November 2015 - Temple Shir Tikva


November 2015 - Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
On the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Yitzhak Rabin ‫ז"ל‬
Rabbi Neal Gold
here are a few historical touchstones in our lives where we’ll always remember where we were and what we were doing when
we heard the news. The assassinations of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King come to mind for those of that generation. 9/11, of
course, is that day for all of us.
For me, the murder of Yitzhak Rabin (zichrono livracha – the memory of a righteous man is a blessing) on November 4, 1995, will
always be like that. I remember exactly where I was: dozing, at Heidi’s mother’s apartment, alongside her stepfather on a lazy
Shabbat afternoon. The TV was on, and it grabbed our attention when the program cut to breaking news. It was from a rally in Tel
Aviv—the largest rally for peace that the country had ever held. Prime Minister Rabin had just been shot, and was confirmed
killed, by an unknown assassin on his way toward the parking garage after the rally.
In the immediate aftermath, there was confusion about what, precisely, had happened. I’m no prophet and I’m not cynical by
nature—but I knew in my kishkes right away that it was not a Palestinian terrorist who had murdered Rabin. I knew this was the
work of a Jew. It pains me even now, 20 years later, to write those words. But I really doubted that a Palestinian terrorist would
infiltrate the heart of a Tel Aviv rally of hundreds of thousands of Jews and be able to get to the Prime Minister. A Jewish terrorist,
on the other hand, would slide through the crowd with ease.
And even more, I had seen firsthand the seething underbelly of violence that was fomenting in the Jewish community. The
opposition (Mr. Netanyahu) had no problem, in the months prior to the murder, speaking at right-wing rallies underneath images
portraying Rabin in an Arab kaffiyeh or with a Hitler mustache. Rabin, who had dared to propose peace with the Palestinians and
sign a treaty with King Hussein of Jordan, was vilified among the Jewish right. But worse than that, there were code words: Rabin,
they insisted, was a boged (traitor); he was called a moser (an informant against the Jews; one who turns Jews over to the nonJewish authorities). Those are loaded terms, because in the Halachic world they could be interpreted to mean: Such a person could
be legally and morally killed in order to stop his treachery. This was gasoline being poured on a seething populace, waiting for the
right fanatic to spark the flames of violence.
After Rabin’s death, there was a great handwringing in the right-wing yeshiva communities in Israel. For many, there was honest
soul-searching for accountability. But from the perspective of 20 years, all of that seems to be a long time ago.
Rabin has long been a hero of mine because he embodies the spirit of Teshuvah—and because I like his style. He was never, ever,
a messianic leftist with pie-in-the-sky illusions of peace. He was a grizzled, war-hardened veteran, who knew the ruthless nature of
his enemy. He was also a pragmatist, and he knew that the status quo of perpetual war was corrosive to Israel’s soul. Peace, or at
least the absence of war, was pragmatic. And it takes a great deal of courage and integrity for a life-long warrior to know when the
most strategic thing to do for his country’s future would be to make peace. Some have said that only a leader with Rabin’s past
could have the credibility to do it.
(Continued on Page 4)
The Annual DAVID PASSER ‫ז"ל‬
Director of Interfaith Affairs, ADL
Sunday, December 6, 2015
9:15-11:00 am
See page 5 for details.
Temple Shir Tikva
In This Issue...
Shabbat & Holiday Services……………………………………..2
Family Connections……………………………………………...6
Shir Tikva Early Learning Center…………………………….....7
Adult Education…….…………………………………………...10
Tikkun Olam…………………………………………………….11
TST History……………………...….…………………………..12
Donations & New Members.………….…………………...........15
In Our Congregation…..………………………………………...16
141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778
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November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Shabbat and Holiday Services
November 2015
Shabbat Chaya Sarah
Friday, November 6
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 7
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
9:30 a.m. Shabbat Yeladim
10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service
Maxwell Brande, son of Richard and Laura Brande, Bar Mitzvah
Amber Lavoie, daughter of Peter and Amy Freshman, Bat Mitzvah
Shabbat Toldot
Friday, November 13
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 14
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
8:30 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study
10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service
Madeline Yaffe, daughter of Corey Tobins, Bat Mitzvah
December 2015
Shabbat Veyeshev
Friday, December 4
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 5
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
9:30 a.m. Shabbat Yeladim
10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service
Alexander Danoff, son of Will and Ami Danoff, Bar Mitzvah
Shabbat Miketz
Friday, December 11
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service & Festive Hanukkah Oneg
Saturday, December 12
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
8:30 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study
Shabbat Vayetze
Friday, November 20
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Shabbat Vayigash
Friday, December 18
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 21
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
Saturday, December 19
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
Shabbat Vayishlach
Friday, November 27
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Shabbat Vayechi
Friday, December 25
6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh)
6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 28
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
Saturday, December 26
8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study
NEW! Live Streaming Shabbat
Services Opened to Guests
You can view Shabbat services at Temple Shir Tikva via live stream at
6:15 p.m. each Friday and 8:30 a.m. each Saturday. To access the live
stream, go to www. and log into the website as a
Shir Tikva member. Click on Worship, then on Live Streaming.
If you have forgotten your password, visit
member-login-or-forgotten-password; or if you are a guest hoping to
access the services, you can log in using:
User Name: streaming5776
Password: shirtikva
Enjoy and let us know how it works for you at
Page 2
From Our Rabbis and Cantor
We are eager to share in your times of joy and
support you in times of sadness. Please call us
directly or inform an administrative staff member
so we may extend timely friendship and comfort
to you and your family.
Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz,
Cantor Hollis Schachner,
Rabbi Emeritus Herman Blumberg
Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
President’s Message
Executive Director Notes…
Synonyms: affiliation, association, bond, interconnection, link, marriage, network, rapport,
relation, relevance, similarity, tie. From Relational Judaism, Dr. Ron Wolfson
We talk about relationships. We talk about Relational Judaism. What is your relationship to Temple
Susan Altman
Shir Tikva? What is your relationship to Judaism?
How can the internet and social media help you strengthen your own
relationship to TST and our community? The answer is that if you are
not able to participate in our community life on a regular basis, there
are many ways you can feel a part of our scared community.
The calendar on the TST website is lists, dates, times and event descriptions for you to choose from the entire breadth of TST programs.
Vat’s Nu is the weekly electronic communication that reminds you of
events in the near future and arrives in your inbox every Sunday morning. Hineni is a monthly publication that is delivered to your home the
first week of each month. These publications are written by temple
staff and the Communications Committee.
In addition, a number of TST social media sites are bursting with
pictures, reminders, and comments. Check out and LIKE the TST Facebook page and soon, the Early Learning Center Facebook page.
There are many posts from the Religious School, AISH (TST Center
for Youth Leadership), and our Rabbis.
For those looking for professional connections, TST”s private
LinkedIn group is a great resource. Use the drop down to the left of the
LinkedIn search box, select Groups and then Temple Shir Tikva. There
are over 100 temple members in this group. Many more profiles would
continue to enhance its usefulness to make connections and build social and professional relationships. Request to join. Looking forward
to seeing you there!
Whether you prefer online or print, there is a site to whet your appetite. If you have suggestions regarding any of these media alternatives,
please send them to me at or to Joan Blair,
Communications Committee Co-Chair,
I hope you were able to fully
experience all of the gifts that
this holiday season brings. As
we approached this new year of
fresh beginnings, I had the
great pleasure and privilege of
going to Mayyim Hayyim
Livings Waters Community
Mikveh in Newton with Cantor
Julie Kniznik
Schachner. (A mikveh is a
purifying bath used for the purpose of ritual
immersion.) I’ve been to Mayyim Hayyim before,
but this visit was very different from the last.
People often go to the mikveh to mark
milestones such as conversion to Judaism, or
becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or getting
married, or having a baby. Some people go to
celebrate healing after an illness. Others go for
solace and comfort following a trauma or loss, and
often people choose immersion to commemorate a
significant change or transition.
Blending the ancient ritual of immersion in the
beautifully modern surroundings of Mayyim
Hayyim is a spiritually uplifting experience that is
impossible to put into words. Cantor Schachner
shared several blessing for me to choose from that
felt appropriate for my visit. After the formal
immersion, as the sun shone so brightly through
the window above, I reflected on all that has
happened in my life in recent years and prayed for
the future. I felt a deep connection to the past with
hope for moving forward. It was transformational.
As members of Temple Shir Tikva we are all
(men and women) able to experience the blessing
of the mikveh. For more information, visit the
website . If
you’ve ever been curious, I urge you to give it a
try. You won’t be disappointed!
Adult Shabbaton Retreat
Friday, November 20 – Sunday, November 22
oin us for Shir Tikva’s third Adult Shabbaton Retreat at the beautiful Wylie Inn and Conference Center in Beverly, Massachusetts. It will be another extraordinary weekend of beautiful services, invigorating study and fabulous entertainment!
The all-inclusive cost of the weekend is approximately $675 per couple and $420 per single occupancy.
Space is limited, so reserve your place soon with a non-refundable check of $150 per person, made out to
Temple Shir Tikva.
What a beautiful way to draw the bonds of community and friendship together in a warm and elegant retreat setting. Please RSVP to the temple office.
Temple Shir Tikva
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November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Transition Update
November 2015
At the September Temple Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting, the BOT voted to proceed with a search for an interim
rabbi to serve the congregation from July 2016 to June 2017. This vote was taken after careful consideration of: the
research performed by the Transition Team, input from congregational meetings, the interim rabbi experiences of peer
congregations, input from the CCAR (the Central Conference of American Rabbis) and the URJ (Union of Reform
Judaism), and the recommendation of the Transition Team. An Interim Rabbi, specifically trained in interim ministry
by the Reform Movement, is an excellent choice for TST because: he/she will bring a wealth of perspective and
experience in synagogue transition management, will help conduct a self-examination and visioning process, will
assist in implementing new best practices and will help provide the time and space necessary before welcoming a new
senior rabbi.
TST’s application for an interim rabbi was submitted to the Rabbinic Placement Group at CCAR in September and the
Rabbi Search Committee has already begun the candidate interview process. Once the interim rabbi is selected, the
Rabbi Search Committee will focus its attention on a search for a senior rabbi to join TST in July 2017.
The Executive Council and Rabbi Gold agreed that Rabbi Gold will leave Shir Tikva to begin the next chapter of his
rabbinate on December 31, 2015. Rabbi Gubitz and Cantor Schachner will provide the temple’s clergy needs through
July 2016. The Operations Committee will meet the needs of the congregation by preparing for appropriate clergy
coverage and providing supplementary help of qualified clergy to support Rabbi Gubitz and Cantor Schachner on an
as-needed basis.
A special recognition Simchat Shabbat is being planned for Rabbi Gold on December 11, in conjunction with the
Hanukkah Festive Oneg. In addition to planning this event, the Congregational Engagement Committee is also
developing a TST website page to provide easy access to information about the transition and are doing outreach to
congregants desiring more information or clarity on transition issues. As always, input and questions are welcomed at
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday November 19, 7 pm
Congregational Meeting/Transition Update
The evening will begin with a wine and cheese social followed by a progress report from each transition committee.
