Temple Shir Tikva
Temple Shir Tikva ippd September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 When G-d called to Abraham, he responded, “Hineni, Here I am.” Israel and the International Community Inside This Issue… Featuring Shai Bazak, Israel’s Consul General to New England Thursday, September 8, 7 p.m. Shabbat & Holiday Services………2 Education………………………….7 Adult Learning Opportunities……..8 Page of Study—Daf Limud………..9 New Members…………………….10 Youth Community………………..11 Shir Tikva Library….…………….12 Gathering……………….………...13 . The Arab League has indicated it would file for full membership of an independent Palestinian state on behalf of the Palestinian Authority at the UN in late September. WithShai Bazak out a comprehensive agreement with the State of Israel this could have significant consequences for the peace and stability between Israel and her neighbors. To learn more about this, and other significant events in Israel and the Middle East, join us for a discussion with Shai Bazak, Israel’s Consul General to New England, and Jeff Robbins, attorney at Mintz Levin. Mr. Bazak, assumed were driving to the shul in New Jersey where I worked. I’d drop him off in the Rabbi Neal Gold childcare center and then walk down the hall to my office and start my workday. If you turn back, I shall take you back It was only about 8 minutes from my And you shall stand before Me; house to work, but that was the window If you produce what is noble of time when I heard the deejay on the Out of what seems worthless, radio say, “Oh my G-d, we’re under atYou shall be My spokesperson…. tack.” (He was one of the prescient ones in They will attack you, but they shall not over- the midst of the initial chaos and confucome you, sion.) For I am with you to deliver and save The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 you, declares Ad-nai. affected each of us in different ways. Since Jeremiah 15:19-20 I have the privilege of working in a shul, my perspective is filtered through the With these hands, I pray for the faith, prism of that experience. Our Temple L-rd team gathered in the Senior Rabbi’s office We pray for your love, L-rd and listened as events unfolded on the We pray for the lost, L-rd radio. We agreed that we should open the We pray for this world, L-rd sanctuary as a place for the community to We pray for the strength, L-rd gather that afternoon. I remember my Come on rise up Rabbi cautioning, however, that we Come on rise up wouldn’t know what to expect; possibly Bruce Springsteen nobody would come if their natural inike everyone else, I remember where I stincts said, “Stay home, gather the family was: Avi, 15 months old, was in the together, watch events unfold on TV.” infant seat in the back of the car and we So we were somewhat surprised that Ten Years After... L www.shirtikva.org his current position in November 2010, having served other Israeli government and private sector positions. Mr. Robbins has twice served as U.S. Delegate to the United NaJeff Robbins tions Human Rights Commission in Geneva. He has also published op-eds on a range of foreign policy and other issues. This will be a very exciting and educative event, so please plan to attend. This event is sponsored by Temple Shir Tikva and Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and is co-sponsored by other Metrowest synagogues as well. afternoon as members of our community started pouring into the sanctuary. By 3 p.m., there were about 200 people gathered. I remember: we read some Psalms, we chanted Oseh Shalom, we said Kaddish. And then we simply left the microphones open and people filed up, one after another, to express their fear, dismay, horror, sorrow. I don’t remember anger – I’m pretty sure that arrived a day or two later. I very clearly remember one woman, through tears, saying her young son would never be able to visit the twin towers of the World Trade Center. And all of us, at the end of that most awful of days, agreed: How fortunate we were to have a synagogue in our lives, a place that drew us together like a spiritual magnet on that dark day. As for the subsequent days, I remember distinctly how the entire world seemed united in condolence, sympathy, and unity of purpose with the United States (how long ago all that seems!). I recall countless stories of incredible heroism – of 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 (continued on page 4) 508-358-9992 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Shabbat and Holiday Services September 2011 October 2011 Shabbat Shofetim Friday, September 2 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday September 3 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Saturday, October 1 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Ki Tetze Friday, September 9 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 10 8:30 am B’nai Mitzvah Torah Study 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Ki Tavo Friday, September 16 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 17 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bat Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayelech Friday, September 23 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, September 24 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah 8:30 pm Selichot Program and Service Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 28 Erev Rosh Hashanah Thursday, September 29 Rosh Hashanah Friday, September 30 Rosh Hashanah—second day Shabbat/Yom Kippur Friday, October 7 Shabbat and Kol Nidre Saturday, October 8 Shabbat and Yom Kippur Sukkot Thursday, October 13 10:00 am Yom Tov Service Shabbat Chol Hamoed Friday, October 14 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service, followed by a Festive Sukkot Oneg for All Under the Stars Saturday, October 15 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:00 am Family Shabbat Service 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Simchat Torah/Shemini Atzeret Thursday, October 20 10:00 am Yom Tov Service with Yizkor Shabbat Bereshit Friday, October 21 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, October 22 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Noach Friday, October 28 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, October 29 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 am Late Shacharit Service Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Ha’azinu Friday, September 30 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30—10:30 a.m. Page 2 Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day High Holy Days 5772 Sunday, October 30 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 