Temple Shir Tikva Program Book 5775


Temple Shir Tikva Program Book 5775
Temple Shir Tikva
A Community of Worship, Learning, Social Action & Friendship
Program Book 5775
141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778
2014-2015 / 5775
Rabbi Neal Gold
Program Book
Temple Shir Tikva Team
Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz
Rabbis and Cantor
Cantor Hollis Schachner
Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus
Beverly Klau, Ext. 203
Religious School Principal
Rhonda Magier-Cohen, Ext. 202
Director of Curriculum and Family
Neal Gold
Rabbi Emeritus
Herman Blumberg
Jennifer Gubitz
Hollis Schachner
Religious School and AISH team
Rachael Pass, Ext. 221
Director of Youth Engagement
Devora Rohr, ext. 211
Education Office Administrator
Susan Altman, Ext. 214
Executive Director
Karen Edwards, Ext. 210
Assistant to Rabbis & Cantor
Beverly Klau
Rachael Pass
Devora Rohr
Administrative and Support team
Toni Spitzer, Ext. 200
Office Administrator
Lucy Dube, Ext. 215
Mike Buianowski
Julio Machado
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Susan Altman
Lucy Dube
Karen Edwards
Mike Buianowski
Toni Spitzer
Julio Machado
Temple Shir Tikva
Table of Contents
2014-2015 / 5775
A Year of
Jewish Holidays
A Year of Jewish Holidays………………………3
Scholar-in-Residence: Alex Cicelsky …………...4
Selichot Program and Service
Saturday, 9-20
Erev Rosh HaShanah
Wednesday, 9-24
Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Yoel Glick………...6
Rosh HaShanah (Day 1)
Thursday, 9-25
Tzion Year Two: Rabbi Dr. David Starr………...7
Rosh HaShanah (Day 2)
Friday, 9-26
Ruchi G’viati, My Soul, My Body………………7
Erev Yom Kippur/ KOL NIDRE
Friday, 10-3
Monday Mornings with Rabbi Alan Ullman…….8
Yom Kippur
Saturday, 10-4
Sukkot Morning Service
Thursday, 10- 9
1st Annual David Passer Social Justice Lecture…5
Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment Seminar…8
Sukkot Festivities
Friday, 10-10
Archeology in Israel: Andrea Berlin ……………9
Shemini Atzeret Service/ YIZKOR
Thursday, 10-16
Lifelong Learning Opportunity………………….9
Simchat Torah Festivities
Thursday, 10-16
Tikkun Olam: Family Promise Metrowest….10-11
First Night of Chanukah
Tuesday, 12-16
Tikkun Olam……………………………………12
Festive Chanukah Oneg
Friday, 12-19
Eighth Night of Chanukah
Tuesday, 12-23
Tu B’Shevat
Monday, 2-4
Purim Megillah Reading
Wednesday, 3-4
Family Purim Carnival and
Tzedakah Fair
Sunday, 3-8
First Night of Pesach
Friday, 4-3
Pesach Morning Service
Saturday, 4-4
Festive Passover Oneg
Friday, 4-10
Yom HaShoah
(Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Wednesday, 4-15
Yom HaZikaron
(Israel Memorial Day)
Wednesday, 4-22
Yom HaAtzmaut
(Israel Independence Day)
Thursday, 4-23
Lag B’Omer
Thursday, 5-7
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Saturday, 5-23
Shavuot Morning Service/ YIZKOR
Sunday, 5-24
Tishah B’Av Observance
Sunday, 7-26
Family Connections…………………………….15
AISH: TST Center for Youth Leadership…..16-17
TST Choirs and Band…………………………..18
TST Website and History………………………19
TST Committees………………………………..22
Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs………23
Updated information on events is available on the
Temple Shir Tikva website: www.shirtikva.org
Editing, Design and Layout
by Peggi Cohen
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Making Deserts Bloom:
A Weekend of Discovery & Exploration for Adults, Teens & Kids
Alex Cicelsky
Kibbutz Lotan, Israel
Center for Creative Ecology/
Global Ecovillage Network
Temple Shir Tikva
Friday - Sunday, November 7-9
Friday 11/7 – Simchat Shabbat Services, 6:15 p.m.
Dinner after services
(Sign up at www.shirtika.org/shabbatdinner)
Saturday 11/8 – Shabbat Torah Study – 9:30 a.m.
Family Learning + Havdalah – 5 p.m.
AISH High School Program + Havdalah – 7:30 p.m.
Sunday 11/9 – More Family Learning Opportunities – 9-11 a.m.
LEX CICELSKY is a remarkable teacher of Jewish ecological traditions. He is a senior staff
member and founder of the Center for Creative Ecology (CfCE) and a founder of Kibbutz Lotan.
Founded in 1983 by graduates of the Reform Youth Movement of America, Kibbutz Lotan is an
extraordinary place: one of Israel’s two Reform kibbutzim. Located in the Southern Arava desert,
their community’s mission is to live Jewishly, equitably, and in an environmentally sustainable way. Besides
the environmental research work they do and the innovative practices they have put into place, their CfCE
runs a myriad of educational programs for post high school, college and post graduate students. They also
run programs for American, Israeli and international youth groups and international (including Palestinian)
visitors of all ages. Visitors come to experience the community and to learn firsthand about the kibbutz's sustainable building techniques, recycling, organic farming, water recycling and waste management, permaculture and philosophy of eco-village living.
His teaching throughout the weekend will be an invigorating and eye-opening exploration
of the TORAH OF THE EARTH for adults & kids alike. Join us!
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Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Social Justice
The First David Passer, ‫ז"ל‬
Annual Social Justice Lecture
Sunday, November 23, 9-11 a.m .
Idit Klein, Executive Director
dit Klein has been an activist for equality and social justice for the past 20 years. Since 2001, she
has served as Executive Director of KESHET, the premier organization for LGBT equality and
inclusion in North American Jewish life. Under her leadership, she has built Keshet from a oneperson, local organization with an annual budget of $42,000 to an 18-person, national organization with an annual budget of nearly $2 million. During this time, Keshet developed a comprehensive
training curriculum for LGBT inclusion and trained educators in hundreds of Jewish communities around
the country. In Massachusetts, Klein helped mobilize Massachusetts rabbis and synagogue members to
defeat the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Klein also served as the Executive
Producer of Keshet’s award-winning documentary film Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School.
Prior to leading Keshet, Klein was an activist in the LGBT community in Israel and played a role in
early organizing efforts to create the Jerusalem Open House. She has worked for social justice organizations in Jerusalem and in Boston including SHATIL, the Israel/Palestine Center for Research & Information, and Community Work Services. A magna cum laude graduate of Yale University, Klein received
her Master’s in Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a focus on social justice
and anti-oppression education. She is also a certified facilitator of the Center for Leadership Initiatives.