TST Board of Directors
October 2015
President’s Remarks: Julie Kniznik acknowledged Rabbi Gold’s absence from the meeting, expressing the temple’s pride with
Rabbi Gold’s representation of Reform Judaism at the World Jewish Congress in Israel.
Executive Director’s Report: Susan Altman shared that the booming ELC is already planning for next year. ELC director,
Sandy Gold, is preparing enrollment letters for current families and enrollment to the public will open on November 16. The
new ELC sign is up and the old TST sign has been painted to match. A picture of some ELC children was taken in front of the
new sign to be used for promotional purposes.
Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Maimon reported a relatively good first quarter, which ended September 30. Although actual income is
$12k behind plan, it is better than the $24k budgeted loss. Major factors behind this negative variance include dues, B’nai Mitzvah fees and high holiday income. Overall expenses are $24k below budget, but some of it may be a timing issue: for example,
the temple has not been billed for all of the high holidays related expenses. Jeff cautioned that it is still early in the year with
only one normal month of operations (September) and it is too soon to tell if we are ahead of budget. The ELC is slightly ahead
of plan for the first three months! Our collections are on par with the prior year, about $900k collected against a goal of $1.5M.
All abatements have been processed and are up to date. Prior year collections are being followed up on and delinquent fall payments will be more aggressively followed up on . Statements will go out shortly.
Tech Committee Report: Roy Lurie shared information about the success of the high holidays video broadcast. Positive feedback was received, especially from children of members who live outside Metrowest but still feel a strong connection to Shir
Tikva. Roy shared the EC recommendation to open up the video broadcast and remove the login. After a vigorous conversation
with a number of concerns raised, it was directed back to the Tech Committee for further discussion.
Building Improvement Committee: Laurene Sperling reported the selection of a firm to do a strategic plan for the building. The
committee has some funds but needs to raise another $16k to engage the firm to produce a feasibility study. The plan is to present this study to the congregation regarding options with the existing building.
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Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
The Annual DAVID PASSER ‫ז"ל‬
Director of Interfaith Affairs, ADL
Sunday, December 6, 9:15-11 a.m.
Rabbi David Fox Sandmel is Director of Interfaith Affairs for the
Anti-Defamation League. Prior to joining the staff at the ADL,
he held the Crown Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies at the Catholic
Theological Union in Chicago, and served as Senior Advisor on
Interreligious Affairs to the Religious Action Center and Adjunct
Faculty at the Union for Reform Judaism.
From 1998-2001, he was the Jewish Scholar at the Institute for
Christian & Jewish Studies in Baltimore. There, he directed the
National Jewish Scholars Project, a major initiative to promote a
new discussion within the Jewish community and between Jews
and Christians about the differences and similarities between the
two traditions. Rabbi Sandmel coordinated the publication of
“Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity,” a groundbreaking event that generated international attention in the interfaith community and wide media coverage.
Rabbi Sandmel lectures and publishes widely on contemporary
issues in Jewish-Christian relations, Jewish-Muslim relations,
religion in contemporary society, and the foundations of Judaism and Christianity in antiquity. He contributed the commentary on First Thessalonians to the Jewish Annotated New Testament
(Oxford University Press, 2011). He is the co-editor of Christianity in Jewish Terms (Westview, 2000), to which he has also contributed an essay. In addition, he is the lead editor of Irreconcilable
Differences? A Learning Resource for Jews and Christians (Westview
Press, 2001), a study and discussion guide that focuses on core
theological issues on the boundary between Judaism and Christianity.
Rabbi Sandmel is also involved in Jewish-Muslim dialogue and
in the tri-lateral dialogue between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. For a number of years, he team-taught a course at CTU
and led interfaith study trips to Israel and the Palestinian territories. He also served on the steering committee of In Good Faith,
a CTU sponsored tri-lateral dialogue involving the wider community.
Rabbi Sandmel received his BA with honors from the Ohio State
University and was ordained at the Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. He completed his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania where he studied the
history and literature of Judaism and Christianity in the GrecoRoman world.
The Annual David Passer Social Justice Lecture was created in 2014 as
a special fund at Temple Shir Tikva to honor our former Executive Director David Passer, of blessed memory.
Temple Shir Tikva
Members in the News
The Wayland/Weston Town Crier captured photos of Karen
Krowne and Joan Blair staffing
the Wayland Democratic Town
Committee table at Wayland's
10th annual Touch a Truck event for young
children and their families. The Wayland
Dems hosted a pint sized voting booth to
instill civic involvement and a bit of fun into
the day's activities. Children were asked to
vote for their favorite character: Mickey,
Donald or Minnie. Mickey and Minnie tied
with only a few hanging chads.
An extensive article
about Neighbor to
Neighbor, the joint Shir
Tikva and Islamic Center of Boston program to
bring women from the
temple and the center together to build
friendship, understanding and respect
through shared experience, was featured in
North Bridge magazine. Joyce Pastor, a
founding member of the program, was quoted as saying, "I believe relationships are the
key to making the world a better place."
Many photos of a meeting at co-organizer
Sheila Deitchman's home, at which members
shared cultural objects, accompanied the article.
Myra Snyder will be honored on
Sunday, November 15, at the
Metrowest Jewish Day School’s
14th Annual Gala for her contributions to the MWJDS and the
Greater Boston Jewish Community. An active volunteer in the local Jewish community, Myra helped found Congregation B’nai
Torah of Sudbury, Temple Shir Tikva in
Wayland, and MWJDS. She has served on
the board of MWJDS and many other Jewish
organizations. Myra is a lifelong learner,
completing the Me’ah program in 1997 and
receiving her Masters of Jewish Studies in
2001 from Hebrew College. At Hebrew College, she currently serves as a Trustee and is
Chair of the Leadership Council.