28 Ma’ariv Service…………………….8 p.m. Our Jewish heritage teaches us that it is our holy responsibility to repair the world. After several months of planning, we are excited to announce that a Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day will be held on Sunday, October 30. This will enable all of us, from toddlers to adults, to participate in the holy task of Tikkun Olam where we will have the opportunity to not only experience the power and value of our personal contributions, but engage with our temple community in accomplishing a number of important and varied Social Action projects. To give you a “taste” of what is being planned; our projects will touch upon our core principles of the TEKIAH program along with other aspects of Social Action which are important to all of us. Projects will provide the opportunity to participate in Mitzvot which focus on the environment, caring for our seniors, healthcare, food justice, and helping those less fortunate than us. To “whet your appetite,” here is a sampling of projects being planned: • Locks of Love – start now! Grow your hair and donate it to a financially challenged child under the age of 21 who is suffering hair loss due to a medical illness. For more information, please contact Karen Susser at knsusser@gmail.com. • Backpack Buddies – assemble backpacks with school supplies to be delivered to disadvantaged students in our community • Greater Boston Food Bank – pack boxes of food in Boston at the GBFB’s facility in Boston (Limit to 15 packers) • Youth Choir Musical Mitzvah for Seniors – Join the TST youth choir and perform a concert for seniors at the new JCHE Shillman House in Framingham • Young Families: Bristol Soup Kitchen Project – from walkers to 3rd graders and their parents - sandwich preparation to feed the hungry • Young Families: Birthday Boxes for Kids – another walker to 3rd grader project - prepare goodie bags for young disadvantaged children • Bone Marrow Drive – register to be part of a bone marrow transplant registry • Caring for the environment – planting, Wayland Habitat for Humanity publicity and clean-up projects are being planned • Serenity House Painting Project – volunteer to paint rooms in a home for women living in recovery from past addictions to drugs and alcohol If you are interested in volunteering to participate in one of these programs, just want to be part of the Mitzvah Day planning committee, or provide general assistance, please access: http://www.Mitzvah Day sign-up. Temple Shir Tikva Rosh Hashanah - 1st Day Thursday, September 29 Family Shacharit Service………..8:30 a.m. Late Shacharit Service………….11:30 a.m. Tashlich ………………………….2:15 p.m. Children’s Service…………………..3 p.m. Rosh Hashanah - 2nd Day Friday, September 30 Shacharit Service………...………..10 a.m. Erev Yom Kippur Friday, October 7 Family Kol Nidre Service………..6:30 p.m. Late Kol Nidre Service …………..8:45 p.m. Yom Kippur Saturday, October 8 Family Shacharit Service………..8:30 a.m. Late Shacharit Service………….11:30 a.m. Children’s Service……………….2:30 p.m. Interim Program (Sanctuary)……..….3:15 p.m. Personal Meditation (Beit Midrash). .3:15 p.m. Mincha Service ……………….…4:45 p.m. Yizkor (approx.).………………...5:30 p.m. Neilah (approx.)..……………………6 p.m. Havdallah (approx.).……………..6:40 p.m. Break-the-Fast (approx.).………...6:50 p.m. KESHER Provides Spiritual, Emotional Support to Congregants Temple Shir Tikva Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. For September, the cocoordinator is Karen Langweber. Contact her at karenbl@comcast.net or by phone at 508-358-2263. If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, contact the Temple office, the Rabbis or Cantor, or the monthly coordinator. Page 3 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Highlights from the Annual Meeting of the Congregation June 2, 2011 President Phil Benjamin welcomed congregants to the Temple’s 33rd Annual Meeting. Rabbi Gold noted that the past six years have been remarkable. We will be celebrating Shavuot, seven weeks after Passover, commemorating the receipt of the 10 Commandments and the Torah. Our tradition teaches that each of us received two mitzvot directly from God. We all stand together, and each of us has a spark of Torah directly within us. Rabbi noted that, while the itinerary to Israel was awesome, the bonds that were built were exceptionally remarkable, and each participant was a messenger of the Temple. During December vacation week 2012, we are planning a family trip to Israel. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat showed what we as a community can accomplish together. Ganeinu, the program for pre-kindergarten children and families, demonstrates our commitment to education for the entire lifecycle. We received the Irving J. Fain Social Justice award at the bi-annual convention of the Religious Action Committee this spring, receiving recognition on the national stage. The Rabbi recognized the hard work of the President, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Council, his colleagues in the clergy and the professional staff, and educational team. He highlighted the difficult job which we will have ahead, particularly with the budget. The Rabbi shared poignant words from a troubled young congregant which reminded us why we are all here. President Phil Benjamin thanked the departing Board members, and particularly Bob Koster, and welcomed our new leaders. He emphasized continuity, with new contracts for both Rabbis and the Cantor. We are facing challenging times, with a large budget deficit. A working group has been appointed to focus on our financial sustainability, on both income and expense sides of the budget. The good news is that within the past three years, more than $250,000 of the mortgage has been paid down. Membership has been relatively stable, with a net increase of five new member families in the past three years. We celebrated another “second generation” b'nai mitzvah within our congregation, and we celebrated our dedication stone placement. Challenges lie ahead, in view of the economic realities, and we are pushing efforts to balance our budget, and to keep the congregation on sound footing. A new contract with Rabbi Gold was unanimously approved. His current contract expires at the end of June 2011. The new contract is for five years. A one-year extension of Rabbi Litcofsky's contract was approved unanimously, which will permit us to maintain continuity while Cantor Schachner is on her sabbatical, rather than looking for a new assistant Rabbi while she is away. However, if Rabbi Litcofsky is presented with overwhelming opportunity elsewhere, he may opt out of the extension, provided