May 2012 - Temple Shir Tikva
Temple Shir Tikva ippd May 2012 Nisan-Iyar 5772 When G-d called to Abraham, he responded, “Hineni, Here I am.” Let Your Doors Be Open Wide Yose ben Yochanan of Jerusalem said: Let the doors of your house be open wide... Pirkei Avot 1:5 S habbat services, like virtually every class, Rabbi Neal Gold event, or religious service at Shir Tikva, are, of course, open to our entire community and to the public. This includes our late services on Shabbat morning when, almost every week from September through June, young people in our community are called to the Torah as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This is, as they say, a no-brainer. Who would want to have it otherwise— a synagogue where religious services are the inviteonly private domain of select members and their guests? Sometimes, in cynical moments, I fear that that is the consumerist, country-club direction in which American Judaism is slouching. But not at Shir Tikva: The founders of our community have always made it clear to me that every Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the Early Days was a communal celebration, one where our members brought food and shared to make the event a milestone not only in the life of a 13year-old or her family, but also for the entire community. So where are we today? No one is ever excluded from our sanctuary, but these days there are not so many of us at B’nai Mitzvah services who are not associated with the celebrating families. There are probably several honest reasons for how we arrived at this place: • At Shir Tikva, like many Reform Jewish communities, the large community service tends to be on Friday night rather than on Saturday mornings. (In Conservative communities, for some reason that a sociologist could explain, the “main service” became the Saturday morning service.) • Here, like many Jewish communities that takeTefillah seriously, an “alternative” service developed, where regular worshippers could celebrate Shabbat, and less-regular attendees could come to say the Kaddish or offer other special prayers. This is our early 8:30 Shabbat service, which (I write proudly) meets every Saturday morning of the year. • Thus, the late service, where students become Bar/Bat Mitzvah, only takes place when a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is scheduled; otherwise, we have no 10:45 service in a given week (for instance, during the summer months). So there is a perception that that service exists “for” the B'nai Mitzvah families. Our Ritual Committee is urging all of us to re-examine this state (continued on page 4) Sunday, June 3, 7 p.m. “Rarely can one combine incredible musical talent and charisma as Josh does.” Inside This Issue… Shabbat & Holiday Services……………………………...2 Education…………………………………………..……..7 Adult Learning Opportunities…………………….……...8 Page of Study—Daf Limud……………………………...9 Youth Community………………………………………11 Shir Tikva Library….…………………………………...12 Gathering……………….………………………….……13 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-9992 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Shabbat and Holiday Services May 2012 June 2012 Shabbat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Friday, May 4 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Naso Friday, June 1 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service and Confirmation Saturday, May 5 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Yeladim 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service JOSHUA KATEMAN, son of Jonathan and Millie Kateman, Bar Mitzvah JARED BUCHMAN, son of Jonathan and Nicole Buchman, Bar Mitzvah Saturday, June 2 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Yeladim 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service SAMUEL LEVY son of Matthew and Karen Levy, Bar Mitzvah WILL LEVY son of Matthew and Karen Levy, Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Emor Friday, May 11 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, May 12 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service ANDREW HAIMOVICI, son of Max and Jeanne Rosen, Bar Mitzvah ELIZA SOLOMON, daughter of Joshua and Nancy Solomon, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Behar-Bechukotai Friday, May 18 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service and High School Graduation Saturday, May 19 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Mishpachah 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service ISABEL KENDALL, daughter of Mike Kendall and Alexandra Haagensen, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Bamidbar Friday, May 25 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, May 26 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service ABIGAIL STOLLER, daughter of John and Kate Stoller, Bat Mitzvah JACQUELINE STOLLER, daughter of John and Kate Stoller, Bat Mitzvah Shavuot 8:00 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot Shabbat Beha’alotecha Friday, June 8 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, June 9 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30 am B’nai Mitzvah Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service BAILEY KRONER daughter of Monte Kroner and Beth Kroner, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Shelach Friday, June 15 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service and Graduation Saturday, June 16 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service SAMUEL COHEN son of Jacques and Sharon Cohen, Bar Mitzvah DANIELLE KAHAN daughter of Lloyd and Suzanne Kahan, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Korach Friday, June 22 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, June 23 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service and Adult B’nai Mitzvah Shabbat Chukat Friday, June 29 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, June 30 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Sunday, May 27 