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November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Family Connections
Family Connections experiences are designed for families with children ages 0-7. Interfaith families, nonmembers, older siblings,
grandparents and caregivers are always welcome. Bring a friend!
In Concert
At Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center
Co-sponsored by the Wayland Children
& Parent Association
Wednesday, November 11
10 a.m. ELC Open House
10:30 a.m. Concert
$8 general admissions
$7 Shir Tikva families
and WCPA members
$30 maximum per family
Tickets can be purchased at the
door. All are welcome.
Tefillah, Story & Singing,
Nosh & Shmoozing
Saturday, November 7
9:30 a.m.
Designed for ages 1 - 6
There is something for everyone!
We'll eat... we'll schmooze...we'll sing…
we'll celebrate Shabbat together!
Invite your friends to come along!
Nov. 7, Dec. 5, Feb. 6, March 5, April 2
and May 7
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Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center
The children in the Early Learning Center have had a busy month. In addition to celebrating Sukkot and
exploring the beautiful colors and pumpkins of Fall, our enrichment classes are all open and running.
Enrollment for 2016-2017 is open and we’ve already begun giving tours. Please tell your friends and
spread the word about our great program.
Rabbi Gold
joined children
from the Blue
and Yellow
rooms in the
sukkah to shake
the lulav.
There’s a lot
of pumpkin
Friday afternoon ends with
Challah baking in the
extended day program.
Sadie Klau, a participant
in the art enrichment
class, is showing off
student creations based
on the work of Wassily
Children in the Yellow Room
experiment with mixing colors.
The Blue Room enjoys
Israeli dancing!
Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center Fund
Donations to TST’s ELC Fund will be dedicated to ongoing improvements to the school, allowing it to continue to evolve and
flourish. For questions about the ELC Fund, please contact our TST ELC Task Force Co-Chairs, Amanda Glynn
( and/or Stefanie Janoff ( If you are interested in making a donation, please
visit our temple online giving page at
Temple Shir Tikva
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November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
jepig Education
Shir Tikva’s Cornerstones of Jewish Learning
Beginning in June of 2014, CJP’s Jewish Learning Connections department invested in Shir Tikva in a process of visioning, learning, building, and reflecting on our
Jewish educational work. CJP facilitated a survey for parents of the TST religious
school (65% responded!) which helped support anecdotal evidence that we are on
the right track; most certainly a result of the tireless work of the education team
(Bev Klau, Rhonda Magier-Cohen, Rachael Pass, Devora Rohr, and now Elizabeth
Suga and all of our faculty). We also learned about areas for improvement and other hopes and dreams from our parents. Because we believe that kids should have
voice and choice over their Jewish learning experiences, we also asked students in
Grades 3-6 to reflect on their Jewish learning experiences.
From all of this data and with the support of our consultant Renee Rudnick, an expert in the field, we began
to shape our Jewish Learning Cornerstones - as shown in the beautiful corresponding graphic. Our Cornerstones yield a sentence - "Jewish living and learning at Temple Shir Tikva is alive and rich; it is relational,
relevant, experiential, personally meaningful, joyful with ruach and offers deep inquiry." This sentence is aspirational and speaks of our hope that when students (of all ages) and families learn at Shir Tikva - they will
encounter all of these aspects in their learning. Think we can do it? Will you join us in making it happen?
What are Cornerstones, by the way? The Reform Movements Experiment in Congregational Education work
with congregations to develop these cornerstones (also known as design principles) for many purposes: to
serve as an educational tool for professional learning; a checklist/guide for designing learning experiences; an
observation tool for monitoring ongoing practice; and as a tool to help build relationships between staff and
lay leadership.
Already, I've shared our Cornerstones with 15 parents of our school who attended an opt-in session I led on
the 1st day of religious school. They seemed excited and reflective; and they had important questions and
ideas. What do you think? I would love your feedback and partnership!"
Shabbat Together
Saturday Nov. 21, 3:30 - 7 pm
Includes dinner and Havdalah
This inter-generational Saturday Shabbat
celebration is open to all congregants, with
special opportunities to engage our
Religious School families. Highlights will
include: Jewish Papercut with Artist and
TST Teacher Emily Pechet, Drumming
with Mitch Gordon meditation and more!
Stay tuned for more details!!!
Papercutting art by
Emily Pechet
Shabbat B’Yachad, in partnership with the TST Center for
Spirituality, is an Shabbat experience for all to enjoy! Friends and
non-members welcome!
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Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
AISH: Shir Tikva Center for Youth Leadership
Seventh and eighth graders are invited to a sleepover at the temple on December 11-12, 2015,
where they will be "locked-in" for a night of fun! The Lock-In will take place over Shabbat
and one night of Chanukah. Students will participate together in the temple-wide celebrations
as well as get to have bonding experiences and learning experiences together all night long!
Registration is live online at
Fifth and sixth graders are invited to come to TST on Saturday, December 19 at 5:30 p.m.
for dinner, Havdalah and winter fun! We will drink hot cocoa and play in the snow - and
if there's no snow, we'll make our own! RSVP to Rachael Pass at
Save the date for our Grade 10 L’Taken Social Justice Seminar trip to Washington, D.C.!
