beckerman Bertha Blackman Sidney Blackman Barbara Bockoff *Harry Bussell Edward Essar Chodoroff **Cindy “C.C.” Cowper Jacob “Jack” Diamond Harry Eichler Fanny Freedman Manuel “Manny” Goldring Estelle Goldsmith Rose Grossman Nathan Haynes Sally Hindley *Samuel Hollander *Diane Hozman James Inglis Beatrice Jacob Ted Kaczander Israel Kaplansky Lottie Koltonow Diane Krosnick Samuel Ledger *Freda Linden Louis Lis Robert Lynn Sherry Maloff Val Jo Mauro Vivian McGill Nettie Moore Edith Moss Lillian Newell DeForest “Arnolde” Piper Ruth Rich Dr. Herschel Rubin Paul David Rubinstein Bernice Shulman *Michael Lee Stockler *Martin Craig Weinstein Sandra Weston Irving Wohlman Tim Wright Benjamin Zager *Henry Zicholtz Shirley Lucow Zickerman Joseph Zumberg Sunday, July 17, at 10:00am … Friday, July 22, at 6:30pm and Saturday, July 23, at 9:00am Myron “Mike” Aaron Matthew Bittker Rose Blau Edward Blum James Thomas Bush Suzanne Bégin Julie Cahill *Sydney Chisik *Mary Evelyn Cohen *Samuel Cohen *Sam Fishman Manny Foner Arline Foster Martin Fried Tillie Gardner Eleanor L. Gawlik Jean Gold Margaret Guralnick *Stephen R. Hoff Audree Horwitz Jeffrey Jacob Tauber Hyke *Max Keane *Larry Allen Klegman Irving Kleiff Suzanne “Sue” Knight Henry Bernard Lewis Jeanne Maxwell Samuel L. Moss *Sheila Naster *Max Nosanchuk Jess Ogusky Ray Pevos Elvin Pollack Eugenia Popescul *Betty Rosenblatt Bertha Rosenfeld Lillian Rosinger Rose Rozanoff Betty Salesin Ernestine Schott Marion Schwartz *Anita Silberman Theodore Silverman *Cary Simon Art Sklar *Steven Lewis Slomovitz *Milton D. Smith Dianne Stahl Shirley Lewis Steinberg Arthur Stern Lena Stockser Bernard Uronovitz Rabbi Sherwin Wine Louis Zucker Morris Zucker Sunday, July 24, at 10:00am … Friday, July 29, at 6:30pm and Saturday, July 30, at 9:00am William Alexander Bernice Barill Rita Bronstein Sol Brown Lori Haber Buckfire Rose Cecchini Florence Cohen Marsha Cohen *Melba Cohen Larey Dresner Sheila Dubin Marcy Fealk Karen Flam **Benson Ford, Sr. Jeanne Garbeil Babs Arlene Geller Shirley Goldman Ahuva Graham Hermine Gruber Herbert Guggenheim Gail Henson Merle Hoffman Alan Jacobs Rose Jacobs David Katz *Ely J. Katz Louis Katzer Frances Noble Klein Myrtle Krickstein Brian Lenhoff Adolph Harry Levy Becky Weinstein Lichtenfeld Bertha Lowy Jack Malamud Susan Ilene Michael Adela Mirkin Albert “Herbie” Mitnick Anna Morof Dr. Howard Neff Marie Elizabeth Nemeth William John Nemeth, Sr. Cantor Norman Rose Dr. Herbert Rosenthal Murray Rudner Amelia Sabolo Howard M. Schudson Benjamin Shepard Bertha Shook Ethel Shumer Dorothy Sokoloff *Werner E. Stark Sam Stockler Kal Jerrud Sweet Roslyn E. Zuckerman Sign up for Daily Funeral Service email The Detroit News and Free Press have cut daily delivery to three times a week, but you can sign up to receive daily email each day updating current and new services in our community. Visit www.irakaufman.com, www.thedorfmanchapel.com, or www.hebrewmemorial.org to sign up today. In Remembrance Sunday, July 31, at 10:00am … Friday, August 5, at 6:30pm and Saturday, August 6, at 9:00am Edith Albion Esther Allan Jerry Altschul Eugene “Gene” Arden Howard Berkowitz Cantor Samuel Berman Al Binder Rose Blatnikoff Harry Bockoff *Dr. Leonard Crane John Dangovian Cantor Stephen Dubov Mel Durbin Abe Eisenberg Lawrence Eisenberg Richard Elconin Gary Elias Esther Finkelstein Harvey Gallison Rochelle Goldman Jerry Hanrahan Scott Hozman Mary Inglis Seymour Jaffie Benjamin Janower Nakhshum Kerimov Sheila Kirsch Herman Koltonow Mark Leider Adolph Harry Levy David Lurie Susan Meskin Allen Michaels *Max Mindlin Harry Mirkin Muriel Morse Hyman Pudavick *Shirley “Sherry” Robbins Florence Robert Henrietta Schwartz Mary Schwartz Max Schwartz Elliott Shepard Merrill S. Siegrist Shirley Sitner Sol Slomovitz Dorothy Statfeld Hannah Steel Sam Sweet *Joseph Taitelbaum Julius Taitelbaum Irene Walt Meyer Weinstein Stanley Wigodski *Becky Yourofsky Sunday, August 7, at 10:00am … Friday, August 12, at 6:30pm and Saturday, August 13, at 10:30am Norman Appleton *Madeline Barkin *George Barr Julius Bronstein *Howard Camden Meyer Cohen Bessie Cohen-Gilman Diane Colton Kenneth Davidson Alvin Delidow Rose Elkind