Bulletin September 2016 - Temple Emanu-El
Bulletin September 2016 - Temple Emanu-El
September 2016 Av/Elul 5776 Vol. 58, No. 11 Temple Emanu-El where you belong 14450 West Ten Mile Rd . Oak Park, MI 48237 • 248.967.4020 . www.emanuel-mich.org Fri. Sep. 2, 2016 6:45 pm Erev Shabbat Congregational Family service in Birkrant Garden with Youth Choir and Congregational Birthday Blessing. Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sat. Sep. 3, 2016 10:30 am Shabbat Morning service Fri. Sep. 9, 2016 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service in Birkrant Garden. Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sat. Sep. 10, 2016 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning service with Logan Stearn’s Bar Mitzvah. Kiddush sponsored by the Stearn Family Fri. Sep. 16, 2016 5:45 pm Tot Shabbat service 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service with Anniversary Blessing Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sat. Sep. 17, 2016 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning service with Sydney Gringorten’s Bat Mitzvah. Kiddush sponsored by the Gringorten Family Fri. Sep. 23, 2016 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sat. Sep 24, 2016 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Morning service 8:00 pm Selichot program 9:00 pm Selichot service Fri. Sep. 30, 2016 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood New this year for the High Holy Days Tashlich Family Rosh Hashanah Experience Monday, October 3 Rosh Hashanah afternoon – 3 pm Snacks, music and stories for our families and friends – all ages. Shiawassee Park – Shiawassee St. & Power Rd., Farmington What is Tashlich? A ceremony in which Jews go to a body of water, such as a river, stream, or ocean, to cast away their sins by symbolically tossing bread into the water. This physical act inspires us to remember our actions, right our wrongs, and refocus ourselves for the New Year. Park amenities include playscape, shelter and restrooms. Snacks and craft. Caravan from Temple: meet at 2:15 pm. (Full High Holy Days Schedule on page 9) Selichot: Saturday, Sept 24 Join us at 8:00 PM for wine, appetizers and desserts and our discussion -- On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness based on Simon Wiesenthal’s The Sunflower Service 9:00 PM. Join our clergy in our “new” sanctuary as we change our Torah Scrolls covers Sisterhood at Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood Book Review Brunch Sun., Sept 18, 11:30am Opening event for paid up membership Elizabeth Poliner's perceptive novel, As Close to Us As Breathing No charge for members. $5 for a guest goes toward a membership. our temple family All Of Temple Emanu-El Is A Free Wifi Zone MAZEL TOV To: Jacob & Linda Schwarzberg on the birth of their grandson Samuel Jordi Maddock to Lauren Gruber & Roy Maddock yart Sep 4-10 Leah Adelson Sarah Davis Rothman Brown *Mollie Cohen Betty Cregar *Rose Diskin Yoffee Inez “Nezzie” Eaton Bernard Epstein *Julia H. Farber Pauline Frowine *Ernest Gans Kenneth Garretson Edward Gedridge Celia Glovinsky Jack Golds *Flora Goldstein Arnold Joseph Gordon *Libbie Hersch *Henry Jacobs Jerome Lester Katz *Alfred A. Kaufman *Fannie Kraft Doris Lapin *Saul Lipman *Rubin Losh *Charles Marienthal *Kalman Meler Sophia Mendelsohn Jeanette Pohl Julius Reinhold Rosa Reinhold Pearl Sachse Sadie N. Schafer *Simon Schechter *Albert Schwartz *Eugene Paul Sims Joseph Singer *Daniel Steinberger *Ilene Steiner *Maxwell Stettner *Sadie Stettner Pearl Weltman *Alfred West *Rose Diskin Yoffee Gloria Zakowitz To Marcia & Mitch Meisner on the birth of their grandson Shay Meisner to Michelle & Geoff Meisner To Laura Kohn for her community work as published in July 7 Detroit Jewish News In Memoriam Albert “Al” Gross, July 8, 2016 Dr. David K. Scheer, father of Nancy Scheer (Thomas Hulbert), July 22, 2016 Sep 2 Every month, members who have a birthday are invited to attend the FIRST FRIDAY EVENING SHABBAT service at 6:45pm. to receive a BIRTHDAY BLESSING. September Kids Birthdays! Aiden Allweiss Katie Baron Alexandra Bienenfeld Sep 16 Zachary Bienenfeld Maya Caplan Rafaella Perrault-Victor Ceila Rubin Laura Topf Simon Topf ANNIVERSARY BLESSING at 3rd FRIDAY SHABBAT service at 7:00 pm. September Anniversaries! Joel & Deneen Bacow Bruce & Sharon Ozrovitz Michael & Marcy Benghiat Guy & Regina Saperstein Dan & Jannis Danzig William Schwanki & Marla Feldman Stephen & Sharon Dillon Scott Segall & Ingrid Kleiman-Segall Frederick Frank & Kathleen Alessandro Joseph & Paula Silver Bruce & Julie Guttman Neal Silver & Teri Sahn-Silver Mark & Linda Kaploe Mark & Mary Stacey Aron & Arlene Kominars David & Lora Vinande -2- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • September 2016 NETWORK: TEpublic PASSWORD: TEguest2014 Sep11-17 Albert (Andy) Anderson *Harvey Berkowitz *Lucy Braun Winky Cohen *Selma Rosen Cyporyn *Mollie Dudick *Dr. Arthur Eckhous Harold Flacks Dorothy Genetti z e Ruth Gobel *Gerald A. Goldfarb *Rose Grossman Jason Honigman Ruth Jones *Minnie Ruth Kahn Albert Kesner Sol Kessler *Dr. Arthur Klein *Harry Korobkin Edward Levitt *Richard S. Lurie *Harry Maltz *Margaret Marienthal Mary Meisenberg *Marvin Olender Florence Permut Martin Permut *Anna Kushner Polofsky *Shelley Popkin Zagacki Fraina Rajter *Barbara Carol Roby *Irving Sachs Anne Selman *Elsa Shenker Maurice Silverman *Peter Trunsky *Harry Tushman *Hannah Walter *Jacob Winnick *Edward Woloveck Sam Yarost Sep18-24 Louis Citarel *Alfred Cohen *Morris W. Coleman Kathy Dechene Sol Docks Morris Fealk Lee Friedman *Gordon I. Ginsberg Anna Ginsburg Michael Golds Joe Greenberg *Nettie Guyer *Murray F. Hoffman Albert Kaploe Norbert Kaufmann Jack Keys *Pearl L. Kneip Sarah Laker Florence Levenson *Norma Liebowitz *James Henri Marks Pauline Mendelssohn Sol Mikon i ts Philip Needle Anna Ozrovitz *Mildred Ragazzino *Abraham Samuel Roe *Victor Ross *Frances Sachs Ruth Selzer *Gail Sheila Stein *Sara Steiner *Ruth Stettner *Larry Strager Frank Trager *Harry Tushman *Max Unger Steven Victor *Seymour Weiss Sep25-Oct 1 *Esther Cohn *Harry Collens Celia R. Denofre Marion Eisler Janice Fried Ernest Friedlander Pauline Girson Ella Glovinsky Robert Gold *Ida Goode *Esther Green *Archiel Harwith *Grace Jacobs Edward