We will be going January 8-11, 2016. Grade 10 students have this unique and amazing opportunity to learn about important and relevant social justice issues in a Jewish context, culminating in lobbying our representatives on Capitol Hill! Pre-registration is open online at For more information, visit or email
Rachael Pass ( or Rabbi Gubitz (
Temple Shir Tikva
November 4
December 2
January 6
February 3
March 2
April 6
May 11
On the first Wednesday
of every month at
AISH, students will get
to experience the
following grade-level
Grade 7: Moving
Traditions (Rosh
Hodesh, Shevet Achim
& Star Society with
Talia, Steve & Rachael
Grade 8: Moving
Traditions (Rosh
Hodesh and Shevet
Achim with Tova &
Grade 9: My Jewish
Journey, an exploration
of our individual
experiences of Judaism
Grade 10: This I
Believe, confirmation
with Rabbi Gubitz
Grade 11: Oral
Histories: Voices of
Shir Tikva
Grade 12: Jewish
Packing for College,
with Rabbi Gold
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November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Adult Education
TST’s Adult
Jewish Genealogy
Monday, December 7
7:30 - 9 pm
What do you need to start Jewish
genealogical research and find
your own family history? Which
resources are relevant? You may
be astounded by the wealth of
documents available about your
Presented by Marilyn Okinow,
Outreach Coordinator for the
Jewish Genealogical Society of
Greater Boston.
The Jewish Genealogical Society
of Greater Boston (JGSGB) is
dedicated to helping people
discover and research their
Jewish family history. JGSGB
offers monthly educational
programs, provides an extensive
collection of research materials,
publishes an award-winning
journal, Mass-Pocha, and hosted
the 2013 IAJGS International
Conference on Jewish
For more information about the
program or questions, contact
Adult Education Co-Chair,
Marcus Cohn, or
committee member
Ben Boverman,
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Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Tikkun Olam
Mitzvah Day 2015 a Success!
Thank you to all of our coordinators and
volunteers who made Shir Tikva’s Mitzvah
Day a success! The building and
community were abuzz with TST members
doing Mitzvot all morning. Photos from the
day are in the gallery on Shir Tikva’s
website and a selection will be printed in
December’s Hineni.
KESHER Provides Spiritual, Emotional Support
TST Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families
during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize
celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. The Kesher coordinator for November is
Dorie Nickelsburg . She can be reached at 508-733-9102 or
If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, call the
temple office, the Rabbis or Cantor or the coordinator. For pastoral
emergencies after normal business hours, call the temple office, 508358-9992, and listen for emergency contact information recorded at
the end of the message.
Volunteers Needed to Visit
People Receiving Hospice Care
You can make a difference in someone’s life
in as little as one hour a week. Training is
Non-contact positions are also available.
Call Alice Hutter at West River Care:
Online Donations
To make performing
the mitzvah of tzedakah
more convenient,
on-line donations are
Go to
TST is Compensated for Recycling
Our temple is compensated for paper put in the bright green
and yellow recycling bin located outside, near the loading dock.
Accepted items include newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail,
paperback books and colored paper. Please help us by bringing
your recyclable paper products to the bin located near the loading dock.
Temple Shir Tikva
New Members
We are delighted to welcome our
new members as of September 30:
Peter and Miriam Borden
Max, Zoe
Gregg and Corey Dehner
Reed, Tristan
Andrew and Rachel Goodman
Jacob, Samuel
Greg and Joanna Hartunian
Nathan, Jack
Bert and Shelly Levine
Robin, Michael
Rob and Debbie Polansky
Richard Romanow and Debbie
Adam, Robert, David, Daniel,
Justin, Elizabeth
Benjamin Wright and Miriam
Samuel, Ethan
Members of our Shir Tikva community
are always looking for fun, responsible,
creative babysitters. If you want to add
your name to our babysitting list, send
your name, age/grade, address, email address, cell phone number, preferred method of communication (email, text or
phone), transportation requirements and
any additional notes about you to Rabbi
Jen Gubitz by Facebook message.
Your details and contact information
will be made available to the Shir Tikva
Family Connections Facebook group,
which can only be viewed by members.
Page 11
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
TST History
In the late 1980’s and extending into the next decade, many American Jewish communities welcomed Jewish families from the
Former Soviet Union (FSU). Support was provided for the many difficult tasks of resettlement: housing, employment, language
training, financial assistance and orientation to our way of life. The effort reflected our communities at their best!
Our synagogue joined in the effort, welcoming seven families to Metrowest Boston and our synagogue. We assisted with the tasks of
resettlement, the children studied in our school and, in the next years, celebrated their B’nei Mitzvah. Beyond logistics, we gladly
extended friendship. Some relationships continue to this day. With the help of Samuil and Nina Shmuuylovich we have reconnected
with these very special TST families. How far they have come – into the third generation – since their beginnings here!
The family updates below are submitted by Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg
The Belyaev Family
Alex Belayev writes, “Our family was welcomed to Boston by
the Shir Tikva congregation on May 24, 1988. Five members of
our family arrived on that day: Alexander and Svetlana Belyaev,
our two daughters, Elena and Yana, and Alexander’s mother,
Serafima (Sema) Belyaev.”
Svetlana Belyaev is retired now, after working for years as a contractor in the field of accounting. Alexander Belyaev is the principal research scientist at KLA-Tencor Corporation’s headquarters in Silicon Valley. He has authored and co-authored over fifteen patents. Elena graduated from Johns Hopkins University
with a major in International Relations and a minor in Computer
Science. She now works as a software engineer for a bioinformatics consulting company in Maryland. Elena is married and she
and her husband have a son, Michael. Michael is currently attending preschool at a reform synagogue in their neighborhood and
loves it. Yana graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a
major in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. She works as
a patent agent for the United States Patent and Trademark Office
in northern Virginia and she recently got married. Yana and her
husband are members of Temple Beth Emeth in Virginia. Finally,
Sema turned 97 years old in December and she is thriving at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center in Boston.
granddaughter Inna. With great difficulty they transported Yaakov’s elderly mother, Fira, with them. Yaakov's skills and experience in electrical engineering commanded high level employment
with Doble Engineering in Watertown, MA where he worked for
18 years, traveling internationally for his work until his death in
2010. Ala worked in food catering; she died in 2008. Lana is a
mechanical engineer, working at an architectural firm in Cambridge, Anatoly started a precision auto repair shop in Watertown, and Inna graduated from Brandeis and Tufts Dental
In 1992, Anatoly's brother Vladimir joined the family in Boston
together with his wife Fanya and their children Evelina and Maya. Vladimir started a landscaping business and now works in
construction. His first customers were Shir Tikva members from
Wayland and Sudbury. Fanya is an RN. She is the Clinical Director of JFCS Home Care program that was recently acquired by
Hebrew Senior Life.
