The May-June 2016 Issue - Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El
The May-June 2016 Issue - Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El
NISSAN-IYAR 5776 THE COVENANT OF MEMBERSHIP 8200 MAY / JUNE 2016 INSIDE: Clergy, Staff and Leadership Columns Members’ Experiences at TKAE Our B’nai Mitzvah Kids Bagels and Learn Dessert Bakeoff 1 2015-2016 EXECUTIVE BOARD CONTENTS JASON CHALIK Rabbi Howard Needleman - Reflections ...................................................... 3 CRAIG PACKER Join Us For The Annual Congregation Meeting - May 20 ............................. 4 TEMPLE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT OF ADMINISTRATION Cantor Mark Goldman .................................................................................... 5 VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP Members’ Favorite Moments ........................................................................... 6 KAREN SHIEKMAN DANIEL WEINGER Jason Chalik, Temple President: Thank You .................................................. 7 ADRIENNE KALTMAN TKAE Sha-BBQ - July 1 ....................................................................................... 7 ROB RICKEL YELL Shabbat - May 13 ..................................................................................... 8 VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION AND YOUTH VICE PRESIDENT OF RITUAL TREASURER Havana Nights Gala Celebration Highlights .................................................. 9 FINANCIAL SECRETARY Our B’nai Mitzvah Children............................................................................. 10 JONATHAN STREISFELD GARY ELZWEIG Rabbi Sheldon Harr.......................................................................................... 11 AAA Membership: Karen Shiekman ....................................................................... 11 RECORDING SECRETARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS RICHARD BREIT LINDA GENDLER HEATHER GILBERT BRUCE GOLDNER RAFAEL KATZ MICHAEL KRASNER ART PHILLIPS ANITA SETNOR-BYER BARBARA SHUB WALTER WITTE LINDA ZAKHEIM LAURA ZATKOWSKY AAA SENIOR STAFF HOWARD NEEDLEMAN SENIOR RABBI MARK GOLDMAN CANTOR DVIR WEISS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR STACEY KATZ EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTOR SIMONA SKLASH RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIRECTOR JOSH SIMON YOUTH DIRECTOR AAA FOUNDING RABBI EMERITUS DR. SHELDON J. HARR RABBI EMERITUS TEMPLE EMANU-EL DR. EDWARD MALINE Scholars Series With Rabbi Maline – May 5, 12 and 19 ............................... 12 Daddy Daughter Dance – May 4 ................................................................. 12 Mother Son Bowling – May 9 .......................................................................... 12 Stacey Katz, Early Childhood Director ......................................................... 13 Welcome New Menbers ................................................................................. 13 Dessert Bakeoff - May 16 ................................................................................ 14 TKAE Member Spotlight - The Mohler Family ................................................ 15 Family Happenings ......................................................................................... 15 Bagels & Learn With Clergy and Staff - May 25 & June 1, 8, 15 & 22 ........ 16 Simona Sklash, Religious School .................................................................... 17 Josh Simon, Youth Program ............................................................................ 18 TKAE Sustaining Members .............................................................................. 18 Davia Mazur, WRJ/Sisterhood......................................................................... 19 WJR/Sisterhood’s Full Moon Kayak Adventure ............................................ 20 WJR/Sisterhood Annual End-of-the-Dinner - May 18 .................................. 20 Send a Foster Child to a Florida Marlins Game - May 20 ........................... 20 Jeffrey Weinstein, Temple Friends .................................................................. 21 Perpetual Funds Definitions ............................................................................ 22 Contributions ................................................................................................... 23 Advertisers ....................................................................................................... 24 In Memoriam ................................................................................................... 25 May - June 2016 Events Calendars ............................................................... 26 Celebrate Shabbat With Singer / Songwriter Alan Goodis - May 6 .......... 28 Please take a moment to LIKE Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El on Facebook. Please visit: and just LIKE the page! You can follow Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El on Twitter @TKAEPlantation. 2 RABBI'S REFLECTIONS RABBI HOWARD NEEDLEMAN THE CONCEPT OF COVENANT Our Temple and Members Are a Partnership T The Covenant of Membership he concept of covenant, brit, is central to Jewish life and community. In the Torah there are only two pivotal instances where God enters into a brit, or covenant, with humanity: After the flood with Noah and at Mount Sinai with the Jewish people. The Temple strives to: • Provide a warm, caring and inviting atmosphere, extending hospitality and good will to one and all. • Provide an opportunity for meaningful deeds of tikkun olam, repair of our world and acts of love and kindness (gemilut chasadim) • Provide a continuum of Jewish education for children and adults, including youth group programming, offering opportunities to build our Jewish community and study Torah. • Provide religious services and observances that meet the spiritual, emotional and life cycle needs endowing them with holiness in time and space. • Encourage and empower members to create lasting and meaningful Jewish memories. In the first brit, God makes it with all of humankind, but it is the second that binds us a people to each other and to God. It is through our eternal connection to each other and God that we define our community. At Mount Sinai, the Jewish people willingly entered into an eternal covenant with God. This covenant entailed certain obligations upon the Jewish people and God: To live by Torah and to stand with the people and land of Israel. There was a time in ancient Israel that these ties that bound us were tribal in nature, then it was through our united kingdom, then throughout our wanderings it was through our religious devotion and external forces that held us together living in ghettos and villages and Jewish communities. The Member strives to: • Participate in Temple life, do mitzvot, support the congregation by welcoming the stranger, visiting the sick and comforting the bereaved. • Grow through lifelong learning, support and encourage children’s religious education. • Observe Jewish customs and holidays, attend services throughout the changing cycles and seasons of our lives and year. • Participate in opportunities that the Temple offers to help those in need through social action and social justice. • Study Torah, Jewish moral and ethical values and strive to live by them. Through this covenant, we look at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El as a holy partnership between the Temple and its members. We endeavor to enrich our religious, spiritual and moral selves. We seek to create lasting and meaningful Jewish memories and where our rich and abiding heritage is passed from one generation to the next. And we commit to healing and repairing our world through social action and social justice, tikkun olum, for all people. Today, our joining together as a religious community is made of our free will. We are not gathered under the banner of a tribe in the wilderness, making pilgrimage to our king and temple during a festival, or shut in behind the walls of a ghetto, but we know that our membership to Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El is a holy one, and ascribes to each of us certain responsibilities. May this covenant of membership bring us all to a place of holiness and blessing, Rabbi Howard Needleman 3 2016 SHABBAT SERVICE OF CELEBRATION & RECOGNITION