September 2012 - Temple Shir Tikva
September 2012 - Temple Shir Tikva
Temple Shir Tikva ippd September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 When G-d called to Abraham, he responded, “Hineni, Here I am.” A Time of Preparation for the Year 5773 By Rabbi Neal Gold M ost of us, I think, know at our core that the Days of Awe are times pregnant with power and meaning. It really is an extraordinary thing when compared to the secular new year, a time of frivolity and shallowness, that Rosh HaShanah instead marks a season of Return: return to the selves that we wanted to be, that we know we can be. So most of us enter the sanctuary at this time of year with a sense that the season at least can be holy. Sometimes our prayers are fulfilled. Some years we leave disappointed by the Days of Awe. (And please – has anyone else had enough of “High Holidays?” It’s a phrase that’s found nowhere in our classical literature, and strikes me as sterile and pompous.) If we are left cold by Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur – and I think we’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives – there are probably various reasons for it. Sometimes the cause is the rabbi, or the music, or our neighbors, or uncomfortable shoes, or the prayerbook, or too much or too little air conditioning. On the other hand, sometimes the cause is insufficient preparation for a day that is, potentially, full of strenuous spiritual effort. Just as physical exertion demands stretching and warmup, failure to prepare for spiritual exertion can result in a soul-charley horse: namely, spiritual boredom. How to prepare? The Sages call for a time of sifting through the categories of one’s life, examining the conditions of our relationships: with people we love, with people we come into contact with daily, with people who have had an impact on whom each of us has become. What is the quality of those relationships? Is each relationship as whole, as healthy and as tended-to as I want it to be? Have I mistreated, neglected, or abused the relationship? What can I do to start repairing it? And my own self? Is this the direction that I wanted my life to take? If not, how can I go about the work of reorienting my life’s path in the months ahead? One extraordinary idea that the Days of Awe are predicated upon is the notion that there are many aspects of our lives that are indeed in our power to control and to change (the other aspects we turn back over to G-d’s hands). And for those who are simply flustered at the prospect of beginning, there is a powerful formula: “If I have hurt you in any way, either by accident or on purpose, I am truly sorry.” I would start by saying those words to you. Really. If I have hurt you in any way, either by accident or on purpose, I am truly sorry. Please forgive me. I can’t wait for the year we have in store together. One other tool for preparation: rediscovering, continually, the spiritual wisdom of our people. Here are some fundamental ideas to keep in mind as we prepare to share this season together: Elbert Hubbard, in Gates of Forgiveness: We are not punished for our sins, but by them. Abraham Joshua Heschel: When I was young, I admired clever people. As I grew old, I came to admire kind people. Martin Buber: It is written: “Depart from evil, and do good” (Psalm 34:15). That is, turn wholly from evil, do not brood about it, and do good. You have done wrong? Then balance it by doing right. And most crucially, this fundamental principle of Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav: If you believe you can damage, then believe you can repair. L’shana tova tikateivu: May we be inscribed only for goodness in the New Year 5773, together. High Holy Days 5773 Erev Rosh HaShanah Sunday, September 16 Ma’ariv Service…………………...8 p.m. Rosh HaShanah - 1st Day Monday, September 17 Family Shacharit Service………8:30 a.m. Late Shacharit Service………..11:30 a.m. Tashlich ………………………..2:15 p.m. Children’s Service………………...3 p.m. Rosh HaShanah - 2nd Day Tuesday, September 18 Shacharit Service………...……...10 a.m. Erev Yom Kippur Tuesday, September 25 Family Kol Nidre Service……..6:30 p.m. Late Kol Nidre Service ………..8:45 p.m. Yom Kippur Wednesday, September 26 Family Shacharit Service……...8:30 a.m. Late Shacharit Service………..11:30 a.m. Children’s Service……………..2:30 p.m. Interim Program (Sanctuary)………3:15 p.m. Personal Meditation ……………...3:15 p.m. Mincha Service ………………..4:45 p.m. Yizkor (approx.).………………5:30 p.m. Neilah (approx.)..………………….6 p.m. Havdallah (approx.).…………...6:40 p.m. Break-the-Fast (approx.).……...6:50 p.m. Inside This Issue… Shabbat & Holiday Services……….2 Education…………………………..6 Adult Learning Opportunities……...7 Tikkun Olam……………………….9 Gathering……………….……..10-11 Shir Tikva Library………………...12 Donations……………………...13-15 New Members…………………….15 In Our Congregation…..………….16 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-9992 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Shabbat and Holiday Services September 2012 October 2012 Shabbat KiTavo Friday, September 7 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Sukkot Monday, October 1 10:00 am Yom Tov Service Saturday, September 8 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30 am Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service DELANEY GEFFEN, daughter of Lewis Geffen and Margot Geffen, Bat Mitzvah 8:00 pm Selichot Program Shabbat Nitzavim Friday, September 14 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 15 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service MAXWELL LIVINGSTON, son of Richard and Ellen Livingston, Bar Mitzvah Rosh HaShanah Sunday, September 16 Erev Rosh HaShanah Monday, September 17 Rosh HaShanah Tuesday, September 18 Rosh HaShanah Day 2 Shabbat Vayelech Friday, September 21 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 22 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service ABIGAIL GOLDBERG, daughter of Ali Goldberg, Bat Mitzvah DANIEL HOENIG, son of Stephen and Melanie Hoenig, Bar Mitzvah Yom Kippur Tuesday, September 25 Kol Nidre Wednesday, September 26 Yom Kippur Shabbat Ha’azinu Friday, September 28 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 29 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service DYLAN VOLMAN, son of Joseph and Dana Volman, Bar Mitzvah Page 2 Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot Friday, October 5 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service and Sukkot Celebration Saturday, October 6 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Yeladim 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service BILLIE ROSE BRANDNER, daughter of Christopher and Susan Brandner, Bat Mitzvah 8:00 pm Selichot Program Shemini Atzeret- Simchat Torah Monday, October 8 10:00 am Yom Tov Service with Yizkor 6:30 pm Simchat Torah Celebration Shabbat Bereshit Friday, October 12 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, October 13 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30 am Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study Shabbat Noach Friday, October 19 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat and Family Friday Night Service Saturday, October 20 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service HALLE SINGER, daughter of Charles and Jan Singer, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Lech-Lecha Friday, October 26 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, October 27 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service LARSEN HENKEN, daughter of David and Melissa Henken, Bat Mitzvah Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 You and your family are warmly invited to join us for our spiritually uplifting Holiday Morning Services at Shir Tikva Hineni S imchat T orah is for everyone! MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 6:30 p.m. Monday, October 1, 10:00 a.m. SUKKOT Yom Tov Shacharit Service Monday, October 8, 10:00 a.m. SHEMINI ATZERET Yom Tov Shacharit Service WITH YIZKOR It’s a time for celebration . . . Shir Tikva High Holy Days Ushers Needed as we complete our yearly cycle of Torah reading and begin anew with the very first words of B’reishit A time for rejoicing . . . as we dance with our splendidly dressed Torah scrolls to the lively music of the New England Klezmer Conservatory Band And a time for chocolate . . . Help make our famous CHOCOLATE ONEG a big success by sharing your favorite chocolate dessert! Every year during each of the High Holy Days services, a dedicated crew of volunteers acts as ushers. We help seat worshipers, hand out books, keep order and work in that very visible background to help services go smoothly. Many ushers have been helping for a lot of years and have formed the backbone of our group. Over the years, we have welcomed new ushers and have seen some retire. Many of us are “empty nesters” and some have young school age children. We really need some new ushers. We are an equal opportunity group -- men and women ages 16 and up may volunteer. We even have a few members as young as 13 who help us when they accompany their usher parent. Some ushers work multiple services and some work just one. Some prefer helping when their family is seated in the congregation and others prefer helping when their families are not at services. The choice is always yours. What you get is a dedicated seat (prime seating where you want), a beautiful boutonniere and appreciation from congregants and everyone who helps make these services work. If you are interested in joining us, contact Alan Kivnik at 508-877-6151 or email Temple Shir Tikva Sign up online to bring a special chocolate treat: KESHER Provides Spiritual, Emotional Support TST Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. For September, the coordinator is Marcia Rosenberg. Contact her at marcia654 or by phone at 508-276-1070. If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, contact the Temple office, the Rabbis or Cantor, or the monthly coordinator. Page 3 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Highlights from the June 4 Annual Meeting of the Congregation By Scott Machanic, Recording Secretary resident Phil of Benjamin welcomed congregants to the Temple’s 34th Annual Meeting. Rabbi Gold reflected on the difficult year just passed, including the budget woes that lead to restructuring our education program, the departures of Rachel Kest and Samantha Nidenberg and the illness of David Passer. He thanked volunteers who stepped up in the absence of both David and Cantor Schachner. He also thanked Phil Benjamin for his dedicated leadership efforts. Despite the trying times, our Jewish life is robust within the congregation, including life cycle celebrations and sadness, Torah study and performance of Mitzvot. Cantor Schachner returns from her sabbatical shortly; Laurie Weinstein has filled in admirably, and she and her family are moving to Johns Creek, Georgia. We have successfully completed our search for our next assistant Rabbi. Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz comes aboard, as we sadly say farewell to Rabbi Greg Litcofsky and wish him well with his new congregation. Rabbi Gold thanked Brian Levey and Jenny Schrieber and all the members of the search committee for their efforts. Among the tasks ahead noted by the Rabbi, development and sustainability were at the head of the list and he acknowledged and thanked Laurene Sperling and Susan Benjamin for leading those efforts. As we reach our 36th anniversary as a congregation, part of those efforts will be articulating our vision for the next 36 years. That work will be called Chazon, meaning “vision.” We will look internally and seek to re-engage all our members, and outwardly to the unaffiliated in our area. We will also focus on engaging the youth in our community at every age. We recently celebrated the B’nai Mitzvah of grandsons of founding members of our congregation, one of many milestones framed by the upcoming Bar Mitzvah calendar, including the Bar Mitzvah of Rabbi Herman Blumberg’s grandson and the Bar Mitzvah of Rabbi Gold’s son, Avi. We should share the nachas of those celebrations as a community and reflect on what we have built. Phil Benjamin reiterated many of Rabbi Gold’s remarks, reflecting on the difficulties and accomplishments of the past year. He thanked the leaders who are stepping down from their positions, including, but not limited to, Susan Benjamin, Martin Gredinger, Mark Susser, Wendy Mishara, Jill Katz, Jen Cobe, Amy Portnoy, Meryl Kukura, Michael Pullen, Peter Abend, Jill Abend, Elaine Winer, and Abe Wons. He also thanked the website committee for their efforts, including Joan Blair, Jon Sieber, Peggi Cohen and Barbara Gold, along with the IT Committee, including Mike Cohn, Gene Berkowitz and Richard Kaye. He said good bye to Rachel Kest, Samantha Nidenberg, Linda Goldbaum and Laurie Weinstein, and he welcomed Cantor Schachner back. We will miss Rabbi Litcofsky as he becomes Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El of Livingston, New P Page 4 Jersey. We look forward eagerly to working with Rabbi Gubitz. He thanked Brian Levey and Jenny Schreiber for their efforts to bring aboard our new assistant rabbi. Phil spoke of the difficult financial decisions which faced the Temple and the hard work put in by its leaders to deal with those issues. He praised the efforts of the Youth Engagement Task Force and its new fiveyear plan, and highlighted the creation of a Membership Task Force which is reviewing membership categories and dues structure and examining ways to ensure engagement across all of our membership. Phil noted he is pleased to be passing the gavel to Brian Levey as incoming President. Phil also thanked other team members including Toni Spitzer, Karen Edwards, Linda Goldbaum, Mike Buianowski, Julio Machado, David Passer, Cantor Schachner, Rabbi Litcofsky, Rabbi Gold. He also thanked his wife, Mindy Milberg. Mark Susser presented the proposed budget for FY 20122013, which was both balanced and without increase in dues and fees. Professional salaries comprise over 50% of our budget; about 2/3 represents personnel costs. The new budget reflects a decrease of $ 125,000 in professional salaries. Abatements were noted to run approximately 20% of