The New Maxwell House Haggadah
The New Maxwell House Haggadah
March/April 2010 Volume 22 No. 3&4 Temple Shir Shalom The holiday of Passover has many different names. One of my favorites is Z’man Chayrutaynu, the Season of our Freedom. Passover is fittingly given this name because it is a reminder of the freedom from slavery our Israelite ancestors attained. We celebrate the Seder with all its symbols and eat matzah for those seven (or eight) days to teach us our collective history as a people. Year after year, we read from the same Haggadah. I can still picture the blue, food stained cover of the Haggadah my family used when I was a child. (Yes, even rabbis have been known to use the Maxwell House Haggadah.) These Haggadot are so familiar to us that they often feel like they were given alongside the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Our tradition, however, charges us not only to remember the slavery of years past, but to learn our history so that we can work to cease the modern bondage to which people around the world are subjected. We are commanded to ask questions during the Seder which provoke discussion of contemporary issues, questions that bring awareness of a variety of injustices to others around the Seder table. The New Maxwell House Haggadah by Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz And to that end, we see Passover Haggadot being updated with additional readings and rituals that bring attention to the modern plight of Jews and non-Jews around the world. In the 1970s, the “Matzah of Hope” was added as a reminder of the virtual imprisonment of the Soviet Jews. In the 1980s, thanks to students at my alma mater, Oberlin College, an orange was added to the Seder plate by some as a solidarity gesture towards men and women who were persecuted on account of their sexual orientation. In more recent years, readings have been added to combat contemporary slavery and oppression or to call readers to action to prevent further human suffering. This year, try following this tradition: add a new reading or ritual to your Passover Seder. Go online and you’ll find a plethora of Jewish organizations with readings about hunger, poverty, racism, homophobia, abuse and war that are written to provide a fresh look at the meaning of Passover for you and your family. Choose one to add to your Seder this year. We’ll even help you get started. You don’t have to use that blue classic. We’ve edited and printed our own Temple Shir Shalom Haggadah. Begin with this one – and then figure out what you want to add to it. Or, drop by the temple office and we’ll be happy to share some of our favorite readings with you. May we all have a joyous Passover and may all people everywhere soon enjoy a Z’man Chayrut, a season of freedom. Chag Sameach! SERVICES MARCH 5 APRIL 5:30pm Children’s Shabbat Service at The Corners 8:00pm Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Chase Yarber 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service B’not Mitzvah of Meredith & Anna Stern 7:45pm Issac Mayer Wise Shabbat Service at Shir Tikvah 6 Shabbat Service 12 8:00 Bat Mitzvah of Jordyn Weiss 3 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am Yizkor Service pm 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service 13 19 6:30 7:30 Family Shabbat Dinner Fourth Grade Honors Shabbat Service with the Shir Shalom Youth Choir 9 2 5 8:00pm Shabbat Service 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service 10 pm pm 9:00am Tish 9:30am Ma’at Shabbat 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Adam Feinstein 20 Adult Dinner & Learn 26 6:30 with Dr. Diane Buffalin pm pm 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Madrichim Shabbaton 5:00pm Ma’at Shabbat at The Corners 17 Shabbat Service 23 8:00 Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Walt pm 8:00pm Shabbat Service 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Jared Cohen Shabbat Service 16 8:00 Bat Mitzvah of Gwen Fisher 27 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Sam Zapata 24 Shabbat Service 30 8:00 Bar Mitzvah of Brandt Williams pm 9:00am Tish 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Felsenfeld 1 From the desk of . . . Andre Douville, Executive Director As each Jewish holiday approaches, families prepare to celebrate with their own unique traditions. For some families, they are passed down from generation to generation, while others are incorporating new traditions and are making new memories. When I was a child, I remember our Passover Seders as really long! I remember being very hungry throughout the service and sneaking bits of matzah much to the chagrin of my grandfather. All the kids were expected to be quiet and listen as my grandfather read the story of Passover to us, and I counted the pages until we could eat. If we disturbed him, he started from the beginning! As I grew older and had a family of my own, we passed down some of the same traditions to our children (starting over was not one of them). Amy came from an observant family that read the Haggadah from cover to cover. They changed all of their dishes, cleaned out the pantry and sold all of the chametz. We shared the memories that both of our grandmothers were known for their delicious cooking, our grandfathers telling us the story of Passover, and now we watch our children counting the pages in the Haggadah until we can eat. Traditions are important to every family. They make up who we are. They can stay the same or they can change as your table grows. As a member of Temple Shir Shalom, we invite you to share your traditions with us. Take with you some of what you experience here, whether it’s from a holiday dinner, a Shabbat service, Shoresh (our religious school), or any other Temple event. Share with your extended families and your friends what Temple means to you. Talk about the importance of sharing the Jewish holidays with your families, but also being able to worship in