October 2014 - Temple Shir Tikva
OCTOBER 2014 | TISHRI-CHESHVAN 5775 David ז״ל W TST Mitzvah Day Sunday, October 26, 9 a.m. by Rabbi Neal Gold Mark your calendars for this year's Mitzvah Day, which is not to be missed! e’ve reached the sheloshim for David Passer, our former Executive Director and dear friend to so many in the Shir Tikva community. At this season of the Days of Awe, his absence from our sanctuary will feel particularly acute, even while the signs of his presence are all around us—you don’t have to look hard to see them. I miss him terribly, and I know that so many others do as well. David’s funeral on September 2 at Temple Israel was pitch-perfect and the ideal of what a Jewish funeral should be. Framed by tradition and Jewish texts, he was eulogized with love that was heartfelt, honest, and poignant without being the least bit maudlin: just like David himself. David’s husband, Marc Maxwell, spoke about his soul mate with tenderness and dignity and his eulogy was funny and teary in all the right places. In addition to David’s beloved family, there were members of many different communities present: Temple Shir Tikva of course; Temple Israel, where David and Marc were married and were pioneers for LGBT inclusion; the Keshet Community; The Rashi School; members of Boston’s LGBT alliances; and a good number of rabbis. (David grew up in Cincinnati and was intimately connected with Hebrew Union College, whose national headquarters is located there. Thus there is a generation of Reform rabbis whom David got to know well during his formative years.) When Marc and the Temple Israel rabbis shared vignettes about David’s life, everyone in the room learned at least one new story about our friend. He was that multi-faceted and touched that many people’s lives. I was also thinking a lot about that beautiful Shabbat that we hosted at Shir Tikva last December, when our community honored David on the occasion of his retirement. We celebrated all the ways he blessed us, with music, tributes and some special gifts. That evening, we announced the creation of the Annual David Passer Lecture in Social Justice at Shir Tikva. It was one of the few ways in which I genuinely was able to surprise him that evening, and I know he was deeply moved by such a gift from us. In the ensuing months, many have made gifts to that special fund, an enduring legacy—our thanks, as always, to all those who support our work so enthusiastically. (continued on page 4) www.shirtikva.org T his year, Mitzvah Day will start at 9 a.m. with a brief Temple-wide kickoff before everyone engages in hands-on projects. Every child in the religious school will be participating in Mitzvah Day with his/her grade or with family. Exciting new projects this year include the Brain Tumor Society 5K Walk and the Habitat for Humanity Build Day. We will again have a temple-wide collection for Cradles to Crayons — any new or in good condition clothing (ages 0-16), shoes and toys will be accepted. Stay tuned for other collections of Mitzvah Day items. Register today at http://www.shirtikva. org/mitzvahday2014. For questions or further information, contact Danyel Rodgers at drodgers @chestnut hillrealSorting clothing donated for Cradles to Crayons at last year’s ty.com. Mitzvah Day. In This Issue… Shabbat & Holiday Services……………………………….2 Education………………………………………………...6-7 AISH……………………………………………………….8 Family Connections………………………………………..9 Gathering……...……….…..……………………………...10 Tikkun Olam………………………………………………11 In Our Community………………………………….…….13 Donations ……………………………………………..14-15 In Our Congregation…..………………………………….16 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-9992 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 Shabbat and Holiday Services October and November Shabbat Lech Lecha Saturday, November 1 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service Bat Mitzvah Yom Kippur Friday, October 3, Kol Nidre Saturday, October 4, Yom Kippur Sukkot Thursday, October 9 10:00 a.m. Yom Tov Service Shabbat Sukkot Friday, October 10 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service and Festive Sukkot Oneg Shabbat Vayera Scholar in Residence Weekend Friday, November 7 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service with ALEX CICELSKY Saturday, October 11 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Saturday, November 8 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study with ALEX CICELSKY 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Shemini Atzeret- Simchat Torah Thursday, October 16 10:00 a.m. Yom Tov Service with Yizkor 6:30 p.m. Simchat Torah Festivities Shabbat Chayei Sarah Friday, November 14 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Bereshit Friday, October 17 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, November 15 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Mishpacha Family Education Grades 3-6 Saturday, October 18 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Mishpacha Family Education, Grades K-2 Shabbat Toldot Friday, November 21 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Noach Friday, October 24 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, November 22 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Saturday, October 25 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service Bat Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Vayetzei Friday, November 28 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Lech Lecha Friday, October 31 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, November 29 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study From Our Rabbis and Cantor We are eager to share in your times of joy and support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform an administrative staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz Cantor Hollis Schachner, Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus Page 2 Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 Hineni We Warmly Invite You To Experience Our Inspiring And Uplifting “You shall rejoice in your festival” (Deuteronomy 16:14–15) Holiday Morning Services at Shir Tikva Sukkot at Shir Tikva is for everyone! Thursday, October 9, 10 a.m. SUKKOT Yom Tov Shacharit Service Thursday, October 16, 10 a.m. SHEMINI ATZERET Yom Tov Shacharit Service With