FRIDAY • MAY 20 • 6 P.M. 6 P.M. ANNUAL MEETING INCLUDING: • The President’s Award • Elizabeth Shoshanna Harr Youth Award • Complimentary Shabbat Canapés, Hors d’oeuvres and Treats 7:30 P.M. SHABBAT SERVICE INCLUDING: • Reflections of the past two years: Jason Chalik • Installation of our new President and Board: Rabbi Needleman • Recognizing Simona Sklash on her retirement • Wedding Blessing of Cantor Mark Goldman and Aaron Taber Gala VIP Catered Oneg to Follow 4 CANTOR’S MESSAGE As Temple Members, We Create Our Vibrant Community D uring our Saturday afternoon havdalah B’nai Mitzvah, I can’t help being a little uncomfortable with the final words of the blessing “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’chol” – “Blessed is the one who separates the holy from the ordinary”. While this sentiment holds true for traditional Jews who refrain from using electricity, shopping, or even going to see a movie on Shabbat, this hardly applies to the vast majority of Reform Jews. A passing glance at the 8200 bulletin or our Tuesday shavua tov points to the moments that occupy our religious lives. We’re a community filled with activities, events, trips, and celebrations: A 5K run, an unbelievable gala, camping, cruises, kayaking, and the list goes on. But there is so much more. At the time of writing this, two members of our community in their 40s underwent open heart surgery. I was blown away by the response of our Temple family. Virtual 24 hour vigils, hundreds of calls/texts and messages of concern and prayer. MARK GOLDMAN Other moments include our liyot – special needs service and programming; and the recent Sneakers drive, which will help those around the globe have something to wear on their feet. Then there’s the work of our shiva ladies who take care of everything during challenging times. There are so many mitzvot and ways in which we affect individuals, organizations, and communities around the world. This is how we celebrate the mitzvah of “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’chol” – separating the holy from the ordinary. CANTOR On a personal note, I was overwhelmed by the recent celebration in honor of my 21 years as your cantor and spiritual leader. The night was the greatest night in my life. Tremendous thanks to Jason Chalik and the entire gala committee, as well to so many who wrote beautiful notes in the playbill and said such nice things. And there’s another celebration: Aaron and I will have the honor of receiving our Wedding Blessing on our Temple bima. Please join us on Friday May 20, 2016. With warmth, love and appreciation. Cantor Mark Goldman Co-Senior Clergy 5 WHY MY MEMBERSHIP HAS MEANING What Are Your Favorite Moments At Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El? We’re so grateful to have found an extended family at TKAE. Since becoming members one of our favorite activities has been the annual camping trip. Getting to share our favorite family activity with our extended temple family has been such a rewarding experience. - Ariel and Indira Dejtiar Our favorite things about TKAE include the sense of family that we feel when we are at TKAE events, not only for spiritual, fun and enjoyable things, but also life cycle events that are more difficult to deal with and you feel the loving arms of the temple around you. We also admire how hard the clergy, membership and staff work diligently to keep coming up with an endless variety of programs and events. We have been with the Temple for the last 18 years and plan on being here a very long time. - Bruce and Julia Goldner We have had so many special moments at the Temple - watching each of our three boys on the bima for their Bar Mitzvah, sharing weddings with our friends and family and even simple things like helping to build the Sukkah, that it is hard to pick just one special moment. Instead, we’d like mention something we’ve looked forward to each year for decades. Our year starts by joining our friends and family at Rosh Hashanah services in the same section each year hugging each other and welcoming the new additions to the families. - Richard & Marcia Breit Moving to Broward was a big transition for us. We joined Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El and were instantly welcomed as part of the family. We have made incredible friends who truly have become extended family for us. Kol Ami is much more than just a Temple. It is a warm, friendly and close community that we call home. The numerous Temple events are amazing and are always done to top notch standards – from cruising to camping, annual gala, poker night, Run with the Rabbi, holiday celebrations and so much more, we ALWAYS have some great times to look forward to. - Itzhk and Erica Gindi and Family Mitzvah Day has always been one of our favorite TKAE events. Our most memorable mitzvah day was when Cookie Davis and Gigi hosted a baby shower for expectant mothers from the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies program. A light brunch was provided, along with games and gifts for the mothers. It was a fun morning and everyone left smiling! - GiGi and David Greene 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Thank You For Allowing Me to Serve Our Temple A s we head into May at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El, a new slate of Temple leaders will be chosen. A new president and a new leadership team will continue the never ending challenge of improving our great temple. All of us on your lay leadership team finish our terms feeling grateful for the opportunity to serve. JASON CHALIK TEMPLE PRESIDENT I would like to personally thank our officers and board members who have served with me over the past two years. Our Temple is filled with leaders who are generous with their time and resources. I am honored to have served with all of these incredible people. Of course, our leadership team stands on the shoulders of all of those congregants who have stepped up and led in the past. Personally, I have leaned on many of our past presidents and past Temple leaders. These Temple leaders have helped me and our Temple immensely and I thank you, and look forward to once again being a past president. Our clergy and staff are vital to the success of our Temple. I may be biased, but I think we have one of the best teams of clergy and staff in the country. During the past year we attended the URJ Biennial. Our Temple brought the largest delegation in the history of Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El, and one of the largest in the country. All of our delegates left the biennial feeling proud to represent TKAE, but also appreciative of the quality of clergy, staff and congregants we have at our Temple. Finally, let me thank Debi, Max, Jonah and Olivia for all of their support during these two years. Leading at TKAE means late night phone calls, early meetings and a bunch of time away from my family. Debi has shared me with the Temple for four years, while we deal with running a law firm, and raising three kids. We are a team in all that we do, and I could not have stepped forward to help without my incredible wife. In conclusion, I thank you for the opportunity to serve. I love this temple. It has been one of the highest honors of my life to serve Temple Kol Ami EmanuEl. I can unequivocally say that I have received so much more than I gave these past two years. Debi and I have some of our closest friends and have also made memories that will last a lifetime as a result of our involvement at our temple. I would encourage my fellow congregants to step up, volunteer for a committee or project, help in an area that you have an interest, and give back in some way. I promise, that you too will receive much more than you will have given. Jason B. Chalik Jason B. Chalik President Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El FRIDAY • JULY 1 • 6 PM Join Us for a Super Casual Shabbat by the Pool Followed by Dinner, Swim Party, Friends, Family and Community Lifeguards Will Be On Duty T-SHIRTS, SHORTS AND SWIMSUITS RECOMMENDED Dinner: $11 / Person • RSVP by June 28 at or call 954.472.1988 7 Confirmation & Graduation Shabbat FRIDAY • MAY 13 • 7:30 PM We welcome members of our cutting-edge teen YELL (Youth, Engagement, Leadership and Learning) program as they lead us in shabbat services and talk about their experiences as young Jewish adults. We’ll bless our graduating 12th graders as we welcome incoming 