August 2012 - Temple Israel
August 2012 - Temple Israel
kol yisrael 4901 Providence Road Charlotte NC 28226 President’s Message Summer is often a quiet time in Temple Israel, when both our members and our clergy take their vacations, religious school is out for the summer, and the main activity for our staff is making plans for the High Holidays that begin in September. Despite this seeming lack of activity, I wanted to share with you three inspiring events that occurred at Temple Israel in the past few weeks. The first was how well you responded to our congregational survey. We had over 300 respondents, an outstanding response rate. That so many of you chose to participate tells me how much “We will be taking additional steps to hear what you have to say, and to learn more about what engages you.” you all care, and how much you want to play a role in strengthening our temple. We’ve just begun analyzing the results, and I plan to discuss them with you further in the near future. Many of you contacted me regarding your interest in providing more detailed and qualitative responses. We will be taking additional steps to hear what you have to say, and to learn more about what engages you. In the meantime I want to thank you all for taking the time that you did to complete the survey. This response rate was truly inspiring to me and our board. The second inspiring event of the past few weeks was the success we had in finding a new Education Director for Temple Israel Religious School. I will confess to you that I was very nervous about our ability to fill this position, particularly given the short time frame until school begins. There are very few things we do at Temple Israel that are as important as educating our children. Finding the right leader for our school was my highest priority these past two months. Finding someone as experienced and as compatible with our Temple as Rabbi Tracy Klirs was great fortune for us. I spent a great deal of time with her throughout the search process, and I came away truly inspired by the vision and energy she brings to our school. Thanks again to Alison Lerner and the search committee for taking time during your summer vacation to help us find the right person to lead TIRS. Lastly, for those of you that missed it, July 7 was an amazing Shabbat experience. On that day we helped celebrate the 90th birthday of one of our stalwart members, Julius Goldman. Julius has been one of our most active and influential members since moving to Charlotte and joining Temple Israel in 1975. For over 35 years he has been involved in every facet of temple life, serving on our board of trustees, leading our minyans, and being there to support us as we have celebrated our simchas. July 7th was the day on which we had an opportunity to celebrate him. Julius was joined on the Bimah by his wife Mae, his son Bruce Goldman and his daughter Pam Silberman, and a representative sampling of his 57 grand and great grandchildren. He chanted a flawless Haftorah, and invited everyone for a wonderful kiddush luncheon after services. Julius epitomizes all that is good about Temple Israel. I was truly honored and inspired to have a front row seat from the Bimah for this wonderful moment in Temple Israel’s long history. I hope your summer is as inspiring as mine, and I look forward to seeing you all soon for the High Holy Days. Barry Bobrow, President August 2012 Av-Elul 5772 Welcome to Rabbi Tracy Klirs We are extremely pleased to announce that we have a new Director for Temple Israel Religious School, Rabbi Tracy Klirs. Rabbi Klirs and her family will be relocating to Charlotte from Great Neck, New York, and will officially join our professional staff August 1. We hope you all take the opportunity to welcome them to Charlotte and to the Temple Israel Family. Rabbi Klirs is known for her ability to form strong personal connections to religious school students, and for mentoring and developing teachers. She is also known for taking a family oriented perspective on religious education. Rabbi Tracy Klirs received a bachelor’s degree in Yiddish literature from the University of Chicago and attended the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s rabbinical school in Cincinnati where she was ordained in 1984. Rabbi Klirs was the first woman rabbi to lead a congregation in Canada and served congregations and Jewish educational organizations in Texas, California, Virginia and Maryland. She recently served as the Director of the First Day of Temple Israel Religious School Sunday, September 9 Religious School of Temple Israel of Great Neck, New York. Rabbi Klirs is the primary author of The Merit of Our Mothers: A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers and has published a number of articles, primarily on Yiddish literature, including a chapter entitled “Tkhines for Rosh Chodesh: Women’s Prayers of Devotion” in Celebrating the New Moon: A Rosh Chodesh Anthology. Rabbi Klirs is a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Jewish Educators’ Assembly, and the Women’s Rabbinic Network, and recently served as Co-president of the Conservative Principals’ Council of Queens and Long Island. She has participated in Jewish choruses and played cello in an amateur klezmer band called Shoresh. Rabbi Klirs and her husband, Elisha, have three children: Lior and his wife Ariella, of Nashville, TN; Carni of Washington, DC and Talya, who is moving to Charlotte along with her daughter, Callie (Rabbi Klirs’ granddaughter). The search committee, Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees are very excited about having Rabbi Klirs join our community and our staff. As we pray at the conclusion of every book of the Torah: Hazak Hazak V’Nithazek! May our congregation continue to go from strength to strength under the educational leadership of Rabbi Tracy Klirs. See Page 2 for our Welcome Back to Schul Picnic in honor of Rabbi Klirs! PRESENTING OUR NEW LOOK Check out our updated website and bulletin! News and Events Temple Israel Welcome Back to Schul Picnic Friday, September 7, 2012 at 6:15pm Join us as we welcome Rabbi Tracy Klirs, our new TI Religious School Education Director! Temple Israel Informational Open House Sunday, August 26 12:00pm-2:00pm Have you recently joined Temple Israel or know someone considering joining? Clergy and representatives from Temple Israel Religious School, various clubs and committees will be available to answer your questions. For more information, please contact the Temple Israel Office at: 704-362-2796. Social Action News During services Saturday morning, September 8th, 2012, Dr. Heath Morrison, new Superintendent for CMS will address the congregation at Temple Israel. He came from the Reno, Nevada school district making great strides in increasing the graduation rate in all schools and all groups of students. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the College of William and Mary and a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Maryland. Recently, the American Association of School Administrators named Dr. Morrison the 2012 National Superintendent of the Year. Please join us as he shares his vision for CMS and explains why partnerships like ours with Huntingtowne Farms Elementary is so important to the success of our public schools. Learn about why volunteers are so needed in the schools and how Temple Israel can make a difference in the lives of students. Carolyn Rodd, Principal of Huntingtowne Farms Elementary, will also be attending along with some of her staff. Following services, she will speak with us regarding her vision and goals for the upcoming year and how we, as volunteers, can best help the students and support the teachers. Lake Norman Jewish Congregations Merge After 6 years of having 2 Jewish congregations in the Lake Norman area, the boards of Lake Norman Jewish Congregation and Beth Shalom of Lake Norman have decided to merge into a single congregation. The merger reflects the community’s desire to be unified, pool resources and combine religious schools. The transition will include developing a new name and branding, merging the governing boards, launching a combined religious school and Bnai Mitzvah program, and affiliating with the Union for Reformed Judaism. For more information contact: Slade Goldstein at 704-701-4454 or August Calendar TI Social Club Dinner Program 8/2 6:00 pm Choir rehearsal8/27:30 pm TI Board of Trustees Meetings 8/6 6:30 pm Tuesday with Torah8/79:30 am Conversion Class8/77:45 pm Choir Rehearsal8/97:30 pm Tuesday with Torah 8/14 9:30 am Points of View8/141:00 pm Conversion Class8/147:45 pm Choir Rehearsal8/167:30 pm Fine Bar Mitzvah 8/18 9:30 am Rubinstein Bar Mitzvah 8/18 5:30 pm TI Sisterhood event 8/19 9:00 am TI Executive Committee Meeting 8/20 6:30 pm Tuesday with Torah8/219:30 am Conversion Class8/217:45 pm Choir Rehearsal8/237:30 pm Bernanke/Vaughn B’nai Mitzvah 8/25 9:30 am TI Open House 8/26 12:00 pm Social Action8/262:00 pm TI Sisterhood Tea and Meeting 8/26 2:30 pm Tuesday with Torah8/289:30 am Points of View8/281:00 pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 8/30 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal8/307:30 pm TIRS Teacher Orientation TBA 2 Bring your own dairy dinner, blankets, lawn chairs, friends and family and we will provide the drinks. Join us for Shabbat services under the stars after dinner and stay for dessert after services! Temple Israel and Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School Continue their Partnership For the past 5 years, volunteers from Temple Israel’s congregation mentor, tutor, are classroom helpers and lunch buddies for the students at Huntingtowne Farms Elementary. Last year, we had 28 volunteers and for the 2012/2013 school year, we are hoping to provide a volunteer for each and every teacher. That would be a total of 65 volunteers! Though Huntingtowne Farms is a progressive school utilizing an “International Baccalaureate” program, it is a high poverty school where 80% of the students receive free or reduced lunch. Their dynamic Principal, Carolyn Rodd, and her impressive staff are looking for us to provide them with one more piece of the puzzle to help these kids be successful. If you can commit 2-3 hours (or more) per week to spend time with these adorable students, please let us know. Just like our kids, they deserve every opportunity. What a great thing you will be doing for them and what a wonderful contribution to our community. The extra bonus…you’ll love it too! If you have questions and would like to volunteer, please contact the volunteer coordinator for this project, Harvey Barer, at or call him at 704-443-7631. For additional information about our school partnership, please see the Temple website Click on “get involved” to see the social action page. All volunteers will receive an orientation and training. Huntingtowne Farms Social Action Committee Harvey Barer Linda Levy Susan Rabinovich Candle Lighting Times 8/3/12 8:06pm 8/10/12 7:59pm 8/17/12 7:51pm 8/24/12 7:43pm 8/31/12 7:33pm Shabbat Service Times Friday, 6:15pm Saturday, 9:30am Minyan Times Sunday 9:00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Monday 7:30 pm Tuesday 7:30 pm Wednesday 7:30 pm Thursday 7:30 am and 7:30 pm High Holy Day Schedule 9/8 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/25 9/26 Selichot Service 8:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah 6:15pm Rosh Hashanah Day 1 8:30am Rosh Hashanah Day 2 8:30am Kol Nidre 6:45pm Yom Kippur 10:00am For complete schedule visit Kol Israel is published monthly for members and friends of the community. Due to preparation time, printing, and mailing deadlines, articles must be received by the first of the month preceding the month of issue. We reserve the right to edit for length and consistent editorial tone. Email your submissions to: Calendar Notice Temple Israel strives to ensure that the calendar information is complete and accurate. However, event information may change. For up to date information, please visit our online calendar on our website. Thank you. Rabbi Ezring’s Column As a congregational Rabbi, I have spent the past 34 years of my life trying to provide for the ever changing spiritual needs of Jews in a world that is forever evolving. It is as if every decade brings new challenges to the spiritual and religious life of the Jewish People. One of the ways we respond to the changing times and needs of our congregants is to provide alternative prayer opportunities throughout the year. Hundreds of you have tasted the flavors of our service options. Whether our members are comfortable with our traditional Shabbat Services, Java ‘n Jeans-an entryway into the world of Jewish prayer, Kavannah, a return to the ancient and modern forms of meditation and spiritual self examination of the early Kabbalists, Torah Tots- a family experience for parents with their pre-school and primary grade children, or Rock HaShabbatgreeting the Shabbat with the most modern style of Jewish liturgical music, there is a place for all of us. It is interesting that many view alternatives as less than traditional. Yet the Kavannah Service returns us to fundamental meditative and study practices from the beginnings of Rabbinic Jewish experience. Rock HaShabbat actually adds not only music, but prayers into our service, some of which have already infiltrated our weekly services. Our offerings of services provide us different gateways to express our spiritual connections with God. In a world in which many people are turning away from religious life we are offering multiple pathways to connect with God and our Temple Israel Family. I am often asked how we