budgeted dues and fees, while national averages are around 30%.Our abatement policy is being reexamined in the coming year. We had a financial review by outside accountants completed this year, which reported that we are properly utilizing accounting procedures acceptable for nonprofit entities. The congregation unanimously approved the dues and fees as proposed and the proposed budget was similarly unanimously approved. The slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee was approved including Brian Levey, president; Larry Whitman, vice president of Finance and treasurer; Karen Langweber, vice president of Gathering; and Karen Miller, vice president of Tikkun Olam. Mark Susser will become assistant treasurer. At–large Board members will include Amanda Glynn, Jeff Maimon, Rochelle Nemrow, and Roy Lurie (for twoyear terms) and Danyel Rodgers (for a one-year term). Phil Benjamin was presented with a print by Joel Moskovitz, a local artist, with the blessing recited before studying Torah. Brian Levey’s remarks focused on our efforts to continue to move from being a “functional” congregation which caters to “consumer” members to a “visionary” congregation, as we move toward our second 36 years. Brian thanked and recognized clergy and the professional team for their efforts. He set out three key foci for moving forward, including development, membership and education. He again thanked Susan Benjamin and Laurene Sperling as Development Co-Chairs and looked forward to the appointment of the Chazon Committee of visioners. Brian also highlighted the new Annual Fund Committee and he thanked Karen Langweber and Roy Lurie for agreeing to co-chair the new Membership Task Force. Deena Bloomstone has already created a school staffing plan for the coming year. Our educational programs and structure are being re-examined. A new human resources program is being rolled out, to include job descriptions, goal-setting, evaluations and reviews. Brian said he looks forward to the challenges that lie ahead. Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Hineni 508-358-9992 Temple Shir Tikva Page 5 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 jepig Education Welcome to Religious School and Youth Community 5773 • For Grades 3-6, our first day is Wednesday, September 12, 3:45 – 5:45 p.m. As students arrive, they go directly to the Sanctuary. • Our first Sunday for Kindergarten through Grade 6 is September 16, 9-11 a.m. • Youth Community for Grades 7-12 begins September 12, 6 - 8 p.m. and includes dinner. TST Religious School “Meet the Teacher” Sunday, September 30, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Meet Your Child’s Teacher For Girls Entering Grade 6 Learn About the School Curriculum Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing Understand The Goals and Expectations of Your Child’s Class Come learn about the program at a getget-acquainted session For Girls Entering Grades 77-12 Sunday, September 23 4 -6 p.m. at the Temple Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing continuing with This initial program is geared for daughters & parents to learn about the program. All subsequent meetings are for girls only. First Meeting of the Year: Sunday, September 23, 4 -6 p.m. at the Temple Your group leader will be in touch with you soon with more information. Religious School and Youth Community Calendar Sunday, September 9 – • Full Day Faculty Professional Development, 9 a.m-4 p.m. Wednesday, September 12 – • First day of Religious School for Grades 3-6, 3:45-5:45 p.m.. • First evening of Youth Community: dinner at 6 p.m.; program continues until 8 p.m. Sunday, September 23 – • Congregational Back to Shul BBQ: 11 a.m. • Grades 7-8 apple picking outing: 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. • First Rosh Hodesh meeting of the year: 4-6 TST Sunday, September 30 – • Meet the Teacher: 11 a.m.- noon Sunday, September 16 – • First Sunday of Religious School for Kindergarten - Grade 6, 9-11a.m. Page 6 Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Hineni Adult Education Shabbat Morning Torah Study Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, Cantor Hollis Schachner Every Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Every Shabbat morning at TST a group of spirited students gathers to study the weekly Torah portion. The conversation is always insightful and fun as we explore our ancient texts and mine them for contemporary meaning. The group is open and inviting and everyone is always welcome to join us. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, Cantor Hollis Schachner Second Saturday of every month, 9:30 a.m. Beginning September 8, 9:15 a.m. Our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their families join together as a learning community once a month, as they study the weekly Torah portion. Students, parents, siblings, grandparents and everyone else are invited to join our teachers for a freewheeling conversation about the foundation texts of Jewish life. Wednesday Morning Torah Study Rabbi Neal Gold Every Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m. An inspired group gathers on Wednesday mornings for friendship, community, and the study of the great books of the Jewish people (both ancient and contemporary). Newcomers are always invited to join this very warm and special community within the Temple for mid-week spiritual insights from our tradition. Jewish Short Stories Worth Reading and Remembering Rabbi Herman Blumberg Wednesday Evenings, November 7, 14 & 28, 6:30 - 8 p.m. In seminar style, we will explore several classic short stories which reflect the struggles and successes of Jews in the 20th century. You are welcome to attend any of the three Wednesday sessions. Please register so that we can send you the readings well in advance. Rabbi Blumberg's yearly program series on a theme in Jewish literature is a perennial favorite to gather and learn. RSVP to Charles Huizenga at chas. Footnote - First Israeli Film Selection This Year Wednesday, December 12, 7 p.m. For the first Israeli film selection this year, the Israel Connections Committee will present Footnote on December 12, 7 p.m., at Temple Shir Tikva. This film, nominated for the American Academy Awards best foreign film, explores the rivalry and conflicted relationship between father and son. For temple members, who missed seeing this film when it was in theaters this spring and for those who saw it and would value the opportunity to discuss this provocative film, the evening will provide a wonderful opportunity for comprehending the father-son dynamic in traditional Jewish and psychodynamic motifs. The discussant, Dr. Bennet Simon, is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University Medical School. An observant Jew, Dr. Simon is interested in the borderland between the hu- Temple Shir Tikva manities and psychoanalysis. He wrote the book Tragic Drama and the Family from Aeschylus to Beckett which deals with family issues exhibited in great literature. In the past, the Israel Connections Committee coordinated its events with other committees. For example, last year the Committee