Evelina (Yankovski), a BU graduate, is a software engineer. She
has two daughters: Gabriella (10) and Arianna (2). Maya
Prokupets graduated from NYU Law School and practices in
New York.
The Koyfman Family
The Koyfman family came to US in 1989: Lev, Yelena Yulikova,
their children Olga and Andrew, and Yelena's mother, Galina.
The Gordin Family
Leonid and Yana Gordin came to the Boston area in 1987 togeth- Lev Koyfman worked for a number of software companies in
er with Yana’s parents Naum and Tsilya Gordin and their young Greater Boston Area before retiring in 2013. Yelena worked in
daughters Rashel and Karina. Leonid’s parents, Boris Baran and the medical field as an echo cardiographer for various hospitals
and medical centers in Greater Boston Area and retired in 2011.
Ester Krupnik arrived in Boston in 1990.
Leonid and Yana live in Wayland, MA. Leonid is a physician at Olga is the Director of MA Senior Community Employment Program at the Mass. Executive Office of Elder Affairs and is a creaMt. Auburn Hospital. Yana is an RN working at the Newtontive artist. Her mural can be seen in Brookline at the intersection
Wellesley Hospital. Rashel graduated from Chicago School of
of Beacon and Harvard St. She has two daughters, Natalia (11)
Art. She is self-employed and lives in Chicago IL with her
and Sasha (9). They live in Arlington MA.
daughter - Maya (born in 2010). Karina graduated from Tufts
with Masters of Art and from the College of Pharmacy. She is
Andrew got his PhD and MD from Brown University and MBA
self-employed and lives in Wayland, MA. Daniel, born in 1992
from Sloan School of Management at MIT. He is the Senior Di(in Chicago, IL), currently is studying at UMass Amherst. All
rector of Corporate Consulting at EMC. He lives with his wife,
three children were educated in TST”s Religious School and cel- son William (5) and triplets Anna, Vika, and Zoye (1) in Brookebrated milestone moments with us.
Lena's mother Galina died in November 2014 at the age of 93.
Boris Baran died in 1997, Tsilya in 2009, and Naum in 2011.
Ester Krupnik lives in Brighton, MA.
Lev and Elvira Markov
The Knobel/Prokupets Family
Public information indicates that Lev lives in Cambridge. Elvira
Yaakov and Ala Knobel arrived in Boston from Moldavia in
is deceased. Their daughter Yana attend McGill University. No
1998 with their daughter Lana, son-in-law Anatoly, and young
other information is available.
Page 12
Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
The Israel Connections Committee of TST
invites you to join us at Shir Tikva for a
Congregational Shabbat Dinner:
Reflections and Perceptions:
The Reform Movement in Israel Today
Knitzvah - Every Sunday
Rabbi Neal Gold and Cantor Hollis Schachner
Friday, November 13, 7:30 p.m.
(following Simchat Shabbat Services)
Catered Israeli Dinner
9 - 11 a.m.
Love to knit or always wanted to try it?
Join us Sunday mornings in the Atrium.
Like last year, in addition to the healing
shawls we have made in the past, we will
be making blankets and knitted animals
for the children who will be staying at
Temple Shir Tikva as part of Family
Promise. No experience required!
Sisterhood Game Night
Thursday, November 5, 7:30 p.m.
Rabbi Gold will share his experiences
as a delegate to the World Zionist Congress
Cantor Schachner will share her experiences
as a Reform Jew living in Israel
Cost: $36 per person
Make your dinner reservation online at by November 6
For more information, contact
Amy Michaels (
Roz Rosenthal (
To help keep the cost of this program down, we ask that you
please bring a bottle of wine or soda to share.
The Israel Connections Committee co-sponsors and organizes
Israeli movie and dinner nights, speakers on Israel and Middle
East current events and festivities to celebrate Yom Ha-Atzmaut,
Israel Independence Day. We share celebrations and religious
school classroom visits with our sister community in Israel,
Temple Or Hadash in Haifa. We also support our community's
participation in Israeli-related initiatives of the Greater Boston
Jewish community, particularly the Combined Jewish Philanthropies' (CJP) Boston-Haifa Connection.
Temple Shir Tikva
Do you like card games or board games? Come join us for a
fun evening of games, wine and dessert. We will have a
variety of games such as Sequence, Trivial Pursuit, Cranium,
Pictionary, cards (Canasta, Rummy, Poker), maybe even Mah
Jongg, or any other suggestions. Bring your friends and meet
new ones!
Book Group to Discuss “Bloodlines”
Thursday, December 3, 7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Book Group will meet for
a stimulating and engaging discussion
of Bloodlines by Neville Frankel.
From the Jewish Book Council summary: “Bloodlines, an apartheid era
novel, raises universal questions about
the bond between mother and child,
regardless of distance or age, and the
limits of tolerance and forgiveness.
