November-December, 2012 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
November-December, 2012 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
November–December 2012 Cheshvan–Tevet 5773 You are cordially invited to the Temple Sinai of Hollywood 2012 Annual Dinner Dance A Night at the Sunday December 2 6:30 p.m. Copa Recognizing Linda and Charles Alicia Feinsmith and Monica and Dr. Larry Marks Sherry Corriveau Maurice Marilyn Zide Leadership Award Journal Honorees Volunteers of the Year SMART LATIN CASUAL ATTIRE $90 per person on or before November 21, 2012 • $100 per person after November 21, 2012 Babysitting Available • Please call the Temple Office at 954-987-0026 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 1400 North 46 Avenue • Hollywood, Florida 33021 Temple Office: 954.987.0026 • Fax: 954.987.2731 School Office: 954.987.1694 • Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conserviative Judaism and The Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbi Dr. Gideaon M. Goldenholz Ritual Director Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . .Itzchak Goldenholz (ZTIIL) Early Childhood Education Director . .Donna Anton Religious School Director . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Kaye Temple Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheryl Hamburg Bookkeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marcie Greenberg President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Barry Alter Immediate Past President . . . . . . . . . . .Caryn Grainer Dunn Vice President Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Larry Marks Vice President Membership . . . . . . . . .Marty Gerber Vice President Public Relations . . . . . .Barry Greenberger Vice President Education . . . . . . . . . . .Miriam Rube Vice President Programming . . . . . . . .Dr. Steven Schachter Vice President Fundraising . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Beth Braver Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hillary Josephs Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bill Passer Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jared Anton Men’s Club Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don Levine Sisterhood Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joyce Robbins Hazak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shari Balmuth ECEPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Julie Roisman Legacy and Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . .Bernie Feldman Minyan Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TBA Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Weiss Stokley The Bulletin is published by Temple Sinai of Hollywood every other month throughout the year Please Join Our Daily Minyan Services Monday–Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. Friday Evening Shabbat *8:00 p.m. Saturday Shabbat 9:30 a.m./Varies in p.m. Sunday & National Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. *Kabbalat Shabbat Services are now at 8:00 p.m. each Friday evening in the Zinn Chapel followed by an Oneg. The first Friday of each month is usually a KISS (Kids In Shabbat Service) 6:30 p.m. service. The schedule may vary so please check with the Temple office. Birthday or Anniversary approaching? We would be delighted to have you sponsor a Friday evening Oneg. Please call the Temple office for details CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES November –December Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 6:20 5:16 5:13 5:11 5:11 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 5:12 5:14 5:17 5:21 FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS We will make your dream event come true American Cuisine • Sephardic • Israeli • Latin • Bulcharian • Syrian • French • Italian Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Corporate Events Bris/Baby Namings & any other special event Exclusive & Affordable Menus Customized to Suit Every Occasion 954-922-3344 1400 N. 46th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33021 2 Temple Sinai of Hollywood RABBI DR. GIDEON M. GOLDENHOLZ Thanksgiving conjures up all sorts of thoughts of turkey, pumpkin pie and football. It is one of the best times to be a part of this country. We are finally treated to some cool weather, and many of us have the opportunity to enjoy an extended weekend with our families and our friends. We gather around the table and we pause to share our own perspectives on what we are grateful for in our own lives. While we may think of Thanksgiving as an American holiday, it has its roots in our rich Jewish tradition. Each morning, traditionally, we begin or day by saying Modeh Ani. Modeh Ani is a prayer that expresses thanks to God for having restored our souls so that we can wake up and enjoy another day. Our liturgy also includes the Modim prayer, a prayer that reflects on the powerful presence of Adonai in our own lives and also in the lives of our people. Both of these prayers contain the word for thanks in Hebrew, modeh. It is hard for us to find a moment in our overwhelmingly full schedules to stop and thank God for the blessings in our lives. It is easy to take things for granted. Judaism commands us to be grateful, appreciative and to remember to always say “thank you.” As an important part of our American celebration of Thanksgiving, let us also look to our faith to help guide us as we offer our thanks to God for our health, our joy and our ability to come together to celebrate, pray and offer our gratitude to The Holy One. Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz Certified Mesader Gittin Remember It’s a mitzvah to attend minyan! Minyan Come to morning minyan at Temple Sinai and be part of a great family DR. BARRY ALTER, PRESIDENT After a summer of hard work and preparations, we at Temple Sinai celebrated a wonderful High Holy Days Season. I received more positive comments about our services that ever before. Sure, there were the occasional missteps, but, on the whole, everything went beautifully. From the Saturday evening of Selichot, to the final service of Simchat Torah, our Clergy, our lay leaders and our volunteers gave their all to make this awesome time of the year, a time of love, caring, spirituality and holiness. I would like to take this opportunity to offer sincere thanks to every individual who helped making our services so successful. Thanks to Rabbi Goldenholz, not only for conducting all of the services, but for all the hours of preparation worked during the months leading up to the Holy Days. Thanks to our guest Cantor, Cantor Tom Birken, for his beautiful davening. He also worked with the Rabbi to make the services meaningful and uplifting to all. In addition to our clergy, we must thank all our professional staff. Donna Anton and Karen Kaye did an incredible job working out the details of all the activities planned for children of all ages. We thank all those who lead all of our children’s services. Thanks to all our office staff and office volunteers who did so much to get Temple Sinai ready for the season. And thanks to all the volunteers starting with our Ritual Vice President, Dr. Larry Marks, his entire committee along with those who worked to organize and distribute the honors, and all the ushers who kept order and helped congregants during the services. They also kept the flow of those with honors coming up to the bima. And a final thanks to all who participated on the bima as gabbais, Torah and Haftorah readers, and those with all the other honors. They made our services so successful. Now that the high holidays are over, we at Temple Sinai settle down to our normal level of constant activity. Services go on 7 days a week, twice daily. The first Friday of every month is our 6:30 PM KISS Shabbat, which includes the participation of our Religious School children. Once a month we will have the Dimitri Trio, leading our services both Friday evening and Saturday morning. Cantor Dimitri will also be starting a Children’s Choir. Our Tuesday, noon, Lunch and Learn series has begun and will continue over the next couple of months. This is followed by the Rabbi’s “Women’s Spirituality” series. There will be a speaker during our Friday evening services, the last Friday of every month. Additional speakers and educational programs are being planned. At Temple Sinai there are many major events to look forward to. On December 2, our Annual Dinner Dance will take place, honoring Dr. Larry and Monica Marks, Linda and Charles Maurice, and Alicia Feinsmith and Sherry Corriveau. The Annual Casino Night will be held in early February. Of course, there will be activities for Chanukah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. I ask you all to read the bulletin, check the weekly flyers and emails. Call the office for any questions. We would love to have you join us at any or all of the great activities and events coming up at Temple Sinai. Barry Temple Sinai of Hollywood 3 KASSELMAN SCHOOL NEWS Donna Anton, Director Our 2012/13 Kasselman School year is off to an amazing beginning. The teachers received a visit from Ruth Rubin, BAEYC’s (Broward County’s local affiliate of NAEYC) accreditation representative, who presented us with roses for our continuing with affiliation NAEYC. Our Kasselman school teachers also attended the FLAEYCs conference in Orlando. We were the largest group of teachers to attend from South Florida. Our children are busy practicing their names in preparation for kindergarten. And it’s amazing how quickly our infants are growing. As we prepared for the holidays, the children helped Rabbi change the mantles on the Torahs. We also received many visits from the Rabbi as he blew the shofar for a Happy New Year. On rainy days we enjoyed Sukkot in our classroom inside a unique home-made Sukkah made by Ms. Graciela’s husband. Recently we completed our annual book fair under the leadership of Lisa Zucker, a parent in our school, and her amazing group of parent volunteers. The Book Fair and our Milk & Cookies Night was an outstanding success and was attended by hundreds of parents and children. A hearty yasher koach to Lisa and to all the parents who volunteered at the book fair. As you can see this year is off to a terrific start. Please join us for more enjoyable upcoming events: Pajama Havdalah at Temple Sinai – Shabbat, November 17th Chanukah Bazaar & Fun Day – Sunday, November 18th Sinai’s Annual Dinner Dance – Sunday, December 2nd Sinai’s Chanukah Dinner – Tuesday, December 11th 4 Temple Sinai of Hollywood RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Karen Kaye, Director Our KISS Shabbat service for the month of November will be Friday, November 2nd, with our 6th and 7th grade students participating on the bima. Our