worked with Reyim, Adult Education Committee, Temple Brotherhood and the Sunday School. The Israel Connections Committee co-sponsored four Israeli movies, three Sunday morning speakers and a lively Yom Ha’atzmut Independence Day celebration. Our temple has an excellent relationship with our sister congregation, Or Hadash, in Haifa. It’s amazingly effective programs include numerous charities as a beacon of excellence for Reform (liberal) Judaism. We also have an excellent ARZA travel program managed by Rabbi Gold to enable our membership to visit and learn about Israel. Page 7 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 TST College Connection Program Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day Sunday, October 28, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Our Jewish heritage teaches us that it is our sacred responsibility to repair the world. After several months of planning, we are excited to announce that the second annual Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day will be held on Sunday, October 28. This will enable all of us, from toddlers to adults, to participate in Tikkun Olam where we will have the opportunity to not only experience the power and value of our personal contributions, but also share with our temple community in accomplishing a number of hands-on Social Action projects. Help us stay connected to our college students during the year! We want to bring a little bit of our “Temple Shir Tikva home” to our college students, especially during the Jewish holidays. Join us to organize little care packages for our college kids during Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Passover. This project is great for families with kids who are in college to come together and bond. Please contact Mona Dolgov at Dolgov if you have any questions and/or want to be part of this fun project. Empower Your Child’s Jewish Identity This year we are delighted to welcome world renowned "Mitzvah Maven" Danny Siegel as our guest lecturer (9am-11am, in the sanctuary) for this very special morning. Danny Siegel is a wellknown author, lecturer, and poet who has spoken in more than 500 North American Jewish communities on Tzedakah and Jewish values. He captivated and inspired our congregation during the 2008 “Conference of Mitzvah Heroes,” and we are thrilled that he will be here on Mitzvah Day for a lively discussion with our Adult Community. Here is a sampling of our Mitzvah projects: • Locks of Love – Grow your hair and donate 10 inches to a financially• • Sign up with Passport to Israel A savings plan that invests in your child’s Jewish future The Myra and Robert Kraft Passport to Israel program is a unique savings plan to help parents send their children on a life-changing teen Israel experience. The program is designed so that the family, the Temple and CJP, annually put money into a Passport to Israel account which helps families make a trip to Israel for their high school teen a reality. For information on the Passport to Israel Savings Program, contact Deena Bloomstone at eddirector Page 8 • • • • • • • • challenged child who is suffering hair loss due to a medical illness. Backpack Buddies – Assemble backpacks with school supplies to be delivered to disadvantaged students in our community Shirei Yeladim Concert for Seniors – Come hear our amazing TST youth choir perform a concert for residents of JCHE Shillman House in Framingham. Bristol Soup Kitchen Project – Prepare sandwiches to feed the hungry Birthday Wishes – Assemble Birthday Boxes for children living in shelters Well Wishes – Decorate cards for patients at Children’s Hospital Community Garden-Come help with the fall harvest with all of the freshlypicked vegetables donated to Serenity House. Organic Gardening 101-Learn how to plant your own organic from our gardening consultant Jessie Banzhal from Green City Growers. Fall Planting – Plant bulbs to beautify our temple. Family Promise Metrowest – Help prepare a complete meal in our TST kitchen that will be donated to disadvantaged families who are being temporarily housed in a nearby congregation Cradles to Crayons (teen initiative) – A hands-on volunteer opportunity for members of our Youth Community at C2C’s “Giving Factory”. This year there will be a Religious School-wide collection (grade-level collection items to be named when school begins), in addition to our temple-wide Annual Coat Drive that will benefit several local non-profits, including: Hope and Comfort, JF&CS’s Family Table, Jeff’s Place and Serenity House. There is something for everyone! To sign up for a program, or to volunteer, go to: Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Hineni mler oewiz Tikkun Olam Annual High Holy Days Food Drive Donate and pack food during our fall food drive to help our local community. Mark Your Calendar... Family Table Distribution Days for 20122012-2013 Looking to do a fun and meaningful mitzvah? Temple Shir Tikva’s “Family Table” distribution days for the upcoming school year will be November 4 and April 21. On these days, we will provide Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JF&CS) Family Table with seven volunteers to pack and deliver groceries to families in need. This is a great family activity! Volunteers arrive at JF&CS (in Waltham) 11:15/11:30 am after Hebrew School (you may arrive earlier if necessary). After a brief orientation, volunteers are provided with food packing instructions (there is an onsite food pantry) and driving assignments. Then, volunteers check out and deliver groceries to the assigned recipient families. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Rich Friedman at rich@ These slots typically go fast. JF&CS Family Table was established in 1993 as a unified response to the rising number of needy Jewish families in the Metro West area. It is a coalition of Jewish communal organizations, synagogues, and day schools. October Hineni Deadline September 7 Articles and photos may be sent by email to or mailed to the Temple office. Please email or call Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at 508-358-6272 with questions or comments. Temple Shir Tikva E very year during the High Holidays, TST has done an amazing job of collecting food to benefit the Boston Medical Center's Grow Clinic and the Metrowest Harvest Food Pantry. This year's food drive is especially important as hunger has been on the rise in Massachusetts during this ongoing economic downturn. Project Bread reports that Massachusetts is experiencing the highest rate of households to be food insecure since this data was first collected in 1995. Pick up paper bags in the temple lobby during Rosh HaShanah, where each bag will have a list of items needed. Bring your filled bags to the storage container in the temple parking lot from Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur. Join us at the temple on Sunday, September 30, 9 a.m. to sort and pack the food for distribution. Contact Debbie or Michael Pullen at to volunteer or with any questions. TST Fall Coat Drive Donate coats to those in need and “spread the warmth.” Need a Ride to Shabbat Services? Is