a place that you are a part of. You may be able to provide that missing link to a family that is searching for a new home. A place to make new memories, and begin new traditions. With this in mind, I invite you to share with me your traditions and memories…stories from the past and stories that you are creating now. Please send me your thoughts to or mail them to the Temple office, attention Andre. Let’s create a written history of our traditions: Shir Shalom’s L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation. We are always growing, always striving for the better, always willing to make a change to accommodate your family; a Temple that not only you and your family knows they are members of, but where we know your name, know your face, and know your family. Each person has a voice. Each person has a place, and each family makes us who we are. Teen Mission 2010 to Israel July 5 – August 4, 2010 For current High School students. Registration underway. For more information, please contact Rabbi Daniel @ Temple. Scholarships available. Early Childhood LC Marsha Mitnick, Early Childhood Learning Center Director It is so exciting to see how The Learning Center is blossoming to fit the needs of all of our families. We are in the process of enrollment for Summer Camp and Fall of 2010. The Learning Center is the answer to every Family’s needs! We offer: Before and After Care: 7:30-9:30am - 3:00-6:00pm for children 2 years 9 months through 5 years. Play and Stay: 10:00 - 11:30am; Sunday. Designed for our youngest children 6 months through 3 years with a special adult by their side that stays and plays! Me, Myself and I: 9:00 - 11:30am; Tuesday and Thursday. For 2-3 year olds all by themselves. Preschool: For children 2 years 9 months through 5 years. 9:00am - 12:00pm; 5 days, 4 days or 3 days. 9:00am – 3:00pm; 5 days, 4 days or 3 days. Enrichments 12:00 - 2:00pm. For the child that is ready to gain from an additional group setting; our enrichments can meet their needs. Send lunch and off they go! Contact Marsha Mitnick, Director of Early Childhood Development 248-406-4255 for further information and enrollment information or visit our web site at Summer Camp 2010 is…A Global Celebration! Garden Party! All invited! Join us at Temple Shir Shalom’s Preschool The Learning Center; for sun-filled, friendship-building days as your Green Generation children learn about gardening, nature and the benefits of all the fun the outdoors can offer. Please join The Learning Center the weekend of May 22 and May 23 as we start tilling the soil, planting the seeds and…..getting down and dirty! All ages and stages invited. Session I = Monday June 21 through Friday June 25 Session II= Monday June 28 through Friday July 2 Session III=Monday July 5 through July 9 Session IV=Monday July 12 through July 16 Each session will be unique so your child can attend as many as they would like! Play and Stay is also being offered during these sessions! Take Note, Education! Martin Luther King, Jr. Tikkun Olam-athon; Molly Lippitt, 7th Grade Madrichim Student Tikkun Olam means to repair our world, and that’s exactly what over 250 members of Temple Shir Shalom did in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day on Sunday, January 17. The Tikkun Olam-athon took place all over the city, even though most of the activities were at Shir Shalom. The event taught people the importance of unity, diversity, and the worth of every person. Families made colorful scarves and blankets; they packaged food, and even made homes for kittens out of large boxes. The activities helped the St. Aloysius Soup Kitchen, the Ronald McDonald House, the American House, Gleaners Food Bank, and many other organizations. Also, there were tzedakah boxes all over Temple, collecting over three hundred dollars to help families in Haiti. At the St. Aloysius Soup Kitchen in downtown Detroit, volunteers learned a lot, including that around 97,000 meals for the homeless are made each year. St. Aloysius serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but breakfast is usually the busiest. Even though volunteers didn’t get to cook and serve, the food looked (and smelled) delicious. Looking at the happy faces of people as they got their meals made the volunteers realize how important the soup kitchen was. Volunteers worked in the St. Aloysius pantry filling up grocery bags with delicious food. All kinds of foods were in the pantry, from crackers to chili to many different kinds of vegetables. Packaging the groceries was fun, and the kids even got to nibble on a few sweets. When people are done with their meals, they can take a bag of groceries and are welcome to take whatever clothing they need. Volunteers at St. Aloysius also helped organize clothing to be given away. The facility gets tons of donations a month, and the crowded room is never empty. The room is full of all kinds and sizes of any article of clothing you’ve ever heard of. Organizing the clothing was also fun, and time flew by quickly. The kitchen also has a free internet cafe and a television, providing many different types of services to the unfortunate in the area. There was a lot going on, and everyone felt good about themselves when the day was over. It was good to be reminded that Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.’s inspiration is still with all of us today. Sisterhood Take Note! Janice Schwartz, President With spring almost here, flowers will be sprouting, warm weather is right around the corner and planning for Passover’s Seder is on many of our minds. After a long Michigan winter it is time to think spring. It is also a time that I think about the holidays past that for me evoke cherished memories. Passover reminds me of my childhood when my family gathered around our dining room table which always included my grandparents. On March 14 at 10:30 am, Sisterhood will have a breakfast meeting in the Gaynor Family Library. The Quilting club