develop our alternative services. The answer is simple. We listened to our congregational family members. The Kavannah service was a response to members asking for a more meditative service that allowed for interactive Torah discussions. We added the beautiful spiritually uplifting music provided by members of our synagogue. The response to the music and a desire expressed by many of our congregation for a vibrant modern musical style of service were met. Another Shabbat offering which will begin after the summer, is the Rabbi’s Tish. A number of our congregational participants have asked for a study session after services. We will begin studying the next week’s Parashah together after Shabbat Morning Services. Keep letting us know what you are seeking in your spiritual life, and we will continue to do our best to meet your needs. Walking with God New Adult Education Course Rabbi Ezring will be facilitating a new fall adult education course. Walking With God features commissioned essays from scholars and thinkers reflecting the breadth of Conservative Judaism’s best insights. For more information, please contact Denise Johnson, Clergy Assistant at 704-362-2796. Youth News USY Board Election Results Each one of these USYers is bringing a special talent or interest that will continue to make our Chapter stronger and more vibrant. USY Board President: Michael Roochvarg Vice President: Eliana Berger Secretary: Open Religious Education: B.J. Weinstein SATO (Social Action and Tikkun Olam): Leah Newman Historian: Aliyah Tuckman MemKad (Membership and Kadima Liaison): Alana Stillitano *At Large: Josh Good *At Large: Josh Listhaus *(These two are newly created positions that will have special projects, assignments, etc as the year moves forward). I am really looking forward to working with our new Board next year, we are going to have a full and exciting new year planned! Reuven Green, Youth Director Temple Israel welcomes all area college students for the High Holy Days and year round. Once again this year, Temple Israel will welcome area college students for all of our High Holiday services and activities by offering them complimentary seats/ tickets. Each year, we seek to reach out to students in the Charlotte area to include them in our High Holiday celebrations and to help them connect to our local community. All Jewish students at Charlotte area colleges and Universities are invited to join us for all of our various services for the High Holiday season. We will also help to arrange transportation to services for any students who need it . We would also like to extend an open invitation to students who would like to join us for all of our Shabbat services, weekly activities, and our Social Action programs all during the year. If you are an interested student, or know of an out of town student that would like High Holiday hospitality, please contact: Reuven Green 704-944-6816 Upcoming Youth Events September 9, 2012 Open House 11:30pm-1:00pm Beauty is... September 11, 2012 Jr. Kadima Lounge Night 6:15pm September 23, 2012 Kadima & Jr. Kadima Kick Off 12:30pm-2:00pm 2823 Providence Road C h a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 1 1 p 704.364.2014 f 704.364.2013 c 917.208.3116 3 4 Life Events and Announcements Our Condolences to: Ralph Besnoy on the passing of his brother, Harry Besnoy. The Funeral was held in San Diego, California. Renee Steiner on the passing of her mother, Estelle Perlowitz, on May 25, 2012. Services were held in Florida. Sue Aizenman on the passing of her mother, Beatrice Kleinman, on May 24, 2012. Services were held in New York. Births: Craig and Michal Goldstein welcomed a baby girl, Yael Julie Goldstein, into their family. Her grandparents are Shel and Ellen Goldstein and Shlomo and Annie Wolf. Her great-grandmother is Margi Goldstein. Marna and Jesse Mortimore welcomed a baby boy, Cayden Theodore Mortimore, into their family on June 13, 2012. He weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and measured 20-1/4 inches. Proud grandparents are Susan and Benjamin Aizenman of Charlotte and Mary & Gordon Butler of Saratoga Springs, Utah. Stacie and Philip Coblenz welcomed a baby girl, Dylan Lily, into their family on May 25, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 18-1/2 inches. Her grandparents are Dan and Nancy Coblenz and Sharon Katz and the late Donald Katz. Brandon and Renee Levine welcomed a baby boy, Sherman Asher, into their family on Wednesday, May 30, 2012. He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. Deedee and Gene Daumit joyfully announce the birth of their twin grandchildren, Camden Chase and Bryce Skylar on May 24, 2012. Camden weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce and Bryce weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce. The proud parents are Debbie and Jordan Klingsberg of Boca Raton, FL. Temple Israel Religious School Registration Available Online Registration has begun for the 2012-2013 school year. For your convenience registration is now available online! To register online, please go to http://www. If you prefer, you can choose to download a form or pick one up at the Temple Israel office. We hope you will enjoy the new options! Social Club Meet friendly people and enjoy our interesting programs and trips. For more information, please call Irving Bienstock, 704-542-0094, or Ruth Goldberg, 704-366-8903, co-presidents. Upcoming Event Sunday, September 23, at 2:30 pm at Theatre Charlotte, 501 Queens Rd. The Award Winning Acclaimed “Fiddler on the Roof”. Cost per ticket:$2l.50 each; non-members $25.50. Reservation deadline is September 13. Mail checks to: Douglas Mann, 137 N. Canterbury Rd., Charlotte, NC. 28211. For more information call Ruth Goldberg, 704-366-8903. Dinner at Restaurant after the show. Temple Israel Book Club Meeting September 12, 2012 at 7:30pm Book Selection: To the End of the Land by David Grossman Contact: Linda Levy at 704-366-6362 or Torah on Tap Torah on Tap is a monthly program for young adults in their 20s and 30s, to come together, socialize, and study teachings of Torah. We will be discussing and learning with Rabbi Noam Raucher. Beer, drinks, and snacks are always provided. Events are being planned. Elizabeth and Adam Greenhagen welcomed a baby girl, Eliana Lior Greenhagen, into their family on Wednesday, May 23, 2012. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches long. Engagement: Audrey Madans is happy to announce the engagement of her grandson, Ari Klenicki, to Erica Trachtman. Both are from Washington, DC. Ari is the son of Maxine and Barry Klenicki of Newton Mass. and Erica is the daughter of Lisa & Richard Trachtman of Potomac, Md. Thank You: Thank you to all who remembered me on my 90th birthday by sending cards and good wishes. Julius Goldman For more information about the next upcoming events, please contact the Temple office at 704-362-2796. Life Events Announcements If you would like to have your happy event, wedding, engagement, or birth announcement published In the Kol Yisrael, please submit your written information via email to or fax it to 704-362-1098 Attn: Candy Love. If you have an illness or a death in the family, please contact the Clergy Office at 704-362-2796. The family of Bea Kleinman (OBM) would like to thank all those who expressed their condolences through cards, donations, attending shiva minyans, bringing food, sharing stories of Bea and offering their friendship. All of these very special people have helped us through this difficult time. Please know that everything you did is appreciated. Susan & Ben Aizenman and Family Mention this ad and Vintner Wine Market will donate 10% of your non sale purchase to the the Rabbi’s Tzedakah Fund Mazel Tov! Margaret Musa held a second grade book drive as one of our Tzedakah Projects, and collected more than 1,000 (one thousand!) books for Huntingtontowne Farms Elementary School. 4 8128 Providence Road Ste. 500 704-543-9909 Mazel Tov to our B’Nai Mitzvah Billierose Tacher, daughter of Ellen and Steve Tacher became a Bat Mitzvah on June 2, 2012. She is a honor student at JM Robinson Middle School and has one brother, Aron, 14. Aron Tacher, son of Ellen and Steve Tacher became a Bar Mitzvah on June 2, 2012. He’s a rising a 9th grade student at Providence High School and has one sister, Billierose, 12. His grandparents are the late Bill and Rhoda Segal, formally of Charlotte; Aron Tacher, and Trudy Tacher all of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Aron was inducted into the National and International Honor Societies. His interests include writing and composing music, soccer, and charity work. Proceeds from his Bar Mitzvah were donated to children’s charities. He was a member of Kadima, Hebrew High School Student Council and attended Camp Ramah. She is the granddaughter of of the Late Bill and Rhoda Segal; Aron Tacher and Trudy Tacher all of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Billerose’s interests are competitive volleyball, music, and working with special needs children and adults. She donated proceeds from her Bat Mitzvah to special needs children’s charities. She was a member of Kadima, starts Hebrew High School this year and attends Camp Ramah. Mitchell Fine, son of Robin and David Fine, will become a Bar Mitzvah on August 18, 2012. His grandparents are Lorraine and Richard Rose of Bethesda, Maryland, and Beatrice and Richard Fine of Delray Beach, Florida. Joshua Rubenstein, son of Paul Rubenstein and Susan Rubenstein became a Bar Mitzvah on June 16 in Israel. He is a rising 8th grader at Jay M. Robinson Middle School and has one brother, Benjamin, 11. Boca Raton, FL. His grandparents are the late Meyer & Gloria Rubenstein and Lewis & Irene Messulam of On having his Bar Mitzvah in Israel: “I can’t express how happy I was to be in Israel, for the first time ever, with my brother and father. That was one of the happiest days of my life. Israel is a very beautiful country and makes me feel proud to be a Jew.” Joshua enjoys swimming and basketball. He has attended TIRS since kindergarten and has attended both Camp Mindy and Barney Medintz over for the past 9 years. Karinne Bernanke, daughter of Ellen Goldberg & Seth Bernanke will become a Bat Mitzvah on August 25, 2012. She is a rising eighth grader at South Charlotte Middle School and has one sister, Mariah, 17. Her grandparents are: Philip & Edna Bernanke of Charlotte and the late Ed & Maxine Goldberg and Judy Goldberg of Reno, NV. Karinne plays soccer for her school and for CUFC and swims for the LJCC summer league. She has attended Camp Barney Medintz for five summers and is a CJP graduate. All her TIRS teachers have helped to make her Bat Mitzvah experience rewarding. age 15. Mitchell is a rising seventh grader at Community House Middle School and has one sister, Rachel, Mitchell’s interests include lacrosse, music, history, and spending time with good friends. He will be exploring the history of London and Paris this summer on a trip there with his grandparents. For his Mitzvah project, Mitchell collected toiletry items from homes in the South Charlotte area to donate to Jewish Family Services of Greater Charlotte. Shelby Vaughan, daughter of Emily & Jeff Vaughan will become a Bat Mitzvah on August 25, 2012. She is a seventh grader at Providence Day School and has one sister, Rachel, 16. She is the granddaughter of Jim Montag of Hilton Head and the late Ethel Montag; Thomas Vaughan of Cary, NC and the late Janice Grossman Vaughan. She is the great granddaughter of the late Louis & Jane Montag; the late Harry & Helen Grossman and Gus & Emily Straus. She enjoys acting and swimming. Her mitzvah project was helping at Special Olympics and volunteering two summers at Cynzer with preschool children with special needs. She will attend Hebrew High and is a student at TIRS. She attended Camp Mindy, Jewish Preschool on Sardis and Charlotte Preschool. She plans on being a madriachem this year. Introducing a Special Needs High Holy Day Service Temple Israel will be introducing a new service on Rosh Hashanah for people with special needs lead by Cantor Elias Roochvarg. This Ma’ariv Service will take place on Monday evening, September 17, 2012 at 6:15pm in the Morris & Sylvia Speizman Sanctuary. Temple Israel is planning a service that is accessible and interactive, in an environment that is safe, respectful and comfortable for all. It will be livelier than most Rosh Hashanah services, with a much higher energy level. It will be spiritual and inspiring. Our goal is to raise Temple Israel congregants’ awareness to the presence and needs of people with autistic spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities, ensuring that all feel that their spiritual home is at Temple Israel. Please plan to attend a service which we hope will engage, empower and inspire. There will also be a simultaneous traditional Ma’ariv Service in the Mindy Ellen Levine Chapel at 6:15pm. 5 Men’s Club News Sisterhood News News & Notes from Men’s Club President, Nicholas Rose President’s Column, Teresa Brenner I am composing this now in the hot and lazy dog days of July after having just returned from a two week trip to a rather wet and congested London which is girding itself for the challenges of the Olympics. By the time you will be reading this it will be August and the games will be in full swing. As 5772 winds down, we will begin to contemplate the meaning and relevance of the forthcoming High Holidays to our lives and wondering whether perhaps we deserve any medals. The summer is the perfect time to get contemplative and take stock of our lives, where we have been, where we are going, and to think about any