Klein was among eight recipients of the 2003-2005 Joshua Venture Fellowship for young Jewish social
entrepreneurs and was a plenary speaker at the 2007 Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly. A board member of JOIN for Justice and a past fellow, Klein was honored by the Jewish Women’s Archive with a Women Who Dared award and named to the Forward 50.
The David Passer Annual Social Justice Lecture was created in 2014 as a special fund at
Temple Shir Tikva to honor our friend and former Executive Director,
David Passer, of blessed memory.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
wondered about meditation
in Jewish practice?
 Would
you like to know more about how to
quiet your mind so as to experience
a more profound closeness to G-D?
Do you love and practice Judaism yet
sometimes feel that your life could be
more spiritually rich?
Join us on December 12-14
as we welcome Rabbi Yoel Glick,
master teacher of Jewish Meditation
abbi Yoel Glick, a preeminent teacher of Jewish meditation,
will join us at Temple Shir Tikva as a scholar-in-residence for
the weekend of December 12-14.
Rabbi Glick has been described as the foremost thinker of our time on
the practice of Jewish meditation. Originally from Toronto, he now divides his time between France and Jerusalem, where he teaches Torah in
the Old City. His book, Living the Life of Jewish Meditation, was published in
When Rabbi Gold asked him, “Who is the target audience for your teaching,” Rabbi Glick replied, “ ‘Serious spiritual seekers;’ people who want to bring G-d more into
their lives and who want to feel and know G-d’s presence as they go about their day.” He explained this book as “a distillation of all the teachings I’ve done for the past 30 years.”
Mark your calendars for a transformative Shabbaton of learning with Rabbi Glick, beginning
with Simchat Shabbat services Friday night followed by various exciting and innovative programs throughout the weekend.
This program is sponsored by the Adult Education Committee and the Chazon Spirituality Work Group.
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Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Adult Learning
Ruchi G’viati—
My Soul, My Body
Sundays, 9:30-11 a.m.
December 7,
February 1, March 1
Tzion Year Two
Join us for “Ruchi G’viati--My Soul,
My Body,” our Jewish Mind-Body
Spirituality experience. Together we
will learn timeless strategies drawn
from Jewish tradition for caring for
your mind, body and soul. This dynamic series of workshops is based on music, contemplative meditation, Torah
study, psychological thought and gentle
 Wear comfortable clothing
 Come prepared to remove your
 Bring a yoga mat (mats will be provided for those need them)
 Bring friends, old and new
 Bring frayed nerves in need of
 Bring open minds and hearts, eager
to learn, share and sing
Facilitated by Cantor Hollis Schachner,
Dr. Randy Kamen Gredinger and
Holly Friedman Glick, LICSW, RYT
Wednesdays, 7:15 - 9:15 p.m.
Started October 1
oin a year of seminar-like study with
Rabbi Dr. David Starr. Tzion Year Two
continues the second of a two-year discussion about the
history and ideas of Zionism. Tzion Year One is not a
Tzion Year Two (2014-15) traces chronologically, the challenges from 1948 onwards of Israeli nation building, including mass immigration, the creation of democratic instructions and a civil society, and changing cultural norms to the
The Tzion Year Two classes are held on Wednesday evenings
from 7:15 – 9:15 in the Beit Midrash. There are 20 classes, not
including the Tzion Seminar to Israel from April 15 –26.
Make-up classes will be scheduled as necessary.
Class dates include October 1, 22, 29; November 12, 19;
December 3, 10; January 7, 14, 21, 28; February 4, 11, 25;
March 11, 18, 25; April 1; May 6. Snow date is May 13.
To register for Tzion Year Two, contact Karen Edwards, kedwards
@shirtikva.org or 508-358-9992. The fee for the year is $225 per
person. Fee abatements are available by contacting Karen. The number of registrants is limited to the capacity of the Beit Midrash. Based
on last year’s response, we expect a high demand for the space.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Adult Learning
Lifelong Learning
Opportunity for
TST Members
ifelong Learners: An Independent Collaborative (LLAIC) started offering classes in
September at Temple Beth Elohim in
Wellesley. Because of the interest in this program,
and space limitations in Wellesley, they have
started to offer extra-curricular learning activities
on Tuesdays at Temple Shir Tikva. Members of
Temple Shir Tikva can become LLAIC members
and attend any extra-curricular activities offered at
both temples and the standard $35 semester membership fee will be waived. To learn more about
LLAIC, visit our website at www: llaic.org or call
Richard Mansfield, LLAIC Board Chair, at 978
443 9668. Activities being offered this fall at
Temple Shir Tikva are described below.
Monday Morning
Adventures with
Rabbi Alan Ullman
Current Affairs Round Table
This group meets weekly at TST on Tuesdays,
9:30 - 11, led by Laurel Brody. A wide variety of
world topics will be considered. The next meeting
is October 21. Please bring any articles of special
interest you would like to discuss.
Weekly Short Story Colloquium
The Short Story Colloquium meets Tuesdays at
TST, from 11:15 - 12:45. The next meeting is
Tuesday, October 21. The meeting will be led by
Phyllis Cohen with assistance from other group
members. This is a great opportunity to try your
skills at leading a class in an encouraging, supportive environment. Stories for the following
week will be announced in each week's Quill,
LLAIC’s weekly email. We will discuss stories
that are available on-line, primarily from The New
Yorker but some may be from other literary publications. You don't need a subscription to participate.
All are welcome to join. Both the Current Affairs Round
Table and the Short Story Colloquium are informal
drop-in groups that do not require registration, however, you do need to be a member of LLAIC to attend. To
join LLAIC, go to www.llaic.org, download and print
instructions. You will be directed to a registration website, to create an account, then select a Temple Shir
Tikva membership in LLAIC. The membership fee is
waived for temple members.
Page 8
Sacred and Profane Doubt
November 24
December 1, 8, 15, 22
January 12, 26
9:30 to 11 a.m.
What is Faith?
March 2, 9, 23, 30
April 6, 13
9:30 to 11 a.m.
Classes are free.
We welcome your donation to
Temple Shir Tikva’s Adult Learning Fund.
Register in advance with
Karen Edwards
Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Adult Learning
Making Archaeology in Israel “Come Alive”
Andrea M. Berlin, PhD
April 12, 9:15 -11:30 a.m.
Dr. Andrea Berlin will make
archaeology in Israel 'come alive'
with another illustrated
enlightened and entertaining
discussion. Pots become
portholes to ancient human
behavior in her hands.