he gives us notice on or before October 17, which will give us time to search for a successor. Treasurer Mark Susser reported on the downward trend of our financial returns, with deficits each of the last two years. The Board presented a deficit budget for the upcoming fiscal year, intentionally focusing on the need to take steps necessary to insure our financial health. Mark reported that 114 member families had donated to the spring fundraiser, but neither our dues and fees collections nor our fundraising efforts reached our 2010-2011 projections. A working group has been appointed to focus on our sustainability. An increase of 5% in dues and fees and an increase of 3% in school fees for the upcoming year were approved by the congregation, with only one negative vote. The proposed budget for F.Y. 2011 – 2012, showing a $22,000 deficit, was approved, again, with one opposing vote. The nominating committee reported that the nominees included Brian Levey to fill a one year term as President-Elect; Scott Machanic (Recording Sec.), Cathy Regensburger (VP, Education), Robin Kostin (VP, Governance), Lee-Ann Yolin (VP, Worship), and Martin Gredinger (Asst. Treas.), each for two year terms. Nominated for 2-year terms as at-large members of the Board of Trustees were Jayne Lampert, Wendy Mishara, and Jonathan Sieber, with one additional board member to be determined. Continuing for one more year in their current positions were Phil Benjamin (President), Mark Susser (VP, Finance/Treasurer), Karen Langweber (VP, Gathering, and Susan Benjamin (VP, Tikkun Olam), and at-large board members Jill Katz, Karen Miller, and Rochelle Nemrow, with one additional board member to be determined. The slate was unanimously approved. From Our Rabbis and Cantor We are eager to share in your times of joy and to support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform an administrative staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Neal Gold Rabbi Greg Litcofsky Cantor Hollis Schachner Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus Page 4 Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni Rabbi Neal Gold (continued from page 1) which any listing must begin with the remarkable heroes who brought down United Airlines Flight 93 in a Pennsylvania field before it could achieve the hijackers’ goal. I remember the random anti-Muslim violence around our country and the accompanying sense of shame. I also remember how the State of Israel responded with solemnity and mourning, and by naming prominent roadways “New York Plaza.” Conversely, I remember there were celebrations in the streets of Ramallah and Gaza. A week later, it was Rosh Hashanah. I recall how every phrase of the prayer book seemed infused with nuance and meaning that I had never noticed before. We concluded with “America the Beautiful”, which we segued into Oseh Shalom, which paraphrases Job: May the One who makes peace in the heavens give us peace here. It was powerful – and chilling. Ten years have passed. Many things about our world have changed; many more returned to the way they have always been. In my life, Avi is 11; I left New Jersey for Wayland; three of my four grandparents are gone; my religious philosophy has evolved with a decade of learning and experiences. There remains an emptiness on the New York City skyline, and the world still does not speak with a single voice saying that terrorism is always and forever wrong. Ten years have passed, and soon we’ll be back where we were when the pain was still so raw: Back in shul, observing Rosh Hashanah. I pray that 5772 will be a good year for all of us. In the meantime, I still feel so lucky that we have a synagogue in our lives, a place for us to draw together. Rhonda MagierMagier-Cohen Receives Award for Excellence in Jewish Education Rhonda Magier-Cohen – a beloved teacher of Torah at Temple Shir Tikva – who teaches Grade 3, and 7, facilitates a Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing! Group and has tutored and prepared many Shir Tikva children for their Bat/Bar Mitzvah, is a recipient of a Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. The GrinspoonSteinhardt Awards recognize teachers in communities across North America who have made a commitment to the field of Jewish education. The Award honors outstanding classroom-based teachers in formal Jewish educational settings (early childhood through grade 12). Rhonda was chosen through a competitive national selection process and now joins the ranks of more than 500 Jewish educators who represent the best in Jewish education. The Awards were first established by the Grinspoon Foundation in 2000 and joined by the Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life in 2002. Yasher Koach to Rhonda on this wonderful KAVOD! Rhonda will be honored publically by the Greater Boston Jewish Community at Limmud Boston, December 4, 2011 at Congregation Mishkan Tefillah (https:// limmudboston.org/Home_Page.html). For this honor, Rhonda will receive a profes- sional development stipend to use at her discretion to further her skills in the field of Jewish education. She also will participate in a Community of Practice – a year long program sponsored by JESNA (Jewish Education Service of North America) which will allow her and the other Award recipients to meet virtually, engage in professional development and expand their professional networks. Temple Shir Tikva Otzar, Temple Shir Tikva’s Judaica Gift Shop Sale: Sunday, September 18 Many items at discounted prices! 9 a.m. to noon in the Temple Lobby We have a full line of Ketubot and Judaic greeting cards Page 5 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 jepig Education For Girls Entering Grade 6 For Girls Entering Grade 77-12 continuing with Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing First Meeting of the Year Come Learn About The Program at a GetGet-Acquainted Session Sunday, September 18 4 -6 p.m. at the Temple Your group leader will be in touch with you soon with more information. Sunday, September 18 4 -6 p.m. at the home of Jill and Brenna Katz This initial program is geared for daughters & parents to learn about the program. All subsequent meetings are for girls only. TST Religious School “Meet the Teacher” Sunday, October 23, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Rachel Kest at rachelkest@shirtikva.org if you plan to attend Meet Your Child’s Teacher Learn About the School Curriculum Understand The Goals and Expectations of Your Child’s Class Religious School and Youth Community Calendar Sunday 9/11 Wednesday 9/14 Sunday 9/18 Faculty Professional Development & Orientation Madrichim Training