10:00 am Yom Tov Shacharit Service with Yizkor Page 2 Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Sharing Our Shabbat Celebrations as a Community To the entire Shir Tikva Community: The Ritual committee reminds you that every prayer service at Shir Tikva is open and welcome to everyone. However, under the leadership of our Rabbis and our Ritual Committee, we are launching an initiative to make the late (10:45 am) Shabbat morning service, when students become Bar/Bat Mitzvah, more community-oriented and inclusive, with community blessings, aliyot to the Torah, and opportunities to chant from the Torah. It is our hope that this will lead to a new feeling at all our B'nai Mitzvah and life cycle celebrations that our entire community kvells with our families as they reach these milestones! You are especially invited to join us on June 9 for Shabbat morning services as we explore these new paradigms for our Shabbat morning community – and we invite your feedback and comments. Please come and join us! (Our early Shacharit service (8:30 am) will continue to meet on these dates and on every Shabbat of the year.) Thank you for your support and enthusiasm. Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Greg Litcofsky and members of the TST Ritual Committee From Our Rabbis and Cantor We are eager to share in your times of joy and to support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform an administrative staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Greg Litcofsky, Cantor Hollis Schachner, Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus Temple Shir Tikva Hineni SHIR TIKVA WARMLY INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATE The Joyful Holiday of Shavuot “The Season of the Giving of our Torah” Saturday, May 26, 5:30 p.m. FAMILY SHAVUOT CELEBRATION Join us as we work together to plant flowers along the entrance way to our temple. Help us to make our Temple Shir Tikva community even more beautiful. (Bring your own gardening tools.) Pizza and ice cream sundaes will be served Saturday, May 26, 8 p.m. to midnight TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT Come share in an inspiring night of Torah learning and discovery that will nourish our hearts, minds, and souls Our festive dessert buffet will feature cheesecake and more Sunday, May 27, 10 a.m. to noon YOM TOV SHACHARIT SERVICE WITH YIZKOR Bring the whole family to hear the Ten Commandments chanted from the Torah Page 3 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 April 9 Board of Trustees’ Meeting Highlights By Scott Machanic, Recording Secretary Abe Wons presented an inspiring D’Var Torah, the message is that, when you are faced with a situation which appears to present no options that will lead to a good outcome, think “outside the box” and take the initiative to create circumstances where a miracle can happen. As Rabbi Gold wished us all a “liberating” Pesach, his thoughts turned to the emotions of Gilad Shalit (the IDF soldier released last fall) and his family, and the ethics of the deal which garnered his release. The clergy’s pastoral load has been heavy recently, with tragedies and deaths in our congregational family. On a brighter note, the Central Conference of American Rabbis met in Boston, bringing 500 Rabbis and their thoughts and energy. Cantor Schachner is halfway through her sabbatical. David Passer is moving slowly toward an anticipated complete recovery. The website upgrade is online. Joan Blair presented a demonstration of some of its functionality, focusing on the new home page, the calendar and the news and announcements functions. Thanks again to Joan Blair, Jon Sieber, Barbara Gold and Peggi Cohen, and to the office staff and everyone who has assisted with the upgrade. Michael Cohn, on behalf of our IT Committee, informed on the state of our systems, which are not good. They recommended, and the Board approved, immediate replacement of nine workstations used by the Clergy and staff, with funds coming from our capital, rather than operating, accounts. The committee is continuing to consider our servers and infrastructure, and such issues as whether to place certain functions “in the cloud.” Marilyn Newman and Julie Kniznik, on behalf of Leadership Development, presented a handout on leadership best practices and core values and led a workshop on dealing with conflict. Mark Susser reported that expenses are under control, but income continues to be a challenge. A draft budget for fiscal year 2012–2013 was presented, which included a 1% increase in dues and fees and a small ($4,975) surplus. There was major discussion about the validity of the income projections, of the 1% increase, and, also, on how to best recognize our loyal, beloved staff in these difficult financial times, which have required staff reductions. The board will be finalizing the budget at the May meeting and the Congregation will vote at the Annual Meeting (June 4, 7:30 p.m.). The budgeting process is made more difficult by David Passer’s absence. It is anticipated that a draft budget will be presented to the Executive Council in March and presented to the full board in April. Laurene Sperling, Development Chair, reported $120,000 in Annual Fund collections to date. The Phone-a-Thon did not garner significant additional contributions. Another letter has gone out to the congregation and we have a $ 50,000 matching grant challenge. We have an Annual Fund Committee that is working to revitalize the collection efforts. In addition, Susan Benjamin has accepted the position as co-chair of development. We are also planning a campaign in honor of the Congregation’s 36th anniversary, with a focus on our next 36 years. Karen Langweber reported that the March fundraiser collected $25,000, and was even more successful as a “friend raiser,” as about 180 people attended and a good time was had by all. Oz Perlman was universally reported to be amazing. Thanks to all who organized and participated. Saturday, April 