Dr. Berlins’s interests include:
Archaeology and History of the Achaemenid,
Hellenistic, and Roman East, Ceramic Studies;
Second-Temple Judaism; and Archaeology of Israel
“I have been excavating in the eastern Mediterranean since 1973, working on projects from
Troy, in Turkey, to Coptos, in southern Egypt. I focus on the eras of the later ancient empires:
the Achaemenid Persians, Alexander the Great and his Hellenistic successors,
and the Romans. I am especially interested in understanding the realities
of daily life under these regimes, and in exploring the intersection
of politics and cultural change in antiquity.”
Andrea M. Berlin PhD is the James R. Wiseman Chair in Classical Archaeology at Boston University. She
has been an archaeologist since 1973. She is a prize-winning lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of
America, having lectured for over 50 local societies around the country.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Tikkun Olam
Temple Shir Tikva and
Volunteer Roles
The success of each Network depends on the efforts
and enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers. They perform
the variety of tasks necessary to provide a safe and comA Community Response to Families
fortable temporary home for their guests. Volunteers
Who Are Homeless
express their hospitality by interacting with guests, treatMission: Family Promise Metrowest (FPM) is a co- ing guest families with dignity and respect, and showing
genuine concern for their well-being. Each host week,
operative interfaith partnership offering hope to
the host congregation needs about 30-50 volunteers to
homeless families with children through safe transitional shelter, meals and supportive case management prepare meals, serve as evening and overnight hosts,
coordinate activities, organize supplies, and assist guests
as they seek permanent housing.
as needed. Volunteers come from the host congregation
and sometimes nearby support congregations. Although
most hosts are adults, youth can participate as well, parTemple Shir Tikva is pleased
ticularly with arranging activities for young children
to become a HOST congregation
and helping older children with schoolwork.
for Family Promise in 2015.
We have committed to three weeks:
January 4, January 11 and May 31.
Join us on Sunday, November 2, 9:30 a.m.,
to learn more about how you can help.
Contact Cindy Lombardo,
Family Promise Chair
at cindy.lombardo@comcast.net
for more information and to sign up to
help support this important partnership.
The heart of Family Promise Metrowest is 47 member
congregations: 18 hosts who provide overnight shelter and
29 support congregations who assist them with meals and
volunteers. All host congregations are within one-half hour
of FPM Day Center.
Day Center houses FPM offices and provides a living
space for the families during the day. Located in Common
Street Community Church, 13 Common Street, Natick, is
"home" for our guests while they are in the program. It is
where they keep their clothes; conduct job/housing searches; do their laundry; and play with children.
We need your help in the following ways:
Daily Hosting Opportunities
Dinner Preparers (2-3 volunteers)
Dinner is a hot meal prepared at a volunteer’s home and
delivered by 5 p.m. Cooking dinner is a good opportunity
for congregational groups -- such as youth groups, women’s
groups and men’s groups -- to get involved.
Dinner and Evening Hosts
(2-4 volunteers, approximately 5-8 p.m.)
Volunteers may be part of the dinner preparation team or
may be new volunteers who arrive to eat with guests. Dinner hosts socialize with guests, welcome newcomers and
assist parents with children’s needs. Dinner is informal and
family style. Guests and volunteers participate in dinner
chores. After dinner, hosts may conduct children’s activities, help with homework or assist a guest with a need.
Overnight Hosts
(2 volunteers, preferably a man and a woman,
approximately 8 p.m.-7 a.m.)
Two hosts sleep overnight at TST. Overnight hosts spend
time with guests, help older children with homework, and
are available in case of emergency. Overnight hosts often
assist with breakfast.
Breakfast Preparers (1-2 volunteers)
14-Passenger Van - transports families from the Day Cen- On weekdays, breakfast is a quick, simple meal (cereal,
ter to the host congregation where they spend the night. It
is also used to transport guests to appointments.
2,000 Volunteers - are drawn from member congregations, civic organizations, businesses, colleges and the wider community.
Page 10
muffins, toast, juice, coffee) because guests must be ready
to leave on the van by 6:30 a.m.. However, families have
more time on weekends and breakfast is more relaxed. Special breakfast hosts come in to prepare something more
substantial, such as eggs or pancakes.
Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Tikkun Olam
On Conscience:
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Supplies: Volunteers either purchase or coordinate dona-
tions of food staples, paper products, cleaning supplies and
other needed items.
The Preeminent Gathering of Jewish
Social Justice Advocates in America
April 26-28, 2015
Coordinating Donations: Members of the congregation
often wish to assist guests by donating clothing, furniture,
and household items. Volunteers collect and organize the
donations, which are distributed to guests once they are
settled in permanent housing.
Laundry: Each host week, one or two volunteers wash the
guests’ and overnight hosts’ linens.
Setup and Takedown: Volunteer teams set up the accommodations on Sunday afternoon and help take down and
move the air mattresses the following Sunday.
Volunteer Coordinators
Volunteer hosts are supported by other volunteers who
serve as program coordinators. Each congregation has a
primary coordinator with responsibility for managing host
week. In many congregations, several assistant coordinators
manage specific responsibilities, such as meals, donations,
supplies, and scheduling.
Coordinators serve as managers of the Network program
within their congregations, communicating regularly with
volunteers, answering questions and handling emergencies.
Volunteers should report problems or unusual incidents to
the primary coordinator for follow-up.
REYIM — Adult Programming
Especially for Empty Nesters
Reyim is Temple Shir Tikva’s adult programming initiative
developed to engage Temple members, especially empty nesters. In Hebrew, Reyim means “Friends” and our participants
are both old and new friends. Some are founding members and
others new to the Shir Tikva community.
Reyim plans three to four Jewish-themed events a year,
which vary in subject matter but always include sharing a
meal. Past programs included films from the Boston Film Festival; talk on Jewish Genealogy; Shabbat services followed by
Shabbat dinner and holiday celebrations.
Reyim provides an opportunity to engage in interesting programs and enjoy good food while we, as Temple members of
all ages, renew old friendships and develop new ones.
Washington, DC
he bi-annual Consultation on Conscience brings together hundreds of
members of Reform Jewish congregations throughout North America for an
extraordinary three-day social justice seminar in
our nation’s capital.
For over 50 years, the Religious Action Center
of Reform Judaism has been the Jewish voice of
justice and advocacy in Washington, DC. Much of
the key civil rights legislation of the 1960s was
drafted in the RAC’s offices. Since then, they have
been our constant voice on Capitol hill promoting
the Reform Jewish movement’s legislative and social concerns, including advocating for Israel, protecting the environment, promoting economic justice and civil rights, preserving religious liberty,
and much more.
The Consultation on Conscience is the RAC’s
national gathering, where congregational leaders
interact with nation advocates and policy makers.
A very abbreviated list of past speakers at the Consultation include: President Barack Obama, President Bill Clinton, the Dalai Lama, Elie Wiesel,
Madeleine Albright, Shimon Peres, Rep. John
Lewis, Senator Sam Brownback, and a wide array
of bipartisan leaders from Congress and from the
world of community activism.