second and third grade students will be participating on December 7th . All KISS Shabbat services take place in the Zinn Chapel at 6:30 P.M. and all families and children are invited to attend these warm and friendly family services. The students of the Paul B. Anton Religious School have been enjoying music sessions with Alejandra, our KISS Shabbat song leader , and also sessions with Dimitry who participates as a cantor with his mother and sister for some of our Shabbat services. These musicians bring a wonderful sense of “ruach” with them and the students are loving the musical aspect of religious school. As the students become more comfortable with the music, Dimitry will call upon them during Shabbat services to sing with him on the bima. We light the first candle for Chanukah on Saturday, December 8th. This year, along with all the new toys and special new computer games, let’s also give our kids the very best present we can give them. It’s the present that doesn’t come in a box, bag or envelope. There are no pieces to lose, no batteries required. We all know that kids will eventually tire of even the most exciting of toys or games, but they will never of a parent’s loving attention. And, while kids can grow up just fine without the gadgets and gizmos, they cannot survive or thrive without our loving attention. The word Chanukah means dedication. This Chanukah, as we light our colorful candles or the little wicks floating in their cradles of oil, let’s rededicate ourselves to giving our children that irreplaceable gift that only we can give: A little more of ourselves. I hope that you and your family have a happy and meaningful Chanukah. Karen B’NAI MITZVAH Jacob Greene November 17, 2012 “Becoming a Bar Mitzvah to me, has been a wonderful experience. I was very excited from day 1 of lessons to begin learning and studying for this special event. I am very happy that I get to have a wonderful experience that I get to share with my family, friends and the members of the congregation. I am extremely fortunate to be able to become a Bar Mitzvah and am very thankful to my family, the rabbi and all others who helped me prepare for a very memorable day in my life.” Parents: Grandparents: Sibling: School: Hobbies/ Interests/Awards: President of National Junior Honor Society; member of Be More Heroic, an anti bullying campaign. Has performed in numerous productions at Uschool and Ft. Lauderdale Children’s Theater. Member of Sound Wave, a musical ensemble at FLCT that has recorded an original song and performed in Disney World. Mitzvah Project: Has participated in fund raisers for Junior Achievement, Ann Stork Center and Make A Wish Foundation. The new Teen/Preteen Interactive Service and Discussion Group, led by Jill Zeller, will resume on Shabbat in the Chapel at 11 A.M. KID FRIENDLY SHABBAT SERVICES TOT SHABBAT – 10:45am On the first Shabbat of each month we have a Tot Shabbat Service, with a kid friendly Kiddush. Please join us on November 3rd and December 1st in the Zinn Chapel. SHIRIM WITH SHIRA – 10:45 a.m. On all other Shabbat mornings, there will be a special Shabbat program for young children filled with singing, story time and fun! SHABBAT BABYSITTING AVAILABLE – 10 a.m. - noon Temple Sinai offers complementary babysitting during Shabbat services every week. As always children and parents are welcome to sit together during the service in the main sanctuary. Heather Greene Kenny Greene Cynthia Conner Gail and Stan Greene Daniel Greene University School, Grade 8 Olivia Cohen December 22, 2012 “I feel connected to my community. Also, I feel connected to my familty because I'm sharing the same Haftorah portion with my grandpa, who is no longer with us.” Parents: Grandparents: Deana and Charles Cohen Robert Tammara and Linda Tammara (zIIl) Rochelle Cohen and Robert Cohen (zIIl) Brynn Cohen Nova Middle School, Grade 7 Sibling: School: Hobbies/ Interests/Awards: Basketball, Softball, Giving & Living, Straight A student Mitzvah Project: Giving & Living.: A not for profit organization that I started. We are made up of kids raising money for local children's charities. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 5 SINAI YOUTH GROUP HAPPENINGS Neil Oberstein, Youth Advisor Our first youth group event, called “Hulla-ba-loo” was a blast and took place the second week of September. It was a Hawaiian theme party with all the works. We had lei’s for the kids, served Hawaiian pizza, and Hawaiian punch. We even had a hula hoop contest and an impromptu limbo contest as well. Certificates to Dave and Busters went to the lucky raffle prize winners. We ended with a discussion of all the cool events planned for the coming year. The second event took place October 8th at Simchat Torah. Before services started, we had a candy craft event. Children created their own small Torah scrolls using candy, construction paper, beads and jewels. At Consecration Services students of the Religious School received their prayer books with proud parents and grandparents looking on. During the Torah processional, children marched with their flags and then joined in on all the dancing and singing with the rest of the congregation. It was awesome to see the children and many of the adults dancing and walking around with silly bands attached to their heads. We also had a popcorn machine popping out fresh popcorn the whole night; followed by a self