9th graders to the 2016/17 YELL experience! THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY IS INVITED! COLLEGE COLOR ONEG FOLLOWS REMI ORLINSKY LOGAN ARMSTRONG JENNIFER MOSCOVITCH RACHEL GUTTMAN ZACHARY GUTTMAN CARA AXELROD JARED GOODMAN ALEXANDRA BARTER ANNA HAMMER SCOTTLYN GOODMAN SAMANTHA BARTER LOGAN HELLER JEREMY LAPAYOWKER ADAM DIAZ ZACHARY LIEBERMAN ROBIN MOSCOVITCH ANDREW BASS BROOKLYN ARMSTRONG MAX CHALIK NOAH NEEDLEMAN 8 HAVANA NIGHTS GALA CELEBRATION OH…WHAT A NIGHT! HONORING CANTOR MARK GOLDMAN’S 921ST YEAR AT TEMPLE KOL AMI EMANU-EL OUR B’NAI MITZVAH KIDS NOAH KATZ - SATURDAY, MAY 7 - 5:30 P.M. Noah began school in the Early Childhood Program at two years old. He continued on through third grade and in fourth grade began Imagine Charter school on TKAE’s campus along with the Gesher program. Noah is currently in seventh grade at Indian Ridge Middle School. Noah is a second degree black belt and spends a lot of his time working out and practicing in his karate studio for his next tournament. He is a Florida state champion and district state champion in karate. In his spare time, he likes hanging out with his school friends and his friends from Camp Blue Ridge and always looks forward to his sisters Hannah and Stephanie coming home from the University of Florida and Florida State University. ZACHARY ROBINSON - SATURDAY, MAY 21 - 10:15 A.M. Zachary Robinson lives in Hollywood where he enjoys playing sports, such as football and basketball. On the weekends he plays with friends and wrestles with his dog, Thunder. He also enjoys traveling and skiing in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Zachary also likes marine wildlife. He helps out the Jewish community every Christmas. He is really looking forward to his Bar Mitzvah on May 21. BRANDON PEARLMAN – SATURDAY, MAY 21 - 5:30 P.M. Brandon is a 7th grader at Imagine Charter Plantation. He has been a part of Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El since he was two years old and is a third generation TKAE member. His grandparents, Joyce and Charlie Pearlman, have been members since 1979 and his father, Brian, grew up at the Temple. Brandon plays on the Fort Lauderdale Select soccer travel team as a goalie. When he is not at practice or traveling for soccer, he loves to play FIFA on his X-Box or shoot hoops with his dad. For Brandon’s Mitzvah project he will be collecting gently used soccer equipment and uniforms to be donated to inner city teams here in the United States. He also volunteers at a homeless shelter. JOSHUA HAMMER - SATURDAY, JUNE 4 - 10:15 A.M. Joshua “Josh” Hammer age 12. Outspoken, smart, creative, kindhearted, and a great friend. He has an 11-year-old brother, Zachary Hammer and a black lab named Mystic. His favorite activity is hanging out with his friends, making YouTube videos, and playing video games. He dreams of being a journalist, creating video games, and traveling the world. He wishes to make everyone around him feel like they have someone to count on and believes one person can make a difference. STEVEN KATZ - SATURDAY, JUNE 11 - 10:15 A.M. Steven, known as “Stevie” to his friends and family, has been a part of TKAE since he was a baby. Steven is a 7th grader in the gifted program at Indian Ridge Middle School. Steven loves hanging out with his brothers and friends, fishing, boating, swimming, kayaking, camping, playing soccer, traveling, playing the X-Box, watching funny shows on television and reading. For his Mitzvah Project, Steven chose the Remember Us project. Remember Us is an organization committed to memorializing the child victims of the Holocaust who did not have an opportunity to have a Bar Mitzvah. Steven plans to honor the child’s memory during his service and doing a separate mitzvah in memory of the child and hopefully, to raise money for the Remember Us organization. 10 It Takes A Kehillah to Live Our Jewish Lives T DR. SHELDON J. HARR FOUNDING RABBI EMERITUS he Hebrew word Kehillah means community. In contemporary American Judaism, belonging to a Synagogue (being a “member”) can help to develop a real community (a Kehillah), even at the same time each of us has the individual opportunity to become an integral part and meaningful part of that community. ever so grateful that we were truly part of our Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Kehillah. During earlier centuries, particularly in Europe, being part of the Kehillah was not a matter of choice. If you opted out, you were scorned and didn’t have the protection needed for Jews in those lands. American contemporary Judaism adopted a different model, based on the spirit of America: being part of the Kehillah was and is optional. Without political indications, it is, nonetheless, correct: “It takes a village.” In this limited space I can only personally attest through years of great joy and years of great sorrow, that Fern and I are Being part of a synagogue and, equally as important, engaging in the myriad of programs, projects and services of our Temple help make our simchas doubly joyful and our sorrows, supported by our Kehillah, somewhat easier to bear. In Judaism, it takes a Kehillah, aiding us as we live our Jewish lives together, strengthening each other in what can be beautiful and meaningful ways. Dr. Sheldon J. Harr Founding Rabbi Emeritus MEMBERSHIP Membership Offers Enhancements to Jewish Life I Karen Shiekman VP OF MEMBERSHIP t has been a great year at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El! Hopefully you took advantage and participated in some of the many wonderful events that we have had this year including the Break the Fast Feast, tot shabbats, casino night, adult education lecture series with Rabbi Maline and Dr. Leon Weissberg, countless Youth Group events, the Havana Nights Gala honoring Cantor Mark Goldman’s 21st year, the 3rd Annual 5K Run with the Rabbi, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Bingo Bash and a Temple Friends Fairchild Gardens trip. In the coming weeks, you will be receiving renewal information from the Temple office. We look forward to having our current members continue on this spiritual journey with us. If you are not currently a member, or you are coming to the end of your Gifted Membership, we hope you will continue to be an important part of our Temple family. Please look for our mailing around June 1. 11 Many years ago, the Jewish people entered into a covenant with God on Mount Sinai. Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El offers you the opportunity to enter into that same covenant. Throughout our history, our people have organized their communities into congregations. When you belong to a synagogue, one’s Jewish life is enhanced. Being a member at TKAE offers you that sense of community where you can share a connection to the Jewish people, obtain a Jewish education and enjoy a spiritual bond with your Temple family. Don’t wait to join TKAE until you are getting married, starting a family, need a preschool, or need a rabbi. Being a part of a synagogue is being part of something greater than yourself. Come home! Karen Shiekman Karen Shiekman Vice President of Membership A TKAE ISH T JEW ADUL NING LEAR NCE RIE EXPE S C H OLAR S SE R I E S Rabbi Edward Maline 12 p.m. on May 5, 12 & 19 Join us for a complimentary light lunch (Einstein bagels, egg salad, tuna salad) followed by interesting and thought provoking presentations and discussions. Just one request. If you’re joining us for lunch, you must RSVP to 954-472-1988 at least one day prior to the event. Explore The Attitudes of Former United States Presidents and Current Candidates Toward Jewish People and Israel This event has been made possible by the generosity of Carol Clarkson. Thank you Carol for underwriting this event. 