For more information about the Consultation on
Conscience, and to join Shir Tikva’s contingent,
contact Rabbi Gold and/or visit the RAC’s website
at www.rac.org.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Tikkun Olam
Mitzvah Day
Yad B'Yad (Hand to Hand)
Year-long food donation program --make it a weekly routine, and part of
a family mitzvah!
Temple Shir Tikva will continue to collect food
THROUGHOUT THE YEAR for Jewish individuals
and families who cannot afford the basic necessities.
Food will be distributed through JF&CS's Family Table.
TST has been assigned pasta (whole
grain varieties, if possible) canned tuna and canned fruit to support this
program. Please bring these items
weekly and place them in the Family
Table receptacle near the Temple office. In addition,
TST needs volunteers to go to JF&CS in Waltham to
bag, label and deliver groceries to Family Table recipient families on November 2 and April 26. Contact
Rich Friedman at rich@friedmanpartners.com for more
Neighbor to Neighbor
Begun in 2009, Neighbor to Neighbor brings
together women from Temple Shir Tikva and the
neighboring Islamic Center of Boston.
By coming together in a casual and relaxed setting, we develop community, learn from one another, and build relationships that help to break
down misconceptions and stereotypes.
We seek creative ways to deepen our friendships as women and to nourish the hearts, minds,
and souls of our Jewish and Muslim neighbors.
To become a member of our Neighbor to Neighbor group, contact sheila.deitchman @verizon.net
or Joyce Pastor at jfpastor@yahoo.com.
Page 12
Sunday, October 26, 9 a.m.
Mark your calendars for
this year's Mitzvah Day,
which is not to be missed!
This year, Mitzvah Day will start
at 9 a.m. with a brief Temple-wide
kickoff before everyone engages in hands-on projects.
Every child in the religious school will be participating in
Mitzvah Day with his/her grade or with family.
Exciting new projects this year include the Brain Tumor Society 5K
Walk and the Habitat for Humanity
Build Day.
We will again
have a temple-wide
collection for Cradles to Crayons —
any new or good
condition clothing
(ages 0-16), shoes
and toys will be
accepted. Stay tuned
for other collections
of Mitzvah Day
Register today at http://www.shirtikva. org/mitzvahday
2014. For questions or further information, contact Danyel
Rodgers at drodgers@chestnut hillrealty.com.
TST Fall Coat Drive
Donate coats to those in need
and “spread the warmth.”
In late fall, Temple Shir Tikva will again
be running our successful coat drive. We are
proud to say that we’ve donated over 400 coats each season!
Bring any clean coat in good condition to the TST collection
We are looking for volunteers to help organize and distribute coats to needy families in the Metrowest area. Please contact Ezra Levine at elevine@me.com if you want to get in-
volved or have questions.
Temple Shir Tikva
Holiday Morning
Services at Shir Tikva
Thursday, October 9, 10 a.m.
Yom Tov Shacharit Service
Thursday, October 16, 10 a.m.
Shemini Atzeret
Yom Tov Shacharit Service
with Yizkor
Saturday, April 4, 10 a.m.
Pesach (Day 1)
2014-2015 / 5775
The Best Conversation in Town!
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz
Cantor Hollis Schachner, Rabbinic Intern Joe Gindi
Saturday, 9:30 a.m.
Every Shabbat morning at TST, a group of spirited learners
gathers to study the weekly Torah portion. The conversation is
always insightful and fun as we explore ancient texts and mine
them for contemporary meaning. The group is open and inviting and everyone is welcome to join us as we uncover the Torah’s timeless lessons and values.
Wednesday Morning Torah Study
Rabbi Neal Gold
Yom Tov Shacharit Service
Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m.
Friday, April 10, 10 a.m.
An inspired group gathers on Wednesday mornings for friendship, community, and study of the great books of the Jewish
people (both ancient and contemporary). Newcomers are always welcome to join this very warm and special community
within the Temple for mid-week spiritual insights.
Pesach (Day 7)
Yom Tov Shacharit Service
with Yizkor
Begins October 22
Sunday, May 24, 10 a.m.
Yom Tov Shacharit Service
with Yizkor
TST Library
Enriches Jewish Lives
he TST library contains resources to
enrich the lives of all congregation
members including various reference books,
atlases, Midrash, Hebrew dictionaries and
more. There are non-fiction works covering
a wide range of Jewish topics - holidays,
literature, liturgy, history, biography, humor,
women's issues, Rabbinical responsa, name
books, cookbooks, and more. Fiction for
adults includes classic works such as those by
Sholem Aleichem, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Elie
Wiesel, other works by less known Israeli
authors and some by other contemporary Jewish writers.
For children, the collection includes picture books, folk tale/legends, history, biography, holiday, crafts and a large selection of
fiction featuring Jewish characters and/or
Jewish issues and holidays. The collection
includes over 1500 volumes.
March 1, 2015, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Temple Shir Tikva, with Reel Abilities Films,
Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
The screening will be followed by an interfaith,
community dialogue with local clergy.
Dessert reception to follow.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
jepig 
Omanut 36: Mural Project
This fall Temple Shir Tikva’s Religious School
welcomes Tova Speter, an artist
as well as our grade 7 Rosh Hodesh leader,
in a community mural project.
We are calling this experience Omanut 36.
Omanut means art in Hebrew and
36 is in honor of our double chai year.
We welcome parent and community volunteers on
Wednesday, November 5, and Sunday, November 16,
when Tova will be on site facilitating Omanut 36.
ova is an extraordinary artist, art ther- ings and visions of peace and translate these
apist, and community muralist sharideas into art. In Tova’s own words:
ing her special talents with our com“I hope to share the idea that everything and
munity. She was recently
everyone has an inherent beauty that will shine
honthrough when the time is
ored for
taken to shift to a new per“I hope to share the idea that
everything and everyone
one of
All grade levels will particihas an inherent beauty that will
pate together in this innoshine through when the time
vative, cooperative,
in the
thoughtful and fun project.
is taken to shift to
The gift will be presented to
a new perspective.”
identified as a future leadthe our entire community
er in the field of art and healing by the Arts &
following Simchat Shabbat Services on Friday,
Healing Network. Tova’s projects can be seen all December 19, at the festive Chanukah Oneg.
over the Boston area as well as in Israel, China, Contact Beverly Klau, Religious School princiPanama and Argentina.
pal, at bklau@ shirtikva.org to find out how you
Tova will be working with our clergy, educacan be involved.
tion team, faculty, and students to express feel-
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study
Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, Cantor Hollis Schachner
Second Saturday of every month beginning October 11, 8:30 a.m.
Pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their families join together as a learning community once a month,
as they study the weekly Torah portion. Students, parents, siblings and grandparents are invited to join
our teachers for a freewheeling conversation about the foundation texts of Jewish life.