meets on April 13, at 7:00 pm in the Andrew Foltyn Social Hall. On Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30 pm, Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz will be our guest speaker at a Dinner & Learn. Please join us for dinner and discussion concerning Heroines in the Bible. Please RSVP to Shelly Newman (248-737-0266 or Isaac Mayer Wise Shabbat Service, Passover Pot-Luck Dinner--Friday, April 2 at Congregation Shir Tikvah Share Shabbat and a Passover Potluck dinner when members of the Detroit-area Reform congregations come together Friday, April 2 for the annual Isaac Mayer Wise Shabbat. Congregation Shir Tikvah will host this year’s gathering, and in keeping with the community spirit of the evening, the 7:45pm service will be preceded by a Passover potluck dinner at 6:30pm. MetFed will bring the kosher-for-Passover chicken and beverages; those attending are asked to bring a non-dairy, kosher-for-Passover side dish or dessert in a disposable container. There is no cost for the dinner; however reservations are needed; please contact Dave Henig by March 25 (248-682-4992 or for more information and to let us know that you will be attending. Shir Shalom Dinner & Learn Series Presents Ho w to g: .” h t i n a rg u i n g g i F t ut i tho wi thou W t g n wa n inni “ W h at yo u w ge t With Dr. Diane Buffalin Dr. Diane uses wit and wisdom to show us why arguing doesn’t work - and what approach is more effective. Have fun learning new ways to “win” without stressful arguments. Audience participation and humor makes this a winning program that you can apply to anyone in your life. Friday, March 26 @ 6:30 pm in the Andrew Foltyn Social Hall Shabbat Ser vices to follow the program $18 per adult. Please RSVP to Sidra Lewis at or call (248) 737-8700 Dates to Remember FRIDAY EVENING SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00pm Children’s Shabbat – March 5 at 5:30pm at The Corners Family Shabbat – March 19 at 7:30pm Isaac M. Wise Shabbat – April 2 at 7:45pm at Congregation Shir Tikvah SATURDAY MORNING SHABBAT SERVICES 10:30am SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN SERVICES 10:00am TISH WITH THE RABBIS Saturday Mornings at 9:30am MA’AT SHABBAT Saturday, March 20 at 9:30am Saturday, April 17 at 5:00pm at The Corners SHABBAT DINNERS Family Dinner – Friday, March 19 at 6:30pm Adult Dinner & Learn – Friday, March 26 at 6:30pm PASSOVER Begins Monday, March 29 at sunset Congregational Seder – Tuesday, March 30 at 6:00pm Yizkor Service – Monday, April 5 at 10:30pm B’NAI MITZVAH INSTITUTE Sundays, March 7 & 21 at 10:00am at The Corners YOUNG ADULT GROUP WINE TASTING EVENT Saturday, March 20 at 8:00pm at The Corners BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, March 23 at 7:00pm Tuesday, April 27 at 7:00pm EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Tuesday, March 9 at 6:00pm Tuesday, April13 at 6:00pm BROTHERHOOD DINNER MEETING Second Wednesday of the Month at 6:30pm March 10 & April 14 SISTERHOOD Meeting – Sunday, March 14 at 10:30am Quilting Meeting – Tuesday, April 13 at 7:00pm Dinner Meeting – Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30pm MAH JONGG Mondays at 6:30pm (No meeting March 29 or April 5) WOMEN’S AA Mondays at 7:30pm (No meeting March 29 or April 5) ATTITUDINAL HEALING Tuesdays at 6:30pm (No meeting March 30) YIDDISH CLUB Third Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm March 16 & April 20 AA, ALATEEN Wednesdays at 8:00pm YOUNG ADULT GROUP (YAG) Wednesdays, March 3 & April 7, at 8:00pm at Temple Shir Shalom B’nai Mitzvah! Chase Oliver Yarber , son of Judy and Terry Yarber, will become a bar mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on March 5, 2010. He is the grandson of Janice Bronstein and the late William and Rita Bronstein. A student at Orchard Lake Middle School, Chase is a nice, caring person who gets along well with almost everyone. He always has a lot of fun at Madrichim, especially on the retreats. As the youngest of four children, Chase watched his siblings go through the process of becoming b’nai mitzvah, and he’s very excited to finally become a bar mitzvah himself! Chase is very grateful to his family for all of the encouragement, help and support that they’ve given him throughout his life. Anna Lindsey Stern, daughter of Rachel Stern and Amie and Daniel Stern, will become a bat mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on March 6, 2010. The granddaughter of Caroline and Bernard Miller, Randy and Craig Rubin, and Tony and Bernard Stern, she is a student at Bloomfield Hills Middle School. Anna has appreciated the support she has received at Shir Shalom during her bat mitzvah studies, especially as she learned how to read Hebrew for the Shabbat prayers and her Torah portion. The experience has helped her to become a more mature and responsible young woman, and she plans to carry on the many Jewish traditions that she has been taught by her own family. Meredith Sara Stern, daughter of Rachel Stern and Amie and Daniel Stern, will become a bat mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on March 6, 2010. She is the granddaughter of Caroline and Bernard Miller, Randy and Craig Rubin, and Tony and Bernard Stern. Meredith attends Bloomfield Hills Middle School, and she loves being actively involved in her Judaism by lighting candles on Shabbat and at Chanukah, and singing along to the Jewish songs that she’s known since she was a little girl. Preparing for her bat mitzvah along with her sister has been a very meaningful experience for her, and she would like her family at Shir Shalom to know that working hard and studying every day has made her feel a greater responsibility as a Jew and as a young woman. B’nai Mitzvah! Jordyn Marlee Weiss, daughter of Jodi and Ron Weiss, will become a bat mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on March 12, 2010. She is the granddaughter of Joyce and Morton Maza and Joyce and Jerry Weiss, and a