12 EARLY CHILDHOOD Our Early Childhood Program Is the Beginning of a Life-long Jewish Journey “When I was looking into preschools, I wanted a school that would give my children a strong sense of Judaism before they went off to public school,” says Melissa Forman (former parent). STACEY KATZ EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTOR I recall Melissa telling me a story after her daughter left Kol Ami and entered kindergarten. The discussion of Christmas came out in her daughter Brooke’s class. Brooke raised her hand and said she celebrates Chanukah and how lucky she is that she can celebrate for eight days. Melissa was happy that her children are able to take ownership of their Jewish identity, all while developing a love of learning and sense of discovery and purpose in the world around them. The decision to choose not just a pre-school but one that is part of a big congregation and synagogue can be pricey; however, the benefits of membership are priceless. Upon beginning school at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El, new families are gifted free Temple membership for the first year. The synagogue becomes a place where we can connect to something larger than ourselves…to our community…to ideas that can change our world…to a transcendental experience. As registration for the upcoming school year continues, so do the tours to the many new families looking to find not only the right school for their child but to continue or even start their own lifelong Jewish journey. Friendships, support and connections are made for families that have not otherwise been involved in Temple life and for those that want to continue to seek a network of other Jewish families with whom they can raise their children and form a deeper Jewish engagement for both themselves and their children. The term “our children are our future” is used synonomously in many educational facilities. Schools many times say that they need to give the children the skills they need to succeed in the future. Attending a Jewish pre-school and throughout one’s Jewish educational journey, we teach Jewish values. It is the children’s mitzvot, actions the children take, and how they give back to society that we strive to teach as well. If you haven’t already seen all that TKAE has to offer, meet our Rabbi and Cantor, or come to one of our many exciting services for all ages, family functions, social action community events or even volunteer to be on our many committees, feel free to stop by and introduce yourself. We are here for you and welcome you to our Temple family. Stacey Katz Director, Early Childhood Education WELCOME NEW TKAE MEMBERS Thank You For Joining The Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Family Ira, Gabrielle and Dylan Gutt JC Cohen, Debe Jacobsen and Hailey Jacob, Jessica and Liam Pfeffer Thomas, Jessica & Benjamin Gola Flynn Turner, Roni Grossman Turner and Skylar Ezra Abed-Shaul, Oshrit Ahoola and Elia AS OF MARCH 31, 2016 13 Join Us For The Second Annual TKAE Youth Program DESSERT BAKEOFF Silent Auction • Music • Fun MONDAY • MAY 16 • 7 PM Raising Funds for TKAE Youth Programs and Camp Jenny WE PROVIDE THE FORKS. HIPS SPONSORS AVAILABLE 0 $360 • $18 LS $100 LEVE SPONSORS RECEIVE FR E YOUTH PRO E GRAM ACTIVITIES ENTRIES FOR PROFESSIONAL & AMATEUR COMPETITIONS ALL CONTESTANTS MUST PROVIDE AT LEAST 100 SMALL SERVINGS FOR TASTING AND JUDGING. Congregation members are encouraged to enter their dessert for the chance to win gift cards from local restaurants. ADMISSION: ADULTS $18 • CHILDREN $12 To enter the bakeoff, email: ENTRY DEADLINE: MAY 9 SPONSORSHIPS Ice Cream: $360 - 6 Bakeoff Tickets Cake: $180 - 4 Bakeoff Tickets Cookie: $100 - 2 Bakeoff Tickets Ice Cream Level: Two free Youth Group programs for up to two children in the 2016-2017 school year. Cake: One free for up to two children. Excludes outof-town trips and mystery bus program Sponsors receive recognition in the program and on the event banner. SPONSORS AS OF APRIL 11 ICE CREAM LEVEL: Craig & Shari Packer & Family CAKE LEVEL: Andrew Guttman & Debbie Zelman & Family Stewart & Michelle Lapayowker & Family / Brian & Lisa Pearlman & Family COOKIE LEVEL: Katz & Katz, P.A., Attorneys at Law PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS Flashback Diner: Chocolate Cake Liquid X Cream: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Tijuana Flats: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Flautas Jaxson’s: Variety of Ice Cream Flavors • Too Jays: Assorted Pastries Croisan’Time French Bakery: Assorted Pastries Buca di Beppo • VIP Catering TO BUY TICKETS FOR THE EVENT: TKAE.ORG/MYACCOUNT Amateur bakers email by May 9 to enter the contest. 14 TKAE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT T H E T E M P L E KO L A M I E M A N U - E L C O M M U N I T Y THE MOHLER FAMILY They Have Been Members Of Our Temple Since 2012 B rittany was introduced to Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El by her sister and brother in law, Misty and Lee Weinger. Their kids, Drew and Logan Weinger, both attended Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El’s Early Childhood Program and are now in the religious school program. Brittany was involved at Temple Solel in Hollywood as their youth director. Upon moving to Plantation, she and her husband wanted to find a synagogue in their neighborhood where they could be a part of the community and get involved. Brittany and WIlliam Mohler and their children, Remy and William, have been members of TKAE since 2012. Brittany has headed TKAE fundraisers and is looking forward to becoming more involved in the Temple. Brittany joined the Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El PTO as the vice president of fundraising and is now the vice president of events. She headed the 2015 Holiday Boutique and brought in 42 vendors with an outcome of great fundraising and success. She chaired the Havana Nights Celebration for Cantor Mark Goldman. Most recently she also chaired the Run with the Rabbi 5K for Purim and ran with her entire family as The Captain Mohler Family. On the side of helping and dedicating time to the Temple, Brittany is a full-time accountant for her father’s firm, John S. Bush CPA, PA, and has a skin care business with Rodan + Fields Dermatologists. William Mohler is an ecologist at Miller Legg & Associates, a Fort Lauderdale engineering firm. Remy enjoys dancing and playing guitar at the age of five and William enjoys being as messy as a boy can possibly be! We truly love Temple Kol Ami and can’t wait to be apart of what’s to come. Family Happenings… NEW BABIES Zachary Alexander Weinbaum, son of Lane and Scott Weinbaum, and brother of Ethan, was born on Feb. 20, at four pounds eight ounces and 17.5 inches long. Shayna Hanna Deray, daughter of Karen and Remi Deray, and little sister of Eden and Tory, was born on Feb. 24 at eight pounds, six ounces, and was 20 inches long. Please send births, engagement and wedding announcements for the July/ August 8200 to by May 30, 2016. Samantha Srygler, daughter of Ericka and Jim Srygler, and little sister of Matthew, was born Feb. 25 at seven pounds, one ounce and 19.5 inches long. ENGAGEMENT Gabriella Logan Roth, daughter of Kim and Bradley Roth, and sister of Isabella, was born on Feb. 16 at six pounds, 12 ounces, and 18.75 inches long. MARRIAGE 15 Pam and Michael Eisenberg are proud to announce that their daughter Erica is engaged to Dave Bakalyar. A wedding is planned in December. The happy couple reside in Los Angeles, CA. Cantor Mark Goldman and Aaron Taber were joined in marriage before friends and family at their home in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday, April 21, on the 20th anniversary of the day they met. A TKAE JEWISH ADULT NG LEARNI E ENC EXPERI BAGELS & LEARN WITH CLERGY AND STAFF WEDNESDAYS IN MAY AND JUNE • 12 P.M. Join us for a complimentary light lunch (Einstein bagels, egg salad, tuna salad) followed by interesting and thought provoking presentations and discussions. Just one request. If you’re joining us for lunch, you must RSVP to 954-472-1988 at least one day prior to the event. MAY 25: RABBI HARR The five most momentous occasions in Jewish life throughout the ages. Rabbi Harr will pick and present his five most momentous occasions through the mellenia, along with backround material on each of them. And you, too, will have your opportunity to offer your suggestions and the reasons why your suggestions deserve merit. JUNE 1: JOSH SIMON The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...How Jews are portrayed on television and in the movies. We’ll use clips from All In The Family, Friends and The Big Bang Theory, plus other television shows and movies to look at how Jews are depicted on the big and small screens. JUNE 8: DVIR WEISS Israeli Army Experiences: Hear about Dvir’s time in the Israeli Defense Force. His personal experience, reflections and how we can support the State of Israel today. JUNE 15: ADINA SHARFSTEIN Teach Your Children Well: How do teachers in public schools educate children about