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Temple Shir Tikva
jepig 
2014-2015 / 5775
Gesher Shabbat Dinners
Friday, November 21 and Friday, May 1
Gesher Shabbat dinners
are held directly following
Kabbalat Shabbat Services.
Join other families with
children in grades K-6 and
share a festive and delicious
Shabbat dinner.
Parent Coffee Talk
Sunday, March 22, 9 a.m.
Coffee Talk:
Without YOU, neither Coffee nor Talk.
Kids shouldn't get to have
all the fun at Religious School!
 Facilitated
with Our Clergy, 9 a.m.
 School
Committee Meeting, 10 a.m.
Coffee's on us. Like butter!
Sponsored by the School Committee
Family Connections
Family Havdalah and Potluck
Saturday, November 8 and Friday, May 1
Temple Shir Tikva Religious School families come
together to share a potluck dinner and celebrate Havdalah (literally, “separation,” the ceremony that concludes Shabbat or Yom Tov).
In November, Alex Cicelsky, our scholar in residence from Kibbutz Lotan in Israel, will join us for our
Potluck Havdalah to facilitate family programming
focused on the environment. This evening promises to
be a night of learning, spirituality, and fun for the
whole family!
Shabbat Yeladim
First Shabbat of Every Month, 9:30 a.m.
November 1, December 6, January 3,
February 7, March 7, May 2, June 6
Join us in the sanctuary for a joyful Shabbat service
with Cantor Schachner and Rabbi Gubitz. We'll sing,
dance, play, and learn together - as we celebrate a most
special guest - the Torah!
After we gather for Kiddush, Motzi, and bagels, Ali
Butter and Rabbi Gubitz will lead us in interactive and
creative projects, stories and games.
Ganeinu Educates Families
Fall Session: October 19 & 26, and
November 2, 9, 16 & 23, 9-11 a.m.
Spring Session: March 1, 8, 15, 23 & 30, 9-11 a.m.
Empower Your Child’s Jewish Identity
Sign up with Passport to Israel
The Myra and Robert Kraft Passport to Israel program is a unique savings plan to help parents send
their children on a life-changing teen Israel experience. The program is designed so that the family, the
temple and CJP, annually put money into a Passport to
Israel account which helps families make a trip to Israel for their high school teen a reality.
For information on the Passport to Israel Savings
Program contact Rabbi Jen Gubitz at rabbigubitz@
Ganeinu is a pre-kindergarten family educational program designed for ages 3.9 to 5-year-olds and their parents to learn together. With Rabbi Gubitz and Bev Klau,
we learn through music, hands on activities, stories, texts
and meaningful conversations.
Our goal is for families to acquire skills that allow
them to incorporate classroom education into family traditions and experiences in the home.
Registration for each semester is $36 per child for
members and $54 per child for non-members. To register, go to www.familyid.com/Temple-Shir-Tikva or for
more information, contact Rabbi Gubitz at rabbigubitz
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
AISH: Shir Tikva Center for Youth Leadership
AISH: Shir Tikva’s Center for Youth Leadership is our teen community (seventh to twelfth graders). Program offerings are expanding to include many types of experiences that meet at various times during the
week.. The cornerstone of our program meets Wednesday evening for unique elective-based classes, dinner
and socializing. The rest of the week, we have numerous other opportunities to do Tikkun Olam volunteer
work, socialize with friends, and work as a madrich/student teacher in our religious school. Our AISH
program is designed by you and for you to create flexible opportunities that enrich your week.
Dates for Trips
Learning Dates
Sixth Grade Shabbaton: January 30-February 1
First Trimester
Seventh/Eighth Grade Havdallah Overnight:
November 15-16
Ninth Grade trip to New York City: March 27-29
Tenth Grade RAC L’Takein Trip to Washington DC:
December 12-15
Eleventh/Twelfth Grade trip to New Orleans: April 17-21
Page 16
September 10, 17; October 1, 8 (Special Tikkun Olam
Program); October 22, 29; November 5, 12, 19
Second Trimester
December 3, 10, 17; January 7, 14, 21, 28
February 4, 11, 25
Third Trimester
March 4 (Purim), 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 29
May 6, 13
Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
AISH: Shir Tikva Center for Youth Leadership
AISH Madrichim
AISH Learning, Wednesday, 6-8 p.m.
Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood
Grades 7-12
Dinner and elective-based sessions including:
 Life Is Complicated: Ask BIG Questions
Best Thing I Ever Ate: A Global Jewish Menu
Mussar: Jewish Spirituality and Ethics
Songleading ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Beneath the Surface: Girls & Jewish Identity
What Would You Do? Holocaust, Bystanders and Bullies
B’nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy: How Do We Give?
Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing!
The American Jewish Experience
Meets monthly on Sunday, 11:15 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The year is divided into three trimesters to offer teens three
This is an experiential education program for middle-anddistinct subjects of learning and accommodate commithigh school girls that uses Jewish teachings and practices to ments to extracurricular activities.
give girls a place to feel safe, articulate their deepest conFirst trimester: September 10 - November 19
cerns, consider the impact of gender on their daily lives,
Second trimester: December 3 - February 11
have fun, and be ‘real’ with peers. To learn more about the
Third trimester: February 25 - May 13
program, go to www.movingtraditions.org.
Sunday 9 - 11 a.m. or Wednesday 3:45 – 5:45 p.m.
Grades 8-12 (Grade 7 with permission from Rhonda
Apply to work as a madrich/madricha (student teacher &
role model) with students in grades K-6. Madrichim work
with Religious School teachers to create a fun, engaging
and supportive environment for Jewish learning. For more
information, contact rmagiercohen@shirtikva.org.
Meets monthly on Sunday, 11:15 a.m. - 1 p.m.
This is an experiential education program for middle-andhigh-school boys. It focuses on the question: “What does it
mean to be a mensch? What does it mean to be a man?”
Shevet Achim aspires to guide boys on their journey to
manhood, by providing a fun and meaningful guys-only
space for play, reflection, learning and insight and shows
boys how Judaism has wisdom that is directly relevant to
real-life questions, challenges, and adventures. To learn
more about the program, go to www.movingtraditions.org.
Drop-In Coffee Hour at Wayland Starbucks, 3-5 p.m.
Come with friends, meet someone new, and hang out with
our new Director of Youth Engagement, Rachael Pass.
Rabbi Gubitz will get the conversation going monthly
about Hot Topics for Jewish Teens. Snacks are on us,
drinks are on you! No reservation necessary.