student at Orchard Lake Middle School. In her spare time, Jordyn loves to dance, ski, and hang out with her friends. The Selichot service this past year is one of her most memorable experiences at Shir Shalom; she was honored to be asked to participate in this special service. Preparing for her bat mitzvah has given her a whole new appreciation for Hebrew and Jewish traditions, and she is grateful to her family and friends for their constant love and support throughout all of her life. Adam Matthew Feinstein, son of Joelle and Mark Levine and Elyse and William Feinstein, will become a bar mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on March 20, 2010. Adam is the grandson of Sandra and Robert Hill, Roberta Feinstein and the late Bernhard Feinstein, and of Jane and Leonard Levine, and is a student at Walnut Creek Middle School. Adam loves Shir Shalom because he really feels a part of the temple. Every time he leaves a Madrichim event he can’t wait for the next one and the chance to spend time with his friends and learn about Judaism. Watching his sister become a bat mitzvah a couple of years ago was very special to him, and really inspired him in taking that step himself. To him, becoming a bar mitzvah means that he is growing into a mature young adult, and that he is able to express himself to others in a respectful way. Adam would like to stay involved with Temple and the Jewish community by joining BBYO and volunteering where his help is needed. Jared Cohen, son of Cari and Daniel Cohen, will become a bar mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on March 27, 2010. He is the grandson of Sylvia and David Cohen and of Rebecca and Bernard Toby. A student at Clifford Smart Middle School, Jared enjoys celebrating the holidays with his family. Although he found studying for his bar mitzvah difficult at first, as he became more disciplined about it he started to make progress and gain confidence, which has given him a great sense of accomplishment. After his bar mitzvah, Jared hopes to continue his Jewish education and remain active in our community. B’nai Mitzvah! Gwen Elizabeth Fisher, daughter of Yona Fisher and Paul Fisher, will become a bat mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on April 16, 2010. She is the granddaughter of Ruth Grey and the late Kenneth Grey, and of Luanne Fisher and the late Mark Fisher. Gwen attends Berkshire Middle School and likes animals, swimming, reading, acting, cooking, and singing, all in between spending time with her friends. Gwen has really enjoyed making new friends at Shir Shalom as a part of the Youth Choir, and she is grateful to her mom for helping her throughout her entire bat mitzvah experience. Aaron Matthew Walt, son of John Walt and Jan Jacobs-Walt, will become a bar mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on April 23, 2010. The grandson of Irene and the late Alexander Walt and of the late Marjorie and Martin Jacobs, he is a student at Berkshire Middle School. Shir Shalom is a holy community for Aaron because he can come here, let out all of his problems, and feel a lot better about things. Aaron is looking forward to leading our congregation in prayer and moving into the next stage of his life. After his bar mitzvah, Aaron wants to stay involved at Shir Shalom and in the Jewish community by coming to services regularly and helping out with tzedakah work. Samuel David Zapata, son of Arlene and Juan Carols Zapata, will become a bar mitzvah at the Saturday morning Shabbat service on April 24, 2010. He is the grandson of Edith Linden and the late Fred Linden, and Zoila and Manuel Zapata. Sam is a student at Dunckel Middle School, and says that learning about the Holocaust in his sixth grade Sunday School class had a huge impact on him, especially when they watched the movie “Paper Clips”. While preparing for his bar mitzvah, Samuel has stayed involved in the Link program at school where he has been able to offer support and become better friends with other students who have disabilities. He believes that helping others is an important responsibility that will continue to be a priority for him as he grows up. Becoming a bar mitzvah has been a great experience for Samuel; it’s been a lot of work, but he now has a deeper understanding and connection with Judaism. B’nai Mitzvah! Brandt Williams, son of Dana and Mark Williams, will become a bar mitzvah at the Friday evening Shabbat service on April 30, 2010. He is the grandson of Ray Cohen and Gloria Wolk, and of Linda and Gary Carter, and a student at Clifford H. Smart Middle School. Brandt is a caring, helpful, creative, athletic, open-minded individual who takes pride in finishing what he starts. He’s had a lot of fun at our Madrichim retreats where he spends time with his Shir Shalom friends playing games, spending time outside, and talking about their connections with God. Preparing for his bar mitzvah has given him a sense of accomplishment, especially through his mitzvah project where he’s been able to help other people. He has developed a stronger connection to Judaism and feels even closer to God. Brandt is grateful to his parents, his brother, and his dog because they are there for him no matter what to help him; he can tell them anything and they will always support him. Brotherhood Jonathan Jones, President We welcome all members of Shir Shalom to join the Brotherhood in our pursuit of good. Whether it’s charity work, helping the temple produce events, or donating money to worthy causes (95% of our funds are donated each year), we would love to include you in our membership! We meet the second Wednesday of each month for all of an hour. These meetings are a chance for us to visit while we enjoy an inexpensive dinner, discuss our on-going projects (such as the Maven Gallery on March 13), fund raising, and charitable work we can do. We take great pride in helping others and welcome all of you to participate. All that for the