Session First Day of Wednesday Religious School (Grades 3-6) First Day Of Youth Community (Grades 7-12) 9 am – 4 pm 12 – 3 pm 3:45 – 5:45 pm 6 – 8 pm First Day of Sunday Religious School (Kindergarten – Grades 6) Welcome Back to Religious School First Day Assembly for Parents and Kids Back to Shul BBQ Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing Introductory Meeting for Parents and Girls (Grade 6 only) off -site Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing for Grades 7 – 12 at TST 9 - 11 am Religious School Youth Community Religious School Kindergarten and Grade 1 Meet and Greet 3:45 – 5:45 pm 6 – 8 pm 9 - 11 am 11:15 am – 12:30 pm Wednesday 9/21 Sunday 9/25 Wednesday 9/28 Erev Rosh Hashanah – NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OR YOUTH COMMUNITY Sunday 10/2 Religious School Kindergarten Family Education Madrichim Training Session Grade 3 Field Trip to Brookline Page 6 10:30 – 11 am 11 am – 1 pm 4 – 6 pm 9 - 11 am 9 – 11 am 11 am – 12:30 pm Noon – 4 pm Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni mler oewiz Tikkun Olam Kick off the New Year With a Mitzvah Donate to Family Table Program Kick off the school year with a mitzvah! September begins Shir Tikva’s monthly collection of tuna fish and pasta (whole grain if possible) for Jewish Family & Children’s Service’s (JF&CS) Family Table Program—the largest kosher food pantry in eastern Massachusetts. Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to more than 650 individuals and families in need. Come to our booth on at Mitzvah Day , where you and your family can sign up to help deliver. Contact our Family Table coordinator, Rich Friedman, at rich@friedmanpartners.com with any questions. Annual High Holy Days Food Drive Every year during the High Holy Days, TST does an amazing job of collecting food to benefit the Boston Medical Center's Grow Clinic and the MetroWest Harvest Food Pantry. This year's food drive is especially important given the difficult economic conditions. During Rosh Hashanah, pick up paper bags with the list of items needed and bring them to the temple parking lot before end of Yom Kippur where our storage container will be waiting. Contact Debbie or Michael Pullen at dmpullenfamily@yahoo.com to help or with any questions. Volunteers Needed to visit people receiving hospice care You can make a difference in someone’s life in as little as one hour a week. Training is provided Non-contact positions are also available Call Alice Hutter at West River Care: 781-707-9580 Zamir Chorale of Boston to Hold Auditions Rabbi Blumberg Welcomes Two Grandchildren Sunday, September 25, 7 - 9 p.m. The Zamir Chorale of Boston, "America's foremost Jewish choral ensemble," will hold auditions for all voice parts on Sunday, September 25, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Hebrew College, 160 Herrick Road, Newton Centre. Auditions are by appointment only and must be scheduled in advance by emailing manager@ zamir.org. Candidates must have excellent vocal quality, the ability to sight-read music, and previous choral experience. In addition to the audition, candidates are required to attend open rehearsals at Hebrew College on Tuesday, September 13 and 20 from 7:15 to 10 p.m. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays at Hebrew College, from 7:15 to 10 p.m. from September through early June. Temple Shir Tikva Rabbi Herman Blumberg and his wife, Paula, are pleased to share a special moment in their lives with the Shir Tikva community. On August 2, they were privileged to welcome two grandchildren into their family, Asha and Avinoam Pukar, children of Naomi Blumberg David and Rabbi Braham David. Rabbi Blumberg said “Their presence brings us unique joy and fulfillment.” Page 7 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 High Holy Day Preparation With Rabbi Litcofsky Wednesdays, September 14, 21, and October 5 6:30-8 p.m. Join as we study together the deeper meaning of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We will use the Mahzor as our guiding text, discussing how the words of our prayers can guide us during the High Holidays. We will explore prayer such as the Avinu Malkeinu and Unetaneh Tokef as well as study the laws of teshuvah from Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuvah. The Faces of Homelessness A Conversation with Three Who’ve Experienced Homelessness Sunday, September 25, 9 -11 a.m. Shir Tikva welcomes three representatives of The Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau, a program of the National Coalition for the Homeless. We will learn from our panel just how homelessness has affected them directly as they talk personally about their experiences. Additionally, the Speakers' Bureau creates opportunities for members to advocate for themselves and others, as well as build the necessary bridges with the rest of society so that we may work cooperatively to end this disgrace called homelessness. Me'ah: 100 Hours. 2 Years. Inspired Jewish Learning. Bringing it Home: Practical Judaism for Practical Jews Sundays, 9:15-11 a.m. With Rabbi Litcofsky September 18 - The High Holy Days October 23 - Shabbat January 8 - Prayer March 25 - Passover Drop your kids off, have a cup of coffee and join Rabbi Litcofsky for four unique workshops on the High Holidays, Shabbat, Prayer and Passover. Together we will explore and discuss how to prepare ourselves and our families for the High Holy Days, share fun and meaningful ways to celebrate Shabbat at home, develop a personal understanding of the words of our prayer book, and learn how to get the most out of our Passover celebration. Join us for one class or all four as we learn together how to reinforce what our children are learning in Hebrew School – and sustain a Jewish home together at home. For parents of kids of all ages - all are welcome. Page 8 Join us for Me’ah (Hebrew for ‘100’), an intensive Jewish educational experience designed for busy adult learners. The course spans two years and includes 100 hours of class time. You’ll focus on core texts from the Hebrew Bible and from the Rabbinic, Medieval and Modern periods. Shir Tikva classes begin Thursday, October 27, 7-9 p.m. To register please contact Deena Bloomstone at eddirector@shirtikva.org or call 508-358-9992. For more information, visit www.hebrewcollege.edu/meah “Me’ah ‘works’ no matter where you are on the continuum of Jewish learning. It is thought-provoking and engaging whether or not you have seen the material before.”—Me’ah participant The registration fee for each year of Me’ah is $750. If you are concerned about the financial aspects of a Me’ah course, contact Raylea Pemstein at rpemstein@hebrewcollege.edu, 617-559-8708. This program is offered by Hebrew College and CJP’s Commission on Jewish Life and Learning. Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni cenl sc Page of Study precedence of learning Torah. So to conclude…”Feed them (both the parents and children) on your dreams (our shared experiIsraelites in the desert after leaving Egypt) must have a code (the ences), the one they picked (the study of Torah), the one you’re Torah) that you can live by………TEACH your children well known by. Don’t ever ask them why…just look at them and sigh (the She’ma and the Haggadah), their father’s hell (inability of (both the parents and the children) and know they (parents and the first generation to go into the land) did slowly go by (40 years).” “And you of tender years (the children of the generation children) love you (Hashem and the Torah.)” that did not make it into the promised land) can’t know the fears Jay Gainsboro teaches: What I find most significant about (the lack of water, the constant attacks of the Malachite's and this passage from Mainmonides’ Mishna Torah is that it proothers while roaming the desert) that your elders grew by. And vides a glimpse into the hierarchy of Jewish values. When so please help them with your years, they seek the truth before Judaism is faced with the challenge of determining the relathey can die. TEACH your tive value of a child’s Torah parents well…” If a parent wished to study Torah, and they have a child who education versus parental Did Graham Nash know must also learn—the parent takes precedence. However, if the education, parental trumps these words of the Rambam child is more insightful or quicker to grasp what there is to be from the Mishna Torah prior the child’s. However, Maiwriting this song? Additionlearned, the child takes precedence. Even though the child monides places a greater ally, the irony is that these gains priority, the parent must not ignore their own study, for value and respect on one’s lyrics appeared on the just as it a mitzvah to educate the child, so too is the parent ability to acquire and assimiCrosby, Stills, Nash and commanded to learn! late Torah knowledge reYoung “Déjà Vu “album! gardless of age or parental קודם הוא תורה ללמוד בן לו ויש תורה ללמוד רוצה הוא היה Using the words above we gain great insight into the לבנו ואם היה בנו נבון ומשכיל להבין מה שילמוד יותר ממנו בנוhierarchy. Judaism’s emphasis on the “teaching Torah” dilemma. פ שבנו קודם לא יבטל הוא שכשם שמצוה עליו ללמד"קודם ואעstudy and integration of ToThe key issues in the passage appear to be 1) who takes .את בנו כך הוא מצווה ללמד עצמו: rah in our lives can be seen precedence? 2) who is more throughout our liturgy and Maimonides, Mishna Torah insightful and 3) the mitzvah many of our most significant and obligation to study ToLaws of Torah Study 1:4 texts. It is not uncommon rah. for contemporary American Our lyrics above from the ‘60’s give us a tremendous glimpse Jews throughout the United States to react to our tradition's into commenting on and answering these questions. First of all, both parent and child are equally insightful. As different as they commandment to study Torah as an antiquated concept that does not apply to us. My own experience of Torah study is may have been, the experiences of both groups in the desert (their father’s hell, the seeking of the truth by the younger genthat it is enriching and valuable in a world with the complexieration) puts them on a level playing field as to life experiences. ties that we are facing: global warming, wars, hatred, bigotry, The only conclusion to draw from this, is that both parent and fundamentalism, economic disarray, medical ethics, and child have equal insightfulness and neither has an advantage of countless others. I believe the planet is in desperate need of being quicker to grasp what there is to be learned. Even though a system of thought that will help us plot a way out of the the passage proposes a “precedence” conflict, I contend that this myriad of challenges we are facing. A regular and disciplined was presented by Maimonides as a riddle whose answer is study of Torah rewards the student with a rich set of analyti“both.” The experience in the desert which had as one of its most dra- cal and human relationship tools that are powerful, comprehensive, tested and proven over the millennium. There are matic moments the receiving of the Torah at Sinai was given to all of the Israelites—not just parents or children----hence the few people that realize how frequently the principles found obligation for all to engage in study based on the experiences so in Torah have been the foundation for new systems and apeloquently expressed by Mr. Nash, and the books of Exodus, proaches in psychology and family relationships, structured Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. An obligation to learn and systematic solutions for non-violent communication, applies to all of us equally without regard to insightfulness, widely adopted principles for conducting win-win negotiaprecedence, or ability to grasp. The teaching of Torah goes on in all of the convoluted ways indicated in the passage for which we tions, and medical ethics. I believe Torah principles have the power to assist us in finding a path that can lead mankind to are doing the commentary. We teach ourselves, we teach our parents, we teach our children, and our children teach us based a more humanistic, sustainable approach to living with others on our experiences in the dessert, our childhood, and adulthood. on the planet. I contend that no one group has a “franchise” in the priority or (continued on page 10) Matt Langweber teaches: “You who are on the road (the Temple Shir Tikva Page 9 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Empower Your Child’s Jewish Identity cenl sc Page of Study (continued from page 9) Sign up with Passport to Israel A savings plan that invests in your child’s Jewish future The Myra and Robert Kraft Passport to Israel program is a unique savings plan to help parents send their children on a life-changing teen Israel experience. The program is designed so that the family, the Temple and CJP, annually put money into a Passport to Israel account which helps families make a trip to Israel for their high school teen a reality. For information on the Passport to Israel Savings Program, contact Linda Goldbaum or Deena Bloomstone. October Hineni Deadline Wednesday, September 7 Articles and photos may be sent by email to hinenied@shirtikva.org or mailed to the Temple office. Please email or call Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at 