AISH Teen Leadership Council
AISH is welcoming applications to our Teen Leadership
Council. As a means to offer opportunities for teens to express their voices and choices - the council will create spacMonday:
es to share input and ideas and participate in designing their
AISH Tikkun Olam/TELEM
own experiences. For more information and the application:
Grades 8-12 (Grade 7 with permission from Rabbi Gubitz) rabbigubitz@shirtikva.org
Choose a volunteer track to participate in with friends from
Congregation Or Atid in Wayland. This year-long commit- Friday
Sing and Play! 6:15 p.m.
ment fulfills area high school community service requireJoin Shir Chutzpah, our Shabbat Band, or join the teen song
ments. For more information, contact Rachael Pass at
leading team! For more information: Cantor@shirtikva.org.
AISH Tikkun Olam/TELEM is partially sponsored by the Jewish
Community Relations Council TELEM Program. The cost to famiMorning Minyan Torah Readers, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
lies is $108 to defray program costs and transportation.
All Star Mentors
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Volunteer as an after school literacy tutor for students at
Wilson Elementary in Framingham.
Transportation to and from Shir Tikva, or meet us there!
Minute Men Arc in Concord
6 – 8 p.m.
We will organize and run various creative projects and social activities to engage people at Minute Men Arc who
have developmental and intellectual disabilities. Dinner is
included. Transportation to and from Temple Or Atid.
Read Torah on the anniversary of your Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Torah Fellows, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Join Shir Tikva’s weekly Torah study group12 times between September and June, plus meet during the year with
Rabbi Gubitz. Deepen and enrich your understanding of our
most sacred text. Complete a “capstone” project that reflects your interests and the Torah you’ve learned. Reach
out to Rabbi Gubitz for more information: rabbigubitz@
shirtikva. org or register online at www.familyid.com/
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Youth Choir
Adult Choir
emple Shir Tikva is blessed to have
a dynamic adult volunteer choir enriching us
through song since the earliest days of our community. The choir is integral to our High Holiday worship and sings regularly at our Friday
Simchat Shabbat services.
Our choir serves as both a dedicated choral
ensemble and an opportunity for ongoing adult
education. Becoming a choir member provides
a unique opportunity to study Jewish music
from our past and present through a rich and
diverse choral repertoire.
Whether you are a newcomer to choral singing or a trained, experienced singer, come and
join us! We welcome anyone who wishes to
experience the joy of our Jewish musical heritage, develop and improve their vocal and musicanship skills, and contribute to leading the
prayers of our community in this especially
powerful way.
Rehearsals are lead by Cantor Hollis
Schachner and Choir Director Susan DeSelms.
Following the High Holiday season, we continue our work together, preparing for participation in Friday night Simchat Shabbat services
and our many exciting musical events this year.
“Shirei Yeladim—Songs of Children”
Calling All Music-Loving 3rd to 6th Graders
f you like to sing and have
a great time with friends,
then the Youth Choir is
for you! Shirei Yeladim—
Songs of Children, Temple
Shir Tikva’s Youth Choir, is a
group of terrific and talented
kids who come together to
have fun learning and performing Jewish music. Shirei Yeladim helps Temple Shir Tikva by
lifting our spirits in song during our Sababa Sundays, Gesher Family
Shabbat services, holidays, special occasions throughout the year and
for our Shabbat Mishpacha morning services. All voices are unique
gifts and all are welcome, so come and sing. We rehearse most Sundays after Religious School from 11-11:30, led by Cantor Hollis
Schachner and Jonathan Zarkower.
2014-2015 / 5775 Calendar
Sunday Rehearsals, 11.a.m.
Nov. 9, 16, 23; Dec. 14, 21; Jan. 11, 25; Feb. 8;
March 15, 22, 29; April 12; May 3
Mitzvah Day: Sunday, Oct. 26
Chanukkah Simchat Shabbat: Friday Dec. 19, 6:15 p.m.
Purim: Wednesday, March 4, 6:15 p.m.
Gesher Family Simchat Shabbat: Fridays, 6:15 p.m.
Nov. 21 and May 1
Sababa Sundays, T’filah for Religious School, 9 .a.m
Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Feb. 1, March 1, May 3
Shabbat Mishpacha, Saturdays, 9 a.m.
Nov. 15, Dec. 20, Jan. 24, March 21, May 16
Shir Chutzpah! TST Intergenerational Shabbat Band
alling instrumentalists of all stripes—we’re looking worship services. For more information, contact Cantor
for new members of our amazing intergenerational Hollis Schachner at cantor@shirtikva.org.
Shabbat band and we’d love to have you join us!
Our band is co-directed by Cantor Hollis Schachner and
2014 - 2015 Schedule
Vivian Montgomery, our pianist and accordionist.
Rehearsals on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
The Shabbat Band plays for Friday night Simchat ShabShabbat Services warm-up at 5 p.m.
bat services once a month, as well as playing a central role
Wednesdays and Fridays
in our Purim Megillah Reading and Celebration. We rehearse one Wednesday evening each month and also gather
October 22, 24; November 19, 21; December 17, 19;
early on the Friday evening of our monthly service to pracJanuary 21 , 23; February 25, 27;
tice. This is a low-time-commitment yet high-impact way
March 4 (Purim) 18 , 20; April 15, 17;
to make a powerfully joyful difference in the music of our
May 13, 15; June 10, 12
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Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Temple Shir Tikva Website
Member Directory
The Member Directory is readily available on the
temple website for you to connect with other members, create carpools for Religious School, and, as
more members add their photos, link names and
faces. If your photo is not in the Directory, take a
moment to add it now. Or, watch for our volunteer
photographers at the Back to School barbeque and
other temple events and request a photo for posting.
Temple Calendar
The official temple calendar is on the website. It lists
all temple observances, events, and committee meetings with start times. The calendar can be filtered by
group. So, if it’s the Religious School calendar you
need, the filter is a handy way to see just Religious
School dates.
Multiple Communication Forums
Temple Shir Tikva
communicates with its
congregants in multiple ways — email, week-
ly electronic newsletter
(Vats Nu), and monthly
printed newsletter (Hineni).
A complete and up-to-date calendar of temple activities can
be found on our website www.shirtikva.org. The website is
also the place to look for Rabbi Gold's blog, the Program Book
and the Member Directory. The Member Directory can be easily searched by first name or last name and sorted by Religious
School grade. Member photos are in the Directory, too. If
yours is missing, you can add it yourself.
If you have news of your family or temple events that you
would like to share with the congregation, call or email the
temple office.
To update web pages, send new copy to Joan Blair,
blair.joan@gmail.com. To post calendar items, send event
information to Toni Spitzer, tspitzer@shirtikva. org.
Rabbi Gold’s Blog
Several times a month Rabbi Gold posts a timely
comment on events of the day. The blog is interactive, awaiting your comments.
Music Selections
Much of Shir Tikva’s glorious Shabbat and High
Holy Day music sung by Cantor Schachner and the
Shir Tikva choir is on the web.
Photo Galleries
Many wonderful photographs that capture the spirit
of our community are posted in the Photo Galleries.