28, is the first of several B’nai Mitzvah celebrations focused on participation by the entire congregation. Please join the simcha. June 18 is the date for the Brotherhood golf tournament. Celebrate Israel’s 64th anniversary with music, food, exhibits, activities and much more on April 29, 11 a.m. at the Temple. Page 4 Rabbi Gold (continued from page 1) of affairs. They are proposing – with my full support – that we strive to re-envision our B’nai Mitzvah services as events where the entire Shir Tikva community celebrates with our families, and where our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students lead services for our community, and not merely for their families and friends. (As I said, when put that way, it’s a no-brainer.) But it’s hard to change the tires of a car while it’s still in motion! How can we make change happen? In fact, it is happening, and we’re hoping you’ll be part of it. This spring, we’ve identified several late (10:45) Shabbat services where we’ll try to make the service more inclusive. This will include: An aliyah to the Torah that is reserved for the congregation, not the family members of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah; an opportunity for volunteers from the congregation to chant from the Torah; communal prayers that I don’t normally do at Bar/Bat Mitzvah services; etc. The purpose of all this is not to diminish the Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience; it is to enhance it: by making the event a shared experience with the community of which this young person now becomes a full-fledged participant. There will be plenty of B’nai Mitzvah services this month, and, of course, everyone is welcome at all of them. But the next of these inclusive services will be on June 9. Come and experience it with us – and then, please share your thoughts and comments with me. Frankly, I think this is a tentative toe-in-the-water towards a full immersion in the future, with plenty more community involvement. I think that once we start, we’re all going to feel so positive about this direction that we’ll ask ourselves why we haven’t been doing it all along. Of course, the arrival of a young Jew to a place of acceptance of responsibility for Mitzvot is a celebration for the whole community! I’m excited about this direction, which is pushing us back towards the founding values of Shir Tikva and, for that matter, the communal values upon which the beit knesset was founded in generations past. Passport to Israel Gift Cards Available Help a child you know save for the trip of a lifetime by donating to their Passport to Israel Fund. To purchase a Passport to Israel gift card, visit the temple’s main office. It’s a great way to celebrate accomplishments, honor milestones and help a child reach his or her dream. THE MYRA AND ROBERT KRAFT PASSPORT TO ISRAEL PROGRAM Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Hineni Temple Shir Tikva Honors Rachel Kest Celebrate our 5772 Graduating Seniors Friday, May 18, 6:15 p.m. Daniel Abend Claire Bailey Rachel Becker Asa Hecker Melissa Hill Jeffrey Kasle Marissa Kaye Sara Kohlberg Julia Levinson Halle O’Conor Haylee Rosenblatt Mariko Sadagursky Julia Saltzman Cameron Scari Jacob Slater Bradley Swartz More Torah, more life; More study, more wisdom; More counsel, more understanding; More charity, more peace. Perkei Avot (2:8) Upcoming Young Families’ Events in May Young Families’ Havdallah Program Saturday, May 12, 4:30-7 p.m. Join us as we bring Shabbat to a close and begin a new week with friends, new and old. We will celebrate together through songs, prayer and food. Start your week off right, connect with other families, and join us for a terrific series. For more information, contact Robyn Wolensky at emergingindustr@gmail. com. Temple Shir Tikva The entire congregation is invited to join us on Sunday, May 20, at 11 a.m. when we will honor and celebrate Rachel Kest for her 13 years as our beloved educator. We will gather in the sanctuary, honor Rachel and celebrate with her favorite foods – cake and ice cream! Temple Shir Tikva 2012 Annual Fund Campaign Update T hanks to our community members who have participated in helping to reach our annual fund goal for this budget year which ends on June 30. Because of your generous contributions, to date, we have received $155,000. There are a little over two months left to meet our goal of raising an additional $95,000 for the Annual Fund and we need your help. Our Spring Annual Fund Campaign includes a goal of raising $50,000 by congregants, which, if raised, will be generously MATCHED by a family in the community and will bring us closer to meeting our goal of $250,000. We have currently received $33,000 toward the matching goal. To give to the Annual Fund you can easily link to http:// and show your support. Our Annual Fund enables us to maintain excellence as we worship, learn and gather together, even as we ensure that membership remains open to everyone in our community. We deeply appreciate all gifts to our Annual Fund to help us foster an inclusive and financially secure community. The Annual Fund Committee consists of Susan Benjamin, Amanda Sonis Glynn, Janet Polansky, Ed Polansky, Michael Schreiber, Laurene Sperling and Joe Volman. Page 5 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Adult Education Shabbat Morning Torah Study Finding Your Soul Name Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Greg Litcofsky Monday Mornings with Rabbi Alan Ullman June 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 9:30 - 11 a.m. Every Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Every Shabbat morning at TST a group of spirited students gather to study the weekly Torah portion. The conversation is always insightful and fun as we explore our ancient texts and mine them for contemporary meaning. The group is open and inviting and everyone is always welcome to join us as we uncover the Torah’s timeless lessons and values. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Greg Litcofsky 2nd Saturday each month, 9:15 a.m. Our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their families join together as a learning community monthly, to study the weekly Torah portion. Students, parents, siblings and grandparents are always invited to join our teachers for a freewheeling conversation about the foundation texts of Jewish life. Wednesday Torah Study One of the great themes in Torah is that each of us has a name given to us by God. It is the name God breathed into us at birth. It is our soul and identity and it sets forth for us a vision and a path for our lives. Using examples (or stories) from Torah, Talmud and Chasidic parables, we will study together and explore aspects of the questions: What is a soul name? How do we discover our soul name? What does it mean to 'live out' our soul name, in our daily lives? In order to truly seek the sacred, we will want to avail ourselves of some of the varied ways in which God can communicate to us. Therefore, we'll experience or observe many dimensions of this communication during our study together. We will meet in the Beit Midrash at Temple Shir Tikva. The class will be limited to 12 participants. Register by emailing Registration fee for the four sessions is $50 per person. Rabbi Neal Gold Every Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m. Have You Seen Our New Website? An inspired group gathers on Wednesday mornings for friendship, community, and the study of the great books of the Jewish people (both ancient and contemporary). Newcomers are always invited to join this very warm and special community within the Temple for mid-week spiritual insights from our tradition. Go to Here are some shortcuts: Volunteers Needed to visit people receiving hospice care You can make a difference in someone’s life in as little as one hour a week. Training is provided. Non-contact positions are also available. Call Alice Hutter at West River Care: 781-707-9580 Page 6 • current issue of Vats Nu • current and past issues of Hineni • current temple calendar • make an online donation • view member photos Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Hineni jepig Education Temple Shir Tikva Religious School Tzedakah Mall Sunday, May 20, 2012 28 Iyar 5772 10:15 -11 a.m. Grade 4 on the JCAM trip (Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts). May Religious School and Youth Community Calendar Bring your tzedakah dollars and buy tickets to allocate among the different tzedakah booths staffed by students in K-6. Each grade has learned about and supported a different tzedakah organization throughout the year. The school is creating a “mall” to educate and advertise the organizations they have supported and sell their missions to all members of the Shir Tikva community. Tickets are available (50 cents a ticket) at the entrance to the mall. You can walk around the mall to learn about all the good work our school is supporting. Deposit your tickets in the Tzedakah drop box located at each booth. PLEASE COME AND “SHOP” ‘TIL IT FEELS GOOD! Temple Shir Tikva 5/2 Religious School & Youth Community 3:45 – 5:45 & 6– 8 p.m. 5/6 Religious School Kindergarten Family Education Grade 6 – Walk for Hunger (Meet at Riverside T) 9 – 11a.m. 9 – 11a.m. 8 a.m. 5/9 Religious School & Youth Community 3:45 – 5:45 & 6– 8 p.m. 5/13 Religious School 9 – 11a.m. 5/16 Religious School & Youth Community Youth Community Spring Picnic 3:45 – 5:45 & 6– 8 p.m. 5/18 Youth Community Graduation at Simchat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. (5:45 p.m. class picture) 5/19 Shabbat Mishpacha Grade 2 & Grade 5 Lead 9 a.m. 5/20 Last Sunday of Religious School Religious School Tzedakah Mall Rosh Hodesh Grade 6 Meet at Mayyim Hayyim 9 – 11a.m. 10:15 a.m. 4 p.m. 6/1 Confirmation at Simchat Shabbat 6:15 p.m. (5:45 p.m. class picture) 6/3 Rosh Hodesh Groups Meet at TST (6,7, 8, 9, 10) 4-6 p.m. Page 7 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Youth Community Spring Picnic Celebrate with the Confirmation Class of 5772 Evan Berkowitz Jacob Becker Scott Dolgov Harry Falber Wednesday, May 16, 6 p.m. •Come and eat! •Play on big blow-up games! Sara Glick Ethan Hecker Jon Goodman Erica Magier •Hang with friends, listen to music and enjoy the weather! •Celebrate Samantha for all she has done for our Youth Community, as she prepares to leave Shir Tikva. Teens from grades 6 through 12 are invited to attend. Yad B’Yad (Hand to Hand) Year-long food donation program — make it a weekly routine and a family mitzvah. Temple Shir Tikva will continue to collect food THROUGHOUT THE YEAR for Jewish individuals and families who cannot afford the basic necessities. Food will be distributed through JF&CS’s Family Table. TST has been assigned tuna fish and pasta (whole grain varieties if possible) to support this program. Please bring these items (marked Kosher or Pareve) weekly and place them in the Family Table receptacle near the temple office. Monthly volunteers are needed to deliver our temple's contributions to JF&CS in Waltham. Contact Rich Friedman at rich@ for more information. Page 8 מָה,ְׁש ֲאנִי ְל ַע ְצמִי ֶ ּוכ. מִי לִי, אִם אֵין ֲאנִי לִי,הּוא ָהיָה אֹומֵר ? אֵי ָמתָי,ְׁשיו ָ וְאִם לֹא ַעכ.ֲאנִי Hillel says, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?" Pirke Avot 1:14-15 Celebrate a year of learning and Torah with the Confirmation Class of 5772 on Friday, June 1, 6:15 p.m. JFS Patient Navigator Volunteers Needed Become a patient navigator and address a vital need for senior adults and their families. Going to the doctor alone can be stressful or confusing for anyone. For seniors in our community who have no family or trusted caregiver available to accompany them to their medical appointment, it can become overwhelming. A volunteer patient navigator accompanies a senior to a medical appointment. They prepare for the appointment together and record the outcome and medical recommendations. This volunteer position is of special interest to those who have a health care background or personal experience as a patient or caregiver. Jewish Family Services provides comprehensive training and on-going support. Volunteers can select assignments that fit their schedules. For more information or to register for Patient Navigator volunteer training, contact Nancy Fried-Tanzer, M.Ed, at or call 508-875-3100, ext. 330. Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Hineni cenl sc Page of Study Jeremy Cohen teaches: I would not be the first to say that late at night or an otherwise trivial assignment in the final life can be hectic, busy, and stressful, and I’m confident that minutes before class. But I came to realize that my old phiI will not be the last. The conventional wisdom is that a full losophy was inherently flawed: as I moved into middle schedule is indicative of a full life. The well-rounded, ideal school and then on into high school, inane amounts of work person achieves social and intellectual happiness through an overloaded my intricate agendas and carefully-laid plans. The pressure was unbearable, and disaffection was array of demanding and diverse pursuits. Needless to say, the expectations for today’s prosintensely appealing. For guidance, What does the unwise person say? I turned to Jewish-American perous, productive members of “Who can learn Torah? Just the section of Nizikin leather jacket model Billy society are higher than ever. Joel. “Slow down, you crazy child. (an order of the mishnah about damages) is itself 30 My purpose here is not to deYou’re so ambitious for a juvechapters long! Just the section Kaylim (an order on bate the merits of this value sysnile.” how we use vessels and utensils for the temple and tem or pass judgment over its well-intentioned followers. I firmly believe in all paths to selfactualization. In fact, I once held fast to the idea that a “healthy” amount of stress is integral, that too much free time results in sloth and complacency and that overwhelming ambition is the only key to success. kashrut) is itself 30 chapters long!” What does a wise person say? “I will study 2 laws today and another 2 tomorrow – until I have learned the entire Torah!” 'מי יכול ללמוד את התורה נזיקין ל' פרקים כלים ל פרקים הריני לומד שתי הלכות היום ושתים למחר עד .שאני לומד את כל התורה כולה Leviticus Rabbah 19:2 There are some who thrive in structured settings with clearly defined goals. Yet, there are many who suffer under the pressure of a strict, goal-oriented environment. When I was younger, I fell into the former group: I had agenda books, made to-do lists, and found satisfaction with each new task checked off. Perhaps adolescence ruined me. I’ve begun enjoying the adrenaline rush right before a deadline, finishing a paper It is the same lesson reflected in this month’s text, and in the unexpectedly useful advice of my 8th grade history teacher: focus on the process, not the goal. Most likely, I will still be doing schoolwork for the next five years at least – a scary perspective, no doubt. It’s tempting to become frustrated, throw my hands in the air and shout profanities for all who can hear. Instead, I focus on each individual day: to enjoy the essay I’m writing or book I’m reading, without worrying as much about my final grade; to recognize that I am not nearly as productive as a machine, nor should I be; and to set aside some time in the afternoon and early morning to sleep (perchance to dream). Looking For a Meaningful Volunteer Experience? Jeff’s Place, a community-based, familyfocused program, provides FREE peer support groups and services to children and teens, ages preschool through high school, and their caregivers coping with a significant death loss. All families are welcome, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. Jeff’s Place is open to the entire Metro West community and our support groups are 100% free, though all donations are gratefully accepted. We are proud and Temple Shir Tikva truly appreciative of our partnership with Temple Shir Tikva in Wayland, who generously provides us with a much needed home for our support groups. Jeff’s Place is a nonprofit 501(c)3. Jeff’s Place support groups take place at Temple Shir Tikva every other Monday evening from 6:30-8:15 for family participants and from 5:30-9:30 for Volunteer Facilitators. Volunteers are asked to commit to a minimum of one-year (late September-June) facilitating groups after successful completion of the training. Once volunteer facilitators complete training, he/she will be matched to an appropriate position. If you are interested in helping in another way, we always need volunteers to assist with administrative/ organizational tasks and special events. For more information or to register for the next Volunteer Facilitator Training, contact Jenny Kaplan Schreiber at jenny @jeffs placemetrowest, call 508-276-3225 or visit www. jeffsplacemetrowest. org. Page 9 Hineni Locks of Love and Mitzvah Day Set May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 New Evening Book Group At Temple Shir Tikva For October 28 Locks of Love, a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada who are suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis, will once again be a part of our temple-wide Mitzvah Day program on October 28. A minimum length of 10 inches is needed for a Locks of Love hair donation, so if you’ve always wanted to donate your hair to Locks of Love, now is the time: Ready, Set, GROW! Locks of Love’s mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need. Guidelines for Acceptable Donations •Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable. •Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist. **If the hair was bleached years ago and has completely grown out, it is fine to donate. •Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable because it is not bundled in a ponytail or braid. •Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable. If