low, low, low yearly dues of $37.00! (If you’re new to Shir Shalom, your first year’s Brotherhood dues are free.) For more information, please call Jonathan Jones at (248) 310-3399 or e-mail me at Play Date at The Corners More than forty parents and children joined Marsha Mitnick and Rabbis for a Play Date on Sunday, February 2nd that was open to the community. “It was wonderful to see so many children and parents having such a great time,” said Marsha. Rabbi Moskowitz shared the philopshy of the Learning Center Preschool with the interested parents and as you can see by the picture to the left, the kids had a ball! Mazel Tov . . . Mentschenings! Jennifer & Daniel Abrams celebrated the birth of their son, Jonah Michael, on December 15, 2009. Mandy & Joel Fisher are pleased to announce the birth of their first granddaughter, Evie Rose Fisher. Evie was born November 22 and is the daughter of Kevin & Marci Fisher of Atlanta, Georgia. Howard B. Goldman generously donated truckloads of much-needed medical supplies to the relief efforts in Haiti following the recent earthquakes. Alan Graff & Cheryl Lerchin welcomed the birth of twins! Brother and sister Eli Harrison Graff and Ella Rose Graff were born on January 3, 2010. Dr. Sydelle Katzer (left), with her daughter Faith Katzer Nemeth, celebrated the successful defense of her second Ph.D. on January 16, 2010. Having overcome open-heart surgery, pacemaker surgery, a bout with cancer and three consecutive spinal surgeries, Sydelle completed her second Ph.D., just to keep things interesting. Her second doctorate was in Clinical Psychology with a study of closed-head injuries in men. Her next challenge is to become the Bingo Maven of the American House retirement center in West Bloomfield. Congratulations Dr. Katzer! Shelly Newman was recently inducted into the Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal rabbinical program at their annual rabbinic conference in St. Louis, MO. Shelly is thrilled and honored to be studying for such an important endeavor. Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk (right), son of Laurie & Michael Nosanchuk, was recognized with Imam Mohamed Magid as one of the Washingtonians of the Year for 2009 for their work together to increase understanding between their religious communities. Julie Zuckerman, daughter of Eric Zuckerman & Betsy Appleton, was accepted to the Weill-Cornell School for Medical Sciences, to pursue a Masters in their Physician Assistant program. Eric Zuckerman, D.O., has been elected as Board President of the Pediatric IBD Foundation. This group serves to support the members of the Pediatric IBD Consortium, an international group of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, who are creating new diagnostic tests and treatments to aid patients worldwide. Congratulations to Zachary Douville (left) and the Novi Predators on their recent victory at the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association District 4 championship game. Zachary and the Predators now advance to the state playoffs. Proud parents Amy & Andre and siblings Emily & Jacob wish Zach and the Predators the best of luck at states. Upcoming Events SHIR SHALOM BROTHERHOOD PRESENTS The Fourth Annual Maven Gallery Ron Coden With Special Guest Cantor Penny Steyer Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:30 pm Andrew Foltyn Social Hall Temple Shir Shalom $20 in advance/$25 at the door prepaid tables of 10 or 12 available coffee & dessert included Please rsvp to the temple office @ (248) 737-8700 Questions, Please Contact: Gordon at or 248-302-6836 Art at or 248-398-9066 Save The Date Please Join Us For the Fifth Annual Walk For Israel Sunday, May 2, 2010 Temple Shir Shalom Very Thoughtful People. TZEDAKAH CIRCLE ($400 above dues) Gayle & Harvey Beck Geraldine & Herman Bennett Udas & Robert Blank Barbara & Jack Dorfman Debra & Arthur Freedman Marilyn & Stuart Hertzberg Millicent & Murray Hozman Sid Jacobs Linda & Thomas Klein Sharon Meisel Louise Oram Sally & Charles Reich Jody & Barry Rogow Barbara & Lee Saperstein Marilyn & Sanford Schaefer Judith & Stanford Singer Joyce & David Steinberg Gordon Weinstein Abraham Barnett Solomon Memorial Fund In memory of: IRENE LAVINE Andrea & William Katzman Andrew Ronie Fund In memory of: PAULINE HIRSCH Susan & Arnie Hirsch Andrew Thomas Surber Memorial Fund In honor of: SUSAN & BILL SURBER Jane & Henry Stokes In memory of: ANDREW THOMAS SURBER Jane & Henry Stokes Art Fishman Burning Bush Fund In honor of: ART FISHMAN’S good work and friendship he gives to CHAI ($2,550) Paula Milgrom & James Barnett Mark Hass Barbara & Donald Janower Pam & Rob Kornfeld Celia & George Leikin Margo & Robert Lesser Linda & Richard Mukamal Emily & Michael Reich Rochelle Sampson Merryl & Mark Schwartz Kate & Rick Smith Nancy & Neil Sosin Patti & Bruce Stein Terry & Jeff Wilner Marjorie & Stephen Ziff DOUBLE CHAI ($3,750) Fran & Jack Bell Terri & Gary Cooper June Gurwin Debbie & Robert Lippitt TRIPLE CHAI ($5,550) Francee & Benson Ford Marilyn & Joel Nosanchuk Esther & Harry Shapiro the Temple and the congregants Lawrence Stillwater LOLA GOLDRING’S 80TH BIRTHDAY Myra & Dennis Potocsky Brotherhood Fund Just because: Sharon & Allan Zatkin Barbara & Leon Zolkower Geraldine & William Zucker The 13th Anniversary of CINDY & DARYL ZIEGELMAN Mom & Dad Ziegelman Cantor Penny Steyer’s Discretionary Fund In memory of: ESTHER FISHMAN LARRY GUTTENBERG Art Fishman Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden Fund In memory of: ZENA GORDON The Kornfeld Family Beverly & Sheldon Scharg & Family Children’s Choir Endowment Fund In honor of: Choir Fund In honor of: The Marriage of BRAD & JANE ROSEN and JASON & DIANA MILLER Marcie & Paul Rosen In memory of: ROBERTA ABRAMS Carol Berg Stephen Chadwick Dr. Alan and Blanche Mindlin Judy & Stan Singer Loretta & Seymour Ziegelman To thank: CANTOR PENNY STEYER for creating a wonderful Bat Mitzvah experience for Rachel Czapp The