Yizkor in memory of departed loved ones Friday, October 10, 6:15 p.m. S imchat T orah Thursday, October 16, 6:30 p.m. Bring your family, bring your friends, and experience the joy of Sukkot with your Shir Tikva community Our music-filled Simchat Shabbat service will be followed by A Bountiful Holiday Buffet UNDER THE STARS Finding Yartzeit Plaques at Shir Tikva It’s a time for celebration . . . as we complete our yearly cycle of Torah reading and begin anew with the very first words of B’reishit A time for rejoicing . . . as we dance with our splendidly dressed Torah scrolls to the lively music of the New England Klezmer Conservatory Band And a time for chocolate . . . Temple Shir Tikva maintains a fully searchable database showing, by column and row, the precise location of every yartzeit plaque in the sanctuary. Each plaque is to remain in its designated location. Yartzeit plaques may not be moved for any reason without the family’s permission. To learn the location of a loved one’s yartzeit plaque, call Karen Edwards in the Temple office. Help make our famous Chocolate Oneg a big success by sharing your favorite chocolate dessert! Sign up online to bring a special chocolate treat: www.signupgenius.com/go/5080548AFAB2AA02-simchat Temple Shir Tikva Page 3 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 Executive Director Notes… by Susan Altman It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes a difference in the world. --Pirke Avot, 1:17 Thank You to Volunteers! It gives me such pleasure to dedicate this month’s column to the volunteers of TST. There is such a strong network of volunteer support here that I never feel alone and always know that help is just a phone call away. I cannot even begin to list all of the ways in which our congregants volunteer their time, because not only would I miss something, the list would go on for pages. What I can say is that I am awed and humbled by all of you who make Temple Shir Tikva a priority; who make Shir Tikva tick. My colleagues join me in thanking you, the volunteers of Temple Shir Tikva, for all you do for our community. THANK YOU High Holy Day Food Drive Packing Day Sunday, October 5, 9 am Join us for Packing Day, Sunday, October 5, 9 .a.m. Help assemble boxes, sort food and pack into boxes. All ages welcome -- extra hands will be appreciated! Contact Debbie or Michael Pullen at 978--440-9429 or at dmpullenfamily@yahoo.com to volunteer or with any questions. Food donations will benefit the Boston Medical Center’s Preventive Food Pantry and Metrowest Harvest. Page 4 September Board of Trustees’ Meeting Summary In an effort to improve communications and to provide congregants with more information about governance at Temple Shir Tikva, the following is a summary of the monthly Board of Trustees meeting: Lee-Ann Yolin shared a d’var torah that focused on the teachings of Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community. President’s Welcome: Julie Kniznik reminded Board of Trustees’ members that they are ambassadors of temple life and asked that everyone reach out to others at the temple. Director of Youth Engagement: Rabbi Gubitz introduced Rachael Pass, who has joined Shir Tikva as its new Director of Youth Engagement. There is now programming for teens every day except Tuesday in the areas of leadership, learning, social justice and social events. Rabbi Gold’s Welcome and Report: Rabbi Gold shared his excitement about Susan Altman and Rachael Pass joining Shir Tikva’s staff. He also welcomed new Board of Trustees’ members. He remembered David Passer and discussed his ongoing presence in our community. He also discussed the 50-day war that took place in Israel and Gaza this summer. He did not expect to travel to Israel this summer, but felt he needed to go, and expressed pride for other members who went to Israel during this time. He thanked Rabbi Gubitz, Bev Klau, Rhonda Magier-Cohen, Rachael Pass and the religious school faculty for their hard work in preparing for the arrival of Hebrew School students,. Executive Director’s Report: Susan Altman said she, too, misses David Passer, whom she had known for many years, and, in reporting on the many facility-related projects that have taken place over the past few months (including new carpets, paint and work to the exterior), said that installation of the new doors in Social Hall A (a project David very much wanted done) began the day David passed away. Susan also met with the Wayland Chief of Police and the director of the ADL regarding security. Our building is secure. Treasurer’s Report & Budgeting Overview: Jeff Maimon thanked Larry Whitman for his work over the past years. Jeff reviewed the budget and noted there had been an increase in abatements and write-offs over the last year, resulting in net billings being down approximately $35k. Jeff reported that all income categories were down from FY13 to FY14 but that Shir Tikva ended the year with a small surplus from recovered insurance proceeds. Expenses were slightly under budget for the year. Preliminary results for July show that the current year seems to be within budget, IT Report & Proposal: Mike Cohn shared a proposal requesting funds for a new video system. The current system does not work consistently therefore the temple has not been able to provide recordings to b’nai mitzvah families as intended. The IT Committee identified a company that could place a camera in the sanctuary and create both video and livestream recordings plus allow uploads from other cameras. Mike provided information about three service plans with varied pricing and different levels of capability. The Board discussed the various possibilities including engaging congregants who are unable to attend services in person and attracting people who are not yet temple members, as well as concerns, such as those relating to privacy. A vote on the proposal wias postponed until the next Board meeting. Worship: Lee-Ann Yolin requested volunteers for various opportunities, including Giver of the Goblet, to contribute to the Shir Tikva community. Leadership Development: Phil Benjamin and Trudy Sonis provided an orientation to Shir Tikva’s organizational structure and stressed that it is critical when planning that everyone thinks carefully about with whom they can partner and identifies