shaving your head, first divide hair into multiple ponytails to cut off. •Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches. Page 10 T he first meeting of a TST book ‘course’ that complements our adult continuing Jewish education program will meet on Monday, May 14, 7:30–9 p.m. Congregation members are encouraged to read the book and participate. The goal is to discuss a book monthly that is approachable, of reasonable length, and appropriate to our interests in Judaism and Israel. Books and monthly discussion leaders will be selected by the group. At this first meeting there are three objectives: •Discuss The Jews of Silence •Encourage participants to present a book to the group for our June meeting. •Discuss meeting venue, date, time and books for the 20122013 season. To begin the group, we will study an important yet highly discussable book, The Jews of Silence by Elie Wiesel (132 pages) published with a new introduction by the author in 2011. The book is available at the NE Book Fair (call first), Amazon and Brandeis library. TST has many USSR-born members who we hope will attend and explain the book in the context of their life in Russia - refuseniks, and social and state anti-Semitism. These reviews will whet your interest: --“In the fall of 1965 an Israeli newspaper sent a young journalist named Elie Wiesel to the Soviet Union to report on the lives of Jews trapped behind the Iron Curtain. “I would approach Jews who had never been placed in the Soviet show window by Soviet authorities,” wrote Wiesel. “They alone, in their anonymity, could describe the conditions under which they live.” --“This report by Elie Wiesel on the Jews of Silence helped increase greatly Western interest in the Russian Jewish community. It helped rally the Jewish world in support of the emigration movement. And eventually it helped in the liberation of the Soviet Jews from their prison. Over one million were to come to Israel in the decades ahead. It is rare that a book has so much influence. A courageous witness like Elie Wiesel deserves great credit for this historical ‘miracle’. For more information, contact Chuck Huizenga at Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Hineni “You Won’t Believe Your Eyes” Collects Over $25,000 T he title of the 2012 fundraising event was “You Won’t Believe Your Eyes” and we certainly didn’t. Over 180 members of our community and their guests raised over $25,000 for the TST Annual Fund. The iPAD3 raffle, donated by the Board of Trustees, raised over $2,000.The committee transformed TST into a magical place of wonderful food, fabulous auction items and the spellbinding illusions of Oz Pearlman. Thank you to all our generous donors of food, wine, beer and design, which all added immensely to the festive spirit. Baker’s Best Choice Catering and Events Cuisine Chez Vous Deja Blu East Meets West Franklin Caterers Holten Brandi Inna’s Kitchen Jodi Raphael Events La Bonne Maison Leiby’s Flowers Weston Lola's Lombardo's Max Ultimate Food Mel & Ernie’s Off Center Off the Vine Sensational Foods The Martignetti Companies & Matthew & Brooke Stein • The Party Specialist • The Shaw Families • Water Lily & Lotus Blossom • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ‘Wiches of Boston Temple Shir Tikva Page 11 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Rashi School Curious Minds Program For Preschoolers Happy Birthday, Israel Thursday, May 3, 1-2:30 p.m. Sing and dance with Ellen Berkowitz, Rashi’s Israeli Dance teacher, and celebrate Israel’s 64th birthday! Ellen Dietrick, Director of Temple Beth Shalom’s Early Childhood Center will read her book, It’s Israel’s Birthday. Advance registration is appreciated. Email or call Anne Puchkoff at (781) 355-7317 to RSVP. A healthy snack will be provided. We are located on Route 135, Exit 17 off Route 95/128. If using a GPS device, enter 45 West Street, Dedham. Page 12 Online Donations To make performing the mitzvah of tzedakah more convenient, we have enabled on-line donations. Go to givingtzedakah Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 dlidw Hineni Gathering Annual Sisterhood Dinner Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament Monday, May 7, 7 p.m. Thursday, May 17, 7 p.m. Gain perspectives and practices to transform your life! Please join us for an evening of friendship and inspiration as we engage in an interactive and experiential conversation, led by Randy Kamen Gredinger, about gaining perspectives and building practices to improve and enhance our daily lives as modern Jewish women. Together we will explore strategies and solutions that we can easily put into practice. This illuminating evening includes a wine and cheese reception and a delicious catered meal. RSVP to This will be an evening of bams, cracks and dots. Please join us for our 2nd Mah Jongg Tournament. It is open to everyone so bring all your mah jongg friends. Top three scoring players will be awarded prizes. The 2012 card will be used. The cost will be $18 for everyone, but you must register — no walkins that night. Refreshments will be served. Please register online at by May 11. If you have questions about any sisterhood event, email Brotherhood Game Night Thursday, May 10, 7:30 p.m. After a short break, the Temple Shir Tikva Brotherhood Golf Classic is back. The event has been moved to get away from the busy fall schedules. This year’s event will be held at Stow Acres Country Club in Stow on Monday, June 18. The TST Golf Classic is an opportunity to participate in a fun filled gathering of golf enthusiasts at every level of play, rekindle friendships, and support Temple Shir Tikva. This is the brotherhood’s big event of the year so come on out and help us make this a big success! You can participate in several ways… Play golf. Sign up yourself, invite your spouse or friend, or bring your own foursome. We'll match you up with golfers of similar ability. We play the "best ball" style