Czapp Family Very Thoughtful People. Hyman & Esther Frank Family Assistance Fund In honor of: MICHAEL FRANK’S 60TH BIRTHDAY Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bershad Wilma & Arnie Fellman Carole Hecker Andrea & Michael Jeross Mark Jeross & Alona Sharon Marshall Lasser MarySue & Don Munter Patti & Rick Phillips Michael Redmond Dr. & Mrs. Steven Shumer Susan & Robert Soderstrom Karen & Allen Tesser The Zeidman Family In memory of: HY FRANK Bonnie & Mike Koziarz Helen Lee Zeidman The Zeidman Family Jami Ann Sanders Youth Fund In memory of: Martin Kanayan Marvin Kaye Henry Smith Sharon & Gary Sanders Library Fund In memory of: BURNETT KRAUSS Paul Foltyn Meyer Pomerantz Faye & Audie Cantor Liliann & Ely Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund Just because: Jerry Rubin Lisa Glass Youth Fund To wish: MR. & MRS. HAROLD GLASS Happy Holidays Julia & Max Glass Louise Oram Family Fund To wish: THE ZACKS FAMILY a happy Thanksgiving Brian & Jerry Sturman Marjorie & Stephen Ziff Family Memorial Wall Fund In memory of: MOTHER, SHIRLEY Marjorie & Steve Ziff Marla Zuppke Youth Fund In honor of: IVAN FIDLER’S 80TH BIRTHDAY ED HAENICK’S 70TH BIRTHDAY Eleanor & Ken Zuppke In memory of: ITCHE GOLDBERG Amy & John Kaplansky GLORIA RADNER Eleanor and Ken Zuppke Myers / Janower Scholarship Fund In memory of: ROSE STERN Mr. & Mrs. Saul Gross Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund In honor of: The Marriage of BRAD & JANE ROSEN and JASON & DIANA MILLER Marcie & Paul Rosen In memory of: FANNIE EISENSMITH Jerry Sturman and Family SHIRLEY GLICKER Sandra & George Dobrowitsky In memory of: LILLIAN KUNZMAN JOSEPH SIKLICH Jeanne & Michael Kunzman & Family Just because: Pam Kornfeld To thank: RABBI DANIEL A. SCHWARTZ for creating a wonderful Bat Mitzvah experience for Rachel Czapp The Czapp Family RABBI DANIEL A. SCHWARTZ Kenneth F. Posner RABBI DANIEL A. SCHWARTZ for all his great work this year Murial and Bernard Moray RABBI DANIEL A. SCHWARTZ for caring and his prayers Mr. & Mrs. Lee Saperstein RABBI DANIEL A. SCHWARTZ for his support during Jake’s Bar Mitzvah The Wechsler Family Rabbi Dannel I. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund In memory of: ANN FALK HARRY FALK Sue & Leon Falk EDWARD LICHTIG LENORE ROBINSON Barbara Kux MERVYN ROSS SARAH SIEGEL Loretta & Sy Ziegelman To thank: RABBI DANNEL I. SCHWARTZ for all his great work this year Muriel and Bernard Moray RABBI DANNEL I. SCHWARTZ for caring and his prayers Mr. & Mrs. Lee Saperstein RABBI DANNEL I. SCHWARTZ for his encouragement and support Loretta & Sy Ziegelman Very Thoughtful People. Rabbi Michael L. Moskowitz’s RABBI MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ Discretionary Fund for all his great work this year In honor of: Muriel and Bernard Moray The Marriage of RABBI MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ BRAD & JANE ROSEN and Suretta Must The Marriage of RABBI MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ JASON & DIANA MILLER for caring and his prayers Marcie & Paul Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Lee Saperstein BIG AL SOLOMON RABBI MOSKOWITZ for his Cathy & Len Yourofsky support for Jake Wechsler’s In memory of: Bar Mitzvah SELMA BOCKOFF Debbie, Roger, Jake & Deborah Ross Rachel Wechsler BERNICE CALIGUIRE To wish: ANN HIRSCHMAN JOE FIRESTONE a SAMUEL Z. HIRSCHMAN speedy recovery Claudia and Lou Hirschman Jan Landsberg ZENA GORDON Religious School Fund Dolores Silverstein In memory of: MARTIN HOLLANDER EDITH BARIL Jill and Jay Hollander The Steinway Family GEORGE SHERMAN Yetta & Danny Weintraub Sandra & George Dobrowitsky IRVING DUBRINSKY CHUCK STOLBERG, beloved husband & father PHILIP DUBRINSKY FREDA ERSHER Carol Bendersky & RENEE DURBIN Robert Kaufman MARILYN WEINSTEIN ABRAHAM CITRON Carol Bendersky (Gene) EARL OBERMAN HELEN WEISHAUS Shirlee Citron MARTIN HOLLANDER ALBERT WEISHAUS Jill and Jay Hollander Katie & Mickey Weishaus Just because: To thank: Peggy & Ken Slate RABBI MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ Susan and Michael Alpern Religious School RABBI MICHAEL L. MOSKOWITZ Scholarship Fund for creating a wonderful To thank: Bat Mitzvah experience for JAMES BELLINSON Rachel Czapp for sponsoring a student The Czapp Family ANDREA & WAYNE MILLER for sponsoring a student Sakwa Endowment Fund In memory of: LENA EMMER Howard Emmer Sheldon Max Children’s Fund In memory of: GUSSIE WACHS Dolores Max Shirlee E. Sachs Library & Book Fund In memory of: PETER COPELAND Robert Sachs Shirley R. Steinberg High Holiday Music Fund In memory of: ROBERTA B. ABRAMS Helen Carvell ZENA GORDON Joyce and David Steinberg & Family MILDRED ROBINSON Judy Kepes to honor DAVID STEINBERG Lois Weintraub To wish: DAVID STEINBERG a speedy recovery The Kornfeld Family Jan Landsberg Nancy & Dennis Liefer Very Thoughtful People. Temple Shir Shalom In honor of: KARLY STILLMAN’S wonderful achievements Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Lewis In memory of: FRIEDA BARAHAL Sally & Charles Reich NATHAN FINK Daniel Fink RHODA ICZKOVITZ Sandy & Bill Pitler MELVIN KEPES Judy and Richard Kepes ELSIE LESSER Robert Fineman REVA “EVE” MARKOFSKY Sherry Smith SARAH PITLER Sandy & Bill Pitler GLORIA RADNER Sharon Meisel BEATRICE RAITT Gayle & Harvey Beck ARLENE & JEROME SPERO Bruce Sucher Sisterhood Fund In memory of: LOUIS EFRUSY Marilyn & Jerry Efrusy LEAH GARFINKEL Dora Rowe To thank: RABBI MICHAEL MOSKOWITZ and RABBI DANIEL SCHWARTZ for visiting Loretta in the hospital Loretta & Sy Ziegelman To wish: DAVID STEINBERG a speedy recovery Janice, Michael and Mallory Schwartz Suzi Romanik Print Fund In memory of: LEONA LEWIS FREDERICK MELAMED WILLIAM SMOOK Ellen and Glenn Shook Temple Shir Shalom Personnel Fund In memory of: DR. ALVIN HOWARD June Gurwin SHIRLEY ROBBINS Fran & Jack Bell and Family The Corners Fund In memory of: CHARLOTTE & DANIEL BROUS Randy & Craig’s Crypton Family LEWIS A. HIRSCH Shirley & Edward Hirsch MEYER