Jonas *Jennie Jospey Ruth Driker Kroll *Harry Levine *Israel Lieberman Martin Lubin *Audrey Lucow Philip Meisenberg *Anna Mirves *Dorothy Nolish *David Rosen Marion Rutter *A. Max Schmier *Fay Schwartz *Frederick L. Schwartz Irma Shapiro *Benjamin D. Siegel Mary Steffin Ruth Torneck Bertram Weil *Dorothy Weiner *Michael Weisman *Edith F. Winkler *Max Zelickson Alan Zeplain *A light will be lit on our Memorial Board. If you wish to memorialize your loved ones in a special way, consider purchasing a memorial plaque to be displayed in our Anne Jospey Sanctuary. Each year, on the anniversary of their death, it will be lit as a remembrance. Contact the Temple office at 248-967-4020 to make arrangements for this eternal memory of your loved one. • Av/Elul 5776 The Rabbi’s Corner Sounding the Shofar is not listening to it. Rabbi Arturo Kalfus tense. This year, Rosh HaShanah falls at the beginning of October. By the time it arrives, the school year will have begun, we will have returned from vacations to our regular routines and we may be full of “projects” to accomplish and deadlines that we must keep. I am sure that by the beginning of October, many of us are going to feel pressured, exhausted and It is within this context in our Jewish calendar that we set apart some days to break this routine and dedicate ourselves to improve ourselves and ask for forgiveness. We have learned to value these High Holy Days, in part, because to improve ourselves is no easy task and the presence of community, the liturgy, the music, the sanctuary setting, all facilitate our personal reflections and the process of turning if we have veered off our path. Authors Annette and Eugene Labovitz remind us that this process begins with the listening to the shofar. They write that the Torah describes the rituals of Rosh HaShanah, the New Year with the verses, “And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month…it shall be a day of introspection”…and “it shall be a day of sounding of the Shofar”. The sounding of the shofar is not necessarily the most important task. It is the listening (lishmoah kol shofar) that is crucial. The Rabbis explained: each and every person should hear its message, for “lishmoah”, to listen, means not only to listen, but to make a conscious effort to hear, to take advice, to give heed. The shofar blower sounds the shofar, but the congregation may or may not hear. The message of the shofar may or may not penetrate the hearts of the worshippers. The word “lishmoah”, to listen, leads us to an internal act. To listen means to understand the significance, to act on the message, to internalize the action: to heed the cry of the suffering, to raise up the downtrodden, to look back for the purpose of self-improvement. Simply sounding the shofar (external) adds to the beauty of the prayer service, but listening (internal) demands that we change our actions in conformity with its message. May each one of you start this High Holy Days season having “listened” to our internal voices and having struggled to overcome our faults. From my heart to yours, Torah Study at Temple with Rabbi Kalfus weekly Torah class Starting again on Sept 10 Every Saturday with bagels and cream cheese. Shabbat mornings 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Adult ED at Temple Emanu-El Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 for an exciting and insightful look at the week’s Torah portion and have a nosh before services! -3- Music Happenings at Temple Unetaneh Tokef literally means, “we give power” On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we give the prayer power, and the day power, when we realize what is at stake. What gives Yom Kippur its awesome authority? The recognition of its central message that we are mortal, we will not live forever. Therefore we must repent now, and repair now the broken relationships of your life. “The great shofar is sounded and a still, small voice is heard” The call to prayer is the shofar, whose piercing, plaintive notes grab our attention. But on the heels of the shofar is the soft voice. The message of prayer is in the stillness and silence. God does not speak in thunderous pronouncements, but in a small, insistent tone. God will not take away our choice by forcing us to listen. On Yom Kippur we attune our ears and our hearts to really listen to God’s call, so easily ignored, but so overwhelming once we attend to it. “Who shall live and who shall die?” asks the Unetaneh Tokef each year on Yom Kippur, as we look around, and notice the absences, of those who are gone. The question becomes real, and its truth begins to strike us: we do not know who will live and who will die. Kelly Onickel, Cantorial Soloist “Who shall die by fire and who by water, who by sword and who by wild beast; who by famine and who by thirst, who by strangling and who by stoning . . .” Gradually the message begins to force itself upon us. Every stratagem of poetry and ritual is employed to teach us something we already know, that we will die. But although we know it, we do not feel it. We hide behind power and position and title in this world. But when we face our own deaths, we are only I, the essence of each individual soul. Death brings us face-to-face with who we are. The Unetaneh Tokef urges us to feel it now, confront our mortality, see ourselves, and face God. “But repentance, prayer and tzedakah avert the severity of the decree.” The decree comes to all, great and small, rich or poor. But a life of closeness, of teshuvah, of kindness, envelops us in a loving community, and a relationship to God that is close. “Our origin is dust and our end is dust. At the hazard of our life we earn our bread. We are like a fragile vessel, like the grass that withers, the flower that fades, the shadow that passes, the cloud vanishes, the wind that blows, the dust that disperses, the dream that flies away.” Finally we come to understand our fragility. The prayer has beaten down our resistance and we understand. Alone, mortal, we are nothing. What are we to do with the inevitability of death? “But You, Sovereign of all, are the Living and Everlasting God ... We therefore pray that our name be linked with Yours.” We are fading, but God is forever. If we recognize our plight, we find in ourselves