their stakeholders so they can collaborate appropriately. They also reminded everyone about the upcoming Board Installation Shabbat and the 4th Annual Leadership Kallah. Shiva Prayer Books: Matt Langweber pointed out that the shiva book the temple uses is no longer in print. The Ritual Committee has been engaged in a project to create Shir Tikva’s own shiva book. A motion for approval for up to $5k from a restricted fund to print approximately 200 books passed unanimously. Chazon & Annual Fund Report: Susan Benjamin noted that we are in Chazon’s third year. Last year, working groups made recommendations, some of which were funded through restricted funds. This year, the plan is to target specific areas where the temple can do additional fundraising to implement recommendations. The Physical Space is being transitioned to the Building Improvement Committee which will work closely with Facilities and do feasibility studies before making recommendations. Congregational Engagement needs co-chairs to work on member in-reach efforts. Susan Garfield and Michael Schreiber are the new Annual Fund Co-Chairs. Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 David ז״ל by Rabbi Neal Gold (continued from page 1) This past summer, I asked David and Marc to help me select the inaugural speaker in this series. We each had respective lists of appropriate speakers, in truth one person was our unanimous choice: Idit Klein, Executive Director of Keshet since since 2001. Keshet is the Boston-based organization that has made the case for LGBT inclusion in Jewish life everywhere, and under Idit’s leadership, it has become a nationally renowned voice of justice, Jewish values, and inclusion for all people, all values that made David so beloved and effective in his role. Idit will be our first David Passer speaker on Sunday, November 23, at 9 a.m. It should be (yet another) powerful and meaningful morning for our community, where the bonds that draw us to one another are drawn ever closer. I know it will be quite a tribute to our friend, who culminated his career by working to make Shir Tikva a truly sacred Jewish community. Zecher Tzaddik Livracha: The memory of this truly righteous guy is an enduring blessing to all of us. Ruchi G’viati— My Soul, My Body Sunday, October 5, 9:30-11 a.m. Join us for “Ruchi G’viati--My Soul, My Body”, our Jewish Mind-Body Spirituality experience. Together we will learn timeless strategies drawn from Jewish tradition for caring for your mind, body, and soul. This dynamic series of workshops is based on music, contemplative meditation, Torah study, psychological thought, and gentle Yoga. Hineni President’s Message A by Julie Kniznik s we experience the change in the seasons and we take stock of our lives during the past year, we begin to think about what we want to do differently in the year ahead. How have we grown – or not - as individuals? As parents or spouses; as children or siblings; as members of our communities; as friends? As Jews? What do we want to continue to do? What do we want to change? Now is the time to return to our core values and commit to becoming the people we want to become. Whatever the challenge, this community offers many avenues for personal and spiritual growth. And no one has to do this work in isolation. If you haven’t been to a Friday night Shabbat service for awhile, come experience the music. Other opportunities to connect include participating in Mitzvah Day; attending a Saturday morning Torah Study; enjoying a Reyim (empty nesters) dinner; volunteering to help out with Family Promise; learning with our scholar –in-residence; and too many others to name here. If you’re not sure who to contact, call the office for more information. This year, I suggest we each commit to exploring at least one new pathway toward fulfillment. There are so many options to choose from – try to find yours, and if it doesn’t fit, look for another….and another. You’ll be so glad you did. Welcome to Our Rabbinic Intern Joseph Gindi O ur rabbinic intern, Joseph Gindi, is a rabbinical student at Hebrew College. He has over 10 years of experience working with grade school, high school and university students and adults in both classrooms and informal educational settings. Joseph hails from the Syrian Jewish community of Deal, NJ. He has Masters Degrees in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University and in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina, where he wrote his master’s thesis on the use of classical texts in the Jewish environmental movement. He has studied at The Pardes Institute, Mechon Hadar, and the Jewish Theological Seminary. He’s excited to bring his passion for social justice and heart-centered Judaism to the Shir Tikva community. This year, our rabbinic intern will be teaching in our AISH high school/youth leadership program. He’ll also be teaching regularly on Friday evenings at Shabbat services and, once a month, he’ll be leading our Shabbat morning minyan and Torah class. He’ll be mentored by Rabbi Gold and periodically will be involved in life cycle events in our community as well. Please join us in welcoming this very special Torah teacher to Temple Shir Tikva! Wednesday and Saturday Morning Torah Study Wear comfortable clothing Come prepared to remove your shoes Bring a yoga mat (mats will be provided Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz and Cantor Hollis Schachner Facilitated by Cantor Hollis Schachner, Dr. Randy Kamen Gredinger, and Holly Friedman Glick, LICSW, RYT Wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 a.m., Saturdays following 8:30 Shacharit service We gather on Wednesday and Saturday mornings for friendship, community, and the study of the great books of the Jewish people (both ancient and contemporary). The Saturday group studies the weekly Torah portion. Rabbi Gold teaches the Saturday group while all three teach on Wednesdays. The conversation is insightful and fun! The groups are open, inviting and everyone is welcome to join us. for those need them) Bring friends, old and new Bring frayed nerves in need of healing Bring open minds and hearts, eager to learn, share and sing. Temple Shir Tikva Page 5 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 jepig Education Registration for all Religious School programs is