changes we may want to make. So here are a few thoughts: Whether you support the Mens Club by “just” paying dues, or if you attend an event occasionally, or if you are more involved in club leadership and making our programs happen, we value and have a place for all our members. It has been my experience that the more involved with Men’s Club I have been, the more I have gotten out of my membership. Friends, positive feelings from accomplishing good deeds, and closer ties to my Jewish Faith have grown along with my Men’s Club involvement. Men’s Club are a group of guys or maybe a band of brothers… who get together to help Temple Israel and the greater communities of whom we are a part, make new friends and have fun in the process…it provides a sense of community, an ability to influence events, and live Jewishly. So as we approach the Days of Awe and contemplate the changes we might wish to make in our lives, I ask the question …”Will you join us?” Just tick the box in the Men’s Club membership form and for the bargain rate of $36, your name and contact details will be added to the list and we will keep you posted with details of our many events planned for the year. You can be assured of a warm welcome. And who knows, maybe you might win a medal next year…Unlike the Olympics, the Men’s Club is here every year! Next up for the Mens Club: •TIRS First Day Breakfast-Sunday, September 9: Volunteers needed to shop for breakfast, set up the Social Hall, serve TIRS families, and help clean up. •Temple Sukkah Building and Schach Harvest-Sunday, September 30: “Jewish Men with Chain Saws” will venture out to cut down Sukkah greenery while others will quickly erect the Temple Sukkah so it can be decorated for the Festival. Drivers with pick-up trucks, guys with ladders, and tall men are needed. We will be working with the TIRS 6th grade families on this project, but all are welcome. •Membership drive: If you didn’t check off the Mens Club box on your TI membership form, please send your check for $36 (or more) to TI Mens Club to the Temple Office. Thanks in advance for all your participation and help in making 5773 another “Gold Medal” year for Temple Israel and the Mens Club! Successful leaders include individuals with many different styles of leadership. Some are command leaders; some, consensus building leaders. Some are effervescent and charming; some, quiet and intently listening. And a few are “behind-the-scenes” leaders. Barbara Ezring is one of the few. Barbara is a kind and gentle soul, a smart and dedicated teacher, and a patient and calm leader. She has been a member of Sisterhood for 34 years. She has served, among many other roles, as a Board member of Women’s League, President of the Southern Region, and an Executive Board member of Temple Israel’s Sisterhood. She currently serves as a Board member of Masorti. She has also taught at Temple Israel’s Religious School and volunteered as a tutor at Huntingtowne Farms Elementary. Barbara has created opportunities for women to come together to worship, to express themselves, and to work for the betterment of their children, families and community. Temple Israel’s Sisterhood nominated Barbara Ezring for Women’s League’s “Light of the Torah” Award, its highest individual honor. During Women’s League’s Southern Region Spring meeting in Atlanta, I had the privilege of presenting this award to Barbara, and Rabbi Ezring had the pleasure of seeing her receive this award. Barbara joins a long list of distinguished recipients, including Rhoda Gleiberman, Lois Benjamin, Audrey Madans, Rose Luski, Judy Miller, Marcy Mehlman, Rose Weisman, Lorrie Klemmons and Tess Berger. Please join me in extending Mazel Tov to Barbara and her family, and to expressing our thanks to her for all she does for our synagogue family, Women’s League and our community. No matter what your leadership style is, Women’s League provides leadership opportunities for all Sisterhood members of Conservative synagogues, including twenty-four synagogues in the Southern Region, of which ours is one. An exciting opportunity for leadership training and other seminars will occur at Women’s Leagues’ National Convention to be held in early December in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you are interested in possibly attending this convention, please feel free to contact Barbara Ezring or me for more information. As always, please contact me at any time with ideas, inquiries or opportunities. We warmly welcome your involvement and hope you can discover or refine your leadership style while becoming involved in Sisterhood events and activities, whether locally, regionally or nationally. Paid-up Member Event Sunday afternoon, August 19 Look for more details to be available soon in: Sisterhood pages on Temple Israel’s website, synagogue weekly emails, and in the Shabbat Service announcements. The Sisterhood Gift Shop During the month of August please call Tess Berger to schedule your appointment, at 704-708-4857. Sisterhood High Holiday Parking Spot Raffle Enter the Parking Spot Raffle to win a prime parking spot. Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. Three parking spots will be given away for Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur. Each winner gets the use of the spot for one service time….for a total of 9 winners! Deadline for entering is September 9. Entry form is available at See Sisterhood Torah Fund Donors on page 9 6 Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these donations Etz Chaim Prayer Book Abe & Rose Luski Birthdays By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Julius Goldman Birthday By: Irving & Lillian Bienstock Alan & Ruth Goldberg Marvin Barman Lawrence Schaen & Teri Seidman Siddur Sim Shalom Book Abraham and Rose Luski Birthday By: Rose Weisman Assistant Rabbi Tzedakah Fund Honor of Rabbi Noam Raucher By: Jeri Gertzman Margi Goldstein Birth of great granddaughter By: Irving & Sylvia Swartz Wilma Asrael Speedy recovery By: Irving & Sylvia Swartz Julius Goldman Birthday By: Steven & Sharon Hockfield Fred & Ilse Bergen Prayer Book Fund Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Anna Langman Building Endowment Honor of Marc Gordan By: Eugene & Elena Zilber Cantor’s Music Fund Baila Pransky Speedy recovery By: Audrey Madans Honor of Cantor Elias Roochvarg By: Gary & Jodi Michel Cantor Elias & Linda Roochvarg Anniversary By: Melvin & Caren Frank Audrey Madans Engagement of grandson By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Julius Goldman Birthday By: Lewis & Toby Spitzer Education Endowment Berta Straz Birth of grandaughter By: Ron & Janice Weiner Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Bob & Ann Abel General Fund Alvin Goodman Birthday By: Paula Musler General Fund Baila Pransky Speedy recovery By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Dan & Nancy Coblenz Birth of granddaughter By: Jared & Diane Schwartz Dorothy Madans Speedy recovery By: Bunny Bramson Gary & Maxine Silverstein Birth of granddaughters By: Jared & Diane Schwartz Henry Hirschmann Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Julius Goldman Birthday By: Bob & Ann Abel Samuel & Nancy Bernstein Jerry & Sheila Fisher Florence Jaffa Howard & Julie Levine Pearl Rosenthal Stuart & Jodi Cohen Edward & Arlene Karp David & Shirley Klein Stephen & Heidi Kramer Robert & Joyce Stoll Rose & Abe Luski Birthdays By: Irving & Lillian Bienstock Florence Jaffa Margi Goldstein Birth of great-granddaughter By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Dan & Toby Ruda Monty Bennett Audrey Madans Rabbi Murray Ezring 18th Anniversary By: Jared & Diane Schwartz Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Florence Jaffa Jared & Diane Schwartz Honor of Sharon Hockfield By: Jared & Diane Schwartz Steve Hoagland Speedy recovery By: Bunny Bramson Susan & Donald Jacobs Marriage of son By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Anne Weiss Speedy recovery By: Monty Bennett Audrey Madans Speedy recovery By: Monty Bennett Karen Himebaugh Terri Cathcart Brandon & Renee Levine Birth of son By: Barbara Sklut Alvin Goodman Birthday By: Margi Goldstein Deedee & Gene Daumit Birth of grandchildren By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman General Fund Alan & Ruth Goldberg Anniversary By: Abe & Rose Luski Audrey Madans Abe and Rose Luski Birthdays By: Ruth Silverman Edward & Arlene Karp Mae Goldman Birthday By: Abe & Rose Luski Bunny Bramson Birthday By: Audrey Madans By: Steven & Janice Zacks Rabbi Murray & Barbara Ezring Anniversary By: Audrey Madans Honor of Lynne Sheffer Becoming TI First Vice President By: Holly Levinson Frank Rosen Honor of becoming a TI Life President By: Audrey Madans Wilma Asrael Speedy recovery By: Audrey Madans Sue Aizenman Memory of mother, Beatrice Kleinman By: Abe & Rose Luski Audrey Madans Ed & Roberta Bograd Sam Levy Memory of Bertha Levy By: Audrey Madans Memory of Raymond Bennett By: Monty Bennett Memory of Beatrice Kleinman By: Ben & Sue Aizenman Marcia Solomon Memory of mother, Leah Solomon By: Audrey Madans Monty Bennett Andrew Roby Renee Steiner Memory of mother, Estelle Perlowitz By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Aaron Gleiberman Simchat Torah Fund Julius Goldman Birthday By: Eugene & Elena Zilber Berta Straz Birth of granddaughter By: Rhoda Gleiberman Rose & Abe Luksi Birth of great-granddaughter By: Rhoda Gleiberman Marilyn Shapiro Speedy recovery By: Rhoda Gleiberman Aaron Gleiberman Simchat Torah Fund Rose Weisman Birth of great grandson By: Rhoda Gleiberman Sue Aizenman Memory of Beatrice Kleinman By: Rhoda Gleiberman Renee Steiner Memory of mother By: Audrey Madans Marcia Solomon Memory of mother, Leah Solomon By: Rhoda Gleiberman Memory of Sheri Bressman By: Abe & Rose Luski Shelton Gorelick Family Endowment Margi Goldstein Birth of great-granddaughter By: Scott & Dana Gorelick Shel & Ellen Goldstein Birth of granddaughter By: Scott & Dana Gorelick William & Patricia Gorelick Membership Endowment Bill & Patty Gorelick Anniversary By: Marc & Mattye Silverman Steven & Barbara Weiner Marvin & Anita Shapiro Paul & Lynn Edelstein Edwin & Jill Newman Rabbi Murray & Barbara Ezring Anniversary By: Bill & Patty Gorelick Leon & Sandra Levine Anniversary By: Bill & Patty Gorelick Margi Goldstein Birth of great granddaughter By: Bill & Patty Gorelick Etta & Louis Greenspon Celebrating Life Senior Endowment Fund Elizabeth Mond Memory of mother, Susan Breines By: Roslyn Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Emily Vaughan Memory of mother, Ethel Montag By: Roslyn Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Jim Montag Memory of wife, Ethel Montag By: Roslyn Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Memory of Susan Breines By: Roslyn Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Roslyn Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Leonard Dietz Memory of Ester Dietz By: Stanley Greenspon Hospice Fund Sue Aizenman Memory of mother, Beatrice Kleinman By: Ron & Janice Weiner 7 Temple Israel Donations recieved between 5.19.12-7.6.12 Kiddush Fund Julius Goldman Birthday By: Audrey Madans Shirley and Sol Levine Religious School Teacher Endowment Fund Sue & Ben Aizenman Birth of grandson By: Ron & Janice Weiner Barbara and Jerry Levin Religious School Endowment Fund Barbara Levin Birthday By: Mark & Linda Goldsmith Honor of Jerry Levin By: Mark & Linda Goldsmith Julius Goldman Birthday By: Jerome & Barbara Levin Sam Strause Birthday By: Jerome & Barbara Levin Memory of Wendy Block By: Jerome & Barbara Levin Rabbi’s Tzedakah Fund Honor of Rabbi Murray Ezring By: Gary & Jodi Michel Rabbi Murray Ezring 18th anniversary By: C. David & Risa Miller Paula Musler Sam Strause Birthday By: Ellis Levinson Sue Aizenman Memory of mother, Beatrice Kleinman By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Joel & Sandy Hirschman Robert & Joyce Stoll Renee Steiner Memory of mother, Estelle Perlowitz By: Steven & Sharon Hockfield Richard and Susan Brophy Honor of speedy recoveries By: Julius & Natalie Farber Memory of Sheri Bressman By: Bernard & Teri Ackerman Religious School Fund Sam Lerner Sukkah Garden Fund Julius Goldman Birthday By: Harvey & Shellie Barer Abe & Rose Luski Birth of great granddaughter By: Ron & Janice Weiner Stuart Ostrow Youth Fund Frank & Wendy Rosen Endowment for Rabbinic Programming Fran Schuler Speedy recovery By: Paul & Lynn Edelstein Memory of Spencer Pitts By: Paul & Connie Ostrow Rabbi’s Tzedakah Fund Rabbi Murray Ezring 18th Anniversary By: Dave & Andrea Gamlin Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Herbstman Anniversary By: Julius & Natalie Farber Craig & Michal Goldstein Birth of daughter By: Shelton & Ellen Goldstein Julius Goldman Birthday By: Franklin & Ruth Paul Allan & Marcelle Oxman Margi Goldstein Birth of great granddaughter By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Andy & Tamara Cohen Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Andy & Tamara Cohen Shel & Ellen Goldstein Birth of granddaughter By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Shel & Ellen Goldstein Birth of granddaughter By: Andy & Tamara Cohen 8 Renee Steiner Memory of mother, Estelle Perlowitz By: Frank & Wendy Rosen Janet Jaffa Sammy Strause Birthday By: Frank & Wendy Rosen Shel & Ellen Goldstein Birth of granddaughter By: Frank & Wendy Rosen Abe & Rose Luski Birthdays By: Janet Jaffa Harvey & Shellie Barer Frank Rosen TI Life President By: Donald & Susan Jacobs Steven & Sharon Hockfield Joshua Rosen Honor of Rabbi Murray Ezring 18th Anniversary By: Joshua Rosen Celia Scher Holocaust Fund Sandra Goldman Memory of Fritz Baum By: Steven & Janice Zacks Sick & Visitation