the need for God, and the path to God. Then we have joined the only thing in the world that does not fade away. Above the clamor of the everyday, and the din of history, the message of Unetaneh Tokef shines: There is so little time. When the shofar blows, let the shudder of mortality awaken your soul. Come out of hiding, and seek the eternity promised by our covenant with God. (Synopsis of Rabbi David Wolpe’s Unetaneh Tokef) Although the Unetaneh Tokef prayer speaks about death it is really about living. Perhaps as we sing this prayer this High Holiday season you will reflect on how those who have gone before us lived their lives and maybe remember what they taught. Perhaps we will reflect on how we have chosen to live our lives and is it worthy of being linked to God? As The Unetaneh Tokef prayer tells us we will die, but if we live a life of teshuvah, of kindness, and as a loving community then we will be connected to God the one thing that does not die. Kelly -4- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • September 2016 Do you enjoy our Musical Shabbatot with the band, singers and Cantorial Soloist? Help continue this worship tradition. Become a sponsor in honor of a simcha or to celebrate Temple life. ($950) Call Abby Goldfaden or Fred Frank in the Temple office. • Av/Elul 5776 from the President We Want You To Join the Shiru Dor L’dor Youth Choir Calling all 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders who love music! Get your service requirements! Learn the music for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah! Sing for Holiday and Shabbat services! Sing in the New Zimriyah! Establish New Life Long Friendships! You don't need to know how to sing.Just be willing to learn and participate. Interested? Contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel, ChazanitTE@gmail.com / 248-388-0190 or Friend her on Facebook Dear All: The year 5776 is rapidly nearing its end. For me and my family, it's been a very good year, but I know that is not true for all. Some have been ill; some have lost family or friends; some have had other worries I cannot even fathom. Why do I mention this? It's because I want to do the little I can to help ease your cares. And my formula is Dennis Kayes to remind you that, whatever your problems, Temple Emanu-El is here to help. In fact, to me, helping in these situations is one of the prime reasons we exist. Not only have our clergy been trained in this, but I've been told they are very good at it. In addition, we have the Caring Community, which is always here when needed. Remember, we want to help you celebrate the joys in your lives--the marriages, births, B'nai Mitzvahs, anniversaries and the like--but we also want to help in the not-so-joyous times. Please remember, we're here to help. My best to all, Rehearsal on Sundays Snack 11:30-12:00 • Rehearsal 12:00-12:45 Shir Chadash Choir The Shir Chadash Choir, Temple Emanu-El’s adult choir, is open to all congregants who love to sing–all levels of experience are welcome. The choir adds to the beauty of services, introducing new melodies and revitalizing classics. We sing at least once a month at Shabbat services – usually the third Friday of the month – and at High Holy Day services. Temple is looking for 3 adults that have a LARGE shofar, to join in blowing the shofar with Harry Onickel on the High Holidays. Harry will teach a 1 hour workshop on the art of blowing the shofar. Please contact Kelly Onickel, music@emanuel-mich.org or call 248-967-4020 ext. 216 Being a member of the Shir Chadash Choir is a great way to make music, be part of a wonderful community, and learn more about the prayers in our services – all at the same time! We practice on Thursday evenings. Please contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel with any questions: ChazanitTE@gmail.com or (248) 388-0190, or call 248-967-4020 x216 Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 Every Can Counts Now more than ever. Please bring a can of food for the chaveet whenever you visit Temple. Our neighborhood food banks thank you for sharing your food with the hungry - because… Now more than ever, EVERY CAN COUNTS! -5- Temple Education YACHAD Religious School We’re B.E.S.T together September is here and as we embark on our new academic year there is a sense of excitement in the Yachad Religious School office. The shelves are tidy, the student packets are ready and the teachers are prepped! My family and I are about to begin our first school year in Michigan, with Ben as a rising 6th Grader and Yael as a madricha entering her senior year. We have spent the last month exploring our new neighborhood and community and New Education Director meeting as many people as possible. Abi Taylor-Abt One of the most important things we learn from the Torah is how to treat strangers. We are told to remember that we ourselves were strangers in Egypt and to have empathy and compassion for those people who are new. We learn from Abraham and Sarah about hospitality and making people feel welcome. Discovering what is needed to enable someone to feel comfortable and secure is different depending on who you talk to. For a child, it could be the familiarity of a favorite stuffed animal, or the bedtime routine that doesn’t change regardless of where they are. For an adult, knowing what is expected, where things are, who to speak to and how to fit in within the local societal norms. Judaism is very specific about strangers and by its very definition, someone new is a stranger. “You yourselves know how it feels to be a stranger, because you were strangers in Egypt”. We may be the newcomers in town, but we have already had a wonderful welcome to the community. We are enjoying the excitement of meeting our families and friends as time goes by. Congregation Temple Beth Shalom Emanu-El Now is the time to register for our Religious Schools Yachad Religious School (grades K – 7) First day is September 11 (9:00 – 11:30 am) Stay for Community Picnic! Teen Learning Contract (grades 8-12) Come to Community Picnic September 11 (11:30 am ) First day is Sept. 18 (11:30 am) Registration forms were mailed and are on the website or call the office for another set. Madrichim Program if you are in the TLC program and interested in helping our teachers as one of our madrichim, please call the Temple Education office or Abi Taylor-Abt 248-949-0453. Friendships are built on the basis of shared memories and experiences. The community picnic takes place on the first day of school and my family and I are looking forward to meeting those of you who we haven’t yet met in person. Come, say hello, have something to eat, and enjoy the fun. See you there! B a r M i t z v a h • Logan Noah Stearn will be called to the Torah on Saturday, September 10, 2016. He is the son of Julie Stearn and Ryan Stearn, brother to Morgan and grandson to Nita & Allyn (Ron) Stearn, Cathy and Jerry Katz, and the late Douglas Cash. Logan attends Anderson Middle School in Berkley Michigan and plays Hockey and enjoys his summers spent at Tamarack Camp. Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • M i t z v a h Sydney Gringorten Logan Stearn -6- B a t Sydney Dov Gringorten will be called to the Torah on Saturday, September 17, 2016. She is the daughter of Doron & Hilary Gringorten anbd sister to Jacob Gringorten. Grandparents are Joanne Kristal, Bill & Robin Kristal, Nachum & Tami Rabin, and the late Gerald Gringorten. Sydney attends Norup International (National Honor Society). For Sydney’s Mitzvah Project, she visited senior facilities on Sunday afternoons and performed a “one woman show”! She danced, sang, and played the violin for the seniors. Sydney thought the seniors would enjoy live entertainment because many of them are not able to leave their facilities very often. She was right! The seniors enjoyed the shows so much. They were singing and clapping along. It was a true mitzvah! September 2016 • Av/Elul 5776 TLC IS COMING September 7th 7:00-8:30 pm What is TLC? TLC is the new program for our High Schoolers. It stands for Teen Learning Contract and is designed to reflect an interactive, modern way of learning about our heritage and traditions. TLC @ TEE TLC will take place on Sundays after RS and on alternate weeks will be divided into 3 different sessions. Post Bnai Mitzvah through 9th Grade, 10th through 12th and once a month an event for the whole TLC community. TLC is built to allow us to utilize all the tools at our disposal in order that the High School program be relevant and engaging to all teens from post Bnai Mitzvah onwards. What: Opening Event When: September 7th, 7.00-8.30pm Where: Temple Emanu-El Who: Post Bnai Mitzvah Teens & Parents Contact: Abi Taylor-Abt, Education Director 248 949 0453 Email: educatorbest@gmail.com YACHAD Religious School Time to sign up! It’s time to sign up for the 2016/2017 school year! YACHAD Religious School We’re B.E.S.T together Congregation Temple Beth Shalom Emanu-El Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 Y ear of achievement A ll together C ome and have fun H elp one another A waken your mind D azzling projects For more information please contact: Abi Taylor-Abt - Cell: 248 949 0453 Email: educatorbest@gmail.com -7- SMall Talk: Early Childhood Community WHERE OUR EXPERIENCE PROVIDES YOUR CHILD WITH THE BEST EXPERIENCE Once again, the start of school is here. This annual “rite of passage” is not only a special time for children but a time of celebration for parents. Our Teacher Meet and Greet is on Wednesday, August 31st, from 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. School begins on Tuesday, September 6th. Our infant program continues its year round schedule. Please call the Early Childhood office for information on any of our programs. Program Highlights Infant Through Second Grade A child friendly Shabbat experience with Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel. Fri., Sep. 16, 2016 @ 5:45 PM followed by complimentary dinner The first day of school is often a concern for children, even if they are returning to a familiar environment. Be sure to acknowledge your child’s fears and anxiety when you drop him/her off. Explain that you will be back to pick up following a certain activity, such as after lunch or after nap. This is easier for children to understand rather than giving them a time of day. Helpful tips from EarlychildhoodNews.com include the following: Eileen Brand Rsvp by Sept. 14 All ECC families and familes with young children are welcome Upcoming Dates: Sat., Oct. 29, 2016 @ 9:30 • Prepare your child. Hang a calendar in your child’s room so that they can mark off the days until school begins. This allows your children to visually see how long it will be until school starts. Fri., Nov. 18, 2016 @ 5:45 Sat., Dec. 17, 2016 @ 9:30 • Develop an early sleep schedule. Get your children back on an early sleep schedule at least 2 weeks before school starts. Fri., Jan 27, 2017 @ 5:45 Sat Feb. 18, 2017 @ 9:30 • Back-to-school shopping. School shopping can prove to be fun when your children take part in choosing their school supplies, new clothes, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc. • Discuss your children’s expectations. Ask your children what they expect about returning to school. Read books about children starting school, which are appropriate for their age/grade level. You can address any feelings that your child might have about starting school: new adventures, making new friends, separation anxiety, etc. Make sure to ask them if they have any questions or concerns about returning to school and address any possible fears that they might have. • Let your child know you care. Write your child a little note and put it in their lunch/snack bag to remind them that you think of them during the day Please RSVP 2 days prior to the program to Temple office at 248-967-4020. Temple Emanu-El Women Of Reform Judaism Temple Emanu-el Honey Fundraiser Women of Reform Judaism Order Kosher Honey for all your friends $11 per 8-ounce jar, with personalized card: “L'shana Tova! HONEY FUNDRAISER Wishing you a Healthy Though many things have changed, many still remain the same. Our dedicated staff will continue to offer children a positive, loving, nurturing environment where every child is recognized as an individual. It has been a pleasure welcoming our new Education Director, Abi Taylor-Abt. Abi looks forward to meeting our families and sharing the Temple Emanu-El vision of ongoing Jewish education. As the school year begins, we are looking forward to many