Herman Feigenson Lois Fine *Mac R. Fisher **Edith McNaughton Ford *Rose Schwartz Foster Harold Friedman *Rose Gayer Lee Genser Manuel Gold Zola Gold Bertha Goldman *Jason Goode *Solomon Gray Edward Greenfield Morris Hirsch *Ina Kadish Irving Kaplan Kurt Kent Inez Kepes *Joyce Kolb Benjamin “Ben” Konstantin Doris Lapin Elsie Lindow Betty Eisenman Lynn Rose Mankoff *Irwin “Burt” Meisel Juliet Meldrum Harvey Yhezkel Meyer Harold Munter *Sylvia Nathan Sheila Fay Oberndorf Michael Phillips Edythe Raskin *Dr. Charles Joseph Reich Tojve Rival *George Rosenberg Janet Rosenberg Rose Stein Ross Jean Ryke Richard J. Schaefer Joel Schulman Charles Shwedel Dora Silverfarb Hilda Silverman Alan Small *Dr. Abraham Barnette Solomon Harry Techner Morris Weiss *Joseph John Wilber Ben Yellen Sunday, August 14, at 10:00am … Friday, August 19, at 6:30pm and Saturday, August 20, at 10:30am Morris Aaron Simon Alpert Holly Jayne Barnett Mary Bas Rabbi Eric Bram Abraham Brasch Ellanore “Elle” Bronstein Robert Raphael Citron John Conatser Ronald Disner Rose Disner Goldie Dunn Carol Falk Freda Fisher Sheldon Fishman Bessie Friedman Ilene Joseph Jean Kalisky *Sydelle Markson Katzer Rose Korn June Koscielny Beatrice Levine Ben Levine Walter Lindow *Israel Lopatin *Mary Meyers *Diane Serota Mintz Seymour Mirkes Clara Niss Esther Olen Stephen Paull Loretta Raskin *Sarah Reich *Samuel “Sam” Robbins Dorothy Roer Melvin Rosen Sid Rosenberg *Mary Rosenthal Irving Schumer Eleonore Schwartz Louis Seidman Ida Sher Ilene “Torchy” Silverman *Morton Silverman Issadore Snider Arlene Spero *Shaaron Rae Varon Nancy Ann Victor Ernest Wenk *Anne Loewy Williams Guy S. Wiseman Teddy Zicholtz * Denotes a plaque on our Ziff Family Wall of Remembrance ** Denotes a plaque in our Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden In Remembrance Sunday, August 21, at 10:00am … Friday, August 26, at 7:30pm and Saturday, August 27, at 10:30am Carol Adler Sally Alexander Jack Alpert Morris Bas Milton “Mickey” Bates *Eugene I. Bendersky *Robert Blank *Shirley Lichtenfeld Chapel Sol Cohen Joseph Deutch Fanny “Faye” Diskin Dr. Harvey Elford *Irving “Izzy” Emmer Albert Epstein *Jeanne G. Fishman Steven Scott Frager Xenia Friedenberg Bernard Gayer Betty Goldman-Brown Trinette Grandstaff *Irene J. Grey Alex Gross Eric Grossman Steven Guralnick Morris Howard *Donald R. Jacobson Robert Joseph John Keer Irving Kingston Harold Kravin Leon Landsberg Jack Levin *Lillian R. Levine Phil Linder Jack Malamud Patricia Mather Gerald Meltzer *Sylvia Nathan Jacob Nosanchuk Barbara Maier Nulf Minnie Pole *Reba Rashti **Dr. Charles Joseph Reich Sylvia Rosenberg *Leslie Carol Rosenblatt June Rothfeder *Shirlee Sachs Beatrice Salem *Mortimer Schwartz Jack Seedman Louis Seidman Burton Selik Renee Tushman Herbert Wasserman Katie Wasserman Lena Wasserman Bernard Zipser Diane Zuppke August 28, at 10:00am … Friday, September 2, at 7:30pm and Saturday, September 3, at 10:30am *Michael Aronovitz Sylvia Beresh *Ruth Berkowitz Harry Block Dr. Jason Bodzin Joseph Burke *Heleta Chernack Rose Dubrinsky Dr. Bernard Ducoff *Jacob Emmer Leonard Hannan Gaba Harmon Gallant Ben Gelman Jennie Gross Sharon Joy Hoffman-Fiander John Hole Rosemary Holiday Florence Howard Earl G. Kaplan Carol Kaufman Shirley Litinsky *Esther Meisel Celia Kohn Michaels Jacob Moray Rebecca Leikin Mullen Jean Newling Olga Poloz Rachel Putterman Leah Simka Raykhinshteyn Fannie Reizman Roslyn Rock Helen Rom Stanley Rontal Samuel Rosenberg Helen Rosenthal Esther Roth Millie Roth Yetta Savage Morris Schaefer Melvin Scher Robert Schlaff Jason Eric Schwartz Bruce Seid Don Sharfman Liliya “Lily” Sharova Bonia Shur *Eleanor Mozen Silver *Rose Silverstein Lester Singer Joseph Taylor Samuel Toby *Eva Goldberg Weinstein Mildred Williams Donald Wohlman Herman Yarrows Ruth Yarrows A loss within our community is a loss no matter where it occurs, and we wish to extend our support and sympathy during this difficult time. Many of our members have asked to be informed about a death in our congregational family in a more timely fashion than the bimonthly publication in our Scribe. To sign up for e-mail notifications of Shir Shalom family funerals sent