LEVINE Susan Paletz MARJ & HERSHEL RUBIN Randy & Craig’s Crypton Family Torah Restoration Fund In memory of: PETER CHODOROFF Rebecca Emmer My beloved husband, HENRY ROSE Jane A. Hier-Rose In Remembrance. We Regret with Sorrow the Passing of: Dorothy Levine Mother of Toby (Mark) Gantz Marjorie Ann Haley Mother of Rebecca (Gary) Sakwa Lewis “Jack” Theodore Father of Melodee (Anthony) Michaels Geraldine Adler Mother of Mimi (Daniel) Sokolowski Jean Cutler Mother of Mark Dubrinsky Friday, March 5, at 8:00pm and Saturday, March 6, at 10:30am Ronald Altman Harriette Belinsky Louis Bigman *Phil Bradley Esther Bragman Elizabeth Budnitzky Jenny Camiener Mary Carr Morris Dobrusin Robert Dorn Lillian Elfman Albert Fenkell Betty Fischer Allen Fisher *Norman German Jack Gilbert Bernice Glossman David Goldstone Charles Gordon *Max Hoffman Bernice Jacobson *Cecille Kerner *Miriam Khanukov Josephine Leib Dr. Seymour Lewis Sharon Lewis Jordan LoPatin Joseph B. Lowen Shirley Rodney Mankoff Rose Mege Robert Mishell Rhoda Moran Mollie Perchikoff *Paul Pierce Sally Rogow Rose Schiff Sarah Shapiro Dora Siegel George Silverman Mildred Singer * Denotes a plaque on our Ziff Family Wall of Remembrance Rosalie Sorkin Thomas Stark Alexander Walt Harry Wax Bessie Weintrob Harry Wilson *Jacqueline Audrey Zimmerman In Remembrance. We Regret with Sorrow the Passing of: Beverly Silver Beckerman Mother of Steven (Elizabeth) Silver Rose Tesler Mother of Carol Moss Shirley Gross Wife of Saul Gross Mother of Judy (Bruce) Gorman Mother of Rena (Martin) Janower Jerry Brenner Father of Julie (Brian) Unatin Wilma Labell Sister of Alan (Terry) Gold Louis Popper Father of Ken (Lori) Popper Brother of Pearl (Albert) Shapiro Betty Lieberman Mother of Allen (Bunni) Lieberman Grandmother of Mikki (Josh) Rubin Friday, March 12, at 8:00pm and Saturday, March 13, at 10:30am Harry C. Deutch Morris Dobrusin Beulah Falk Ruth A. Friedman Albert J. Gautreau Lillian Gayer Richard Goldberg Clarice Goodman Solomon Halberg Anne Hearshen Molly Hechler Mildred Horton Esther Horvitz Lee I. Howard Sydel Jacobs Sara Josephson Rosalie Kanarek Klara Katz Bessie Landsberg Gustie Lederer Edward Levine Louis Light Jeannette Lutvak Roland Meral Rhea Miller Lee Monashkin Elizabeth Payson Ben Peter Perlove Henry Popper Lois Robinson Irving Roth Yetta Rubin Michael Sampson Martin Schiffer Edwin Schneider *Ann Sue Schwartz Gilbert “Gibby” Schwartz Gertrude Shure Jack Stahl David Stober Dr. John Tepfer Hyman Tlumak Margaret Ungar Leon Yelensky Miriam Zacks Adolpf Ziegelman Friday, March 19, at 7:30pm and Saturday, March 20, at 10:30am Sylvia Barr Zelda Beim *Maxine Berman Mary Brawer Ethel Breslow Jerrold Brown *Florence Gitlin Camden *Joseph Camden Barbara Carney Maya Carrick Louis Cohen Celia Dorfman Patty Dube Ida Emmer Julius Fischer Anne Fogel Rose Foner Harry Fridson Rose Fridson Shirley Gamsu Harold Goldstone Morris Guralnick Molly Hessing Lawrence Jackson Hiem Jacob Ida Junker Aaron Karabeznick Shmuel Kleinman James Kohner Ida Koltonow George Krefman Janet Lacadie Yna Lasky Janet Leaderman Rev. Jim Lyons Milton M Maddin Ben Marks Isadore Markzon Morris Meisner Henry Miller *Abraham Mintz Harry Nest Daniel Niss Eva Orban Selma Pearl *Viola Bierman Raban Florence Rose Goldie Schweitzer Lillian Silverberg Samuel Silverberg Anna Silverman Anne Slotnick Hyman Snyder Miriam Techner Eleanor Weintraub Bernadine Weitzman Judith Zatkin *Rae Zukin Friday, March 26, at 8:00pm and Saturday, March 27, at 10:30am Emanuel Adelson Sarah Adelson-Rotman Martin Bernstein Morris David Bratt *Dr. Meyer O. Cantor Lawrence Chadwick Rose Dembs Lillian Elfman Nancy Fischer Charles Flam Bernice Friedman Gerson Garbeil Doris Goldberg Milton Goodman Jean Gorman Dorothy Greene Antal Gruber Rose Heiser *Lillian Hollander *Freyda Ingber Sarah Jane Jackson Sam Katz Ruth Kent Sarah Kwalwaser *Bess Zacks Lentzer Dr. George Victor Lesser Martin Levin Sarah Levy Tillie Linden Albert Lindow Louis Lofman Sadie Miller Elaine Mitchell Phil S. Moss *George Pantzer *Kaye J. Rashti Milton Resnick *Burton Rissman Shosana Rival L. Roxine Rogers Zvi Rozen *Tillie Sakwa Nusbaum **Mary Frances Sarro Lewis Stern Al Syner Dolores Theodore Cipa Walker Friday, April 2, at 7:45pm at the IM Wise Shabbat at Shir Tikvah and Saturday, April 2, at 10:30am *Marvin Barkin *Alvin Barnett Nina Block Abraham Camiener Rachel Carrick Elizabeth Clamage Ethel Coleman Frances Davis Ruth Dobrowitsky *Harry Eisenstein Nathan Felsenfeld Victor Finn Edith Frenkel Albert Fruman Elizabeth Gail Frumkin Mollie Garon *Rose Glazer Isadore Leon Goode Max L. Hoffman Evelyn Miriam Horne Max Kaufman Samuel Kopel Harry Levinson Kenneth Lewis Seymour Lowen Jay Markowitz Anthony Meisner Ruth Moskowitz Sella Rubinstein Eddie Ryke Jean Sandler Sander Burton Schiff * Denotes a plaque on our Ziff Family Wall of Remembrance ** Denotes a plaque in our Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden *Ann Sue Schwartz Markus Simon Frieda Smith Edith Snider Dora Weiss Stein Evelyn Trotsky **Ruth Voelker George Witus Berenice Wolfe In Remembrance. We Regret with Sorrow the Passing of: Jeanette Dulkin Mother of Jerry (Chicki) Dulkin Michael Katz Brother of Beth (Sheldon) Stone Zena Gordon Mother of Merrill (Susan) Gordon Mother of Brian (Julie) Gordon Demetrius Few Brother of Stan Smith Pamela Talon Wife of Neil Talon Sheldon Eichler Father of Ricki (Rick) Rogow Friday, April 9, at 8:00pm at and Saturday, April 10, at 10:30am Leo Barber *Dorothy “Tody” Barnett *Becky Barr Phyllis Barr *Louis Bershas Clara Braunfeld Evelyn Brown *Harry M. Brown Joseph Budnitzky Marlene Burk David Morris Citron Manuel Dorfman Dawn Marie Dukatz Sara Eisenberg Ethel Cohen Elsen Ellyn Faxon Minnie Fineberg Ethel Fischer Eric Fishkind Ruth Lambert Frank Ruth Garber *Fred Gayer Zolton Glantz Perry Gold Rose Gold Helen Goldin Joseph Goleski Belle Greenfield Irving Hearshen Tom Johnson Shirley Kaplan Lillian Klein Raymond Kudisch John Leopold *Bertha