of play that get's everyone involved in the fun. Just $200 covers 18 holes, golf cart, box lunch and heavy hors d'oeuvres after golfnot to mention the after-golf awards and live and silent auctions. Buy raffle Tickets. Get your raffle tickets for a great chance of winning four Red Sox tickets located in the owner’s box seats near the Red Sox on deck circle! Become a sponsor. If you own a business or know someone who does, you can sponsor a hole, the lunch, hors d'oeuvres or the entire tournament with a generous donation that also generates terrific publicity. Donate auction items. Donate sports or theatre tickets, vacation properties, personal services or other merchandise of value. These can be a huge part of the proceeds for the golf classic offered up through our silent and live auction. Your donations are very welcomed and appreciated. Bid on auction items. Take home great gifts that you and your family will enjoy and be part of the fun at our auctions. Get your foursome together or register to be added to a foursome and make new friends. For information or to register, go to Temple Shir Tikva Join us for another evening of fun and talking with other men from the temple. We will be playing a Texas Hold’em tournament including free movie passes for the winners. If that doesn’t strike your fancy, then bring along a chess board or other game of interest and you will find someone to play with. Feel free to pass the word on to your friends at the temple to join us also. If you have any questions or to let us know you are planning to attend, email Peter Abend at tstbrotherhood@shirtikva. org. We will collect $20 from temple members and $25 from non-members to play in the Texas Hold’em tournament. If you are not playing poker, $5 covers refreshments ($10 for non-members) . We look forward to seeing you there! Page 13 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Temple Shir Tikva Library By Susan Saul, Librarian New Books— Books—Just for Kids! In keeping with our mission to provide books for all congregants, this month we are featuring several of the newest books for children, ranging from picture books to those appealing to young adults. We hope you will enjoy sharing these with your family. Estie the Mensch / Kohuth, Jane Estie, who does not always like people very much, enjoys pretending to be an animal--until she finds out how to be a "mensch." Shabbat Princess/ Meltzer, Amy When Rosie pretends to be the Shabbat Princess, invited to her home along with the Shabbat Queen, she reminds her parents of how they should be treating their honored guest each week. Say Hello, Lily/Lakritz, Deborah Lily wants to go with her mother to visit the people who live at Shalom Home, an assisted living facility, but when they arrive she suddenly feels very shy. Nathan Blows Out the Hanukkah Candles /Lehman-Wilzig, Tami Jacob loves his autistic brother, Nathan, but when Hanukkah comes, Jacob is worried that Nathan might embarrass him in front of his new friend. What if Nathan blows out the Hanukah candles? A class in Israel tours a farm to learn how honey is made and used to celebrate the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. To Hope and Back: The Journey of the St. Louis/Kacer, Kathy A true account of two Jewish children on the ship St. Louis who, while attempting to escape Nazi Germany, were turned away from port after port. Green Bible Stories for Children/ City of Spies / Kim, Susan Lehman-Wilzig, Tami In 1942 New York City, when budding cartoonist Evelyn and her new friend, Tony, find a genuine Nazi spy. After some false alarms, it soon looks like Evelyn might end up in the kind of adventure she writes about in her comics. Recounts Bible stories from the creation to the battles of Joshua with an emphasis on their environmental aspects, and suggests related crafts, recipes and other activities. Page 14 What's the Buzz? Honey for a Sweet New Year/Ofanansky, Allison Temple Shir Tikva May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Hineni Donations Adopt-a-Family Fund •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in memory of •Jacques Cohen and Sharon Bially Cohen - •Jane Maimon - in honor of David and Randy Goldberger, wife of Stephen Goldberger •Sema Faigen - in memory of her husband, Ivan •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in memory of Betsy Gross, wife of Peter Gross •Matt and Karen Langweber - in honor of the wonderful event committee for “You Won’t Believe Your Eyes’ •Matt and Karen Langweber - in honor of Ren Knopf •Peter and Nancy Gossels - in memory of Steve Salomon, husband of Sara Salomon •Peter and Nancy Goseels - in memory of Robert Frank, husband of Velma Frank •Mara Klein Collins - in memory of Joan Jarvis, mother of Cathy Regensburger •Jonathan and Megan Smith - in memory of Barbara Shuffain, mother of Rebecca Sipowicz •Matt and Karen Langweber - in memory of Joan Jarvis, mother of Cathy Regensburger •Warren and Nancy Winnick - in loving memory of Rose and David Winnick, parents of Warren Winnick •Betty Brudnick - in memory of Jerry Kaye, father of Richard Kaye •Betty Brudnick - in memory of Helen Berman •Rabbi Neal Gold - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Maimon •Rabbi Neal Gold - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David Maimon •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in honor of Karen Kavet on her birthday •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in honor of Myra Snyder on her birthday •Rabbi Neal Gold - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Kaye •Rabbi Neal Gold - in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Elizabeth Kaye •Rabbi Neal Gold - in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Clausen •Max Rosen and Jeanne Ackman - in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah Andrew Haimovici and Ellie Solomon •Joshua and Nancy Solomon - in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of Andrew Haimovici and Ellie Solomon