Fund Julius Goldman Birthday By: Evelyn Hochstat Memory of Herbert Seidel By: Paul & June Hirschmann Sisterhood Youth Program Fund Marcia Solomon Memory of mother, Leah Solomon By: Tess & Jonathan Berger In honor of Aliyah Tuckman Being awarded the Men’s Club Youth Leadership Award By: Mike & Marilyn Tuckman Social Action Fund Olivia & Steve Cohen Honor of daughter’s Bat Mitzvah By: Morey & Lynne Sheffer Sam Strause Birthday By: Morey & Lynne Sheffer Fran Schuler Speedy recovery By: Morey & Lynne Sheffer Sadie Starr Silver Fund The Kronovets Grandchildrens’ graduation By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Simon & Mary Wojnowich Granddaughter’s graduation By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Alvin Goodman Birthday By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Leon & Sandra Levine Anniversary By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro N. Levin and M.Friedman Honor of marriage By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Paul Edelstein Birthday By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Julius Goldman Birthday By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Wilma Asrael Speedy recovery By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Memory of Ethel Montag By: Lee & Wendy Pake Denyse Kirsch Speedy recovery By: Mark & Jean Kirsch Memory of Arline Miller & Sidney Shapiro By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Margi Goldstein Birth of great-granddaughter By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Sadie Starr Silver Fund Marvin & Anita Shapiro Anniversary By: Bill & Patty Gorelick Memory of Susan Breines By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro Memory of Sadie Shapiro By: Marvin & Anita Shapiro David Silverman School Scholarship Endowment Fund Alvin Goodman Birthday By: Marc & Mattye Silverman Burt & Donna Greenspon Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah By: Marc & Mattye Silverman Leon Levine B irthday By: Marc & Mattye Silverman Ann Slesinger Education Endowment Fund Honor of Leonard Slesinger By: Cathy Slesinger Meg Slesinger Mona Radiloff Birthday By: Bob & Leigh Jacobson Sue Aizenman Memory of mother, Beatrice Kleinman By: Bob & Leigh Jacobson Steve & Sharon Hockfield Anniversary By: Leonard Slesinger The Slesinger Childern Marcia Solomon Memory of mother, Leah Solomon By: Bob & Leigh Jacobson Renee Steiner Memory of Estelle Perlowitz By: Bob & Leigh Jacobson Memory of Shirle Horowitz By: Bob & Leigh Jacobson Pransky Family Camp Ramah Fund Baila Pransky Speedy recovery By: Irving & Sylvia Swartz Ruth Silverman Irving & Lillian Bienstock Florence Jaffa Shai & Ruth Richardson Alene and Samuel Strause Emergency Endowment Fund Alvin Goodman Birthday By: Lucky & Lisa Levinson Sam Strause Birthday By: Leonard Slesinger Julius Goldman Birthday By: Sam Strause May their Memories be a Blessing Alene and Samuel Strause Emergency Endowment Fund Myra Framm Birthday By: Sam Strause Lynne & Morrey Sheffer Anniversary By: Samuel Strause Dan & Nancy Coblenz Birth of granddaughter By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Philip & Stacie Coblenz Birth of daughter By: Allan & Marcelle Oxman Memory of Ann Hoffman By: Samuel Strause Sunday Morning Minyan Scholarship Marcia Solomon Memory of mother, Leah Solomon By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Les & Mary Gordan Son’s marriage By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Renee Steiner Memory of mother, Estelle Perlowitz By: Alan & Ruth Goldberg Norman Steinberger Yahrzeit Fund Abraham Bramson By: Bunny Bramson Alene Strause By: Deane Boxer Bertha Lewin Sarah Seff By: George & Lois Schneider George Solow By: Robert Solow Ida Weinstock By: Barnet & Harriet Weinstock Irving Gross By: Leon & Ellyn Gross Larry Boxer Lottie Ashendorf Wolf Ashendorf By: Deane Boxer Shimon Kaufman By: Esther Kaufman Sisterhood Torah Fund Thank you to these contributors: Robin Husney Beth Listhaus Jane Lowell Pearl Mann Baila Pransky Ginger Snitz Marcia Solomon Nancy Strunk Elena Zilber Week of August 3 Shlomo Arazie* Lewis Arenson* Sidney Ashendorf Sadie Ashendorf* Adolph Barer Pauline Bernanke Abraham Bramson Judy Brickman Nancy Danberg* Abraham Ezring* Estelle Feldman* Rose Feldstein Debbie Fisher Shirley Fisher* Louis Glickman Nancy Goldstein Max Gubin Nena Heiman William Kennedy Marc Kootsher* Sherman Levine* Howard Levine* Bessie Litwak* Alan Nozick* Annette Powell Jacob Pressman* Harry Rosen Bessie Rosen Morris Rosenfeld* Frances Sahn* Charles Saltzberg* Samuel Schneider* Jerry Schuler Molly Levine Schwartz* Joe Shone Ethel Solomon Esther Steinman* Esther Teller* Janet Tyler Meyer Wingrod Adrian Zahavi Joel Zelin Week of August 10 Dora Abramovitz* Sadie Finkle Baumrind Richard Bedrick* Benny Blitzer* Ethel Stern Cohen* Albert Edelstein Rose Cohen Fisher* Helen Friedman* Harry Frohman* Irwin Glucroft Samuel Goldberg Anna Goldberg* William Goldberg* Ernest Golden* Sarah Greenfield Sophia Greenfield Rose Grill* Betty Elbaum Grobstein Esther Gumnit Max Harris * Nettie Heifler Ida Hockfield* Bessie Kalchman Noah Kobrin * William Koralek* Paul Labovitz Week of August 10 Iris Ruth Levy Mildred Malman Joseph Millman Beatrice Nozick* Jacob Polakavetz* Max Putterman Jeanne Rauch Nathan Arnold Rauch* Ida Roochvarg* Morris Rosenfeld Sylvia Rudin Sharon Sherr Anita Silver Mary Jane Silverman* Gerald Sinkoe* Meyer Strumwasser* Ted Valenstein * Stanley Wasserman* Sophie Watnik* Sidney Wollman* Gale Wollman* Week of August 17 Leon Benveniste* Manfred Berger* Ruth Boxer Sophie Bursack Dave Butler Hilde Cohen Faiga Cohen * Hersh G. Cohen* Sally Levine Corzin Irene Faber* Lester Feldman* Josephine Frankel Sarah Fries* Freida Frucht* Isidore Garten Isadore Gaynor Rosa Gerson Max Goldberg* Barnet Goldberg* Sam Goldstein* Marcia Gottlieb Julio Granda Fannie Gromadzyn Florence Grossman Harry Grossman* Sam Hochstat Jurgen Kaunitz Albert Koralek* Barbara Kweskin* Eva Lebowitz Meyer Leiberman Sally Lepek* Ann Lerner* Faye Leven* Bernice Liesman Israel Mordyhovich Rose Mackler Newman* Daisy Olshan Bennett Oxman Judith Resnik Ada Schattner Benjamin Schwartz* Anne Settles Louis Shapiro Edith Shomstein Josef Sklut * Martin Sussman Mary Swerdlick Sam Turk Bernard Udell* Irving Yale Week of August 24 Minda Baikovitz Lorri Barman* William T. Bennett Mildred Berlinsky Julius Brenner Ruben Bruck Morris Buxbaum* Arthur Collins* Bernie Coran Billie Eisner Al Fisher* Terri Frankel Martin Glass Blossom Glickman Frank Gordon Paul Grossman Ernest Heuman Sophia Kantor* Boris Karlin Isadore Klatzkie Max Klein* Irving Krieger Louis Lan Sidney Levin* Alice Liling Harry Maltz Harry Myer Louis Myers Ephraim Nagel Samuel Silverman* Ezie Isadore Sinkoe* Alfred Solow Jacob A. Sosnik* Regina Stahl Elaine Stiefel Bernhard Teller* Rose Tuckman Louis Valenstein* Anna Weatherston* Lou Wernick