poor night vision keeping you from attending Shabbat services or other temple activities during the month of September? Our volunteer drivers are ready to help. Call our September Kesher Coordinator, Marcia Rosenberg, at 508-276 -1070 and she will match you up with a volunteer driver. In late fall, Temple Shir Tikva will again be running our successful coat drive. We are proud to say that we’ve donated over 400 coats each season! Bring any clean coat in good condition to the TST collection point. We are looking for volunteers to help organize and distribute coats to needy families in the Metrowest area. Contact Ezra Levine at elevine@ with questions or if you want to get involved. VISIT OUR NEW TEMPLE SHIR TIKVA WEBSITE: WWW.SHIRTIKVA.ORG ⇒ MEMBER DIRECTORY ⇒ TEMPLE CALENDAR ⇒ UPCOMING EVENTS ⇒ ANNOUNCEMENTS ⇒ RABBI GOLD’S BLOG ⇒ HINENI AND VATS NU Page 9 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Selichot at Shir Tikva Saturday, September 8 8:00 p.m. “PREPARING OUR HEARTS AND MINDS FOR THE DAYS OF AWE” Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur can be lifeenriching days that shape the year-to-come as one of blessing and growth. To accomplish this, however, requires some spiritual preparation. dlidw Gathering Reyim’s Selichot Dinner Saturday, September 8, 7 p.m. T here are many ways to prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days, The Days of Awe. On September 8, we will gather at Temple Shir Tikva for a special Havdallah On Saturday evening, September 8, beginning at 8:00 p.m., we will come together as a community for a late-night spiritual investigation into the seasonal themes of Teshuvah and the High Holy Days prayerbook. and Selichot program at 8 pm. The evening offers a fascinating array of learning sessions designed to nurture our hearts, minds, and souls; a decadent dessert reception; Havdalah; and a beautiful, moving, and uplifting Selichot service. The Selichot program includes “dressing” the Torahs for Rosh Come share in the drama as our Torah scrolls are dressed in their magnificent white mantles, representing the High Holy Day themes of Malchuyot (majesty/the present), Shofarot (redemption/the future), and Zichronot (memory/the past). Prior to the program, Reyim is sponsoring a pre-Selichot dinner at 7 p.m. This will be our first post-summer get-together to say hello to old friends and welcome new friends. HaShanah and Yom Kippur. The cost of dinner is $18 per person before September 5 and $25 after September 5. To RSVP and/or pay online, go to EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A TRULY MEMORABLE EVENING Temple Shir Tikva Paid For Recycling TST Book Club Meeting Set for October 15, 7:30 p.m. Our temple is being paid for paper put in the bright green and yellow recycling bin located outside, near the loading dock. Accepted items include newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail, paperback books and colored paper. Please help us by bringing your recyclable paper products to the Temple. Accepted Newspapers Magazines Catalogs Office/School Paper Mail/Envelopes Folders Fax /Copy Paper Colored Paper Page 10 Not Accepted Trash Plastic Glass Metal Cardboard Phone Books Kitchen Items The TST monthly evening book discussion complements our adult continuing Jewish education program. October’s book is The Jew in the Lotus by Rodger Kamenetz. Any member of the congregation is encouraged to read the book and participate. The goal is to discuss a book monthly that is approachable, of reasonable length and appropriate to our interests in Judaism and Israel. Books and monthly discussion leaders are selected by participants. The book discussion is typically the first Monday of the month. Check Vats Nu for details. No RSVP is necessary. For more information, contact Charles Huizenga or Eric Falkof at chas.huizenga@com or 781-237-5939. Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 dlidw Gathering Brotherhood... Annual Back to Shul BBQ Sunday, September 23, 11 a.m. Reunite with friends and family, meet new families, learn more about this year’s TST activities and enjoy a fun, free BBQ lunch on the second Sunday of Religious School. Sukkah Build/Take Down Sunday, September 30 and October 14, 9 a.m. Brotherhood volunteers gather on Sunday morning, September 30, to help build our Sukkah in front of the Temple, then come together again on Sunday, October 14, to help take it down and store away for the following year. Lending a hand is lots of fun for all and a great way to support the Temple holiday programs. From Our Rabbis and Cantor We are eager to share in your times of joy and support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform an administrative staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Neal Gold , Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz Cantor Hollis Schachner Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus Hineni Sisterhood... Mah Jongg Beginners Night Thursday, October 18, 7:30 p.m., Social Hall B A lot of women in our community play Mah Jongg. If you have ever wondered what the "bams, cracks and dots" were all about, we are ready to introduce you to the game enjoyed by generations of Jewish women. No experience is necessary! Refreshments will be served. Save these Thursday nights for friendly competition: October 18, November 15, December 6, January 17, February 28, March 21, April 18 and May 9 (tournament). Calling All Bakers... Many Temple gatherings and events rely on the talented bakers in our congregation. If you are willing to be “on call” to provide tempting treats throughout the year, please contact Karen Pelto, Sisterhood Chair, at Stepping forward does not commit you to particular dates – you will be contacted with plenty of lead time to confirm your availability to bake for different gatherings. We welcome your participation in planning and attending Sisterhood activities. As a temple member, you are already a Sisterhood member. Check the Temple website at www.shir and Vats Nu to confirm dates as events get closer. LOOKING FOR JUDAICA GREETING CARDS OR A KETUBAH? • Temple Shir Tikva has greeng cards for sale in the temple office. • You can also order a ketubah. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday. Temple Shir Tikva Page 11 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Temple Shir Tikva Library By Susan Saul, Librarian Additions to the Temple Shir Tikva Library, Summer 2012 Here I Am: Using Jewish Spiritual Wisdom to Become More Present, Centered and Available for Life And, looking forward to Passover for children … Leonard Felder During stressful mes, it’s easy to get caught up in feeling anxious, tense, foggy, and overloaded. Here, a popular psychologist shares easy-to-use techniques for managing and rebalancing these emoons and helps you to find your calm, strong center. Dr. Leonard Felder draws from his work with clients over the last thirty years, and incorporates tradional Jewish prayers and blessings that have been used for centuries to refocus the mind. What am I? Passover Anne Margaret Lewis Rhyming text provides clues for the various Passover themed pictures hidden under the flaps with brief explanaons of their meaning for the holiday. Binocular Vision : New & Selected Stories Edith Pearlman Binocular Vision includes 13 new stories, in which Edith Pearlman's favorite theme of accommodaon connues, as well as the themes of young love, old love, thwarted love, and love denied; of Jews and their dilemmas; of marriage, family, death, and betrayal. The se/ngs are Maine, Central America, Hungary, Tsarist Russia and the town of Godolphin, Massachuse5s. The Golem's Latkes adapted by Eric A. Kimmel Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel visits the Emperor, leaving a new housemaid to prepare for his Hanukkah party, but returns to find that she has misused the clay man he created. Includes historical and cultural notes. When General Grant Expelled the Jews Jonathan D. Sarna An account of Ulysses S. Grant’s hotly contested Civil War decision to expel Jewish cizens from the territory under his command evaluates the reverberaons of his decision on his career, the nascent Jewish-American community, and the naon’s polical process. Izzy the Whiz and Passover McClean Yael Mermelstein Amateur inventor Izzy creates a machine that miraculously cleans the enre house of hametz just in me for Passover. Includes author’s note about Passover and hametz. Today I Am a Woman : Stories of Bat Mitzvah Around the World Barbara Vinick Recollecons of the first bat mitzvah at the only synagogue in Indonesia, a poignant bat mitzvah memory of World War II Italy, and an American bat mitzvah shared with girls in a Ukrainian orphanage—these are a few of the resonant tesmonies about the transion from Jewish girl to Jewish woman collected in Today I Am a Woman. Page 12 The Elijah door : a Passover Tale Linda Leopold Strauss A li5le help from the rabbi on Passover ends a feud between the Lippas and the Galinskys. Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Hineni Donations Adult Education Fund •David Gotthelf - in honor of Kate Bell becoming a Bat Mitzvah •Andre and Daniele Spatz - in honor of Cathy Regensburger on her Bat Mitzvah •Michael and Alexandra Mirman - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto - in appreciation of Tikva Eigen Annual Fund •Steve and Maschi Kaplan •Chuck and Jill Katz •Ed and Janet Polansky •Barry and Amy Shemin •Richard Friedman •Phil Benjamin and Mindy Milberg •Richard Gordon and Mary Kirson •Joseph and Sharon Libbin •Vladimir and Lena Savikovsky •Chuck and Judy Huizenga •Malcolm and Susan Green •Chester and Diane Black •Michael Kendall and Alexandra Haagensen •Marilyn Porter •Jay and Andrea Segel •Bruno Berszoner and Jen Cobe •Bruce Shackleton and Elizabeth Fineberg •Eric and Jennifer Parker •Scott and Laurene Sperling •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto •Scott Machanic and Linda Zaccagnini •Peter and Amy Freshman •Eric and Nancy Falkof •Steven and Sylvia Greene •Stephen and Amy Manchester •Larry and Beth Greenberg •Stuart Falber •Doug and Andi Shaw •Herb and Karen Kavet •Peter and Jill Abend •The Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class - in honor of Rabbi Litcofsky, Tikva Eigen and Rabbi Gold •Matt and Karen Langweber - in honor of the Litcofsky family •Harry and Rowena Abadi - in honor of Kate Bell and Elaine Winer on their B’not Mitzvah •Matt and Karen Langweber - in honor of the Adult B’nai Mitzvah class •Mo and Amanda Glynn - in honor of Amy Podolsky on her Bat Mitzvah •Grace Olin - in memory of Harry Olin and in appreciation of Rabbi Ullman's Book of Ruth class •Joel and Nancy Schulman - in appreciation of Rabbi Litcofsky’s contributions to Shir Tikva •Steve and Trudy Sonis - in honor of Kate Bell becoming a Bat Mitzvah Temple Shir Tikva •Jeff and Laraine Levy - in honor of the engagement of Michael Sperling, son of Scott and Laurene Sperling, to Rachel Berkey •Jeff and Laraine Levy - in honor of the birth of Phoebe Alexandra Rosenthal, granddaughter of Stuart and Maxine Rosenthal and Paul and Patty Kussell •Larry and Sharman Rosen - in honor of the marriage of Amy Sachs, daughter of Lawrence and Bev Feinberg, to Alan Green •Rabbi Jen Gubitz - with gratitude to Rabbi Gold, Cantor Schachner, our staff and congregants for such a warm welcome and smooth transition •Jacques and Sharon Cohen - with gratitude to Rabbi Gold and the entire Shir Tikva family for the warmth and support on the occasion of their son, Sam Cohen becoming a Bar Mitzvah •Rich and Randi Cohen - in honor of Bonnie Levy on her Bat Mitzvah •Robert and Beth Sackstein - in honor of Bonnie Levy on her Bat Mitzvah •Julie Pivor - in honor of the Adult B’nai Mitzvah class •Lynn Nathanson - in honor of the Adult B’nai Mitzvah class •Marilyn Porter - in appreciation of Rabbi Litcofsky •Marc and Colette Zeman - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Stephen and Trudy Sonis - in honor of Janet Polansky on her birthday •Joe and Ruth Goldman - in honor of Janet Polansky on her birthday •The Shabbat Morning Minyan and Torah Study Group - in honor of Rabbi Litcofsky •Steven Spiegel - in memory of William J. Spiegel •Myron and Martha Bass - in memory of Bernard Porter, husband of Marilyn Porter •Myron and Martha Bass - in memory of Libby Brodney, mother of Jeanne Goldner •Norman and Marcia Stein - in memory of Bernard Porter, husband of Marilyn Porter •Elaine Ellenbogen - in memory of Bernard Porter, husband of Marilyn Porter •Velma Frank - in memory of her husband, Robert Frank •Frank and Judy Hamm - in memory of Sheldon Schneider, father of Dan Schneider •Jeff and Laraine Levy - in memory of their sister, Barbara Daniels •Elaine Ellenbogen - in memory of her father, Bernard Kaplan •Stephen and Trudy Sonis - in memory of Joe Zaitchik, husband of Holly Zaitchik •Jay and Barbara Gainsboro - in memory of Jacob Sloane, grandfather of Jay Gainsboro, on his yartzeit •Jay and Barbara Gainsboro - in memory of Rose Mary Sloane, grandmother of Jay Gainsboro, on her yartzeit •Jay and Barbara Gainsboro - in memory of Leonard Green, father of Barbara Gainsboro, on her yartzeit •Steven and Edith Hotchkiss - in memory of Jean Pakter Bachman, mother of Don Bachman •Matt and Karen Langweber - in memory of Eugene Beck, father of Karen Langweber, on his yartzeit •Irwin and Renee Glazier - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet •Robert Koster and Kate Bell - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Robert Koster and Kate Bell - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet •Steve and Trudy Sonis - in memory of Miriam Snider, mother-in-law of Peter Gross and grandmother of Melissa McCray Building and Furnishings Fund •Robert and Lonnie Swarz- in memory of Libby Brodney, mother of Jeanne Goldner •Lawrence and Beverly Feinberg - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet Cantor’s Discretionary Fund •Marc and Susan Karofsky and Family •Marc and Susan Karofsky - in memory of Phil Cohen, father of Laraine Levy •Fayanne Riegelhaupt - in honor of the baby naming of her granddaughter Taylor Laura Cole •Rae Grad - in honor of Cantor Schachner at the wedding of Becca Grad and Aaron Droller Endowment Fund •Malcolm and Susan Green - in honor of Rabbi