508-358-6272 with questions or comments. Temple Shir Tikva Paid For Recycling Here are a few examples from my own life of how my regular study of Torah has helped me solve the following problems: it provided an ethical framework to help me determine my ethical responsibility versus my family’s safety when I was assisting the U.S. government in the Oklahoma City bombing trial; it provided me with guidelines on how and when to comfort others; it gave me important and valuable parenting tools for maintaining a healthy respectful relationship with my son during his teenage years; it provided me with tools on how to approach, create and maintain hundred million dollar contracts that resulted in large win-win scenarios for all parties . The specific Maimonidian guidelines in the above passage for deciding Torah study priorities between parent and child in a world with the Internet and online learning may be less applicable today than it was when Maimonides compiled his 14-volume Mishna Torah during the latter part of the 12th century. However, I believe his text provides us with invaluable insight on where to place our emphasis. The major point I take from this passage is that the study of Torah provides us with a great return on our investment. How many places can you name that offer us tools for developing a rich set of analytical and relationship tools to help solve some of mankind’s greatest challenges? Our temple is being paid for paper put in the bright green and yellow recycling bin located outside, near the loading dock. Accepted items include newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail, paperback books and colored paper. Please help us by bringing your recyclable paper products to the Temple. Page 10 Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni jepig Youth Community Message from the Youth Committee As many of the Youth Community families are aware, beginning in 2010-2011, TST has begun a major review and overhaul of its Youth Community programs. Lay leaders and professional staff have been aware in recent years of a decline in attendance for our programs for Youth in Grades 7-12, particularly in Grades 9-12. Beginning in July, 2010, the Youth Committee chairs along with Deena Bloomstone, former VP of Education Jay Gainsboro, and Rabbi Gold began to identify ways in which to address this decline. Ultimately, the Board of Trustees approved our request to engage an outside consultant with a proven track record in assisting other temple communities with their Jewish Education programs. From February through June 2011, a volunteer Task Force consisting of temple members, professional staff and clergy met four times to brainstorm and identify what our collective vision for the Youth Community Program would be. In other words, what tools, skills and experiences did we ideally want our 12th graders to have when they left our Temple Youth Community program? What would success look like? How would it be demonstrated? The end result was the creation of a template that indicates where our current Youth Community programming supports our collective vision statement and where there are gaps that could reflect a need for a change or addition in programming. In conjunction with the work of the Task Force, our consultant, Billy Mencow, conducted focus groups with students, current and former, and staff. At the end of this past June, based on the work done by the Task Force as well as the information gathered by the focus groups, we were able to come up with some concrete changes that we will implement for our Youth Community Shortcuts on the Shir Tikva Web Site… Current short cuts include: • www.shirtikva.org/events - current issue of Vats Nu • www.shirtikva.org/Hineni - current and past issues of Hineni on-line www.shirtikva.org/calendar - current calendar page • www.shirtikva.org/donate - make an on-line donation • www.shirtikva.org/signup - signup and pay for events • www.shirtikva.org/video - info on Internet-based video of services • Program beginning in 2011-2012, including: • More elective opportunities throughout the year, while continuing to emphasize core offerings; • Changing the structure of Wednesday nights to divide classes into two 45minute class sessions instead of one 90-minute class; • Creation of a Va’ad Noar, a student council, to permit students to have a greater say in the decision-making processes regarding their learning; • Ensuring that our qualified and talented staff have the necessary training in adolescent development and a familiarity with current adolescent issues. The above revisions and additions to our Youth Community programming are just the beginning of the changes that we expect as a result of the Task Force recommendations and feedback from focus groups. Over the next 6-9 months, the Task Force will continue to meet and refine the recommendations for our program. We are delighted that Dr. Jessica Rubinstein has agreed to chair the Task Force for the upcoming year. Jessica is a pediatrician with particularized knowledge of adolescent development and has been actively involved with the Task Force and Youth Community Committee for the past year and in years past. We invite you and your children in Grades 7-12 to participate in our work, whether through attending Youth Community Committee Board meetings, speaking with clergy, professional staff or task force members, or attending one of the focus groups that we anticipate being conducted in the fall and winter. Thanks for your support and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Meryl Kukura, Youth Committee Co-Chair Temple Shir Tikva Page 11 Hineni September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Temple Shir Tikva Library By Susan Saul, Librarian New Books in the Shir Tikva Library The first two titles were featured in the Reform Judaism magazine as part of the Reform movement Significant Books initiative. The comments below come from http://blogs.rj.org/reform/books/. The Dove Flyer / Eli Amir "Es is schwer zu sayn a yid --- It's hard to be a Jew". There are many demands made and sacrifices called for. The setting for Eli Amir's novel The Dove Flyer is Baghdad in the 1950's. He draws on his experience as a youth living in Iraq to tell the stories of ordinary Jews, their trials, tribulations and dreams. Amir, a social activist, made this statement in Cairo: "How can there be peace without us knowing each other?" "If we know each other can we live in peace?" and "If we know each other will we want to live in peace?" Those three questions were always on my mind when I read the book. Jewish Living : a Guide to Contemporary Reform Practice / Mark