with appreciation for Rabbi Gold for the warm, lively, and liberating seders. •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in appreciation of Michael Gottlieb •Jeff and Tracey Maimon - in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of their sons, Adam and David Maimon •Matt and Karen Langweber - in honor of the engagement of Lindsay Cohen, daughter of Laraine Levy to Brian Nakash •Ben and Irina Boverman - in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Mayim Boverman •Morris and Patricia Passer - in honor of their son, David Passer, and his continued progress towards good health and a complete recovery •Richard and Ellen Blocker - in honor of David Passer’s speedy recovery Adam Maimon’s B’nai Mitzvah Annual Fund •Anonymous (2) •Jeff and Kelly Lappin •Matt and Karen Langweber •Donald Bachman and Karen Back •Andrea Syatt •Michael and Alexandra Mirman •Jeremy and Julie Trask •Jeff and Laraine Levy •Karen Wise •Neal and Heidi Gold •Christopher and Danyel Rodgers •Malcolm and Susan Green •Cary and Susan Benjamin •Don Schuler and Joan Blair •Elizabeth Meade •Harry and Deborah Merkin •Scott and Marcia King •Andrei and Liliane Schor •Allan Dines and Heidi Tissenbaum •Will and Ami Danoff •Brett and Jeremi Carswell •Sara Salomon •Franklin and Karen Rosen •Sheila Deitchman •Jim and Doreen Rao •Gregory and Natalie Zelyakovsky •Tevy and Karen Dines •Richard and Shetal Kaye •Mitch and Ali Corton •David and Suzanne Rich •Eli and Marge Edelson •Ted and Phyllis Bially •Leonid and Yanina Gordin •Joan Friedman •Ken and Cheryl Chernack •David Passer and Marc Maxwell •Steve Richmond and Julie Weinstein •John and Millie Kateman •Herman and Paula Blumberg •Jeff and Marcie Jonas •Joe and Diane Stone •Michael Abrahams •Jonathan and Susan Kasle •Elaine Ellenbogen •Jeff and Heather Swartz •Harvey and Amy Michaels •Paul and Marcia Rosenberg Temple Shir Tikva Music Fund •Donald and Gail Smith - in honor of Ben Shapiro becoming a Bar Mitzvah •Bob and Lonnie Swarz - in memory of Claire Jonas, mother of Jeff Jonas Rabbi Gold’s Discretionary Fund •Berna Haberman •Paul Richards •Ted and Phyllis Bially •The Libbin Family – in appreciation of Rabbi Gold and in honor of Joyce’s Bat Mitzvah •Ed and Zoe Chates - in memory of Philip Chates School Enrichment Fund •David and Rhonda Cohen, Adam and Erica Magier - in memory of Joan Jarvis, mother of Cathy Regensburger Study in Israel Scholarship Fund •Vladimir and Lena Savikovsky - in mem- ory of Iosif Savikovsky Youth Community Fund •Avi and Jeremy Gold - in honor of their uncle, John van der Wallen •Cary and Susan Benjamin - in memory of Joan Jarvis, mother of Cathy Regensburger Page 15 Hineni May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 ippd Temple Shir Tikva 508-358-9992 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts In Our Congregation New Members Rosalind Gertner 3 Hummock Way Hudson, MA 01749 Mark, Eric Phil Benjamin, President Neal D. Gold, Rabbi Mazel Tov to — Greg Litcofsky, Associate Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus Hollis Schachner, Cantor Laraine Cohen Levy and Jeff Cohen on the engagement of their daughter, Lindsay Cohen, to Brian Nakash David Passer, Executive Director Deena Bloomstone, Director of Congregational Learning Rachel Kest, Director of Elementary & Family Education Samantha Nidenberg Youth Educator Karen Edwards, Assistant to the Rabbis and Cantor Linda Goldbaum, Office Administrator Toni Spitzer Office Administrator Lucy Dube, Bookkeeper ext. 214 ext. 201 ext. 203 ext. 202 ext. 210 ext. 211 ext. 200 ext. 215 Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor JCC Early Learning Center of Wayland · Phone: 508-358-5331 508-879-5064 508-358-6272 Fax: 508-358-5332 Office Hours School Office Temple Office Sunday…....……………….9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed Monday…………………...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.………….….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday…………………...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.………….….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday………………..9 a.m. - 8 p.m.……….…….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday………….……….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.……………..9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday……………..……….9 a.m. - 2 p.m.……….…….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Office Closings: Monday, May 28, Memorial Day Upcoming Events Monday, May 7, 7 p.m……………………………………Annual Sisterhood Dinner Saturday, May 12, 4:30 - 7 p.m.……………….Young Families Havdallah Program Thursday, May 17, 7 p.m……………………….Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament Friday, May 18, 6:15 p.m………...Simchat Shabbat Celebrating Graduating Seniors Sunday, May 20, 10:15 a.m…………………..TST Religious School Tzedakah Mall Sunday, May 20, 11 a.m…………………………………...TST Honors Rachel Kest Friday, June 1, 6:15 p.m………….Simchat Shabbat Celebrating Confirmation Class Sunday, June 3, 7 p.m………………..19th Annual David Snyder Memorial Concert Page 16 Garry and Bette Ann Weiner on the marriage of their son, Evan, to Ilyssa Ganek Our Condolences to — Dan Schneider on the loss of his father, Sheldon Schneider Marilyn Porter on the loss of her husband, Bernard Porter Diane Tutin on the loss of her father, Bernard Porter Robin Schreier on the death of her father, Nathan “Nat” Schreier Cathy Regensburger on the loss of her mother, Joan Jarvis Richard Kaye on the loss of his father, Jerry Kaye Jeff Jonas on the loss of his mother, Claire Jonas Steven Wolf on the loss of his father, Sherman Wolf ippd June Hineni Deadline Monday, May 7 The June Hineni will be the last issue for this year. The next issue will be published in September. Articles and photos may be sent by email to or mailed to the temple office. Email or call Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at 508-358-6272 with questions or comments. Temple Shir Tikva
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