the Holocaust? Using a multi-media approach, join Florida Atlantic Unviersity’s 2014 Exemplary Holocaust Educator of the Year, Adina Baseman Sharfstein, for an overview of her Holocaust curriculum for 5th grade and up. JUNE 22: RABBI HOWIE AND BETH NEEDLEMAN CANTOR MARK AND AARON TABER Our Better Halves: Schmooze and learn about the other side of our Rabbi and Cantor from the perspective of their spouses. RSVP ONE DAY BEFORE THE EVENT BY CALLING 954-472-1988 16 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL It’s Been An Honor and Privilege to Serve You For 26 Years Dear Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Members, It is bittersweet for me to be writing this, but I wanted to personally share with you the news that I’ll be retiring from my position as director of Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El’s Religious School at the end of the 2016 school year. SIMONA SKLASH RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIRECTOR TKAE has been such an important part of my life for the past 26 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to watch your kids, our TKAE kids, grow and thrive in our programs. I will miss their energy, enthusiasm and smiles. I hope you’ll stay in touch (feel free to email me:, and thank you again for the opportunity to nurture and shape the Jewish identify of our TKAE kids. With Great Love, Simona Sklash Director Religious School Religious School and Gesher Children Celebrated Purim 17 YOUTH PROGRAM Youth Group Participation Offers Community and Lifelong Relationships B efore I came to South Florida and Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El I spent almost 20 years as the youth director at Congregation Anshai Emeth in Peoria, Illinois. The congregation had approx. 150 families and only a handful of teenagers that could be a part of our NFTY youth group. The majority of them were involved. I believe it was a fairly easy sell to get them involved because PeFTY and NFTY were the one place they could go to be with other Jews. If they were lucky there were one or two other Jewish students in their school, but for the most part going to Temple and participating in youth group was the only chance they had to interact with other Jews. level of experience as when they are a part of our youth programs. Being a member of KAFTY, OMGJK, Jewniors or KATONTY is something special! It is a group that they can be very proud of. Youth Group isn’t just about being in the same room as other Jews. It is about experiencing everything from a trip to the bowling alley to celebrating Shabbat to feeding the homeless with a group of people who have similar beliefs and values. It’s about building a community and having that community stand behind you and support you in both the good and the not-so-good times. I hope that our youth group members have learned that they are a part of a very special community which will only continue to grow. JOSH SIMON YOUTH DIRECTOR I look forward to the addition of our younger students next year into our Kehillah Kedoshah “Holy community” as we expand our program to prekindergarten and up. When I moved to Plantation two and a half years ago one of the things I was most excited about was the large Jewish community I was joining. On a professional level it concerned me because I knew that one of the draws I had in Peoria – the need to be involved in youth group to have that Jewish experience – may not be necessary here. It’s is an exciting time to be a member of our youth program and to be a member of Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El! I was wrong, while it is true that our teens and students for the most part interact with other Jews at school, at dance, on their sports teams and just about everywhere else, they don’t have the same Josh Simon Youth Director Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Sustaining Members RABBI’S CIRCLE Bill and Susan Matz Arthur and Sandy Phillips COVENANT CLUB Lee and Claire Hager Daniel and Jodi Katz Walter and Cheryl Katz Stewart and Michele Lapayowker Steven and Diane Michaels Robert and Susan Schneider TZEDAKAH CIRCLE James and Stacy Gale Adele Stone and Jesse Diner GOLDEN CHAI Matt and Paula Carr Jason and Debi Chalik Ira and Jill Coleman Michael and Kim Dagen Gary Elzweig Stanley and Pearl Goodman Jay and Shirley Gottlieb Calvin and Lori Helitzer Saul and Beth Kravec Barry and Kim Lerner Barry and Irene Stark Howard and Julie Talenfeld Robert and Marlene Uchin Ira and Penny Vernon Gregg and Abby Wilentz Scott and Linda Zakheim BENEFACTOR Phil and Leslie Biegelsen Leon and Elaine Cohn Gerry and Debra Damsky Glenn Davis and Meri Barash Gil and Lea Epstein Richard and Harriet Greene Steven and Adrienne Kaltman Richard and Shelley Lundy Craig and Shari Packer Walter and Mildred Padow David Sharaf and Harriet Sharaf Bruce and Joann Silk Allen and Jane Sklaver Herbert and Norma Sonnenklar Helen Spinrad Kenneth and Mara Wurtenberger Rabbi Howard and Beth Needleman Brian and Lisa Pearlman GUARDIAN Charles and Joyce Pearlman Martin and Linda Ardman David and Cara Pollack Jeffrey Brezner and Wayne and Jennifer Pollak Sandra Block-Brezner Lila K. Press Yosl and Doreen Broder Jaime and Sara Rejtman Paul and Minette Brown Robert and Jill Rickel Bonnie Eletz Stewart and Karen Robins Dale and Elaine Farkas Paul and Fern Schneider Bruce and Julia Goldner Ronald and Gloria Schwartz Joseph and Shelly Goldberg Robert and Susan Segaul Cantor Mark Goldman Sheldon and Carmen Seltzer and Aaron Taber John and Karen Shiekman David and GiGi Greene Daniel and Arleen Simonson Warren and Laura Greenberg Joseph and Risha Stern Andrew Guttman and Debra Zelman Brad and Diane Weinbrum Rafael and Lisa Katz Dvir and Sharon Weiss Stacey and Louis Katz Stephen and Melanie Weschler Robert and Bevly Kempler Hal and Francine Wiener Kenneth and Linda Levine Jay and Marilyn Wilde Charles and Beth Lieber Walter and Susan Witte Jim and Davia Mazur Peter and Susan Moore Steven and Leah Nachman AS OF MARCH 31, 2016 18 WRJ/SISTERHOOD Temple Involvement Has Led to Fulfilling Experiences and Growth M y friends are surprised that I have been spending so much time and energy on TKAE and WRJ/Sisterhood projects. My kids are out of the house, and it would be easy to just work more, take up a hobby or go to lunch every day. DAVIA MAZUR PRESIDENT OF SISTERHOOD But by getting more involved in Temple this year, I have made new friends, learned new skills, seen Jewish issues from different perspectives, and made a difference in our TKAE community. In short, with all my leadership and volunteering, I have gotten way more out of it than I put in! The Jewish covenant is meant to draw everyone into the fold of our religion, and WRJ/Sisterhood exists as a unique place to perform that function for Jewish women. All of us share the joys, hurdles and anxieties of working and raising children and grandchildren, and we must support each other, just as God supports us as part of his covenant with the Jewish people. I hope that when you receive your 2016-2017 TKAE dues statement this summer, you will join the covenant of WRJ/Sisterhood. Think twice before crossing the $40 WRJ/Sisterhood dues charge off your bill and remember that our mission is to empower women of all ages and support Reform Jewish youth and education, both at TKAE and on a national level. In the past year, we funded four TKAE Religious School cooking projects in grades K-6, scholarships for our students to attend youth conventions, and NFTY and KAFTY projects. We gave gifts on behalf of the congregation to everyone who celebrated a bar and bat mitzvah. So if your child is involved in religious school or our youth groups, you should be invested in WRJ/Sisterhood! We also hosted presentations on women’s health issues and domestic abuse. We organized and ran a successful Holiday Boutique with PTO, Bingo Bash with Brotherhood, and a sold-out, all-female kayaking trip. Our Women’s Community Passover Seder is unsurpassed in Broward County. We sold Rosh Hashanah baskets and Purim boxes to raise funds and donated some of the money to the Reform Jewish YES Fund (Youth, Education and Special Projects), which, among other things, offers scholarships to rabbinic students at Hebrew Union College. And we ran the Shiva Committee, enabling Temple members, upon request, to sit Shiva for a loved one, organized and staffed by WRJ/Sisterhood members. Next year, join the covenant of WRJ/ Sisterhood and give yourself the gift of a more engaged Jewish life. We welcome you under our red tent. Our annual End of Year Dinner and 20162017 board installation will take place on Wednesday evening, May 18, at 6:30 p.m. at Scuotto’s Pizza and Pasta, 3455 Hiatus Road, Sunrise. Twenty dollars covers the evening for WRJ/Sisterhood members, and $25 for non-members. Reservations are required. We hope to see you there. Davia Mazur Sisterhood President WRJ/Sisterhood… is looking for three reliable, dynamic women to assist with marketing, social media and event planning beginning in July 2016. For more information, contact Davia Mazur, WRJ/ Sisterhood President, at 954-328-1932. 