new young family activities. As ECC families you are also Temple Emanu-El famiWhat better lies. Check our bulletin and website for complimentary Shabbat dinners way to wish and services. family, friends and business Eileen Brand, Director, associates a Early Childhood Community “Sweet and Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • September 2016 • Healthy Av/ElulNew 5776 -8Year” than and Happy New Year” You8-ounce can stilljar order till This of delicious September 15; with a time for kosher honey arrives in shipping charge. Visit the Rosh Hashanah holiday, www.orthoney.com/tee/ decorated with a colorful label, We guarantee and includesdelivery a personalized card by reading Rosh Hashanah forTova—Wishing all “L’Shana orders sent to domestic you a Healthy and Happy New addresses that were placed Year”. This15th. card also lets the by September recipients know that a donation Contact Robin Gold has been made in their honor to with any questions: Temple Emanu-el Women of Reform Judaism. robinlgold@yahoo.com or 248-990-2363 Your cost is $11.00 per jar which includes shipping and handling within the United States. We will gladly mail orders outside the United 2015 ANNUAL YOM KIPPUR FOOD DRIVE Annual Yom Kippur Food Drive •YAD EZRA• High Holy Days HELP FEED THE HUNGRY HELP FEED THE HUNGRY SELICHOT Every year, this effort provides approximately 30,000 pounds SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 of food, and your financial Program/Discussion...........................8:00 PM donationsEvery help us service On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness year, this1,300 effort provides families in need every month. Worship Service.................................9:00 PM approximately 30,000 pounds of food, This effort is very successful due and to your participation your financial and donations help us EREV ROSH HASHANAH the generosity of the families membersin need every service 1,300 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2016 of our community. ............................................. 8:00 PM* month. This effort is very successful dueService. to your participation and the generosity of the members of our community. ROSH HASHANAH YAD EZRA What: Help support Yad Ezra’s Annual Yom Kippur Food Drive What: Help support Yad Ezra’s How: Donate canned Annual Yomand Kippur Food Drive goods packaged foods to Yad Ezra How: Donate canned goods and Where: Bring all food donations to Temple on Yom Kippur packaged foods to Yad Ezra Where: Bring all food donations to Yad Ezra’s warehouse When: September 27 and 2850 W. 11 Mile Road Berkley, MI 48072 Phone: (248) 548-FOOD Fax: (248) 548-3207 www.yadezra.org YAD EZRA 2850 W. 11 Mile Road Volunteer Berkley, MI 48072 Opportunities Phone: (248) 548-FOOD Come sort, box, Fax: (248) 548-3207 and shelve food! www.yadezra.org Thurs., Oct. 13 12 noon–8:00pm Fri., Oct. 14 9:00am–2:00pm September 30th MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 Family Service................................... 9:00 AM Morning Service........................... 10:30 AM* Family Tashlich Experience...............3:00 PM (Shiawassee Park, Farmington) KOL NIDRE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 Service.............................................. 8:00 PM* YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2016 Family Service................................... 9:00 AM Morning Service........................... 10:30 AM* Study Session......................................1:00 PM Classical Music Meditation..............2:00 PM Afternoon Service.............................3:00 PM Yizkor/Memorial Service...................4:15 PM (approximate) N’eilah/Concluding Service............5:00 PM Havdalah and Break the Fast..........5:45 PM food! *Ticket Required for Admission NEEDED: Teen Volunteers Volunteer to help Opportunities sort, box, and shelve collect bags on Yom Come Kippur! Sunday, Sep. 27th between 10:00am – 2:00pm Great for Mitzvah Hours Call Yad Ezra for more info! (248) 548-3663 Please contact the Temple office (248) 967-4020 or templefamily@emanuel-mich.org The Bea Sacks Social Action Committee is coordinating this effort where so many of you bring bags of donated food for Yad Ezra. We will distribute bags at Rosh Hashanah services and on Yom Kippur. Volunteer teams will be near the main entrance to accept the bags. Please drop them off before entering the building. Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 TICKETS All Temple members and their children ages 9 – 21 will receive tickets approximately 2 to 3 weeks prior to the holidays, provided all financial obligations through September are current. If you will be out of town during the High Holy Days, you may obtain a reciprocal request form from our Temple office to facilitate obtaining tickets from another URJ congregation. -9- High Holy days Appeal A Culture of Giving NOW is the Time When we as a community say, “this is important to us,” we proudly prioritize our faith in the community and the world. The continuation of Judaism in our homes and in our community is vital to our existence. In Hebrew, Kulanu means “all of us together.” Kulanu is our way of thinking about sustaining our community to ensure that our financial future is strong. The Days of Awe are upon us. We begin the new year with an overall commitment to use our tools, talents and resources to best benefit the Temple Emanu-El community. We ask for your support. Thank You! Join us Souper Supper in the Sukkah and Erev Sukkot service We do not like to ask for money, and we know that many of you already give to your best ability. We do ask, however, that each of you do your best and join us in supporting our Temple Emanu-El community. The Torah does not give us a pass on doing Tzedakah. We do not accept monetary donations on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, so please return the pledge card by mail or as you enter or exit our sanctuary. May each of us be inscribed for a Good Year! L’Shana Tova Supper, Sun., Oct. 16 at 5:30 p.m. High Holy day Appeal 5777 I am pleased to assist our congregation with my contribution Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _________ Zip ________________ ___ $72 ___ $225 ___ Check ___ $360 ___ VISA ___ $500 ___ MasterCard ___ $1,000 ___ $1,800 ___ other $_______ ___ Amex Card No. ________________________________________ Exp. ________ Zip _________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ Please hand this donation form to an usher or staff member, place in one of the designated boxes, mail to Temple Emanu-El, or donate through our website. Thank You! 14450 West 10 Mile Oak Park, MI 48237 • 248-967-4020 • www.emanuel-mich.org Delicious homemade soups, including vegan, salad, bread, dessert and beverages. $5 per person, plus a can for chaveet. Make soup or bake bread or dessert and attend for free. Soup makers and bakers, please contact the Temple office (248) 967-4020 by Friday, Oct. 7 to tell us what you will bring. RSVP by Tuesday, October 11 to the Temple office templefamily@emanuel-mich.org or (248) 967-4020 or pay through the Temple website. Erev Sukkot Service 6:30 p.m. Sponsor an Oneg, a Kiddush or a Wine & Cheese Pre-Service Oneg in honor of a simcha—anniversary, birthday, graduation or other special event. Or, you may wish to honor the memory of a loved one. The minimum costs of sponsorship are: Friday Oneg: $180 • Saturday Kiddush: $100 • Wine & Cheese Oneg: $125 We recognize our Oneg and Kiddush sponsors in the weekly service bulletin. It is possible for more than one family to sponsor. Please contact Barbara in the office for more information and to select a date. Call 248 967-4020, ext 204 or email calendar@emanuel-mich.org -10- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • September 2016 • Av/Elul 5776 “BLESSED ARE THEY WHO REMEMBER THE DEPARTED” In keeping with our Jewish tradition for remembering our loved ones at this time of year, we will publish a Book of Remembrance for distribution at the Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service. This memorial book will enable members of our Congregational family to pay tribute to their loved ones on that day. We invite you to submit a brief tribute in memory of your loved one(s) for the Book of Remembrance. For reasons of space, there is a maximum of 125 words. You may use the space below and return this form, send the text in an email to Barbara Zeevi at calendar@emanuel-mich.org or go to www.emanuel-mich.org/worship/book-of-remembrance/ and complete the online form no later than Tuesday, September 20, 2016. Name of Loved One(s) [please print clearly]:___________________________________________________ Name(s) of People Remembering This Person [please print clearly]: ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Text: _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ We appreciate your generous donation to Temple in memory of your loved one(s). Please send us your names (together with your voluntary contribution—suggested amount $18 or more) no later than Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016, so that printing arrangements can be completed in time for Yom Kippur. For further information, please call the Temple office or email Barbara Zeevi at calendar@emanuel-mich.org L’Shalom, Sue Stettner Religious Vice President We are unable to guarantee that we will be able to include all tribute paragraph submissions due to consideration of space. We also reserve the right to edit submissions. We remember them now; they live in our hearts; they are an abiding blessing. Would you like to get out and play Mahj? -- Here’s your chance! Play Mahj at Temple. All skill levels welcome. Bring your friends. We will have Mahj set up. Wed, Sep 21 at 6:30 pm Please call or email the Temple office or Madelyn Phillips to RSVP or with questions (248) 890-0289 mkp@aiabranding.com or Temple office (248)967-4020 templefamily@emanuel-mich.org Also, okay to just show up, sign up and play Mahj! Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -11- ng rni o M y a Sund September 25@10am H. Luke Shaefer, Associate Professor at University of Michigan’s School of Social Work & the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy, will speak about his book: $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. Book will be available to purchase. Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee and the Bea Sacks Social Action Committee. Bagels and coffee October 16@10am Bob Sedler, Professor of Constitutional Law at Wayne State University, will speak about recent and upcoming developments on the U.S. Supreme Court. Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee. Bagels and coffee November 13@10am Jack Lessenberry, Political Comentator and Journalist, will speak on, “Why the elections turned out the way they did and what this means for the Nation’s future.” Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee. Bagels and coffee December 4@10am – TBD January 8@10am - TBD Adult ED at Temple Emanu-El We need volunteers to help in the offlce and around Temple to help with administrative tasks like answering phones, helping with mailings, etc. Prime Timers at Temple Emanu-El Wednesday, November 9, 2016 / 10-00-3:00 If you can help, please call the Temple office at Dossin Great Lakes Museum Tour 248-967-4020 $7.00 per person, Plus the cost of a DNR recreational passport per car unless you already have one. RSVP Deadline: October 26, 2016 Kabbalat Panim Help Wanted USHERS for the High Holy Days No prior experience necessary. Flexible shifts. No reasonable offers refused. Join our corps of Kabbalat Panim (welcoming faces). Contact us today. Bob Levitt: Bobl044@yahoo.com -12- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • September 2016 • Av/Elul 5776 Rabbi Joe Klein teaches at Jewish Federation Fall 2016 Classes Adult ED at Temple Emanu-El Federation Building, 6735 Telegraph Rd Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 For more information or registration call (248) 205-2557 or visit: jewishdetroit.org/programs/jewish-education/adults/ Maimonides $140 • New testament $210 • Psalms $140 Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed 8 weeks, 7:00 pm Mondays beginning October 31 Moses ben Maimon (1138-1204), known as Maimonides and Rambam, was an Aristotelian religious rationalist who did not believe that God had direct contact with or influence in our world, which put him in conflict with the Jewish Biblical literalists of his day. In his Guide for/of the Perplexed, he affirms that