Levine Larry LoPatin *Morris Lynn Michelle McGilton Ethel Metzger Barbara Rabotnick Helen Regenbaum Andrew Ronie Edward Rosenberg David Rubinstein Elizabeth Ruskin Wendy Schaefer Henry Sevrin Dora Shapiro *Samuel Silverstein *Betty Shore Singer Sam Sklar Betty Stein Joseph Stone Fay Diamond Usenheimer Florence Yovis Friday, April 16, at 8:00pm at and Saturday, April 17, at 10:30am Louis Adler Bea Allen Sara Ansell Elaine Barnett David Bauer Bernard Blostein Ann Cohen *Steven Dachinger Larry Davidson Shirley Deutch Irvin Diskin Anne Elias Elliott N. Elkin Gertrude R. Ellman Nathan Fleisher Leona Ginn Jack Gold Steven Goldin *Bertram Gordon *Martin Elliot Grey Louis Horne George Horwich Al Katzman *Celia Klegman Esther Madden Jennie Malamud Florence Markson Pauline H. Moses Ida Moskovitz *Meyer “Mike” Must *Dr. Benjamin Newman Samuel Paletz Steven Parker *Ceil Saperstein Ronia Sarwer-Foner Harry Schwartz Kalman Schweitzer Betty Seigle Lena Stone Michael Strasberger Alex Taub *Max Pearlman Sylvia Perlman Rose Potashnik *Louis Reich Dr. Melvin J. Reinhart *Martha Reiter Ed Rossinow Sadie Roth Charlotte “Connie” Rothman *Samuel Sakwa Friday, April 23, at 8:00pm at and Saturday, April 24, at 10:30am Maurice Edwin Barr Somers Blevins Harry Bloom Edna Burg Adelyne Cohen Howard Ehrlichman Helen Elford *Fred Ettinger *Estelle German Sylvia Goldsmith Harry Goodman Benny Grossinger Beatrice Himelhoch Abraham Horvitz Rosalind Kavieff Rebecca Kline Mollie Levy *Herschel Mozen Alex Olen Brian Passerman James D. Persinger Morris Pollack Amy Meg Rosenbloom Sidney Schwartz Annette Scott Nessim Sebag Boris Umanskiy Lia Vayner Lorraine Wedgle *Hyman Weiner Freeman Wilner Sarah Zuckerman Friday, April 30, at 8:00pm at and Saturday, May 1, at 10:30am Pearl Adler Louis Alekman *David Beck Dr. Samuel B. Bleier Margaret Brown Mary Buchsbaum May Bussell *Cecelia Esther Frank Harry Freitag Eric Marshall Gilbert Lillian Gitlin Harvey Golden Bert Gooel Rabbi Harry Z. Gordon Charlotte Hoffman Rose Horwich *David Kunzman Rose Ledger Joseph Levine Jakob “Kuba” Liwazer Erwin Nyman Ann Nyznyk Evan Otis Ben Paull *Arthur Pollack Ester Potashnik Harry Prussack Stuart Pudavick Murray Robinson Gertrude Rosen Alice Rudner Beatrice Schwartz Kalman Schwartz Louis Schwartz Hilda Shapiro Judith Rosen Shiffman Lawrence Sikora Sidney A. Silver Richard Silverstein Sarah (Sallie) Solomon Sandra Sonnino Marilyn Soverinsky *Paul Rodney Stein Libby Taitelbaum * Denotes a plaque on our Ziff Family Wall of Remembrance ** Denotes a plaque in our Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden Marco Takouni Samuel Topper Melvin VanDuren Mary Varon Bella Weiss Rube Weiss Libbie Newman Zalenko Julius Zuckerman Temple Shir Shalom 3999 Walnut Lake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48323 Phone: 248-737-8700 Fax: 248-737-8862 What’s on My Mind? Shoresh (Religious School) 2075 Walnut Lake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48323 Phone: 248-406-4255 Although I have always loved the Passover Seder, I am rarely overjoyed at the prospect of living on matzah and doing without certain foods for eight days. After the glow of the Seders fades, I am left eagerly anticipating the end of the holiday rather than reflecting on its message. However, this year the holiday will take on a new meaning for my family because of our visit to the Abayudaya Community of Eastern Uganda last summer. Rabbis: Dannel I. Schwartz, Michael L. Moskowitz, Daniel A. Schwartz Cantor: Penny Steyer Executive Director: Andre Douville Early Childhood Learning Center Director: Marsha Mitnick From the President: Pam Kornfeld The Abayudayas (Children of Judah) are a courageous group of rural African people who converted to Judaism almost 90 years ago and, in spite of ensuing hardships, have stuck by their faith. Upon our arrival to this primitive and remote part of Africa, we were embraced. The Abayudayas proudly showed us their small mud and brick synagogues and their homes – shacks with no electricity or running water. Poverty is an ongoing struggle in this farming community and obtaining food and water is part of their daily grind. Yet, even in the face of these obstacles, the Abayudayas are passionate about leading a life devoted to traditional Jewish practices. They keep kosher households, read from the Torah, and observe Shabbat and all of the holidays celebrated by Jews throughout the world. Surrounded by Muslims and Christians, this community of 600 has managed to maintain their Judaism for four generations. Even during Idi Amin’s reign of terror when synagogues were ransacked and forced to close, most Abayudayas did not abandon their beliefs, instead praying together in secret. In 1979, Amin was overthrown, two days before the first night of Passover. As the Abayudayas came out of hiding they believed that God had shown them a miracle and freed them from their oppressors, just as He (or She) had done for the Jews in Egypt. Recalling those ancient times, the Abayudayas quickly baked unleavened bread and prepared for their own Seder of liberation. During this year’s Seders, I will be thinking of our Jewish brothers and sisters half way around the world rejoicing in their freedom and giving thanks for what they have. Here’s hoping that you will find renewal and enrichment during this Pesach. Chag Sameach! Scribe Staff Suzi Romanik, Lenie Bershad, Sid Jacobs, Fran Bell, Andre Douville, Melanie Pohl Last Edition’s Stuffers Sid Garbiel, Helen Grossinger, Fred Krainen, Jan Landsberg Officers of the Congregation President: Pam Kornfeld Vice President: Fran Bell Vice President: Richard Scheck Vice President: Mark Schulz Vice President: Stuart Bas Trustees Terry Alpert, James Barnett, Gayle Beck, Lloyd Doigan, Richard Ellis, Gilbert Kleiff, Jennifer Krieger, Robb Lippitt, Shelly Newman, Michael Reich, Bruce Stein, Rabbi Michael Moskowitz Immediate Past President George Leikin
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