19 WRJ/Sisterhood Paddled Through a Full Moon Adventure By Davia Mazur Question: What do you get when 22 TKAE women get together for a WRJ/Sisterhood-sponsored kayaking trip? Answer: Jewish “Survivor.” By the time we reached the Intracoastal Waterway, the full moon was out, illuminating the placid, open water and silhouetting our boats. We bobbed around, taking pictures, chatting and sipping wine from our water bottles. Seven girls (future WRJ/Sisterhood members) and 15 women met at West Lake Park on March 22 as the full moon began to rise. We paired up in double kayaks, some mothers and daughters, some moms who knew each other from Early Childhood, and some with new Temple friends we had just met. WRJ/Sisterhood member and outdoor guide Robin Lurie organized and led the sold-out trip. We paddled through the wetlands as the sun set and the first-time kayakers got the hang of paddling and avoiding trees. We didn’t see any alligators, but Sharon Weiss thought there was a crab down the back of her shirt… turns out it was only her hair clip! When we returned to dry land, we celebrated Sophie Kapit’s eighth birthday with a red velvet cake. The trip exemplified one of the best things about TKAE – that people of all ages can make new friends and come together for “out-of-the-box” fun and spiritual events. The adult kayakers were, from left, Shari Packer, Caryn Chenven, Sharon Weiss, Lisa Pearlman, Melanie Weschler, Sharon Nizri, Robin Lurie, Davia Mazur, Beth Kravec, Risa Marks, Aly Kapit, Hila Lankri, Laura Feiner, Laura Zatkowsky and Brittany Mohler. The future WRJ/Sisterhood kayakers were, from left, Sianna Pearlman, Shira Nizri, Ariel Weiss, Ariella Packer, Sophie Kapit, Lexi Chenven and Romi Lankri. WRJ/SISTERHOOD Annual End-of-Year Dinner 2016-2017 Board Installation WEDNESDAY • MAY 18 • 6:30 P.M. SCUOTTO’S PIZZA AND PASTA 3455 HIATUS ROAD • SUNRISE • $20 - WRJ/Sisterhood Members $25 - Non-members • Reservations are required. • WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE. 20 TEMPLE FRIENDS Our Temple Exists Through The Relationship of Its Members T emple Kol Ami Emanu-El membership is built upon mutual expectations and responsibility. It is a relationship that endures only as long as its members make it real. Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El should provide each member with the opportunity to study. “Study should be a part of each members life every step of the way.” Jeffrey Weinstein TEMPLE FRIENDS PRESIDENT Our worship reflects the vitality and rich diversity of Jewish practice, inspiring and challenging us closer to G-d for us to be a blessing. Through worship, each member can fulfill a personal spiritual need, and collectively we can create the community wherein we find comfort and help in our search for G-d. Our Temple community is a warm and welcoming place, providing opportunities to support one another and the larger community in which we live. Members should strive to live by the ethics of Torah, practicing social justice each day, caring for our own, reaching out to others, wherever we are, whatever we do. For MaryLynn and I, a friend of ours asked us to come to services on Friday evening. We were greeted warmly and recognized we had found to practice our Jewish faith. That took place 16 years ago this May. Over the years, we came to realize that one of our greatest joys is to give back to the Temple, which in return enriches our lives with the gift of a loving and caring community. Let us all share our religion with our friends in our Temple community. Let’s build on that spirit by participating in the wide variety of activities offered by Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El from adult education to social activities offered by Temple Friends. Jeffrey Weinstein President of Temple Friends Dear Temple Friends Members: Below are the Temple Friends officers and directors who were elected at our April 5 meeting for the 2016-2017 year: • President - Jeffrey Weinstein • VP of Administration - Gladys Posner • VP of Membership - Co-vice presidents - Helen Cohen & Sophie Herman • VP of Ritual - Gerry Schram • Financial Treasurer - Hank Meyer • Recording Secretary - MaryLynn Weinstein • Corresponding Secretary - Alan Rosendorf Directors: • Ron Schwartz • Mark Helfer • Doris Grober • Mark Horowitz • Dora Lee Rosendorf • Howard Bloch Congratulations to our officers and directors! Jeffrey Weinstein President, Temple Friends 21 PERPETUAL FUNDS All named perpetual funds of the Temple are established with a minimal gift of $25,000. Donations of $10 or more are acknowledged to the recipient. Donations of $18 or more are also noted in the Temple bulletin. These funds enable the Temple to reach out in a significant manner to the entire Temple family, as well as to the community, in support of many worthwhile programs and projects. Your generosity is most sincerely appreciated! high school in Israel, March of the Living, and similar programs. Some funds for capital projects. Income: Initial base donation, plus subsequent donations. LAUREN KATZENSTEIN MEMORIAL JUNIOR CHOIR FUND This fund assists in underwriting the expenses, personnel and programmatic activities, as well as special projects, of the TKAE Chayyim Junior Choir, the members of which are our children, all of whom are enrolled in either our Religious School and Day School. Income: Initial base donation, plus subsequent donations. FUNDS WHICH ASSIST INDIVIDUALS, AS WELL AS TEMPLE JEWISH AND COMMUNAL PROJECTS RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND At the discretion of the Rabbi, these funds are expended both to individuals and organizations in need of special personal assistance or communal support. From time to time special projects and programs for the wider Temple family are also supported from this fund. Income: Donations THE MATZ FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND The monies generated from this Fund will be available to assist children in our Schools, for those families needing scholarship support. Income: Initial base donation, plus subsequent donations. CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND This fund purchases books and computer programs for the Children’s Library, utilized by all of our schools. Income: Donations. HANNAH A. “HONEY” SCHWARTZ SENIOR FUND This fund assists seniors who have special needs. Provides programming assistance for our Temple seniors. Income: Initial base donation, plus subsequent donations MARTIN AND CORALIE B. HAGER EARLY LEARNING CENTER FUND This purchases unbudgeted items for the Day School and funds special programs for the Early Childhood program. Income: Initial base donation from the Mona Albert family, plus subsequent donations. KOL AMI EMANU-EL HUNGER RELIEF FUND (THE KAHR FUND) Monies contributed to the KAHR Fund are sent to organizations, such as Mazon, The Broward Partnership for the Homeless, JCC WeCare, and the Jewish Family Service, to aid families in need of both food, shelter, and basic necessity support. Income: Donations, Tzedakah from Shabbat dinners. FUNDS WHICH SUPPORT TEMPLE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY MUSIC FUND These funds purchase new music and help support additional music enhancements (vocal and instrumental) throughout the year. Income: Donations FUNDS WHICH ASSIST EDUCATIONAL AND YOUTH PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS MORTY & MONA EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND This purchases unbudgeted items for the Day School and funds special programs for the Early Childhood program. Income: Initial base donation from the Mona Albert family, plus subsequent donations. CAPITAL AND BUILDING CAMPAIGN FUND These donations assist in supporting the new