online at www.familyid.com/Temple-Shir-Tikva. If you have questions about a program, please contact Devora Rohr, Education Office Administrator, at drohr@shirtikva.org or (508)358-9992, ext. 211. Sababa (Cool) Sundays Start October 5 Sundays are always an exciting day at Shir Tikva. This year we’re piloting something new to make Sundays even cooler: Sababa Sundays. In Israel, Sababa means cool! Upon arrival at 9 a.m., parents and children in grades 2 through 6 will go directly to the sanctuary for tefillah, community prayer. Experience the beauty of communal prayer and singing led Rabbi Gubitz and Cantor Schachner, with special appearances by Shirei Yeladim, our youth choir. After tefillah, students in grades 2- 5 go to their classrooms for Hebrew and Grade 6 students will meet in their Rosh Hodesh and Shevet Achim groups. At 10:15 a.m., students in grades 3 through 5 have exciting chuggim (electives). Chuggim include Yoga shalOM, Hula Hooping as a Way to Pray, Israeli dancing, and more! Our goal for Sababa Sunday chuggim is to increase cultural fluency; provide different entry points of learning by addressing multiple intelligences (i.e. musical, active, visual, art, interpersonal); to build community; and to have FUN! From 11 a.m. – noon, we will offer two opt-in programs with a light lunch: K-2 Fun & Games and Ulpan: Conversational Hebrew (grades 3-6). Sign up on Family Id is required by Wednesday, October 2. The cost is $15 per session. Other Sababa Sunday dates include: Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, and May 3 Saturday, October 18 Shabbat Mishpacha Education For Grade 2 Families Shabbat Morning Prayer & Learning, 9 - 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Mishpacha is a joyful Shabbat service designed especially for the families of our religious school. We will gather to pray together, teach each other Torah, and experience parallel learning for adults and children. (Attendance is part of Family Education and it is our expectation that you will participate as a family.) Our learning will focus on Torah Godly Play - an innovative and play-based interactive story designed to engage the deep sense of wonder and spirituality within children. Siblings are welcome. Page 6 Family Education Kindergarten – Shema Program Sunday, October 5, 9 – 11 a.m. The Shema Program is a perennial favorite! After joining the upper grades for tefillah (community prayer) in the sanctuary, parents and students will study together with Cantor Schachner and Rhonda Magier-Cohen, about the concept God Is One; discuss how to speak with children about God and how to make bedtime a Jewish moment. Children, working with their parents, will make Shema pillowcases and study the Shema prayer. Mark your calendar for November 8 at 5 p.m. Potluck Havdalah Temple Shir Tikva Religious School families come together to share a potluck dinner and celebrate Havdalah (literally, “separation,” the ceremony that concludes Shabbat or Yom Tov). Alex Cicelsky, our scholar in residence from Kibbutz Lotan in Israel, will join us for our Potluck Havdalah to facilitate family programming focused on the environment. This evening promises to be a night of learning, spirituality, and fun for the whole family! The sign-up genius will be emailed to parents by the School Committee. Parent Coffee Talk Sunday, October 19, 9 a.m. Coffee Talk: Without YOU, neither Coffee nor Talk. Kids shouldn't get to have all the fun at Religious School! 9 a.m. Conversation led by Rabbi Gold: What does peace mean and is it possible? 10 a.m. School Committee meeting Coffee's on us! Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 Hineni jepig Education Why I Sent My Children to Religious School in Kindergarten by Heather Meterparel Both my boys attended preschool at the JCC Wayland (at Shir Tikva) because my husband and I both felt it was important to give them a great foundation for Jewish learning. It was important to us to keep that momentum going, and enrollment in religious school that next fall supported that. Also, kindergarten feels like a child's official start of formal schooling, so why wouldn't their formal Jewish education begin at that point too? Ben's enrollment as a kindergartener coincided with our decision to become members of Temple Shir Tikva and enrolling him in religious school felt natural as we worked to become part of the TST community. But, the biggest part of our decision stems from the fact that I'm from a different faith background (not Jewish) and I knew that I needed support to help my sons feel rooted in their Jewish faith. Religious school has been the most important part of that effort. Starting them as 5-year-olds was perfect - they received more formal age-appropriate instruction on Jewish beliefs and traditions, and it actually helped me to learn along with them at a very basic level! Unique Opportunity to Strengthen Children’s Jewish Identity Research and experience have proved that children are more fully connected to their heritage when they have spent summer days at a camp with a positive and rich Jewish ambience. For over fifty years the Reform movement’s Camp Eisner and Crane Lake in the Berkshires has been offering our young people a leisure camp experience that “lives and breathes” Jewish values and community. On the weekend of October 17-19 there will be a special opportunity for young people entering the 2 nd through 5th grades to taste the Eisner and Crane Lake experience at a Weekend for New and Prospective Campers. A temple family has come forward to cover the entire cost of this opportunity as a way of encouraging participation. Please contact Rabbi Jen Gubitz for details. In addition, a limited number of partial scholarships to Eisner and Crane Lake will be available for summer 2015. Rabbi Gubitz can provide full details and an enthusiastic report about the camp. Thank You for Tzedakah! Heather, Jon, Ben and Nick Meterparel. Temple Shir Tikva Thank you to all of our families who contributed tzedakah during the first week of Religious School. As a community we collected 85 granola bars and 166 juice boxes for Jewish Family Services of Metrowest and over $300 for toys to be purchased in Israel and distributed to children in both Sderot and Gaza. Page 7 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 jepig AISH: Shir Tikva Center for Youth Leadership Registration for all AISH programs is online at www.familyid.com/Temple-Shir-Tikva. If you have questions about a program, contact Devora Rohr, Education Office Administrator, at drohr@shirtikva.org or (508)358-9992, ext. 211. AISH Tikkun Olam Opportunity for Sukkot Pizza — In the Hut! Wednesday, October 8, 6 - 8 p.m. To celebrate the first night of Sukkot, in place of regularly scheduled classes, AISH will participate in a wonderful Tikkun Olam program in the Sukkah at Shir Tikva. We will be making Birthdays-in-a-Box for Birthday Wishes, an organization that provides birthday parties for children in homeless shelters. For more information, contact Rachael Pass at rpass@shirtikva.org. Mitzvah Day Sunday, October 26, 9 a.m. It’s a whole day of Mitzvahs! Stay tuned for information about projects geared especially toward teens. AISH Havdalah Social Program Saturday, November 8, 7:30 p.m. Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to join TST’s Scholar-in-Residence, Alex Cicelsky, for Havdalah and more. For Parents Of Teens AISH Parenting Salon Facilitated by Dr. Max Klau Powered by You Wednesday, October 22, 6 - 8 p.m. Connect monthly with other parents of teens in a gathering designed to explore the blessings and challenges of parenting. This will NOT be a lecture or training experience, in which participants passively receive knowledge or skills from an “expert.” Rather, it will be a space for reflection and discussion in which parents can explore parenting challenges with fellow congregants in a space devoted to learning (not to problem solving). Dr. Max Klau is the vice president of Leadership Development at City Year, Inc., a national service program headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. His efforts focus on leveraging a challenging year of full-time citizen service as a transformational leadership development experience. Max received his doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2005; his studies focused on civic leadership education. To learn more, talk with facilitator, Dr. Max Klau, Shir Tikva congregant and chair of our AISH committee, on two conference call options: 11 - 11:30 a.m. on Tues, Oct. 7 or 1 - 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 17 The call in number is 605-475-6720. PW: 695866 Our first gathering will be October 22. (Please note the date change from previously published date of October 1). Other dates include November 12, December 3, January 7, March 11, April 1 and May 6 Page 8 Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! is an experiential education program for middle school and high school aged girls that uses Jewish teachings and practices to give girls a place to feel safe, articulate their deepest concerns, consider the impact of gender on their daily lives, have fun, and be ‘real’ with their peers. Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood is an experiential education program that helps teen boys explore two primary questions: “What does it mean to be a man?” and “What does it mean to be a mensch?” Teen boys tell us that that the experience offers them a more “honest,” “relevant,” and “cool” way to participate in the Jewish community. Groups for grades 8 through 12 will meet on Sundays, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 1, March 1, Apr. 12 and May 3. Grade 7 groups will meet on alternating Sundays (11:15 a.m. – 1 p.m.) and Wednesdays (6 - 8 p.m. during AISH Learning) on Oct. 5, Nov. 12, Dec. 7, Jan. 7, Feb. 1, March 11, Apr. 12, and May 20. Though the full cost of this program is $400 per participant, we are able to offer it at a subsidized rate of $150. This will include all supplies and programs throughout the year. Register at: www.familyid.com/temple-shir-tikva DO YOU BABYSIT? Members of our Shir Tikva community are always looking for fun, responsible, creative babysitters. If you want to add your name to our babysitting list, send your name, age/grade, address, email address, cell phone number, preferred method of communication (email, text or phone), transportation requirements and any additional notes about you to Rabbi Jen Gubitz by Facebook message. Your details and contact information will be made available to the Shir Tikva Family Connections Facebook group, which can only be viewed by members. Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 Hineni Family Connections Family Connections experiences are designed for families with children ages 0-7. Interfaith families, nonmembers, older siblings, grandparents and caregivers are always welcome. Bring a friend! Shabbat Yeladim First Shabbat of Every Month, 9:30 a.m. October 4, November 1, December 6, January 3, February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2 and June 6 Ganeinu Educates Families Back by popular demand, Ganeinu is a pre-kindergarten family educational program designed for ages 3.9 to 5-year-olds and their parents to learn together. With Rabbi Gubitz, Bev Klau and Early Childhood Educator Steve Shimshak, we will learn through music, hands on activities, stories, texts and meaningful conversations. Our goal is for families to acquire practical skills that will allow them to incorporate their classroom education into meaningful family traditions and experiences in the home. Registration for each semester is $36 per child for members and $54 per child for non-members. To register, go to www.familyid.com/Temple-Shir-Tikva or for more information, contact Rabbi Gubitz at jgubitz@shirtikva.org. Fall Session, 9-11 a.m. October 19 & 26, November 2, 9, 16 & 23 Spring Session, 9-11 a.m. March 1, 8, 15, 23 & 30 Join us in the sanctuary for a joyful Shabbat service with Cantor Schachner and Rabbi Gubitz. We'll sing, dance, play, and learn together - as we celebrate a most special guest - the Torah! After we gather for Kiddush, Motzi, and bagels, Ali Butter and Rabbi Gubitz will lead us in interactive and creative projects, stories, and games. Get a sneak peak at the exciting Torah Play stories - play-based interactive stories designed to engage the innate wonder and spirituality in all people. Past favorites include Ari the Magician, the Tikkun Olam Hop-a-thon, a Chocolate Seder and Israeli dancing. Beneath the Surface: A Program for Bat Mitzvah Girls and Their Mothers This program