directly to your inbox: • E-mail scribe@shirshalom.org with “Subscribe Death Notice” in the subject line, • Text FUNERAL to 22828, or • Scan the QR code here What’s on My Mind? From the President: Joshua Sherbin How do you think of time passing? Some think in terms of calendar years (whether Gregorian or Jewish), some forever think in terms of school years (as in the year ends in June when I still should be going away to camp for at least 4 weeks), some ponder the completion of each fiscal year (which happens to be the end of June at Temple) and others have perfected the art of losing track of time. For me, as I have already let slip, the year ends with the completion of another school year. Instead of me heading off to camp for a memorable summer, it was replaced long ago by our kids doing the same. Many years of Jewish summer camp experience for each of our three kids appears to be as powerful for them as it was for me in nurturing Jewish values and identity. So, back to the passage of time. As my first year as Temple president concludes on June 30, I am grateful for the support over the past year of our rabbis, staff, my fellow board members – and each of you. Now, I’m looking forward to what year two will bring. Temple Shir Shalom 3999 Walnut Lake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48323 Phone: 248-737-8700 Fax: 248-737-8862 www.shirshalom.org Shoresh 2075 Walnut Lake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48323 Phone: 248-406-4255 Rabbis: Dannel I. Schwartz, Michael L. Moskowitz, Daniel A. Schwartz Cantor: Penny Steyer Executive Director: Andre Douville Director of Early Childhood Learning Center: Marsha Mitnick SHORESH Principal: Sarah Allyn Scribe Staff Fran Bell, Lenie Bershad, Audrey Bloomberg, Amy Douville, Andre Douville, Sid Jacobs, Melanie Pohl, Marla Worthing We’ll start the year with addition of three new Board members (as I write this, I know the final vote tally is still to be counted, but I’m pretty confident) who bring extraordinary skills and enthusiasm as trustees: Barry Levine, Michelle Bayer and Eric Tilds. If joining the Temple Board at some point in the future tempts you, I’d love to talk to you about it. Last Edition’s Stuffers Brian Fiander, Sid Garbeil, Ronna Gordon, Jill Newling, Cathy Yourofsky We’ll also start the year with a brand new parking lot. While July will be inconvenient and dusty, the payback will be safety and convenience that we’ll enjoy for the next 20 years or so. Officers of the Congregation President: Josh Sherbin Vice President: Fran Bell Vice President: Keith Lublin Vice President: Scott Mazius Vice President: Allison Parr Two of my favorite Temple activities are also front loaded at the start of our new Temple year – summer meditation services and Food Fun & Fireworks. Friday night services outside with a lighter touch by Rabbis Mike and Daniel is a great way to celebrate Shabbat and unwind at the end of a long week. Then, on August 15, we host our 12th Food Fun & Fireworks - a great evening that welcomes all ages in the community to Temple and nobody goes home hungry. A heartfelt thanks to Katie Brown for chairing this event. If you are interested in helping make Food Fun & Fireworks a success, please contact our Temple executive director, Andre Douville, at andre@shirshalom.org. So once the fun of summer starts to wane, what’s next in my second year? Soon, we will kick off our new hardcover prayer book beautifully illustrated by Temple member Lori Blume. By Chanukah 2016, expect the new prayer book to be in your hands and look for opportunities this year to support Temple through dedication of a prayer book. In response to your survey feedback and thanks to an enthusiastic founding group, look for the Women of Shir Shalom to come together during my second year. What would you like to see happen at Temple over the next 12 months? Let me know at joshuasherbintss@gmail.com. Trustees Terri Cooper, Shari Dobrusin, Tracie Engel, Howard Goldman, Joel Hechler, Jonathan Jones, Eric Krause, Richard Mandell, Howard Morof, Lyle Wolberg, Rabbi Michael Moskowitz Immediate Past President Lloyd Doigan
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