The full summary can be found here:
In addition to a lively discussion, we will also pick additional
books to read through the year. So please bring your ideas or
submit them to
Page 13
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
In Our Community
Rabbi Gold, on the 20th Anniversary of the
death of Yitzhak Rabin (continued from page 1)
I’ll never forget watching the signing of the Oslo Accords from my Jersey
City apartment, a few days before Rosh HaShana in 1993. President Clinton
presided over the signing of the first-ever treaty between the Israelis and
Palestinians. There was Rabin, and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and Yasir
Arafat—the man with more Jewish blood on his hands than any individual
since Hitler. And when the time came after the signing, there was a moment
of great tension: Would Rabin shake Arafat’s hand, this man who had been
his sworn enemy for decades? His body language said it all: Every sinew in
his body was ambivalent, but still he stuck out his hand and they shook.
On the night of the peace rally in 1995, the scene at the White House already
felt like distant history. There had been renewed waves of violence, and the
peace process needed an infusion of spirit. Just before he was shot, Rabin
joined the crowd in singing the anthem of the Israeli peace movement, “Shir
L’shalom.” While the song was anthemic to the peace activists, Rabin was
unfamiliar with it, and sang the words off a lyric sheet in his hand. Even then,
he knew that negotiating peace was the only way forward for any sort of
acceptable future—but it was a cold, hard-earned peace.
Where does that leave us today? The world of the Middle East is a different,
nastier place than it was 20 years ago. Israel has prospered; it has become a
technological giant and its people were recently recognized as the 5th happiest
population in the world, as measured by an international “happiness
index.” (The USA was not ranked in the top 10.) Nevertheless, there are
perpetual battles with terrorists on the northern border and in Gaza; there’s
always a wary eye on the regime in Egypt; and, of course, the shadow of
nuclearized ayatollahs in Iran. The Jewish settlements of the West Bank have
multiplied. And in the past few weeks, the Palestinian street was seething
again as a new wave of violence and terrorist attacks unfolded.
I believe that Rabin’s legacy is one of practical, centrist-based peacemaking.
It will take an incredible amount of vision, fortitude, and bravery to put such a
vision into place. Unfortunately, the world does not seem to be blessed with
visionary leaders on any side today.
JFS Healthy Aging Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, November 18, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Temple Israel, 145 Hartford
Street, Natick
"Shifting Gears--Driving Safely"
Presented by Michele Ellicks,
Community Outreach Coordinator for the Registry of Motor Vehicles
Kosher lunch is $3 in advance
or $5 at the door
Register by calling 508-8753100x.36 or online:
In the meantime, I am haunted by the old warrior’s words that he intoned on
the White House lawn the day he signed the Oslo Accords. He said:
Let me say to you, the Palestinians: We are destined to live together,
on the same soil in the same land. We, the soldiers who have returned
from battle stained with blood, we who have seen our relatives and
friends killed before our eyes, we who have attended their funerals
and cannot look into the eyes of their parents, we who have come
from a land where parents bury their children, we who have fought
against you, the Palestinians - we say to you today in a loud and clear
voice: Enough of blood and tears. Enough….
….In the Jewish tradition, it is customary to conclude our prayers
with the word “Amen.” With your permission, men of peace, I shall
conclude with words taken from the prayer recited by Jews daily,
and I ask the entire audience to join me in saying “Amen”: Oseh
shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol yisrael, v’imru
Amen. May He who makes peace in His high heavens grant peace to
us and to all Israel. Amen.
We’re still waiting for that “Amen.”
Page 14
Temple Shir Tikva
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
Adult Learning Fund
•Ken and Cheryl Chernack - in memory of
Charlotte Beck, mother of Karen Langweber
•Mark and Joan Lappin - in honor of the
birth of Beatrice Caroline Zeskind, granddaughter of Dale and Dianne Zeskind
Annual Fund
•Ilya and Alla Bass
•Bentsion and Irina Boverman
•Michael and Beverly Kaye
•Stephen and Janet Lipkin
•Daniel Miller
•Steve and Jae Rosenstein
•Michael and Lisa Safran
•Michael and Jenny Schreiber
•Norman and Ruth Stavisky
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker - in honor of the
birth of Zoe Swarz, granddaughter of Bob
and Lonnie Swarz
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker- in honor of the
marriage of Jessica Kivnik, daughter of
Alan and Sharon Kivnik, to Marc Newland
•Martin and Ellen Herbordt - in honor of
Joan Warshaw on her 90th birthday
•Kate Bell and Robert Koster- wishing a
speedy recovery to Heidi Tissenbaum
•Marilyn Porter - in honor of the birth of
Zoe Swarz, granddaughter of Bob and
Lonnie Swarz
•Franklin Rosen and Karen Zeff Rosen - in
appreciation of the staff and clergy at
Temple Shir Tikva
•Larry and Jane Salk - in honor of the Bat
Mitzvah of Kendall Geffen, daughter of
Lewis Geffen and Margot Geffen
•Joan Blair and Donald Schuler - in honor
of the engagement of Leah Bellman,
daughter of Robert and Carole Bellman to
Kyle Miller
•Jonathan and Megan Smith - in apprecaition of Rabbi Gubitz
•Alexandra Statland - in honor of the new
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker - in memory of
Lelene Volk, mother of Mark Volk
•Mo and Amanda Glynn - in memory of