service candy station, and cold drinks for the children. A great time was had by all. Our next event will take place November 13th at 6:30 pm. We are going to have a Marionette Show. That’s right, puppets on strings! It is a fine art that has great history as well as fascinating to watch. The three part show will consist of a brief history of the marionette, a performance given by the talented Tom Andrew, and then Tom will pick some of the kids to come up on stage to work the marionettes. It should be a great night—so watch for emails and fliers for this exciting event. Neil 6 Temple Sinai of Hollywood SISTERHOOD NEWS With the end of the High Holy Days and Sukkot, Sisterhood is off to a great start. Our first major event this year is the Paid-Up Brunch, graciously hosted by Joan Esterson, on November 4 at 12:30. Deanna Sossin will be speaking about body wellness during the holiday season. This year, in addition to fundraising, we will concentrate on “fun-raising.” Future possible activities include “Girls Night Out,” participation in the Chanukah Bazaar, “Chocolate & Martinis,” “Bingo & Bling,” making glass-jewelry, power walking on Hollywood Beach, and “Chai Tea: Mummies & Bubbies.” Ongoing activities include Mahjongg, Book Club, Women’s Spirituality Group, and Walking Club. We are offering more opportunities to add to the Shabbat Kiddush fund besides encouraging full kiddush sponsorships: cake sponsorship ($50) and birthday sponsorship ($18). Birthday Sponsorship will occur on the 3rd Shabbat of the month (moved to the 4th if there is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah) and will include sundaes and root beer floats. Several members have stepped down from the board, and we want to thank them all for their loyal service: Jackie Greenberg, treasurer; Judy Schwartz, Torah Fund; Lorraine Glass, Gift Shop; Carol Greenspan, Book Club; and Melissa Rashbaum, Purim Mishloach Manot. Taking over are Joan Lefkowitz, treasurer; Anita Rashbaum, Torah Fund; Darlene Oklin and Marjut Herzog, Gift Shop; and Joyce Robbins and Lois Nonkin, Book Club. In addition, the position of Programming chair has been eliminated in favor of chairs for individual events. Two new board positions are Presidium Chair, the go-to person for information, and Communications Chair, in charge of PR and information distribution. The presidium is energized and eager to make this year great with help from the entire Sisterhood. Jill Zeller Presidium Chair Did you know that… DR. RON AND DARLENE OKLIN’s granddaughter, ALEXA BERNARD celebrated her Bat Mitzvah in Michigan this September 15th. Mazel Tov! JORDAN GREENBERG, daughter of SHIRA AND AARON just celebrated her first birthday. How time flies! Our RABBI GOLDENHOLZ is now President of the Board of Rabbis of Broward County. Congratulations! JONATHAN AND SHIRA GARBER accepted the 2012 Movers and Shakers award from Business Leader Magazine. One of only 30 presented this year. The award recognizes “Community Excellence in Leadership”. JONATHAN GARBER presented a seminar “Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet” at a local school. Over 80 parents in attendance. If you would like to “brag” about your loved ones or have important honors or accomplishments to announce, please call your editor at 954-962-0762 or email her at Only too happy to write about our Temple family! IT’S NOT TOO EARLY TO BE A PART OF PURIM FUN! We want to thank you in advance for volunteering to help with our exciting Mishloach Manot Project. Purim starts February 23, 2013. Here is a list of some the tasks that we will need help with, starting in the next few weeks: 1. Design the purim mishloach manot items – this is your chance! Input now! 2. Input paper forms, database update 3. Help with obtaining donations from stores 4. Help in selecting basket items and purchasing food items 5. Basket design: we want to present in the best way 6. Basket Packing: Help us put together baskets Men and women and youth welcome, and volunteer hours are available! Please e-mail with your name and phone number YIDDISH WITH YOSSI Come join Yossi Edelstein's Yiddish Class. Each Sunday after Minyan you can find this new group by the back entrance around the Minyan table.It is a very informal and friendly group who wants to learn about a very important part of Jewish culture.Try it, you'll like it! No registration necessary, just come. Al-anon Family Group Meeting Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Please call Renee at 954-963-6001 for further information. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 7 Temple Sinai Sisterhood’s Annual Amazing Paid-Up Event Join us for “Gourmet” Dairy Brunch & Special Program ote the N e s a e l P nge! a h C e m i T Sunday, November 4 at 12:30 p.m. Home of Gracious Hostess Joan Esterson Emerald Hills—Hollywood Come meet and hear Holistic Health Coach Deanna Sossin Let us know if you would like to bring a special dish when you R.S.V.P. For r.s.v.p. and directions please call: Paula at 954-961-5504 or Judy at 954-962-0762 Please make sure that your dues are current. New Temple members have a free one year membership in your Temple Sinai Sisterhood. who will help you want to “Love the Day and Live it Well!” The Sisterhood Judaica Shop has what you need! Beautiful Graduation, Wedding and Hostess Gifts Come check out our great prices! • Rosenthal Wedding Glass Items • Chanukah Items • Shabbat Tableware • Unique Yahrtzeit Candle Holders • Hostess Gifts • and so much more! Gift Shop is in the hallway near the Rabbi’s Office Sisterhood MembersECE & Religious School Parents Get 10% OFF 8 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Temple Sinai of Hollywood Annual Dinner Dance • December 2, 2012 A Night at the Recognizing: Copa Dr. Larry and Monica Marks Journal Honorees Charles and Linda Maurice Marilyn Zide Leadership Award Alicia Feinsmith / Sherry Corriveau Volunteers of the Year P R O G R A M M I N G Mark Your Calendars for Special Programs NOVEMBER 15 Broward Interfaith Council Annual Thanksgiving Program, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 6 Brad Meltzer rescheduled for JCC Book Festival, 8 p.m. Morris & Esther Wiener Lunch and Learn Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m. in the Cocktail Room With Rabbi Goldenholz and Dr. Barry Alter Women’s Spirituality Group See page 15 11 Join us November 13, 20 and 27 for Two Great Programs Temple Sinai Chanukah Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Rabbi’s study With Rabbi Goldenholz KASSELMAN SCHOOL Mark Your Calendar Klezmer Concert PJ Havdalah - November 17 Chanukah Bazaar - November 18 December 25 We are happy to announce The Dimitri Trio will be with us on the following weekends: November 30 • December 14 • January 11 • February 22 March 29 • April 19 • May 31 In addition Dimitri will be working with the Children’s Choir on five Sundays. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 9 SUKKAH HOPPING 2012 SUKKOT IN THE 10 Temple Sinai of Hollywood RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SIMCHAT TORAH 2012 AKI S & I H SUS KAH K U S E IN TH Temple Sinai of Hollywood 11 SENIORS SAVE THE DATE! HAZAK IS ALIVE AND WELL AT SINAI If you have previously been a member, or would now like to join our senior arm of Temple Sinai, we are organizing and planning a terrific year of entertainment, education and friendship for all. Membership is not limited to Temple members only. You may join and invite your friends from other Temples, and your Jewish neighbors to join as well. We welcome you and them! Our next meeting is planned for Sunday, December 16, 2012 • 11:30 a.m. in the Youth Auditorium Come join us for another interesting program! Cost $5.00 each for members, includes lunch Not a member yet? Become a member for $10.00 (includes lunch) Reservations needed. Please RSVP no later than Friday, December 7th. CALL Judy Schwartz at 954-966-3266 or Lois Edelstein at 954-981-4270 Seniors, Come Join Temple Sinai’s HAZAK Chapter Hazak is the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s organization for mature Jews. It provides social and educational programming for people 55 and older. The name HAZAK is an acronym. The het stands for Hokhmah (wisdom), the zayan for Ziknah (maturity) and the kuph for Kadima (looking ahead). So Hazak notes that the senior represents cumulative knowledge, the ability to judge as zakeyn in a mature fashion, and has aspirations to move ahead during the decades remaining. With that in mind, Hazak is designed to address the needs of seniors in full-service congregations where programming priorities often are targeted to the younger congregant. Seniors are the most rapidly growing segment of the Jewish population. Hazak compliments congregational adult education programs with specially designed social, spiritual and educational components for them. Hazak members not only have the opportunity to meet on a regular basis with peers from their own congregation, but with fellow Jews in their community, region and nation. These opportunities will help develop a sense of community through a variety of creative programs that include 12 Temple Sinai of Hollywood entertainment, socializing and learning. Hazak affirms the traditional Jewish view that mature adults should have the opportunity to continue to learn and be active in their congregations, their communities and among themselves. Hazak offers its members the opportunity to travel together, participate in programs together, and use their own skills and knowledge as well as outside resources. Thus, Hazak promotes Judaism to seniors through projects and experiences both in the synagogue environment and on a community level. In addition to local programs and functions, Hazak has events such as: • A nationally celebrated Hazak Shabbat to recognize chapters and their members for their accomplishments and contributions to the congregation. This year it will be December 29th (16 Tevet 5773). • An annual Hazak Retreat in the Poconos in the early summer. • An annual Hazak trip to Israel, of course geared to seniors, in January. Join Temple Sinai’s Hazak Chapter and have fun! Lloyd Edelstein and Shari Balmuth Kasselman School PA proudly presents its 3rd Annual Hanukkah Bazaar & Fun Day! Sunday, November 18 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lots of AMAZING vendors selling AWESOME gifts including: clothing for adults and children, flip flops, jewelry, accessories, cookware, skin care and make up, home goods, hats & fascinators, professional photography services, CASH FOR GOLD and so much more! Enjoy Bagels, Latkes, Sufganiyot and more (for sale) FREE crafts and fun for the kids! You Do Not Want To Miss This Extraordinary Shopping Experience! Location: Temple Sinai of Hollywood Ballroom 1400 North 46th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 954-987-1694 Please help us raise funds to further the education of our children. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 13 OCTOBER 21: BEST SHARE-A-MEAL EVER! Well, maybe it wasn’t the best Share-a-Meal ever but it has to be right up there. We had an amazing crowd of adults and kids who really jumped right in to help with everything—sandwiches, toiletries, carrot bagging, etc. Those who gave up a relaxing Sunday mid-day for this mitzvah were: The Meltzer family–Cori, Brad, Jonas and Theo; Matthew Lyons, Paul and Joan Lefkowitz, Mark and Lois Nonkin, Marc and Patty Wexler with sons Ben and Adam, Fred Hochsztein with AJ and Ariana, Linda and Don Levine, Hillary Josephs, Barbara and Hy Rosen, Charles Maurice, Jon and Annie Garber with Shira and Natan, Steve and Paula Platt, Judy Wiener, Diane Snyder with her daughter Leslie Pines and son Scott Snyder with his son Benjamin (3 generations, how neat), Jamie and Bill Passer with daughters Carly and Sari, and Sam Monchek. Special guests, who loved the experience, and hope to be returning are Hilary Smith with son Forrest. Whew! We had a lot of help. We had a special treat—our old friends Ben and Eva Fireman surprised us and also joined us at the site. Very happy to have you join us. We are always happy to have people bring eggs, toiletries and clothing. Those who attended came through with all those items. Therefore we were able to make and give out a toiletry kit for each person we served. So now we need to replenish our supplies. Thank you to everyone—we keep adding new faces of Temple members and friends which is always a good thing. As usual we thank Paula and Steve for making sure the bread and Danish get here from Entenmann’s Thrift, and Entenmann’s Thrift for donating the sweets each and every time. Thanks to Don and Linda for hauling everything to the site for us in their great truck. Mark your calendars for our next “Fun Making Day.” NEXT SHARE-A-MEAL Sunday, December 16, 2012 – 11:30 a.m. – School Cafeteria Bring hard boiled eggs in shell, in carton; Small toiletries: deodorant, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste/brushes; razors, combs, Kleenex packs, etc. 14 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Broward Interfaith Council (formerly the Interfaith Council of Greater Hollywood) proudly presents Our Annual Thanksgiving Celebration UNITE IN THANKSGIVING Thursday, November 15, 2012 • 7:30 p.m. at Temple Sinai of Hollywood • 1400 N. 46 Avenue • Hollywood This will be an Interfaith Celebration of Thanks for all of our Blessings! There will be some readings representational of different faith communities, some prayer and a lot of music! In lieu of a fee, we ask that you bring at least one nonperishable food item for a local food bank per individual attending. Help save a tree! RSVP so we’ll know how many programs to print! If you’re bringing friends or family. let us know the approximate number in your group. It’s a large Sanctuary, so bring guests! RSVP to Temple office at 954-962-0762 The David Posnack JCC joins with Rose & Jack Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education PJ Library at Jewish Federation of Broward County to present: PJs and Cookies Thursday, November 15 • 6:30 p.m. Peninnah Schram The Apple Tree’s Discovery Laurel Snyder Good night, laila tov Event Price: Community $10/family • DPJCC members $8/family (includes author presentations, refreshments and book signing) For more information and to register please visit or 954.434.0499, ext. 336 Brad Meltzer, distinguished best-selling author and lecturer, was to have opened the David Posnack JCC’s 25th Annual Jewish Book Festival on October 25th. Hurricane Sandy had other plans. We announce that Brad, a wonderful part of our Temple Sinai Family, is rescheduled for Thursday, December 6th at 8 p.m. bringing us “Heroes for My Daughter”, his latest offering. You won’t want to miss this! Community $15 / DPJCC Members $12 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 15 In Loving Memory of Rabbi Itzchak Goldenholz Temple Sinai of Hollywood Presents An Afternoon of Klezmer Music and A Salute to Israel with Jaime Bronstein and The Klezmer Allstars Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Temple Sinai Main Sanctuary Tickets $20.00 RSVP to Temple Office 954-987-0026 $100 Sponsor (includes 2 free tickets) 16 Temple Sinai of Hollywood SINAI FAMILY MILESTONES November Birthdays December Birthdays 11 1 Maxwell Colan Daniel Metsch Phyllis Siff 2 Albert Apseloff Iris Crane Sydney Gorodetsky 13 24 Cheyanne Dunn Eliana Hecht Avraham Rosenthal 3 Martin Abraham Sherry Corriveau Saralyne Feinberg 14 Lon Steckler 4 15 Morris Deckelbaum Samantha Lang Benjamin Snyder 5 Michael Gold Jacob Gordon 16 Dr. Jonathan Aarons Suzanne Riskin 6 22 Carla Bejar Isaac Bejar Lorena Bejar Laura Cohen Rosenthal Marc Wexler Prof. Malcolm Golden 19 Louis Morningstar Michelle Bejar Luis Travano Morgan Botknecht 7 Cassandra Josephson Ruth Lande 23 Mark Goldstein Richard Morrow Reut Sher Marc Finer 25 Courtney Nizel Michael Zurawin 26 Jonathan Baxter John Ramos 27 Adam Barron 29 Marla Carroll Tammy Greenberger 30 Anastacia Gold 20 9 2 Allen Goodstein 3 Dr. Norman Bluth Elaine Glasser 6 Alicia Botknecht Norman Kudan Murray Milkman Jolie Reisner Dr. Henry Scherer Ronald Stearn 7 Paul Anton Zoe Katzeff 8 Arik Goldstein Maya