adds choice, empowerment, and experiential learning to the process of becoming Bat Mitzvah, so that the ritual becomes a point of entry into Jewish life rather than an exit. Mothers and their pre-teen daughters have very different, although at times overlapping, needs. In The Invisible Web, Marianne Walters writes, “[The young-adult daughter and adult mother] … are both in the process of restructuring a relationship, not ‘splitting’ from it; and in restructuring their relationship they will need to find ways to acknowledge their sameness in order to be comfortable with their differences” (Walters, 1988, p. 49). Beneath the Surface enhances the Bat Mitzvah experience, providing a nurturing and safe context in which mothers and daughters may engage with each other. It complements what in America has become a largely communal celebration with opportunities for intimate, private, creative expression. Although the fall 2014 session is fully subscribed, you may place your name on a waiting list or pre-register for the March/April 2015. Send an email to lisab@mayyim hayyim.org. This program is intended as a pre-bat mitzvah experience. Preference is given to families who are within 6-7 months of their bat mitzvah date. Non-Jewish mothers raising Jewish daughters are warmly welcomed, as are single moms, those in samesex relationships and all Jewish denominations. orientation, volunteers are provided with food packing instructions (there is an onsite food pantry) and driving assignments. VolunTemple Shir Tikva’s first “Family Table” distribution day for teers then check out and deliver groceries to the assigned recipient the upcoming school year will be Sunday, November 2. On this families. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Rich day, we will provide Jewish Family & Children’s Services Friedman at rich@friedmanpartners.com, as these slots typically go (JF&CS) Family Table with 5-10 volunteers to pack and deliver fast. groceries to families in need. This is a great family activity! Volunteers arrive at JF&CS (in Waltham) at 11:15/11:30 a.m. after JF&CS Family Table was established in 1993 as a unified response to the rising number of needy Jewish families in Metro West. It is a coaliHebrew School (you may arrive earlier if necessary). After a brief Family Table Distribution Day tion of Jewish communal organizations, synagogues and day schools. Temple Shir Tikva Page 9 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 dlidw Gathering Sisterhood Brotherhood To learn more about the Sisterhood, participate in any existing programs, or help us envision and plan new ones – contact the Sisterhood at tstsisterhood@shirtikva.org. To learn more about the Brotherhood, participate in any existing programs, or help us envision and plan new ones – contact the Brotherhood at tstbrotherhood@shirtikva.org. Book Club to Discuss Rich Boy Sukkah Takedown and Breakfast Thursday, October 30, 7 p.m. Sunday, October 19, 8:30 a.m. Join Sisterhood for a discussion of Rich Boy by Sharon Pomerantz. Wine and dessert will be served. "Robert Vishniak is the favored son of Oxford Circle, a working-class Jewish neighborhood in 1970s Philadelphia. Handsome and clever, Robert glides into the cloistered universities of New England, where scions of unimaginable wealth and influence stand shoulder to shoulder with scholarship paupers like himself who wash dishes for book money. The doors that open there lead Robert to the highest circles of Manhattan society during the heart of the Reagan boom where everything Robert has learned about women, through seduction and heartbreak, pays off. For a brief moment, he has it all — but the world in which he finds himself is not the world from which he comes, and a chance encounter with a beautiful girl from the old neighborhood and the forgotten life she reawakens, threatens to unravel his carefully constructed new identity." The brotherhood is looking for volunteers to help take down the Sukkah. We will start around 8:30 and are usually done by 10. when we will get together and have breakfast and socialize. Knitsvah Meets Weekly in the Atrium Sundays, 9 -11 a.m. Love to knit or always wanted to try it? Join us Sunday mornings in the Atrium. This year, in addition to the healing shawls we have made in the past, we will be making blankets and knitted animals for the children who will be staying at Temple Shir Tikva as part of the Family Promise. Help Plan This Year's Women's Kallah! Have you ever wondered where the ideas for the Kallah workshops come from? These ideas come from you. Whether you have enjoyed the Kallah in years past or just been curious about what it's all about, we're looking for your input. Come join us as we begin planning for this year's Women's Kallah set for Sunday, March 15, at 4 p.m. Drop the kids at Religious School and join us Sunday, October 19 from 9 - 11 a.m.. The Kallah at our synagogue provides time and space for adult women of our modern Jewish community to nourish our bodies and souls as we explore our traditions to gain fresh perspectives on our lives. If you have any questions, contact Jae Rosenstein or Jen Cobe, Sisterhood co-chairs, at jaet13@hotmail.com or jcobe@hotmail.com. Page 10 Brotherhood Social/Game Night Thursday, October 23, 7:30 p.m. Join us for this great opportunity to get to know other men from the temple in a fun, casual setting, watching a football game on a large screen and eating some snacks. Getting to know others in the temple will help the temple feel more like a home. For those interested we will also be playing poker, but you are not required to play. So, whether you are a new member or an old timer, young or old, come on out and join us. Brotherhood Steering Committee The Temple Shir Tikva Brotherhood is organizing a steering committee. This committee will help build a Brotherhood that has something for everyone. If you are interested in being part of the steering committee, email the Brotherhood at tstbrotherhood@shirtikva.org or call one of the brotherhood co-chairs, Peter Abend at 978-443-7819 or Mitch Corton at 508-620-9674. Reyim Goes to the Theatre Sunday, November 16, 3 p.m. Join Reyim for a performance of Bad Jews at the SpeakEasy Stage, 539 Tremont Street, Boston. We are holding a limited block of seats at the discounted rate of $50. We must confirm the number of tickets by November 2. Bad Jews is the story of two cousins waging war over a coveted family heirloom in this biting comedy about religion and culture. Though a comedy, Bad Jews seriously explores issues of religion, cultural history, and personal identity. Following the performance there will be a discussion of the play. Go to http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/149264/what-is-a -bad-jew-new-play-asks for additional details. Reserve your tickets now at www.shirtikva.org/theatre. For more information contact Joan Lappin at jglappin@yahoo. com/781-647-0122 or Beth Volk at missbeth47@aol.com / 508-479-1906. Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 Hineni Tikkun Olam Family Promise Metrowest Partners with Shir Tikva A Community Response to Families Who Are Homeless Family Promise Metrowest is a cooperative interfaith partnership offering hope to homeless families with children through safe transitional shelter, meals and supportive case management as they seek permanent housing. The heart of Family Promise Metrowest includes 47 member congregations: 18 hosts who provide overnight shelter and 29 support congregations who assist with meals and volunteers. All host congregations are within one-half hour of FPM Day Center. Temple Shir Tikva is pleased to become a host congregation for Family Promise in 2015. The dates include the weeks of January 4, January 11 and May 31. The success of each host depends on the efforts and enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers who perform the variety of tasks necessary to provide a safe and comfortable temporary home for their guests. Volunteers express their hospitality by interacting with guests, treating guest families with dignity and respect and showing genuine concern for their wellbeing. Each week, the TST congregation needs about 30-50 volunteers to prepare meals, serve as evening and overnight hosts, coordinate activities, organize supplies and assist guests as needed. Volunteers come from our congregation and nearby support congregations including Or Atid and the Boston Islamic Center. Although most hosts are adults, youth can participate as well, particularly with arranging activities for young children and helping older children with schoolwork. Please contact Cindy Lombardo at cindy.lombardo@comcast.net for more information and to sign up to help support this important partnership. We need everyone’s help. Family Table Needs Fish, Pasta and Canned Fruit Temple Shir Tikva continues to collect food throughout the year for Jewish individuals and families who cannot afford the basic necessities. Food will be distributed through JF&CS’s Family Table. TST has been assigned tuna fish, pasta (whole grain varieties, if possible) and canned fruit to support this program. Bring items (marked Kosher or Pareve) weekly to the Family Table receptacle outside the Temple office. Temple Shir Tikva KESHER Provides Spiritual, Emotional Support TST Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. The September coordinator is Joan Kalafatas. She can be reached at either jkalafatas@comcast.net or 508358-7897. If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, call the temple office, the Rabbis or Cantor or the coordinator. Page 11 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 Making Deserts Bloom: A Weekend of Discovery & Exploration for Adults, Teens & Kids Alex Cicelsky Kibbutz Lotan, Israel Center for Creative Ecology/ Global Ecovillage Network Temple Shir Tikva Friday - Sunday, November 7 - 9 ALEX CICELSKY is a remarkable teacher of Jewish ecological traditions. He is a senior staff member and founder of the Center for Creative Ecology (CfCE) and a founder of Kibbutz Lotan. Founded in 1983 by graduates of the Reform Youth Movement of America, Kibbutz Lotan is an extraordinary place: one of Israel’s two Reform kibbutzim. Located in the Southern Arava desert, their community’s mission is to live Jewishly, equitably and in an environmentally sustainable way. In addition to their environmental research work and the innovative practices they have put into place, their CfCE runs a myriad of educational programs for post high school, college and post graduate students. They also run programs for American, Israeli and international youth groups and international (including Palestinian) visitors of all ages who come to experience the community and learn firsthand about the kibbutz's sustainable building techniques, recycling, organic farming, water recycling and waste management, permaculture and philosophy of ecovillage living. A native of New York State, he studied international agriculture at Cornell University's School of Agriculture and Life Sciences and graduated. He holds graduate degrees from Hebrew University and Ben Gurion University's Department of Desert Architecture and Urban Planning / Institutes for Desert Research, where he researched the development of energy efficient building for extreme climates in conjunction with the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. Alex’s teaching throughout the weekend will be an invigorating and eye-opening exploration of the Torah of the Earth for adults & kids alike. Join us! Page 12 TST Book Discussion: Bee Season Monday, October 20, 7:30 p.m. J udy Huizenga, MD, a psychoanalyst and child psychiatrist will moderate a discussion on Bee Season by Myla Goldberg. Bee Season is about the brilliant Jewish Naumann family with an ‘ordinary’ daughter. Eliza Naumann, the 11-year-old ‘ordinary’ daughter unexpectedly becomes the winner of her school and district spelling bees. Her victory causes a shift in family relationships and chaos ensues. Saul is a cantor and caring father who had invested heavily in the success of his brilliant son, Aaron. His emphasis shifts to Eliza. Aaron must then deal with a rival to his father’s attention. Miriam is a successful lawyer and distant mother who becomes even more unanchored and more involved in her secret life. The author, Myla Goldberg, sensitively examines this unraveling Naumann family. She portrays the price of success and failure within the family, sibling rivalry, the role of parents in their children’s lives and eventual spiritual quest by each family member. Are the values and conflicts of this Jewish family representative