there can be no contradiction between the religious truths about God and the findings of the human mind in science and philosophy. Maimonides was harshly criticized by Ashkenazi rabbinic authorities and his Guide was banned. Rabbi Klein will discuss selected readings from the Guide. Exploring the Psalms 8 weeks, 7:00 pm Wednesdays beginning October 26 This course will closely examine selected Biblical psalms with a focus on their structure, word-play and literary sophistication. The Psalms have become an important part of our Jewish liturgy and for the Christian community. The poetry and theology of the Psalms transcend their almost 3000 year history. It is significant that the Psalter (the Book of Psalms) was a the first book ever printed in the American colonies—The Bay Psalm Book. Though the Hebrew texts of the Psalms will be referenced, Hebrew ability is not required. Students should bring their own Bible. A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament 12 weeks, 9:30 am Wednesdays beginning September 21 The three “Synoptic Gospels” of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the fourth unique Gospel of John separately tell the story of Jesus, his mission and message to the Jews. Paul’s New Testament Epistles are the earliest record of the “Jesus Movement.”. The gospels will be examined for their perspectives on Jews and Judaism and as windows into the development and evolution of the early church. Paul’s letters will be read to understand how his theology, a blending of Hellenistic thought and Jewish history, explains his “conversion” and impact on the community of Jesus-believers in the late 1st Century. Students should bring a copy of the New Testament. Temple Emanu-El COMMUNITY GARDEN Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 All Ages Welcome! Sunday Mornings 9:30-11:30 am -13- Gifts & Memorials A Sincere Thank You: We sincerely thank everyone for their generous contributions to our various funds. Your support allows us to continue offering our outstanding programs and services and helps us to support all members of our Temple Family. Thank you! THEODORE D. BIRNKRANT MEMORIAL GARDEN CHAPEL FUND In Memory of: Liliane Rattner Janet & Ellsworth Levine B’RAYSHEET NURSERY SCHOOL FUND In Honor of: The marriage of Sarah Alessandro Frank and Clint Spaulding Eileen & Arthur Brand BUILDING & MAINTENANCE FUND In Memory of: Jewell Kovinsky David Fenster Rose & Buddy Fenster GENERAL GIFTS FUND In Honor of: The marriage of Sarah Alessandro Frank and Clint Spaulding Faye & Lou Damraur In Memory of: Gwen Patterson Al Gross Temple Emanu-El Board of Trustees Liliane Rattner Gregory Darakdjian Minnie Gershman Bob & Robin Gershman LOIS GOODE NFTY SCHOLARSHIP FUND LILLIAN GREENWALD ONEG SHABBAT FUND In Honor of: 90 th Birthday of Esther Morger Norman Glovinsky & Lillian Fox Judy Greenwald on your new home! Flo & Lou Citarel LECH LECHA OPERATING ENDOWMENT In Memory of: Ted Kaczander Carol & Rick Kaczander & Family Dr. David Scheer The Caring Community BEVERLY GOLD MEMORIAL COLLEGE STUDENT FUND In Honor of: Ethel Goldenberg on her 90th Birthday Adela Gold MUSIC FUND Brovary Project: In Memory of Joan Davidson Lynn & Scott Cooper In Honor of: Frieda Faigin Flo Citarel RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Rabbi Kalfus for the outstanding eulogy of Gil Golden Carol Kaczander Lloyd & Joan Wedes’ Anniversary Flo Citarel In Memory of: Gwen Patterson Jan & Janet Gubkin Gil Michael Golden JARC & The Family of Gil Michael Golden Dr. David Scheer Mike & Madelyn Phillips & Family NORMAN ROSE CANTOR FUND In Honor of: Kelly Onickel, Thank you for being part of my conversion Norma Dennis Kelly Onickel for obtaining her MA in Judaic Studies Don & Marilyn Cohen In Memory of: Gwen Patterson Dan & Miriam Medow In Memory of: For the Speedy Recovery of: Larry Ferstenfeld Euni Rose Sylvia Dillon Stephen & Sharon Dillon Marion Potamkin Mary Topf In Memory of: Harry Blumenthal Joseph & Nancy Blumenthal RUTH & MAXWELL STETTNER CARING COMMUNITY For the Speedy Recovery of: Mike Phillips Don & Marilyn Cohen In Memory of: Dr. David Scheer Don & Marilyn Cohen DR. MAURICE B. WEINER & DR. RICHARD A. WEINER CHILDREN’S BOOK FUND The birth of Ari Matthew to Todd & Misty Trompeter The Caring Community In Memory of: Robert Koby Judy Weiner BEATRICE AND LOUIS WEINSTEIN ADULT EDUCATION FUND LEE AND MORT WOLIN MEMORIAL AITZIM CHAYIMTREES ARE LIFE-FUND In Honor of: The marriage of Sarah Alessandro Frank & Clint Spaulding Denny & Jenny Patterson Norma Dennis’ Conversion Jenny Patterson The wedding of Jesse Bean & Aja Jovanovski Denny, Jenny, Michael, Katie, Jeffrey & Vani Patterson Lynn & Scott Cooper’s 40th Wedding Anniversary Marcia & Michael Leibson’s New Home Sonia & Jeff Sohikian’s New Home The Patterson Family & Lynn Wolin In Memory of: Dr. David Scheer Denny & Jenny Patterson Family Gwen Patterson Bruce & Ann Klein Faye & Lou Damraur Mike & Madelyn Phillips Linda & Steve Permut Marsha & Chuck Owen Jo Rosen Bud Sherbow Sharon & Steve Dillon Mel & Ellie Natinsky Ilynn Adler Lynn & Scott Cooper Fran & Steve Barnes Linda & Mark Kaploe Lynn Wolin Alan & Marla Schindler Bernie & Shirley Malamud The Patterson Family & Lynn Wolin David & Jill Hart Nancy Scheer & Tom Hulbert, Dan, Ben & Julia Ed & Regina Ropeik The Caring Community Don & Marilyn Cohen In Memory of: Dorothy “Dottie” Mazer Bea Weinstein This year for the High Holy Days Greet your fellow members and guests as they enter our building. No experience or special training needed. Just a welcoming smile and personality. Help for one service or more. Tree of Life An engraved leaf or stone on the Tree of Life in the Rosen foyer is a beautiful way to honor loved ones or commemorate special events. Leaves are $250 each. Stones are $1,250 each. Contact Religious Vice President Sue Stettner through the Temple office templefamily@ emanuel-mich.org or 248-967-4020 Contact Barbara at 248-967-4020 September 2016 In Honor of: Karen & Frank Burk’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Barbara & Doug Kellerman The cost of a memorial plaque in the Anne Jospey Sanctuary is $550. Should you wish to purchase a plaque in memory of a loved one, please contact Barbara in the administrative office. Purchasing a permanent memorial plaque entitles