Metsch Nancy Weizman 9 Norman Becker Rebecca Lemelman Hon. Ronald Rothschild Samara Joseph Lloyd Edelstein Katie Jay-Gordon Michal Spindel 10 Joy Lisak Jared Plotka 10 Linda Kaner Howard Layne Allison Metsch Glenn Platt 21 12 1 Gwynne Layne Alison Carner Mr. William Passer Dr. Jacqueline Shellow-Faske Jonathan Lang Joshua Rafofsky Daniel Zeller Evan Weiner 13 David Platt Regan Roisman Shirley Shapiro Patty Wexler 22 14 Ellie Roisman Olivia Cohen Leslie Pines 24 Seth Bour Bernice Foster Michael Koenig 27 Emerson Botknecht Adelyn Harvey Adam Horowitz 15 Rachel Passer Rachel Shonfield 28 16 Sheila German Jesse Goldblum Randee Eibeschitz 29 17 Abby Feilich Stacey Koch Gail Spatz Simone Dunn Annie Garber Jarrod Pines Michael Rosenberg 18 30 Steven Baker Bradley Deckelbaum Shawn Kerzer Zachary Metsch Jay Bornstein Roger Feitosa Joyce Robbins 19 Andrea Alterbaum 11 Rachel Baxter Devora Gutman Mark Vogel Bennet Davis 31 20 The Temple would appreciate your letting us know of any mistakes or omissions of birthdays or anniversaries. Please call the office to have corrections made. November Anniversaries 1 Larry Colvin & Susan Maliner-Colvin Marvin & Beatrice Marks 2 Morris & Yetta Deckelbaum 4 Mark & Laura Goldblum Bernard & Carol Greenspan Avi Rosenthal & Laura Cohen Rosenthal Scott & Lisa Zucker 6 Steven Hantman & Elizabeth Camp 7 Howard & Beth Braver December Anniversaries 10 Marc & Caryn Dunn 14 Stuart & Gina Hopen 6 Allen & Bernice Goodstein Bob & Marcie Patron 7 21 Barry & Tammy Greenberger 22 Harvey & Melissa Walfish 15 Rich & Juliette Morrow 24 Michael & Tina Koenig 11 Herbert & Rise Yevelson 22 Geoff & Hofit Lottenberg 26 Barry & Julie Mukamal Stanley & Gail Spatz 17 25 18 Joel & Judy Brazeman Jacques Paulen & Esther Gordon Robert & Linda Sossin Eric & Nicole Jacobs 26 Steven & Faye Schachter 30 Norman & Norma Becker Rafael Latorre & Miriam Rube 20 28 Mark & Sara Vogel Bruce & Hillary Honig Stuart & Bonnie Wolf Temple Sinai of Hollywood 17 CONTRIBUTIONS GENERAL FUND In honor of Paula & Steve Platt’s 40 years at Temple Sinai from Florence & Al Rosenthal In honor of Judy Wiener becoming the new President of Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education from Audrey & Sam Meline & Judy Schwartz Wishing Judy and Larry Wiener Shanah Tova from Susan Ronay and Children. Wishing everyone a Shanah Tova from Ruth Schwartz, Donna Jacobs & Saundra Weiss In honor of Sam Meline’s 80th birthday with love from Merrick, Stacey, Lexi & Dylan Elias In honor of Judy & Larry Wiener in appreciation for their hospitality from Joyce Robbins To Judith Schwartz L’Shanah Tova & best wishes for a healthy & happy New Year from Susan Ronay To Elaine Geller Thanks for your hospitality L’Shanah Tova from Susan Ronay In honor of his son, Eric Mayer who read the Torah and Haftorah, from Bernard Mayer IN HONOR OF Mazal Tov to Randee & Mike Eibeschitz and Marty Gerber on the birth of their granddaughter Hannah Rayna from Bob & Linda Sossin, Judy Schwartz, Lloyd & Lois Edelstein Mazal Tov to Hon. Ronald & Cheri for your son Michael, becoming a Judge from Audrey & Sam Meline In honor of Jack German’s birthday from Helene Goldstein & Howard Scharfman SPEEDY RECOVERY Wishing Linda Sommers a speedy recovery from Judy & Larry Wiener Wishing Michael Zurawin a speedy recovery from Judy & Larry Wiener Wishing Ellen Katcher a speedy recovery from Judy & Larry Wiener Wishing my brother, Joel Brazeman, a speedy recovery from Nancy Greenstein Wishing Joel Brazeman a speedy recovery from Judith Schwartz MEMORY OF To Rabbi Dr. Gideon Goldenholz and family, in memory of your beloved father, Rabbi Itzchak Goldenholz, Susan & Larry & Steven the Maliner-Colvins, Jeffrey & Anita Rashbaum In memory of the beloved mother of Barbara Stein, Hortense Ball, from Audrey & Sam Meline In memory of Sara Wofchuck. The Cohen family sends their prayers & deepest sympathy to her family In memory of the Holocaust & the Hungarian Torah held on Kol Nidre from Susan Ronay In loving memory of Stephen Lambert, father of Greg Lambert (son in law of Judy & Larry Wiener) from Judy Schwartz & Elaine Geller In loving memory of Fred Altman, father of Glenn (son-in-law of Judy Schwartz) from Judy & Larry Wiener In loving memory of Bob Schultz to Gladys Schultz from Judy & Larry Wiener In memory of your beloved husband, Bob, to Gladys Schultz from Audrey Branse YAHRZEITS /YIZKOR In memory of beloved mother, Kitty Farbstein, from Ben Farbstein In memory of Marvin & Iris Bornstein & Harry & Harriet Rosen from Marvin & Iris Bornstein In memory of Mildred, Toby, Louis & Harold Weingarten & Rita Livie from Herman Weingart In memory of my parents Jacob & Muriel Rosenfeld from Calvin Rosenfeld In memory of my loved ones from Roslyn Appleman In memory of my loved ones from Joyce Robbins In loving memory of Mildred Weingarten from Herman Weingarten. In loving memory of Benjamin Gerber from Martin Gerber 18 Temple Sinai of Hollywood In loving memory of Claire Stamm from Robert Foster In loving memory of Marion Margolis from Howard & Patricia Margolis In loving memory of my dear husband Michael Ronay from Susan Ronay & cChildren In loving memory of Henry Rashbaum from Dr. Jeffrey Rashbaum In loving memory of Joseph Osband from Sanford Osband In loving memory of Ida Schultz from Robert Schultz In loving memory of Joseph Osband from Sharon Chamlee In loving memory of the parents of Jacob & Muriel