of American Jews? Do family members address the needs and wishes of others? From the book’s jacket: “The outcome of this tale is as startling and unconventional as her prose, which wields its metaphors sharply and rings with maturity.” Join us for a discussion of Bee Season and the important family issues that occur in the novel. Snacks will be provided. Book discussions continue Monday evenings, December 15 and March 16. Daniele Bick, M.D., psychiatrist, will moderate. For adult education, questions or book suggestions, call Chuck Huizenga at 781266-7658. Temple Shir Tikva October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 Hineni In Our Community MetroWest Jewish Day School Fall Open Houses Monday, October 13, 10 a.m. Wednesday, October 22, 7 p.m. 8000 Great Meadow Road Dedham, MA 02026 (617) 969-4444 300 Pleasant Street, Framingham Prospective families are invited to attend one of MetroWest Jewish Day School’s Fall Open Houses. Meet teachers and parents, visit classrooms, and check out the new playground. MWJDS is a pluralistic Jewish community offering individualized instruction by experienced teachers. The program is multi -lingual and includes Hebrew and Spanish instruction in all grades. Financial aid, after-school programming and transportation options are available. Contact Beth Null to RSVP or for more information at 508-620-5554 or beth.null@ mwjds.org. Coming Soon: MetroWest Maccabees The Rashi School Information Session Imagine your child at The Rashi School, The Boston Area Reform Jewish K-8 Independent School Sunday, October 26, 10:30 - Noon RSVP to admissions@rashi.org or (781) 355-7317 Curious Minds at The Rashi School Starting in November For preschoolers and their grownups… MetroWest Maccabees is a monthly Sunday morning program for families with children between the ages of 4 and 6 years old. Activities will include math, science, art, music and Hebrew and will be led by MWJDS teachers. MetroWest Maccabees activities are always FREE. For more information, contact Beth Null at 508-620-5554 or beth.null@mwjds.org. Construction: What Can YOU Build? Tuesday, October 28, 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. MWJDS B’Nei Mitzvah Gala Celebration Visit our Temple website: www.shirtikva.org Sunday, December 14, 5 p.m. The date has been set for the gala event of the season. MWJDS will hold its annual Winter Lights Gala on Sunday, December 14, at Temple Reyim, where Dr. Daniel Margolis and Francine Ferarro Rothkopf will be honored for their contributions to Jewish Education and MetroWest Jewish Day School. Esteemed community member and long time board member Donald Bloch will receive the Keter Shem Tov Award. Join us for a wonderful evening of celebration, dinner and dancing. For tickets or sponsorship information, contact Solomon Rosenberg at solomon.rosenberg@mwjds.org or call 508-6205554. Member Directory Temple Calendar Upcoming Events Announcements Rabbi Gold’s Blog Hineni and Vats Nu Looking for a Meaningful Volunteer Experience? Jeff’s Place, a community-based, family-focused program, provides FREE volunteer facilitated support groups and services to children and teens, ages preschool through high school, and their caregivers who are coping with a meaningful death loss. Jeff’s Place welcomes families in all their diverse forms, and of all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic strata. Our support groups are 100% free, though all donations are gratefully accepted. We are proud and truly appreciative of our partnership with Temple Shir Tikva in Wayland, who generously provides us with a much needed home for our support groups. Jeff’s Place is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization. To discuss upcoming training, contact melissa@Jeffsplacemetrowest.org or call 508-879-2800. Temple Shir Tikva Page 13 October 2014 Tishri–Cheshvan 5775 New Members We are delighted to welcome our New Members as of September 15. Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 5098-358-9992 Jeremy and Danielle Meade Amelia, Addison Wayland Julie Kniznik, President president@shirtikva.org Neal D. Gold, Rabbi rabbigold@shirtikva.org Jennifer Gubitz, Assistant Rabbi rabbigubitz@shirtikva.org Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus hermanblumberg@gmail.com Hollis Schachner, Cantor cantor@shirtikva.org Susan Malman Altman, Executive Director saltman@shirtikva.org Beverly Klau, Religious School Principal bklau@shirtikva.org Rhonda Magier-Cohen Curriculum and Family Education Director rmagier-cohen@shirtikva.org Rachael Pass, Director of Youth Engagement rpass@shirtikva.org Karen Edwards, Asst. to the Rabbis & Cantor kedwards@shirtikva.org Toni Spitzer, Office Administrator tspitzer@shirtikva.org Devora Rohr, Education Administrator drohr@shirtikva.org Lucy Dube, Bookkeeper bookkeeper@shirtikva.org Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor hinenied@shirtikva.org 339-222-2454 Joan Blair, Website Editor blair.joan@gmail.com 508-358-4024 JCC Early Learning Center of Wayland 508-358-5331 Jonathan and Lily Sonis Jamaica Plain Thomas and Maura Feldman Charles, Daniel Wayland Scott and Risa Burgess Max, Brooke Wayland Office Hours School Office Temple Office . Monday…………………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday…………………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday…………………9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday…………………...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday………………………9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday……………………..8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed Office Closings: Friday, Oct. 3, Erev Yom Kippur, 2 p.m. closing; Wednesday, October 8, Erev Sukkot, 2 p.m. closing; Thursday, October 9, Sukkot, office closed; Monday, October 13, Columbus Day, office closed; Wednesday, October 15, Erev Shemini Atzeret, 2 p.m. closing; Thursday, October 16, Shemini Atzeret, office closed. November Hineni Deadline Friday, October 3 Deadlines for Hineni are the first Friday of each month at noon. Articles and photos may be sent by email to hinenied@shirtikva.org or mailed to the temple office. Email or call Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at 339-222-2454 with questions or comments. Page 14 Temple Shir Tikva
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