Donald Steingisser, father of Lee
•Wayne and Judy Keseberg - in memory of
Richard Misch
•Bruce and Joyce Pastor - in memory of
Lelene Volk, mother of Mark Volk
•Donald Schuter and Joan Blair - in honor
of the engagement of Leah Bellman,
daughter of Bob and Carole Bellman, to
Kyle Miller
Temple Shir Tikva
•Stephen and Trudy Sonis - in memory of
•Joe and Dana Volman - in appreciation of
Rita Govenar
•Abraham and Ana Wons - in memory of
Alberto Lewkowicz, brother of Ana Wons
In honor of the marriage of Richard
Friedman and Nancy Goldstone
•William Richmond
•Abraham and Ana Wons
In honor of the marriage of Miles Bellman, son of Robert and Carole Bellman,
to Leah Hess
•Robert Koster and Kate Bell
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker
•Joan Blair and Donald Schuler
•Stephen and Trudy Sonis
•Lee-Ann Yolin
In memory of Charlotte Beck, mother of
Karen Langweber
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker
•Bruno Berszoner and Jen Cobe
•Mo and Amanda Glynn
•Peter and Nancy Gossels
•Marilyn Newman
•Judy Riegelhaupt
•Larry and Jane Salk
•Robert and Myra Snyder
•Stephen and Trudy Sonis
In memory of Betty Ann Miller, wife of
Daniel Miller
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker
•Peter and Nancy Gossels
•Kate Bell and Robert Koster
•Michael and Alexandra Mirman
•Judy Riegelhaupt
•Stephen and Trudy Sonis
In memory of Jacqueline Salk, mother of
Larry Salk
•Ricky and Ellen Blocker
•Bruce and Joyce Pastor
•Stephen and Trudy Sonis
•Joan Warshaw
In memory of Mia Corton, mother of
Mitch Corton
•Cary and Susan Benjamin
•Bruno Berszoner and Jen Cobe
•Richard and Diane Tutin
Building and Furnishings Fund
Jeff and Karen Miller - in honor of the
marriage of Miles Bellman, son of Bob and
Carole Bellman, to Leah Hess
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
•Robert and Carole Bellman - in appreciation of Cantor Schachner
•Lewis Geffen - in appreciation of Cantor
Cantor Schachner and the warmth and
love she brought to Skylar Volman's Bat
•Marc and Diane Homer - in memory of
Eva and Morris Homer, grandparents of
Marc Homer
Kesher Fund
•Martin and Carol Shulman - in memory of
Jacqueline Salk, mother of Larry Salk
Music Fund
•Robert and Myra Snyder - in memory of
Charlotte Beck, mother of Karen Langweber
•Robert and Myra Snyder - in memory of
Betty Ann Miller, wife of Dan Miller
•Rhonda Magier-Cohen - in memory of
their beloved Howard JS Magier, from his
Rabbi Gold’s Discretionary Fund
•Roddy Bernstein
•Larry and Jane Salk
•Lewis Geffen - in appreciation of Rabbi
•Vladimir and Lena Savikovsky - in honor
of the birth of their grandson, Yali Simon
•Vladimir and Lena Savikovsky - in
memory of Semyon Sirotin, father of Lena
•Michael and Alexandra Mirman - in
memory of Semyon Sirotin, father of Lena
Rabbi Gubitz’s Discretionary Fund
•Joe and Dana Volman - in appreciation of
Rabbi Gubitz for the support and
guidance given to Skylar Volman to help
her to deliver an educational and moving
Drash at her Bat Mitzvah
Rabbi Herman and Paula Blumberg
URJ Camp Scholarship Fund
•Jerome and Susan Haber - in memory of
Shirley Sporn, mother of Susan Haber, on
her yartzeit
Ritual Fund
•Norman and Alison Axelrod - in memory
of Charlotte Beck, mother of Karen
School Enrichment Fund
•Richard and Diane Tutin - in memory of
Stephen Meterparel, father of Jon Meterparel
Social Action Fund
•Lee-Ann Yolin - in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Flaggert, son of Robert
Flaggert and Jessica Fein
•Mo and Amanda Glynn - in appreciation
of Amy Podolsky
Page 15
November 2015 Cheshvan-Kislev 5776
In Our Congregation
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts
Julie Kniznik, President
Alan and Sharon Kivnick on the
marriage of their daughter, Jessica
Kivnick to Marc Newland
Neal D. Gold, Rabbi
Jennifer Gubitz, Associate Rabbi
Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus
Hollis Schachner, Cantor
Susan Malman Altman, Executive Director
Beverly Klau, Religious School Principal
Rhonda Magier-Cohen
Curriculum and Family Education Director
Rachael Pass, Director of Youth Engagement
Karen Edwards, Asst. to the Rabbis & Cantor
Toni Spitzer, Office Administrator
Robert and Carole Bellman on the
engagement of their daughter, Leah
Bellman to Kyle Miller
Richard Friedman and Nancy
Goldstone on their marriage
Maurice and Dena Hamilburg on the
marriage of their daughter, Danielle
Hamilburg to Adam Hanna
Bob and Lonnie Swarz on the birth of
their granddaughter, Zoe Rose Swarz,
daughter of Mark Swarz and Erin
Elizabeth Suga, Education Coordinator
Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center
Sandy Gold, Early Learning Center Director
Pam Knowles, ELC Administrator
Joan Blair, Website Editor
Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor
Temple Office
Monday/Tuesday………… 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday…………………9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday…………………... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday………………………9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sunday………………… 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Office Closings:
November 11, Veterans’ Day
November 26 & 27, Thanksgiving (Office closes at 2 p.m. on November 25)
141 Boston Post Road
Wayland, MA 01778
Page 16
Condolences to…
David Gitlin on the death of his mother,
Audrey Gitlin
Office Hours
School Office
Mazel Tov to…
Jon Meterparel on the death of his
father, Stephen Meterparel
Paul Schejtman on the death of his
mother, Haydee Schejtman
Mark Volk on the death of his mother,
Lelene Volk
December Hineni Deadline
Friday, November 6
Email articles and photos to
Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor,
U.S. Postage Paid
Non-Profit Org
Permit No. 33
Wayland, MA
Temple Shir Tikva

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