Among our members are many talented photographers, including Allan Dines of Northstar Photography. New photos are posted throughout the year.
Temple Shir Tikva History
If you enjoyed reading the history of Shir Tikva on the
occasion of the 36th anniversary party, you can revisit
the timeline on the temple website. It starts with the
remarkable story of the first gathering of Jews in Wayland interested in forming a temple, through the 36th
anniversary of TST. Go to http://shirtikva.org/timeline.
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2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Gathering: Brotherhood
The Brotherhood at Temple Shir Tikva is not your regular group of men from the Temple community gathering occasionally to
play poker, host a golf tournament, organize a comedy night or compete against other temples in softball. While we do all these
things, and other fun and engaging activities, the Brotherhood, at its core, is a vital part of the larger Shir Tikva mission of
helping to create a sacred community for its members and the world beyond. To learn more about the Brotherhood, participate
in any of our existing programs or help us envision and plan new ones, contact the Brotherhood at tstbrotherhood@shirtikva.
org. To receive Brotherhood email updates, send your email address to the Brotherhood.
Annual Back to Shul BBQ
Brotherhood Breakfasts
The brotherhood hosts this event for the Religious School.
Reunite with friends and family, meet new families, learn
more about this year’s TST activities and enjoy a fun free
BBQ lunch on the first day of Hebrew School providing the
food and the cooks to prepare this wonderful event. This is
a great event to get involved in. It is an opportunity to work
with and meet other people at the temple.
Brotherhood hosts monthly or bi-monthly breakfasts. Some
will feature a guest speaker, while others will be an opportunity for men to hang out with other men who are either
dropping kids off at the temple or looking for some stimulating conversation. A small fee will cover breakfast.
14th Annual TST Golf Classic
Brotherhood coordinates and sponsors an annual blood
drive. The drive honors the late Dick Zisson, former president of TST. We have had an outstanding turnout for this
life-giving gift, so join us again or come for the first time.
Second Sunday in September
The Temple Shir Tikva Brotherhood tradition continues
with the Annual TST Golf Classic, a fun-filled gathering of
golf enthusiasts at every level of play. We play a best ball
scramble format so you do not have to be a great golfer to
have fun and a chance to win. This is also a great opportunity to rekindle old friendships and make new ones and
all proceeds help support the temple.
Sunday mornings
Dick Zisson Memorial
Red Cross Blood Drive
Comedy Night
Saturday, January 31
Comedy night has become an annual tradition at the Temple and includes a delicious Chinese dinner buffet followed
by a great roster of hilarious comedians entertaining us and
Monthly Brotherhood Social
making us laugh. This is a great night out at the temple and
On the second Thursday evening of each month,* men from a wonderful opportunity to spend some fun time with your
the congregation meet at the Temple for a relaxed evening. friends and make new ones.
The evening will include watching a sporting event or movMen’s 25 & Over Slow-Pitch Softball
ie on a large screen along with a fun and friendly game of
Texas Hold ‘Em. A donation covers food, beverages (beer The Men’s Shul Softball League (MSSL) plays against
and soda). There is an additional “donation” if you choose Brotherhood teams from Brookline, Newton and other
metrowest towns. In 2013, we went to the championship
to play poker.
game! We aim for a 20-person squad and are always interThis is a great opportunity to gather with guys you might
know, meet new men from the Temple, network, kibitz and ested in new players. Games are on Sunday mornings at 10,
April through mid-June. Contact Steve Safran at steviesaf@
have a great time. Our aim for these nights is to foster a
sense of community among the men of Shir Tikva. Please gmail.com no later than January 15.
join us!
End of School/Israel Day BBQ
*April date will be 4/16 due to Passover.
Sunday, May 17
Sukkah Build/Take Down
Join fellow temple members as we celebrate Israel’s indeBrotherhood volunteers gather on a Sunday morning before pendence day and the last day of religious school for the
Sukkot to help build our Sukkah in front of the temple. This year. The Brotherhood plans the BBQ. Volunteers are welyear, they will come together again on Sunday, October 19, come. This is a great event to get involved in. It is an opportunity to work with and meet other people at the temple.
to help take it down and store it away. Lending a hand is
fun for all and a great way to support the temple holiday
Brotherhood Family Event
The Brotherhood is planning a family event in the spring to
go to a Pawtucket Red Sox game (or something similar).
Watch Hineni and Vats Nu for information as we get closer.
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Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
Gathering: Sisterhood
The Sisterhood at Temple Shir Tikva is a multigenerational sacred community of women whose collective presence, voice
and action strengthen spiritual and social connections within our congregation and the greater Jewish community. Our
yearly calendar is filled with an exciting and enlightening mix of events that contribute to the spiritual, educational, social and family life of the temple. All women in the congregation are automatically included as members of Sisterhood
and we welcome your participation, friendship and leadership. To learn more about the Sisterhood, participate in existing programs, or help plan new ones, contact us at tstsisterhood@shirtikva.org.
6th Annual Women’s Kallah
Our Annual Women’s Kallah is a gathering at our synagogue that provides time and space for adult women of our
modern Jewish community to nourish our bodies and souls
as we explore our traditions to gain fresh perspectives on
our lives. From the very beginning of Jewish history there is
a rich tradition of women gathering to spend time away and
alone together. Our Kallah is a luxury of time to bond,
laugh, sing, study, muse, move — and feast on new ideas
and insights…and, of course, food! Ask anyone who has
participated in previous Kallahs — it is an amazing experience that you won't want to miss!
Last year, a dedicated
group of both novice
and experienced knitters gathered most
Sunday mornings to
create the beautiful
healing shawls that
grace our atrium – and
provide comfort to
temple members who
are sick at home or in
the hospital. This year
we will also work on
baby blankets for temple members and for Family Promise.
Join us as we find new ways to create meaningful contributions to our temple community – and beyond.
Sunday, March 15, 4 p.m.
Brotherhood and Sisterhood Brunch
Each year, we gather for a thoughtful and thoughtprovoking presentation and discussion accompanied by a
delectable buffet brunch.
Mah Jongg
Sunday Mornings
Sisterhood Schmooze
Come join us for a nosh and a schmooze with our Sisterhood community We plan these events to coincide with
events that the school committee coordinates for our chilA lot of women in our
dren in grades K – 6, so that any parent may drop kids off
community play mah
and join us. All TST women are welcome to attend these
jongg so these eveinformal gatherings, and we look forward to getting to
nings give us a chance
know each of you. Check out Vats Nu for further details.
to come together and
We also plan a Schmooze every summer to stay connected
enjoy some friendly
competition just as generations of Jewish women before us. and get to know each other.