Litcofsky •Malcolm and Susan Green - in memory of Hyman Green, father of Malcolm Green, on his yartzeit Kesher Fund •Marc and Diane Homer - in honor of Bonnie Levy on her Bat Mitzvah •Arinne and Carrie Braverman - in honor of Heidi Tissenbaum’s Bat Mitzvah journey •Robert and Lonnie Swarz- in memory of Libby Brodney, mother of Jeanne Goldner •Michael and Wendy Simches - in memory of Isabel Kahn, step-mother of Karen Miller •Michael and Alexandra Mirman - in memory of Jean Pakter Bachman, mother of Don Bachman •Alan and Margie Glou - in honor of Marc and Jayne Lampert Mortgage Reduction Fund •John and Marilyn Darack - in appreciation of Rabbi Gold and in honor of their granddaughter, Beatrice Carswell, on her baby naming •Robert and Myra Snyder - in memory of Libby Brodney, mother of Jeanne Goldner •Scott Machanic and Linda Zaccagnini - in memory of Shirley Rudnick Novakoff, mother of Karen Susser (continued on page 14) Page 13 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Donations (continued from page 13) •Judy Riegelhaupt - in honor of the baby naming of Music Fund •Robert and Myra Snyder •Richard and Dolly Misch- in honor of the marriage of Joanna Keseberg, daughter of Judy and Wayne Keseberg, to Joseph Welch •Daniel Weiss - in honor of Sharyl Weiss •Robert and Myra Snyder - in honor of Janet Polansky on her birthday •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto - in appreciation of Laurie Weinstein •Michael and Alexandra Mirman - in honor of Kate Bell on her Bat Mitzvah •Joel and Phyllis Sadagursky - in honor of Randi Sterrn on her Bat Mitzvah •Ronald and Sylvia Bookbinder - in honor of Susan Haber on her Bat Mitzvah Rabbi Gold’s Discretionary Fund •Bernice Rothstein •Jeff and Laraine Levy •Garry and Bette Ann Weiner •Bernice Rothstein - in memory of her daughter, Susan Ruth Rothstein •Bill and Barbara Savel - in memory of Jennie Bernstein on her yartzeit •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in memory of Phil Cohen, father of Laraine Levy •Cindy Koch - in memory of her grandfather, Phil Cohen, father of Laraine Cohen Levy •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet •Stuart and Ellen Chasen - in memory of Phil Cohen, father of Laraine Levy •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in memory of Joseph Zaitchik, husband of Holly Zaitchik •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in memory of Demitra DiLuzio, aunt of Rosalie Shane •Arnie and Debby Young - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in honor of the B’not Mitzvah of Abigail and Jacqueline Stoller, daughters of John and Kate Stoller •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Kateman, son of Jonathan and Millie Kateman •Paul and Annette Roberts - in honor of the marriage of Amy Sachs, daughter of Lawrence and Bev Feinberg, to Alan Green •Bruce and Joyce Pastor - in honor of the baby naming of their granddaughter, Jordan Drew Abrams •Eli and Marge Edelson - in appreciation of Rabbi Gold taking part in their recommitment ceremony •Jeff and Charlene Gubitz - in appreciation of Rabbi Neal and Heidi Gold •Stan and Tina Kraus - in honor and celebration of Marc Lampert’s recovery her great-granddaughter, Taylor Laura Cole, granddaughter of Fayanne Riegelhaupt •Jacques and Sharon Cohen - with gratitude for Rabbi Gold preparing Sam through the process of becoming a Bar Mitzvah •Fayanne Riegelhaupt - in honor of the baby naming of her granddaughter Taylor Laura Cole •Lawrence and Beverly Feinberg - in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of their grandsons, Will and Sam Levy •George Langer and Karen Wise - in honor of our recent marriage •Marc and Diane Homer - in honor of the baby naming of their granddaughter, Alana Sarai Homer •Rick and Ellen Blocker - in honor of Janet Polansky on her birthday •Arnie and Roberta Lasker - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Phil and Debbie Druker - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Ronald and Susan Motha - in honor of Elaine Winer on her Bat Mitzvah •Marilyn Porter - in appreciation of Rabbi Gold’s kindness and caring •Jerome and Susan Haber - in appreciation of Rabbi Gold for the baby naming of their granddaughter, Hannah Lindstrom Rabbi Gubitz’s Discretionary Fund •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto - welcoming Rabbi Gubitz •Paula Stern - in memory of Dorothy Kranish Ritual Fund •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto - in appreciation of Rabbi Gold and Rabbi Litcofsky Sisterhood Fund •Jodi Swartz - in honor of Randi Sterrn, Bonnie Levy, Karen Pelto and Cathy Regensburger becoming B’not Mitzvah Social Action Fund •Michael and Jeri Cooper - in honor of Susan Haber on her Bat Mitzvah •Mark and Joan Lappin - in memory of Libby Brodney, mother of Jeanne Goldner •Jayson and Irma Brodie - in memory of Michael Levy, brother of Daniel Levy and son of Ann and Boris Levy •Jayson and Irma Brodie - in memory of Susan Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Jayson and Irma Brodie - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet •Robert and Lonnie Swarz - in memory of Jean Pakter Bachman, mother of Don Bachman •Chris and Danyel Rodgers - in memory of Miriam Snider, mother-in-law of Peter Gross and grandmother of Melissa McCray •Chris and Danyel Rodgers - in memory of Isabel Kahn, stepmother of Karen Miller •Brandon Fitzgerald - in memory of Sue Fine, wife Page 14 of Arthur Fine •Frederick Balfour - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •John and Evelyn Neumeyer - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Joel and Rachel Reck - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Neil and Joyce Gordon - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Stephen and Trudy Sonis - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Charlotte Kirshner - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •John and Katharine Hecksher - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Matt and Karen Langweber - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Judy Riegelhaupt - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Ken and Cheryl Chernack - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Judy Riegelhaupt - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Mark and Joan Lappin - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Lawrence and Beverly Feinberg - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Bruce and Joyce Pastor - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Pat Levinson - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine and mother of Elana Levinson •Fred and Peggi Cohen - in memory of Harry Cohen, father of Fred Cohen, on his yartzeit Study in Israel Scholarship Fund •Michael and Leslie Gaffin - in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Lily Bennett •Paula Stern - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Cohen, son of Jacques and Sharon Cohen •Ed and Harriet Safran - in honor of David Passer’s complete recovery •Ed and Harriet Safran - in honor of the baby naming of Alana Homer, granddaughter of Marc and Diane Homer •Ed and Harriet Safran - in honor of Amy