educational and youth facilities of the Temple. These funds are for both upkeep and paying the mortgage. Income: Donations and Required Building Funds. DAVID AND IDA CARMEL EDUCATION FUND This fund helps provide individual scholarships to our students related to Jewish educational programming. Income: Initial base donation from the Robert and Leonore Greenfield Family, plus subsequent donations. GENERAL FUND Monies contributed without being earmarked to other funds or specifically noted for this fund help support the general operating budget of the Temple. Income: Donations. JERRY S. COHEN DAY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND This fund helps provide scholarship assistance to the families in our Day School, both Divisions. Source of Income: Initial base donation, subsequent donations. PRAYERBOOK DEDICATION FUND This fund helps the Temple purchase Shabbat and High Holy Day Prayerbooks and printed a special service prayerbooks for special occasions. While any amount is accepted, the prayerbooks themselves are specifically dedicated with a bookplate in memory of or in honor of someone or some occasion, for a donation of $50. Income: Donations. DARRELL SCOTT FAGELSON RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND This allows the religious school to purchase large unbudgeted items for the religious school, including audio/ visual and computer projects and programs, and to fund special programs for the religious school. Income: Initial base and other donations. YOUTH GROUP FUND The Youth Fund benefits our informal educational offerings, supporting youth programming for children, teens, and college age young adults. Income: Donations. ELIZABETH SHOSHANNA HARR YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND This fund provides youth scholarships for Israel programming for high school and college youth, and for scholarship assistance for high school students involved in NFTY, KAFTY, 22 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS YOUR THOUGHTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY MUSIC FUND Francine & Hal memory of Ralph Katz Mark & Norah memory of Harvey Zatkowsky Nancy & Stuart Feiner................. in honor of the B’Not Mitzvah of Molly & Rebecca Marks Lois & Michael Linder.................. in honor of Cantor Goldman’s 21st Anniversary at TKAE Phyllis & Herman Munczek......................................................... in memory of Annette Brill Phyllis & Herman memory of Anna Munczek Paul & Fern honor of Jessica & Josh Cohen’s Wedding Karen & John memory of Simon Rozen Francine & Hal honor of Cantor Goldman’s 21 years at TKAE Lois memory of Dorris Lang Sandi Block-Brezner & Jeff Brezner......... in honor of Cantor Goldman’s 21 years at TKAE The Gun honor of Cantor Goldman’s 21 years at TKAE Jan wishing a speedy recovery to Mr. & Mrs. Herb Feldman Linda K. honor of Cantor Goldman’s 21 years at TKAE Peggy Kabakow and memory of Susan Daniel ELIZABETH SHOSHANNA HARR YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Elana Schramm............................................................................. in memory of Celia Elkin Elana Schramm....................................................................... in memory of Martin Zelman Cindy & Stephen Jacobs..................................................... in memory of Robert L. Rowan Joe & Risha Stern......................................................................... in memory of Pam Stern Robin & Marc Lurie........................................................ in memory of Jeanette & Leo Lurie Gerry & Debra Damsky...................................................... Refuah Sh’lemah to Rabbi Harr Joe & Risha Stern.......................................... in honor of Beth Petraka Spier being named Teacher of the Year at David Posnack Jewish Day School Barbara & Michael Apter................................................................ in memory of Paul Sigel Phyllis Fields-Elias.................................................................. in memory of Celia Leveene Elana memory of Melinda Sharkin GENERAL FUND David & Sandra memory of Margaret Farkas Katie & Michael memory of Melinda Sharkin Hank & Irene Meyer............................................................... in memory of Arthur Rothafel Doris memory of Jack Grober Marilyn memory of Gussie Eisenberg Marilyn memory of Jennie Lundy Sandy memory of Pauline Taylor Dr. Stanley & Pearl Goodman............................................ in memory of Hyman Goodman Pamela & Michael Eisenberg.................................. in memory of Sidney & Lois Eisenberg HANNAH “HONEY” SCHWARTZ SENIOR FUND Temple wishing a speedy recovery to Susan Horowitz Gladys Stern memory of Bella Stanet Gladys Stern Posner............................................................... in memory of Joseph Stanet Gladys Stern Posner........................................................... in memory of Esther Silverblatt Sheldon memory of Sofia Seltzer Ilene Barrett............................................................................ in memory of Michael Barrett Rabbi Sheldon & Fern Harr................................ in honor of Shirley Berger’s 95th Birthday Renee & Stephen Goldenberg.................. in honor of Susan & Bill Matz’ 50th Anniversary Mara & Kenny memory of Charlotte Perilstein Rabbi Sheldon & Fern memory of Charlotte Perilstein Ina & Stuart memory of Charlotte Perilstein MORTY & MONA ALBERT EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND TKAE memory of Irving Worman Robert memory of Harvey Zatkowsky Stacey & Louis memory of Harvey Zatkowsky Heather & Danny memory of Harvey Zatkowsky Judi memory of Ida Fishel Linda & Rick memory of Melinda Sharkin Toni & Leon memory of Melinda Sharkin Shirley & Jay memory of Melinda Sharkin Robert & Stephanie memory of Harvey Zatkowsky Early Childhood Sunshine memory of Melinda Sharkin Jeff, Laura, Ryker & Arden memory of Melinda Sharkin Faye & David memory of Melinda Sharkin Rabbi Sheldon & Fern memory of Melinda Sharkin Mara & Kenny memory of Melinda Sharkin Mel & Joann Krohn & Family.............................. in honor of Shirley Berger’s 95th Birthday ORGANIC GARDEN PROJECT Hal memory of Benjamin Wiener PRAYERBOOK DEDICATION FUND Carmen & Sheldon memory of Lillian Bedoya Judy Trop & memory of our beloved Michael Trop Bruce & Julia memory of Eva Egri Jaime & Sara memory of Ester Zaidman, Tzipora Rejtman & Clara Levine RABBI HARR DISCRETIONARY FUND Lois & Michael memory of Ann Bliss Lois & Michael wishing a speedy recovery to Rabbi Harr Sandy memory of Max Taylor Ray & Barbara memory of Terry Sponder Bini Litwin............................................................ in memory of Gertrude “Tybie” Ackerman Melanie & Steve wishing a speedy recovery to Rabbi Harr Marlon & Adriana Kluger........................................................... in memory of Henry Kluger Sandi Block-Brezner & Jeff wishing a speedy recovery Rabbi Harr Dagen memory of Renee Hirsch Sandy memory Zena Shechtman TEMPLE KOL AMI EMANU-EL HUNGER RELIEF FUND Ronald & Gloria memory of Tania Silberstein Carole memory of Rebecca Gitelson-Kaplis Sydell Rothafel....................................................................... in memory of Arthur Rothafel Sandi Block-Brezner & Jeff Brezner........................ in memory of Rabbi David J. Susskind Norma & Herb Sonnenklar..................................................... in memory of Margaret Fisch Francine & Hal Wiener............................................................. in memory of Gloria Wiener RABBI NEEDLEMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ruth & Irwin Hirtz............................................................................ in memory of Joel Hirtz Sophie memory of Max Mandel Sophie memory of Leonard E. Polikoff The Shiekman memory of Lila Shiekman Joan Karp..................................................................................... in memory of Henry Karp Sharon & Stephen Wender.................................................... in honor of Rabbi Needleman Glenn Davis............................................................................. in memory of Sam Lichtman Glenn memory of Pauline Lichtman Judah & Sarah memory of Alan Silverbush Phyllis Schwartz............................ in memory of Alexander Silverstein and Harry Feingold Estelle memory of Dorthy & Al Skolnick Bob & Toby Rivkin.................................................................... in memory of Harold Moses Estelle Bitkower.......................................................................... in memory of Max Sandler THE MATZ FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jane & Doron memory of Charlotte Perilstein Minette & Paul Brown................................ in honor of Susan & Bill Matz’ 50th Anniversary Diane & Steve Michaels memory of Ann Bliss Nancy & Stuart memory of Charlotte Perilstein Marjorie & Peter Linder............................. in honor of Susan & Bill Matz’ 50th Anniversary YOUTH GROUP FUND Lisa & Brian memory of Melinda Sharkin The Wilentz memory of Melinda Sharkin Steve & Dorothy memory of Ian Mandell Barbara & Joel memory of Thelma Sender Jay & Linda Green.............................................. in honor of Shirley Berger’s 95th Birthday AS OF MARCH 31, 2016 23 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS 954.472.1989 OR VISIT US ONLINE VIPCATERERSBOCA.COM TEMPLE KOL AMI EMANU-EL 8200 PETERS ROAD | PLANTATION, FL 33324 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE WHY OUR PERSONAL SERVICE WILL MAKE YOUR EVENT EXCEPTIONAL! Dr. Michele J. Lapayowker BOARD CERTIFIED, GYNECOLOGY • • • • • • • Well-woman, ovarian cancer screening and PAP smear exams Adolescent counseling and “first exams” Family planning and contraception Sexually transmitted disease/HPV screening and vaccinations Infertility counseling and evaluations Menstrual problems evaluation and treatment Peri-menopause, menopause and hormone management, including bioidentical hormones • Endometriosis evaluation and treatment • Uterine fibroid evaluation and management • Basic nutrition and lifestyle counseling CARING FOR EACH PATIENT INDIVIDUALLY SINCE 1995 954.472.2201 201 NW 82ND AVENUE | SUITE 104 | PLANTATION, FL 33324 | BENNETT MEDICAL PLAZA 24 WWW.LOVELYLADYGYN.COM PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS 7420 NW 5th Street, Suite 108, Plantation, FL 33317 954-791-6510 Dr. Ronnie, Marissa and Caleb Caponera Offering Invisalign®, clear braces, and traditional metal braces for children, teenagers, and adults Affordable Monthly Payments • Before & After School Appointments Most Insurances Accepted CALL TODAY TO SETUP A FREE CONSULTATION IN MEMORIAM Sincere Condolences Are Extended To Our Bereaved Congregants And Families Of The Late: Celia Elkin Sister of Danny Zelman (Madelyn) aunt of Debbie Zelman (Andrew Guttman) great aunt of Zachary, Rachel and Sarah Guttman. Martin Zelman Brother of Danny Zelman (Madelyn) uncle of Debbie Zelman (Andrew Guttman) great uncle of Zachary, Rachel and Sarah Guttman. Avraham Goldman Husband of Nitza, father of Sharon Najman (Ilan), Maya Goldman Cohen, and Joseph Goldman, grandfather of Eden, Pazi, Eitan, Oree, Ziv, Gilly, Boaz, and Dror. Harvey Zatkowsky Arlene Harr Jack Wilner Mother of Rabbi Sheldon and Fern Harr, grandmother of Elizabeth Harr (Z”L) and Bryan (Brenda) Harr; sister of Lois Handmaker. Selma Levy Husband of Frances, father of Jeff Zatkowsky(Laura) and Jodi Rosenberg (Andrew) grandfather of Ryker, Arden, Eliana, Laya and Yael. Husband of Seema Wilner father of Marty Wilner (Monica) grandfather of Erica and Michael, Melinda Sharkin, wife of Joseph Sharkin, mother of Heather Gottlieb (Danny), Cory Sharkin, and grandmother of Alexa and Spencer. Husband of Edward Levy, mother of Pam Eisenberg (Michael), Linn Muslin (Steven) and (Z”L) Bari Levy, grandmother of Erica, Lee, Morgan and Jason (Jenny), and great-grandmother of Max Muslin. Ivan Victor Husband Of Ilene Victor, father of Greg (Cathy) Victor; Jon (Irene) Victor; grandfather of Rachel, Michael, Zachary, Robert, Jason and Matthew, brother of Harold Victor. Alan Silverbush Husband of Eileen, son of Shirley, father of Sean, brother of Gail Press (Martin). Rabbi Harr and his family would like to thank his Temple Family for the outpouring of support, caring and friendship at the passing of his mother, Arlene Harr. She lived a long, productive, meaningful and loving life and her impact was felt in so many place, including at her very own Temple Kol Ami. AS OF APRIL 10, 2016 25 26 1 29 Send a foster child to a Miami Marlins Game BBQ – 10 a.m. at TKAE 22 15 8 Jewniors Laser Tag–12 p.m. Last day of Religious School Sunday 9 2 Early Childhood – No School 30 23 Dessert Bakeoff and Silent Auction – 7 p.m. in the TKAE ballroom. 16 Mother Son Bowling at AMF Lanes Davie – 6 p.m. Monday 3 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. 31 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. 24 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. 17 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. WRJ/Sisterhood board meeting – 7 p.m. 10 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. Tuesday 4 18 11 25 KAFTY Year-end Banquet Bagels & Learn – 12 p.m. with Rabbi Sheldon Harr Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. WRJ/Sisterhood Dinner and Board Installation – 6:30 p.m. at Scuotto’s Pizza Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Daddy Daughter Dance at TKAE – 6 p.m. TKAE Next Gen – 7 p.m. at Linburger Sawgrass Wednesday 5 Last day of Gesher 26 Scholars Series with Rabbi Maline – Attitudes of former presidents and candidates toward Jewish people and Israel – 12 p.m. 19 Scholars Series with Rabbi Maline – Attitudes of former presidents and candidates toward Jewish people and Israel – 12 p.m. 12 Scholars Series with Rabbi Maline – Attitudes of former presidents and candidates toward Jewish people and Israel – 12 p.m. Thursday 13 6 Torah Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. Oneg – 8:30 p.m. Early Childhood Teacher’s Work Day – No School 27 6 p.m.: Annual Congregational Meeting - President’s Award - Elizabeth Shoshanna Harr Youth Award 7:30 p.m.: Shabbat Service - Jason Chalik speech - Installation of new president and board - Mark Goldman & Aaron Taber wedding blessing - Simona Sklash recognition 20 YELL Graduation Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. First Friday Blue Jean Shabbat with singer and songwriter Alan Goodis – 6:30 p.m. Early Childhood Mother’s Day Shabbat – 9:30 a.m. Friday 21 28 Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Pearlman – 5:30 p.m. Bar Mitzvah – Zach Robinson at 10:15 a.m. 7 14 Bar Mitzvah – Noah Katz at 5:30 p.m. Saturday May 2016 27 13 12 27 26 7 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m 28 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m 21 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m Early Childhood – First Day of Camp 14 Mommy & Me – 9:30 a.m. Tuesday 29 Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Bagels & Learn – 12 p.m. with Rabbi Howie, Cantor Mark and spouses 22 Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Bagels & Learn – 12 p.m. with Adina Sharfstein Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. 8 1 15 Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Early Childhood – Graduation Last day of EC – 12 p.m. dismissal Bagels & Learn – 12 p.m. with Dvir Weiss Yoga – 9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga – 10:45 a.m. Bagels & Learn – 12 p.m. with Josh Simon Wednesday FRIDAY, JULY 1: SHA-BBQ at 5 PM Join us for a super casual Shabbat by the pool followed by dinner, swim party and friends, family and community. 20 19 Early Childhood – Camp Orientation 6 5 Monday EVENTS Sunday Thursday 30 23 16 9 2 Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. Oneg – 8:30 p.m. Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. Oneg – 8:30 p.m. Shabbat – 7:30 p.m. Oneg – 8:30 p.m. First Friday Blue Jean Shabbat – 6:30 p.m. Oneg – 7:30 p.m. Friday 24 17 10 3 4 25 18 Bar Mitzvah – Steven Katz at 10:15 a.m. 11 Bar Mitzvah – Josh Hammer at 10:15 a.m. Saturday June 2016 TEMPLE NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Ft. Lauderdale, FL PERMIT NO. 1985 THE CENTER OF OUR JEWISH COMMUNITY 8200 Peters Road Plantation, FL 33324 954-472-1988 FRIDAY MAY 6 6:30 P.M. Celebrate Shabbat! Featuring Singer/Songwriter Alan Goodis Alan Goodis is a touring Jewish musician playing over 150 events a year. Born and raised in Toronto, Alan is a proud product of URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute. Noted for his dedication to building relationships and community through music, Alan tours throughout the U.S. to serve as an artist-inresidence and performer at Temples, Youth Conventions and Jewish summer camps. 28