Washofsky Jewish Living by Mark Washofsky is a book that had been long needed by Reform Jews. Published originally in 2001, now revised, it touches on all of Jewish life and can serve as an easily understandable guide to those who search for an authentic Reform life. We have often been told that there is no Reform halacha, but Rabbi Washofsky sees our rules as practice and custom, balanced with tradition. Reform Jews will often say, "We are Reform. None of the rules apply. We can do as we think best." But the truth is that long practice, some knowledge of existing halachic rules and community tradition need to be considered when we try to make a decisions that are thoughtful and that comply with Jewish life. The next example is a beautiful showcase of contemporary Jewish works, designed to be used in the practice of Jewish ritual. See photographs of such objects as: Chuppah Ketubah, Menorahs, Seder plate, Kiddush cups, Mezuzot, tallit and much more. Page 12 500 Judaica: Innovative Contemporary Ritual Art / Ray Hemachandra Captures a diverse range of exquisite traditional and contemporary Judaica objects from leading artists and craftspeople mostly in the U.S. and Israel, who dedicate their talents in objects made for the home, the synagogue, weddings, holidays, and celebrations. This is an example of one of the many holiday related books we collect in our library. We encourage congregants to visit the library often to see displays of holiday related books to complement observance of the holidays. 300 Ways to Ask the Four Questions / Murray Spiegel and Rickey Stein Two nuts in New Jersey pursued a hobby collecting the Four Questions in different languages since as far back as 1971. Then they met each other. The result (14 years later) is 300 Ways to Ask the Four Questions, a delightful trip round the world. Using languages (with unique alphabets, translations and transliterations) we travel to places Jews have lived, and places they’ve never been heard of. We hear the questions in living languages spoken by hundreds of millions, and dying languages spoken by as few as half a dozen. We hear them in ancient languages, click languages, and made-up languages (Klingon, Pig Latin, Lawyerese and others). With over a hundred photos, a CD and a DVD, background on each speaker, language, and language groups, and with games and puzzles to use in the seder, and a lighthearted attitude that enjoys the diversity of our world, this book is a bet-you-did-not-knowyou-needed-it but must-have resource for every family. Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 dlidw Hineni Gathering Sisterhood Upcoming Events Brotherhood Upcoming Events Sisterhood Schmooze Join us for our Annual Back to Shul BBQ Sunday, September 18, 11 a.m. Tuesday, October 18 Reunite with friends and family, meet new families, learn more about this year’s TST activities and enjoy a fun free BBQ lunch on the first Sunday of Religious School. Join us as we gather at a local restaurant to share an hour or two to schmooze, nosh , drink and simply enjoy a night together. No agendas, simply socialize. More dates: January 10, April 3 Sunday Book and Brunch Sukkah Build/Take Down Sunday, October 23, 9 a.m. Sunday mornings, October 2 and October 23 Brotherhood volunteers gather on Sunday morning, October 2, to help build our Sukkah in front of the Temple, then come together again on Sunday, October 23, to help take it down and store away for the following year. Lending a hand is lots of fun for all and a great way to support the Temple holiday programs. Together we’ll explore books with Jewish themes and of shared interest to read and discuss. There will be plenty of food for thought… (and for your tummy too!) Watch for book title to be announced in Vats Nu. More dates: Jan. 22, March 11, and May 6 • Play golf. Sign up yourself, invite your spouse or friend, or 12 Annual TST Golf Classic th Monday, October 3, 11 a.m. The Temple Shir Tikva Brotherhood tradition continues this fall with the 12th Annual TST Golf Classic set for Monday, October 3. Watch Vats Nu for full registration information, but take a moment and mark your calendar now for getting your foursome together! When: Monday, October 3, 11 a.m.- 6 p.m. (includes lunch and hors d'oeuvres) • • Where: Wedgewood Pines Golf Club in nearby Stow, MA Info: The TST Golf Classic is one of the most significant events that the Brotherhood puts on each year. It is simultaneously a fun-filled gathering of golf enthusiasts at every level of play, an opportunity to rekindle friendships while making new ones, and one of the largest fundraisers for the temple. In these financially strained times, your support is more important than ever to keep Shir Tikva's programs and charitable outreach to our larger community going strong. Here's how you can participate in this year's TST Golf Classic: Temple Shir Tikva • • bring your own foursome. We'll match you up with golfers of similar ability for the "best ball" style of play that gets everyone involved in the fun. Just $200 covers 18 holes, golf cart, box lunch and hors d'oeuvres - not to mention the after-golf awards and live and silent auctions. Buy raffle tickets. With a maximum of just 300 tickets sold, you'll have a great chance of winning the grand prize (to be announced) or other second and third place prizes (details to follow). Only $50 for a single raffle ticket; $100 will get you three tickets. Become a sponsor. If you own a business or know someone who does, you can sponsor a hole, the lunch, the hors d'oeuvres or the entire tournament with a generous donation that also generates terrific publicity. Donate auction items. Donate sports or theatre tickets, vacation properties, personal services or other merchandise of value. These can be a huge part of the proceeds for the golf classic offered through our silent and live auctions. Your donations are welcomed and appreciated. Bid on auction items. Take home great gifts that you and your family will enjoy and be part of the fun at our auctions. We look forward to having you join us! if you have any questions, would like to become a sponsor or donate auction items, please contact us at tstbrotherhood@shirtikva.org. Page 13 Hineni Calling All Shir Tikva Poets! September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Shir Tikva Educator Explores Jewish Role In Civil Rights Movement R The Siddur Task Force will be working with our clergy to create a new draft Siddur to include both our Friday night service and our late Shabbat morning service. We are hoping that many congregants will want to contribute original poems, prayers and meditations, as well as new translations