you to receive annual yahrzeit notices as long as we have a current mailing address for you or your family’s representative. Contact Barbara in the office at 248-967-4020 to purchase a plaque in memory of a loved one. • Liliane Rattner Nancy & Jim Grosfeld Rosalie & Bruce Rosen Nison & Doreen Sabin Joel & Ruth Shayne Jo Rosen Barbara & Stuart Trager Catherine Anderson Bonnie Rattner & Family Curt & Alice Howell Liz & Steve Schubiner & Family Gregory Darakdjian Douglas & Lynda Thal Connie Jacob Adora Misson Susan Saunders Beth & Bob Ruskin In Honor of: Memorial Plaques -14- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin In Memory of: In Memory of: RABBI MILTON ROSENBAUM EDUCATIONAL FUND Henrietta M. Goodman Nancy G. Blumenthal WILLIAM H. RATTNER MEMORIAL FUND FOR THE PRESERVATION OF TORAHS BEA SACKS SOCIAL ACTION FUND • Av/Elul 5776 TEMPLE CALENDAR - September 2016 September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 1 9:30 am 12:00 pm Mahj 5 4 building closed Labor Day BLDG. CLOSED 6 7 ECC resumes 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Adult Hebrew Class 7:30 pm Music Cte. Mtg. 11 Patriot Day 12 9:00 am 11:30 am Yachad Religious School 7:00 pm Membership Cte. Mtg. 9:15 am Brotherhood Mtg. 13 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Adult B'Nai Mitzvah Class 7:00 pm Adult Ed mtg 11:30 am 1:00 pm Congregational Community PICNIC with YACHAD Religious School and TLC@TEE 8 7:00 pm 8:30 pm TLC Event [teens and parents] @ Rosa & Nathan Rosen Foyer 14 7:00 pm Adult Choir HHD Rehearsal 15 4:30 pm 6:00 pm YACHAD Religious School @ Cong Beth Shalom 3 6:45 pm Erev Shabbat Congregational Family Service with Youth Choir and Birthday Blessing followed by oneg sponsored by Sisterhood @ Theodore Birnkrant Garden 9 9:30 am 12:00 pm Mahj Saturday 10:30 am Morning Service 10 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service followed by Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood @ Theodore Birnkrant Garden 16 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am 12:00 pm Logan Stearn's Bar Mitzvah followed by kiddush sponsored by Stearn family 17 9:30 am 12:00 pm Mahj 5:45 pm Tot Shabbat Service 7:00 pm Adult Choir HHD Rehearsal 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Services with Anniversary Blessing followed by oneg sponsored by Sisterhood 7:30 pm Religious Cte. 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am 12:00 pm Sydney Gringorten's Bat Mitzvah followed by kiddush sponsored by Gringorten family 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 19 18 9:00 am 11:30 am YACHAD Religious School 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Sisterhood and District Women of Reform Judaism meeting @ Esther Katzman Social Hall 10:00 am Social Action Mtg. 11:30 am 1:00 pm Sisterhood Book Review Brunch (Opening event for paid up membership) @ Esther Katzman Social Hall 20 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Adult B'Nai Mitzvah Class 7:30 pm Executive Cte. Mtg. 21 22 4:30 pm 6:00 pm YACHAD Religious School @ Cong Beth Shalom 6:30 pm Mahj 9:30 am 12:00 pm Mahj 7:00 pm Adult Choir HHD Rehearsal 23 24 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service followed by Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Selichot 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Morning Service 8:00 pm Selichot program and discussion On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness with wine, appetizers and dessert 9:00 pm Selichot Service @ Anne Jospey Sanctuary 11:30 am 1:15 pm Teen Learning Contract TLC@TEE [8th9th grades] 11:30 am 1:00 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 26 25 27 9:00 am 11:30 am YACHAD Religious School 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Adult B'Nai Mitzvah Class 10:00 am Sunday Morning Speaker Series: H. Luke Shaefer, UofM, author of $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. Sponsored by Adult Ed and Social Action Committees 7:30 pm Board of Trustees Meeting 11:30 am 1:15 pm Teen Learning Contract TCL@TEE [10th12th grades] 28 29 4:30 pm 6:00 pm Yachad Religious School @ Cong Beth Shalom 9:30 am 12:00 pm Mahj 7:00 pm Adult Choir HHD Rehearsal 30 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service followed by oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Check the live calendar for daily updates on Temple’s website http://emanuel-mich.org/calendar 11:30 am 1:00 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -15- Temple Emanu-El Periodical Postage WHERE YOU BELONG PAID at Detroit, MI and additional Mailing offices Permit No. 0443870 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237-1438 www.emanuel-mich.org Arturo L. Kalfus Rabbi Kelly Onickel Cantorial Soloist Joseph P. Klein Rabbi Emeritus Norman Rose, z’l Cantor Emeritus Milton Rosenbaum z’l Rabbi Emeritus Frederick Frank Abi Taylor-Abt Eileen Brand Dennis Kayes Jackie Bean Lynn Cooper Richard Gold David Hart Susan Stettner Debora Renner Martin Leibowitz Bruce Klein Executive Director Director, Education Director, Early Childhood Community President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Immediate Past President Upcoming Events at Temple Emanu-El Prime Timers Wednesday, November 9, 2016 / 10-00-3:00 Dossin Great Lakes Museum Tour $7.00 per person, Plus the cost of a DNR recreational passport per car unless you already have one. Souper Supper in the Sukkah Mahj Night Wed, Sep 21 at 6:30 pm Please call or email Madelyn Phillips to RSVP or with questions (248) 890-0289 mkp@aiabranding.com Sunday, Oct. 16 - 5:30 p.m. $5 per person, plus a can for chaveet. RSVP by Tuesday, October 11 RSVP Deadline: October 26, 2016 Please let us know by Fri. Oct 7 if you are making soup or baking. Tear-off registration for events listed above NameDay phone Event # Adults Please make your check payable to: Temple Emanu-El and return to the Temple office. # Children Amount Enclosed TOTAL Enclosed: $ Temple Emanu-El Bulletin (USPS 443-870). 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237-1497. Published monthly periodical postage paid at Detroit, MI. and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to Temple Emanu-El, 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237-1497.
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