Rosenfeld from Calvin Rosenfeld In loving memory of Jack Lansky from Linda Baker In loving memory of Eric Feldman from Robert Foster In loving memory of Charlotte Oberstein from Neil Oberstein In loving memory of Nancy Seidman from Lloyd & Barbara Seidman In loving memory of Abe & Jeanette Sonenshein & Mac & Berdye Spatz from Stan Spatz In loving memory of my dear father Irving Klotz from his daughter Francine Haber In loving memory of Mildred, Louis, Toby & Harold Weingarten from Herman Weingarten In loving memory of beloved mother of Larry Wiener, Esther Wiener, from Larry Wiener In loving memory of Sarah Taplin from Shammai Taplin In loving memory of my dear mother, Regina Passo and brothers, Abraham Passo and Hyman Passo, from Rita Feldman & family In loving memory of Philip Wiesner from Janet & Sarah Wiesner In loving memory of Natalie Delit from Hedia Cantor ECE KASSELMAN SCHOOL FUND Mazal tov to Marty Gerber and Randee & Mike Eibeschitz on the birth of their granddaughter, Hannah Rayna Gerber from Judy & Larry Wiener; Audrey & Sam Meline. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Mazal Tov on Superb Bar Mitzvah to Benjamin Goldstein from Judy & Larry Wiener SHARE A MEAL FUND To Judy & Larry Wiener, thank you very much for your generous opening of your home for the Annual Temple Sinai Picnic from Darlene & Ron Oklin, Allen & Bernice Goodstein In loving memory of Jerry Lurie to Karen Friend from Diane Snyder CAMP FUND In loving memory of Bernie Lehman from Judy & Bernard Feldman It is with great sadness that Temple Sinai acknowledges the following individuals who have passed away since our last bulletin. We extend our deepest sympathy. Robert Schultz Beloved husband of Gladys Steve Lambert Judy and Larry Wiener’s machetunim – daughter Miriam’s father-in-law Fred Altman Judy Schwartz’s machetunim – daughter Lisa’s father in law ENJOY THE POSSIBILITIES • Entire Community is Full Powered Generator in the event of Power Outage • Spacious Studio, 1 & 2 Bedrooms • Three Homestyle Meals • Housekeeping/Laundry Living • Transportation Life • Memory Care Unit at • Respite Care Stays Senior • Personalized Care Lifestyle • Medication Management • Resident Programs Presidential Place LUXURY ASSISTED LIVING Call Ivey 954-894-0059 3880 S. Circle Drive Hollywood, FL 33021 Assisted Living Facilities #9921 Discover why our residents call Presidential Place “Home” Calig-a-Print Accurate Beautiful Calligraphy by Florence Rosenthal P.O. Box 7595 • Hollywood, Florida 33081 Phone: 954-962-6262 • Fax: 954-989-0158 Toll Free: 877-377-6262 Email: Helena Urrea-Feldsberg, DDS, MDS DIPLOMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Ph 954-962-8311 Fax 954-435-1739 Roy H. Pomeranz Muralist Murals and More Wall Murals for Your Home or Office I’ll design a mural to suit your needs. CALL ROY Dade 305.778.6100 Broward 954.454.3563 4480 Sheridan Street Hollywood, FL 33021 12301 Taft Street, Suite 300 Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 19 DATES AT A GLANCE… NOVEMBER 2012 2 KISS Shabbat 6:30 pm 3 Shabbat Services 9:30 am Tot Shabbat 10:45 am 4 DST--Clock back 1 hour Sisterhood Paid-up 12:30 6 ELECTION DAY/NO REL. SCHOOL AND NO CLASSES 9 Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 pm/Oneg 10 Shabbat Services 9:30 am Sherim with Shira 10:30 am 11 No Religious School 12 VETERANS DAY/School/Office closed 13 Torah Lunch & Learn 12-1:30 pm Women’s Spirituality 1:30-2:30 pm Religious School 5-6:30 pm 15 Broward Interfaith Council Annual Thanksgiving Celebration at Sinai 7:30 pm 16 Kabbalat Shabbat 8 pm/Oneg 17 Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Greene 9:30 am Pajama Havdalah 5:30 pm 18 ECE Chanukah Bazaar and Fun Day 20 Torah Lunch & Learn 12 – 1:30 pm Women’s Spirituality 1:30 – 2:30 pm Religious School 5- 6:30 pm 22 Thanksgiving/School/Office closed 23 School/Office closed for holiday Kabbalat Shabbat 8 pm/Oneg 1400 N. 46th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 954-987-0026 Office 954-987-1694 School 954-987-2731 Fax Visit us on the web at 24 Shabbat Services 9:30 am Sherim with Shira 10:45 am 25 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL/ HOLIDAY 27 Torah Lunch & Learn 12-1:30 pm Women’s Spirituality 1:30-2:30 pm Religious School 5-6:30 pm 30 Kabbalat Shabbat with Dimitri Trio 8 pm/Oneg 16 DECEMBER 2012 27 28 1 Shabbat Services w/ Dimitri Trio 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 10:45 am 2 Sinai Dinner Dance Gala 6:30 pm 4 Youth Group Event 6:30-7:30 pm 6 Brad Meltzer at JCC Book Festival 8 pm 7 KISS Shabbat 6:30 pm 8 Shabbat Services 9:30 am Sherim with Shira 10:45 am First Chanukah candle sundown 11 Religious School 5-6:30 pm Annual Chanukah Dinner 6:30 pm 14 Kabbalat Shabbat with Dimitri Trio 8 pm/Oneg 15 Shabbat Services w/ Dimitri Trio 9:30 am Sherim with Shira 10:45 am 8th Chanukah candle 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Last day of Chanukah Share-a-Meal 11:30 am Cafeteria HAZAK 11:30 am Youth Auditorium Kabbalat Shabbat 8 pm/Oneg Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Cohen 9:30 am Fast Day/ No Religious School WINTER BREAK/SCHOOL CLOSED Morning minyan at 9 am No Religious School/ Office & School Closed KLEZMER Concert 2 – 4 pm School Closed School Closed Kabbalat Shabbat 8 pm/Oneg Shabbat Services 9:30 am No Religious School School Closed Office Closed pm
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