Podolsky on her Bat Mitzvah •Ed and Harriet Safran - in honor of Samuel and William Levy, sons of Matt and Karen Levy, on their B’nai Mitzvah •Ed and Harriet Safran - in honor of the birth of Miriam Lily Bennett, granddaughter of Michael and Leslie Gaffin Youth Community Fund •Larry and Sharman Rosen - in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of Will and Sam Levy, sons of Matthew and Karen Levy, grandsons of Lawrence and Bev Feinberg •Madelyn Bell - in honor of her son, Adam Wisnia, on his birthday (continued on page 15) Temple Shir Tikva September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Donations (continued from page 14) •Larry and Beth Greenberg - in memory of Sheldon Schneider, father of Dan Schneider •Larry and Beth Greenberg - in memory of Joan Jarvis, mother of Cathy Regensburger •Larry and Beth Greenberg - in memory of Nathan Schreier, father of Robin Schreier •Michael and Leslie Gaffin - in memory of Miriam Snider, mother-in-law of Peter Gross •Michael and Leslie Gaffin - in memory of Sue Fine, wife of Arthur Fine •Michael and Leslie Gaffin - in memory of Evelyn Chaiken, mother of Karen Kavet Hineni Bar Mitzvah Project: Sports Memorabilia Raffle September 16, 11 a.m. As part of his Bar Mitzvah project, Dylan Volman is raising money for the SMILOW Children's Cancer Ward at Yale Hospital in New Haven, CT. His grandmother volunteers at the hospital helping young children cope with cancer. Come by the Temple Atrium on Sunday, September 16, following religious school, and purchase a raffle ticket to win some great items, including a Celtics autographed team ball. Dylan can be contacted at We are delighted to welcome our New Members (as of August 21) Brian and Jody Gladstein 41 Hastings Street Framingham, MA 01701 Jack, Carly Michele Karol 16 Happy Hollow Road Wayland, MA 01778 Zackary, Noah Noel Raphael 80 Bolton Street #1 Marlborough, MA 01752 Blake, Adam Michael and Amy Conner 30 Rolling Lane Wayland, MA 01778 Samuel, Drew Lee and Karen Cooper 50 Rich Valley Road Wayland, MA 01778 Hannah, Lily Bradley and Allison Kates 10 Lingley Lane Wayland, MA 01778 Spencer Scott and Tracy Garozzo 33 Brimstone Lane Sudbury, MA 01776 Ben, Nate, Rex Temple Shir Tikva Jeff’s Place Provides a Meaningful Volunteer Experience Jeff’s Place, a community-based, family-focused program, provides FREE peer support groups and services to children and teens, ages preschool through high school, and their caregivers coping with a significant death loss. All families are welcome, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. Jeff’s Place is open to the entire Metro West community and our support groups are 100% free, though all donations are gratefully accepted. Jeff’s Place support groups take place at Temple Shir Tikva every other Monday evening from 6:30-8:15 p.m. for family participants and from 5:30-9:30 p.m. for Volunteer Facilitators. Volunteers are asked to commit to a minimum of one-year (late September-June) facilitating groups after successful completion of the training. For more information or to register for the next Volunteer Facilitator Training, contact Jenny Kaplan Schreiber at, call 508276-3225 or visit Page 15 Hineni September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 ippd Temple Shir Tikva 508-358-9992 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Brian Levey, President Neal D. Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, Assistant Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus Hollis Schachner, Cantor David Passer, Executive Director ext. 214 Deena Bloomstone, Director of Congregational Learning ext. 201 Karen Edwards, Assistant to the Rabbis and Cantor ext. 210 Toni Spitzer, Office Administrator ext. 200 Devora Kremer, Office Administrator ext. 211 Lucy Dube, Bookkeeper ext. 215 Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor JCC Early Learning Center of Wayland Phone: 508-358-5331 508-358-6272 Fax: 508-358-5332 Office Hours School Office Temple Office Sunday…....………………..9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed Monday……………………9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday……………………9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday………………...9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday…………………..9 a.m. - 6 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday……………………..9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. September Office Closings: Monday, Sept. 3, Labor Day; Monday Sept. 17, 1st Day Rosh Hashanah; Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah; Tuesday, September 25, Erev Yom Kippur—close at 2 p.m.; Wednesday, September 26, Yom Kippur. Upcoming Events Saturday, September 8, 7 p.m…………………………………….Reyim’s pre-Selichot Dinner Wednesday, September 12, 3:45 p.m.…………….First day of Religious School for Gades 3-6 Wednesday, September 12, 6 p.m……………………….Youth Community dinner and classes Sunday, September 16, 9 a.m……….First day of Religious School for Kindergarten - Grade 6 Sunday, September 23, 11 a.m………………………………………….…”Back to Shul” BBQ Sunday, September 30, 9 a.m…………………………...…Sukkah-building and Food Packing Sunday, September 30, 11 a.m……………………..TST Religious School “Meet the Teacher” Sunday, September 30, 11 a.m………………………..Family Connections Sukkah decorating Page 16 In Our Congregation Mazel Tov to: Bruce and Deborah Tofias on the marriage of their son, Zachary to Natasha Ross Scott and Laurene Sperling on the engagement of their son, Michael to Rachel Berkey Amy Sachs, daughter of Lawrence and Beverly Feinberg, on her marriage to Alan Green Karen Wise on her marriage to George Langer Michael and Leslie Gaffin on the birth of their granddaughter, Miriam Lily Bennett, daughter of Deborah Gaffin and Richard Bennett David and Sue Saul on the birth of their grandchildren, Oliver Louis Saul and Miranda Rose Saul, children of Michael and Jae Saul Paul and Patty Kussell on the birth of their granddaughter, Phoebe Alexandra, daughter of Jason and Lisa Rosenthal Stuart and Maxine Rosenthal on the birth of their granddaughter, Phoebe Alexandra, daughter of Jason and Lisa Rosenthal Scott and Marcia King on the birth of their granddaughter, Molly Annetta Levine, daughter of Daniel and Julie Levine Michael and Joan Kalafatas on the birth of their granddaughter, Eleanor Reid Kalafatas, daughter of Dan and Hadley Kalafatas Eric and Nancy Falkof on the engagement of their daughter, Beth, to Matt Millstein Condolences to: Cliff Bierman on the death of his father, Marvin Bierman Don Bachman on the death of his mother, Jean Pakter Bachman Laraine Levy on the death of her father, W. Phil Cohen Karen Susser on the death of her mother, Shirley Rudnick Novakoff Arthur Fine on the death of his wife, Susan Fine Peter Gross on the death of his mother-in-law, Miriam Snider Melissa McCray on the death of her grandmother, Miriam Snider Rosalie Shane on the death of her aunt, Demitra P. DiLuzio Holly Zaitchik on the death of her husband, Joseph Zaitchik Karen Miller on the death of her step-mother, Isabel Kahn Karen Kavet on the death of her mother, Evelyn Chaiken Temple Shir Tikva
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