of the Hebrew liturgy. If you would like to contribute a piece or participate as a member of the committee, please let us hear from you. We welcome your work and your support. Please contact our Siddur Task Force co-chairs, Nancy Gossels at ngossels@ comcast.net or Michael Mirman at michael.mirman@gmail.com or Rabbi Gold for further information. Temple Shir Tikva College Connection Program Help us stay connected to our college students during the year! We want to bring a little bit of our “Temple Shir Tikva home” to our college students, especially during the Jewish holidays. Join us to organize little care packages for our college kids during Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Passover. This project is great for families with kids who are in college to come together and bond. Please contact Mona Dolgov at dolgov@comcast.net if you have any questions and be part of this fun project. Page 14 honda Magier-Cohen of Temple Shir Tikva and Temple Beth Sholom in Framingham was one of 24 Jewish educators from 16 different states and two Canadian provinces who gathered July 11-15 in suburban Boston for the Jewish Women’s Archive’s (JWA) summer Institute, The Power of Our Stories: Jews and the Civil Rights Movement. The program began with each person telling a two-minute story about an object and the Jewish woman connected to it. From their homes in places as far away as Whitefish, MT and Winnipeg, Manitoba, participants brought rolling pins, jewelry, recipes, photographs, prayer books, and even in one case an edible object—blintzes left over from that morning’s breakfast with a beloved grandmother—that evoked stories of Jewish women who were important in their lives. After sharing their personal stories, the participants began the more formal part of the Institute, a series of sessions designed to introduce JWA’s Living the Legacy social justice curriculum. Among the highlights were presentations by Dr. Debra Schulz, author of Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement, by Rabbi Jill Jacobs, director of Rabbis for Human Rights and author of There Shall Be No Needy: Pursuing Social Justice through Jewish Law and Tradition, and an interview with Vicki Gabriner about her experiences as a civil rights worker in the South. By the end of the Institute, the participants had begun to develop plans for using Living the Legacy in a wide age-range of educational settings. “Oral histories as well as written memories of loved ones help us shape who we are and who we will become,” Magier-Cohen said of JWA’s Institute. JWA Executive Director Gail Reimer explained, “Every day we hear from educators who tell us what a difference Living the Legacy is making in their classrooms. We see how appreciative educators are of stories told in ways their students relate to. These are stories that have rarely been told before. Rhonda Magier-Cohen They inspire students to recognize that they too can make history.” The Jewish Women’s Archive Institute for Educators is made possible by a grant from the Dorot Foundation. For more on the Institute, read JWA’s blog, go to the website, and look at photographs on Flickr. The Jewish Women’s Archive was founded in l995 to respond to the lack of information about and understanding of the contributions of Jewish women to American history. Since then, JWA has amassed the world’s most extensive online collection of material on American Jewish women, all of which can be accessed for free by anyone with an Internet connection. JWA’s innovative website, jwa.org, is a destination for people seeking knowledge, a sense of connection and community, and a way to affirm and enhance the legacy of American Jewish women. Jwa.org receives more than one million unique visitors a year. Updated and enriched regularly, it offers a wide range of digital resources on such topics as politics, pop culture, sexuality, social justice, feminism, food, and film. Among recent additions is MyBatMitzvah Story.org, an interactive sub-site designed to make the coming of age experience more personally meaningful for Jewish girls. For further information about the Jewish Women’s Archive, call 617-2322258 or visit jwa.org. Temple Shir Tikva September 2011 Elul 5771 - Tishrei 5772 Hineni ippd Temple Shir Tikva 508-358-9992 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Phil Benjamin, President president@shirtikva.org Neal D. Gold, Rabbi rabbigold@shirtikva.org Greg Litcofsky, Associate Rabbi rabbilitcofsky@shirtikva.org Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus hermanblumberg@gmail.com Hollis Schachner, Cantor cantor@shirtikva.org David Passer, Executive Director Deena Bloomstone, Director of Congregational Learning Rachel Kest, Director of Elementary & Family Education Samantha Nidenberg Youth Educator Karen Edwards, Assistant to the Rabbis and Cantor Linda Goldbaum, Office Administrator Toni Spitzer Office Administrator Lucy Dube, Bookkeeper execdir@shirtikva.org ext. 214 eddirector@shirtikva.org ext. 201 familyed@shirtikva.org ext. 203 snidenberg@ahirtikva.org ext. 202 kedwards@shirtikva.org ext. 210 lgoldbaum@shirtikva.org ext. 211 tspitzer@shirtikva.org ext. 200 bookkeeper@shirtikva.org ext. 215 Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor hinenied@shirtikva.org JCC Early Learning Center of Wayland · Phone: 508-358-5331 508-879-5064 508-358-6272 Fax: 508-358-5332 Office Hours School Office Temple Office Sunday…....………………9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed Monday…………………...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday…………………...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday………………..9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday………………….9 a.m. - 6 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday……………………..9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Office Closings: Mon., Sept. 5, Labor Day; Weds, Sept. 28, Erev Rosh Hashanah - close at 2pm; Thurs., Sept. 29, 1st Day Rosh Hashanah; Fri., Sept. 30, 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah. Upcoming Events Thursday, September 8, 7 p.m……...….Shai Bazak, Israel’s Consul General to New England Wednesday, September 14..First Day of Religious School (3-6) and Youth Community (7-12) Sunday, September 18……….First Sunday of Religious School (K-6) and Back to Shul BBQ Sunday, October 2, 9 a.m………………………………………………….…Sukkah Building Monday, October 3, Noon…………………………………………………...TST Golf Classic Friday, October 14, 6:15 p.m…………………….Simchat Shabbat followed by Sukkot Oneg Sunday, October 30……………………………………..…Temple Shir Tikva’s Mitzvah Day Temple Shir Tikva Page 15
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