This will be an evening of bams, cracks and dots. The
We are working on many other ideas that will provide samonthly games will culminate in the fourth annual Mah
cred strategies, spark creativity and provoke thought. We
Jongg Tournament – complete with prizes for the top three welcome your participation in planning and attending any
scoring players! Refreshments will be served.
and all Sisterhood activities. As a member of Temple Shir
Tikva, you are already a Sisterhood member. Check the
Sisterhood Book Club
temple website at http://www.shirtikva.org/community-life/
sisterhood, Hineni and Vats Nu for details and to confirm
This year we will meet three times to discuss books with a
Jewish theme. We plan to have two of these meetings on
Thursday nights, and one on a Sunday morning. Books will We welcome your thoughts ideas and suggestions. Contact
be announced via Vats Nu the month prior to the book club. either of our Sisterhood co-chairs:
We welcome suggestions for books you think will be enjoyJae Rosenstein – jaet13@hotmail.com
able and will spark meaningful group discussion. RefreshJen Cobe – jcobe@hotmail.com
ments will be served.
Page 21
2014-2015 / 5775
Program Book
Temple Shir Tikva Committees
Contact the chairperson listed on page 23 to join a committee.
School - Formulates policy for Grades K-6, reviews and
evaluates educational and social activities and school climate, and provides guidance and support to the Education
AISH - Formulates policy for Grades 7-12, reviews and
evaluates educational and social activities, and provides
guidance and support to the Education Team.
Adult Learning - Develops and administers learning
opportunities for our members and greater community.
Library - Develops and maintains our library, insuring
that books, resources and materials are available to the community.
Cultural Arts - Plans programs that bring music, theatre,
film, visual art, dance and literature of the dynamic Jewish
cultural scene within the Greater Boston area to our temple
Membership - Reaches out to prospective members, welcomes and helps to integrate new members, and supports networking with all members.
Brotherhood - Develops and oversees programs which
bring men together for social, religious, cultural, and other activities. Programs include Sunday morning breakfasts with
speakers and an annual golf tournament.
Sisterhood - Develops and oversees programs which bring
women together for social, religious, cultural and other activities. Programs include speakers, shared meals and study sessions.
Reyim - Develops and oversees programs to bring “emptynesters” together for social, religious, cultural, and other activities.
Kesher - Provides a mutual help and support network to
congregants facing illness and crises and reaches out to congregants to celebrate joyful occasions.
Social Action - Educates congregation on issues of social
justice and organizes congregational action in community tzedakah projects, including food/clothing drives, literacy tutoring,
and fundraising events to help fight disease.
Israel Connections - Develops and oversees programs
providing a link to Israel via social, educational, and cultural
Jewish Communal Affairs - Serves as a vehicle to
strengthen the relationship between Temple Shir Tikva and its
congregants with organizations in the broader Jewish and interfaith community.
Page 22
Ritual - Formulates policy regarding religious practices
and use of synagogue facilities; works with clergy to recommend worship innovations and changes; supports congregants’ needs to deepen communal and personal spiritual experiences.
B’nai Mitzvah - Formulates policy related to B’nai Mitzvah practice and assumes responsibility for the assigning of
Music/Choir - Formulates policy related to the musical
content of the synagogue’s programs and arranges special
musical and Choir programs.
Holiday Celebrations - Plans and implements holiday
celebrations and observances; seeks to engage all congregation members in rich holiday experiences that embrace the
dimensions of spirituality, learning, and joy.
Human Resources - Oversees relationships and contracts
with staff. Ensures employees’ and synagogue's needs are met.
Ensures synagogue is in compliance with federal and state employment laws.
Communications - Communicates activities and events at
Shir Tikva to the temple and external communities. Communication vehicles include Hineni, the monthly newsletter; Vats
Nu, the electronic weekly newsletter; and the temple web site.
Strategic Planning - Focuses on key, long-term planning
issues as identified by the Board of Trustees.
Leadership/Nominating - Responsible for the identification, training, and support of new leaders. Provides support to
the Board and other committees on group processes.
Finance - Oversees the temple financial affairs including
development of the annual budget.
Development - Formulates fundraising policies and
oversees long- and short-term fundraising efforts.
Information Technology - Oversees the operation and
security of information systems.
Facilities - Formulates policy for maintenance, use and improvement of synagogues facilities, including building and
Arts & Recognition - Coordinates the acquisition and display of Judaic art objects for the synagogue.
Temple Shir Tikva
2014-2015 / 5775
2014-15 Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs
Past President
Recording Secretary
Julie Kniznik
Brian Levey
Amanda Glynn
Co-Chair, School
Co-Chair, School
Co-Chair, AISH
Co-Chair, AISH
Co-Chair, Adult Learning
Co-Chair, Adult Learning
Chair, Library
Chair, Cultural Arts
Cathy Regensburger
Steve Rosenstein
Karen Zeff Rosen
Ronnie Schejtman
Max Klau
Chuck Huizenga
Marcus Cohn
Susan Saul
Candy Steingisser
Co-Chair, Membership
Co-Chair, Membership
Co-Chair, Brotherhood
Co-Chair, Brotherhood
Co-Chair, Sisterhood
Co-Chair, Sisterhood
Co-Chair, Reyim
Co-Chair, Reyim
Karen Pelto
Ali Corton
Brad Puffer
Peter Abend
Mitch Corton
Jen Cobe
Jae Rosenstein
Joan Lappin
Beth Volk
Tikkun Olam
Co-Chair, Kesher
Co-Chair, Social Action
Chair, Israel Connections
Chair, Israel Connections
Karen Miller
Jill Abend
Amy Podolsky
Judy Huizenga
Amy Michaels
Co-Chair, Ritual
Co-Chair, Ritual
Co-Chair B'nai Mitzvah
Co-Chair, B’nai Mitzvah
Chair, Music/Choir
Lee-Ann Yolin
Matt Langweber
Evelyn Neumeyer
Marilyn Porter
Joyce Gordon
Kate Bell
Chair, Human Resources
Co-Chair, Communications
Co-Chair, Communications
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning
Co-Chair, Leadership/Nominating
Co-Chair, Leadership/Nominating
Robin Kostin
Brian Levey
Joan Blair
Jon Sieber
Dick Rossman
Marilyn Newman
Phil Benjamin
Trudy Sonis
VP and Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
Co-Chair, Development
Co-Chair, Development
Chair, Information Technology
Chair, Facilities
Chair, Arts & Recognition
Jeff Maimon
Larry Whitman
Laurene Sperling
Susan Benjamin
Mike Cohn
Steve Dannin
Carole Bellman
Kate Bell
Susan Garfield
Emily Gordon
Richard Kaye
Marc Lampert
Roy Lurie
Heather Meterparel
Michael Schreiber
At Large 1
At Large 2
At Large 3
At Large 4
At Large 5
At Large 6
At Large 7
At Large 8
Page 23
Program Book 5775
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