Rose Wolkoff* Arnold Wollman* David Zibel Week of August 31 Ethel Abrams David Arazie* Betty Belicove Rita Bernanke Joseph Besnoy* Theodore Bojum Pincus Boxer Edwin B. Clein George Culiner Jeanette Diamond * Sophie Edelstein Morris Farber Hazel Flash Harry Fogel* Rose Goldman* Betina Green Jay Greenburg Harold Jacoby* Lillian Kaller Wille Kaplan* Stanley Kaufman* Martha Kessler* Rosalind Leckerman* Isaac Litwak * Rosalyn Ludensky Michael Malkin* Peter Mathews* Pesi Nagel Blanche Palley Donald Porter Louis Seitlin Henry Seitlin Samuel Sodden* Jacob Spil* Tauba Spil* Rabbi Jerome G. Tolochko * Morris Turk Abraham Usilowitz* Pauline Yale * Denotes a plaque 9 The preschool of Temple Israel is L et us color your world! NOW ENROLLING for Fall 2012! Located on Shalom Park! 7 04-944-6777•• CJP is a collaboration of Temple Beth El, Temple Israel and the Levine Jewish Community Center. Ruth Richardson 704-366-2441 10 LJCC Fall Tennis USTA, Queen City and Junior Team Tennis Teams Forming Now! Matt Wagner 704-944-6869 matt.wagner@ Registration starts Aug.13 704-366-5007 Birthdays 8/1 Leslie Goldfarb Mary Jean Kushner Sonia Luski C. David Miller Evelyn Raflo Sandie Rousso Jacob Schimelman Ian Shure Reid Worrel 8/2 Sarah Fellman Dana Goldfarb Steven Goldman Ginger Snitz 8/3 Rebecca Burack Justin Levine Sari Rosenberger Ronni Rosengarten To an independent insurance agency with more choices, expert advice, and better service. To an agency where the focus is on you! 704-970-3858 1115 East Morehead Street Suite 208 Charlotte, NC 28204 Auto - Home - Business - Life We now have ad space available in the Kol Yisrael. For more information please contact Candy Love, Creative Director at 704-362-2796 ext. 16 or Ad rates start at $50 and up. Judith Schindler-Wallach Natalie Swimmer Terry Waldinger 8/5 Teresa Brenner Sheila Fisher Henry Hirschmann Ilan Socolovsky-Hull 8/19 Rachel Barrocas Susan Bruck Sheila Spitz 8/6 Joel Barman Glenda Bernhardt Abby Ehrlich Abigail Meyer 8/8 Samantha Baum Sherry Kornfeld Lynne Sheffer Karen Spiegler 8/9 Ariel Cooperman Jennifer Holland Kenneth Jackowitz Mia Jackowitz Gregory Musa Bryan Speizman Shayna Weiss 8/10 Deane Boxer 8/12 Rebecca Bamford Zev Feldman Zachary Gorelick Matthew Madrazo Beth Schulman Jean Steinman Jacob Swimmer Marc Wojnowich 8/13 Mark Abadi Karen Knoble Gary Lewis Anne Mendelson Fern Sanderson Ad Space available 8/17 Paul EvanCohen Deborah Cygler Arthur Nevid Jacob Rosamofsky 8/18 Denise Abadi Cheryl Kagan Adam Petricoff 8/11 Terri Cathcart Natalie Farber Mitchell Fine Jordan Ransenberg Rich Rosenthal Stephanie Starr Mike Littauer Principal 8/16 Pamela Bernstein Pili Gerger William Goldberg Shari-Ellen Goldstein Susan Jacobs Emmanuel Kaunitz Samuel Levy Pearl Mann Jacob Meyer MargaretMusa Alexandra Nevid Neil Pollack Lyba Rousso 8/4 Robin Bernstein Jonathan Nevid Gabriel Zulman 8/7 Mitchell Feldman Beverly Grey David Starr Shayna Van Glish Rosemary Zulman “I switched, you can too!” 8/15 Julie Bradlow Robert McRary 8/14 Brett Balick Rebecca Brenner Darren Hirsch Michelle Saltzmann Adam Sheinhaus Chris Williams 8/20 Sally Abel Jacob Dillhyon Rhoda Gleiberman Alan Hirsch Ellis Levinson Lois Schneider Leo Spector Jake Usadi Ellie Valenstein Leonard Weinstein 8/21 Lauren Fermaglich Linda Goldberg Samuel Greenfield Kasey Kimbrell Leah Kwiatkowski Ellis Meiselma Jacob Platt 8/22 Murray Bodner Pearl Polk Ruth Sachs Miriam Smallman 8/23 Todd Glickman Sarah Marx Reed Pake Owen Rosenthal Rose Weisman 8/24 Seth Bernanke Jeri Gertzman Rebecca Leighton BenjaminMcShane Laura Rabinovich Heather Rousso Hazel Silverstein Isabel Silverstein Alex Tepper 8/25 Alec Haber 8/26 Hannah Garfein Frank Rosen Hilary Rosenbaum 8/27 Carol A. Klein Rachel Musa Ella Stein 8/28 Steven Berlin Hyman Bruck BrandonCollins 8/28 Sandy Hoagland Gabriel Novack Barbara Schapiro Charlie Usadi Rachael Weiss 8/29 Joseph Harbacevich Anna Harbacevich Samuel Lahn Randi Lan Alvin Levine Craig Mehlman 8/30 Joanna Moody Doris Rousso Marilyn Shapiro Ethan Stone 8/31 Leslie Benjamini David Fine Lindsay Forsythe Justin McConkey Samuel Sherman Anniversaries Marlin & Cindy Jennes 8/1 David & Bonnie Bornstein 8/2 Harvey & Muri Corzin 8/3 Mark & Nancy Good 8/4 John & Michelle Ross 8/4 Craig & Lauren Sherman 8/7 Todd & Liz Swartz 8/8 David & Sandra Hirsch 8/9 Michael & Lauren Fermaglich 8/10 Scott & Dana Gorelick 8/10 Donald & Shevi Herbstman 8/10 Isaac & Sonia Luski 8/10 Samuel & Linda Levy 8/12 Warren & Michelle Lesack 8/13 Sam & Berta Kaplan 8/14 Brad & Elaine Moody 8/14 Lawrence Schaen & Teri Seidman 8/14 Michael & Caryn L. Eisner 8/15 Mark & Susie Weinberg 8/15 Todd & Donna Birnberg 8/16 Michael & Dawn Gold 8/16 Harold & Patricia Weisman 8/16 Michael & Elaine Denenberg 8/17 Bob & Leigh Jacobson 8/17 Scott & Diane Schoenbrun 8/18 David & Sandy Brenner 8/19 Robert & Nancy Kipnis 8/19 Gerson & Wilma Asrael 8/20 Paul & Lynn Edelstein 8/20 Elliot & Peggy Gartner 8/20 Mark & Alison Lerner 8/20 Ivan & Roz Cooper 8/21 Abe & Rose Luski 8/21 Lon & Kalli Eskind 8/22 David & Robin Fine 8/22 Ben & Sue Aizenman 8/23 Sanford & Lois Benjamin 8/23 Zachary & Teren Branson 8/23 Gary & Donna Lerner 8/23 Ron Kahn & Dalya Kutchei 8/24 Samuel & Linda Shomstein 8/25 David & Pat Somerstein 8/25 David & Judy Miller 8/27 Daniel & Toby Ruda 8/27 Alan & Sharon Gold 8/28 Harry & Elaine Chernotsky 8/29 Steven & Karen Kropp 8/29 Edwin & Leslie Rusgo 8/29 Raymond & Maxine Twery 8/29 Len & Amy Weinstein 8/29 Marc & Areli Keller 8/30 Franklin & Ruth Paul 8/30 Norman & Gayle Snyder 8/30 Robert & Sherry Kornfeld 8/31 Jared & Diane Schwartz 8/31 Robert & Lori Seidman 8/31 11 Non Profit Organization US Postage PAID Charlotte, NC Permit No. 1353 4901 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28226 P: 704-362-2796 F: 704-362-1098 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Dated Material Please Deliver Promptly Mission Statement Temple Israel is a welcoming, egalitarian and progressive conservative Jewish congregation that fosters study, spirituality, worship, mitzvot, human well-being, and fellowship in order to further Jewish ideals, identity and community. Temple Israel 2012-2013 Board of Trustees Barry Bobrow, President Lynne Sheffer, 1st VP Adam Petricoff, 2nd VP Kevin Levine, Treasurer Michael Eisner, Secretary Stuart Breidbart, Immediate Past President Michael Abadi Irving Bienstock Teresa Brenner Dedee Cygler Peggy Gartner Margi Goldstein Michael Koss Alison Lerner Beth Listhaus Josh Loewensteiner Audrey Madans Allan Oxman Nicholas Rose Frank Rosen Stacey Schuler Steven Starr Temple Israel Staff Rabbi Murray Ezring Ext. 12 Rabbi Noam Raucher Ext. 26 Cantor Elias Roochvarg Ext. 15 Anne Weiss, Executive Director Ext. 20 Rabbi Tracy Klirs, TIRS Education Director 704-944-6786 Elka Bernstein, Preschool Director 704-944-6776 Roz Cooper, Consolidated High School Director 704-944-6782